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Changes tracking starts

- Bomb activation key moved from fire button to normal activation key.
- Player smoothing/lag correction algorithm changed.
- New command added available from the console: smooth <percent>. See mp-
commands.txt for details.
- There are now separate screen messages for those players deliberately
leaving the game and
for those losing the game connections.
- The 'say' messages are now drawn on top of the map computer and the various
weapon overlays
and should always be visible in-game.
- Fixed a bug that blocked spawning after a restart when player was entering
a message.
- Trying to connect to a server of other game version than local version will
the player back to the main menu before the game is loaded.
- Trying to connect to a full server will swiftly take the player back to
main menu.
- Default server port changed from 2020 to 26001. Use ports 26001 to 26005 to
make your
server visible on LAN searches.
- Cleaned up Network Play menu. Added sortable columns.
- Fixed a bug that made the bomb disappear from the radar and mapcomputer
after objective1
on Timberland map was completed.
- Running a non-dedicated server, quitting to main menu and then joining a
game as client
was severly bugged. Fixed
- Clicking outside any selectable server in the server browser menu crashed
the client. Fixed.
- The client is now communicating through one port only, keeping the same
socket alive throughout
a game session.
- Weapons would sometimes drop before being lowered. Fixed.
- Sometimes players would be incorrectly positioned right after spawning.

- Added client port, 'clport', to networkconfig.cfg. It defaults to port
number 26015. Players with
some firewalls may need to open for incoming UDP traffic to the client
- Fixed so player dies correctly and drops c4bomb/weapon when falling to his
- Added "PlayerX fell to his death" kill message

- Guaranteed messaging error when reaching player ID's above 32 (Bug #1349).
- Inverted mouse in spawn view (Bug #1184).
- No limit on chat text (Bug #1185).
- Say re-appearing when binding say to enter and typing a message and hitting
enter (Bug #1187).
Also fixed so functions bound to ESCAPE and ENTER is not executed when
using these keys in chat mode.
- Buying weapon before spawning showed player with knife in hand on other
clients (Bug #1347).
- Grenades hanging in the air. Also made the smoke pop less and flow more
even (Bug #1356).
- Packet loss handling changed: 'Spawn bug' believed fixed.
- Large network messages never anymore transmitted.
- Radio communications menu changed (Design #229).
- Buy ammo (primary/secondary weapon) key bind working. Set up in the
Controls menu

- Shop and radio menues immediately appear, short delay removed.
- Bug: Game crashes in menues when selecting nothing (tab + enter). Fixed.
- Bug: First running client then starting a server crashed the game. Fixed.
- Removed max number of rounds before map change (was 3) in default config
setup. Set to no limit.
- Added 3rd person hit animations.
- Removed mission timer during warm-up. Warm-up timer visible from menues.
- Spectate camera changed to 3rd person view.
- Clipping problems fixed for spectate camera and for 3rd person animated
sequences (e.g. opening safe)
- Added configurable bandwidth settings, adjustable on each client.
- Defending team can use all spawn areas, attacking team can use all current
and old ones.

- Fixed crash when dying while reloading the SPAS and M104 shotguns.
- Improved rotation of remote players.
- Lowered internal system latency, improving ping readings.
- Launching a server (dedicated or non-dedicated) from command line reads the
server port from config file
if not specified on the command line.

- Fixed team autobalancing. Teams are now rebalanced when map is changed or a
round is restarted - if
the featire Autobalance is enabled on the server.
- Added bomb icon on the scoreboard ('TAB') - a 'B' is shown next to the
player carrying the bomb.
- Selected maps on server are remembered the next time a server is started.
- Buying more explosives than the player could carry before spawning would
deduct money but not hand
over the items. Fixed.

- Fixed bomb placement animations.
- Fixed and improved loading screen.
- Different radio voices for different models.
- Fixed the void bug/invisible player bug.
- Improved player positioning on long-running servers.
- All useable spawn areas now on radar. Shop accessible from all of them.

- Improved smoothing of remote players.
- Improved accuracy of packet loss, packet loss to netstats.

- Fixed problem with looping reload sound for PSG1.
- Added server console to project as 'Console.exe'. See mp-commands.txt.
- Chat messages seen when using sniper rifles.
- Can switch directly between the two radio call menues.
- Fixed: Cannot move while typing messages. Bug 537
- Shop key to launch as well as exit shop menu.
- Radio keys to launch as well as exit radio menues.
- Changed cost of proximity mines.
- New death message for proximity mines.
- Fixed remote player shivering when standing still.

- Respawning bomb now a config paramter. See mp-commands.txt
- Display of critical game messages separated from chat messages.
- Change fonts for various screen resolutions to improve lay-out.
- Remote player rotation accuracy increased.
- 1st person spectate camera added. Config option to disallow 3rd person
- Fixed problems with bomb pickups and gun pickups.
- Server browser now displaying the servers that cannot be joined instead of
showing empty lines.

- Clients trying to connect using all network cards and modems before giving
up finding the server.
- Removed a lot of output to server log.
- No money taken when trying to buy ammo using the bound keys and no ammo is
- Several time-out/disconnect parameters added to mp-commands.txt.
- Removed some unneeded and confusing update settings from the mp-
- Autokick feature fixed.
- Fixed stone crusher.
- Crosshair color changer added.

- Updated and improved server response to GameSpy queries.
- Default player name changed to 'Jones.'
- Server LAN awareness on 10 ports, 26001-26011, increased from 6 ports,
- Primary ammo now bought in slot 1 in the in-game shop.
- Player slot reservation before actual loading starts; prevents loading only
to see 'server full' message.
- Improved votekick command. See mp-commands.txt for this command to vote
other players to be kicked.

- Enabled compressed pos updates for low priority messages.
- Abs. cap on max players.(32)
- Added an output choke system on server.
- Connect to right socket on ADSL server.
- Netshop shows localized weapon names.
- Server checking averaged pings, not the latest pings when deciding to kick
a player.
- Netshop: 'Not in Play' - remove text.
- Loading: 'Password required' - changed text.
- Radio: 'Radio' drawn on name. Fixed.
- Radio: Fixed 'I see 'em' text.
- M16 ammo purchased without limit. Fixed.
- Added 50% to 'occupy slot time' when loading.
Reduces the '17/16' players-problem in the server lists.
- Changed order of maps in the server map select menu.

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