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function [bs] = cell_layout(cell_radius)

%Input the cell-radius in meters

%Output: Plots the cell layout with cell-centres

radius = 2; %radius in meters.

t = linspace(0,2*pi,7);

%center cell
t = linspace(0,2*pi,7);

%center cell
x1 = 0 + radius*cos(t);
y1 = 0 + radius*sin(t);
c_x1 = 0; %BS Location Center Cell x-axis
c_y1 = 0; %BS Location Center Cell y-axis
hold on

% Upper cell
y2 = ((sqrt(3)/2)*2*radius) + (radius*sin(t));
c_x2 = 0; %BS Location Upper cell Cell x-axis
c_y2 = ((sqrt(3)/2)*2*radius); %BS Location Upper cell y-axis


% Lower cell
y3 = -((sqrt(3)/2)*2*radius) + (radius*sin(t));
c_x3 = 0; %BS Location Lower cell Cell x-axis
c_y3 = -((sqrt(3)/2)*2*radius); %BS Location Lower cell y-axis


%Right Upper cell

x4= (radius+(radius/2)) + radius*cos(t);
y4 = ((sqrt(3)/2)*radius) + (radius*sin(t));
c_x4 = (radius+(radius/2)); %BS Location Right Upper cell x-axis
c_y4 = ((sqrt(3)/2)*radius); %BS Location Right Upper cell y-axis


%Right Lower cell

x5= (radius+(radius/2)) + radius*cos(t);
y5 = -((sqrt(3)/2)*radius) + (radius*sin(t));
c_x5 = (radius+(radius/2)); %BS Location Right Lower cell x-axis
c_y5 = -((sqrt(3)/2)*radius); %BS Location Right Lower cell y-axis


%Left Upper cell

x6= -(radius+(radius/2)) + radius*cos(t);
y6 = ((sqrt(3)/2)*radius) + (radius*sin(t));
c_x6 = -(radius+(radius/2)); %BS Location Right Lower cell x-axis
c_y6 = ((sqrt(3)/2)*radius); %BS Location Right Lower cell y-axis


%Left Lower cell

x7= -(radius+(radius/2)) + radius*cos(t);
y7 = -((sqrt(3)/2)*radius) + (radius*sin(t));
c_x7 = -(radius+(radius/2)); %BS Location Left Lower cell x-axis
c_y7 = -((sqrt(3)/2)*radius); %BS Location Left Lower cell y-axis
BS_locations_x = [c_x1 c_x4 c_x2 c_x6 c_x7 c_x3 c_x5];
BS_locations_y = [c_y1 c_y4 c_y2 c_y6 c_y7 c_y3 c_y5];

cells_x = [x1; x4; x2; x6; x7; x3; x5];

cells_y = [y1; y4; y2; y6; y7; y3; y5];
%plot(cells_x(:),cells_y(:)); hold on

bs = [BS_locations_x' BS_locations_y' ];

%3.375, 6.75) and (1.125, 1.125)

x= [6.75 3.75 1.125]
y=[6.75 6.75 1.125]
X1=[2.3 5.80 9.90 2.3 2.3 5.80 9.90 5.80 9.90 ]
Y2=[2.3 2.231 2.31 6.00 9.90 5.80 5.80 9.90 9.90 ]

%3.375, 6.75) and (1.125, 1.125)

x= [6.75 3.75 1.125]
y=[6.75 6.75 1.125]
X1=[2.3 5.80 9.90 2.3 2.3 5.80 9.90 5.80 9.90 ]
Y2=[2.3 2.231 2.31 6.00 9.90 5.80 5.80 9.90 9.90 ]

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