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What is the name of that picture which you ......... on the wall.

(a) look at

(b) is looking at

(c) are looking at

(d) watch

……..to see that film that is on at the cinema next week?

(a) Do you go

(b) Is you going

(c) Are you going

(d) Are you want

......... every single thing which that man says?

(a) Do you believe

(b) Do you believing

(c) Are you believing

(d) Is you believe

Sometimes I ......... what the teacher says to me.

(a) don't understand

(b) am not understanding

(c) understand not

(d) am nderstand

......... by air because the cost of flying is very high.

(a) I don't often travel

(b) I'm not often travelling

(c) I'll not often travelling

(d) I’m rarely travel

If your brother ______ here, he ______ us with this works.

A. is - would help

B. was - will help

C. were - will help

D. were - would help

Jawaban : D

Keyword :If

Pembahasan : Pasangan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah pilihan D karena sesuai
dengan pola pengandaian tipe 2.

Aldo : Did you attend the meeting last Monday?

Fery : I would if I had been invited.

The underlined utterance means ______.

A. Fery didn’t attend the meeting

B. Fery plans to attend the meeting

C. Fery knew about the meeting and he attended the meeting

D. Fery was not invited to the meeting but he came

Jawaban : A

Keyword :I would if I had been invited

Pembahasan : Kalimat pada jawaban berarti “Saya mungkin akan datang jika diundang.” Jadi Fery tidak
datang pada pertemuan itu (Fery didn’t attend the meeting).

You _____ the job if you were not late to the interview.

A. would get

B. would be gotten
C. would have gotten

D. would have been gotten

Jawaban : A

Keyword :were not late

Pembahasan : Kalimat ini adalah kalimat pengandaian tipe 2. Polanya adalah If S + V2, S + would + V1.

We would get the tickets, ______

A. Weren’t there so much rush at the cinema

B. Because there were so much rush at the cinema

C. There were not so much rush at the cinema

D. Although there were so much rush at the cinema

Jawaban : D

Keyword :would get

Pembahasan : Kalimat ini adalah kalimat pengandaian tipe 2. Polanya adalah If S + V2, S + would + V1.

______ her shyness, she would have become a great teacher.

A. She had overcome

B. If had she overcome

C. If she overcame

D. If she would overcome

Jawaban : B

Keyword :would have become

Pembahasan : Kalimat ini adalah pengandaian tipe 3. Polanya adalah If S + had + V3, S + would + have +
I have my brother …. my car right now.

(a) To repair.
(b) Repairs.
(c) Repair
(d) Fixed

Let's get mother … a cake on Sunday.

(a) To bake.
(b) Bakes.
(c) Bake.
(d) Baked

My father …. me wash the car yesterday.

(a) Have.
(b) Has.
(c) Had.
(d) Ask

The student makes the music ….

(a) To play.
(b) Played.
(c) Plays.
(d) Playing.

I don't let my kids …. violent movies.

(a) To watch.
(b) Watch.
(c) Watches.
(d) Watching.

The editor edits the article.

The passive form of the above sentence is "The article ..... by the editor

A. edits

B. edited

C. be editing

D. is edited

Soal tersebut memiliki terjemahan "Pengedit mengedit sebuah artikel", maka bentuk pasif kalimat
tersebut adalah artikel di edit oleh pengedit atau dalam bahasa Inggris "The artikel is edited by the

Jawaban: E

They are building a new ring road round the city.

The passive form of the above sentence is "A new ring road ......"

A. is built

B. builds

C. be building

D. was building

E. is being built


Soal diatas memiliki terjemahan: "Mereka sedang membangun jalan lingkar baru sekitar kota". Maka
bentuk pasif kalimat tersebut: "Jalan lingkar baru sedang dibangun", atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya: "A
new ring road is being built".

Jawaban: E

We have delivered the packages.

The passive form of the above sentence is: "The packages ..... by us.

A. delivered

B. have been delivering

C. have been delivered

D. to be delivered


Soal tersebut memiliki terjemahan: "Kami telah menyampaikan paket", sehingga bentuk pasif kalimat
tersebut adalah: "Paket telah disampaika oleh kami" atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya: "The packages have
been delivered by us:.

Jawaban: C

‘Last night a thief broke into my brother's house'

'Really? What ......from the house?

