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ISBN 978-602-60736-3-1



(Workshop As An Organization Profession, International Conference, MoU
Multicampus, OJS Training, Risipro Commercial

February 4-5, 2017, Padang, Indonesia

Hosted by :
Perkumpulan Ahli Dan Dosen Republik Indonesia (P-ADRI)
DPD Sumatera Barat

Published by :
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Barat

Jl. Bandar Purus No.71 Kampus Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
E-mail :


(Workshop As An Organization Profession, International Conference, Mou Multicampus,
OJS Training, Risipro Commercial Of LPDP)
February 4-5, 2017, Padang, Indonesia
XIV,516 pages,28 cm
Copyright Reserved
Copyright @2017
ISBN 978-602-60738-3-1

Person in charge :
Dr.H.Achmad Fathoni Rodli, M.Pd
General Chairman P-ADRI
Universitas Ma'Arif Hasyim Latief (UMAHA),Sidoarjo,Jawa Timur
Chief Executive:
Chairman Of The Council P-ADRI Sumbar
Universitas Negeri Padang(UNP) Sumatera Barat

Board Of Editor:
Prof.Hywel Coleman,OBE,M.A,Ph.D (University Of Leeds United Kingdom)
Yudi Fernando Ph.D (University Sains Malaysia)
Ir Wahyu Mulyo Utomo,MT,Ph.D (UTHM Malaysia)
Dr.H.Asri Lubis (UTHM Malaysia)
Dr.Anton Muhibbudin (Core to core Japan)
Prof.Peter Newcombe,Ph.D (University Of Queensland Australia)
Prof.Seung Wook Kim (Korea University, Korea Selatan).
Prof.Dr.Wahid Bin Razzaly(University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,Malaysia)
Prof. Assoc.Dr.I-Hsien Ting (Nastional University of Kaohsiung,/Taiwan)
Prof.Assoc.Hunsa Punapayak(Chulalongkorn University ,Thailand)
Prof. Drs.Toho Cholik Mutohir,MA,Ph.D.(IKIP Mataram,Nusa Tengara Barat)
Prof. Dr. I Made Putrawan (UNJ, Jakarta).
Prof. Dr. Supari Muslim,M.Pd.(UNESA,Jawa Timur)
Prof. Dr.drg.Hj.I.A.Brahmasari,Dipl.DHE,MPA,(UNTAG Surabaya,Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr. R.Partino.(Universitas Cendrawasih, Irian Jaya)
Prof. Dr.Endry Boestriswati,M.Pd.(UNJ, Jakarta)
Prof.Dr.Ir.Suharjono,M.Pd,Dipl.HE(UNIBRAW,Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Atmazaki,M.Pd(Universitas Negeri Padang,Sumatera Barat)
Prof.Dr.Nasrudin Suyuti,M.Si(UNU Sulawesi Selatan)
Prof.Dr.Agus Soegianto,M.Sc(UNAIR,Surabaya, Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Ir.Suprijanto(ITS,Surabya,Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Masriam Bukit,M.Pd.(UPI Bandung,Jawa Barat)
Prof.Dr.Bambang Suprianto,MT.(UNESA,Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Amat Mukhadis,M.Pd(Universitas Negeri Malang,Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Madlazim,M.Si(UNESA,Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Bambang Yulianto,M.Pd.(NUESA,Jawa Timur)

Prof.Dr.Sarmini,M.Hum.(UNESA,Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Ismet Basuki,M.Pd.(UNESA, Jawa Timur)
Prof.Dr.Abdul Muin Sibuea,M.Pd(UNIMED,Sumatera Utara)
Prof.Dr.Herminarto Sofyan,M.Pd.(UNY,Yogyakarta)
Prof.Dr.Harapin Hafid,M.Si.(Universitas Halu Oleo,Kendari,Sulawesi Tenggara)
Prof.Dr.Sofyan Sauri,M.Pd.(UPI,Bandung,Jawa Barat)
Prof.Dr.Aunurrahman,M.Pd(Universitas Tanjungpura,Pontianak,Kalbar)
Prof.Dr.Drs.Junaidi H. Matsum,M.Pd(Universitas Tanjungpura,Pontianak,Kalbar)
Prof.Dr.Edy Tandililing,M.Pd.(Universitas Tanjungpura,Pontianak,Kalbar)
Prof.Dr.Drs.Edy Yunus,ST,MM.(Universitas Dr.Soetomo
Prof.Dr.H.Achmad Slamet,M.Si(UNNES Semarang,Jawa Tengah)
Prof.Dr.H.Maman Surachman,M.Sc.(UNNES Semarang,Jawa Tengah)
Prof.Dr.Sugiyo,M.Si(UNNES Semarang, Jawa Tengah)
Prof.Dr.Ir.Rahmatullah Rizieq,M.Si(UPB Pontianak,Kalbar)
DR.H.Achmad Fathoni Rodli,M.Pd.(UMAHA, Sidoarjo,Jawa Timur)
DR.H.Anton Muhibuddin,SP,MP.(Rektor Universitas Wahab Hasbullah,Jombang)
DR.Putu Dyatmikawati,S.H,M.Hum.(Universitas Dwijendra,Denpasar,Bali)
DR.Meithiana Indrasari,ST,MM(Universitas Dr.Soetomo,Surabaya,Jawa Timur)
DR.Andi Suhandi,M.Si.(UPI, Bandung,Jawa Barat)
DR.Didi Sudiman,MT,MM.(UNDA, Sampit,Kalimatan Tenggah)
DR.Ibrahim Ingga,M.Ak.(UNTAG,Surabaya,Jawa Timur)
DR.M.Hasinuddin,S.Kep.Ns,M.Kep.(STIKES, Ngudia Husada Madura,Jawa Timur)
DR.M.Rif'at,M.Pd.( Universitas Tanjuangpura,Pontianak,Kalbar)
DR.Ahmad Yani T,M.Pd.(Universitas Tanjungpura,Pontianak,Kalbar)
DR.Ardi Marwan,S.Pd,TESOL.(POLNEP,Pontianak,Kalbar)
DR.Adnan Mahdi (IAIN Sultan Syafiudin,Sambas,Kalbar)
DR.H.Wajidi Sayadi(IAIN,Pontianak,Kalbar)
DR.Drs.Andreas Muhrotien,M.Si.(ST Pastoral St.Agustinus Keuskupan Agung Pontianak)
DR.Wida Kuswida Bhakti,S.Kep,M.Kes.(STIKES Muhammadyah Pontianak,Kalbar)
Ir.Rudi Kusuma,MP,Ph.D (Universitas Taman Siswa Padang)
Dr.Welya Roza, M.Pd (Universitas Bung Hatta Padang)

Executive editor :
Rezki Fauzi, S.Kom, M.Kom.
Firdaus SS, M.Si.
Afriendi ,SHI,MH
Eddwina Aidila Fitria, STP., M.Si

Published by :
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Barat

Jl. Bandar Purus No.71 Kampus Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
E-mail :


I would like to express our deepest gratitute to Allah the Almighty God for all the grace and
guidance that has been given to all of us. This is the 5 time the ADRI International Conference
is being held. I extend a warm welcome to all members of ADRI, invited speakers and guests. I
sincerely hope you will find the programme that has been put together satisfactory and the
presentations useful to you. I urge you to make use of the opportunity here provided to establish
useful networks.
We have chosen to focus on “Opportunities and Challenge Towards ASEAN Integration” as the
theme of the conference. There will be MoU Multi Campus and OJS (Open Journal Systems)
Training. The Abstract book ADRI 2017 contains 180 selected articles from 208 participants.
The participants come from academia such as lecturers, teachers and researchers.
This conference is the series of the International Conference organized by P-ADRI
(Perkumpulan Ahli dan Dosen Republik Indonesia). The first was held in Lombok, Mataram;
The second was held in Denpasar, Bali, on October 15 to 17, 2016; The third was held in
Surabaya, East Java, on November 10, 2016; the fourth was held in Pontianak, West Kalimantan
on November 6 to 7, 2016, and The fifth was held in Padang, West Sumatera, on February 4 to 5,
2017. The fifth International Conference in Padang's speakers come from 5 countries; United
Kingdom, Japan, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Indonesia. Call papers participated in an
International conference in Padang as much as 180 papers come from Sumatera, Java, and
Kalimantan province.
The International conference has been made to be held as the realization of cooperation between
ADRI, and Universiti Sains Malaysia, and all the universities participating in the MoU/MoA

On this occasion, let us give awards and gratitude to:

Ÿ Dra. Khofifah Indar Parawansa (MENSOS RI)
Ÿ Dr. Paristiyati (Direktur Pembelajaran Kemenristek Dikti RI)
Ÿ Prof. Dr. H. Irwan Prayitno, S.Pi,M.Sc (Gubernur Sumatera Barat)
Ÿ Prof. Hywel Coleman, OBE, M.A.Ph.D (University of Leeds,United Kingdom)
Ÿ Yudi Fernando Ph.D (University Science Malaysia)
Ÿ Dr.H.Asri Lubis (UTHM Malaysia)
Ÿ Dr.Anton Muhibbudin (Core to core Japan)

In special award and we thanks to :

Ÿ Dr.H.Achmad Fathoni Rodli (General Chairman DPP P-ADRI )
Ÿ Prof.Dr.Atmazaki, M.Pd ( Chairman of the Council ADRI Sumbar)
Ÿ The board of trustess and Governing ADRI DPD Sumbar
Ÿ Rector and Leadership College participants MoU Multicampus
Ÿ Board of Editor, Executive Editors, and Organizing Committee in ADRI Multidisciplinary
International Conference and Call for Papers in Padang
Ÿ The sending of papers and parallel scientific conference speaker.

In addition, to the International conference, at the same time as a multi-campus realization

cooperation activities, as well as activities carried out:
1.Inauguration of ADRI West Sumatera.
2.Training Open Journal System (OJS), as we know that from 2017 Kemenristek Dikti already
requires all scientific journal should be based online by implementing OJS and scientific work

for the maintenance of mandatory functional academic journals published in the OJS.

Proceeding books are published after the conference, and distributed to participants in the
form of compact disk (full papers).

Hopefully, these abstract books may give benefit to all of us for the development of science,
technology, education, art, and culture. In addition, it is also expected to be a reference for the
nation and state-building efforts so that science and technology becomes a strong pillar in the
face of the ASEAN Economic Community.
Lastly, we would like to acknowledge our hard-working friends from the committees who
have been so enthusiastic in ensuring the detail of the conference. We do appreciate the whole
lot you have worked on and look forward to the successful conference.

Sincerely yours,
Padang, January 29, 2017
Chief Executive,

Ir.Rudi Kusuma, MP, Ph.D.

Chairman Committee ADRI Sumbar

Table of Contents

Title Pages
Fridarti, Novirman,J, Mardiati,Z, Rusmana,W.S.N, & Sri Mulyani
I Ketut Budaraga, Yenti Mayang Sari, & Asnurita
M. Riza Firdaus, Hastin Umi Anisah, Wimby Wandary, & Wahyudin
Yulfi Desi, Trimurti Habazar, Ujang Khairul, & Agustian
Wahyu Indah Mursalini, Arfimasri
Armiati, Dessi Susanti,& Rose Rahmidani
Ida Nirwan
Nidia Anggreni DaS

Nova Mustika, Diana Kartika
Periansya, Sopiyan Ar,& Sherlly Pamoga
Rasidah Nasrah , Eka Mariyanti
Rini Sarianti, Yuki Fitria
Deltri Apriyeni. S Pt. M Si
Seflidiana Roza
Fandi Achmad, Supari Muslim
Seflidiana Roza
Siska Yulia Defitri & Eliza
Iswachyu Dhaniarti, M. Ikhsan Setiawan, Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko,
& Ani Wulandari
Tien yustini, Agustinus S & Anton Kurniawan
Wahyu Indah Mursalini & Arfimasri
Diana Kartika
Dona Amelia & Juarsa Badri
Anik Vega Vitiaingsih, R Ade Supriadi, & Nusendra Hanggarawan
Fatimah Riswati, Mei Indrawati, & Dwi Lesno Panglipursari
Eliza, Siska Yulia Defitri
Hasdi Aimon, Yeniwati,& Monica Wulandari


Anne Putri, Aries Tanno, & Isteti Murni
Zulvia Trinova, & Aprizal Ahmad
Martin Kustati

Ahmad Sabri
Amal Hayati
Andi Mursidi, Soeharto
Anna Fitri Hindriana, Heni Emiyati, & Rizky Eliandi
Dadang Iskandar, Lutma Ranta Allolinggi, & Acep Roni
Betty Purwaningtyas
2016 YEAR)
Ratna Feti Wulandari
Indra Johari
Yuhendri L, Menik Kurnia Siwi, & Rani Sofya
Muhammad Danil
Muhiddinur Kamal
Nani Ratnaningsih
Nani Ratnaningsih
Ngusman Abdul Manaf
Desri Nora. AN
Niza Syaveny
Tutorial Video Development for Making Syllabus and RPP on Education 252
Department of Sociology/Anthropology State University Padang
Nora Susilawati, Desi Nora. AN, & Muhammad Danil
Nurhasan Syah
Pupu Saeful Rahmat
Rahayu Fitri
Reni Nastuti
An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by English Departmemt 273
Students 2016/2017 Academic year in STKIP YDB Lubuk Agung
Siska Oktawidya Wati
Dwi Atmono and Muhammad Rahmatullah
Sumardi, Elly Sukmanasa
Syahfitri Purnama
Warnis, Wakidul Kohar, Nora Zulvianti, and Mufti Ulil Amri
H. Welya Roza
Eri Sarimanah
Rita Retnowati and Henny Suharyati
Ipah Muzdalipah and Eko Yulianto
Lili Dasa Putri and Mustafa Kamil
Zen Munawar, Bambang Siswoyo, & Nanna Suryana Herman
Aidil, Gunawan, & Esther Irawati Setiawan
Bambang Siswoyo, Cecep Supriatna, & Nanna Suryana
Evi Dianti Bintari, Gunawan, & Aida Indriani
Sri Restu Ningsih, Yolanda
Yenny Desnelita, Irwan, Sunarti, & Tomy Roberto Sinaga
Yessi Harnani & Sri Kurnia
Purwaningtyas & Betty
Endah Ernawati
Fransiska Novitasari
Luluk Susiloningtyas
Ninik Suhartini
Sukma Amperiana
Mursyid, Henri Zoni, & Rani Oktavia

Mutia Felina & Tuti Oktriani
Ernawati Endah
Nila Kasuma & M.Biomed
Suhartini Ninik
Nurhayati & Yealni Lifrinur
Nurvi Susanti & Serlina
Oktavianis & Zuraida
Endang Purnawati Rahayu & Halimatussa’diah
Evi Hasnita & Feni Adrianti
Novitasari Fransiska
Herlina Susmaneli
Susiloningtyas Luluk
Agus Alamsyah & Suci Noviana Sari
Amperiana Sukma
Rifka Zuwanda, Miko Kamal, & Yetisma Saini
Neni Vesna Madjid
Siti Fadjarajani
Al Rafni & Suryanef
Esi Sriyanti & Ummy
Feti Wulandari Ratna
Reno Renaldi
Rini Wirasty,B
Rosida Tiurma Manurung
Cici Apriza Yanti, Aria Wahyuni, & M. Yusuf
Cici Apriza Yanti, Aria Wahyuni, & M. Yusuf

Deny Jollyta, Gusrianty, & Dwi Oktarina
Enny Agustina

Activity Microorganisms Indigenus Increase Kuality Fermented
Rind Cocoa and Characteristics Fluid Rumen
Fridarti1), Novirman,J2)., Mardiati,Z 3) Rusmana,W.S.N4)., Sri Mulyani5)
Department lecturers faculty agricultural Universitas Tamansiswa Padang, Padang, Indonesia

lecturers faculty husbandry Universitas Andalas Padang

Abstract. Feed ingredient for ruminants is composed of forage grasses and legumes which are now started to limited
availability, this problem do utilization solve agricultural wastes or wastes containing nutrient plantation low as alternative
feed ingredients like cocoa rind. overcome these problems required a simple technology that is fermentation using
microorganisms indigenus so that the effluent quality ring cocoa can improve. Indigenus microorganisms are microbes
selulolitic that exist in individuals without disturbing activities. The purpose of this research is to improve the quality
characteristics and digestibility of rumen fluid from the rind cocoa fermented with microorganisms indigenus. The method
used in this study is completely randomized design factorial design with three replications, treatment factors consist of A
is the level of microbes (A1 = 5%, A2 = 10%, A3 = 15%) and factor B is a long fermentation (B1 = 2 day, B2 = 4 days, B3
= 6 days) and the variables; the nutrient content and digestibility of cocoa rind before and after being fermented and the
characteristics of rumen fluid in vitro methods. The results showed that increasing levels of use of microbes and
fermentation time can improve skin quality cocoa beans that reduce the content of dry material from 15.69 to 13.63%,
crude fiber 21,74 - 20,33% and increase the protein content of the coarse 4.65 to 6.22% . Dry Material digestibility
increased from 14.860 to 17.753% and Protein rough 40.472 to 54.519%,crode fiber 20,11 - 22,35%. Rumen fluid
characteristics are rumen fluid pH ranges from 7.42 to 7.60, NH3 production berkisar 15,083 - 18,590 mM, and Fatty Acid
Volatyl production of 97- 118.667 mg / 100ml. The conclusion that increasing the digestibility quality chocolate fruit
leather can be made by fermentation by microorganisms indigenus.

Keywords: rind Cocoa, fermentation, digestibility, microorganisms, nutrient

produced cocoa plant (Theobroma cacao L). The results of

I. INTRODUCTION proximate analysis cocoa rind contains dry matter (DM) 8%,
The main ingredient is a ruminant livestock forage crude fibers (SK) 40.1%, crude Protein (PK) 8% and 50.8%
food in general, which consists of grass and legumminosa TDN and Uses by ruminants 30-40% (IPPTP, 2001). To
which in the present availability is limited because the land improve the nutritional value of the fruit rind cocoa with
began to grow grass and legumminosa already widely used technologies such as physical treatment, chemical and
for residential and business premises where food crops. biological, one of the technologies used are fermented. In the
Efforts to resolve this problem do the utilization of process of fermentation occurs solving complex compounds
agricultural waste or agricultural waste products of low such as cellulose, hemicellulose, silica, by certain enzymes
nutritional value as animal feed, the use of alternative feed that reduce the content of crude fiber and improve the
ingredient does not change the ability of livestock digestibility of the material. Fridarti research results (2013)
production. that fermented fruit peels that use Basil sp cocoa can lower
Waste food crops and plantations have an important crude fiber and increase the crude protein. Muzir study
role and potential in the supply of green feed for ruminansia (2005) that the fruit rind cocoa fermented with yeast tape
livestock such as cattle, goats, sheep and buffalo, especially shows the physical shape and texture well, written by Izzati
in the dry season. In addition ruminant rearing system is still (2011) that fermented cocoa rind with MOL rind of cocoa
largely dependent on forage, feed in the form of grasses and can increase crude protein and lower crude fiber.
other forage feed with little or no additional feed. Improving the quality of the fruit rind cocoa has been
Overcome the problem of shortage is forage, farmers much research done by various methods well ammoniation,
are expected to utilize agricultural wastes which are fermented with fungi or mikrobes aspergiluus bassilus, but
abundantly available in the vicinity include fruit skin cocoa, research cocoa rind fermentation using microorganisms
cocoa plant leaves, shoots of cane, rice straw, hay soybean indigenus yet. So the research dicobakanlah brown rind
and peanut hay through a certain treatment. Plantations in fermentation using microorganisms indigenus, which
West Sumatra ± 82 450 ha. At the end of 2009, cocoa indigenus microorganisms are microorganisms that exist in
production is 40.250 tonnes (Prov West Sumatra Plantation living things that do not interfere with her life. Several
Office, 2010), consisting of cocoa fruit rind of 73.73%, 2% studies have isolation of microbial indigenus one by
of the placenta, and 24.20% seeds (Haryati and isolation and identification of bacteria of lactic acid and
Hardjosuwito, 1984). Cocoa fruit rind is agro-industry waste probiotic bacteria are generally investigated derived from
fruits, animals and trash. Khairati (2011) have managed to

characterize molecular Lactic Acid Bacteria from the cocoa- metabolism will get more responses. Added by Fardiaz
producing Bacteriocin green. Novianty research results (1988) that mikroorgansisme using carbohidrat after the first
(2011) also characterize molecular amylolytic lactic acid broken down into glucose. So that the decrease in dry matter
bacteria as probiotic potential of cocoa. Yunensi (2011) has during the fermentation process due to a respiration of the
managed to isolate and identify isolates of probiotic bacteria bacteria that produce the energy, water and carbon dioxide.
Pediococcus pentosceus origin cocoa. Utami (2011) Microorganisms decompose organic matter and remains
managed to isolate and characterize Molecular Probiotic alive into the elements simpler.
Bacteria (LAB) protiase producer, lactase, fermenting green
cocoa varieties. TABLE. 1
FONT SIZES FOR PAPERS Factor A (The Factor B (day)
No Content consentration of B1 B2 B3 mean
Font Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times) Mikbrobes) (2days) (4days) (6days)
Size Regular Bold Italic 1 A1(5%) 15,32a 14,74a 13,63b 14,56B
Dry matter A2(10%) 15,69a 15,42a 15,40a 15,50A
8 table caption (in reference item A3(15% 15,43a 15,34a 14,78a 15,18AB
Small Caps), (partial) Mean 15,48A 15,16AB 14,60B
figure caption, A1(5%) 4,65d 5,51bc 6,04ab 5,39
reference item 2
A2(10%) 4,80d 5,65abc 6,20a 5,55
9 author email address abstract abstract heading A3(15% 5,14cd 5,81ab 6,23a 5,72
Mean 4,86c 5,66b 6,17a
(in Courier), body (also in Bold) A1(5%) 21,54 21,17 21,07 21,26
cell in a table Crude
3 A2(10%) 21,48 21,24 20,33 21,02
10 level-1 heading (in level-2 heading, A3(15% 21,55 21,74 21,43 21,57
Small Caps), level-3 heading, Mean 21,52 21,38 20,94
paragraph author affiliation Description:
12 author name A, B, C = Average of the different superkrip a factor equal
18 Title treatment for every different variables showed
highly significant effect (P <0.01)
II. METHODS a, b, c = Mean superkrip different with the interaction
The design used was completely randomized design between the same treatment for every different
(CRD) factorial pattern of 3 x 3 with three replications, variables showed highly significant effect (P
where factor A is the concentration of microorganisms (A1 = <0.01)
5%, A2 = 10% , 15%), factor B is a long fermentation (B1 = Mean crude protein content fermented fruit rind
2 days, B2 = 4 days, B3 = 6 days). To determine the effect of cocoa is seen ranging from 4.64 to 6.23%, after a statistical
treatment in early stages of the statistical analysis of analysis turned out to be the result of variance showed that
variance. If there is a real effect of different treatments to do the fermentation time factors and the interaction of both
LSD (Steel and Torrie, 1995). factors memeperlihatkan their highly significant effect (P>
0.01%) on the average Crude protein content, while the
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION concentration factor adanyan not show no significant effect
(P <0.05%) of the crude protein kandungn cocoa rind. The
1. MEAN NUTRIENT CONTENT OF FERMENTED results of this study are not much different from the results
COCOA RIND of research BPTP (2010) fermenting with yeast cocoa rind. It
Results The mean study the nutritional content of is presumed by increasing the concentration can increase the
fermented cocoa rind can be seen in Table 1. The dry matter number of bacterial cells and the amount of enzyme that is
content of fermented cocoa rind looks ranging from 13.63 to produced as a result of the activity of these bacteria as well
15.69%. After statistically analyzed fingerprints manifold as the addition of stool chicken where feces chicken has
apparently the result showed that the concentration factor nutritional value quite well as animal feed and high in
and fermentation time and the interaction between the protein and serves to complement the food substances such
factors A and B show the different influences that were as carbon, nitrogen necessary for growth and proliferation of
significantly (P <0.01%) to the average dry matter content of microbes. This is in accordance with the opinion of Sukara
the fruit rind cocoa. The results of this study are lower than and Admowidjojo (1990) that the growth and proliferation of
the results BPTP (2007) that fermented cocoa rind that use microorganisms has good and can turn more components of
of probiotics containing approximately 18.40% dry matter. the media into a mass of cells, resulting in the formation of
This result is also not much different from Fridarti study proteins derived from microbial body itself will increase the
(2013) that uses Basillus sp in the fermentation of fruit rind crude protein. Added by Buckle (1987), that the
cocoa is 15.28%. fermentation is generally result in partial loss carbohidrat of
If seen from the figures on the average dry matter food, but the loss was covered by the gains that protein.
research this is due presend trend of increase in the water On the average of crude fiber content of fermented
content due to the fermentation process resulting in a cocoa rind looks ranging from 20.33 to 21.74%. Having
decrease of dry matter, It is suspected optimal capability of analyzed statistically apparently the result of variance to the
bacteria to digest the material feed, in accordance with the average content of crude fiber cocoa rind showed no
opinion of Sulaiman (1988) that the more the percentage of significant effect (P> 0.05) at factor A, factor B and the
inoculum used the faster the fermentation process takes interaction between factors A and B. If viewed as figures on
place due to the amount of fluid removed memalui the average research Extra mikrooranisme concentration to

be down at the level of 10% but rising back to the level of A3(15%) 15,08 18,59 16,78 16,82
15%. Research results obtained are not much different from Mean 16,49 17,86 16,76
5 VFA A1
the results BPTP West Sumatra (2010) that fermented cocoa ( 5%)
118,67 99,00 101,00 106,22
rind that uses Prebiotic Fiber contains roughly 24.7%. This A2(10
99,67 100,67 109,33 103,22
is presumably related to the growth and proliferation of %)
bacteria. Opinions according Sulaiman (1988) that the dose A3(15
108,67 103,33 97,67 103,22
of inoculum is a very important factor in the fermentation
inoculum dose where certain environments and certain 109,00 101,00 102,67
fermentation time anyway. Written by Herman (2011) that 6 pH A1
6,48 6,52 6,52 6,51
Fermentation is one of the technologies to improve the ( 5%)
nutritional value of feed high in fiber. Fermentation can A2(10
6,42 6,49 6,60 6,55
hydrolyze the protein, fat, cellulose, lignin and other A3(15
polysaccharides, so that the fermented material will have a 6,54 6,56 6,56 6,56
higher digestibility, but it also increased the crude protein of Rataan 6,48 6,52 6,56
these materials. Description:
2. DIGESTIBITY DRY MATERIALS (BK), PROTEI A, B, C = Average of the different superkrip a factor equal
COARSE (PK), CRUDE FAT (LK), CRUDE FIBER treatment for every different variables showed
(SK) AND RUMEN FLUID CHARACTERISTICS OF highly significant effect (P <0.01)
RIND COCOA FERMENTATION a, b, c = Mean superkrip different with the interaction
The mean digestibility fermented cocoa rind can be between the same treatment for every different
seen in Table 2, the average digestibility ingredients dried variables showed highly significant effect (P
rind cocoa ranging from 14.86 to 17.88%. Dry matter after <0.01)
statistically analyzed the results of variance stated that their The mean digestibility Protein Cocoa Fruit
significantly different between treatments (P <0.01). The fermentation Rough skin can be seen in Table 2, ranging
average obtained from this study at 15% concentration of from 40.47 to 54.52% after statistically analyzed the results
microorganisms and fermentation time 4 days highest of variance stating that the concentration and length of
(17.88%) and the lowest concentration found in the fermentation as well as the interaction between the different
treatment of 5% to 6 days fermentation time (14.86%). This influences that were significantly (P <0.01) the digestibility
shows that the concentration of 5% of microorganisms with of fermented cocoa rind. Results of research concentration is
6 days fermentation time is a good time to breed sufficient highest at 5% to 6 days fermentation time (54.52%) and the
sources of nutrients. It is also not too much different from lowest at 5% concentration treatment with fermentation time
the results of research Atmadja (2008) that fermented cocoa 2 days (40.47%). These results are higher than the results
rind using Trichoderma harzianum, get the average dry Islamiyati (2010) who conducted the research soaking cocoa
matter fermented cocoa rind highest concentration of 4% to rind with various solutions where the ashes are contained in
8 days fermentation time. the ultimate hasilyang soaking cocoa rind with a solution ash
TABEL 2. cocoa rind 10% ie 39.30% and the lowest with a solution of
water rice husk ash 10% ie 31.92%.
Digestibil Factor A Factor B (Fermentation) Mean related research results, the average content of VFA looks
ity (The B1 ( 2 B2 ( 4 B3 ( 6 ranging from 15.08 to 18.76 mM while NH3 visible from
consentra days ) days ) days )
No 97.67 - 118,67 mg/100ml. Statistical test results analysis of
tion of
Mikbrobe variance directing that the concentration factor, long
s) fermentation and the interaction between the two factors had
1 Dry A1 ( 5%) 16,89bc
d 15,19e 14,86e 18,18C no significant influence (P> 0.05) against the VFA content
matter of fermented cocoa rind. The results of this research has
A2(10%) 17,30ab
c 16,29d 16,57cd 19,48B been to meet the needs of the rumen microbes to grow and
A3(15%) 17,25ab thrive but rumen microbial activity is still low. Randahnya
17,75ab 17,88a 20,58A
rumen microbial activity can lead to substance digestibility
Mean 17,31 16,45 16,23 meal will go low. VFA content of this research is already
2 Crude A1 ( 5%) 40,47e 47,79c 54,52a 47,59B disqualify pertumbhan and rumen microbial activity. This is
protein A2(10%) 41,65de 48,32bc 54,02a 48,00AB
A3(15%) 42,20d 49,48b 53,89a 48,52A in accordance with the opinion of Sutardi (1979) that the
Mean 41,44C 48,53B 54,14A VFA concentration in rumen fluid needed for growth and
3 Crude A1 ( 5%)
20,11e 20,75B
microbial activity is 80-160 mM.
fiber Mean rumen fluid pH studies ranged from 6.42 to
A2(10%) 21,81ab 6.60. Statistical Test Results of analysis of variance showed
c 22,25ab 21,04cd 21,69A
A3(15%) 21,94ab 21,95ab that the concentration and length of fermentation cocoa rind
c 22,35a c 22,07A gives no significant effect (P> 0.05) to the average pH of
Mean 21,49 A
22,00A 21,03B
rumen fluid. In figures rumen fluid pH increases with
increasing concentrations of microorganisms and
charakteristics of rumen fluid
fermentation time. This is in accordance with the opinion of
4 N-NH3 A1 ( 5%) 15,63 17,99 16,54 16,72
A2(10%) 18,76 16,99 16,96 17,57 Owens and Bergen (1983) To be able to grow optimally and

run metabolic processes, rumen microbes require optimum
environment that is pH ranging from 5.7 to 7.2 and a
temperature of 38-410C. Arora (1995) states that the normal
rumen fluid pH in goat range between 6-7.
Rumen fluid state influenced rumen fluid pH value is the
length of time the food was backdated to stay fed and
salivary secretion. Saliva is a bicarbonate buffer around
100mm, which is available to neutralize the continuous
production and increase during the meal and ruminas.
Maximum fermentation in ruminants occurred five hours
after eating. At 4-5 hours after a meal, rumen pH is
relatively neutral (ideal conditions) to ensure maximum
process because the pH value is lower at the time of 0.5-4
hours after a meal, then be balanced, because the acid
production and incoming buffer of saliva or bases of feed.
Guaranteeing maximum process because the pH value is
lower at the time of 0.5-4 hours after a meal, then be
balanced, because the acid production and incoming buffer
of saliva or base of the feed.

It From the research results can be concluded as follows:
1. Microorganisms indigenus concentration of 15% with a 6-
day fermentation time can increase the protein content
Rude, Crude Fat, N-NH3 and lower content of dry
material, Crude Fiber, VFA cocoa rind
2. The concentration of microorganisms indigenus of 15%
can improve the digestibility of Dry Ingredients, Protein
Rough, Rough Fat, Crude Fiber, N-NH3, VFA, and
BETN cocoa rind, while Fermentation time can decrease
the digestibility of cocoa rind

1. It should further study the addition of other ingredients
such as minerals added to the fermentation process to
increase the activity mikrooragisme indigenus cocoa rind
of making it more effective and optimum.
2. It should further study the use of increased levels of cocoa
rind fermentation in livestock rations ruminasia sheep
and other livestock.

My gratitude goes to Director General of Higher Education,
which has funded research

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[2] Fardiaz, S. 1988. Physiology Fermentasi.Lembaga Resources
[3] Atmadja,R.W. 2008. Kecernaan Bahan Kering(BK), Protein Kasar
(PK), dan Bahan Organik (BO) Kulit Buah Coklat yang di fermentasi
dengan Kapang Trichoderma Harzianum secara in-vitro. Tesis
Pascasarjana Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas Padang
[4] Buckle, KA., RA. Edwars, G.R. Fleet and M. Wooton. 1987. Food
Science and translated by Adiono H. Purnomo. Publisher Prees UI
[5] Arora, S. P. 1989. Microbial digestion in ruminants. Issue 1. Press
Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

Study of the Use Starter Acetobacter Xylinum of Quality
Nata De Cucumber
I Ketut Budaraga 1), Yenti Mayang Sari 2), Asnurita 3)
Lecturer Program of Agricultural Technology Faculty of Agriculture, Ekasakti University, Indonesia

Students Study Program of Agricultural Technology Faculty of Agriculture, University Ekasakti, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of concentration on the quality starter nata de cucumber and
determine the optimal concentration starter to produce nata decucumber quality. This research has been carried out from
September to November 2016 at Instrumentation Laboratory Faculty of Agricultural Technology Centre Andalas
University of West Sumatra. The design uses completely randomized design of 5 (five) treatments (A = concentration
stater 2.5%, B = 5%, C = 7.5%, D = 10% and E = 12.5%) with three replications. The results showed a). Concentration
starter effect on yield, fiber content, and physical properties (elasticity, color / whiteness) on nata de cucumber. B). The
concentration on the optimal starter making nata de cucumber obtained in treatment E (starter concentration of 12.5%)
with the level of acceptance of organoleptic and microbial content with the SNI, the quality characteristics is the yield
90.15%, crude fiber content of 1.92%, total microbial 2 × 102, suppleness 397.36 N / cm2, whiteness 53.16%.

Keywords: stater, acetobacter xylinum, quality, nata de cucumber.

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus Linn) is one vegetable

I. INTRODUCTION that is widely consumed in the fresh form of Indonesian
Nata is a fermented starter acetobacter xylinum society. Besides its use in the form of fresh fruit that is as a
grown on media containing glucose. According Pambayun salad, sauerkraut, pickles and salad, cucumber can also be
(2002), Acetobacter xylinum bacteria can form nata if grown used as an industrial material cosmetics and drugs (Sumpena,
in a medium enriched carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) through a 2001).
controlled process. In such conditions, the bacteria will During transport to the consumer, cucumber
generate extracellular enzymes that can sort of sugars into experiencing physical stress, vibration, friction causes the
thousands of homopolymer chain or cellulose. Of the cucumber becomes discolored, cracked and broken. While
millions of microorganisms that grow in the media, will the cucumber has the shelf life is not long, fast fruit rot and
produce threads of cellulose sheets that eventually appear fast color yellow. Therefore, consumers do not want to buy
solid white to transparent known as nata (Hastuti, 2015). the cucumber with such conditions.
As fiber foods nata has a cellulose content of 2.5%, In addition, raw materials cucumber reasonably
2.75% crude fiber, protein 1.5 to 2.8%, 0.35 fat and the available in large quantities that are available for all of
remaining 95% water. Nata can be described as low-energy Indonesia and cucumber can be used as raw material for
food source for dietary requirements because of the making nata. At the moment the market nata de cucumber
nutritional value of this product is very low. In addition nata can be accepted by the public because the cucumber has a lot
also contain fiber that is needed by the human body in a of vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and
physiological process that can mempelancar digestion vitamin C that do not exist in coconut milk (Salim, 2012).
(Hidayat, Masdiana, Padaga, and Suhartini. 2006). Therefore nata de cucumber can rival nata de coco products
According to SNI (Indonesian National Standard) that exist at the present time.
1996 nata characteristics that must be considered is the The nutritional value of vegetables cucumber is good
aroma, flavor, color, and texture are normal and fiber content. enough for this fruit is a source of vitamins and minerals.
According to Tahir, Sumarsih, and Astuti (2008) in order to The nutritional content per 100 g of cucumber contains 15
activate the bacteria in producing nata required nutrient calories, 0.8 protein, starch 0,1, 3 g carbohydrates, 30 mg
media containing carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. phosphorus, 0.5 mg iron, thianine 0.02, 0.01 riboflavin, 5.00
Prospects cucumber in Indonesia is very good mg sodium , niacin 0.10 mg, 0.40 mg acid ash, 0.45 IU
because the cucumber favored by the public. The demand for vitamin A, vitamin B1 0.3 IU and 0.2 IU of vitamin B2
this commodity in large quantities and continuously. The (Sumpena, 2001).
cucumber fruit needs will continue to increase in line with The fermentation process is influenced by the activity
rising population, rising standards of living, the level of of starter Acetobakter xylinum. One factor that is important
public education and increasing public awareness of the is their source of nitrogen is added in the fermentation
importance of nutritional value (Wijoyo, 2012). medium as a nutrient for bacterial growth Acetobakter
xylinum (Lester, 2011). Sources of nitrogen used is usually

derived from ZA or organic fertilizers such as urea because Description: The figures in the same column followed by the
it's cheap, but the source of nitrogen is not a natural food same lowercase not significant according
ingredients (Souisa, et al. 2006). With the growth outlook DNMRT test at 5%
and a new awareness in the community, known as the Table 2 shows that treatment A significantly different
movement of return to the sphere, will give rise to a sense of from the treatment of B, C, D, and E. Treatment B
insecurity if consumed nata using non-natural source of significantly different with treatment C, D, and E. In C
nitrogen. Therefore, the use of inorganic nitrogen sources treatment was significantly different from treatment D and E.
need to be replaced with a natural nitrogen sources, one of The treatment was significantly different from treatment D,
which can be derived from vegetable namely touge. During E . Values highest yield of nata de cucumber contained in
the germination process, hydrolysis of proteins that lead to treatment E (12.5% concentration starter) amounted to
increased levels of amino acids in sprouts. It is clearly seen 90.15% and the lowest for the treatment of A (2.5%
that the touge an essential amino acid source potential and concentration starter) by 65%.
with a better composition (Anonymous, 2010). According The higher the concentration of starter used, the
Afridona (2006), in his research that the juice can produce results of nata de cucumber yield higher. It is associated with
nata touge is 5.07 mm thicker than nata created by using a crude fiber content, because the higher the fiber content, the
source of nitrogen from urea. higher the yield the results obtained. The yield increase is
In previous studies conducted by Awwaly, Puspadewi, due to rising levels of crude fiber is formed so that a layer of
and Radiati (2011) the journal title of "the effect of the long nata de cucumbers grew thicker and therefore generated
incubation percentage starter and different to the texture, fat higher yield. Cellulose is formed in the media in the form of
content, and organoleptic nata de Milko" is using starter threads together with a polysaccharide to form a network
concentration of 5%, 7.5%, and 10% of the volume of constantly to thicken into a layer nata. The high yield on nata
fermentation media. The best starter concentration on de cucumber likely caused by the bacterium Acetobacter
making nata de Milko is 5%. Nata de nata Milko is made xylinum ease in getting oxygen to the media. And also using
from cheese waste. N sources of pollen sprouts have met Acetobacter xylinum
During this, cucumber has never been used as raw optimal nutrition. The yield is affected by variations in the
material for making nata. Nata of cucumber is expected to be substrate, the composition of materials, environmental
one of the alternative food product is good, because the conditions, and the ability to produce cellulose Acetobacter
cucumber contains carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and xylinum. According to Basuki, et al (2000) formed from the
minerals that should be in terms of making nata. The cellulose Acetobacter xylinum bacterial activity. Acetobacter
objectives to be achieved in this study are a) .mengetahui xylinum bacteria can convert sugar into a gel-like substance
starter effect of concentration on the quality of nata de on the surface of the fermenting liquid.
cucumber, b) .mengetahui starter optimal concentration to In the study Purwaningsih, et al (2007) the highest
produce nata de cucumber quality. yield owned by nata Gracilaria sp. the sucrose concentration
of 7.5% and 0.75% concentration of ammonium sulfate that
II. METHODS is equal to 43.91%. And in research straightforward, et al
The main raw material used in this study is the cucumber (2003) yield nata de pinnata which uses palm sugar
and auxiliary materials used include touge (raw materials feedstock, ie 94.22%. The yield of cucumber on the product
green beans), sugar and acetic acid were purchased from the nata de nata de cucumber is already getting the highest score
market Raya Padang, West Sumatra. While the starter compared to the yield of nata Gracilaria sp. The yield of the
Acetobacter xylinum purchased Home Industry Linggar Jati product nata de cucumber with starter concentration 2.5%,
Padang Tabing. Chemicals used in this study is for the 5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5% is nata de cucumber are good
analysis of crude fiber content (H2SO4 1.25%, 3.25% NaOH). quality in terms of the yield.
For microbiological analysis (distilled water, alcohol 70%,
Results of analysis of variance showed that the
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION concentration of starter effect significantly different to the
crude fiber content nata de cucumber generated. The average
value of fiber content nata de cucumber can be seen in Table
Results of analysis of variance showed that the
concentration of starter effect significantly different to the TABLE 3
yield nata de cucumber generated. The average value of the AVERAGE LEVELS OF FIBER NATA DE CUCUMBER
yield of nata de cucumber can be seen in Table 2. Treatment Crude Fiber(%)
TABLE 2. A 1,22 a
Treatment Yield (%) C 1,55 c
A 65,00 a D 1,75 d
B 68,89 b E 1,92 e
C 75,82 c KK 0,98%
D 80,41 d
Description: The figures in the same column followed by the
E 90,15 e
same lowercase not significant according
KK 0,52%
DNMRT test at 5%

Table 3 shows that treatment A significantly are no longer overhauled because that microbes decreased.
different from the treatment of B, C, D, and E. Treatment B Conversely, at a low concentration of microbes increases.
significantly different with treatment C, D, and E. In C Because the concentration of microbial starter slightly less
treatment was significantly different from treatment D and E. capable remodel nutrients into the fiber (cellulose), because
The treatment was significantly different from treatment D that microbes have increased. Cucumber juice during
E . Values of the highest fiber content of nata de cucumber fermentation by the bacteria Acetobacter xylinum this,
contained in treatment E (12.5% concentration starter) by extracellular enzymes produced by the bacterium
1.92% and the lowest for the treatment of A (2.5% Acetobacter xylinum will remodel the sugars (sucrose) into a
concentration starter) 1.22%. thousand chains or cellulose fibers. Activities Acetobacter
In nata de cucumber higher concentrations of starter xylinum nata affected by fermentation conditions such as
given, the higher the fiber content is generated. It can be nutritional content (lempang, 2013).
seen from the resulting percentage yield. The higher the Value .total microbes on nata de cucumber is just a few
percentage yield of the crude fiber content is higher, because treatments meet the provisions based on ISO up to 2.0 ×
of the high yield probably derived from the conversion of 102 .. Score total plate intended to see the number of
glucose into cellulose. The high percentage of crude fiber microbes in a product or material. Of the total microbial
content generated is not free from the influence of starter starter concentration of 12.5% is a good-quality nata total
inoculated. Activities Acetobakter xylinum bacteria in the microbial.
production of cellulose from sucrose to produce fructose and
glucose, the reaction changes intramolecular α-D-glucose to ANALYSIS OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NATA DE
β-D-glucose, glucose intermolecular reactions via β-1,4 CUCUMBER
glycoside bond, and the polymerization reaction. Meanwhile, a) Elasticity
crude fiber content nata de cucumber lower because of Results of analysis of variance showed that the
contamination allegedly disrupting the growth and concentration of starter gives a significantly different effect
proliferation of bacteria Acetobacter xylinum during the against the elasticity of nata de cucumber generated. The
fermentation process so that the cellulose fibers are formed average value of elasticity in nata de cucumber can be seen
and a little less than the maximum. Fiber is the part of the in Table 5.
plant that can not be absorbed by the body. According to TABLE 5
Tillman et al, (1981) is part of the coarse fibers that have
Treatment Elasticity (N/cm²)
been separated by the carbohydrate extract materials without
A 259,81 a
nitrogen (BETN) consisting primarily of starch, by means of
B 263,65 a
a simple chemical analysis. C 330,18 b
Crude fiber content on nata de cucumber product is D 334,76 b
in compliance with statutes based nata quality requirements E 397,36 c
in the packaging according to SNI 01-4317 - 1996 fiber KK 1,84 (N/cm²)
content of maximum 4.5%. Of the value of crude fiber Description: The figures in the same column followed by the
content nata de cucumber with starter concentration 2.5%, same lowercase not significant according
5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5% is nata de cucumber are good DNMRT test at 5%
quality in terms of crude fiber content. Table 5 shows that no significant treatment A with
treatment B and significantly different with treatment C, D,
ANALYSIS OF MICROBIOLOGY (TOTAL PLATE and E. In the treatment of B was significantly different from
COUNT / TPC) treatment C, D, and E. In the treatment had no significant C
Observation of the total microbial testing conducted to D and significantly different treatment E. highest
on the 2nd day. Testing was conducted on five samples of elasticity value of nata de cucumber contained in treatment E
nata de cucumber that can be seen in Table 4. (12.5% concentration starter) of 397.36 (N / cm²) and lowest
TABLE 4. for the treatment of A (2.5% concentration starter) of 259.81
( N / cm²).
Treatment Total Microbial (CFU/g)
In nata de cucumber value increases suppleness. Due to
A 9 × 102
B 7 × 102
the higher concentration of starter then the value of the
C 6 × 102 higher resilience. This is due to fiber content and yield
D 4 × 102 increased, because the higher the fiber content and yield, the
E 2 × 102 value increases suppleness nata. Conversely, the lower crude
Table 4 it can be seen that the total number of fiber content and yield, the value of elasticity decreases.
microbes on nata de cucumber decreased. The higher the Nata that have high fiber content and fiber composition that
concentration of starter used causing microbes decreased. meeting will produce a chewy nata. Differences in the level
Reduced total microbial nata allegedly due to soaking, of resilience in each treatment due to differences in the
washing, and cooking many times after harvest. so that content of polysaccharides in the form of fibers on nata de
microbes exist in nata can be reduced. While the increased cucumber. Suppleness relationship with coarse fibers is
microbial nata nata de cucumber is suspected in the higher crude fiber elasticity is increasing, due to the high
atmosphere is too acidic, therefore the total microbial fiber voids therein so that the higher the closer the load
increased. At high concentrations of microbial starter bearing or style when pushed or pulled on the nata. Nata
remodel many nutrients into the fiber, because the nutrients elasticity tends to increase with increasing concentration of

starter, this can be caused by bonding between cellulose that that the reading of whiteness or brightness values by means
make nata more compact (Awwaly, et al., 2011). of higher Hunter calorimeter. Whiteness is showing the color
Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its brightness level numbers ranging from 0 to 100. The
original shape or volume after being pulled, pushed, twisted, relationship between the degree of white color is the higher
or converted into other forms. Nata elasticity due to their the concentration of starter then the whiteness decreased.
fiber component contained in nata. The structure of fibrils Because whiteness will display the number the lower the
and fibers that make up the nets will ensnares the water and brightness level on nata so that the spectrum in the perfect
cause the structure to be such that nata (Arsatmojo, 1996). light (white) lower as well.
Nata boiled in sugar water elasticity decreases and if bitten In Putriana research and Amina (2013), scored the
more easily broken (Arsatmodjo 1996). Elasticity is one highest whiteness on nata de cassava amounted to 64.70%.
parameter that determines the ability of a material to While the research Purwaningsih, et al (2007), scored the
withstand the load or force from outside the cell that was highest whiteness on nata de Gracilaria 45.48%. Of the value
given to him. Suppleness affect palatability someone to a of whiteness nata de cucumber with starter concentration
product. Suppleness based on ease of chewing time without 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5% is nata de cucumber are
loss of properties eligible network (Lawrie, 2003). good quality in terms of the degree of whiteness.
In the study Purwaningsih, et al (2007) showed that on
average the highest plasticity owned by nata seaweed is ANALYSIS TEST APPEARANCE
339.73 gf and research Nurfiningsih (2009) has the highest The percentage value of nata de cucumber odor
elasticity that is equal to the value of 873.06 gf. Of the value organoleptic assessment results can be seen in Table 7.
of the elasticity of nata de cucumber with starter TABLE 7
concentration 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5% is nata de
The value of smell (%)
cucumber are good quality in terms of resilience.
Treatment Really Like Somewhat Neutral
like like
A 10 54,5 22,2 13,3
Results of analysis of variance showed that the
B 15,6 47,8 27,8 8,8
concentration of starter gives a significantly different effect
C 12,2 38,9 28,9 20
against the whiteness of nata de cucumber generated. The D 14,5 41,1 31,1 13,3
average value of whiteness on nata de cucumber can be seen E 12,2 41,1 28,9 17,8
in Table 6.
Table 7 shows that nata de cucumber with treatment B
AVERAGE DEGREE WHITE NATA DE CUCUMBER showed the highest yield Liked percentage of 15.6%, while
Treatment Degrees White (%) in treatment A showed the lowest yield percentage Liked by
E 53,16 a 10%. In treatment A showed the highest yield percentage
D 56,51 b Likes 54,5%, while in treatment D and E showed the lowest
C 56,66 c yield percentage of Love by 41.1%. In treatment D showed
B 59,24 d the highest yield percentage of 31.1% Somewhat Suka,
A 59,55 e while in treatment A showed the lowest yield percentage of
KK 0,02% 22.2% Somewhat Love. In treatment E showed the highest
Description: The figures in the same column followed by the yield Neutral percentage of 17.8%, while in treatment B
same lowercase not significant according showed the lowest yield of 8.8% percentage Neutral.
DNMRT test at 5% One of the factors that determine the quality of a food
Table 6 shows that the treatment E was significantly product is the odor generated or released by the food product,
different from treatment D, C, B and A. Treatment D because the smell can stimulate the sensation that arises the
significantly different with treatment C, B and A. Treatment desire to consume the food product. The smell is one of the
C significantly different with treatment B and A. The main components of flavor of foodstuffs (Pratiwi, 2010).
treatment B significantly different with treatment A. Value Smell good to nata de cucumber is not sour. Panelists
the highest whiteness level of nata de cucumber contained favored nata de cucumber with sour smell is not due at the
on treatment A (2.5% concentration starter) 59.55% and the time of harvest, nata de cucumber washed and boiled for 10
lowest in treatment E (12.5% concentration starter) minutes at 100 ° C so that the smell of acid on nata de
amounted to 53.16%. cucumber lost during washing and boiling. Aroma is the
In nata de cucumber with a high concentration of sense of smell is very subjective and difficult to measure,
starter whiteness value has decreased, it is because the value because everyone has a different sensitivity and preferences.
of crude fiber content increases. Due to the higher Sour odor caused by nata nata because it contains acetic acid.
percentage of crude fiber content, then the value of Acetic acid is the result of the primary metabolite of alcohol
whiteness decreased. Conversely, the lower the percentage oxidation Acetobacter xylinum bacteria in the fermentation
of crude fiber content increases the value of whiteness. Low process nata (Putriana, and Aminah, 2013).
white degree value is most likely caused by ions of nitrogen In acetic acid fermentation of liquid substrates
source hydrolysis reacted with sucrose in cucumber which generally only be two stages of fermentation that alcohol
gives a darker color on nata. According Rahadianto (2001) fermentation and acetic acid fermentation. Alcoholic
in Zubaidah and Prasetyana (2002) for different degrees of fermentation is done if the materials used are rich in sugar,
white influenced by the density of the fabric of cellulose nata. but does not contain alcohol. Acetic acid by oxidation of the
Interwoven the meeting will reflect light more perfect, so alcohol made with effect acetobacter xylinum bacteria and is

made with the aid of air at 35 ° C. In the process of concentrations of the most preferred starter panelist is in
fermentation alcohol, acetic acid derived from sugar-rich treatment E with a percentage of 54.4%, which means love.
ingredients such as grapes, apples, malt, sugar, etc.
(A.O.A.C, 1970). From Table 10 shows that the percentage COLOR
yield organoleptic odor nata de cucumber with varying The percentage of the color value nata de cucumber
concentrations of the most preferred starter panelist is in organoleptic assessment results can be seen in Table 9.
treatment A with a percentage value of 54.5%, which means TABLE 9
The value of smell (%)
Treatment Really like Like Somewhat Neutral
SENSE like
The percentage value of nata de cucumber flavor A 12,2 60 21,1 6,7
organoleptic assessment results can be seen in Table 8. B 10 47,8 31,1 11,1
C 13,3 35,6 32,2 18,9
The value of smell (%) D 14,4 41,1 25,6 18,9
Treatment Really Like Somewhat Neutral E 14,4 40 28,9 16,7
like like Table 9 shows that nata de cucumber with treatment D
A 10 52,2 25,6 12,2 and E show the results of both the highest percentage Liked
B 11,1 51,1 23,3 14,5 by 14.4%, while in treatment B showed the lowest yield
C 16,7 47,8 22,2 13,3 percentage Liked by 10%. In treatment A showed the highest
D 17,7 41,1 25,6 15,6 yield Likes percentage of 60%, while in treatment C showed
E 13,3 54,4 16,7 15,6 the lowest result Likes percentage of 35.6%. In C treatment
Table 8 shows that nata de cucumber with D showed the highest yield percentage Kinda Likes 32.2%,
treatment showed the highest yield percentage Liked by while in treatment A showed the lowest yield percentage of
17.7%, while in treatment A showed the lowest yield 21.1% Somewhat Love. In treatment C and D show the
percentage Liked by 10%. In treatment E showed the highest highest yield Neutral percentage of 18.9%, while the
yield percentage of Love by 54.4%, while in treatment D percentage of A showed the lowest yield of 6.7% Neutral.
shows the results of the lowest percentage of Love by 41.1%. Color is a spectrum (the state of) a particular contained
In treatment A and D show the results of both the highest in a perfect light (white). Color is an important organoleptic
percentage Kinda Love by 25.6%, while in treatment E parameters in a food product. The color associated with
showed the lowest yield percentage of 16.7% Somewhat whiteness, if whiteness increases, the more the color white.
Love. In treatment D and E show the results equally Neutral While whiteness declines, the cloudy white color is obtained.
highest percentage of 15.6% while in treatment A showed In nata de cucumber white color produced murky, this is
the lowest yield percentage of 12.2% Neutral. because the color of the raw materials used. If the raw
The taste is a parameter in the organoleptic test material used in white / clear the results obtained nata white
involving the tongue senses. The taste of a foodstuff can be translucent. If the raw material is green or yellow, the result
divided into four flavors: sweet, salty, bitter and sour. For is white turbid nata. Nata color is also influenced by sugar
organoleptic test by parameter suppose to do special suffered non enzymatic browning reactions during
processing before testing, so that sour taste nata will be lost. sterilization. Color is the first parameter that determines the
Nata sour taste will disappear after soaking treated level of consumer acceptance of a product (Herawaty, et al.,
repeatedly with water and boiling. The taste was good for 2015). Color is a quality attribute that will be judged first at
nata de cucumber is nomal or tasteless after the boiling the reception of a food product. Color is the most
process. Nata acidic flavor comes from acetic acid which is determining factor appealing whether a food product
the result of the primary metabolite of nata de cucumber (Winarno, 1992).
fermentation by Acetobacter xylinum. Nata slightly sour From Table 12 it appears that the percentage of color
flavor to bland because the boiling process will make acetic organoleptic nata de cucumber with varying concentrations
acid contained in nata largely reduced due to repeated of the most preferred starter panelist is in treatment A with a
boiling process. percentage value of 60%, which means love.
Damayanti (2002) states that the taste of a food can
be derived from the food itself, and if it has been getting TEXTURE
treatment or processing then it will be influenced by the The percentage of the value of the texture of nata de
ingredients are added during processing. The taste of food cucumber organoleptic assessment results can be seen in
can be recognized and distinguished by cecapan buds located Table 10.
at the papilla is orange-red stain on the tongue. Factors TABLE 10
affecting the taste of a chemical, temperature, consistency PERCENTAGE VALUE TEXTURE NATA DE CUCUMBER
and food interactions with other flavor components as well Treatment
The value of smell (
as the type and duration of ripening. Attributes taste largely Really like Like Some
determined by the formulation used and most are not A 26,7 50
affected by the processing of a food product (Winarno, B 21,1 48,9
1997). From Table 11 shows that the percentage yield C 18,9 45,6
organoleptic taste nata de cucumber with varying D 21,1 46,7
E 16,7 51,1

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IV. CONCLUSIONS terhadap Tekstur, Kadar Lemak dan Organoleptik Nata de Milko.
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Competency Development For Farmers:
Increasing Wetland Transmigrants Economy Welfare
in barito Kuala Regency-South Kalimantan
M. Riza Firdaus1), Hastin Umi Anisah2), Wimby Wandary3), Wahyudin Nor4)
UNLAM, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

UNLAM, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

UNLAM, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
UNLAM, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

Abstract. This research aims to achieve the long-term goal of increasing transmigrant’s community welfare, who
manage their life as wetland’s farmer, located in Barito Kuala Regency – South KalimantanProvince. It necessity
lies on the research contribution for the local product based food self-sufficiency. In particular, to achieve the
long-term goal, this study intent to develop the farmer’s business management competency in form of
community development activities. PRAapproaches to shore community’s capacity to farm in effectively and
efficiently. Action research through PRA(Participatory Rural Analysis) method within this research empower its
techniques to gather relevant information to resolve transmigrant farmer’s issues. The research team plays as facilitator
for farmer to identify their root problem and providing necessary support for them the be self-sufficient in the future
days. Gathered data will be analyzed qualitatively. Research finding that farmers were in low level of competency, the
area itself were running out of human resources since the farmers then chose to return to their home island. The area
itself somehow represent the underdeveloped village. We promote a model of competency development for farmer in
underdeveloped village within wetland’s area, to increase local’s welfare.

Keywords: wetland farmer, transmigrant, community development, Barito Kuala, PRA.

the program isactually resettling population from Java island

I. INTRODUCTION to other island within Indonesia territory, targeting island
The well-known national program in Indonesia, namely withlarge areas but low on population density, such as
the Transmigration Program,was one of the world’s largest Sumatra and Kalimantan islands. The strong desire tolive a
resettlement program. In 1980s, the Indonesia’s government better life, and the sound of transmigrants farmer success
incessantly implement the system to resettle inhabitants story was attractive forimpoverished people. The potential to
fromthe overpopulated area or island to the less populated the better life, economically welfare in common, motivated
regions.Historically, December 12, 1950 was the first time them to leave their hometown.Meanwhile, the program ttself
the government facilitate the planned resettlement program, has been much criticized as well. Detractors argue that
from Middle Java Province to Gedung Tataan – Tanjung considerable resources havebeen wasted in settling people
Karang Cityof Lampung Residency, dispatching 23 families who have not been able to move beyond subsistence level,
of 77 inhabitans. Thus, until 2016, this program has been with extensive damage to the environment and deracination
contributing significantly to the Indonesia by developing of tribal people [2]. Nowadays, the program still been held
more than 3.000 transmigrant’s infrastrucutres settelement, by the government, but the number of participants has
and claimed its successfully by the fact on field that more decreased [3]. Several aspects promoted as the causes, such
than 2.2 million families or about 8.8 million transmigrants as economy disparity, and the social - cultural aspectsthat
has been alleviated from poverty, about 1,183 considered as the major problem that must be overcomeby
Transmigration Settlement has become a new village, 385 the government in the program implementation. Those
districts became capital, as well as 104 Transmigration problems are longstanding, but getting more difficult to
Settlement has grown to bedistrict’s capital or town[1].Yet,

solve - especially at the end of the Orde Barugovernance, Index of Barito Kuala at the District Level, which ranks
which is within the era of reform and regional autonomy. second lowest of all regencies / cities in South Kalimantan.
Kalimantan is one of the destination island of the Being the second lowest ranks of all regencies / cities is not
transmigratin program, and South Kalimantan, was one of too bad, but at the province level index, South Kalimantan is
the dedicated area for the program.In this research, we were below the national average as well (68,36). Under that
focusing in Barito Kuala (Batola) Regency. They were – the circumstances, the composite picture of people’s 3 life basic
homesteader – placed within the area of Unit Pemukiman aspects within the district of longevity, knowledge, and
Transmigrasi(the transmigration settlement unit). As they decent living which has not yet meet the expectation.
were planned by the program, the transmigrants were lead to According to Badan Ketahanan Pangan Propinsi Kalimantan
be farmer for food plants. As mentioned above that, the Selatan [5]. And, sub-district Jejangkit has its the critical
success story from homesteader farmers do exist, as well as food insufficient village, priority 2. Within such condition,
the contrary in fact. Those who soon experienced failure, farming is the dominant job for the community, by farming
decide to return to their hometown by selling their land at soil characterized by lowland marsh that is cultivating in
property, refuse to stay as homesteader. While others, dry season for banih rintak (rintak rice seed)which
choose to stay and struggle their life by manage their land harvesting only one in a year, and sometime twice in a year
which reserved for them by the program the best they could for banih surung (surung rice seed). Cultivating in two time
to provide for their life. To manage the farm, they were within a year, resulted in about 3,5 ton per-hectares. That
entail with elucidation in a good manner that facilitates their was all the soil utilization within a year, especially when it
farming activities, so there would able to overcome their came to the ebb and flow water, and the when the brackish
limited competency (refers to the homesteaders limited of water absorb and put the plant into dry and die.These are the
knowledge, skills, and expertise) and more on their attitude situation in Cahaya Baru village.
toward their natural environment, the wetland. Such The natural condition itself, which is different with their
condition suppressesfarmer capacity and community’s homeland village in Java island, somehow drive the farming
potential to live in prosperous.The more of it, the feeling of activity into its limited level. This situationcontributes to the
trapped – cannot leave the program since they no longer transmigrant farmers’ ability to live in prosperity as they
have a place in their hometown, somehow forcing them to intended to when they decide to be the participant for the
ignore or even give up to the wetland. transmigration program. Overcome the barrier to live in
Prosperity within society reflected within several prosper by choosing to stay to be transmigrant farmer is
indicators, such as the regional education level.The level of calling for additional competency to survive. Betterment
education considered as the significant factor to lever the economic aspect is an effort to improve the community
community quality life since its ability to increase income, welfare as the empowerment activity for community
and the more important thing is its intellectual capacity to development. Empowering the existed transmigrant farmer’s
overcome obstacle within agenda. Assumed that being welfareformulated in research problem statement of: how to
farmer as their main job, allocated time for education develop the business management competency for wetland’s
became limited, while competency improvement is required. transmigrants farmer in Barito Kuala District - as the
The education level of society according to the local embodiment of the community empowerment agenda?
government of Batola [4] found that elementary school
graduation dominates the inhabitant within region, then the
uneducated and or the underage, then junior high school II. LITERATURE REVIEW
graduation, and high school graduation. The rest of them Historically, The Government of Indonesia have National
were educated at vocational level until doctoral. The more Program of Transmigration. The official purposes of the
important thing to consider were that the education (formally program were to suppress poverty level and the population
or informally) level will influence the quality of health and density in Java island, providing job opportunity for those
income as well, so it increased their quality of life. who has willingness to work, and fulfilling the need for
These research agenda were the form of academician’s human resources to work-over the available resources within
participation to support the Progam Mandiri Pangan (food- Papua, Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Sulawesi – the large
sufficient program), the program as reported in the annual islands in Indonesia territory. Adhering critics to the
report of Badan Ketahanan Pangan Tahun 2012 to the program common said that the government intent to replace
development of food-sufficient villagesin terms of increasing the local population and weakened separatist movement, as
effort for the society’s food tenacity and nutrient through the well as disputes, quarrel, clash between transmigrants vs
empowerment of villages’ resources, institutional, and local local people.
culture. The existence of the transmigration program itself Changing within national strategic environment,
was to rend the overpopulated area which in has the high implementing the program works under new paradigms to
poverty level in common. Aiming to Barito Kuala regency support several agendas of: food sufficient and housing,
itself was under certain consideration which is related to the alternative energy policy, distribution of investment across
existence of food-critical situation within sub-district of Indonesia evenly, outer island national defense and the
Barito Kuala district. At the very beginning, this district was border area as well, and the last is its contribution of solving
destined for transmigrant inhabitant from Java island, employment and poverty problem. Then, transmigration is
especially from Middle Java province. no longer to be just the resettling program, but as one of the
With such program, the condition of people in the government’s effort for regional development. The method
District Barito Kuala reflected in the Human Development itself are no longer in centralistic manner and top-down

approached, but in collaboration with the region that send bersama-sama membangun Negara” (people first, today
and the intended location. The local inhabitant also provided achievement is to build-up the state together). And there is
with the opportunity to be local transmigrant within the commitment to change by shifting the work culture to be
composition of 50:50 with the new homesteader. more open to other perspectives, knowledge, and society’s
The legal basis for the program is the Law of Republic experience. And the very acknowledge to consider for the
Indonesia number 15/1997 about Resettlement for skillful communicator in PRA facilitating activities.
transmigrant. Expected outcomes from the program Other research conducted by[8], found thatin general,
previewed within 3 aspects of economy, environmental, almost all of the faculties within university are not yet
social and politics. Within several cases, the failure of the behaviorally green in their waste management. It requires
program is its inability to increase transmigrants quality of significant effort to provide the waste management
life. necessary attention for campus within region. The basic
The soil and climate, in general, quite different from the knowledge equipped with sufficient consciousness about
volcanic soil in Java and Bali island. These homesteaders sustainable environment within campus area is expected as
were those who has not land as property in possession, so the small step to achieve its vision. The knowledge about the
they were less skilled of farming. It quite significant different kind of waste is already there, but the enforcement
affecting their potential to be economically successful to act is still requires encouragement.
transmigrants.For the environmental outcome, the program
was also bee criticize for the acceleration of cutting down III. RESEARCH PROCDURES
the rainforest as the population explode in the sparsely A. Research Location
populated area. This research take place in Ray 7 transmigration area, at
The designated area for transmigrant villages were Cahaya Baru village on Jejangkit – the Subdistrict of Barito
usually new developed within virgin area, thus living in the Kuala District.
area will deplete the natural resources and the land will be
exploited which lead to the deforestation. At the social and B. Research Method
politics issue, the program calling the tribal conflict between This reseaaarch approaches qualitavely, empowerint
the local tribe against the new-comer homesteader which PRA technique in relevant to gain understanding about how
sometime it claims the lives.Within certain area, the to develop the business management competency for
government were also be accused for islamization. The wetland’s transmigrants farmer in Barito Kuala District - as
environmental damages resulted from the program was not the embodiment of the community empowerment agenda.
dur to ignorance, but because of the lack of attention, in-
continued program, and the lack of accountability during the C. Research Subject
performing program. Within transmigration area, there are four villages, they
The function of management is different from the are: Jejangkit, Sampurna, Bahandang, and Jejangkit Timur.
human resource development function [6]. Human resource Thid research focused at Jajangkit Timur Village
development is theoretically defined as a series of planned purposively, under condideration that the farmers itself
and systematic activities which designed by organization for actively seek to find out th way to increase their business
its member to provide them with the opportunities to learn capacity as weel as its capacity for a better living at
the required skill in fulfilling their work-demand nowadays transmigrant’s area. At the beginning, Cahaya Baru village
or in the future days [7]. It primary focused on knowledge, inhabitans with 2 Rukun Tetangga (Neighborhood
skill, productivity, and satisfaction to a person for them to Associaton).
benefit their organization, community, country, and human
being at last. Specifically, McLagan quote by Werner & D. Data Gathering Technique
DeSimone (2012), identifies the main function of human Approaches qualitatively, data gathering technique were
resource development, they are: 1) training and direct observation, in depth interview, and documentation in
development, and 2) the organizational and career relevant. Data gathering activities has been done by relevant
development. Within a limited scope of research, this techniques of observation, interview and documentation
research is tended to focused on the training and approaches by PRA techniques that put researcher as
development function. Meanwhile, the function of facilitator to seek for solution with the community. Direct
management consists of:the capability to develop individual observation was contextual, focused on business
and system; integrated human resources development as well management competencies at wetland area, related to
as the organizational development; maximizing the farmer’s knowledge, skills and expertise to manage farm
individual learning opportunities within various organization crops.
mechanism; authorities and responsibilities; decentralization
– delegation; and share responsibility; balancing change and E. Research Insrtument
its adaptation; building feedback and its enforcement For qualitative method, the researcher itself was the
mechanism; etc. instrument.
Abdullah, et al., 2012a examine aboutMobilizing the
Local Involvement through Participatory Rural Appraisal F. Data Analylis
(PRA) for Community Building Assessment Need, foundthat Approaches qualitatively, data analysis will be analysis
government commitment already implied within the through:data description, date reduction, data categorization,
catchword of “rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian kini untuk ad constructing inter-category relationship

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION early planting until the harverst time, the sama sitation
before the existence of the 2016 government’s
Program Tani.
A. Result 4. The limited but long harvest season because of the rip-
1) Data Description. The situation before the research tide season for wetland. The harvest time strikes to 9
activity on farmers show several conditions.As the time month. It effect reveals in farmer’s income. So, the
passed by, when the transmigrants found out that it was find their other job outside their village if the rice-
difficult to survive in wetland area.Most of them choose to paddy plantation is over. The ordinary peasants
return to their homeland by selling their designated working as a handyman or construction worker for
(wet)land farm. It decreasing the number of villagers. Then, payment of Rp80.000 - Rp100.000.
the number of farmers who stay to live in thre villages shrink 5. Supply of natural fish is abundant on the rainy season,
which is usually in February. But, it always failed to
into only 1 Rukun Tetangga (Neighborhood Associaton), breed.
became 54 villagers in population.They live within the area 6. During dry season, the rice-paddy field become prone
since 1980s and choose not to return to their homeland. to fire.
Within the research timeline in 2016, there were 15 farmers. 7. At least one within 6 month, their village become
The 8 of then are continuing farmer and 7 other decided to prone to flood, since the overflow water from Barito
sell their land and retun to their homeland in Java island. river and Martapura river.
Their agricultural businesses management was 8. Brackish water during dry season caused the salty
conventionally simple. The crops were sold directly to water for farming was in potential to killing off crops.
markets surrounding area. At a certain moment, they were It defines a certain charectistic to the soil.
9. Intercrop technique somehow less applicable by the
plant glutinous rice (ketan) which is the base material of lack of funding. To do intercrop, they must make a big
rengginang - culinary products. Rengginang as commodity galangan because of their wetland characteristics. And
product could not continuously produce, because it depends the brackish water alco negatively affect to the plant,
on it the harvest time. as well as the flood.
In Cahaya Baru there is a potentially food households’ 10. Wild monkey within area were aslco the pest for the
industry to be developed, which uses local raw materials crops.
planted by the community itself, namely: glutinous rice. The
observation during rip tide and low tide season, that showing TABLE II
the characteristics of wetlands, which is limit the planting 2nd Topic
season. In addition, the seasons also affect the flow of water
on agricultural land, so that pertain to race with water to Human Resourcs Empowerment
meet the planting season and harvest season. Rip tide usually 1. Government community empowerment
occur in the rainy season or at the end of the year, the month activities assumed as less representative for their needs
of October to December to be too high soak the rice fields. on business. Provided training agenda within 12
years, in fact it delivered only 2 times, and the last
Tide in the study areas affected by the tidal seawater Java. In
training program was in 2014. The last traning
the dry season, Mair brackish soak into the ground that kills promoting the topics about the technique to make
crops. instant ginger drink, wingko, chips, banana cake, and
Meanwhile, access to Cahaya Baru is still the same as the crackers.
conditions for underdeveloped areas. Villages street was not 2. Financially, the government funding for
yet paved with the minimumm street lighting. Asa well as village, by Dana Desa assumes as not oriented on
the wooden bridges that needsrenovation. The street wide is business activity, since it utilization in mandatory was
narrow, and it is the only access they have and it is far 75% in composition dedicated for village’s physical
enough to travel. In common, their land for resident is quite facilities construction and the rest of 25% composition
intended infrastructures of early education/
spacious, and is characteristic by the marshland/ wetland.
kindergarten, and Poskamling renovation
For housing, clean water for household provide by
themselves by digging traditional dwelling. It forms as non- TABLE III
permanent dwelling, made of wood with a tin roof. Their
house interior is very simple. Daily Household Activities
The unstructured interview within focus group discussion 1. Clean water services will be available or the
about the transmigran’s farmer life on several topics as community within 2017 by the World Bank.
below. 2. For bathing, wahing, and toilet to date, the were using
the well water. They are buying mineral water for
1STTOPIC consumption.

Plantation / Agriculture / Animal Husbandry / Fisheries

Activities TABLE IV
1. Farmer’s wifes planting vegetables, such as: beans, 4TH TOPIC
kangkung, stringbean, chili, and bilungka batuat the Business Activities
available stack of soil. 1. Vegetables crops simply sold to the nearest market for
2. The area of planting was not irrigated necessary since additional income purposes.
it soil is fertile and watered. 2. Lack of funding is the obstacle
3. They facing obstacles for rice planting because they 3. Fish trading occure in rainy season
lack of capital financial for seeds, fertilizer from the 4. Expensive price of for animal feed for them to afford.

academic. The long harversting time that provide them only
2) Steps on Action. Observation were made by visiting the one in a year – forced by nature, put the rice-paddy as non-
research location at agricultural farms and profitable product. The need a specifis type of rice-seed that
transmigrants houses that produces local culinary is compatible the the land and season characteristic. They
products (how to observe).The object for observation need government. But, when only waiting for the
(what to observe) is the farmer’s business competency, government provides not result, farmers’ proactivity became
whether is it feasible enough or still requires for a must. They need insight about the governmental unit which
advancement. Basically, the farmer themselves already provide programs as they need. They need the ability to
have possessing the basic competencies to conduct know and to access the institusion, i.e. the competency for
business by empowering their harvest, in this case on beurocratic communication.
creating advantages value of their gloutinous rice as the For the 2nd topic – the human resource empowerment,
only local culinary product namely: rengginang. effectiveness of the Dana Desa assumed to be irrelevant to
Identified problem is the funding, and the absence of increasing the human resources quality since its focused on
training program from the government. The location of the infrastructure building even it claimed tobe relevant for
research conduct that being observed (where to community development. But, it relevant was on the labor-
observe) shows the condition of underdeveloped area, intensive program when building those infrastructures,
related to the easeof access to the village. The funding because the use of local materials and labor. But, we must
mandatroty intended for physical renovation on early acknowledge that not every farmer was also a handyman,
age school building and Poskamling excluded the and the infrastructure building was in certamintime range. It
villages infrastuctures. Identified problem is the low- is more necessary to increase farmer’s capacity and business
quality access for villagers’ mobility. The people (who managemefor them to access a decent life and prosperity.
to observe) were transmigrant farmers who choose to They need value-added activities that welfare contributes
stay instead of return to their homeland and struggling such as: the routine-sustaibable treaning program.
for the decent life courageously. This unyealding For the 3rd topic, about the daily household activities, by
mentality qualified as the entrepreneurial mentality. the fact that they have lived in the area since the 1980s,
The research timerange (when to observe) during ideally the service has been around since the beginning of
transition season, found that the season somehow the government. But, water will be built in 2017 and is held
becomes constraint for farmers, since it limits the by the World Bank. This conditions fits for qulaification for
farmer ability to plant rice-paddy, related the ability to university student’s KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata), the
harvest once in 9 month. Indentifeid problem wa on its community service activity, and CSR projects.
effect toward economy condition. For the 4th topic, the business activities. The farm
intercropping system intend to provide extra income, and
B. Discussion these has not happen.the need for the potential and secure
For the 1st topic, we found the farm area wetland’s cash flow is required.
advantages seize the benefit of fertile and watered, abundant So,the final model obtained from this study as shown in
natural-fish supply, and it has potential for intercrops Figure 1. Starting from the creation of a profile picture
farming. The weaknesses were on the fact of: very limited research objects are created in the form of a map of the
funding for rice-paddy farming activity.They need to raise situation, profile, self-portraits, stories and case studies of
the certain amount of fund. In general, as the part of the environment. From this initial description, the subject of
Gapoktan (association of farmers group), it is assistance by research describes in the form of a detailed picture of their
the Program Tani. Capital procurement for farmers, in ideal condition which is a clue to understand and to carry out the
carried out through providing multiple funding sources that necessary action taken to improve farmer’s welfare. This
farmer- friendly, related to the ability to pay the loan. But, description is in the form of an overview on all relative
when the program itself was not countable fo fulfill the aspects in study. Based on this description, the Focus Group
farmers need in a certain moment. They should have Discussion (FGD) being held to capture the deeper
alternatives and secure sources of fund that is far away from understanding of the events that have been described in the
loan-sharking practice. For example, by involving non- initial description. Of the three measures that have been
governmental organizations within region for their implemented this it can be made a model that will be further
community development program. In this case, analyzed, especially regarding the local wisdom that appears
transmigrants farmer needs competency advancement to and is typical of the condition on the object of research.
access organizations to support their farming agenda. About Local wisdom is what will give the main force for the
the failure to breed natural fish, appoint to the farmers need success of the program will be done. The next step is to
for the relevant competency for it – breeding natural fish for conduct the implementation of the model is through trining
wetland. The fire-prone field during the dry season was also program and implement it on a small scale first. If the pilot
calls for the relevant organization involvement, as weel as project is successful it will be continuing on the larger scale.
the government or NGOs, as well as the flood case every 6 All these steps are expected to be a successful approach to
month. Peat soils require for additional management to behavior change of society through provisioning attributive
suppress land fires, as well as the brackish water during dry based local wisdom. Changes in question is in terms of their
season. The need for brackish water-proof plants or a ability to improve the competence of its business in a
mechanism to maintain the water salt level calls for external sustainable community welfare.
community help, to the academics as well as to the non-

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Disease Progress of Stewart’s Wilt (Pantoea stewartii subsp.
stewartii) on Sweet Corn
Yulfi Desi1, Trimurti Habazar2, Ujang Khairul2, and Agustian2
1Ekasakti University, Jl. Veteran Dalam No.26 B, Padang
2Andalas University, KampusLimauManis, Padang


Abstract. Pantoeastewartii subsp. stewartiicause of Stewart’s wilt disease on sweet corn or/and maize. This pathogen is still
relatively new reported in Indonesia. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 51 / Permentan / Kr.010 / 9/2015 On Plant Quarantine type, has been determined that this organism as the organism
pest plant quarantine A2 category. The research objective is to obtain a model of disease progress (temporal) and spread pattern
(spatial) of Stewart’s wilt on sweet corn in the field becausedisease progression is the basis/ principles for designing control
strategies and reduce the risk of the disease. Research in the form of field trials using a plot measuring 5.00 x 11.00 m with 6
replications and have not used Experimental Design. Observation were disease incidence and disease severity that measure in
every 7 days. Model of disease progress was tested by three theoretical models: Logistic, Monomolecular, and Exponential that
analyzed by using R2 and MSR. Thespreat pattern of the disease was analized by Run analysis and tested by Z test. Result of the
research has found that model of disease progress is Monomolecular and spreat pattern of disease is Random.
Keywords :disease progress; model; spreat pattern; P. stewartii subsp. stewartii.

I. INTRODUCTION for the development of methods in an attempt to control

Stewart’s wilt disease (Pantoeastewartii subsp. stewartii) diseases, such as the development of forecasting models,
on sweet corn and maize was the new reported to exist in determining the optimal timing of pesticide use and the timing
Indonesia. Furthermore, in West Sumatra have identified three of planting to reduce the risk of disease [36]. Prediction of
isolates from several centers of maize that are P. stewartii yield loss as a result of measurement of intensity of the
subsp. stewartii strain R1-104 isolate LA, P. stewartii subsp. disease is usually approached from relationship between them.
stewartiistrain R1-132 isolate PR1, and P. stewartii subsp. Data observation of disease severity and yield loss caused,
stewartii strain ATCC 29923 isolate PR2 [12]. very difficult to understand unless treated within the
P. stewartii subsp. stewartiiclassified as important because framework of the quantitative relationship according to the
it is seedborne disease [5,14,25,28, and 30] the yield loss relevant mathematical models.
ranged from 40-100% in sweet corn susceptible and infected Until now, limited research related to strategies of control
in phase V5 [29] and can also be spread by insect vectors Stewart’s wilt disease that may be answer from disease
especially flea beetle (Chaetocnemapulicaria) [27,15]. Flea progression, like development by time and spreat by space,
beetles can survive the winter in other plants such as: orchas This study aims to obtain a model of the disease progress
grass, crab grass, witch grass, sudan grass, foxtail, barley, andspreat pattern of disease in the field.
wheat, and oats [18].
Control against to Stewart’s wilt disease was reported only II. METHODS
abroad, among them: practical management to reduce the risk Research was conducted in Nagari Koto Baru,
of diseases such as: minimizing the initial infection, the use of KecamatanLuhak Nan Duo, KabupatenPasaman Barat from
insecticides seed treatment, looking for resistance genes [21] March until Juniin 2015. Research in the form of field trials
and predicts the risk of failure disease in the field using a using a plot measuring 5.00 x 11.00 m with 6 replications and
system of forecasting temperatures in December, January, and did’tuse experimental design. Each plot have 6 line with 25
February [18,24,31]. Mid-term prediction conducted in plant in row. Sweet corn was Sugar 75 S&G. Infection of
Taiwan against to P. stewartii subsp. stewartii is 2 months pathogen occurs naturally, and tested by Koch's postulates on
before planting [39]. maize age of 8 days. Disease severity measured every 7 days,
Management of disease risks associated with the disease from 21 day after planting (dap) until 63 days used Pataky
progress is usually determined by the increased incidence and methode [27]. Disease incidence measured 5 times, from 21
severity of disease based on the time and place (temporal- dap until 49 dap. Model of disease progression were tested
spatial), is fundamental importance in epidemiology with three models: Logistics, Monomolecular, and
[38].Understanding of disease progress is the basis/foundation Exponential. These models have been corrected by Neher and

Campbell 1992 [32,33].Models of disease progression is trees caused Macrophomina phaseolina, that model suits both
determined by the largest of value of the coefficient of the greenhouse and field trials than Logistic and Gompertz
determination (R2), and the smallest of mean squares residual models.
(MSR). The spread pattern of the disease wereanalized by Monomolecular model usually found on pathogens that are
Run and corrected by Z test. The data were processed by monocyclic. According to Rivai [34] characteristic of the
using SPSS version 17. Monomolecular model is assumption that the disease at plants
can not directly cause other plants sick. Monomolecular
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION model assumes that the maximum level of disease is one, so
that the disease severity or incidence of the disease is a
Disease Progress of Stewart’s Wilt diseased plant tissue proportion ranged from 0 - 1 (healthy -
Disease severity of Stewart’s wilt in sweet corn plants in Carvalho [10]got the Monomolecular model is the most
the field at 63 dap for 6 replications (Table 1). suitable model for stem bleeding incidence (resinesis) on
Table 1. coconut plants caused by Thielaviopsis paradoxa in Sergipe,
Disease severity of Stewart's wilt on sweet corn plants in the Brazil. Likewise Camann [8]got the Monomolecular model
field (63 dap). too on each cultivar to disease topovirus tomato spotted wilt
(TSWV). Data and analysis are consistent with the hypothesis,
Replication Disease severity where most infections appear as a result of the primary
% rate transmission then further spread of infection through
I 12.22 0.27 secondary after TSWV virus survive in the land.
II 15.70 0.32 The results of this study differ from the results of Liu
III 6.89 0.14 research [21]to the model of disease progress of P. stewartii
IV 23.63 0.55 subsp. stewartii in the plant, where he gained Exponential
V 10.88 0.24 model. The occurrence of different model between our
VI 22.37 0.52 research because Liu research [21]had a model of pathogen
Everage 15.28 0.34 progress while our research had a model of disease progress.
According to [9]the results of measurements of disease
Result of testing from 3 models of disease severity is closely related to several things, among others: the
progression(Logistic, Monomolecular, and Eksponential) of method of measurement used, the researchers who conducted
Stewart’s wilt in the field based on the value of R2 and MSR the observations, and circumstances where ongoing research.
(Table 2). Added by [6]during the process of infection, P. stewartii
Table 2. subsp. stewartii have to contend with the pressures that occur
Model of disease progression of Stewart’s wilt in the field during the ongoing changes in the environment, such as the
based on the value of R2 and MSR. production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the host, and
nutrient limitation.
Replication Model R2 MSR Result The results of the study [17]had the model curve
Logistik 82.5 0.165
progression Southern rust in maize in Brazil is the Logistics
I Monomolekuler 99.2 0.000 Monomolekuler
Eksponensial 84.0 0.163 better suited than the Gompertz, with R2 values ranging from
Logistik 85.6 0.105 0.78 to 0.99, where the research took place in two different
II Monomolekuler 98.3 0.000 Monomolekuler geographic areas for two years. While [2]had the disease
Eksponensial 84.2 0.101 progress model of Sclerotinia stem rot in Canola plants in Iran
Logistik 91.6 0.044 is Gompertz based on the value of R2 (94.69%).
III Monomolekuler 99.8 0.000 Monomolekuler Analysis of the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory at
Eksponensial 91.2 0.044 Purdue University [30], Stewart’s wilt suited to areas where
Logistik 91.5 0.104 the content of phosphorus and nitrogen is high, there are
IV Monomolekuler 98.3 0.000 Monomolekuler
beetles flea, maize takes place in April-June, and air
Eksponensial 89.9 0.102
Logistik 88.0 0.087 temperatures and high soil moisture, Likewise, the results of
V Monomolekuler 97.2 0.000 Monomolekuler research [3] which conducts research on the effect of nitrogen
Eksponensial 87.2 0.083 and organic fertilizers on the severity of the disease of corn
Logistik 69.2 0.067 smut (corn smut (DC) Corda) and prove that the severity of
VI Monomolekuler 99.3 0.000 Monomolekuler the disease has increased due to the provision of nitrogen and
Eksponensial 66.6 0.053 organic fertilizers, so the amount of nitrogen and organic
fertilizer is an important factor affecting the severity of the
Model of disease progress is Monomolecular. This result is disease. Likewise with the opinion of Dutta [13] who used
consistent with research of Morales [23] on spatial-temporal regression techniques to combination of rainfall and minimum
analysis of Stewart's wilt disease on corn in Mexico, he got a temperature, and proves an increase rate of the disease by
Monomolecular model more fit than the Logistic, 98.4%. So rainfall and the minimum temperature is the
Exponential, and Gompertz models to corn varieties Triunfo variable weather that contributed most to the increase in the
(incidence of 26.13%) and varieties 9Bx52 (incidence 26.87 rate of black rot (Xanthomonas campestris) on chilli plants.
%). Arias [1] get a Monomolecular model too on the According to Mina and Sinha, 2008 in [22] with a temperature
development of the disease charcoal root rot (CRR) in the pine increase sufficient soil moisture allows increased

evapotranspiration so that the moisture microclimate around individuals in any form, and (iv) each individual occupies a
the plant can cause pathogens appropriate under the unit freely and randomly.
circumstances. For the first spreat pattern of stem bleeding (resinensis) on
2. Spread Pattern of Stewart’s Wilt Disease coconut plant caused by Thielaviopsisparadoxa in Sergipe,
Disease incidenceof Stewart’s wilt in sweet corn plants in Brazilhad a random and later became aggregate. It is proved
the field at 63 dap for 6 replications (Table 3). that the disease was originally derived from the structure
Table 3.Disease incidence of Stewart's wilt on sweet corn survived the pathogen itself, followed by infection of the plant
plants in the field (63 dap). by humans, contact between the roots, or via vectors
Rhynchophoruspalmarum that spread from plant to plant [10].
Replication Disease incidence Likewise, research of [4] on the spread pattern of basal stem
% rate rot (BSR) is random during the 4 years of observation on the
I 23.33 0.76 density of the plant A, B, and C. Based on preliminary
II 28.00 0.81 analysis, he concludes distribution BSR disease is not
III 22.00 0.73 associated with the density of plants. The study also
IV 40.67 1.44
concluded that the spread of BSR disease incidence is much
V 28.00 0.93
VI 28.67 0.85 higher in dense plantation crops compared with less land crop
Everage 28.45 0.93 density. The existence of BSR disease is not a function of the
crop to the infection, but the disease pressure in plantation
Standard value on the Z test is -1.64. If the value of Z < - areas. While the analysis of Moran's autocorelasi used [7]
1.64 then the dispersal patterns belonging to the aggregate tested the spread pattern of bean pod mottle virus (BPMV),
pattern, on the contrary, if the value of Z > -1.64 the dispersal obtaining aggregate patterns among countries in Iowa, this
patterns classified in a random pattern [9]. Based on the Z test, proves that the incidence BPMV between countries was not
the spread pattern of Stewart’s wilt is Random (Table 4). random. Likewise [8] conducted a study of tomato spotted
Table 4. Spread patterns of Stewart's wilt on sweet corn. wilt topovirus (TSWV), significantly detected a aggregate
Replication Run Expected Varian Z Result pattern most samples, but continuously occur random patterns
U Run s(U) until close to the aggregate due to the spread of the virus is
E(U) determined predominantly by the vector that immigrated and
I 54,00 54,67 4,36 - Random is an important aspect in the development of the epidemic.
II 54,00 62,35 5,37 0,15 Random
III 47,00 51,35 3,96 - Random
IV 68,00 73,39 5,89 1,55 Random
V 59,00 61,48 4,91 - Random
VI 59,00 62,35 4,99 1,10 Random

Stewart’s wilt disease spread pattern is Random. These

results are similar to the spread pattern of Stewart’s wilt Note :
disease in the field obtained by Liu in Iowa, according to = plant infected at 21 dap
[21]the spread pattern of disease is not related to the
= plant infected at 28 dap
percentage incidence or severity of the disease, but the spread
of the disease is closely associated with the role of vectors that = plant infected at 35 dap
are likely to move to other plants. Meanwhile, according to = plant infected at 42 dap
Gilligan, 1982 in[8]the spread or dispersal patterns of spatial = plant infected at 49 dap
plant diseases are influenced by variations in biotic and
abiotic factors that play a role at the time, ranging from
pathogen interactions with a host of individual to be the level
of a community, like ecological processes that influence the
spread and environmental selection between the host plant and IV. CONCLUSION
insect vectors.
If the observed spread pattern of the Stewart’s wilt disease From research, we accept :
have been fullfilled several requirements Random pattern as 1. Model of disease progress of Stewart's wilt on sweet
the opinion of Cliff and Ord, 1981; Pielou, 1977; and Upton corn is Monomolecular,
and Pigleton, 1985 in[37], among others: (i) each of the plants 2. Spreat patterns of Stewart's wilt on sweet corn is
in the field have the same opportunities (but small) to be Random.
infected, (ii) by knowing the location of an individual, does
not mean it is also known the location of another individual,
( iii) individual is not affected and does not affect other


[1] Arias, S.G., Rafael, R.P., Eugenio S.V.S.Tropical Plant

PathologyBrasilia,2013, vol. 3.
[2] Aghajani, M. A., Safaie, N. and Alizadeh, A. Journal
Agronomi Science Technology,2010, Vol. 12, pp. 471 – 478.
[3] Aydogdu, M. and Boyraz, N. African Journal of Agricultural
Research,2011, Vol. 6 pp. 4539 - 4543.

Instructor’s Direction and Exemplary at Education and Training
of Plam Plantation (A Study At Palm Plantation of Pt. Amp
Plantation Lubuk Basung)
Enjoni 1)
Department, Akademi Pembangunan Pertanian (APPERTA), Sumbar, Indonesia

Abstract. The research was inspired by the importance of instructor’s direction and exemplary (providing model),
either in the process of Education and Training candidate employees or in the work-field. this research attempted to
produce a product in the form of Manual Book for instructors containing the guidelines for them in conducting their duties
as educators.
The type of the research was Research and Development.The development model used was that of ADDIE, at the step
of Analysis, materials of direction and providing model were analyzed by using theories and discussions with some experts.
The quite good items were used to be the substances of preliminary Manual Book draft for the step of Design. The
Development of the Manual Book was performed through Experts Judgment and Focus Group Discussion(FGD). Through
those activities a revised Manual Book was produced, and then were followed-up with through the steps of
Implementation and Evaluation. Through the steps, a final product of Manual Book was produced.
Research findings are a Manual Book on Direction and Modeling at Instructors (shortened BPI-PK) with qualified
items of instructor’s direction and model fulfilling 75% of achievement level. As the variables of the research, the
quality of items of the Instructor’s Direction and Model used in manual book was significantly correlated with the
variable of of employees’ performance whose quality was quite high. Moreover, the quality of BPI-PK in terms of
language, systematic, format, and its form had quite adequate and was stated to have high practicality.

Keywords: Instructor’s Direction, Exemplary

guided by several instructors, where the instructors here are

I. INTRODUCTION the head unit (managers) working at PT. AMP Plantation.
Education is essentially human development efforts, Training participants are individuals who are trying
according dignity and values that are positive and normative. to develop selfhood through learning activities. Thus,
Education designed and implemented well are positive and training and learning activities through an initial attempt
normative (Prayitno:2008). Positive in the sense of powerful, conducted training participants to be able to enter into the
meaningful, quality, and intact. Normative meaning not next stage and also aims to improve the quality of their
conflict with the norms, values, customs, and traditions performance in work at. AMP Plantation. With such a
prevailing, either globally, nationally and locally. Both procedure readiness training participants are required to have
positive and normative aspects is certainly to be a reference a healthy body and spirit, identification mastery of jobs in
and give color to any educational activity, namely for the the field of copyright and the opportunity to actualize the
development of human beings. work, supported by sufficient infrastructure and socio-
In other words, education plays an important role in emotional support.
optimizing the potential of self-prserta students, either Zakiah Deradjat (1970) states that, the next day the
independently or through a learning process so as to produce students a lot depends on the educators. educators are
individuals who have good skills competency. Especially the intelligent, thoughtful and authoritative and has a sincerity
skills necessary for their survival. Education is a human and positive attitude can guide and direct students towards
efforts to establish a good, smart and skillful. Establishment positive attitude towards learning and a positive attitude are
of good men, realized with the transformation of inspiration required in self-reliance and life in the future. The instructor
to things that are spiritual, emotional and adequate skills, is in charge of teaching something and provide Direction and
and actualized by good behavior in everyday life, including training, skills or technology to the learners. In the
performing in the company's behavior. framework of human resource development, the role of
PT. AMP Plantation is a company engaged in oil professional instructors who have contributed in realizing
palm and processing of palm oil in the form of CPO. PT. the human resources quality and competitiveness as well as
AMP Plantation was established in 1992 (AMP Plantation : having a good character, especially in the working world.
2007). PT. AMP Plantation in hiring employees, especially The instructor has the duties and functions assigned to him,
the head foreman using several tests one of them is Training to create better training. In practice, an instructor must
(education and training). This training implementation is master two pillars in the learning process. The second pillar
is the authority in question and education implemented. The

authority as a rule education includes the elements of
recognition and acceptance, affection and tenderness, TABLE 1.
strengthening, decisive action that educate and direction as STATISTICS FREQUENCY DIRECTION, MODELING AND
well as the example shown by the instructor both in the
Variabel N Mean Std. Range Criteria
classroom and on the field plantations.
Noting the importance of Direction and exemplary Direction 63 283,94 33,68 130.00 Good
instructor, both in learning and in life in general, ought
instructors give great attention to the process of directing exemplary 63 325,41 21,63 85.00 Good
and exemplary instructor by learners. the instructor should performance 63 346,20 17,71 63.00 Very
be able to provide and implement exemplary behavior Good
(performance), both in dress, appearance, communication,
positive attitude and self-adjustment, because the instructor
is someone who can influence self-learners. From the The third variable that the data obtained through this
description above can be concluded that the expected role of study condition Good quality (variable direction and role
the instructor is able to provide the leadership and exemplary models) and even Very good (performance variables). This
good to students both in class and in the field of plantation, situation shows that the expectations as expressed in the
thereby producing learners who qualified after being an analysis step, namely the existence of a good benchmark for
employee. the quality of the grain direction and exemplary item which
Based on the description in the above background, will be material BPI-PK. The comparative value in the form
the purpose of this research is to the drafting of manual book of correlation found using the correlation formula.
Instructor ( here in after abbreviated as BPI-PK), which
refers to the practicalities manual book on direction and TABLE 2.
exemplary for instructors who are prepared based on the CORRELATION BETWEEN THE DIRECTION AND THE
material guidance and exemplary instructor that has resulted EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MODELING INSTRUCTOR
in employees high performance capabilities.
The N Kore diterminasi r tabel
II. METHODS correlated lasi (R 2 ) α = 0,05
This study included research and development (research and
development), which is an activity that is carried out Direction vs 63 0,334
systematically by combining the research and development 0,498a 0,261
of products, aiming to find solutions to problems or invent performance
something better (van den akker J, 2006). This study focused exemplary vs 63 0,334
on the development Instructor Manual (BPI) on guidance 0,554a 0,307
and exemplary instructor who used both in teaching in
training and in supervising the performance of employees in Direction dan 63 0,334
the field. Manual preparation of this research is directed as a exemplary vs 0.599a 0.359
reference or pattern to be used as guidance by instructors to
carry out the training process, with material about the
direction and exemplary instructor in the learning process in
Training PT. AMP Plantation. Correlation index above, suggests that the correlation
In this study, researchers used a theoretical approach to coefficient with the instructor Direction and exemplary
model development "ADDIE" which includes building performance of employees amounted to 0.498 up to 0599 is
measures Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, greater than 0.334 rtabel and are in the category of Medium.
and Evaluation (Molenda, 2003) in order to develop BPI-PK. This shows that the material items of Direction and
exemplary instructor correlated significantly influence
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION employee performance materials.
A. Identification Content (Analysis) B. Preparation of Preliminary Draft BPI-PK (Design)
In the analysis step is performed an analysis of the data Title The quantitative data obtained as above, then
for the material manual books on directing and exemplary used in order to achieve the ultimate goal of this research,
instructor, analyzed based on baseline data, processing the real product in the form of a manual book ( BPI-PK) to
results and data correlation results TCR three variables. The be used by the instructor in the training of employees of oil
results of this study first of all refers to the quantitative data palm plantations. Drafting this manual use the material items
on the variables Direction and exemplary instructor and of Direction and exemplary instructor whose data have been
employee performance in the form of scores obtained obtained it, that item instrument which respectively reached
through a questionnaire. Analysis to see correlations or 75% and above the quality of the overall high enough
relationships and exemplary Direction on employee correlated with the performance of employees.
performance is based on the principal amount of data that is Early product development BPI-PK done by referring to
correlated to the three variables, namely as the distribution plans that have been made earlier, that taking into account
of individual scores shown in the following table. the format used, the language used and the usefulness of a
manual for users (instructors), with the content item

questionnaire instrument guidance and exemplary instructor a) The material in the guide book BPI-PK is clear
who reached TCR 75 %. The results of this activity are the and the direction in question, but some things
earliest draft of BPI-PK is a direct writer attempted to be still need to be given its assertion.
repaired. Through meetings with a number of parties, b) The use of prepositions and punctuation in the
including several instructors, employees and expert, input on manual books need to be considered.
the initial draft. This feedback is used to improve the earliest 2) Feedback from employees (through discussions), namely
drafts it, thus forming the initial manual books that will be that: Manual books BPI-PK have a positive impact on the
processed through a step further. development of training participants; in terms of the need
to add an explanation of the role of the instructor in the
C. Development of Preliminary Draft BPI-PK training process.
In the development of manual books do with FGD. to get
E. Evaluate Manuscript BPI-PK (Evaluation)
a response to an earlier draft of BPI-PK has produced. FGD
participants were asked to fill a questionnaire format that has The next step is the author of the final assessment through
been prepared with the material and interviews to assess the consultation with potential users of BPI-PK is an instructor
practicalities of an early draft of the book. The result is a and beg consideration of experts with regard to text BPI-PK
qualitative data as follows. has been the author of the draft originally developed through
focus group meetings and implementation measures. The
1) Put Oral: Feedback from the participants FGD quite a results of the consultation and consideration and expert
lot. Put special delivered orally and directly in FGD session, instructors. The authors use to consolidate the script into the
is feedback given by a team of experts and users of the BPI-PK final.
manual book, the result is a lot of feedback and suggestions Relations instructors with training participants not only
for improvement manual book. focused on the delivery of the subject matter, but the
2) Results Format Fields: Other FGD results obtained instructor should be able to provide direction and Direction
through a questionnaire relating to the design, content and based on the principles of religion, morality, nationalities,
language used in the manual, with regard to practicality. customs and culture to lead the training participants towards
Based on the questionnaire were distributed. The learning activities that are either so the impact on quality
practicalities of the test results can be concluded that: BPI- their performance. This is what drives this research, which
PK initial draft that has been prepared is Practical. aims at the realization of manual books on directing and
exemplary instructor (abbreviated as BPI-PK).
3) Interview result: Furthermore, interviews about the 1) Rules Interlocking Applied
practicalities of an early draft of BPI-PK produces principal Briefing the instructor has a positive
notes as follows: relationship to the quality of employee performance after
Manual books and exemplary Direction has been prepared: participating in the training process. Fuad Abdul Aziz (2008:
a) Make it easy for instructors in their applicability 61) put the advice in the context of learning in directing the
in the classroom and in the field plantations. training participants with the right directions, led to useful to
b) Can be used as guidelines by the instructor in him, straighten it if he deviated from the straight path and
carrying out its role both in the classroom the other judge actions; it is the duty and obligation of the
(training) and field plantation. instructor. The better the briefing given instructor, then it
c) Attractive because it gives great attention to the will be better the quality of employee performance later.
development of the attitude, appearance and Conversely, if the instructor does not give a good direction
character of the training participants that will to the participants of the training, it is feared will awaken in
affect the quality of performance after so them the quality of the performance is not good.
employees. If the exemplary instructor is still perceived by
d) Is feasible as a manual book: the usefulness and the participants during the training so that the training
benefits of this guide are generally considering participants will learn well. The main indicator that can
the conditions and situations that exist in the contribute to the quality of training participants is
classroom and on the field plantations. conformity words with deeds (credibility) and social
closeness (conformity). Mochtar Buchori (1994; 39), said,
"the instructor must be an example", in line with what is
D. Implementation The text of BPI-PK (Implementation) written by Prayitno (2009: 183) "inevitably learners will
With regard to the manuscript BPI-PK Improvements that imitate something of educators". Educators are required to
have been made based on the results of FGD authors and be the most worthy of patronized and emulated by the
have authors consult to expert, the author do the students, a role model and example.
implementation, in the form of implementation, consultation, From the above description, it is understood,
discussion and consideration of instructors and employees of Direction and exemplary instructor contain the value of great
the manuscript BPI-PK Repair. Results of semi benefit to build and strengthen selfhood training participants
implementation measures are qualitative data in the form of to the existence of self-learners a strong, mature and resilient.
feedback from the instructor as potential users of manual Direction and exemplary collaborative instructor will make
books BPI-PK and employees, among which are: the learning atmosphere charged Direction, targets,
1) Feedback from instructors (from the interviews), namely exemplary, exercise and social closeness that is geared
that: towards the quality of employee performance is good.

2) Materials Manual book (BPI-PK) material Direction and exemplary instructor, and quite handy
According to Prayitno (2013) manual book is a with the language well enough substance presented in the
learning device that is designed specifically with the form, manual books provide enough information clear and
content, and the particular mechanisms used by educators to understandable to the reader, so that it can be applied and
achieve the learning objectives in part in relation to the implemented in scope. See manual books considered
implementation of education programs in question. Material attractive and very practical, the overall shape, seen from the
manual books as a result of this study were obtained based cover to form the writing guide for producing quality pretty
on analysis of data that turned out showed that the quality of good manual book. With such quality that, manual books
employee performance at PT.AMP Plantation that are in BPI-PK given a note to the respondent (especially by the
either category. This is different from a number of symptoms FGD and implementation) that BPI-PK:
as I have found in the initial survey were encouraging a) Prepared to be used as a reference for estates
execution of this study. instructors in carrying out duties in accordance
Related to the quality of employee performance, with its responsibilities as an instructor. This
the research data to provide reinforcement that material as it manual book facilitates instructor in performing
becomes the content of questionnaires about the grain their duties so that will positively impact
direction and exemplary instructor are expected to be used as employee performance.
material for the instructor as manual books became the b) A reference and guide for instructors to provide
object of this research achievement, it is also of good quality. Direction and exemplary good material, attitudes,
In accordance with the opinion of Sugiono (2007: 173) “an policies and so forth, because the instructor is a
instrument is said to be valid if the instrument could be used reference for training participants and their
to measure what should be measured ". Based on the above performance in the plantation.
opinion, manual books considered valid because the manual c) Prepared taking into account the conditions and
book that was developed was to meet construction standards, situations that exist in the field, particularly in the
format, content and language. The manual book developed field of plantation companies.
should have presented the material presented, Direction and
exemplary material about good instructor in the training as IV. CONCLUSIONS
well as field work. Based on the data obtained and refers to the research
The material was developed manual book refers objectives to produce products that are to be achieved, the
to the grain direction and exemplary quality performance of results can be summarized as follows:
employees in the field. Conditions grain direction and A. It has been composed Manual book Instructor of
exemplary instructor turned out positively correlated Direction and Modeling (abbreviated as BPI-PK).
significantly with performance conditions of employees. With the material grain direction and exemplary
Thus, here means that the grain direction and exemplary instructors in the following qualities:
instructor was directed precisely to be able diinginkanya 1. Each of matter reach the quality level of
high-quality employee performance. Thus these points achievement of respondents (TCR) reaches at least
deserve to be material manual books focusing rules briefing 75%.
and exemplary instructor as described beforehand. 2. Quality bouts-grain direction and exemplary
It needs to be stressed that the grain direction instructor used in BPI-PK refers to the high quality
and the exemplary elaborated and formulated with a focus of the employee's performance, as evidenced by the
on the substance of the rules briefing and the example he achievement of significant positive correlations
briefly described above. Thus the material manual books between variables and exemplary Direction of
BPI-PK in accordance with the conditions of PT AMP instructors with the variable performance of
Plantation Lubuk basung. employees.
3) Quality Material BPI-PK Thus BPI-PK material that can be qualified as
The material was developed manual book refers material manual books.
to the grain direction and exemplary quality performance of
employees in the field. Condition items to guidance and
exemplary instructor turned out positively correlated B. The shape and quality of the BPI-PK as a whole, in terms
significantly with performance conditions of employees. of language, systematics, format and quite decent shape
Thus, here means that the grain direction and exemplary and have a practicalities high as manual books.
instructor was directed precisely to be desired performance
high quality employees. Thus these points deserve to be REFERENCES
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exemplary instructor as described beforehand. International Plantation. Jakarta. Indonesia.
In BPI-PK and exemplary guidance material [2] Darajat, Zakiyah, (1970) Religious Life Sciences,
packed in the base language with Indonesian Spelling Jakarta,Bulan Bintang.
Enhanced (EYD) through the use of words or phrases and [3] Van den Akker J., dkk (2006) Educational Design Research. London
sentences that have to be consistent. Implementation issues and New York: Routledge.
[4] Molenda, M.In search of the ellusive ADDIE model. Pervormance
and practicalities of manual books very attention. Results of improvement, 42 (5), 34-36. Submited for publication in A.
research suggests that: Manual books BPI-PK gives a Kovalchick & K.Dawson, Ed’s, Educational
positive impression, providing ease in understanding the

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Analysis of Working Capital Turnover and The Structure of Debt
to Profitability Consumer Goods Industry in Indonesia
Wahyu Indah Mursalini1), Arfimasri2)
UMMY, Solok, Indonesia

UMMY, Solok, Indonesia

Abstract. Working capital is the company's total investment in current assets or assets that are expected to be converted
to cash within one year or less than one year. Working capital management in a company will be influenced by the
economic cycle of the country. If the economy improves, then the people's purchasing power will increase. Companies
that do not have sufficient working capital, current liabilities can not pay on time and will face liquidity problems. The
purpose of this study was to analyze of working capital turnover and structure of debt to Profitability in Consumer
Goods Industry effect is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The model used is Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR)
program of Eviews. Hypothesis testing is done starting from the overall descriptive test variable, the selection of models
with Chow Test and Hausman test as well as the classical assumption test. The test is based on the model chosen is the
Model Fixed effect is. The next stage is to do the correction models using Model General Least Square. The results
obtained by the Working Capital Turnover and Structure of Debt significant effect on profitability
Consumer Goods Industry listed on Bursa effect in Indonesia. Suggested for subsequent researchers to pay attention to
the business cycle and add other variables such as: investment, stock prices and capital structure.

Keywords: Working Capital Turnover, Structure of Debt and Profitability.

The success of a business needs working capital and

I. INTRODUCTION working capital it needs to be managed well, the management
The financial manager is responsible for making investment of working capital is called the working capital management.
and financing decisions in the name of parties interested in the Working capital management is very important because it has
company. One of those interests is an investment in working a direct impact on profitability [5]. Working capital
capital. Efficient working capital management will have an management can minimize risk and improve company
impact on profitability. The company owners more dominant performance. Lack of working capital means lower investment
attention to profitability of the company. Profitability in working capital and otherwise excess working capital
generally describes the company's ability to earn a profit, means higher investment in working capital [6].
through all of the capabilities and available resources [1]. So it Companies that do not have sufficient working capital, can
can be said that profitability is the end result of a number of not pay short-current liabilities in a timely manner and will
policies and decisions made by corporate managers. face liquidity problems. Working capital management is not
Controlling the amount of working capital that will ensure an efficient cause idle assets embedded in the fund so that it
proper operation of the company efficiently and economically. can reduce liquidity and profitability of companies [7].
If the working capital is too large, then the funds that are Research on working capital management, debt structure
embedded in working capital exceeded requirements resulting and profitability have been carried out. Results The study
in idle funds, but if the amount of working capital is too small found that a significant negative correlation between the
or less, then the company will be less able to meet customer significant and positive working capital turnover, structure of
demand [2]. Working capital management in a company will debt and profitability. So is working capital management
be influenced by the economic cycle of the country. If the relationship with the company's profitability. Results of
economy improves, it will increase the purchasing power and research conducted by previous researchers varied, there is a
open up opportunities for companies to improving sales. significant positive or negative effect. Because the factors that
Every business needs to start and continue financing its affect the profitability of not only working capital, debt
operations to growth and business expansion [3]. Debt is a structure, liquidity but is also influenced by the growth, the
sacrifice of economic benefits that will arise in the future due business cycle, the type of industry, micro and macro
to the obligation in the present of a legal entity and will be economic [8].
filled by transferring assets or providing services to other Turnover Importance of Working Capital and Debt
entities in the future, both short-term debt and longterm debt Structure for the company is to meet the fund company
[4]. operations so that always sufficient and can reach the

company's goal is profitability [9]. So that financial
management is very important to do for the company to avoid
the risk of bankruptcy [10]. Therefore, this research aims: "To
analyze whether Working Capital Turn Over and Structure Of
Debt significant effect on Profitability ".

