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I. Questionnaire to be filled in by sample respondents
Dear respondents:
This interview schedule is prepared to collect data from employees in relation to the current job
satisfaction level. The data collected in this
schedule will be used only for academic purpose. Therefore, confidentiality shall be maintained
as part of research ethics. By any means the raw data collected from you will not be transferred
to any third party. So, I would like to ask your cooperation in filling this questionnaire schedule.
General instruction:
In any part of this questionnaire you are not required to write your name;
Put circle for close ended questions;
For open ended questions, give brief answers on the space provided.
Please fill in the blanks. And put this mark (√) to indicate your choice for those items that
have alternative responses.
1. Title of your job ___________________________
2. Sex: A) Male B) Female
3. Marital Status: A) Married B) Unmarried
4. Your Age
A) 14-21 years
B) 22-30 years
C) 31-40 years
D) 41-50 years
E) 51 and above
5. Your educational level
A) Below grade 10
B) Grade 10/12 complete
C) Graduated from technical and vocational institutes
D) Some college
E) Diploma graduate
F) First degree holder
G) MA or MSc
H) PhD
6. Employment status A) Permanent B) Contractual C) Daily labourer
7. Your present salary ______________________
8. Number of dependents _____________________
9. Please circle your years of service
A) Less than 2 years
B) 3 - 10 years
C) 11 - 20 years
D) 21 - 30 years
E) Over 30 years
10. How many years have you worked in your present position ________________________.


There are 20 statements about overall job satisfaction. And each statement has five
alternatives. Read each item carefully and put this mark “(√)” under the alternative that
best expresses your feeling about the statement.



My feeling towards overall aspects of my job can be
expressed by the following statements


1 The work allows me not to feel the working time length
2 Most of the time I face problem since no one shows me how
to work.
3 I have the chance to do different things at different time.
4 I know that my work gives me a chance to be “somebody” in
the society
5 The way my boss handles his men is good as he is laissez-
faire leader.
6 I believe that my supervisor has good competence in
decision making.
7 I am not forced to do things that don’t go against my
8 I am doubtful in continuity and steady employment at the
9 I feel that my work is not important to the society
10 I have the chance to lead people how the work be done
11 I have the chance to do something that makes use of my
12 The policy and regulations of the organization are
implemented in wrong ways
13 My income is proportional to the amount of work I do in the
14 I don’t believe that I have a chance to promote or advance on
this job
15 I don’t have freedom to use my own judgment
16 I don’t have the chance to try my own methods of doing the
17 Working conditions such as cleanliness of the work place,
healthy environmental condition, enough tools and supplies.
This thing encourages me to work.
18 My co-workers are not friendly and cooperatives, this creates
problems of working in coordination.
19 My accomplishments are recognized by the people I work
20 I don’t get the feeling of accomplishment from the job since
I work for the sake of working

This part has five sections. The first one deals with satisfaction with the work itself, the second
one is about payment satisfaction, the third one is satisfaction with promotional opportunities,
the fourth one is about supervision on present job and the fifth one deals with people working in
your organization. Every item of the five sections has three alternative responses. Please read
each item carefully then respond “Yes” if the statement describes your feeling and respond “No”
if it doesn’t describe your feeling. If you don’t want to choose either of the two, respond
“undecided”. To indicate your choice put this mark “(√)” under your choice.

A My attitude towards the work itself Yes Undecided No

1 Fascinating
2 Routine
3 Satisfying
4 Boring
5 Good
6 Creative
7 Respected
8 Hot
9 Pleasant
10 Useful
11 Healthful
12 Challenging
13 Self supporting
14 Frustrating
15 Simple
16 Endless
17 Gives sense of accomplishment
18 Wrong sort of job for me
19 Encouraging
B Think of the pay you are receiving now. How well does each of the following words
describe your present pay?
Attitude Towards your current payment /salary Yes Undecided No
1 My income is adequate for my normal expense
2 I barely live on my income
3 The payment is bad
4 My income provides me luxuries
5 The payment is insecure
6 I get less than I deserve
7 I can say I am highly paid
8 I am under paid
9 The payment is fair
10 The payment is adequate only to acquire basic needs
11 The payment is too low to satisfy me with basic needs
12 Considering what it costs to live in this area, my pay is
C Think of your opportunities for promotion that you have now. How well does each of
the following words describe your present opportunities for promotion?
Attitude towards the opportunity for promotion Yes Undecided No
1 I have good opportunity for promotion
2 In my job opportunity for promotion is somewhat limited
3 In the organization promotion is based on ability
4 Regarding promotion it is a dead-end job
5 I think the promotion policy of the organization is not fair
6 Job promotion is infrequent
7 Job promotion is regular
8 I have fair good chance for promotion.
9 In the organization promotion depends on.
10 I believe that my educational qualification and training increase
my prospects.
11 I feel that I have stayed at present level for too long.
12 Working many years in the organization doesn’t contribute for
Think of your supervision you are receiving now. How well does each of the following
words describe your present supervision?
D Supervision on Present Job Yes Undecided No
1 My supervisor takes a personal interest in me
2 It is hard to please my supervisor
3 My supervisor is impolite
4 I can say I get tactful supervision
5 The supervision is up-to-date

6 Doesn’t supervise enough
7 My supervisor assists with unusual work problems
8 Tells me where I stand
9 My supervisor really cares about me
10 I feel close to my supervisor
11 My supervisor knows job well
12 My supervisor gives useful advice on job problems
13 My supervisor is Intelligent
14 My supervisor leaves me on my own
15 My supervisor is lazy
16 My supervisor is available when needed
E Think of the majority of the people that you are working with at the moment. How well
does each of the following words describe these people?
People in Your Present Job
1 My colleagues are stimulating
2 My co-workers are boring
3 They are slow
4 Ambitious
5 My co-workers are responsible
6 They are fast
7 My co-workers give useful advice on job problems
8 It is easy to make enemies
9 My co-workers talk too much
10 They are lazy
11 Unpleasant peoples
12 I can say I am working with active peoples
13 They have narrow interests
14 Loyal
15 I found that it is hard to meet my co-workers

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