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“Gloria Dei” Mary Lynn Curriculum Map

Objective: ​Given the song “Gloria Dei” learner will read their music in order to read and perform
using standard notation.
Potential Problems:
The dotted rhythms could be difficult. The rhythmic map should help this process.
The Do-Fa jump may be difficult the tonal pattern map and warm-ups should help this.
Singing in harmony may be challenging for some. To help them I will use two handed

Fa Do

Mi Mi Ti

Re La Do Do
Do So Fa

Fa Do

Mi Mi Ti

Re La

Do So

1. Tonal exercises
a. First we would establish tonality with hand signs
b. Practice intervals from tonal patterns with hands
c. Then do them with the Iconic notation
d. Finally move to the staff
2. Rhythm exercises
a. We would start by patching a steady beat
b. Then we would move through each of the measures in the rhythmic patterns
Five Warm-Ups
1. Lip Trill: Lip trill scale pattern 123454321. This will help students to maintain breath
support and help to create a sense of legato through the phrase
2. OhEeAhEhOh: Oh1234 Ee5432 Ah1234 Eh5432 Oh1 This will help the students to work
through the various vowel changes presented throughout the phrase while preparing
their voices to sing the range required in this piece.
3. Rhythmic Clapping: Be my echo. I would clap the rhythms in the piece and have the
students echo them so they have some grounds for what the rhythms are when we get
to the rhythm map
4. Dee: Dee1 Dee2 Dee1 Rest. I would have the students singing the exercise and clap on
the rest. This will help us to cut off together on beat 4 which is a common cut off
throughout the piece.
5. Unifying in: I would have students sustain an Ee vowel and listen around them to get rid
of the waves. Depending on their success we would also work on creating space within
the Ee vowel.
Three Mini Lessons
1. Rehearsal 1
a. Begin with Lip Trill warm-up
b. Rhythmic clapping warm-up
c. Rhythmic map: work through m. 1-5
d. Solfege
i. Establish tonic DMSMDTDS(low)D
ii. Work through the patterns in the tonal pattern map using hand signs no
icons or standard notation
iii. Use two handed solfege to introduce some of the harmonies
1. For example, Do against Re and Mi, Octaves Fa, So against Mi,
iv. Introduce Iconic notation (If time)
2. Rehearsal 2
a. Begin with Lip Trill warm-up
b. Rhythmic clapping warm-up
i. Focus on rhythms from m. 5-end of map
c. Rhythmic map: Review m. 1-5 an add last measures
d. Solfege
i. Establish tonic DMSMDTDS(low)D
ii. Work through the patterns with hand signs (this should go quicker this
iii. Introduce or continue work on Iconic notation work through all the
iv. Review two handed solfege harmonies to continue familiarizing students
with the harmonies
3. Rehearsal 3
a. Begin with Lip Trill warm-up
b. Dee: Warm-up
i. Make sure to clap on cut-offs
c. Rhythmic map run through it once (should be successful)
d. Solfege
i. Establish tonic DMSMDTDS(low)D
ii. Iconic notation review
iii. Introduce Standard notation and work through it
iv. Hand out music and ask students to find the patterns that we just sang.
1. Students find patterns
v. Have students look at m. 15 and follow along while singing that line have
students sing back to you
vi. Work through both parts if time allows.

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