Profitability illustrates the company's ability to profit
through all the existing capabilities and resources such as
sales, cash, capital, number of employees, number of branches
and so on. So it can be said that profitability is the end result
of a number of policies and decisions made by the company Fig. 1 Working Capital Cycle
[11]. Profitability ratios are used to measure the efficiency of Source : [20]
the company's assets that can be associated with the level of
sales. Profitability ratio is a ratio showing the combined III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
effects of liquidity, asset management and debt management Structure of Debt is used for measuring the working
on the results of operations of the company [12]. capital fund which is the ratio of current liabilities to total
Decisions relating to working capital assets and liabilities liabilities. Debt structure describes a composition for a period
involve management short-term so that they can continue to of debt used by companies both short, medium or long term
operate and improve the profitability of companies [13]. In and influenced by the size of the debt [21]. Working capital
this study, the working capital is meant by the concept of financing is debt financing used by the firm by showing the
quantitative working capital or working capital that the overall magnitude of short-term debt on all loans that the company
gross current assets owned by the company or the funds to be [22]. Usually short-term debt maturing in less than one year
available to fund the company's operations. and otherwise long-term debt maturing more than one year.
Working capital management is very important to measure The combination of minimal cost of debt with loan
the financial performance of companies [14]. Working capital benefits make the composition of the company's working
management has two fundamental principles of operational capital funding optimal. Working capital financing to explain
funding, namely: how much the loan is used to improve the profitability of
companies [23]. So as to determine the source of funds to
1. The ability to earn profits is inversely related to liquidity finance investment either current assets or fixed assets can be
2. Ability to obtain profit in line with risk. determined by the three approaches, namely an aggressive
approach, the conservative and the average [24].
Utilization of available working capital can increase the Aggressive approach is the approach in meeting the needs
profitability of the company. Optimization of cash, accounts of fund-raising in the proportion of short-term debt is greater.
receivable and inventory effect on the cash needs for working Funding aggressively dare to bear the risk in the hope of
capital financing and deal directly with sales growth [15]. getting a bigger profit. A conservative approach to finance
Therefore the management in selecting the composition of fixed asset investment and permanent current assets and
spending should be adjusted to company policy [16]. current assets fluctuates in part by long-term debt or equity
Effective working capital management in a company can capital. This approach provides a fairly high level of security.
be seen from the cash conversion cycle indicator [17]. Average approach are among the aggressive approach that has
Companies with cash conversion cycle is short indicates the the level of risk and high profit with a conservative approach
company is able to collect its receivables. This will impact on that has the level of risk and low profit. By aligning the
the profitability and liquidity of the optimal [18]. structure of assets and strukture of debt risks facing the
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) were shorter, indicating company is the deviation from the expected cash flow [25].
that management of working capital has been carried out Based on the results of research conducted by previous
effectively and efficiently [19]. Management of cash, accounts researchers then found that their negative and positive
receivable and inventory of the merchandise must be done relationship significantly between funding and profitability in
properly and carefully. Working capital cycle can be seen in the company. So is research on working capital turnover,
Figure 1 below: liquidity and capital structure to the company's profitability.
This is due to the diversity of companies that were sampled,
measurement of research variables and the length of the study
period [26].
If the inventory is reduced continuously then the sale will
be reduced to a risk of increased sales. And reduction of the
trade credit would also reduce sales for customers who need
credit [27]. Thus it is expected the company managers to pay
attention to working capital management company and the
business cycle. In order for the company's growth can thrive.
The growth rate of a company will affect the ability to
maintain profitability in the finance business opportunities in
the future. To increase the growth rate then made the

determination of the numbers the number of products or
services sold to customers. In finance the growth rate can be
determined based on the financial capacity of the company.
Financial capacity can be viewed from two aspects: internal
growth rate and sustainable growth rate [28].
The main objective of the company is to make profit. This
means that the higher the ability to sell the higher the profits.
Sales can be made by cash or credit. In general, the company's
ability to sell their products is limited. It can be affected by
competition, promotion and production [29]. All of it will be
reflected in the types of costs incurred and can be seen in the
cost of production of the goods. Cost of production related to
the cost of production and the number of products that will be
produced depending on consumer demand. It concluded that
the company's profit is strongly influenced by how the funds
obtained and how funds are used.
The framework of this research can be seen in Figure 2

Source : [31]

The data analysis can be done by using a statistical test

Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Model [32],
Fig. 2 Schematic Conceptual Framework
Profitability Structure of Debt Working
Capital Turn Over with the help of Eviews program.
The population in this study are all Consumer Goods Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR) Model are:
Industry are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011 to
2015 a total of 37 companies and the sample was 27 ROAi,t = αt + β1 CCCi,t + β2 SODi,t + μit (1)
companies. The sampling method is based on the annual
financial statements with purposive sampling [30]. So the Where:
study sample totaled 135 (panel data). List of Consumer αt = Constant
Goods Industry are: Food and Beverage (12), Cigarette (3), β = Coeficient
Pharmacy (6), Cosmetics and Household Purposes (3) As well μ = Error term
as Household Appliances (3).
Based on the formulation of the problem and the proposed Before the panel data regression model with FEM is used to
hypothesis, the variables in this study are as follows: draw a conclusion, then the model should be tested using the
method of Generalized Least Square (GLS) and the classical
1. Dependent variable namely Return On Total Asset (ROA). assumption test.
2. Independent Variabel namely Cash Conversion Cycle
(CCC) and Structure Of Debt (SOD) As for the definition A. Text Font of Entire Document
of these variables can be seen in Table 1 below: Based on the formulation of the problem and hypotheses,
the purpose of this study was to prove the influence of
working capit al turn overand structure of debt on profitability
in the Consumer Goods Industry are listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange. The time period of the research is from 2011
to 2015. In order to prove the truth of the hypothesis that the
data processing performed by using Eviews program and
testing of the F-statistics.
Before drawing conclusions, the model chosen is Fixed
effect is Model (FEM) should be tested using the method of
Generalized Least Square (GLS) and the classical assumption
test. The results can be seen in table 2 below:


variables that have not been studied. For subsequent
researchers in order to add another variable in this study that
the independent variables with the dependent relationship can
be improved, such as: the business cycle, investment, stock
prices and capital structure.
For companies that conduct sales on credit, so that in
determining the amount of receivables dengat conditions that
are not too tight but manageable the consideration of
Sources: 2011-2015 Survei Data, EVIEWS Output Character, Capacity, Capital, Collaterall and Conditions. So
that sales growth can thrive. If the sales growth increases, will
Based on the model correction process is then obtained a be able to improve profitability.
summary of the test results as follows:
a. Each coefficient of each independent variable slope which ACKNOWLEDGMENT
would explain the direction of influence of each
independent variable on the dependent variable and will be Thus this article was made, in the hope it can be used as
formed into a regression equation with the correction input for the company, industry, potential investors and other
method using the model General Least Squares as shown interested parties. This article is part of the Doctoral
below: Dissertation Research Grant funded by the Doctor. To the
researchers would like to thank the fund manager Doctoral
ROA = 2.5917 + 0.0390 CCC + 0.1301 SOD + μit Hibah (Research of Higher Education).
Thank you to the committee ADRI Sumbar that has given
The value obtained from the above equation: - researchers the opportunity to present and publish this article
 Constants of 2.5917 which defines that if the in International. And thanks to all those who can not mention
independent variable is zero then the value of the one by one author. Criticism and suggestions is expected that
constants that profitability is 2.5917. this research be better and perfect.
 Working capital turnover has a coefficient value of
0.0390 indicates that any increase in working capital
turnover by 1% would result in an increase in the
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The Analysis of 10 Finger Typing System Capabilities and Blind System as One of the Competitive
Advantage in Entering Working World (Studies in Business and Management Students of Public
Vocational High School (SMK N) of Padang)

Armiati 1), Dessi Susanti 2), Rose Rahmidani

Faculty of EconomicsState University of Padang
Faculty of EconomicsState University of Padang
Faculty of EconomicsState University of Padang

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to analyze: (1) The ability of students from Office Administration Department
of Business and Management SMK N in Padang to type using 10 fingers and blind system, (2) The obstacles faced by students
from Office Administration Department of Business and Management SMK N in Padang in typing using 10 fingers and blind
system, and (3) The readiness of Office Administration’s students of Business and Management SMK N of Padang in Working
World. This research is a descriptive study using survey methods to describe the typing skill of students of Office
Administration Department in SMK N of Padang, namely SMK N 2 and SMK 3 of Padang which included speed, accuracy, and
the appropriate attitude while typing. Then, the research is described with the help of observation, interviews, and
documentation. The data in this study were analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing
conclusions. The results of the study showed that the overall speed of typing of the first grade students from Office
Administration Department of SMK N 2 and SMK 3 of Padang is in the low category. The accuracy of typing is too low, despite
their interest is high enough to brace the ability to type with 10 fingers using blind system. This is because of the lack of
duration of typing lessons in the curriculum and frequency of students for practicing at school or home that caused students do
not master function fingers on the keyboard.

Keywords: 10 fingers typing, blind system, competitive advantage

Various attempts were made by the world of education

I. INTRODUCTION through training and educating to produce the Human
Among intense competition in entering the working world, Resources (HR) who have professional skills, knowledge,
prospective workers are required to have strong mental, skills and extensive knowledge in accordance with the
knowledge and skills that are sufficient and suitable with the current market needs now and then. Of course, the process of
demands of the working world. The competition ensues not educating and training should have characteristics that had
only with Indonesian labor but also with foreign labors since been determined. The competencies needed,
there are more foreign companies that conduct their business namely: First, competency-based education should have a
activities in Indonesia from time to time. Every company goal of teaching in the form of behavior that can be observed
wants workers who are truly professional, has extensive and measured. Second, the students know and realize that
knowledge, and strong mental skills and mastery of foreign they are expected to be able to demonstrate their competence
languages, especially English. to a set of level. Third, the education is aimed at individual
This situation is a challenge for education, especially in improvement, in which the learning process is based on the
preparing their students to be ready to compete in entering ability of the learner [2].
the working world. Competition is a "contest that requires all Vocational High School with the Office Administration
parties to compete against each other" [1]. So in the working Competency attempts to prepare students to be able to work
world, each person are required to compete with each other inan administrative profession which are assisting or
to get what they want in life. These day, getting a job is not supportive.This profession refers to an administrative task in
an easy thing, especially regarding the condition of the which the job carried out routine work, administrative duties,
country today. Currently the number of workers is much or personal tasks from superiors. Office Administration
greater than to the employment opportunities available. This Competency aims to equip students with skills, knowledge,
requires people to compete and race in the labor market. and attitudes to be competent in communicating, managing
documents, services toward relations, managing financial

administration and other competencies. "The main categories
of companies in selecting employees who are going to work
at the company are: 1) the knowledge, skills and abilities,
and 2) Personality, interests and preference [3]. The
instrumentation that can be used to assess knowledge, skills,
abilities, experience, and personality of the applicants is
recruitment tests. The kinds of recruitment tests conducted
by the company to determine which employees are eligible
to work in the company include psychological tests,
knowledge tests, and performance test [4].
10 finger typing is one of the skills the students of Office
Administration Department in Vocational School need to
have. Students learn how to type correctly according to the
procedure. Typing quickly could be implemented if 10
fingers work in accordance with their respective
functions. Students tend to be faster on typingby focusing on
the script that will be typed and their own hands without
looking at the keyboard. In everyday practice, it is shown
that there has been a lot of people who can type, but not
everyone mastered typing or using an efficient manner. With
the increasing number of chores, the way to work more
efficientlyand practical should be accomplished and
mastering typing with 10 fingers system is expected to
address this problem.Typing with 10 fingers system means According to the table 1 above, it is known that the
each finger has a responsibility to press certain key part average value of competence typing competitor only stands
which is closely spaced, so that the fingers do not have to at 65.9 out of a maximum value of 100. This means that the
reach another keysfar away. By using this system, typing value obtained by the competitor still tends to be
would use minimal movement of the fingers with maximum low. Whereas the contest was attended by participants who
result [5]. With the trained fingers, the students are no longer have won the LKScompetition in province level, which
necessary to look at the keyboard. They could simply look at means that the participants are the standings of their
the script. So this system is often called blind system or respective regions. In addition, based on data onLKS above
typing without looking (blind system). This means typing can also be seen that the value for the use of fingers and eyes
without looking at the keyboard continuously. Eyes are fixed of participants in the activities of typing also get the value
on the script. Therefore, the location of the letter on the that has not been satisfactory. To use the finger, the
keyboard and with which finger the keys must be put should maximum value is expected to be 10. However, the average
be remembered. acquisition value participants is only 4.9. This means that the
"The skills of finger typing means the ability to use either competitor has not been used or finger using 10 fingers in
the left or right hand according to the functions or duties of typing properly. To the eye, the maximum score of 5 is
each finger with a relatively high speed with a very small expected, but participants only obtained an average score of
error rate". But in reality people found it was difficult to type 3.3. This means, in typing the participants stilloftenlook
by 10 fingers. It is caused by three factors: the strength of the keyboard and monitor. That is the concept of blind
the pressure of each finger is different, the position of certain system is not applied in their activity of typing.
keys that are difficult to reach, as well as the condition of the Such conditions obviously require special attention,
typewriter "[6]. concerning the typing skill is a basic ability to be obtained
Based on the results of Student’s by students of Office AdministrationDepartment. In addition,
CompetencesContest(LKS) onOffice Administration typing skills are skills that became the basis for office work
Department of Public Vocational High School on West related to typing. By having typing skills quickly and
Sumatra Provincial level, followed by fifteen vocational correctly, then all the work associated with typing will be
school in West Sumatra, it can be seen that the score for resolved in a short time.
typingtend to be low. This can be seen in Table 1 below: Earlier studies of typing skills have been widely
performed. Based on research conducted by Mc Dale
Peterson in Saleem Virginia High School,it is found that the
speed of typing of students with a computer is higher than
students who typed with a typewriter. It also found that
errors in typing computers are fewer than the error in typing
on a typewriter [7]. Meanwhile the research conducted by
Edward Clarkson found that of the 22-minute time taken to
type by using a different keyboard, the average speed of
students is more than 31 words per minute (wpm) in the first
session and the average increased to 60 WPM in the second
session [8]. Further research conducted by Anna Maria Feit

found that: only 12 out of the 30 people who typed
consistently use more than two fingers on his right hand, and
then only three people who typed perfectly [9].
Based on the background above, this research is very
important to do as regards the data and the resulting
information useful for related parties for decision-making
and policy. Therefore, researchers interested in conducting
research with the title: " The Analysis of 10 Finger Typing
System Capabilities and Blind System as One of the
Competitive Advantage in Entering Working World
(Studies in Business and Management Students of Public
Vocational High School (SMK N) of Padang."

This research is a descriptive research and aims to From the research data above, it can be concluded that the
describe real facts when the research is conducted: an respondentswho were students of class X SMK in the
exploratory study of typing skills from students of Office Padang City and just took new subjects. Office Automation
Administrative Department of SMK N 2 and SMK 3 provides the most answers to most in the category of very
Padang. The data collection technique is the way in interested in typing with 10 fingers and systems without
collecting research data. The techniques used in this study looking at the keyboard and monitor.This may imply that the
were: 1) observation, to observe the students’ typing activity majority of students are very interested to be skilled in
directly and to find out the typing skills of students in terms typing with 10 fingers system because most of them choose
of speed, accuracy, sitting posture, the division of finger answers of keen and interested.
tasks, and eye, 2) Interview, addressed to the subject teacher Furthermore, the data obtained to determine the time
with typing. In this study, supporting teachers took parts as spent by respondents to practice typing in the school can be
informants, and 3) documentation, in which a text is used as seen in Table 3 below:
a speed test for students; drawings, or photographs; typing Table 3.Time spent on Exercise Typing School
speed working sheetsand Vocational Practice Exam No. Classification Frequency Percentage
assessment criteria. 1 Always 38 28.6
Data analysis techniques used in this study were divided 2 Often 62 46.6
into several stages. As for the stages of the analysis into
3 Sometimes 32 24.1
three steps: 1) Data Reduction, 2) Presentation of Data, and
4 Never 1 0.8
3) Conclusion.
Total 133 100
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION (Source: Processed Data, 2016)
A. The Typing Skills of Office Administration student of From the research data above, it can be concluded that the
Business and Management Vocational School Using majority of respondents said that they spent more time to
10 fingers and blind system practice typing in school. The time spent on exercise in
The items observed, namely 1) the interests of skilled school is when the implementation of learning activities on
typing system with 10 fingers and without looking at material type presented by the teacher. While the outside of
the keyboard and monitor, 2) time spent for typing training this material, 10 finger typing exercise is not done with the
in schools, 3) time spent forpracticing typing at home, 4) maximum. A small fraction, or about 25% are rarely trained
how to type using 10 fingers accurately, 5) eyes right to the in the school of typing speed, especially when typing the
script, 6) the average typing speed, 7) an average accuracy of material presented by the teacher.
typing, and 8) the precise posture while typing.Based on the Furthermore, the data obtained to determine the time
data obtained, the respondent's interest in skilled typing with spent by respondents to practice typing in the house can be
10 fingers can be seen in table 2 below: seen in Table 3 below:
Table 3
Time Spent to Exercise at Home Typing
No Classification Frequency Percentage
1 Always 3 2.3
2 Often 14 10.5
3 Sometimes 99 74.4
4 Never 17 12.8
Total 133 100
(Source: Processed Data, 2016)
From the research data above, it can be concluded
that the majority of respondents said that they all spend less
time to practice typing at home. A small fraction, or about
12% that train speed of typing at home.

Furthermore, the data obtained to determine how Table 8. Average accuracy of typing with 10
respondents usethe 10 fingers typing correctly, can be seen fingers
in Table 5 below: No Classification Frequency
Table 5. 1 91% - 100% 9
How to correct typing using 10 fingers 2 81% - 90% 39
No Classification Frequency Percentage
3 71% - 80% 43
1 Always 19 14.3
4 61% - 70% 16
2 Often 62 46.6
3 Sometimes
5 50% - 60% 22
50 37.6
4 Never 2 1.5
6 less than 50% 4
Total 133 100 amount 133
(Source: Processed Data, 2010) (Source: Processed Data, 2016)
From the research data above, it can be concluded that the
From the research data above, it can be concluded that the
majority of respondents said that they had tried typing with majority of respondents indicated that their typing accuracy
10 fingers properly. The other half, or about 40% are not largely still low, or below 90%. Only 6.8% of typing
accuracy above 90%. This indicates that survey respondents
able and not able to type 10 fingers properly.
Furthermore, the data obtained to determine the eye of have a low accuracy in typing.
respondents who correctly when typing using 10 fingers, can Furthermore, the data obtained to determine a good
posture when using the 10-finger typing, can be seen in
be seen in Table 6 below:
Table 6. Table 9 below:
The correct viewing when typing 10 finger Table 9.
No Classification Frequency Percentage
Precise Sitting Manner When Typing With 10 Fingers
1 Always 16 12.0 No Classification Frequency Percentage
2 Often 80 60.2 1 very correct 1 0.8
3 Sometimes 37 27.8 2 right 74 55.6
4 Never 0 0
3 less well 50 37.6
Total 133 100
4 very true 8 6.0
(Source: Processed Data, 2016)
From the research data above, it can be concluded that the amount 133 100
majority of respondents said that they had tried to always use (Source: Processed Data, 2016)
their eyes correctly when typing with the 10 fingers. The From the research data above, it can be concluded that the
other half, or about 27% that they still use their eyes majority of respondents indicated that they have already
incorrectly in typing or in the sense that they often see the shown the correct posture in typing. While others show less
keyboard and monitor when typing. correct sitting posture in typing.
Furthermore, the data obtained to determine the average
speed of typing respondents when typing using 10 fingers, B. The obstacles faced by students of SMK Business
can be seen in Table 7 below: Office Administration and Management in typing
with 10 fingers and blind system
Based on data obtained from the research, found obstacles
significantly affecting the results of typing speed
respondents. Based on observations, interviews and
questionnaires, the constraints can be presented: 1) The
weight of the material for typing that is lacking in the
curriculum, 2) lack of exercise in schools, 3) Lack of
exercise at home, 4) memorizing the position of the letter
and the function of the fingers and discipline the use of
fingers and eyes and 5) stiffness fingers in typing. These
obstacles are common problems faced by most students
when implementing learning typing. These conditions are of
course influenced them to able to type with 10 fingers
and blind system correctly.

From the research data above, it can be concluded Discussion

that most of the typing speed that respondents show that they Based on the survey results revealed that the real interest
mostly still are at speeds below 90 beats per minute. Only of the students to be able to master the skill of typing with
approximately 10% that speed above 110 beats per 10 fingers blind system is actually very high.Around 85% of
minute. This indicates that survey respondents are still slow students study who said that they have a keen interest in
in typing. skilled typing with 10 fingers blind system. With high
Furthermore, the data obtained to determine the interest is of course expected to affect their ability in
average respondent typing accuracy when typing using 10 typing. In the world of work, especially in this era of
fingers, can be seen in Table 8 below: globalization, everyone is required to have special skills or

specific. For example, a secretary does not just have to be typing. However, if this discipline is ignored, then the
able to type and use a computer, but he also had to act increase in typing speed it is an impossible thing to achieve
effectively and efficient in moving the fingers and hands [5]. [10].
But the high interest was not accompanied by action to Correct posture when typing a thing which also affects
realize these interests. It looks at a frequency less exercise students' ability and speed in typing. Posture when typing
carried out by the students, both in school especially at should be noted that the student body to avoid distractions
home. Exercise activities in schools is only done when the such as fatigue in the back, hand, eye health and other body
lessons Office Automation course, precisely on the subject parts. At the time of the study found that many students who
of 10 finger typing, but it was only for 7 meetings complained of feeling fatigue and soreness. That's because
only. Moreover, the Office Automation lessons followed by their sitting position when typing is still not right. About 43%
materials such as Ms. sequel Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power of students seen typing positions that are not quite like the
Point, Ms. Publisher, Internet and E-mail. backs bent, hands leaning on the keyboard, distance to the
With the frequency of exercise is lacking in schools, monitor too close, resting on one leg, and foot looped on a
exercise at home is required. But due to lack of facilities chair.
owned by the student in the home, such as a computer or The minimum standard speed of typing students need to
laptop, then exercise at home would not be maximized. Plus have is 200 EPM (tugs per minute). From the conducted
there are no charges that requires students to practice at research, 4 students, or about 3% only students who have
home or have to reach a certain typing speed and was typed above 150 EPM. The remaining approximately 97% of
maximized with the exercises at home. students do not meet the minimum standards that must be
At the time of typing, typist should familiarize putting the mastered typing speed. From interviews with teachers in
fingers work in accordance with the duties and functions of mind that the constraints faced by teachers in training
each. Placing the fingers is the basic learning at the students to be able to master the skills of 10-finger typing is
beginning of the introduction of typing with 10 fingers the first technical problem. According to the teachers usually
system. In line with this task finger, the eyes must also be a major constraint on computers that were damaged on the
noted that while typing, the person typing should not be channel, if it were so the teacher will ask a technician to
looking at a monitor or keyboard and script repair. It was later confiscated quite a long time in the repair
interchangeably. Eyes should be to script, and only and will have an impact on learning hour is wasted.
occasionally glancing keyboard or monitor to determine the The accuracy of typing trained in tandem with the speed
position of the finger or the result of typing. What if the of typing. The accuracy of typing is not only seen on the
fingers cannot function properly when typing, in this case accuracy of the results of typing of student, but also the
the duties have not memorized finger typist, the course will result of typing neatness and conformance result of typing
also affecting indiscipline eyes when typing. It certainly will the manuscript or worksheet provided. Typing fast but a lot
affect the resulting speed in typing. of errors is also not a good result. Good typing is typing
The results showed that about 39% of students have not quickly, precisely, and neatly correspond to a given
been up in the placement of the fingers when typing students, command. The minimum standard typing accuracy that must
there are still many students who often look to be owned by the students is 98%. From the research
the keyboard and monitor. They are still searching for the conducted, only 9 students, or 6.8% that the accuracy of
location of the letter to be entered. After typing a single typing over 91%. The rest of course not meet the minimum
letter they sometimes forget to return to keys. It can be standards that must be mastered typing accuracy.
caused due to lack of supervision of teachers during lessons Listening to the results of research that has been in the
and also of course is the lack of discipline of students in mentioned above, it is known that the typing skills of
typing. In addition, there are still about 28% of eyes were students after attending lessons Office Automation is far
still undisciplined when typing the impact on the result of from satisfactory. Most students still have a typing speed and
typing. low accuracy and too much indiscipline appear so violates
Typing with 10 fingers system means each finger has a the concept of a blind 10-finger typing system. When this
responsibility to type (pressing) of certain key parts, closely condition is observed, and is not considered, then of course
spaced. So that the fingers do not have to jump from a the students of SMK can be said to be not ready to face the
remote distance. By typing this system can move the fingers demands of the world of work, related to competence in
with minimal, but have maximum results [5]. At the time of typing quickly. Therefore, it is of course necessary to get
typing there is a provision where there are some keys that attention from all sides.
had always been inhabited by a certain radius, so that the
fingers are increasingly know where the key to certain letters IV. CONCLUSIONS
were located. With untrained fingers to press certain buttons,
does not need to look at the keypad, but must see the
manuscript. So the system is often called blind system or Based on the research that has been done through
typing with no view (blind system). observation, interviews, and documents, it can be summed
To have 10 fingers typing skills are correct, then the up as follows:
discipline necessary to be considered. Discipline is meant in The typing skills of the first grade students from Office
this case is in the use of the right fingers, eyes and how to sit Administration Department of Public Vocational High
properly. With accustomed to discipline, the typist will School of Padang viewed from: 1) the first grade students
gradually be able to easily add and increase the speed of that have picked Office Automation subjects showed a keen

interest in skilled typing with 10 fingers and systems without
looking keyboard and monitor, 2) Some students, or about
75% has been doing exercises in the school, that is only V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
when the Office Automation lesson in doing, right on typing This research was supported by Lembaga Penelitian
material submitted, 3) Most respondents spend less all the Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) and Economic Faculty of
time to practice typing at home. A small fraction, or about State University of Padang. We thank to SMK N 2 and SMK
12% that train speed typing in the house, 4) Some students, N 3 Padang for assistance with the methodology and the
about 60% has been trying for 10 finger typing correctly and teachers for comments that greatly improved the
40% are not able to type 10 fingers properly, 5) manuscript.We would also like to show our gratitude to my
Approximately 27% students still often see the keyboard and colleagues for sharing their pearls of wisdom with us during
monitor when typing, 6) Some students’ typing speed are the course of this research, and we thank to our reviewers for
still below 90 beats per minute. Only approximately 10% their so-called insights.
that could reach110 beats per minute, 7) most students have
low typing accuracy, or below 90%. Only 6.8% of typing
accuracy is above 90%.
1. The difficulties faced by students of Business and
[1] Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Bahasa. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.
Management Vocational High School in Padang in Balai Pustaka. Jakarta. 2007.
typing with 10 fingers and blind system are; (a) the [2] Putri, Gigin Gantini. Skripsi. Pengaruh Aplikasi Typing Master 2001
weight of materials that are lacking in the curriculum, (b) Sebagai Alat Penguasaan Mengetik 10 Jari Untuk Meningkatkan
Lack of exercising in schools, (c) Lack of exercising at Faktor Internal Belajar Yang Akan Mendukung Efisiensi
Kemampuan Programming Mahasiswa S1 Program Studi Ilmu
home, (d) memorizing the position of the letter and the Komputer Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Angkatan 2008. Online.
function of the fingers and discipline in the use of fingers
and eyes, (e) Rigidity of fingers in typing. [3] Sculler Randall, S, Jackson, Susan E. Manajemen Sumber Daya
2. The first grade students of Business and Manusia Memasuki Abad Dua Puluh Satu. (jilid I). Erlangga.Jakarta.
ManagementVocational High School in Padang are not [4] Handoko, Hani T. Manajemen Personalia dan SDM (Edisi
yet ready to enter the working world concerning their 2).PBFE.Yogyakarta. 1995.
typing skills. [5] Prasetyono, Dwi Sunar. Metode Trampil Mengetik 10 Jari.Gunung
Mas.Pekalongan. 1996.
[6] Saputra& Sarbini. Mengetik Sistem Warna Metode Vertikal (Color
System Manual Typewriting by Vertical Method). Malang: FPIPS
Suggestion IKIP Malang.1999.
Based on the research that has concluded above, [7] Dale Mc. Pherson. A study of typing speed and accuracy
there are some suggestions as follows: development using computer based and typewriter based instruction
in a public high school.
1. Students should make sure to be able to memorize the
duties and functions of the fingers in typing. Thus, in the mcPherson_dale.pdf. 1995.
beginning of learning, teachers can remind students to [8] Edward Clarkson, James Clawson, Kent Lyons, and Thad Starner.
An Empirical Study of Typing Rates on mini-QWERTY Keyboards.
memorize the duties and functions of the finger. The next Portland, Oregon, USA. 2005.
meeting teachers should examine the student’s one by [9] Anna Maria Feit Daryl Weir Antti Oulasvirta. How We Type:
one to make sure. Movement Strategies and Performance in Everyday Typing. Aalto
University, Helsinki, Finland. http://users.comnet.
2. Teachers can give assignments to students to practice CHI’16, May 07-12,
independently at home. To make sure the students 2016, San Jose, CA, USA©2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3362-
practice, teachers can make a control book to be filled by 7/16/05. 2016.
[10] Roesdiono, Edi. (2004). Mengetik Manual: Sistem 10 Jari. Proyek
students about the exercises they were doing in the house. Pengembangan Kurikulum Depdiknas.
3. Teachers can take advantage of typing master application
to assist the implementation of typing in school, and for
the assignment for students at home.
4. Teachers can provide motivation and reward for typing
learning activities that are done in class so that students
are more excited.

Effect of Competence and Staffing On The Performance of Employees in
PT PLN Branch Solok
Ida Nirwana1)
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin

Abstrak. The existence of human resources within an organization has a very important role. Similarly, the government
agency that is required to create a better performance of their employees so that the service provided to the community
to be optimal. Among the efforts in improving the performance of these employees is to consider the competency and
placement of the employee in a professional manner. One government agency that still need to improve the
performance of employees is the PT. PLN Branch Solok, because the application in the field still found some problems
in terms of competence and placement of employees. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
competency and placement of employees on the performance of employees of PT. PLN Branch Solok.
This study used population is around the civil servants in the PT. PLN Branch Solok with the number 71 peoples.
Determination of the number of samples using the Slovin formula with simple random sampling technique against 41
respondents. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and the data collected were
analyzed with a statistical approach of multiple linear regression and testing hypotheses in the form of t test and F test.
The results of this study found 1) competence have a significant effect on the performance of employees with the sig.
0.000 < 0.05 alpha means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted at 95% confidence level. 2) Placement of employees
significantly influence the performance of employees with the sig. 0.001 <0.05 alpha means that Ho is rejected and Ha
accepted at 95% confidence level. 3) Competence and staffing jointly significant effect on the performance of
employees with the sig. 0.000 <0.05 alpha means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted at 95% confidence level.

Keywords: Performance, Competency, Staffings, PT PLN

condition, the workplace, the ability, work motivation, and

The role of human resources in the company are very One of the factors that affect the performance of an
important, because as the prime mover of all activities or employee as described above is competence. According [2]
activities of the company in order to achieve its objectives, competencies defined as a form of ability to be owned by a
both to gain and maintain the viability of the company. The person or every employee to be able to carry out a job /
success or failure of an enterprise in maintaining position successfully (effective, efficient, productive and
eksitensinya starting from the man himself to maintain and quality) in accordance with the vision and mission of the
improve the effectiveness and efficiency to the maximum. In organization or company.
other words, the performance of the organization or An employee who has the competence to prediket well
company is strongly influenced and even depends on the in an organization is not only determined by formal
quality and competitive ability of its employees. education, but also because of the variety of work experience
Employees who have an attitude of struggle, dedication, they have had for this. Ideally, the higher a person's
discipline, and professional capabilities will very likely have competence, then the resulting performance will also be
a good performance in carrying out the task, so that efficient higher. Competence good it can also be seen from a
and effective manner. Performance is issued individual effort willingness to learn, a sense of responsibility to the job and
in devote a certain amount on the job to complete the task or timely complete its work and is based on the standard
job a person should have a degree of willingness and a operating procedures have been established.
certain level of ability. The willingness and skills of a person In addition to the factors of competence, the placement
is not effective enough to do something without a clear also have an impact on an employee's performance in
understanding of what the challenge and how to do it. carrying out the tasks assigned to him. According [2] defines
Basically a lot of factors that affect the performance of the placement as granting status, a person officially become
an employee in an organization, whether public or private. new employees, which must be preceded by a match
According Sutermeister as quoted Sugiyono in [1] factors between the capabilities they have to work or positions that
that affect the performance of which is the training and work will be done, in order to be able to support the embodiment
experience, education, attitude, personality, organization, of leadership to streamline the organization.
leadership, social conditions, individual needs, physical

Thus it can be said that the work placement position
other than an effort to improve performance is also usually B. Descriptive Analysis of Respondents
performed to match the needs of the company or certain Respondents in this study were employees who served
parts. So intansi or company should be able to pick and in the PLN Branch Solok many as 41 people, a questionnaire
choose competent employees to fill vacant positions so that distributed to employees of PLN Branch Solok entirely been
the main tasks on the job can be executed. To that must be successfully reassembled and can be used as research data,
obtained by workers who have the ability to correspond with because all have been filled in completely and can be used
for processing data. Thus it can be said that the respondents
the positions that would be his responsibility, in other words
(response rate) in this study was 100%. Characteristics of
placed candidate must have the necessary competence to
Respondents: from questionnaires distributed to 41
carry out the work in a position to effectively and efficiently. respondents, found that 22 (53.66%) were male and 19
Competency and placement of employees in state- respondents (46.34%) women..
owned enterprises, including the scope of PLN Branch Solok
has a close relationship. This is because ideally one who has C. Analysis of Results
a good competence alone could be placed in a certain 1) Test Validity
position. However, in reality there are still people who From the results (Appendix) note that the entire item
competence under general observation is less able to occupy statement that measure competence variable is valid or
a particular field, but it can occupy the position. It is accurate. Proved from the loading factor formed> 0.4 so that
estimated that the placement is not based on competence or no single item that is not valid. So it can be concluded that
ability he has, but rather because there are other factors that all items used in the variable declaration of competence
are more dominant. So that when this condition is left could continue to be used for further testing.
unchecked feared that the performance will decrease. The second variable used in this research that the
placement of employees, also consists of fifteen items of
From the above description, the researchers are
questions. Based on the results of testing the validity of the
interested in reviewing the two factors are expected to
data that has been done, it looks like it is known that the
impact on the performance of an employee, the factors result of fifteen statements that are used to measure the
referred to is the competency and placement of employees. variable placement of employees identified all the items of
The reason these two factors examined because the issue of the questions used are accurate (valid), for each item
competence and staffing is still used as the main priority in statement is represented by a loading factor> 0.40 and not a
placing employees at certain bindang, so it is expected to single item was a statement that is not valid. This means that
have an impact on the performance of the employee. all items on the statement of the variable placement of
employees can continue to be used in testing the hypothesis.
II. METHODS Employee performance variables in this study also
consists of fifteen items of questions. Based on the results of
This study is Kausal. Research that will serve as the
testing the validity of the data, to measure employee
location of this research is PT PLN Persero Branch Solok. performance variables identified all the items have been
Data used in this study consists of two kinds of primary data valid, because the loading of each item> 0.40 and no single
and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained by the item that statement was experiencing confusion. This means
author in person, by circulating questionnaires. Secondary that the entire statement items used to measure employee
data is data obtained indirectly, ie the data obtained by the performance variables can be used in testing the hypothesis.
authors of the documents and literature books that provide 2) Test Reliability
information about the variables being studied. The Based on the results of testing the reliability of data for
population in this study were all employees whose status as variable competence, staffing and employee performance
permanent employees and temporary employees obtained:
(outsourcing) at PT PLN branch Solok, The Total Population TABLE I
of PT PLN branch Solok there are 71 people. The sample in TEST RELIABILITY

this study amounted to 41 people, 41 people were taken Cronbach Critical

because 41 guys who are permanent employees of PT PLN Variable Conglution
Alpha Value
Persero.dengan purposive sampling techniques that had Competence (X1) 0,792 0,60 Reliable
worked at least 2 years and are regular employees. Staffing (X2) 0,876 0,60 Reliable
Employee Performance
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 0,918 0,60 Reliable
Source: Data Processing Results

A. Overview Agencies Table 1 shows that three variables in this study are
PT PLN (Persero) is a state company that is engaged in competence, staffing and employee performance has a value
the service of electricity and offices in Jakarta and is divided of Cronbach Alpha> 0.60. This figure means that the three
into eight regions. PT PLN (Persero) Region III Padang is variables used to have the level of reliability or high
one of them representing the West Sumatra-Riau. State reliability. Therefore, these variables can continue to be used
Electricity Company was established by notarial deed Stjipto in the hypothesis testing phase.
SH 169 dated July 30, 1994 prior to PT PLN (Persero).

D. Hypothesis Testing results it can be concluded that Ho is rejected if F count> F
1) Multiple Linear Regression Testing table, calculated F value of 72.216> 3.782, which means that
Based on the test results of multiple linear regression the competence and placement of employees has a
equation Y = -4.267 + 0.626 X1 + 0.512 X2. It can be said significant influence/jointly to employees performance at PT
that the independent variables are competence and staffing PLN Persero Branch Solok. This study has proved together
significant effect together have a direct linkage with the that competency and placement of employees has a
positive sign on the performance of employees at PT PLN significant influence/jointly to employees performance at PT
Persero Branch Solok, this means with their competence PLN Persero Branch Solok, so the hypothesis proposed in
good then the performance of employees at PT PLN Persero this study can be accepted as true by empirical. The
Solok branch will increase. influence of the independent variables studied is the
Addition of independent variables can be seen that the dependent variable showed that the employee's performance
constant value (a) obtained at 4.267 These figures mean that will be achieved well when their competence and staffing is
by maintaining all the independent variables are fixed good and appropriate.
(constant) at a value (0) is zero, then the performance of
employees will remain at 4.267. The first regression IV. CONCLUSIONS
coefficient (b1) for competence variable (X1) obtained
amounted to 0.626. This figure means that by increasing the A. Conclusion
value of competence variable (X1), for example by 1 (one) 1) Multiple linear regression equation for the above
unit of the employee performance (Y) will also increase by equation Y = -4.267 + 0.626 X1 + 0.512 X2 it can be
0.626 units. The regression coefficient second (b2) obtained said that the independent variables are the
by 0.512 at variable staffing (X2), it means an increase in the competency and placement of employees together
value of the variable placement of employees (X2), for have a direct linkage with the positive sign on the
example by 1 (one) unit, then the dependent variable in this performance of employees at PT PLN Persero Branch
case the performance of employees also increased by 0.512 Solok , this means the assignment of competence
units. were good and appropriate placement of employees,
2) The Coefficient of Determination (R2) the employee's performance will increase.
Based on the results of the coefficient of determination 2) Based on the results of the coefficient of
(R2) obtained the value of R Square of the coefficient of determination (R2) obtained the value of R Square of
determination obtained for 0.792 means that the variable 0.792 or 79.2%. The remaining 20.8% is explained by
competency and placement of employees together have other variables not included in this research model.
contributed in explaining influence on employee Proceeds from these figures indicate that the two
performance amounted to 0.792 or 79.2%. The remaining independent variables (X) studied actually had a
20.8% is explained by other variables not included in this strong influence and contribution of the dependent
research model. Proceeds from these figures indicate that the variable (Y) is being investigated.
two independent variables (X) studied actually had a strong 3) Test results on variable t competence is 4.225 with a
influence and contribution of the dependent variable (Y) is significance level of 0.000. Because t is greater than t
being investigated. table is 4,225> 1,532 and significance 0.000 <0.05,
3) Calculate the t-Test Results based on the results of this calculation can be said to
Results t count on competence variable is 4.225 with a be the variable competence and dominant significant
significance level of 0.000. Because t is greater than t table effect on the performance of employees at PT PLN
is 4,225> 1,532 and significance 0.000 <0.05, based on the Persero Branch Solok. Similarly, for a variable
results of this calculation can be said to be the variable staffing, be clearly known that t of these variables
competence and dominant significant effect on the was obtained for 3.754, which means it is greater than
performance of employees at PT PLN Persero Branch Solok. t table obtained 1.641 with a significance level of
Similarly, for a variable staffing, be clearly known that t of 0.017 <0.05, it can be said staffing significant
these variables was obtained for 3.754, which means it is influence and dominant to performance of employees
greater than t table obtained 1.641 with a significance level at PT PLN Persero Branch Solok.
of 0.017 <0.05, it can be said staffing significant influence 4) Test Results F-count equal to 72.216 with a
and dominant to performance of employees at PT PLN significance level of 5% using α (significance 5% or
Persero Branch Solok. 0.05) based on these results it can be concluded that
This study has shown that the competence partially Ho is rejected if F count> F table, calculated F value
significant effect on the performance of employees at PT of 72.216> 3.782, which means that competency and
PLN Persero Branch Solok, so the hypothesis proposed in placement of employees has a significant influence /
this study can be accepted as true by empirical. With the jointly to employees performance at PT PLN Persero
competence and good placement of employees is expected of Branch Solok.
an employee can perform and have a responsibility to have a
good performance so that a given job can be completed in
line with expectations. B. Suggestions
4) Calculate F Test Results Based on the conclusions that have been described, the
Test results F-count equal to 72.216 with a significance following sections can be put forward several suggestions
level of 5% using α (significance 5% or 0.05) based on these

that would be able to contribute ideas to the object under
study. Suggestions are:
1) For PLN Branch Solok to always provide positive
support to its employees well in order to create a
good working climate.
2) Placement of employees is one of the driving factors
in improving performance for its employees.
Therefore, the need for a suitable placement of
employees and allow them to manifest the continuity
of the work.
3) To the next researcher, in order to continue this
research by increasing the number of samples and
independent variables used in the hope the results
obtained better reflect actual conditions..

[1] Riduwan. Proposals Preparation Methods and Techniques Research.
Bandung: CV. Alfabeta, 2011.
[2] Nawawi, Hadari. Making Organizational Leadership. Yogyakarta:
Gadjah Mada University Press, 2013.

The Effect of Leadership Style, Conflict, and Work Stress on the
Employees Performance at Workshop of PT Agung Toyota
Sutomo Pekanbaru
1) 1)&2)
STIE Pelita Indonesia Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of leadership styles, conflict and stress on the performance of employees
working in the PT. Agung Toyota Workshop. The types and sources of data used in this study are primary data and secondery
data. The population in this study are the employees at PT. Agung Toyota Workshop no.13 Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru
consisting of 115 people and all the workshop environment sample population given the number of employees of PT. Agung
Toyota Sutomo still relatively small. To collect data in this study by several techniques of data collection were: interviews and
questionnaires distribution. While the model of analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis that is useful to reveal the
causal relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable and the estimated value of the dependent
variable based on the value of the independent variable. The results showed that the variables simultaneously Leadership Style,
conflict and stress of work and a significant influence on employees performance at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru
Workshop. Among the three most dominant factors that affect employee performance at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru
Workshop measured leadership style factors partially. The amount of influence factors contributed by the independent variable
on the dependent variable looks of determination (R2) of 42,7%, while the remaining 57,3% is influenced by other variables.

Keywords: Leadership styles, conflict, work stress and employees performance

in the last three years service which never reached the target
I. INTRODUCTION company. From the above data shows evidence of
The advantages of a company is determined by excellence performance workshops particularly decreased, and the
competitiveness of the human, the better performance of the decrease was suspected linkages with the style of the leader,
employees of a company is getting stronger the company’s conflict and work stress.
competitiveness. Internal Problems concerns with employee Leadership style is defined as any behavior or the way
performance, especially in the after sales into demands no chosen andused a leader in influencing the thoughts, feelings,
less important in order to meet customer needs and attitudes, and the behavior of the organization in a time [1].
satisfaction, it is always take a special attention to the A leader who can motivate employees work in accordance
company, various methods and certain techniques strive with the objectives of the company will help employees to
applied to boost the performance of employees in providing realize their role in the organization, because in general, an
services to form the costumer loyalty. Similarly, PT. Agung employee joins a company only limited to his
Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru are engaged in services and personalinterests not because they want to achieve company
automotive marketing, where the increasing demands of the goals [2].
enterprise to employees after sales and the style of The results of research by Iqbal, Anwar and Haider [3]
leadership that does not suitable and sometimes cause concluded that leadership style is applied must adjust to the
employees are under mental stress and psychological, which situation. autocratic leadership style used for the short-term,
could result in the employee performance decreases. democratic leadership style for the whole time and
participative leadership style for the long term.
Conflict is a discrepancy between two or more members
or groups (within an organization / company) which must
divide limited resources or work activities or due to the fact
that they have different satatus, purpose, value or perception.
Through the initial observation workshop environment PT.
Agung Toyota Sutomo, found that small tensions Conflict is
frequently happen by discrepancy between two or more
Source : PT. Agung Toyota SutomoFigure1. Performance of PT. members or groups (within an organization / company)
Agung Automall Workshop for 2011-2015 which must divide limited resources or work activities or
due to the fact that they have different satatus, purpose,
From Figure 1 above shows the achievement of workshop value or perception [4].
performance and vehicle sales decline worsened, especially

Through the initial observation workshop environment PT.
Agung Toyota Sutomo, found that small tensions frequntly Research Question:
happend when the division of labor both at the level of 1. Is leadership style partially effect on the performance of
technicians as well as at the level of the head group employees at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru
(foreman), where a conflict arises as a result of jealousy and Workshop?
feel unrivaled. 2. Is work stress paritially effect on the performance of
Conflict is not always significantly negative, there are two employees at PT Agung Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru
types of conflict that can provide benefits to increase Wokshop?
employee performance, management must be able to 3. Is the conflict partially effect on the performance of
distinguish the type of conflict related to personal problems employees at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru
or conflicts related to the task. Workshop?
In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, employees
faced with many problems both individually and in groupsit
works. These problems can impact psychologically or II. LITERATUR AND REVIEW
Physically, it depends on what the cause of the problem. Understanding Leadership Styles
Work stress is a condition that creates tensions of physical Bangun,style of leadership is a leader in the means used to
and psychological imbalance, affecting the emotions, interact with subordinates and staff [1]. According Kismono
thought processes, and conditions of an employee [4]. [8] leadership style is divided into 3 (three) namely:
Job stress can also be differentiated based on the type a. Authoritarian Leadership style.Leaders concentrate power
relation, namely challange related stress and stress related and decision-making at in its own leaders. Leaders hold
hindrance. The second type of relationship stress is full authority and responsibility them selves.
impacting on performance and employee satisfaction. b. Democratic Leadership Style.Leaders broadly delegated
Bashir and Ramay [5} concluded that work stress is authority. Making decisions is always negotiated with
negatively related to employee performance. In fact, work subordinates, so that leaders and subordinates to work
stress can reduce the performance of employees. Then it is within a team.
suggested, the organization should facilitate warm working c. Free Leadership Styles. Leader only have minimum
relationship cultural atmosphere and does not cause stress. participated, subordinates determine their own goals to
Through direct observation of the employees in the be achieved and the problem resolves itself.
workshop of Agung Toyota Sutomo obtained information
that the stress of work in the form of decline in morale, high Conflict
anxiety, boredom and burnout, communication is not smooth, Rivai and Sagala, [4] conflict is a discrepancy between
absenteeism work, likes to procrastinate, unable to prioritize two or more members or groups (within an organization/
and make decisions, they task or job is not convinced and company) which must divide limited resources or work
many mistakes. activities or due to the fact that they have differences status ,
Another problem is the presence of several employees goals, values or perceptions.
complained of is not the spirit of the work, drawn from often According Mangkunegara [9] a source of conflict between
encountered some employees still come late to work, for groups, between individuals of individuals within the
various reasons, especially the workshop section. There is organization include:
also the work does not wholeheartedly, it is drawn from the 1. Together using the resources the same organization.
work, quality of work is not perfect, and the pace of work 2. The difference in goals between sections / groups within
that does not comply with company standards. For example the organization.
customers who are already servicing the vehicle still 3. Interdependence work of the organization.
complained that his vehicle is still at the problem when 4. Differences in values or perceptions owned / held by
before servicing, this indicates that the quality of work that each of the parts of the organization.
is less and may be due under pressure received by employees 5. Other sources such as individual style, opaqueness
of his superiors, the stress on the employees themselves, or organization and communication problems.
even conflicts either on themselves or the inner employees
or conflicts with other fellow workers resulting in decreased Why of Conflict
performance. According to Robin, [10], the conflict usually arises in the
Previous research with the title of the conflict, job stress organization as a result of their communication problems,
and job satisfaction to employees performance at university personal relationship or the organizational structure. In
Khairun Ternate [6] concluded that: conflict, job stress and summary the causes of these conflicts can be explained as
job satisfaction simultaneously significant effect on follows:
employees performance. Conflict partially negative 1. Communication
influence on employees performance. Work stress partially Conflicts that arise in communication is one sense
negative influence on employees performance. Job with regard to the sentence, a language which is
satisfaction is partially positive influence on employees difficult to understand or information
performance. This contrasts with the results of the study ambiguous and incomplete, as well as individual style
Giovanni et al [7] concluded that partial role conflict, work manager inconsistent.
conflict and work stress positive effect on employee 2. Structure
performance PT. Air Manado.

Conflicts caused by the structure of the power struggle Many people are stressed at work when the
between the interests of the department, competition management leadership style that tends neurotic, that of a
for limited resources or the interdependence of two or leader who is very sensitive, do not trust anyone else
more groups work activities to achieve their goals. (especially subordinates), a perfectionist, over-dramatize
3. Personal moods or events that affect decisions making in the
Conflicts caused by the discrepancies personal goals, workplace. The employment situation is always suspect
do not know the values of employees' personal social subordinate superiors, raising events / occurrences that
behavior played on their positions and differences in should be trivial and the like, a person will not be free to
values or perceptions. carry out their work, which will eventually lead to stress.
4. The type of personality.
Job stress A person with type A personalities tend to experience
stress than type B. Multiple personality type A
According to Rivai and Sagala [4], stress is a condition of personality traits are frequently feel rushed in the work,
tension that creates physical and psychological imbalance, can not wait, more and concentrate on one job at the
affecting the emotions, thought processes, and conditions of same time, tend to be satisfied with life (what she won),
an employee. tend to compete with others even in situations or events
that are non competitive. By doing so, the company will
Definition of job stress, according Mangkunagara [9] is the always have a dilemma when taking employees with
distress experienced by employees in the face of occupation. personality type A. Because, on the one hand will get a
Is evident from the work stress syndrome, among others, good result and their work, but the other companies will
emotional instability, feelings of calm, aloof, sleeplessness, have employees who got the risk of attack / heart disease.
excessive smoking, can not relax, anxiety, tension,
nervousness, increased blood pressure, and impaired Employee performance
digestion Bangun, [1] the performance is the result of the
quality and quantity of work achieved in implementing
Factors Contributing to Stress an employee duties in accordance with the
Copper and Davidson [11] divides the causes of stress in the responsibilities given to him.
work into two, namely: Factors affecting the achievement of good
1. Group stressors, is the cause of stress that comes from performance by Mathis and Jackson (2002) is: "The
situations andthe situation in the company, such as the ability, motivation, support received, the existence of
lack of collaboration between employees, conflicts work they do and their relationship with the
between individuals in a group, or a lack of social organization"
support from fellow employees in the company.
2. Individual stressor, is the cause of stress that comes from Employee Performance Measurement
within the individual, such as a person's personality type, The results of the performance of a person or company
personal control and level can be either physical or non-physical. Performance can
surrender one's perception of oneself, the level of be measured through job analysis to unravel the vision,
fortitude in the face of role conflict and role ambiguity. mission, and goals of the organization through the
position description is based on the expected results of
According to Mangkunagara [9] there are several factors the work of the office. Job descriptions can be parsed in
that cause or source of the emergence of job stress, among more detail in the form of an action plan and
others: performance targets to be achieved within a certain time.
1. Sexual harassment. Bangun [1] performance is the result of the work in
Namely, the contact or communication relating to or quality and quantity achieved by an employee in
connoted related to unwanted sex. Sexual harassment can performing their duties in accordance with the
be started from the most rudimentary holding sensitive responsibilities given to him, and basically the
body parts, took 20 dating and the like to the most subtle performance measurement is based on the following five
form of flattery, praise even a smile that is not on the things:
context. 1. The quantity of output, that is concerning the amount
2. Conditions of employment. of output produced and timeliness to complete
Poor working conditions could potentially be the cause routine work.
of employees easily fall ill, if the room is not comfortable, 2. The quality of the output, which includes the
heat, air circulation is inadequate, overcrowded work accuracy of the quality of the produce output that is
space, work environment less clean, noisy, certainly a big concerning neatness, precision and skill.
influence on employee comfort. Overload can also cause 3. Timed output, namely the use of time has been
stress and can be distinguished quantitatively and adjusted.
qualitatively. Told overload quantitatively if the targeted 4. The presence in the workplace.
amount of work exceeds the capacity of the employee. 5. Attitude cooperative, which involves how to behave
As a result, employees are easily tired and are in a high in the company of both the employer, another
voltage. employee or on work given to completion together.
3. The situation in the company.

Conceptual framework information, records and documents of PT. Agung Toyota
From this description, the leadership style (democratic, Sutomo.
authoritarian, free (Laissez Faire)), conflict (structure,
communication, personal) and work stress (job conditions Multiple Regression Analysis
and circumstances within the company) effect on employee To test the performance of employees considered (Y)
performance. The framework can be shown in the following was influenced by the style of leadership (X1), conflict
table this: (X2) and strees work (X3). Here we can enter into a simple
linear function of the form of Equation (Ghozali, 2005):
Y = α + β + 1x1 + β2X2 β3X3 + e
Leadership Where :
Style Y = employee performance
X1 = leadership style
X2 = conflict
X3 = Job Stress
Conflict Employees
α = Constant
β 1,2,3 = parameter or regression coefficient
e = Error
To be able to see the influence of leadership styles, conflict
and strees work on employee performance, then testing the
Job Stress
results of research that includes Test Introduction (Test
Validity and Reliability), Classical Assumption Test (Test
Normality, Multicolinearity, Test Heterokedatisitas),
regression analysis Linear Regression , Simultaneous Test F
Figure 2. Conceptual Frame Work and Test Hypotheses (Determination Test and Test t)



1. The leadership style has partially influence on employees

performance in the PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Validity test
Pekanbaru Workshop. In this validity test to get r done by looking at the table
with the table r n = 103 at α = 5% with two-sided test so that
2. The conflict has partially influence on the performance in can r table at 0,349. Validity of test results can be seen
of employees at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru that for each item variable leadership styles, conflict and
Workshop. work stress are all valid, because the correlation grain r
3. Job Stress has partially effect on the performance of count above the r table, so it can be included in the study.
employees at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Workshop.
The reliability test
Reliability test is used to determine whether the
indicators used are trustworthy or reliable as a measurement
III. METHOD variable. The reliability of an indicator can be seen from the
This research was conducted in PT. Agung Toyota value of Cronbach's alpha (α). If the value of Cronbach's
Jln.Dr Sutomo Pekanbaru Branch No. 13 Pekanbaru. Riau. alpha (α) greater than (>) 0.60 indicator assessed reliably,
The population in this study were all employees in the PT. whereas if the value of Cronbach's alpha (α) is smaller (<) of
Agung Toyota Sutomo Workshop as 115 people. And the 0.60, the indicator is not considered reliable. Overall
entire population is involved in the sample. However, the reliability test results of each variable has a value of each -
sample finally used only 103, this is due to the questionnaire each Cronbach's alpha above 0.60. It can be concluded that
did not restored back and there are two (2) questionnaire the indicators related to research variables declared reliable.
answered by improperly. The reliability test gives an indication that the reliability of
Measurements using a Likert scale with five (5) levels the questionnaire is used as a gauge for each variable
of response which consists of strongly agree, agree, Less included in the category of high correlation and acceptable.
Agree, Disagree and Strongly Agree.
The data used is the quantitative and qualitative data. Classic assumption test
Meanwhile, the source of the data used is primary data Before testing the hypothesis, first will be tested against the
(questionnaires) and secondary data (such as profiles, assumptions of classical aberrations.

Uji Asumsi Klasik Hasil Uji

TABLE I Normalitas Test Normal Data
CLASSIC ASSUMPTION TEST Multikolinearitas Test Terjadi Multikolinearitas
Heterokedastisitas Test Tidak Terjadi Heterokedastisitas

Source: Processed Data is fixed and increases one's leadership style - units, the
performance of employees will be increased 0.551.
Simultaneous Test (Test F)
3. The coefficient of conflict for X2 0,504, meaning that if
To test this research hypothesis which states that the style
another independent variable value is fixed and the
of leadership, conflict and work stress simultaneously have a
conflict has increased one - unit, the performance of
significant influence on employee performance, test results or
employees will be increased by 0.504.
test F models are as follows:
TABLE 2 4. The coefficient of job stress for variable X3 for (-0.316),
UJI SIMULTAN (UJI F) meaning that if another independent variable value is fixed,
ANOVAb and work stress decreased one - unit, the performance of
Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig. employees will be increased by (-0.316)
Squares Square
1 Regr 5,883 3 1,961 26, ,000a
Determinants Test (R2)
essio 29
n 2
Resid 7,384 99 ,075
Test of determination (R2) is test aimed to assess what
ual percentage of the influence of the independent variable in the
Total 13,267 10 model affect the dependent variable, while the rest is the
2 influence of other variables.
Source: Data Processed
From the table below shows the R2 value of 0.427. This
From the test results simultaneously, the result of F is 26.292, means that the variation explained by the employee's
while the value Ftabel is 2.696. This means Fhitung> Ftabel performance leadership styles, conflict and job stress by
and Sig value 0.000 <alpha of 0.05. So therefore, the H0 and 42.7%, while 57.3% is explained by other variables not
H1 accepted. That is the style of leadership, conflict and work examined in the model. Coefficient determination test results
stress simultaneously affect the performance of employees. can be viewed as follows:
Multiple Regression Analysis Test TABEL 4
In this research hypothesis testing using multiple linear
Model R R Adjusted Std. Durbin-
regression analysis to determine the influence of variables Square R Error of Watson
supervisory leadership styles, conflict and work stress on Square the
employee performance. Estimate
TABEL 3 1 ,666a 0,443 0,427 0,27311 1,664
Source : Data Processed
Partial test (t test)
Model Unstandardized Standard T Sig.
Coefficients ized Testing the hypothesis partially (t test) is useful to examine
Coefficie the partial effect of variable X to variable Y. The results of
B Std. Beta
partial testing in this study can be seen in Table 3 before:
Error TABEL 5
1 (Constant) 1,002 ,343 2,918 ,004
RATA.X1 ,551 ,067 ,621 8,247 ,000 Hipotesis Pernyataan t t sig Keterangan
RATA.X2 ,504 ,426 ,578 1,183 ,240 hitung tabel
H1 Leadership Style 8,247 1,984 0,000 H1: accept
RATA.X3 -,316 ,413 -,374 -,766 ,446 Effected to Employees
Performance H0: reject
Source : Data Processed H2 Conflict has no effect 1,183 1,984 0,240 H1: reject
to Employees
From Table 3 above, the multiple linear regression Performance H0: accept
equation in this study are:
H3 Job Stress has no -0,766 1,984 0,446 H1: reject
Y = 1.002 + 0,551X1 + 0,504X2 - 0,316X3 effect to Employees
H0: accept
Multiple linear regression equation are explained as follows:
1. From the regression obtained a constant value of 1.002,
which means that the variable of leadership style, conflict Discussion of Research Results
and work stress value of 0 or a fixed value, the
performance of employees is 1,002. 1. Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance
2. The coefficient for the variable X1 leadership styles of From the results of this study indicate that the style of
0.551, meaning that if another independent variable value leadership and significant influence on employee performance.
The variable is a factor that is considered to agree by the

respondents as a factor for improving the performance of Therefore it is advisable for companies to equip every
employees at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo Pekanbaru head division, supervisor, head of the group, with training that
Workshop. Supporting previous research conducted by Sarita is related to leadership, management and training of soft skills
Permata Dewi [12] which said the leadership style and an on going basis so that the head of the division or the head
significant influence on employee performance. Also in line of the group able to exist in a subordinate leadership style
with Sustria [13], which reads leadership style influence right, so that could ultimately improve the performance of
positively and significantly to the overall performance of the subordinates in particular and the performance of employees
employee. And also equal to Qamariah study [14] which reads in general.
leadership style has a positive and significant impact on
employee performance. Conflict and work stress was not significant in this study,
but here it can be concluded that conflict and work stress
2. Effect of Conflict on Employee Performance occur among employees by itself liquid and resolved because
they are a solid team work, as evidenced In answer
The test results indicate that the conflict has no effect respondents to the conflict variable high value at the statement
and no significant effect on employee performance. This study "I feel we are a solid team work". So it is advisable for
is not in line with previous research Tamauka Marsello companies that may be present in enhancing the teamwork
Giovanni [7]) stating Conflict and significant effect on the that has been formed to subordinates whether it is
performance of employees at PT. Air Manado partially. It is encouragement, support, the provision of the facility like
caused when filling the questionnaire respondents may thus sports, hobbies, doing a movie with the team, holding events
assume any statement on the conflict variable is not a competitions or games between employees and also provide
contributor to the conflict on them, as evidenced by the training that essentially can foster unity among employees so
average score for each item -rata statement> 3.7 (agree) where hopefully the team work between subordinate increasingly
the highest point (3,913) on the question "I find it quite easy intertwined.
to ask for help to fellow workers to work hard even when jobs
while work is in progress ", this proves that the team work has
been created properly and conflicts can be resolved by the REFERENCES.
employee even though on the face of a difficult job.
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significant negative effect on employee performance. Saina [4] Veithzal Rivai, Ella Jauvani Sagala. 2013. Manajemen Sumber Daya
also did not support research Nur [6], said Job Stress partially Manusia untuk Perusahaan, edisi ke 2 jilid 4, penerbit PT. Raja
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negative influence on employee performance means higher [5] Bashir, Usman, Ismail Ramay, Muhammad, 2010, Impact of Stress o
levels of employee-owned stress will have a negative impact Employees Job Performance A Study on Banking Sector of Pakistan,
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respondents felt every item in the statement of work stress [6] Saina Nur. 2013. Konflik, stres kerja dan kepuasan kerja perngaruhnya
terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Universitas Khairun Ternate. Fakultas
variables does not cause stress on the respondent, is evident ekonomi Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. ISSN 2303-1174
with the average - average score of respondents at 3.73. It can [7] Tamauka Marsello Giovanni Christoffel Kojo Victor. P.K Lengkong.
be concluded precisely the respondents felt challenged when 2015. Pengaruh Konflik peran, Konflik Kerja dan stres kerja Terhadap
given many tasks, they more excited by the work that deadline Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Air Manado. Fakultas ekonomi
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of work stress. [9] Anwar Prabu, Mangkunegara. 2007. Manajemen Sumber DayaManusia.
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V. CONCLUSION [10] Robbin, Stephen P. 2003. Perilaku Organisasi, Jakarta: PT. Indeks
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drawn from this study is that the style of leadership are kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan SPBU Yogyakarta (studi
significant and effect on the performance of employees at PT. kasus pada SPBU anak cabang perusahaan Rb. Group). Fakultas
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improve employee performance at PT. Agung Toyota Sutomo
Pekanbaru Wokshop.

Bank Indonesia The Role Developing In West Sumatra Facing Economic
Community Products SMEs ASIA 2016
Lecturer Faculty Economic, Nadhatul Ulama University, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstrak. This study aims to determine how big the role of Bank Indonesia in the development of SME products in
encountering the West Sumatran market Asian Economic Community in 2016, the aspect of product quality and product
branding SMEs in SME development functions of Bank Indonesia. This study was conducted from January to March
2016, with the data from 2014 to 2015. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative data analysis.
The results showed that the function of Bank Indonesia SME development program has been implemented according to
the addressing function significantly to the development of SME products. Where in 2014, 18 out of 20 SMEs (90%)
target Bank Indonesia has been able to improve product quality, increase profitability, opening new markets as well as
more innovation, but if in view of the quantitative that MSMEs West Sumatra 501 410 BPS data, the Department of
Cooperatives and SMEs Province West Sumatra (2015) shows the facilitation of 1.5% (7548) has not been optimal,
temporary assistance from Bank Indonesia, 0.004% Sumaterra West has not been represented, so many products can not
increase the ability of SMEs to improve product quality, branding, capital and markets.
Data from the Department of Industry and Commerce through the market leleang forwad that SMEs are present during
2015 amounted to 1120 average of 93 SMEs SMEs while transaction value of Rp 20,399,129,000, an average of Rp
1,699,930,333 per month. In 2015 porward Leleng market transactions of agricultural products reached 75.25%,
23.59% plantation and processed snacks 5.16% Based on the results of Bank Indonesia disaran on their bodies /
organizations standardize SME products, as well as provide coaching konfrehensif so that the perpetrators SMEs more
competitive on the Asian market economic community.

Keywords: Product Quality, Branding Quality, SME’S

transactions of agricultural products reached 75.25%,

I. INTRODUCTION 23.59% plantations, and snack food .Data Bank Indonesia
West Sumatra province astronomically lies between 5.16% of SMEs based mentoring program New
0.54 'North latitude and 0.30' south latitude and between 98o Entrepreneurs Bank Indonesia (Wubi) amounted to 20 SMEs
36 '- 101o53' east longitude. Based on the geographical in 2014 which consists of processed agriculture, animal
position of West Sumatra Province is located in the west husbandry, as well as the traditional weaving industry.
coast of the central part of Sumatra island and has an area of Reality shows that SMEs that exist today still face
approximately 42.2 thousand km2, equivalent to 2.21 many obstacles and problems. The problem that is both
percent of the area of the Republic of Indonesia. classic and fundamental (basic problems), among others,
West Sumatra has a population of 5,389,418 capital issues, the legal entity that is generally non-formal,
inhabitants with the number of male and female psyche human resources, product development and market access.
2,730,055 2,659,363 inhabitants and has 19 Problems between (intermediate problems), which
Districts/Municipalities 179 districts, 760 Nagari, 259 issues from the relevant authorities to resolve the basic
villages and 126 villages. Kabau Minang culture, known as problem to be able to face further problems better. These
traders, notably the famous culinary culture in various problems, among others in terms of financial management,
foreign countries, namely rendang as a tourist attraction collateral and limitations in entrepreneurship.
West Sumatra, then many emerging small and micro Problems continued (advanced problems), among
enterprises mengah SMEs from various sectors. others, introduction and market penetration both locally,
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency nationally and exports are not optimal, lack of understanding
([1],[2]) the number of SMEs 501 410 with various sectors, of the design of a product that is not in accordance with the
tourism, agriculture, fisheries, agriculture, livestock, mining, character of the market, legal issues concerning patents,
industrial woven traditional trade of food and soft drinks as procedures sales contracts and regulations on export
well as other culinary , Industry and trade data through destination countries.
forward auction market SMEs are present during 2015 While Hafsah [3] divide the problems of SMEs only
amounted to 1120 people, with transaction value of Rp into 2 main things;
20,399,129,000. Porward Leleng market in 2015,

(1) Internal factors: (a) a lack of capital and limited Business environment is not yet conducive for the
access to financing, basically SMEs still lack the capital to government's policy to cultivate micro, small and medium
run its business, (b) the quality of human resources (HR), enterprises (SMEs) are still less negative than diberlakunya
most small businesses grow traditionally a family business berpihak.Implikasi law No. 22 of 1999 on regional
for generations , (c) the lack of business networks and the autonomy, which the local authorities have autonomy to
ability to penetrate the market, small businesses are organize and manage the local communities who sometimes
generally a business unit of the family, has a network of even reduce the competitiveness of micro, small and
businesses that are very limited and the ability of market medium enterprises (SMEs). Implications of ACFTA which
penetration is low, plus the resulting product is very limited went into full effect in 2010 and a free trade area by 2015
and has qualities that are less competitive, (d) lack of that resulted in the small and medium enterprises to compete
transparency, lack of transparency among the early in products, product quality, network marketing business as
generations to build the next generation of MSMEs. well as limited access. The nature of the product with a short
Quoted from Akbar [4] that a enterpreneourship it has lifetime, most of the products of small industries have traits
the mentality of 58%, 32.5% managerial and technical or characteristics of fashion products and crafts with a short
knowledge as 9.5% in the know that enterpreneouship it has lifetime.
issued Instruction No. 4 of 1995 dated June 30, 1995, of the Seeing such a large potential for SME growth and
National movement Memasyaraakatkan and Cultivating equitable economy in West Sumatra, hence the urgency of
Entrepreneurship. empowerment of SMEs based on the idea that there are still
(2) External factors; (A) the business environment is many small and medium enterprises that can not be touched
not yet conducive, empowering micro, small and medium by the practice perbankkan formal and real experience
enterprises (SMEs) from year to year is always monitored during the crisis showed the MSME segment are relatively
and evaluated progress in terms of its contribution to the more resistant face the crisis than large-scale sector. In terms
creation of gross domestic product (GDP), employment, of financial institutions (including banking) there is also
exports and the development of business actors and the urgency to the financing of the SME sector is an effort to
existence of small and medium business investment through increase the activity of small and medium entrepreneurs in
gross fixed capital formation (investment). Overall macro- business development financing through working capital and
economic indicators are always used as a reference for investment and reduce and spread the credit risk (spreading
policy making empowerment of SMEs as well as an of risks).
indicator of the success of the implementation of policies The answer all of the problems researchers focused on
that have been implemented in the previous year. a study of SMEs in West Sumatra have obstacles significant,
Government's policy to develop SMEs, although from so it can be predicted growth rate products good quality,
year to year continue to be refined, but it felt not to be branding difficult to develop, by Act No. 3 of 2004 on Bank
conducive. This can be seen, among others, still the Indonesia, where the policy of Bank Indonesia in the
unhealthy competition between entrepreneurs of small and structure function MSME development, malihat conditions
medium entrepreneurs with big, (b) permission to operate faced by SMEs, Bank Indonesia implement programs New
their businesses. Complaints are often heard about the Entrepreneurs Bank Indonesia (Wubi) carried out in 2014.
number of procedures to be followed at a cost that is not Small micro medium enterprises (SMEs) according to
cheap, coupled with long periods of time. This is somewhat the ministry, the State Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs
related to the economic policies of the government are (Menegkop and SMEs), is a small business (UK), including
judged not in favor of small businesses such as SMEs, but micro-enterprises (UM) is a business entity that has a net
rather to accommodate the interests of the big employers. (C) worth of at most Rp 200,000,000 , - not including land and
limitation of infrastructure businesses, the lack of buildings, and has annual sales of Rp, -.
information relating to the progress of science and Meanwhile, medium-size (UM) is a business entity owned
technology, causing means and the infrastructure that they Indonesian citizens who have a net worth between
have also not fast developing and less support their growth Rp200.000.000sampai with .Rp 10,000,000,000, - not
as expected, (d) extortion, the practice of unofficial levies or including land and buildings. The Central Statistics Agency
better known as the extortion become one of the obstacles (BPS) provides a definition of SMEs based on the quantity
for SMEs as well as increase spending not less. (E) the of labor. Small business is a business entity which has a total
implications of regional autonomy, with the enactment of work force of 5 to 19 people, while medium businesses are
Law No. 22 of 1999 on local governance as amended by entitias business has a workforce of 20 s.d. 99 people.
Law No. 32 of 2004, the regional authority has the autonomy The economy in Indonesia Wikipidia economic system
to organize and manage the local community. This system is a system used by a country to allocate its resources to both
changes will have implications for small and medium individuals and organizations in the country. The
businesses in the form of new levies imposed on SMEs. fundamental difference between an economic system with
Besides that, the spirit of regionalism excessive, sometimes other economic systems is how the system was set up
creating conditions that are less attractive to entrepreneurs production factor.
from outside the region to expand its business in the area.

Small micro medium enterprises (SMEs) is identical to and the Department of Industry and Trade of Sumatra
enrerpreneur where an entrepreneur should be able to read Barat.Data observed is; (1) The development of products
the opportunities of business opportunities that will be run based; Product Quality, Product Branding. (2) Program
by Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the entrepreneur is is Indonesiapengembangan Bank SME products West Sumatra
someone who dared to strive independently by directing through New Entrepreneurs Program Bank Indonesia (Wubi).
resources and efforts include intelligence identify new [7], quantitative analysis is carried out on data analysis
products, arrange for pengadaanprodukbaru market in terms of the amount for a clarity of the figures and collate
operations, as well as arranging capital operation, to produce daari several images so as to obtain a new picture later
something of value higher. described in sentences.
In running a business, entrepreneurs should be able to
create strategies so that the business carried on be able to III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
compete in national and international world, [5] claimed A. The Development of MSME Product West Sumatra
seven indicators classroom strategies business world, namely: Basen on Product Quality
(1) absenteeism is low, the level of alpha, license, and a low Product is everything that can be offered by
pain showed awareness of the positive attitude of employees. manufacturers to note, asked, sought, bought, in use or in the
(2) Law level of lete to delevery to the customer, whether the consumption market as fulfilling the needs or desires the
customer is often getting service delay. With menggunakaan relevant market (Tjiptono, 1997) according to [8], SMEs
leon system or six sigma can pursue zero defect. (3) Have a have an important role in business development in West
marketing budget, to be willing to inves in marketing, Sumatra. Based on data from the Department of
because marketing mandatangkan money. (4) Turnover stoc Cooperatives and SMEs danBadan Statistics Center of West
high, the stock should not be too long in storage, the sooner Sumatra in 2015 with the number 501 410 SMEs. While
out more nice. (5) Cashflow healthy operation, how the rest coaching is done by the related department amounted to
of the money after paying all expenses, can be seen in the 7,548 SMEs. If posentasekan 1.50% means that SMEs
bank as much as the rest of the money accaount the better. (6) terdampingi is 1.50 porsen, reflects a lack of attention of the
the ratio of high-skilled employees, trained employees are government in supporting the development of SME products.
employees who can make the asset. More and more Based on data from the Department of Industry and
employees are trained then it will have an impact on the Commerce of West Sumatra Province in 2015 through the
business carried on. (7) The number of low debt, the less auction market porward SMEs who attended as many as
debt the better-run businesses. 1120 people for one year with a value of Rp 20,399,129,000
Bank Indonesia is holding simpanan bank bank yang traansaksi if calculated with the average percentage of SMEs
lain dan use untuk settlement pembayaran interbank which participants are present as many as 93 people with a
(Singleton, 2011) Activity of Bank Indonesia as the central transaction value of Rp 1699930333. With komonditi
bank according to Singleton (2006). agricultural products 71.25%, 23.59% komonditi plantations
and eat lightly and processed 5.16%.
II. METHODS Besides the quality of products MSME West Sumatra
This research was conducted at Bank Indonesia West is still on a small scale or limited production scale bersipat
Sumatra, the study was based on two considerations (1) still local. Besides, the life of the products produced short
changes in the banking uu that formed the function of SME period of time so it is not durable, besides the product
development. (2) determine the extent of SME products can quality still does not meet national standards (SNI).
compete in the Asian economic community market in 2016, Therefore, market access is difficult in penetrating the local,
as well as know the extent of the role of Bank Indonesia in national and global markets.
product development of SMEs in West Sumatra.
The method used in this research is descriptive method, B. Branding Products
which is a method that is a portrait of Bank Indonesia Branding is one brand that can distinguish between
program, an object, a set of conditions, a bsistim thought or a products that is owned by a competitor's product. According
class of events in the present. This method aims to provide a to [9], branding is defined sebagamana term, sign, symbol,
description, picture and size systematic, factual and accurate design, or a combination. It aims to identify products or
about facts, plumb plumb and the relationship between the services of a person or of several sellers and to
observed phenomena [6]. The unit of analysis is the function membedakanya with competitors' products.
of Bank Indonesia SME development. The results of interviews with 20 people dilaksanana
Methods of data collection in this study are primary SMEs as a sample drawn at random/memorandum which
data and secondary data. Primary data direct observations was taken directly to the forward auction market at the
and interviews with key information. Secondary data were Department of Industry and Trade of the Province of West
obtained from the data archive function unit MSME Sumatra in 2015 is known to sort the percentage of votes; (1)
development, the results of the research literature and The capital of 56.2%, the micro small and medium-sized
relevant internet sites, research was also conducted, SMEs want a large capital, (2) market of 20.3%, they say
Cooperatives and SMEs and statisti Central Agency (BPS) hard to pemasaranproduknya, (3) technology 8.2%, actors

have to want technology nice, (4) 7.8% of human resources well as opening up new markets and increase the profit of
business operators say that human resources was in want business , besides participants New Entrepreneurs Bank
through education and training carried out by businesses, (5) Indonesia (Wubi) have won national honors at the National
the mentality of 3.30% of entrepreneurs have not dared to Palace as well as receiving the award from Mr. president of
confront attempts to scale the high-risk, and (6) lack of the Republic general Indonesia.Secara Bank Indonesia has
transparency in the production of 3.20%, closed businesses provided facilities capital facilities through Master Card
still here doing business, making it a bit difficult to develop, (KUR) in West Sumatra Rp SMEs 5056 KUR triluin through
this is not much different from previous researchers a bank executive.
conducted nationally [3].
C. In The Role of Bank Indonesia SME Product From the results of this study concluded that; (1) seen
Development from the development of MSME products in the face of
According to Dougherty and Pritchard (1985) in Bauer Asian economic community quite a potential, but not yet
(2003: 55), this role theory provides a conceptual framework eligible globally because it has not had the Indonesian
in the study of behavior in the organization. They stated that National Standard (NSI). In addition the product also has a
the role of the "pattern involves the creation of a product as short lifespan (not durable), (2) seen from branding SME
opposed perilakuatau action" (p: 143). Furthermore, products is still in the form of simple, poor-quality, (3)
Dougherty and Pritchard (1985) Bauer (2003: 56) suggests providing guidance through the relevant agencies have not
that the relevance of that role will depend on the emphasis of been optimal 1.5%, (4) to look to the Bank Indonesia
the role of the assessors and observers (usually supervisors through Bank Indonesia New Entrepreneurs program is a
and principals) to the product or the resulting outcome. program already contribute 90%, but overall in western
Sumatra reached 0.004%, yet represented.
Bank Indonesia's West Sumatra membukak chance
Based on the research that has been done, it is
coaching directly as many as 20 people pelakuumkm based
suggested to the Bank Indonesia West Sumatra; (1) in
program New Entrepreneurs Bank Indonesia (Wubi) to assist addition to providing assistance human resource capital is
MSMEs in improving human resources to improve the expected to give guidance to be consistent and able to
products of SMEs good quality, branding, systems of public change to a more exlusive products, so that SMEs can
administration and financial management were able to compete in product markets Asian economy, (2) the need for
increase profits so SMEs can compete with both the products an agency/lembag study of standardization of products SME
and the company's corporate financial terms. products.
Based on the results penelitaian through survey
participants built directly on Bank Indonesia as many as 20 REFERENCES
participants using SME's Ground Survey said the results of [1] The Central Bureau of Statistics.Statistics MSMEs West Sumatra. 2015.
judging by priority (1) the mentality of 65.5%, businessmen [2] Department of Cooperatives and SMEs. West Sumatra Province. 2015.
[3] Jafar Hafsah, Muhammad DR.Ir. the SME Development Efforts.
asked that given the great mental development so that it can Infokop No 25 of 2004. 2014.
become a formidable businessman. (2) Human resources [4] Akbar, Syamsul, Ir. Enterproneurship, UPTD. Cooperatives and SME
20.3%, small and micro business mmenengah (SMEs) Training Center of West Sumatra Province. 2013.
[5] Tom MC Ifle. It's Time WIN More Profit. Indic Punlishing. Depok
requested that held improving human resources so that more Indonesia. 2013.
SMEs have kreatifdaninovatifdalm business development. (3) [6] Nazir, Mohammad. Research Methodology, Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta.
working capital of 8.2%, in addition to the participants built 2003.
[7] Subagyo, Joko. Research Methodology, Rineka Reserved. Jakarta. 2006.
Bank Indonesia requires working capital by using the [8] Kotler, P and Armstrong, Gerry. Marketing Management, PT
capacity capabilities of the businesses. (4) engine technology Penhalindo. Jakarta. 2002.
3.0%, it is recognized that one of the technology increases [9] Kotler, P and Amstrong. Prinsip Principles of Marketing. Primary
Literacy ketiga.PT edition surge. Jakarta. 1997.
production capability and quality improvement but after the
ability of business has the capacity and kapabiltas SMEs. (5)
2.0% market access in answering the challenges of market
participants said the human resource capabilities of both the
market can be entered, and (6) lack of transparency in
production of 1.0% .peserta said that does not mean anything
if we cover business activities with the opening of business
activities, the business will become more sophisticated, this
contradicts with SMEs is not guided by Bank Indonesia.
The success rate has been addressed by participants
New Entrepreneurs Bank Indonesia of which 90% had
transformed improve their skills in running a business and
the participants have managed to become a motivator, bring
in investment and improving the product development
through improvement in product quality, product branding as

Assessment of Profitability, Size Company, Operating Leverage and
Corporate Values in Affecting Income Smoothing LQ 45 Index in
Indonesia Stock Exchange 2014 – 2015
Nidia Anggreni Das1)
Accounting Studies Program Faculty of Economics, University Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin Solok

Abstrak. The Variabels of this research are profitability, firm size, operating leverage, corporate values on income
smoothing on LQ 45 index companies on the stock exchanges Indonesian partially. The dependent variable was income
smoothing, the independent variable is profitability, company size, operating leverage, and corporate value with price to
book value as measuring instrument . This research was conducted at the company LQ 45 index in Indonesia Stock
Exchange in 2014-2015. In the selection of the sample, this study using purposive sampling method with some criteria
that will be used as a sample. Testing data in this study using multiple regression analysis.
The first hypothesis (H1) is rejected and it was concluded Return On Assets (ROA) has no effect on income
smoothing. From the calculation of partial assay values obtained t count 0.160 < t table of 1.66827 with a significance
level of 0.873 > 0.05. The second hypothesis (H2) is received and concluded firm size effect on income smoothing.
From the results of the partial test calculations obtained of t count 1.986 > t table of 1.66827 with a significance level of
0.052. The third hypothesis (H3) concluded DOL rejected and has no effect on income smoothing. From the calculation
results obtained t count partial test of -1.504 with a significance level of 0.138 and t table 1.66827. The third hypothesis
(H4) was rejected, PBV concluded no effect on income smoothing. From the calculation results obtained t count partial
test of -0.028 with a significance level of 0.978 and t table 1.66827.

Keywords: Profitability, Company Size, Operating Leverage, Price to Book Value and Income Smoothing

on income smoothing on LQ 45 index companies on the

I. INTRODUCTION stock exchanges Indonesian partially.

The management is required to be able to continue to II. METHODS

improve the efficiency and effectiveness so that the company Profitability ratios is the ability company makes a
can survive in accordance with existing conditions and is profit in relation to sales, total assets, and the capital itself.
able to achieve the goal of maximizing the profit that can be In this study, the company's profitability ratio is the ratio as
obtained. The income smoothing is done for various reasons measured by the ratio between income after taxes by total
such as to give the impression the owners and creditors of assets of the company or the Return on Assets ratio [1].
management performance, reduce fluctuations in earnings Company size is a scale to classify the size of the company,
reporting and reduce the risk that securities prices are high which can be done by all different ways such as total assets,
so as to attract the attention of the market, making a profit is log size, the value of the stock market, and others. Firm size
stable and maintain their position in the company. is calculated by the natural logarithm of the total amount of
Profitability stable gives investors confidence on the assets which are formulated with natural log of the total
investment made. assets of the company [2]. Operating leverage is the potential
In addition, the size of the company can influence use of fixed operating costs to add effects to changes in the
the actions of managers in the income smoothing. The larger sales of the company's earnings before interest and taxes.
the enterprise, the greater can provide more transparent Leverage operations occur when companies use the assets
information and complete for the company, and vice versa. that give rise to fixed costs. The greater the fixed costs of a
On the other hand Laverage operation is expected to company, the higher the risk it is facing as companies
generate high sales. The increase in sales can encourage become easy or sensitive to changes in units sold. By using
changes in earnings before interest and taxes to be larger. operating leverage the company expects that the changes
Corporate Values is reflected by the greater its price to book will lead to changes in the sales earnings before interest and
value, which means the company is valued in proportion to taxes were greater [3].
the funds invested by investors in the company. The value of the company is an investor perception of
The purpose of this study was to assess whether companies that are often associated with stock prices (Arif,
profitability, firm size, operating leverage, corporate values 2014). Attuned with Nurlela and Islahudin (2008), that the
company's value can be defined as the market value.

Because the value of the company can deliver maximum the burden remains with the aim to generate greater profits.
shareholder wealth when the company's stock price to rise. As well as if the company has a relatively large debt would
The higher the stock price, the higher the wealth of be at risk is increasing, so the greater the leverage ratio, the
shareholders. The value of the company may be indicated by risk borne by the owners is also increasing. Then it will be
the price to book value. Price to book value high above will able to lead the company to perform income smoothing
make the market believe the company's prospects ahead. It is action to stabilize the financial position of the company.
also the desire of the owners of the company, because the H3: Operating Leverage effect on the income smoothing
company's high value indicates prosperity shareholders also Company Values is reflected by the greater its price to
high (Soliha and Taswan, 2002). Earnings were reported book value, which means the company is valued in
in stable position will give more sense of confidence to the proportion to the funds invested by investors in the company.
owner of the company which is accompanied with the aim of The income smoothing has a reciprocal relationship to the
increasing the satisfaction of its shareholders through growth value of the company, because it can result in reduced
and stability of earnings are reported, but still within the income smoothing fluctuations in earnings, so as to reflect
limits of accounting rules applicable [4]. [5] explains that the stability of the company's performance or value of the
income smoothing is the process of normalization of company, so the performance of the company or the
earnings deliberate in order to reach a trend or a desired company's value is a factor that affects the income
level. Theory Efficiency Market Hypothesis (EMH) states smoothing companies. (Sartika: 2014).
that the financial statements could affect capital markets. H4: Company Values effect on the income
This shows how important the role of financial statements, smoothing
thus inviting the management to do things that change the
income statement for the interests of certain parties, in B. Population and Sample
particular private interests, such as maintaining a position or The population is all companies that go public in
get a higher bonus. Normally stable profit where not much Indonesia Stock Exchange and incorporated in LQ 45. The
fluctuation or variance from one period to another so that the method of collecting the sample in this research is purposive
manager will be assessed with good achievement. Efforts to sampling method with these criteria are:
stabilize this profit is called alignment Profit (Income 1) Non-bank company incorporated in LQ 45 index is
Smoothing) [6]. published financial statements and include the value
of the variables to be studied in 2014-2015.
A. Hypothesis Development 2) Companies that did not experience a loss in the year
Profitability can be used as a benchmark by investors the study and financial reporting fiscal year is
and creditors in assessing whether or not the company December 31.
healthy. The company's profitability can be used to measure
the company's ability to earn income and determine the C. Types and Sources of Data
effectiveness of the company to manage resources owned. The data used is secondary data is data related to the
Besides being used as a tool to measure the company's calculation of profitability, company size, operating leverage,
ability to generate profits, profitability is also used to the value of the company and the company's income
determine the effectiveness of the company managing funds smoothing index Lq 45 issued mainly from Indonesian
owned resources. Therefore profitability affect income Capital Market Directory 2014-2015 and other publications
smoothing because logically, profit is an instrument that is related to this research.
directly related to the object of smoothing earnings [7]. TABLE I
H1: Profitability effect on the income smoothing. DEFINITION AND MEASUREMENT OF VARIABLES
Company size or scale of a company is determined by Variabel
Definisi Variabel
A deliberate attempt by
Parameter Pengukuran
Indeks Eckel = CV ΔI
total assets held by the company Sartono (2010). The size of Smoothing management to flatten or
(Y) doing fluctuations in the CV ΔS
the larger company likely to be more critical to get the rate of profit
Profitablitas Return on Assets used to ROA = EAT Ratio
attention of the government, the analysts and investors. (X1) measure the ability of Total of asset
management to gain
Large companies will avoid drastic fluctuations in earnings Company size is Firm Size = ln (total aset) Ratio
Firm Size
with income smoothing action, hence the company will be determined from the
average total assets
able to minimize the risks that may occur. This could trigger owned company
DOL = % change in EBIT Ratio
the company to do the income smoothing in order to Leverage
The ratio between the
percentage of EBIT % change in sales
minimize the risk will occur. (X3) With the percentage
change Sales
H2: The size of the company influence on the income Corporate The ratio of the Market Price per share Ratio
smoothing. values (X4) market value of PBV =
equity to book value Book Value per share
In [8], explained by variable operating leverage of the company's
research results proved the practice of smoothing earnings.
D. Data Analysis Method
The use of debt will determine the level of leverage of the
The analysis technique used multiple regression model
company. Operating leverage is seen as important in the
(Multiple Regression) yiatu:
company based on the use of financial resources which has
Y = a + b1x1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + e

Where : variable. The smaller the value of R2 mean less capability of
Y = Income Smoothing independent variables to explain the dependent variable.
a = Constant Gain Flattening
b1-b4 = Regression coefficient III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
X1 = Profitability The descriptive statistics for each variable will be
X2 = Company Size shown in the following table:
X3 = Operating Leverage
e = error term
V N M M Average Std. Deviation
IE 66 i.17 1.96 .9677 .38182
E. Classical Assumption
ROA 66 1.07 40.18 10.1930 7.71405
1) Normality Test
Analyze by using the chart to see the normality of FIRMSIZE 66 11.86 31.26 18.9044 4.48599
residual caramelihat histogram graph that compares the DOL 66 .16 19.02 2.1368 3.16366
observation data distribution approaches a normal PBV 66 .36 58.48 5.3224 9.16532
distribution or normal probability plots. If the data is spread
Source: Data Processed its own (output spss 2016)
around the diagonal line and follow the direction of the
diagonal line or histogram graph, it shows a normal Index Eikel value amounting to 0.17% smallest and
distribution pattern. largest value average 1.96% with standard deviation of
2) Test Multicoloniarity 0.9677 and 0.38182. ROA of statistical results showed that
Multicolinearity can be seen from the value of the smallest value is 1.07% and the value of the total of
tolerance and the opponent is inflaction variance factor 40.18% with an average value of 10.1930 and the value of a
(VIF). Both of these variables showed any independent standard deviation of 7.71405. Firm Size variable value the
variable Which explained by other independent variable. smallest is 11.86% and the value of the total of 31.26% in
Tolerance measures the variability of independent variables 2014 with an average value of 18.9044 and the value of a
were chosen that are not explained by other independent standard deviation of 4.48599. DOL smallest variable value
variable. So a low tolerance value is equal to a high VIF. is 0.16% and the largest value is 19.02% with an average of
General limitation used to measure multikolinieritas is 2.1368 and a standard deviation value of 3.16366. Variable
tolerance <0.1 and VIF> 10 then it occurred multikolinieritas. PBV smallest was 0.36% in 2015 and the largest value is
3) Test Autocorrelation 58.48% with an average of 5.3224 and a standard deviation
In this study, autocorrelation test is done by using value of 9.16532.
Durbin Watson Test. Durbin Watson test is used only for
autocorrelation level one and requires the constant in the A. Classic Assumption Test
regression model and no longer variable among the 1) Normality Test
independent variables. Normality test results graphically Probability Plot using
4) Test Heteroskidastity SPSS version 22 for variable Eckel index shown by the chart
Heterokedastisitas test aims to test whether the below:
regression model occurred inequality residual variance of the
observations to other observations. If the variance of the
observations to other observations together, it is called as
homokedastisitas. The methods used are viewed Graphs plot
between the predicted value of the dependent variable
(dependent) is ZPRED with residual SRESID.
5) Partially Test (t test)
T tests were used to test the effect of each independent
variable maising used to partially dependent variable. Source: Data processed its own (SPSS output 22)
Hypothesis testing is conducted to analyze the effect of Figure 1: Normal P-Plot
profitability, operating leverage, firm size, the enterprise
value of the income smoothing practices. To find out the Based on the graphic display Normal P-Plot above, it
hypothesis t test. Tests conducted by signikan level α of 5%. can be concluded that the normal graph pattern seen from the
If the test obtained t <0.05 means partially significant effect. points spread around the diagonal line and distribution
Conversely, if the test t> 0.05 means partially not significant. follow the direction of the diagonal line. Based on the
6) Koefisien of Determination (R2) normal line plot, suggesting that the regression model used
The coefficient of determination basically stated how in this study feasible due to meet the assumption of
well a model to explain variations in the dependent variable normality.
[8]. The higher the value of R2 which explains that more
suitable independent variables explain the dependent

2) Multicollinearity result in the regression equation tested means to avoid problems of
Mode Collinearity 5) Analisis Multiple Linear Regression
1 (Constant)l St ti ti
Unstandardized Standardized
FIRM SIZE .941 1.063 Corfficient Coefficient
T Sig.
Model Std.
DOL .933 1.072 B Beta
PBV .465 2.150 1 (Constant) .629 .220 2.856 .006
ROA -.001 .009 -.029 -.160 .873
Dependent Variable: indeks eckel FIRM SIZE .021 .011 .251 1.986 .052
Source: Data processed its own (SPSS output 22) DER -.023 .015 -.191 -1.504 .138
Multicollinearity test results in the table above, shows PBV .003 .007 -.005 -.028 .978
Source: Data processed its own (SPSS output 22)
that the value of tolerance of two independent variables is
above 0.10 and less than 10. Where VIF VIF value for each According to the table above, there is a positive
independent variable is 0.463 to ROA, 0.941 to Firm Size, relationship between ROA, Firm Size, DOL, and PBV to the
0.933 to DOL and 0.465 for PBV. It can be concluded that income smoothing, with multiple regression equation as
the regression model is not going relationship follows:
multikolinearitas, the regression model that is feasible to be Y = 0,629 - 0,001 X1 + 0,021 X2 - 0.023 X3 + 0,003 X4 e
used, meaning that there is no correlation dependent variable a) Multiple linear regression equation above, note
is the income smoothing with each other or independent the constant value 0,629 with a positive sign, so
variables, ROA, Firm Size, DOL, and PBV in this research the magnitude of the constant indicates that if the
is free from multikolonearitas. independent variables ROA, Firm Size, DOL, and
PBV assumed to be zero, then the dependent
3) Test Results Heterokesidasitas variable is the income smoothing will increase by
The test results heteroskedastisity based scatterplot 62, 9%.
graph can be seen in: b) Koefisien ROA of -0.001 indicates that if ROA
changes by one unit, or 1%, then the income
smoothing will be changed by -0.001% assuming
other variables remain.
c) Koefisien Firm Size variable of 0.002 indicates
that if Firm Size changes by one unit, or 1%, then
the income smoothing changes of 0.002%,
assuming other variables remain.
d) Koefisien DOL variable of 0.021 indicates that if
the DOL changes by one unit, or 1%, then the
income smoothing will change by 0,021%,
Source: Data processed its own (SPSS output 22) assuming other variables remain.
Figure 2 Scatterplot e) Koefisien PBV variable of 0.003 indicates that if
Based on the scatterplot image can be seen that the data PBV changes by one unit, or 1%, then the income
(dots) spread evenly above and below the zero line, and do smoothing changes of 0.003%, assuming other
not gather in one place, and does not form a specific pattern variables remain.
so that it can be concluded that the regression is not the case
heteroscedasticity problem. 6) Test t results
a) Effect of Return On Assets (ROA) to Income
4) Autocorrelation Test Results Smoothing
TABLE IVV Based on Table V was obtained tcount of 0.160 <ttable
TEST MULTICOLLINEARITY RESULT of 1.66827 with a significance level of 0.873> 0.05, ROA
R Adjusted Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R
Square R Square the Estimate Waston shows no effect on the income smoothing on LQ45
1 .286a .082 .021 .37773 1,945 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2015.
a. Predictors: (Constant), ROA, FIRM SIZE, DOL, dan PBV This means that any increase in the value of ROA will not
b. Dependent Variable: Indeks Eckel affect the company in an act of smoothing earnings. That is
Source: Data processed its own (SPSS output 22) because the management or agent has the asymmetry of
On the results of the regression test by SPSS version 22 information rather than outside the company or the principal
are shown in Table IV resulted in value amounted to 1.945 so that the agent has the opportunity to manipulate the
Durbin Watson are in the range of values between -2 to +2, financial statements ie by income smoothing. In the years
it means that there is no positive or negative autocorrelation 2014-2015 the company LQ45 ROA value is not used as an

indicator in predicting the income smoothing and the main income smoothing action on the Company LQ 45 listed in
focus by investors in making investment decisions. The the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
results support the research conducted by Eko (2011), [10] d) Effect of PBV to Income Smoothing
and I Komang and I Nyoman (2014) showed that the Return From the calculation results obtained tcount partial test
On Assets (ROA) has no effect on the income smoothing. of -0.028 with a significance level of 0.978 and ttable
b) Effect of Firmsize Influence to the Income 1.66827. Because the significance value greater than 0.05
Smoothing and tcount smaller than t table. This means that the value of
The hypothesis is accepted if thitung> t table and sig the company proxied by Price to Book Value has no effect
<α 0.05. From the results of the partial test calculations on income smoothing. The value of the variable coefficient
obtained tcount of 1.986 with a significance level of 0.052 corporate values that has a negative value indicates that the
and ttable 1.66827. Because the significance value greater smaller the value of the company, the more likely the
than 0.05 and smaller than tcount ttabel, it can be concluded company's income smoothing. Likewise, the greater the
that the Firm Size (X2) effect on the income smoothing. corporate values the less likely the practice of income
Based on statistical analysis that has been done that for the smoothing of the company. Besides, companies that value
second hypothesis (H2) is received and it can be concluded the company's high is not the only consideration investors in
that company size has an influence on the company's income investing, investors who have a low capital, will choose to
smoothing LQ 45 listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in invest in a company that values its lower because there is a
2015. From t test, we can conclude that the size of the possibility that the value of the company will be increased,
company influential flattening LQ45 company's earnings in and the when there is such an increase, the investors are
2015 because in making an investment decision or decisions interested to sell their shares to obtain capital gains for
assessing stock investors consider the total assets. This is investors are oriented towards short-term investments.
because if the total assets of the smaller companies do not Companies that have a high value of the company showed a
necessarily reflect poor performance. The company's good performance management, so that management is not
performance can also be seen on the company's ability to interested in doing income smoothing. The results of this
generate profits increased from year to year. As happened in study support the research Sindi Retno Noviana and Etna
the company AKR Tbk and Unilever Indonesia Tbk, which Nur Afri Yuyetta (2012) which shows that the corporate
had a net profit (net income) that continue to increase each values does not have a significant impact on income
year despite the company's size is small compared to other smoothing contrary to research Eddy Suranta and Primary
companies that entered into the study sample. These results Puspita Merdistuti (2004) showed that the value of the
are in contrast to studies conducted by [10] which states the company has a significant influence on income smoothing.
size of the company does not affect the income smoothing.
The results are consistent with research conducted by Eko & 7) Coefficient of determination (R2)
Sally (2012) which concluded that the size of the firm and TABLE VI
firm size effect on income smoothing. HASIL UJI KOEFISIEN DETERMINASI (R2)
c) Effect of Operating Leverage to Income Model Summaryb
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Smoothing MODEL R R Square
Square Estimate
From the calculation results obtained tcount partial test 1 .286a .082 .021 .37773
of -1.504 with a significance level of 0.138 and ttable
a. Predictors: (Constant), ROA, Firm Size, DOL, dan PBV
1.66827. Because the significance value greater than 0.05
and t value is smaller than t table it can be concluded DOL b. Dependent Variable: perataan laba
Sumber: data diolah sendiri
no significant effect on the income smoothing.
In the table above can be seen the R value of 28.6%
Based on the description above, it can be concluded
means that the relationship between the independent
that the hypothesis is rejected, it showed no effect between
variables are ROA, Firm Size, DOL, and PBV to the
Operating Leverage (DOL) to income smoothing. The
dependent variable is the smoothing of income is 28.6%
results of this study together with studies are also under
indicated that the dependent variables together relationships
study them by [11] showed that the Leverage operation has
strong enough to income smoothing. Rated R Square (R2) in
no effect on the income smoothing, and this is corroborated
the table of 0.082 or equal to 8.2% means that the
by the results of research [10] which showed similar results.
independent variable is ROA, Firm Size, DOL, and PBV,
Operating leverage is to see how companies generate
may indicate the changes that occur in the dependent
earnings, compares the percentage change in EBIT by the
variable is the income smoothing. While the rest of 91.8% is
percentage change in sales. In this research, the company has
explained by other variables not included in the regression
always run into profit during the period 2014-2015, the
model in this study. From the table it can be seen that the
higher the profit or the better companies to generate profits,
value of Adjusted R Square (R2) amounted to 0,021, or by
the lower the income smoothing action. Rejection of the
2.1%. With the value of the Standard Error of the Estimate
third hypothesis in this study, indicating that partial
which is the standard error of assessment of 0.37773.
Leverage Operations for the period 2014-2015 do not affect

IV. CONCLUSION [8] Jin, L. S. dan M. Machfoedz. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi
Praktik Perataan Laba pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek
Based on the results and conclusions obtained Jakarta. Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Indonesia, Vol 1, No.2. 1998.
discussion is profitability, operating leverage and corporate [9] Ghozali, Imam. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariat dengan Program IBM
SPSS 19. Edisi 5. Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro: Semarang.
value with price to book value as measuring instrument no 2011.
effect on income smoothing in LQ45 Index companies listed [10] Salim Kartika., Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tindakan
in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2015. From these Perataan Laba Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia,
Jurnal Ekonomi Mikroski, Volume 4 No. 2 Oktober 2014.
studies only variable Firm Size which only has an influence [11] Sucipto, W. dan Anna P., Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas
on income smoothing. Subsequent research in order to use Dan Leverage Operasi Terhadap Praktik Perataan, Jurnal Ekonomi dan
all the companies included in the index LQ45 as the object bisnis Vol. 19, No. 1, 2007.
under study without spending a banking company to be
researched. Use of othervariables that may be used as a
factor that would affect income smoothing like dividend
policy and financial leverage.

Praise to God always to Allah SWT writers who have
the privilege and the pleasure of giving all large, well favors
faith, health and strength in completing this study. Salawat
and greetings always tercurahkan to Allah's Apostle
Muhammad and his family and companions and the Sunnah
of His enforcement until the end of time later. On this
occasion the author expressed gratitude profusely and
highest appreciation to:
A. Mr. Prof. DR. Elfi Sahlan Ben, Apt. As Rector of the
UMMY Solok who helped in the process of
disbursement of research funds DIPA UMMY
B. Dean Economics Faculty UMMY Juita Sukraini, SE.,
M.Si, Chairman Prodi and the entire teaching staff
(lecturer) Faculty of Economics who helped me provide
input, support for the sake of the completion of the study.
C. Spesial to my beloved husband Juarsa Badri, SE., MM
and my dear children Varissa Anzani and Fathina Aqila
Badri Badri, thanks for love and patience that has been
poured out until I can finish this research.
Finally Allah SWT always authors hope the sacrifice
and everything is with sincere and honest has been given and
the author will always get an abundance of grace and His
guidance, Amin.
Solok, January 2017

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[5] Belkaoui, A. R. Accounting Theory (Teori Akuntansi). Edisi Kelima.
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The Challenge of Labor Education
in the face of ASEAN Economic Community
Nova Mustika1), Diana Kartika2)
Perintis Health Science

Bung Hatta University

Abstrak. Asean Economic Community (AEC) or commonly referred to as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is
a form of realization of economic integration in the ASEAN region. ASEAN Economic Community is a form of
economic integration is an increasingly pro-single market means that the trade system of the free countries of ASEAN
which will impact on the creation of a free market in services, the law, not least in education. MEA challenges in
education that will face, among others, the labor market will be flooded by foreign workers, the proliferation of foreign-
sounding educational institutions, as well as standards and orientation of education are increasingly pro-free market. To
that end the era of free trade in ASEAN or AEC, to be greeted by the world of education quickly, with hopes of
Indonesian human resources ready to face free market competition increasingly fierce with other countries and also
prepare the human resources (HR) is a skilled, smart, and competitive. The world of education is challenged to
participate actively because this MEA era competence of students tested for feasibility participants must be qualified, so
that after graduation they become integrated human in the constellation of the single market. For example, from the
employment sector, if professional workers are not prepared properly, they will not compete with the workers of the
countries included in the MEA. Central agency statistics record more productive workers of low education. Indonesia
has a less educated labor force and not on an educated workforce. Therefore, all levels of society and government also
need to find a breakthrough and a short way to improve the skills and competence of human resources working for us in
accordance with market needs MEA. For the government not only groundbreaking nature of normative through
legislation. Protection through regulation not unimportant, but for the time required real effort.

Keywords: Education Environment, Labor, MEA.

professional, not apart from quality education. Without

I. INTRODUCTION quality education, hopes to create skilled human resources,
and professional, will not be realized.
Asean Economic Community or in Indonesia called the Education is a milestone in the development of a nation,
MEA which came into force in December 2015 is already through quality education necessarily correlated with the
inevitable. The era of the ASEAN Economic Community competitiveness of a nation. One important element in
(AEC) becomes a challenge and opportunity for the education is the availability of teachers. As part of the
Indonesian people. The impact of the MEA not only in the essential elements in education, professional role of the
trade sector but also in all sectors. All sectors must be teacher in the learning process, teaching and education
prepared to face this MEA [1]. linked to improving the quality of education it is accordance
As the host of ASEAN Economic Community with UU number 20 of 2003 [2] about National Education
Indonesia inevitably involved in the process of globalization System UU number 14 of 2014 [3] about Teachers and
and competition are widespread in various forms such as Lecturers. So with the skills and professional teachers who
goods and labor services. Through the MEA, there will be are expected to give birth to human resource competitiveness
integration of economic sectors. The main concept of the in this Era of MEA. According to Hamid, Chairman of the
MEA is creating ASEAN as a single market where free Association of Indonesian Private University, quoted from
products and foreign workers to enter Indonesia. In voting USAID's website says that every year there 6000.000 college
Indonesia as a center of free trade MEA, the Indonesian graduates are unemployed. Traffic coupled with skilled
government needs to do preparations, starting from the manpower which opens next year, the threat of educated
preparation of infrastructure to the preparation in creating a unemployment can be a serious problem for Indonesia.
Human Resources (HR) people of Indonesia are skilled, and However, the commitment to participate in AEC 2015 must
professional. To create skilled human resources, and be realized. It opens up opportunities for skilled workers and
college graduates Indonesian professional education, doctors,

economics, law, engineering or social work without a hitch been evenly distributed, as well as the quality of teachers
in the ASEAN region. Indonesian universities are becoming themselves is insufficient. Lack of access to education in
one of the important institutions that will give birth to a Indonesia, especially in the area led to the increasing
skilled workforce in all fields ranging disciplines should fix urbanization to gain better access to knowledge in urban
the graduates to be ready to compete in the MEA's. areas.
One strategy for dealing MEA in education In addition, the number of qualified teachers in
environment adjust KKNI curriculum and conducted accordance with the rated current is still not evenly
cooperation among the countries of ASEAN and the distributed in the area. According to Director General of
international among higher education institutions or Primary Education Muhammad Hamid Kemendikbud
industries within and outside the country to strengthen the currently many elementary schools in Indonesia lack of
quality of graduates. teachers. The number is estimated at 112 thousand teachers.
To overcome this problem, the Ministry of Education
II. EDUCATION IN INDONESIA and Culture (Kemendikbud) will cooperate with local
Education as the foundation in preparing the workforce governments, both provincial and district / city, in terms of
is indispensable. This is a basic provision of education in distribution of teachers in these areas in order to more evenly.
shaping the workforce has the knowledge and skilled in the "If the teacher management can be handled optimally, not
art. partial, it can be transferred to a district or an adjacent area,"
According KBBI education is the process of changing said Hamid.
attitudes and code of conduct of a person or group of people Then, to improve the quality of teachers, Kemendikbud
in a mature business man through teaching and training will improve the qualifications of teachers through
efforts; process, method, works to educate. Therefore, in the scholarships S-1 for elementary and secondary teachers.
face of MEA education sector should be a quality education Hamid explained, the number of elementary school teachers
that is in accordance with the meaning of education itself. in public and private schools around 1,850 thousand teachers.
Education must be able to change the attitudes and behavior Of these, only 60 percent of teachers who are already
of a person's system by exploring the intelligence of the qualified with S-1 degree, while 40 percent do not meet the
brain, the heart's intelligence, and provide the skills to qualifications. Each year, Kemendikbud also set up
learners. This is accordance with the UU National Education scholarships for 100 thousand prospective teachers to study
number 20 of 2003 education is a process that is meaningful in the S-1 through S-1 scholarship aid for elementary and
to build community. secondary teachers. Internationally, the quality of education
With the Education is expected to bring an awareness in Indonesia is ranked 64th out of 120 countries around the
of the students in immoral behavior. Thus, the Indonesian world based on the annual report of the UNESCO Education
nation must try with seriously to improve the quality of For All Global Monitoring Report 2012. While based
human resources and catch up with other countries, Education Development Index (Education Development
particularly in the ASEAN region. Enhancing the quality of Index, EDI), Indonesia was ranked 69th out of 127 countries
human resources should be directed to the mastery of in 2011.
science and technology to sustain economic activity to be In the face of MEA problems that occur in the world of
more competitive. education must be completed. according to figures Indonesia
education, Anies Baswedan in the development of education
III. EDUCATION CHALLENGES IN THE FUTURE in Indonesia, the government has implemented various
policies to improve the quality of education in order to face
Education is a sector that will determine the quality of the competition of the free world with the realization of the
a nation, especially in the face of MEA current era of free ASEAN Community.
market competitiveness will be increasingly strong. If the
education of a nation fails it will have implications for all IV. LABOR IN INDONESIA
As a means for forming the character of the nation, the According to UU about Employment number 14 year
school is an important location where the "Nation Builders" 1969, the labor is any person who is able to work both inside
Indonesia is expected to strive to bring the country to and outside the employment relationship in order to produce
compete in the global arena. Along with the rapid global goods or services to meet the needs of society. In this
challenges, educational challenge becomes even greater, it connection, the formation of labor is an increase in the
is encouraging students to get the best performance. ability of the effectiveness of labor to do the job.
Now a national education is in a critical situation that According UUD 1945 the citizen the right to work and
observed from internal and external angles. The evidence a decent living for humanity'. In the Guidelines (BP.7 Center,
suggests that the quality of education in Indonesia is still low 1990-96) item 22 and item 23 as the direction and general
and far behind other countries. policy. Item 22 states on developing human resources and
One of the facts of education in Indonesia is still low, creating a workforce Indonesia tough, capable, and ready to
we can see from the quality of education include limited work so as to fill all kinds of levels of employment in
access to education, the number of teachers who have not national development. Based on the content of that clause

implies that the Indonesian workers equipped with readiness there are 8 field of employment or profession that is open to
for work to be accepted at all kinds of levels of employment. the public market of ASEAN. These fields are: engineers,
Indonesia has a large number of workers in 2016 alone architects, nurses, surveyors, tourism workers, medical
the number of workers by BPS amounted to 127.8 million practitioners, dentists, and accountants. This means that with
people. With the strength in the labor force educated this agreement the entire ASEAN community can work in
workforce with qualified, well-trained workforce and labor any country in the ASEAN region in the meet the quality
uneducated and untrained. The workforce is scattered in standards set by their respective associations from eight
various sectors of work. Based on the number of indications professions [4].
Indonesia is a country that has a large labor force, which will Therefore, all levels of society and government also
become larger again in the future, it stressed the importance need to find a breakthrough and a short way to improve the
of job creation in the largest economy in Southeast Asia. skills and competence of human resources working for us in
Based on the classification of the quality of labor is as accordance with market needs MEA. For the government not
follows: 1) The well-educated workforce; workers who have only groundbreaking nature of normative through legislation.
a skill or proficiency in a particular manner or school formal Protection through regulation not unimportant, but for now
and informal education. For example: lawyers, doctors, the real effort is required. One of the efforts can optimize
teachers, and others. 2) Well-trained labor: workers who existing infrastructure either by organizing workshop or
have expertise in the specific field. educated and trained conference for new workforce skills and training in quality
workforce. For example: pharmacists, surgeons, mechanics, improvement for the existing workforce.
and others. 3) Workers uneducated and untrained: is Rizkie stated that as a comparison, in the country of
unskilled labor is only relying on power alone. Example: Vietnam began to give Indonesian training for each of its
porters, porters, housemaid.. workforce to face the MEA. With the start of the MEA
It is expected the amount of labor which is quite large would have no problem in communication because of the
in Indonesia from various sectors and qualifications can language of each country is different.
compete in the era of free market or MEA. Labor who has
skilled and qualified professional. REFERENCES
Qualification of Labor Facing Era MEA Labor is one [1] Asean Economic Community. 2015 (25:11). “Dunia Pendidikan
of the most important factors in economy. It is necessary for Menghadapi MEA 2015”. Diperoleh 26 Januari 2017. Dari
a qualified workforce. In the face of MEA many still doubt asean/dunia-pendidikan-menghadapi-mea-2015/
that with the implementation of the ASEAN Economic [2] UU 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional
Community will benefit Indonesia, especially Indonesian [3] UU No 14 Tahun 2014 tentang Guru dan Dosen.
[4] Ninsiana, Widhiya. “Revolusi Mental Bidang Pendidikan Pada
workers. Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (Mea)”. Tarbawiyah, Vol. 13, No.1, Edisi
Rena explained that, in the quality of the labor force in Januari - Juni 2016. 2016.
Indonesia is now 117.37 million, representing approximately
88.34 percent of the total Indonesian population reached
237.6 million and unemployment in Indonesia is still high at
7.7 million. While employment with elementary school
education under the 65 million people or about 47 percent,
junior high school by 20.5 million people, or 18 percent,
diploma 2.9 million people, or 2.64 percent, and university
6.83 percent.
While Rizkie daily quoting from Sindo newspaper,
based on BPS data, the number of Indonesian labor force
February 2014 has reached 125.3 million or an increase of
1.7 million compared to February 2013. However, the
number of the workforce is still dominated by primary
school graduates down in 55, 31 million, followed by junior
high school graduates 21, 06 million, 18.91 million high
school, vocational high schools 10.91 million, Diploma I / II
/ II 3.13 million and the university is only 8.85%. From these
results, the central statistical agency (BPS) noted the
productive labor from low education.
Thus it can be stated that the labor force in Indonesia
are less educated workforce and not on an educated
workforce. In the presence of MEA is not profitable for
Indonesia due to limitations in the aspect of human resources
aspects. This needs to be taken into account the need to note
is the entry into force of the MEA also has an agreement that

The Analysis of Production Planning and Staple Supply Control to Make
the Modal Efficient in Rakik Kacang As-Syifa’s Business

Abstrak. The purpose of this research is to find out production planning, staple stock controlling and cost efficiency
base on the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) rakik kacang As-Syifadi Batu Sangkar. The staple stock controlling is
important because it is effected the successfulness of production process. The successfulness of the production process
is depended on the existence of the staple so that it can be proceeded in the good production process. The data that is
used in this research is consist of primary and secondary data. It is the qualitative and quantitive data that is related to
the staple stock of Rakik Kacang. The primary data is gotten from the obsevation, interview, and documentation from
various party who is related to the business. The secondary data is obtained from the management documents and
reports at the company. This research indicate that the application of EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method at Rakik
Kacang As-syifa company is more efficient than the simple method. The application od this method emphasize the
importance of the staple stock planning for the company while doing the production process. .