A. the took

B. was to take

C. was being taken

D. was taking

E. was taken


Soal diatas memiliki terjemahan:

'Kemarin malam seorang pencuri masuk kedalam rumah kakakku'

'Apa ....dari rumah'

Seorang pencuri pasti mengambil sesuatu sehingga kata yang cocok untuk melengkapi kalimat dengan
titik-titik adalah 'Apa yang diambil dari rumah? atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya: "What was taken from the

Jawaban: E

‘What time will delayed plane depart?'

'They say that it ....by airport afficer soon'

A. will announce

B. is to announce

C. to be announced

D. will be announced

Soal diatas memiliki terjemahan:

'Hingga jam berapa pemberangkatan pesawat akan ditunda?'

'Mereka mengatakan bahwa hal tersebut....oleh petugas bandara segera'

Sehingga kata yang cook untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah akan diumumkan atau Mereka mengatakan
bahwa itu akan diumumkan oleh petugas bandara segera atau dalam bahasa Inggris "They say that it wil
be announced by airport afficer soon".

Jawaban: E

Nada didn’t study last night. I didn’t study last night.

Nada didn’t study last night, and ……..

a. Neither did I

b. I did either

c. So did I

d. So did I

Faris was at home last night. His mom was at home.

Faris was at home, and……

a. Neither was his mom

b. His mom wasn’t too

c. His mom wasn’t either

d. His mom was too

Krakatau Steel is located in Cilegon. KratakatauPosco is located in Cilegon

Krakatasu Steel is located in Cilegon, and ……

a. So is Krakatau Posco

b. Krakatau posco isn’t either

c. Neither is Krakatau Posco

d. Neither isn’t Krakatau Posco

Mrs. Citra is really kind. Mrs. Rulin is really kind.

Mrs. Citra is really kind, and ……….

a. Neither is Mrs. Rulin

b. Mrs. Rulin isn’t either

c. So is Mrs. Rulin

d. Mrs. Rulin isn’t too

Whales are mammals. Porpoises are mammals.

Whales are mammals, and ………

a. So are porpoises

b. Neither are porpoises

c. Porpoises aren’t either

d. Porpoises aren’t too

Because of the on going dispute, the politicians rests the president’s ………. for hearing the session on a
cabinet reshuffles .

a. to call

b. calls

c. called

d. calling

e. be calling

Jawaban: D

Pembahasannya :karena terdapat kata kerja yang diletakkan setelah possessive adjective berupa “the
president’s” maka jawabnya menggunkaan gerung (v-ing)

According to the diet procedure , . ………….. will decrease our fat

a. tomato being eaten everyday

b. if we eat tomato everyday

c. to eat daily tomato

d. eating tomato everyday

Jawaban: E

Pembahasannya : karena pada jawaban itu membutuhkan sebuah subjek , dan yang memenuhi criteria
subjek adalah “eating tomato everyday” karena kata kerja difungsikan sebagai subjek

“May I find a shady spot and take a rest, mom?

“That is not a good idea my daughter, we have not stopped all the rooms of our home, wait
for a minute honey.”

a. sweeping

b. sweep
c. to sweep

d. swept

e. being swept

Jawaban: A

Pembahasannya : karena dalam kalimat tersebut ada salah satu jenis kata yang memang termasuk
dalam daftar kata yang harus menggunakan gerund (v-ing) berupa kata “stopped” meskipun berbentuk
the perfect tense, maka jaawaban yang memnuhi adalah “sweeping”

My daughter has looked forward to a graduation gift from her elder brother in another country this

a. get

b. getting

c. be getting

d. being getting

e. got

Jawaban :B

Pembahasannya :karena dalam kalimat tersebut ada salah satu jenis kata yang memang termasuk dalam
daftar kata yang harus menggunakan gerund (v-ing) berupa kata “s looked forward to ” meskipun
berbentuk the perfect tense, maka jaawaban yang memnuhi adalah “getting”

“Mom, is it a good idea if I spend my holiday in Lampung for a week with my friends?”

“Sorry, I do not think so, I would advise you holiday in your grandmother’s town, my darling with us”

a. spent

b. to spend

c. will spend

d. spending

e. spend
Jawaban: E

Pembahasannya :karena dalam kalimat tersebut ada salah satu jenis kata yang memang termasuk dalam
daftar kata yang harus menggunakan gerund (v-ing) berupa kata “advise” meskipun berbentuk the
perfect tense, maka jaawaban yang memnuhi adalah “spending”

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