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Enron Family Tree

Wendy Gramm - Chair of CFTC James Baker - Paid as an Enron consultant after GHW Bush '92 Defeat
when she agreed to Enron's
dereg request in 1993. Lay
appointed her to Enron's Audit GHW Bush - 41st President, Received strong $$$ support from Enron
Cmte 5 weeks later

Sen. Phil Gramm - author of Pat Wood - So nice Bush appointed twice:
Enron's Commodity Futures first as TX PUC, 2nd to FERC after Ken Lay
Modernization Act, 2nd largest
Ken Lay
recipient of Enron $$$ Politician's Philanthropist
Enron Advisory Board - Annual $50,000
Thomas White - Head of Enron stipend to: Larry Lindsey - Bush's Economic
Energy Services and fraudulent Houston Area Welcome Cmte - Ken Advisor; Bob Zoelick - Bush's Trade Rep; and
accounting and CA energy Lay was Chair, Enron contributed various journalists, too (Paul Krugman,
trading, rewarded by Bush with thousands to this Gulf War Victory Weekly Standard's Irwin Stelzer+William
top Army post group. Alberto Gonzales and David Kristol, National Review's Larry Kudlow,
Duncan were board members WSJ's Peggy Noonan)

Ed Gillespie - Bush Prez

campaign manager, Bush Vinson & Elkins - Enron's Law Firm, Arthur Anderson - Accountant to the
consultant, Enron paid him Paid $360,000 by Enron to Lobby Energy Trading Industry, David Duncan
$75,000/month to lobby Bush on Congress headed Enron account
CA crisis
Alberto Gonzales - represented Enron Halliburton - Paid Arthur Anderson $41
Marc Racicot - former MT at Vinson & Elkins, now is White House million (86% of total fees) for consulting
Governor, as Bracewell & general counsel services in Cheney's last year as CEO
Patterson lobbyist, Enron paid
him $360,000. Bush appointed GW Bush - received more than $2 Dick Cheney - Halliburton CEO, had 6
head of RNC million from Enron in political career, meetings with Enron execs in crafting energy
making it his largest financier Plan
Jenna Welch - Bush's mother-in-
law, Lost $8,100 from Enron John Ashcroft - Attorney General, received Spencer Abraham - Bush's Sec.
Stock $57,499 from Lay & Enron in his failed 2000 re- Of Energy, received $12,000 since
election bid '95 from Enron

Compiled by Public Citizen

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