Keywords: Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

In the correlation to efficiency level, the purchase of

I. INTRODUCTION the staple needs to be planed by using the right method so
The company always want profit more than they are that the extravagant cost can be avoided. By that, the
expected. The more profit they can get, the development of business can run efficiently. One of the efficient method that
the company will become easier. The production process, can be used to manage the staple stock controlling is
starting from the planning, have to be planned throughly. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method.
According to [1] the production planning is used to leverage According to [4] EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) is
the limited production sources effectively, especially to the the volume or the sum of purchase which is the most
effort to fulfill the demand of the consumer and get the economic to be done in each purchase. To fulfill that need,
income for the company. So that, planning is the purpose of the minimal cost for the purchase can be counted which is
the company which consist of goal and strategy they will do the goods that can be obtained by using that minimal cost.
to achieve that goal. Based on explanation above, the research need to be done
[2] explained that the stock consist of all the goods or about “The analysis of production planning and staple
materials that is needed in production process and supply control to make the modal efficient in Rakik Kacang
distribution which is used to next process or be sale. The As-Syifa business at Batu Sangkar.”
staple stock controlling is important because staple is one of
the important factor which guarantee the successfulness of II. METHODS
production process. [3] said that the stock controlling is a This research had been done at Rakik Kacang As-Syifa
series of control policy which determine the stock level that factory located im Jl. Sutan Alam Bagarsyah Jorong Kp.
have to be saved, when the order to re-new the stock have to Tangah Nagari Pagaruyung, Batu Sangkar. This research
be done and how much is the order, the quantity or the stock uses descriptive quantitative method. The data that is used in
level that is needed is different to various factory, depend on this study consist of primary and secondary data both
the production volume, kind of the company, and the process. qualitative and quantitative measures related to the staple
Rakik Kacang “As-Syifa” business which is located at supply of Rakik Kacang. Primary data were obtained
Pagaruyung, Batu Sangkar is a Rakik Kacang snack through direct observation and interview, and documentation
production business. It is established in March, 2003. In with various interested party. Secondary data were obtained
doing their production activity, this business needs staple from the documents and reports of the company’s
like peanuts, flour, onion, cooking oil, eggs, and use fuel management. Data analysis methods that is used are as
briquettes or coal that is used to replace kerosene or LPG. follows:
The important role of the company are the planning and A. Descriptive Analysis
production controlling, the task of that division is to Descriptive analysis describe what was done by Rakik
coordinate proportion like the staples, workers, and Kacang As-Syifa business in doing production planning and
equipments so that the production can be done effectively staple stock controlling in minimize the cost which
and efficienly. processed into data. Then, the data is being analyzed to
obtain a conclusion.

B. Determination of optimal inventory analysis III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
1) Determine the inventory total cost A. General Description of the Company
The total cost of inventory is the sum of the savings Rakik Kacang “As-syifa” business located at
cost and message cost. The minimum inventory total cost Pagaruyung, Batu Sangkar is an individual business engaged
will be reached when the savings cost equal to the cost of the in production of snacks. The business established on Mei
message. When the inventory total cost is minimum, then the 2003 by ibuk Oktavida.
number of the orders is the most economic order quantity
(EOQ). To determine the inventory total cost, this following B. The Analysis of Profuction Planning by Rakik Kacang
formula can be used: As-Syifa Business
a) Order cost/ message cost 1) Marketing Production Result Process
b) Inventory cost The marketing production result process of rakik As-
c) Staple cost itself Syifa business conducted direct purchases. The costumer can
d) Inventory total cost directly go to the factory to buy rakik kacang. Rakik kacang
2) Determine the Economics Order Quantity (EOQ) As-syifa factory also accept orders and deliver directly to
EOQ is the number of order than can minimize the total agent’s subscriptions. The agent will increase the operating
inventory cost, so the cost calculation is based only on costs costs orders that have been escorted. Rakik Kacang As-Syifa
that affect orders and purchases. It is the order total cost and business done the marketing at Riau’s area like Teluk
storage total cost. It can determine by using this following Kuantan, Pasir Pengaraian, Pekan Baru, and Perawang. As
formula: for West Sumatra areas, namely Batu Sangkar, Padang,
Q* (EOQ) = (1) Bukittinggi, Lintau, Padang Panjang, Pariaman,
Q* = Goods quantity in every order Payakumbuh, Pesisir, and Dhamasraya. The labor for this
D = The sum of staple demand in one period marketing process are 13 persons.
S = Cost in every order 2) Production Planning Analysis Based on the Number
H = Inventory cost per unit of the Labor
3) Determine the Safety Stock The production process planning of rakik kacang As-
In determining saved inventory cost, statistical analysis Syifa done based on the number of the labors. If the number
is used by considering the deviation occurred between staple of the labor is reduced, then the amount of production is also
consumption forecasts with actual usage, so that the standard reduced. The extra hours (overtime) will be given to the
deviation is known. workers. Rakik Kacang As-Syifa’s business currently have
Below is standard deviation’s formula: 45 workers. The effective working hour is 7 hours and one
hour break. It is started from 8 a.m until 4 p.m and the break
SD = Standard Deviation time started from 12 p.m until 1 p.m, six days a week.
X = Actual usage 3) Production Planning Analysis Basedon the Staple
X = Forecast usage N = number of the data Stock
Assuming that the company uses 5% deviation, and The staple stock is important guarded by the owner of
using one side of the normal curve (values can be viewed on Rakik Kacang As-Syifa’s business so that the company do
a standard table = 1.65. Then the safety stock calculation is not run out of the supplies that could lead to the cessation of
as follow: production activity. The staple is being restock two days
SS = 1.65 x SD (2) before the supplies exhausted so there will no jobless
SS = Safety Stock employees.
SD = Standard Deviation TABLE I
Re-order Point can be calculated by summing the staple
requirement during Lead Time plus the amount of inventory No Clarification Production  Realization
securing Safety Stock. So Re-order Point can be counted by
the formula: 1 Number of  48.000 pcs  48.000 pcs
ROP = (UxL) + SS (3) 2  production  200 kg  200 kg 
ROP = Re-order Point 4  Number of  100 kg  100 kg 
5  staples:  200 bowls of  200 bowls of 
U = Requirement ‐ Peanut  ground spices   ground spices 
L = Lead Time ‐ Flour     
SS = Safety Stock ‐ Flavoring     
C. Comparison Analysis Number of labors  32 persons  32 persons 
Working Hours  7 hours  7 hours 
In this study, the researcher comparing the efficiency
between the counting production process done by the Sources: Data taken from the company
company and counting based on EOQ method.
From table above, the production planning done by the
company similar to realized. There is no reduction of actual

result. So that the target desired by the company achieved So the total saving cost that is spent in one month is Rp.
well. 1.000.000.
c) Staple Cost
C. Staple Stock Controlling Analysis of Rakik Kacang As- Staple cost are the costs which is spent by the Rakik Kacang
Syifa Business As-Syifa’s company to buy the staple.
Rakik Kacang As-Syifa company do the peanut staple (1) The Staple Purchase Cost
order from its subscription who lived in Padang Panjang and
Batu Sangkar. The material prices given by the agent is Rp. MONTHLY STAPLE COST
20.000/kg with 3.000 kg in one order. While the flour
material is gotten from the same agent, from Padang Panjang, The 
The  Staple Cost 
at price Rp.12.000/kg with 1.500 kg in one order. number of 
number of  Total  Price  in one 
1) Determining Inventory Total Cost Staple  staple in 
order  (Kg)  (Rp)  month 
one order 
The inventory total cost is the sum of the saving cost (Kg)  (Rp) 
and order cost. The minimum inventory total cost will be
reached when the saving cost equal to order cost. At the time
Peanuts  3.000  2  6.000  20.000  120.000.000 
the total inventory cost is minimum, the number of order can
be said that the most economic order quantity (EOQ). To
Flour 1.500 2  3.000  12.000 36.000.000
determine the inventory total cost, we can use this following
a) Order Cost
Total         156.000.000

The order cost is the cost incurred in the conduct of Sources: Data taken from the company
ordering goods. The order cost incurred by Rakik Kacang So the total of staple purchase cost in one month is Rp.
As-Syifa’s company are the cost of delivery and the cost of 156.000.000,-
phone. (2) The Need of Staple in One Month
(a) Peanuts: 200 kg x 26 working hour = 5.200
(b) Flour :100 kg x 26 working hour = 2.600
Kind of cost Order cost of Peanuts and flour kg.
Order cost Rp 400.000
So in one month, the staple that is used are 5.200 kg
peanuts, dan 2.600 kg rosebrand flour.
Telephone cost Rp 20.000 d) Total Inventory Cost
Total Rp 420.000 The total inventory cost (TIC) is the total cost of
Source: Data taken from company inventory which is the sum of the purchase cost, saving cost,
and order cost.
Based on the table above, the salaries that is given to
the driver to order peanuts and flour in one month is Rp. THE INVENTORY OF THE STAPLE BASED ON COMPANY’S CONDITION
400.000. And the telephone cost to order the peanuts and
flour is Rp. 20.000. So the total cost incurred by the The average  Order  Saving 
company in one order is Rp. 420.000. Staple  inventory  cost  cost 
b) Saving Cost (kg)  (Rp)  (Rp) 
The saving cost are costs relating to inventory. Cost
incurred by Rakik Kacang As-Syifa’s company include the Peanuts and        
cost of electricity and the cost of foreman salary. flour  2  1.200  420.000  1.000.000 

TABLE IIIII Sources: Data taken from company

THE STAPLE SAVING COST OF RAKIK KACANG AS-SYIFA’S COMPANY IN ONE The total average saving from the staple of rakik
kacang are 800 kg peanuts and 400 kg flour.
Kind of Cost TABLE VI
Staple Electricity  Foreman salary  Total
Cost  cost 
Monthly  Monthly  Total Inventory 
Peanuts and  Rp. 250.000  Rp. 750.000  Rp 1.000.000 Staple  order cost  saving cost   Cost  
flour   (Rp)  (Rp)  (Rp) 
Sources: Data taken from company
Peanuts and  420.000 1.000.000  1.420.000
Based on the table above, the estimate lighting in flour 
warehouses and the staple of peanuts and flour per month is Sources: Data taken from company
Rp. 250.000, and the cost of supervisor’s salaries in
overseeing the staple in warehouse is Rp.750.000 per month.

Based on the table above, the inventory cost that have 5) Cost Efficiency Analysis of Rakik Kacang As-Syifa
to be spent by the company in one month to buy the staple Business
(peanut and flour) is Rp. 1.420.000. The efficiency comparison between production process
2) Determining Economics Order Quantity (EOQ) calculation that is done by the company with the calculation
based on EOQ method.
Demand (Kg)  Order  Saving cost Company’s
Staple  EOQ  Annotation EOQ Method Efficiency cost
D  Cost  S  H  Policy
Peanuts  1. Average inventory of peanuts and
9.000  420.000  1.000.000  7.560 
and flour  flour staple
Sources: Data taken from company 1.200 kg 1.440kg
The demand of the staple in one month is 9.000 kg. So 2. Total inventory cost of peanuts and
based on the table above, the calculation of EOQ, it is found flour staple
Rp. 1.420.000 Rp.1.210.000 Rp. 210.000
that the quantity of optimal order of the peanut and flour
staple is 7.560 kg. 3. Frequency of staple order
2 1
- Peanuts
Demand (Kg) Frequency - Flour ‐ 330 kg
Staple EOQ
D (kali) 165 kg

Peanuts and flour 9.000 7.560 1 5. Reorder point of the staple:
Sources: Data taken from the company - Peanuts
The frequency of staple order based on EOQ method is - Flour ‐ 353,06 kg
once a month. The smaller the order frequency, the smaller ‐ 188,06 kg
the cost that have to be spent by the company for the order Sources: Data taken from the company
cost. Furthermore, the cost that have to be calculated is the a) The average inventory for peanuts and flour staple
saving cost which is influenced by the average amount of using EOQ method is more efficient, with 1.440
inventory in the warehouse. kg stock in one order in a month spend inventory
cost about Rp. 1.210.000. If it is compared with
TABLE IX the company’s policy which done the order twice
METHOD in a month with the number of inventory about
1.200 kg that spend inventory cost for the peanuts
Frequency Average about Rp. 1.420.000. Then by using the EOQ
Order cost Saving cost
Staple of order a inventor
(Rp) c (Rp) d method, the company can save inventory cost for
y (mt) b peanuts and flour about Rp. 210.000.
Peanut and b) Rakik kacang As-Syifa do not apply the safety
1 1.440 210.000 1.000.000
s flour stock policy. Whereas in (Economic Order
Sources: Data taken from the company Quantity)method analysis, the company have to
Total inventory cost that is spent by the company in hold safety stock for peanuts staple about 330 kg
one month: and 165 kg for flour staple so that the production
TABLE X process can run well.
TOTAL SAVING COST SPENT BY THE COMPANY BASED ON EOQ c) There is Re Order Point in using EOQ method to
METHOD anticipate the delay of staple. According to
analysis using the EOQ method, the company
Monthly Monthly Total
have to reorder when the supply of peanuts staples
Staple order cost saving cost Inventory
(Rp) (Rp) cost (Rp)
in the level of 353,06 kg and 188,06 kg for flour
Peanuts and flour 210.000 1.000.000 1.210.000
Sources: Data taken from the company D. Discussion
Inventory controlling by using EOQ method obtain the Based on the result obtained from the calculation of
total inventory cost Rp.1.210.000 production planning and stock controlling of staple at Rakik
3) Safety Stock Kacang As-Syifa company, the calculation using the EOQ
The peanuts staple stock that have to be supplied by method is more efficient to be applied by the company so the
rakik kacang as-syifa’s company as a safety stock is 330 kg cost will be minimized. If we compare it, the company
and the flour staple stock that have to be supplied by rakik policy spends Rp1.420.000,00 for peanuts and flour
kacang as-syifa’s company as a safety stock is 165 kg. inventory cost, meanwhile by using the EOQ method, they
4) Re-order Point only spend Rp. 1.210.000. So the cost will more efficient Rp.
The ROP (Re Order Point) for the peanuts staple is 210.000.
353,06 kg and for the flour staple is 188,06 kg.

It is same with the calculation results of the previous [4] Gitosudarmo, Indrio. Manajemen Keuangan. Edisi 1. Yogyakarta:
BPFE. 2002.
studies on the analysis staple inventory control in effort
pressing on Pt. Eastern Pearl Flour Mills in Makassar.
Research result shows that companies can save costs if the
company use EOQ method where the order cost is lower
than order cost based on the method of the company. The
optimal purchase of wheat staple according to the actual data
from the company is fewer compared to EOQ method with
the frequency purchase is bigger than EOQ method.
The implication of EOQ method in the company make
the cost cheaper if we compare it with the usual method that
is used by the company. The company will save Rp.
188.518.668 if it uses EOQ method.

A. Judging from the production planning done by the
company, the company expects production in one day is
as much as 48.000 rakik kacang. By using manual tools
and 32 labors, production planning that had been done by
Rakik Kacang As-Syifa’s company run well and the goal
of the company could be achieved.
B. The company’s goal in conducting inventory control is to
achieve the efficiency and effectivity of the production
where the production continuity can work well. The good
staple inventory can guarantee the availability of the
staple in the amount, quality, and the right time, and at
low cost will provide support for the smooth production.
C. Factors that affected the staple inventory control system
at Rakik Kacang As-Syifa company is the number of
demand for staple, the waiting time of arrival of staple,
and staple order quantity, the number of staple inventory,
order cost, saving cost, and inventory cost.
D. The average inventory of peanuts and flour staple
according to company’s policy is 1.200 kg. Whereas
according to EOQ method the amount of optimal staple
inventory is 1.440 kg.
E. The total inventory cost of peanuts and flour staple
according to company’s policy is Rp.1.420.000. Whereas
according to EOQ method the optimal total inventory
cost is Rp. 1.210.000. So by comparing the calculation
by using EOQ method the company can save Rp.
F. The company order frequency before is 2 times order in
one month, meanwhile if we count it by using EOQ
method the order is more efficient, once a month.
G. The number of safety stock that is needed by Rakik
Kacang As-Syifa is 330 kg for the peanuts staple and 165
kg for the flour staple.
H. There is reorder point that have to be done by the Rakik
Kacang As-Syifa’s company to anticipate the delay of
the staple according to EOQ method is when the supply
of peanuts staple is 353,06 kg and flour is188,06 kg.

[1] Kusuma, Hendra. Manajemen Produksi. Edisi Keempat.Yogyakarta:
Penerbit ANDI. 2009.
[2] Sundjaja. Ridwan S dan Inge Berlian. Manajemen Keuangan 2. Edisi
Keempat,Literata Lintas Media.Yogyakarta. 2003.
[3] Herjanto, Eddy. Manajemen Operasi. Edisi Ketiga. PT. Raja Grasindo
Persada. Jakarta. 2008.

Performance Analysis of Capital Structure its Implications to Economic
Profitability PT Telecommunications Indonesia TBK
Periansya1), Sopiyan Ar2), Sherlly Pamoga3)

Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Abstrak. This Research was conducted to look at the performance of the company Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk
listed on the Indonesian stock exchange with the title the performance analysis of capital structure its implications to
profitability in pt.Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk The data used in this research is secondary data with the taking of the
page in the period 2009-2013. The analysis in this study with the bases by using the theory of capital
structure analysis, regression analysis and simple profitabilits. The Calculation in 2013 is the most optimal capital
structure, this was due to the year EBIT increased while the value of the average cost of capital in 2013 not only
increased significantly in 2011 compared to that of 0.04%. In 2012 economic rentability and the profitability of equity
capital has increased due to the cost of debt, cost of equity and cost of capital weighted average tax rate increases while
decreases. The result of correlation analysis between capital structure with company profitability shown, the structure of
the capital and economic profitability can be said to have a strong and negative correlation while the structure of the
loans capital and economic profitability has a strong relationship and positive correlation.

Keywords: Assets, Capital Structure and Profitability

understand its relationship with risk, results or returns and

I. INTRODUCTION the value achieved by the company. It is intended to support
The global economy continues to experience companies in making decisions regarding the determination
rapid growth, exacerbating opened the doors to international of the sources of funding that will be used in the
trade, one of them in Indonesia. Globalization can alter management of the company's business due to poor
competition increasingly competitive business world. The corporate capital structure can lead to high capital costs for
development of telecommunications in the global era are the company.
accelerating along with the rapid pace of information As we know that the structure of the wealth of a
technology. On the other hand, telecommunications company closely associated with capital structure, by linking
information transfer is expected to develop the quality and elements of assets on the one hand with the elements
knowledge society. Technology makes it easy to liabilities on the other hand, it gained a lot snapshot of the
communicate human activity and is able to save on costs. state financially a company, so that can know the financial
Advances in technology today is no longer separate between value of a company at a given moment.
information and communication technology. Therefore, companies need to take into account the
A business activity (business) which is run by a risks that may arise as a result of the ballooning debts of the
company, certainly has some objectives to be achieved by company, because the company would have difficulties in
the owners and management. The company's owner wants both the interest payments and when a loan is to be returned.
the optimum gain for the work performed. Therefore every It will take effect on the company's financial position,
owner wants capital that has been invested in its efforts to especially towards corporate profitability.
quickly return soon. In addition, the owners also expect their Profitability is the company's ability to generate profits
results on the capital that has been embedded so as to or gains of all the capital it has, the size of the measured
provide additional capital and prosperity to the owner and ability to generate profit from the comparison between
the employees. income with the rest of its equity. It is important to note the
The capital structure is very important for the company company for profitability is one of the main measure of
because it involves the usage policy of the most profitable success in managing the company's management to generate
sources of funds. Sources of financing can be obtained from profit by all who work in the capital, both equity and foreign
its own capital and borrowed capital, therefore the capital investment. Based on the description above, the writer
structure is one of the financial decisions related to the interested to do research with the title of Capital Structure
achievement of corporate goals. Fund managers should be Performance Analysis of the Profitability in Telekomunikasi
able to increase the company's capital structure and to Indonesia Tbk.

II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION that the annual average of 72.21%. From the analysis of the
A. Capital Structure Analysis proportion of the capital structure shows that the company
1) One aspect that should be considered by any Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk use more of their own capital
company is capital. The reason is because without when compared with the investment loan, it can be seen
supported by the capital provided then each from the average proportion in which the proportion of own
company will not perform activities in accordance capital is greater than the proportion of loan capital.
with the objectives set by the company, which is Furthermore, to determine the optimal capital structure
why companies need to determine the capital of the first authors to calculate the cost of capital weighted
structure. The capital structure is the division average (WACC). Analysis of the cost of capital is intended
between capital loans with their own capital. to be able to determine the amount of costs in real terms are
2) In connection with the above description, the data borne by the company to obtain funds from a source. Prior to
will be presented their own capital and borrowed the calculation of the cost of debt (Kd), the cost of equity
capital obtained from the company's financial (Ke) and the tax rate (Tax), then the first will be presented
statements Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (attached) the data of interest expense, earnings after tax (EAT), and
which can be presented in Table I are as follows: the tax burden can be seen in Table III are as follows:



(Thousand) (Thousand)
Year Capital Loan Total Year Interest EAT Taxes
2009 38.989.747.000 20.919.098.000 59.908.845.000 2009 15.976.212.000 6.373.076.000
2010 44.418.742.000 22.870.766.000 67.289.508.000 2010 1.928.035.000 15.870.312.000 5.546.039.000
2011 60.981.000.000 19.884.000.000 80.865.000.000 2011 1.637.000.000 15.470.000.000 5.387.000.000
2012 66.978.000.000 2012 18.362.000.000 5.866.000.000
2013 77.424.000.000 99.519.000.000 2103 1.504.000.000 6.859.000.000
Source: Processed data Source: processed data
Based on Table III, then the next will be presented
Based on the data in Table I that own capital and calculation of the cost of debt (Kd) and the cost of equity
borrowed capital it will be presented the company's capital (Ke) and the tax rate (Tax) that may be presented by Table
structure expressed in percentage for the years 2009-2013 is IV is as follows:
as follows:
YEAR 2009 – 2013
Capital Structur Total Capital Capital Cost of
Year Loan
Capital Loan (%) Debt Taxes Structure Equity
Year Structure
2009 65.08 34.92 100 (Kd) (%) (E) Capital
2010 66.01 33.99 100 (%)
2011 75.41 24.59 100 2009 34.92 9.56 39.89 65.08 40.97
2012 76.76 23.24 100 2010 33.99 8.43 34.95 66.01 35.73
2013 77.80 27.79 100 2011 24.59 8.23 34.82 75.41 25.37
Average 72.21 27.79 100 2012 23.24 10.13 31.95 76.76 27.41
Source: processed data 2013 22.20 6.80 33.80 77.80 26.21
Source: processed data
Based on table II the existing capital structure of the The result from Table IV will be presented through the
company Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk in Indonesia Stock Table V below:
Exchange for the last 5 years in particular shows that the TABLE V
composition of the loan capital of PT Telekomunikasi CALCULATION OF CAPITAL COST WEIGHTED AVERAGE PT
Indonesia in 2009 until the year 2013 has decreased. In 2009
the percentage of loan capital amounted to 34.92% decline in Capital Cost Weighted Average
Year (WACC)
2010 to 33.99% and decreased to 24.59% in 2011. Later in (%)
the year 2012 has again decreased to 23.24% and dropped to 2009 28,67
22, 20% in 2013. While the percentage of equity capital in 2010 25,44
2011 20,45
2009 amounted to 65.08%, in 2010 amounted to 66.01%, in 2012 22,64
2011 amounted to 75.41%, in 2012 amounted to 76.76% and 2013 20,49
in 2013 amounted to 77.80% , This percentage indicates that Source: processed data
the composition of the company's own capital from year to The cost of capital weighted average (WACC) is the
year has increased level of capital usage fee covers the company's overall
From the description above can be concluded that the capital cost of debt (Kd) and the cost of equity (Ke). The
average loan capital amounted to 27.79% per year. Then a calculation of the cost of capital weighted average (WACC)
proportion of their own capital in the capital structure shows is the sum by multiplying the cost of debt and cost of equity

capital to the respective capital structure. Table V which is while the value of the average cost of capital (WACC) in
the result of the calculation of the cost of capital weighted 2013 increased only insignificant compared to the year 2011
average (WACC) for the years 2009 to 2013 which showed which amounted to 0.04%.
that the year 2010 to 2011 and 2013 decreased, while in Based on the above analysis it can be concluded that
2012 an increase. Increased cost of capital weighted average the proportion of own capital 77.80% and 22.20% the
(WACC) for the year because of the cost of debt (Kd) and proportion of loan capital is the most optimal capital
the cost of equity (Ke) have increased. Therefore will be structure. It is supported by the theory that the optimal
capital structure can be interpreted as the capital structure to
calculated optimal capital structure, it is intended to be able
minimize the cost of capital use overall or average cost of
to determine the capital structure to minimize the cost of
capital so as to maximize the value of the company.
capital usage average (average cost of capital). Before the
calculation of the optimal capital structure, the first to be B. Profitability Analysis
served and the tax burden EBIT of data that can be seen in The management of efficient and effective
Table VI are as follows: management and mutual support between the functions of
TABLE VI the other functions in a company it is an important criteria is
TAX DATA AND EBIT PT TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA TBK how much a part of the organization has a firm position in
YEAR 2009 – 2013
the company. One of the factors that support the success of
(Thousand) each part in achieving the goal is an application to an
Operating Operating
Year Taxes
Revenue Expenses
EBIT analysis of the profitability of capital. This can be done by
2009 6.373.076.000 64.596.635.000 41.993.494.000 22.603.141.000 conducting an evaluation of the analysis of the profitability
2010 5.546.000.000 68.629.181.000 22.491.120.000
2011 5.387.000.000 71.918.000.000 49.970.000.000 21.948.000.000 of capital, with a view to comparing the income with capital.
2012 5.866.000.000 79.702.000.000 25.698.000.000
2013 6.859.000.000 85.546.000.000 57.729.000.000 27.817.000.000 TABLE VIII
The connection above description it will be presented PROFITABILITAS OF OWN EQUITY PT TELEKOMUNIKASI
through the calculation of the optimal capital structure of the
two other funding sources. According to Agus (2008: 228) Rentabilitas Modal
Rentabilitas Ekonomi
Tahun Sendiri
the optimal capital structure can be calculated using the (%)
following formula: 2009 23,17 40,97
EBIT - T 2010 22,98 35,73
V = (1) 2011 21,30 25,37
WACC 2012 23,06 27,41
2013 21,76 26,21
Where: Source: processed data
V = Value of Companies From the Table VIII corporate profitability
EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk in Indonesia Stock Exchange
T = Taxes for the last 5 years in particular shows that the percentage of
WACC = Cost of capital weighted average
economic profitability and the profitability of capital itself
Based on the above-mentioned formulation, then for has fluktusi. In 2009 the percentage of economic
more details will be presented the results of calculation of profitability decreased by 23.17% in 2010 to 22.98% and
the value of companies that can be viewed through the decreased to 21.30% in 2011. Then in 2012 increased to
following table: 23.06% and dropped to 21.76 % in 2013 while the
percentage of equity capital profitability in 2009 amounted
TAX DATA AND EBIT PT TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA TBK to 40.97%, in 2010 amounted to 35.73%, in 2011 amounted
YEAR 2009 – 2013 to 25.37%, in 2012 amounted to 27.41% and in 2013
(Thousand) amounted to 26.21%. From the above it can be concluded
Optimal Capital Weighted Average that by 2012 the economic profitability and the profitability
Year Structure Cost of Capital of own capital has increased due to the cost of debt (Kd), the
(Rp) (%)
2009 56.609.923.260 28.67 cost of equity (Ke) and the cost of the average weighted
2010 66.608.022.800 25.44 capital (WACC) increased while the tax rate decreased.
2011 80.982.885.090 20.45
2012 87.548.586.570 22.64
2013 102.425.573.500 20.49 C. Correlation Analysis between Capital Structure with
Average 81.725.274.100 22.73 Company Profitability
Source: processed data Analysis of the correlation between capital structure to
Table VII shows the value of the company achieved in profitability the company aims to measure the relationship
the determination of capital structure, especially in 2009- between capital structure with the profitability of the
2013 shows that the value of the company in 2011 decreased, company. Before analyzing the correlation between the
this was due to the year EBIT fell. While the views of the
profitability of the company's capital structure, the first will
WACC that the cost of capital weighted average (WACC) in
be presented the results of a comparative analysis between
2011 the minimum. Furthermore, in 2013 the most optimal
capital structure, this was due to the year's EBIT increased

capital structure with corporate profitability that can be compared to capital loans. Where the year 2013 is the
viewed through the following table: most optimal capital structure, in addition to the
year's EBIT increased while the value of the average
TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA TBK YEAR 2009 - 2013 insignificant compared to the year 2011 which
SMS SMP RE amounted to 0.04%.
(%) (%) (%) 2) Profitability of the company (profitability of own
2009 65,08 34,92 23,17
2010 66,01 33,99 22,98
capital and profitability economical) showed that in
2011 75,41 24,59 21,30 2012 economic profitability and the profitability of
2012 76,76 23,24 23,06 own capital has increased due to the cost of debt (Kd),
2013 77,80 22,20 21,76
the cost of equity (Ke) and the cost of the average
Source: processed data
Based on table IX, then the next will be presented the weighted capital (WACC) increased while the tax
results of the correlation of data processed by using SPSS rate decreased.
version 20.0 is as follows: 3) From the analysis of the correlation between capital
structure with corporate profitability seen that the
TABLE X performance of its own capital structure and
BETWEEN SMS, SMP AND RE profitability of the economy can be said to have a
strong relationship and negative while the test results
between the capital structure of loans by economic
SMS SMP RE profitability strong relationships and positive.
Pearson Correlation 1 -1,000** -,621
B. Suggestions
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,263 1) In the company should increase its profit
N 5 5 5 Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk must have an optimal
Pearson Correlation -1,000** 1 ,621 capital structure so as to improve the financial future.
SMP Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,263
N 5 5 5 2) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk Care should be
Pearson Correlation -,621 ,621 1 concerned about the use of loan capital as a funding
RE Sig. (2-tailed) ,263 ,263 source in generating profits.
N 5 5 5 3) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk should pay more
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
attention because of the company's capital structure
Source: processed data
The results of the analysis in Table X the correlation will take effect on the financial position, especially
between capital structure and profitability of companies on the economic profitability of the company.
indicated that based on the correlation between the structure
of equity and economic profitability can be said to have a
strong and negative relationship that is equal to -0.621, while [1] Kasmir. Analisis Laporan Keuangan. Edisi pertama, Cetakan pertama.
Jakarta: Rajawali Pers. 2008.
the test results between the capital structure of loans by
economic profitability there is a relationship strong and
positive that is equal to 0.621. This theory is supported by
Sugiono (2011: 231) states that to see the results of the
correlation obtained to have a strong relationship level that is
the correlation between the interval from 0.60 to 0.799.
From the above explanation it can be seen that the economic
profitability of companies Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk
tend to fluctuate every year. If measured by the industry
standard in Kashmir [1] by 30%, assets of the company's
ability to generate profits is still below the industry standard.
This shows that the company has not been able to generate
profits with total funds invested in the company's assets.

A. Conclusions
From the analysis and discussion Carried out on Data
Obtained then the performance analysis of capital structure
to the company's economic profitability in can be concluded
as follows:
1) In running the business of PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia Tbk use more of their own capital when

Influence Price, Service, And Product Diversity Factor, Toward
Consumer Purchase Decision Process In "Minang Mart" Padang
Rasidah Nasrah (1), Eka Mariyanti (2)

UMMY ,Solok, Indonesia
UNIDHA, Padang, Indonesia

Abstract.The purpose of the study to determine influence price, service, and product diversity factor, toward
consumer purchase decision. This study consist of 3 independent variable used is price, service, products diversity
for dependent variable is consumer purchase decision process, About the sample used in this study is questionnaires
and the object of the study is the consumers who met shop with researcher at "Minang Mart". Source of data used is
primary data through questionnaires distributed to consumers who met shop at "Minang Mart" statistic test in this
research used multiple regression analysis with significant level 5% and T test and F test in this study showed that
based on test T variable price has a negative influence on purchasing decisions, while variable, diversity of products
has positive and significant impact on consumer buying decision process, while the F test all variables
simultaneously influence the consumer buying decision process.

Keyword: Price, Service, Product Diversity, Consumer Purchase Decision Process

I. INTRODUCTION Retail According Berman and Evans (2001:

3) is "retail consists of the business activities
Involved in selling good and services to consumers,
A. Background family, or household use" definition of the above
The activities carried out in the retail statement is a retail consists of business activities
business (retail) is selling a variety of products, involved in selling goods and services to consumers,
services or both to consumers for personal for their own interests, family or household. Target
consumption purposes nor shared. Manufacturers sell markets in retail (retail) are often determined by
products to retailers and large retailers (wholeseler). demographic, geographic and psychographic. Setting
These large retailers are also often called sebagao a target market is a requirement to establish a retail
wholesale or large party merchants. Retail industry mix strategy (retail). Retail mix (retail) or so-called
continue to change along with changes in technology, retail mix is a combination of elements of product,
development of business, and of course the needs of price, location, promotion, personnel or to see the end
consumers. Retail is the overall business activity to reach the target market. Based on demographic
related to the sale and delivery of services to factors currently shopping patterns community has
consumers for the use of nature as a private been slightly changed, they want what they need
individual or a family. To succeed in a competitive easily obtained with the indication of the change that
retail market, retailers must be able to offer the right is exploited by businessmen in presenting a
product, at the right price, at the right place and the convenient shopping location with a variety of goods
right time. Hence understanding of the characteristics provided as self-service.
of the target market retailer or consumer will be At this time in Indonesia retail business
served is very important thing. developed well in line with Indonesia's economic
growth is positive. There are several large retail
company in Indonesia such as Carrefour, Food Mart,
Indomaret and others. Retail companies there are

minimarket, supermarket, and department store. and find a very strategic location in starting a retail
Supermarkets provide a more competitive price than business. The mushrooming of retail business makes
the retail category mini market. Retail business, retail businesses more attention to consumer
especially in the city of Padang developing quite satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can give a good
well, in this town there are several supermarkets and effect for the company that will lead to repeat
minimarkets that are preferred by consumer purchases by consumers so that someday the creation
spending. loyal to the company by the consumer.
Kota Padang is the largest city on the west Coast of
But recently the West Sumatra Provincial Sumatra Island once the capital of West Sumatra
Government launched the Minang Mart, a retail province. The town has an area of 694.96 km with
program that is claimed to drive the local economy. the geographical conditions bordering the sea and
Minang concept Mart franchise concept but not surrounded by hills with altitudes reaching 1,853
consolidated, Minang Mart To run the program, the meters above sea level. Padang city is the center of
West Sumatra Provincial Government appoint three the economy with the highest number per capita
enterprises to work together, they are Bank Nagari as income in West Sumatra. In addition, the city became
a supplier of capital, Jamkrida as guarantor and a center of education and health in the region of
Graphic Jaya PT Minang as Mart manager. To supply Central Sumatra, bolstered by the presence of a
the goods, PT Graphic themselves will cooperate number of universities and public health facilities the
with Transmart by buying direct daily needs such as city of Padang in dire need and craves a comfortable
agricultural products directly to farmers so we get a shopping and complete. Investing the retail business
cheaper price. By doing so, farmers also benefited is very promising in this town, as well as a stopover
because it was purchased directly by enterprises and town city is quite strategic as a trade. Government of
supplied to Minang Mart is clearly cheaper price. city the opportunity to read it, one of which is to open
The mushrooming of retail business makes Minang. Minang is one Supermarket in Padang that
businesses more attention to the retail consumer offers individuals and families a place to shop that
satisfaction. According to the disclosed Zeithaml & offers Desai shop neat and low prices.
Bitner (2008: 110) defines customer satisfaction as Offers a variety of products will require
the customer response to the evaluation of the considerable of room in display merchandise. Interior
perceived mismatch between expectations and actual and exterior design setting should be as good as
performance services. Meanwhile, according Dutka possible to appeal to consumers to shop. The layout
(in Melinda, 2008: 11) are three-dimensional in of merchandise should be as neat as possible so that
measuring customer satisfaction is universally in the search for the desired goods that consumer can
namely 1). Attributes related to product the clearly get and give comfort in chose items needed.
dimensions of satisfaction with regard to the
attributes of the product such as the determination of Focused on describing the background of the
the value obtained with the price, the product above, the authors are interested in this theme even
determines the ability of satisfaction, benefit from the further, by selecting a title as follows: "Influence
product. 2). Attributes related to service the Factor Prices, Services, And Design Shop Consumer
dimensions of satisfaction with regard to the Purchase Decision against Mart in the city of Padang
attributes of the service, for example with the Minang".
promised warranty, service or delivery fulfillment
process, and the process of resolving a given B. Problem Formulation
problem. 3). Attributes related to purchase the Based on the background of the problems
dimensions of satisfaction with regard to the that have been raised before the Dapa presented some
attributes of the decision to buy or not from key issues are as follows:
manufacturers such as ease informed, courtesy of
employees and also influence the company's a. What is the price factor influence on
reputation. purchase decisions in Kota Padang Minang
Consumers will feel very happy to shop at b. Is the service factors influence the purchase
the supermarket for full daily needs. Competition is decisions of consumers in the city of Padang
very tight for retail businesses, all vying to design Minang Mart?

c. Is the product kergaman factors influence consumer needs by finding a match between price,
the purchasing decisions of consumers in the time and place customers want. Meanwhile, the
city of Padang Minang Mart? business also provides a market for manufacturers to
sell their products. Thus the distributor of retail into
C. Research Objectives the final linking producers with consumers.
In accordance with the background of the According Simamora (2003: 388), in line
problem and formulation of the problem which has bessar retailers can be divided into retail stores (store
been described previously, this study has the retailing) and retailers not store retailing (non - store
objective, among others: retailing).
a. Knowing the price factor influence on 1) Reseller shop (store retailing)
purchase decisions in Kota Padang Minang
Mart Retail businesses that use the store as a
b. Knowing the service factors influence the means to market the products sold. In general, retail
purchasing decisions in the city of Padang business using the so-called retail stores.
Minang Mart
c. Knowing the product diversity factors 2) Retailers are not store retailing (non - store
influence the purchasing decisions in the city retailing)
of Padang Minang Mart Its products are not displayed directly, in
D. Outcomes other words the product display is still not a part of
retail. Retailers are not the stores including internet
Outputs are required from this research is in marketing, direct selling.
the form of scientific publications in journals both
locally and nationally accredited journal. Here is the definition of retail, according to
Berman and Evans (2001: 3) "retail consists of the
Definitions Retail business activities Involved in selling goods and
services to consumers for membuka, family, or
The development of the business world household use" which could mean that retail is a
these days strongly supports the development for business activity involved in sales of goods and
retailers who are on the market, particularly the large services to consumers for personal needs, the needs
retailers. Increased consumption and shopping of the family, or household needs. Meanwhile,
desires society to make this industry is getting ogled According to the dictionary, is the retail sale of goods
by the business. or services to the public (Manser, 1995).
According to Ma'ruf (2005: 7) retail So the retail business is the activity of
business activities to sell goods or services to selling goods and services between merchants and
individuals for the purposes of self, family or consumers in which there are akttivitas-activity
household. Sometimes people think that retailing is which mutually support and influence.
only selling the products in the store. Services offered
by dentists may also be referred retailing, artisan
salon, and leasing of comics. Retail Business Groupings

Definition Retailing is a series of business There are several classifications of retail business
activities that add value to the products and services (Murtiningsih blog):
sold to customers for personal or family use (Levy,
2009: 48). Retail business is a business whose a. Owners (Owner):
activities are related to the sales of goods or services 1) Single-Store Retailers (type most numerous
directly to consumers for personal use and non- with the size of the store is generally less than
business (Kotler and Armstrong 2003; 51). 100 m2)
Generally, these efforts make direct sales to final 2) Chain Stores Retail (retail stores with many
consumers. However, we often encounter the branches and the company is owned by
consumer at retail businesses reselling products institutions)
purchased for profit. The retailers strive to satisfy

3) Franchise Store (shop that builds on the 2. Retailers are not store retailing (non - store
cooperation contract between franchisee retailing)
franchise with the franchisee)
Its products are not displayed directly, in
b. Merchandise Category: other words the product display is still not a part of
1) Specialty Store / Shop Typical (Sell one type retail. Retailers are not the stores including internet
of relatively few categories of goods / narrow) marketing, direct selling.
2) Grocery Store / Convenience Store (selling Here is the definition of retail, According to
goods groceries (daily) Berman and Evans (2001: 3) "retail consists of the
3) Department Store (selling mostly not a business activities Involved in selling goods and
necessity, fashionable, branded, with 80% services to consumers for open, family, or household
pattern konyinyasi) use" the which could mean that retail is a business
4) Hyperstore (selling goods in the span a very activity Involved in sales of goods and services to
wide category of goods) consumers for personal needs, the needs of the
family, or household needs. Meanwhile, According to
c. Area Sales Size: the dictionary, is the retail sale of goods or services to
1) Small store / kiosk (a small kiosk which is the public (Manser, 1995).
generally a traditional retail store, operated as
small businesses with sales of less than 100 So the retail business is the activity of
m2) selling goods and services between merchants and
2) Minimarket (operated with an area of between consumers in there are roommates activity mutually
100-1000 m2 of sales area) support and influence.
3) Supermarket (operated by the area of sales
A. Important Factors In retail Business Enterprises
area between 1000-5000 m²)
4) Hypermarket (operated by the area between Factors that influence the retail business is
the sales area of over 5000 m2) the place, price, product and promotion known as 4P.

d. Non-Store Retailers Non-Store Retailer: 1) Place (Location)

1) Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM): This
According to (J. Supranto, 1998) Location is
model of selling goods directly to the sales
the place where the company performs daily
commission system is rated by
activities. One of the site selection companies will
membership status in the distribution lines
result in losses for the company. With the sharpening
2) Mail and Phone Order Retailer (Store
of competition and many companies it is not possible
between messages): a company that does
for the company did not try.
sales based on orders by mail or phone
For a retailer to determine the exact location for the
3) Internet / Online Store (e-Commerce):
store should consider the following factors (Basu
Retail shop in a virtual world to the
Swastha and Irawan, 1997):
internet adopted in the form of online
retailing a. The area of trade;
b. Can be achieved with ease;
According Simamora (2003: 388), in line
c. The potential for growth;
biggest retailers can be divided into retail stores
d. The location of shops competitors.
(store retailing) and retailers not store retailing (non -
e. While the factors that affect potential sales
store retailing).
from new store locations are:
1. Reseller shop (store retailing) f. Can be achieved with ease;
g. Population;
Retail businesses that use the store as a h. Competitor;
means to market the products sold. In general, retail i. The limits of the trade area.
business using the so-called retail stores.

2) Price (Price) 4) Product

Swastha Basu (1996: Page 149) defines the Determining the products / services offered to
price is the value of goods or services measured by the market will generally be the earliest step. The
the amount of money which is based on the value of a idea of the product can be obtained from several
person is willing to release the goods and services sources. The easiest way is to directly compare
that are owned by other parties. From the above similar products as you want to sell, and do a little
understanding is clear that the price is one of the research into your target market about the advantages
important variables in the marketing, because it will and disadvantages of these products. The results of
directly affect the results of sales and corporate the research are expected to provide more accurate
profits. information for entrepreneurs regarding market
opportunities that would be attended and the kind of
3) Interest pricing products which are expected by the target market.
This pricing usually has several goals for the Look out the many products in the market, the
product. Objectives include: retail business success depends on the variety of
a. Setting a maximum profit. products or provision of the products presented only
available in selected business.
In fact, occur price is determined by the
seller and the buyer. Because the greater the Developing a label brands (also called store
possibility for the seller to have the hope of getting brands) which is a product - a product developed and
the maximum benefit. marketed by retail businesses and are only available
from the retail business.
b. Prevent or reduce competition.
5) Promotion
Can be done through pricing policy. This
price can be known how sellers offer goods at the Another important aspect is the promotion of
same price. Therefore, the competition is only the product. How a product will be introduced to the
possible without going through the pricing policy, but market so that customers motivated to buy. One
through other services. effective way of promotion is to advertise. For
entrepreneurs who are just starting a business,
c. Improve or maintain their market share. advertising is done by considering the effectiveness
and efficiency. To obtain advertising effectiveness
Improve market share in the field is done
should be election advertising medium that truly fits
when other capabilities in areas such as marketing,
with the character of the target market of the product.
finance, and so on. In this case the price is an
May not be required to advertise in all media / point
important factor for small companies with limited
because not necessarily affect the increase in sales.
capabilities. The pricing capabilities intended only to
Additionally advertising is also associated with costs
maintain market share.
incurred. In the early stages of starting a business, the
1) Pricing Procedures. cost issue should receive special attention in order
not to be an impediment to business operations.
According to Basu Swastha (1993: 150) in Determine also the purpose of the promotion,
the pricing procedure there are five stages: whether to create brand awareness or are intended to
increase sales. Do not forget to measure the results of
a. Anticipating the demand for such products.
any promotional activity, whether in line with
b. Knowing in advance the reaction of the
expectations or still need improvement for the next
promotional activities.
c. Determining the market share which is
determined. From the description all above can be drawn a
d. Selecting a pricing strategy to reach the target conclusion that Place, Price, Product and Promotion
market. is a factor that cannot be separated in developing the
e. Consider the politics of corporate marketing retail business because of a combination of these four
factors could be decisive the success or failure of a
retail business.

6) Service 1. The quality or superiority includes an effort to
meet customer expectations.
Services in this case very closely related to 2. Quality includes products, services, people,
the awarding of the customer satisfaction, service processes and the environment
with good quality can also give good satisfaction for 3. Quality is an ever-changing condition.
its customers, so that customers can feel its existence
will be considered by the company. According to (Moenir 2002: 88-127) there
are several key areas of the services delivered to the
In his book titled Public Relations Fostering community, where the factors that affect these
Good Relations With the Public (2001: 138), Loina services include:
assume that: Service is an overall process of image
formation of the company, either through the news 1. polite behavior
media, shaping corporate culture internally, and had a 2. Method of delivery
conversation about the company's view to the 3. When delivering fast
government leaders and other interested public.
Hospitality Thus a conclusion can be drawn
According Moenir in his book Public from the above definitions that service is any
Service Management In Indonesia, says: "Service is business or activity that a person or group of people
the process of fulfilling the needs thorough direct the in order to meet the needs of others.
activities of others." (Moenir, 1992: 16)
Emphasis on the definition of the above services are 7) Product Diversity
services provided regarding all the efforts made by a
person in order to achieve objectives in order to Decisions about product placement deals
obtain the satisfaction role in terms of fulfillment. with ketersediaaan product or diversity of products in
While Brata issued a different definition in his work appropriate quantities and highly precise location
entitled Basics Excellent Service, says: "A service (Tjiptono, 2005). The more varied the number and
will be formed due to the provision of certain types of products sold somewhere so consumers will
services from the service provider to the costumers." be satisfied if he makes a purchase at the venue and
(Brata, 2003: 9) he does not need to make a purchase anywhere else.
And the same thing will he repeat for the next
In addition Brata also added that a service purchase
can occur between a person and a person, a person responsible
with a group, or groups with a person as well as those
who are in an organization. The provide services to a. Purchase Decision
people who are around him who need the information The decision to buy or consume a product
the organization. with a particular brand will be preceded by the
According to Kotler (2002: 83) definition of following steps: introduction of needs, information
service is any action or activity that can be offered by search and evaluation of alternatives. If a consumer
one party to another, which is essentially intangible has decided alternative will be selected and possible
and does not result in any ownership. Production may successor if dipelukan, then he will make a purchase.
be linked or not linked to a physical product. Services Almost every day, even in a matter of time we always
are a producer behavior in order to meet consumer make decisions. Only, without realizing it decision-
needs and desires in order to achieve customer making process in such a way it goes. What was done
satisfaction in itself. Kotler also said that the behavior today, or at this time, it is the result of the thinking
can occur during, before and after the transaction process is quite time consuming because of the many
occurred. In general, a high level of service that will considerations in other words, a particular action is a
generate high satisfaction and repeat purchase more decision.
often. The word quality contains many definitions The everyday life of an executive, manager,
and meanings, different people will interpret it chairman, president, chancellor, regents, governors,
differently, but from some definitions that can be ministers, commanders, the president, or any officer,
encountered have some similarities, although only real life is always struggling with the decision. Most
just a way of delivery is usually found on the of the time should be devoted to problem solving and
following elements:

decision making. Often he felt hollow when in one predict the actions of management so that we can
day does not take a decision. It does not matter enhance management effectiveness.
whether the decision was correct or contain
weaknesses. Therefore, a lot of managers who Machfoedz (2005: 44) argues that decision-
believe it is better to make a mistake six out of ten making is a process of assessment and selection of
decisions that he has made out did not make a the various alternatives according to specific interests
decision. For such an important official arise feel the by setting an option deemed most favorable. The
satisfaction of being able to take a decision that day. assessment process usually begins with identifying
key issues affecting the destination, compiling,
Based on the above, illustrates that decision- analyzing, and selecting the various alternatives and
making is the most important aspect of management make a decision that is considered the most good.
activities. Decision-making is an everyday job in The final step of the process is an evaluation system
management so we need to know whether the to determine the effectiveness of the decisions that
decision-making, how do we arrive at a decision, any have been taken.
decision, levels of classification, and the types. In
addition, please also note the decision-making According Swastha and Handoko (2008:
techniques, approaches methods, theories, ethics in 110) argue that: "The decision to purchase a real
decision-making, the role of bureaucracy in decision- process in the purchase, whether to buy or not."
making and the relationship between decision- Based on the pattern of the relationship
making and problem solving. between the type of business (problem) is the highest
The decision (decision) means the selection and most businesses are low, then we can distinguish
(choice), ie a choice of two or more possible. three levels of consumer decision-making as
However, it is hardly a choice between right and proposed by Amirullah (2002: 62) as follows:
wrong, but that it often occurs is the choice between 1. Extensive problem solving. At this level
the "almost right" and that "may be wrong". consumers desperately need a lot more
Although the decision used to say the same with the convincing information for decisions to be
choice, there are important differences between them. taken. A consumer in this case has had a
The decision is a "real choice" for selection special criteria for goods to be chosen.
interpreted as selection of destinations including Decision-making also involves decisions
options on how to achieve that goal, whether at the extensive multi-choice and cognitive effort
individual level or at the level of the collective. The and behavior are quite large. Finally, the
decision to do with the process of the final state of a decision is likely to require a long time.
process that is more dynamic, labeled the decision 2. Limited problem solving. At this level the
making. The decision is seen as a process because it consumer does not so much need information,
consists of a series of related activities and not just but consumers still need to look for more
regarded as prudent. information to give faith. Usually, consumers
Furthermore Amirullah (2002: 61) that: who are at this level always compare the
"Decision-making is a process of assessment and brand or goods to keep digging information.
selection of the various alternatives according to Here fewer alternatives considered, and
specific interests by setting an option deemed most similarly with the process of integration
favorable."Decision-making is of significant required. Selection decisions involving limited
importance for the reciprocation of an organization, usually quite fast, with rates of cognitive and
especially for the future of an organization is behavioral efforts being.
determined by the decision-making now. The 3. Routinized response behavior. Because
importance of decision-making in terms of the power consumers have had a lot of experience
to make a decision as to whether to follow the pattern buying, then the information is usually not
of centralization or decentralization. Decision- necessary anymore. The information sought is
making apart in terms of power is also seen in terms simply to compare the course, even though the
of presence, namely the absence of decision-making decision was already thought of. Compared to
theory administrative, we cannot understand, did another level, the behavior of the routine takes
very little choice cognitive capacity or

conscious control. Basically, the plan that has evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and
been studied consumer decisions reactivated buying behavior. This model emphasizes that the
from memory and is done automatically to purchase process begins before the purchase and the
generate consumer behavior. resulting long after purchase.

Increasingly issue to be decided was deemed Problem  Searching  Alternative 

to be in a tough level, then the search for information Recognizing  information  evaluation 
(information search) will be largely determine the
effectiveness of the decision. Conversely, if the
problem was routine will occur repeatedly, that Buying 
information only serves as a benchmark for charactarize
knowledge on the matter was held. Or in other words,
the amount of effort used in problem solving tends to
decline with the growing recognition of a product and Fig 1. Buying Decision Process
the more inexperience person in making decisions.
1) Introduction to Problem
The buyer's decision can be differentiated
into five roles are: The process begins when the buyer is aware of the
problem or need. Buyers feel the difference between
1. Originator, someone who first proposed the real and desired. This need is due to the internal and
idea to buy a product or service. external stimuli.
2. Influencers, someone who views or objectives
influence the decision. 2) Information Search
3. The decision-maker, someone who took the
A consumer driven needs may, or may not, look
decision to each component of the purchase
for more information. If a strong impulse consumers
decision, whether to buy, do not buy, how to
and products that are nearby, perhaps consumers will
buy, and where to buy.
immediately buy it. If not, the needs of consumers
4. The buyer, who is buying the real thing.
will only be only memories.
5. User, a person who consumes or uses a
product or service in question. 3) Evaluation of Alternatives

a) Purchase Decision Process Consumers process information about brand

choice to make the final decision. First, we see that
There are five roles that occur in buying decisions: consumers have a need. Consumers will seek certain
benefits and then look at the attributes of the product.
1. The proponent (initiator). The person who
Consumers will give different weight to each
first suggested buying a particular product or
attribute of the product according to their interests.
2. Influencers (influencers). People who views 4) Purchase Decision
/ advice given weight in the final decision.
3. Decision-making (decider). People who are In the evaluation phase, consumers make up
very decisive part or all purchasing brands in the set selection and form purchase
decisions, with how to buy, and where to intentions. Normally he would choose preferred
buy. brand. But there are also factors affecting such
4. The buyer (buyer). People who do a real attitudes of others and factors unforeseen
purchase. circumstances.
5. User (user). People who consume or use
5) Behavior After Purchase
products or services.
After the purchase of a product, the consumer will
b) Stages in the Process of Buying Decisions experience some degree of satisfaction or
There are five stages through which
consumers in the purchase process, namely the
introduction of the problem, information search, and

6) Satisfaction after purchase 3) Creating and maintaining customer to obtain a
reasonable profit at the time as long as
Consumers base their hopes on the information possible. So that the company can continue to
they received about the product. If the fact that they grow and develop.
can turn out different than expected so they were not
satisfied. If the product meets expectations, they will a. Effect of factor price, performance, and
be satisfied. product diversity Against Consumer Purchase
7) Measures after purchase Decision Process.

The company's sales come from two groups, Retailing can be understood as all the activities
namely the new customer and the customer. involved in selling goods or services directly to the
Retaining old customers is more important than end consumer for personal use or use business.
attracting new customers. Therefore, companies must Elements retail mix according Raharjani and
pay attention to customer satisfaction. If consumers Christian (2005) is the price, service, store design.
feel satisfied, he will show the possibility to buy In economic theory in terms of price, value and
more products. While dissatisfied customer will do utility are interrelated concepts, is a utility is an
the opposite, even telling his dissatisfaction to others attribute attached to an item that allows the goods to
in the vicinity, which makes other consumers do not meet the needs, desires, and satisfy the customers.
like the product. Understanding prices by Bahri (2011) "amount of
Factors Influencing Purchase Decision money needed to earn some money required to obtain
a number of combinations of items and their
The purpose of marketing activities is ministry"
influencing buyers to be willing to buy goods and
services companies (in addition to other items) at Service was an activities carried out for the
their time of need. It is very dependent for marketing needs of others. Service is a performance appearance,
managers to understand the "why" and "how" the intangible and disappears quickly, more can be felt
consumer behavior so; so that the company can from the owned and more customers can actively
develop, price, promote and distribute its products participate in the process of consuming these
well. By studying consumer behavior, the manager services.
will know a new opportunity that comes from unmet The diversity of goods in a supermarket brands
needs and then identify to conduct market include many variations, the type and size of the
segmentation. Assauri (2008: 110) packaging of goods that are sold, the various flavors
The introduction of the consumer is a of divulging the product to be purchased. For a
business or activities of collecting, analyzing data / supermarket, completeness merchandise is an
information about the profile of the consumer. In important factor to attract the consumer. The more
consumer profile includes information about what to complete a self-service the more to meet the needs
buy that is the object, the reason why the purchase is and desires of consumers. Purchasing decisions by
made which is the operation of purchase, object and Adi alfa (2011) the purchasing decision is the
objective the purchase was included in the motif of consumer's decision about the preference for brands
purchase, while who the buyer or organization to that exist in the set of options. Consumers can
purchase include the behavior of buyers, and the establish intent in love.
operation or how the purchase is made, included in Based on the above theory can be assumed that
the custom of the buyer. As stated by Assauri (2008: the factor of price, service, and diversity of products
114) that the purpose of the introduction of the influence consumer decisions in shopping, this is of
consumer in order to: course interrelated because consumers want to be
1) The company directs marketing activities that served with a very nice and friendly so that
focused on the target market. consumers feel comfortable shopping.
2) Generate sources, there is power in order to be
more effective and efficient utilization, and

b. Framework Meanwhile, according to Cooper (2006)
sampled to select several elements in the population.
Minang Mart Padang City a self-service that In other words, the sample is a part of the population
provides a variety of equipment Household and who are targeted for doing research. The number of
personal, as well as the needs of children, to attract samples taken from visitors or consumers who shop
consumers in order to become loyal customers then at Minang Mart as many as 150 people.
Minang Mart always pay attention to the factor of
price, service and variety of products to the consumer C. Research Instruments Measurement Scale
decides to always shop at Minang Mart.
To obtain the necessary data in this study used
In this study the author uses the theory stating survey techniques with Questionnaire. Questionnaire
Schnaars consumers will be very happy to shop at the is a list of questions distributed through the post to
supermarket for full daily needs, because customer be filled and returned or can also be answered under
satisfaction is basically a business purpose. Customer the supervision of researchers. Questions of the
satisfaction can be giving out a good effect for the questionnaire respondents with a guide to the
company that will lead to repeat purchases by variables using Likert assessment scale models with
consumers so that someday create loyal to the the assessment of the attitude of most disagree with
company by consumers. up to five for most amenable attitude.

1) 5 states strongly agree (SS)

II. METHODS 2) 4 states agree (S)
A. Research Methods 3) 3 states disagree (KS)
4) 2 disagreed (TS)
The data taken which is the primary data, 5) 1 states strongly disagree (STS)
procedures and data collection was done by using the
following: B. Research Sites
1) The research is conducted directly to the object of
research techniques used are: This research was conducted in Minang Mart
Supermarkets Padang.
a. The interview is to do a question and answer
with the respondent directly with the aim of
supporting the questionnaire technique when E. Variables Observed
there are less obvious. In order to obtain an overview of the variables
b. The questionnaire is the method of data studied in the paper, the authors use a variable
collection is done by providing the questions restriction described in the following definition:
to the respondents to the questionnaire
guide. 1) Price (X1) can be defined as the amount of money
2) Research Library is research that aims to acquire paid by the buyer to the seller for a number of goods.
concepts and theoretical basis of the study of The indicators are:
literature, books and documents relating to the
object of discussion. a. The price level

b. Discounts
B. Population and Sample
2) Service (X2) is a performance appearance of
According to Cooper (2006) population is a intangible and disappear quickly, more can be felt
collection of all elements which we will draw some rather than owned, and more customer can actively
conclusions in other words means that the participate in the process of consuming these
population refers to a collection of things that are services. The indicators are:
around us in which researchers expect the results of
what he studied. The population in this study is a. Reliability
consumers who visit or shop at the Mart Minang b. Responsiveness
Padang. c. Confidence
d. Empathy.

3) The diversity of product (X3) are goods offered to 55% - 64% = less good
consumers varied so as to meet the needs of
customers .. The indicators: 0% - 54% = not good

2) Multiple linear regression analysis is used to

a. Completeness of products offered determine the effect the relationship of the
b. Brand products offered independent variables and the dependent between
c. Variations in the size of the products on offer price factor X1, X2 service and product diversity X3
d. Variations in the quality of products offered to purchase Y, the formula used in this study are:
4) The process of purchasing decisions (Y) is to Y = a + b1x1 + b2X2 + b3X3
clarify the process of integrating the knowledge to
evaluate the behavior of two or more alternatives and .
choose one of them. The indicators:

a. Introduction of requirements III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION

b. Searching for information
A. Descriptive Analysis
c. Evaluating alternatives
d. Buying decision 1) Overview Profile of Respondents
e. Behavior after purchase
Overview of the respondents obtained from personal
F. Model Used data contained in the questionnaire on the identity of
the respondents which include age, gender,
1) Descriptive analysis intends to portray the
characteristics of each study variable. By way of
presenting the data into a frequency distribution table General overview of the respondents can be
calculates the value of concentration and interpret. In described as follows:
the questionnaire used the following formula:
a) Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Average =
(5.SS)  (4.S)  (3.KS)  (2.TS)  (1.STS) Table 3. characteristics of respondents by age

SS  S  KS  TS  STS No Age Frequency Percentage

1 17-25 Years 48 32 %
Where: : 2. 26-30 Years 39 26 %
3. 31-35 Years 25 16,7 %
a. 5 states strongly agree (SS) 4. 36-45 Years 20 13,3 %
b. 4 states agree (S) 5. 45-50 Years 18 12 %
c. 3 states disagree (KS) Total 150 100 %
d. 2 disagreed (TS)
e. 1 states strongly disagree (STS)
b) Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
To find the level of achievement of the
respondents used the following formula:
Rata - Rata Skor Table 4. Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
TCR = x 100%
5 No Gender Frequency Percentage
1 Male 86 57,3 %
Categorizing the achievement of the respondents 2 Female 64 42,7%
used the classification value Sudjana (2005) as Total 150 100%

90% - 100% = excellent

80% - 89% = good

65% - 79% = good enough

c) Characteristic Respondents by Job
1) The results of the research concluded that the
Table 5. Characteristic Respondents by Job variables comprising the variable service,
product diversity positive and significant
No Pendidikan Frekuensi Persentase
1 Students 46 30,7% impact on consumer purchasing decisions to
shop in the "Minang Mart"
2 Civil servant 14 9,3% 2) The results of the research concluded that the
3 Enterpreneur 23 15,3% price variable significant negative effect on
4 House Wife 20 13,3% consumer purchasing decisions to shop in the
5 Stated-Owned 30 20% "Minang Mart"
6 Farmer 7 4,7%
7 Others 10 6,7%
Total 150 100% REFERENCES
A. Discussion
The results showed there are four variables
are positive and significant impact on consumer …. 
buying decision process. Of the four variables can be
obtained that the service variable has a very strong  
influence the purchasing decisions with a
significance level of 5,383 while the price did not  
have a positive influence on consumer buying
decision process.

The Influence Ofperceived Organizational Support And Job
Satisfaction On Employee Commitment
Rini Sarianti1), Yuki Fitria2)
 Facultyof Economics State University of Padang 
Facultyof Economics State University of Padang

Abstract. The aim of this study isto identifythe influence of perceived organizational support (POS) and job satisfaction
on ICU nurses’ commitment at the private hospitals in Padang. The number of sample was 48. Sample was classified by
using proportional cluster sampling. The data used are the primary data that collected through a questionnaire.
Convergent and discriminant validity are used to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Partial least square
(PLS) was chosen as the structural equation model (SEM) to test the hypotheses. The study foundthat: (1) perceived
organizational support(POS) has significant effect on ICU nurses’ commitment at the private hospitals in Padang,
(2)perceived organizational support (POS) has significant effect on ICU nurses’ job satisfaction at the private hospitals
in Padang, and (3) job satisfaction significantly influences on ICU nurses’ commitment at the private hospitals in

Keywords: Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Commitment, Nurses of Private Hospitals

In order to increase the commitment of organization, it is

I. INTRODUCTION important for organizations to know what causes the onset or
The hospital is one of the organizations engaged in increased commitment. Previous research showed that job
services, which can not be separated from the age of satisfaction, expectations on employment and personal
transformation. At the beginning, the hospital was formerly characteristics are given positive influences on employee
only public social institutions, but nowadays the existence of commitment to the organization (Azeem, 2010; Malik, et al,
private hospital give impact to the development of hospital 2010; Schwepker 2010 and Mulki et al, 2008) [4]. The
evolved into an industry that should manage professionally. research which conducted by Pack (in Srimulyani, 2009) [5]
Therefore, the hospital is required to provide healthcare stated that the perceived organizational support has a
service with good quality and high value. positive influence to the employee commitment to the
To provide an excellent service to patients, nurses are the organization.
largest medical workers in the hospital which determine Perceived organizational support (POS) can be defined as
thegood or bad quality and image of the hospital. Besides, how much the organization values influences their
nurses should have a moral obligation and responsibility to contributions and cares to employees (Colakuglu et al, 2010)
provides healthcare professionally (Moody and Pesut, 2006) [6]. POS can improve job satisfaction where employees
[1]. believe that their welfare is supported by the organization
The nursing services have particularity which it is will increase employee satisfaction and commitment to the
provided directly to patients for 24 hours. To set the 24-hour, organization (Colakuglu et al, 2010) [6].
the job rotation of nursing services system should be done in
shift turns (Moody and porpoises, 2006) [1]. Shift
workssystem will give potentially different impact on shift II. LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCH
workers (Costa, 2003) [2]. Entry shift work affects sleep HYPOTHESIS
patterns, besides it hasa negative impact on family and social A. Organizational Commitment
life of the workers (Gordon, Cleary, Parker, and Czeisler, According to Robbins and Judge (2012) [7]
1986; Lee, 1992, Labyak, in Admi et al, 2008). organizational commitment is the degree of engagement of
The enormity of role and responsibilities of nurses in an employee to exert all efforts on behalf of the organization.
hospital service are very important for hospital management In other words, this is an attitude that reflects the employees'
to foster the commitment of nurses. A high commitment can loyalty to the organization, expressing his concern for the
be used as a guarantee to maintain sustain of the organization and success and sustainable progress (Luthans,
organization. According to Leininger (2008) [3] 2006). Organizational commitment characterized by a strong
organizations which have highly committed employees belief in the organization, willingness to make significant
would provide greater benefit to the organization.

efforts for the benefit of the organization and a strong 2008.UcardanOtken’s (2010) study shows that shows that if
willing to maintain their membership in the organization. the employees feel valued, cared for and supported by the
The consistent results in previous literature shown that organization, will lead to a sense of belonging and emotional
the high commitment will increase positive outcomes for the attachment to the organization.
organization. BesidesPack’s research (in Srimulyani, 2009) Rhoades dan Eisenberger (2002)[13] develop 8 scale
[6] stated that the perceived organizational support has a Perceived Organisational Support: (1) The organization
positive influence employee commitment tothe organization. values the employees’ contribution, (2) The organization
Previous research also showed that job satisfaction, values the extra effortperfomed by the employees, (3) The
expectations on employment and personal characteristics organization cares about employees’ complaints, (4) The
gave positive influences on employee commitment to the organization cares about employees’well being, (5) The
organization (Azeem, 2010; Malik, et al, 2010; Schwepker organization is willing to help the employees if they need a
2010 and Mulki et al, 2008) [5]. special favor, (6) The organization cares about the
Mowday et al, identified three forms of organizational employees’ general satisfaction at work, (7) The
commitment: (1) Affective Commitment; (2) Normative organization shows greater attention to the employees, and
Commitment; and (3) Continuance Commitment. (8) The organization takes pride in the employees’
accomplishments at work.
B. Job Satisfaction The hypothesis of this research are:
There are several definitions of job satisfaction. Locke
and Hudson, 1999 (in Panggabean, 2006)[9], identify that H 1: Perceived Organizational Support (POS)POS has
job satisfaction is the general attitude of employees towards significant effect on organizational commitment
whole work or all aspects related to the treatment received H 2: Perceived organizational support (POS) POS has
by employees in the workplace. Besides, Dole and Schroedr, significant effect on job sarisfaction.
2000 (in Koesmono, 2005)[10] identify that job satisfaction H 3: Job satisfaction has significant effect on organizational
is defined as the feelings and reactions of individuals to the commitment
work environment. Based on these definitions, we can be
concluded that job satisfaction is feeling happy or unhappy
employees to their jobs as result of a thorough evaluation of III. METHODS
the working aspects. A. Sample
Based on observation by previous researchers, there are The population of this study wereall nurses working in
factors influencing job satisfaction. Hasibuan (2009)[11] intensive care units (ICU) at private hospitals in Padang. In
states that job satisfaction influenced by thefair remuneration, order to collect the data,68 questionnaire were distributed of
proper placement accordance expertise, the severity of the which 48 (70.59 response rate) were return completely
work, workplace environment, equipment to support job filled-in. Samples were taken usingproportional cluster
implementation, organizational climate, attitude leadership random sampling technique. This research used primary data
and monotonous work. obtained through a survey on nurses working in intensive
According to a study completed by Robbins & Judge care units (ICU) at private hospitals in Padang with the focus
(2009)[15], job satisfactionencomphassis: (1)Job challenging on measuring the individual's commitment. The analysis
mental, (2) Appropriate compensation, (3) Favorable data technique used in this study is the concept of Equation
working conditions, and (4)Supporting co-workers. Structural Model with Smart PLS (Partial Least Square)
program version 3.0. The respondents were mainly in the
C. Perceived Organizational Support (POS) age range of 25-30 (39.8%) and over half of them are female
Perceived Organizational Support (POS) is the degree to (68.75%) and the most respondents hold nursing diploma
which employees believe the organization values their (87.5%).
contribution and cares about their well-being (Robbins and
Judge, 2009)[12]. Perceived Organizational Support is the
employees’ perception concerning the extent to which the B. Measure
organization values their contributions, gives support and Definitions of operational for each variable are as
cares about their well-being (Rhoades and Eisenberger, follows: (1) organizational ommitment refer to the degree of
2002)[13]. Perceived Organizational Support makes engagement of an employee to exert all efforts on behalf of
employees feel indebtedness and it can only be reduced by the organization.Variable organizational commitment was
giving the feedback. High perceived organizational support measured by using 11 items of statements adapted from
creates an obligation for the employees to return it by Mowday et al by using 5 item of statements and using 5
showing attitude and positive behavioursthat benefit for the Likert scales; (2) job satisfaction is defined as employees’
organization. perception toward how their work gives something
Research shows that there is a relationship between important as an expression of satisfactory feeling. To test
perceived organizational support with job satisfaction, this variable, we used an instrument developed by Robbins
positive mood, and the most important thing is with and Judge (2009)[11] by using 13 items of statements and
theindicators such as attitude and behaviour that deals with using 5 Likert scale, and (3) perceived organizational
the commitment such as the decline in turnover rate, support is defined as how much the organization values
turnover,tardiness and absenteeism (Allen, 2003)[14] influences their contributions and cares to employees. To
Einsenberger et al, 2001 inPazydanGanzach , test this variable, we used an instrument developed by

Rhoades and Eisenberger (2002)[9] by using 20 items of TABLE 3
The summary of Hypothesis Testing Results
statements and using 5 Likert scale.
Hypothesis T-Statistic Cor Conclusion
1 POS has significant 4.2112* + H1 accepted
on organizational
A. Measurement Model (Outer Model) commitment
In this stage of data analysis, both convergent and 2 POS has significant 12.238* + H1 accepted
discriminant validity were assessed to examine the effect on job
measurement model. On this research, validity test was done satisfaction
to examine the convergent validity by looking at the AVE 3 Job satisfaction has 2.6295* + H1 accepted
(Average Variance Extracted) value of all the constructs. If significant effect of
the value of AVE is greater than 0.5, it means the construct organizational
has good convergent validity. Table 1 below shows AVE commitment
Hypothesis T-Statistic Cor Conclusion
value for all the constructs.
1 POS has significant 4.2112* + H1 accepted
on organizational
AVE of Each Latent Construct
2 POS has significant 12.238* + H1 accepted
Construct AVE Remark effect on job
Organizational 0.540 Valid satisfaction
Commitment 3 Job satisfaction has 2.6295* + H1 accepted
Job Satisfaction 0.566 Valid significant effect of
POS 0.517 Valid organizational
From table 1, it can be seen that all constructs have AVE
value greater than 0.5, it means that all constructs have good Note : *=sig at alpha 0,05
convergent validity. The reliability test result with composite Source : Primary data (2016)
reliability can be seen in table 2. Table 3 shows the results of testing from each hypothesis.
In the first hypothesis, the test of relationship between POS
TABLE 2 and organizational commitment obtained the value of t-
Composite Reliability statistic of 2.26. It is significantly larger than the t table of
Construct Composite Remark 1.96 at the 95 % of confidence level. The results of this test
Reliability indicate that there is significant influence between POS and
Organizational 0.926 Reliable organizational commitment. The correlational coefficient
Commitment between POS and organizational commitment is 0.514 which
Job Satisfaction 0.943 Reliable has positive value. Thus, the 1st hypothesis can be accepted,
POS 0.954 Reliable
where the job characteristics has positive effect on
organizational citizenship behavior.
The reliability is assessed by using composite reliability. In the second hypothesis, the test of relationship between
In table 2, all the composite reliabilities are above 0.70, POS and the job satisfaction showedthe value of t-statistic
which indicate that all the constructs demonstrate adequate amount of 12.238. It is significant because it is greater than
reliability. t-table 1.96 with 95 % of confidence level. The t-test results
indicate that there is significant relationship between POS on
B. Structural Model (Inner Model) the job satisfaction. The correlation coefficient between POS
Based on the data processed by PLS, it is resulted R- and job satisfaction is 0.707 and has positive value. Based on
Square organizational commitment amount of 0.617, which the results we can conclude that the 2rd hypothesis can be
means that job satisfaction and POS could explain the accepted, where there is a significant positive influence
variation of organizational comitment by 61.7%, while the between POS and the job satisfaction.
remaining of 39.3% is explained by residual factors outside The testing of 3rd hypothesis can be seen from the value
the models. of t-statistic 4.4112. It is significant at 95 % of confidence
For the relationship between exogenous variables of POS level. The test result showed there is significant influence
and the variable of job satisfaction, it is obtained R-Square between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
of 0.5. R-Square of 0.5 showed POS could explain the The correlation coefficient between job satisfaction and
variation on job satisfaction at 50%, while the remaining of organizational commitment is 0.332 and has positive value.
50% is explained by other factors outside the model. Table 3 Thus, the 3rd hypothesis can be accepted, where job
below shows the summary of the results of the research. satisfaction has a positive effect on
organizationalcommitment. The figure below shows the PLS
model of organizational commitment:

intensive care units (ICU) of private hospitals in Padan. It
shows that the better of POS the higher organizational
commitment of nurses working in ICU of private hospitals in
Padang; (2) POS affects the job satisfaction of nurses
working in intensive care units (ICU) of private hospitals in
Padang. It means, the better POS, the higher job satisfaction;
and (3) job satisfaction affect the organizational commitment
of nurses working in ICU of private hospitals in Padang. It
means, the higher of job satisfaction the higher
organizational commitment.
Based on the discussion and conclusions above, private
hospitals that want to increase their nurses’ commitment and
job satisfaction may need to focus on improving
organizational support and the researchers give some
Figure 1
suggestions as follows:values the employees’ contribution,
PLS Model of Organizational Commitment
values the extra effortperfomed by the employees, cares
C. Discussions about employees’ complaints, cares about employees’well
In the first hypothesis, POS influenced on organizational being, help the employees if they need a special favor, cares
commitment at significance level of alpha 5%. The about the employees’ general satisfaction at work, greater
acceptance of this hypothesis means that the better ofPOS, attention to the employees, andtakes pride in the employees’
the highernurses’ commitment working in intensive care accomplishments at work.
units (ICU) of private hospitals in Padang. The findings of
this study indicate that POS in intensive care units is low
critera.That is why, the private hospitals need to support REFERENCES
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Description of The Democracy Economy Seen
From the Perspective of Philosophy in Economics
Deltri Apriyeni. S Pt. M Si1)

Abstract. This paper describes the concept of a democracy economy in use by the Republic of Indonesia as a reference in
implementing economic development. This concept has been harmonized with the social and cultural conditions of
Indonesia. Democratic economy is an economic system that wanted freedom and the participation of all communities,
especially small communities living in rural areas, and the government should be able to achieve social justice and economic
democracy, the tendency of people's economy is a socialist economy that packaged and tailored to the circumstances that
exist in Indonesia. The birth of populist economics is inseparable from the idea of Pancasila Economy initiated by Bung
Hatta, and the thoughts of experts alainnya.The purpose application of community economy is to achieve social justice for
all Indonesian people without distinguishing in the economy. The basis of the democracy economy is the five principles of
Pancasila. The characteristics of the democracy economy are: carried by people without a large capital, managed by means
of self-help, self-reliant with his trademark. There are no workers and no headship, not the pursuit of profit. Various
programs have been implemented by the government such as : IDT Program (Inpres Desa Teringgal), Disadvantaged Rural
Infrastructure Development Support (P3DT), the District Development Program (PKK), the Urban Poverty Program (P2KP),
and the Social Safety Net (SSN).

Keywords: Democracy Economy , Economic Pancasila, Economic Democracy

economic resources and factors of production that are

I. INTRODUCTION controlled by the state. The purpose of the control and
Before the independence day of Indonesia on August intervention of the state is to bring together the whole
17th 1945, has been developing the idea of an economic community in economic activity. It is the state which
system that will be used in Indonesia. This idea should be regulates the economy and regulates its distribution among
aligned with the philosophy of the nation and the social and the whole society so that creates unity and justice in the
cultural conditions of Indonesia which is clearly different economy.
from other nations in the world. Until now, the idea of what From both of economic systems that are applied in
system will be implemented remains an issue which raises the world, they have their advantages and disadvantages of
debate among economists in Indonesia, many pros and cons each, to consider its application for countries that are
with regard to how its implications in the field, how the developing. Liberal capitalist economic system developed in
concept of the ideal that truly can achieve the goal of the United States while the communist socialist economic
creating a just society prosperous, prosperous and system developed in the Soviet Union and China, but the
economically create a society that is well established. triumph of the communist socialist economic system has
As we know before, the economic system that collapsed; only survived until 1991.
developed in the world consists of two streams such as Liberal economic system of capitalist and socialist
liberal capitalist economic system and socialist communist communist, we could not fully embraced and applied to
economic system, each of which has a different paradigm. develop the economy of our nation, it was necessary for an
Liberal capitalist system is the idea of Adam Smith, where economic system that is more in line with social and cultural
the freedom of the individual in the economy is the main conditions so that there is equity and balanced opportunity
thing, it is up to the prevailing market mechanisms. There gained by all individual economic actors. Economic experts
should not be any interference from the government, because are looking for the right model between the two models of
the market will work properly and will seek a balance point an economic system that is widely used in developed
that will be beneficial to all parties involved in the economy. countries in the world, which is more characteristic of the
Adam Smith is an popular economist with the term invisible economic conditions of the people comprising economic
hand, it means that there is a magic hand that would regulate actors with small scale consisting of business people in
the economy so well that it is not required intervention by agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, trade, small
other parties that would damage the market mechanism. industries, etc. The small business are very limited in both of
Furthermore, socialist communist economic system capital, technology, knowledge and the marketing of their
brought by Karl Mark, is the antithesis of the liberal products and require special attention to helping the weak
capitalist system, this can be seen with the control of all economic community.

Based on this conceptual background, the Pancasila The main objective in organizing democracy
economic system that was initiated by the father of our economy basically is to achieve social justice for all
nation, Bung Hatta, appeared. This systems inspired by the Indonesian people through increasing the community's
thoughts of the precepts which contained in the Pancasila, ability to control the economic cycle. Populist economic
the ultimate goal is social justice for all Indonesian people system is a model developed by the thinkers of this system
regardless of race, religion and belief, ethnicity, as an economic system that is pro-people framed by the
socioeconomic conditions. constitution. Democracy economy system is an economic
Pancasila economic system formulated by Bung Hatta system in accordance with the mandate of the national
which laid the foundations for the economy as a pillar of constitution, it is stated clearly and straightforwardly in the
economic cooperation, an idea that best suits the situation laws which regulate the order of life of the nation.
based society to the power of the people and equality in the
attempt. Pancasila economic practice can be seen, especially REFERENCES
for those living in the countryside with the characteristics of [1] Sumawinata, Prof. Sarbini. 2004. Politik Ekonomi Kerakyatan.
the collective economy with small-scale enterprises, small Cetakan Pertama, Maret 2004, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
industries, agriculture and other economic activities whose [2] Afri, Awang San. 2009. Konsep Ekonomi Kerakyatan dan
Aplikasinya Pada Sektor Kehutanan. Pusat Studi Ekonomi
purpose is to subsistence and local markets. Kerakyatan UGM. Yogyakarta.
Besides the development of economic thought system [3] Sasono, Adi. 1999. Ekonomi Kerakyatan Dalam Dinamika
of Pancasila, it was also developed the idea of a democratic Perubahan. Konferensi Internasional Ekonomi Jaringan : Menuju
economic system which is a sub system of Pancasila Demokratisasi Ekonomi di Indonesia. Jakarta. 2001. Pemberdayaan
Ekonomi Kerakyatan. CIDES. Jakarta.
economy. The form of community economy made economy [4] Baswir, Revridson. 1997. Agenda Ekonomi Kerakyatan. Pustaka
has new idea to improve the economic conditions of the Pelajar, Yogykarta. 2000.
people. It is the people who became the target of the system Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Ekonomi Rakyat dan Koperasi Sebagai
at once this economy in order to raise people's welfare in the Sokoguru Perekonomian Nasional. Pusat Studi Ekonomi Kerakyatan
UGM. Yogyakarta. 2005.
economic, social and cultural. Neoliberalisme Malu-malu. Bisnis Indonesia, 6 Februari, 2005.
In principal, there is no fundamental difference Ekonomi Kerakyatan. Pusat Studi Ekonomi Kerakyatan UGM.
between economic systems, Pancasila with populist Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. 2008.
economic system, as in the opinion of Sarbini Sumawinata Ekonomi Kerakyatan : Amanat Konstitusi Untuk Mewujudkan.Pusat
Studi Ekonomi Kerakyatan. UGM, Yogyakarta. 2009.
(2004), the democracy economy is "ideas" about how and Ekonomi Kerakyatan vs Neoliberalisme. Pusat Studi Ekonomi
development objectives with the main objective of the Kerakyatan. UGM, Yogyakarta.
improvement of the people, who generally live in rural areas. [5] Kartasasmita, Ginanjar. 1996. Pembangunan Untuk Rakyat :
These people want their economic approach towards Memadukan Pertumbuhan dan Pemerataan. CIDES. Jakarta.
economic freedom and participation of the whole society, so
that the role of government should be able to realize their
economic democracy, social justice and issuing policies in
favor of the community (populistic). This means that
democracy economy is approaching the socialist market
economic system, which is packed with the reality of
Based on the description above, we need to examine
more deeply about:
1. What exactly is meant by the democracy economy.
2. What do cause emergence of populist economic
3. How do the characteristics of social economy.
4. What problems that arise in its implementation.
5. What is the purpose to be achieved in the
implementation of democracy economy.
Not only populist economics is a political jargon
when the elections come, without knowing and deepen the
meaning and essence of the democratic economic system.

Populist economics is becoming traditional economic
base of local community life in sustaining life. Democratic
economy is developed based on knowledge and skills of
local people to manage the environment and their land for
generations. This community economic activities related to
the subsistence economy, among others, traditional
agriculture such as hunting, farming, fishing and other
activities around the natural environment as well as
handicrafts and home industries.

Analysis of Financial Performance Banking as Early Warning
Seflidiana Roza1)
Lecturer Faculty of Economics, Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin University

Abstract. Banking is one of the pillars of the economy in Indonesia, where banking is an institution capable of
distributing public funds so as to boost development in Indonesia. For that we need an early warning by analyzing
financial performance to determine the risks for banks. The purpose of this study was to look at the financial
performance of banks listed on the exchange effect of Indonesia in 2014 and 2015 as one of the early warning for
determining the risk of bank losses. The data in this research is secondary data from the financial statements of listed
bank by 43 banks with the sample collection technique is purposive sampling a total of 35 banking companies. From this
study, it was found that the performance analysis in the form of financial ratios and methods almant z Score can predict
the early risk of bank losses.

Keywords: Early warning sistem, financial ratios, Almant Z score, banking

aspects of the capital, assets, profitability, liquidity

I. INTRODUCTION management and aspects. Understanding Healthcare bank by
Banking is a pillar of the economy of Indonesia, where Bank Indonesia in accordance with Law no.- 7 of 1992 on
banking is istitusi which distributes the funds to the Banking Bank Article 29 is said to be healthy if the banks
Development Indonesia. At this time the banking institution comply with the aspect of bank Health Capital, Asset
that its development is highly dependent on the policies and Quality, Management Quality, Quality Profitability,
economic conditions of a country. When the state is in the Liquidity, Solvency, and other aspects related to the business
process of economic recovery, banks are generally still not of the bank. With the increasing complexity and risk profile,
optimal in performing basic functions as an international the bank needs to identify the problems that may arise from
financial intermediary that describes the ratio of the number the bank's operations. For banks, the end result of the bank's
of loans granted to third parties (LDR / Loan to Deposit condition can be used as a means of setting the business
Ratio). Intermediation role of banking institutions is very strategy at a time when that will come while for Bank
influential in the growth of the economy of a country. When Indonesia, among others, are used as a means for
there is a decrease in the number of loans due to the determining and implementing the strategy of bank
prudence of the banks, indirectly there will be a slowdown supervision by Bank Indonesia. Health Interest Rate Bank is
of economic growth in the countries concerned. But on the to determine whether the bank is in a healthy condition,
contrary if the State's economy is not stable, then mostly the fairly healthy, less healthy or unhealthy. For healthy banks
result of it all is perbankkan, where people are not able to to retain their health, while the ailing bank to immediately
repay the loan and the reduction of public funds in the Bank. treat the disease. Besides being used for internal banking
Seen in 1996 and 1998 many banking are not able to survive bank health assessment is also used as a signal to investors
akaibat monetary crisis in Indonesia. Research on the bank's or stakeholders in making investment in banking. This
financial performance has been a lot made of them by the analysis model using specific ratios as predictive models
Virginia et al (2016), Mukesh Kumar and Vincent Charles using techniques Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA).
(2012), Lianawati (2016), and other, the average of these Ratios used reflects the liquidity ratios, profitability,
studies stated that the performance of banking that can be leverage, and the company's activities. With the combination
seen from the financial performance and of soundness of of these ratios, the model of this analysis will help to
banks that are already regulated by the government melalyi determine the company's financial performance and can help
legislation, menadapatkan mixed results, which in assessing also in predicting the potential bankruptcy that may be
the bank can not be separated from the bank's financial experienced by a company. Assessment of potential
ability. Increased competitive rivalry in the banking world bankruptcy is intended to assess the success of banks in
can limit the movement of banking and can be a threat to the Indonesia's economy, the banking industry itself, measure
survival of banking. In Bankking earli warning system can the soundness of the bank itself in maintaining the function
be seen from the soundness of the bank concerned. of intermediation, as well as for early warning in the face of
According to the Bank Of Settlement, the bank can be said changes in the banking business environment itself or a
to be healthy if the bank can exercise some control over change in the country's economy. Bankruptcy of a company,

including for perbank is a risk that can not be avoided, but overcome this problem, banks use the calculation Loan and
this risk can be minimized or prevented. Bankruptcy itself is Deposit Growth Rate Growth Rate as management judgment
a result of the negative performance results conducted by the in determining when funding should be done or inhibited.
bank. To determine whether or not the bank's performance Loan Growth Rate is a calculation made by the bank
can be seen on the soundness of the bank. Rate the level of management on the total funding granted to the bank's total
health can use RGEC analysis model based on Regulation third party funds that have been collected in a period.
Financial Services Authority. The purpose of this peneliian Deposit Growth Rate is a calculation of the total third party
is doing the analysis to find out the state banks that have a funds collected on the total financing provided to the
strategic function and the artery to the Indonesian economy customer in a period. Liquidity Risk is a variation of income
is very important and necessary. Knowing the condition of and capital that is associated with a variety of banks in
banks are in a healthy state or in a state that could potentially obtaining funding and fund expenses (Cost of Money). Risk
bankrupt becomes the main thing. Because if the plight of a Interest income showed variations caused by variations in
bank can be known from the beginning, it will be easier for the level of interest expense. Operational Risk is a variation
internal party bank and the government rescued the bank of bank income related to the policies of the bank as
conditions of the worst things that bankruptcy. measured by the efficiency of operating expenses and
The financial performance is an analysis done to see the operating income. Solvency Risk shows variations in income
extent to which a company has been carrying out its finances levels and capital adequacy. CAR (Capital), the quality of
by using the rules of financial performance is good and right. earning assets (Assets Quality), management (Management),
Financial performance is also a picture of the financial earnings (Earning), liquidity (Liquidity) set by the monetary
condition of a company that analyzed the financial analysis authorities in Indonesia as stipulated in the Decree of
tool, so it can be known about whether the poor financial Directors of Bank Indonesia No. 26/23 / KEP / DIR dated
condition of a company that reflects performance in a May 29, 1993 regarding the procedure of bank rating.
particular period (Fahmi, 2011). Financial performance
assessment is a way that can be done by the management in
order to meet its obligations to the stakeholders and also to II. METHODS
achieve the goals set by the company. The benefits of
financial performance in the book Financial Statement This study uses a model of analysis, ie analysis model
Analysis (Fahmi, 2011) are as follows: Altman z-score modification. In the analysis of Altman's Z-
1. Measure the achievements of an organization in a given score Altman modification eliminates the variable X5 (sales
period that reflects the successful implementation of / total assets), as this ratio is very varied in the industry with
activities. the size of the different assets. Thus, the equation z-score
2. Used to view the organization's overall performance and formula that has been modified by Altman et al showed a
contribution of a part in achieving overall corporate discriminant function as follows:
objectives. Z = 6.56 X1 + 3.26 X2 + 6.72 X3 + 1.05 X4
3. Used as the basis for determining the company's strategy Where:
in the future. X1 = net working capital to total assets
4. Giving the instructions in decision-making and X2 = retained earnings to total assets
organizational activities in general and the division or X3 = earnings before interest and tax assets tototal
parts of the organization in particular. X4 = book value of equity to book value of debt
5. As a basis for determining the investment policy in order Z = overall index
to improve the efficiency and productivity of the Classification of a bankrupt company, gray area and not
company. go bankrupt based on the value of zscore modifications are:
a. Z-score <1.23 considered insolvent company.
Banking Performance Measurement b. Rated 1.23 <Z <2.90 are categorized in the gray area, the
According to Koch (2009) performance or ability of company can not default but it also can not be said to be
banks to increase their business value through increased healthy.
earnings, assets, and prospects for the future since 1987 was c. Z-score> 2.90 categorized companies do not go bankrupt
evaluated by the method of CAMEL (Capital-Asset- Of the 43 banks listed on the exchange effects Indonesia
Management-Earning-Liquidity). But the focus of the in 2016, this study uses six banks as samples. Selection is
evaluation will continue to rely on those aspects of earnings based on the bank 5 the following considerations:
or profitability and risk. Aspects of profitability measured by 1. The Bank has the completeness of financial reporting
ROA, ROE, NIM (Net Interest Margin) and Asset data that has been audited and published from 2014 to
Utilization. Koch (2009) also explains that the banking 2015 year.
business, income levels and business continuity is affected 2. Is a Good Central Bank and local government, because
by the Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Interest Risk, Operational the government bank.
Risk and Solvency Risk. Credit risk is the risk of loss caused So from these considerations that go ada5 bank for the
by the inability (failure to pay) of the debtor on its loan research sample, namely: BBNI (Bank Negara Indonesia),
obligations, both principal and interest debt. For many banks, BBRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia), BBTN (State Savings Bank),
credit growth is as important as revenue growth. The BMRI (Bank Mandiri), BJBR (Bank of West Java)
problem that arises is the emergence of difficulty for the
banks to determine the right portion of the two sectors. To

By using the bank's financial statements it can be seen the
soundness of banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
From the data collected financial statements can be viewed
by using the banking financial performance almant Z Score
modifkasi with ratios as follows:
1. Net Working capital to total assets (X1) is obtained in the
following table:

NET WORKING CAPITAL TO TOTAL ASSETS he market value of the company to Bank BNI highest
compared to four other banks. From the data above, we can
see the health of banks by using models almant Z Score
modified as follows:


From the table it can be seen that the liquidity seen on the
net working capital to total assets at the bank 5 is fluctuating,
the highest occurred in 2015 in the State savings bank (the
2. Retained earnings to total assets (X2) can be seen from
the following data:
From the table above shows THAT to 5 of this
TABLE II government bank are in the gray area, where government
banks categorized as not predictable bankrupt but not in a
healthy state. From these data it can be said that the state-
owned banking categorized as not bankrupt, the largest Z
value at BNI bank in the year 2014, but in 2015 there is a
decrease, but the bank Mandiri has kenikan 2015.

From Table 2 shows that the retained erning to total assets

were greatest in 2015 acquired by Bank Rakyat Indonesia
3. Earning Before Interest and taxes to total assets (X3) can
be seen as follows:


If seen government-owned banking conditions almant Z

Score model with modifications shown that government-
owned banking activities less going well, but the bank can
operate as the backup by the government. If seen research
that has been done on average perbankkan not the
From Table 3 shows that the profitability of the bank to 5 government have a value above 2.3 Almant Z score
very small when viewed from earnings before taxes, which according to research conducted by the bi nuraini et al (2015)
was seen in 2014 by a relatively Bank Rakyat Indonesia
4. Book Value of Equity to Book Value of Debt can be seen From the analysis above can be said that by using
from the following table: financial performance, can predict the state and the
operations of the company in this regard perbankkan.
However, due to time constraints should be more in telitilagi

difference perbankkan government-owned financial [19] Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia. 2007. PSAK No 101 Standar Akuntansi
Keuangan. Jakarta: Ikatan
performance with other banking. With this result the public [20] Akuntansi Indonesia.
does not hesitate to save money in any banking. [21] Kasmir. 2014. Analisis Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: PT. Raja
Grafindo Persada.
[22] Myirandasari, B. 2015. Analisis Komparasi Stabilitas Perbankan
Syariah dan Konvensional (Bank
[23] Umum Devisa Non Go Public di Indonesia). Jurnal Ilmiah.
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Prediction of Corporate Gejala Financial Distress Bank
[2] Bankruptcy. The Journal Of Finance. Vol. 23 No. 4, pp. 51-64. [25] Umum Syariah. Jurnal Economia, Vol. 9 No. 2.
[3] Alkatiri, L.A. 2007. Analisis Risiko Kebangkrutan Z-Score Altman [26] Nurhasanah. 2010. Analisis Rasio Keuangan Model Altman dan
Pada Bank Syariah dan Bank Model Springate Sebagai Early
[4] Non Syariah. (Skripsi Tidak Dipublikasikan). Yogyakarta: [27] Warning System Terhadap Prediksi Kondisi Bermasalah Pada Bank
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Altman Terhadap Terjadinya Hidayatullah Jakarta.
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Indonesia). Jurnal Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
[7] Akuntansi. Vol 5 No 2. [30] Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 13/1/PBI/2011 Tentang Penilaian
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Berdasarkan Model Altman ZScore pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia [31] Umum.
(Persero), Tbk. (Skripsi Tidak Dipublikasikan). [32] Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 8/4/PBI/2006. “Tentang Pelaksanaan
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PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.





Banking is one of the pillars of the economy in Indonesia, where banking is an institution
capable of distributing public funds so as to boost development in Indonesia. For that we need an
early warning by analyzing financial performance to determine the risks for banks.
The purpose of this study was to look at the financial performance of banks listed on the
exchange effect of Indonesia in 2014 and 2015 as one of the early warning for determining the
risk of bank losses.
The data in this research is secondary data from the financial statements of listed bank by 43
banks with the sample collection technique is purposive sampling a total of 35 banking
From this study, it was found that the performance analysis in the form of financial ratios and
methods almant z Score can predict the early risk of bank losses.

Keywords: Early warning sistem, financial ratios, Almant Z score, banking

I. Introduction

Banking is a pillar of the economy of Indonesia, where banking is istitusi which distributes the
funds to the Development Indonesia. At this time the banking institution that its development is
highly dependent on the policies and economic conditions of a country. When the state is in the
process of economic recovery, banks are generally still not optimal in performing basic functions
as an international financial intermediary that describes the ratio of the number of loans granted
to third parties (LDR / Loan to Deposit Ratio). Intermediation role of banking institutions is very
influential in the growth of the economy of a country. When there is a decrease in the number of
loans due to the prudence of the banks, indirectly there will be a slowdown of economic growth
in the countries concerned. But on the contrary if the State's economy is not stable, then mostly
the result of it all is perbankkan, where people are not able to repay the loan and the reduction of
public funds in the Bank. Seen in 1996 and 1998 many banking are not able to survive akaibat
monetary crisis in Indonesia.
Research on the bank's financial performance has been a lot made of them by the Virginia et al
(2016), Mukesh Kumar and Vincent Charles (2012), Lianawati (2016), and other, the average of
these studies stated that the performance of banking that can be seen from the financial

performance and of soundness of banks that are already regulated by the government melalyi
legislation, menadapatkan mixed results, which in assessing the bank can not be separated from
the bank's financial ability.
Increased competitive rivalry in the banking world can limit the movement of banking and can
be a threat to the survival of banking.
In Bankking earli warning system can be seen from the soundness of the bank concerned.
According to the Bank Of Settlement, the bank can be said to be healthy if the bank can exercise
some control over aspects of the capital, assets, profitability, liquidity management and aspects.
Understanding Healthcare bank by Bank Indonesia in accordance with Law no.- 7 of 1992 on
Banking Bank Article 29 is said to be healthy if the banks comply with the aspect of bank Health
Capital, Asset Quality, Management Quality, Quality Profitability, Liquidity, Solvency, and
other aspects related to the business of the bank.
With the increasing complexity and risk profile, the bank needs to identify the problems that may
arise from the bank's operations. For banks, the end result of the bank's condition can be used as
a means of setting the business strategy at a time when that will come while for Bank Indonesia,
among others, are used as a means for determining and implementing the strategy of bank
supervision by Bank Indonesia.
Health Interest Rate Bank is to determine whether the bank is in a healthy condition, fairly
healthy, less healthy or unhealthy. For healthy banks to retain their health, while the ailing bank
to immediately treat the disease. Besides being used for internal banking bank health assessment
is also used as a signal to investors or stakeholders in making investment in banking.
This analysis model using specific ratios as predictive models using techniques Multiple
Discriminant Analysis (MDA). Ratios used reflects the liquidity ratios, profitability, leverage,
and the company's activities. With the combination of these ratios, the model of this analysis will
help to determine the company's financial performance and can help also in predicting the
potential bankruptcy that may be experienced by a company. Assessment of potential bankruptcy
is intended to assess the success of banks in Indonesia's economy, the banking industry itself,
measure the soundness of the bank itself in maintaining the function of intermediation, as well as
for early warning in the face of changes in the banking business environment itself or a change in
the country's economy.
Bankruptcy of a company, including for perbank is a risk that can not be avoided, but this risk
can be minimized or prevented. Bankruptcy itself is a result of the negative performance results
conducted by the bank. To determine whether or not the bank's performance can be seen on the
soundness of the bank. Rate the level of health can use RGEC analysis model based on
Regulation Financial Services Authority.
The purpose of this peneliian is doing the analysis to find out the state banks that have a strategic
function and the artery to the Indonesian economy is very important and necessary. Knowing the
condition of banks are in a healthy state or in a state that could potentially bankrupt becomes the
main thing. Because if the plight of a bank can be known from the beginning, it will be easier for

internal party bank and the government rescued the bank conditions of the worst things that

II. literature Riview

The financial performance is an analysis done to see the extent to which a company has been
carrying out its finances by using the rules of financial performance is good and right. Financial
performance is also a picture of the financial condition of a company that analyzed the financial
analysis tool, so it can be known about whether the poor financial condition of a company that
reflects performance in a particular period (Fahmi, 2011).
Financial performance assessment is a way that can be done by the management in order to meet
its obligations to the stakeholders and also to achieve the goals set by the company.
The benefits of financial performance in the book Financial Statement Analysis (Fahmi, 2011)
are as follows:
1. Measure the achievements of an organization in a given period that reflects the successful
implementation of activities.
2. Used to view the organization's overall performance and contribution of a part in
achieving overall corporate objectives.
3. Used as the basis for determining the company's strategy in the future.
4. Giving the instructions in decision-making and organizational activities in general and
the division or parts of the organization in particular.
5. As a basis for determining the investment policy in order to improve the efficiency and
productivity of the company.

Banking Performance Measurement

According to Koch (2009) performance or ability of banks to increase their business value
through increased earnings, assets, and prospects for the future since 1987 was evaluated by the
method of CAMEL (Capital-Asset-Management-Earning-Liquidity). But the focus of the
evaluation will continue to rely on those aspects of earnings or profitability and risk. Aspects of
profitability measured by ROA, ROE, NIM (Net Interest Margin) and Asset Utilization.
Koch (2009) also explains that the banking business, income levels and business continuity is
affected by the Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Interest Risk, Operational Risk and Solvency Risk.
Credit risk is the risk of loss caused by the inability (failure to pay) of the debtor on its loan
obligations, both principal and interest debt. For many banks, credit growth is as important as
revenue growth. The problem that arises is the emergence of difficulty for the banks to determine
the right portion of the two sectors. To overcome this problem, banks use the calculation Loan
and Deposit Growth Rate Growth Rate as management judgment in determining when funding
should be done or inhibited. Loan Growth Rate is a calculation made by the bank management
on the total funding granted to the bank's total third party funds that have been collected in a
period. Deposit Growth Rate is a calculation of the total third party funds collected on the total

financing provided to the customer in a period. Liquidity Risk is a variation of income and
capital that is associated with a variety of banks in obtaining funding and fund expenses (Cost of
Money). Risk Interest income showed variations caused by variations in the level of interest
expense. Operational Risk is a variation of bank income related to the policies of the bank as
measured by the efficiency of operating expenses and operating income. Solvency Risk shows
variations in income levels and capital adequacy.
CAR (Capital), the quality of earning assets (Assets Quality), management (Management),
earnings (Earning), liquidity (Liquidity) set by the monetary authorities in Indonesia as stipulated
in the Decree of Directors of Bank Indonesia No. 26/23 / KEP / DIR dated May 29, 1993
regarding the procedure of bank rating.

III. Research methods

This study uses a model of analysis, ie analysis model Altman z-score modification. In the
analysis of Altman's Z-score Altman modification eliminates the variable X5 (sales / total
assets), as this ratio is very varied in the industry with the size of the different assets. Thus, the
equation z-score formula that has been modified by Altman et al showed a discriminant function
as follows:
Z = 6.56 X1 + 3.26 X2 + 6.72 X3 + 1.05 X4

X1 = net working capital to total assets
X2 = retained earnings to total assets
X3 = earnings before interest and tax assets tototal
X4 = book value of equity to book value of debt
Z = overall index
Classification of a bankrupt company, gray area and not go bankrupt based on the value of z-
score modifications are:
a. Z-score <1.23 considered insolvent company.
b. Rated 1.23 <Z <2.90 are categorized in the gray area, the company can not default but it
also can not be said to be healthy.
c. Z-score> 2.90 categorized companies do not go bankrupt
Of the 43 banks listed on the exchange effects Indonesia in 2016, this study uses six banks as
samples. Selection is based on the bank 5 the following considerations:
1. The Bank has the completeness of financial reporting data that has been audited and
published from 2014 to 2015 year.
2. Is a Good Central Bank and local government, because the government bank.
So from these considerations that go ada5 bank for the research sample, namely: BBNI (Bank
Negara Indonesia), BBRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia), BBTN (State Savings Bank), BMRI (Bank
Mandiri), BJBR (Bank of West Java)


By using the bank's financial statements it can be seen the soundness of banks listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. From the data collected financial statements can be viewed by using
the banking financial performance almant Z Score modifkasi with ratios as follows:

1. Net Working capital to total assets (X1) is obtained in the following table:

table 3.1
Net Working Capital To Total Assets
Bank X1
No Pemerintah 2014 2015
1 BBNI 0.1952 0.1743
2 BBRI 0.1422 0.1506
3 BBTN 0.1935 0.2064
4 BJBR 0.1533 0.1385
5 BMRI 0.1879 0.1916

From the table it can be seen that the liquidity seen on the net working capital to total assets at
the bank 5 is fluctuating, the highest occurred in 2015 in the State savings bank (the Bank).

2. Retained earnings to total assets (X2) can be seen from the following data:
table 3.2
Retained earnings to total assets
Bank X2
No Pemerintah 2014 2015
1 BBNI 0.0851 0.1053
2 BBRI 0.1105 0.1215
3 BBTN 0.0341 0.0380
4 BJBR 0.0500 0.0503
5 BMRI 0.0862 0.0968

From Table 3.2 shows that the retained erning to total assets were greatest in 2015 acquired by
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).

3. Earning Before Interest and taxes to total assets (X3) can be seen as follows:
table 3.3
EBIT to total assets
Bank X3
No Pemerintah 2014 2015
1 BBNI 0.0325 0.0225
2 BBRI 0.0384 0.0370
3 BBTN 0.0109 0.0148
4 BJBR 0.0188 0.0199
5 BMRI 0.0304 0.0290

From Table 3.3 shows that the profitability of the bank to 5 very small when viewed from
earnings before taxes, which was seen in 2014 by a relatively Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)

4. Book Value of Equity to Book Value of Debt can be seen from the following table:
table 3.4
book value of equity to book value of debt
Bank X4
No Pemerintah 2014 2015
1 BBNI 0.1789 0.1900
2 BBRI 0.1413 0.1508
3 BBTN 0.0979 0.0930
4 BJBR 0.1108 0.1020
5 BMRI 0.1504 0.1623

The market value of the company to Bank BNI highest compared to four other banks.
From the data above, we can see the health of banks by using models almant Z Score modified as
table 3.5
Value Almant Z Score
Bank Z
No Pemerintah 2014 2015
1 BBNI 1.9639 1.8374
2 BBRI 1.6995 1.7911
3 BBTN 1.5568 1.6751
4 BJBR 1.4109 1.3137
5 BMRI 1.8756 1.9373

From the table above shows THAT to 5 of this government bank are in the gray area, where
government banks categorized as not predictable bankrupt but not in a healthy state.

From these data it can be said that the state-owned banking categorized as not bankrupt, the
largest Z value at BNI bank in the year 2014, but in 2015 there is a decrease, but the bank
Mandiri has kenikan 2015.

If seen government-owned banking conditions almant Z Score model with modifications shown
that government-owned banking activities less going well, but the bank can operate as the
backup by the government.
If seen research that has been done on average perbankkan not the government have a value
above 2.3 Almant Z score according to research conducted by the bi nuraini et al (2015)

V. Conglution
From the analysis above can be said that by using financial performance, can predict the state
and the operations of the company in this regard perbankkan. However, due to time constraints
should be more in telitilagi difference perbankkan government-owned financial performance
with other banking. With this result the public does not hesitate to save money in any banking.


Altman, E.I. 1968. Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis And The Prediction of Corporate
Bankruptcy. The Journal Of Finance. Vol. 23 No. 4, pp. 51-64.

Alkatiri, L.A. 2007. Analisis Risiko Kebangkrutan Z-Score Altman Pada Bank Syariah dan Bank
Non Syariah. (Skripsi Tidak Dipublikasikan). Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Adnan, M. A. & I. Taufiq. 2001. Analisis Ketepatan Prediksi Metode Altman Terhadap Terjadinya
Likuidasi Pada Lembaga Perbankan (Kasus Likuidasi Perbankan Di Indonesia). Jurnal
Akuntansi. Vol 5 No 2.

Anggaraini, Y. R. 2011. Analisis Prediksi Kebangkrutan Perbankan Berdasarkan Model Altman Z-

Score pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. (Skripsi Tidak Dipublikasikan).
Jember: Universitas Jember.

Arifin, Z. 1999. Memahami Bank Syariah Lingkup, Peluang, Tantangan, dan Prospek. Jakarta:

Boediono & W. Koster. 2008. Teori dan Aplikasi Statistika dan Probabilitas. Bandung: PT.
Remaja Rosdakarya.

Endri. 2008. Prediksi Kebangkrutan Bank Untuk Menghadapi dan Mengelola Perubahan
Lingkungan Bisnis: Analisis Model Altman Z-Score. Perbanas Quarterly Review. Vol.2..

Harahap, S.S. 2004. dkk. Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah: Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trisakti (LPFE – Usakti).

Harahap, S.S. 2009. Analisis Kritis Atas Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia. 2007. PSAK No 101 Standar Akuntansi Keuangan. Jakarta: Ikatan
Akuntansi Indonesia.

Kasmir. 2014. Analisis Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

Myirandasari, B. 2015. Analisis Komparasi Stabilitas Perbankan Syariah dan Konvensional (Bank
Umum Devisa Non Go Public di Indonesia). Jurnal Ilmiah. Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

Hosen, M. N & S. Nada. 2012. Pengukuran Tingkat Kesehatan dan Gejala Financial Distress Bank
Umum Syariah. Jurnal Economia, Vol. 9 No. 2.

Nurhasanah. 2010. Analisis Rasio Keuangan Model Altman dan Model Springate Sebagai Early
Warning System Terhadap Prediksi Kondisi Bermasalah Pada Bank Go Public. (Skripsi
Tidak Dipublikasikan). Jakarta: Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Nurhayati, S. & Wasilah. 2009. Akuntansi Syariah di Indonesia. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 13/1/PBI/2011 Tentang Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank

Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 8/4/PBI/2006. “Tentang Pelaksanaan GCG Bagi Bank Umum”.

Peraturan Bank Indonesia No.15/12/PBI/2013. “Tentang Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal


Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 8/POJK.03/2014 Tentang Penilaian Tingkat

Kesehatan Bank Umum Syariah Dan Unit Usaha Syariah.

Effect of Human Resources and
Regional Financial Accounting System
On the Quality of the Regional Financial Statemants
Siska Yulia Defitri1), Eliza2)
Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin, Indonesia
Universitas Putra Indonesia, Indonesia

Abstract. Good financial management, must have competent human resources and supported by the educational
background of accounting and also has experience in financial management. The preparation of financial statements
based on the area that is actually SAKD is to improve the quality of financial statements, so that the financial statements
is also able to increase its credibility and able to realize the quality of financial statement. This research aim to know
human resources and local goverment financial accounting systems (SAKD) of the quality of local goverment financial
reporting. The study population is employees who carry out the functions of accounting / financial administration at
SKPD Solok. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents directly concerned. The data
analysis technique used is multiple regression with the help of Statistical Package For Social Science. The results shows
partially ,that human resources significantly influence the quality of local government financial reporting. While the
SAKD have no effect significantly to the quality of local goverment financial reporting. simultaneously, human
resources and SAKD have significant effect to the quality of local goverment financial reporting.

