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Reflection Document

Allison Shepard
National University

Looking back on this course, I realized that I have my work cut out for me. I was
really nervous taking this course because I did not know what to expect. Now that this
course is ending, I am really happy that I continued with this class. I have learned so
much from taking this course. I had no idea how to do a showcase and I learned from this
Two elements of the TPE standards that are relevant to my assignment are TPE 6
element 1 and TPE 2 element 2. Element 1 is reflect on their own learning practice and
level of subject matter and pedagogical knowledge to plan and implement instruction that
can improve student learning. A dedicated teacher is always wanting to improve and seek
different ways in doing that. It can be through collaborative inquiry, observation
feedback, and their own performance data. A dedicated teacher is always willing to help
and give their time.
TPE 2 element 2 is about creating learning environment that promote productive
student learning, encourage positive interactions among students, reflect diversity and
multiple prespectives, and are culturally responsive. Throughout the course, we discuss
the importance of establishing a classroom setting that inspires both, the teacher and the
students. As an educator, we inspire students by engaging all students in learning,
marinating positive learning environments for the students and providing an interaction
that will have an ever lasting impression on the students. A teacher with the ability to
inspire students is the type of teacher who will be long remembered. A teacher that
inspires is a role model, an influence that goes far beyond academic achievement.
As an educator, I really believe that having the core values of being an inspired,
motivated, dedicated and ethical teacher will really benefit students in the long run. We
do not know what these students go to at home, and we may be the only adult who is
there for them and taking on that role model could be very beneficial. I know as a teacher
I would further my education by going to training workshops and take feedback from
others to help me.

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