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India is a mobile centric telecomm market, and to cater follow growth in smartphones and other

applications that’s demanded from that, it’s really important to get the network right and on the
network side, one area that india needs really invest on is the access and aggregation side of it, we
believe over the next 24 to 36 months, access and aggregation is where most of the investments gonna
be focused on, let me give you couple of statistics, today india has about 450,000 base stations (mobile
bases stations) abd based on the forecasts given by the top three operators in the country, by 2020 in
less than 24 months to 36 months they plan to build overall some 850,000 base station, i.e almost
double over short span of two years, in this endeavor they’ll round 2 billion dollar approx.., And
interesting thing is only 15 percent of the base stations got 5-axis, so we also see a huge amount of
investments going into increasing the fibre,5 access/axis to these bases station, so in

Key design principles for increasing base station which is needed to be taken into consideration are:

Four things that’s critical in building theses access aggregation networks

1. Having the right layer three transport infrastructure from your base station, till you get to the
core mattress number
2. Strong convergence between optical and packet, in india fibre is expensive, laying fibre is
expensive, therefore you have to use every strands of network, you have in the access network,
for that incorporation of DWDM optics with/into the access network, that’s your seond.
3. Disaggregation, particularly in access market, we see a strong opportunity for disaggregating
hardware from software and virtualizing somewhere
4. Control and orchestration,softwares are required.

Telecom company to prepare for growth?

Access network aggregation, metro call long distance network, all the way to submarine
network that is where we see our play, Into end circuit positioning is done in a seamless way
automation, to make access network to core network more adaptive

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