Keywords: Human Resources, local goverment financial reporting, quality of Local Government

Good financial management, SKPD must have competent

I. INTRODUCTION human resources and supported by the educational
The government should be able to present a financial background of accounting and also has experience in
report containing financial information quality. In Law No. financial management. It is necessary to implement the
71 of 2010 on SAP explained that the financial statements existing accounting system. Human Resources competent to
that meet the characteristics of quality, relevant, reliable, be able to understand the logic of accounting properly. The
comparable and understandable. Though Shuler, Jaeger and failure of human resources Local Government in
Bertot (2010)[1] stated that the transparancy and the right of understanding and applying the accounting logic error will
access to public sector information is a fundamental form of impact the presentation of financial statements and non-
participation democracy, encouraging confidence in the compliance with the standards set by the government.
government, preventing corruptionm decision making, Human resources is a unity manpower in the organization
improve the accuracy of information governance, as well as and not just a sum of existing employees (Martindas
other basic function in in society. 2002:89)[4].
There is broad agreement that a strategic approach to Education is an attempt to develop human resources,
human resource management (HRM) involves designing and especially in the development of intellectual and human
implementing a set of internally consistent policies and personality aspects. The higher the education level, the
practices that ensure a firm’s human capital (employee’s higher the person's knowledge and intellectual level. With an
collective knowledge, skill, and abilities contributes to the adequate level of education one would be easier to do its job.
achievement of its business objectives (Jakson & Schuler, Work experience in a zational one of the indicators that a
1995)[2]. Huselid, Jakson & Schuler (1997)[3] argued is person has had a greater ability. The longer an employee
Human Resource (HR) managers’ capabilities on HR works in a field in the organization, the more experienced
management effectiveness and the latter’s impact on employee and to better understand what the duties and
corporate financial performance. responsibilities given to the employee. Siagian (2002: 62)[5]
The financial report is a product produced by the field of argues that direct experience when a person has worked in
accounting. Therefore it takes a Human Resources (HR) is an organization, and therefore something to leave the
competent to produce a financial report quality government. organization was moving to another organization. While the

experience is not directly observed events and followed by a reference for further research in accordance with the same
person in an organization the person concerned does not topic.
itself become members than the organization where events
were observed and followed occur. II. METHODS
In the area of good financial management, SKPD must This research is included in the form of the causative
have qualified human resources, which is supported by research is a type of research to analyze the influence of
accounting educational backgrounds, often take part in several variables with a few other variables. The variables
education and training, and have experience in finance studied in this research is the independent variable that
(Warisno, 2008: 48)[6]. The preparation of financial consists of Human Resources symbolized by X1, the area of
statements based on the area that is actually SAKD is to financial accounting system as X2 and the quality of
improve the quality of financial statements, so that the financial statements (Y) as the dependent variable
financial statements is also able to increase its credibility and (dependent variable).
in turn will be able to realize the quality of financial Type of this research is the primary data in the form of a
statements. questionnaire using Likert scale point and distributed to
In its application in local government has not been able respondents, employees who exercise the functions of
to prepare financial statements and do not understand the accounting / financial administration in 41 work units
accounting system. According to Government Regulation 71 (SKPD) Solok. The sampling technique used purposive
Year 2010 concerning the Government Accounting sampling using several criteria that research results more
Standards (SAP) states that the government draw up an objective and research conducted in 2016.
accounting system governance refers to the Government Methods of data analysis in this research is using multiple
Accounting Standards. The accounting system of linear regression analysis model, the hypothesis includes
government at the central level set by Ministry of Finance. simultaneous test (F), partial test (t), and the simultaneous
The accounting system of government at the local determination coefficient (R ²). Before that the data must
government level is set by regulation governors / regents / meet the assumptions of the test instrument and classical
mayors, referring to the Provincial Regulation on financial assumption researchers use statistical tools to use SPSS.
management which are based on Government Regulation
(Government Regulation 71 of 2010)[7]. The hypothesis can be put forward in this study are:
Regional Financial Accounting System (SAKD) is a set H1 Human Resources and significant positive effect
of procedures ranging from data collection, recording, up to on the Quality of Regional Financial Statements
financial reporting in the context of accountability of the H2 Regional Financial Accounting System and
budget that can be done manually or using a computer significant positive effect on the Quality of
application (Regulation No. 59 of 2007)[8]. According to Regional Financial Statements
Halim (2008: 35)[9] Regional Financial Accounting is the
process of identifying, measuring, recording, and reporting H3 Human Resources and Regional Financial
of economic transactions (financial) of local government Accounting System simultaneously significant
entities (counties, cities or provinces) to which the effect on quality of Regional Financial
information in the context of economic decision making by Statements
external parties of government areas that need.
In contrast to Halim, according Mardiasmo (2002: 2)[10]
from the standpoint of economics, the public sector can be This study uses the entire population sectors in Solok on
understood as an entity whose activities are related to the employees who exercise the functions of accounting or
business to produce goods and public services in order to financial administration by using census method. The
meet the needs and rights of the public. In the 71 regression equation used to answer the hypothesis 1, 2 and 3.
Government regulations of 2010 explained that the Test significantly distinguished by significant simultaneous
Government Accounting System on the central government test (F test) and partial significance test (t test) with
arranged with the Minister of Finance Regulation which significance level α 5 percent. Based on the data, it can be
refers to the general guidelines of Government Accounting formed with a constant regression equation are the variables
System. with the following model:
The purpose of this study to find out how the quality of Quality RFS = 23,374 + 0,797 SDM + 0,272 SAKD
the Regional Financial Statements can be predicted by
Human Resources and Regional Financial Accounting TABLE 1
System partially or simultaneously. This research is expected Results of Multiple Regression
to provide meaningful input for local governments in their
policy, as well as the results of this study can be used as a

possessed by the respondent in financial reporting. These
Stan results are consistent with research Dita (2011)[11], Ruri
Unstandardized dardi (2013)[12], Asyifa (2014)[13] and Emilda (2014)[14].
Coefficients zed t Sig. However, these results are not in line with Zuliarti (2011)[15]
who concluded the human resources capacity did not
Model ficie
nts significantly affect the reliability of financial reporting.
But unlike the second hypothesis by finding that
B Std. Beta the area of financial accounting systems did not significantly
Error affect the quality of the financial reporting area. This is not
1 (Constant) consistent with the hypothesis that the writer suggested prior
23.374 8.430 2.773 .009
to the study. Based on these results may illustrate that
Human respondents in SKPD Solok not yet fully implemented the
Resource .797 .194 .562 4.114 .000 area of financial accounting systems in financial reporting.
(SDM) However, the results of research indicate that the financial
Regional accounting system does not affect the quality of the financial
statements at SKPD Solok. This was proved by Judging
Accounting .272 .193 .193 1.411 .167
System from the facts that occurred in the city of Solok based on the
(SAKD) examination of local government financial reports in fiscal
years 2013 and 2014 obtained opinions Fair With Exceptions
(WDP), which is still a lack of quality produce financial
statements. One of them in the financial accounting system
has not been fully implemented in accordance with the
a. Dependent Variabel . Quality of Regional Financial applicable standards
Statement Table 3. Result of F-test
From Table 1 above are known constants of 23.374,
which means that in the absence of human resources and
Regional Financial Accounting System, the quality of the ANOVAa
report remains worth 23.374. Besides the partial regression Sum of
variables of human resources in the amount of 0.797 is
Model Squares Mean Square F Sig.
positive, it indicates if the area of financial accounting
system up it will improve the quality of financial statements Regression 444.667 2 222.334 13.275 .000a
will rise, assuming other variables constant. So is the partial Residual 586.175 35 16.748
regression coefficient variable area of financial accounting
system is positive and significant at the 5% level is 0.272, it Total 1030.84
is clear that the area of financial accounting system increases, 2
the quality of financial statements will rise, assuming other a. Dependent Variable: Quality of Regional Financial Statements
variables constant value.
To determine the effect of independent variables on the b. Predictors: (Constant), SDM, SAKD
dependent variable partially known from the t test. In table 1 Criteria if F arithmetic> F table, then based on the
Variabel t P value Kesimpulan calculation of SPSS acquired Fhitung 13.275 while Ftabel
Hitung signifikan worth 3,267. By taking siginifkansi α level of 5%, the F
count> F table with a significance level of 0.000 which is
Sumber 4,114 0,000 H1 diterima smaller than 0.05, then the rules of the decision is received
daya H3, which means human resources and financial accounting
manusia system areas simultaneously affect the quality of financial
reporting area.
Sistem 1,411 0,167 H2 ditolak
The function of the accounting activities both in the
private sector or the government or the public sector is to
provide information about the transaction and financial
performance either internal or external to the entity. To be
above known test results are summarized in the table below: able to provide timely and accurate information needed a
Judging from the above table it is known that the system that could be used in order to provide timely and
human resources and significant influence on the quality of accurate information needed a system that could be used in
financial reporting area. This is evident from respondents' order to provide information (Halim, 2002: 37)[16]. As
answers to questionnaires distributed. From the results of understanding of financial accounting system in accordance
research it is known that the human resources department of with Regulation 59 of 2007, a series of procedures ranging
finance / accounting in work units (SKPD) Solok has been from data collection, recording, up to financial reporting in
good, and thus the quality of financial reports generated on the context of accountability of the budget that can be done
SKPD area of Solok also be better. Because it is also manually or using a computer application.
accompanied with the skills, knowledge and abilities

Weak accounting system that led to the financial The area of financial accounting system does not yet
statements produced is also less reliable and less relevant to support local quality of financial reporting. When viewed
the manufacture keputusan.Tentunya accounting system from the frequency distribution, then intansi need to improve
described above is one part of the job description of human financial accounting system to produce qualified local
resources in the financial sub-section, to the human financial statements. For further research is expected to test
resources must be so capable and competent in performing other variables relating to the quality of financial reporting
the tasks carried out in a professional, efficient and effective area. In addition, researchers were able to expand further in
research samples or by examining the relationship between
human resources and financial accounting systems to the
quality of financial reporting in the city / other districts
Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of REFERENCES

[1] S. M. Metev and V. P. Veiko, Laser Assisted Microtechnology, 2nd
Model R R Square Square the Estimate ed., R. M. Osgood, Jr., Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1998.
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1 .657a .431 .399 4.092 Applications to Wind Speed and Direction, ser. Lecture Notes in
Statistics. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1989, vol. 61.
Table 4. Summary of the Result [3] S. Zhang, C. Zhu, J. K. O. Sin, and P. K. T. Mok, “A novel ultrathin
elevated channel low-temperature poly-Si TFT,” IEEE Electron
Device Lett., vol. 20, pp. 569–571, Nov. 1999.
From processing the data obtained by the correlation [4] M. Wegmuller, J. P. von der Weid, P. Oberson, and N. Gisin, “High
resolution fiber distributed measurements with coherent OFDR,” in
coefficient (R) of 0.431. This means that the relationship or Proc. ECOC’00, 2000, paper 11.3.4, p. 109.
correlation between human resources and financial [5] R. E. Sorace, V. S. Reinhardt, and S. A. Vaughn, “High-speed
accounting systems area of the quality of local financial digital-to-RF converter,” U.S. Patent 5 668 842, Sept. 16, 1997.
statements of 0.431 means that the contribution of human [6] (2002) The IEEE website. [Online]. Available:
[7] M. Shell. (2002) IEEEtran homepage on CTAN. [Online]. Available:
resources and financial accounting system of the area is
43.1%, while 56.9% is determined by other factors not tested archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/IEEEtran/
in this study such as the use of information technology and [8] FLEXChip Signal Processor (MC68175/D), Motorola, 1996.
internal control systems. [9] “PDCA12-70 data sheet,” Opto Speed SA, Mezzovico, Switzerland.
[10] A. Karnik, “Performance of TCP congestion control with rate
feedback: TCP/ABR and rate adaptive TCP/IP,” M. Eng. thesis,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Jan. 1999.
IV. CONCLUSIONS [11] J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, and D. Towsley, “A stochastic model of TCP
Reno congestion avoidance and control,” Univ. of Massachusetts,
Many of the various research results that make human Amherst, MA, CMPSCI Tech. Rep. 99-02, 1999.
resources into a variable in the research found that the role [12] Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer
of human resources really very important in the (PHY) Specification, IEEE Std. 802.11, 1997.
advancement and improvement of an organization's activities
(Singh, 2003). So also with the results of this study indicate
that human resources can support the quality of local
financial statements so that with the addition of human
resources with an accounting background is expected to
further improve the quality of financial statements SKPD in
Solok city.

Influence Factors Venture Capital, Farmer’s Institutions and
Bussiness Typedto Farmer’s Successfull of the Independently
Dirrect Aid Program (IDAP) in Oganellir
Tien yustini1), Agustinus S2), Anton Kurniawan3)
Management Department of STIM AMKOP Palembang

Management Department of STIM AMKOP Palembang
Management Department of STIM AMKOP Palembang

Abstract. This reaserch aimed to analized the Capital from Independently program, Farmer’s Institutions and Bussiness
typedto Farmer’s Successfull of the IndependentlyDirect Aid Program (BLM) in OganIlir. This program doing by
goverment to add community empowerment so could eradicate poverty. In general,the image of the poor lives in rural
areas and mostly farmers. Similarly, the farmers in South Sumatra province which mostly managed wetlands as their
livelihood are poor, especially in the districts of OganIlir (OI). The population in this research are farmers whose given
the revolving fund from independetnly Direct Aid Program about 111 farmers. But in this research just 80 farmers be a
sample. Sampling method used in this research is purpossive sampling, which the farmers given revolving fund from
BLM. Used the SPSS 22 Version , getting conclusion as ; Capital Factors that taste of BLM, Business typed and
Farmer’s institutions significant effect on the success of the implementation of the BLM program in OganIlir seen with
the revolving fund, where there are 41% of those who carry out rolling the BLM program funds up to five (5) times.
This is consistent with the goals and objectives of the BLM program where the funds should be used so that the
continuity of the rolling program of economic development for the community to prosperity of rural communities can
be achievedthe welfare of rural communities can be achieved.Statistical analysis showed that the independent variables
have a strong relationship to the dependent variable, where the value of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R2)
of 0.762. the Revenue Percentage Improvement BLM amounted to 0.828 against the percentage increase farmers'
income means that the model can explain the variance of data 76.2% of the success of the Programme BLM.
Simultaneously (F-test) Capitalvariable, Business Type, Farmers Institutions real and significant effect on the success of
the BLM program. The results of the t test (partially) Type of Business has a positive and significant impact on the
success of the BLM program. While the variable capital, and the Farmer’s Institutioni, a significant negative effect on
KBBLM Program.

Keyword : Revolving , Direct Aid Fund Program, rural

I. INTRODUCTION Law No. 25 of 2004 on National Development Planning

Rural in Indonesia still has a lot of potential that can be System later became an umbrella for the implementation of
developed, so that the welfare of people in rural areas can be development that provides a space for people as the subject
improved. So they are not interested in droves to go to town of development. The law emphasizes that one of the goals of
(migration) only to become unskilled laborers or work in the development is to increase community participation.
informal sector are in fact not able to improve the welfare of However, even though the product has been included in the
the community. The government continues to undertake legislation, an effort to foster community participation has
various programs in rural areas, of course, efforts to develop got a strong enough challenge of planning model that uses a
rural development must be grown through a process of technocratic approach and politics. The existence of public
empowerment of rural communities.Thus the expected level interests, technocrats, and politics we should find the right
of community participation grow from the bottom as meeting point for the best solution in developing rural
initiative and creation born of a sense of awareness and development in Indonesia.
responsibility. The essence of rural development in principle Rural development will be focused on the activities of
be done by, of, and for people with direction, guidance, the villagers, and is expected to provide a broad multiplier
coaching, support, and supervision of the government. effect, such as the expansion of employment, investment,

infrastructure development. In addition, the expected Some of the factors that determine the success of poverty
occurrence of backward linkages and forward (backward and alleviation programs are: a). Awareness of local values; b).
forward linkages) both between villages and between the Integrated and comprehensive approach; c). Human
villages with the town. Further expected improvements in Resource Development; d). Institutional role; e).
the quality of life and prosperity for the people of the village Commitment of the community to come forward; f). Their
and at the same time be able to overcome poverty in the formidable movers figures and role models, g) Mind set the
village public about the direct aid program.
Despite the potential of the countryside in South Sumatra In the district of OganIlir acceptance of Direct Assistance
is still very large, but in fact until now most farmers are still funds independently from the 2008 - 2013 in 14 Districts
many who are categorized as poor. The fundamental with the Gapoktan number as many as 111 (Source: Agency
problem faced by farmers is the lack of access to sources of for the Assessment of Food Crops, processed data 2015).
capital, markets, technology and peasant organizations are Issues to be discussed are the most dominant factors that
still weak. Moreover in general, most farmers in Indonesia is determines the success of the program help alleviate poverty
a farmer who owns land is narrow and sub-optimal. So also through districts Direct Independent in OganIlir in South
with farmers in Ogan Ilir South Sumatra Sumatra. Program credit / revolving fund for small
Todaro (2000: 21) [1] argues that the core of the businesses as one of the region's economic development
development is the adequacy (sustenance) is the ability to efforts will not succeed without the immaterial aspects such
meet basic needs, so self (self-esteem) is to be fully human, as freedom from dependence. empowering certainly lending
freedom (freedom) of attitudes hamper the ability to programs / revolving fund for the community. Community
memilih.Kompleksnya problems community and involvement in planning, determining the selection and
government by Rondinelli (1990: 54), decision making implementation of the program will foster community
centralized inefficient, expensive and difficult to implement, empowerment. Ledgerwood (1999, p. 1) defines
therefore, now how the (local) government is able to microfinance as the provision of financial services to low-
organize and provide a wide range of public services, income society, including small traders, street vendors, small
decentralization, democracy and empowerment made the farmers, sellers of services (hairdresser, rickshaw), artisans
election to mengelimir the shortcomings of a centralized and small producers.
government. In Indonesia, the efforts made by the enactment From the description above that the study is interested in
of Law No. 22 of 1999 which provides a tremendous studying how the implementation of the program credit /
opportunity for districts to develop and cultivate growth in revolving fund for small businesses in the poverty alleviation
the region as the home base. efforts. Program revolving funds are Ogan Ilir regency
Efforts to develop rural development must be grown government policies in order to improve the standard of
through a process of empowerment of rural communities, living, society, creating empowerment of the poor / poor
thus the level of community participation that grows from farmers. The success of poverty reduction in the mark with
the bottom as initiative and creation, born of a sense of the poor who happen prosperous and self-reliant through the
awareness and responsibility of society is an absolute creation of employment opportunities increase revenue on an
requirement. In this case, the essence of rural development ongoing basis. The success of economic development must
in principle be done by, of, and for people with direction, be supported by planning and implementation in other fields.
guidance, coaching, mentoring, assistance, and supervision Economic development policies intended to enhance
of the government. Therefore, it is natural when rural prosperity in the sense of the greatest possible extent,
development should be a top priority in all strategic planning economic development activities are always seen as part of
and policy development in Indonesia. the overall development effort run by a society. Economic
In 2006, the government has formulated an integrated development includes only the business community to
poverty reduction on the basis of community empowerment. develop economic activity and enhancing the level of
The program is the National Program for Community people's income, while the overall development efforts
Empowerment (PNPM). PNPM is poverty reduction efforts include the development efforts of social, political, and
involving elements of society, from the planning stage, cultural.
pelaksananaan to monitoring and evaluation. In order to
address and solve the problems of poverty, the government
set a medium term development plan that focuses on rural II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
agricultural development. One of them reached through agri- Currently agribusiness increasingly strategic position, is
business approach and strengthening agricultural institutions expected to increase the income of farmers, agribusiness is
in rural areas. (Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, expected to embrace the farmers to get involved in it, and
2008). This program is the Rural Agribusiness Development can feel the increase in value added. During this agribusiness
(PUAP), the form of direct grants independently as capital has indeed been progressing quite rapidly, but the added
gains to farmers through Gapoktan. Farmers are expected to value was not enjoyed by most farmers. The reality is the
utilize and roll the funds to develop agribusiness in order to "farmers tie" better enjoy it. However, in an effort to develop
increase the income of farmers so that farmers get out of agribusiness, farmers are still the spearhead. Indonesia
poverty. This program has been implemented by the national revival can not be separated from the rise of
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia since agriculture and farmers. With the application of the concept
2008 s.d. 2013, as well as in South Sumatra of agribusiness, the expected acceleration of agricultural
development and independence of the nation.

Developing agribusiness required huge capital support, in The data used in this research is the primary data and
this case the bank has not been a lot of capable business secondary data. Primary data was taken from respondents
association with the agribusiness sector, it is mainly due to sourced from rice farmers and rubber farmers direct
the high risk factor, particularly in farming activities. beneficiaries independently. Data was collected through
Cultivation of crops, livestock and fish is influenced interviews based on a questionnaire that was designed
environment, both macro and micro. Moreover, it is still specifically for this study. In addition to primary data,
expected on offense agribusiness marketing should always secondary data was also collected to support the research.
pay attention to international quality standards. Often it Secondary data were obtained through a search of
happens agribusiness products exported returned because of documents, reports of previous studies and observations in
inadequate quality. the field and literature who helped in the research
Conceptually, community empowerment is an effort to literature.The research variables consisted of: Institutional
improve the dignity of society is in a state of not being able (X1); Type of Business (X2); Capital from Direct Aid
to escape the trap of poverty and underdevelopment. In other Mandiri (X3); While the variable Y is keberhsailan variable
words, is to enable and empower the community's that is measured by the level of income. These variables are
independence. According Pranarka and Prijono (1996), man defined as follows:
is the subject of itself, emphasizing the empowerment
process in the process provide the ability for people to be Table 1. Operational Definitions
empowered, encourage or motivate the individual to have
the ability or the empowerment to determine the choice of Variable Definitions
his life. According Sumarjo (2010) [2] effective community
empowerment makes people become empowered, the Institutional Institutions - Farmers (Poktan)
society becomes more dynamic, more adaptive to changes in (X1) involved in the - Farmers Group
the environment, better able to access appropriate implementation (Gapoktan)
technologies, extensive knowledge, cosmopolitan, and of the BLM. - LKMA
empathy for outsiders. The change from the traditional social
system occurs through a process of awareness and Type of The work done - - Livestock (L)
participation. Business by farmers using - Plantation (P)
This research was conducted in OganIlir (OI) South (X2) BLM - Crop (C)
- Horticulture (H)
Sumatra, with the consideration that the district received
- Off Farm (OF)
funds Mandiri Direct Aid (BLM) almost every year from the
beginning of the program in 2008 s.d. 2013. The villages Capital Capital - Rupiahs
surveyed prelude to seek comparisons are recipients of direct BLM (X3) originating from
assistance Mandiri (BLM) in 2009 and 2010, since in 2009 the BLM (first
and 2010 programs are much better and there are already take)
coordinating body extension in this case the extension of
districts for Direct Aid Mandiri (BLM) called Supervisor The success The percentage
MitraTani (PMT) and village extension workers are (Y) increase in income
received by farmers
freelance extension (PHL). While the data for this study
compared to the
were drawn recipient data independentlyDirect Aid (BLM) Top Income
in 2009.
The population is all self-contained direct beneficiaries
from 2008 until 2013, which amounted to 200 people. The
samples in this study using a formula Slovin (Sevilla, III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
1993), because the population is more than 100, the
looseness of accuracy can be taken 5-10% (Riduwan and The total area of OganIlir regency is 2,666,07 km2
Kuncoro, 2008). By using the formula slovin then the consisting of 65% of land and 35% swamp. North side
sample is determined as much: 80 people are calculated as adjacent to the city of Palembang and Banyuasin district,
follows: n = N / 1 + Ne2 next to the South with the district UluOganOgan, the west
Where with the district of MuaraEnim and Prabumulih and the east
n: number of samples with the district OganOganIlir and OganOganUluTimur. OI
N: the number of populatione: fault tolerance limit (error District consists of 16 districts, 14 villages and 227 villages.
tolerance) Based on data from 2014 population of 397.439 inhabitants.
The sample used by 80 farmers recipient Direct Relief OI district population consists of ethnic Ogan, Gotu kola,
FundMandiri. Techniques used in the sampling that is Penesak and immigrants who generally came from the
technically non-probability samples are purposive sampling Javanese and Sundanese.
method. According to Ferdinand (2006) purposive sampling Direct Aid Program Mandiri (BLM), which started since
is a sampling of the population based on certain criteria 2008 up to 2013 has been rolled out in most of the villages
where the population of farmers grouped in a homogenous in Indonesia as well as villages in South Sumatra. Through
group that rice farmers and rubber farmer beneficiaries been farmers' groups combined (gapoktan), every village received
PUAP in 2009, and of the entire population is drawn help 100 million that should have been distributed to
samples from each of these groups. members of farmers based on the Proposed Plan Members

(RUA) and the Proposed Plan Group (RUK) and its rolling. the loan amount on average to be accepted by the members
Reality on the ground aid is widely distributed with no poktan / gapoktan, BLM seharusnnya used just enough to
proposals planned, or loaned to a member of such borrowing maintain the rubber plantation that was so. New land
in the cooperative, only if the loan at the cooperative, opening rubber plantation will cost about five (5) million
borrowers feel obliged to return while lenders Direct Aid plus maintenance until it is time to produce within a period
Mandiri (BLM), which in this case are members of farmer of approximately 8 years. As is known division of BLM
groups most feel that the funds PUAP a grant from the funds for a village of only 100 million, on average per
government so it does not feel obliged to repay, in other village there are five (5) farmer groups with a total
words that the funds are rolled tends unproductive. membership of 20 farmers each.
In interviews with the members of farmers in villages that So should funds be divided equally, per farmer group
received funds Mandiri Direct Aid (BLM), formation of members each only get 1 million rupiah. The funds are only
farmer groups in the villages just for the sake of obtaining sufficient for maintenance for rubber farmers, or if made for
funds aid program Mandiri (BLM) is not formed naturally. the planting horticultural farming and making small business
Interviewed on a preliminary survey in villages that got (off farm) are most likely to do. Lending mechanisms should
the BLM, most of these programs fail to meet the goals and be through the proposed member (RUA) or farmer groups
objectives of the BLM program. This is because the process RUK) then it should be returned, one way of return do is
of planning and decision making in development programs refund within 11 months. Once paid, the member can borrow
often done using a top-down approach (top-down), again, but many people are not returning, this is what causes
technocrats and political. System should be developed with a kegagalanprogram BLM, namely the lack of public
participatory or bottom up by placing the community as the awareness in terms of return grants BLM.Based on the
main party or the center of the development. Such an borrowing and repayment of BLM for 4 (four) times, there
approach is more empowering communities, namely model are as many as 41% (33 of 80 respondents) which can also
'Empowerment' (PM). The basic process of community be quite good Figure 1. The role of the farmer (poktan /
empowerment is the experience and knowledge about the gapoktan) and financial institutions are in accordance with
existence of a very extensive and useful as well as their the purpose of BLM .Lamanya members have joined the
willingness to get better. This process is the starting point for group as much as 85.71% of farmers have joined for 7 to 8
the community's independence in order to improve their years old at the time of primary data collection in the field,
living standards, usage and access local resources as meaning that members are already accustomed to working
possible, both natural resources and human resources. In this group and has a working group focused enough.
case the community must have local knowledge. If examined in terms of the amount of capital BLM
Based on observations and interviews in the field, in fact distributed at the beginning of the division, it means the
only a few villages receiver BLM successfully meet the same as described above that the amount is sufficient to
BLM coaching process stages, namely in the first year and finance businesses that have been selected and the selection
second year of the utilization of funds the establishment of of the type of business is appropriate because respondents
savings and loan business unit. Most of the villages are who used it were able to use these funds and rolling up to
given help is not on target, whereas in the third year, four times the number of initial funding BLM same that
independent direct assistance from BLM program should be between 1-2 million, but there is a borrow up to 5 million,
used as the strengthening of capital or initial funding for the but the effort failed. Although it is not smooth, the loan fund
growth of Microfinance Institutions (MFI-A) on Gapoktan. stretcher can still be restored and could borrow for the next
BLM program implemented by the farmers (owners of the year but the amount is decreased. As explained above, the
funds or tenants), farm labor, product processing and success of the farmers is capable of rolling BLM well also
marketing of agricultural products, especially for poor influenced by selection of the type of business where the
families in the villages / wards, through gapoktan as an business chose Horticulture (40.48%), Off Farm (23.81%),
institution that is owned and managed by farmers. Rice (19.05%) , followed by, Ranch (14.29%) and Oil
The allocation of funds from the BLM program has been (0.24,%). workgroups quite purposeful.
set by the government for food crops, horticulture, Selection of the right type of business if the terms of the
plantation, farm and off-farm activities (outside the farm but land area is managed, where as many as 66.67% of
no relation to agriculture). Based on the reporting system respondents have / working area of 0.5 ha, as much as
created by the related department with reality based on 30.95% manage 1 ha of land. Based on the selection of the
surveys and interviews on the ground in the villages who selection of the type of business and off farm horticulture
received BLM is not a research site is in sharp contrast, the business is more dominant in adapting to the environment,
average farmer does not understand those funds are people acquire and develop a wisdom that intangible
allocated. It is caused by many factors, among others: knowledge, ideas, customary norms, cultural values,
assistance and guidance to members of the user group union activities, and equipment as a result of abstraction of
BLM funds are lacking, before the program is implemented. environmental management.
So most farmers are not clear and do not understand the
BLM program especially benefit.
Resutl of interviews with residents who received BLM in Figure 1. Overview Institutional Factor Respondents BLM Loan
village communities rubber farmers, they use the BLM to Fund
open new lands rubber plantations because at the time of
BLM rolled, rubber prices are quite high, whereas based on

Table 3.showsed as the multiple correlation values
Persentase  obtained at 0.919, these values indicate a close positive
relationship between the independent variable capital BLM
Lembaga Tani
(X1), Type of Business (X2), Farmers Organization (X3),
the dependent variable is the percentage of additional
55 %
revenues from Direct aid Independent and dependent
% variable. The value of the coefficient of determination
(Adjusted R2) of 0.828. This shows that the model can
Poktan Gapoktan explain the data variance of 84.4,%. While the rest
influenced by other factors
Based on Table 4 is a value or a value
Fhitung34,502pvalue 0,000, for a value pvalue<α, then Ho is
Persentase Lembaga 
rejected. That is, the real level of 5% be declared no positive
Keuangan and significant influence between the variables
29% 33%
Table 4. Summary of Linier Regression of independent Variableto
KBBLM Success

38% Sum of Mean

Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
Poktan Gapoktan LKMA  1 Regress 51.31
4.404 19 0.232 .000b
ion 6
0.813 61 0.005
Results Hypothesis Testing with Multiple Linear l
Total 5.217 80 Mean
Regression Analysis of the Independent Variables
Model Sum of Squares df Square F Sig.
Dependent Variables are shown in the following table: 1 Regression 104.902 19 5.521 34.502 0.000
Table 2. Summary Model Dependent Variable Linear Regression Residual 28.804 61 0.160
towards KBBLM Total 133.706 80
a. Predictors: (Constant), Modal BLM (X), Jenis Usaha
(X2), Lembaga Tani (X3)
Std. Error of the b. Dependent Variable: KBPLM
Model R R2 Adjusted R2 Estimate
8 Table 5. Table Anova and Testing Results Institutional Factors
8 against KBBLM
1 6 0.785 0.762 0.40003
a.Predictors: (Constant), Modal BLM (X), Jenis Usaha
(X2), Lembaga Tani (X3)
a.Predictors: (Constant), Modal BLM (X1), Jenis Usaha b. Dependent Variable: KBPLM
(X2), Lembaga Tani (X3
b. Dependent Variable: KBBLM Capital of BLM (X1), Type of Business (X2), the
Based on Table 2.multiple correlation values obtained at Peasant Organization (X3), the dependent variable is the
0.886, these values indicate a close positive relationship percentage of Income from BLM. This shows that pursuant
between the variables of Capital BLM (X1), Type of to Test F, there is simultaneously a positive and significant
Business (X2), the Peasant Organization (X3) on dependent influence bet
variable is the percentage of Income derived from the Fund
assistance The value BLM coefficient of determination Table.6 Anova table and Testing Results of independently variable
(Adjusted R2) of 0.762. This shows that the model can to KBBLM
explain the variance data that is 76.2% against KBBLM.
While the rest influenced by other factors Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
Table. 3. Summary Multiple Linear Regression Model Independent 1 Regressio
Variables to Success Program BLM 4.404 19 0.232 51.316 .000b
Residual 0.813 61 0.005
Adjusted R Std. Error of the Total 5.217 80
Model R R Square Square Estimate a. Predictors: (Constant), Modal BLM (X), Jenis Usaha
1 0.919a 0.844 0.828 0.06721 (X2), Lembaga Tani (X3)
b. Dependent Variable: KBPLM
a. Predictors: (Constant), Modal BLM (X), Jenis Usaha
(X2), Lembaga Tani (X3 Based on Table 6. The obtained value pvalue 0,000
b. Dependent Variable: KBPLM Fhitung51.316 or value, because the value pvalue<α, then
Ho is rejected. That is, the real level of 5% be declared no
positive and significant influence of independent variables

on the dependent variables. This shows that pursuant to Test rejected it means with 95% confidence level, if other
F, there is simultaneously a positive and significant factors held constant, JU with selection (H) and (OF)
influence between the independent variable capital of BLM positive and significant impact on KBBLM. While the
(X1), Type of Business (X2), the Peasant Organization (X3), value of regression coefficient selection JU (TP) and no
the dependent variable is kebershasilan BLM through significant negative effect on KBBLM regression
increased revenue. coefficient Dependent (Tg) with tcount -0.72 -2.185 0.030
pvaluepvalue value <5%, then Ho is rejected it means with
Table 7. Regression Coefficients Values and 95% confidence level, if other factors held constant, Tg
Testing Results Independent Variables significant negative effect on KBBLM.
to KBBLM Value koefisiesn regression Business Type (JU) with
options (Pt), (Pk), (TP), (H) and (OF) is (H) 0,118dengan
Standar value thitung4,766 value pvalue 0,000; (OF) 0214 with a
Unstandardiz dized value of 0,000 thitung5,493 pvalue value; pvalue<5%, then
ed Coeffic Ho is rejected it means with 95% confidence level, if other
Coefficients ients factors held constant, JU with selection (H), (OF) positive
Std. and significant impact on KBBLM. LT regression
Model B Error Beta t Sig. coefficient value -0.296 to -7.772 tcountpvalue 0000
(Constant) 1. pvalue values <5%, then Ho is rejected it means with 95%
0.6 6
0.411 0.106 confidence level, if other factors held constant, LT
69 2
6 significant negative effect on the KBBLM.
X1 Modal BLM 0.
(M) 0.0 7
0.051 0.034 0.431

X2 Jenis Usaha Capital Factors that taste of BLM, the Institute of

(JU) Business and Tani significant effect on the success of the
Perkebunan (Pk) 1. implementation of the BLM program in OganIlir seen with
0.2 5 the revolving fund, where there are 41% of those who carry
0.168 0.099 0.118
63 6 out rolling the BLM program funds up to five (5) times. This
9 is consistent with the goals and objectives of the BLM
Tanaman Pangan - program where the funds should be used so that the
(TP) - 2. continuity of the rolling program of economic development
0.5 0.210 -0.290 4 0.015
for the community to prosperity of rural communities can be
17 6
2 achievedthe welfare of rural communities can be achieved.
Hortikultura (H) 3. Statistical analysis showed that the independent variables
0.4 2 have a strong relationship to the dependent variable, where
0.148 0.268 0.001
83 6 the value of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R2) of
1 0.762. the Revenue Percentage Improvement BLM / Main
Off Farm (OF) 3. Revenue (P3 / PU and amounted to 0.828 against the
0.9 9 percentage increase farmers' income means that the model
0.232 0.434 0.000
25 8 can explain the variance of data 76.2% of the success of the
Programme BLM
X3 Lembaga -
Tani (LT) - 6. Simultaneously (F-test) Capitalvariable, Business Type,
1.5 0.227 -0.969 9 0.000 Farmers Institutions real and significant effect on the success
85 8 of the BLM program. The results of the t test (partially)
4 Type of Business (Horticulture and Off Farm), has a positive
and significant impact on the success of the BLM program.
While the variable capital, and the Institute of Tani, a
significant negative effect on KBBLM Program.
Dependent Variable: KBBLM

The regression coefficient with tcount D3TK 0.264

1.972 0.050 pvaluepvalue values <5 %, then Ho is rejected V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
it means with 95% confidence level, if other factors held
That the utilization of independent direct grants (BLM)
constant, D3TK positive and significant effect on the
can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions that
must be revolving fund, it is recommended that the selection
Valuekoefisiesn regression Business Type (JU) with
of the right type of business is Off Horticulture Farm
options (Pt), (Pk), (TP), (H) and (OF) is (TP) -0,517dengan
because it can generate profit registered a daily / weekly /
tcount -2.42 pvalue value 0.015; (H) 0483 with a value of
bualanan and can be implemented in a narrow area. Need to
0,001 thitung3,261 pvalue value; (OF) 0925 with a value
be given guidance and assistance to the public about the
of 0,001 thitung3.983 pvalue value; pvalue<5%, then Ho is

business opportunities that can be developed more widely in
the era of free competition to further streamline the role of
the farmer.


[1] Todaro, M.P. and S.C. Smith. Economic Development . Pearson

Addison Wesley, New. 1993.
[2] Sumardjo. 2010. Revitalisasi Peran Penyuluh Sosial dalam
Penyelenggaraan Kesejahteraan Sosial. Makalah disampaikan
Konggres I Penyuluh Sosial Pembinaan Pejabat Fungsional Penyuluh
Sosial, Jakarta 19-20 Mei 2010.


Wahyu Indah Mursalini1), Arfimasri2)

UMMY, Solok, Indonesia

UMMY, Solok, Indonesia


Working capital is the company's total investment in current assets or assets that are expected to be converted to cash within one year or less than

one year. Working capital management in a company will be influenced by the economic cycle of the country. If the economy improves, then the

people's purchasing power will increase. Companies that do not have sufficient working capital, current liabilities can not pay on time and will

face liquidity problems. The purpose of this study was to analyze of working capital turnover and structure of debt to Profitability in Consumer

Goods Industry effect is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The model used is Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) program of Eviews.

Hypothesis testing is done starting from the overall descriptive test variable, the selection of models with Chow Test and Hausman test as well as

the classical assumption test. The test is based on the model chosen is the Model Fixed effect is. The next stage is to do the correction models using

Model General Least Square. The results obtained by the Working Capital Turnover and Structure of Debt significant effect on profitability

Consumer Goods Industry listed on Bursa effect in Indonesia. Suggested for subsequent researchers to pay attention to the business cycle and add

other variables such as: investment, stock prices and capital structure.

Keyword: Working Capital Turnover, Structure of Debt and Profitability.

end result of a number of policies and decisions made

by corporate managers.
The financial manager is responsible for making
Controlling the amount of working capital that will
investment and financing decisions in the name of
ensure proper operation of the company efficiently
parties interested in the company. One of those
and economically. If the working capital is too large,
interests is an investment in working capital. Efficient
then the funds that are embedded in working capital
working capital management will have an impact on
exceeded requirements resulting in idle funds, but if
profitability. The company owners more dominant
the amount of working capital is too small or less, then
attention to profitability of the company. Profitability
the company will be less able to meet customer
generally describes the company's ability to earn a
demand [2]. Working capital management in a
profit, through all of the capabilities and available
company will be influenced by the economic cycle of
resources [1]. So it can be said that profitability is the
the country. If the economy improves, it will increase Research on working capital management, debt

the purchasing power and open up opportunities for structure and profitability have been carried out.

companies to improving sales. Results The study found that a significant negative

correlation between the significant and positive

Every business needs to start and continue
working capital turnover, structure of debt and
financing its operations to growth and business
profitability. So is working capital management
expansion [3]. Debt is a sacrifice of economic benefits
relationship with the company's profitability. Results
that will arise in the future due to the obligation in the
of research conducted by previous researchers varied,
present of a legal entity and will be filled by
there is a significant positive or negative effect.
transferring assets or providing services to other
Because the factors that affect the profitability of not
entities in the future, both short-term debt and long-
only working capital, debt structure, liquidity but is
term debt [4].
also influenced by the growth, the business cycle, the
The success of a business needs working capital
type of industry, micro and macro economic [8].
and working capital it needs to be managed well, the
Turnover Importance of Working Capital and Debt
management of working capital is called the working
Structure for the company is to meet the fund
capital management. Working capital management is
company operations so that always sufficient and can
very important because it has a direct impact on
reach the company's goal is profitability [9]. So that
profitability [5]. Working capital management can
financial management is very important to do for the
minimize risk and improve company performance.
company to avoid the risk of bankruptcy [10].
Lack of working capital means lower investment in
Therefore, this research aims: "To analyze whether
working capital and otherwise excess working capital
Working Capital Turn Over and Structure Of Debt
means higher investment in working capital [6].
significant effect on Profitability ".
Companies that do not have sufficient working
capital, can not pay short-current liabilities in a timely

manner and will face liquidity problems. Working Profitability illustrates the company's ability to

capital management is not an efficient cause idle profit through all the existing capabilities and

assets embedded in the fund so that it can reduce resources such as sales, cash, capital, number of

liquidity and profitability of companies [7]. employees, number of branches and so on. So it can be

said that profitability is the end result of a number of

policies and decisions made by the company [11]. selecting the composition of spending should be

Profitability ratios are used to measure the efficiency adjusted to company policy [16].

of the company's assets that can be associated with the

Effective working capital management in a
level of sales. Profitability ratio is a ratio showing the
company can be seen from the cash conversion cycle
combined effects of liquidity, asset management and
indicator [17]. Companies with cash conversion cycle
debt management on the results of operations of the
is short indicates the company is able to collect its
company [12].
receivables. This will impact on the profitability and

Decisions relating to working capital assets and liquidity of the optimal [18].

liabilities involve management short-term so that they

Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) were shorter,
can continue to operate and improve the profitability
indicating that management of working capital has
of companies [13]. In this study, the working capital is
been carried out effectively and efficiently [19].
meant by the concept of quantitative working capital
Management of cash, accounts receivable and
or working capital that the overall gross current assets
inventory of the merchandise must be done properly
owned by the company or the funds to be available to
and carefully. Working capital cycle can be seen in
fund the company's operations.
Figure 1 below:

Working capital management is very important to

Order placed Stock arrives Goods sold Cash received

measure the financial performance of companies [14]. Inventory period

Working capital management has two fundamental Received
principles of operational funding, namely:

1. The ability to earn profits is inversely related to Payable period

Firm receives Cash paid for

liquidity Invoice materials

Operating cycle
2. Ability to obtain profit in line with risk.
Cash cycle

Figure 1: Working Capital Cycle

Utilization of available working capital can increase Source: [20]

Structure of Debt is used for measuring the

the profitability of the company. Optimization of cash,
working capital fund which is the ratio of current
accounts receivable and inventory effect on the cash
liabilities to total liabilities. Debt structure describes a
needs for working capital financing and deal directly
composition for a period of debt used by companies
with sales growth [15]. Therefore the management in

both short, medium or long term and influenced by the strukture of debt risks facing the company is the

size of the debt [21]. Working capital financing is debt deviation from the expected cash flow [25].

financing used by the firm by showing the magnitude

Based on the results of research conducted by
of short-term debt on all loans that the company [22].
previous researchers then found that their negative and
Usually short-term debt maturing in less than one year
positive relationship significantly between funding
and otherwise long-term debt maturing more than one
and profitability in the company. So is research on
working capital turnover, liquidity and capital

The combination of minimal cost of debt with loan structure to the company's profitability. This is due to

benefits make the composition of the company's the diversity of companies that were sampled,

working capital funding optimal. Working capital measurement of research variables and the length of

financing to explain how much the loan is used to the study period [26].

improve the profitability of companies [23]. So as to

If the inventory is reduced continuously then the
determine the source of funds to finance investment
sale will be reduced to a risk of increased sales. And
either current assets or fixed assets can be determined
reduction of the trade credit would also reduce sales
by the three approaches, namely an aggressive
for customers who need credit [27]. Thus it is
approach, the conservative and the average [24].
expected the company managers to pay attention to

Aggressive approach is the approach in meeting the working capital management company and the

needs of fund-raising in the proportion of short-term business cycle. In order for the company's growth can

debt is greater. Funding aggressively dare to bear the thrive.

risk in the hope of getting a bigger profit. A

The growth rate of a company will affect the ability
conservative approach to finance fixed asset
to maintain profitability in the finance business
investment and permanent current assets and current
opportunities in the future. To increase the growth rate
assets fluctuates in part by long-term debt or equity
then made the determination of the numbers the
capital. This approach provides a fairly high level of
number of products or services sold to customers. In
security. Average approach are among the aggressive
finance the growth rate can be determined based on
approach that has the level of risk and high profit with
the financial capacity of the company. Financial
a conservative approach that has the level of risk and
capacity can be viewed from two aspects: internal
low profit. By aligning the structure of assets and
growth rate and sustainable growth rate [28].
The main objective of the company is to make are: Food and Beverage (12), Cigarette (3), Pharmacy

profit. This means that the higher the ability to sell the (6), Cosmetics and Household Purposes (3) As well as

higher the profits. Sales can be made by cash or credit. Household Appliances (3).

In general, the company's ability to sell their products

Based on the formulation of the problem and the
is limited. It can be affected by competition,
proposed hypothesis, the variables in this study are as
promotion and production [29]. All of it will be
reflected in the types of costs incurred and can be seen
1. Dependent variable namely Return On Total Asset
in the cost of production of the goods. Cost of
production related to the cost of production and the
2. Independent Variabel namely Cash Conversion
number of products that will be produced depending
Cycle (CCC) and Structure Of Debt (SOD)
on consumer demand. It concluded that the company's

profit is strongly influenced by how the funds obtained As for the definition of these variables can be seen in

and how funds are used. Table 1 below:

The framework of this research can be seen in TABLE 1.


Figure 2 below:


Capital Turn



SALES * 365
Figure 2: Schematic Conceptual Framework
The population in this study are all Consumer CONVERSION PERIOD SALES *365


Goods Industry are listed in the Indonesia Stock
Exchange in 2011 to 2015 a total of 37 companies and STRUCTURE OF DEBT SOD CURRENT LIABILITIES

the sample was 27 companies. The sampling method

is based on the annual financial statements with Sources: [31]

The data analysis can be done by using a statistical

purposive sampling [30]. So the study sample totaled
test Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Model [32],
135 (panel data). List of Consumer Goods Industry

with the help of Eviews program. Seemingly TABLE 2.

Unrelated Regressions (SUR) Model are:

ROAi,t = αt + β1 CCCi,t + β2 SODi,t + μit........ (1) CONSTANT 2.5917



αt = Constant STUCTURE OF DEBT 0.1301 PROB>F = 0,0000

Sources: 2011-2015 Survei Data, EVIEWS Output

β = Coeficient

μ = Error term Based on the model correction process is then

Before the panel data regression model with FEM is obtained a summary of the test results as follows:

used to draw a conclusion, then the model should be a. Each coefficient of each independent variable slope
tested using the method of Generalized Least Square which would explain the direction of influence of
(GLS) and the classical assumption test. each independent variable on the dependent

variable and will be formed into a regression

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION equation with the correction method using the

Based on the formulation of the problem and model General Least Squares as shown below:

hypotheses, the purpose of this study was to prove the ROA = 2.5917 + 0.0390 CCC + 0.1301 SOD + μit

influence of working capit al turn overand structure of The value obtained from the above equation:

debt on profitability in the Consumer Goods Industry - Constants of 2.5917 which defines that if the

are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The time independent variable is zero then the value of

period of the research is from 2011 to 2015. In order the constants that profitability is 2.5917.

to prove the truth of the hypothesis that the data - Working capital turnover has a coefficient

processing performed by using Eviews program and value of 0.0390 indicates that any increase in

testing of the F-statistics. working capital turnover by 1% would result in

an increase in the profitability of the company

Before drawing conclusions, the model chosen is
amounted to 0.0390 (working capital turnover
Fixed effect is Model (FEM) should be tested using
positive effect on profitability).
the method of Generalized Least Square (GLS) and
- Structure of Debt has a coefficient value of
the classical assumption test. The results can be seen
0.1301 indicates that each additional 1% of debt
in table 2 below:
will lead to increased profitability of the

company amounted to 0.1301 (Structure of or 96%. This means that 4% again, profitability is

Debt a positive effect on profitability). influenced by other variables that have not been

b. Based on these results we can conclude that the studied. For subsequent researchers in order to add

independent variable (working capital turnover and another variable in this study that the independent

structure of debt) significantly affects the variables with the dependent relationship can be

dependent variables (profitability). It is evident that improved, such as: the business cycle, investment,

the value of F larger than F table is 121 867> 3,060 stock prices and capital structure.

and Prob> chi = 0.0000 alpha smaller than 0.05 and

For companies that conduct sales on credit, so that
the hypothesis is accepted.
in determining the amount of receivables dengat
c. The magnitude of the effect working capital turn
conditions that are not too tight but manageable the
over and structure of debt on the profitability is
consideration of Character, Capacity, Capital,
0.96 or 96%. This means that 4% again,
Collaterall and Conditions. So that sales growth can
profitability is influenced by other variables that
thrive. If the sales growth increases, will be able to
have not been studied.
improve profitability.


Thus this article was made, in the hope it can be

Based on the analysis and hypothesis testing are
used as input for the company, industry, potential
carried out from the model selection with Chow Test
investors and other interested parties. This article is
and Hausman, then the model chosen is a model Fixed
part of the Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant
effect is (FE). Followed by classic assumption test and
funded by the Doctor. To the researchers would like to
correction models using the model General Least
thank the fund manager Doctoral Hibah (Research of
Square (GLS). The result is working capital turn over
Higher Education).
and structure of debt significant positive effect on

profitability. It is evident that the value of F larger Thank you to the committee ADRI Sumbar that has

than F table is 121.8653> 3.060 and Prob> chi = given researchers the opportunity to present and

0.0000 alpha smaller than 0.05. publish this article in International. And thanks to all

those who can not mention one by one author.

The magnitude of the effect working capital turn

over and structure of debt on the profitability is 0.96

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Capital on Profitability of Firm in Nigeria:
research be better and perfect. Evidence From General Method of Moment
(Gmm). Asian Journal of Business and
Management Sciences, 1(2), 130-135.

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Indonesia as a Nation Identity in Facing Asean Economic
Comunnity (AEC)
Diana Kartika1)
Bung Hatta University, Indonesia

Abstract. Language is a resource for the community of life. Without language we would not be able to communicate
with each other. As a means of communication language must have requirements that language applied as a means of
communication and trade both among regions and at the regional level such as ASEAN. In 2015 Indonesia faced in the
era of ASEAN Economic Community, or we call with MEA, which requires us to communicate and understand each
other, because MEA is a form of economic integration in the ASEAN one of them is Indonesia. One of the effects that
would interfere with the MEA is a language in communication among ASEAN countries. All this time language used as
the language of instruction in all activities is English. This is because English is international language the most
extensive use in ASEAN. As host country we should not be affected by the international language in communication
among ASEAN countries in MEA's era. As a Indonesian people we should defend and acquaint Indonesian language
presented to the world so Indonesian people not swept away by the influence of foreign culture which is clearly
inconsistent with the language and culture of Indonesia. The influence will very likely happen at the time of MEA.
Indonesian Society Must have a good strategy in defending Indonesian as the identity of the State, that are by avoid
excessive use of foreign languages, using the Indonesian was good and true in all things and do not be afraid to compete
with foreign worker, especially in use of English. With that we already uphold Indonesian as the country's identity.

Keywords: Indonesian Language, MEA.

cultivate English. For example, in the social media usage of

I. INTRODUCTION the word “download” is still often used by some people, but
ASEAN Economic Community or AEC that we often if we understand with Indonesian identity we should use the
call with ASEAN economic integration in the face of the word “unduh” to chance words of downloads. Other
trade freely among ASEAN countries. MEA has been examples of words used “save” ought to “menyimpan”,
imposed in the ASEAN countries including Indonesia since “delete” ought to “menghapus”.
2015. The presence of MEA in Indonesia we cannot avoid it. This attitude will certainly bring unfavorable
With MEA will open wide access a wide range of economic influence on the development of Indonesian. It is not good
and human resources which entry and exit of goods and someday because Indonesia people would be dominated by
employment services in Indonesia. Therefore it will greatly English, even though we are an Indonesian citizen own
affect at stuff, employment services, and education from identity in the form of Indonesian State. Thus, MEA is
other countries into Indonesia will be compete with domestic expected by the Indonesian as a nation's identity before other
products. countries will not be affected by foreign language and we as
Entry of products, education and labor from other citizens of Indonesia upheld the Indonesian national
countries, the social structure of Indonesian culture in a way language. As specified in the UUD of 1945 which sets
will surely affect. No exception to the language because Indonesian as the language of the country.
language is a human resource for social life. People have
become popular in the environment and other environmental Identity Nation is Indonesian Language
work if we understand others and others understand us Ernst was quoted by Yulianto (2012) says: "There is
(Efendi, et al, 2015: 2). Without language we would not be no supreme element owned by a nation other than the
able to communicate with each other. Therefore, foreigners language." Language is the identity of a nation. The word
who come from many different nations and cultures will 'identity' by KBBI are the characteristics of a person or
have problems in communicating with each other. Thus special circumstances; identity. So Identity Indonesian as a
necessary language to uniting them. When we asked what nation is the Indonesian symbolizes national identity before
language to unite them? Of course we answered with the world. with their identity is certainly someone will be
English. Not surprisingly why we answered English because able to distinguish other people or groups with one group to
all the time English as an International Language that has another.
bridged the global community to communicate and English Malaysia people with Indonesia when seen physically
used as a second language. The use of English as a second there is no difference, one would be physically difficult to
language have a negative impact on the development of distinguish where people of Malaysia and Indonesia, but in
Indonesian at all because many of Indonesian people still the presence of Indonesian as a nation's identity then

someone will know that we are a citizen of Indonesia. The Waning Use of Indonesian
Another thing is the national identity such as red-white flag, In parallel with enactment MEA in Indonesian make
Garuda, Pancasila, Indonesia Raya song, and another that a challenge for Indonesia, especially with Indonesian
help us to strengthen and assert a common identity which language. MEA imposing free-market that have impact on
has matured history. the effect of the use of language as well. In the context of
For the Indonesian nation's legacy of one of the trade, social media, billboards, as well as in association
essential identity of the Indonesian nation that triggered many people use English. The use of some terms or
young generation on Sumpah Pemuda 1928. The youth expressions in English impressive speakers as more educated
leaders at a time when it believes that the tool most likely be and have a better social status than those who are simply
the glue of the various ethnic groups when it is the language, struggling with the term Indonesian language. With this
which is Indonesian. Indonesian consumption is already conditions beseem Indonesian identity began to wanning
widespread and involved in various fields of life. We heard among native speakers. The term is often used in English as,
speeches using the Indonesian state, in discussion meetings, "FC (Football Club)" we should be able to use the word
seminars, workshops, conferences, symposia also use "PS” (persatuan sepak bola), The trend of using English
Indonesian although there are some occasions often use culminated in the form of policies that require college
English in accordance with the specified theme. The fact that students to get a certificate of official test score of English
view of increasing use Indonesian from time to time. With (TOEFL or TOEIC) before compre examination. This is
that we as citizens of Indonesia should retain the Indonesian because the college want to equip prospective graduates with
as Identity of the country by continuing to study the the ability to speak English. In fact, the use of English is not
Indonesian language, the national language and the language prohibited, but as a nation we still have to defend Indonesia.
of our country in earnest so we really master either as a
means of daily communication and as a tool the use of Indonesian Language Defense for Foreign
science and technology in the face of this MEA Era Workers
Indonesian order not to compete with the International In this era of the single market to the trade system of
Language is English. freely allowing foreign workers to earn a living in our
country. it is possible for the competitiveness between local
Keeping Identity Language through Mass Media and foreign workers. Therefore, the Indonesian people
The Print and electronic mass media every day, every should have his own skills in the face of foreign labor and
moment we heard, seen and read by the people of Indonesia. not have to worry about competing with them moreover to
We hear television and radio broadcast news of various require able to speak English although English is an
events of the life of nations in Indonesia and the world. international language. As the host in the face of MEA
The mass media, such as print and electronic media should anyone entered the territory of Indonesia should be
have a very wide range. State of Indonesia which has a vast able to use Indonesian even though the foreign worker.
territory and has thousands of islands that spreads Saparie (2008), quoted by Aziz explained that the
throughout Indonesia desperately need communication tools Indonesian actually deserved to progress into modern
so that they can find out about the news, incident of life that languages in the exchange of information, so that we can
occurred in Indonesia. Through the mass media is all the enjoy a wide variety of advancement of literature, science,
citizens who are scattered throughout the island of Indonesia and technology without the need to wait until we are able to
can know the whole news, incident about the life of the speak English or other foreign.
Indonesian nation and the world. The society can receive Sugono (2008), quoted by Aziz explained in an effort
news via electronic media such as television, radio, and or to increase the degree of Indonesian, various institutions at
by print media with reading the newspapers. home and abroad has held research and cooperation to deal
With the mass media which is the daily consumption with these language problems. For example, of technology
by most people of Indonesia. We should be able to put the and information, Microsoft, giant enterprise software and
mass media as a tool to foster and maintain Indonesian is the computer hardware, has been working with Language Center
right thing. If they used correct Indonesian, this means that (now called the Centre for Development and Language
indirectly the public have been directed to use the correct Development) for translate into Indonesian approximately
language anyway. 180,000 terms related to computer technology.
Language used in the mass media affect language The most obvious step of our government is to their
habits of the readers of the mass media. If the Indonesian organization program for the Indonesian Foreign Speakers
language used in the mass media was not in accordance with (BIPA). This program is for native speakers of foreign
the rules of language, then this will undermine the use of the languages have been interested to study Indonesian
Indonesian language. Based on the Law of the Republic of organized in various universities in Indonesia in cooperation
Indonesia Number 32 of 2002 about broadcasting of with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry
subsection 37 is the main language in the broadcast program of Foreign Affairs (Aziz, 2014: 17). On October 13, 1999
must used Indonesian. So with the mass media will have a founded an organization called the Association of
huge influence on the Indonesian identity as a nation if we Indonesian Teaching for Foreign Speakers abbreviated with
use very well. APBIPA. Given this association provides for the
development of teaching Indonesian foreign speakers
towards more professional (Hamied, 2011: 667).

Maintaining Strategy Indonesian as State Identity
in the MEA
It is important for every people of Indonesia to
always maintain the identity of the State for the sake of
identity and dignity of the nation. In the Era of MEA
maintains Indonesian as identity of the nation is required so
as not to shift influenced by foreign languages. The strategy
needs to be implemented by every society in maintaining
Indonesian to increase the pride of owning and using
Indonesian in various occasions. Furthermore, avoid use of
excessive foreign; excessive use of foreign languages can
use the equivalent word that has become Indonesian. The
most important thing is increase the use of Indonesian in all
activities or opportunities, both in situations formal and non- possibility of shifting Indonesian as a Language
formal. So as Indonesian society we must have a strategy in Countries.
maintaining our language since the era of free market is the
possibility of shifting Indonesian as a Language Countries.
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Diunduh 25 Januari 2017. Diakses dari identitas.html
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[3] Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 tahun 2002 tentang penyiaran
penyiaran [9] Aziz, Aulia Luqman. 2014. “Penguatan Identitas Bahasa Indonesia
[4] Aziz, Aulia Luqman. 2014. “Penguatan Identitas Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Lambang Identitas Nasional dan Bahasa Persatuan jelang
sebagai Lambang Identitas Nasional dan Bahasa Persatuan jelang Penerapan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) 2015”. Jurnal Studi
Penerapan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) 2015”. Jurnal Studi Sosial
Sosial [10] Hamied, Fuad Abdul. 2011. Pemberdayaan Bahasa Indonesia
[5] Hamied, Fuad Abdul. 2011. Pemberdayaan Bahasa Indonesia Memperkukuh Budaya Bangsa dalan Era Globalisasi: Risalah
Memperkukuh Budaya Bangsa dalan Era Globalisasi: Risalah Kongres Bahasa Indonesia VIII. Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan dan
Kongres Bahasa Indonesia VIII. Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Pembinaan Bahasa Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Ecomic Insentive and Facility Support of 3R
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ) Waste Management Program
(Case Study Bukittinggi City )
Dona Amelia1), Juarsa Badri2)
Sekolah Tinggi lmu Ekonomi El Hakim, Solok, Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi lmu Ekonomi El Hakim, Solok, Indonesia

Abstract. This Waste management in the city of Bukittinggi formerly used open dumping method at TPA Panorama
Baru . Once Law No.18 of 2008 issued on waste management, the garbage in the city of Bukittinggi dumped into the area
Limbukan, Payakumbuh. The research aims is to explore and to describe economic incentive and facility support of 3R
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) waste management program in Bukittinggi. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The
sample in this study of a random sampling of 106 RW in the city of Bukittinggi. The results showed high support and
community willingness to play active role in 3R waste management concept. It is showed that 96,3% of respondents are
expecting 3R waste management method. They gave support toward collecting, processing and recycling of waste. To
improve the quality of waste management 83% the respondents is not hesitate to pay higher 3R waste management
services. The adequacy of financial support both from local government and community volunteer are important to make
the program successful. There is also a desire for reward and incentives from the community to trigger the program runs
well. The study also reveals some actions that have been doing by community dealing with 3R management method:
bringing shopping bag, buying recycling products, fixing and reusing old products, separating organic and unorganic
garbage and making handicraft from wasted materials. However, there are still lack facility support to improve the
program. The research showed 86% respondents didn’t have garbage bin to recycle waste. Furthermore,75% respondents
are expecting government to support facility of 3R waste management concept as as well 55% respondent are wanting
accessibility to 3R waste management center in each region in Bukittinggi City. Here, several tasks must be take for
considerations by the local government and support of community is obviously needed.

Keyword: economic incentive, facility support, 3R waste management program

Commencing on May 5, 2013 the disposal of waste in

I. INTRODUCTION the TPA Panorama Baru should not be done again for any
Bukittinggi generated garbage sourced from the reason. It referrs to Law No. 18 / 2008 that prohibit dumping
housing as 218,90m3 and from market as 72,96m3 of the in the TPA Panorama Baru that had been done by the
total of 446, 27 m3 of landfill waste per day (Deny Suryati, Government of Bukittinggi. As alternative Pemko
2000). The results of the Yeni Ruslinda’s study showed an Bukittinggi facilitated by the Government of West Sumatra
average generation of domestic waste bukittinggi city is 1.49 Province to deal cooperation in waste management together
liters / person / day for the unit of volume or 0.2 kg / person / in Payakumbuh city which has a land area of 23 hectares in
day for weight unit (Yeni Ruslinda et al, 2012). Waste Limbukan.
management in the city of Bukittinggi according to Vertieb The dumped waste from Bukittinggi city reaches 120-
Abfalltecnik & Recycling Schaefer a waste management 130 tons per day. The consequences of such cooperation is
company in Germany is an outdated method that has been Bukittinggi government must pay compensation in the form
left European countries 30 years ago. Waste management of of retribution per 1 tonne of waste sent to Limbukan,
open dumping is a method that abondaned the environment Payakumbuh valued Rp. 20,000, plus the cost of transport
and is an activity that is not environmentally friendly. Waste operations from Bukittinggi to Limbukan and vice versa. If
management must be supported with public awareness and the accumulated per year Bukittinggi city authorities must
implementation of waste recycling system gradually. allocate a fund of Rp.864.000.000 per year for the garbage
(Harianhaluan.com2012). Until now, the existing waste excluding the cost of transportation from Bukittinggi to
management in the city of Bukittinggi which is managed by Payakumbuh Limbukan.
the Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan (DPK) is having
difficulty dealing with solid waste. Obstacles faced is the The 3R waste management concept can not be
public awareness to minimize waste production that begins separated from the participation of communities involved in
with personal, family and environment. various 3R activities. Furthermore, community participation

need to be supported by some economic incentives for the Figure 2
activities oto support the program work well.

This study is conducted in the city of Bukittinggi
July-August 2016. Data used in this study are primary data
and secondary data. The primary data were obtained from
the DKP Kota Bukittinggi, respondents, and stakeholders
who provide information based on a distributed
questionnaire. Secondary the data is taken from reports,
journals, articles, publications related to waste management
in the city of Bukittinggi and other places. The method used
The success of 3R waste management concept beside funded
in this research is descriptive quantitative research methods ..
by the government could also come from community
The study population was the member of the family who live
contributions. The survey results showed 83% of the
in the city of Bukittinggi as many as three districts with the
community is willing to pay a fee-based management
number 106 and the RW 336 RT. The interviewed
services which is more environmentally friendly. Only 14%
respondents by simple random sampling technique. In this
of respondents are not willing to pay dues community-based
study the methods used are interviews, questionnaires and
waste management services.
focus group discussions.
Figure 3
The following chart above shows various responses of
society associated with waste management with the 3R
concept that involves the community. The survey results
showed 53% of respondents stated that the people of the city
of Bukittinggi has played an important role for management
and waste reduction. While 44% of respondents menyatkan
that the people of Bukittinggi has not played an important
role for management and waste reduction.

Figure 1

Community’s awareness to participate in 3R fee waste

management can be done in accordance with the mutual
agreement of the community. The survey showed 74% of
respondents agreed fee collection for 3R waste management
services collected each month. A small part of respondents
of 15% proposed 3R fee waste management services are
collected every week.
Figure 4

The result of the survey show the expectation of community

involvement in waste managementwith the 3R concept.
Amounting to 96.3% of respondents are wishing that
communities can utilizeand process waste for reuse and
recycling. This is reinforced by the response masyarkarakat
of 94.4% stating that the public can collect kitchen waste
and yard trash for recycling.

The following results show the community responses toward

the amount of contributions to the 3R concept. As many as
73% of respondents agreed the amount of 3R concept fee is
arround Rp.5,000-10,000, then as much as 8% of
respondents agreed amount of contribution waste
management services with the 3R concept of Rp.10.000-
15,000, and as much as 4% of respondents agreed the
amount of fees for waste management services for 15,000-

Figure 5 Figure 7
Economic Incentive to Support 3R Program

Related to the economic aspects and support, the survey

results showed mixed response associated with 3R waste
management. 76% of respondents agree that it is reasonable
to pay for better waste recycling services than relying on So far there have been efforts made by the community of
government funding. Furthermore, 79.1% of respondents Bukittinggi City in 3R waste managementconcept.
approved the provision of costs (operating and maintenance) However ,the efforts is done individually and no longer
important for successful waste reduction. Concerning the collectively set by a policy made by the Government of
adequacy of funding for more enviromental friendly waste Bukittinggi. Bring a shopping bag is an effort to reduce
management 60.5% of respondents stated that the provision plastic waste. According to the survey 56.5% of citizens
of funds from the government have been sufficient, while bukittinggi ever carry a shopping bag. 18.1% said never
19.3% of respondents said that the provision of government carry a shopping bag. Furthermore, for purchasing recycled
funding has not been sufficient particularly to support 3R products by 68% of respondents said that they ever
management concept. experience buy recycled products, but for the respondent that
Figure 6 states often buy recycled products only reached 4%. As well
Financial Requirement to Support 3R Program as the reuse of items that can still be repaired. 59.5% of
respondents claimed never fix stuff and then reuse it again,
but this needs to be pushed because respondents stated often
fix stuff and then reuse it only reached 9.5%
Figure 8
Frequency of Waste Reduction Activity (1)

Government willingness to use recycled products is a factor

supporting the success of environmentally friendly waste
management. 67% of respondents agreed that recycling
succeed if the government is willing to use recycled 3R program's successfulness begins with the separation of
products. Furthermore, 74.7% of respondents agreed that in organic waste and unorganic waste. The results of the survey
order to be successful community 3R program should be showed that 43.5% of respondents said never perform the
given remuneration and awards. In the waste 3R separation of organic waste and unorganic trash. The results
management program,garbage collectors play an important of the survey shows 9.1% which often separates organic
role in which 63.7% of respondents agree on this statement. waste and unorganic trash. It should be made an effort to
Furthermore, 63% of respondents agree that public build awareness of the community to start separating
participation in recycling should be voluntarily leading garbage considering the sustainability of the 3R program
activities to be more successful. This statement is srengthen begins with waste separation. Separation of organic waste
with an additional 21% of respondents strongly agreeing and unorganic garbage will ease the implementation of the
upon this revelation. 3R waste management, where the separated garbage can be
can be proceed to new purposes. The survey results showed
48.4% of respondents never make crafts from recycled
materials, only 3.3% of respondents stated that often make
crafts from recycled materials. Utilization of used goods

need to be considered given unorganik garbage will integrated waste management center will bring success 3R
biodegrade if disposed only in a very long time period, so program. The survey showed several public response
transforming them in handcrafting process was part of an toward the availibiliity integrated waste management
environmentally friendly waste reduction. centerin each district in the city of Bukittinggi. 53% of
Efforts to save the item and choosing materials that contain respondents agreed if any integrated waste service centers in
little trash can also reduce the amount of rubbish. Based on each district, while 44% disagree. This implies that people
the survey results apparently still a few respondents who are who disagree with the existence of the centers of the waste
trying to reduce the amount of waste by reducing the use of management needs to be given comprehensive information
materials by choosing materials that contain little trash. that the integrated waste management facility is managed
10.7% of respondents said often limit their consumption properly and clean and environmental friendly.
according to the needs. 7.9% of respondents stated that they
often choose materials that contain little trash. Community’s Figure 11
awareness to reduce the consume goods that generate a lot of
garbage needs to establish continously aimed that the
amount of garbage can be reduced.

Figure 9
Frequency of Waste Reduction Activity (2)

The next chart will show the results of a survey on public

opinion concerning the availability of means of support 3R
waste management in the city of Bukittinggi. 55.3% of
respondents said facilities and equipment for recycling and
The survey conducted also learn about availibility of the waste reduction as recycling cans easily obtained, while
facility and infrastructure and fasilita for successful waste 21.9% of respondents disagree. This is consistent with the
management program 3R. The early description showed that observation team that suggestions for recycling as recycling
organic waste can be recycled into compost as fertilizer for cans relaitf rather difficult to obtain. The adequacy of
plants. Processing organic waste into compost can be done at facilities for mendulung program of waste reduction and
the household scale. But unfortunately the results of the recycling is that waste management program 3R successful.
survey revealed the ownership of cans or bins for It is powered by a response of 73% which menyatkan
composting turned out to be very small. 86% of respondents importance of adequate facilities and recycling facilities.
stated that they do not have nor tempt garbage cans that Active participation of the community for environmentally
could be used for composting. friendly waste management should be stimulated with the
provision of adequage and easy facility to encourage
Figure 10 community participation in the activities of 3R . The survey
results show by 66, and% of respondents stated agreed with
the availability of a complete advice to encourage
community participation in waste management 3R program.

Figure 12

Integrated waste management with the 3R concept will be

able to run properly if there are proper waste management
center to accommodate organic and unorganic waste that is
environmental friendly. Ease of access to the center of

 The waste management in Bukittinggi has been
inproving which the garbage is no longer Open dumoing
system in Panorama Baru
 The current waste approach is end of pipe concept, the
garbage is collected by cleaning worker than collected
temporarily in TPS anf furthermore transported to
Limbukan, payakumbuh for final disposal (TPA)
 Since no area for sanitary landfill in Bukittinggi ,
disposing Bukittingg’s garbage to TPA Limbukan
brought the concequences of financial restribution made
by the local government Payakumbuh Rp.20.000 per
tonnage of garbage
 3R waste management concept is unsufficiently
implemented by the local government due to lack of
adequate campaign, media comunication, supporting
facility and regulatory jurisdiction.
 People of Bukittinggi are willing to cooperate and play
active role to contribution to 3R waste management
 More intensive and program campaign and extension
service are needed to push the program run properly and

I would like to express my gratitude to Government
of Republic Infonesia through Minnistry of Higher Learning
(DIKTI) which funded our research to work on topic that
was of great interest to us. It ws a pleasure working on this
I would like to thank to Head of STIE El Hakim for
giving opportunity and administrative access to work
internal and external resources to accomplish the project on
the scheme Produk Penelitian Terapan (PPT) 2016 which
was recognized before as Penelitian Hibah Bersaing
Im highly indebted and thoroughly grateful to Dinas
Kebersihan dan Pertamanan (DKP) Kota Bukittinggi for
providing secondary data recources which help a lot to the
analytical process during this project. Hopefuly this study
will share insights and new perspective to formulating
strategic implementation of 3R waste manajement approach
in Bukittinggi
I would also thank to our team member, Juarsa badri,
SE,MM and Ainun Ziah, SE,MM you contributed a lot both
of literature materials and field work exploration and data
mining. You are guys are great, proud to work with you .

[1] Suyati,Deny, Kajian strategi Pengelolaan Sampah di Kota
Bukittinggi Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Tesis, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
[2] Yenni Nurlinda, Shinta Indah, Widya Laylani, Studi Timbulan,
Komposisi dan karakteristik sampah Domestik Kota Bukittinggi,
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan UNAND, 2012
[3], 25 Februari 2014

Effect of Margin Level to Expenditure Murabahah
Eliza1), Siska Yulia Defitri2)
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin , Padang, Indonesia

Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin , Padang, Indonesia

Abstract. Based on this research was every institution distribute of payment. Which of institution of finance BPRS
Gajahtongga Kotopiliang. Contribute payment of murabahah by BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang to certain institution.
Intend of research explain how effect margin level to payment of murabahah in PT. BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang. This
research was field field research quality, that used approach quantitative with explain indicate that get be evaluated with
value. field research was be done in PT. BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Kota Sawahlunto, technique of collect data with
quantitative that use SPSS V.23 (Statistical Programming social Science). Based on result of tested that author do by
program SPSS V.23 be gotten independent variable (margin level) have significant effect to dependent variable (payment
of murabahah) in PT. BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang, be showed result of H₀ was refused with signifficant value test t
statistic 0,023, this value was smaller from α namely 0.05, there fore this research have positive effect and significant.

Keyword: Expenditure, Margin, Payment, Demand

Murabahah was product that used by BPRS

I. INTRODUCTION Gajahtongga Kotopiliang, with mudharib give advantage for
Indonesia was the biggest state in the world that had example margin that agreed. Mitra Muamalah which
many tribe, nation, language and religion with 240 million payment of instalment was positive, in time, begun and not
population. Although not Islam State but Indonesia was state in time. Although contract of murabahah payment was
with the biggest muslim population in the world which Islam agreed limit time cost payment, but there were mitra to pay
was 88 percent, Kristen was 5 percent, Katolik was 5precent, the instalment not in time until mitra problem. There were
Hindu was 2 percent, Budha was 1 percent. Very progress mitra problem to give effect in time and cost that came out
system of finance and increase of prosperity specially by BPRS. BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Kota Sawahlunto
muslim until to need bank service in accordance wtih syariah was be bowl to develop effort from society near BPRS
principle. Gajahtongga Kotopiliang or outside BPRS which do
Society in progress country for example Eropa, transaction about payment to develop their effort.
Amerika and Jepang, Bank was relation to handle all of Margin level that given by BPRS Gajahtongga
finance need. Bank was be place to many transaction about Kotopiliang to customer that demand murabahah payment:
finance, money save, send of money, pay and claim. Class of Requsted Margin Level
Requested Payment
Murabahah Payment Given by Bank
Based on history before to now, bank have big part to
progress economy which activity of finanance always need Private 0-10jt 22 %
bank. For that now and future, state and individual need Tradesman, Farmer
10-30jt 20 %
bank to do activity of finance and of kind
Allah’ decree in Surat Ar-Ruum Verse 39 : Civil Servant 30 keatas 18 %
‫اﮧﻠﻟِ َو َﻣﺎ آﺗَ ْﯿﺘُﻢ ِ ّﻣﻦ‬
‫ﺎس ﻓَ َﻼ ﯾَ ْﺮﺑُﻮ ِﻋﻨﺪَ ﱠ‬ ِ ‫َو َﻣﺎ آﺗ َ ْﯿﺘُﻢ ِ ّﻣﻦ ِ ّرﺑﺎ ً ِﻟّﯿَ ْﺮﺑ َُﻮ ﻓِﻲ أَ ْﻣ َﻮا ِل اﻟﻨﱠ‬ BPRS Employers
No Determine
15 %
ْ ‫اﮧﻠﻟِ ﻓَﺄ ُ ْوﻟَﺌِﻚَ ُھ ُﻢ ْاﻟ ُﻤ‬
َ‫ﻀ ِﻌﻔُﻮن‬ ‫زَ ﻛَﺎةٍ ﺗ ُ ِﺮﯾﺪُونَ َوﺟْ ﮫَ ﱠ‬ Payment Requested

The Meaning: Change of certainty sell cost was good decision in

“And Something usury (addition) that you give until it syariah finance institution because an enterprise was not
increase to people property, so usury was not addition in easy to change methode that walked. All of activity must be
side of Allah. And what you give for example religious tax throught.
that you mean to get blessing of Allah, so that this do was But the real that determine of cost in Syariah Bank
person that multiple (reward) many standard to suku bunga konvensional and determine of
Based on syariah principle UU No. 21/2008 use margin was given the larger from suku bunga konvensional.
terminology Bank of Syariah payment in the activity not This matter be society consider same konvensional Bank and
give service in payment. Activity was done to collect and Syariah Bank.
send. Determine of margin should consider operational cost
and another cost was be needed in sell and buy transaction

and wasnot determined once of contract begin and not commonly used by Bank Syariah today is
change in contract perriod. to use the going rate pricing method, which
1. Formulate of Matter uses market interest rates as a reference.
Based on background, so this matter explained in Why apply? Because the Bank Syariah to
the research be sistematically, for that matter would compete with conventional banks. Besides,
be explained was how effect in determine of margin the Bank Syariah are also eager to get a
to murabahah payment in BPRS Gajahtongga customer that is floating customer.
Kotopiliang Kota Sawahlunto. However, determining the selling price in
2. Research Direction Bank Syariah must consider provisions
To learn how effect in determine of margin to justified according to Bank Syariah.
murabahah payment in BPRS Gajahtongga Therefore, the method of determining the
Kotopiliang Kota Sawahlunto. selling price is based on a mark-up pricing
or pricing return targets can be used to
LITERATUR REVIEW make modifications.
d. Apply Mark-up Pricing Payment of Murabahah
1. Margin If Bank Syariah want to apply a mark-up
pricing, this method is only appropriate to
a. The meaning of margin
financing sources fund of restricted investment
Margin was difference level or value increase
account (RIA) or mudarabah muqayadah
from asset that be value from production cost and
because mudharabah muqayadah is an
sell cost.
agreement in which the owner of the funds
b. Determine Profit Margin for Payment
traceable to the lack of certainty the outcome of
Payment based on murabahah must be paid of in
the capital invested. Bank Syariah operate by
period of time, and not different of kongsi payment
not using bung. Operational mechanism in
based on suku bunga tetap. Important difference the
obtaining revenue can be generated based on the
time customer could not pay in period of time. In
classification of the contract, the contract is
another circumstance which Syariah Bank give time
generated based on the classification of the
to customer to pay if customer not able, in
contract which resulted in a profit for sure, so-
accordance with command Alquran “if debitur have
called natural certainy contract, and a contract
difficult, so give postponement until them get
that produces a definite advantage for sure, so-
called natural uncertainty contract, the method
c. Methode of Determine Profit Margin
used is required profit rate (RPR). RPR = n.v
There are four methode to determine profit
Where n = the level of profits in cash
margin that be applied in the bussiness:
trnsaksi v = number transaction in one period of
- Mark-up pricing
the contract if the financing is done with natural
Mark-up pricing is the determination of the
uncertainty contract, the method used is the
price level with remark up the cost of expected profit rate (EPR). EPR obtained by:
production of commodities is concerned. 1) The average profit rate in the industry
- Target – retrun pricing similar
Is determining the selling price of products 2) Economic growth
that aim to get the level of return on the 3) Calculated from RPR values prevailing in
amount of capital invested funds. the bank concerned;
- Perceived-value pricing The calculation is:
Is the determination of the price by not Bank ratio = EPR / expected business return
using price as a basic variable selling price. financed * 100%
The selling price is based on the price of Actual return bank + bank = ratio of actual
competitors' products which companies business return
make additions or repair unit to increase e. Determine of Profit Margin
customer satisfaction or customer. Bank Syariah set margins on financing
- Value pricing products are lined up naturally certainty contracts
Value Pricing is a competitive pricing (NCC), the contract business that provides
policy on high-quality goods, with the certainty of payment, either in terms of quantity
expression, with the phrase: rego ono ono (amount) and the time (timing), such as murabaha
rupo means: Good stuff definitely financing, Ijara, Ijara Muntahia bil tamblik ,
expensive, but a successful company is a greetings and istishna. Technically, what is meant
company that can produce quality goods at by a certain percentage profit margin is defined by
a cost efficient so that it can freely years calculation of the profit margin on a daily
determine the level of prices below basis, then set the number of days in a year of 360
competitors. Pricing in the bank financing days, the calculation of the profit margin on a
the Bank Syariah can use one of the four monthly basis, then the stipulated 12 months a
models mentioned above. However, year.

In general, financing customers make payments - If the murabaha trnsaksi part of the funds for
in installments. Trnsaksi claims arising in sale the purchase came from the purchaser
and purchase or lease agreement based on customer accounting treatment of some of
murabaha, salam, istishna, or Ijara referred to as those funds follow the accounting treatment
receivables. The amount receivable depends on urbun.
the financing ceiling, the amount of financing - The amount of margin murabaha agreement
(purchase price plus the price of principal) between buyers and sellers can be
contained in the financing agreements. calculated, inter alia on the basis of the
f. Reference of Profit Margin average operating costs of banks plus a
Reference Profit margin is the profit margin reasonable profit expected.
specified in Shariah Bank ALCO meeting. The - If the murabaha trnsaksi are urbun the
determination of the profit margin financing murabaha contract agreed upon, urbun
based on the recommendations, proposals and transformed into change but income margin
suggestions from team ALCO bank Syariah murabaha receivables not yet be recognized.
with respect to some of the following. The new margin revenue will be recognized
- Direct Competitor's market Rate (DCMR) when due installments.
is the level of the average profit margins of - If the murabaha transaction there early
Islamic banking, or average profit margin of settlement of the customer and there is the
some Bank Syariah are set out in the ALCO provision of pieces by the bank if the pieces
meeting as a direct competitor groups, or are given,
the level of particular Bank Syariah profit that is:
margin specified in the meeting as a group 1) At the time of settlement of
ALCO nearest direct competitor. accounts receivable murabaha, the
- Indirect Competito's Market Rate (ICMR) pieces will directly reduce the
is the interest rate the average conventional income margin murabaha.
banking, or the average level of interest 2) After the settlement of murabaha
rates several conventional banks in the receivables, the discount is
ALCO meeting defined as a group of recognized as a "piece of
competitors indirect, or average level of repayment" and presented as a
interest rates on conventional bank specific contra account "murabaha margin
in ALCO meetings set as competitors revenue" in the statement of
indirect nearest. purchase.
- Expected Competitive Return For Investors 3) Provisions numbers 1 to 4 applied
(ECRI). There is a target for competitive to murabaha receivables in
results are expected to be awarded to third- performing classification. As for the
party funds. classification of non-performing
- Acquiring Cost. There is a cost incurred by follow the provisions of the section
the bank directly related to the effort to concerning "allowance and the
obtain third-party funding. elimination of aktiva productive.
- Overhead Cost. is the cost incurred by i. Determine of Cost Sell
banks are not directly related to the effort to After get reference profit margin, bank do to
obtain third-party funding. determine sell cost. Sell cost was total buy
g. Condition of Calculation Profit Margin cost/cost price/cost of get bank and profit
The profit margin can only be calculated if margin.
the following components are available:
- Type profit margin calculation Reference Profit + Purchases
- The financing ceiling according to type Margin Price
- The period of financing -
- The level of the profit margin financing - Methods margin decreased installment
- The pattern of a bill or a bill due (both the Is the calculation of the profit margin that
cost and profit margin) decreases with the decrease of the cost of
h. Income of Murabahah Margin goods as a result of the mortgage / installment
Murabahah margin revenue is as follows: base price, number of installments (cost price
- Revenue margin murabaha margin is and profit margin) paid customers each month
deferred revenue that has been recognized as decreases.
it has matured or has been settled murabaha
receivable. Purchase Price Margin Selling Price
- If the settlement of accounts receivable i
conducted with pay in installments Margin decreased due to purchase price
murabaha margin murabaha revenue is installments
recognized when the installment is due. - The average profit margin

Declining profit margins is that the - Murabahah to customer
calculations are fixed and installment amount Was murabahan that involve three part
(cost price and profit margin) paid customers were requester, buyer and seller. This
every month. Murabahah involve too buyer was be
mediator because ability and need of
Purchase Price Margin Selling Price requester to payment
i d. Practise of Murabahah Payment
Murabahah payment that general was be
Margin decline was reckoned regularly
practised of Syariah Bank in Indonesia have
- The profit margins flat different with murabahah classic concept.
Is the calculation of the profit margin Different characteristic fundamental
on the value of the cost of financing remains of murabahah payment in classic literatur and
a period eke other periods, although the tray practise in Indonesia could be seen to table this
debet decreased as a result of the installment below:
cost price.
Fundamental Classic Practise Practise In
Purchase Price Margin Selling Price Caracteristic Indonesia
Purpose of Activity sell-buy Payment to propose
- The profit margins flat transaction facility or goods
is the calculation of the profit margin Process of Seller buy good Bank was be seller
on the value of the cost of financing remains of transaction from producent. get athhorize to
a period eke other periods, although the tray Seller sell goods to client for buy good
debet met as a result of the installment cost of buyer from producent be
goods. sold back to client
Status good Goods were had by Goods weren’t clear
Purchase Price Margin Selling Price property of seller of contract be had by selleter of
contract sell with buyer contract sell with
- Annuity profit margin is the profit margin buyer
derived from the annuity calculation. Calculate of Profit calculation Calculation use
Profit margin is derived from the margin level used cost of real certainty of money
calculation of the annuity. Calculation of return transaction. market
on annuity is a way of financing the cost of Profit calculation Profit calculation
installment payments and profit margins are were lumpsum dan used count based on
fixed. This calculation will produce a pattern wholesale payment baki debet
installment of the growing cost and profit Quality goods No write Write and bind
requester by Two opinion:
margins are declining
customer Bind and no bind
Purchase Price Margin Selling Price Explain cost Must transparent Must transparent
i price and
2. Payment Murabahah Tenor Short term program Long term program
a. The Meaning of Murabahah Payment ( 1-5 year )
Murabahah payment was for sell buy when Method Cash and Carry With Instalment (
sellet explain goods get cost to include goods payment of Ta’jil )
cost and another cost that came out to get this sell buy
goods and profit level. Level of profit could be transaction
percent from get cost. Payment could be do Kolateral Without Kolateral There is koleteral or
cash or future in accordance together contract. addition guarrantee
b. Principle of Murabahah Contract
- Human being contract, is ba’i (seller) was Some of the constraints faced by Indonesia in establishing
people that ownl goods to sold, and Islamic banking murabahah can be seen in the table below:
musytari (customer) was people that need Constraints Alternative
and would buy solutions
- Object contract, was mabi’ (goods) and  Exposure taxes  Using the minimum
tsaman (cost). because the kind selling word and
- Shighah, was Ijab and Qabul of buying and associate it with
c. Form of Murabahah Contract selling. banking
- Simple Murabahah  Exposure to regulations.
Was form of murabahah contract if seller double taxation  Conduct one
marketing their goods to buyer with get because 2 stage transaction phase,
cost and was added profit margin to be transacsion. customers received

 Customer claims the goods directly Description :
that he does not from the supplier or 1. Islamic banks and customers negotiate buying and
owe the bank. seller. selling plan that would be done. Poin negotiations
 No reference costs  Incorporate a clause include the type of goods to be purchased, the
in the agreement quality of the goods and the selling price.
relating to special 2. Islamic banks perform sale and purchase
laws banking. agreement with the customer, where the Islamic
 Crediting of bank as the seller and the customer as a buyer. In a
customer accounts purchase contract, was designated goods that
and mendebetnya become the object of buying and selling that have
back to pay to the
seller first after been chosen by the customer, and the selling price
giving a power of of goods.
attorney to debit the 3. On the basis of the contract made between the
customer's account. Islamic bank and the customer, then the Islamic
 Using the average bank to buy goods from the supplier / seller.
tingakat for results Purchases made by Islamic banks is in accordance
satisfied. with the wishes of customers who have been
 Develop a variety
stipulated in the contract.
of industry price
indices 4. Supplier deliver the goods to the customer at the
Some devinisi murabahah financing which need to be behest of Islamic banks.
underlined is: 5. Customers receive goods from suppliers and
a. Lack of information from the bank to explain fully receiving documents of ownership of the goods.
the essence of another danketerangan murabaha 6. After receiving Brang and documents, the customer
financing relating to the existence of these products. makes a payment. Payment is commonly done by
b. In a murabaha financing, binding sale and purchase
customers is by way of installments.
agreement generally precede ownership of the
goods by the bank.
c. In a murabahah financing are practices that are
representative or wakalah essence sellers memeiliki
obligation and ability to menyedian goods; sendri FONT SIZES FOR PAPERS
ensensi the second murabaha, an opportunity to buy
Font Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
goods for a third party who booked with trnsparasi Size Regular Bold Italic
cost price and margin. 8 table caption (in reference item
d. In practice there murabaha financing disbursement Small Caps), (partial)
of funds to the account of the client financing is figure caption,
reference item
further clients are required to make payments to 9 author email address abstract abstract heading
suppliers. (in Courier), body (also in Bold)
Murabahah Financing Scheme cell in a table
10 level-1 heading (in level-2 heading,
Small Caps), level-3 heading,
1. Negotiation & Terms
paragraph author affiliation
2. Contract of Buying and Selling 12 author name
18 Title

1. It Analysis Method
Bank Nasabah To explain effect margin level of murabahah payment
murabahah PT. BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Kota
Sawahlunto used regresi linier simple model:
Y = a + bX + e
6. Pay
which :
3. Buy 5. Receipt of Goods of Consumers Y= Murabahah Payment
X = Margin Level
a = Constanta
b = Coefficient Regression Variable Independen
e = error term
4. Send

2. Hypotesis Exam TABLE 1
a. Uji F (F-test / Simultan)
Uji F Statistik was used to determine model variable
Mean Std. Deviation
(Gujarati, 1997:150). A part from what regresi
statistically signifikan or no to effect variable dependen Y 853.00 48.031
value, we must examine to prove statistically that all of X 2013.00 1.000
koefisien regresi to signifikan of value dependent 2. Test F (F-test / Simultan)
variabel determine Based on Test F-test was done, gotten were 768,000 with
R2 / k 1 significant level were 0.023, If was compared with trust
F level ( α ) was 0,05, there fore be conclusioned that
(1  R 2 ) /( n  k ) (simultan) variable independen (margin) give contribut
which : R2 = coefficient determinasi to dependent variable was payment of murabahah, that
n = line total show table.2 this below:
k = many variable
Than be done test use F-test, there fore coefficient of regress TABEL 2
was significant. Ha was received dan Ho was refused, in Anovab
the meaning between variable X and Y positive relation. Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
If coefficient of regress wasn’t significant, Ha was Regression 4608.000 1 4608.000 768.000 .023a
refused dan Ho was received, in the meaning between
1 Residual 6.000 1 6.000
variable X and Y negative relation.
Total 4614.000 2
b. Test t (t-test / Partial) a. Predictors: (Constant), X
Use Test t statistic purpose to exam effect between b. Dependent Variable: Y
independent variable to dependent variable with
asummption that another variable was constant use 3. Test t (t-test / Partial)
regress model: Result of research data to explain partial test
n (respectively) shown to table this below that margin level
t  have significant effect to payment murabahah with t-test
 n value were 27,713 wtih significant level were 0,023. This
which : meaning that compare with trust level ( α ) was 0,05,
n  coefficient regress independent variable there fore get conclusioned independent variable have
positive effect and significant to dependent variabel
n  standard of error independen variable dependen in this research.
If significant <  there fore Ho refused, Ha was received,
in the meaning there was be effect margin level to TABLE 3
murabahah payment berarti terdapat pengaruh tingkat COEFFICIENT
margin terhadap PT. BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Model B t-hitung Sig.
Constant -95771,000 -27,468 0,023
Kota Sawahlunto.
X 48,000 27,713 0,023
If significant >  there fore Ho was received, Ha was
refused, in the meaning, there wasn’t effect margin level
to murabahah PT. BPRS Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Kota
Sawahlunto. It contains Determine of margin that made by BPRS
Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Kota Sawahlunto, to private 22%,
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION untuk tradesmanand farmer 20%, civil servant 18%, and
employer of BPRS 15%. Based on test that be done with
1. Descriptive Statistic
SPSS programme. Value of independent variable
Desciptive Statistic show numeric data. Statistic of
(murabahah margin) have significant effect to dependent
numeric show data numeric size that veri important to
variable (payment of murabahah) of KJKS BPRS
sample data. After get data that was needed to do
Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Kota Sawahlunto, because this
research than that data used for SPSS (Statistical
result explain H0 was refused with value of significant test
Programming Social Science) computer program to
F-test maupun t-test with small 0,023, this value was smaller
discuss that result. Before Hipotesis Test there fore was
from (α) 0,05.
be done statistic descriptive to show data would be tested
Based on conclussion of the research in PT BPRS
and shoe to table this below:
Gajahtongga Kotopiliang Kota Sawahlunto, there fore be
Could be explain that rate of mudarabah be gotten were
suggested to determine of margin, BPRS was important
853,000 with deviasi standar were 48,031, there fore to
consider to distribute payment for private, tradesman, farmer
margin level rate of 2013,00 with deviasi standar were
and society, until give positive effect to BPRS and customer.
1,000. In the meaning margin level have big effect to
payment of mudarabah.
[1] Infotex Salemba, 2001, Pengelola Data Statistik
dengan SPSS 10.0, Jakarta Wahana

The Strengthening Relationship Between Economy and
Government Spending: The Case of Indonesia
Hasdi Aimon1), Yeniwati2), and Monica Wulandari3)
Economic Faculty, University Of Padang, Indonesia

Abstract. This study explains the Indonesian economy recently experienced a weakening or slowing in the first quarter of
2015 that showed economic growth of 4.7 percent. It is certainly believed to be caused by internal and external factors,
which impacted on the Indonesian government spending either in 2015 or in 2016. This study uses time series data.
Furthermore, stationary and cointegration tests were analyzed using multilevel regression model with Ordinary Least
Square (OLS) and an Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) model. The results of this study will determine the internal and
external factors that strengthen or weaken the relationship between the economy and government spending in Indonesia.
Thus, based on these findings, policy in overcoming economic difficulties can be determined and local and central
government budget for 2016 can be established.

Key Words: internal factors, external factor, economic, and government spending.

Indonesian economy recently experienced a slowing
of growth in the first quarter of 2015 that showed economic Macroeconomic Assumptions Macroeconomic Conditions
growth of 4,7 percent (, April 2015 edition). Economic Growth 5,7 persen
4,7 persen
Economically, this certainly impacts on various other Growth
economic aspects, including government spending or Inflation 5,0 persen Inflation 6,0 persen
expenditure since it is one of the assumptions used in State Rp.12.500/US Rp.13.200
Exchange Rate Exchange Rate
Budget (APBN) making. The assumption of economic $ /US$
Interest Rate SPN Interest Rate
growth in APBN 2015 is 5,7 percent. The difference in 6,2 persen 6,2 persen
3 months SPN 3 months
realization and predefined assumption has a consequence on Mean of
the achievement of national goal to improve public welfare. Mean of
Indonesian US$ 62/ba
One of the indicators of public welfare is the increase Indonesian Crude US$ 60/barel
Crude Oil Price rel
of per capita income which is the result of an increase in Oil Price (ICP)
economic activities both regional and national. Through per 825 rb 810 rb
Oil Lifting Oil Lifting
capita income approach, it needs to be observed how barel/hr barel/hr
economic growth in regional and national will impact on 1.100MC
Gas Lifting 1.221MCF/hr Gas Lifting
government spending in regional and national to improve F/hr
public welfare, and vice versa. Increased public welfare is Source: REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, 13 Februari 2015.
indicated by an increase in per capita income which will
If the conditions in Table 1 above continue, the
bolster economic activities.
effectiveness and efficiency of government budget in the
The expected economy condition is a substantial
role and function of government budget will disrupt the
increase in economic activities accompanied by a high
Indonesian economy. Additionally, the existence of
increase in the GDP per capita (Based on Constant Price).
government budget will experience a weakening of
Thus, the economy that is achieved will certainly have an
proportion in the economy. This will be seen in a more
impact on the increase of government spending which in the
weakened government expenditure multiplier. This condition
end will improve public welfare. In achieving a good public
can be seen through the weakening of the budget’s buying
welfare in accordance to fiscal policy objective, there is a
power as a result of disrupted or imbalance of real
need for expenditure that can support public welfare which
macroeconomic assumptions with the predefined
has been allocated in Local Government Budget (APBD) or
State Budget (APBN).
The problem lies in the internal and external factors
in which there is a discrepancy between macroeconomic
assumptions and real conditions in the first quarter in the From time to time economy tends to fluctuate, where
2015 State Budget, not only the assumption of economic the economic fluctuation can be alarming or not since it will
growth but also other assumptions as can be seen on Table 1 impact systematically on other variables. These alarming
below: aspects can originate from domestic or overseas and then
impact the domestic economic conditions and state finances.

An internal aspect that is alarming or disrupting the This study uses time series data. For linkage between
economy includes inflation. At a time of high inflation, the data of internal and external factors on the Indonesian
economy will be reduced and furthermore government economy, quarterly time series data was used from year
spending or expenditure will be disrupted. Thus, what the 2000:1 – 2014:4, while for relationship between the
government has planned to buy will not have sufficient economy and government spending, the same period data
funds and inevitably the government has to make changes to was also used. Meanwhile, interpolation of yearly data into
the government budget, known as Revised State Budget quarterly data was used for government spending by using
(APBN-P). Eviews program. Data is taken from Bank Indonesia
The next internal aspect is the interest rate of (Central Bank) and Central Bureau of Statistic.
investment or credit which can also disrupt the economy due Analysis model of this study is focused on the
to the more expensive capital expenditure and as a result will strengthening relationship between the economy and
impact on government spending overall. Likewise, internal government spending in Indonesia as well as internal and
factor of oil lifting will disrupt the economy because if the external factors that affect Indonesian economy. To test the
oil production can not meet the demand of Indonesian oil significance of the study result of internal and external
then these needs will be fulfilled through oil import. This factors on the economy, multiple linear regression model
will certainly reduce the economy and government revenue (equation 1) was used, then continued with estimation model
and spending. Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) to see the internal and
Meanwhile, external aspects include exchange rate of external factors that strengthen and weaken the economy
rupiah against US dollar, thus if exchange rate depreciates (equation 2) as following:
then the spending of goods and services overseas will Y1t = α0 +α1X1t+ α2X2t+ α3X3t + α4X4t + α5X5t + ɛt
become expensive and will surely impact on the economy ...................................................................... (1)
and also on government spending; such as payment of ΔY1t = β0 +β1ΔX1t+ β2ΔX2t+ β3ΔX3t + β4ΔX4t + β5ΔX5t
principal and interest of foreign debts will become more +β6ɛt-1 + µt ……………………….……... (2)
expensive when measured with rupiah. In the end the Then, to see whether the government is able to stabilize the
government will also make changes to the government Indonesian economy in the long term, cointegration model is
budget. used as following:
urthermore, the external factor that can disrupt the D(ɛt) = πɛt-1 + mt
economy and government spending is the price of world ………………………………………………………………
crude oil (ICP). If the crude oil price increases, the price of …………………….(3)
fuel oil ready to be consumed domestically will also Where:
increase. This will obviously impact on the economy of ɛt = Error term model 1
Indonesia and furthermore impact on Indonesian government µt = Error term model 2
spending or expenditure. mt = Error term model 3
Therefore, the framework of this study can be illustrated as α0 = Constant on model 1
below: α1 ... α5 = Coefficient/ parameter model 1
X1 β0 = Constant on model 2
β1 ... β6 = Coefficient / parameter model 2
D = Deffrencing
X2 π = Coefficient / parameter model 3
Δ = change or diffrenting
X3 Y1 Y2
Furthermore, to examine the relationship between the
economy and government spending, analysis model Vector
X4 Autoregression (VAR) was used, where the model can be
seen in equation 3 and equation 4 as following:
X5 Y1t   0   i  Y2t  1t
i 1
Figure 1. Framework of Study ..................................................................................................
Where: ...... (4)
Y1t = Indonesian economy in period t n
Y2t = Indonesian government spending in period t. Y2t  0  i  Y1t   2t
X1t = Indonesian inflation in period t i 1
X2t = Interest rate of investment/credit in period t ..................................................................................................
X3t = Indonesian oil lifting in period t ..... (5)
X4t = Mean of exchange rate rupiah against US dollar Where:
in period t Y2t = Indonesian government spending in period t.
X5t = Indonesian crude oil price (ICP) in period t η1 = Error term model 3
η2 = Error term model 4

Theoritically, the strength of relationship between the
economy and government spending has a casual relationship
Vector Autoregression Estimates
(reciprocal) in improving public welfare. Therefore, the Date: 10/16/16 Time: 09:35
study observed it through 2 (two) analysis models i.e. Sample (adjusted): 2010Q3 2015Q2
Granger Causality Test (GCT) model and Vector Included observations: 20 after adjustments
Autoregression (VAR) model. The estimation result of Standard errors in ( ) & t-statistics in [ ]
Granger Causality Test (GCT) model is shown in Table 2 Y1 Y2
below: Y1(-1) 0.174370 -74.11195
TABLE 2 (0.39384) (37.9871)
(GCT) MODEL Y1(-2) 0.032263 45.63490
(0.20278) (19.5587)
Pairwise Granger Causality Tests [ 0.15910] [ 2.33322]
Date: 10/16/16 Time: 11:30
Sample: 2010Q1 2015Q2 Y2(-1) 0.002549 0.721156
Lags: 2 (0.00229) (0.22066)
[ 1.11411] [ 3.26824]
Null Hypothesis: Obs F-Statistic Prob.
Y2(-2) 0.007009 0.449829
GEX does not Granger Cause EKO 20 4.11324 0.0377 (0.00457) (0.44073)
EKO does not Granger Cause GEX 2.94158 0.0836 [ 1.53396] [ 1.02065]

Source: Processed, 2016

C 1094852. 49800233
The estimation result from Table 2 above shows that (432892.) (4.2E+07)
government spending strengthens Indonesian economy [ 2.52916] [ 1.19270]
significantly at α = 5%. Meanwhile, the economy is also able R-squared 0.933656 0.882656
to strengthen government spending significantly at α = 10%. Adj. R-squared 0.915965 0.851364
This means that government spending has very significant Sum sq. resids 2.99E+10 2.78E+14
contribution to the economy compared to the economy in S.E. equation 44611.66 4302959.
F-statistic 52.77385 28.20723
determining the amount of government spending, though in
Log likelihood -239.6170 -330.9982
the State Budget there are macroeconomical assumptions in Akaike AIC 24.46170 33.59982
determining the numbers in APBN expenditure. Schwarz SC 24.71063 33.84876
This result is in accordance with the study findings of Mean dependent 1984696. 52783874
Hasdi Aimon, (2013), and Rahman Salih, (2012) that stated S.D. dependent 153892.5 11161049
both variables determine each other and strengthens each Determinant resid covariance (dof adj.) 3.53E+22
other; though in Indonesian case the government spending Determinant resid covariance 1.99E+22
strengthens the Indonesian economy more. This finding is Log likelihood -570.1968
Akaike information criterion 58.01968
also consistent with the theory of government spending and
Schwarz criterion 58.51754
the economy proposed by Adolph Wagner, in Musgrave and Source:Processed, 2016
Musgrave, (2003) which is well-known for the law of The estimation result of VAR model from Table 3
government expenditures, that if the government always above shows that government spending in time period lag-1
increases the expenditure then the economy will increase as (t-1) and lag-2 (t-2) impacts significantly on Indonesian
well, and vice versa; if the economy increases then the economy but not vice versa. Accordingly, Case and Fair,
government also has to increase the expenditure. (2007) stated that tax income and government spending and
Government spending is intended according the objective of also composition from both of these aspects have a major
government spending through programs of the government effect on the economy of the so-called government spending
spending; in general it can be said as government’s efforts to multiplier. Thus, not only the economy that has an effect on
improve public welfare. government spending but also government spending has an
In addition, to see in detail the strength of this effect on the economy.
relationship, VAR model estimation can also be used as In accordance with statement from Wagner, Hindriks
shown in Table 3 below. and Myles, (2004) also said that economic activities generate
needs for government spending; one of the roles of economy

is to determine how income can be increased from time to TABLE 4
time. This definitely requires cost to be applied on the ERROR CORRECTION MECHANISM (ECM) MODEL
economy. The cost comes from tax income. So, in the Dependent Variable: D(Y1)
economy this condition of relationship between government Method: Least Squares
spending and economy can be described. Date: 10/16/16 Time: 09:21
Thus, the finding of this study is in accordance with Sample (adjusted): 2010Q2 2015Q2
finding of Hasdi Aimon (2013) on “Analysis of Casualty of Included observations: 21 after adjustments
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
Public Sector Spending with Regional Economy of West
C 56694.01 20765.71 2.730174 0.0196
Sumatra Province”. His finding stated that regional economy D(X1) 21647.69 3416.722 6.335808 0.0001
time lag-1 and public sector spending time lag-2 impact D(X2) -3194.112 1884.979 -1.694508 0.1183
significantly on the regional economy of West Sumatra D(X3) 16.60208 21.92851 0.757100 0.4649
province. Meanwhile, regional economy time lag-1 and D(X4) -24.95711 19.72839 -1.265035 0.2320
public sector spending time lag-1 also impact significantly D(X5) 2300.716 867.2260 2.652961 0.0225
on the public sector spending of West Sumatra province. RESID01(-1) -1.211501 0.202035 -5.996489 0.0001
This finding is in line with Rahman Salih, (2012), “The R-squared 0.876652 Mean dependent var 30262.69
Adjusted R-squared 0.775731 S.D. dependent var 51319.38
Relationship between Economic Growth and Government
S.E. of regression 24303.36 Akaike info criterion 23.34037
Expenditure: Evidence from Sudan”. His finding stated that Sum squared resid 6.50E+09 Schwarz criterion 23.83776
the hypothesis statement of Wagner, that the economic Log likelihood -235.0739 Hannan-Quinn criter. 23.44832
growth determines the amount of government spending F-statistic 8.686500 Durbin-Watson stat 2.797037
(public sector) but is different from the growth of Prob(F-statistic) 0.000740
government spending, does not determine the economic Source:Processed, 2016
growth (GDP growth). The estimation result from Table 4 above shows that
when there is shock from exogenous variable, it will disrupt
IMPACT OF INTERNAL AND EXTENAL FACTORS ON THE the stability of Indonesian economy. This is showed by the
ECONOMY significance of RESD01(-1) variable at alpha 1 percent.
The economy of a country is influenced by internal However, from the five exogenous variables studied, there
factors (domestic) and external factors (foreign). The are internal and external factors which can strengthen and
question is whether the internal factors are the dominant weaken Indonesian economy. The internal factor that
influence on the country’s economy or the external factors strengthens the economy is inflation (X1) that is significant
that influence it. Or both of these factors simultaneously at alpha 1 percent. This means inflation is relatively stabile
influence each other on the economy. in Indonesia and so it does not disrupt the economy.
The study of Agalega and Acheampong, (2013), “The Meanwhile, the interest rate of investment/credit (X2) and
Impact of Inflation, Policy Rate and Government Indonesian Crude Oil Lifting (X2) can disrupt Indonesian
Consumption Expenditure on GDP Growth in Ghana: A economy.
Cointegration Approach” stated that inflation, policy rate Therefore, inflation has a relationship with the
and government consumption expenditure impact on real economy as stated by Lupu D. V., (2007) that there is a
GDP growth. In addition, there is short-term and long-term positive relationship between inflation and the economy in
relationship between government consumption expenditure short term. This implies that increasing inflation in short
and real GDP growth. term will also increase the economy in short term. This is in
The finding of the study above is also reinforced by line with Druckker et al, (2005) and Malik et al, (2001) as
article from Lozides and Vamvoukas, (2005) with the title well as Kasim, (2009) that there is a non-linear relationship
“Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidence between inflation and the economy.
From Trivariate Caousality Testing” which stated that Similarly, interest rate also has a relationship with the
inflation, unemployement and other explanatory variables economy as stated by Obamuyi T. M., (2006) that interest
create “Trivariate” in forming a casualty relationship rate of credit has a significant impact on the economy. This
between government spending and economic growth. implies that there is not only a short-term relationship but
Accordingly, the impact of internal and external also a long-term relationship between interest rate of credit
factors on Indonesian economy can be seen on Table 4 as and the economy. From above table, interest rate is at the
following: level of weakening the economy in Indonesia while other
variables i.e. inflation and crude oil lifting on the internal
factors strengthen the economy in Indonesia. The external
factor that can weaken the economy in Indonesia is at the

level of exchange rate while variables of foreign investment
and crude oil price strengthen the economy in Indonesia.
Moreover, the internal variables that can weaken the
economic growth in Indonesia are the interest rate of IV. CONCLUSIONS
investment, inflation and crude oil lifting, while government This study concludes that government spending is
spending and foreign debt can strengthen the economy in able to strengthen the economy and the economy is also able
Indonesia. On the external factors there are no variables that to strengthen government spending on a significantly lower
can weaken economic growth; all three variables on external degree compared to government spending on the economy.
factors i.e. exchange rate, foreign investment and crude oil Furthermore, government spending strengthens Indonesian
economy not only on the same period, but also on lag 1 and
price can strengthen economic growth in Indonesia. lag 2. Meanwhile, the economy strengthens or is able to
If viewed by the value of RESID01(-1) at alpha level increase government spending only on the same period.
1 percent, it shows that the probability value is less than 1 The Indonesian economy tends to be shaken by
percent. This means that if there is shock on the exogenous internal factors, specifically the relatively high interest rate
variables then there will be disruption on the Indonesian of investment/credit and Indonesian crude oil lifting which
economy. So, the exogenous variables that are disrupting are has not been able to fulfill domestic consumption.
Meanwhile, external factor that can disrupt Indonesian
interest rate of investment/credit, crude oil lifting, and
economy is the exchange rate of rupiah against US dollar.
exchange rate of rupiah against US dollar. This disruption only occurs in short term while in the long
However, the next question is whether the Indonesian term Indonesian government is able to stabilitize it again
government with various fiscal and monetary policies is able
to stabilize the Indonesian economy in the long term. This ACKNOWLEDGMENT
can be seen on Table 5. The estimation result from Table 5 This research was supported in part by it serious concern
shows that the probability number of RESID02(-1) variable for relationship economic and government spending. So,
is 0,0001. This means that the number is smaller than at Indonesian government needs to establish certain economy
alpha 1 percent. This provides an explanation that in the to overcome the problems of internal and external factors
short term it is possible for occurrence of economic shock shock. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the LP2M
Universitas Negeri Padang.
caused by internal and external factors on the economy.
However, in the long term Indonesian government can REFERENCES
stabilize this again through various fiscal and monetary [1] Kompas.Com. (2015). Perlambatan Perekonomian Indonesia,
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TABLE 5 [4] Musgrave A. Richard, and Musgrave B. Peggy, (2003). Public
LONG-TERM BALANCE OF INDONESIAN ECONOMY Finance in Theory and Practice, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
Dependent Variable: D(RESID02) [5] Agalega, Evans and Acheamong, Prince, (2013). The Impact of
Method: Least Squares Inflation, Policy Rate, and Government Consumption Expenditure on
GDP Growth in Ghana: A Cointegratioan Approach, European
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Sample (adjusted): 2010Q2 2015Q2 2222-2839 (online), Vol. 5 No. 15, 2013.
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Growth in Romania. Luccari Stiintifice Vol. 53, Seria Zootechnie.
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
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S.E. of regression 31052.83 Akaike info criterion 23.57122 Rate and GDP Growth in Malaysia.Economic Bulletin, 29(3), 1555-
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Log likelihood -246.4978 Hannan-Quinn criter. 23.58201 [9] Lozides and Vamvoukas, (2005). Government Expenditure and
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Source:Processed, 2016

Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Msmes Business Sustainability
Correlation within State University Area in Banjarmasin
First Author1), Second Author2), Third Author3)
Department, University, City, Country
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz

Second Institution, Address, Country
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz

Abstract. This research seeks to find out the correlation of Ethnic Entrepreneurship concept and MSMEs
business continuity within campus’ environment in Banjarmasin, especially for those the daily culinary at the
MSMEs level. Individual perspective among entrepreneurs provides an insight for the ethnic entrepreneurship
components of: opportunity structures, and group characteristics, toward its business sustainability that
represents by the components of human and ecological sustainability. This research considered as a preliminary
study to promote ethnic entrepreneurship within in the university as valuable variable for MSMEs development
for economic welfare. Since they were already trade within area within years, observed trading place were
appears to be an unassuming place to have meals for academicians. Their dish was ethnical, and some of them
were very crowd. Were their business profitable while their business appearance was very modest.

Keywords: Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Group Characteristic, Opportunity Structure, MSMEs, sustainability

the Student Business Centre; the second one is the largest

I. INTRODUCTION point of gathering, the nearby of Kindaung river which is
Business sustainability is more than just the shaded by big trees, and the rest of them are spreading - come
representation of business’ endurance against business by the faculty of other administrative building. For length of
environmental threats, but this is more about the business’ time of business, some of them have been in the university
conscious-oriented as the consciousness that impact on several area for decades. They served various Indonesian culinary
business aspects which somehow ended at the economy, which commonly represent their tribal originality, and it
social and environmental aspects as well. Varying capacity of indulging consumers a lot. The business ability for its
business development to deliver the diverse in variety significant contribution to their welfare is questioned since the
business units’ scale came in the form of Micro Small performance of unpretentious daily business appearances. The
Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in common, out of from the variety of culinary product somehow represents the
large scale of manufacturing level. Those types of business are entrepreneur’s tribal originality, and they have their own
playing an important role for equitably decentralizing customers for years. Even for them whom already graduate,
economic development, breaking the population concentration are still visiting the university area for meals, and adding new
area, and paying more attention on the economic growth consumer by inviting their colleagues or friends or neighbor
which has its effect for developing countries [1]. The MSMEs or whoever they were with at the moment. Understanding the
business sustainability fulfilling the needs for the sustainable existence of ethnic entrepreneurship within the area, refers to
development, continuing business commitment to behave in Aldrich and Waldinger (1990) [2] that their framework
the ethical manner, and to contribute for economic provides the manner to understand ethnic entrepreneurship
development and increasing community welfare since those which consist of the opportunity structure, the group
entrepreneurial practitioners carrying their business to meet characteristic, and its strategy. The MSMEs individual
the need for a decent life. Under such consideration, the desire perspective respectfully consider to provide an insight in order
for sustainable income encourages them to choose the to understand their business sustainability, to figure out the
reachable target market and approaching it, which put an end ethnic entrepreneurship correlation to its business
on the strategic business location. Determining the strategic sustainability for those whom carrying their MSMEs business
location for specific target market for them in guarantee for of daily culinary product within the Lambung Mangkurat
the available consumers and customers put their decision on University area. This research seek to find out the relationship
the strategic location within the area of Lambung Mangkurat among research variable, trough the variable: opportunity
University - Banjarmasin. Holding the permission for trading structure, group characteristic (representing the ethnic
activity form the university management, they are occupying entrepreneurship concept), and sustainable development
the served area by open their kiosk and tent at the first area, among specific population.

