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Program to add country names to Combobox and display its capital when user chooses a country.

Program to throw an exception when divide by zero condition occurs.

Program to create a stop watch.

Develop an application to perform timer based quiz of five questions.

Program to read and print the details of N students using class and object.
Develop a console application to accept any character from keyboard and display
whether it is a vowel or not.

Program to display the first N prime numbers.

Program to generate strange numbers within a range.

Program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not.

Program to accept a string and convert the case of characters.

Program to create a jagged array which looks like

Design a window application using scroll bars that allows the users to resize an image
displayed using PictureBox control.

Design a simple online shopping list using checkbox.

Program to illustrate OpenFileDialog, FontDialog and SaveDialog.

Write a program which allows only letters in the TextBox using KeyPress.
Program to read and print the employee details using structure.

Sorting a set of numbers using ListBox control (Do not use sort property).

Develop a menu based application to implement a text editor with cut, copy, paste,
save and close operations.

Program to add country names to Combobox and display its capital when user chooses a country.

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