II. METHODS entil 25 31,000
es 50 41,000
The research was conducted based on the assumption
75 50,000
that the quality of a research is lies on the concordance of the
90 54,800
research purposes and its analytical tools, as well as the
Descriptive statistical analysis result to inform that the
condition of its data. This research seeks to find put the
respondents in average ages of more 40,323 years old with
correlation among research variable on a specific community
standard errors of 2,21 years old, tells that their ages was in
choose as respondents. The limited qualified research data
range of 32 years old to 46 years old. The median score of 41,
provider/ respondents limiting the capability to provide a
tells that 50% of respondent were in age of below 41 years old
normal data distribution for parametric research, since it
and the rest of them were above 40 years old. Resulted
provides us with less assumption related to the data and
Standard of deviation is 12,3109 which is more than 20% of
certain situation, specially the scale which resulted in ordinal
mean score shows the vary of ages is large [12,3109 > (20%
types of data [9]. The potential applicable result was also
of 40 is 8,0646). Skewness and Kurtosis result identifies the
limited to the intended population as well.
normal raw data distribution when we run the data screening,
In achieving research purposes, which to the find out the
which we do not required that. The youngest is 18 years old,
correlation among variables, research instrument was built as
and the oldest it 70 years old when the data gathering activity
measurement tools. Theoretically based definition being
was conducted. The percentiles show that less than 10% of
operationalized to generate indicators for items development
respondent’s ages is below 24 years old, the 26% is below 31
within instrument as questionnaire. As primary data,
years old, 50% is below 41 years old, and 90% is below 54,9
respondent’s characteristic describes as respondent’s
years old. Age characteristic classification by Badan Pusat
identification, as well as the primary data for research variable.
Statistik divides it into 3 groups, they are below 15 years old;
Respondents describes under specific information for age,
15 to 64 years old (productive workforce); and above 65 years
originate, ethnicity, business ownership, product type and
old. The age composition shows that the SMEs entrepreneurs
primary product for sell, and their timescale conducting the
within university were those are considered as productive
business within university area. The primary data gathered
played as the primary data (the ordinal type of data) for
2) Origin. Origin represent the information of the variety
hypothesis testing by Kendall Tau (τ) testing. IBM SPSS 23
respondents source area
[10] was used as analytical software for research analysis
purposes. TABLE II.
Research subject were SMEs entrepreneurs whom trade
JEMBER 2 6,5
within university area, 31 respondents. The sum of valid data JOGJAKARTA 1 3,2
to process is 31 respondents with zero (0) missing values, JOMBANG 1 3,2
means the data is processed ready. Descriptive statistics for LAMONGAN 1 3,2
respondent’s characteristic as below: MADURA 1 3,2
MALANG 1 3,2
A. Respondents Characteristic Valid PADANG 2 6,5
1) Age. Ages represent the biological lifespan of a person, PONTIANAK 1 3,2
in this case is the respondent’s lifespan, they are SAMPIT 1 3,2
whom conducted daily culinary ethnical business SEMARANG 3 9,7
within campus’ area. SOLO 1 3,2
AGES Total 31 100,0
Valid 31
N Most of the respondent were originate from locals,
Missing 0
Banjarmasin and surrounding area such as Pontianak, Sampit,
Mean 40,323
and Takisung. The rest of origin were from Java area in
Std. Error of Mean 2,2111
Median 41,000 majority, such as: Jember, Jogjakarta, Jombang, Lamongan,
Std. Deviation 12,3109 Malang, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya. Only a few of them from
Variance 151,559 other area of Madura Island and Padang (West Sumatra).
Skewness ,167 These situations tell that the SMEs entrepreneurs came from
Std. Error of the variety of origin.
Kurtosis -,227
Std. Error of
Kurtosis 3) Ethnicity. Ethnicity or the ethnic group, represents
Range 52,0 someone’s cultural background.
Minimum 18,0
Maximum 70,0 TABLE III
Perc 10 22,400 ETHNICITY

Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid BANJAR 12 38,7 Frequency Percent Percent
DAYAK 1 3,2 Valid Ayam Lalapan 6 19,4 19,4
JAWA 14 45,2 Bakso 1 3,2 22,6
MADURA 1 3,2 Gado Gado 3 9,7 32,3
MELAYU 1 3,2 Lontong
1 3,2 35,5
MINANG 2 6,5 Balap
Total 31 100,0 Masakan
2 6,5 41,9
In relevant with the area of respondent’s origin, Nasi Bakar 1 3,2 45,2
respondent’s ethnicity represents the tribe living in those are Nasi Campur 5 16,1 61,3
in common, such as Banjar ethnicity in dominant, Dayak and Nasi Goreng 1 3,2 64,5
Nasi Patin 1 3,2 67,7
Melayu ethnicity. The number are tended to n balance with
Nasi Rawon 1 3,2 71,0
the Javanese tribal, while the rest of them were Madura and
Pentol 1 3,2 74,2
Minang. These situation tells that the SMEs entrepreneurs Pentol
were consist of certain ethnics originate form Sumatra, Java, 2 6,5 80,6
and Madura. Pentol
1 3,2 83,9
4) Business Ownership. Business Ownership represent Pentol Kuah 1 3,2 87,1
the entrepreneurial status within their business, that Sate 1 3,2 90,3
they were only employees or not. In general, within Soto Banjar 1 3,2 93,5
SMEs level, the owner conducted their business by Soto
2 6,5 100,0
themselves under consideration of their capability to Lamongan
employ assistance/ labor. Total 31 100,0

TABLE IV The variety of product title shows the distinct origin

BUSINESS OWNERSHIP STATUS related to the ethnic culinary product. For some people. It
Frequency Percent
Valid EMPLOYEES 13 41,9
delivers a certain sensation, especially for those who is away
OWNER 18 58,1 from their hometown. But, there was also a sentiment that the
Total 31 100,0 ethnic culinary products were just a meal as well.

Most of the respondents are the business owner as well, 7) Business Timescale. Business timescale represents the
and the rest of them are hired people to serve in business as respondent’s time range conducting culinary business
employee. within university area.

5) Types of Product Sold. Types of product sold TABLE VII

represent the identification culinary product that in BUSINESS TIMESCALE
trade within the area to meet consumer’s needs and Statistics
Valid 31
wants to generate income for MSMEs. N
Missing 0
TABLE V Mean 7,444
TYPES OF PRODUCT SOLD Std. Error of Mean 1,2375
Frequency Percent Median 6,000
Valid Heavy Std. Deviation 6,8901
27 87,1
meals Variance 47,474
Snacks 4 12,9 Skewness 1,321
Total 31 100,0 Std. Error of
The ethnicity food product in trade in majority considered Kurtosis 2,361
as heavy culinary product, since its capability to meet the Std. Error of Kurtosis ,821
convenience food in basic level, the rice product types. Only a Range 29,9
few of the respondent provides snacks, which is also consider Minimum ,1
Maximum 30,0
as heady meals, but it is not included as rice type product,
10 ,220
which locals named it as pentol.
25 2,000
Percentiles 50 6,000
6) Primary Product to Sell. Primary Product to Sell 75 11,000
represent the culinary product local name, that 90 17,600
somehow selling its area of origin to fulfil the sense of Descriptive statistical analysis result informs that the
distinctive culinary product. respondents conducting business within university area in
average of 7,44 years with standard errors of 1,237 years, tells
PRIMARY PRODUCT TO SELL that the business timescale was in range of 4,5 years 9,9 yea
years. The median score of 6, tells that 50% of respondent

were conducting business within university area 6 years old market likes co-ethnic oriented product so it is an open
and the half more were above 6 years. Resulted Standard of opportunity to serve non-ethnic market as well as the easy
deviation is 6,8901 which is more than 20% of mean score access to business opportunity even the access itself is
shows the vary of ages is large [7,444 > (20% of 7,444 is depend highly on inter-ethnic group competition and state
1,488). Skewness and Kurtosis result identifies the normal raw policies. The standard error (SE) of mean 0,1122 tells that
data distribution when we run the data screening, which we do the item suitability respond lies within range of 4,097 ± (3
not required. The narrowest timescale is 0,1 years of 1 moth, x 0,1122) they are between 3,7604 to 4,4336.
and the longest is 30 years. The percentiles show that less than
10% of respondent’s time scale is below 0,2 years old, the 2) Group Characteristic (GC). Resulted mean score is
26% is below 2 years, 50% is below 6 years, and 90% is 3,484 shows that the in general respondents tend to feels
below 17,6 years. The 30 years business timescale is the just quite agree about the influence factor of selective
SMEs that provides satay. migration, settlement characteristic, culture and aspiration
(predisposing factors) as well as the possibility of resource
B. Description of Research Variables mobilization. The standard error (SE) of mean 0,1457 tells
Respondent’s respond to questionnaire items represents that the item suitability respond lies within range of 3,484
their perception towards ethnic entrepreneurship concept (by ± (3 x 0, 1457) they are between 3,0469 to 4,4336.
research variable of Opportunity Structure (OS) and Group
Characteristic (GC)) and business sustainability which 3) Sustainable Development (SD). Resulted mean score
explained by the business sustainable development. The sum is 4,468 shows that the in general, respondents agree that
of valid data to process is 31 respondents with zero (0) the sustainable development is about the ability to meet
missing values, means the data is processed ready. All three their own needs in form of human and ecological
variables resulted median is 4, which represent the 50% of sustainable. The standard error (SE) of mean 0,0896 tells
respondent agreement to the questionnaire statements item for that the item suitability respond lies within range of 4,468
Opportunity Structure (OS) and Group Characteristic (GC), as ± (3 x 0,0896) they are between 4,1992 to 4,7368.
well as Sustainable Development (SD). Descriptive statistics
for research variable as below: C. Correlation
Spearman and Kendall, is the correlation for ordinal data,
RESEARCH VARIABLE DESCRIPTION in this case, the technique is being employ di seek the
Statistics correlation among Operating Structure, Group
M_OS M_GC M_SD Characteristic, and Sustainable Development.
N Valid 31 31 31
Missing 0 0 0
Mean 4,097 3,484 4,468
Std. Error of Mean ,1122 ,1457 ,0896 Correlations
Median 4,000 4,000 4,000 M_OS M_GC M_SD
Std. Deviation ,6248 ,8112 ,4989 Kend M_OS Correlation
1,000 ,355* ,305
Variance ,390 ,658 ,249 all's Coefficient
Skewness -,391 -,345 ,136 tau_b Sig. (2-tailed) . ,024 ,064
Std. Error of Skewness ,421 ,421 ,421 N 31 31 31
Kurtosis ,384 -,356 -2,083 M_GC Correlation
,355* 1,000 ,236
Std. Error of Kurtosis ,821 ,821 ,821 Coefficient
Minimum 2,5 2,0 4,0 Sig. (2-tailed) ,024 . ,163
Maximum 5,0 5,0 5,0 N 31 31 31
M_SD Correlation
,305 ,236 1,000
According to Light and Bonacich (1988); Waldinger
Sig. (2-tailed) ,064 ,163 .
(1986); Waldinger et al. (1990) in Valdez (2002) [11], stated N 31 31 31
that entrepreneurship is loosely defined as business-ownership Spear M_OS Correlation
by immigrant and ethnic-group members. The concept for this 1,000 ,427* ,342
man's Coefficient
research being measure through variables of Opportunity rho Sig. (2-tailed) . ,017 ,059
Structure (OS) and Group Characteristic (GC). For the N 31 31 31
business sustainability, Hilton (2000) cited in Nowduri (2012) M_GC Correlation *
,427 1,000 ,252
stated it as sustainable development needs for continuing Coefficient
commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to Sig. (2-tailed) ,017 . ,171
economic development while improving the quality of life of N 31 31 31
the workforce, their families, local communities, the society M_SD Correlation
,342 ,252 1,000
and the world at large as well as future generations. Table VIII Coefficient
is the output of descriptive statistical analysis that provide the Sig. (2-tailed) ,059 ,171 .
N 31 31 31
information about research variable to interpret.
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
1) Opportunity Structure (OS). Resulted mean score is
Correlation score of OS and SD is 0,305. This positive
4,097 shows that the in general, respondents felt that the
score result analysis means that the increasing Opportunity

Structure will increase the Sustainability Development, and We would like to thank the university management for
vice versa. The correlation score of 0,305 which is below 0,5 permits to collect data for research purposes, and the SMEs
represent both of variable is weakly correlates. Thus, the entrepreneurs for their kind participation.
significant score of correlation is 0,064 which is more than
0,05 shows that the correlation among OS and SD is not REFERENCES
significant. [1] H. E. Aldrich and R. Waldinger, "Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship,"
Correlation score of GC and SD is 0,236. This positive Annual Reviews Social, vol. 6, pp. 111-135, 1990.
score result analysis means that the Group Characteristic [2] R. Waldinger, H. Aldrich and R. Ward, Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Immigrant
existence in advance will increase the Sustainability Business in Industrial Society, vol. 1, USA: Sage Publication, Inc., 1990.
Development, and vice versa. The correlation score of 0,163 [3] Z. Valdez, Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Ethnicity and the Economy in
which is below 0,5 which is below 0,5 represent both of Enterprise, San Diego: The Center for Comparative Immigration Studies,
variable is weakly correlates. Thus, the significant score of 2002.
correlation is 0,163 which is more than 0,05 05 shows that the [4] A. Thoelen, The Value of Ethnic Identity for Creative Entrepreneurs:
Essays on Legitimacy, Innovation, and Identity in The Creative
correlation among GC and SD is not significant. Industries., Hasselt: Universiteit Hasselt, 2015.
Correlation score of OS and GC is 0,355. This positive
score result analysis means that the increasing Opportunity
Structure will increase the Group Characteristic existence in
advance. The correlation score of 0,355 which is below 0,5
which is below 0,5 represent both of variable is weakly
correlates. Thus, the significant score of correlation is 0,024
which is lower than 0,05 shows that the correlation among OS
and GC is significant.

In brief, the correlation among research variable illustrated
as we can see below.
entrepreneurship [+] not


[+] sign

GC [+] not

Fig. 1. Illustration for research variables correlation

Ethnic entrepreneurship proven has positive correlation to

business sustainability among SMEs entrepreneurs within
campus area but it’s not significant. This might be caused by
the lack of knowledge about the benefit of ethnic
entrepreneurship because of its potential to provide ethnic-
based business ideas [12]. The more of it, that one of the
entrepreneurial important aspect is the creativity as the
stepping stone to start innovation [13].
Meanwhile, among opportunity structure and group
characteristic, there is a positive and significant correlation. It
means that the more vary the ethnic groups, it provides more
opportunity for product marketing. These situations provide
information that the distinct immigrants social-economy
character delivers advantages for locals, as Thoelen (2015)
stated that ethnicity could be the main asset for differentiate
and creativity [14]. Thus, the variety group within society will
encourage entrepreneurs to lever the creativity to expand their
opportunity structure.


The Effect of Educational Level, Working Stock, and Seed Prices
Toward the Dumbo Catfish Marketing Performances at Padang
Irwandi,S.Pi, MM 1)
NadhlatulUlama University of West Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstract. Catfish is the famous freshwater fish by people. Besides of their meat is delicious, catfish also have the high sale
value. If it was cultivated intensively, catfish can be a source of family income and the provider of jobs for the community.
The using of land and water in cultivating, catfish was relatively frugal. Beside of domestic specialization that was high
enough, the cultivating of catfish also requires a short time compared by the other freshwater. The cultivation only needs
three months. In marketing, the farmers are not too difficult because the demand is very high. It is consumed, for restaurants,
pecal’s café, and for processed smoked fish. The higher production of catfish seed was compared by other fish species
would not be separated from demand community in consuming and demand from other areas such as Riau, Jambi, and other
The purposes of the research are to know the factor that was effect to a performance of Dumbo catfish marketing at
Padang. This research was done at Padang city. The population of this research is the Dumbo catfish cultivator in Padang
city. The Population is 50 people. The number of samples was set to 35 peoples. The sampling technique was used random
sampling. The technique of collecting data was using questionnaire. Primary data were taken by using questionnaires. The
data were analyzed by using multiple regression, hypothesis testing was used the F and T test with α = 0.05.

The result of the research has shown that 1. The educational level gave significant effect to a performance of Dumbo
catfish seed marketing at Padang. 2 The amount of working stock has a significant effect on the performances of the Dumbo
catfish seed marketing at Padang. 3 Prices of seeds were not affecting the performance of Dumbo catfish fish seed marketing
at Padang.

Keywords: Educational Level, Working Stock, Seed prices, Dumb Catfish, cultivated

The cultivation of freshwater fish is one of the
potential fishery owned by the city of Padang, to meet the Tahun Mas Nila Lele Dumbo Gurami Jumlah
needs of public nutrition, has been long and widely
cultivated by the community and have good prospects to be 2001 350 2.900 12.500 140 15.89
developed disseminated because of the guarantee availability
of water resources is continuous and abundant for their 2002 454 3.155 14.125 164 17.898
network is quite good.

Fisheries could be a source of livelihoods. On the 2003 910 3.250 13.590 309 18.059
other side of the fish itself is a healthy food because it
contains protein, fat, vitamins and minerals needed to 2004 664 4.820 13.350 267 19.101
support public health. Zonneveld (1991: 7) to menwujudkan
these conditions, the development in the field of fisheries, 2005 775 5.730 9.620 700 16.825
efficient, planned, integrated not only increase the amount of
production but also to the marketing aspects. Number of source: department of fisheries and marine resources of padang in 2006
abundant production would not mean much without the
support of a good marketing. The high number of production and the required
amount of fish seeds of African catfish has not fully
Fish farming can generally be divided into two hatchery guarantee the smooth process of the sale or marketing of the
operations and business enlargement. Catfish hatchery producer to the consumer (or magnifying fish farmers). Still
operations in the city of Padang has a very strategic position there is a chain of more that needs serious attention that
and dominant. The following table shows the number of producers / farmers seed catfish to get to the fish farmers can
catfish seed production is much bigger than other fish. be smoothly and farmers can market benihnyua maximum.

As with other small business owners, breeders catfish

is also facing some other classics. In addition to marketing

factors such as the size of the capital owned as well as low feed (pellets) and labor costs, generally this is home scale
levels of education factor. The two issues raised in the cultivation up to their lack of working capital.
suspect this may reduce the ability of catfish farmers in From the analysis shows that people who have more capital
accessing markets. means that over 1.6 million of working capital from farmers
is still too small, it is not enough to increase the production
Another factor that is used to support the performance of seed for seeding requires a considerable cost to buy fish
of permasaran is the seed price catfish itself. The high food and other necessities.
number of catfish seed production compared to other fish
species would not be separated from the public demand for
c) Seed prices
The average price of seed fish farming in the city of
fish consumption and demand for seed catfish from
Padang amounted Rp.40 compared to other regions such as
tetaangga areas such as Payakumbuh, Riau, Jambi and others.
Rao and Dharmasraya seed price catfish reached Rp100 even
more.This caused panjanya pemasran chain so that prices to
Catfish Dumbo is a fish that is fast growing, so
farmers would be higher. These advantages enjoyed by
farmers must have a clear market and continuous, so that
traders, agents and retailers.
nothing is hampered crop production costs also increase if
too dense and long sold the seed fish pond will be easily d) Marketing Performance (Y)
attacked by the disease which caused the death of the seed, The average number of seeds catfish are marketed per
this would be detrimental to the farmers themselves. month most between 57900-85700 or 37.14%. This is
because many of the farmers is a household scale, limited
From the background of the above problems, the researchers land and a limited amount of capital as well.
are interested in doing research titled Influence of
educational level, working capital, distribution and price 2. ANALYSIS INFERENTIAL
Saluraan seed on the performance of African catfish fish
seed marketing in Padang. TABEL
This research is classified on a descriptive study and Variabel Tolerance Value VIF
correlation. Where the correlation is aimed to connect the
independent variable and dependent variable of descriptive Level of education (X1) 0,674 1,483
research aims to describe the characteristics of each variable
separately and do not connect the independent variables with Working capital (X2) 0,771 1,290
the dependent variable. The population is all the fish seed
growers residing in the city Padangsebanyak 50 people Price (X3) 0,798 1,253
scattered in the desert city. Collecting data by interviewing
melalaui kuizioner needed. Emalalui data analysis There is no problem multikoleneritas sesame free variable,
techniques and inferential analysis Deskripsif memlaluai because VIF <5 for each free variable. Thus all variables are
Multicollinearity test, multiple regression, and test the eligible for analysis at once with multiple linear regression
hypothesis. model.


This takes 40% of the papers, consist of the
analysis results with emphasis on answering VALUES ALLEGED MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION
research problems, it may include charts, images,
tables that centred on the page and described in the Variables Koefisien T Sig Partial r2
Constant 91168,972 1,251 0,220 -
1. DESKRIPSI RESEARCH VARIABLES X1 4939,567 3,378 0,002 0,519
a) Level Of Education X2 0,027 3,767 0,001 0,560
Data shows 31.4% of respondents had high school
education from all walks of beakang science, only 5.7% of X3 -2,589,146 1,628 0,114 -0,281
respondents were educated SD, Lately seen with the
proliferation effort pecel catfish is an opportunity that can be
read by people who have insight education enough. For
junior high school graduates 25.7% and 2.9% graduate Influence and level of education (X1) on the performance
diploma. pemasran (Y) is not positive, meaning that the higher the
level of education of African catfish fish seed farmers then
b) Working Capital tend to be the higher the performance marketing.
Working capital is obtained between Rp.500.000-
1.000.000 consisting of natural feed costs (tubifek) artificial

From the test results Hipoytesis are: marketing in Padang. The more capital used to try, the
 The first hypothesis of this study is the level higher the performance marketing.
of education berpenaruh signifikat on the 3) .The price of seeds had no significant effect on the
performance of African catfish fish seed performance of the seed pemasran Dumbo catfish in Padang.
marketing in Padang.
 The second hypothesis of this study is that the REFERENCES
amount of working capital have a significant [1] Alianis (1991), Profile Information Sector Economic activity in West
effect on the performance of the seed Sumatra, Padang IKIP other research reports.
marketing Dumbo catfish in Padang. [2] Marine and Fisheries Agency of Padang in 2001
[3] Marine and Fisheries Agency of Padang in 2002
 The third hypothesis is that the sales price a [4] Marine and Fisheries Agency of Padang in 2003
significant effect on the marketing [5] Marine and Fisheries Agency of Padang in 2004
performance Dumbo catfish fish seed in [6] Marine and Fisheries Agency of Padang in 2005

Of the three variables studied only two independent

variables that affect the performance of marketing signifikas
fish fingerlings of African catfish farmers in Padang. The
independent variable is education and working capital used
for the attempt. While one other independent variable sales
prices did not significantly affect the performance of
pemasran African catfish fish seed growers in the city of
1. Effect of Education on the Performance Marketing
From the data collected though it turned 5.7% of all
respondents had elementary education, 25% of junior
high school, 34% high school, 2.9% and 31.4% D III
College. This shows that many people who are more
educated farmers willing to do business on the African
catfish fish seed hatchery operations group of people
(UPR) is.
2. Working Capital Amount Effect on Performance
The amount of capital owned by the farmers have a
significant effect on the performance of African catfish
fish seed marketing in Padang. This means, the greater
the capital, the better the performance marketing. This
fact can dip [ahami that those who have big capital has a
sustainable business so that the dealer will routinely
Dating mengunjugi to buy and market fingerlings were
produced, so that the performance pemasran better.
3. Effect Against Seed prices PERfORmancE
Prices of seeds had no significant effect on the
performance of fish pemasaranbenih lwele dumbo.
Variable shape shows a negative meaning, the higher the
price of this seed to marketing performance is negative.
This means that the higher the price of seed sold fish
fingerlings of African catfish farmers, it tends kineja
marketing is getting less, but the effect is not exhibited
significantly Stats, where didapatlan level sig = 0.114.

Based on the results of the study concluded
1) The rate of education cultivators significant effect on
the performance pemasran Dumbo catfish fish seed in
2). Total working capital is owned by farmers significant
effect on the performance of African catfish fish seed

Investor Reaction, Tax Avoidance, and Corporate Governance in
Response to Change in Corporate Income Tax Rate (Evidence
From Indonesia) **
Anne Putri1), Aries Tanno2) , Isteti Murni 3)
STIE Haji Agus Salim Bukittingi
Andalas University
STIE Haji Agus Salim Bukittingi

Abstract. This research aims to investigate the reaction of investors to corporate tax avoidance when there is a change in
corporate tax rates in Indonesia. Changes in tax law in Indonesia resulted in a significant reduction in tax rates that came into
effect during the two periods of 2009 and 2010. This research uses the data of manufacturing company that registered in The
Indonesian Stock Exchange. The result of the research proved that investors react positively to corporate tax avoidance in the
years to tariff changes and react negatively related to corporate tax avoidance after a period of tariff changes. The different
reactions of investors associated with, the practice of corporate governance.
Keywords: Investor reaction; tax avoidance;; tax avoidance rate; effective tax rate; corporate governance mechanism

In the traditional theory of tax avoidance is considered as

I. INTRODUCTION an activity to transfer the welfare of the country to the
Tax avoidance merupakan upaya wajib pajak untuk tidak shareholders [11], therefore the separation of ownership and
melakukan perbuatan yang dikenakan pajak atau upaya- control becomes important. The shareholders expect the
upaya yang masih dalam kerangka ketentuan peraturan manager's actions on their behalf to focus on profit
perundang-undangan perpajakan untuk memperkecil jumlah maximization which includes the pursuit of opportunities to
pajak yang terhutang [1]. Ada beberapa alasan yang reduce tax liabilities, long-benefits greater than the costs
menyebabkan tindakan manajer untuk meminimalkan incurred.
kewajiban perpajakan dianggap menjadi aktivitas Tax avoidance can describe a form of agency problems,
perusahaan yang semakin penting di Amerika [2]. Pertama, where the manager's decision reflects their personal interests
pajak akan mengurangi minimal sepertiga laba sebelum with their manager separation of ownership and control.
pajak perusahaan [3]. Kedua, pajak yang dibayarkan Understand how the governance related to tax avoidance,
perusahaan, dianggap sebagai transfer kekayaan dari pihak will obtain a better understanding on how the governance in
perusahaan kepada pemerintah [4]. Ketiga, tujuan kebijakan the long term and short term so that the owner can design the
bisnis dan keuangan perusahaan adalah untuk right incentives and oversight for management so that
memaksimalkan nilai setelah pajak [5]. managers make decisions taxes effectively and efficiently.
The tax will affect the company's cash flow, and the tax This study aims to examine how the reaction of investors
deduction is also an element of profit available for the to tax avoidance by the company in the event of changes in
company either to be distributed to shareholders or tax rates in Indonesia. Changes in tax laws in Indonesia
reinvested. Tax avoidance activities performed may increase result in a significant reduction in tax rates. In relation to the
the company's cash flow and increase the wealth of the change in tax rates of previous studies proved that the
company so as to enhance shareholder wealth. Tax reduction in tax rates benefit companies doing tax avoidance
avoidance actions the company should have responded is to maximize the value of the company [12-17].
positively by shareholders and investors. This study also looked at how the role of corporate
Although tax avoidance activity that the company can governance in the relationship between the reaction of
provide benefits to shareholders but previous studies on the investors to tax avoidance by the company. This is due to tax
effect of tax avoidance on investor reaction showed payments the company describes the transfer of the company
significant variations in results. Desai and Hines [6]; Hanlon to the government and this is directly related to the
and Slemrod [7] reported that tax avoidance by the company shareholder [18].
negatively affect investor reaction. On the other hand Desai, The existence of the agency problem inherent in any
et al. [8]; Desai and Dharmapala [2]; Blaylock, et al. [9] public company can be exploited by opportunistic managers
reported tax avoidance by the company positively affects divert company resources for personal gain. Corporate
investor reaction. But Weber [10] reported that tax governance can provide assurances that tax evasion by the
avoidance by the company do not affect the investor reaction. company solely for the interest of the company rather than
the interests of management.

This research focuses on corporate governance related to study also showed that investors were able to look up into
the owner of the company that the board of commissioners. the source-tax book income differences are large positive
Commissioners are responsible and have full authority to whether of earnings management or tax avoidance.
make decisions about how to carry out the direction, control Tax avoidance by the company can be interpreted as a signal
and supervision over the management consultancy resources to investors that the company promotes the interests of
in line with the company's goals [19]. Oversight by the board shareholders. If the manager does tax avoidance efforts
of commissioners is a very important mechanism in aligning optimally and investors have confidence in the tax avoidance
the interests of shareholders and management. The quality of measures that should have happened a positive relationship
corporate governance is widely associated with better between tax avoidance and the value of the company or
corporate performance [20]. investor reaction. Based on the above, the research
Using manufacturing companies suspected of committing hypothesis that will be tested are:
tax avoidance during the period from 2009 to 2012 the H1a: Tax avoidance positively has an effect for investor
research contributes to the literature by providing empirical reaction in the the occurrence of changes in tax
evidence that the first investors reacted positively to tax rates
avoidance by the company at the time of change of tax rates. H1b: Tax avoidance positively has an effect for investor
Both investors reacted negatively to tax avoidance by the reaction after the occurrence of a change in tax rates
company after the occurrence of changes in tax rates. The
third investor reaction to changes related to the practice of 2.1 Tax avoidance, Investor Reaction and Corporate
corporate governance. Governance
The following discussion is organized as follows: Part II In the traditional theory of tax avoidance is
will discuss the literature review and hypothesis considered as an activity to transfer the welfare of the
development. Section III discusses the methodology. Part IV country to the shareholders [11], therefore the separation of
will discuss the research results. Section V concludes with a ownership and control becomes important. Own shares risk -
conclusion. neutral will receive a manager acting on their behalf in order
II. METHOD to achieve maximum profit, including reducing tax liabilities
LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES for the expected profit is still above the estimated costs.
DEVELOPMENT Separation of ownership and management decision directing
2.1 Tax avoidance and Investor Reaction the corporate tax reflects the personal interests of managers.
Political cost theory which states that the tax is a transfer Separation kepemilakan and supervision shows that tax
of wealth from the company to the government [4]. Taxes avoidance is an important activity, so the owners need to
are payments that are not voluntary deduction elements into design incentives and appropriate supervision for
profit, both of which will be distributed to shareholders, and management so that managers make decisions taxes
which will be reinvested. Act of tax avoidance by the effective and efficient, that is, when the costs are still less
company can be defined as a transfer of wealth from the than the benefits to be received.
government to the shareholders [2]. Tax avoidance activities In the literature of the agency, tax avoidancedapat
undertaken by the company can improve a company's cash facilitate managerial opportunity to manipulate earnings or
flow and shareholder wealth. Actions of managers to the placement of resources which are not appropriate. Tax
minimize tax obligations are considered to be the company's avoidance represents a continuation of the company's tax
activities are increasingly important that corporate tax planning strategies. Activities memuncullkan tax avoidance
avoidance tax practice more widespread. opportunity for management in an activity that is designed to
Tax avoidance activities undertaken by the company can cover up bad news or mislead investors [27]. Managers can
be a positive signal for the company because it may mean justify the transactions on tax avoidance by claiming that the
that the company promotes the interests of shareholders. complexity and ketidaktauan be important in minimizing
Although the conduct of tax minimization companies should detection of the activity of tax avoidance tax inspectors.
consider the impact on financial reporting for tax Separation kepemilakan and supervision shows that tax
minimization strategies often using a variety of alternative avoidancemerupakan important activity, so the owners need
methods of accounting choice is also an impact on reducing to design incentives and appropriate oversight to
reported earnings [21]. management so that managers make decisions taxes
According to Ball [22]; Sunder (1973), (1975); Ricks [23]; effective and efficient, that is, when the costs are still less
Lanen and Thompson (1988) companies that replace the than the benefits to be received.
assessment method inventories and depreciation of its fixed This shows that the influence of shareholders in a tax
assets for tax reasons that change to a method that can make avoidance companies depends on the ability of shareholders
smaller tax payments received positive reaction from to control manager. Wang [28], proving the transparency of
investors when the company announced a change in the the company influence the actions of tax avoidance which
method. Investors shrugged off lower book profits but dilakukan.Hasil of the study found that tax avoidance affect
appreciate the benefits of taxation from the adoption of new the value of the company, especially for companies that
methods [22-26]. transparency is good. Research conducted by Tang, et al. [29]
Blaylock, et al. [9] found that companies that have a large proves that BTD negatively affected by earnings in
difference between book-tax income caused by tax subsequent periods.
avoidance positive response by the market as evidenced by Other studies on tax book defferences done by [30] by
the response coefficient greater profits. The results of this using a book tax differences as one of the indicators in

predicting and persistence of earnings, cash flow and accrual The different interest between a company and
in the future. The results of this study showed that management can be parallelized using the control
companies with large BTD earningnya presisten tend to be mechanism of corporate governance. The quality of the
less than the company with a smaller BTD. mechanism of the corporate governance is closely related to
Hanlon and Slemrod [7] examines how the market the performance of a company [20, 34-36].
reaction on tax avoidance actions undertaken by In this case, the board of commissioner as the top
perusahaan.Hanlon and Slemrod states that the tax measures organization leadership has the responsibility to direct, to
aggressiveness can increase or decrease the value of control, and to monitor the use of resources in order to
company stock. If the tax aggressiveness is seen as an effort parallelize the organization goal determined. In term of
to do tax planning and tax efficiency, the positive effect on corporate governance, the focus of the discussion will
firm value. However, if viewed as an act of non complience, always be the board of commissioner because they have the
it will increase the risk of reducing the value of the company. responsibility and full authority to make a decision about
The results of this study prove that the market reacted how to direct, control, and supervise the resource
negatively to the tax measures avoidance.Perusahaan with management in accordance with the company’s goals [38-
broader tax disclosures get a better reaction. When the 40]. Therefore, if the company has a good board of
company has a better governance goodcorporate then the commissioner, the company will have a good performance.
reaction would be more positive. Companies are more This quality of this function is the determinant to the
oriented toward more negative consumer reaction and the effectiveness of the corporate governance. The Committee of
reaction depends on the perception of investors on the level Governance Policy (KNKG, 2004) stated that the board of
of corporate tax evasion. Hanlon and Slemrod [7] commissioner has the responsibility and authority to control
concluding that the mockup positively surpraise. management action, and gives suggestion to management as
Research in Indonesia about the effect of the tax book necessary. The hypothesis is:
differences with persistesi earnings and the value of the H2a: Board of commissioner moderates positively the
company conducted by Martani, et al. [31]. The results of relationship between tax avoidance and investor
this study showed that companies with large negative BTD, reaction in the the occurrence of changes in tax
persistence lower earnings compared with small companies. rates
BTD relation to the value of the company, the study found H2b: Board of commissioner moderates positively the
that BTD positive effect on the performance of the company relationship between tax avoidance and investor
in the future. reaction after the the occurrence of changes in tax
Shareholders, as a supervisor approves tax avoidance rates
actions undertaken by management when profits or benefits Empirical research model can be seen in Figure 1
that will be received over compensation, the activity is still Figure 1 Empirical Research Model
higher than the costs incurred. In addition, the tax also be
one of the factors that motivate and decisive in the decision
making of the company. In Indonesia, law enforcement and
Board of
discipline the application of the rules is still low, so that tax
avoidance is seen as a benefit and not a risk, because the
detection risk can be minimized.
Corporate Governace is a system that regulates and
controls the company that is expected to provide and
Tax Investor
enhance the company's value to its shareholders [32]. The
Avoidance Reaction
linkage between corporate governance due to tax avoidance
transactions are usually very complex tax avoidance which
allows managers involved in activities that harm
shareholders. The asymmetry of information between the Source: Developed for this article
two led to high chance of misuse of managerial positions in
performing the methods of tax avoidance. Corporate
governance can be used to assist companies in aligning the III. METODOLOGY
interests of owners and management [33]. Corporate The study population was all manufacturing companies
Governace a rule, procedures and a clear relationship listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2009 to 2012. The
between the parties that take decisions by parties to a control use of the 2009 and 2010 due in 2009 and 2010 changes in
/ supervision of the decision. tax rates in Indonesia. In 2011 and 2012 is a year after the
This research focuses on corporate governance related to introduction of new tariffs. This research does not only focus
the owner of the company that the board of commissioners. on the time of the change in tariff but also in the event of
Taxes paid by the company will deal directly with changes in tax rates.
shareholders because they illustrate the magnitude of the The sample is a manufacturing company that is suspected
transfer of the company to the government and it [18]. of tax avoidance. In this study used the word alleged tax
Oversight by the board of directors and shareholders is a avoidance because in Indonesia there is no tax avoidance
very important factor in harmonizing the interests of Act, so that there are no clear criteria whether a company
shareholders and management.. doing tax avoidance or not. Criteria for companies doing tax
Board of commissioner avoidance is referring to research daughter and Tanno [41]

where the company is considered a tax avoidance is a
company that has a value ETR (Effective Tax Rate) brought
the applicable tax rates. III. RESULT
The sampling method in this study using purposive
sampling method. The sampling process was carried out two Descriptive statistics of the sample data are shown in the
stages. The first stage is based on the following criteria: table. 2.
1. Manufacturing companies that publish Audited Table 2 Descriptive Statistics
Financial Statement as of December 31 consistently
and complete from 2009-2012. Descriptio Mean Standar Deviasi
2. Have each period financial statements ended December n 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
31 N 09 10 11 12 09 10 11 12
3. The financial statements do not use foreign currencies 80 0.1 0.2 0.2 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4. Companies that do not have a negative earnings before TA 0 0 1 19 9 5 3 8
tax. 80 0.5 0.1 0.3 0. 1.1 0.5 0.8 0.5
After being elected the company in accordance with the CAR 6 9 2 29 7 9 0 7
first phase, the election of the second stage of determining 80 4.3 4.4 4.5 4. 2.1 1.8 2.0 1.9
the company suspected of tax avoidance by comparing the BOC 0 8 0 24 1 3 4 7
value of ETR company with the applicable tax rate. In 2009, Source: Developed for this article
the applicable tax rate is 28%, so the company is suspected Description
of tax avoidance is a company that has a value below 28% TA: Tax avoidance
have ETRs. In 2010 to 2012 the applicable tax rate is 25%, CAR: Cumulative abnormal return
so the company suspected of tax avoidance is a company BOC: Board of Commissioner
that has a value below 25% ETR. Hypothesis testing is done
using WarpPLS program version 4.0. Summary of the The test results of research with the full model WarpPLS
definitions and measurement of research variables in detail 4.0 are presented in Table 3 for a period of tariff changes
can be seen in Table 1. and Table 4 for the period after tariff change. In Table 3
Table 1. Based on the output of the model fit and quality indices have
Resume of Definition and Measurement of Variable value models APC=0.324, ρ<0.001; ARS=0.294, ρ =0.001;
Variable Measurement AARS=0.257, ρ =0.003; AVIF=1.146, (acceptable if ≤ 5,
Eogenous Tax avoidance Rate = Prevailing Tax rate ideally ≤ 3.3); AFVIF=1.216, (acceptable if ≤ 5, ideally ≤
Tax Avoidance Regulation –effective tax rate. 3.3); GoF=0.542, small ≥ 0.1, medium≥ 0.25, large ≥ 0.36.
In 2009, the prevailing tax rate regulation In Table 4 Based on the output of the model fit and
is 28%, 25% in 2010-2012 quality indices have value models APC=0.276, ρ=0.002;
Endogenous The steps: ARS=0.147, ρ =0.034; AARS=0.100, ρ =0.077;
Cumulative 1. Events periods are 12 months starting
AVIF=1.010, (acceptable if ≤ 5, ideally ≤ 3.3);
Abnormal Return from third month after accounting year
2. Estimation period is 24 months AFVIF=1.290, (acceptable if ≤ 5, ideally ≤ 3.3); GoF=0.384,
3. Estimating normal return of each (small ≥ 0.1, medium≥ 0.25, large ≥ 0.36). WarpPLS
security with using market model: provision states that the value of ρ for APC and ARS should
Ri,t = αi + βi,t .RM,t +εi,t be less than 0.05 (significant). Value AVIF and
Whrere Ri,t is expected return on AFVIFsebagai multikolinearitas indicators must be smaller
security, βi,t is beta coefficient for than 5, and the provisions for GoF value is small> = 0.1,
security, RMi,t is the expected return medium> = 12:25, large> = 0:36. Referring to these
on the market portfolio provisions, it can be concluded that this research model is fit.
4. To seek abnormal return of each
The test results show the value of R2 endogenous
security is differences or actual return
with estimation return: variables are 29.4% and 14.7% (CAR). The research model
ARi,t = Ri,t – E(Ri,t) has predictive relevance for Q2 above have value 0. Based
Where ARi,t is Abnormal return, Ri,t is on the value Full collinearity VIF under 3.3 indicate in our
actual retun, E(Ri,t) is ecpected return. model there is no multicolinearity.
5. CAR= Cumulative abnormal return of Hypothesis 1a states that tax avoidance positive effect on
each share during 12 months starting investor reaction in the period of tax rate changes. Based on
from third month after accounting year the output WarpPLS as presented Table 3 unknown path
is finished coefficient value TA → CAR is 0242 and significant with
CAR(ti,tp)i,t = ∑t1→tpARi,t
the value ρ = 0.008. It can be concluded that the tax
Where CAR(ti,tp)i,t is cumulative
abnormal return, ARi,t is Abnormal avoidance positive effect on investor reaction in the period
return. of tax rate changes. Based on the above it can be concluded
Moderation Number of the company commissioner hypothesis 1 is accepted by the coefficient of determination
Board of board member Lipton and Lorsch [42], for 0294.
Commissioner Jensen [43], Yermack [44] Hypothesis 1b states that tax avoidance positive effect on
Source: Developed for this article investor reaction after a period of change in tax rates. Based
on the output WarpPLS as presented Table 4 unknown value
TA → CAR path coefficient is -0344 and significant with

the value ρ <0.001. It can be concluded that the tax BOC*TA→ EM: BOC moderate the relationship between T &
avoidance negatively affect investor reaction after a period EM
of change in tax rates. Based on the above it can be
concluded 1b hypothesis is rejected by the value of
determination coefficient of 0.147. Table 5 Summary of Hypothesis Testing
2A hypothesis states that commissioners moderate Hypothesis Conclusion
positive (strengthen) the impact of tax avoidance on investor Hypothesis 1a: Hypothesis
reaction in the period of tax rate changes. Based on the Tax avoidance positively has an effect for investor Accepted
output WarpPLS as presented in Table 3 is known that Line reaction in the the occurrence of changes in tax
dekom * TA → CAR, shows the 0406 and significant rates
coefficient with a value of ρ <0.001. It can be concluded that Hypothesis 1b: Hypothesis
the commissioners moderate positive (strengthening) the Tax avoidance positively has an effect for investor Accepted
relationship between tax avoidance and the reaction of reaction after the occurrence of a change in tax
investors in the period of tax rate changes. Based on the rates
above it can be concluded 2a hypothesis accepted by the Hypothesis 2a: Hypothesis
coefficient of determination 0294. Board of commissioner moderates positively the Rejected
Hypothesis 2b states that commissioners moderate relationship between tax avoidance and investor
positive (strengthen) the impact of tax avoidance on investor reaction in the the occurrence of changes in tax
reaction after a period of change in tax rates. Based rates
WarpPLS output as shown in Table 4 is known that Line Hypothesis 2b: Hypothesis
Board of commissioner moderates positively the Rejected
dekom * TA → CAR, shows the value -0208 and significant
relationship between tax avoidance and investor
coefficient with the value ρ = 0.019. Although the results are reaction after the the occurrence of changes in tax
significant to the value ρ = 0.019, but the coefficient is rates
negative, which means that valuable means to moderate the Source: Developed for this article
negative, namely commissioners moderate the negative
(weaken) the impact of tax avoidance on investor reaction
after a period of change in tax rates. This is not consistent
with the hypothesis put forward. Based on the above it can
be concluded that the hypothesis is rejected 2b
commissioners not moderate positive effects of tax This research aims to investigate the reaction of investors
avoidance on investor reaction after a period of change in tax to corporate tax avoidance when there is a change in
rates. corporate tax rates in Indonesia. Changes in tax law in
Table 3 Output WarpPLS 4.0 Indonesia resulted in a significant reduction in tax rates that
in the the occurrence of changes in tax rates came into effect during the two periods of 2009 and 2010.
Model Fit and Quality Indices This research uses the data of manufacturing company that
APC=0.324, ρ<0.001 registered in The Indonesian Stock Exchange. The result of
ARS=0.294, ρ =0.001 the research proved that investors react positively to
AARS=0.257, ρ =0.003 corporate tax avoidance in the years to tariff changes and
AVIF=1.146, acceptable if ≤ 5, ideally ≤ 3.3
AFVIF=1.216, acceptable if ≤ 5, ideally ≤
react negatively related to corporate tax avoidance after a
3.3 period of tariff changes. The different reactions of investors
GoF=0.542, small ≥ 0.1, medium≥ 0.25, associated with, the practice of corporate governance.
large ≥ 0.36
Jalur Coefficients ρ-value
BOC*TA→ 0.406 <0.001
We would like to thank Causal Productions for permits to
R2 Q2 Full
use and revise the template provided by Causal Productions.
Collin VIF Original version of this template was provided by courtesy
CAR 0.294 0.269 of Causal Productions (
Total Effec Coefficients ρ-value
TA → CAR 0.284 0.008
BOC*TA→ 0.406 <0.001 REFERENCES
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The Contribution of Grade Point Average (GPA) of Cumlaude
Alumni to the Type and the Career Relevancy
Zulvia Trinova, S.Ag., M.Pd.1),  Aprizal Ahmad, S.Ag., M.Pd.2)
 1)Lecturer of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
E-mail: (

Lecturer of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang 

Abstract. The success of higher education institutions can be seen from several indicators. One of the indicators is the
institutions that can produce outputs and outcomes with the competence in relation to the needs of society. The
graduates’ academic achievement can be described through their grade point average (GPA). There are 79 graduates
who got Cum Laude predicate at the Department of Islamic Studies, IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in the 1st Period of
graduation which was held on August to September and in the 2nd period on March, from the academic year of 2011 to
2015. The lowest GPA is 3.5 while the highest GPA is 3.93. The graduates who got Cum Laude have worked in
several field of jobs; such as as Islamic Religion teachers, staffs in government offices, banks, political parties both in
West Sumatra and out of Sumatra. The study showed that there is no significant contribution of GPA with their
career. It implied that GPA will not determine the graduate career either as teacher on Islamic Religion or as teacher
on social science and civics education. It also found that the graduates who work in out of field of studies was caused
by the demand of the schools because of lack of teachers.

Keywords: Cum Laude Achievement, Type of Career, Career Relevancy

for undergraduate programs (S1), and the lowest grade is B.

I. INTRODUCTION The following table is the distribution of alumni for Cum
The success of an institution can be seen from several Laude predicate in Faculty of Teacher training in IAIN
indicators. One of indicators is an institution that can Imam Bonjol Padang.
generate outputs and outcomes (working graduate) by From the preliminary data, it was obtained information of
applying their knowledge in the relevant field of work the alumni who had a GPA with Cum Laude predicate. They
according to the needs of society. This is one of the goals of have various work Careers such as being a teachers are both
education that the graduates’ knowledge can be useful in the civil servants and non civil servants. They work as Islamic
public profesionally which is related to the expertise of the teacher civics teacher and Indonesian teacher .They teache in
graduates. thel level not only at the level of elementary, junior
Tracing studies was conducted to seek the graduates’ job high,senior high, MI, MTs, MA, but also in early childhood
and the relevancy of the job field in accordance with the education. In addition, the information was also obtained
need of the community. Therefore, tracer study is necessary about alumni who work for the government bank, as
done every year regularly. Tracking studies contain politician, and as enterpreneurship. From this tracing studies,
information about a graduate of work, type of work, the some Alumni doesn’t work in the same field as their
benefits of graduates by the users (stakeholders). Then, in education at the Faculty of teacher training of IAIN Imam
this studies, there are also several section that is still related Bonjol Padang.
to the graduates’ information such as is the suitability of the The purpose of this research is to describe (1) The grade
educational background to their career, the achievements point average (GPA) of alumni predicated Cum Laude at the
obtained during their education process, the suitability of the Department of Islamic Education Faculty of Teacher
graduates’ ability to the needs of society, the limitations of Training in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, (2) type and the
graduates in devoting their knowledge, the waiting period of relevance of the work of alumni of the Islamic Education
graduates in getting a job and their salary. Department in the Faculty of Teacher Training IAIN Imam
Faculty of Teacher Training as the oldest faculty in IAIN Bonjol Padang, and (3) the contribution of grade point
Imam Bonjol Padang holds the graduation ceremony twice a average (GPA) of Cum Laude predicate to the type and the
year. Many alumni were obtained Cum Laude predicate. work relevancy toward the alumni of the Islamic Education
Cum Laude can be achieved by students in accordance with Department of Teacher Training Faculty in IAIN Imam
the campus policy (Academic Guidelines IAIN Imam Bonjol: Bonjol Padang.
2014)[1] ,namely, a The minimum GPA is 3:50 (three point Each institution will continue to improve the quality of
five zero), the study lasts for 8 (eight) semesters respectively its human resources. institutions should prepare graduates

who are job ready and skilled in their field. By preparing the course Not last than 8 (eight) consecutive semesters for S1,
qualified and relevant output to the need of the society will and the lowest value is B.
be an important influence for the academic community and
society at large because in the real field, the alumni will
serve the public, both communities in the school II. METHODS
environment and society in general. This type of research is descriptive research. The
Work is an economic activity that a person does to earn approach used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative
income. Work is defined as productive activities in approach. This approach was used to collect the information,
performing an activity for obtaining income. Working opinions, data, and input from the alumni about the type of
efficiently is to work with movement, effort, time and less job of the graduates who obtained Cum Laude predicate on
fatigue. Efficient work can be applied by each employee for Islamic Religious Education Department (PAI) of Teacher
big or small jobs, so it can speed up the completion of the Training IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang and their relevancy
task by saving energy, time, cost, other materials careers to the society needs.
(Sedarmayanti, 2011: 183) [2]. The research was conducted from September to
The job description is a written statement of what is November 2016 by collecting the data of students’ GPA
actually done by the worker, how he does it, and how the with Cum Laude predicate in the period 2011-2015 and their
condition works by writing the specifications of the work type of Job and the relevance of the work undertaken
associated with the knowledge, abilities, and skills required completely.
to perform the work satisfactorily (Gary Dessler, 2006: 130) The data collected in this study is GPA of the alumni
[3]. with cum laude Predicate. Subsequently, the ordinal data
Work is an activity or an action that produces something that were collected about the type and relevance of the work of
is usually in the form of matter. These jobs can be grouped alumni with cum laude predicate at the Department of PAI
into two.They are: (1) Work that requires expertise and Faculty of Teacher Training IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang,
specific education. Example: teachers, doctors, and pilots; (2) which consists of several categories, namely: Teacher/ Civil
Work that does not require expertise and specific education. Servant/Freelance Teacher (4), the State / Private Employees
Example: construction building and rickshaw drivers. (3), Farmers, Fishermen, Craftsman (2), and Unemployment
This type of work is a form of employment that was / continue studying to S2 (1). Furthermore, the relevance of
involved someone who categorized into civil servants, the work can be categorized into the teacher of Islamic
private sector employees, farmers, fishermen, farmers, and Religion (2), Non Teacher of Islamic Religion (1), The
handyman. population in this study was the graduates of the Department
Islamic Education Department Teacher Training of IAIN of Islamic Education on Teacher TrainingFaculty of IAIN
Imam Bonjol Padang as an Islamic educational institution Imam Bonjol Padang with Cum Laude predicate period 2011
has the vision and a mission to make the alumni become - 2015 which amounted to 79 people with the following
educators on Islamic Religion Subject in formal and description: Data collection techniques in this study were as
informal institutions. The education that has been passed follows:
should have relevance to the work taken by alumni, in the 1. Questionnaire
field of Islamic religion. Data obtained by contacting the alumni directly (offline),
Grade Point shows the Achievement of students in or via e-mail, sending Text and calling, and seeking from
participating during the educational process in one semester, various social networks, such as Blacberry messenger,
while the grade point average (GPA) shows an average of all Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram (online).
Grade Points that have been achieved in the previous 2. Interview
semester cumulative or total (Academic Guidelines IAIN Interviews were conducted to Gather the data of alumni
Imam Bonjol Padang: 2014) [1], At the higher education work, both of its kind and its relevance to the field of PAI
level, Grade Point is calculated as the average norm of value (Y1 and Y2 variable).
obtained by a student on the course after weighted on 3. Documentation
"Credit Score". The value Norm ranges from 4 (A, best) to 0 The document were in the form of the decree of the
(E, failed). Furthermore, the number of credits is determined authority related to their teaching position and their work.
the amount (usually 1 to 4 Semester Credit/SKS) based on They were obtained from the tracer studies in PAI
the weight of each course. The weights are determined based Department for the past four years.
on the importance of these courses in enhancing the Those research data that had been collected in this study
competence of graduates. Grade point is calculated for each were supported by interview and the document of GPA and
semester. Furthermore it is stated by Suharsono (2010) [4], type of work as a teacher of Islamic religion and non
the GPA with a value of zero indicates a very low level of Islamic teachers, private sector employees, farmers,
intelligence; one shows a low level of intelligence; two fishermen, cattleman, craftsmen, or unemployment, and
shows the level of sufficient intelligence, three shows a high continuing their education to a higher level.
level of intelligence, and four shows a very high level of For quantitative data, the data analysis technique used
intelligence. was the analysis of statistical data such as frequency,
According to the academic guiedlines of IAIN Imam percentage, and averages by classifying the data. Descriptive
Bonjol Padang (2014) [1], Cum Laude can be given if: (1) a regression analysis aimed to find out how big contribution of
minimum GPA of 3.50; (2) The period of completion of the X variable to Y1 and Y2 variable. Regression was analzyzed
to seek the grade point average (GPA) with Cum Laude

predicate (X variable), and the type and relevance of Work graduates, 4 female and 2 male. From the data obtained
(Y1 and Y2 variable)of the alumni of the Department of through social media, there are two people continuing to a
Islamic Education on teacher training Faculty of IAIN Imam higher level S2 in the Graduate program IAIN Imam Bonjol
Bonjol Padang Padang. These two alumni do not work because they want to
focus on their study.
In the Period of March 2016, they teach Islamic
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION religioon sbject in junior high school, boarding school, and
The alumni at the Department of Islamic Education on the two of them went on to a higher level of study (S2). Yet,
Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in the data were found different. There are alumni who teach
the period 2011 - 2015 with cum laude Predicate were 79 social science in junior high school Padang Panjang. Social
people who graduated in the first period in science doesnot categorize on PAI subject, but they teach it
August/September and in the second period in March each because there was no more job opportunities anymore.
year. Those are the data descriptions of alumni on the
Cum laude Alumni who graduated in the first Period of Department of Islamic Education with Cum Laude predicate
September 2011 were 9 people, 5 women and 4 men. From from the period 2011 - 2015. There were alumni who teach
these data, the five alumni who are female have been in elementary, junior high, high school, boarding school, and
teaching Islamic religion subject at the various levels of various universities, both public and private. Beside that,
schools and Islamic school, such as in elementary, junior also there are some alumni who are self-employed byrunning
high, MTs, and a boarding school while the male alumni farm and trade and the others continue to a higher level S2
arenot teachers. They work for government, in the Bank, as in various campus such as IAIN Imam Bonjol and UPI
administration in the Political Parties, enterpreurship, and Bandung.
continue his education to a higher level S2 in the Graduate The cum laude Alumni at the Department of Islamic
program IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Education were 79 people spreaded in various types of work,
In the period on March 2012 graduation, the cum laude both as a teacher of Islamic and non-Islamic religion, but
alumni were only 2 females. They are now working as there are also working for government, Bank outside of
lecturers in Islamic Education Colege STAI Yastis Padang West Sumatra, and in political parties, and as KUA the
and in the Department of PAI Faculty of Teacher Trainig administration.
IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. GPA with cumlaude Data were as X variable, the type of
The alumni data with cum laude predicate in the period work and its relevance as a variable Y1 and Y2. These had
of September 2012 graduation showed that the alumni were been collected from various sources, both from the academic
8 people, three women and five men. They teach Islamic and student affairs document and from direct informants
Religion Subject , work in kindergarten, do enterpreurship, through various means of communication.
and continue study to S2 in UPI Bandung and IAIN Imam Here is the distribution of research data of X and Y2
Bonjol Padang. Based on the field of study taught, there are variables with the total number of X turned into 60 because
alumni who teach two subjects, namely PAI and Civics. they had a job as a teacher, but not all of them become
Alumni who taught Civics due to a lack of teachers who teachers on Islamic religion. It is shown from the following
teach in junior high school Bukittinggi for Civics education. table.
Furthermore, there are also alumni teaching in kindergarten Based on the frequency of the data above, it can be seen
while continueing study to S2 in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. that the contributions of GPA with cumlaude predicate on
In the period of March 2013, 4 Cum Laude alumni were the types and relevance of the work undertaken by alumni,
obtained. All of them are female. They are teaching Islamic namely as a teacher of Islamic religion or non-religion.
Religion Subject in boarding school, elementary and junior Description in the table below.
high while continuing their study to S2 IAIN Imam Bonjol Based on the data analysis, the value of R Square is
Padang. 0.017 or 1.7% with the value of alpha> 0.05 at 0.249. It
In the period of September 2013 was a period that means there are no significant contributions of the alumni
produced more cumlaude graduates than the previous ones. with cumlaude GPA to the type of work undertaken by
They were 18 alumni. 8 are female, and 10 are male. 10 these alumni. It can be seen that although the GPA is high
graduates work as teachers of Islamic religion subject. one of but they work in various forms of works, as teachers,
them Teaches Al Qu'ran. In addition, there are alumni who working for government both state and private, bussinesman,
teach Curriculum in the Department of Islamic Religion on trade, farming, and continuing their education to a higher
Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. level.
The data above shows that not all alumni Teach Islamic Having interviewed, some alumni answered that they
subject, but there is also as a KUA staff and continue study worked just based on the job opportunities which was
to S2. For the alumni who continue study in IAIN Imam available at the time while waiting for being the teacher of
Bonjol Padang applied directly without pursueing the career islamic religion teacher, but some preferred not being as a
as a teacher of Islamic religion. teacher. This occurred not because there is no job
In the period of March 2014, there are 7 alumni with opportunities as teacher but because they donot have
cumlaude predicate, 3 women and 4 men. 6 alumni teach interest on being a techer. Here are the results obtained on
Islamic religion and one of them went the higher level of regression to X to Y2 variable.
education. Based on the above data, it can be seen that between the
In the period of March 2015, there were 6 cum laude Alumni’s GPA with cumlaude predicate and their relevance

of the work obtained the value of R Square of 0.003 or 0.3%
to the level of alpha> 0.05 that is equal to 0,656. It is
claimed that a high GPA do not specify that the alumni will
surely be teaching an islamic religion subject, but also other
subjects such as social studies, civics, and general field like
indonsian etc. Based on the information obtained, they teach
subjects of non- islamic religon because of the demand from
the school due to of the lack of teachers in the schools the
keep teaching that subjects evethough it is not their expertise
as alumni of the Department of Islamic Education IAIN
Imam Bonjol Padang.

1. The Alumni of Department of Islamic Religion Education
who obtained Cum Laude were 79 people from August
2011 to March 2015 of the graduation. the lowest GPA
was 3.5 and the highest was 3.93.
2. The alumni with cumlaude predicate at the Department of
Islamic Education were 79 people spreaded in various
kinds of job , not only as a teacher of Islamic religion
and non Islamic religion , but also there are some
alumni working for government such as in the Bank, out
of West Sumatra, and working in the political parties
and as KUA the administrator.
3. Based on the results of the research, it reveals that there
is no significant contribution between the alumni with
cumlaude predicate and the type of work undertaken by
these alumni. It can be seen that although the GPA is
high but they work in various kinds of job, such working
as teachers, working in government agencies,both states
and private, bussinesman, merchant, farming, and
continuing their education to a higher level. Furthermore,
a high GPA did not specify that the alumni will be
teaching an islamic religion, but they also teahc the
subject other than islamic subject. For example social
studies, civics, and general subjects.

[1] Tim Penyusun. Pedoman Akademik IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
Tahun 2014 – 2015. Padang: Imam Bonjol Press. 2014.
[2] Sedarmayanti. Tata Kerja dan Produktivitas Kerja. Bandung:
Mandar Maju. 2011.
[3] Gary Dessler. Human Resource Management. New Jersey: Upper
Saddle River. Terj. Paramitha Rahayu. Manajemen Sumber Daya
Manusia. Klaten: Intan Sejati. 2006.
[4] Suharsono. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif, Agama, dan Geografis
Tempat Tinggal dengan Penalaran Moral Mahasiswa. Semarang:
Fakultas Psikologi. 2010.
[5] Tim Penyusun. Pedoman Akademik IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
Tahun 2014 – 2015. Padang: Imam Bonjol Press. 2014.

Pre-service Teachers’ Attitude on ELT Research: An Effort
to Boost Research Performance
Martin Kustati1)
1) Imam Bonjol State Islamic Institute of Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. This paper reports on a research determining the attitudes of pre-service EFL teachers’ attitude to research in
English language teaching (ELT) in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. A mixed method was used in this study. A survey
questionnaire was completed by 217 (F= 187, M=30) participants who enrolled in the fourth year of undergraduate
teacher education. Then, interview was used to identify their problems in conducting the research. The participants
acknowledged that they had positive attitudes towards research in ELT. Meanwhile, they had negative views about
English department involvement in their research. While there were no significant sex differences in the attitudes to ELT
research. The interview findings revealed that there were some factors that made them get difficulties in doing their
research. The pedagogical implications of the study for the pre-service teachers include the need to be aware of the
significant relationship between attitude and background in research practice and they should be trained formally on
conducting and writing ELT research.

Keywords: Attitude, Pre-service Teachers, ELT Reseach, Research Performance, EFL Teaching

study program involve 217 comprising 187 women and

Studies on attitude to English language teaching Based on preliminary study that carried out in the
(ELT) research have taken mammoth advances over the Department of Methodologies and Educational Practices in
past few decades, which have had its significance the Teaching English as a Foreign Language in State
implications for the ELT itself. Several studies have Institute for Islamic Studies Imam Bonjol Padang, West
examined pre-service teachers’ attitudes on ELT Sumatra – Indonesia, majority of pre-service teachers face
research (Newell & Cunliffe, 2003; Tercanlioglu, 2005). some problems in doing their research. First problem relates
Then, the literature on ELT research suggests that the to the choice of research design. 90% of pre-service teachers
concept of attitude is regarded as one of the most chose experimental research. It must be contradicted with
essential elements within a language teacher education the expectation that they are recommended to use various
scheme (de los Angeles Clemente, 2001). Positive types of research design in case of responding the problem
attitude on research enables them to transfer the theories, or the phenomenon in the field. Second problem,
idea into a form of research. Meanwhile, if they have undergraduate pre-service teacher cannot write an ideal
negative attitude on research, they will find difficulties introduction of a research. As a matter of a fact they put too
in doing a research. Burns & others (2009); Crookes & much theory and less problem or phenomenon to be
Chandler (2001) state that the undergraduate pre-service researched. Thirdly, it was also identified that they fail in
teachers have negative attitudes on research because they formulating the research problem. Finally, they still have
are not well-trained to read research journal, do not have low motivation to find the reading resources which available
sufficient knowledge about types of research design and in the form of journals, articles or even books.
topic relate to their field. TABLE I
A study by Torcanlioglu (2011) showed that FONT SIZES FOR PAPERS
majority of respondents have a positive attitude towards Font Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
research in the field of language teaching. The study also Size Regular Bold Italic
found that respondents had a negative attitude towards 8 table caption (in reference item
the involvement of the faculty. The conclusion of the Small Caps), (partial)
study is interesting, but there is a need to conduct a figure caption,
similar research in other countries. Then, a set of reference item
questionnaire is only used to answer research question, 9 author email address abstract abstract heading
(in Courier), body (also in Bold)
thus, it is still essential to study deeply by using mixed
cell in a table
method (questionnaire and interview). The number of 10 level-1 heading (in level-2 heading,
respondents in the study is relatively small, only 173 Small Caps), level-3 heading,
people. Respondents of the current study in the English paragraph author affiliation

12 author name b.Research Question 2: Is there any significant
18 Title difference between males’ and females’ attitudes on ELT
II. METHODS The issue of gender and its relation to human internal
The Research design is a specific description of the psychology become a trend topic in the past decades. But in
data and systematic planning between variables (Ary, Jacobs, the case of its’ relation with their attitude on ELT research It
Sorensen, & Walker, 2013; Fraenkel & Wallen, 2008, 2008). was found that there is no significant relation among both
It emphasizes the process of research, that is, what variable males’ and females’ attitudes).
researchers actually do as they go about designing and
carrying out their research activities. Rather than passively c. Research Question 3: Why do undergraduate pre-
reading about research operations, it promotes content service teachers have difference attitudes on ELT research?
mastery by using a three-step pedagogical model that The majority of undergraduate pre-service teacher
involves: a manageable chunk of text, a comprehension or acknowledged that ELT research is difficult for several
application exercise, and author feedback on the exercise. reasons. The first factor is the lack of knowledge on ELT
The text contains approximately 150 of these exercise- research methodology. The second factor is lack of training
feedback units. The second edition has been thoroughly on how to write a good proposal and research report. The
updated, expanded from 15 to 20 chapters, and reorganized third factor is the Lack of lecturers’ involvement in their
into two parts. Part I covers basic aspects of the research research activities. The fourth factor is the difficulty in
process, provides an example of a student research proposal, having administrative service from the Faculty. The Fifth
and shows how to evaluate a research report. Part II provides factor is the lack of reading sources in the library. The sixth
a separate chapter for each research methodology, including factor is the difficulties in getting internet access in the
two chapters on qualitative research. Other noteworthy campus. The last factor is the academic supervisors who are
changes include more annotated studies and more visual not from English department.
illustrations of statistical and research methods. (Ary, Jacobs,
Sorensen, & Walker, 2013; Wallen & Fraenkel, 2013) . Discussion for pre-service undergraduate teachers of
Therefore, a systematic description of the procedure English attitudes towards research in the field of English
is obviously very important before doing research. This language teaching will be elaborated by the research
study uses mixed method, combining quantitative and question, the answer begins with a discussion on pre-service
qualitative. Dual method is a type of research that combine undergraduate teacher attitudes toward research in the field
between qualitative and quantitative methods in a single of English language teaching. The descriptions of pre-
study (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004, 17). One of the service undergraduate teacher attitudes toward research at
advantages of the dual method lies in the ability to provide The English teaching field as a whole is based on
in-depth facts to answer the research questions. The design questionnaire answers given by the pre-service
was chosen not only to perform but also to triangulate, undergraduate teachers who are completing the final project
complementary qualitative and quantitative income (Babbie based on 7 indicators of attitudes (Bolton 1999). These
2001; Gay and Airasian 2000; Meredith et al., 2003; indicators include pre-service undergraduate teacher
Neuman 2006). perceptions on research in the field of English language
teaching in general, the role of research in the courses
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION offered, pre-service undergraduate teacher attitudes toward
research, pre-service undergraduate teacher confidence in
a. Research Question 1: What are undergraduate pre-
doing research, the role of research in the teaching
service teachers’ attitudes on ELT Research?
profession, and Department of Methodologies & Educational
What emerged most significantly from this research
Practices In the Teaching English as a Foreign Language
project was that concerning how undergraduate pre-service
involvement study.
teachers felt about ELT research in general, 89 % thought
A surprising finding on pre-service undergraduate
that it was difficult even though 73.3 % thought research to
teacher attitudes toward research shows that they had
be interesting. However, 83 % considered ELT research
positive perceptions of the research in which they
necessary. The respondents appeared to be positive towards
acknowledge that most research in the field of English
the overall concept of research in ELT. Participants’
language teaching is easy, important and interesting but
attitudes to the research and its role in their undergraduate
some other pre-service undergraduate teachers claimed that
course and future profession were positive, and they were
it as a hesitant task, difficult , and boring to do. The result
confident about their ability to understand research and
also shows that in an educational context, understanding
research terminology related to English teacher education.
differences and ideology of the academic activities in the
However, they had negative views about English
form of research activity is a commonplace. This fact is also
department, especially their lecturers’ involvement in
supported by some of the foremost experts in language
research. Only, 73 % agreed that their lecturers place great
teaching that discuss the attitudes towards the field of
emphasis on research. 15 % stated that they discuss their
English. For example, Newell and Cunliffe (2003) who
own research interests in class. Finally, it is only 12 % of the
states that the pre-service undergraduate teachers have a
respondents said lecturer use research findings as part of
different attitude about the nature and significance of the
their teaching material.
research for them, especially as the final project for the
completion of the program is a relatively common (Nagda et

al, 1998). In line with the expert opinion is a research has various parties will make the pre-service undergraduate
been conducted by Tercanlioglu (2011) at the University of teacher easier and motivated to do this research. Third, the
Ataturk Turkey. The study is entitled "Pre-service EFL pre-service undergraduate teacher is dependent upon the
Teachers' Attitude towards Research". To measure attitudes, lecturers in the faculty, department, or program of study to
Tercanlioglu use 6 of 7 indicators attitude indicator provide knowledge and guidance on the concept of research
developed by Bolton (1999). The results showed that almost in the field of English language teaching. Pre-service
all respondents had a positive attitude towards research in undergraduate teachers have not trained themselves to self-
the field of language teaching. The study also found that learning by finding reading materials in the library or on the
respondents had a negative attitude towards the involvement internet, meet and discuss with the lecturer or discussing
of the faculty. However, the research interesting research in the field of language teaching. Fourth,
should be going into an activity that is very important if the academic lecturers are mostly from non-English language. In
pre-service undergraduate teacher of the department of fact, the pre-service undergraduate teacher must first consult
methodologies & educational practices in the teaching about the proposal they would taken to proposal seminar
English as a foreign language have positive attitudes toward before the board of examination.
the importance of the study and performed the appropriate
steps and make a significant contribution to the field of IV. CONCLUSIONS
scientific research. From various surveys that have been The attitude of the pre-service undergraduate teacher
conducted in many countries, there are some benefits that of Department of Methodologies & Educational Practices in
can be derived for the pre-service undergraduate teachers if the Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Faculty of
they can do the research properly and in accordance with Tarbiyah, IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang to study English
procedures. In addition, the benefits of research to the pre- language teaching shows a few differences, although the
service undergraduate teachers is as the final project, and as differences were not significant. There were 74% of pre-
a condition to pursue graduate study (Hathaway et al, 2002; service undergraduate teachers considered research in
Alexander et al, 1998). Research is also useful for the English is difficult, although 61% of pre-service
development of certain skills (Kardash, 2000; Lopatto, 2006; undergraduate teachers admitted that research in this
Seymour et al, 2004) or the maturation of a way of thinking exciting field. However, 83% of them basically stated that
(Ryder et al, 1999.), concentrated in both career goals and research is very important for them to do a final project for
skills development and a measure of personal growth research experience and it make makes them gain significant
(Lopatto, 2006), sebgaimana has been described in the experience in career when they became a teacher later.
There was no significant difference between the The pre-service undergraduate teachers for overall
attitude of male and female pre-service undergraduate had a positive attitude towards the whole concept of other
teachers. That is, both male and female pre-service research in the field of English language teaching in the field.
undergraduate teachers likely have the same attitude. It The attitude of pre-service undergraduate teachers towards
implies that there is no gender bias in the Department of research, the role of research subjects and research functions
Methodologies & Educational Practices In the Teaching for teacher professional development in the future. Some
English as a Foreign Language. pre-service undergraduate teachers also have self confidence
There are several factors that cause the differences in about their ability to do research in the field of English
pre-service undergraduate teachers’ attitudes based on the language teaching and research to understand the terms.
results of interviews, mainly due to the positive and negative
factors in the process of thesis writing of the pre-service Pre-service undergraduate teachers have positive
undergraduate teachers. Positive factor is that most of the attitude about the involvement of the course lecturers to
pre-service undergraduate teachers already understand the research they are doing. 93% of them agreed that faculty
importance of research so they strive diligently to learn the courses emphasize the importance of research. 58% of pre-
procedures for conducting the research. In contrast, negative service undergraduate teachers said that the lecturer in the
factors can hinder pre-service undergraduate teachers to do study program provides guidance about their interest in the
research. As recognized by the majority of survey topic of research in the field of English language teaching.
respondents, namely, first, most of the existing English However, only 12% of pre-service undergraduate teachers
language lecturer at the faculty, department, or program of stated that the lecturer use their research findings as part of
study do not use these findings to better maximize service teaching materials.
guidance, periodic discussions about the concept of the study, The research findings show that there is no significant
offer the practical fieldwork more rather than theory and use difference in the attitudes of men and women pre-service
of research findings as part of the pre-service undergraduate undergraduate teachers to study English. This implies that
teacher teaching materials. Second, the faculty, departments there are no differences in gender attitudes. That is, both
do not provide excellent service completely, especially in the male and female pre-service undergraduate teachers have
administrative process, tutoring, completing books, journals, similar perceptions of the research in the field of English
and magazines, newspapers, and newsletters in the library, language teaching.
fix WIFI facility in the College so that pre-service The current study showed that majority of pre-service
undergraduate teachers easily to access the internet , teachers have a positive attitude towards research on ELT,
providing research training to pre-service undergraduate English lecturer in the faculty, department, or program of
teachers on a periodic basis. Maximum involvement of the study may consider to use these findings to maximize their

service guidance, periodic discussions about the concept of activities, in Proceedings of the FCU Research
the study, provide field research portion of practice more Convention. Odense, Demark
than theory and use the research findings as part of the pre- [10] Tercanlioglu, L. (2005). Pre-service EFL teachers’
service undergraduate lecturer teaching materials. These beliefs about foreign language learning and how they
findings can also be used by the faculty and departments to relate to gender. Electronic Journal of Research in
provide excellent service, especially in the administrative Educational Psychology, 3(1), 145–162
process, to increase books, journals, magazines, newspapers, [11] Creswell, J. W. (2014). Educational Research:
and newsletters in the library, fix WIFI facility in the Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
College so that pre-service undergraduate teachers can easily and Qualitative Research. Pearson College Division.
access the internet, providing research training to pre-service [12] Hathaway, R. S., Nagda, B. A., & Gregerman, S. R.
undergraduate teachers on a periodic basis. Maximum (2002). The relationship of undergraduate research
involvement of the various parties will make the pre-service participation to graduate and professional education
undergraduate teacher easier and motivated to do research. pursuit: an empirical study. Journal of College Student
Development, 43(5) 614-31. UROP website:
However, the pre-service undergraduate teachers are
also expected to not only depends on the lecturers in the [13] Kardash, C. M. (2000). Evaluation of an
faculty, department, or program of study to provide undergraduate research experience: perceptions of
knowledge and guidance on the concept of research in the undergraduate interns and their faculty mentors.
field of English language teaching. Pre-service Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(1) 191-20
undergraduate teachers must also train themselves to learn to [14] Lopatto, D. (2006). Undergraduate research as a
be independent by finding reading materials in the library or catalyst for liberal learning. Peer Review, 8(1) 22-25
on the internet meet and discuss with the teacher or make a [15] Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. W. (2006). Educational
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In addition, other researchers may also expand the (2013). Introduction to research in education. Cengage
number and type of respondents, for example, includes Learning
respondents from universities or from the different majors. [17] Johnson, R.B. & Onwuegbuzie, A.J. 2004. Mixed
Finally, this study can also be focused if needed for practical methods research: A research paradigm whose time has
purposes. Research and Development (R & D) would come. Educational Researcher 33 (7): 14-26
become an alternative future research. [18] Babbie, E. 2001. The Practice of Social Research. 9th
ed. Belmont: Wadsworth/ Thompson Learning.
The author would like to thank the participants for sharing
their experiences and insights.

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Influence Utilization Of Learning Resource, Literacy Map, Socio-
Economic Status And Motivation Study On Yield Learning Regional
Geography Of Indonesia

Abstract. Subject Regional Geography Indonesia is a subject area of expertise in the Department of Geography FIS
UNP. Based on the initial survey results of study subjects regional geography Indonesia last five years revealed that the
achievement of learning outcomes is low to moderate. Students who master the material 85% not more than 15% of
students and average students master the material 68%, meaning that the student receives a grade B. This study aims to
determine the effect of direct and indirect use of learning resources, the ability to read a map and socioeconomic status
as well as the motivation to study the learning outcomes of Regional Geography Indonesia. The method used is
quantitative approach path analysis. The study population was all students majoring in Geography has been taking
courses in Regional Geography Indonesia totaling 507 people. The research sample drawn by proportional random
sampling of 84 respondents. The analysis showed: use of learning resources (X1) the ability to read a map (X2)
socioeconomic status (X3) and learning motivation (Y), individually direct or indirect effect on learning outcomes
hegional Indonesia (Z).

Keywords: Learning Outcomes Indonesia Regional Geography, Resource Utilization Learning, Literacy Map, Socio-
Economic Status and Motivation.

strategies and learning methods have been applied but the

I. INTRODUCTION concept of mastery learning in general is very difficult to
National education (Article 1 of Law No. 20 of 2003) is a achieve. The percentage of students who can complete
conscious effort and planned to create an atmosphere of learning (mastery of 85 s / d 100%) amount is very small (11
learning and the learning process so that learners are actively s / d 24%) only from year to year. It also occurs in other
developing the potential for him to have the power of regional geography subjects such as the World Regional
spiritual, religious, pegendalian themselves, customs, Geography, Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Australia.
intelligence and skill needed for themselves, society, nation The low values obtained from regional geography courses
and country. has resulted in the value of cumulative performance index
So that educational goals can be achieved, then it needs to (CPI) does not satisfy the students with an average GPA of
be refined and improved the teaching of science, one of the 2.8 with daily test results with average below 7.
branches of social science is geography. Geography is the Based on observations in the field, lack of regional
science that describes the differences and similarities of geography learning outcomes were allegedly influenced by
space on earth as well as the relations between these spaces. several factors, among others: the low utilization of learning
Thus, knowledge of geography is an absolute knowledge resources by students. This is evidenced by the low intensity
needed by every individual on earth. The goal for the earth of student visits to the library of the Department, Faculty and
space can be fully utilized to improve the welfare of central library (University) and they came to the lab only
mankind. Geography is often referred to as "parent of all during lecture / lab with faculty. Map reading ability of
sciences" because it includes the oldest science, including students is low, seen from the lack of understanding of the
the regional geography as the integration of systematic regional characteristics of the phenomena that occur in an
geography. Regional geography is a science estuary area during lectures take place. Even more fatal still many
geography, means understanding the regional geography of among students who do not have an atlas or map. In addition,
an area means to know and explain all the phenomena that the motivation of students is also low, seen from the
occur in the region. Almost all the material of geography in outpouring of short learning time, assembled but not discuss,
the curriculum in 1994, 2004 or 2013 for the secondary often return home, staying up but did not learn, like playing
school curriculum related to regional geography. Should any HP / games. In this regard, Slameto (2003: 54), explains that
student teachers or geography teacher must master the outlines the factors that affect learning outcomes of students
material of this regional geography. can be classified into two, namely internal factors and
One is part of the Regional Geography Regional external factors. Internal factors are factors that exist in self-
Geography Indonesia. Regional Geography courses learners, including interests, attitudes, prior knowledge and
Indonesia is one of the compulsory subjects for students of motivation, while external factors are factors that come from
geography, but by the fact the field a lot of geography outside the learner, such as socioeconomic status, cultural
student FIS UNP not understand the nature of this subject learning, school environment, and infrastructure school.
matter resulting value is less than satisfactory in the subject Based on initial observation researchers did against 46
Regional Geography Indonesia. Various approaches, students majoring in Geography Force 2010 Universitas

Negeri Padang is known that factors that affect learning children from the two groups lead to different perceptions of
outcomes Regional Geography of Indonesia, namely: (1) a wholly owned subsidiary and eventually influenced the
The internal factors are more dominant than external factors, study results at school / college.
(2) factors that comes from within student (internal) Motivation is often expressed as the impetus from within
concerning the use of learning resources, the ability to read a ourselves to move, as the driving behavior (the energizer of
map and learning motivation is low, (3) the socioeconomic behavior), and even motivational determinants of behavior
status of students is low, while relatively good physical or a construct of the occurrence of the behavior. Behavior is
condition. (4) external factors (external) about the state of determined several interrelated factors, such as direction
school buildings, curriculum, infrastructure and lecturer behavior motivation and the intensity and continuity of
(teacher quality) is quite good behavior. Motivation to learn in this study was the drive
Of the many factors that affect the process and the results behaves as leverage to achieve the goal. Students are
of student learning, for that I will discuss one of the factors motivated to learn high will get the maximum study
that affect the learning outcomes, the factors that comes Regional Geography Indonesia.
from within the student (internal) concerning the use of The results are expected theoretically be used to deepen
learning resources, the ability to read a map, socioeconomic the knowledge of learning outcomes Indonesia Regional
status and learning motivation for learning outcomes Geography students and various factors that influence either
Regional Geography Indonesia. directly or indirectly. In practical results of this study can be
According Sardiman motivation to learn can be said as a used by students, faculty, university leaders, faculty and
whole the driving force within the students who lead department leaders, as inputs in order to improve learning
learning activities, which ensures continuity of learning outcomes.
activities and provide direction on learning activities, so that
the desired objectives by studying subjects that can be II. METHOD
achieved. And the motivation to learn is a psychological This research is descriptive research with quantitative
factor that is non-intellectual. His role is distinctive in terms methods. Quantitative methods are believed researcher
of growing passion, feel happy and eager to learn. Students reliable is the method of path analysis using structural
who have strong motivation, will have lots of energy for equation that causality dimension direct influence use of
learning activities will have, whereas students who have learning resources (X1), the ability to read a map (X2), and
weak learning motivation, providing less energy to perform the status of social economy (X3) on learning outcomes
learning activities. Regional Geography Indonesia (Z) and causality indirect use
Source beajar as all sources that can be used by students of learning resources (X1), the ability to read a map (X2)
either separately or combined to facilitate students in and socioeconomic status (X3) on learning outcomes
achieving learning goals. To obtain the knowledge, students Regional Geography Indonesia (Z), through learning
are no longer dependent on teachers and textbooks. They can motivation (Y). Collecting data using questionnaire
gain knowledge by harnessing-kan learning resources such technique in the form of a questionnaire (quesionaire) and a
as; libraries, friends, media and other learning resources. By test to measure the ability to read a map (4) The data
using media computer connected to the internet students can collected is then analyzed to obtain the conclusion of the
access books, journals or bulletins via e-library. Students study.
who are high intensity of use of learning resources will have Conception of the study aims to prove the effect of
a lot of experience and knowledge. Students learning directly or indirectly cause variable (exogenous) to variable
experience and less knowledge will have difficulty learning, result (endogenous), using the approach "method of path
especially in understanding the learning materials. analysis", with the pattern of the relationship between the
Ability to read maps linearly with mastery of geography. variables illustrated in the "path diagram" approach
The ability to read a map and mastery of geography "structural equation", while the groove research studies
illustrates the provision of early learning profile of students. increasingly clear thought with regard diagram in figure 3.1
Ability to read maps and geography student mastery of the below
material varies with the average score is low. Kumaidi (1999)
states that there is a relationship between a score initial
provision of learning with the learning progress of students.
That is, the higher the score early learning students, the
higher the learning results.
Socio-economic status is a factor that affects student
learning outcomes. The family is the environment first and
foremost in shaping the personality of each individual.
Teaching at home intimately linked to socio-economic status
of parents. In raising their children socio-economic status of
parents who have a lower tendency to use physical
punishment (violence) if there is a mistake made by a child,
while the high socioeconomic status more to avoid violence
in the upbringing of their children. In this case the parents
Pict 3.1
mencai techniques to develop children's creativity without The constellation of the relationship between the Z and Y
power through violence. Differences in handling or raising

Information: found that the average score of 58.12, with a standard
X1 = Utilization of learning resources deviation 8:49, median 60 , mode 65 and the number and
X2 = Ability to read maps length of class 8th grade 4. Data socioeconomic status data
X3 = socioeconomic status (X3) has a range of scores by 32, with the lowest score and
Y = Motivation to learn the highest score 55. 29. The results of data analysis found
Z = Results of study Regional Geography of Indonesia that the average score of 43.21 with a standard deviation
zx1 = The path coefficients between X1 with Z 5:55, median43, mode 37 and the number of grade 8 and
zx2 = The path coefficients between X2 with Z grade 4 and the data length of motivation to learn has a score
zx3 = The path coefficients between the X3 with Z range of 90, the lowest score and the highest score 147 237.
yx1 = The path coefficients between X1 with Y Based on the results data analysis found that the average
YX2 = The path coefficients between X2 with Y score is at 189.02 with a standard deviation of 21:36, 188.50
yx3 = The path coefficients between the X3 with Y median, mode 168, the number of class 8 and class length 12
yZ = The path coefficients between Y with Z Based on the calculation above analysis where there is a
e1 = residual path coefficients for X1, X2, X3 with Y; direct effect of variable use of learning resources (X1), to
e2 = residual path coefficients for X1, X2, X3 and Y with Z variable Learning Outcomes Regional Indonesia (Z) is equal
to 4.2%, the variable ability to read a map (X2) to variable
The research was conducted at the Department of Learning Outcomes Regional Indonesia (Z) of 6.3 %, the
Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Padang variable socioeconomic status (X3) to variable learning
and planned at the end of the semester from July to Outcomes Regional Indonesia (Z) of 4%, the variable of
December 2015 and ended early in the semester from learning motivation (Y), to variable learning Outcomes
January to June 2016. The study population was all the Regional Indonesia (Z) amounted to 7.8%, the variable use
students from the Department of Geography, Faculty of of learning resources (X1) to variable motivation to learn (Y)
Social Sciences, State University of Padang, which is by 13%, the variable ability to read a map (X2) to variable
currently held registered research and has taken courses learning motivation (Y) by 14%, the variable socioeconomic
Regional Geography Indonesia before the semester from status (X3) to variable learning motivation (Y) amounted to
January to June 2016 amounted to 507. In this study used a 6.8%, the variable use of learning resources (X1) to variable
sampling technique proportional random sampling. learning Outcomes Regional Indonesia (Z) through variable
Determination of the number of samples by Taro Yamane learning motivation (Y) at 3:43%, and variable ability to
formula (in Tuckman, 1978). read a map (X2) to variable learning Outcomes Regional
To analyze the data, the method used is path analysis, Indonesia (Z) through variable learning motivation (Y) at
while to analyze the data causal between variables using 4:44% , as well as socio-economic status variables (X3) to
path analysis, through the approach of structural equation, variable learning Outcomes Regional Indonesia (Z) through
aiming to analyze the causal relationship of two sub- learning motivation variable (Y) amounted to 28.2%, it can
structures direct influence cause variable (exogenous) use of be arranged summary tables as illustrated in the table below:
learning resources (X1), the ability to read a map (X2), and
the status of social economy (X3) on learning outcomes
Regional Geography Indonesia (Z), and the effect of indirect
use of learning resources (X1), the ability to read a map (X2),
and the status of social economy (X3) against endogenous
variable learning outcomes Regional Geography Indonesia
(Z) through learning motivation (Y), meaning analyzed are
causal and direct or indirect influence of exogenous
variables on endogenous.


Empirically data description Learning Outcomes
Regional Indonesia has a score range of 32, with the lowest
score of 60 and a highest score of 92, based on data analysis,
found an average score of 78.10, with a standard deviation
9:06, median 80, mode 80, the number of classes 8, as well
as the length of the class as much as 4. Data use of learning
resources has a range of scores by 67, which is the lowest
score and the highest score 127 194. the results of the data
analysis suggests that the average score of 159.49, with a
standard deviation of 15:10, 160 median, mode 161, with the
number of 8th grade and 9th grade long data map reading
ability has a range score of 31, which is the lowest score and
39 the highest score of 70. the results of the data analysis

underlying rate of subsequent knowledge, the ability to read
a map needs serious attention of every student of geography,
because if the ability to read a map is weak they will have
Based on the calculation results of the analysis of the trouble after plunging to the public later
percentages in mind there are a good influence directly or
indirectly the exogenous variables that use of learning Reading a map can be defined as the ability to interpret
resources (X1), the ability to read a map (X2), and images, symbols, colors, line, scale, other map elements and
socioeconomic status (X3) against endogenous variable is the various phenomena that are above the mapped region.
motivation to learn (Y) and Results Regional learning Wixon and Peter (in Cleary, 1993) reading is the process of
Indonesia (Z), as summarized below. construction of meaning through the dynamic interaction
between existing knowledge reader when reading a map with
Discussion information contained in the map.
The first hypothesis testing shows that there is significant The ability to read a map is one of ability or prior
influence variable use of learning resources to the learning knowledge is important in addition to language skills and
outcomes of regional Indonesia. Signs of positive regression numeracy (Password 1999). Kemampun beginning is the
coefficient of variable regional learning outcomes Indonesia knowledge possessed by students about the basic material as
shows that there is a direct relationship of variable use of a prerequisite in learning new material. This initial
learning resources with regional learning outcome variables knowledge is also known as a schema or cognitive structure
Indonesia where the higher the level of use of learning stored in long term memory as the foundation data. Ali
resources, the higher the regional learning outcomes (2002: 74) argues that the ability of the initial (entry
Indonesia. behavior) is basically a state of knowledge or skill that must
In the course of regional geography use of learning be owned by a student before he learned the knowledge or
resources to provide convenience to students to help in new skills. Furthermore, Al-Ghazali was quoted by Ahmadi
resolving the problem of geography so that learning (2008: 16) says that the capture rate based on the
objectives can be achieved. Use of learning resources to understanding of the capabilities of each is different. Map
provide convenience to someone in his study (Sudjana and reading comprehension like like reading a textbook. Where
Riva, 2003: 77). By optimizing the learning process, it is there are students who managed to reach an understanding
expected that learners can achieve optimal learning with the material easy and well indicated with good learning
achievement and satisfactory. This will be achieved when outcomes, there are also students who take the trouble
students are actively involved both physically, mentally, and achieving an understanding of matter, and there are also
emotionally. In essence, the main objective of every learning students who fail to understand the material.
process is to obtain optimal results. Testing the hypothesis both indicate that there is
In formal education, the level of utilization of learning significant influence variable ability to read a map to the
resources among the students of the other students vary. learning outcomes of regional Indonesia, where the student's
Students realize higher use of learning resources and ability to read a map low will not be able to achieve the
obligations with pleasure, so that with the use of learning learning outcomes are high, and vice versa student's ability
resources other than the student will create excitement in to read a map height will not be able to achieve the learning
activity will also support the concentration of attention. results low.
Testing the hypothesis which suggests that there is The third hypothesis testing shows that there is
significant influence variable use of learning resources to the significant influence variable socioeconomic status on
learning outcomes of regional Indonesia, where students learning outcomes regional Indonesia. Signs of positive
learn to lower resource utilization will not be able to achieve regression coefficient of variable regional learning outcomes
the learning outcomes are high, and vice versa. In certain Indonesia shows that there is a direct relationship of
circumstances it is possible and it can happen that students socioeconomic status variables with the variable regional
do learn is high resource utilization will not be able to learning outcomes Indonesia where the higher the
achieve high learning outcomes and vice versa. This is socioeconomic status, the higher the Indonesia.Temuan
caused by the regional determinants of learning outcomes regional learning outcomes of this study, supported by the
Indonesia dinengaruhi by many other variables. opinion grunt (2004: 182) states that the socio-economic
The second hypothesis testing shows that there is situation families certainly have a role on the development
significant influence map reading ability variable to the of children if we think that the state of the economy is
learning outcomes of regional Indonesia. Signs of positive enough material environment in the face in the family is
regression coefficient of variable regional learning outcomes more extensive, it can be more widely develop a variety of
Indonesia shows that there is a direct relationship of variable skills that are not in the can if there is no infrastructure ''
ability to read maps with regional learning outcome
variables Indonesia where the higher the level of ability to Family socioeconomic status will certainly affect the
read a map, the higher the regional learning outcomes development of children, it can be considered if the family
Indonesia. economy enough for a child's development, the material
environment faced by children in the family will be more
Ability to read maps for geography student is the extensive, the child will get wider opportunities to develop A
foundation to be able to deepen and broaden knowledge variety kinds of skills that he can not develop if there is no
kegeografian particular repertoire. As the capabilities of the infrastructure. The findings of this study reinforced the

statements expressed by R Mc Boy candless and J. Trotter: can not take advantage of the demographic bonus in
1977yang states that teaching in the home to be intimately accelerating development.
linked with the social and economic status of parents. Social, The results of this study are profound meaning that
and economic status usually found in tandem, though not there is significant influence variable socioeconomic status
absolute, low social status tends to be followed by the low on learning outcomes of regional geography of Indonesia,
economic status as well, and vice versa. In the upbringing of where students of lower socioeconomic status will not be
their children social and economic status of parents who able to achieve the learning outcomes are high, and vice
have a lower tendency to use physical punishment (violence) versa students of high socioeconomic status will not be able
if there is a mistake made by a child, while the high social to achieving learning outcomes is low. Low level of
status more to avoid violence in the upbringing of their parental income caused ketidakmam-ladies of parents in
children. In this case the parents are looking for techniques providing adequate learning facilities to the children. Low
to develop children's creativity without power through education level plus income elderly parents were low
violence. Differences in handling or raising children from anyway cause the child's parents can not help when facing
the two groups lead to different perceptions of a wholly difficulties in school lessons. Things like that often causes
owned subsidiary and eventually influenced the learning the child to experience tension or stress that can eventually
outcomes in schools. lead to learning disorders. Prolonged learning disorder
eventually cause children to be lazy school, will even drop
The problems faced by the income level of parents in out of school.
children's education follow through they seem still a very The fourth hypothesis testing shows that there is
complex problem whose solution depends a lot on the level significant influence variable use of learning resources to
of economic growth in which the parents are located. Rural motivate students to learn geography FIS-UNP. Signs of
world according Malassis (1981: 105) is still marked by positive regression coefficient of variable geography student
poverty in the areas of material, low family income, low learning motivation showed that there was a direct
levels of public investment (such as water and electricity), relationship of variable use of learning resources with
and a limited supply of necessities of life. variable geography student learning motivation, where the
Problems income levels it seems like, in addition to the higher the level of use of learning resources, the higher the
aspirations and problems of parental education may also motivation to learn geography student FIS-UNP.
affect the continuation of children's education. Parents The fifth hypothesis testing shows that there is
faced with the incapacity to finance their children's significant influence map reading ability variable on
education. Weak economic conditions led to weak well as motivation to learn geography student FIS-UNP. Signs of
the ability to send their children, especially for secondary positive regression coefficient of variable geography student
school located in a city far from their homes and require learning motivation showed that there was a direct
transport fees and other costs are high. relationship of variable ability to read a map with variable
Thus, the problem of family economic difficulties geography student motivation to learn where the higher the
caused a decline in the quantity of students who continue level of ability to read a map, the higher the motivation to
their education to a higher level. According Nofrion (2003) learn geography student FIS-UNP.
states that economic problems may lead to drop out of The sixth hypothesis testing shows that there is
school and end up not a few of them become street children. significant influence variable use of learning resources to
Furthermore Imron (1991: 21) economic problems often motivate students to learn geography FIS-UNP. A positive
cause social problems, such as instability, poverty and so sign of regression coefficients of the variables of learning
on. Their children thrive in a culture of poverty and even motivation of students showed that happen unidirectional
many of whom are living without hope and indifferent. As relationship of variable use of learning resources with
said Laurie and Reif (Sudarto, 1989: 15) poverty, the level student learning motivation variable, where the higher the
of people still struggling to meet the basic needs of level of use of learning resources, the higher the motivation
everyday life, is a major obstacle in the implementation of to learn geography student FIS-UNP.
further education. Testing the seventh hypothesis indicates that there is
The findings of this study reinforced with Mubyarto significant influence variable use of learning resources to the
statement (1992: 13) states that for low-income parents, learning outcomes of regional Indonesia. Signs of positive
their children who are at a young age even though the urge regression coefficient of variable regional learning outcomes
to also ease the burden of living with the parents taking part Indonesia shows that there is a direct relationship of variable
in the effort to agriculture. Another fact which indicates use of learning resources with regional learning outcome
their chances of participation in economic activities in variables Indonesia where the higher the level of use of
urban areas can sometimes also encourage the kids decide learning resources, the higher the regional learning outcomes
that it is better to enter the labor market rather than Indonesia.
continuing education.
The results of this study, reinforced by the statement
Effendi (1992: 87) where children are entering the job
market is not reduced, they have increased. If there is no
policy carefully, it is also possible in the coming years the
number of children who participate actively in economic
activity will increase sharply. Should this happen means we

IV. CONCLUSIONS outcomes of regional Indonesia should continue to provide
optimal service to students to use learning resources that
Based on the results of data analysis and statistical exist such as laboratories, libraries, computer rooms, with
calculations as described in the previous chapter, the the complementary range of tools lab, add a laboratory
findings obtained in this study and can be summarized as assistant, increased learning resources and increase the time
follows: 1. The research hypothesis which states' use of services for students until the evening (two shif work).
learning resources contribute significantly to regional The material of this study suggests there are still many
learning outcomes Indonesia "unacceptable 2. Research other variables that come to give effect to the efforts to
Hypothesis which states "the ability to read maps improve learning outcomes of regional geography of
significantly contribute to regional learning outcomes Indonesia. Related to this, it is advisable for other
Indonesia" acceptable 3. research hypothesis which states researchers to continue this research by examining other
'socioeconomic status contribute significantly to regional variables that are relevant to influence the regional learning
learning outcomes Indonesia "unacceptable 4. the research outcomes Indonesia.
hypothesis which states' motivation to learn a significant
contribution to learning outcomes Indonesian regional REFERENCES
acceptable. 5. Based on the findings of this study can be
concluded that the research hypothesis which states' use of Bill, Lucas, 2006. Optimalkan Otak Anda, Belajar Lebih Cepat dan Belerja
learning resources are contributing significantly to the Lebih Cerdas, Jakarta. PT Buana Ilmu Populer.
motivation to learn "is acceptable. 6. Based on the findings Boy R. Mc Candless and J. Trotter (1977), Children: behavior and
of this study can be concluded that the research hypothesis development. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston
which states "map reading skills significantly contribute to Brunn. Stanley D, 2003. Cities of the World: World Regional Urban
motivation to learn" unacceptable 7. Based on the findings Development. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield.
of this study can be concluded that the research hypothesis Clelland David Mc., 1953.The Achievement Motive. New York :
which states' socioeconomic status contribute significantly to Irvington Publisher.
the motivation to learn "can be accepted.
Based on the calculations above, are also known to Djamarah, Aswan Zain. 2006. Strategi Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta. Rineka
contribute the indirect effect first, variable use of learning
resources (X1) to the Regional Learning Outcomes Furnham. Adrian,”The Psychology of Behavior at Work” (New York:
Indonesia (Z) through learning motivation (Y) that is equal Psychology Press. 2004) p. 590 teori Burk&Lidwinn
to 3:43%. second, variable ability to read a map (X2) on
Hergenhahn. B.R & Matthew H Olson. 2008. Theories of Learning,
Learning Outcomes Regional Indonesia (Z) through learning (terjemahan). Jakarta. Kencana Predana Media
motivation (Y) that is equal to 4:44% and third, variable
socioeconomic status (X3) against the Learning Outcomes Herskovits. Merville, 1997. Organization Theory, New York: Oxford
Regional Indonesia (Z) through learning motivation (Y ) that Universitu Press.
is equal to 28.2%. Klonari, A., Dalaka, A. & Petanidou, T. 2011. How evident is the apparent?
Based on the conclusions above, it can be suggested the Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of the terraced landscape. International
students increased the use of learning resources, following Research in Geographical and Environmental Education: 20 (1): 5-20.
the briefing, consultation and guidance of a professor or
Koutsopoulos, K, & Pigaki, M. 2007. Teaching and Learning Geography
laboratory carefully, both in the laboratory, library, with Maps: A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented to the Herodote-IGU
improving the acquisition and utilization of information Conference: Changing Geographies-Innovative Curricula, London. Viewed
technology, improving the utilization of learning resources 9 February 2011
both in quality and quantity. Students are expected to further Maslow David, K. Hoy and Cecil G. Mikal, 1982. Education
Administration, Theory, Research and Practice, Second Edition, New York :
enhance the ability to read the map, follow the training or Random House,
upgrading specialized mapping, training in mapping, lab
implement mapping in labor. In addition, the jug is expected
to further improve student learning motivation, memfaatkan
opportunity to be involved in any academic activity that can
cause learning motivation, gain the trust and the
responsibility to carry out their duties and work maniri, earn
incentives or prizes for achievement. Faculty through the
Department of Geography in order to improve the learning

Conversational Skill Analysis of Children First Language
Dr. Afdaleni, M. Pd., M. Pd.
English Lecturer at School for Foreign Languages Haji AgusSalim
Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, Indonesia.

Abstract. The children linguistic skills and abilities develop through a number of processes; consciously and
unconsciously. They are influenced by many factors around them. Then, the development in their linguistic aspects is
different each other. This study is about children first language acquisition by cross – sectional approaches. The aim was
to analyze the first language acquisition of the children; it focused on the development of conversational skills. The study
was conducted to three children at the age under 5 years old who have acquired Minang language as their first language.
Their parents came from different educational, social and cultural background. The result is that the three children have
different development of their conversational skills because of some influential factors toward them such as language
factors, children’s factors, environmental and the family factors and the acquisition process.

Key Terms : First Language Acquisition, Conversational Skills and Children .

their differences. The simple study was conducted by cross-

I. INTRODUCTION sectional research as Ellis [3] in Zaim [4] states to
Language is a main mean of communication used by investigate the order of acquisition of a range of grammatical
human in expressing ideas [1]. Then, there is a study of how functions of the speech. In relation to the first language
language is used to communicate by speaker or listener and acquisition, Dulay and Burt (1973) [4] state that the
interpreted by listener or reader. In relation to the first acquisition orders of child learners L1 and L2) remain the
language acquisition of children that focused on the same, irrespective of their L1s or of the methods used to
development of their conversational skills, it is the process score the accuracy of used of the morphemes.
of acquisition of the language itself. Moreover, Cameron [2] It is expected that this paper may give contributions to
states that by the age of 5, first language acquisition was those who study about the first language acquisition and the
largely complete, formal literacy skills are still in the early parents who have responsibility on the children language
stages of development at five and six years of age, acquisition in general. Based on the limitation and lack of
eventhough the beginning of literacy can be traced back to many things, the study is realized to be very simple, but at
experience of infancy, such as listening to stories. least it may give the contributions for those who have been
First language acquisition (FLA) refers to the emergence mentioned above.
of language in infants, within the field of linguistics known
as language acquisition. This covers the development of II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
language in learners of all ages.. The term of development of
language has relationship with the term of learning and 1. Children First Language Acquisition.
acquisition. According to Oxford , Language acquisition is very similar to the process
children use in acquiring first and second languages. It
“ learning is conscious knowledge of language rules, requires meaningful interaction in the target language-
does not typically lead to conversational fluency, and natural communication–in which speakers are concerned not
derived from formal instruction and acquisition, with the form of their utterances but with the messages they
occurs unconsciously and spontaneously, does lead to are conveying and understanding. As has been mentioned
conversational fluency; and arises from naturalistic before that language is a mean of communication. By using
language use”. language, people can express their feelings, thoughts, and
It means that learning and acquisition are of the similar ideas, and to simulate action and reaction among people.
terms and they are used to refer them to the knowledge of According to Brown [5] language has function to convey the
new language gained by the users, in this case they are the ideas to other people in communication. Through language,
children after the development process of learning or people can share information to maintain their relationship.
acquiring the first language and then use them as their In other words, language plays an important role in human
conversational skills. life for communication. Scovel [6] states that
There are some influential factors of the children
acquisition of their first language especially on the “the developmental psycholinguistics examines
development of conversational skills. This paper is about the how speech emerges over time and how
three children’s first language acquisition; the development children go about constructing the complex
of their conversational skills and the influential factors of structures of their mother tongue (first

language); not only an apt chronological stage In the language acquisition process, children are different
to begin our reflections on the nature of the from adults. In natural setting (outside the classroom), it is
human mind but also the stage where we can popularly believed that children are better than adults for
glean the least complicated data. They are they have less self-conscious. It makes them not afraid of
crying, cooing (at about two months of the age), making fool of themselves. Moreover, they are generally not
babbling (marginal babbling and canonical aware that they are acquiring the language. On the other
babbling), it is about at eight months)”. hand, adults are better than children in acquiring a second
language through formal instruction (inside the classroom).
Based on the observation or cross sectional study, it was This is due to their self-conscious in learning. They are
found that the new born children under 6 months have tried aware that they are in a process of acquiring a language. It
to do crying as their communication with their mother or the makes them always do serious efforts during the process.
people around them for many reasons as Scovel’s term Therefore, adults are much better in the theories of the
“ …no language but a cry” [6] cooing and bubbling. For language while children are better in using the language.
example in the stage of bubbling , they tend to burst out the
strings of consonant-vowel syllable clusters, almost as a kind 2. The Development of Conversational Skills in First
of vocalic plays as natural tendency. Example : /aaaa/ Language Acquisitio
bababa/, /mamama/, /tatata/ , etc. It is stated that L1 acquisition orders and sequences
After the process of the three above, it comes to the provide a baseline for considering L2 orders and sequences.
child’s early language development-it is the first words. The important issue is whether the patterns in the two types
Then, Steinberg et all, [7] state that there is the development of acquisition are the same or different [3]. One of the
of speech production from vocalization to babbling to speech findings on research on l1 acquisition stated that children
and early speech stages (naming, holophastic (one-word appear to follow a fairly well-defined pattern of development
utterances), telegraphic (two- and three-word utterances) in which all linguistic systems are acquired Moreover, it is
and morphemic). This stage is known as the birth of stated that children typically begin with one-word utterances
grammar [7] because by uttering the only one word or two which function as holophrases.
words , it is implied that they have used sentences because it In relation to the development of conversational skill of
has aimed at telling, asking or requesting for something. In children that very young babies do look at their mothers
relation to the development of children in their development when their mothers vocalized; however, the turn taking
of conversational skills, Hoff [8] state for their early structure of early mother-child interaction appears to depend
communication, children seems to use the language on mothers building a conversational structure around the
communicatively but not of particularly linguistic. Two children’s behavior, and it does not reflects infants’
stages in the vocabulary development of two-year-olds are interactive skill [8]. Children’s first understanding about the
reported as called as receptive stage. rules of conversation in the understanding that they are
In the earlier receptive stage, the child says many fewer supposed to respond to another speakers’ utterance; it is to
nouns than he understands and says no verbs at all although respond about the rules.
he understands many. The child then begins to close the There are some development of conversational skills :
comprehension/production gap, entering a Productive stage a. Responding the speech
in which he says virtually all the nouns he understands plus Children’s first understanding about the rules of
his first verbs. Example: A child says : /cu/  “susu” or conversation is the understanding that they are supposed to
“milk”. It means that he/ she asks for a milk because he respond to another speakers’ utterance. An early strategy
/she is thirsty. She does not use the verb in asking it but the that children employ to fulfill this conversational obligation
body language. Another example : /mam/  “makan” or eat . is to respond with action. That is when an adult says
It means that a child is asking for eating may be because of something to a young child, the child is quite likely to do
his hunger. something rather than to say something in respond. By
Although all children raised in a normal environment asking a child to eat, he / she directly to get the rice to eat.
acquire a particular language or languages, they come to
understand and produce the language with little or no b. Differential responding to different utterance types
explicit training – First Language Acquisition (FLA) as an Gradually, Shatz, 1985) in [9] states that children start to
academic discipline focuses not on the development of respond more frequently to talk with talk and also to respond
specific languages, but the system of language itself. differently to different kinds of utterance. The children are
Language is acquired by human gradually. First language is more likely to respond to questions than nonquestions. Then
acquired by them naturally for they are born and grow up in children under 2 years of age are more likely to answer
the environment in which the language is used. Furthermore, verbally to ‘what’ or ‘where’ questions than to other
second language is acquired after they acquired their first question forms.
language. It takes place in natural setting and through formal
instruction [9]. The second language is the one which is c. Initiating topics
different from their first language. Thus, second language Another conversational skill is the ability to initiate topics
acquisition can be defined as the way in which people learn that are what conversations are about, so the speaker who
a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside initiates topics determines what the conversation will be
of the classroom. However, either first or second language about.
acquisition is considered to be a process.

Example: in their time in playing, the children tend to a second language. Dealing with this case, some second
initiate the conversation with their mother or persons around language learners, in using the second language, are
them. Even-though their mothers are busy talking with some still influenced by their mother tongue (first language).
others, the children tend to force to involve them in the The influences can be seen in their pronunciation
conversational event. and intonation when they are speaking, the use of
words or the use of wrong collocation when they are
d. Repairing miscommunication writing, etc. In line with this, Wilkins in Zaim [7]
It sometimes happens that theconversation is mentions that there are several evidence of mother
miscommunication or they are failed to initiate conversation. tongue interference consisting of pronunciation,
They try to repeat or revise the failure messages that are sent distribution of phonological order, intonation,
to the person to whom they speak. morphological system, syntactic system, and the use of
vocabulary. Therefore, the similarities between the
e. Sustaining dialogue and contingent responding learner’s first and the second language they are
Then, for conversation to be sustainable for very long, learning will give him or her enormous advantages.
each party’s contribution must be relevant to the previous Dialect
speaker’s turn. In all stages, most of the children’s speech One of the differences between languages is dialect.
was adjacent, and there was no clear developmental change Trudgill defines that dialect refers to differences
in the proportion of adjacent speech. between kinds of language which consist of differences
f. The role of adult young children’s peer conversations of vocabulary and grammar as well as pronunciation. In
A final point to reiterate about children’s conversational learning a second language, learners’ first language
competence as evidenced in mother-child interactions is the dialect sometimes influence his or her second language
fact that the mothers helped. For example, in conversation, because the dialect between the two languages is
adults tend to ask more questions than the children. On the different, even though it is small. Hence, adult second
other hand the children just answer what adults ask them to language learners need to be given formal instruction
answer. on the language dialect.
In term of the first language acquisition, there are several
factors involved. The factors are considered to be the Learners’ factors
influential factors of first language acquisition They consist Students come from diverse backgrounds. For
of language factors, children’s factors, and environmental adult language learners, factors such as needs, goals,
and the family factors and the acquisition process. and the level of home support can strongly affect the
desire and ability to learn a second language.
Language Factors
In language acquisition, language factors are assumed to a. Needs
influence one’s ability in acquiring the language. There are It is obvious that learners have their own
relationship between first language and second language. needs in learning. The needs of each learner are of
Several factors related to students’ first and second course different from one to another. Wikipedia
languages shape their second language learning. These explains that need is a psychological features that
factors include the linguistic distance between the two arouses an organism to action toward a goal and the
languages, students’ knowledge of the second language, the reason for the action, giving purpose and direction
dialect of the native language spoken by the students (i.e., to behavior. It describes that each person has his /
whether it is standard or nonstandard), and native language her own needs. His / her needs will influence his /
proficiency. her attitude toward activities they are doing. For
Language Distance example, in language acquisition, learners will
Specific languages can be more or less difficult to acquire, have different attitude because they have different
depending on how different from or similar they are to the needs. In other words, the learners of a language
languages the children has already known (Walqui, 2000). If will face each stage with special needs which will
there are many similarities between the learner’s first affect the actions they take.
language and the second language they are learning, he or
she will be easier to learn the second language for the b. Goals
acquisition of the language itself. For example, a Indonesia Everyone who learns a language has his or
learns Minangkabau language. He or she will be easier to her own goal. Walqui states that Learners’ goals
learn it because the two languages have many similarities.. may determine how they use the language being
Example : /Kama/ and /kemana/ or Where. learned, how native-like their pronunciation will be,
/Sia/ and /siapa/ or Who how lexically elaborate and grammatically accurate
/ Manga/ and /mengapa / or Why their utterances will be, and how much energy they
Moreover, Zhang (2006) states that native language will expend to understand messages in the target
(L1) can greatly affect Second language (L2) language. This opinion shows that the goal of
acquisition, and the most accepted term to describe learning a second language is to be able to use the
such an influence is transfer. This opinion shows that language as native speaker does. Each learner is
transfer does occur in language learning and may supposed to have native – like pronunciation, to be
influence, positively or negatively, on the acquisition of grammatically accurate in their utterances, to use

words which is appropriate in a certain situation, especially on the development of conversational skills have
and to be able to understand what other people much different in common. Then there are some influential
express through the language. factors of the first language acquisition of the language. The
factors come from the language, the learner, and the learning
c. Home Support process. Those factors have great impact on the language
Woods and Griffin (2006) explains that to acquisition as the aim of first language learning. Therefore,
develop learners’ proficiency in language, home in teaching and modeling the children in getting and
and family background are considered to be the acquiring the first language, the parents, the persons around
crucial factors. Learners who actively use the the children play very important role in the children
language they are learning at home will be better in language acquisition. The persons particularly adults, mother,
acquiring the language. It seems that the father and some others are supposed to take the influential
environment where the learners live influence his factors of first language acquisition as mentioned above into
ability in acquiring a second language. Similarly, consideration.
Maidland states that factors coming from family
effects learners’ language acquisition. In this case,
family plays a role in developing learners’ language REFERENCES
acquisition. Learners are assumed to be more
successful in acquiring the language if they have
[1] Crane, L Ben.Et all. (1981). An Introduction to Linguistics. Canada.
support from their family. Little Brown and Company.
[2] Cameron, Lynne. (2001). Teaching Languages to Young Learners.
d. Motivation Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
There are two kinds of motivation, intrinsic [3] Ellis, Rodd. ( 2005). The Study of Second Language Acquisition.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
and extrinsic motivation. It will influence the result [4] Zaim M. (2008).Applied Linguistics (Compilation). Padang: State
of second language learning; the acquisition. University of Padang
Intrinsic motivation is also called integrative [5] Brown, H. Douglas. (2004). Language Assessment: Principles and
motivation while extrinsic motivation is similar to Classroom Practices. New York: Longman.
[6] Scovel, Thomas. (1998). Psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford
instrumental motivation. Related to this, Ushioda in University Press.
Griffiths [10] explains that intrinsic motivation is [7] Staiberg, Danny D. et all. (2001). Psycholinguistics.Language, Mind
doing something as an end in itself, for its own self- and World. Longman: Pearson Education Limited. .
sustaining pleasurable rewards of enjoyment, [8] Hoff, Erika. (2005). Language Development.3rd Edition. USA:
interest, challenge, or skill and knowledge [9] Krashen, S. (1982).Principles and Practice in Second Language
development. On the other hand, extrinsic Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
motivation is doing something as a mean to some
separable outcome, such as gaining a qualification,
getting a job, pleasing the teacher, or avoiding
punishment. These two kinds of motivations belong
to the elements that influence learners’ success in
second language leaning.


Regarding with the explanation above, it can be

concluded that the children’s first language acquisition

Child-Friendly School In Regional Perspective
And The Role Of Counseling Services
IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Abstract. Globalization and free trade specifically in ASEAN countries clearly have impacts and changes in all aspects of life.
One of the aspects of life is education. School is not only consist of Indonesian people, but also children from other countries
because their parents study or work in Indonesia. Such conditions require a proper school for all children. The provision of
infrastructure, educators and education personnel take effect in answering the challenge of such change. In the aspect of
infrastructure needs to increase the number and the quality. Educators and education personnel must adjust to these changes.
Educators at least are able to master the international language, minimal English. Child-friendly school is a school that provides
comfort and happiness to all students, so that they develop optimally in accordance with the potential they have.
The discussion in this paper comparatively sees the profiles of child-friendly school in Indonesia and ASEAN countries. It is
expected the well defined of child-friendly schools in a regional perspective. The next thing will be analyzed is the association
with the role of counseling in schools, as the process of giving the assistance so that learners become successful on academic,
social relationships and career preparation.

Keywords: schools, child-friendly, developing, optimal, counseling services.

management, personality, intelligence, good behavior, and

I. INTRODUCTION skills which are necessary for themselves, society, country
The rapid growth of technology influences all parts of life. and nation”?
These influences are getting bigger as AEC (Asian On October 19, 2016, there was an observation
Economic Community) began in 2015. As one of the AEC conducted in an elementary school in Padang. The observer
members, Indonesia must be involved in the AEC policy. saw a student standing morosely in front of the class while
Ideally, all aspects in life must be adapted to the chances moving his legs to show that he could no longer stand. He
and challenges which resulted from the technology was also trying to hide his face from his friends as he was
development. Those chances and challenges are obviuosly ashamed. That student turned out to be punished since he
found in education sector, not only in raw input and process, did not do his homework. Moreover, based on an interview
but also the output. There is a big possibility that with another student, it was found that after standing in
multinational and multiethnic students can be seated in a front of the class, the students who do not do their
class, and, of course, it affects the process of teaching and homework will be hit on their palms with a ruler by the
learning both in the classroom and outside of the classroom. teacher. If there are many students standing, teacher usually
In terms of output, graduates’ competence and quality are asks them to stand in line and hit the one next to another. On
expected to be eligible to compete reagionally, natinally, as the other hand, the teacher keep doing his activity with other
well as internationally. Along with all those changes, many students while ignoring the students who get punished.
policies were triggered by the government, especially in the This ignorance is a kind of psychological punishment for
implementation of high-grade, accountable, and child- the students. Has the teacher asked them the reason for not
friendly education. doing the homework? There must be reasons like they do
In 2012, Padang, the capital city of West Sumatera, was not understand how to do it, they do not who to ask at home,
awarded as Child-Friendly City. It means that Padang is a they do not have handbook, writing tools, or enough time
city that implement programs which prioritize children because thtey need to help their parents, and so on.
welfare and happiness. Therefore, there are some questions Whatever the reason is, ideally, teacher must know it so he
that need to be answered. Are the schools in Padang child- can help the students to solve the problems. Is punishing a
friendly? Has the education already met the demand of student a kind of child-friendly education? There are many
Constitution No. 20/2003 that is “Education is a conscious other educative ways that can be done by teachers if
and organized attempt to create teaching and learning students do not do homework or when they do other
process in order to make learners actively improve their mistakes. Another fact nowadays is violence is not only
self-ability to possess the points of religion, self done by teacher to student, but also student to student. A fee
moments ago, there was a video about a teacher who

tweakeda student’s ear. The video was taken by other Education in Some Countries
students. Moreover, there were problems that have been Education in Japan
punished by law. Education in Japan consists of 6-3-3-plus that is 6 years
There are many things which are necessary to be given of elementary, 3 years of junir high, 3 years of senior high,
profound attention in order to create child-friendly school and plus 2-4 years in college; 1-4 years of special training
that is giving the best for children’s need as the form of college. 9 years of education in elementary and junior high
Children Right Convention [1]. are obligatory (at the ages of 6-15 years old), and free of
Based on the above phenomena, this paper discusses the school fee. All 6 years old children by April 1 in the
concept of child-friendly school, the difference of schools in academic year deserve to register for the first level of
Indonesia and other ASEAN countries, and the role of elementary school.
counseling services in creating child-friendly school. In Japan, school buildings are already sophisticated. Most
schools have big and complete sports hall, and school yards
are usually used for school events and festivals as well as
II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION flag raising ceremony.. All elements of people pay their
interest in education. Schools are not expensive, there is no
Child-Friendly School discrimination, they have complicated curriculum. Teachers
The term “child-friendly” comes from the child-friendly are warrantee for not losing their positions so they are
city whose meaning is used as the reference of describing highly dedicated. They feel that they are fully responsible in
child-friendly school. Government has developed child- creating human as a whole. They are fair in teaching. They
friendly city policy to transform children rights to the teach manner before science. The curriculum in Japan has a
development process. Child-friendly city is a city policy that schools are not allowed to give exams for
development system which integrates commitment and students until they are in the fourth grade (at least until 10
resource ofgovernment, society, and business world that are years old). They only need to follow small tests which are
planned thoroughly and continually in the forms of policies, designed by their schools. The curriculum belives that the
programs, and activities to meet the children rights. main purpose of the first-three years in schools has no deal
Integrating the commitment of government, society, and with good academic grades. They pay more attention to
business world means that each side gives priority to the good manner such as respecting other people, animals and
accomplishment of children rights such as sponsorship of natures. The students also learn how to be generous, show
false steps, law, and dangerous situation as well as family emphaty, and possess affection. Moreover, they also learn to
separation in emergency case. Children need to get be brave and fair and learn self-management. Schools in
protection from false steps such as being waif and violence, Japan start when the Sakura flowers blossom. Most schools
law protection as a crime witness or as a victim’s child, in Japan ask the students to clean their class, provide them
protection from dangerous situation and family separation in with lunch and then they will eat together in the classroom.
emergency case and disaster (the Ministry of Women's After school, they will go to courses, and it is really popular
Empowerment and Child Protection, tth:14). This policy is in Japan. Most students join workshps or go to courses in
also the form of government’s attention to children which the evening. They do extracurricular activities after school,
are not fully protected in the past. and join another workshop or study at home even during
Basically, child-friendly is preconcerted in law, for holiday. Almost all students wear school uniforms. The
example in clause 1 subsection 2 Constitution No. 23 year percentage of attendance is 99.99%. The final test for senior
2002 about Children Protection that is “children protection high students is given to determine the university they are
is all actions to guarantee and protect children and their going to go. The period of studying at college is the best
rights in order to optimally live, grow, develop, and time for them. All those characteristics show that Japan has
participate based on human value and dignity, and be excellence education system and distinguish it from other
protected form violence and discrimination”. countries [4]
Educational insitutions, as the part of government’s
policy, are fully given attention as child-friendly Education in Indonesia
environment. Child-friendly in various situations and In Indonesia, children must follow 9 year-education
conditions at schools includes students interaction with program. The Constitution of National Education System of
teachers and education personnel, infrastructure and Indonesia No. 20, 2003 has accommodated the principle of
learning facilities supply. Teacher-student interaction in regional autonomy to facilitate all education executors to
class and generally at school must have virtue and be overcome challenges in life independently, intelligently,
comfortable [2]. Virtue means giving positive impact on critically, rationally, and creatively. This shows that
students growth and development. Comfort means both education in Indonesia is centralized and
students and teachers feel like home, enthusiastic, and decentralized.formal education is a structured and gradual
happy, and other positive emotions. Ideally, schools education systemwhich consists of elementary, middle, and
faciilitate students with complete media and infrastructure. high education level [5]. Elementary levels consist of
Based on the above explanation, child-friendly school is preschool education for 3-4 years old children, kindergarten
the school which protect children rights and give them for 5-6 years old children, and elementary schools for 7-12
chances to be successful learners on academic, social years old children. Middle levels consist of junior high
realtionships and career preparation and their potentials are school/Islamic junior high school, senior high
optimally developed. school/Islamic senior high school/vocational school. And,

high school consists of academy, university, institute, and and assessment. This concept demands schools to focus
high school with diploma degree, bachelor, master, and only in education activities without concerning on other
doctoral degree. time-wasting things such as media and infrastructure or
Public and private schools in Indonesia work based on even financial problems. Different from international-
government’s policies on education. The education standard standard public schools in Indonesia, in order to improve its
is equal. The same chances are given in order to get quality, the education in China implements eight standards
accreditation from National Accreditation Institution for of education i.e., standard of content, standard of process,
elementary, middle, or high schools. standard of media and infrastructure, standard of educator
and education personnel, standard of finance, standard of
Malaysia management, standard of assessment, and standard of
Malaysia mostly adopted education system of Indonesia. graduate’s competence.
However, Malaysia has recently developed more than Education levels in China consist of 3 years of pre-school,
Indonesia. Therefore, basically, education in Malaysia also 6 years of primary school, 3 years of secondary school, 3
adopted education system of England since it was colonized years of high school, 2-3 years of academy, 4 years of
by England. As the result, the development of education in vocational education, 4 years of bachelor degree, 2-3 years
Malaysia has rapidly grown. England really pays attention of master degree, and 3 years of doctoral degree.
to education in its colonized countries. All education The goal of national education in China is to prepare
systems of England are well preserved by the colonized learners in developing themselves in terms of moral,
countries. This is really different with Indonesia which was intellectual, physic and aesthetics in relation to their future
colonized by the Netherlands because that country only career so they will be ideal, well-educated, and cultural
wanted to explore the natural resource of its colonized social workers who have strong character and discipline [7].
without giving intensive education. Several systems of education above show some
Recently, all education institutions in Malaysia have similarities among the countries in terms of education
made good progress. The first private school which was period for all levels. The differences are in the goal of
admitted by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia to education and policies on education. In connection to child-
implement national curriculum was defined in 1980. friendly schools, some positive inputs can be implemented
Nowadays, private schools offer various choices of to make a better education system.
education levels with different curriculum. Some
elementary and middlle schools implement national
curriculum, some others implement international curriculum The Change of Learning Paradigm
like the one used in America or England. There are also Based on the challenges in overcoming AEC (Asian
Chinese private schools that implement the curriculum Economic Community) and various different characters of
which is designed by the Ministry of Education [6] education system which have been discussed before, a
Some schools in Malaysia are residential schools. They change of learning paradigm is, indeed, necessary in
select their students through selective process. The future education system of Indonesia. The change of learning
students are asked to show their academic achievement and paradigm is basically understood by education experts that
potentials during their study in the previous schools. The is the change of teacher-centered learning to student-
students in the residential schools should are educated for centered learning since the main subject of learning is the
24 hours a day in the dorm. Some of those schools are students themselves. This change is demanded on students
Malacca High School, Royal Military College, and Penang not only in cognitive, but also in affective and
Free School. Residential schools are also known as Science psychomotoric. Learning is an attempt to master something
School since they are expected to create future government new, from not knowing to knowing, from not able to
functioner. Then, these schools are prepared to accept future capable, from not willing to willing, from usual to unusual,
students with excellent academic ability and sports talent as from being forced to sincere [2].
well as leadership. Those schools become model schools Learning sources consist of teachers, environment,
which resemble British Boarding School. For the high internet, and library, as well as other sources. The
schools, they are generally managed by government and appropriate learning approach is constructivism learning
corporation. through cooperative learning, contextual teaching and
High schools offer various kinds of degree such as learning, inquiry and discovery learning, and problem-based
diploma, bachelor, and master degree. Public High School learning methods [8].
Institution is managed by government like university, state Another thing which is developed by government and
high school, polytechnic, and teacher training institution. corporate is the development of school autonomy, which is
Private High School Institution is managed by private and school authority in managing and organizing school
the branches of foreign universities. Now, the total number members’ needs based on personal initiative and prescribed
of private universities in Malaysia is more than 400. by valid national education regulation [9] Consequently,
school independency must be supported in making decision,
China respecting different opinions, mobilizing resources,
Education in China is managed by the government. There, selecting the ways of implementation, communicating
the standards of content, media and infrastructure, and effectively, solving school problems, being anticipative and
management are already determined by the government, adaptive, synergizing and collaborating, and fulfilling its
while schools only need to manage the standards of process need [10] It is not easy for schools to meet those

competencies, but it must fulfill them gradually and Personal/individual counseling service is provided for
continually. students in order to help them solve their personal problems.
There are two indicators of school autonomy: first, Counseling is the main point in guidance and counseling
schools which are affiliated to religion that determine service.
learning activities, academic calendar, and certain f. Group guidance service
curriculum as their special quality; and second, in between This service helps students in character development, social
national and international schools. This kind of schools relationship ability, learning activities, career/position, and
adopt international learning approach but still in accordance decision making, as well as doing certain activities through
with national curriculum. These schools make the students group dynamic. In this service, students are given
as the learning center, use comprehensive assessment, and comprehension through focus group discussion.
use English as a second language. Recent update finds out g. Group counseling service
another type of schools which combine both types above Group counseling service assists students in discussing and
called in between Islamic schools. solving personal problems through group discussion. This
The above changes can be a basis of child-friendly service is interesting and mostly preferable since the
education services since they can accommodate students’ students can share problems and find out solution in group.
needs in learning. h. Mediation service
Mediation service is the service which helps students to
The Role of Counseling Services solve problems and reform relationship with their friends in
Counseling plays important roles in developing child- order to be harmonious. This service is aimed to solve
friendly schools. The programs designed by school conflict between students. In multi-ethnic environment
counselors basically aim to create academically and resulted from AEC, conflict between different ethnic is
socioemotionally successful students, and career preparation. highly possible to occur.
In order to reach the goal, the counselors help students to i. Consultation service
achieve efective daily life. There are some service areas that This service helps students and/or others in getting
conuselors do such as the development of personal life, knowledge, comprehension, and appropriate ways of
social life, learning activities, career, family and marriage. handling condition or students’ problems. There are many
At schools, the services given to students in order to reach things that can be consulted by students. For instance, if
service functions such as preventive function, problem- they have problems with other people and it disturbs their
solving function, development and maintenance function, effective daily life, they can come to get consultation
and advocative function. Prayitno [11] mentions some service.
counselinf services as follows: j. Advocative service
a. Orientation service This service is aimed to help students to get protection on
Orientation service helps students to adapt to a new pressure and/or their rights in school or out of school. This
environment, especially school and learning objects, and service is really helpful especially for students whose rights
facilitate and smoothen students’ role in that new are ignored by teachers or education personnel at school as
environment. In relation to child-friendly school and the well as by family and society in their daily life.
possibility of foreign students existence, it is important to
give students orientation for both old and new students so
they can adapt well one another. Counseling service obviously plays important and
significant roles to the development of child-friendly school
b. Information service because the services given by counselors are aimed to help
Information service enables students to get and understand students to achieve the goals of education institution and to
information about dthemselves, society, individuals, become eligible graduates that can compete nationally,
career/position, advance study, family life, marriage, and regionally, and internationally.
religion. Counselors have to give information regularly and
continually. III. CONCLUSIONS
c. Routing placing service
This kind of service allows students to get proper placement
and routing in class, study group, training program, Child-friendly school is the school which provides
apprenticeship, and extracurricular activities. This routing children protection on their rights as stated in Constitution
and placing depends on students’ potential. This service No. 23 year 2002. The counseling services at schools help
plays important role in implementing child-friendly school students to be successful on academic, social relationships,
because students’ potential improvement can be optimally and career preparation so their potentials can be optimally
done if the students are placed and routed well based on developed. In short, the goal of education institution is
their talents and abilities. achieved and the students are able to compete nationally,
d. Content mastery service regionally, and internationally.
This service helps students to master certain content
especially competence in learning habits at school and at
home, and/or meaningful habits in school life, family, and
e. Personal/individual counseling service

REFERENCES [5] Undang-Undang No 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan
[1] Hamid Patilima. Kota Layak Anak.(online) [6] - :kota-layak- pendidikan-indonesia-dan-malaysia/.
anak&option=com_content&Itemid=121 diakses 24-1-2017 [7]
[2] Prayitno dkk. Pembelajaran Melalui BK di Satuan Pendidikan. pendidikan-di-china552fff766ea8344f038b4577 retrieved on
Padang, UNP Press.2013 January 26, 2017).
[3] Pendidikan di Jepang Vs Pendidikan di [8] Sigit Mangun W. Pembelajaran Konstruktivisme : Teori dan
Indonesia, (online) Medan – http://kreatif Aplikasi Pembelajaran dalam Pembentukan Karakter. Penerbit,, Alfabeta Bandung, 2013.
diakses 24-1-2017 [9] Rahmat. Pengantar Pendidikan Teori, Konsep, dan Aplikasi.
[4] Bandung,MQS Publishing, 2010
pendidikan-di-jepang/, and, [10] Ngusman Abdul Manaf,dkk. Ensiklopedia pendidikan dan tokohnya.
retrieved on January 24, 2017. Ed. Ngusman A.M, Padang, Pascasarjana,UNP, 2012
[11] Prayitno. Wawasan Profesional Konseling: Padang: UNP.2009.

Effectiveness of Classroom Action Research Training For Primary
School Teacher in Order to Improve The Capability and
Professionalism of Teacher at SDN 04 IX Korong Solok City

University Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin


Abstract. Training of Classroom Action Research is an effort to increase the understanding and skills of teachers in preparing
the research proposal, conducting research, as well as a research report. This training is subject teachers at SDN 04 IX Korong
totaling 19 people. The training was conducted by the lecture method which collaborated with guided exercises. The use of this
method is effective to increase the interest of teachers in writing, because every teacher guided continuous and programmed.
This training provides a positive impact for teachers at SDN 04 Korong IX. It is seen from the 19 teachers who attended the
training, there are 11 teachers who successfully complete the Class Action Research to stage the final report. It shows that 57.9%
of teachers at SDN 04 IX Korong able to do research and have a high enough motivation to produce the scientific work. So
based on this study, it can be concluded that the training of classroom action research which is continuous and effective
programmed to build capabilities and professionalism of teachers.

Keywords: effectiveness, classroom action research, capabilities, professionalism

Development of professional competence of teachers

I. INTRODUCTION associated with the ability of teachers to master the knowledge
of the fields of study that are taught widely and deeply, as
Education is one of the manifestations of human culture well as the ability of teachers to improve the quality of
that is dynamic and full development. Therefore, changes or learning they have implemented. Improving the quality of
educational development is the thing that is supposed to occur learning can be done by teachers through classroom action
in line with changes in the culture of life. Changes in the sense research. According Sukardi (2003: 210) there are some
of improving education at all levels need to be continuously advantages when a teacher doing classroom action research,
carried out in anticipation of future interests. Product quality namely:
education is closely related with the implementation process 1. Teachers do not have to leave the workplace.
of learning is influenced by many factors, among others: the 2. Teachers can feel the results of the actions that have been
curriculum, the staff, the learning process, infrastructure, tools planned.
materials, school management, environment (climate) 3. When the treatment is done on the respondent, the
employment and industrial cooperation. respondent may feel the results of the treatment given.
One of the competencies that must be owned by a teacher is In line with the above opinion, Ani (2008: 88) states that
the ability to assess and improve their performance. Teacher the classroom action research is the need for teachers to
performance is demonstrated by the quality of the learning improve the capability and professionalism as a teacher,
process and the learning outcomes of their students. In this because:
regard, classroom action research is a systematic and scientific 1. Classroom Action Research is very conducive to make
methods to improve and enhance the professionalism of teachers sensitive and responsive to the dynamics of
teachers in the learning process in the classroom. Through learning in the classroom.
classroom action research teachers can improve classroom 2. Classroom Action Research meningkatkann performance
practice that can bring new, innovative learning systems to to become professional teachers.
improve the quality of education. 3. The teacher is able to improve the learning process
However, there are symptoms that the competence of through an in-depth assessment of what is happening in
teachers in the classroom action research is still relatively class.
weak. This is evident from the fact that almost 70% of 4. Classroom Action Research does not interfere with the
teachers fail in the process of promotion to group IV.A due to principal task of a teacher because she did not have to
constraints in the manufacture of scientific literature in the leave class.
form of classroom action research. Based on the above, the Classroom Action Research
conducted training for teachers at SDN 04 IX Korong in order

to increase the capabilities and professionalism of teachers on TABLE 1
15 August 2015-9 January 2016. Training Classroom Action COMPARISON OF THE CLASSROOM ACTION
Research has done this, then evaluated through a qualitative RESEARCH AND QUANTITATIVE
study entitled Effectiveness of Class action Research RESEARCH
Training for Primary School Teachers in order to Improve
capability and Professional Teacher at SDN 04 IX Korong, No distinguishing Classroom Action Quantitative
Solok City. aspect Research Research
1 Researcher Teachers Researcher
2 Plan of research Teachers Researcher
3 Problem of perceived by the Dirasakan oleh
research teacher orang luar
4 characteristic There repetitive Not necessarily
1. Result actions for no action
Training is held from August 15, 2015 until January 9, improvement
2016 attended by 19 teachers at SDN 04 IX Korong. Animo 5 The role of teachers As teacher and Nothing
teachers to write in the classroom action research is quite high researcher
6 Where research Class Adjusted to
schools, where there are 19 teachers from 11 teachers who
have successfully completed the manufacture of a Classroom problems
Action Research from the proposal until the final report, or 7 Data Teachers Researcher
about 57.9%. 8 Result Directly utilized Be mine,
Based on interviews and observations of the teachers found by teachers and researchers, and
that: (1) teachers do not understand how to create a Classroom felt by the class will not
Action Research is good, (2) the limited number of reference necessarily be
that can be used by teachers for the purposes of writing, and perceived by the
(3) teaching load pretty solid results in limited time which is teacher
owned by the teacher to explore his abilities in the field of
research and writing. Training continued with the preparation of proposals for
mentoring activities of classroom action research, doing
2. Discussion classroom action research, and write a report on the results of
The training began on 15 August 2015. Classroom Action classroom action research, starting from the date of August 22,
Research training activities can increase the interest and 2015 until December 26, 2016.
confidence of teachers at SDN 04 IX Korong. All teachers
seemed enthusiastic and diligent training and mentoring to the TABLE 2
end. This is evident from the absence of teachers in and out FINDINGS DURING TRAINING AND MENTORING
during the training and mentoring takes place. In addition,
teachers are also eagerly asked in connection with the No Indicator Field findings
1 Understanding of Classroom Action understand
manufacture of a Classroom Action Research.
Training begins with the introduction of a Classroom 2 Proposal
Action Research by Carr and Kemmis in McNiff (1992), Writing format in accordance with
namely: the instructions
1. Action research is a form of inquiry or investigation Systematics of writing and content in accordance with
conducted through self-reflection. the instructions
2. The action research carried out by the participants 3 Implementation of Classroom
involved in the situation under study, such as teachers, Action Research
students, or the school principal. Planning There is
Action There is
3. Research the actions carried out in social situations,
Observation There is
including education. Reflection There is
4. The purpose of research is to improve the action: Cycle There is
rationale and appropriateness of practices, an 4 Report
understanding of the practice, as well as the situation or Writing format in accordance with
the institution where the practice is carried out. the instructions
After the delivery of material in connection with the Systematics of writing and content in accordance with
activities of classroom action research, the activities continued the instructions
with the clinic classroom action research proposal writing. At
this clinic activities teachers are given the widest possible The field findings show that the ability of teachers
opportunity to discuss and ask for the proposed Classroom to create a Classroom Action Research has been good, and
Action Research to be carried out. Contains a discussion about only need motivation and encouragement to improve. It is
the title of classroom action research, methods of seen from the 19 teachers there are 11 teachers who have
implementation of classroom action research in the classroom, successfully completed the manufacture of a Classroom
and how to distinguish good writing and classroom action Action Research from the proposal until the final report, or
research with other types of research. about 57.9%.


Based on the results of data analysis and discussion it can

be concluded that the training of classroom action
research which is continuous and effective programmed
to build capabilities and professionalism of teachers

[1] Ani Widayati. 2008. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jurnal Pendidikan
Akuntansi Indonesia. Vol VI No.1 Hal. 87 – 93.
[2] Mc.Niff, J. 1992. Action Research Principle Planne.Victoria: Deaken
[3] Sukardi. 2003. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Kompetensi dan
Praktiknya. Yogyakarta : Bumi Aksara

Developing Scientific Approach In Learning
Islamic Education And Budi Pekerti

Ahmad Sabri
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Abstract. The aims of the research to describe the most suitable model of scientific approach that can be implemented in
learning Islamic education and Budi Pekerti in Padang. Research and development Four-D models (4-D) was used where the the
data taken from Islamic education and Budi Pekerti teachers. Interview, observation, and focus group discussion (FGD) were
used to collect the data. The finding of survey revealed that the application of scientific approach is already applied in teaching
Islamic education and Budi Pekerti in Junior High School Padang designated as school curriculum implementation of 2013, but
the application of every steps of scientific approach is not maximized. Development of a model approach to scientific learning
Islamic education and Budi Pekerti in Padang done by adding structured tasks prepared by the teacher to be undertaken by
learners outside the classroom, and students are assigned to record information or make a map of concepts related to the
material that has been determined teachers to presented or demonstrated in the classroom. As the novelty of this research study
is that the scientific approach which was preceded by the provision of the task before learning to do learners outside the
classroom, is very suitable to be applied in learning Islamic education and Budi Pekerti. The successful implementation of a
scientific approach to learning Islamic education and Budi Pekerti is determined by the sincerity of teachers in guiding,
directing and prepare everything needed learners in implementing measures scientific approach.

Keywords: scientific approach, Islamic Education and Budi Pekerti

follow the matriculation curriculum to pursue the matter in

I. INTRODUCTION accordance with the curriculum of 2013. Again made a loss
are teachers as implementers in the field. Students were
forced and coerced into accepting the policy with resignation.
The concept of education as outlined in Law number 20 Substitution of leadership in October 2014, does not
2003 on National Education System that “Education is a necessarily make the issues broke subside. Minister of
conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of Education and Culture, Anies Baswedan, dated December 5,
learning and the learning process so that learners actively 2014, issued a decision to suspend the Curriculum 2013 for
develop their potential for him to have the spiritual power of new schools implementing one semester. These schools are
religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and required to reuse curriculum, 2006. Meanwhile, the schools
skills needed him, community, state and nation” (Sinar that have been carrying out for three semesters asked to
Grafika, 2003: 3). The concept suggests that the substance of continue and become a pilot school.
education is an effort to facilitate the learners to be able to This decision back controversy. The pro considers the
develop her potential. In addition should be done with full decision is right, because the Curriculum 2013 is not yet
awareness, these efforts must also be based on the systematic ready so we need matured, to be evaluated and improved.
planning of activities and overcooked. Moreover, not all teachers received training and guide
Substitution of Curriculum 2006 to Curriculum 2013 learners are not yet available in all schools. Meanwhile,
seemed the loudest compared with the turn of the previous counter parties consider that the decision too hasty, first
curriculum. At the beginning of the implementation at decided in the middle of the school year. Regulations are
targeted schools in the academic year 2013/2014, schools, changing also makes teachers like no definite grip, making
teachers, and students already created a frenzy. Changes in them hesitant to step. Changes in policy/rule is associated
the structure of the curriculum, the learning process as well with the overall standard of education can be summarized in
as complex assessment model at the root of the emergence of the following table:
such confusion. Unresolved teacher training and textbooks
learners are not yet available adds to the complications.
Intricacy increasingly being when in the school year
2014/2015 the government through Kemendikbud. M. Noah
instruct and enforce Curriculum 2013 simultaneously in all
schools in Indonesia, from elementary, junior high to high
school. Even students who last year still using 2006 should

Table 1 81/2013 [3] concerning Implementation of Curriculum also
Policy Changes Post-Implementation of Curriculum 2013 states that in order to achieve the quality that has been
designed in the curriculum document, learning needs using
the following principles: (1) centered on the learner, (2)
develop the creativity of learners, (3) create favorable
conditions and a challenging, (4) uncharged value ethics,
aesthetics, logic and kinestetika and (5) provide a diverse
learning experience through the application of various
strategies and teaching methods menyenang-kan, contextual,
effective, efficient and meaningful. Furthermore,
Permendikbud Number 103/2014 [4]on Education in
Primary and Secondary Education affirm that the
implementation of the scientific approach to learning
includes five basic learning experiences: observe, ask, gather
information, associate and communicate.
The scientific approach is not only suitable to be applied
on the subjects exact. This approach can also be applied to
any subject, including subjects of Islamic Religious
Education (PAI) and Budi Pekerti in schools and public
Source: processed by author colleges. Shaleh [5] the implementation of religious
As reported by the the pros and cons of education, including PAI in schools governed by the act,
curriculum implementation in 2013 is more due of a lack of both in terms of infrastructure, cost, faculty, curriculum and
teachers to curriculum changes, because the majority of other educational components.
teachers early understand KTSP and suddenly there was the The problem is that PAI learning in school are still many
plan to change the curriculum to the curriculum of 2013. In shortcomings and even considered a 'failed'. This failure can also reported that teachers complain about be felt of decadence and neglect of the values of religious
the difficulty to understand the core competence and basic teachings. The most prominent criticism is often asked is
competences and difficult to understand how teaching and less berdampaknya religious education to change the
assessment with curriculum. 2013 launch behavior of learners. Religious education is not able to
that takes a long time to change the understanding of prevent learners from poor behavior such as promiscuity,
teachers who are already familiar with the field of study brawls, think narrow (dogmatic), SARA conflict, lack of
should change it with thematic integrative approach. tolerance and lack of respect for others.
In addition to unpreparedness of teachers, unpreparedness According to Wicaksono [6] behaviors of learners such
also experienced by learners themselves as reported in partly due to the low of their understanding of Islam so where a number of students were many people are apathetic with religious education, and
confused by testing the curriculum in 2013, the article the questioned the effectiveness of these subjects to the
method used in the 2013 curriculum is different from the increased awareness of learners, both culturally and religion.
method in the previous curriculum. In the 2013 curriculum, Muhaimin [7] asserts that there are some weak points and
learners are encouraged to be more active in learning, so that challenges of learning PAI and Budi Pekerti to be resolved,
it allows learners have difficulty in adapting to the new both externally and internally. PAI external challenges and
methods of learning. Budi Pekerti in the current era of science and technology
Curriculum change is a necessity in the field of education. progress, where the faster global changes occur with the
According to Muzamiroh [1] a lot of the reasons for the progress achieved by the developed countries in the field of
changes in the curriculum, in addition to the previous information and communication technology. The
curriculum should be enhanced in view of their development of science and technology on one hand,
shortcomings and weaknesses, but the most fundamental is improve the level and quality of human life, but on the other
that the curriculum will be implemented that address the hand, the progress of science and technology has influenced
challenges of this age of ever changing and to prepare the building of human culture and life style.
students to be able compete in the future with all the In addition to still reap weakness and failure, learning PAI
advances in science and technology. Therefore, in an effort and Budi Pekerti in school, particularly in the city of Padang
to engage students actively in learning, then they should be is still faced with many problems. Based on the results of
directed to conduct scientific activities such as observing, initial observations the author in some schools of Padang
doing interviews and experiments. Observation, interview seen that in general teachers of PAI and Budi Pekerti still
and experiment is part of a technique of obtaining scientific serves traditional teaching materials with approaches and
knowledge in the curriculum in 2013 known as the scientific methods which are conventional. Even at some schools
approach. designated as school curriculum implementation goal of
Permendikbud Number 65/2013 [2] on the Standard 2013 has not seen innovation in teaching. Teachers of PAI
Process Primary and Secondary Education has also indicated and Budi Pekerti still experiencing problems in the
the need for the learning process is guided by the principles application of scientific approach. Obstacles that many
of scientific approach commonly referred to as the hallmark experienced is not distributed allocation of time available to
and strength of curriculum 2013. Permendikbud Number carry out each of the steps in the scientific approach.

The application of scientific approaches in learning PAI (dissemination) includes three phases: (1) validating testing;
in Padang basically been accompanied by the use of IT- (2) packaging; and (3) diffusion and adoption.
based media. Even if there teachers of PAI and Budi Pekerti This research was carried out only to the Development stage
who seek to use media such as LCD, but it seems the effort only because the author intends to offer the concept of
was not followed by the teacher's skills were sufficient to scientific development approach in learning PAI and Budi
operate the laptop and LCD. As a result, a lot of wasted time Pekerti, not to test the effectiveness of the development
and effort to create a conducive and effective learning can model.
not be realized. Similarly, when teachers PAI and Budi 1. Data Source Research
Pekerti applying the method of discussion, just a lot of Sources of data and informants of this research is the teacher
students who are not serious. Lessons PAI and Budi Pekerti PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang designated as target schools
considered unimportant because it does not determine in the implementation of the curriculum in 2013.
graduation. 2. Data Collestion Instrument
To solve the occured problems and develop a variety of a. Observation. There are three steps in making
learning approaches based curriculum in 2013, it would observations: 1) conduct general observations (grand tour)
require a new paradigm as an alternative, namely through the on learning approach that is used by the teacher in the PAI
adoption of a scientific approach to learning PAI and Budi and Budi Pekerti, 2) observations focused on getting
Pekerti. descriptions directly on learning activities undertaken by
The purpose of design development model of scientific teachers PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang, 3) observation
approach is to produce a model of a valid scientific approach selected (selectie observatie) is choosing the selected region.
to be applied in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang. Observations directed at the scientific approach used by
The expected design of this development can be useful for teachers PAI and Budi Pekerti in learning.
teachers and learners. b. Interview. Interviews in the study conducted on teachers
Benefits for teachers include: 1) As a guideline/reference PAI and Budi Pekerti on each of the target schools.
for learning PAI and Budi Pekerti with a scientific approach; Interview questions focused on how teachers implement
and 2) Helping to prepare learning components, materials instructional step-by-step scientific approach, constraints
and methods that can be used in learning activities PAI and faced and the innovations made in the implementation of the
Budi Pekerti with a scientific approach. Benefits for students curriculum in 2013.
include: 1) Providing stimulus for learners to be more active c. Documentation Studies. Studies done by looking at the
to learn outside the classroom, either through observation or documentation and analyzing documents about learning
interview so that when learners studying a theme or topic of device (syllabus, lesson plans, book source) used by teachers
their own knowledge or basic information about the teaching PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang in implementing the
materials will be studied; 2) As a means of educating within scientific approach.
the family and society; and 3) Train and familiarize learners d. Validation sheet, used to recapitalize feedback and
to think critically when observing an object, so that what is advice from education experts and curriculum and learning
observed is not just common sense, but indirectly learners practitioner of PAI and Budi Pekerti associated with the
has placed itself as a scientific researcher. development of a scientific approach.
3. Examination of Validity of Data
This study uses a technique of checking the validity of the
II. METHODS data is as follows:
This study used a Research and Development. This study a. Member Check, is the rechecking of data obtained from
is also called the “Research Based Development”, which informants research by way of correction, change or
appears as a strategy and aims to improve the quality of add to the information required in the study.
education at the level of the agency or institution. In this b. Peer Debriefing, is discussions with colleagues. The
study the Research and Development used to produce goal is to obtain feedback or suggestions in order to
models of the development of scientific approaches that are identify weaknesses thinking and logic associated with
effective in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang. the research undertaken.
In connection with this study, the model used is the Four-D c. Trianggulasi, is the technique of utilizing the data
models (4-D) developed by Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel. validity checking with other sources for checking or
Model 4-D research development includes the following comparison of data obtained from research informants.
four steps: Define (definition), Design (design), One reason for using this technique is to find out the
Development and Dissemination (deployment). Phase reasons for these differences.
definition (define) includes five phases: (1) the analysis d. Validation/Test Expert, as a model development
front-end analysis; (2) learner analysis; (3) task analysis; (4) procedure and is also intended as a technical
concept analysis; and (5) Specifying instructional objectives. examination of the validity of data in order to ensure
Stage design includes four phases: (1) constructing criterion- the validity of the research data.
referenced test; (2) media selection; (3) format selection; and e. Focus Group Discussion, as one of the research
(4) initial design. procedures and also serves to increase the degree of
The development phase includes two phases: (1) an expert confidence of the data and the validity of the data.
assessment (expert appraisal); and (2) test development
(developmental testing). The deployment phase

4. Data Analysis Technique b. Interview. Interviews in the study conducted on
Activity data analysis carried out on all of the data obtained teachers PAI and Budi Pekerti on each of the target
in the field of learning conditions PAI and Budi Pekerti with schools. Interview questions focused on how teachers
a scientific approach as well as supporting factors and implement instructional step-by-step scientific
obstacles in the implementation of the approach. In this case, approach, constraints faced and the innovations made
for data that are qualitative used qualitative analysis in the implementation of the curriculum in 2013.
techniques. Interview data analysis techniques include data c. Documentation Studies. Studies done by looking at the
reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and documentation and analyzing documents about learning
verification [8]. Based on the analysis of data, so we can device (syllabus, lesson plans, book source) used by
determine the quality of a product of the development of teachers PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang in
scientific approaches in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in implementing the scientific approach.
Padang. Conclusions obtained through the results of the d. Validation sheet, used to recapitalize feedback and
validation test. advice from education experts and curriculum and
learning practitioner of PAI and Budi Pekerti
associated with the development of a scientific
III. METHOD approach.
4. Examination of Validity of Data
1. Research Approach This study uses a technique of checking the validity of the
This study used a Research and Development. This study data is as follows:
is also called the “Research Based Development”, which a. Member Check, is the rechecking of data obtained
appears as a strategy and aims to improve the quality of from informants research by way of correction,
education at the level of the agency or institution. In this change or add to the information required in the
study the Research and Development used to produce study.
models of the development of scientific approaches that are b. Peer Debriefing, is discussions with colleagues.
effective in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang. The goal is to obtain feedback or suggestions in
In connection with this study, the model used is the Four- order to identify weaknesses thinking and logic
D models (4-D) developed by Thiagarajan, Semmel & associated with the research undertaken.
Semmel. Model 4-D research development includes the c. Trianggulasi, is the technique of utilizing the data
following four steps: Define (definition), Design (design), validity checking with other sources for checking or
Development and Dissemination (deployment). Phase comparison of data obtained from research
definition (define) includes five phases: (1) the analysis informants. One reason for using this technique is
front-end analysis; (2) learner analysis; (3) task analysis; (4) to find out the reasons for these differences.
concept analysis; and (5) Specifying instructional objectives. d. Validation/Test Expert, as a model development
Stage design includes four phases: (1) constructing criterion- procedure and is also intended as a technical
referenced test; (2) media selection; (3) format selection; and examination of the validity of data in order to
(4) initial design. ensure the validity of the research data.
The development phase includes two phases: (1) an expert e. Focus Group Discussion, as one of the research
assessment (expert appraisal); and (2) test development procedures and also serves to increase the degree of
(developmental testing). The deployment phase confidence of the data and the validity of the data.
(dissemination) includes three phases: (1) validating testing;
(2) packaging; and (3) diffusion and adoption.
This research was carried out only to the Development 5. Data Analysis Technique
stage only because the author intends to offer the concept of Activity data analysis carried out on all of the data
scientific development approach in learning PAI and Budi obtained in the field of learning conditions PAI and Budi
Pekerti, not to test the effectiveness of the development Pekerti with a scientific approach as well as supporting
model. factors and obstacles in the implementation of the approach.
2. Data Source Research In this case, for data that are qualitative used qualitative
Sources of data and informants of this research is the teacher analysis techniques. Interview data analysis techniques
PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang designated as target schools include data reduction, data presentation, drawing
in the implementation of the curriculum in 2013. conclusions and verification [8].
3. Data Collestion Instrument Based on the analysis of data, so we can determine the
a. Observation. There are three steps in making quality of a product of the development of scientific
observations: 1) conduct general observations (grand tour) approaches in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang.
on learning approach that is used by the teacher in the Conclusions obtained through the results of the validation
PAI and Budi Pekerti, 2) observations focused on getting test.
descriptions directly on learning activities undertaken by IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
teachers PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang, 3) observation After the procedures and steps of research development
selected (selectie observatie) is choosing the selected and analysis of data, then the model of scientific approach in
region. Observations directed at the scientific approach learning PAI and Budi Pekerti refers to the groove as shown
used by teachers PAI and Budi Pekerti in learning. in the following table:

Table 2 objectives, rationale, content development, the
characteristics of the model, kesuaian and discussion as well
Late Model Scientific Approach in Learning PAI and
as the physical form.
Budi Pekerti in Padang
Based on the assessment of the aspects of interest
validator is known that the development of scientific
approaches in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti is clear and
systematic. In the aspect of rationality, the development of
the resulting own characteristic models and can provide
benefits to the application of scientific approaches are
effective and efficient in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti. In
the aspect of content, the approach developed already refers
to raw format and give a presentation of model approaches
which match the sequence of model approaches and multi-
representation and provide knowledge about the aspects of
model development.
In the aspect of the presentation characteristics of the
model are in accordance with the sequence of steps of model
approaches and contains materials, multi representation. In
the aspect of suitability and language, the development
generated already contains suitability indicators and sentence
structure used in accordance with the ability of teachers PAI
and Budi Pekerti heterogeneous. Communicative phrases
used already by the shape and size of the letters clearly. In
sapek physical form, the development model resulting in
Framework development model scientific approach to attractive packaging.
learning PAI and Budi Pekerti mentioned above can be Validator general assessment of the development model
described as shown in the chart below: of scientific approach in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in
Padang produced can be used with minimal revision.
Feedback and suggestions from the validator has been noted
in the scientific approach to enhance development generated.
Overall validation results show that the model of
development of scientific approaches in learning PAI and
Budi Pekerti in Padang generated has been tried and tested
quality and have expressed very valid by the validator.
According to Anastasi and Urbina, in Lufri (2005: 116)
validity is “a measure that indicates the extent to which a
measuring instrument that can measure what is to be
measured”. In the judgment of the validator, all requirements
in the model which includes objectives, rationality,
characteristics, suitability and language, content models and
physical form is in conformity with the categorization results
of validity based on the opinions Riduwan “where a
percentage between 0% - 20% is not valid, 21% - 40% are
less valid, 41% - 60% is quite valid, 61% - 80% is valid, 81%
- 100% is very valid.
Based on the analysis that has been done, then the quality
of products development, the development model of
scientific approach in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in
Padang is very valid and practical. This conclusion was
obtained through first and second focus group discussion as
well as the validation test by relevant experts.
Picture 1 The validation test was conducted to determine the
validity of a product that has been developed. Model
Scientific Approach Model in Learning PAI and Budi scientific approach to learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in
Pekerti Padang that has been developed to test the validity by some
validator which comes from education and curriculum
Based on the validation results in a scientific approach to specialists, linguists and practitioners. Each validator
development learning of PAI and Budi Pekerti performed by validation charge sheet that has been provided. Validation
seven validator is known that the resulting model is very sheet contains several aspects that will be assessed, covering
valid with an average value of 82.14%. Validation is aspects of interest, rationality models, content models,
conducted on the products of this research focused on the characteristics, suitability and language and physical form.

Based on the validity of the test gained an average for the
development model of scientific approach in learning PAI B. Implications
and Budi Pekerti in Padang at 82.14% with a very valid 1. The scientific approach to learning PAI and Budi
category. It can be said that the development model of Pekerti can only be developed if teachers have the
scientific approach in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti in intention sincere and earnest in educating learners
Padang are in accordance with the terms specified in its and master the theories and concepts associated
development. In other words, the model developed already with such an approach and have the insight and
qualified. As a final conclusion can be formulated that extensive experience in the implementation of
"scientific approach which was preceded by the provision of measures scientific.
the task before learning to do learners outside the classroom, 2. The application of scientific approaches to learning
is very suitable to be applied in learning PAI and Budi PAI and Budi Pekerti would be more effective if it
Pekerti. is supported by facilities and adequate learning
The study is limited only to the stage of validity test or facilities such as laptops and infokus.
conceptual test, not reached the stage of field testing due to 3. The scientific approach would be difficult to
limited funds. Therefore, it is possible for the next researcher implement without the enthusiastic and a good
to test the implementation (the experiment) to a development response from the learners. Therefore, teachers of
model that is generated. PAI and Budi Pekerti must be able to motivate
learners to be enthusiastic about learning.
V. CONCLUSIONS 4. Students who are trained through the application of
a scientific approach to learning through the
provision of duty outside the classroom,
Development of a model approach to scientific learning unwittingly learners will acquire life skills such as
PAI and Budi Pekerti in Padang done by adding structured observation learners but not commonsense
tasks prepared by the teacher to be undertaken by learners observation as a researcher, it is easy to
outside the classroom, and students are assigned to record communicate with others, easy collaboration,
information or make a map of concepts related to the respect the opinion others and able to convey ideas
material that has been determined teachers to presented or and thoughts well.
demonstrated in the classroom.
As the novelty of this research study is that the scientific
approach which was preceded by the provision of the task
before learning to do learners outside the classroom, is very REFERENCES
suitable to be applied in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti. The
successful implementation of a scientific approach to [1] Muzamiroh, Mida Latifatul, Kupas Tuntas Kurikulum 2013:
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Kurikulum 2013, Jakarta, Kata Pena,
learning PAI and Budi Pekerti is determined by the sincerity 2013
of teachers in guiding, directing and prepare everything [2] Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
needed learners in implementing measures scientific Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 Tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan
approach. Menengah
[3] Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
According to the above conclusion, it is recommended to: Nomor 81A Tahun 2013 tentang Implementasi Kurikulum
1. Teacher of PAI and Budi Pekerti in order to master [4] Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
the theory and practice of scientific approaches and Nomor 103 Tahun 2014 tentang Implementasi Kurikulum
developments in learning. [5] Shaleh, Abdul Rachman, Pendidikan Agama dan Pembangunan
Watak Bangsa, Jakarta, Grafindo Persada, 2005
2. Teacher of PAI and Budi Pekerti to be earnest and [6] Wicaksono, Merosotnya Pengamalan Pendidikan Agama Islam di
sincere in educating their students for the Sekolah, Jakarta, Republika, 2013
application of scientific approaches require a [7] Muhaimin, Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam di
sacrifice of time, energy and thoughts. Sekolah, Madrasah dan Perguruan Tinggi, Jakarta, Raja Grafindo
Persada, 2005
3. Headmaster of Padang on a regular basis in order to [8] Arikunto, Suharsimi, Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktek,
facilitate teacher PAI and Budi Pekerti for training Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, 1993
related to the application of scientific approaches to
learning and equip the facility or media that support
the application of a scientific approach to learning.
4. MGMP’s PAI Board of Padang in order to develop
a more scientific approach to the application of the
technique in learning PAI and Budi Pekerti for all
of the topics covered in the curriculum.
5. The Ministry of Religious Affairs in collaboration
with the Religious Training Center in order to
facilitate the teachers PAI and Budi Pekerti in
Padang in order to add insight and knowledge as
well as skills to apply scientific approach to
learning, especially scientific approaches that have
been developed in this study.

An Analysis on Fifth Semester Semester Students’ Reading
Comprehension of Recount Text at STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk

Amal Hayati1)
STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung, West Sumatera, Indonesia


Abstract.  The purpose of this research was to describe the students’ reading comprehension of recount text at fifth
semester students of STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung. The ccomponents examined in this text was the part of recount text;
social function, generic structure, and language feature. The population of this research was the fifth semester students of
STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung. There are 30 students. This research used total sampling technique to determine the
sample. The instrument used in this research was reading test in multiple choice forms, it consisted of 30 items. Based on the
analysis of the reading comprehension test, the ability of fifth semester students of STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung in
comprehending a recount text was good (68.27). In detail, the students’ reading comprehension of social function of the text
was good (75.33). The students’ reading comprehension of generic structure of the text was good (69.19). The students’ reading
comprehension of language feature of the text was average (62.08). Based on the finding, it can be concluded that the students’
reading comprehension of recount text was good.

Key words: Analysis, Reading Comprehension

reading to be apply and can help the reader to figure out the
I. INTRODUCTION information from the text.
Reading may be defined as a process in which a reader In addition, Linse says that reading comprehension is
attempts to grasp the messages provided for by writer. It is teaching students how to derive meaning as well as analyze
one of language skills that determines students’ success in synthesize what they have read. It indicates that teaching
learning. Therefore, teaching reading is crucial since reading reading comprehension not only mean teach the students the
skill in English is needed by the students to enable them to way to read well, but also teach them the way to gain deep
handle the text book or other references written in English. understanding from what they have read.
According to Sheng [1], reading is the process of Brown, [4] explains types of reading as follows;
recognition and perception of written of printed material 1. Perceptive
while comprehension is the understanding of the meaning Perspective reading task involve attending to the
written material and covers the conscious techniques that components of larger stretches of discourse: letters, words,
lead understands. It is clear that reading is a process that punctuation, and other graphemes symbol.
needs technique in order to get comprehension. Assessment of basic reading skills may be carried out in a
Besides, Moreilion [2] also says that a theory of reading number of different ways: a) reading aloud, b) written
as a transaction among the reader, the text, and the intention response, c) multiple choice, d) picture cued items.
of the author. The reading process is an interaction between 2. Selective
a reader’s prior knowledge and information encoded in the This category is largely an artifact of assessment formats.
text. This means a process that needs ability to understand In order to ascertain one’s reading recognition of lexical,
and know the information provided in the text, students grammatical, or discourse feature of language within a very
should know how to learn something from reading. short stretch of language.
In the other hand, Klingner [3] says that reading Here are some of the possible tasks to assess lexical and
comprehension as a complex process that involves many grammatical aspects of reading ability: a) multiple choice
interaction between readers and what they know about the (for form-focused criteria), b) matching task, c) editing tasks,
text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as variable d) picture cued tasks, e) gap filling tasks.
related to the text itself such as: interest in text and
understanding of text types. It means that the reader should
have knowledge how understand the text and how strategy in

3. Interactive Abstract refers to existing as an idea. Orientation is who
Included among interactive reading types are stretches of involved in the story, when and where. Record of events
language of several paragraphs to one page or more in which refers to tell what happened in a chronological order.
the reader must, in psycholinguistic sense, interact with the Pradiyono [5] says that the generic structures of recount
text. text are: a) orientation contains the topic of an activity or
Interactive tasks may therefore imply a little more focus events that will be retell, b) record of events contains about
on top down processing than on bottom-up. There are some the record of activities or record of events in the past that
of possible tasks you can use to assess interactive reading: a) retell in chronologically, c) re- orientation contain about the
cloze task, b) impromptu reading plus comprehension conclusion of record of events.
questions, c) short answer tasks, d) editing (longer tasks), e) According to Bruce [10] the generic structure of recount
scanning, f) ordering tasks, g) information transfer: reading text consists of: orientation and events. The orientation is
charts, maps, graphs, diagrams. explained as providing background information in relation to
4. Extensive who, what, and where for the subsequent events of recount.
Extensive reading applies to texts of more than a page, up The events section explains what actually happens, this is
to and including professional articles, essays, technical usually organized chronologically.
repots, short stories, and books. The reason for placing such According to Djuharie [11] in general the generic
reading into a separate category is that reading of this type of structure of a recount text consists of: orientation, events and
discourse almost always involves a focus on meaning using re- orientation. Orientation introduces the participants, place
mostly top-down processing, with only occasional use of and time. Events describing series of events, Re- orientation
targeted bottom-up strategy. There are some of possible is closing. It is optional; comment is stating personal
tasks to assess extensive reading: a) skimming task, b) comment of the writer to the story.
summarizing and responding, c) note taking and outlining. According to Gatot and Wilgnell [12] the language
In addition, there are some indicators of reading features of recount text focuses on uses action verbs/
comprehension, they are: 1) topic and main idea, 2) word materiel process(i. e. I saw driving, had gone), and uses past
references, 3) identification of information, 4) guessing tense (i. e. I saw, I thought). And language features of
meaning of vocabulary, synonym, and antonym, 5) making recount text in general are marked by using simple past tense
inference, 6) analysis generic structure, social function and (i. e. she smiled, he painted) and use of action verbs/
kind of the text. material process (i. e. ate, went).
In English curriculum, there are many kinds of text. One In addition, Amiruddin [13] says that the language
of them is recount text. Recount text includes all about features which are usually found in a recount text. They are;
something that happen and often has lots in common with descriptive word (to give details about who, what, when,
stories. The text retells the past events that aim to give the where, and how) and the uses of past tense (to retall the
information and entertaining the reader. events).
In addition, Pardiyono [5] says that rhetorical structures Here the researcher is interested to conduct a research in
for recount text are orientation, record of event and re- analyzing on the fifth semester students of STKIP Dharma
orientation. Orientation presents the writer’s introduction Bakti Lubuk Alung in comprehending recount text.
about the activities that will be told. Record of event is
sequence of activities tells past activities that are described
orderly. Re-orientation is closure of events. II. METHOD
Moreover, Pratyasto [6] says that recount text is a kind of
the text that connects the events to aim to give information This research was qualitative descriptive. It described
or entertain to the reader. Beside that, recount text is the students’ ability to comprehend recount text. Gay [14] says
writer will remind again his activities in the past time and that the descriptive research involves collecting data in order
tell it orally or in written form. The events should be told to answer the questions concerning the current status of the
based on the real chronological order. subject of the study. In this case, the researcher wanted to
According to Knapp and Watkins [7], recount text is the know the ability of the fifth semester students of STKIP
simplest text type in genre of narrative. It can be analyzed Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung to comprehend reading recount
that recount text and narrative text have similarity in which text.
tells about past activities. However, there is difference
between the texts. Narrative text is a past story that has 1. Population and Sample
problem-solution in the text, while recount text just informs According to Arikunto [14] population is the entire
the sequence of past event. research subject. In addition, Gay, Mill, and Airasian [15]
Some experts explain the generic structure and language also says that population is the group to which a researcher
feature of recount text. Seaton [8] says that the generic would like the results of a study to be generalizable. The
structures of recount text which consist of three parts: 1) population of this research was the the fifth semester
Information or details of persons, time, place, and incident students of STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung, consist of 30
involved in the events, 2) Described and identified of events students. So, the 30 students of population be a sample. The
in chronological order, 3) Concluding comments express researcher used total population to decide the populatin.
personal opinion regarding the events described.
According to Paltridge [9] a recount text there are four
parts: abstract, orientation, record of events, and coda.

2. Instrument of the Research The data of students’ ability in comprehending language
The instrument of this research was a reading feature of recount text, there are 16 items about that is
comprehension test. Brown [4] in giving a test for students, language feature number, 3, 5 ,6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22,
the test must be valid and reliable. Then, test is method of 24, 25, 26, 28, 30. The result of data analysis showed that
measuring a student ability, knowledge or performance in a the highest score based on students answer sheet was 93.8
given domain [4]. For more information, the instrument must and lowest score was 443.8. The researcher got very good
have validity and reliability to get the research finding. was 4 students (13.33%), 11 students (36.66%) got good, 12
To collect the data, the researcher used reading students (40%) got average, 3 students (10%) got poor. It
comprehension test. The researcher gave the sample test was can be calculated total the students’ ability in
multiple choice form because it easy to administer and can comprehending language feature of recount text was 1962.50,
be scored quickly. The total number of test items was 30 because the sample consist 30 students, so the mean score
questions provided with four choices (A, B, C, D and E ) for was 1962.50/30 = 62.08 were classified average.
each question. The test consists of short recount text. Each
text had 5 questions. The time was allocated for doing the
test is 60 minutes. IV. CONCLUSIONS


The result of data analysis showed that the highest score Based on the findings above, it can be concluded that the
based on students answer sheet was 89.10 and the lowest ability of the fifh semester students STKIP Dharma Bakti
score was 42.80. The researcher got very good was 2 Lubuk Alung in comprehending recount text is good. The
students (6.66%), 9 srudents (30%) got good, 19 students research found that the mean score was 68.27 is means that
(63.33%) got average. It can be calculated total the students’ the students has a good ability. The students in
ability in comprehending of recount text was 2047.95, comprehending social function of recount text was 75.33
because the sample consist 30 students, so the mean score were classified good. Next, the students ability to
was 2047.95/30 = 68.27 were classified good. comprehending generic structure was 69.19 were classified
good. Last, the students ability to comprehending language
1. The Students’ Ability to Comprehend Social Function feature was 62.08 were classified average. So, the ability of
in Recount Text the ability of the fifh semester students STKIP Dharma Bakti
Based on the data of students’ reading ability to Lubuk Alung in comprehending recount text was got good
comprehend recount text, there were 5 items about social
function 4, 8, 29, 17, and 7. The result of data analysis
showed that the highest score based on students answer sheet REFERENCESS.
was 100 and lowest score was 40. The researcher got very
good was 9 students (30%), 9 students (30%) got good, 8
[1] Sheng. 2004. Goals and Techniques for Teaching Reading.
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poor. It can be calculated total the students’ ability in October 10, 2013
comprehending social function of recount text was 2260, [2] Moreilion, J. 2007. Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading
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[3] Klinger, Janette L., Sharon Vaugh, and Alison Boardman. 2007.
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recount text, there are 9 items about that is generic structure [7] Knapp, Peter and Megan Watkins. 2005. Handbook on Differentiated
Instruction for Middle and High schools. Larchmont: Eye on
number 1, 2, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23, 27. The result of data Education, Inc.
analysis showed that the highest score based on students [8] Seaton, Furtemore. 2006. Making Sense of Function Grammar.
answer sheet was 99.9 and lowest score was 4.44. The Sidney: Antepodeon Educational Assosiation
researcher got very good was 8 students (26.66%), 13 [9] Paltridge, Brian. 2001. Genre and the Language Learning Classroom.
United Stated: the University of Michigan Press.
students (43.33%) got good, 9 students (30%) got poor. It [10] Bruce, Ian. 2008. Academic Writing and Genre; A Systematic
can be calculated total the students’ ability in Analysis. New York: Continum.
comprehending generic structure of recount text was [11] Djuharie, Otong Setiawan. 2012. Genre; Ragam Teks dan
2075.70, because the sample consist 30 students, so the Peruntukannya. Padang: English Department of STKIP PGRI.
[12] Gatot, L and Peter W.1994. Making Sense of Grammar. Australia:
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[13] Amiruddin, S. 2006. Learning English Using Recount Text. Padang:
3. The Students’ Ability to Comprehend Language Diklat Guru Bahasa Inggris Se-Sumatra Barat.
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Andi Mursidi1), Soeharto2)

STKIP Singkawang, Singkawang, Indonesia

STKIP Singkawang, Jl. STKIP Kelurahan Naram, Singkawang, Indonesia

Abstract. PDCA Model (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle improvement process (Process Improvement) continuous or
sustained. This model is widely used for the management and improvement of the quality of higher education. PDCA
model is also expected to be one of the models of high-quality management to set the college. This study will give some
introduction of PDCA model and give some example how to use PDCA model in higher education. First part of this
study will give exlpanation and definition what is PDCA model. The second part of this study will show you how to use
PDCA Model in higher education and explain the strenght of PDCA Model. The final part of this study will summarize
and conclude how to use PDCA Model to improve quality assurance in higher educational institution.

Keywords: PDCA, Quality, Assurance

values and circumstances [3]. For any higher education

I. INTRODUCTION institution, there are several aspects of reputation which are
important [2] ;
Quality assurance has important role in quality 1) It is built upon the competitive elements of quality,
development of all systems. It doesn’t provide overall reliability, delivery, history and
information of development, giving non-referable results in price.
conclusion of the model for instructional quality assurance. 2) Once a higher education institution acquires a poor
Each area conducts different operations, added that the reputation for quality, it takes avery long time to
participants in evaluation of each area possess different change it.
attributes [1]. Using quality of achieving academic 3) Higher education reputations can quickly become
excellence has always been a central value in higher national reputations.
education. Higher education Institutions have relied on the 4) The management of the competitive weapons, such
reputation of their faculties to attract students and scholars as quality, can be learned like any other skill, and
and to give credibility to their degree programs, their used to turn round a poor reputation, in time.
graduates, and their instructors. However, the way Quality In general, they can all be described as forms of external
Assurance’s key components, Accreditation and Evaluation conditioned by the prevailing institution. some effort of
or Assessment, are defined has a great influence on its governments around the world are looking for higher
implementation and impact. Assessment is about language education to be more responsive, including making
regarding the nature of teaching, learning, and appropriate education more relevant to social and economic needs [4],
inquiry and powerregarding how higher education is 1) Widening access to higher education,
organized and rewarded. 2) Expanding numbers, usually in the face of
Quality is described as the totality of features and
decreasing unit cost, and
characteristics of a service that bear on its ability to satisfy
3) Ensuring comparability of provisions between
stated or implied needs. Quality of higher education is a
multidimensional concept, which should include all its institutions.
functions and activities: teaching and academic programmers,
research and scholarship, staffing, students, buildings, A. Quality Assurance in Higher Education
faculties, equipment, services the community and the The core of the quality assurance of higher education is as
academic environment [2]. Quality also requires that higher an abdication of responsibility the quality of higher
education should be characterized by its international education from the Directorate General of Higher Education
dimension: exchange of knowledge, interactive networking, to college, and the need for the implementation of quality
mobility of teachers and students, and international research control management in higher education quality assurance
projects, while taking into account the national cultural system which is one of the models based on PDCA.

Some conditions that are prerequisites or conditions of that include goals and objectives, reflecting quality standards
initial quality assurance must be met before the start of to be achieved, we need bold leadership to mobilize so that
activities related to quality assurance are: (1) required the the task of planning really really fully responsible for the
commitment of all parties involved in the management of the future of higher education institutions. All three of these
college kaizen higher education quality, because quality prerequisites, needs to grow consistently and continuously
must be maintained and improved consistently and [5].
continuously. Commitment is the organizational culture that Model Management System implementation Internal
values do not grow their own, but needed fundraising done Quality Assurance is designed, implemented, and improved
by people who got official mandate of the college to lead the quality sustainable based on the model PDCA (Plan, Do,
organization. Therefore, leadership run must be based on the Check, Action). With this model, it will be set in advance
quality of kaizen higher education, not only in work goals to be achieved through the strategy and a series of
behavior in performing the task of leadership to continue to appropriate activity. Then, against objectives through
maintain and improve the quality of higher education, but strategy and The activity will always be monitored
also to maintain and improve the quality of higher education Periodically, evaluated and developed in the direction better
for all education workers, both faculty and employees in a on an ongoing basis. With PDCA management model, then
way that convincing, directing, empowering, instilling periodically should make the process of self-evaluation
confidence, and provide the necessary support. (2) required a assess the performance of their own unit with using the
paradigm shift in line with filososofi quality assurance standards and procedures that have been set. The results of
quality assurance as a waiver of responsibility for quality. self-evaluation will be reported to the leadership of the unit,
The old paradigm of higher education quality assurance that the entire staff at the unit concerned, and to the leadership
occurred prior to this, is the maintenance and improvement institute. Against the results of self-evaluation and the unit
of the quality of higher education is reactive, done when leader leadership institute will make a decision about steps
there is supervision and strict control of the government, in or actions to be done to improve and improve the quality [6].
this case the Directorate General of Higher Education,
Ministry of Education as the Central Authority in the system B. Model PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
of higher education model. In line with the philosophy of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is a high level method
quality assurance, then this paradigm should be removed and for achieving continuous improvement that has been a basic
replaced with a new paradigm that is the responsibility of element of the total quality management movement. It is a
each college early to maintain and improve the quality of practical tool and is widely adopted in the automotive sector
higher education held a means to realize his vision through as an improvement tool to managing improvement projects
the implementation of its mission in earnest and responsible especially in higher education of university [7]. It can
in order to satisfy stakeholders. These changes are expected incorporate process improvement, product or service
to arise as a sense of moral responsibility to make the improvement. There are many examples of methods used for
institution continue to exist in the midst of society through quality improvement such as Quality Circles, PDCA (Plan-
the maintenance and improvement of the quality of Do-Check-Act) all used to ensure continuous improvement
education. Leadership is built on a sense of moral [8]..
responsibility here, it becomes very necessary to slowly but Quality improvement in higher education is the use of a
surely changing work behaviors reactive shown by deliberate and defined improvement process, such as Plan-
educational workers, lecturers and employees, into a work Do-Check-Act, which is focused on activities that are
attitude pro-actively growing with a sense of moral responsive to community needs and improving population in
responsibility sublime to best to do something to preserve higher education. It refers to a continuous and ongoing effort
and improve the quality of education on campus. (3) to achieve measurable improvements in the efficiency,
required a change of mental attitude menerapan planning effectiveness, performance, accountability, outcomes, and
function in earnest in college administration, for quality other indicators of quality in services or processes which
control management based. achieve equity and improve the higher education of the
PDCA in quality assurance system of higher education, a community [9].
key factor in planning improvement of the quality of higher Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle or Deming cycle can
education. Planning a macro scale is the master plan be traced back to the eminent statistics expert Shewart in the
development colleges, and in micro scale is a unit of events 1920s. Shewart introduced the concept of PDCA. The Total
syllabus. Therefore, the mental attitude plannings like this in Quality Management Deming modified the Shewart cycle as:
college administration only for the fulfillment of license or Plan, Do, Study and Act. The Deming cycle is a continuous
accreditation requirements, should be abandoned and quality improvement model consisting of a logical sequence
converted into all planning as an urgent need in the campus of these four repetitive steps for Continuous Improvement
administration. Planning as a management function that is and learning. The PDCA cycle is also known as Deming
very important, really have to be prepared with reference to Cycle, the Deming wheel of Continuous Improvement spiral.
the improve the quality of higher education in a sustainable In ‘Plan phase’, the objective is to plan for change, predict
manner. Therefore, planning should be placed as something the results. In ‘do phase’, the plan is executed by taking
very important in the implementation of the work at all small steps in controlled circumstances. In ‘study/check
levels in the organization of higher education, especially in phase’ the results are studied. Finally in ‘act phase’, the
those who because of his position must their leadership. organization takes action to improve the process. The
Conversely, because the whole plan prepared at all levels previous studies have covered mostly the empirical

representation of the philosophy in the field of higher system. Most of the organizations are not consistently
education. But none of them had presented any task-oriented effective in addressing the day to day problems they face,
methods or policies. This study is a very small effort to start but instead they have developed sophisticated in “fire
filling the gap [10]. fighting skills [3]. In the West many companies are adept to
PDCA (plan-do-check-act), which comprising the steps of just “do” and neglect the P-C-A phases [17].
planning, implementation of the plan, the examination Implementation PDCA model in management of quality
results of the implementation plan, and corrective measures assurance is set in four stages as follows:
against the results obtained [11].. a. Planning. In this stage of university leaders high-set
in their highly regarded research article, Bhulyan and plan (plan) in the form of objectives to be achieved
Baghel (2005) [12] provide a comprehensive overview of the through strategies in quality policy with various
history and evolution of the CQI methodology. Initially a quality standards as well as a series of activity in
business philosophy, Shewhart first proposed the CQI the framework of the preparation internal quality
approach in 1931 (Barron, n.d.). It is a process of constantly assurance system.
introducing small incremental changes in order to b. Implementation. In this phase all levels unit
improve quality and/or efficiency. In the 1950s, one of working both in academic and non covering
Shewhart’s colleagues, William Edwards Deming academic institute level, institution, faculty,
(1986),adapted Shewhart’s four-phase, fact-based approach, graduate majors, Prodi, laboratory, and unit Other
subsequently known as Deming’s PDCA Cycle: Plan; Do; technical implementers should implement (do) the
Check; Act. The PDCA cycle rests on the collection of facts activity as with quality standards, standards
and the analysis of objective data [13]. Brown and operational procedures (SOP) and form (borang /
Marshall’s (2008) [14] define the four phases: performing) the set.
 Plan = Define purpose, goals and objectives;Collect c. Control. In this stage, the entire unit must evaluate
data. (check) to assess the performance of each end unit
 Do = Identify needs; Propose change; Implement. semester using procedures have been established.
 Check = Monitor, evaluate and analyze change; d. Development. Based on recommendations from the
Compare old and new data. team auditor, related to unit leaders and university
 Act = Adjust strategies for improvement; Refine leaders make a decision on the steps or acts further
and reinstitute. to be done. when the results audit showed that the
standard defined quality yet or not is reached, it
must be done further study later integrated quality
standards next. When the results of the audit have
reach the standard, then the process planning the
next cycle should be improved so
menghasilkankaizenatau increase continuous
quality (continuous improvement).
The fourth stage is intended to ensure that every activity
education in Universities High-assured and each unit always
carry out an evaluation to find its strengths and weaknesses
so that they can made changes for quality improvement
Sustainably [18].

The study is a qualitative study which is descriptive view
of PDCA model in higher education. The total basis of the
study is the renowned literatures in the field. No samples
were considered and also were not required for conducting
the study. The study focuses on suggesting a procedure for
implementing model of PDCA in educational institutions.
Fig 1: The four phases of the PDCA cycle For the purpose, the concept of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
cycle has been used here. We just provide availability and
The PDCA cycle is a valuable process that has a wide credibility of necessary and collected information to know
applicability [15]. Although it is frequently used as a process implementation of PDCA in higher education.
improvement tool by teams, individuals will also find it
useful. Toyota has for instance found the PDCA method to III. DISCUSSION
be generic and applicable to the PD, additional to
manufacturing. Using the PDCA method lies in their culture According to our review of quality assurance and PDCA
and is daily used as a problem solving method to ensure fact management model was very important to improve quality
based solution and to avoid solutions which only remove assurance of higher educational intitution. Quality assurance
symptoms [16]. Short-termism and suboptimization through will determine reputation of higher educational institution.
partial fulfillment of the PDCA cycle can be seen as a Some aspects which we found about reputation related
contrast to the strength of the Toyota product development quality assurance which are (1) It is built upon the

competitive elements of quality, reliability, delivery, history and find that PDCA model in quality assurance system of
and price. (2) Once a higher education institution acquires a higher education, a key factor in planning improvement of
poor reputation for quality, it takes a very long time to the quality of higher education. it will be set in advance
change it. (3) Higher education reputations can quickly goals to be achieved through the strategy and a series of
become national reputations. And (4) the management of the appropriate activity. Then, against objectives through
competitive weapons, such as quality, can be learned like strategy and The activity will always be monitored
any other skill, and used to turn round a poor reputation, in Periodically, evaluated and developed in the direction better
time. on an ongoing basis. With PDCA management model, then
PDCA management model is one of the important point to periodically should make the process of self-evaluation
improve quality assurance in higher education. Some local assess the performance of their own unit with using the
and overseas universities have proven that PDCA standards and procedures that have been set. The results of
management model framework is basic and important one to self-evaluation will be reported to the leadership of the unit,
improve quality assucance in hiher education. Maria from the entire staff at the unit concerned, and to the leadership
centre for research of quality assurance policy said that institute. Against the results of self-evaluation and the unit
quality management, at least theoretically, can have potential leader leadership institute will make a decision about steps
for example with respectto indetifying avalaible option of or actions to be done to improve and improve the quality.
higher education institutions may choose from in order to finally, this study just wanna introduce how to use PDCA
respond to increasing external pressures for demonstrating management model to improve quality assurance of higher
academic output. PDCA Management model is one of the educational institution. how to know what is the important
key factor to improve quality asscurance in higher education point when the higher education wanna use the PDCA
[19]. management model to improve the university.
Continuous improvements are an opportunity which can
contribute and strengthen the product development phase. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Utilization of the PDCA cycle, as a systematically We would like to thank ADRI which provides template to
continuous improvement method, can be one possible help all participants writes a journal easily and conducts this
valuable tool to achieve the desired improvements for international seminar. We would like to thank to STKIP
companies. This paper analyzes the systematic way of using Singkawang which fund all of cost to present this research
of the PDCA cycle as a continuous improvement tool. the and some lecturers who give advices to make better idea in
PDCA cycle is an impressively systematic approach for this research. Without all of people who support this
improvement, but is also incredibly time consuming and that research, we cannot write this research well and properly.
it is not always an approach that works well in their rapidly
changing environment. REFERENCES
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Student Centered Learning on Biology Facilitates the development
of Naturalist Intelligence

Anna Fitri Hindriana 1), Heni Emiyati,2), Rizky Eliandi 3)

Universitas Kuningan, Kuningan, Indonesia
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz

Second Institution, Address, Country
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz

Abstract. Mainly, science learning result unable to facilitate students to solve their real life problems, this is caused by
science learning process at junior high school and biology learning process in senior high that unable to develop student
intelligence potential. Student are only given material in form of knowledge that is not compatible with attainment of
science literacy as the major aim of science education. One of learning result in biology that compatible with attainment
of science literacy is the development of naturalist intelligence. Based on the study, the student centered learning in
biology for junior and senior high school is developed. This emphasizes on distribution of problem, development of
thinking potential, implementation of contextual learning, and implementation of cooperative learning. The subject of
this study are 63 students of senior high school and 76 students of junior high school. The method used for this study
was Quasi Experimental Design with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The student naturalist intelligence was
measured quantitatively using test with indicator of nature classification, nature simulation, and caring for nature . The
value of N-gain is 0.75 for junior high school and 0.43 for senior high school. The highest attainment of student
naturalist intelligence is on nature classification. Based on this study it can be informed that the application of student
centered learning can develop naturalist intelligence both for junior high school student and senior high school student.

Keywords: Student Centered learning, Naturalist Intelligence, Cognitive load.

science learning especially biology. This is

I. INTRODUCTION because naturalist intelligence can facilitate
The change in science learning paradigm is student to observe, classify, measure, calculate,
focusing on science method skill and construction predict, communicate, questioning, inference,
of knowledge require student centered learning control variable, formulate problem, hypothesize,
process. Nowadays there are many of learning design experiment and experiment.
models that can be applied in student centered
learning. Based on couple of studies, student II. METHODS

centered learning can facilitate student in

information sharing, experience based learning, Student-centered learning is focusing on how
and problem solving based learning. In applying student learn and how student achieve their
student-centered learning, student can actively learning outcomes [1]. This is focusing on how
involve and be independent in their learning student can actively involve in learning process so
process, develop metacognitive skill in seeking for that the information gained become meaningful
learning needs, information sources, construct and and able to develop student cognitive structure.
present their knowledge based on the gathered and With developing student cognitive system, student
information. will be at ease to integrate their knowledge so they
The development of naturalist intelligence in can have reasoning skill, critical thinking, and
learning process is expected to be able to support problem solving [2] Student-centered learning is
the nature of science which in the baseline of strongly influenced by student cognitive

development theory stated by John Dewey, Jean The design that used in this study is
Piaget and Lev Vygotsky that focus on Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample
constructivist learning. Schrὂder,2016 stated that consists of 63 students of high school and 76
the process of learning is strongly influenced by students of secondary school. The discovery
personal experience and interpretation and it learning was applied in high school, and the
depends on the learner’s motivation. Thus student- problem based learning was applied in secondary
centered learning has potential to encourage school. The naturalist intelligence test was used to
student to be more active, independent, in line collect the data, the test was in essay that measure
with their own learning phase and their age. naturalist intelligence at indicator of nature
Student learning phase should be guided to keep classification, nature simulation, and caring for
dynamic and be very competitive. nature. The result of the test was analyzed to know
Student-centered learning that was applied in the students’ attainment when receiving
this study using two learning models; discovery information after the implementation of SCL. The
learning and problem based learning. The choice learning process in classes were applied using
based on the aim of learning that is develop these principals :
naturalist intelligence which is focusing on a. Accentuate the solutions of the learning task
capability in classifying flora and fauna and have collaboratively
high awareness to condition of environment. Thus b. Ease student performance by performance
the application of two models can place student to objective.
certain problem that the student themselves have c. Give problem contextual with student daily life
to find the solution by designing several cognitive (Social context) and student learning process
tasks. (Cognitive context)
Naturalist intelligence according to Gardner d. Develop affective and positive perception
(Lazear, 2004) have correlation with our e. Present naturalist intelligence towards problem
recognition, appreciation, and comprehension in environment to provide student science
towards our natural surrounding and the literacy
knowledge that come from our finding. Naturalist f. Learn to gain and contextually integrate based
intelligence according Lunenburg.M,R. and Fred on the condition of their place of living
C. Lunenburg, F,C. (2014) is ability to g. Learn to meaningfully use the knowledge
comprehend, correlate, categorize, classify and h. Give task to analyze information about
explain all the things in nature. Teacher can knowledge in line with naturalist intelligence
escalate naturalist intelligence by comparing the indicators.
life of plant and animal, and escalate the nature The measurement of naturalist intelligence and
awareness by recognize, compare, relate the nature analysis of data was done qualitatively and
phenomenon with problems in nature. quantitatively. All data were analyzed in
Based on the explanation about student-centered correlational using SPSS 20 for windows.
learning and naturalist intelligence, it can be
conclude that SCL is a learning that advising
student to actively participate in the concepts and
principals so they can gain experience and do III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
experiments that enable them to discover the 1. Increase Naturalist Intelligence
concepts and principals. This learning is a learning To know the interpretation of student naturalist
where the teacher have to create problematic intelligence escalation, the gain test was conducted.
learning situation, stimulate students with Based in the result of gain test on both class of
questions, encourage student to find their own sample, the secondary student that applied PBL
answer and do experiment, so that they can gained 0.75 n-gain score with high category and
develop the naturalist intelligence. the class sample of high school students that
applied discovery model gained 0.43 n-gain score
Methodology with category medium. This means there is
escalation of naturalist intelligence for both
secondary and high school student after the

application of SCL. Based on the study, the curiosity and encourage quest of reason to broaden
highest naturalist intelligence was gained by a the knowledge that they already have. Moreover
class that applied PBL. The PBL Model is better contextual learning encourages student to think
in escalate student naturalist intelligence because logically, so that the material become meaningful
the PBL model is emphasizing student to be active because it can be apply to solve daily life
in learning process by solving the problems, The problems. This is supported by other researchers
problem solving is done by collecting relevant that contextual learning has role in escalate
data and facts and relating it with the real situation, comprehension, especially the learning that needs
for example environmental problem in which the to analyze and classify (Bulteet al., 2006).
student can raise their awareness and concern Contextual learning escalate the development and
towards environmental problem. The feeling of concept integration, also escalate cooperation and
awareness and concern can help student to develop responsibility in learning (Braund& Reiss, 2006).
their naturalist intelligence. Moreover, the
principals in learning that stressing on information 2. Attainment Indicator of naturalist
processing gives benefit when solving the problem. intelligence
The information packaging become an unity that
helps students to process information. The The naturalist intelligence indicator that
packaging of information is based on information measured in this study were classification, nature
packaging process by Atkinson-Shiffrin (Slavin, simulation, and caring for nature. Based on the
2008) which is connectivity model. The model result of study in the Table 1
explain that the all the knowledge that is stored in
brain will make a connection network, not in TABLE I
separate information. Based on that finding and Naturalist Model that being used
the processing information model, student will be intelligence Problem Discov
more at ease to apply principles because all the indicators Based Learning ery
Nature 3,31 3,17
information have been packed in an meaningful classification
unity. The packaging of information into Nature simulation 3,16 3,01
meaningful unity helps student to solve problems. Caring for nature 3,01 2,95
This argument is supported by cognitive load
theory; the important attribute in cognitive load is Based on the attainment of each naturalist
the working memory that has limitation in intelligence indicator, it can be conclude that the
capacity and duration when processing attainment of all the indicators are good for both
unrecognized information, if there are more than PBL and discovery model. This is can be seen
seven pieces of new information that being from the student ability for nature classification
processed at the same time, the working memory indicator that shows the students has been able to
will be overload, but there will be decreasing of recognize clearly the new relation and linkages
load when the new pieces of information are being between nature and human-made environment.
related (Mihalca,L, 2010 ). Student ability on nature simulation shows that
The contextual teaching corresponds with students are able to interpret implication and point
information processing theory which stated that out the meaning of certain nature phenomenon.
information will be stored longer in the brain if Student ability on caring for nature indicator
those information are gained through experience shows that student has been able to follow
(Slavin, 2008). Basically contextual learning is a statement and user preservation and the principles,
system that can stimulate the brain to arrange also realize the spirit of nature preservation by
pattern that give meaning. The meaningfulness in doing practice of preservation based on principle
contextual learning is produced because the that they have got previously.
learning material is being related to experiment in The ability of the student are not separated from
daily life. This is corresponds with the result of the principles of each model that being applied.
study that students have been comprehensively see For PBL model, the ability was developed on
the relating information. That ability of students every phase of learning. On phase of organizing,
proves that contextual learning can escalate student can develop their naturalist intelligence.

The problem that is provided for students that used information, construct strategy to solve problem,
PBL model was provided by the teacher to and realize the chosen strategy. On phase 1.
strengthen students’ comprehension so that can Stimulation teacher proposes a question to
give students’ interest and motivate student to students that aims to stimulate students to think
learn. The real-life problems that are be found in and gives instruction to do problem solving, by
daily life can ease the continuity of discussion, this asking question that enable student to thinking
is because the emersion of high motivation in liberally. And on this phase students learn to
learning that will encourage the high interest in develop ability to communicate answer. Moreover,
doing the task, building well learning attitude and students are given chances to respond to their
habit through learning schedule arrangement and peers’ answer. By the developed communication
discipline to follow the schedule. in learning process facilitates student in doing
Learning in group will build interaction between investigation that is base of student naturalist
the member of the group like sharing opinion, intelligent development. On phase 2 problem
knowledge and ideas to solve problem. The ideas statement, can develop student ability in
from each member in the group will be varied, so identifying problem and comprehending problem.
it would help in solving the problem. After the This phase also prioritize team cooperation and
students identify or classify the problem, student communication to develop positive perception in
are trained to make concept map so that they can learning, so all the students can chare
construct their cognitive structure. On the phase of responsibility and have the same position. Positive
developing and presenting attainments, each perception escalates motivation to actively
student present the result of discussion related to involved in learning process, and willing to
problem that they have in discussion. Students are receive knowledge and skill from varied sources
able to greatly solve problem that related to every and methods (George,2006 ; Ainley, 2011). The
indicator of naturalist intelligence because their development of attitude and positive perception
cognitive structure have been constructed on the towards lesson make students focus on the
previous phase. This facilitates students in relating learning and choose learning object that
concept and principle that they have gained to be corresponds with the problem that being
applied when solving problems. This is developed. Phase 3. Data collection trains
corresponding to the cognitive structure students’ ability in observing, comprehending, and
development theory by Anderson & Bower (1983) categorizing problem topic that are included in
that was stated by Slavin (2008) that the naturalist intelligence. Student ability to find
information that match with scheme of long term alternative solution that included in ability to solve
memory will be easier to comprehend, learn, and problem (social insight) and student ability in
memorize rather the unmatched one. communicating solution (social communication)
The result of the study, the student are after students identify the focus of question and
facilitated to solve problem because the object of phenomenon then continuing by
development of structure cognitive through the collecting many relevant information to answer
process of learning corresponds to Ormrod (2008) the focus of questions. This phase facilitates
andSolsoet al., (2008) that cognitive scheme can naturalist intelligence in classifying data based on
help students in taking logic relation to see the the answer of the focus of questions.
cause and effect relation, make decision, and solve On phase 4. Data processing, information that
problem. This is supported by a study of have been gathered are recorded and function for
Manoli&Papadopoulou (2012) that organization of concept construction and generalization. From the
information in form of scheme can help student to generalization, student can gain new knowledge
do self-regulated learningwhich is required to do about alternative answers and alternative solution
High Order Thinking. that need logic proof. The next step on phase 5.
The application of discovery learning can Verification, students claim the knowledge
facilitate student in developing naturalist (answer for the focus on the questions). Every
intelligence, because discovery learning enables group reinvestigated whether the answer of the
students to learn how to recognize a problem and focus of questions is already right based on
characteristic of solution, search relevant alternative finding, related to data processing.

Students do investigation to prove and relate the 3. Develop positive perception to escalate
answer with the focus of question, or answer with motivation to be actively involved in learning
theory and principle. This phase facilitate and willing to receive knowledge and skill from
naturalist intelligence in classifying, investigating varied sources and methods.
and taking care of nature. Based on the phases of
learning above, it can be seen that students do
information collecting meaningfully, because that REFERENCES
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develop thinking potential

Analysis Learning Social Science Charged the Values of
Entrepreneurship in Primary School
(Case Study in Social Science Education in Class IV SDPN
Pajagalan 58 Bandung)
Dadang Iskandar1), Lutma Ranta Allolinggi2), Acep Roni Hamdani3)
Pasundan University, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
University Kristen Indonesia Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Pasundan University, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Abstract. Entrepreneurship education is a government program that is conducted every level of

education. Implementation of the values of entrepreneurship learning in primary schools is an effort to
promote entrepreneurship, so that people can develop into a reliable personal and be the generation that
can create jobs. This study aims to assess the extent to which the learning of Social Sciences can
provide space in growing the value of entrepreneurship in primary school students. This research was
conducted in SDPN Pajagalan 58 with qualitative approach case study method. The subject is the
person responsible for entrepreneurship education program, one teacher of Social Sciences and
seventeen students of class IV. Based on the survey results revealed that entrepreneurship education
program has been designed as possible into school programs that are implemented on an ongoing basis.
The values of entrepreneurship has been published in school activities such as extracurricular activities,
events and activities programmed habituation. Planning learning Social Sciences laden entrepreneurial
values starting from the manufacture of the syllabus and lesson plans. Implementation of classroom
learning is done in accordance with the lesson plan gives more space for students to develop a
personality. Assessment of learning laden entrepreneurial values is done through observation and
checks on student attendance. At the time of the learning takes place, the student has demonstrated an
attitude / entrepreneurial character that is honest, self-discipline, confidence, leadership, creative,
independent, hard work, responsibility, curiosity, communicative, and cooperation. The main problem
is the plan that is prepared teacher is not maximized and not yet fully apply in learning. From the results
of this study are expected to provide benefits for the development of entrepreneurship education in
primary schools, especially in SDPN Pajagalan 58 and become material for the evaluation of Bandung
City Education Department.

Keywords: Learning Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship Education, Elementary School

dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the

I. INTRODUCTION nation, aims to develop students' potentials to become
Education is a conscious and planned effort in the a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble,
process of coaching and learning for individuals to grow into healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative,
a human, independent, responsible, creative, knowledgeable, independent and become citizens of a democratic and
healthy and moral (character) noble. In Law No. 20 Year accountable.”
2003 on National Education System Section 3, states that: One part of the national education system announced
“national education serves to develop the ability and by the government is an entrepreneurial education program.
character development and civilization of the nation's The program is conducted from early childhood, elementary,

middle, and high school and even up to the university. This early childhood to university. Learning Knowledge of Social
is in line with the grain of national policies in the field of Science in primary school aims to form citizens who have
education contained in the document of the National social skills and be confident in his own life in the midst of
Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2010-2014, physical strength and social, which in turn will become good
realms 2, namely: increased access to quality education, citizens and responsible (Kind, Genrich, Sodhi, & Chretien,
affordable, relevant, and efficient towards the lifting of the 2010).
welfare of the people , independence, nobility of character, Problems that occur during this time that the learning
and a strong national character. process Knowledge of Social Sciences at the elementary
school experience problems in achieving the learning
Furthermore, with regard to entrepreneurial system
objectives. Planting the value of entrepreneurship in the
Suryana (2011: 37) explains that;
learning of Social Science Knowledge has yet to show the
In entrepreneurship, pragmatic primary value system
maximum results (Niemi, 2002). Besides, teachers are
can be seen from the character, spirit, and behavior,
sometimes still dominant in learning makes students simply
for example, always working hard, firm, prioritizing
become less active listener and in practice learning materials
achievement, courage to take risks, productivity,
directly. This causes the students experiencing saturation in
creativity, innovation, quality of work, commitment,
the learning process.
and ability to find opportunities. Furthermore,
Besides learning the charged value of
moralistic values include the belief or the confidence,
entrepreneurship in primary schools is still difficult to
respect, trust, cooperation, honesty, exemplary, and
implement. Freight value of entrepreneurship in primary
schools are also less attention, both by education and the
Thus the entrepreneur has a goal-oriented progress to general public (William Lee, Harrison, & Black, 2004). In
obtain the material, with the characteristics: risk-taking, the world of education, very few teachers who cared noticed
open to technology, and prioritizing material (Chakravarthy growth entrepreneurial character and behavior of learners. In
and Lorange, 2008). Besides, entrepreneurs have a goal- general, the educators were oriented to prepare the
oriented progress but not to pursue the matter (Chesbrough, workforce instead of setting the entrepreneur (Gartner &
2012). For entrepreneurs like this just want to create a sense Vesper, 1994).
of responsibility, service, positive attitude, and creativity,
Social Science Knowledge Education in Elementary
and just based on the habits of existing ones, such as venture
School has a goal of helping students to develop value /
with the calculation of horoscope, other calculations, and
democratic attitudes in public life (Levine, Prosser, Evans, &
fengshui order to succeed (Henry, Hill, & Leitch , 2005).
Reicher, 2005). The value in the learning intended as
Elementary School as a most basic level of formal
Knowledge of Social Science a set of beliefs or principles
education in Indonesia is expected to provide space in the
that have personal behaviors in students that can be revealed
development of entrepreneurship education as part of
through thoughts and actions (McClintock & Allison, 1989).
government efforts to promote entrepreneurship in education.
Sapriya (2011: 55), suggests that;
Learning system in elementary school is now guided by the
"Knowledge of Social Sciences learning program
curriculum of 2006 (KTSP) which contains the terms of
should provide the opportunity for students to express,
reference in which includes content standards.
reflect and articulate the values espoused". This process
There are a number of subjects in charge of the
depends on the values of procedural class.
curriculum is taught in primary schools, which are the
subjects of Social Science Knowledge. The learning
This suggests that learning Social Science Knowledge
objectives Social Science Knowledge in primary schools is
provides space for the planting of values to every child,
oriented to three aspects of cognitive, affective, and
including the value of entrepreneurship (Finkle & Deeds,
psychomotor. Knowledge in the Social Sciences learning in
2001). For planting or learning the value of entrepreneurship
primary school during this cognitive and psychomotor
in schools was not necessarily done separately, but the
achieved well but the affective aspect is still less than the
values that are taught inherent in any learning materials that
maximum because the learning system only finishing
have been in school (Draycott & Rae, 2011).
material. According to Nana Supriatna, et al (2009:9) :
Based on information from Bandung City Education
“affective aspect relates to attitudes, values and
Department in getting information about institutions into
morals of the students, which, by giving those three
pilot schools (Pilot Project) government in developing the
aspects are expected students to become a whole
educational program the values of entrepreneurship at
person, so that through the study of Social Science
primary school level. The school is SDPN Pajagalan 58
Knowledge students were able to answer the issues
Bandung. From interviews with Mr. Eko Setiawan
that are national and global, including in terms of
researchers as deputy head SDPN Pajagalan 58 and also in
development in Indonesia”.
charge of Entrepreneurship Education program, the
Each of the subject matter in primary school has researchers obtained information that:
strived to be filled with the charge value, be it the character Values education program of entrepreneurship in
and values of entrepreneurship. Included in the subjects of SDPN Pajagalan 58 has been implemented from the
Social Sciences Knowledge entrepreneurial values academic year 2010/2011, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013
implemented at all levels, ranging from low grade to high academic year. Planting the values of entrepreneurship
grade. This is in line with the issuance of an invitation to in students SDPN Pajagalan 58 already obtain
promote entrepreneurship at all levels of education, from

satisfactory results, but still continue to be developed to SDPN Pajagalan 58, recorded through written notes,
obtain better results again.
recording video and taking pictures with a camera and or HP.
Based on this information, researchers conducted a study of
the extent to which SDPN Pajagalan 58 make room for Sources of data in addition to the words and actions in this
values education in learning entrepreneurship in Social
study, also sentences, paragraphs and discourse found in the
Science Knowledge, as part of government efforts to
promote entrepreneurship. literature or documentation related to the values of
II. METHODS Making primary source of data conducted by
Analysis of Social Knowledge Learning Sciences researchers at the top in line with the opinion of Sugiyono
charged the values of entrepreneurship in primary school (2012: 309), that
students is a research using a qualitative approach with case "... When viewed in terms of how or techniques of
study method. A qualitative approach has implications for data collection, data collection can be done by
observation (observation), interview (interview),
the use of standard size and qualitative and conducted documentation and combined / triangulation."
through case studies (Thomas, 2006). The case study aims to The data were analyzed with the following steps: reducing
the data, perform data presentation, and draw conclusions
gain a deep understanding of the objective conditions in the from these studies (Miles, M.B. & Huberman, 1994).
elementary school students familiarize civilize
entrepreneurial values in students' everyday lives.
Curriculum SDPN Pajagalan 58 as part of the
This research was conducted in a natural setting that planning process of learning and teaching within a school
year covers a number of subjects whose breadth and depth is
is not in a setting that is designed in such a way as is done in
the burden of learning for students and local content material.
quantitative research. In practice, researchers mingling with Consists of mandatory subjects: religious education, civic
education, the Indonesian language, math, science,
students, teachers and the elements of the other schools to
Knowledge Science Social, cultural arts and physical
get the data and information needed. Researchers trying to education, sports and health.
Selected local content defined by characteristic,
blend directly in social situations in the environment SDPN
potential and advantages of the region, as well as the
Pajagalan 58. availability of land, infrastructure, and educators. Target
local content lessons is the development of entrepreneurship
Subjects in this study are the stakeholders who have
and the cultivation of cultural values in accordance with the
different characteristics, elements, and the value associated environment. The values of entrepreneurship being
developed include innovation, creativity, critical thinking,
with the understanding of the values of entrepreneurship
exploration, communication, independence, and work ethic.
contained in Social Science Knowledge learning in primary Cultural values in question include honesty, responsibility,
discipline, sensitivity to the environment, and cooperation.
schools. Therefore, the subjects in this study were teachers
Planting entrepreneurial values and culture are integrated in
who numbered one person and grade IV/A, amounting to the learning process that is conditioned so that these values
can be attitudes and behavior in everyday life (Gehman,
thirty-four. Of the thirty-four students have then taken the
sample (respondents) in an effort to facilitate and focus the
Table 1
observation research. At the preliminary study stage, the Achievement Indicators Values Entrepreneurship Education in Primary
determination of the subject of research done by purposive Entrepreneurship in Education Guidelines, (Curriculum
Sampling (Zainal Arifin, 2012: 221) subjects who have
Values Achievement indicators
considered able to provide information relevant to the values Entreprene
urship Individual Class School
of entrepreneurship. They consist of the principal, who is Honest 1. Produce 1. Creating a Creating a
responsible entrepreneurship programs, teacher of Social something learning school
with their environme situation
Science Knowledge and graders IVA seventeen students own ideas nt that to build
2. Did not fosters an honest
were given a short code Students in SW (SW 1 to SW 17). cheat other honesty in attitude
The main data sources are the words and actions of people's words and
work actions
those who observed or interviewed in the neighborhood 3. Answering

Values Achievement indicators Values Achievement indicators
Entreprene Entreprene
urship Individual Class School urship Individual Class School
a question on time learning the
the teacher 2. Complete the environme school
about task on time nt that rules
something 3. Comply enables 2. Creatin
based on school rules students g a
what it orderly dress to school
knows discipline environ
Creative 1. Make a 1. Create Creating a ourselves ment
literary / art learning school 2. Make that
from situations situation order class makes
materials that that the
available encourage fosters school
2. Make a thinking creative commu
variety of and acting thinking nity to
new creatively and acting be
sentence 2. Giving a power. discipli
with words challengin ned
alone g Responsibl 1. Being able to Creating a Creating
3. Propose a task emer e carry out learning an
new genceof tasks that environment atmospher
activity in new the become that makes e of
the works obligations students schools
classroom either 2. Do all the responsible that show
authentic tasks ith a high
or earnest sense of
modificati responsibi
on lity
Confidence 1. Dare to Creating a Creating Hard work 1. Seek 1. Create 1. Facilitat
appear in learning an information classroom ing the
front of the environme atmospher from sources situations school
class nt that e of beyond so commu
2. Dare to gives schools textbooks that learne nity for
explain the students that foster 2. Using most rs looking learning
subject matter the chance a sense of of the time in for activitie
in front of the to appear confidenc the classroom resources s
group confident e and outside 2. Assign 2. Providi
Mandiri 1. Able to Create Create the classroom tasks to ng
perform tasks learning situations to learn students facilitie
without the environment that build to explore s and
help of others give chance self- reading infrastr
2. Being able to on learners to reliance sources ucture
search for work school that
learning independently students support
resources in and the learners
the library school to find
itself communit the
3. Able to work y source
on own exam of
Communic 1. Listening to Building a Create
ative the opinions communicativ feel Leadership 1. Could 1. Establish Creating
of others are e learning schools coordinate an an
actively environment that the friends in atmospher atmospher
2. Give opinions establishe the group e of class e of
in the group s 2. Being able to discussion democrati
work in the communic accept s c school
classroom ation criticism 2. Form a
between from friends class
the 3. Able to president
citizens accept advice in turns
who are from your
active in friends
school Curiosity 1. Asked the Building a Facilitatin
Discipline 1. Go to class 1. Creating a 1. Make teacher and learning g the

Values Achievement indicators Table 2
Entreprene Teacher’s Role in Sciences Sosial Knowledge Charged Value
Individual Class School Enterprenership Students of Class in SDN 58 Pajagalan
friend of the atmosphere school No. Aspects observed
Observations About the Role of
subject matter that can communit Teachers
2. Ask questions provoke the y to have
or read the curiosity of the 1. Honest 1. Creating a learning environment
source students curiosity that makes students able to
beyond of express their opinions honestly
textbook students 2. Teacing and supervise the
material relat students not to cheat when the
ed to subjects daily quiz
3. Ask about 2. Discipline 1. Coming to school on time
anything 2. Log in to class on time
related to the 3. Familiarize students to the
subject matter discipline at the time of the
but beyond division of the group in a class by
that discussed dividing the group until all
in class students get a group
3. Hard work 1. Prepare course material before
As a pilot piloting schools Culture and National learning takes place
Character Education, Entrepreneurship and Creative 2. Setting up and showed pictures of
the means of production to
Economy designated by the Curriculum Center, SDPN students
Pajagalan 58 task severe enough to produce students who
4. Creative 1. Giving freedom to the students to
have the character and values of culture and
choose and decorate their own
entrepreneurship. Piloting responsibility as a school to make image
all elements of the school to work together to realize the 2. Giving the task of finding a
achievement of objectives of the program. The first thing picture of transport by air, land
that is visible curriculum SDPN Pajagalan 58 which had and sea
been adjusted with the task as piloting school in it states 3. Deliver the students examples of
clearly the character and values of entrepreneurship. people who are creative and
Documentation of the results found that the value of innovative (the inventor of the
entrepreneurship has been included in the school curriculum telephone, etc.)
4. Give examples of the inventors of
as a whole and in the syllabus and lesson plans contained
sophisticated tools for example
suitable themes of learning (SK and KD). But as the school spacecraft
Piloting SDPN Pajagalan 58 designing and prioritize four
5. Innovative 1. Give confidence to the students to
values that will be implemented and developed in the school determine the name of the group
program that is religious value, care for the environment, itself according to the agreement
communicative and innovative. This is done in an effort to the group
not just load these values into the learning but rather the 2. Facilitate the students to come up
civilizing values in the student (Authors, 2012). With four with new ideas orally and in
prioritize these values in the learning process teachers are writing
expected to provide conclusions / considerations expressed 6. Independently 1. Prepare their lessons well
in a qualitative statement to each student as follows: 2. Setting up the image to be made
1. BT: Not Seen (if the students do not show early signs of of instructional media
behavior that is expressed in the indicator). 7. Responsible 1. Master the learning material with
2. MT: Start Seen (if the students are already starting to good
show early signs of behavior that is expressed in the 2. Facilitating the students to present
the results of their work both
indicator but not consistently)
individually and in groups
3. MB: Start Developing (if the students are already
showing signs of behavior that is expressed in the 8. Cooperation 1. Thanking the students who have
helped put up the picture for
indicator and start consistently) learning
4. MK: entrenched (if the students continuously exhibits 2. Facilitate students to be work
behavior consistently expressed in the indicator) together through group discussion
In the learning that takes place in the classroom, the teacher's 9. Leadership 1. Teaches students to dare to appear
role is also very helping students to cultivate an in front of his friends
entrepreneurial attitude. There is also the contribution of 2. Entrust students to create groups
teachers in teaching Social Sciences Knowledge charged independently
entrepreneurial values can be seen in the following table: 3. Providing opportunities for
students to express their opinions
4. Provides the opportunity for
students to ask questions when
there are groups that work results

Observations About the Role of
Observations About the Role of Aspects observed
No. Aspects observed
present 2. Implement school activities
5. Providing opportunities for on time, such as flag
students to answer questions ceremonies, habituation and
before described back other activities
10. Ductile 1. Explain the subject matter very 3. Setting up bins in every
well until the students understand classroom to encourage
the material students to dispose of waste in
11. Dare to Risk 1. Providing a challenging task to
Bear the students as well as teaching 3. Honest 1. Make honesty canteen that
students to take responsibility for will familiarize students to
the results of his work shop alone without
supervision, so that students
12. Commitment 1. Keep an appointment with the
will be accustomed to honest
students about the activities to be
2. Creating a market day activity
implemented in learning
that will familiarize students
2. Delivering picture poses that
to be honest in buying or
learning will be done
13. Realistic 1. Shows consistency in thought and 3. Make a box for storing items
action it finds students and all
14. Confidence 1. Familiarize students to answer citizens of the school, so for
questions themselves are not the loss of goods can be
together viewed and took his own in
2. Provide questions to the students the box
according to last week's lesson 4. Mandiri 1. Put up posters that read â €
15. Curiosity 1. creating learning curious students œ work without in order â
will ask questions € which provides a call to the
16. Communicative 1. Greet students at the time of entry school community to become
into the classroom by giving independent
greetings 5. Creative 1. Facilitating students for
2. Accustom students to give and working, for example,
returned the greeting carrying out of competitions
17. Rewarding 1. Congratulated the students who in each specific days and
achievement gained achievements in provide opportunities for
interschool competitions students and teachers to
participate in competitions
Aside from the role of teachers in instilling the
both at school and at other
values of entrepreneurship in Social Science Knowledge schools
learning in class IV, of the findings of researchers in the 2. Putting up posters that attract
field that the school also take a role in facilitating the so easily read and understood
learning environment to help students in the application of the message delivered
the value of entrepreneurship in the school environment. 3. Putting up posters for a
contest that could be followed
Table 3 by students, good for the
Enterprise Charged Values in Class IV in SDPN Pajagalan 58
scope of the school and
outside school
6. Responsible 1. Creating a school
No Observations About the Role of
Aspects observed environment that is clean,
beautiful and comfortable
1. Confidence 1. Put up posters giving an 2. Setting up of school facilities
invitation to the school wrga as a form of responsibility of
to appear more confident the school to meet the needs
2. Creating activities that make of students in the learning
students always dared to process, such as language
appear in public so that foster labs, computer labs, science
self-confidence of students labs, art room, library,
2. Discipline 1. Putting up posters that gives infirmary, Mosque, toilet etc.
solicitation materials for all 7. Leadership 1. Installing a wide variety of
citizens of the school posters in which includes
discipline, such as: various solicitation is better to
a. I am ashamed to come keep the school environment,
late\ discipline and so on.
b. Discipline unsupervised
8. Hard work 1. Put up posters reading
c. Discipline ranging from
invitation to work hard

Observations About the Role of Table 4
Aspects observed Achievement Indicators Values Entrepreneurship In Learning Sciences
Social Knowledge
9. Curiosity 1. Creating a new activity on a Class IV Semester II
regular basis so as to motivate
students to always want to Standard of Competence: mengenal natural resources,
know what activities will be economic activity and technological advances in the district /
done city and province
10. Communicative 1. Putting up posters of Basic
Meet Enterprise
congratulations came in front competencie
Achievement indicators
ing s
of school
2. Creating a school 1. go to class on time,
environment that is friendly to Discipline 2. dress neatly,
refract 5S, Smile, Greeting, 3. abide by the rules in the
Sapa Polite, Polite, so as to classroom.
create a school environment Getting to 1. making handicrafts from
that communicative know the used goods (waste),
11. Would appreciate 1. Creating programs to reward economic Creative 2. propose activities related
Achievement top students at the end of each activities to economic activity, and
I -
semester and also gives related to so on.
awards to students who obtain IV natural 1. students seeking
achievements in resources and information about
extracurricular school other economic activity in the
activities potentials in environment around them
12. Realistic 1. Running regulations / school the region Hard work then communicate during
discipline as well as possible the learning,
in accordance with what has 2. make a list of the work
been previously made environment around
13. Innovative 1. Creating programs or utilizing natural products.
extracurricular activities that 1. making the work itself
help students to be able to without cheating others,
solve the problem buying and selling in the
14. Ductile 1. Putting up posters that Honest cooperative school
indicates a call to all citizens properly,
to give up school 2. answered questions of
teachers in accordance
15. Dare to Bear the 1. Create and implement
with what he knows.
Risk programs Market Day, where
students will be given the 1. capable of making
opportunity to sell snacks and handicrafts from waste
student work. Here students material / waste can be
are taught to be ready to profit Creative sold in a cooperative
and loss, so ready to accept Recognize school,
the risks when selling they do the 2. provide proposals on
not run out or not sell importance cooperative activities in
V - of school
16. Cooperation 1. Program the students to take
turns to work together to cooperative 1. seek and mentions the
clean the environment around s in types of cooperatives in
the school improving the surrounding
the welfare Hard work neighborhood students,
17. Commitment 1. Put up posters that read â €
of society 2. noting the activities of
œ failed in the struggle does
what is being done in the
not mean failure â € ™which
will provide a boost to the
student's commitment to 1. carry out the task of the
learning and commitment of teacher related to the
teachers in performing their Discipline subject matter,
duties as a teacher 2. adhere to the school rules
and regulations in the
From the findings in the field, then the researcher
makes an indicator of achievement of each of the values of
entrepreneurship contained in SK and KD that is based upon 1. dare to appear in front of
Confidence the class
guidelines for entrepreneurship education of Curriculum 2. able to do the work
Centre and also by the values of entrepreneurship that appear themselves without fear
in students for researchers to follow the learning process in Know the 1. bring images of the
SDPN Pajagalan 58 contained in the tables that had been IX -
developmen Creative means of communication
presented earlier observations. Indicators of achievement can XIII t of and transportation,
be seen in the following table: production 2. placed pictures of

technology communication and discipline, hard work, teamwork, leadership, honest, creative,
of transportation in mading self-confident, independent and attitude / other value. These
communicat class values can be seen through observation, interviews and
ion and 1. the task of teachers to discussions by researchers during field with teachers and
transport as completion, students in the class.
well as 2. search for images of
Hard work But at the level of implementation of learning in SDPN
experience transport and
using Pajagalan 58 there are some things that still need to get more
communications to be
attention from the parties involved, in particular Puskur and
collected in class.
Responsible Entrepreneurship Program Pendidikian. Things
1. giving and returned the
researchers found that the curriculum, syllabus and RPP in
greeting before and after
SDPN Pajagalan 58 which have been made yet sikron with
Communica real learning is good. Although at this stage of
2. provide answers /
tive opinions regarding implementation in the classroom students have shown an
production technology, attitude that shows entrepreneurial souls. But attitudes /
transport and values that will be embedded properly planning really
communications focused and observed continuously.
1. carrying pictures / photos
Creative about the social problems IV. CONCLUSIONS
in the region
After doing research on learning Knowledge Social
Leadership 1. Ability to lead a group of
Science charged entrepreneurial values in the fourth grade of
friends in a discussion
elementary school students, including lesson planning,
1. seeking and
implementation of learning, assessment, and problems and
communicating about
social problems in the solutions faced in the study, the researchers draw the
XIV neighborhood where he following conclusion:
Getting to Hard work
lived, 1. entrepreneurship education programs in SDPN Pajagalan
- know the 58 have executed well in the overall school environment
2. the task of teachers
problems in
according to subject through habituation and extracurricular programs
matter, implemented continuously every week according to the
I the region
1. completing the task schedule specified.
Cooperation group of teachers 2. Development of entrepreneurship education programs in
together with the group's primary schools if continuously improved to be able to
friends equip learners from scratch and mold them to have
1. dare to appear in front of entrepreneurial spirit to achieve public welfare and good
the class to express their economic growth.
Confidence opinions about the
3. Social Sciences Knowledge Learning has provided room
outcome of the
discussion group
for the development of entrepreneurship in primary
school grades so that students are more active during the
The value of entrepreneurship in teaching Social
learning progresses and more teachers become
Sciences Knowledge is intended as a set of beliefs or
facilitators for students.
principles that have mempribadi behaviors in students that
4. Planning Knowledge Learning Social Studies class IV
can be revealed through thoughts and actions. Sapriya
uncharged elementary school entrepreneurial values
(2011), suggests that;
carried through the following steps:
“program learning Knowledge of Social Sciences
a. Assess Competency Standards (SK) and the Basic
should provide the opportunity for students to express,
Competency (KD) to determine whether the values of
reflect and articulate the values that dianutnyaâ. This
entrepreneurship is included therein.
process depends on the values of procedural class”
b. Lists the values of entrepreneurship that have been
listed in SK and KD into the syllabus.
From these explanations it appears that learning Social c. Developing a learning step active learners enable
Science Knowledge provides space for the planting of values learners have the opportunity to integrate values and
to every child, including the value of entrepreneurship show it in behavior.
(McClintock & Allison, 1989). For planting or learning in d. Incorporate step integrated active learning
school grades were not necessarily done separately, but the entrepreneurial values into the RPP that is
values that are taught inherent in any learning materials that disciplined, creative, hard working, honest, confident,
have been in school (Chang Kao, Chu, & Chiu, 2009). communicative, leadership and cooperation.
The values of entrepreneurship in science learning in class
IV Social Science Knowledge can be seen as a good teacher
teaching staff, as well as to students as learners. In planting
the value of entrepreneurship, the teacher shows the attitudes
that correspond to the value of entrepreneurship, for example,
disciplined, creative, leadership and other values. Of the
students also appear to be so, that shows the attitude of

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Correlation Health Education to Knowledge of Puberty to Class
VII Junior High School Juvenile Female
Betty Purwaningtyas 1)
Midwifery Academy Pare, Kediri

Abstract. The Puberty is period a child experiences change of physic, psychology and sexual function maturity. The
Change of physic and psychology are during puberty period often causes negative experience that need increase
knowledge to juvenile female about changes during puberty period. Health Education is one way to increase knowledge
about puberty to juvenile female.
This research used analytic experimental what purpose to identify result cause correlation that related researcher’s was
involvement in manipulating independent variable. And true experiment design used pretest – posttest with control
group. Those Populations of juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school student. Sample total was 64 students. Data
Analysis used Mann – Whitney ( U – Test) and Wilcoxon.
The pretest result was Mann – Whitney test ( U – Test ) to experiment group and control group to value indicated of Sig.
(2-tailed) (P) 0,241> 0,05: with the result that H0 was accepted and H1 was refused. It meant that there was not any
difference of knowledge to the experiment group and control group before Health Education. Posttest result was to
experiment group and control group established value Sig.(2-tailed ) (P) 0,000 < 0,05 until H0 was refused and H1 was
accepted. It ment that there was knowledge difference to the experiment group and control group. Based result of
Wilcoxon test , that there was significant increase of knowledge puberty juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school
in Plemahan Kediri Regency in 2016 of before and after Health Education to experiment group that was correlation
health education that was value of Sig.(2-tailed)(P) 0,000 < α (0,05). It meant that H0 was refused and H1 was accepted
that there was the correlation Health Education to knowledge of puberty juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school
in Plemahan Kediri Regency in 2016.
That was giving Health Education to juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school, so They was increase puberty

Keywords: Puberty, Knowledge, Health Education

especially in hormone that occurs in adolescence (Depkes RI,

Puberty is a time when one's children experience physical Demographics in Indonesia shows the number of
changes, psychological, and sexual function maturation. adolescents aged 10-24 years ne of approximately 60 million
Puberty usually begins in this life at the age of 8-10 years people (30%) of the total population of 220 million people
and ended approximately 15-16 years. Puberty in women, (BKKBN, 2007). From the results of previous research by
usually between the ages of 8-15 years. Pubescent young Retno Arieswati in Junior High School of class VIII in
women experienced different with male children (R. Aden, Plemahan are less aware about puberty knowledge obtained
2010). The physical changes at puberty in young girls, about 70% of the students. From the preliminary study conducted
two years before the changes of puberty in adolescent boys on 28 January 2016 at 20 Junior High School of class VIII
laki.Terjadinya rapid physical growth in adolescents, in Plemahan 2016, obtained 70% (14 students) say do not
including the growth of reproductive organs (sexual organ) understand about puberty and the changes - changes at
to reach maturity, so as to carry out the function of puberty and only 30% (6 girls) say understand about puberty
reproduction. The change was marked by the characteristics and the changes - changes that occur during puberty.
of secondary sex ie body pubic hair around the genitals and Physical and psychological changes that occur in puberty
armpits, breasts enlarge and increase the size of the pelvis it often creates a negative experience because during puberty
while sex characteristics primer that is directly related to the soul is still unstable and has not discovered the value - the
sex organs, namely the occurrence of menstruation in young value of which remains, at the age they are very sensitive
women or called menarche and the occurrence of an increase (sensitive) to influence - the influence of the outside both
in emotional psychological changes that occur quickly. influences are positive or negative (Kartono, 2006).
Increased emotional is the result of physical changes, Negative experiences in the form of doubt, feelings of
inadequacy, insecurity, and anxiety. This should not happen
drawn - as if the child were not informed or are not

psychologically prepared by the about the physical and will not increase. According to investigators lack of
psychological changes that occur during puberty, the knowledge of young girls about puberty due to social
experience of the change can be a traumatic experience conditions in the neighborhood of respondents do not
(Hurlock, 2004). Therefore, it is necessary to increase the support to obtain information about puberty openly and
knowledge of young women about the changes - changes freely, so that the problems of puberty is considered as a
that occur during puberty so teenagers can respond taboo to talk about it fair open.except the respondents are in
positively. puberty causes the respondents in understand everything just
Increased knowledge about adolescent reproductive health by size that exist in itself given the nature of adolescents
in particular the changes that occur during puberty is an during puberty are more selfish and do not want to hear the
important issue that needs to get the attention of all parties, opinion of others besides respondents embarrassed to ask
not only by officials in the health care institution, but also about the changes that happened to him. In addition, before
the parents, the closest relatives, teachers, religious leaders, the respondents had never received health information,
as well as communities in the surrounding environment play especially about puberty from school so that young women
a role in providing information and support early do not know what it was pubertas than what happens at
emosional.Peningkatan knowledge on young women about puberty.
the changes - changes that occur during puberty is very Posttest health education to knowledge of puberty to
important. Increased knowledge on young girls can be done class VII junior high school 1 to juvenile female in
through health counseling, books - books on reproductive Plemahan Kediri 2016 mostly was good category (96.9%)
health, especially the health of the television on at puberty in the experimental group, while control group largely
and health seminars. It is through health education are enough category (62.5%) and there were still some minority
expected to boost the knowledge or the ability of a group or of respondents in the control group had less category
an individual because there is a direct interaction between (21.9%). Provision of information through counseling is one
adolescents with sources (Mubarak, 2007). way to increase the knowledge of youth, knowledge itself is
Based on the above, the researchers are interested in derived from the idea and this happens after a person holding
doing research to find out about the "Influence of an sensing to a particular object, sensing the object occurs
extension of the knowledge of puberty in adolescent girls in through human senses ie sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch
Junior High School of class VIII in Kediri Plemahan 2016 with his own , at the time of sensing up producing such
knowledge is closely influenced by the intensity of the
II. METHODS perception of attention to the object. Most human knowledge
Judging from the design of the research, this study is obtained through the eyes and ears (Wawan, 2010).
includes analytical experiments, the design of True According to researchers, the increase of knowledge in
Experiment using a pretest - posttest with control group. The young women in the experimental group was strongly
study was conducted on 2-22 April 2016 in Junior High influenced by the provision of information. Through
School of class VIII in Plemahan District of Kediri. The counseling that has given young women became aware of
population in this study were all girls class VII SMPN 1 any sign - a sign of puberty and the changes that occur
Plemahan Plemahan Subdistrict, Kediri numbering as many during puberty. So knowledge about puberty increases.
as 180 students. The sample in this study is most teenage Judging from the age of most of the respondents (75%) aged
girls in Junior High School of class VIII Plemahan 13tahun. This resulted in the excavation effort by the
Subdistrict, Kediri selected according to the inclusion students good knowledge, for example by listening process
criteria. Samples were selected in this study were 64orang. properly instructed so as to increase knowledge of young
With Proportionate Random sampling. girls about puberty. While the control group knowledge
about puberty also increased although little is caused
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION respondents tried to find out about puberty, as well as what
happens during puberty on the internet that have been
Pretest Knowledge of puberty in adolescent girls in Junior available in junior high school 1 Plemahan, besides it's a
High School of class VIII in Kediri 2016 Plemahan most matter posttest given because still so young women looking
respondents lack knowledge in the experimental group information via the internet so that it knows about puberty
(62.5%) control group (56.2%) and none of them have a and able to answer questions posttest well.
good knowledge of the group experimental or the control For that we need the co-operation between the school and
group. According Notoadmodjo (2007), one of the factors health authorities to increase the frequency of counseling on
that influence a person's knowledge is increasingly being reproductive health that are more familiar with a particular
exposed to an increasingly better information, and vice versa, Puberty marks - signs and changes that occur in puberty.
if a person never exposed to update the knowledge becomes Correlation health education to knowledge of puberty to
less. According Notoadmodjo (2005) the environment is a class vii junior high school of class VIII to juvenile female
process of interaction, this interaction is one that will affect in Plemahan - Kediri of 2012. Shown from Mann-Whitney
the learning process of not knowing to knowing. From this test results obtained value of Sig. (2-tailed) (P) 0,000 <0,05
interaction process is also beneficial to increase knowledge so that H0 wasnot correlation and H1 was correlation who
among individuals because of this interaction between berate there are differences in the experimental group and
people sharing information and experience - experience that control after posttest.Uji Wilcoxon exerts significant
they have not been previously known. And vice versa if the influence of illumination indicated by the Sig. (2-tailed) (P)
environment don’t interaction information then knowledge 0.000 <α (0.05) which means that H0 wasnot correlation and

H1 was correlation which means there was correlation order addressing the changes that occur during puberty so it
health education to knowledge of puberty to class vii will not feel worried and anxious.
junior high school juvenile female in Plemahan Kediri
2016. According to Mubarak (2007) factors - factors that
affect the success of health education is a factor of raw input
(counseling participants / respondents), environmental
factors (environment) and most instrumental factors REFERENCES
influence the input consists of programs, extension materials, [1] Depkes, Kesehatan Remaja problem dan solusinya, Jakarta : Salemba
and extension targets themselves. According Notoadmodjo Medika, 2010
(2003) information obtained from various sources will affect [2] Aziz, Alimul, Metodologi Penelitian Kebidanan, Jakarta : Salemba
a person's knowledge, if one has much information he has Medika, 2008.
[3] Gunarso, Singgih, Psikologi Remaja, Jakarta : PT BPK Gunung
extensive knowledge. In addition, according Erfandi (2009) Mulia, 2010.
information obtained from both formal and non formal [4] Hurlock, Elizabeth, Psikologi Perkembangan Suatu Pendekatan
education can provide a change or an increase in knowledge. Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan, Jakarta : Erlangga, 2004.
[5] Kartono, Kartini, Psikologi Wanita I Mengenal Gadis Remaja dan
Wanita Dewasa, Bandung : Mandar Maju, 2006.
IV. CONCLUSIONS [6] Mansur, Herawati, Psikologi Ibu dan Anak untuk Kebidanan, Jakarta :
According to the researchers, the difference in results Salemba Medika, 2009.
[7] Sugiono, Statistik Untuk Penelitian, Bandung : Tarsito, 2007.
between the experimental group and the control group was [8] Wawan, A, Teori Pengukuran Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku
strongly influenced by the provision of information or the manusia, Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2010.
extension services. In addition Improved scores and
categories in the experimental group before and after the
extension occurred because of the extension properly
fulfilled so that the interaction between the educator and the
respondent went well and greatly influence the improvement
of knowledge about the education of young women. Efforts
to improve information about puberty, young women can

The Correlation Consumption Snack to Ward Appetite to Preschool
(3 – 5 years)
(Analytical Studies in Al - Fattah Play Group Puncu Village Puncu
Sub District of 2016 Year)
Ratna Feti Wulandari1)
Midwifery Academy, Pare, Kediri
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz

Abstract. The quantitiy of snacks which market and promoted attractively both taste, color, and packaging to make
child interested its consuming, so tend children reduce who should food consumed is the food balanced nutrition. This
reseaarch purpose knowed consuming snacks on appetite in preschool.
The research method used analytic correlation with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all
children who were in Play Group Al - Fattah Village Puncu District Puncu Year 2016 as many as 36 children taken
sample of 27 respondents with sampling technique by Purposive Sampling .
The results of research almost all respondents (85%) consume snacks and they mostly (67%) have decreased appetite.
Statistic test with Spearman Rank correlation, got probability number (p) = 0,007 <(α = 0,05), then H0 is rejected and
H1 accepted, meaning there is influence consuming snack with appetite with value r = - 0,505 meaning more consuming
Snacks then the less appetite.
Always Parents should improve the nutritionally balanced diet and limit the provision of snacks. In order to improve
appetite in children

Keywords: Snack , Appetite, Child

problem of child growth is due to decreased appetite

I. INTRODUCTION experienced by the child.
The Food becomes an important necessity in life because Nutritious foods both affect health and growth in children.
besides as a source of food energy also serves as the growth Nutritional needs in children differ with adults, because food
of new cells, substitutes for damaged cells, as well as a for children is also needed for growth and development
source of substances supporting and regulating the process in besides that at this age of brain development in children
the body, to maintain health and to achieve it all, of course experienced a very rapid growth (Soetjiningsih, 2005). In
Food needed is a healthy food (Wijaya D, 2011). Nowadays preschoolers (3-5 years) is an early childhood period in
the growing variety of foods both in the form of staple foods which children begin to enter the world of school. Children
and snacks are varied and pamper the consume to enjoy the begin to interact with the wider environment, in addition
food, not to mention children also have known food other psychic and social development began to run well (Adriani
than rice in the form of snacks (Hidayati N, 2011) . This can M, 2012). Preschoolers are able to determine what they
affect the diet in children. consider attractive, not least in choosing food. Today many
Child will experience dietary changes such as preferring a snacks are widely circulated in the market that has a savory
snack rather than eating staples and experiencing the habit of taste, sweet, colorful and attractive shape. This will affect
not wanting to eat foods that contain good nutrition. The the child in choosing snacks as consumption, and it makes
habit of providing excessive snacks and allowing children to children not bored to consume these snacks and do not even
consume snacks while at school contributes to the want to eat foods that contain good nutrition such as rice,
emergence of problems in child weight such as obesity or vegetables, side dishes, and fruits. Eating an excessive snack
even malnutrition occurs in children. will cause appetite disorders such as decreased appetite.
Kediri District Health Office in 2012 recorded the number Decreased appetite is one serious problem because if this
of preschoolers (aged 3 - 5 years) who gained 76.5% weight, problem is left soluble will cause weight loss and will affect
14.1% weight and 9.4% weight loss. In Puncu Puncu Sub- the child's development (Devi N, 2012)
district Puncu Sub-district, 87.1% had weight gain, 8.7% of This condition needs special attention from parents in
body weight was fixed, and 4.2% of them had weight loss in order to keep the food given it has good nutritional value,
Play Group Al-Fattah Puncu Village, Puncu Sub-district, and they should not give food - food that can disrupt the
there were 8 students or experienced weight loss. The appetite of children such as not providing snacks that are

sold freely but provide self-made food that Have good Snack foods are always attracting attention for most children.
nutrition. However, it should be known that not all snacks sold by
Based on above background researchers interested in traders have good benefits, especially snacks that contain a
conducting research on " The correlation consumption variety of ingredients not worth consumption (Wijaya D,
snack to ward appetite to preschool (3 – 5 years) in al - 2011).
fattah play group puncu village puncu sub district of 2016 It was found that the consumption of snacks in
year. preschoolers is influenced because they are attracted by the
good packaging, the variety of flavors provided, and also the
II. METHODS cheaper price. In addition, sometimes in the snacks there is a
This Type Research was research use research design of gift of toys and even the children are affected by the ads that
koresional analysis with approach of cross sectional. The are aired in a ditelivisi. Parents should play a role in the
study was conducted in October-November 2016. The selection of snacks consumed by their children. Choose
population of this study were all mothers who had preschool jajanan based protein (vegetable and animal) and vegetables,
children in play group Al fattah Puncu Village Kediri which of course with good quality. Snacks that contain the
District. The sample size used in this research is 27 ingredients that he needs and safe for consumption. Such as
respondents. In this study the sample was taken using snacks that contain vegetables and protein both animal and
Purposiv sampling technique. Instruments used in the vegetable protein. And limit the child to consume snacks
variable consumption of snacks using questionnaires that also should be done so that children are accustomed to eat
have been designed while appetite variables using staple food as an important requirement and the main food
observation instruments. Data Collection and Processing from eating snacks. Some factors that may affect the
Techniques The researcher conducts the respondent's consumption of snacks are age, education level, and
description, which includes general data. The results of occupation.
questionnaires include the mother's age, the last education, From results of research the consumption of snacks
the job, the nanny and the child's age in the recording sheet, influenced by the age of parents were mostly 20 to 35 years
editing and coding, tabulation of data. (78%). Age will affect ability or experience that parents
have in the provision of nutrition in children (Nursalam,
2008). At age of 20-35 is an idealistic age, they still
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION emphasize the appearance of keeping the diet to keep it
attractive, it affects mothers in restricting staple foods such
as rice, vegetables and side dishes they tend to prefer snacks
CROSS TABULATION BETWEEN SNACK CONSUMPTION AND that contain fewer calories (Dwijayanti, 2011). So children
PRESCHOOLERS' PREOCCUPATION IN PLAY GROUP AL - FATTAH will imitate the style of parents to eat snacks. Parents should
2016 get used to adjust the diet to their children.
Appetite Judging from the level of education most of them
Total educated junior high by 44%. Based on this educational
No of snacks background can be categorized that the education of
Decrease Moderate Kind
respondents is not low and also does not include higher
N % n % n % N % education. Education has an effect on one's behavior
1 Excessively 14 66,7 7 33,3 0 0 21 100
(Notoadmodjo, 2008). Now mothers behave in modern life
like liking fast food instead of self-made food. Moreover,
2 Moderate 4 66,7 2 33,3 0 0 6 100 most of the mother job as housewife is as much as 14
3 Slightly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 respondents (52%). Housewives tend to be at home, and
have more free time and they usually spend their free time
Sum 18 66,7 9 33,3 0 0 27 100
watching television and listening to the radio. Now there are
Source: Primary Data, 2016 so many ads about snacks that they are affected by the
content of the ad. This is supported by Sudjatmoko, 2011
Based on table 1 it can be seen that from 27 respondents, stating that half of the children's program on television will
decreased appetite tends to be experienced by children who typically advertise food. Pre-school children can not
consume snacks in large amount of 14 children (66.7%) understand the message yet, but in reality they will
greater than children who consume moderate snacks as many remember and ask for food from the shows their watch.
as 4 children (66, 7%). Appetite is tended to be experienced Another factor that influenced the consumption of snack
by children who consume lots of snacks as much as 7 foods is the nanny of most of the children cared for by their
children (33,3%) more than consuming snack in moderate own mother that is as much as 17 respondents (63%). But
amount as much as 2 child (33,3%). now many mothers who like fast food such as fast food or
Consumption of Preschoolers Light Food Based on the junk food from where the child will adopt the lifestyle of the
results of the study found that from 27 preschoolers, almost caregiver or the closest person to the child (Devi N, 2012). It
all of them consume snacks in large numbers that is as much is these circumstances that make them prefer the
as 23 respondents (85%). consumption of snacks rather than eating staple foods.
The Food that considered a snack is something food to
eliminate one's hunger within a while, giving a little supply
of energy to the body, or something to eat to enjoy the taste

The Preschool Is Decreased Appetite growth and development it is necessary balanced nutrition.
Based on the results of the study can be seen that of 27 But often toddlers have eating disorders. (Adriani, 2012).
preschool children, most of them experience decreased Especially in children preschool children have begun
appetite that is 18 children (67%). And more than half of independently and can determine what choices are
children aged 4 years as many as 14 children (52%). considered interesting, it also affects the diet, the child will
Appetite in the balanced nutrition review, can be said to be choosing food consumed and the food is tended to food
be good (nutritional needs of the body especially energy that looks interesting, and the taste - sort of , Such as light
balance will run maximum) and can also be said not good snacks sold by snack dealers. Eating an excessive snack will
(excessive appetite and decreased or lost appetite). The lead to decreased appetite. Decreased appetite if allowed to
definition of decreased appetite or difficulty eating is if drag on late will lead to weight loss and will affect the
children do not want or refuse to eat, or have difficulty child's development (Devi N, 2012).
eating foods or drinks with the type and amount according to Age of children will determine the pattern of thinking and
age physiologically (Hidayati N, 2011). independence of children in choosing something. The more
Appetite or appetite is defined as a sense of pleasure or children get older then the child will be able to better choose
craving aroused by food stimuli, in the form of aroma or and determine their needs, including in the face of hunger.
appearance and decision to choose certain foods. Factors that The problem of eating in children is common in the
affect the pattern and appetite of children in the form of practice of daily life which is more due to behavioral
family environment, social trends, mass media, peers at the disorders picky and based on the perceptions of parents and
time of illness and drugs (Sudjatmoko, 2011). Of several caregivers (sudjatmoko, 2011). This supports the results of
factors the family environment is very influential on the this study that preschoolers who consume snack foods tend
formation of the diet because for the process of growing to experience eating problems or decreased appetite.
children needed food that contains good nutrition and Actually a lot of factors that affect the child's appetite is
enough. Parents are expected to prevent complications from internal factors and external one of the external factors
caused so as to improve the quality of Indonesian children of the child happy to consume snacks. The most common
better in the face of competition in the era of globalization. cause of external factors is because the child likes to
Growing flowers in the age of the child is very determine the consume snacks such as potato chips, chips, candy and so on.
quality of a person when he was adults later (Wido, 2008). Preschool age is the age at which children can choose the
Appetite is influenced by the age of the child, because the preferred foods. This resulted in preschoolers preferring to
greater the child's age, the child's activity will increase also consume snacks rather than rice then at mealtimes the
they start to know the outside world began to think children felt full. Types of snacks are rich in calories but low
independently and start interested in new things, otherwise in nutrients. High calorie content makes children reluctant to
they will prefer to play so they will experience eating eat because it is still full (Retnosari, 2003). This indicates a
disorders such as Decreased appetite. child who has decreased appetite caused by dietary factors or
Decreased appetite in children will lead to ganggunan - due to consuming snacks. Supported by research conducted
health problems, growth, and intelligence in children. by Fatmah and Nurasiah, 2010 toddlers with malnutrition
Decreased appetite in children is a serious problem because have trouble eating because of too much snack. Therefore, to
in childhood is a time when they need balanced nutrition for prevent the occurrence of decreased appetite required
physical growth and development of ability and intelligence, supportive behavior of parents, mothers or caregivers in the
so as parents should recognize signs of decreased appetite as family to always provide food with balanced nutrition to
early as possible so that this problem can Prevented and their children. And keep in mind that foods containing
overcome this problem by providing food both staple foods balanced nutrition are foods consumed by children in a day
and snacks that contain balanced nutrition. that is diverse and contains energy substances, builders, and
regulators according to their needs. In addition, parents,
The Effect of Eating Snack on the Decreased Appetite of mothers or caregivers should be able to limit the
Preschooler consumption of snacks to their children or provide snacks
Based on the research note that of 27 preschool children, that are processed themselves so that it still has a balanced
decreased appetite tended to be experienced by children who nutritional value.
consumed as many as 14 snacks (66.7%). Decreased appetite
is likely to be experienced by children who consume snacks IV. CONCLUSIONS
as much as 7 children (33.3%). 1. Most of the respondents consume snacks in the number
Based on statistical test result with Spearman Rank of many as many as 21 respondents (85%)
correlation, got probability number (p) = 0,007 and error rate 2. Most of respondents experienced decreased appetite that
5% ie α = 5% = 0,05. That if 0.007 <0.05 then H0 is rejected is 18 children (67%)
and H1 is accepted, indicating a negative influence between 3. There was an influence between consuming snack with
the consumption of snacks with appetite in children. With a appetite in preschool in Play Group Al - Fattah Village
value of r = -0,555, there is a moderate negative effect Puncu District Puncu Kediri 2016 year. The more
between consuming snacks to decreased appetite in consume snacks then the child decreased appetite (p =
preschoolers in Play Group Al - Fattah Village Puncu. 0,007 <0,05, r = - 0.505).
Childhood is a very important period and needs serious
attention. In this period lasts a period of physical growth and
psychomotor, mental and social development. To support the

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The Effect of Generating Interaction Between Schemata and Text
(GIST) Strategy and Motivation of Students’ Reading
Comprehension of Hortatory Exposition Text At SMA 3 Padang
STKIP YDB LubukAlung

Abstract. In teaching and learning English, the students are influenced by some factors such as learning strategy and
motivation. In this research, the researcher limits on the GIST strategy and motivation. The purpose of this research was to find
out the effect of the GIST strategy and motivation toward students’ reading comprehension of hortatory exposition text. This
research was done at SMA N 3 Padang.
The research design was quasi-experimental with factorial 2x2. The sample was taken by using cluster random
sampling. XI IPA 2 was experimental class and XI IPA 4 was control class. The total number of the sample was 64 students.
The hypotheses are (1) the students who are taught through GIST Strategy get the better result in reading comprehension with
those who are taught through conventional strategy, (2) the high motivated students who are taught through GIST strategy get
better result in reading comprehension than those who are taught through conventional strategy, (3) the low motivated students
who are taught through GIST strategy get better result in reading comprehension than those who are taught through
conventional strategy, (4) there is an interaction between strategies used and students’ motivation towardreading comprehension.
The results of data analysis revealed that: (1) students’ reading comprehension that was taught through GIST strategy was better
than the students who were taught through conventional strategy, (2) the high motivated students who were taught through
GIST strategy was betterin reading comprehension than high motivated students who were taught through conventional strategy,
(3) the low motivated students who were taught through GIST strategy was better in reading comprehension than then low
motivated students who were taught through conventional strategy, (4) there was no an interaction between strategies used in
learning and students’ learning motivation. In conclusion, GIST strategy is effective way on students’ reading comprehension
compared with a conventional strategy.
Keyword: GIST, reading comprehension, motivation.

Keywords: Put your keywords here, keywords are separated by semi colon

teaching reading, the teacher can help the student in

I. INTRODUCTION comprehending the text while reading activity. According to
Reading is one of the English basic skills that should be Murcia [3] “comprehending reading matters involve the
mastered by the students. By reading, the students get the correct association of meaning with words, symbols,
information and the new knowledge in their evaluated the meaning which are suggested in context, the
learning.According to Moreillon [1] reading is a complex selection of correct meaning, the organization the correct
activity. When the student read, it means they should use ideas as they read, the retention of these ideas and their use
their ability to pronounce and “read” the combining in some present or future activity”. As Linse [4] says,
information from a text and own background knowledge to reading comprehension means read for the meaning as well
build meaning.Smith argues that reading is never abstract, as analyze and synthesize what the students have read.
meaningless activity, and involves feeling as well as School-based curriculum 2006 states that the students at
knowledge and experience. Senior High School are expected to comprehend some text
In teaching reading, the teacher needs to attend the type in teaching of reading. One of the genres that is taught
principle of teaching reading. Nation [2] proposes some at grade XI is hortatory exposition text. Bima and Yuliani [5]
basic principles in teaching reading; they are meaning-focus say that the aim of hortatory exposition is to persuade the
input, meaning-focus output, language focus learning, and people to do something. Doddy, [6] state that hortatory
fluency development. By considering the principle of exposition has the social function to persuade reader or the
listener should do or not should do something. Besides that

the generic structure of hortatory exposition includes thesis, independent variables, and one dependent variable. This first
arguments, and recommendation. independent variable was kind of strategy in teaching
Considering teaching and learning strategy is very reading, which were classified into two groups taught by
important to make students able in comprehending the text. GIST strategy and conventional strategy. The second
Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) independent variable was students’ motivation in learning,
can be used as the alternative in teaching reading. Schuder which was classified into high motivated students and low [7] state that GIST is a strategy that can improve motivated students. In addition, the dependent variable was
students’ ability to predict the message by using their prior students’ reading comprehension.
knowledge while reading the text. According to Harrrell [8] Population of the study was the grade XI of SMA N 3
GIST is a strategy used for supporting comprehension of Padang 2015 /2016 academic years. 279 students were
informational text. divided into nine classes. Therefore, cluster random
GIST asks the students to summarize the message of the sampling technique was applied in this study. In order to
text by using their own word therefore the students more decide the experimental and the control group, the following
understand about the text that they read. Cunningham [9] procedure was done such as first, doing normality and the
states that a summary is a synthesis of the important ideas of homogeneity test to know the samples are normally
a text. Summarizing requires the students to determine what distributed, and homogeny. Second, did lottery to take the
are the important in what are they reading to condense the sample. The result of lottery determined XI IPA 2 as
information and put into their own word. Besides that, experimental class and XI IPA 4 as control class. Finally, in
teaching and learning process are also influenced by the order to know the validity and the reliability of the
motivation in learning. According to Pritchard and Elissa [10] instruments the researcher took class XI IPA 1 for try out.
“motivation is the process used to allocate energy to The reason was the English teacher of class XI IPA 2, XI
maximize the satisfaction of needs.” Reid [11] says, IPA 4 also taught at XI IPA 1. The number of sample was 64
“motivation is the key success in learning.” Alderman [12] students. There were 32 students in experimental class and
argues that motivation can be used as resources to build the 32 students in control class.
students aspiration, independent learning, and achieving In this study, the researcher looked for the validity and the
goals and so on. Dörnyei [13] argues that motivation is a reliability of the instrument. The validity of the
very important of human characteristic. It means everybody questionnaire, the researcher looked for the construct
is motivated, and it needs to help him or her in his or her life. validity and the face validity. The face validity included the
Reid [11] proposes the factors that will influence the content validity, in which the expert judges examined face
motivation to learn, they are intrinsic motivation, task, validity of the instruments at the same time they examined
student’s responsibility, constructive feedback, positive the content validity. The reliability of the questionnaire, it
group dynamic, environment, and extrinsic motivation. The was analyzed by using Alpha formula. Reading test was
intrinsic factors include reflex, impulse, perceptions, and the taken from impromptu reading plus, the validity of the
goal. Based on Williams and Burden’s [13] framework of instrument includes content, construct, face, discrimination
motivation it can be seen that motivation influence by power, discrimination power.
intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The intrinsic factors involve
the interest activity, sense, mastery, self-concept, and III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
attitude, while the extrinsic factors involve the significant
others, the interaction between the significant others, the The result of this research showed that the students who
learning environment, and the boarder context. were taught through GIST strategy (B1) showed better than
The aims of this study were first, to find out whether the students who were taught through conventional strategy
GIST strategy gives the significant effect on students reading (B2). GIST strategy gave the significant contribution on
comprehension or not, second to find out the high motivated students’ reading comprehension. It can be seen from the
students who were taught through GIST get better result in hypotheses tests:
reading comprehension or not, third to find out the low Table 1
motivated students who were taught through GIST get better The result of hypothesis 1
result in reading comprehension or not, finally to find out is Class
there any interaction between strategies used and students’ Classification
Experimental Control
motivation toward students reading comprehension or not.
n 32 32
x 86.28 80.43
S2 68.9 67.4
II. METHODS ttest 2.83
This research was design in a quasi-experimental research, ttab 1.66
involving an experimental and control groups. Those groups
were assigned through cluster random sampling, and at the Furthermore, the high motivated students (A1) showed
end of the treatment, a post-test was conducted to each group better in reading comprehension than the low motivated
and the result was measured in order to reveal whether there students (A2). For those high motivated students who were
was different achievement between the two groups. The taught through GIST strategy (A1+B1) showed better in
achievement of each group was regarded as data. reading comprehension than high motivated students who
The factorial 2x2 design for analysis were applied in this were taught through conventional strategy(A1+B2). It can be
study. There were three variables to be studied, two seen from the second hypothesis:

Table 2
The result of hypothesis 2 Table 5
Class The average score of the students in experimental and control class
Experimental Control Strategy
n 9 9
x 89.2 85.2 Motivation Conventional
S2 21.96 55.08 GIST
1.87 (B2)
ttest (B1)
ttab 1.76
High (A1) 89.2 85.2

While for those low motivated students who were taught Low (A2) 83.5 76.8
through GIST strategy (A2+B1) showed better in reading
comprehenison than who were taught through conventional Average 86.35 81
straegy (A2+B2). The result can be seen from the calculation
of third hypothesis:
Table 3
The result of hypothesis 3 Based on the average score of students reading
Class comprehension above, it can be seen that one of them is an
Experimental Control effective strategy. It was proved when it was figured in a
n 9 9 chart, there were two lines of ordinal line not diagonal. It
x 83.5 76.8 indicated that in order to improve students reading
S2 88.63 35.64 comprehension, it can be done by GIST strategy.
ttest 1.80
ttab 1.76 95
After completing the requirements of the homogeneity of the
variables and normality distribution, a two-way ANOVA statistical 85
analysis administrated that there was no interaction between 80 exp
strategies used and students’ motivation on students reading
comprehension. 75 cont
Table 4
The result of hypothesis 4
high low
Sum of F0
JK Db Variance
variance motivation
Inter-row 447.77 1 447.77 15.99

Inter-column 257.88 1 257.88 9.21 Figure 1: Ordinal graphic of interaction

Interaction 1.815 1 1.815 0.06 GIST gives the opportunity to the students to summarize
Within cell 2050.4 28 73.2
the text. As state by Cunningham [9] summarizing is
synthesis of the important idea of the text. By summarizing
the text, the students know the crucial idea of the passage
that was written by the writer. GIST strategy asks the
The third row of the table of ANOVA showed that score students to use their own language in order to summarize the
of F0 was 0,06 and the score of Ftablewas 1,8. It means text. Harrell [8] states that GIST facilitate student to use
F0<Ftable, in conclusion there was no interaction between their language to summarize the passage that they read.
strategies used and students’ motivation to students reading This theory support the first hypothesis of the result; the
comprehension. students who were taught through GIST strategy get better
In addition, the average score of high motivated students result in reading comprehension of hortatory exposition text
and low motivated students who were taught through GIST that those who were taught through conventional strategy. In
strategy was 86.35 while the students who were taught application of GIST as suggest by Harrell [8], the students
through conventional strategy was 81. Based on the score it were invited to learn in a group and cooperate. This situation
can be concluded that there were significant differentiation will help the students to share their idea and their
both of classes. As seen in the table below; interpretation to comprehend the text in learning. Peers in a
group will help the students who cannot understand the
message of the text that they read. Learning with peer will
low students anxiety and improve their self-confident in
The average score of students in experimental class was
86.28, while in control class was 80.43. In addition, the
students who high motivated students in experimental class
got the mean score of reading comprehension 89.2 and the
students in control class got the mean score of reading

comprehension 85.2. For low motivated students in GIST gives the opportunities to the students to work
experimental class got the mean score of reading cooperatively, stimuli students’ creativity, stimuli students’
comprehension of hortatory exposition text 83.5 while in background knowledge and schemata, give the chance to
control class was 76.8. These results indicate that GIST share the idea and feeling therefore GIST facilitate students
strategy is more effective in teaching and learning of reading to develop students reading comprehension. Furthermore, as
comprehension. the English teacher should creative in choosing the
appropriate strategy that can be applied by the students to
help them in learning. Besides that, the teacher should attend
IV. CONCLUSIONS the differences of students in teaching and learning. It can be
Conclusion seen from the differences of students’ motivation in learning.
Based on the research finding of the research that was This factor will affect students’ achievement in learning.
done for second grade students of SMA N 3 Padang, it can Suggestion
be concluded that: Based on the finding and conclusion, the
1. Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text researcher suggests that:
(GIST) gave the significant effect on students reading 1. The research finding indicates that GIST strategy was
comprehension of hortatory exposition text rather than the effective way to help the students in improving
conventional strategy. It can be seen from the mean reading comprehension at grade XI IPA of SMA N 3
score of students’ reading comprehension both of the Padang. Therefore, the English teacher in teaching
classes. The average score of students who were taught reading can apply this strategy.
through GIST strategy is higher than the students who 2. The application of GIST strategy, where the students
were taught through conventional strategy. were invited to cooperate with the peers, share the idea,
2. The high motivated students who were taught through use their own language to make the summary of the
GIST strategy get better result in reading text, make the students more active and avoid the
comprehension of hortatory exposition text rather than anxiousness while comprehend the text. Therefore,
high motivated students who were taught through English teacher is suggested to engage the all member
conventional strategy. of the class during teaching and learning process.
3. GIST helps the students to improve their reading 3. Students’ achievement in learning was influence by
comprehension of hortatory text although the students their differences in learning. One of the factors is
have lo motivation. It can be seen from the mean score students’ motivation. In this case, the teacher is
of students who low motivated students that were suggested to consider students’ differences in learning.
taught through GIST strategy is higher than students The teacher is hoped to give more exercise to low
who low motivated students that were taught through motivated students in order to improve their reading
conventional strategy. The third hypothesis showed comprehension.
that H1 was accepted, it means the low motivated 4. This research limited to independent variables;
students who were taught through GIST strategy get strategies used and motivation as variable moderator.
better result in reading comprehension of hortatory Motivation was divided into high and low motivation.
exposition than the low motivated students who were The research was done at grade XI IPA of SMA N 3
taught through conventional strategy. Padang. Furthermore, it is suggested to the future
4. There was no interaction between strategies used and researcher to develop this research on larger population
students’ motivation on students reading and sample in order to get the knowledge and empiric
comprehension of hortatory exposition text. It means data.
both of the strategies; GIST and conventional, can be
used without considering students’ motivation, but the
result show that GIST strategy is more effective than REFERENCES
conventional strategy. It can be concluded that
students’ reading comprehension are not affected by
[1] Moreillon, Judi. 2007. Collaborative Strategy for Teaching Reading
motivation but strategy used in learning, that is GIST Comprehension: Maximizing Your Impact. Chicago: American
strategy. Library Association.
The result of this research has some implications for [2] Nation, I.S.P. 2009. TeachingESL/EFL Reading and Writing. New
teaching English in general, and especially for reading. The York: Routledge.
[3] Murcia, M. 2001. Teaching English as a Second Language (3rd). Ney
research finding proved that GIST strategy is more effective York: Thomson Learning Company.
than conventional strategy in reading comprehension at [4] Linse, Caroline. T. 2005. Practical English Language Teaching:
grade XI IPA of SMA N 3 Padang. The application of this Young Learners. New York: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.
strategy, which the students were invited to cooperate with [5] Bima, Bachtiar. M &MartaYuliani. 2011. BahasaInggris: Program
ilmupengetahuanalamdanilmupengetahuan social untuk
their friends and as the centre of learning help the students to SMA/MA.Klaten: IntanPariwara.
improve their reading comprehension. Besides that, the [6] Doddy, Achmad, AhmadSugeng, Effendi. 2008. Developing English
important of students’ background knowledge in order to Competencies. Jakarta: DepartemenPerbukuan:
comprehend the text is very crucial in teaching. The teacher DepartemenPendidikanNasional.
[7] Schuder, T., Clewell, S., & Jackson, N. 1989. "Getting the gist of
should aware about students’ schemata in comprehending expository text." Children’s comprehension of text. In K.D. Muth,
the passage. (Ed.), Newark, Del: International Reading Association, 1989.

[8] Harrel, Adrienne. L. 2000. Fifty Strategies for Teaching English [11] Reid, Gavin. 2007. Motivating Learners in the Classroom: Ideas and
Language Learners. New Jersey: Prantice-Hall Inc. Strategies. London: Cromwell Press Ltd.
[9] Cunningham. 2001. Description,Rationale, Instructional Moves, [12] Alderman, M Kay. 2004. Motivation for Achievement: Possibilities
andReferences for Generating Interactionsbetween Schemata and for Teaching and Learning 2nded. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence
Text (GIST). Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
[10] Pritchard, Robert D and Elissa L. Ashwood. 2008. Managing [13] Dörnyei, Zoltán. 2001. Motivational Strategies in the language
Motivation: A Managers’ Guide to Diagnosing and Improving classroom. New: York: Cambridge University Press.
Motivation. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Effectiveness Inquiry Learning Model and Jigsaw Cooperative Learning
Model to Improve Higher Order Thinking Students Banks and Financial
Institutions Course
Yuhendri L1), Menik Kurnia Siwi2), Rani Sofya3)
Universitas Negeri Padang

Universitas Negeri Padang

Universitas Negeri Padang

Abstrak. This study aimed to analyze the effect of implementation of inquiry learning model through the learning styles
of the ability of higher order thinking, the effect of the implementation of jigsaw cooperative learning model through
the learning style of the ability of higher order thinking, the effect of the implementation of conventional learning model
through the learning styles of the ability of higher order thinking, and differences in the ability of higher order thinking
among students who use conventional learning models, inquiry and jigsaw cooperative learning model through the
learning styles of students Faculty of Economics, University of Padang. Data was analyzed using univariate statistical
analysis of variance (ANOVA) two lanes. The results showed there is had effect of learning model implementation
inquiry through the learning styles to improve the ability of higher order thinking, there is had the effect of the
implementation of Jigsaw cooperative learning model through the learning style to improve the ability of higher order
thinking, there is the effect of the implementation of learning models Conventional through the learning styles to
improve the ability of higher order thinking, and there are differences in the ability of higher order thinking among
students who use conventional learning models, Inquiry, and jigsaw cooperative learning model through the learning
styles of students Bank and financial institutions course in FE UNP.

Keywords: Inquiry Learning Model, Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model, Learning Style, High Order Thinking

kinesthetic learning style. Students with a visual learning

I. INTRODUCTION style learn through what they see, auditory students learn
Lecturer is one important component of the success through what they hear and kinesthetic students learn
learning in college. In achieving the goal of learning one of through movement and touch. By knowing the learning
the competencies required of faculty is the ability to select styles of students, teachers can help students learn according
and implement learning model. Selection and application of to the learning style that has so student achievement can be
learning models used by lecturers should be fun, creative, grown successfully through learning according to the
innovative, and facilitate student learning. Learning is fun learning style.
indeed be the first step to achieve quality learning outcomes. To accommodate all three learning styles of students
[1] says that "learning will be more meaningful if the student are auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning, the lecturer in
have an experience for themselves what he learned." providing learning can use different learning models are not
Selection and application of learning models should also pay only using convential model but also can using a inquiry
attention to the learning styles of students. Each student has learning model, cooperative learning etc, because the
a different learning styles so as to receive, process and students can carry out exploration in learning style that is
remember information obtained also vary. During this time most comfortable for themselves.
lecturers are less aware of these things so that when the Students learn according to their learning style and
lecture takes place lecturer does not consider the type of supported by appropriate learning models can receive
learning style that is possessed by students. There are three lessons quickly and is expected to develop higher thinking
types of learning styles according to [2], namely (1) a visual skills in learning. Their higher order thinking abilities (HOT)
learning style; (2) auditory learning styles; and (3) will make students able to look at things more closely so as

to determine the attitude towards these events so that outcomes/HOT, observation sheets, interviews, and
decisions will be taken based on a thorough consideration. documentation. To determine the feasibility test instrument
Thus it can be said that the ability HOT consisting of before it is used to do the test instruments include: content
analysis, evaluation and creativity is a mental process that is validity. Validity of the content in this research through the
well organized and play a role in the decision to solve the consideration of 4 validator (assessor) is 3 Padang State
problem by analyzing and interpreting the data in scientific University economics professor. On the validity of the
research activities. content of major concern in the form of lesson plans, case
This research was conducted in the Economic study task, Problem cognitive tests to measure cognitive
Education Program, Faculty of Economics, University of abilities and affective student (final test) as well as the use of
Padang, due consideration investigators that Economic the language used on the instrument.
Education Program, Padang State University is one of the Data were analyzed to give a description of the data
best university that create an educators candidates in West and hypothesis testing. Description of the data was analyzed
Sumatra and has a pretty good quality of learning. In with descriptive statistics and univariate statistical analysis
addition, the learning system using the measurement of of variance (ANOVA) design 3 x 3 [3]. Description of
learning outcomes of students who are concerned with variable data-dependent variable (HOT) performed on the
higher order thinking students reflected on each test item data pre and post test according to the independent variable
that includes C4, C5 and C6. Besides that implementation of dimensions guided inquiry learning model, conventional
the course also directs teachers to always pay attention to the learning and jigsaw as well as interaction in the treatment of
learning styles of students in applying learning strategy . For the dependent variable.
this reason the researchers wanted to see if the learning style Testing the hypothesis of this research data using
that possessed by students of economic faculties Padang univariate analysis of variance design 3x3. Tests performed
State University can be accommodated properly or not, and on the null hypothesis significance level of 5% (α = of
whether the learning strategies that will be applied 0.05%). All statistical analysis using SPSS 17 for windows.
researchers have noticed the learning styles of students or Tests carried out in two stages, the first and second
not, where these can help students to further improve assumption test hypothesis testing. Tests carried out to test
learning results. the assumption of normality of the data distribution and
homogeneity of variance data from the dependent variable.
II. METHODS Normality test statistical distribution of data using the
This study was designed using a quasi-experimental Kolmogorov-Sminorv [3], while the homogeneity of
research designs. This study used three class groups in the variance between groups using Levene's Test of Equality of
sample, two experimental class and one as the control class. Error Variances..
The design of this study treatment using pre-test and post-
test with a control group was not randomized. Quasi- III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
experimental design in this study using factorial
experimental design 3 x 3. The variables experiments in this Description Type of Student Learning Styles Identify
study a free variable that learning model, the experimental the learning styles of the students used to learn how to learn
class using inquiry guided learning model application and every student. By knowing the learning styles, students can
jigsaw and control class using conventional learning model, learn according to their learning style so learning outcomes
the dependent variable is higher order thinking abilities of can be improved. Owned student learning styles Subjects
students, and the moderator variable is students' learning Banks and Financial Institutions can be seen in Figure below:
styles (VAK).
This research was conducted at the Faculty of
Economics UNP population is all students of the Faculty of
Economics UNP who take Subjects Banks and Financial
Institutions. Grading samples was done in a way determined
by the researchers based on results of learning styles test and
abilities of students. The sample class is a class that has a
balanced amount of learning styles and has the ability to start
the same (purposive sampling). The sample in this study is
three classes: two classes as experimental class and one
class as a control group. In the learning process, the
experimental class implementation of inquiry learning model
and Jigsaw through learning styles. While the application of
Fig. 1 Student Learning Style In Inquity Class
the control class conventional learning models through
learning styles.
The instrument used in this study consisted of learning
style questionnaire, instrument for measuring learning

also the lowest in the control group with kinesthetic learning
style. The average value of students at all learning styles are
not much different. Before testing the hypothesis first tested
the prerequisite analysis covering the normality test and
homogeneity test. Normality test results can be seen in Table
II below:

No. Class Verification A.Sign Result Summary

1 Inquiry Pretest 0,05 0,101 Normal
Posttest 0,05 0, 120 Normal
2 Jigsaw Pretest 0,05 0,265 Normal
Posttest 0,05 0,296 Normal
3 Conventional Pretest 0,05 0,336 Normal
Posttest 0,05 0,646 Normal

Based on Table II above shows that the data in each

Fig. 2 Student Learning Style In Jigsaw Class
class to pretest and posttest normally distributed.
Homogeneity test results can be seen in Table III below:

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Dependent Variable:HOT
F df1 df2 Sig.
1.505 8 47 .181
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent
variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + GB + MP + GB * MP

The test results levene test shows that the value of F

test of 1505 and not significant at 0.05 (p> 0.05), which
Fig. 3 Student Learning Style In Conventional Class means it can not reject the null hypothesis that the same
variance. Hypothesis testing is analyzed using ANOVA
Figure 1,2, 3 above shows that in both experimental analysis of two paths. Summary results of hypothesis testing
class students' learning styles Visual dominant. In the control can be seen in Table IV below:
class student's learning style balanced between Visual and
Description ability Higher Order Thinking (HOT)
students Higher Order Thinking Ability in this study are No. Hypothesis A.Sign Result Summary
1 Hypothesis 1 0,05 T Value 8.408 With H0
accommod Significancy Probability Rejected
ated in a matter of test criteria C4-C6 (analysis, 0.000 (two tail).
evaluation and creativity). Below is given a data value of 2 Hypothesis 2 0,05 t Value 7.907 With H0
learning outcomes (HOT) experimental class and control Significancy Probability Rejected
0.000 (two tail).
class, which are divided into groups based on learning styles 3 Hypothesis 3 0,05 T Value 5.078 With H0
of each student, as shown in Table 1 below: Significancy Probability Rejected
0.000 (two tail).
4 Hypothesis 4 0,05  Learning models H0
Give F value 13.920
With Significancy
Average of Result Test Probability 0.000
Class  Learning Style Give
Visual Auditory Kinesthetic F value 1.293 With
Inquiry 69.44 69.67 68.75 Significancy
Probability 0.293
Jigsaw 67.46 67.00 68.00  Interaction between
Conventional 71.43 66.00 61.14 learning models with
learning style give F
Avarage 69.03 68.00 67.73 value 10.747 With
Probability 0.000
Table I. The above results show that the highest
average value is the control class with a visual learning style,

Based on Table IV. The above means that: 1) There is the pretest and posttest learning value jigsaw have significant
effect of the implementation of inquiry learning model differences. The results show the value of the final result
through learning styles mahamahasiswa against Gain Score higher than the initial value. Means that the
mahamahasiswa higher order thinking on the subjects of student results on the Jigsaw model through learning style
banks and financial institutions. This is evident from the better than at the beginning of student learning outcomes and
results of learning mahamahasiswa (HOT) increased after other words learning model Jigsaw influence on learning
the implementation of inquiry learning model. In this case outcomes (HOT) students. Thirdly, there is the effect of the
the research hypothesis is accepted in accordance with the application of cooperative learning model Jigsaw through
test results analysis. Where H0 on analysis test was rejected, the learning style of the student higher order thinking
which means that there is influence between learning model abilities FE UNP. From the analysis of different test t-test
application through the learning styles on HOT as a result of shown in the table paired samples test can be concluded that
testing hypothesis analysis; 2) There is the effect of the the average value of pretest and posttest values in
application of cooperative learning model jigsaw through the conventional learning have significant differences. The
learning style of the higher order thinking mahamahasiswa results show the value of the final result Gain Score higher
mahamahasiswa on the subjects of banks and financial than the initial value. Nevertheless student results on
institutions. This is evident from the results of learning Conventional models through learning style better than at the
mahamahasiswa (HOT) increased after the implementation beginning of student learning outcomes and other words
of cooperative learning model jigsaw. In this case the Conventional learning model can also provide a fairly small
research hypothesis is accepted in accordance with the test effect on learning outcomes (HOT) students. Fourth, there
results analysis. Where H0 on analysis test was rejected, are differences in the ability of higher order thinking among
which means that there is influence between learning model students who use conventional learning models, Inquiry, and
application through the learning styles on HOT as a result of cooperative learning model jigsaw through the learning
testing hypothesis analysis; 3) There is the effect of the styles of students FE UNP. It is shown from the result of
application of conventional learning models through learning interaction between the learning model and learning styles
styles mahamahasiswa against mahamahasiswa higher order (MP * GB) significant. This means that there are significant
thinking on the subjects of banks and financial institutions. joint or joint effect of different anatara each learning model
This is evident from the results of learning mahamahasiswa for learning outcomes (HOT). The results of this study
(HOT) increased after the application of conventional revealed that the acquisition of learning outcomes (HOT)
learning models. In this case the research hypothesis is students taught by inquiry learning model and cooperative
accepted in accordance with the test results analysis. Where learning model jigsaw better.
H0 on analysis test, which means there is no influence
declined, which means there is influence between learning ACKNOWLEDGMENT
model application through the learning styles on HOT as a This is the original article on our results, and we say
result of testing hypothesis analysis; and 4) There are that we are responsible for the content of this article, and we
differences in higher order thinking abilities among stated that the article had never been to a conference or send
mahamahasiswa that use conventional learning models, it to another journal. Thanks are due to Rector of State
inquiry and cooperative learning model jigsaw through University of Padang, Prof. Ganefri M.Pd., Ph.D have
mahamahasiswa learning styles. This is evident from the supported us to participate in this conference, Thank you.
results of the posttest and gain score obtained by each of the
different learning models. Inquiry learning model through REFERENCES
the learning style has the highest gain score of -17.21,
[1] Nurhadi & Senduk,A.G. Pembelajaran Kontekstual (Contextual
followed Jigsaw learning model through the learning styles Teaching and Learning/CTL) dan Penerapannya dalam KBK. Malang:
that has gain score of -12.2, and the last application of Universitas Negeri Malang.2003.
conventional learning models that have the gain score of - [2] DePorter,B, Reardon, M & Singer-Nourie, S. Quantum Teaching:
11.65. Mempraktikan Quantum Learning di Ruang-Ruang Kelas. Terjemahan
oleh Ari Nilandri.Bandung: Kaifa, 2000.
[3] Santoso. Seri Solusi Bisnis Berbasis TI Menggunakan SPSS untuk
IV. CONCLUSIONS Statistik Multivariate. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo. 2005.
The research concludes that first there was the
influence of the implementation of inquiry learning model
through the learning style of the student higher order
thinking abilities FE UNP. From the analysis proved the
effect of increasing the value of higher order thinking
abilities as a result of the implementation of inquiry learning
model through learning styles, as indicated by the results of
different test analysis t-test shown in the tables independent
sample test result value the higher end of the initial value.
Secondly, there is the effect of the application of
conventional learning model through the learning style of the
student higher order thinking abilities FE UNP. From the
analysis of different test t-test shown in the table paired
samples test can be concluded that the average value of

Implementation of Full Day School in Sabbihisma Elementary School of
Muhammad Danil1)
Elementary Teacher Education Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Nahdlatul Ulama Universiry of West
Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstrak. This research is motivated from view considers that the implementation of full day school will bear boredom
and loss of child's play time at home. Therefore, this study analyzes the implementation of full day school at one of the
elementary schools in Padang city, the SD Sabbihisma, as an attempt to introduce efficiency of full day school program
for elementary school children. Through descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection techniques such as
observation, interviews and documentation. Thus, the results of this study found that the implementation of full day
school conducted by the SD Sabbihisma able to provide a positive influence on the development of children, especially
in the cultivation of the values of character because it is supported by a variety of activities and atmosphere of a school
environment that is fun, familiarity and independence so that students do not feel saturated and child's play time was
still supervised by the teacher. These activities are divided into three groups of activities as follows: 1) daily activities,
such as formal learning activities that teachers and students in the classroom, by implementing learning for all fields of
study both general and Islam in units of learning inseparable; 2) extracurricular activities, such as activities that are
mental and emotional development to support the development of students' creativity. With a longer study time, various
activities were carried out from 14.00 pm to 15.30 pm, as Muhadharah (3 Speech Language Learning), Nasyid (Music
Art Islam) and Qiro'ah (Art Read the Qur'an).; and 3) supporting activities, in the form of additional activities that are
motivational learning and creativity of students. Such as: the appearance of speech, appearance outstanding students,
the addition of linguistic knowledge (mufradat or vocabulary) and practice using the language (Arabic and English).

Keywords: Implementation of education programs, full day school, elementary school

In the application, full day school providing a longer

I. INTRODUCTION learning time is 7 - 8 hours a day, with the presentation of
Education is a major factor in developing human learning in an atmosphere of fun, family and independence.
potential, because education can form a personal "good and At certain times do personal coaching provides students with
smart", the man who uses reason and knowledge wisely for extracurricular activities such as religious practices, art, and
the good of all aspects of life. Through the process of other creative skills to develop students' potential. [2] states
cultivation of cultural values in a person would form a that “sekolah yang bersistem full day school tidak hanya
civilized man and character. Therefore, a successful berbasis sekolah formal, namun juga informal. Sistem
education is a process that can shape the character of pengajaran yang diterapkan sangat menyenangkan atau tidak
individuals. To set up a personal character requires a kaku dan monoton” (schools with full day system is not just
sustained effort through coaching accustom someone to a formal school-based, but also informal. Teaching system
behave according to cultural values. Through this thought, applied very pleasant or not rigid and monotonous).
the Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy Teachers are required to be creative and innovative
emphasizing the ideal condition of education in Indonesia is while students are given the freedom to learn. Full day
when two students met the educational aspects, namely school synonymous with the game, to support the learning
character education and general knowledge. Then, in order process of full with an atmosphere of excitement. Schools
to meet the character education in schools, the Ministry of with a full day of school can realize intimacy between
Education and Culture will examine the implementation of students of teachers who will give birth to intelligent
teaching and learning system with full day school [1]. generation of intellectual and emotional.
Full day school is a program that has been initiated by However, the concept of full day school, the learning
some schools in Indonesia, which is a model of alternative time is longer than usual to give birth boredom and loss of
education, through the provision of learning time is longer. playing time for students, especially for elementary school
Full day school also invites students to live independently in students. Given that, the elementary school age is a period of
an atmosphere of togetherness and awareness as divine potential for the development of the child's personality so
beings, as well as the development of creativity and talent in that the extent to failure, if not able to be best utilized.

Hurlock [3] states that the school is a decisive factor for the 2) Extracurricular Activities such as activities that are
development of the child's personality. mental and emotional development to support the
In Padang city, West Sumatra, the implementation of development of students' creativity. With a longer
full day school at the elementary school level has been study time, various activities were carried out from
started since the 90s, with the birth of educational 14.00 pm to 15.30 pm, as Muhadharah (3 Speech
institutions the nuances of Islam, one of which is the SD Language Learning), Nasyid (Music Art Islam) and
Sabbihisma Padang. The results of this study will show an Qiro'ah (Art Read the Qur'an).
overview of the implementation of full day school conducted 3) Supporting Activities, in the form of additional
in SD Sabbihisma Padang. activities that are motivational learning and creativity
of students. Such as: the appearance of speech,
II. METHODS appearance outstanding students, the addition of
This research was conducted with Qualitative linguistic knowledge (mufradat or vocabulary) and
descriptive methods. Focused to answer questions about how practice using the language (Arabic and English).
the implementation of full-day school in Sabbihisma The activities carried out before the clock starts
elementary school of Padang? With descriptive methods are learning, the students gathered in the school yard and lined
expected to get an overview and explanation of the question up in the order class, teacher-led class. For 20 minutes to 30
which is the case in this research. To that end, data minutes, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
collection techniques used were observation, interviews and In addition, activities that also require the students'
documentation. appearance is Didikkan Subuh, every two weeks, the first
week and the third week, from 06.00 am to 07.30 am on
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Sunday. Students will showcase their abilities as reading the
Qur'an, Qur'an Memorization, Speaking, Nasyid, Islamic
poetry and so forth. All activities were also attended by
A. Result of Research
teachers, but special Didikkan Subuh only teachers who
Implementation of full day school in SD Sabbihisma
teach the field of Islamic studies and the Qur’an who attend.
been running more or less 20 years, since it was founded in
1997. With the planting of Islamic values as a reflection of
B. Discusiion
character education. To optimize the full day school, SD
Based on the results of research found the
Sabbihisma provide a variety of learning facilities, such as a
implementation of full day school in SD Sabbihisma, which
library, computer room, student health space, prayer rooms, can be covered in this discussion as an indication of the
kitchen and other facilities, for the convenience of students implementation of full day school in SD Sabbihisma as
during the learning in SD Sabbihisma. follows:
Aside from the facility, SD Sabbihisma also carries out Implementation of learning time from 07.00 am to
various activities to support the success of the full day 15:30 pm, to make students truly supervised by teachers and
school, and students do not saturate. Various activities have students away from all the bad influence that may be present
been categorized as follows: in the environment where they live. This is in accordance
1) Daily Activities such as formal learning activities that with the opinion of the Minister of Education and Culture
teachers and students in the classroom, by which states that, says Muhadjir [1], "para siswa dapat
implementing learning for all fields of study both terhindar dari pengaruh-pengaruh negatif dan kegiatan
general and Islam in units of learning inseparable kontraproduktif, seperti penyalahgunaan narkoba, tawuran,
Presented in the form of subject areas such as math, dan sebagainya" (students can avoid the negative effects and
science, social studies, Indonesian, Citizenship, counterproductive activities, such as drug abuse, brawls, and
so forth). Likewise Wiwik Sulistyaningsih opinion [4] states
Minangkabau culture (BAM), English, Arabic, Aqeedah,
that "sekolah bertipe full day school ini berlangsung hampir
Morals, Fiqh, Tadarrus Qur'an, tahfizhul Qur'an, Education
sehari penuh lamanya, yakni dari pukul 08.00 pagi hingga
physical, Arts and skills, all of which are held in the 15.00 sore" (school-type full day school lasted almost a full
classroom and in units of learning are inseparable. To create day duration, ie from 08:00 am to 15:00 pm).
conditions conducive learning in every classroom learning Educative activities that students do not feel bored
conducted by two teachers, where a teacher served as a tutor during the school day. Efforts to coaching programs with a
and a teacher again in charge of delivering learning materials. pleasant atmosphere. As revealed by Sukur Basuki [5],
Aims to make the student’s attention are always awake in "bahwa Full day school adalah sekolah yang sebagian
learning. Tutor would reprimand students who lack attention waktunya digunakan untuk program-program pembelajaran
to learning, such as noise, sleep and others, while the yang suasana informal, tidak kaku, menyenangkan bagi
classroom teacher will provide an explanation of the material siswa dan membutuhkan kretifitas dan inovasi dari guru"
being taught. (that Full day school is a school that is part of the time is
Atmosphere of intimacy is also shown by the teacher to used for learning programs that the informal atmosphere, not
the students during recess, in which teachers play with their stuffy, fun for students and requires creativity and
innovation of teachers). Likewise opinion of [6] reveals that
students. Meant that the students remain in the care of

the purpose of education holoimero school or full day school
is (diakses pada tanggal 9 Januari 2017)
The reinforcement of knowledge and skills that [2] Baharuddin. Pendidikan dan Psikologi Perkembangan. Jogjakarta:
students are taught in the morning syllabus (study, additional Ar-Ruzz Media. 2010.
teaching interventions in Language and Mathematics, [3] Syamsu Yusuf. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Bandung:
Remaja Rosdakarya. 2007.
consolidating teaching, individualised programmes by the
[4] Wiwik Sulistyaningsih. Fullday School Dan Optimalisasi
schoolteachers of the afternoon classes); and Perkembangan Anak. Yogyakarta: Paradigma indonesia. 2008.
The enrichment of the morning syllabus with more [5] Sukur Basuki, Harus Proporsional sesuai Jenis dan Jenjang
subjects of particular cultural and social importance (English Sekolah,(http://www.strkN1lmj.sch. id/?diakses tanggal 9 Januari
2017 )
Language, Sports, Music, Dance, Theatrical Studies, Arts, [6] Dionisios Loukeris, et al. Aspect of the Effectiveness of the Greek
New technologies in Education), according to the students' Holoimero (’All Day’) Primary School. Mediteranean Journal of
needs and interests, taught by specialised teachers. Educational Studies. Vol. 14 (2), pp. 161-174. Diakses dari
With regard to the integration of general curriculum
abatzakisyriou.pdf pada tanggal 11 Januari 2017 pukul 15.04 WIB.
and Islam curriculum that makes learning a unity in the 2009.
education system are inseparable. [7] states that "sistem [7] Khusnul Mufidati. Full Day School dan Terpadu. Tesis. Surabaya:
pembelajaran dalam full day school menerapkan konsep Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Program Pascasarjana STAIN
dasar Integrated-Activity dan Integrated-Curriculum yang Tulungagung. 2013.
membedakan dengan sekolah pada umumnya" (the learning
system in a full day school apply basic concepts of
Integrated-Activity and Integrated-Curriculum that
distinguish the school in general). In a full day school
programs and activities of students in the school, either to
learn, play, worship in an education system.
The learning process carried out by 2 to 3 teachers in
the classroom. In order to keep the concentration of student
learning and learning time allocation can be run efficiently.
[4] says, "di SD full day selain diberikan pendidikan juga
diberikan pembinaan anak. Oleh karena itu, perbandingan
antara guru dengan siswa diusahakan tidak terlalu besar
yakni rasionya 1:10. Dengan demikian setiap seorang guru
bertanggung jawab terhadap 10 peserta didik. Jadi, dalam
satu kelas yang berisi 30 siswa disediakan 3 orang guru" (in
addition to full-day elementary, education is also given
guidance given child. Therefore, comparisons between
teachers and students are not too large cultivated the ratio
1:10. Thus every teacher is responsible for 10 learners. Thus,
in one class contains 30 students are provided three teachers).
From the discussion, it is understood that the
implementation of full day school in SD Sabbihisma has
done very well supported learning facilities and the variety
in activities that can make students feel happy and not bored.
All engineering is not a destination, but rather a plan to
achieve the goal, to improve the quality of learning and
education quality.

Implementation of full day school has been a discourse
by the Ministry of Education and Culture as an effort to
improve the quality of education and the cultivation of
character values in students. However, many who doubted
the discourse because of the length of time learning in school,
resulting in the student boredom and loss of child's play time.
SD Sabbihisma, which has carried out full day school
for approximately 20 years have provide a positive effect on
the ability and the development of students, even able to
support the successful cultivation of character values in
children that is based on knowledge of Islam and the Qur’an.

[1] Muhadjir Effendi. Full day school tak berarti belajar seharian di

The Application of Portofolio Based Model of Teaching As An Attempt to
Grow Motivation at the Early Stage of Learning
Muhiddinur Kamal1)
IAIN Bukittinggi
E-mail: muhiddinurkamal@gmail,com

Abstrak. One of the basic problems in the learning process is the learning process that doesn’t pay attention to the
social and cultural environment of the students. Social and cultural environment is an important potential that need to be
studied by the researcher, academician or other educational expert. The lack of attention of the students toward the
social and cultural problems in their environment is result of the lack of attention in giving them the awareness about
the social and cultural problem it selves. Learning process with conventional ways contributes to the lack of attention in
giving awareness of the social and cultural environment of the students. Conventional learning process tends to force
the students to memorize as many concepts as possible even though the students sometime don’t even know what they
mean. As the result, the learning process is not effective and also tends to be boring and finally it gives negative impact
on students motivation. Therefore, a teacher in this case, should be creative and innovative in choosing the method/
model of teaching. Portfolio model of teaching is one of the constructive models of teaching where the students are
expected to construct the knowledge through the learning process. Portfolio model of teaching stresses on the students
centered learning process. It is not just a collection of students work that are compiled and collected, but it is a a
collection of students work that are systematic and meaningful. The application of portfolio models of teaching can
improve student’s motivation beginning from the early stage of learning. The steps and procedures of this model has
some things in common with the method of research and it starts with identifying the problem, collecting information,
studying the solution of the problem, proposing the solution of the problem, showcasing the problem and finally making
actions. it can be concluded that portfolio teaching model can improve motivation since the early stage of teaching.


Research culture in Indonesia, which is insufficient, is

I. INTRODUCTION believed to be one of the leading factors that make Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the countries with low production lag behind other countries in scientific publications. Low
of good researches both in the regions of Asia and in the motivation to conduct a research often becomes a stumbling
regions of Southeast Asia. The number of researches and block for Indonesia to compete in the international world. It
scientific publications in Indonesia is lower than those of is inevitable fact that the researches produced by most
other countries with less known academic and scientific educational institutions are not significant. The phenomenon
world such as Malaysia and Pakistan. Research findings of low interest in research and the low number of scientific
from SC Imago (in Kompas 9/12/2010) ranked Indonesia in publications has brought many attentions and debated in the
the 64th position of 234 countries surveyed. The number of last decade. It should be studied extensively especially fie
scientific and research publications in Indonesia for 12 years educational institutions that bear esponsibility for this.
period only reaches 9149 documents. It is lower than ( accessed on March 29, 2015).
Pakistan, in 50th position. Scientific research is a series of accumulated
Publication of scientific researches in Indonesia is also observations that eventually brings up a theory to explain
lower than those of neighboring countries such as Singapore, and forecast the occurring phenomena. The research is able
Malaysia, and Thailand. Singapore is 31st position, Thailand to uncover phenomena and secrets of nature that need to be
43rd, and Malaysia 48th. Seen from the previous time, many studied and researched. Thus, research is a very important
Malaysian studied the science of research to universities in part in academic life as it is academic in nature as well as
Indonesia such as ITB and UGM. Lately, the three ASEAN enable academia to show their dedication to the community
countries above have continued increasing the quantity of in order to help it find the solution for its problems. In
their scientific publications while Indonesia has showed addition, it also allows them to bring new inventions for
different trend. Indonesia is much lower than Japan, which humanity. Educational institutions are expected to be able to
publishes 1.2 million researches, thereby making it in 3rd develop a research as the part of academic institution.
position in the world. At the top position is the Unites States, ( accessed on March 29,2015)
which publishes 4.3 million researches. (Kompas, Research culture in Indonesia to advance the scientific
9/12/2010). world is still lacking in its contribution to scientific

development. This situation is very alarming for this nation style of learning that is created, produced, and used for the
in its course to face an increasingly complex world successful program of teaching and learning activities."
competition. (Kompas 27/11/2010 and 20/12/2010). Model can be defined as a conceptual framework that is
Research skills should be fostered and nurtured on used as a guideline in conducting an activity (Suherman,
learners since their early age because these skills are related 2003: 37). The learning model can be understood from the
to their learning process, especially reading and writing. definiton proposed Joyce and Weil (1980: 1): "A models of
Without writing, the research findings will not be available teaching is a plan or pattern that can be used to shape the
for the community. Learners who like doing a research will curriculum (long term courses of studies), to design
gain new knowledge and insights to improve their instructional materials, and to guide instruction in the
intelligence to answer all the challenges of life and to have a classroom and other settings ".In line with the above
rich imagination. definition, Eggen, Kauchak, and Harder (1979: 12)
In some cases of the learning process, there are various mentions:" the models are prescriptive teaching strategies
issues that need to be considered by academics in order to designed to Accomplish particular instructional goals. They
make the learning process be able to foster students’ are prescriptive in the sense that the teacher's responsibilities
research in learning. Students’ motivation in the learning during the planning stages ... implementing and evaluating a
process is commonly low. (Muhiddinur Kamal’ Research in teaching model, then can be Considered as a type of
2009). blueprint for teaching ". The statements above illustrates that
Students’ low motivation is also caused by external the learning model is the instructional blueprint engineered
factors such as the inappropriate learning model used by so as to achieve certain goals of teaching.
teachers in the learning process. Teachers pay less attention Generally, portfolio is a sample collection of one's
to the principles of learning in fostering students’ motivation, work (students) that is knowingly submitted so as to provide
interests, and creativity to learn and to overcome their an overview of their ability and development within a certain
difficulties. The learning process seems to have been done period of time (Subandar: TT). Arnie (2005: 47) describes
well because the materials outlined in the syllabus have portfolio is derived from the English "portfolio" which
been presented in accordance with the allocated time. means a document or a letter. The definition portfolio in this
In order to make learning process run optimally, it study is a collection of students' works for a particular
requires learning models that are carefully designed and purpose that are selected through the prescribed guidelines.
supported by the results of selected knowledge and skills Each portfolio contains selected works of one-class students
that have been mastered to achieve learning objectives. who have cooperatively worked, identified, collected,
Selecting or defining a learning model in every learning processed, and analyzed data in order to find the solution for
subject is important because every subject gives students the studied problem.
different experience during its process of learning. Barton and Collins (1997) in Sumarna (2006: 25) states
Therefore, it is necessary to develop the learning model that the object of the portfolio (evidence) are classified into
that is oriented to increase students’ motivation, creativity, four types:
critical thinking, and sensitivity to social phenomena in their 1) Artifacts i.e. students' works that they do or produce
surrounding areas. To change and to minimize the above in the classroom
existing phenomena the learning process above, teachers 2) Reproduction i.e. students' works they do outside
need to try applying the learning model that enables the the classroom
changing in learning goal paradigms from the result- 3) Attestations i.e. teachers' statements or observations
oriented to the process-oriented. In doing so, teachers are about the students
required to have the ability to select, to sort and to design the 4) Production i.e. students' works that are especially
process of learning. It can be done by selecting and prepared for the portfolio.
determining the learning sources, media, and approaches that According to Arnie (2002: 98) There are several
move away from the traditional to the modern paradigm. advantages of portfolios use in learning:
Theoretically, one of the innovative learning models is 1) Encouraging collaboration (communication and
participatory portfolio-based learning. This model is relationship) between students and students as well
considered to be able to improve the learning process though as between students and teachers
fostering research motivation and social skills. 2) Allowing teachers to asses students ability in
making report and in writing and producing various
II. DISCUSSION academic tasks and to develop students' insight
about the studied problems.
A. Participatory Portfolio-Based Learning Model 3) Educating students to have the ability to make
The word model implies the meaning "a pattern, a style, reflection on their learning experience
an example, a reference, a variety of things that will be 4) Preserving students' learning memory since they
created or generated" (Balai Pustaka, 2001: 751). However, have performed a series of learning activities from
the meaning of model used in this study is "a pattern or a knowing, self-comprehending, conducting activities,
and cooperating with others

Popham (1995) suggests several advantages the use of the data-were developed for acquiring knowledge by reliable
portfolios: "(1) give students the opportunity to assess their and trustworthy procedures. Regarding to Research method,
task development and the their learning outcomes, (2) able it is the way of how someone collect and process data that
measure the learning achievement of each student with they develop to acquire knowledge or an answer to the
different characteristics from each other, ( 3) use a problems. Moreover, McMillan and Schumacher describe
collaborative assessment approach, (4) conduct self- the scientific procedures as a series of process involving the
steps as follows:
assessment (5) aim to increase efforts, works and
1) Recognize and define a research problem
achievement, and (6) interrelate the assessment and the
2) Review of existing knowledge on the problem
teaching process". 3) State a research question or hypothesis
Furthermore, Arnie (2002: 45) states that the portfolio- 4) Determine the design to Investigate the question or
based learning allows students to; (1) practice combining the test the hypothesis
concepts the teachers' explanation or books / reading 5) Collecting data
material along with their applicability in daily life, (2) seek 6) Analyze data
information outside the classroom in the form of reading 7) Interpret the results in order to draw conclusions
bundles, experiences, direct objects, TV / radio (internet ) or about the research problem.
persons / experts / leaders, (3) create alternative solutions to The research aims to discover, to develop, or to test the
the topic of the object discussed, (4) make a decision truth of knowledge (Sutrisno Hadi, 1989: 3). Research with
(suitable to their capabilities) that associated with the the goal of invention (explorative) means attempting to gain
concept that they have learned (5) formulate steps to be knowledge about something that has not been discussed or
taken to address the problem. studied by people. Development means the research done as
Thus, the portfolio-based learning provides a diversite the development or the follow up of the previous studies.
The research also aims to examine the truth (verificative)
learning resources and more flexibility for students to select
about the previously conducted research done.
appropriate learning resources as the foundation to study
Sutrisno (1989:8) proposes the following steps
natural or societal phenomena. It is in accordance with one involved in the process of research: 1) Identifying the object
of the principles in the competency-based curriculum or subject of the problem, 2). Limiting the object or subject
development, which is centered on the students as the of the problem, 3). Collecting data or information, 4).
developer of knowledge. It means the effort to build Processing data and draw conclusions, 5). Formulating and
students' autonomy to learn, collaborate, help their friends, reporting the findings, 6). Suggesting research implications.
make observations and self-assessments for a learning On the other hand, Tuckman (1972: 12) suggests
reflection, which will encourage them to build a learning several research steps as follows: 1). Identifying a problem,
portfolio of learning. 2). Constructing hypoyhesis, 3). Identyfing and labeling
In addition to providing the democratic laboratory, variables, 4). Constructing the operational definition, 5).
portfolio learning model also aims to help students learn Manipulating and controlling variables, 6). Constructing a
how to express their opinion and solve the problem. This research design, 7). Identyfing and constucting devices for
activity invites students to cooperate with their classmates observation and measurement, 8). Constructing quetionnaire
and interview schedules, 9) carryng out statistical analysis,
through the assistance of teachers and other volunteers to
10) Using the computer for the data analysis, 11). Writing a
achieve the following tasks:
research report.
1) Identify the problem to be studied Thus, it can be understood that the research is a
2) Collecting the information scientific activity that is conducted through collecting data
3) Assessing the problem solving scientifically to address a problem that requires an a solution.
4) Proposing the problem solving
5) Presenting the show case C. Relevancy of Portfolio-based Learning Model with
6) Formulating the action plan. (Budimansyah, 2001: Research
7-8) .2. Participatory portfolio-based plearning model is a
learning model with emphasis on students' skills to seek and
B. Nature of Research find the learning andon functioning learning members with
Mc Millan and Schumacher state "research is a mutual effort and responsibility to assist and to maximize the
systematic process of collecting and analizing information learning process. It also mentioned by Muhammad Faiz Zaki
(data) for some purposes" (1984: 4). Research is a (2009) who states that portfolio-based learning in the form
systematic process of collecting and analyzing information of the best students’ work collection will foster students’
purposes. Tuckman explains: "Research is a systematic attitude to act with responsibility [1].
attempt to provide answers to the question" (1972: 1). The relationship between portfolio learning model and
From the definition above, it can be inferred that the research is that there are some similar in both processes.
research as is an attempt or a systematic process to collect Besides, portfolio-based learning model in practice situates
data and later process them for a specific purpose such as for students to interact with other students and community, in
problem solving. which teachers are able to organize the learning materials
Furthermore, McMillan and Schumacher explain: and assignments the form of portfolio in order that students
"Research methods that is the way one collects and analyzes can understand do the task with their group. In addition,

portfolio also contains the learning process in the form
portfolio display that enable to train students to do the
research and defend its findings in public. Wakhiuddin
(2009) states that a collection of records and documentations
produced by the students is a form of their good achievement
in the learning process.
Through portfolio learning, students are expected to
achieve the learning outcomes that are divided into five
groups: intelectual skill, cognitive strategy, verbal
information, motor skill and attitude. Portfolio-based
learning method can also train students to have the skills,
both thinking skills and social skills such as the skill to
express opinions, to receive advice and input from others, to
work together, to nurture a sense of solidarity, and to
minimize the occurrence of disruptive behavior in the
classroom (Stahl : 1994).
Portfolio-based learning model provides a large
opportunity for students to explore their knowledge. They
can search for learning resources on their own from their
environment either from the media or from the surrounding
environment. This learning model is also more flexible for
student to work in the form of portfolio and to discuss with
both fellow students and teachers as learning advisors
because students will perform their through presenting it. In
addition, students will have many opportunities to exchange
information, experiences, opinions and problem solving
formally/orally i.e. face to face interaction, so this method is
able to enhance good communicative skills that will
influence their interest to conduct a research.

[1] Faiz, Muhammad Zaki. Pembelajaran Portofolio. 2009.

The Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills and Self-Efficacy
of High School Students Built Through Implementation of Problem
Based Learning and Discovery Learning
Nani Ratnaningsih1)
UNSIL, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Abstract. This research implements Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning model to analysis the increase of
mathematical creative thinking skills, mistakes in the process of mathematical creative thinking, and self-efficacy of
high school students in Tasikmalaya. The research method used is descriptive, data collection techniques through
creative thinking ability tests and questionnaires mathematics self-efficacy. The instruments were previously assessed
by experts in mathematics education. Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that the mathematical creative thinking
abilities of students through Problem Based Learning is increasing compared to the mathematical creative thinking
abilities of students through Discovery Learning. Mistakes students of mathematical creative thinking processes in
Problem Based Learning, generally on flexibility and originality indicators. While at Discovery Learning, mistakes
students of mathematical creative thinking processes is generally on sensitivity, flexibility and originality indicators.
Flexibility is solving the problem with a variety of different ways, but the result is the same, and originality is to solve
the problem in its own way does not use a standard formula. Sensitivity is the ability to detect problems. Self-efficacy
of students in Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning are both at high qualifications.

Keywords: Problem based learning; discovery learning; mathematical creative thinking ability; and self-efficacy.

Discovery Learning include: stimulation, problem statement,

the data collection, the data processing, verification, and
I. INTRODUCTION generalization. Teachers provide stimulation by asking
Everyone has creative potential that can be developed questions related to the material provided so that exploration,
through a learning process, therefore the mathematical provide the opportunity for students to identify problems and
creative thinking skills crucial to students trained, since the proposed a hypothesis, collect information, process data or
basic education up to secondary education ([9], [14], [15]). information based on the study of theory, test the truth of the
Even the creative thinking skills need to be given at the level hypothesis, and draw conclusions for generalized ([7], [10],
of higher education in order to implement in daily life [12]. [21]).
Creativity of students will grow if trained exploration, The reality in schools, in general, teachers do not carry
inquiry, discovery and solve problems [17]. The out the Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning,
development of creative thinking is closely related to how to still using frequently asked questions or expository.
teach teachers, in an atmosphere of non-authoritarian, when Therefore, the need to conduct research by applying the
students learn on their own initiative, given the confidence to Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning creative
think and dare to put forward new ideas, the creative thinking so that students skilled mathematics: sensitivity,
thinking skills can be developed optimally, in mathematics fluency, flexibility, elaboration, originality [5] and build self-
to encourage creative thinking and higher-level thinking can efficacy. Selfefficacy is the perception of the individual's
be done through learning in small groups, presenting non- ability to organize and implement actions or individual
routine tasks and tasks demanding cognitive and assessments of ability or competence to perform a task for a
metacognitive strategies and implement approaches purpose, and produce something. Self-efficacy includes three
scaffolding students ([13], [20]). aspects: cognitive, motivational, affective, selection. ([4],
Based curriculum in 2013, the learning process in [8], [16]).
schools should be using Problem Based Learning and
Discovery Learning. This is because it facilitates student II. RESEARCH METHOD
learning exploration, problem solving and build self- This study is a qualitative research, with its population
efficacy. Problem Based Learning is a learning model that of students of tenth grade high school in Tasikmalaya.
starts from the problem ill-structure associated with Samples were taken by purposive random sampling. Data
everyday life, the student group discussions, and problem collection techniques carry out tests of mathematical ability
solving ([1] – [3], [6]), through the issue the students are to think creatively and distributing questionnaires to the
trained creative thinking skills and self-efficacy. The students' self efficacy. The research instrument used is a
learning process through Discovery Learning provides matter of mathematics creative thinking ability tests and
opportunities for students to discover concepts without the questionnaires self efficacy. Problem mathematical creative
help of teachers, and perform observing, grouping, thinking abilities as much as 5 questions with a maximum
hypothezing, explaining, measuring, and concluding [7].

score of 20, each of the indicators of the problem include: formula. The majority of students in solving one originality
sensitivity, fluency, flexibility, elaboration, originality. indicator. Here is an example of errors students in solving
While self-efficacy questionnaire with 22 statements, each originality:
statement consists 4 option, includes four indicators:
cognitive, motivational, affective, selection. Prior to use, all
the research instruments validated by experts to look at the
feasibility, then the test is limited, and empirically tested on
a sample of students outside, until otherwise decent
instruments used for research. Based on the results of
validation and test, test questions and the ability to think
creatively mathematics self-efficacy questionnaire used as an
instrument worthy of research.
The research was conducted in the tenth grade High
School Tasikmalaya, the learning process using a Problem
Based Learning and Discovery Learning as much as 6
meetings. Ability to think creatively on Problem Based
Learning mathematics obtained a mean of 17.8 while the
average mathematical ability of creative thinking on
Discovery Learning obtained a mean of 15.3. Based on the
Fig. 2 Example Mistake Problem Solving Students Originality
results mean it can be concluded that the ability to think
creatively mathematics students in Problem Based Learning
is better than the ability to think creatively mathematics Nothing the mistake, students who use the Problem
student at Discovery Learning. This is because in Problem Based Learning mistake lies in the originality and flexibility
Based Learning learners learn starting from the problems indicators. Errors of students who use the Discovery
associated with everyday life. By the time students solve Learning about the same as students who use the Problem
problems, learners change of word problems into Based Learning, but the difference in the Discovery Learning
mathematical models, completes the picture, exploration, students are generally not sensitive to the issue or have not
must detect or sensitive issues, fix in detail, then finish with been able to detect whether the matter can be resolved or not.
a variety of ways. All these activities, train the ability to Based on the results of mathematical creative thinking
think sensitivity, fluency, flexibility, elaboration, and ability scores obtained by students in each study group were
originality. While at Discovery Learning Model, the learning analyzed at each indicator results are as follows:
process does not start from the problems associated with
everyday life, and is therefore less trained students creative TABLE1
thinking abilities mathematics when compared with the THE MEAN SCORE OF MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS
Then analyzed mistakes in solving mathematical
creative thinking skills in Problem Based Learning and
Discovery Learning. In both groups of students most
experienced errors on indicators of flexibility, students are No Indikator Kemampuan Learning
required to solve two different ways with the same result. Berpikir Kreatif Matematik PBL DL
Students just working with a single procedure, this is 1 Sensitivity 3,20 2,82
because students have not been accustomed to solving 2 Flexibility 2,95 2,65
problems in two ways. Here is an example of errors students 3 Fluency 3,55 3,18
in a matter of flexibility indicators: 4 Elaboration 3,30 3,15
5 Originality 2,73 2,55

Based on the table, on the matter of indicators fluency

and elaboration in both groups of students learning in
general do not experience errors even though the results have
not been up. This is because, in the matter of indicators
fluency students about the responsible men put forward
various plans or ideas to complete. Similarly, for the matter
of indicators elaboration, students answer questions by
completing or developing problems first and then resolved.
Fig. 1 Example Mistake Problem Solving Students Flexibility Based on the above can be drawn the conclusion that
students using Problem Based Learning experience errors in
From the student's work, seen students worked only answering questions on indicators of flexibility and
one way, and an error in the settlement process but the final originality, students using Discovery Learning experience
result is true. For about indicators of originality, students error indicator flexibility, originality, and sensitivity. This is
solve problems in their own way without using a standard consistent with the results of research ([19],[20]).

Further interviews were conducted on students who [5] Evans, J.R. (1991). Creative Thinking in the Decision and
Management Sciences. USA: South-Western Publishing Co.
make mistakes in answering the question of creative [6] Fogarty, R. (1997). Problem-Based Learning and Other Curriculum
mathematical thinking skills to explore further the obstacles Models for the Multiple Intelligences Classroom. Australia: Hawker
experienced by students. The results of interviews with Brownlow Education.
students obtained information: less careful in reading matter, [7] In’am, A & Hajar, S. Learning Geometry Through Discovery
Learning Using a Scientific Approach. International Journal of
has not been able to change from word problems into Instruction, Vol 10 No. 1 p.55-70. 2017.
mathematical models, has not been used to work on the [8] Karbasi, S & Samani, S. Psychometric Properties of Teacher Self-
problems such as the indicator of sensitivity, flexibility, and Efficacy Scale. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal.
originality. In addition, selfefficacy score obtained for each Elsevier, p. 618-621. 2016.
[9] Leung, S.S. & Silver, E.A. The Role of Task Format, Mathematics
model of learning, on Problem Based Learning self-efficacy Knowledge, and Creative Thinking on The Arithmetic Problem
is obtained scores of 77.5 and 75.6 for Discovery Learning Posing of Prospective Elementary SchoolTeachers. Mathematics
both at medium qualification. This is because the Model Education Research Journal. Elsevier, Vol 9 No.1 p. 5-24. 1997.
Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning, learners [10] Lingyi, H. Using GPS to Design Narrative-Centered Environments
for Guided Discovery Learning “Facade” a Case Study of a
are equally trained in self-confidence or self-efficacy through Nonlinear Story. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal.
group discussions in problem solving, presenting the future, Elsevier, p. 4032-4037. 2010.
identifying problems or problems at once with this [11] Maarif, S. Improving Junior High School Students’ Mathematical
hypothesis, then presented. Analogical Ability Using Discovery Learning Method. International
Journal of Research in Education and Science, Volume 2 Issue 1.
Based on the results of data analysis and processing [12] Massyrova, et al. Theoretical and Experimental Study of The Concept
of The Students Creative Thinking. Procedia Social and Behavioral
research concluded that the ability to think creatively math Sciences Journal. Elsevier, p.445-448. 2014.
students by using Problem Based Learning is better than the [13] Munandar, U. Kreativitas dan Keberbakatan. Jakarta: PT Gramedia
Discovery Learning, it is seen from the results of their mean. Pustaka Utama. 2002.
Students experienced the biggest mistake lies in flexibility [14] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.Curriculum and
Evaluation Standars for Schools Mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
and originality indicator for the use of Problem Based 1989.
Learning, while those using Discovery Learning students' [15] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.Professional Standards
mistakes lies in the indicator flexibility, sensitivity and for Teaching Matematics. Reston, VA: Author. 1991.
originality. Self-efficacy of students who use the Problem [16] Qudsyi, H & Putri, M.I. Self-Efficacy and Anxiety of National
Examination Among High School Students. Procedia Social and
Based Learning and Discovery Learning both at medium Behavioral Sciences Journal. Elsevier, p. 268-275. 2016.
qualification. [17] Ruseffendi, E.T. Pengantar kepada Membantu Guru
Mengembangkan Kompetensinya dalam Pengajaran Matematika
untuk Meningkatkan CBSA. Bandung: Tarsito. 1991.
REFERENCES [18] Ratnaningsih, N & Patmawati, H.Developing Character Based
Interactive Learning Media to Facilitate Students’ selfLearning of
Capita Selecta Mathematics (A Research on Mathematical Critical
[1] Alrahlah, A. How Effective The Problem Based Learning (PBL) in and Creative Thinking Skills of Mathematics Department Students of
Dental Education. The Saudi Dental Journal. P. 155-161. 2016. Teachers Training and Education Faculty of Siliwangi University).
[2] Atan, H, Sulaiman, F, & Idrus, R.M. The Effectiveness of Problem Prosiding Seminar Internasional ICTTE FKIP UNS. 2015.
Based Learning in The Web-Based Environment for The Delivery of [19] Ratnaningsih, N. Development Interactive Learning Media to
An Undergraduate Physics Course. International Education Journal. Excavate Ability Mathematical Creative Thinking Students. Prosiding
p.430-437. 2005. Seminar Internasional FKIP UNY. 2016.
[3] Chang, B.J. Problem Based Learning in Medical School: A Student’s [20] Svecova, R, Rumanova, L, &Pavlovicova, G. Support of Pipil’s
Perspective. Annals of Medicine and Surgery Journal. Elsevier, p.88- Creative Thinking in Mathematics Educations. Procedia Social and
89. 2016. Behavioral Sciences Journal. Elsevier, p.1715-1719. 2014.
[4] Chen, H, Dai, J, & Gao, Y.Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean [21] Tompo, A, Ahmad, A, & Muris, M. The Development of Discovery-
Differences of The Chinese Version Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Inquiry Learning Model to Reduce The Science Misconceptions of
Scale Across Gender and Education Levels. Journal of Sport and Junior High School Students.International Journal of Environmental
Health Science xx, p.1-9. 2017. & Science Education.Vol.11 No.12, p. 5676-568. 2016.

The Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills and
Self-Efficacy og High Students Built Through
Implementation of Problem Based Learning and Discovery
Nani Ratnaningsih1)
UNSIL, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Abstract. This research implements Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning model to analysis the increase
of mathematical creative thinking skills, mistakes in the process of mathematical creative thinking, and self-efficacy
of high school students in Tasikmalaya. The research method used is descriptive, data collection techniques
through creative thinking ability tests and questionnaires mathematics self-efficacy. The instruments were
previously assessed by experts in mathematics education. Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that the
mathematical creative thinking abilities of students through Problem Based Learning is increasing compared to the
mathematical creative thinking abilities of students through Discovery Learning. Mistakes students of mathematical
creative thinking processes in Problem Based Learning, generally on flexibility and originality indicators. While at
Discovery Learning, mistakes students of mathematical creative thinking processes is generally on sensitivity,
flexibility and originality indicators. Flexibility is solving the problem with a variety of different ways, but the result
is the same, and originality is to solve the problem in its own way does not use a standard formula. Sensitivity is the
ability to detect problems. Self-efficacy of students in Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning are both at
high qualifications.

Keywords: Problem based learning; discovery learning; mathematical creative thinking ability; and self-efficacy.

discover concepts without the help of teachers, and perform

observing, grouping, hypothezing, explaining, measuring,
Everyone has creative potential that can be developed and concluding [7]. Discovery Learning include: stimulation,
through a learning process, therefore the mathematical problem statement, the data collection, the data processing,
creative thinking skills crucial to students trained, since the verification, and generalization. Teachers provide stimulation
basic education up to secondary education ([9], [14], [15]). by asking questions related to the material provided so that
Even the creative thinking skills need to be given at the level exploration, provide the opportunity for students to identify
of higher education in order to implement in daily life [12]. problems and proposed a hypothesis, collect information,
Creativity of students will grow if trained exploration, process data or information based on the study of theory, test
inquiry, discovery and solve problems [17]. The development the truth of the hypothesis, and draw conclusions for
of creative thinking is closely related to how to teach teachers, generalized ([7], [10], [21]).
in an atmosphere of non-authoritarian, when students learn on The reality in schools, in general, teachers do not carry out
their own initiative, given the confidence to think and dare to the Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning, still
put forward new ideas, the creative thinking skills can be using frequently asked questions or expository. Therefore, the
developed optimally, in mathematics to encourage creative need to conduct research by applying the Problem Based
thinking and higher-level thinking can be done through Learning and Discovery Learning creative thinking so that
learning in small groups, presenting non-routine tasks and students skilled mathematics: sensitivity, fluency, flexibility,
tasks demanding cognitive and metacognitive strategies and elaboration, originality [5] and build self-efficacy. Self-
implement approaches scaffolding students ([13], [20]). efficacy is the perception of the individual's ability to organize
Based curriculum in 2013, the learning process in schools and implement actions or individual assessments of ability or
should be using Problem Based Learning and Discovery competence to perform a task for a purpose, and produce
Learning. This is because it facilitates student learning something. Self-efficacy includes three aspects: cognitive,
exploration, problem solving and build self-efficacy. Problem motivational, affective, selection. ([4], [8], [16]).
Based Learning is a learning model that starts from the
problem ill-structure associated with everyday life, the
student group discussions, and problem solving ([1] – [3], II. RESEARCH METHOD
[6]), through the issue the students are trained creative
This study is a qualitative research, with its population of
thinking skills and self-efficacy. The learning process through
students of tenth grade high school in Tasikmalaya. Samples
Discovery Learning provides opportunities for students to
were taken by purposive random sampling. Data collection

techniques carry out tests of mathematical ability to think From the student's work, seen students worked only one
creatively and distributing questionnaires to the students' self way, and an error in the settlement process but the final result
efficacy. The research instrument used is a matter of is true.
mathematics creative thinking ability tests and questionnaires For about indicators of originality, students solve problems
self efficacy. Problem mathematical creative thinking abilities in their own way without using a standard formula. The
as much as 5 questions with a maximum score of 20, each of majority of students in solving one originality indicator. Here
the indicators of the problem include: sensitivity, fluency, is an example of errors students in solving originality:
flexibility, elaboration, originality. While self-efficacy
questionnaire with 22 statements, each statement consists 4
option, includes four indicators: cognitive, motivational,
affective, selection. Prior to use, all the research instruments
validated by experts to look at the feasibility, then the test is
limited, and empirically tested on a sample of students
outside, until otherwise decent instruments used for research.
Based on the results of validation and test, test questions and
the ability to think creatively mathematics self-efficacy
questionnaire used as an instrument worthy of research.


The research was conducted in the tenth grade High School
Tasikmalaya, the learning process using a Problem Based
Learning and Discovery Learning as much as 6 meetings.
Ability to think creatively on Problem Based Learning
mathematics obtained a mean of 17.8 while the average Fig. 2 Example Mistake Problem Solving Students Originality
mathematical ability of creative thinking on Discovery
Learning obtained a mean of 15.3. Based on the results mean Noting the mistake, students who use the Problem Based
it can be concluded that the ability to think creatively Learning mistake lies in the originality and flexibility
mathematics students in Problem Based Learning is better indicators. Errors of students who use the Discovery Learning
than the ability to think creatively mathematics student at about the same as students who use the Problem Based
Discovery Learning. This is because in Problem Based Learning, but the difference in the Discovery Learning
Learning learners learn starting from the problems associated students are generally not sensitive to the issue or have not
with everyday life. By the time students solve problems, been able to detect whether the matter can be resolved or not.
learners change of word problems into mathematical models, Based on the results of mathematical creative thinking
completes the picture, exploration, must detect or sensitive ability scores obtained by students in each study group were
issues, fix in detail, then finish with a variety of ways. All analyzed at each indicator results are as follows:
these activities, train the ability to think sensitivity, fluency, TABLE 1
flexibility, elaboration, and originality. While at Discovery THE MEAN SCORE OF MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE
Learning Model, the learning process does not start from the THINKING SKILLS STUDENTS ON PROBLEM BASED
problems associated with everyday life, and is therefore less LEARNING (PBL) AND DISCOVERY LEARNING (DL)
trained students creative thinking abilities mathematics when
compared with the Problem Based Learning.
Then analyzed mistakes in solving mathematical creative No Indikator Kemampuan Learning
Berpikir Kreatif Matematik PBL DL
thinking skills in Problem Based Learning and Discovery
1 Sensitivity 3,20 2,82
Learning. In both groups of students most experienced errors
2 Flexibility 2,95 2,65
on indicators of flexibility, students are required to solve two 3 Fluency 3,55 3,18
different ways with the same result. Students just working 4 Elaboration 3,30 3,15
with a single procedure, this is because students have not been 5 Originality 2,73 2,55
accustomed to solving problems in two ways. Here is an
example of errors students in a matter of flexibility indicators: Based on the table, on the matter of indicators fluency and
elaboration in both groups of students learning in general do
not experience errors even though the results have not been
up. This is because, in the matter of indicators fluency
students about the responsible men put forward various plans
or ideas to complete. Similarly, for the matter of indicators
elaboration, students answer questions by completing or
developing problems first and then resolved. Based on the
above can be drawn the conclusion that students using
Problem Based Learning experience errors in answering
questions on indicators of flexibility and originality, students
Fig. 1 Example Mistake Problem Solving Students Flexibility
using Discovery Learning experience error indicator

flexibility, originality, and sensitivity. This is consistent with [5] Evans, J.R. (1991). Creative Thinking in the Decision and
Management Sciences. USA: South-Western Publishing Co.
the results of research ([19],[20]).
[6] Fogarty, R. (1997). Problem-Based Learning and Other Curriculum
Further interviews were conducted on students who make Models for the Multiple Intelligences Classroom. Australia: Hawker
mistakes in answering the question of creative mathematical Brownlow Education.
thinking skills to explore further the obstacles experienced by [7] In’am, A & Hajar, S (2017). Learning Geometry Through Discovery
students. The results of interviews with students obtained Learning Using a Scientific Approach. International Journal of
information: less careful in reading matter, has not been able Instruction, Vol 10 No. 1 p.55-70
[8] Karbasi, S & Samani, S (2016). Psychometric Properties of Teacher
to change from word problems into mathematical models, has Self-Efficacy Scale. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
not been used to work on the problems such as the indicator Journal. Elsevier, p. 618-621
of sensitivity, flexibility, and originality. In addition, self- [9] Leung, S.S. & Silver, E.A. (1997). The Role of Task Format,
efficacy score obtained for each model of learning, on Mathematics Knowledge, and Creative Thinking on The Arithmetic
Problem Posing of Prospective Elementary SchoolTeachers.
Problem Based Learning self-efficacy is obtained scores of Mathematics Education Research Journal. Elsevier, Vol 9 No.1 p. 5-
77.5 and 75.6 for Discovery Learning both at medium 24
qualification. This is because the Model Problem Based [10] Lingyi, H (2010). Using GPS to Design Narrative-Centered
Learning and Discovery Learning, learners are equally trained Environments for Guided Discovery Learning “Facade” a Case
Study of a Nonlinear Story. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
in self-confidence or self-efficacy through group discussions
Journal. Elsevier, p. 4032-4037
in problem solving, presenting the future, identifying [11] Maarif, S. (2016). Improving Junior High School Students’
problems or problems at once with this hypothesis, then Mathematical Analogical Ability Using Discovery Learning
presented. Method. International Journal of Research in Education and Science,
Volume 2 Issue 1
[12] Massyrova, et al (2014). Theoretical and Experimental Study of The
IV. CONCLUSIONS Concept of The Students Creative Thinking. Procedia Social and
Behavioral Sciences Journal. Elsevier, p.445-448
Based on the results of data analysis and processing
[13] Munandar, U. (2002). Kreativitas dan Keberbakatan. Jakarta: PT
research concluded that the ability to think creatively math Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
students by using Problem Based Learning is better than the [14] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989). Curriculum
Discovery Learning, it is seen from the results of their mean. and Evaluation Standars for Schools Mathematics. Reston, VA:
Students experienced the biggest mistake lies in flexibility Author
and originality indicator for the use of Problem Based [15] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991). Professional
Standards for Teaching Matematics. Reston, VA: Author
Learning, while those using Discovery Learning students'
[16] Qudsyi, H & Putri, M.I (2016). Self-Efficacy and Anxiety of National
mistakes lies in the indicator flexibility, sensitivity and Examination Among High School Students. Procedia Social and
originality. Self-efficacy of students who use the Problem Behavioral Sciences Journal. Elsevier, p. 268-275
Based Learning and Discovery Learning both at medium [17] Ruseffendi, E.T. (1991). Pengantar kepada Membantu Guru
qualification. Mengembangkan Kompetensinya dalam Pengajaran Matematika
untuk Meningkatkan CBSA. Bandung: Tarsito.
[18] Ratnaningsih, N & Patmawati, H (2015). Developing Character
Based Interactive Learning Media to Facilitate Students’ self-
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Meaning Nuance To The Verbs Synonym of Ears Activity In Indonesian
Ngusman Abdul Manaf1)
Universitas Negeri Padang

Abstrak. Many linguists who study Indonesian synonyms, but no one has studied meaning nuance of Verbs
synonymous ears activity. Verbs of ears activity needs to be studied because it has high usage frequency. This paper
was written (1) to dicribe and explain the meaning nuances of the verb synonym ears activity, and (2) to explain the
level verb synonymy ears activity. The data source of this paper is the Indonesian variety of formal and informal, both
spoken and written that generated by the Indonesian speaker. Based on the findings and discussion in this paper,
summarized as follows: (1) meaning nuances in verbs synonymous of ears activity make it suitable only for a specific
sentence contexts, (2) generally verbs synonymous of ears activity at the level of incomplete and not absolute.
Therefore, verbs synonyms of ears activity only exchange in certain contexts.

Keywords: Meaning Nuance, Synonyms, Verb of Ears Activity, Indonesian

and syn 'with'. From the origins of the word, meaning

I. INTRODUCTION formulated synonymy is another name for the same object
(see [4]. [5], [2]). Furthermore, [6] explains that synonyms
Indonesian is the adhesive means unity of the are couples or groups of lexical items containing similar
Indonesian nation. In the curriculum in 2013, Indonesian meanings from each other.
serves as a carrier and draft science (Kemendikbud, 2013: v- [4] gives three boundaries or definitions of the
viii). Indonesian should always be developed with attention following synonymy. First, synonymy are words with the
to the wisdom of the cultural values of national-Indonesia, as same linguistic extra reference, for example, meninggal and
well as the development of science, technology and art in mampus. Second, words that contain the same meaning, for
order to meet the strategic function. One element that is example, memberitahukan and menyampaiakan words.
sensitive to the language of social values and the culture of Third, the words that can be substituted in the same context,
science and technology is the word. In fact, the word is for example, "Kami berusaha agar pembangunan berjalan
encoding the values of its social culture and science and terus." and "Kami berupaya agar pembangunan berjalan
technology [1]. The meanings of words are dynamic, which terus." The word berusaha synonymous with berupaya.
can be changed in accordance with the socio-cultural Based on the description theory, it can be made
development, and science and technology [2]. To speak synonymy limitation in this study, which is a pattern of
effectively, speakers need to master the meaning of the relationships synonymy lexical meaning of a number of
words used to act said. No words were different in form, but different forms, but have the same meaning or similar
the meaning is exactly the same even though the words are meanings. Based on the description that theory can also be
synonymous. One category that is very important word in formulated synonymy definitions and synonyms. Synonymy
the sentence is a verb grammar because he determines that is the name of the type of relationship that looks different
another category of words that can fill specific syntactic lexical meaning, but the meaning is the same or similar.
function in a sentence [3]. The research problem is the Synonym is a lexical form that looks different, but the
absence of adequate description and explanation of the meaning is the same or similar. For example, if the word
subtle differences that are synonymous verbs in Indonesian. associated with the word ayah and bapak, two words that
The problem of this research activity is focused on the have meaning relationship homonymy types. Furthermore,
synonym of ear activity verb in Indonesian. This was done the word ayah is a synonym of the word bapak.
because the verbs of ears activity have a high frequency of The subject matter of this study under the field of
use. semantics. Semantics is the branch of linguistics that
The research problem is under the field of semantics, a discusses the meaning ([7], [8]) defines the semantics of how
branch of linguistics discusses the meaning of language it works to understand the meaning of linguistic forms and
(linguistic forms), not connected with nonlinguistic context. defines the semantics as a branch of linguistics subsystem
Semantic theory is mainly studied in this research is the that understands the meaning of linguistic forms that are not
theory of synonymy, meaning, the verb, and Indonesian. connected with nonlinguistic context. Unit language studied
The term synonymy in Indonesian absorbed from the meaning ranging from the level of morpheme, word,
English, synonymy. Synonymy word in the English phrase, clause, and sentence even text.
language that comes from the Greek, namely onoma 'name'

Synonymy is object of semantics study. In the subject the context of the miraculous, but for context-specific
of the relation of meaning, namely lexical reciprocal context can not. That concept can be clarified in the
relationship with one another, there is a study of the relation Indonesian example, karena and sebab are synonymous in
synonymy, antonym, homonymy, homophony, homography, the context karena itu and sebab itu. In contexts tanpa sebab
hyponymy, hypernymy, meronymy, polysemy, ambiguity and tanpa karena*, menyebabkan and mengarenakan, sebab
and redundancy ([6], [7], [5], (Ullmann, 2007: 175-247), and and karena do not mutually subtitute.
[2]). When a lexical meet with other lexical, it will form Based on the degree of similarity elements of the
certain relationships. One form the relationships meaning is meanings of words are synonymous, [9] grouping synonyms
synonymy. into two types, namely the words perfectly synonymous and
These various studies on synonymy concluded that the synonymous words that are absolute. Words classified
forms are not the same meaning in total. Among the lexical perfectly synonym when the words implies descriptive,
synonymous still have shades of meaning (Ulmann, 2007: expressive, and social alike. Instead, the words classed
175) and [7]). Conclusion two linguists it can be clarified in absolute synonym if the words have the same distribution
Indonesian synonyms example, between meninggal and and significance perfectly in its presence in all contexts.
mati. Between the meninggal and mati have the same Indonesian word classified or categorized based on
meaning elements, namely ‘THE LOSS OF LIFE’, but there semantic features and syntactic characteristics. [3] grouping
remains meaning nuance. Mati in the sentence ‘Kami ikut of words in Indonesian into 6 categories of words, ie verba
berduka cita atas matinya Bapak kamu’ felt rough. Instead, ‘verbs’, nomina ‘nouns’, adjektiva ‘adjectives’, kata
meninggal in the sentence ‘Kami turut berduka cita atas keterangan ‘adverbs’, numeralia ‘numeral’, and kata tugas
meninggalnya Bapak kamu’ felt fine. In addition, in certain ‘word task’. Kata tugas ‘words task’ include konjungtor,
contexts sentence, the word meninggal and mati can not prepositions, particles, and articles. Examples of verbs are
replace each other. Mati can be used in a sentence Pohon the berjalan ‘walk’, minum ‘drink’, belajar ‘learning’,
manggaku mati. Although the word meninggal synonymous membaca ‘read’, menulis ‘writing’ and so on. Examples of
with mati, but mati can not be substituted for meninggal in nouns are rumah ‘a house’, air ‘water’, buku ‘book’ and
the contexts Pohon manggaku meninggal. Synonyms others. Examples of adjectives are jujur ‘honest’, rajin
meninggal and mati have different nuances of flavor and ‘diligent’, and others. Examples of adverbs are sangat ‘a
value contexts of use. very’, akan ‘shall’, sedang ‘being’, and others. Examples
Ulmann (2007: 177) explains that W.E. Collinson numeralia are satu ‘one’, dua ‘two’, tiga ‘three’, and others.
trying to identify the level of between lexical synonymous Examples of kata tugas ‘task words’ in the form konjungtor
based on different shades of meaning between sinonim of 9 is dan ‘and, atau ‘or’, tetapi ‘but’, karena ‘because’, so and
following aspects. others. Examples of the type of function words are
A. One word more common than others: refuse - reject. prepositions di ‘in’, ke ‘to’, dari ‘from’, daripada ‘rather
B. One word more intense than the others: repudiate – than’ and others. Examples of types of particles are lah, kah,
refuse. tah, pun. Examples of kata tugas ‘the task word’ specimen
C. One word may be more emotive than the others: reject – article type are si, sang, hang, dang, and others. In
decline. accordance with this research problem, further description is
D. One word can include acceptance or rejection of moral or focused on the verb. Semantically, the verb is a word that
while others are neutral: thirfty - economical. has meaning action, state, or process.
E. One word more professional than others: desense – death. Verbs of the ears Activities are a verb which is the
F. One word more literary than others: passing - death. activity or activities listener senses. Examples of verbs
G. One more word Colloquial (are daily) than others: aktiviitas sense of hearing is heard, listened, buzzing,
English turn down - refuse. humming and others.
H. One word more local or dialect than others; English Research synonymy Indonesian words that have been
language Scots flesher - butcher. conducted and associated with this research, among others,
I. One of the synonyms including childhood language: research conducted by [2], [10], and [1].
daddy – father. [2] examined the level of synonymy vocabulary
Some classification that includes multiple subsections, Indonesian word group died. The data source of this
for example in (6) is a literary word can be subdivided into research is the Indonesian oral and written, both formal and
poetic, prosaic, arkhais. In (7), Colloquial include some informal diversity conducted by Indonesian speaker in
variations like the familiar, slang, rude language. Padang. The research was conducted based on a qualitative
Still according to Ulmann (2007: 178), to determine the approach, based on the particular semantic theory synonymy.
level between lexical synonymous do tests substitution The results of this study are as follows. The words mati
(substitution, replacement) as recommended by Macaulay. ‘dead’, meninggal ‘dead’, wafat ‘dead’, mangkat ‘dead’,
This method is one of the fundamental procedures in modern gugur ‘death’, tewas ‘dead’, dan mampus ‘dead’ are
linguistics and in terms sinonym, this way will answer synonymous. Level words synonymy generally synonymous
whether and how far the words be synonym it can be incomplete and not absolute.
exchanged. Words that are synonymous can be exchanged in

[10] studied the vocabulary of the cultural domain in Validating data from interviews, observations, field
the first person singular pronoun I, in Indonesian, Javanese, notes made by triangulation techniques and focus group
Batak, Bugis-Makassar, and China. First person singular discussions. Triangulation is done by cross-reference the
pronoun I merupakaan polysemy if used by people of observed data, the data introspection, and data from
different cultural backgrounds. Language analysis performed interviews that reached the suitability of methods (goodness
by the semantic metalanguage. Analysis of these cultural of fit) to increase the quality of research.
domain vocabulary can mean the difference of meaning is Analysis of the observed data, survey questions, and
culturally so as to avoid misunderstandings in interviews were analyzed by following the techniques of
communication. data analysis by Miles and Hubermen, namely data reduction,
[1] studied the vocabulary of Indonesian and presentation, and drawing conclusions. In the data reduction
Indonesian culture. The research shows that the vocabulary activities, identification sensory activity Indonesian verbs
of Indonesian is the password Indonesian culture. The Data are synonymous. To determine synonymous verbs, verbs
of research were analyzed with the dynamic model theory of that have the same general meaning grouped under clumps.
meaning. From this research, it can be concluded that there Verbs in one group, were placed in the same contexts. Two
are three kinds of forms of language that encode the culture or more words that generally meaning equal or relatively
of Indonesia, the second person pronoun singular and plural, equal and mutually subtitute in same contexts sentence are
euphemism word, and idiomatic word. [2] examines the synonyms. Instead, two or more words whose meaning is not
dynamics of the use of vocabulary in Indonesian literature. the same or can not be mutually subtitute in a same sentence
The research data is the vocabulary used in the Indonesia contexts are not synonyms. Verbs of ears activity are not
novels. The data source of this research is the Indonesian synonymous are removed from the study data. At the stage
novels that get high appreciation from readers. In the 1970s of presentation, the data are grouped based on their
and 1980s, Indonesia novel Author many uses words, terms respective levels of synonymy, synonyms (1) are incomplete
and expressions of the area when the word, there is a and not absolute, (2) complete synonyms, but not absolute,
synonym of the term in the Indonesian language. The trend and (3) complete and absolute synonyms. Synonymy level
of using vocabulary like that in novels Indonesia, it grouping was done based on the analysis of components of
indicates that people worry about losing a local culture meaning and subtitute mutual ability tests in the same
because of the insistence of national culture and foreign contexts. At this stage of inference, abstraction and
culture. They want to be Indonesian, but not lose the cultural discussion of research findings in the form of statements of
values of the region. research results.
Research links deciphered by the research to be done is
equally examined the Indonesian vocabulary. Differences in III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
that study by research to be conducted previous studies A. Synonyms, Level Synonymy, and Meaning Nuance of
generally examine the use of vocabulary in the process of Ears Activities Verbs
communication in the community. Research to be conducted Based on two indicators, namely (1) the similarity of
will examine synonymy Indonesian vocabulary with less meaning and (2) ability to replace each other in a similar
focus on the verb ears activity. contexts with relatively similar meanings, synonyms are
The purpose of writing this article is as follows: (1) found, the level of synonymy, and muances of meaning of
describe a synonymous verbs of ears activity in Indonesian, the verbs ears activity in Indonesian as below.
(2) explaining the nuances of meaning in the synonyms, (3)
explain the level synonymy of ears activities verbs. B. Mendengar = menyimak
Elements common meanings and special elements of
II. METHODS verbs ears activities, namely mendengar ‘hearing’ and
This research is a qualitative descriptive method. This menyimak ‘listening’ can be seen in Table 1.
research data is a verbs of ears activities in Indonesian. The TABLE I
data source of this research is the variety of Indonesian text ELEMENTS MEANING OF MENDENGAR ‘HEARING’ AND MENYIMAK
formal and informal, both oral and written. This research ‘LISTENING’
Elements Meaning Mendengar Menyimak
was conducted in 2016 in Padang, West Sumatra. Respond Object With Ears + +
The object of this study are synonymous verbs of ears Done in Open + +
activities in Indonesian. Data of this study was the Do Deliberately ± +
Made in Intensive ± +
observation, the study documents, the results of introspective
research, and interviews about verbs and verbs synonymous + elements of meaning owned
of ears activity in Indonesian. The data source of this - elements of meaning that are not owned
research is the Indonesian language text formal or informal, ± elements of meaning of which may have one or both of them
both spoken and written generated Indonesian speaker in Based on the meaning of the elements in Table 1,
Padang. The instrument of this study are researchers using mendengar ‘hearing’ and menyimak ‘listening’ is a synonym
observation sheet and interview guides. for having elements similar meaning, namely RESPOND

Therefore, mendengar and menyimak can be interchanged in Based on the elements of meaning in Table II,
the same contexts as examples (1) and (2). mendengar ‘hearing’ and menguping ‘overhearing’ a
(1) Kami mendengar berita pertandingan sepak bola synonym for having elements similar meaning, namely
anatara Indonesia dan Thailan dari televisi. RESPOND OBJECT WITH EARS. Therefore, mendengar
‘We heard about a football match between Indonesia ‘hearing’ and menguping ‘eavesdropping’ can be
and Thailan of television.’ interchanged in the same contexts as examples (5) and (6).
(2) Kami menyimak berita pertandingan sepak bola anatara
Indonesia dan Thailan dari televisi. (5) Saya mendengarkan pembicaraan Ayah dan Ibu
‘We listened to news of a football match between tentang rencana pernikahan kakak.
Indonesia and Thailan of television.’ ‘I listen to Mom and Dad talks about sister's wedding
Although mendengar ‘hearing’ and plans.’
menyimak’listening’ synonymous, but there are nuances of (6) Saya menguping pembicaraan Ayah dan Ibu tentang
meaning between two synonyms, who is mendengar rencana pernikahan kakak.
‘hearing’ an element meaning DELIBERATELY OR DO ‘I overheard my father and mother about my sister's
NOT and OR NOT DONE IN INTENSIVE while menyimak wedding plans.’
‘listening’ to have an element of meaning DELIBERATELY Although mendengarkan ‘hearing’ and menguping
and DONE IN INTENSIVE. Therefore, mendengar ‘eavesdropping’ synonymous, but there are nuances of
‘hearing’ and menyimak ‘listening’ classified synonyms meaning between two synonyms, who is mendengar
incomplete. ‘hearing’ it contains elements of meaning CARRIED
Nuances of meaning that results in, mendengar DELIBERATELY OR NOT, MADE BY OPEN and WITH
‘hearing’ and menyimak ‘listening’ only can replace in INTENSIVE OR NOT while menguping ’eavesdropping’
certain contexts. Example (3) and (4), in the context the have an element of meaning DONE DELIBERATELY, DO
basic form word + me-kan, mendengar ‘hearing’ and NOT OPEN, and WITH INTENSIVE. Therefore,
menyimak ‘listening’ are not interchangeable. mendengar ‘hearing’ and menguping ‘eavesdropping’
(3) Kami sedang mendengarkan siaran berita dari Radio classified synonyms incomplete.
Republik Indonesia. Nuances of meaning that lead to, mendengar ‘hearing’
‘We're hearing to the news on Radio Republik and menguping ‘eavesdropping’ only can replace in certain
Indonesia.’ contexts. Example (7) and (8), in the context of basic form
(4) Kami sedang menyimakkan siaran berita dari Radio word + pe--an, pendengaran and pengupingan can not
Republik Indonesia. replace each other.
‘We're listening newscast of Radio Republik (7) Tolong, suaranya agak dikeraskan karena pendengaran
Indonesia.’ saya sedang terganngu!
In the context of the basic form + me-kan, ‘Please, her voice somewhat tempered because I'm
mendengarkan ‘hearing’ and menyimakan ‘listening’ are not hearing terganngu!
interchangeable. In contexts, mendengarkan ‘hearing’ (8) Tolong, suaranya agak dikeraskan karena pengupingan
acceptable, but menyimakkan ‘listening’ unacceptable in saya sedang terganngu!
Indonesian. Therefore, mendengar and menyimak is not ‘Please, her voice somewhat tempered because may
absolute synonyms. eavesdropping is disturbed!
Based on the criteria of the degree of similarity of In the context of the basic form + me-kan,
meaning and criteria of ability to replace each other in the mendengarkan ‘hearing’ and mengupingkan ‘eavesdropping’
same contexts, listen to them have a common element of can not replace each other. In contexts that mendengar
meaning is incomplete and only exchange in certain contexts. ‘hearing’ can be acceptable, but menguping ‘eavesdropping’
Hence, the level of mendengar ‘hearing’ and menyimak is not acceptable. Therefore, mendengar ‘hearing’ and
‘listening’ synonymy words belonging synonyms incomplete menguping ‘eavesdropping’ is not absolute synonyms.
and not absolute. Based on the criteria of the degree of similarity of
meaning and criteria of ability to replace each other in the
C. Mendengar = Menguping same contexts, mendengar ‘hearing’ and menguping
Elements of common meanings and elements of special ‘eavesdropping’ have a common element of meaning is
meaning verbs ears activity, namely mendengar ‘hearing’ incomplete and only exchange in certain contexts. Hence,
and menguping ‘eavesdropping’ can be seen in table II. the level of synonymy mendengar ‘hearing’ and menguping
‘eavesdropping, are classified incomplete and not absolute
Elements Meaning Mendengar Menguping
D. Menyadap = Menguping
Respond Object With Ears + +
Done Deliberately ± + Common meanings Elements and special meaning
Done in Open + - elements of ears activiteis verbs, namely menyadap ‘tapping’
Made in Intensive ± +
and menguping ‘eavesdropping’ can be seen in Table III.

Elements Meaning Menyadap Menguping Elements Meaning Mendenging Mendengung
Respond Object With Ears + +
Sound Coming From Inside The Ear + +
Do Deliberately + + Constant + +
Done Disguised/Hidden + +
The Duration Relatively Long + +
Made in Intensive + +
The Soft Sound - +
Do The Professional + - The Strident Sound + -
Formal + +

Based on the elements of meaning in Table IV,

Based on the elements of meaning in Table III,
mendenging ‘buzzing’ and mendengung ‘humming’ a
menyadap ‘tapping’ and menguping ‘eavesdropping’ are
synonym for having elements similar meaning, namely
synonyms because it has elements similar meaning, namely
LONG. Therefore, mendenging ‘buzzing’ and mendengung
Therefore, menyadap ‘tapping’ and menguping
‘humming’ can be interchanged in the same contexts as
‘eavesdropping’ can be interchanged in the same contexts as
examples (13) and (14).
examples (9) and (10).
(13) Telingaku mendenging sejak pagi tadi.
(9) Polisi menyadap pembicaraan sekelompok orang yang
‘My ears were buzzing all morning.’
akan melakukan perampokan.
(14) Telingaku mendengung sejak pagi tadi
‘The police tap conversations group of people who will
‘My ears were humming all morning.’
commit robbery.’
Although the mendenging ‘buzzing’ and mendengung
(10) Polisi menguping pembicaraan sekelompok orang yang
‘humming’ synonymous, but there are nuances of meaning
akan melakukan perampokan.
between the two synonyms, ie mendenging ‘buzzing’
‘The police eavesdrop on a group of people who will
contain elements of meaning THE HARD and THE
commit robbery.’
STRIDENT SOUND while mendengung ‘humming’ having
Although tapping and eavesdropping synonymous, but
elements of meaning THE SOFT and CALM SOUND .
there are nuances of meaning between the two synonyms, ie
Therefore, mendenging ‘buzzing’ and mendengung
menyadap ‘tapping’ contain elements of meaning and
‘humming’ classified synonyms incomplete.
Nuances of meaning that results in, mendenging
LANGUAGES while menguping ‘eavesdropping’ have an
‘buzzing’ and mendengung ‘humming’ can simply replace in
element of meaning TAKEN BY UNPROFESSIONAL and
certain contexts. Example (15) and (16), in the contexts of
ter- + basic form word, mendenging ‘buzzing’ and
Therefore, tapping and eavesdropping classified synonyms
mendengung ‘humming’ can not replace each other.
(15) Isu itu selalu didengingkan di telinga mayarakat.
Nuances of meaning that lead, menyadap ‘tapping’ and
‘The issue was always been buzzed in the ears of
menguping ‘eavesdropping’ can simply replace in certain
contexts. Example (11) and (12), in the contexts of ter +
(16) Isu itu selalu didengungkan di telinga mayarakat.
basic form word, menyadap ‘tapping’ and menguping
‘The issue was always been hummed in the ears of
‘eavesdropping’ can not replace each other.
(11) Pembicaraan tersangka koruptor dengan hakim
In contexts of basic form word + di--kan, didengingkan
pemimpin sidang pengadilan tersadap oleh KPK.
‘buzzing’ and didengungkan ‘humming’ can not replace
Discussion suspected criminals by the trial judge leader
each other. In the contexts, didengingkan not accepted, but
have been tapped by the Commission.
didengungkan accepted. Therefore, mendenging ‘buzzing’
(12) Pembicaraan tersangka koruptor dengan hakim
and mendengung ‘humming’ a synonym incomplete and not
pemimpin sidang pengadilan terkuping oleh KPK.
Discussion suspected criminals by the trial judge leader
have been dropped by the Commission.
F. Mendenging = Mengiang
Elements common meanings and special meaning of
In the context of ter + basic form word, menyadap
ears activity verbs, namely mendenging ‘buzzing’ and
‘tapping’ and menguping ‘eavesdropping’ can not replace
mengiang ‘repeating’ can be seen in Table V.
each other. In the contexts, tersadap ‘tapped’ acceptable, but
terkuping ‘eavesdropped’ unacceptable. Therefore, tapping TABLE V
and eavesdropping is not absolute synonyms. ELEMENTS MEANING OF MENDENGING ‘BUZZING’ AND MENGIANG
Elements Meaning Mendenging Mengiang
E. Mendenging = Mendengung
Sound Coming From Inside The Ear + +
Elements common meanings and elements of special Duration Relatively Long + +
meaning verbs activity of the ears, mendenging ‘buzzing’ Relating To The Effects of Certain
and mendengung ‘humming’ can be seen in Table IV. The Backward In Mind - +

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Therefore, mendenging ‘buzzing’ and mengiang ‘repeating’
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Nuances of meaning that results in, mendenging
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form word --> reduplication, mendenging ‘buzzing’ and
mengiang ‘repeating’ can not replace each other.
(19) Kata-kata Ibu menjelang meninggal masih
terdenging-denging di telingaku.
‘The mother’s words that had been said before
she died still buzzing in my ears.’
(20) Kata-kata Ibu yang diucapkan Ibu menjelang
meninggal dia meninggal masih terngiang-ngiang
di telingaku.
‘The mother’s words had been said before she
died still repeating in my ears.’
In the contexts ter- + basic form word --->
reduplication, terdenging-denging ‘buzzing’ and terngiang-
ngiang ‘repeating’ can not replace each other. In the contexts,
terdenging-terdenging unacceptable, but terngiang-ngiang
acceptable. Therefore, mendenging and mengiang a
synonym incomplete and not absolute.

Verbs of ears activity classified as not many. Number
of ears activities verbs describe that are not a lot of activity
ears. Despite the diversity of the verbs were not much, but
they have high frequency of use. Ears activities Verbs are
synonymous because they have the same meaning and can
be interchanged in the same contexts. Meaning nuances of
ears activity verbs sinonyms cause they can replace each
other only in certain contexts. Verbs of ears activity
generally synonymous at a rate not complete and not
absolute. Therefore, verbs sinonyms of ears activity can not
replace each other perfectly.

The Curriculum in Changing of Social Culture Perspective
Desri Nora. AN1)
Faculty of Social Sciences. Padang State University

Abstract. This study aimed to see society opinion about the existence of education curriculum in the changing of social
culture that was held in the society, especially on the curriculum factor and of the learning Any two differences of
opinion in society based on type, there are the society progressive and conservative. In progressive society inclined
collaborated the changing of social culture as a curriculum changing, have to curriculum able to integrated the
experience in learning. Difference with society conservative opinion that look the complexity of culture that in important
to influence the curriculum to change or to developed.

Keywords: changing of social culture, changing curriculum in perspective

opinions about the efforts to achieve a better life than before,

I. INTRODUCTION according to Ansyar (1989: 2) that "the values and culture
In social life, values and norms as a benchmark and even commonplace if a community wanted their children to
pride of every social group. Each community was convinced achieve a better life than what they earn now". With a strong
that the values and norms is exactly what will bring a better desire that is, every member of the public reasonable steps
life. So that every community wants the norms and values inherited values and norms that they believe to be able to be
are constantly alive and sustainable. To that end, the efforts accepted and adopted by their descendants. Optimizing the
made by every society is to instill the concept of values and pattern is reflected in the establishment of a systematic effort
norms that to the younger generation. by the institution called school.
Based on the concept of education in general, there In the development of modern education, has inspired
are two different types of education, in society, that there is people to look at education as a favorable capital with the
education that is applied without going through an volatility of future uncertain. The capital, reflected in the
educational institution, such as the development of view that schools should produce a generation that has so
educational materials are tied up in the family's social and much knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Einstein (in Tanner
cultural order custom or often called primitive education. and Tanner, 1975: 4) states that "school was established to
The purpose of this study is to create a generation that is serve the living things". That is, schools should be able to
always live and behave in accordance with the culture and realize all the hopes, dreams and ideals of society. It is
customs that have existed since the community was born. further deepened further by the view Ansyar (1989: 3) that
The product resulting from this type of education, are "this means also includes teaching ways of obtaining things
expected to apply the rules that are not written but have been that are unknown". To that end, the education required to be
arranged systematically by itself in the community for the able to create strategies that provide knowledge for learners
peace and tranquility that can be accepted by the whole to easily acquire knowledge.
society is there. To create a learning strategy that makes it easy for
The process of primitive education, do the direct learners to acquire knowledge, education guidelines as a
method. The learners, molded and processed in real life reference to design an education in school. The guidelines
through family and community embodied in the daily life parse about various subjects or material to be presented in
and activities of a religious or traditional ceremonies. accordance with the age level of the students. The draft
Educational actors fully played by parties who have blood guidelines are known by the term curriculum. Additionally,
ties, kinship, ethnicity and region, which developed from the to further simplify the implementation of the curriculum in
exemplary to the young parents. In the planning of learning, schools, education has spawned education experts who have
the material being taught without going through the stages of the competence attainment of these efforts, which are called
the analysis of the development of learners and the ability of teachers. The existence of a teacher is very important, not
that example. only create strategies that make it easier to acquire
See the purpose and processes developed in primitive knowledge but also to spearhead the cultural inheritance
kind of education, anything that needs to be known and done after families and communities by providing knowledge and
by learners is a series of exercises that can be done properly skills more and direct and guide the younger generation with
and not adapted to the times. Because the application of the values and norms prevailing in society
primitive education have tight control of public figures in In designing the curriculum has a purpose that
order not aberrations rules or norms and values that have correlated to realize the hopes and desires of the community.
been enacted. However, this condition is always constrained by cultural
The second type of education in society is a kind of changes that lead to changes in society's view of education,
modern education. The modern education is a process of with various average differences between the needs of
cultural inheritance through educational institutions. Born of society. Consequently, education should go back to

understand the changes to make the process of curriculum arrangements regarding the content and learning materials as
development. well as the means used to guide teaching and learning
Of the phenomenon changes occurring in society and activities)
the role that the development of the curriculum, so in this PP RI No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education
paper will discuss the socio-cultural society's view of the Standards Chapter 1, Article 1, Item 13 revealed that
developments of the curriculum, especially the views of “kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana, pengaturan
people about changes in the curriculum mengenai isi dan bahan pelajaran, serta cara yang digunakan
sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar
II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION mengajar” (the curriculum is a set of plans, the provision of
content and learning materials, as well as the means used to
A. Analysis of the Curriculum
guide teaching and learning activities).
Almost every person or people interpret the
In order to award a new science curriculum
curriculum differently. For most people, the curriculum is a
development need to be always in accordance with the
set of subjects that must be studied by students. For students,
changes and development of society. In doing curriculum
the curriculum may be interpreted as an assignment of
development is very important to pay attention to the
lessons, exercises or content of textbooks to read, memorize
principles of curriculum development, as follows:
or learn. For teachers, the curriculum may be associated with
1. The Principle of Relevance, is compliance with the
a document containing information or guidance on teaching
demands of society.
material to be taught, methods and techniques of teaching or
textbooks taught. 2. The principle of effectiveness is the extent to
In the opinion of Ansyar (1989: 7) "the emergence of which the curriculum can be achieved in accordance with the
differences on the curriculum because it is influenced by wishes that have been determined.
changes in the concept of the nature of science, change in 3. The principle of efficiency is the optimization
view of the nature of teaching and learning as a result of the effort, cost, time, effort and learning outcomes.
movement of studies of the students, and the demands of 4. The principle of continuity that links with
society on the importance of linking learning in school to education level, type of education program and field of study
real life in society". However, literally "Curriculum" is 5. The Flexibility principle of freedom in acting and
derived from the Latin word curro or currere and ula or learning process.
ulums meaning "racecourse" (pitch / racetrack, distance 6. The Principle Oriented Interest, meaning clarity of
running, race, racing grandstand, circulation, movement objectives set before determining the engineering, media,
around, arena, etc.). Then the term sport was adopted into and evaluations conducted by an educator. (Idi, 1999: 113-
the term used in the world of education with the term 115)
"curriculum" (curriculum). Zais (in Ansyar, l989: 8) argues Curriculum development is an essential part of the
that "the curriculum is an arena game where students educational process. A target to be achieved not only
compete to master a lesson in order to reach the finish line in produces learning materials but is more focused on
the form of a diploma or a degree." However, it is not known improving the quality of education.
exactly when the term was adopted into the curriculum of
education. According to historical records, the term B. Analysis of Socio-Cultural Perspective
curriculum has been used in America before 1607. At that
time, had used the term curriculum to show the contents of It has been argued, that the importance of education
the subject matter that should be followed in a training. for the community in an effort to inherit their culture to the
Tyler (1950: 5) argues that "All of the students next generation. However, today many problems that have
learning of which is planned by and directed by the school to emerged in the midst of society caused by cultural change
attain its educational goals". happens so quickly, especially in modern society, the
Harold Albert and John Kerr (in Nasution, l993: 10) influence of cultural change that is so complex, and the gap
that “the curriculum of school is all the experiences that in social status between lower-class culture of the middle
pupils have under the guidance of the school”. class. So the impact on the stability of the world of
Different interpretations of the definition of the education, especially curriculum adhering to the principles
curriculum, Abdullah Idi (1999: 7-8) concluded that the of relevance to the needs and demands of society as civilized
curriculum is anything that has the characteristics or traits as beings.
follows: In reflecting the alignment of social change and the
1. Curriculum as Subject Matter efforts of the curriculum is based on the foundation of the
2. Curriculum as Experiences. character of thinking of people affected from the social and
3. Curriculum as Intention, cultural changes. Based on the socio-cultural changes, a
4. Curriculum as Cultural Reproduction society divided into two types of thinking patterns, which
people tend to give priority to the integration of social
For more details, in UU SISDIKNAS 2003 Chapter 1 change with the needs of the curriculum or the actual
verse 11, this reads: “Kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana experience with the concept being studied, the way society
dan pengaturan mengenai isi dan bahan pelajaran serta cara thinks is called progressive society. But, there are also
yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan kegiatan people who have a pattern of thinking that tends to
belajar mengajar” (The curriculum is a set of plans and reposition the existence of theories or concepts as the base
cannot be modified or developed, ways of thinking are called

conservative society. Thus, it is important to know how far in addition, the misuse of the mass media, where the
the views of people to the concept of the curriculum in mass media actually able to balance the degree of personal
response to socio-cultural changes experience to understand the problems society is going on.
However, in reality the mass media are used only as
C. Discussion entertainment, advertising, news and information that is
1. Discussion of the Socio-Cultural Perspective to the exaggerated is not relatively integrated with the facts that are
Curriculum for Cultural Change far from the truth. In fact, the mass media no longer is
instructive for the public. This is the responsibility of
Actually, if a culture is not changed or unstable, then education, to establish personal experiences correspond with
knowledge is usually given vertically from the old to the the actual cultural concept and make it as a coherent whole,
young. However, due to the change in culture that is so fast, between knowledge and culture.
so the impact is also due to changes in the curriculum One of In elementary school, tending to synthesize
the forces driving cultural change also encourages the knowledge. Where children spend time learning only with
curriculum change is science and its use in technology. their teachers, and switch to another teacher, just devoted to
The influence of science in knowledge visible where subjects such as art and physical education, rather than
science is able to improve their knowledge and mastery of exploring the issues that can expand the horizons and
the fictional world. In culture, science also affects the increase their knowledge.
foundation of human thinking so that there is a conflict of While in high school, there have been shunning the
values and norms that have been established with the core educational program should be studied more children
presentation of the facts are strong enough, which can seeking knowledge in real life are analyzed in depth, that has
me1ahirkan consideration in any action. In the use of finally found a decent knowledge should not theirs or
technology has affected the economic aspects of the understand. However, educators have responded less to the
community by creating new jobs that preceded the phenomenon, it were mostly educators away from these
destruction of the old work and change the whole pattern of conditions and act as though unaware, while the kids in high
work. In transport and communication science affects social school have been treading the stages of this knowledge into
settings, by bringing the world closer distance and the an alignment that not only they understood but crucial to be
development of urbanization and rapid industrial. This is a applied in the social. As a result there was deception cultures
significant challenge for education, especially curriculum in do not necessarily occur at their age.
designing future-oriented learning. In the perspective of a progressive society, something
There are two solutions adapted to the socio-cultural urgent to use individual approach starts and primary schools
outlook that views society as progressive and conservative. to secondary schools through the empowerment of education
Community-minded progressive-minded need a mix core curriculum. A core education who do not separate
between a common curriculum that has existed with traditional subject matter and trying to convey the
specialized curriculum refers to the changes in contemporary knowledge, skills and values that need to be developed for
culture. students as part of community members by not eliminating
An application in learning, learning through the democratic values in focusing attention on the problem
specialized curriculum packed with fixed adjusting contemporary culture. This allows students to explore and
technological development and through the general synthesize knowledge discovery in the field as
curriculum need for ethical considerations that must be troubleshooters. So students attempted to collect data,
developed in the utilization of these technologies. Indirectly organize and integrate the material to what is happening with
through the concept of progressive views of the community the knowledge that will be accepted.
strongly supports the need for the curriculum to be While the Conservative community, believes that
developed. contemporary culture is too broad and complex to
While the Conservatives consider that the curriculum understand. So before you can solve the problem, students
should remain, because education is a force to stabilize a must first capture the general principles and the various
change of culture. Thus, technological developments branches of science and sync them to a natural phenomenon
affecting not the basis for curriculum change. Technological and culture of the present. Let Students learn what will be
development capability only became an element that can be learned in school without having to look at the phenomenon
adjusted outside the curriculum of cultural development occurs.
Both perspectives are almost the same. However, the
2. Discussion of the Socio-Cultural Perspective to the difference is where the community becomes a conservative
Curriculum for Cultural Learning view children not suitable for the study of knowledge based
on the experiences they encounter in social life, whereas for
As a result of advances in science and technology is progressive society is very important for children to learn
increasingly complex cultural order of society resulting in knowledge based on experience
the separation of knowledge and culture. It is very noticeable in essence, two perspectives of the community, are
is the emergence of anxiety in the application of democratic likely to affect the national education system. Because, both
society. Where a leader elected by voters who have little perspectives are a reflection of the answer
knowledge to know the problems being faced, so as to go to the quality of education and public awareness to
around a leader to influence society (demagogue) and the development of a form of education. Support and cons
dictatorship. perspectives into a social upheaval and build quality national

education system. However, that is clear however that view REFERENCES
appears, change the curriculum still refers to society's needs. [1] Ansyar, Muhammad. 1989. Dasar-dasar Pengembangan
Kurikulum. Jakarta: DepDikBud
III. CONCLUSIONS [2] Tyler, Ralph. 1950. Basic Principles of Curriculum and
Instruction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Curriculum development occurs when the culture is [3] Idi, Abdullah. 1999. Pengembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan
contaminated by the impact of the development of science Praktik. Jakarta: Gaya Media Pratama.
[4] Undang-undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang SISDIKNAS. 2006.
and technology. The process of curriculum development is Bandung: Penerbit Citra Umbara
an attempt to do the world of education in order to align the
needs of the community with the success of educational
products. However, the public as actor’s cultures have their
own views and criteria to changes in the curriculum as an
effort of cultural inheritance to future generation.

Students’ Speaking Skill In Delivering Speech at Public Speaking Class at
STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung Padang Pariaman, West Sumatera
(An Analysis Study of EFL Students Speaking Class)
Niza Syaveny1)
STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung

Abstrak. Speaking is one of skills in learning English. Therefore, speaking is one of conditional subjects that should be
followed by the students in higher education level. Public speaking class gives the opportunity to the students to speak
with a speech as the topic of learning. There are some components of speaking that should be assessed from the students
include comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Thus, it is important to know students skill in
speaking English. This research was a descriptive research aimed to describe students’ speaking skill that suitable with
the indicators of speaking. The population was the fourth semester students of English department of STKIP YDB
Lubuk Alung registered on 2015/2016 academic year. In selecting sample, it used total sampling with total 40 students.
The instrument of the research was speaking test by testing the validity and reliability of the test. The data was analyzed
by using percentage formula. Based on the result finding, it was found that, students’ speaking skill in delivering a
speech was on the different category. In comprehending, most of students got high categorized (62.5%), therefore, the
students’ fluency in ordering the speech was high categorized (67.5%). In selecting the vocabulary and pronounce the
words, the 55% students got better, but in grammar, the students still have the problem. It was proved by the data only
32.5% students got high category.

Keywords: Students’ performance, speaking skill

on students’ performance in speaking, and the range of the

I. INTRODUCTION score is 1-5. Next, [4] gives four categories of speaking
Speaking is one of crucial skills should be mastered by components; utterance, fluency, vocabulary, and listening.
the students. Speaking is one of the English skills to be Besides that, [5] argues the components of speaking are
priority in teaching and learning foreign and second accuracy, appropriateness, range, flexibility, and size with 1-
language [1]. In the other words, speaking is the important 4 score levels. It can be seen that speaking can be seen
skill in English. Speaking is needed skill in learning. It is from the different components. In this case, the researcher
used to convey the idea in communicating each other. assessed students’ speaking skill in delivering a speech at
Speaking is needed in various condition and situation public speaking class by using the components that is
[2]. Moreover, speaking is one of conditional subjects in suggested by [3].
learning at STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung, the students should
pass speaking I, II, and then they can continue to public II. METHODS
speaking class. This research classified into descriptive quantitative
Public speaking class demands the students to have an research. The population was the fourth semester students’
ability to speak in public situation. In this class the students of STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung. Sample was selected by using
prepare the performance to debate, discussion, seminars, and total sampling. The number of sample can be seen in the
speech. following table:
In order to know students’ ability in speaking class, the TABLE I
lecturer needs to measure students’ speaking skill. It can be NUMBER OF SAMPLE OF RESEARCH
done by assessing students’ speaking by using different
No Class Number of students
design. The design of assessing speaking that can be used 1 IV A 20
such as imitative speaking, intensive speaking, responsive 2 IV B 20
speaking, interactive speaking, and extensive speaking [3]. Total 40
The designing of assessing speaking should be connected
The instrument of the research was speaking test. The
with students’ speaking performance.
components can be seen as follow:
Speaking in public situation needs an understanding of
speaking components. [3] explain the components of
speaking include vocabulary, grammar, fluency,
pronunciation, and comprehension. The score of each
component can be measured by the different score, it based

TABLE III Indicators
SPEAKING COMPONENTS RUBRIC [6] No of Description Score
Indicators Grammar and word order errors make 2
No of Description Score comprehension difficult. Most often
evaluation repharase and/or restrict himself or
1 Comprehe Understands everyday conversation and 5 herself to basic pattern.
nsion normal classroon discussions without
difficult. Errors in grammar and word order so 1
Undestands nearly everything at normal 4 severe as to make speech virtually
speed, although occassional repetation unintelligible.
may be necessary.
Understands most of what is said at 3
slower than normal speed with
The instrument of the research was checked the validity
repetations. and reliability of the test. The validity of the test was
Has great difficulty following what is 2 checked by content validity, and to avoid the subjective
said. Can comprehend only “social score, the two scorers were implemented to score students’
spoken slowly and with frequent
speaking skill.
repetations. In order to know students’ ability in speaking, it was
Cannot be said to understand even a 1 categorized in the following table:
simple conversation.
2 Fluency Speech in everyday conversation and 5 TABLE IIIII
classroom discussions fluent and THE CATEGORY OF STUDENTS’ SCORE
effortless, approximating that of a native Score Criteria Category
speaker. 100 – 80 Very Good High
Speech in everyday conversation and 4 79 – 70 Good
classroom discussions generaly fluent, 69 – 60 Fair Middle
with occasional laples while the student 59 – 50 Poor Low
searches for the correct manner of 49 – 0 Very poor
Speech everyday conversations and 3
classroom discussion frequently III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
disrupted by the student’s search for the
correct manner of expression. The finding of the research was based on students’
Usually hesitant; often forced into 2 speaking skill orally. In this case, speech was a topic of the
silence by language limitations.
research in public speaking class. Generally, students’
Speech is so halting and fragmentary as 1
to make conversation virtually speaking skill in delivering speech can be seen in the
impossible following table:
3 Vocabular Use of vocabulary and idioms 5
y approximates that of a native speaker. TABLE IV
Students occasionally uses inapropriate 4 STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL IN PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS
terms and/or must repharase ideas
because of lexical inadequacies. Xm
n Xmin M High Middle Low
Student frequently uses the wrong 3 ax
words; conversation somewhat limited 40 88 40 70. 22 12 6
because of inadequate vocabulary. 8
Misuse of words and very limited 2 Percentage (%) 55 30 15
vocabulary; comprehension quite
Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to 1 Furthermore, the researcher assessed students’
make conversation virtually imposible. speaking skill specifically. It based on the components of
4 Pronunciat Pronunciation and intonation 5 speaking skill. Based on the table 4, students’ speaking skill
ion approximate that of native speaker.
Always intilligible though one is 4 in delivering a speech in public speaking class can be
conscious of a definite accent and categorized into high ability. 55% students got good score in
occasional inapproprate intonation speaking. 30% students were classified into middle ability,
Pronunciation problems neccesitate 3 and 15% students’ classified into low ability.
concentration on the part of the listener 1. Students’ comprehension in delivering speech in
and occasionally lead to public speaking class.
Very hard to understand because of 2 Based on the result of students’ speaking skill in
pronunciation problems. Must delivering a speech in public speaking class, it was found
frequently repeat in order to make that students’ comprehension as follow:
himself or herself understood.
Pronuniation problems so severe as to 1 TABLE V
5 Grammar Grammatical usage and word order 5 CLASS
approximate that of a native speaker.
Occasionally makes grammatical and/or 4 n Xmax Xmin M High Middle Low
word order errors that do not obscure 40 100 40 75.5 25 14 1
meaning. Percentage (%) 62.5 35 2.5
Makes frequent errors of grammar and 3
word order that occasionally obscure

Based on table 5, it can be seen that students’ grammar while speaking. A few students can be categorized
comprehension in delivering the speech in public speaking into high ability in grammar in speaking. The other only
class can be categorized into high ability. It was proved by middle ability in using grammar to communicate in public
the data, 62.5% students got good score in comprehending situation.
the speech. To speak in public situation such as making a speech,
2. Students’ fluency in delivering speech at public the students need to know the components of speaking well.
speaking class. It is needed to help the students in delivering a speech.
Fluency is the important indicator of evaluation in Based on the data, it can be seen that comprehension,
speaking skill. The data showed that: fluency, vocabulary, and students’ pronunciation can be
categorized into high ability although the percentage of
STUDENTS’ FLUENCY IN DELIVERING SPEECH IN PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS students less than 100%. It needs the improvement of
n Xmax Xmin M High Middle Low
students’ skill in speaking. The students who follow public
40 100 40 74.5 27 11 2 speaking class mean they have passed in speaking I and
Percentage (%) 67.5 27.5 5 speaking II. Ideally, the students can speak well by using the
good component of speaking.
Based on the data, students’ fluency in delivering the Grammar is the important element in speaking. The
speech in public speaking class was high ability. The result showed that the students still have a problem in
students can deliver their speaking fluently. grammar. Grammar is difficult component to be mastered
3. Students’ vocabulary in delivering speech at public [1]. It was proved data only 32.5% students can be
speaking class. categorized into high ability in using grammar, and 17.5%
The crucial aspect in helping the students speak well is students got low ability in using grammar. In the field, the
vocabulary. Vocabulary cannot be separated in speaking students felt afraid to make a mistake in using grammar. It
skill; therefore, vocabulary is one of the indicators of needs students’ effort to develop their grammar in speaking
evaluation in this research. The result of student’s class.
vocabulary in delivering a speech in public speaking class
can be seen in the table: IV. CONCLUSION
TABLE VII A. Conclusion
The result of students’ speaking skill in delivering a
speech in public speaking class, generally categorized into
n Xmax Xmin M High Middle Low
high ability. More than 50% students got good score in
40 100 40 70.5 20 18 2
Percentage (%) 50 45 5 speaking. 30% students got middle ability in speaking skill
in delivering a speech, and 15% students got low ability.
The data showed that half of the sample can use their Specifically, comprehension can be categorized into
vocabulary well in speaking in front of the audience. high ability, 62.5% students comprehend in speaking skill to
4. Students’ pronunciation in delivering speech at deliver the speech in public speaking class. Fluency
public speaking class. categorized into high ability; 67.5% students got good score
Pronunciation is students’ utterance to make the other in fluency. The next component is vocabulary. In delivering
understand the meaning of speech in public speaking class, a speech the students got good score in using vocabulary;
therefore, it is important to know students’ pronunciation 5% students categorized into low ability in using vocabulary.
while speaking, the result is: Students’ pronunciation also got good score in speaking.
52.5% students were categorized into high ability in
STUDENTS’ PRONOUNCIATION IN DELIVERING SPEECH IN PUBLIC SPEAKING pronounce the words in speaking. Last, students’ grammar
CLASS got middle ability. 32.5% students were categorized into
n Xmax Xmin M High Middle Low high, 50% students were categorized into middle, and 17.5%
40 100 40 71 21 6 3 students into low ability in using grammar to deliver the
Percentage (%) 52.5 15 7.5 speech in public speaking class.

5. Students’ grammar in delivering speech at public B. Suggestion

speaking class. The students of STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung can be
TABLE IX categorized into high ability in using some of components of
STUDENTS’ GRAMMAR IN DELIVERING SPEECH IN PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS speaking skill in public speaking class. But it is not enough,
n Xmax Xmin M High Middle Low by the students who learn in English department ideally can
40 80 20 62.5 13 20 7 speak well in English for public situation. It needs the
Percentage (%) 32.5 50 17.5 improvement and effort from the students. The students need
to know their skill in speaking. Besides that, the students
Grammar has the important role in speaking. It can be should practice more outside of the English department
seen from the data, 17.5% students have the problem with environment. By evaluating students’ speaking skill, it can

be information to the students to develop their skill in

[1] Richards, Jack C. Teaching Listening and Speaking: From Theory to
Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2008.
[2] Nunan, David & Carter. Task Based Language Teaching. New York:
Cambridge University Press. 2001.
[3] Brown, H. Douglas and Priyanvada Abeywicrama. Language
Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practice 2ed. London.
Longman. 2009.
[4] O’Malley, J Michael and L.V Pierece. Authentic Assessment for
English Language Learners: Practical Approach for Teachers.
Ontario: Addison WesleyPublishing Company. 1996.
[5] Weir, Cyril. J. Communicative Language Testing. NewYork. Printice
Hall. 1990.
[6] Brown, H. Douglas. Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom
Practice. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc. 2004.

Tutorial Video Development for Making Syllabus and RPP on Education
Department of Sociology/Anthropology State University Padang
Nora Susilawati1), Desi Nora. AN2), Muhammad Danil3)
Education Department of Sociologi/Anthopology, Faculty of Social Sciences. State University Padang, Indonesia

Education Department of Sociologi/Anthopology, Faculty of Social Sciences. State University Padang, Indonesia

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nahdlatul Ulama University of West Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstrak. This research was motivated by the effort to assist students in understanding of how to manufacture Syllabus
and RPP and with the video tutorial being developed will be able to provide ample opportunity for students to learn
about the making Syllabus and RPP whenever and wherever. This study uses the approach of Research and
Development (R & D). Samples used in this study are students who take courses Lesson Learning Plan Education
Department of Sociology / Anthropology totaling 56 student response. Data collection techniques used were interviews
and validation of a questionnaire sheet / student response. Henceforth, each questionnaire answer sheets will be
measured to determine the level of suitability or accuracy of video tutorials that have been developed in the form of
feasibility percentage of products to be used. Based on the findings, it has been found that the student response to video
tutorials developed by researchers categorized Good with an average percentage rate of 52.0%, and the response Very
Good on average by 38.9%, while 8.4% response Less Good student category and 0.6% of students responded Not
Good response. It can be said video tutorial about Making Syllabus and RPP can be used as a device to lectures and no
need for improvements / revisions back to do research..

Keywords: Tutorial Video Development, Making Syllabus and RPP

Efforts have been made by the lecturers is to give

I. INTRODUCTION students a summary of the material on the procedure of
In college, the learning process is presented in the form making syllabus and RPP made of PowerPoint. Which is a
of lectures with emphasis on aspects of student media presentation are always utilized by lecturers in giving
independence, in a lecture the lecturer will direct students to lectures. To that end, as part of efforts to address the
discuss various discussions together and give emphasis to problems faced by the students of Department of
seek an understanding of the discussions. By taking into Educational Sociology/Anthropology, it is necessary to
account the developmental aspects and the changes that study the form of development of video tutorials that can be
occur within students, professors also have concern for the used for student success in the manufacture of syllabus and
success of the lecture. Specifically, lectures for practicum lesson plans. By answering the following questions:
courses, certainly has more value than the course-a course A. How to design the development of video tutorials on
that is mere theory. Because, in the lecture practicum learning syllabus-making materials and lesson plans in
students' understanding will be even more evident with the the Education Department of Sociology/Anthropology?
task produced in accordance with procedures or rules that B. How did the students of Department of Educational
have been determined. Sociology/Anthropology to design video tutorials that
In lecture courses in Planning Learning Student have been developed?
Education Department of Sociology/Anthropology Faculty
of Social Sciences, State University of Padang, indicated the II. METHODS
lack of understanding of the students in the material about This type of research used in this study is research and
the making of the Syllabus and Learning Process Plan (RPP). development (R & D). With data collection through
When the assignment of students mostly do not meet interviews and questionnaires were analyzed using
manufacturing procedures syllabus and lesson plans, even descriptive statistics after the validation process matter
indicated not understand in determining the indicators, experts and instructional media and student response to the
learning objectives, methods, materials and assessment of video tutorials are developed. With the response criteria for
learning outcomes. each item statement gradation has to be measured in four

levels in the form of Very Good, Good, Less Good and No accompaniment strongly associated with the concept of
Good. Score each alternative answer is Very Good (4), Good aesthetics on its own private is not necessarily the same as
(3), Less Good (2) and No Good (1). other personal aesthetic concepts.
In addition, the 11 students who responded Less Good
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION and one student who respond Not Good on the display of
drawings and writings by the percentage rate of 21.4%, has
A. Results of Video Tutorials Development not been as dominant as compared with the 13 students who
After the development of video tutorials then responded Very Good and 31 Good students respond with
performed to validate the product by two experts, each of rate percentage of approximately 78.6%, which means that
which media experts and expert learning materials Making the category of display images and text still includes the
the syllabus and lesson plans. Then, the revision of the video category of Very Good.
that was developed and tested products within the scope of Likewise, with respondents to the accuracy of the
small to 5 students, for advice in order to produce video election of the musical accompaniment, where two students
tutorials better. respond No Good and 17 students who responded Less Good
The next step is a field trial, the response sheet only the percentage rate of 33.9% is not comparable to the
distributed to every student who attended the lectures Course 22 students responding Good and 15 students who responded
Lesson Planning shown at the end of the meeting. By Very Good with percentage rate of 66.1% were categorized
respondents as many as 56 students. Good. It is understood that the accuracy of the selection of
From the results of student response to video tutorials musical accompaniment included good category.
that have been developed is found that a good response Then the weaknesses in the video tutorial of making
category with a percentage of 52.0%, and the response was syllabus and lesson plans do not have a strong influence for
very good with a percentage of 38.9%. It can be said video researchers to revise the video tutorial back, because the
tutorial about making syllabus and lesson plans can be used only weakness is a different concept aesthetic value of each
as a device to lectures and no need for improvements to be student and not yet a fundamental principle that needs to be
made. done further action against the resulting product..

B. Discussion to the Results of Students Response and IV. CONCLUSION

Expert Validation Development of video tutorials to Lesson Planning
Based on the results of expert validation and response Course on Making syllabus and lesson plans done for their
of the students found a weakness in the development of indication of weakness in the understanding of the students
video tutorials manufacture syllabus and lesson plans. in making the syllabus and lesson plans. The results of video
Among others are: tutorials that have been developed are appropriate / suitable,
1) Element of Display Images and Text on the Video based on the results of student responses. Although there are
Tutorial drawbacks, but so far as researchers, these weaknesses do
In respect of the display of images and text in the video not have a strong influence on the resulting video tutorial.
tutorial, found that 11 students (percentage: 19.6%)
responded Less Good and 1 student (percentage: 1.8%) who
responded No Good, while 13 students (percentages: 23, 2%)
responded Very Good and 31 students (55.3%) responded
Good. While the results of the validation of media experts
give scores 75 to display aspects of images and text on the
video tutorial has been developed.
2) Element of Electoral Music Companion Accuracy
The results of the student's response to element of
electoral music companion accuracy was found that 2
students (percentage: 3.6%) responded No Good and as
many as 17 students (percentage: 30.3%) responded Less
Good, while as many as 22 students (percentages: 39, 3%)
responded Good and 15 students (percentage: 26.8%)
responded Very Good. The results of the validation of media
experts give a score of 80 for element of electoral music
companion accuracy.
Based on the two weaknesses of the above, the
researchers found two weaknesses attributed to differences
in the standard aesthetic value of each individual is relative,
because when examined in view of aesthetic value to the
beauty of the display of images and text and music as

Career Guidance On Vacational Choice
Nurhasan Syah1)
Universitas Negeri Padang

Abstrak. In the several approaches covered in the career development is described as a process shaped by an interplay
of self-references, self-knowledge, knowledge about training, educational and occupational opportunities, genetic and
early childhood influences, evolving personality styles, and patterns of traits that individual express cognitively and
psychologically in their vocational choice and behavior and career identity. The vocational choice is a process of
individuals in selections of the career, an effort to prepare themselves to enter the work. In Holland Theory, revealed
that the selection of a career or position is the result of interaction between heredity factor with all the cultural
influences, hang out with their parents, adults who are considered to have an important role.The vocational choice is a
process of career options when teens turn to a new stage in his life, see their position in the life of their career decision-
making. The vocational choice is a way, a business person or take one of many office or employment that gives hope to
move forward and as expected. According to Holland (1979) individuals interested in a particular career because of his
personality and the various underlying variables. Election career is basically an expression or extension of personality to
the world of work, followed by the identification of the specific occupational stereotypes. Comparison between self-
perception of an occupation and acceptance or rejection is a major determining factor in selecting a career, conformity
between one's view of him with his preferred occupation form a "capital personal style"

Keywords: Career Guidance, Vocational Choice


Choosing a career is a process of the individual as an A. Discussion
effort to prepare himself to enter the stage of dealing with 1) Genetic Factor
the job. Holland's theory of career choice is the result of the This factor brought from birth in the form of physical
interaction between heredity factor, the cultural and friends and ability. The condition of themself are able to limit the
hanging out influences, parents, persons who are thought to preference or skill of someone to prepare the educational
have an important role. Individuals interested in a special planning and finally choosing the field of work. This theory
career because of his personality and the various variables of says that each persons born with different ability to get
related. benefit from their experiences through environment that
Career selection is essentially an extension of the according to himself. The special abilities such as
personality or expression into the world of work, which is intelligence, talent of music, and also the motion of muscle
followed by the identification of specific occupational is the result of predisposition interaction with environment
stereotype. A comparison between himself and the that faced by someone.
perception of an occupational and admissions or her refusal 2) Enviromental Factor
is a major determining factor in the choice of careers. The The environmental factors that affect the decision
relationship between the views of a person himself with making of this work in the form of employment, educational
occupational its preferred form “modal personal style”. opportunities and training, policies and procedures for
selection, reward, legislation and regulation of labour,
II. METHODS natural events, natural resoucers, technological advances,
changes in social organization, the source of the family, the
The participants of the study are 92 students that
education system, the neighborhood and learning experinces.
consist of D3 level and S1 level at Civil Engineering
The factor usually is beyond the control of individuals, but
Departement in Technical Faculty, Padang State University
the influence can be planned or not.
(Table 1). Data analyzed by descriptive statistical method.
3) Learning Factor
TABLE I Activity that most people do is learning about
something.This activity is almost done in every time since
infancy, there are even expert said since in the womb. There
D3 31 are two kinds of learning, namely instrumental learning and
S1 61 associative learning. Instrumental learning is learning that
Total 92 takes place through the experience of being in an

environment and he executed directly (do something or
reacting to) environment, and get something as a result of
their acts, and the results can be observed. There are three
components, namely antecedent learning, experience
response, and consequences.
The antecedent is everything about yourself, the
environment, and an events that were present before or
precedes and attributable to that actions (response).
Response actions are what people are doing, even if it
observable or not. The consequence is everything that
happens after the deed is done or actions taken on direct,
even if it observable or not. Associative learning is an
experience where people observe the relationship between
events and being able to predict what the consequences.
4) Ability to Solve The Problem
This skill is achieved as the result of the interaction or
learning experience, genetic characteristics, special abilities,
and the environment. Included in this skill is the standard
performance skills, performance values, work habits,
perception and cognitive processes, sets, mental, emotional
response. In experience, the individual applying these skills
to deal with and handle new tasks.
The result of this study supported by theory of
Krumbolz and his associates (1990) in decision making for a
vocational interest reveals four (4) categories of factors that
affected it, i.e. genetic endowment and special abilities,
environmental conditions, learning experiences, and task
approach skills.

Career guidance is very important in order to helping
the student of civil engineering, technical faculty to choose
their vocational interest. Vocational interest can be influence
by :
A. Genetic factor or parents guidance
B. The information of workplace and environment
C. Instrumental learning and associative learning
D. The ability to solve the problem.

Implementing Project-Based Learning (PBL) Model in Malay Culture’s
Lecture at STKIP Tuanku Tambusai Kampar-Riau

STKIP PTT Riau, Indonesia

Abstrak. Learning model is one of the most critical factors in learning. To enhance the learning creativity and master
the learning competency is, therefore, to promote the implementation of PBL by means of associating between the
technology and the Malay cultural community. By promoting PBL, the students’ activeness and creativity is
significantly increasing. In this model, the teacher purely acts as a facilitator and evaluator of the student’s works and or
products presented in the results of the project. By producing real works, the students are motivated to increasingly
enhance their learning activeness and creativity. The purpose of conducting this study was to determine the
effectiveness of the implementation of PBL learning model in STKIP PTT Riau in efforts to increase the students’
creativity in the Malay Culture’ subject matter. In conclusion, the implementation of the PBL learning model in Malay
Culture’ subject matter can significantly enhance the students’ activeness and creativity.

Keywords: learning, project based learning, malay culture

understood and mastered well by the students to realistically

I. INTRODUCTION implement them, the concepts of Malay culture. It is highly
Malay Culture (MC) is a compulsory subject matter at expected that the students do not only master competencies
STKIP Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. This subject matter is stipulated by the college but also it triggers them to have
taught in the second semester. The extent of the study on better creativity and activeness in practically comprehending
MC of Riau and the unavailability of the time, however, the concepts of Malay Culture in their real-life.
affect on the standard of competence and core competence is Project-based learning is more focused on the culture
merely restricted to and focused on the religious system of of the Malay people closest to the students, the role of the
Riau Malay community, Riau Malay community’s system of lecturer explained the issue, raising questions, and able to
belief, Riau Malay community’ social system, Riau Malay facilitate students to design a project that will be done by the
community’ art and Riau Malay community’ occupation and students. It is able to enhance student creativity in designing
profession. a project that was done in the time that has been provided in
The problem is that the students have not been able to accordance with the concepts taught in their respective
link or associate the knowledge of Malay Culture they have groups. The end goal is the students understand the Malay
learned in their real-life. In addition, the failure to practically culture with projects they do and this increases the creativity
implement the concepts, Malay Culture, affects on the of students. With this background, in order to increase the
students’ real-life application where they cannot actively creativity of students and the quality of learning Malay
create something beneficial in their life and surroundings. As Cultural Insights need to change the old paradigm that
a result, though it does fall into the deepest gorge, today, the lecturers are managers. Model project based learning is very
existence of Malay Culture drastically decreases. This important that the creativity of students in the subject of
condition urges the college’s stakeholders and the lecturers Malay Culture Insights increased. So this research is
who are in charge of teaching this subject matter to specified in the application of learning models project based
formulate a concept that facilitates the students to be able to learning (PBL) in the subject of Malay Culture Insights. In
produce the better and higher creativity. an effort to increase the creativity of these students, it would
In this formulation, it is, of course, expected to highly require a few things about how the learning model
consider the 2 credit-course stipulated by the college, STKIP application project based learning (PBL) in the course
Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. In addition, to achieve out the Insights Malay, so that can know the purpose of application
standard of and core competences stipulated by the High of the teaching model of project-based learning is to boost
School of STKIP Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, the use of the creativity of students in the subject of Insight Culture
media and a model easily ease the students and teachers to Malay.
implement. Model Project-based learning is a learning model Project-based learning is a learning or lecture that
used in Malay Culture subject matter. This subject must be highly focuses on studying and discussing the culture of the

Malay people that has clung to the students’ real-life. In this students to interact and communicate so that it triggers any
learning, the role of the lecturer is to explain the current changes and development on the students’ self in the process
issues, pose authentic questions, and facilitate students to used as a channel for learning or tutorial.
design (a) project(s) that will be done by the students. This is In line with Trianto Soekamto, et al [4] explains the the
able to enhance the students’ creativity in designing a project aim of learning model as a conceptual framework describing
that is done in provided time and based on the concepts a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to
taught/explained in their respective groups. The ultimate achieve certain learning, and serves as a guideline for the
goal is that the students understand the culture of Malay designers of learning and teachers in planning learning
through working on the projects and this is believed that the activities. Furthermore, to observe the feasibility of a
projects are able to trigger and increases the students’ learning model, Khabibah (in Trianto, 2006) explains that
creativity in understanding the Malay culture. The the feasibility of a learning model for aspects of the validity,
background of this study critically attempt to enhance the it is required experts and practitioners’ judgement or
students’ creativity as well as the quality of learning of appraisal to validate the developed learning model. By
Malay Community Culture. Additionally, the background of mastering some learning models, the lecturers will benefit to
this study is expected to change the conventional paradigm facilitate learning and more importantly, the expected
of education from the teacher centred towards the students’ competencies is easily achieved.
centred. In PBL, the lecturer does not act as a manager in What is more, Project-based Learning (PBL) is a model
handling a class or learning (teaching process). It is more for classroom activity that shifts away from the usual
facilitating the students to analyse, evaluate and even create. classroom practices of short, isolated, teacher-centred
The project-based learning model is importantly urged to lessons. PBL learning activities are long-term,
implement in order the students’ creativity on Malay interdisciplinary, student-centred, and integrated with real-
Community culture’s subject matter significantly enhances, world issues and practices. It is a method that fosters abstract,
well improved and increased. In attempts to critically intellectual tasks to explore complex issues. It promotes
improving and increasing the students’ creativity, it is understanding, which is true knowledge. In PBL, students
therefore required to have some aspects concerning the explore, make judgments, interpret, and synthesise
implementation of the project-based learning model on the information in meaningful ways. It is more representative of
Malay Community culture’s subject matter to recognise the how adults are asked to learn and demonstrate knowledge.
purpose of implementing the is to enhance the students’ According to Sylvia Chard, the Project-based Learning
creativity on Malay Community culture’s subject matter. approach is an “in-depth investigation of a real-world topic
worthy of children’s attention and effort.” Hence, fi eld trips,
II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION experiments, model building, posters, and the creation of
A. Learning Model multimedia presentations are sample activities within PBL
The learning process is a combination that emerges and where students with differing learning styles demonstrate
arouse the educational interaction utilizing teaching their knowledge by means of inquiry. In sum, PBL should be
materials as its medium or means of learning. Teachers and anchored in core curriculum and multidisciplinary, involve
students affect each other and give feedback. Therefore, students in sustained effort over time involve students in
learning activities should be lively activity, full of value, and decision-making, be collaborative, have a clear real-world
always has a purpose [1]. connections, Use systematic assessment: both along the way
The learning process closely relates to the teaching. and end product [5].
Teaching is an activity that absolutely engages students. If
there are no students, who will then be taught. Therefore, the B. Project-Based Learning Model
term learning process is a term that has been standardised The Indonesian Dictionary (KKBI) defines “project” as
and integrated in the concept of teaching or education. a work plan with specific goals and clear and assertive
[2] opine that learning is a process consisting of a completion. In the project-based learning, learners are
combination of two aspects. The first aspect is learning is encouraged to actively engage in learning. Teachers is
purposely directed or aimed at to what should be done by the reckoned as facilitators, evaluates the students’ works, tasks
students whereas the last aspect is teaching orients to what to or products which are shown on the results of the projects so
do by the teacher as a facilitator to achieve and or master that they yield to tangible products that can encourage
particular skills and competences. In other words, learning is students’ creativity and to think critically in analyzing factor
essentially a process of establishing satisfying, pleasurable, in the concept of economic problems ([6], [7]). Project-based
delightful, enjoyable, pleasing and educating communication learning is a teaching that attempts to associate between the
between educators, or teachers-students, and among students students’ real-life world or school project with technology.
in order to change behaviours. [3] explains that the project-based learning model is
In line with model of learning, [3] truly explains that tremendously potential to make the learning experience
the model of learning is a planning, designing or model that more interesting and enjoyable for learners. Thomas, et al.
portrays the detail process of and the construction or (In Wena, 2010) explains that the project-based learning is a
establishment of of environmental situations that allow learning model that provides the opportunity for teachers to

manage the classroom learning by engaging the students to paradigm, the lecturer is a learning facilitator to facilitate the
work on the certain projects. students to learn more creative in order to stimulate their
critical thinking skills.
C. Procedures of Learning Project Based Learning (PBL) Therefore, to achieve better and effective learning,
[8] explains the procedures of implementing the PBL. enhance students’ learning interaction and communication
Generally, the procedures of applying this model are first to and stimulate students’ critical thinking skills, trigger
start from a planning, then to creating or implementation, learning achievement, it requires modern models of learning
and last is processing. The first phase is planning. The which can be applied effectively in teaching and learning
activities carried out at this stage is to design the entire process. The lecturer, therefore, brilliantly should be able to
project which will done by the students. The activities in this select the model of learning made use of. Besides, the
step are to prepare the project. lecturer’s ability, competency and skill to select the most
The details include the provision of information effective model of learning will determine the factor of
learning objectives, teachers deliver real phenomenon as the learning success, outcomes and achievement. The learning
source of the problem, motivation in raising the issues and will be less effective if the model of learning selected does
proposal. Furthermore, the subsequent detail is to organize not meet the students’ needs, and learning condition and
the work. The activities carried out in this step are planning environment. What is more, the objectives of learning are
the project. The details are to organize the cooperation, not well achieved.
choose a topic, choose a project related the information, One of endeavours established by the researcher to
make predictions, and make the design of the investigation. trigger and or to enhance the students’ creative thinking skill
The second is creating. In this stage, the students in Malay Culture subject matter is to apply Project Based
develop their project ideas, combine the ideas that come Learning. The use of this model will be able to involve and
from their groups, and build the project. This second stage engage the students to collaborate with their lecturer as well
includes the development and documentation of the as with their (students) peer and team. By learning by
students’ activities. At this stage, students also produce a teaming, the students are capable of shaping, deepening and
product (artifact) which will be presented in the classroom. sharping their skills of planning, organizing, negotiating and
The third is processing. This phase includes the presentation making or building consensus about things or matters which
of the project and evaluation. When the presentation of the will be worked out and performed by the students. The
project will take place in the actual creation of project-based model of learning can become an alternative to
communication or to the findings of the investigation group, all kinds of subject matters. More to the point, it can provide
the stage of evaluation will be a reflection on the results of and or create a new learning atmosphere.
the project, analysis, and evaluation of learning processes. Project-based learning focuses on realistic problems or
open questions that stimulate and encourage fully understand
D. Application of Learning Model Project Based Learning and master the concepts or principles. Project based learning,
The application of Project Based Learning model of with full of attention, engages the students to constructively
learning in Malay Culture aims at not only preparing the investigate. Constructive investigation, amongst of them, is
students as the next generation to possess and master better decision-making, designing, inquire, problem-solving, and
skills or skilled at one area of expertise but also to more discovering or developing a model. During project based
creative in their area of expertise. The strength of creativity learning, learning activity includes transformation, and
is expected to be able to bring in or result in every subject knowledge construction of the students. The learning is able
matter or learning process at educational institution such as to support the students to obtain and achieve better learning
schools or colleges. One of the efforts which can be done by experience on a highest or significant level. Besides, the
the college students in enhancing their personal strength of convenient and easy learning autonomy, selection and
creativity is to apply the Project Based Learning model of learning, working time, responsibility of the students is more
learning. prioritized in this model. The ultimate goal in this model is
All this time, the conventional model of learning is a to make or create a product.
learning model which is frequently made use of the lecturers This research titled Implementing Project-Based
in Malay Culture teaching learning process. The writer, Learning (Pbl) Model for enhancing Siswa MAN I
however, does not have intention of negatively claiming that Kebumen’s creativity [9] explained her research finding. The
the out-dated model of learning fail to creatively create finding indicates that Physics learning using PBL was able
better learning experience and atmosphere if it is compared to enhance the X.6 MAN I Kebumen students’ creativity.
to the modern or up-to-date models of learning. The This research also explains that the mean score for the result
traditional models of learning such as lecture-based class are of the essay test questionnaire’s observation and students’
reckoned less motivated or demotivated to stimulate and learning outcomes significantly increase. Before applying
engage them to arouse their creativity during teaching and this mode, the observation of the students’ creativity in the
learning process. The rationale is the learning process of the psychomotor domain was 56,31%. However, after it was
traditional models of learning is heavily prone to the teacher- applied in the first cycle, it indicated positive progress. The
centred educational paradigm. In fact, in 21st educational increasing was 63, 40% and in the second cycle, it positively

increased become 78, 94%. For students’ critical thinking presenting the product orally. The application of project
skills’ test, before applying the model, it indicated 59,53% based learning is this subject matter, Malay culture, is (1)
and after applying the model in the first clycle, it showed about the system of Malay religion, the religion which is
67,78% and on the second cycle, it became 80,92 %. developing in both isolated and urban Malay regions; (2) the
Subsequently, the learning outcome before PTK, the mean system of Malay’s belief which still possess multi beliefs
score for learning mastery was 47,36% and on the first cycle, such as the belief in gods, mysterious and invisible power,
it increased 52,63% with the amount to 20 students whose supernatural and magical creatures; (3) the system of
learning mastery was well achieved and in the second cycle, Malay’s sociology. This system includes the leaders and
it went up becoming 78,94% with the amount to 30 students their leaderships, social management, relationship, and
whose learning mastery was well achieved. From this stratification; (4) the system that relate to the knowledge of
research finding, it depicted that project based learning Malay’s literature; (5) language spoken by the Malay; (5)
provide better opportunity in creating a meaningful and Malay’s traditional arts that include history, development
interesting learning experience for the students themselves. and various kinds of Malay’s art, and (6) the system of
In this model of learning, the students are more and livelihood, occupation and profession.
well motivated to engage in learning. The lecturer facilitates 3) Processing
students to learn more than beforehand. Besides, the lecturer The activity in the processing phase deals with
provides chances and evaluates the students’ projects which presenting and evaluating the projects. Every group
have been made or created. These projects are both discusses the finding of the group investigation including
meaningful and applicative for the students’ real-life context reflection and the follow-up of the project such as evaluation
and problems. The product created by the students will that covers peer correction, self-evaluatio, and portfolio.
provide authentic outcomes and can be measured / evaluated These refer to the PBL syntax. Fron this explanation, it can
by the lecturer during teaching and learning process. be concluded project-based learning is able to encourage the
Therefore, in this project-based learning, the lecturer is to students to learn more actively and creatively in formulating
directly facilitate and train students in creating and making the problems investigating, analyzing and interpreting the
their product. data. It can help the students to make decision in solving the
problem. The appreciation and understanding of the Malay
E. The Malay Cultural Concepts culture can result in and achieve the mastery learning
According to [10], creativity deals with good maximally as the students directly face with the systems of
characteristics of aptitude such as fluency, flexibility, the real-life world of the Malay people. Therefore, through
originality of thought or ideas or characteristics of non this model, the project based learning, the students are able
aptitude such as curiosity, eager to pose questions, look for to think creatively so that after learning the subject matter,
new experiences, and creativity are the abilities to combine, they are able to comprehensively understand the Malay
answer or solve problems, and competence’s reflection of culture as well as able to actualize the traditions in the Malay
the students’ creativity. Besides, Maslow [8] explains culture.
creativity is a human basic need, namely the needs of self-
actualization and this is the most important aspect in III. CONCLUSIONS
human’s life. Munandar, then, explains every human-being In conclusion, the project-based learning is able to
essentially is born possessing creative potential. Creativity support the implementation of the Malay culture’s lecture
can be identified and built through better education. The because it covers those problems that relate to the students
creativity can be interpreted as the students’ ability to create real-life world (real life and experiential learning) so that
new things in the learning process in developing the ability this subject matter works effectively. What is more, project-
to bring about the formation obtained from the lecturer based learning is a learning model that focus on on question
during the learning process. and realistic problems, problem-solving, decision-making,
The application of Project Based model of learning on the process of discovering resources , proving chances to
Malay Culture is as follows. every members of the group, promoting collaboration and
1) Planning product presentation (performance and demonstration).
Lastly, this model support and encourage the students to
Planning includes preparation and planning of the
build their own creativity as it arouses bright ideas in solving
project. In this phase, the students is faced with realistic
the problems. The creativity includes aptitude such as
problems found in the real world so that it can encourage the fluency, flexibility, originality and non-aptitude such as
students to identify the problems. Subsequently, the students students’ curiosity to learn, eager to pose questions and try
are asked to discover the alternative problem-solving found to solve the realistic problems.
in the real world as well as able to design the model of
problem-solving. REFERENCES
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The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw Toward
Student Learning Outcomes at SMAN Darma Kuningan Regency
Pupu Saeful Rahmat1)
Kuningan University

Abstrak. The problem in this research focus on the low of student Learning Outcomes. The purpose of this research is
to describe and analyze: (1) Is there a difference student learning outcome in the initial measurenment (pre-test) and
the last measurement (post test) in the class using Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw?; (2) Is there a difference
student learning outcome in the initial measurenment (pre-test) and the last measurement (post test) in the class using
Coventional Learning Method?; (3) Is there an increasing of Student Learning Outcomes between the class using
Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw with class using conventional learning Method? The population of this study
are 90 students of class X SMAN Darma, while the sample are class X2 30 students as the experimental class and class
X3 30 students as the control class. The method used is an experimental method using a study design Nonequivalent
pretest-posttest control group design. Data collection techniques of research done by observation and questionnaires,
documentation and test results to learn. Based on the results of this study concluded that learning by using Cooperative
Learning Model Type Jigsaw and using Coventional Learning Method have differences result. This can be seen from
the average pretest score of 13.17 in class control while 13.70 in class experiment. Economics student learning
outcomes by using Cooperative Learning model type Jigsaw is higher than the Class which used conventional learning
method.. It means that there are differences in learning outcomes between students who use Cooperative Learning
Model Type Jigsaw with the class used Conventional Learning Method. The average score of the class after receiving
experimental treatment was 18.37 while the control class is 15.87 means there are significant differences between the
experimental class and a posttest score of the control class.

Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model, Conventional Learning Method, Jigsaw

From these data, the acquisition of learning outcomes

I. INTRODUCTION on economic subjects has decreased. Seeing such conditions,
During this learning activity in SMA Negeri 1 Darma the observation needs to be done with the purpose of
Kuningan Regency, There are some teachers still using the providing a solution to fix the value of class X in the subject
conventional method in teaching, They commonly using so that the economy has increased from year to year. The
these methods as habit for many years in teaching. Students Efforts has done to improve learning outcomes, teachers
appeared less passionate attitude, less passionate and less have an important role in the learning process. Teachers are
prepared to accept the learning process, so that the learning required to work in a professional, can mobilize capabilities
outcomes are still low. The results of study on subjects of and can foster student interest in learning so that students
economy class X SMA Negeri 1 Darma by looking at have a high learning motivation to obtain maximum learning
acquisition value learning outcomes during the last 3 years results. In lessons, too, the teacher must be able to create a
has decreased. Obtaining the results of studying in class X classroom atmosphere that is comfortable, happy mood
on the subjects of Economics during the last 3 years that without the pressure to facilitate students' understanding of
showed a decline still be thinking, whether delivered factor learning materials.
learning method is less precise or students' motivation
factors that cause learning outcomes of students has II. METHODS
decreased. The method used to solve the problem of the research
Based on data obtained from SMA Negeri 1 Darma for is experimental method using a study design Nonequivalent
the last 3 years as follows: Pretest-Posttest Control Group Desaign which provides a
TABLE I treatment of experimental classes as research subjects and
THE AVERAGE VALUE OF ECONOMIC SUBJECT YEAR 2007 – 2010 compared to the control class as a research subject. In this
Year KKM Semester I Semester II design, the experimental class and control class is not chosen
2011/ 2012 69 72 71 randomly.
2012/ 2013 69 71 70 This study design can be described as follows:
2013/ 2014 69 70 69

1) Initial State
The data collected in this study is the result of the
Fig 1. Research Design initial score (pretest) and the final score (posttest) in the
Explanation: experimental class and control class. This test aims to
A = Class experimental treated determine the increase in students to understand the material
B = Class control being taught by the Cooperative learning Model types
O1 = Initial tests before treatment is given on an Jigsaw and Conventional learning Method. To determine
experimental class whether a score initial learning outcomes (pretest) graders
O2 = final test after the treatment given to the experimental and control classes normal distribution or not,
experimental class then performed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and
X = Treatment using Cooperative Learning Model the Shapiro-Wilk.
Type Jigsaw 2) End State
Research procedure includes the steps as follows: 3) Normality Test
A. Introducing Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw Postest data normality test experimental class learning
B. Applying learning Cooperative Learning Model Type outcomes and control classes, using SPSS for windows
Jigsaw at the experimental class and applying release 21.00 as follows:
conventional learning Method in control class.
C. Hold pretest at the experimental class and the control POSTES NORMALITY TEST RESULTS LEARNING CLASSROOM
class to determine the initial knowledge in economic EXPERIMENT CASE PROCESSING SUMMARY
D. Postest provide the experimental class and control class. Cases

E. Perform quantitative data analysis using t-test against the Valid Missing Total
average score of the average pretest and posttest. N Percent N Percent N Percent
F. Perform data analysis questionnaires, observations and Prestasi_Eksperi
men_Akhir 30 100,0% 0 ,0% 30 100,0%
interviews with students.
G. Documenting the learning activities.
The population is the whole object of research that TABLE IIIII
consists of people, objects, animals, plants, symptoms, test TEST OF NORMALITY
scores or events as a source of data that have certain
characteristics in the study ". The population has the sizing Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) Shapiro-Wilk
parameter that indicates the characteristics of the population. Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Another sense, mentioning that the population is of concern ,144 30 ,112 ,962 30 ,345
to all data in a scope and a predetermined time and is the
object or subject that is located in a region and meet certain a Lilliefors Significance Correction
requirements that have to do with the problems examined.
As for the need for this study were used as the population is
Testing criteria:
the number of class X SMAN 1 Darma Kuningan regency as
a) Value Sig. or significance or probability value
many as 90 students. <0.05. Then the data distribution is not normal.
The sample in this study consisted of two classes as a b) Value Sig. or significance or probability value>
grade sample, where in one class as an experimental class is 0.05. Then the data were normally distributed.
class X2 and another one as a control class is the class X3. There are two tests, namely:
Experimental class is a class that is subject learning model a) The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
contextual teaching and learning jigsaw types, while the Obtained with the significance level is 0.112, it means
control class using conventional learning models. Sampling sig 0.112> 0.05. Thus the normal distribution of data.
was done by Random Sampling technique to search for pre- b) Shapiro-Wilk test
test values are almost the same, then obtained the control Learned that the significance level is 0.345, it means
group and the experimental group, in this research is class sig 0.345> 0.05. Thus the normal distribution of data.
student of SMAN 1 Darma Class X2 as many as 30 students TABLE IVV
as an experimental class, while students in grade X3 as many POSTES NORMALITY TEST RESULTS LEARNING CLASSROOM
as 30 students as the control class.
A. Result Percen Percen
N t N t N Percent
Learning Outcomes using Cooperative Learning Prestasi_Kontrol
30 100,0% 0 ,0% 30 100,0%
Model Type Jigsaw (Class Experiment) and Conventional _Akhir
Learning (Class Control).

TABLE V = 1.53 with a significance level α = 0.05, variants posttest
experimental class and control class is homogeneous. Since
Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) Shapiro-Wilk F arithmetic (0.240) <F table (1.53) = homogeneous. Thus
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
the t-test was continued.
,123 30 ,200(*) ,965 30 ,403
Akhir B. Discussion
* This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a Lilliefors Significance Correction
Interest t test of two independent variables is to
compare whether the two variables, namely the value of the
post-test experimental class and control class value posttest
results. The point is to test the generalizability (the
Testing criteria:
significance of the research results in the form of a
a) Value Sig. or significance or probability value
comparison of two sample average).
<0.05. Then the data distribution is not normal.
The t-test was used to test whether the average of the
b) Value Sig. or significance or probability value>
sample group is different from the other sample group. T test
0.05. Then the data were normally distributed.
on two independent samples means that the two groups are
There are two tests, namely:
not interconnected, comparing the value of the post-test
a) The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
experimental class and control class value posttest results. In
Obtained with the significance level is 0.200 this means
this research will be discussed t test on two paired samples.
sig 0.200> 0.05. Thus the normal distribution of data.
Paired t test was used to compare the average of two
b) Shapiro-Wilk test
variables in one group. Calculations done by finding the
Learned that the significance level is 0.403 this means
difference between the values of two variables for each case.
sig 0.403> 0.05. Thus the normal distribution of data.
The meaning is paired samples using the same samples but
testing done on samples of the two times in different time or
4) Test Homogenity
by using a specific time interval. Testing is done by giving a
Homogeneity test scores postes experimental class and
special treatment (treatment) of the samples. The first test
control class using F-test, using SPSS for windows version
conducted before any treatment was given treatment after the
21:00 as follows:
second test.
Testing criteria:
In accordance with the normality test results that the
a) If F arithmetic <F table, then the decision is
data distribution posttest for the control class and
experimental class normal distribution. Likewise, the
b) If F arithmetic> F table, then the decision is not
homogeneity test can be said that the data posttest for the
control class and experimental class is homogeneous, then
The formula df or db = n1 + n2 - 2, db = 58. Results of
the next step can be done t-test.
homogeneity test calculations obtained as in the following
The t-test was conducted to determine the average
difference in learning outcomes in subjects Economics
TABLE VI students can be seen in the data value posttest experimental
CONTROLS GROUP STATISTICS class and control class with hippotesis as follows:
H0: There is no significant difference between the
Metode N Mean
Error average score of posttest experimental class and control class.
Mean H1: There are significant differences between the
Prestasi_Akhir Ekperimen 30 18,3667 2,61934 ,47822 average score of posttest experimental class and control class.
Kontrol 30 15,8667 2,30042 ,42000 Testing criteria as follows:
If the price of t arithmetic ≥ t table, then H0 is
If the price of t arithmetic ≤ t table, then the
hypothesis is rejected H1
From the second the test results are as follows:
Metode N Mean Error
Data Source F count F table Decission Mean
Postes Class Experiment 0,240 1,53 Homogenous Learning outcomes Experiment 30 18,3667 2,61934 ,47822
and Control Control 30 15,8667 2,30042 ,42000

According to the results of calculations using SPSS for

Windows version 21:00 obtained F count = 0.240 and F table


Kelas Subjek Pretes Postes N-Gain

Eksperimen 30 13,17 18,37 0,44
Kontrol 30 13,70 15,87 0,19

According to the table above calculation results Based on research data on N-Gain pretest and posttest
obtained average posttest experimental class and control results of the experimental class of 0.44 (medium) and N-
class postes seen that t for the results of the Equal Variences Gain results of pretest and posttest control group of 0.19
assumed postes (assuming both the same variance or pooled (low). Thus there is an increasing significant difference
variance t test) is 3.928 with probability 0,000. Therefore, between pretest and posttest results of experimental class
the probability of <0.05, then H0 is accepted or the average teaching methods for Cooperative Learning with classroom-
(mean) between the experimental class and control class is type jigsaw, control class by using conventional teaching
the same. In other words, the experimental class has an methods. Contextual teaching and learning methods learning
average value (18.3667) which is not much different from type of jigsaw shown to further improve student learning
the control class (15.8667). outcomes on economic subjects compared to students using
Furthermore, the calculation results show the value of t conventional teaching methods.
= 3.928 (p = 0.000) while the value t table to a level of 95%
(α = 0.05) and degrees of freedom (df) = 58. Therefore do IV. CONCLUSIONS
Test 2 sides then read for t table in the column α = 0.025 Based on the results of research conducted on the
(0.05 / 2), so that t table (0.025; 58) = 2.008 subjects of Economics in class X SMA Negeri 1 Darma -
Hypothesis testing is done by comparing t arithmetic Kuningan regency, it can be concluded that: (1) There is a
with t table as figure 2 as follows: difference students learning outcome in the initial
measurenment (pre-test) and the last measurement (post test)
in the class using Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw.
(2) There is a difference students learning outcome in the
initial measurenment (pre-test) and the last measurement
(post test) in the class using Coventional Learning Method.
Fig 2. Differences in average values postes experiment class and class (3) There is an increasing of Student Learning Outcomes
between the class using Cooperative Learning Model Type
According to the figure above interpretation is the t Jigsaw with class using conventional learning Method.
(3.928)> t table (2.008) then H0 is rejected or the value of Economics Learning Outcomes on class by using
the average value of post-test experimental classes differ Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw is higher than the
significantly from the control class. This means that there is class which use conventional learning method. This means
a significant difference between the average score of post- that there is a difference between the results of the economic
test results between experimental class and control class. study of students on class using Cooperative Learning Type
N-Gain (Gain Normality) Jigsaw with conventional learning method. The average
An increase that occurred before and after the study score of the experimental class after receiving treatment
was calculated using the formula Gain Factor (N-Gain) with equal to 18.37 while the control class is 15.87 means there
the formula: are significant differences between the scores postes
g = (S_post-S_pre) / (S_maks-S_pre) experimental class and control class.
Where : After the pretest and posttest both the experimental
Spost = Score postes class and control class, proved there are differences in
Spre = Score pretest learning outcomes of students in class which used
Smaks = maximal ideal Score Cooperative Learning Model type Jigsaw compared with the
Gain level criteria are: results of student learning at class using the conventional
g> 0.7: High method.
≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.7 g: Medium
G <0.3: Low

Effect The Use of Cooperative Approach Cooperative Integrated Reading
Composition (CIRC) Type in Reading Comprehension Ability Student of
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI
Sumatera Barat
Rahayu Fitri1)
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasan dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Abstrak. The purpose of this research is to describe the effect of the use of cooperative approach Cooperative
Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) type in reading comprehension students of Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa
dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method and
quasi experimental research design. The population of this research were all students of 4th semester of Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat in 2015/2016 academic year. Sampling was done
by using simple random sampling. Instrument in this research is objective tests. The research data were analyzed using
statistical techniques. Based on the findings, it was concluded that there is significant effect use of cooperative approach
Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) type in reading comprehension students of Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. Based on t-test, was obtained t'count = 4,792
and ttable = 1,67. So that, H1 was accepted. Thus, the CIRC type of cooperative approach more effective use in learning
to read, especially reading comprehension in students of Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP
PGRI Sumatera Barat.

Keywords: Effect, CIRC, Reading Comprehension Ability

and (3) the process of obtaining the meaning actively in

I. INTRODUCTION accordance with the view held [1]. Reading comprehension
Reading is a complex activity. [1] states that reading is is an activity undertaken by the reader to relate new
an interactive activity to pick and understand the meaning information with old information to gain new knowledge.
contained in the board material. In addition, reading is also a According [2], in order that reading comprehension can
process that is undertaken and used by readers to get the be beneficial or achieve the desired goal, there should be
message to be conveyed by the author through the variations in reading and test it. There are several techniques
words/writing materials as the medium. In the process of as variations to test one's absorption in reading
reading, activities that demanded not carnal that use the comprehension, among others (1) to answer questions; (2)
senses of sight alone, but also includes mental activity is summarize the literature; (3) look for the main idea; (4)
understanding and arrests mean good reading of what is read. complete paragraphs; (5) Group Cloze/GC; and (6)
Therefore, reading is not only the ability to recognize letters techniques to organize readings (Group Sequencing/GS).
arranged into a sentence or a fine ability to pronounce, it The material requires students to be able to understand the
covers mental capabilities directed that could capture and reading, both literary and non-literary texts. It can be seen in
understand the ideas behind the writing was disguised by Curriculum of Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
readers. Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. In the curriculum,
In the world of education, reading learning, especially Pengajaran Keterampilan Membaca course have code
reading comprehension is one of the lecture material IND08036. This course consists of three credits taught in
contained at Pengajaran Keterampilan Membaca course in students of semester 3. But in reality, learning reading
Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di STKIP PGRI comprehension has not been done properly so that it can be
Sumatera Barat. Reading comprehension is a process of said that the students have not been able to understand a
acquisition of meaning that actively involves the knowledge reading well.
and experience that has been owned by the readers and be Many factors affect students' ability in reading
connected to the content of reading. Thus, there are three comprehension. These factors consist of internal factors, are
main points in reading comprehension, are (1) the the factors that comes from within the students, as well as
knowledge and experience that has been held on the topic; (2) external factors, are factors that come from outside the
linking knowledge and experience with the text to be read; student. Internal factors among others are interest in reading,
vocabulary, talent, academic achievement, mental,

motivation, and so on. External factors, such methods and the active and creative so that learning becomes a more
techniques of learning, faculty, completeness existing books effective and efficient.
owned by the students, the environment, and curriculum. That is supported with research result by
Socio-cultural and economic factors also influence the Sulistyaningsih (in [8]), showed that cooperative approach
family of a student reading activities. One of the external CIRC type have positive effect to increasing the ability of
factors that affect the low reading comprehension is the academic and students' learning activities. According [9],
selection of students learning techniques. steps in implementing the CIRC is as follows. First, form a
Therefore, it is important for lecturer to choose and use group whose members 4 which are heterogeneous. Second,
appropriate learning approach with the learners. This is in the lecturer gives the discourse/clipping according to the
accordance with the opinion of [3], that educators are at the topic. Third, students work together reading to each other
forefront in achieving quality learning, related to the ability and finding the main idea and respond to the
of educators in the management of learning through the use discourse/clippings and written on sheets of paper. Fourth,
of learning strategies that support the achievement of presented the group's work. Fifth, lecturers make
learning effectiveness. Learning strategies used by educators conclusions with students. Sixth, cover the learning.
include ways to select learning activities in the learning Therefore, it is necessary to study in order to describe
process. But this time, there are educators who do not choose whether or not there is the effect of the CIRC type of
the ways to achieve effectiveness in learning. There are still cooperative approach to reading comprehension of students.
educators who use conventional methods in implement of
learning. The high intensity material explanation made by II. METHODS
educators to make students do not do a lot of activities, This research is a quantitative research with descriptive
whereas "individual activeness in learning to be a very method and quasi-experimental research design. The
important element and determine the success of learning" population of this research were all students of 4th semester
(Baharuddin, in [4]). in Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
It also expressed by [5] that a lecturer required to be STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat of 2015/2016 academic year.
creative, varied and develop learning interesting and fun. It Students are divided into eight sessions, were A, B, C, D, E,
can be done by selecting the approaches and learning F, G, and H. The sampling was done by using simple
methods appropriate to the nature of the material or teaching random sampling. In this study, students are grouped into
materials and in accordance with the desired conditions of two groups, are the control class and experiments class.
students. In order for learning outcomes in reading Control class were taught using conventional teaching
comprehension for the better, in this study used a methods and class experiments using the cooperative
approach CIRC type. Furthermore, in both classes, given the
cooperative approach.
material and the same learning tests. After testing normality
Michaels in a [6] says that "Cooperative learning is
and homogeneity of the study population, with the number
more effective in increasing motive and performance of of selected session A class of 30 students as control and
students". In cooperative learning, students will interact with session C with the number of 27 students as an experiments
other students and a lot of learning activities within the class for both classes is normal and homogeneous class. In
group. Students work in groups at the same time responsible addition, both the class also has an average value that is
for the success of the group. Each member in the group has a relatively the same.
positive interdependence, prompting each member to always Instruments for data collection used are objective tests.
play an active role in the group. With these circumstances, Objective tests used to assess student reading comprehension.
cooperative learning can deliver learning conditions are Objective test used in the form of multiple choice. Multiple
attractive, meaningful and challenging which then can choice is used to measure the reading comprehension of
increase learning motivation is high. students totaled 50 rounds (before the determined valid and
In this research, use of cooperative approach reliable), which consists of five answer options, namely A, B,
Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) C, D, and E. After analyzing the grains of such tests,
obtained 30 items to be used as a valid and reliable research
type because this type of learning is a type of learning that
instruments. Students are required to choose one of the five
is broad and complete to the teaching of reading and writing.
answer choices, which they think is right. If the student
CIRC type of cooperative approach is a learning technique answered the question correctly, will be given a score of 1.
that is designed specifically for learning reading, writing and Conversely, if it is not correct, it will be given a score of 0.
language arts. CIRC cooperative learning model consists of The indicators used to measure reading comprehension, are
important elements, namely activities related basis, the direct (1) to answer questions; (2) summarize the literature; (3)
teaching of reading comprehension lessons and language arts look for the main idea; (4) complete paragraphs; (5) Group
writing unified. The main objective of the CIRC is using a Cloze/GC; and (6) techniques to organize readings (Group
cooperative teams to help the students learn reading Sequencing/GS).
comprehension abilities that can be applied widely [7]. This Data collection techniques used in this research
method is cooperative in order to improve cooperation followed the steps as follows. First, the lecturer give
among the students, all students are guided and directed to objective tests to students for collect data reading
comprehension Second, the student is answering objective

tests that have been given. Third, lecturer gather tests which Lebih dari Cukup qualification. Based on the table, reading
have been done by the students. The research data were comprehension in control class can be described in the
analyzed using statistical techniques. Formulas are used to following histogram.
see the effect of the independent variable (X) on the
dependent variable (Y). From the data analysis, obtained the
conclusions that can accept and reject the hypothesis that has
been formulated. The steps are performed as follows. First,
the data description by using lists frequency distribution,
average price, and a histogram. Second, the testing
requirements analysis, include: Liliefors test for normality
test and homogeneity test by test F. Third, hypothesis testing
was done using t’-test formula.


A. Reading Comprehension Ability Students in Control Fig 1. Histogram Reading Comprehension Ability in Control Class
The results of the analysis of the value of reading B. Ability Reading Comprehension Students in Classroom
comprehension in the control class is taught using Experiment
conventional methods can be seen in the following table. The results of the analysis of the value of reading
TABLE I comprehension in the experiment class is taught by using
READING COMPREHENSION ABILITY STUDENTS IN CONTROL cooperative approach CIRC type can be seen in the
CLASS following table.
Qualification in the Percentage TABLE III
10 Scale (%)
1 40 Kurang 1 3,33 Qualification in
No. Value Frequency Percentage (%)
the 10 Scale
2 50 Hampir Cukup 2 6,67
1 60 Cukup 1 3,70
3 53,33 Hampir Cukup 3 10,00
2 63,33 Cukup 1 3,70
4 56,67 Hampir Cukup 2 6,67
3 70 Lebih dari Cukup 2 7,41
5 60 Cukup 2 6,67
4 73,33 Lebih dari Cukup 2 7,41
6 66,67 Lebih dari Cukup 3 10,00
5 76,67 Baik 4 14,81
7 70 Lebih dari Cukup 4 13,33
6 80 Baik 8 29,63
8 73,33 Lebih dari Cukup 5 16,67
7 83,33 Baik 5 18,52
9 76,67 Baik 5 16,67
8 86,67 Baik Sekali 4 14,81
10 80 Baik 1 3,33
Amount 27 100
11 83,33 Baik 2 6,67

Amount 30 100 Based on the table, found that reading comprehension

in the experiment class is taught by using cooperative
Based on the table, found that reading comprehension approach CIRC type can be grouped into 8 groups, as
in control class are taught using conventional methods can follows. Students who received value of 60 is 1 person
be grouped into 11 groups, as follows. Students who (3,7%); students who received value of 63,33 is 1 person
received value of 40 is 1 person (3,33%); students who (3,7%); students who received value of 70 are 2 persons
received value of 50 are 2 persons (6.67%); students who (7,41%); students who received value of 73,33 are 2 persons
received value of 53,33 are 3 persons (10%); students who (7,41%); students who received value 76,67 are 4 persons
received value of 56,67 are 2 persons (6.67%); students who (14,81%); students who received value of 80 are 8 persons
received value of 60 are 3 persons (10%); students who (29,63%); students who received value of 83,33 are 5
received value of 66,67 are 3 persons (10%); students who persons (18,52%); and students who received 86,67 are 4
received value 70 are 4 persons (13,33%); students who persons (14,81%). The average count in reading
received value of 73,33 are 5 persons (16,67%); students comprehension in the experiment class is taught using the
who received value of 76,67 are 5 persons (16.67%); cooperative approach CIRC type is 78,64 which is the Baik
students who received value of 80 is 1 person (3.33%); and qualification. Based on the table, reading comprehension of
students who received value of 83,33 are 2 persons (6,67%). students in the experiment class is taught by using
The average value reading comprehension in control class cooperative approach CIRC type can be described in the
are taught using the conventional method is 67 which is the following histogram.

To determine the magnitude of the effect of the use of
t'count cooperative approach CIRC type to reading
comprehension students of Program Studi Pendidikan
Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat,
the steps are as follows. First, find the arithmetic mean (M)
control class (1) and the experiment class (2). The average
count reading comprehension of students in the control class
(1) is 67 and the experiment class ( 2) is 78,64. Second,
determine the standard deviation of the data. For the data
obtained control class standard deviation (S1) is 11,12,
standard deviation (S2) obtained in the experiment class is
6,93. After the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and
Fig 2. Histogram Reading Comprehension Ability Students in Experiment standard deviation of the combined data is obtained, then the
Class data is entered into the formula t' test. After the t’-test on the
C. Influence of Cooperative Approach to Capability CIRC significant level of 0,05 was obtained t'count = 4,792 and
mode Reading Comprehension ttable = 1,67. This means t'count> ttable = 4,792>1,67 thus
To see the significance of the effect, tested the equation concluded that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. For more
two average data or t-test by first determining whether the details, can be seen in the following table.
sample comes from a population sample derived from TABLE V
normal distributed population and two samples have TEST SIMILARITY OF TWO AVERAGE OR T TEST
homogeneous variant. Therefore, the normality test and
Class N S tcount ttable
homogeneity test. ( X )
1) Normality Test Control 30 67 11,12
4,792 1,67
To see data from a sample of normal distribution, Experiment 27 78,64 6,93
normality test by using Lilliefors test. From these tests, Lo
and Lt price obtained for the two samples on a real level α = Based on t’-test at significant level of 0,05 was
0,05 as detailed in the following table. obtained t' count = 4,792 and t table = 1,67. The criteria of
test is accept H1 if t' count > t table with df = n1 + n2-2 by α
TABLE IIIII = 0,05. For prices of other, H1 is rejected. t' count price
obtained is not within the reception area of H0, so that H1 is
Class N Lo Lt Distributed accepted. H1 receipt shows that there is significant influence
Control 30 0,0922 0,161 Normal use of cooperative approach CIRC type in reading
Experiment 27 0,1230 0,173 Normal
comprehension students of Program Studi Pendidikan
Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.
Based on that table, obtained Lo <Lt. This means that
Thus, it can be said that the CIRC type of cooperative
the data obtained from this research that class of samples are
approach more effective use in learning to read, especially
normal distribution.
reading comprehension in students of Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI
2) Homogeneity Test
Sumatera Barat.
To see both homogeneous samples, necessary to test
the homogeneity using F-test. Homogeneity test calculation
results can be seen in the following table.
Based on these results, the conclusion in this study are
HOMOGENEITY TEST OF RESULTS FINAL TEST as follows. First, reading comprehension students of
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Class N Variance Fcount Ftable Homogeneity
Control 30 S12 123,64 Not STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat in control class taught by
2,571 1,88 conventional methods is 67 which is the Lebih dari Cukup
Experiment 27 S2 2 48,08 homogeneous
qualification. Second, reading comprehension students of
According to the table with a level significant of 95% Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
or α = 0,05 and df = (numerator = n-1 = 30-1 = 29 STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat in the experiment class is
denominator = n-1 = 27-1 = 26) obtained Ftable value = 1,88. taught using the type cooperative approach CIRC type is
Thus, the Fcount> Ftable or 2,571 <1,88. This means, the 78,64 which is the Baik qualification. Third, there is a
second grade samples have variances that are not significant effect of use of cooperative approach CIRC type
homogeneous. in reading comprehension students of Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI
3) Hypothesis Test Sumatera Barat. Based on t’-test at significant level of 0,05
Based on tests of normality and homogeneous was obtained t' count = 4,792 and t table = 1,67 so that H1 is
variances test of the final test, obtained both classes of accepted. Thus, it can be said that the CIRC type of
normally distributed samples and data have a variant that is
cooperative approach more effective use in learning to read,
not homogeneous so the test regularities difference between
classes is appropriate sample t’-test with the formula [10]. especially reading comprehension in students of Program

Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP PGRI
Sumatera Barat.

[1] Somadayo, Samsu. Strategi dan Teknik Pembelajaran Membaca.
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Kelas X Akuntansi 3 SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran
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[7] Slavin, Robert E. Cooperative Learning: Teori, Riset dan Praktik.
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The Effect Of Using Jigsaw With Handout Towards Students’
Activities And understanding Of Chemistry Concept
Of STKIP YDK Lubuk Alung
Reni Nastuti, S.Pd.,M.Si1)
STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung

Abstract. General chemistry at university is a revisiting senior high school chemistry material. Based on the fact, many
of college students struggle in understanding the basic concept of chemistry. This conditions affected college students’
involvement in class activity and only few of them can master the material properly. In order to overcome the problem,
researcher tried to implementing Jigsaw learning model with handout. It is because Jigsaw encourage the student to
actively involve in learning process and each students’ are responsible to the given subject and explain it others in one
group. As result, every group member should understand about the given material in order to get reworded. The purpose
of this study was to determine the effect of applying a jigsaw with handouts on the students’ activities and
understanding the basic chemistry concepts. Samples from this study are students of Physics education STKIP YDB.
Data of the research was collected through questionnaires to see the students' learning activities and to see the
understanding of the concept of students by using tests such as an objective matter that is given at the beginning of
learning (Pre-Test) and after being given treatment Hand out the form given JIGSAW (Post-Test). Research result
showed that that there is an influence of JIGSAW in and Hand Out in the activities and understanding the concept of
Basic General Chemical Physics education students of STKIP YDB LubukAlung.

Keywords: Jigsaw With Handout, Chemistry Concept

[2]Hand out have several purposes: 1) To provide

I. INTRODUCTION information or learning materials as handouts for students. 2)
General chemistry at university is a revisiting senior high To enrich the knowledge of students 3) To support other
school chemistry material. Students should not face teaching materials or explanations of educators. Handout and
difficulties in understanding general chemistry. However, Jigsaw then increased student activity because students are
the fact said in contrary. Many of college students struggle asked to take responsibility to understand and explain to his
in understanding the basic concept of chemistry.students are friend, in a group, so students can be more understood the
difficult to understand and explain the concept of the concepts and increase learning outcomes.
chemistry. This is also evidenced by the time granted
preliminary tests, the student cannot answer that question.
To overcome these problems, the authors apply the Jigsaw II. METHODS
with handouts to overcome these problems. Jigsaw Study is descriptive qualitative research. Samples in this
cooperative learning model is learning, where students work study were students majoring in physics STKIP YDB In
in groups responsible for mastering the learning materialand semester one. The material learned is stoichiometric. The
teach those sections on other group members. Isjoni (2009: sampling technique used is total sampling. The treatment is
54) [1] explains that the jigsaw cooperative learning is one the implementation of JIGSAW with handouts. The results
that encourages students to involve actively, cooperatively showed that there are effects of the treatment to students’
and mutually help others in mastering the subject. Students cognitive and affective aspects. The research instrument is
are expected to understand the chemical concepts that is questionnaire test in the form of essay questions. The
studied. Students do not only learn the given material, but purpose is to know the understanding of the concept of
they must also be ready to give and teach the material to the chemical physics student STKIP-YDB LubukAlung at each
other members of their group. The implementation of this meeting by giving a test at the beginning and end of the
jigsaw will improve students’ activity in learning process. study.
The implementation of jigsaw with Handout. Handouts are
teaching materials prepared by teachers to enrich the III. DISCUSSION
students' knowledge, describes the handouts including print After doing the research, The result research will be
media covering materials supplied on paper for teaching and explained as follows table 1 Pretest and Postest Every
learning information. According Prastowo (2010: 80) meeting

Pretest value and value Postes Every meeting
The average value, Mean, Variance, Reliability Tests,
Meeting Pretest Postestvalue Increased Value Standard deviation
value Average - Average Mean Variance Standard deviation
Meeting 1 48.21 66.79 18 % reliability test
Meeting 2 42.5 53.93 11 %
Meeting 3 36.07 55.36 19 % Average Mean Variance Reliabilitytes Standard
Meeting 4 66.43 74.29 8% deviation
64.29 M = ∑x  X 2
n  M (n  M ) 
Meeting 5 45.71 56.79 11 % X 2
 r1 
n 1 
nS 2  1
Meeting 6 47.5 78.21 31% /N
S2 
= S2= 1= 1.0047
64.29 / S = 17.67
From the table above can be seen that the weekly meeting 28
obtained data for a preetes and posttest, where the data is 2.30
held or before treatment preetes average student still low
pretest ,. At the time of the test Pree (initial knowledge)
judging from the whole meeting is still lower than in post-
test, This is because the students have not had any prior
knowledge of the material to be taught and are not familiar
with this material clearly. Judging from the post-test data is Based on data analysis research conducted at every
averaged at each meeting have gone up it is caused because meeting both the cognitive and the affective domain can
students already have knowledge or understanding of the infer may affect the activity and student learning outcomes.
concept of this is because students already read handouts and For the cognitive value posttest higher than the value Pretest,
implement JIGSAW. This is caused because the jigsaw is this is caused because when Pretests students do not have
also known by the experts cooperative. Because the basic knowledge about what it teaches, learning outcomes
members of each group are faced with different problems. posttest higher it is caused by a student is getting treatments
However, the problems faced by each group the same, we by reading handout and jigsaw. It is because the jigsaw is a
call a team of experts tasked with discussing the problems learning model that provides many opportunities to
faced. So the post-test value is higher than the value Pree test. understand their own material because students are in
When evaluated from the affective domain are recorded demand for his opinion. In JIGSAW model of students in
through a questionnaire that has been filled by a validator each group contribute information, experience, ideas,
there is an increase in activity of each meeting. Activities attitudes, opinions, abilities, and skills that he has, to jointly
were observed among the Oral activity, emotional activity, increase mutual understanding among group members, so
the activity of hearing, which can be seen in Table 2 below: that students have the concept has. So that the current time is
given posttest he already understands so high learning
TABEL 2 outcomes.
The mean of speaking and listening activity and emotional involment Judging from the affective students were engaged in
learning, in all the activities. All student activity appears to
Activi Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean 6 have increased, because the Jigsaw model that students must
ties 1 2 3 4 5 convey information, opinions, ideas so that all students have
Speaki 9.50 12 16 19.83 21.17 23.17
the courage to ask questions, express opinions, ask the
vity teacher, comment on others opinion. In this study, it can be
Emoti 10 13 14 16.5 19 20.5 concluded that there are significant implementation of
onalac Jigsaw with Handout on learning outcomes and student
tivity learning activities Physics STKIP YDB Lubuk ALUNG.
Listen 6 9.5 13.5 16.5 18.5 2 1

From Table 2 above, there are three activities where each On this occasion I would like to express our immense
activity every week there is an increase, the first week of gratitude to the chairman STKIP YDB Lubukalung which
each activity is still very low both in oral activities, has been providing funds to carry out this research, my
emotional and heard, and this is because students do not thanks goes to the head of department of education Physics
understand the jigsaw, but in the second week has gone up in STKIP YDB who have memfasitasi me to do some research
comparison the first week and the activity has been rising in on student one semester STKIP YDB Lubuakalung, thanks
the next weeks, increases learning activities, study results to the physics education students who have assisted me in
also increased. collecting research data, and thanks to fellow lecturers who
After application of Jigsaw and Handouts for 6 weeks have helped in the preparation of this journal that can be
and then do a test akir. After the final test at the get learning presented in an international seminar at ADRI 2017 at the
outcomes data including average, mean, variance, reliability Padang on February 5, 2017
test, the standard deviation as shown in Table 3 below.

[1] Isjoni. Cooperative Learning: Mengembangkan Kemampuan Belajar
Berkelompok. Bandung: Alfabeta. 2009.
[3] Prastowo, Andi. Panduankreatifmembuatbahan Ajar Inovatif.
Jogjakarta DIVA press. 2012.

An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by English Departmemt
Students 2016/2017 Academic year in STKIP YDB Lubuk Agung
Siska Oktawidya Wati1), M.HUM1)
STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung, Indonesia

Abstract. This research is aimed at describing the use of code mixing by English department students inlearning
process at STKIP YDB LubukAlung. The objectives of the research are to identify types and the reason of using code
mixing by English department students.The research is descriptively andqualitatively done. The participants in this
research are English department students 2016/2017 academic year at first semester students. There are three steps used
in this research, they are (1) colleting the data, (2) analyzing the data and (3) presenting the result of the analysis. The
data are collected by observational and interview. There areseveral typesofcodemixing found they
areinsertionshowed29 %,alternation showed 52% andcongruent of lexicalization was17 %.Thereasonof
EnglishDepartmentstudentsusedcode mixinginlearning process forIntentionof clarifying thespeech. the informants
wereusedcodeto clarifysomething or to makeclear the discussion and thelackofvocabularies, theanxiety
theappropriatevocabulary,thetendencyofforgettingthevocabulary andthebenefitsof using codemixing
inspeakingclassistoeasethelistenerwho cannot understand English, to make the listener understand the speaker’s
intention, to easeEnglish speakingprocess with thepeoplewith lowerlevel comprehension.

Keywords: code mixing, English department students.

Thelast,thereligionfactor that Wardaugh (2006)stated

I. INTRODUCTION regional dialect or social dialect markoff theresidents ofone
Codesareasystemoflanguagethatisusedby regionfromthoseofotherregions.Itmeans,every
peopletocommunicatewitheachother. religionhasadifferent d i a l e c t duetothe different dialect of
Whenpeopletalksomething toeachother,they thespeaker tend to sharethem codes.
havetochooseaparticularcodetoexpresstheir Codemixingusuallyoccursinbilingualormultilingualcomm
feeling,quotedtheirthinking ideas. According unity orsocietyandthe function(meaning) ofthe
toStockwell(2001)ascitedinCakrawati languagesthatcannotbe separated.The
(2011)statedthatcodeisa symbolofnationalismthat isusedby aspectofdependentrelation
peopletospeakor oflanguageinmultilingualpeopleisaphenomenonofcodemixin
communicateinaparticular,accent,styleondifferentoccasionan ginthecontextoffunction, the relevance of situationisthe
dfordifferent purpose. Therefore,peopleareusually formof dependence identifiedfrombothsidesof relationship
requiredtoselectaparticularcodewheneverthey speakthenthey between speakers and thefunction oflanguage. Therefore,
also decidecodetheyuse. However, in theiractivities Multilingualismdevelopscompetence in each code to extent
ofcommunication theyusuallycombineor mixcodes theyneed itand for the context in each languageare used.
whetherin sometimes in a veryshort or longutterances STKIP YDB LubukAlung, Thesestudentshaveto
Furthermore,ifthespeakermixescodeofalanguage,itmustbe struggleto have adequate competence in English.Majorityof
observedthefactors thestudentsare Minangkabauneseliving aroundthe
suchaswhatisthespeaker’ssocialbackground,thelevelofeducati WestSumatraprovince. In some ELTteachings,
on,andreligion. Inthe socialbackgroundisaccording Indonesianwassometimesused duringthe instructionfor
toHolmes(1992)statedcertainsocialfactorsare whoyouare theclarityofteaching materials.Somestudentswereobservedto
talking use theirnativessuchas Minangkabauneseduring
tothesocialcontextofthetalk,thefunctionandtopicofthediscussi discussionsessions.As mostEnglishlecturers’ effortsto
on.Itmeansthat socialbackgroundcaninfluence inspeaking developstudentscommunicative
orwhatthey aretalking andasaresultofswitching ormixing competencethroughvarioustasks and activities,
codeinconversation.Second,levelof studentshavebeennotedtomix andswitch,and thesemay have
educationiswhenthespeakerstudiesinschool that beenresponded differently amongthelecturers.The
thespeakerknows about varietyof languagesused byamong researcher focus on sociolinguistic study which is concerns
students, it can make (1) types of code mixing (Muysken, 2000) consist of:
influencethattheywillspeaktwoormorethanlanguagevariety. insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalizationand (2) the

reason of using code mixing (Hoffman, 1991) in teaching canusethe words in English thanIndonesian
learning process at STKIP YDB LubukAlung. becausethe words cangive expression whattheyfeel.
3. The congruentof lexicalizationtype consistsof:What’s
up bro, where are you going, doyou loveme, and
notyet. Thepercentageof congruent is17%. From the
II. RESEARCH METHOD percentageof the congruent of lexicalization in
This research is done qualitative and descriptive. conversation show that thestudents used
According to Sudaryanto (1993:620) descriptive research is thephrasebecausethestudents shift thelanguagefor
based on the fact or phenomena of the speakers’ speech in variation in conversation.
one area. In line with this, Selvilia (1993:71) argues that the
descriptive research is analyzed the data based on material
obtained without adding or reducing the data and this IV. THE REASON OF USING CODE MIXING
research tries to describe and analyze the data from the The reason of using code mixing was provided
phases of collecting data, the preparation of data, and by(Hoffman, 1991). Thoseare when theyaretalkingto their
analysis. friends in colloquial situation in order to create
The term of the data in qualitative research is borrowed afriendlysituation. Different from theformal situation for
from qualitative research that is usually used in the form of exampleinacademicatmosphereor inclass activity: thespeaker
table numbers on the qualitative research. However, in the is required to speak or to deliver persecutoryin English, but
qualitative research, the data is all the information whether someof them will mix the code.The interviewswith
oral and written, which contribute to answer the research Englishstudentsat undergraduateprogramofEnglish showed
problem as stated in research question. Data is research of theyhavea common perception. English students admitted
materials. This is in line with the opinion of Sudaryanto thattheyused Indonesianor motherlanguagedueto their
(1993:3) who says that the data is not as the object of the inabilitytocommunicate inEnglisheffectively in
research, but this is a material of the research. Furthermore, factthefactthattheyareEnglishstudents.Theyused codein class
Sudaryanto (1993:3) also added about the limitations of the or discussion forIntentionof clarifying thespeech.
data as material research, that is the final data. The final data Automatically, the informants wereusedcodeto
is done, because of selection of speeches. Thus, the data is clarifysomething or to makeclear the discussion and
object of research plus context. thelackofvocabularies, theanxiety
In this research, the data are code mixing by English ofusingEnglishgrammar,sayingcorrectpronunciation,orchoos
department students. They are first semester students. The ing
source of substantive data is similar to sample. In this theappropriatevocabulary,thetendencyofforgettingthevocabul
research, data of substantive is uttered by English students’ ary,andthefact thatthey arenotusedtotalkingonly
utterances. Data is collected by observational method and inEnglishevery day.Andthebenefitsof using
interview.Thus,the technique analyzing,the researcher codeswitchingandcodemixing
useidentification,classificationand analysisdata. inspeakingclassistoeasethelistenerwho cannot understand
English, to make the listener understand the speaker’s
intention, to easeEnglish speakingprocess with
III. DISCUSSION thepeoplewith lowerlevel
Based on the research findings there aretwo categories of comprehension,helpthestudentsimproving
codemixing foundbytheresearcher. theirvocabulary,andencouragethe students to be accustomed
Theyarenamely,thetypesof codemixingand the reasons used to talk in English.
codemixingin conversation. Furthermorethesedata Theyarguethattheyarenotbeingabletoengage in
weresuitablewith thetheoryof Muysken (2000). Thefirst, extensivecommunicationin English.The challengeis
theoryof thetypes used in codemixing. Based on the previous tostrikeabalancebetweenstrategic useof a firstlanguageasa
data theresearcher foundout severalwords usedcodemixing in scaffoldingtooland allowingsufficientpracticein
conversation. atargetlanguage. Excessiveuseofoneattheexpenseoftheother
inthesecontextscouldincreasethepossibility of
A. Thetypesof codemixing miscommunicationbetweenthestudents.
1. TheInsertiontypeconsistsof:credit, absent, campus,
semester, gossip, photo, fans,active, frustration,
error,Check,semester. Thepercentageof Insertion is V. CONCLUSION
29%. From the percentageof insertion show that Basedontheresultofthisresearch,codemixing
thestudents use the words becausethe words becomesacrucialproblemwhenthey
borrowfrom English. speakwiththeirfriendsmorethanonelanguage.
2. TheAlternationtype consistof: Of course, bythe way, Fromtheconversationwhenthestudents
structures, assignment,on Monday, reading, are you speak,thewriterfoundsometypesofcodemixingandthereasons
ready, wishmeluck, good idea,bytheway, why thestudentsinEnglish
boring,guys,moveon,share,tag. departmentespeciallyin2016/2017academicyearusingcodem
ThepercentageofAlternation is 52 %. From ixing.Basedonresultofdatasometypesofcodemixingusedinthe
thepercentageof alternation show that thestudents irconversationconsistofinsertion29%,alternation52% and

congruentoflexicalization17%. Theresearcher
obtainedsomeaspectsthataffecting usingof codemixingsuch
as reason; theyused codein class or discussion
forIntentionof clarifying thespeech. Automatically, the
informants wereusedcodeto clarifysomething or to
makeclear the discussion and thelackofvocabularies,
ulary,andthefact thatthey arenotusedtotalkingonly
inEnglishevery day.Andthebenefitsof using
inspeakingclassistoeasethelistenerwho cannot understand
English, to make the listener understand the speaker’s
intention, to easeEnglish speakingprocess with
thepeoplewith lowerlevel
theirvocabulary,andencouragethe students to be accustomed
to talk in English.

[1] Wardhaugh, R. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.Massachusetts:
Blackwell Publishers. 2012.
[2] Cakrawati,D.A. Analysisof CodeMixing and CodeSwitching in the
Teenlit. 2011.
[3] Holmes J(1992). An Introduction to Socilinguistics.London andNew
[4] Canting Cantiq.Semarang: Facultyof
[5] Muysken.Bilingual Speech:Typolgy ofCodeMixing
Journal.Cambridge:Unversity. 2000.
[6] Hoffman, Charlotte An Introduction to Bilingualism, New York:
Longman. 1991.
[7] Sudaryanto. Metodedan Aneka TeknikAnalisisBahasa. Yogyakarta:
Duta Wacana University Press.1993.
[8] Sevillia. C. G, dkk. PengantarMetodePenelitian. Jakarta; Universias
Indonesia Press. 1993.

Evaluation of Accounting Teacher’s Performance
in the Implementation of Curriculum 2013
in South Kalimantan
Dwi Atmono1), Muhammad Rahmatullah2)
FKIP, University Lambung Mangkurat, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia

FKIP, University Lambung Mangkurat, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia

Abstract. Teacher’s skills and competence in learning that support the learning process are important aspects of the
implementation of Curriculum 2013. The aims of this research are to analyzed: 1) accounting teacher’s performance in
planning, process, and evaluation of learning as the implementation of Curriculum 2013, and 2) The obstacles that faced
by accounting teacher in the implementation of Curriculum 2013. This research used mix method approach. The
population of this research is all Vocational High School in South Kalimantan that already practicing Curriculum 2013.
The sample was taken with purposive sampling technique, as many as 50 accounting teachers. Data collected include the
score of accounting teachers’ performance and questioner about the problems that faced by accounting teachers for the
implementation of Curriculum 2013. Data collected through observation and questionnaire. Data analyzed with descriptive
techniques. The result shows: 1) Teacher’s performance in the implementation of Curriculum 2013 from planning aspect
categorized as “adequate”, from process aspect as “good”, and evaluation aspect as “adequate”. 2) Few obstacles that
faced by teachers include: a) the training process that not fully maximal from few aspects like instructors and time, b)
Teacher’s mindset that not fully sure can practice it at school, and c) The late distribution of supplement books for teachers
and students.

Keywords: Evaluation, Teacher’s Performance, Curriculum 2013

effort such as the replacement of the curriculum, the

I. INTRODUCTION development of teaching methods, providing facilities and
Education is a strategic tool in improving the quality infrastructure will only be meaningful if it involves the
of human resources as the determinant factor of teacher. Besides, teachers are positioned as the frontline in
development. Education is a conscious effort to prepare the implementation of the learning process because they hold
students through guidance, instruction, or training for its role a strategic position in order to create graduates who are
in the future (Law No. 20 of 2003). By not mean to competent and qualified to meet the needs of professional
downplay the contribution of other components, the teacher human resources. Therefore, the quality and quantity of
is very essential in determining the quality of the learners. teachers needs to be improved and developed according to
A teacher should play an active role and place his the need of the present and the future.
position as professionals in accordance with the demands of In The Education Law Number 14, 2005 Chapter IV,
the community. In this case, a teacher does not merely as Article 20 (a) about teachers and lecturers, stated that related
someone who initiated the transfer of knowledge, but also as to the standard of work performance in implementing the
educators who transfer values as well as mentors who tasks professionalism of teachers, teachers are obliged to
provide direction and guide students in learning. To improve plan and implementing the learning process quality as well
the quality of education, teachers are required to be as assess and evaluate learning outcomes. The key task of
professional in their duties. the teacher is manifested in teaching and learning as a form
As the efforts to create professional teachers, the of teacher performance.
government has made the rule requirements to become a The Improvement of teacher performance will have
teacher. In 8th Paragraph of Law Number 14, 2005 an effect on improving the quality of human resource. The
mentioned that teachers are required to have academic quality of education and graduates are often seen as teacher's
qualifications, competence, teaching certificate, physically responsible. In order to achieve an optimal learning result,
and mentally healthy, and have the ability to achieve teachers must have and perform the maximum performance
national education goals. during the learning process by adjusting the development of
Teachers are at the central point of any education science and technology.
reform efforts aimed at changes in quality. Each educational Based on Government Regulation Number 74, 2008 it
is stated that one of the competencies that required for a

teacher is professional competency. A professional execution of his duty to be something very important and
competency is the ability of teachers in the mastery of should not be ignored.
subject matters. It is including the mastery of another Based on an initial interview with the Head of
academic skill such as the ability to master the science, Education Quality Assurance Department of Education in
levels, and types of education that are appropriate. South Kalimantan, stated that besides the implementation in
The reality of the current teacher's competence seems a number of schools, Curriculum 2013 is also being
to be questioned. Based on data from the Human disseminated at all levels of education in the region of South
Development Report, states the Human Development Index Kalimantan in order to implement more broadly in the years
of Indonesia was ranked 105th out of 108 countries surveyed ahead. Dissemination of the results stated that there are
(Kompas, April 5, 2001), while for 2004 the position of various problems that revealed teachers mainly related to
Indonesia is ranked 111th out of 177 countries surveyed their readiness and competence to be able to implement the
(Human Development Report 2004). Based on the record of curriculum in 2013 to the fullest.
the Human Development Report of 2004, 60% of elementary Along by the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in a
school teachers, 40% of secondary school teachers, 43% of number of schools, it needs to be evaluated mainly on the
high school teachers, and 34% of vocational teachers still not performance of the teachers who have to implement in the
competence to teach professionally. Based on data from the current year. Evaluation of teacher performance is one form
Director General of Quality Improvement of Teachers and of assessment of the teacher's ability to carry out the role of
Education Personnel that almost half of the approximately professionalism in education. This evaluation has not been
2.6 million teachers in Indonesia have not competence to implemented yet especially related to the implementation of
teach because of the qualifications and competences are Curriculum 2013 in South Kalimantan.
incompatible. More specifically, the amount of ineligible to The aims of this research are to analyzed accounting
teach or to be a teacher is around 912.505 persons. It teacher’s performance in planning, process, and evaluation
consists of over 605.217 primary school teachers, 167.643 of learning as the implementation of Curriculum 2013.
secondary teachers, 75.684 high school teachers, and 63.961 Besides that, this research also tries to explore the obstacles
vocational school teachers. When viewed from the that faced by accounting teacher in the implementation of
fulfillment of the minimum educational qualification and Curriculum 2013.
competence, it appears that the quality of teachers in Curriculum Development in 2013 is a further step
Indonesia is still far from expectations. development of competency-based curriculum that has been
On the other hand, we are faced with the challenges initiated in 2004 and the SBC 2006, which includes
of education in Indonesia, which at this time shows not an competency attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated
optimal success of our education system. The low quality of manner.
teaching results can be seen from the study of Vincent Yadi (2013) revealed that the preparation and
Greanary about literacy learners in Southeast Asia in the development of curriculum in 2013 aimed to provide a
publication of the World Bank (1998) that states Indonesia reference to the principal, teachers and other education
student ranked 5th of learners from five countries. The personnel in schools in developing programs that will be
reports of The Third International Mathematics and Science implemented. In addition, the 2013 curriculum composed,
Study (TIMSS, 1997) states that Indonesian student only among others, in order to allow learners to: 1) learn to faith
ranked 39th from 42 countries in mathematics achievement and fear of God Almighty, 2) learn to understand and
and ranks 40th from 42 countries in terms of physical appreciate, 3) learn to be able to execute and do it effectively,
achievements (The Jakarta Post, September 3, 2001) 4) learn to live together and be useful to others, and 5) learn
(Kusmarni, no year) to build and self-discovery through active learning, creative,
Teachers have an important role in the educational effective and fun.
process. The study from Heyneman and Loxley found that A competence teacher has the main role in the
among the various inputs that determine the quality of implementation of Curriculum 2013. The importance of
education (referring to student achievement) third is teacher competence for education according to Hamalik
determined by the teacher, especially in developing countries (2003), among others: (1) the competence of teachers as a
which amounted to 34% and in the industrialized countries selection tool admissions tutor, (2) the competence of
by 36% (Boediono and Abbas Ghozali, 1999). Sudjana teachers is important in order to develop teacher, (3) the
(2002) showed that 76.6% of student learning outcomes are competence of teachers is important in preparing the
influenced by the details of the performance of teachers curriculum, (4) important teacher competence in relation to
teaching teachers' ability to contribute 32.43%, mastery the activities and learning outcomes.
learning materials by 32.38%, and the attitude of teachers to Ministry of Education (2004) in Rasto (2008) defines
subjects by 8.6%. competence as the knowledge, skills, and basic values are
The enactment of Curriculum 2013 is one of the reflected in the habit of thinking and attitude. Competency is
measures to address the various issues, especially related to the ability, skill, and skill of a person related to the task,
the quality of education in Indonesia. According to occupation or profession (Triyanto 2006). Competence is
Kemdikbud (2013), one of the main aspects of concern in complex and is a unified whole that illustrates the potential,
the implementation of Curriculum 2013 is the skill and knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, which is owned by
competence of teachers in supporting the learning someone associated with certain professions with respect to
process. The important role of teachers in the curriculum the parts that can be actualized or realized in the form of
2013 showed that the focus on teacher professionalism in the action or performance to run these professions (Dikti, 2001).

General Director of PMTK (2008) describes the (1994) explains that, "the work's crowning achievement
capabilities that must be held by teachers to support the assessment ( performance appraisal) is the process through
professional competence of teachers so as to guide the which organizations evaluate or assess the performance of
learners in the learning process to achieve a standard of employees". While Mulyasa (2007) explains the benefits of
competency. "The ability to be possessed of teachers in the the teaching workforce assessment: "Assessment of the
process of guiding learners, namely: (a) Mastery the material, teaching workforce is usually focused on individual
structure, concept and mindset of scientific support of achievement and participation in school activities. For
teaching subjects; (b) develop professionalism in a schools, the results of performance assessment are critical in
sustainable manner by taking action reflective through making decisions about various things, such as the
scientific research and make scientific work; (c) develop the identification of the needs of the school program, reception,
subject matter of teaching creatively; (d) utilizing selection, introduction, placement, promotion, rewards and
information and communication technology to communicate other aspects of the overall process of development of
and develop the profession as a teacher; (e) controls in the human resources as a whole ".]
form of educational foundation Competence Standard and
Basic Competence subjects or the development of teaching ". II. METHODS
Teacher performance is the activities undertaken by This research used mix method approach. The
each individual in relation to achieving the objectives that population of this research is all Vocational High School in
were planned. Related with it, there are several definitions of South Kalimantan that already practicing Curriculum 2013.
performance. Smith (Mulyasa, 2005) states that the The sample was taken with purposive sampling technique, as
performance was "... ..output drive from processes, human many as 50 accounting teachers. Data collected include the
or otherwise". Prawirasentono (1999) said that performance score of accounting teachers’ performance and questioner
is the result of work that can be achieved by a person or a about the problems that faced by accounting teachers for the
group of people in an organization, in accordance with the implementation of Curriculum 2013. Data collected through
authority and responsibilities of each, in an effort to achieve observation and questionnaire. Data analyzed with
the goals of the organization concerned legally, does not descriptive techniques.
violate the law and in accordance with moral or ethical.
The Law Number 20, 2003 on National Education III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
System Article 39 paragraph (2), states that educators are
professionals in charge of planning and implementing the ACCOUNTING TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN
learning process, assessing the results of learning, coaching PLANNING, IMPLEMENTATION, AND LEARNING
and training and conduct research, and community service, EVALUATION RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION
particularly for educators at higher education. Based on OF CURRICULUM 2013
Government Regulation Number 41, 2007 on the Standard
Process for Secondary Education Unit described the Based on observations of accounting teacher
workload of teachers includes the following main activities: performance in the implementation of Curriculum 2013,
(1) planning lessons; (2) implementing learning; (3) assess obtained the following results:
learning outcomes; (4) to guide and train the learners; (5) 1. Teacher Performance in Planning Aspect
carry out the added task. The Lesson plan is closely related to the competence of
According to the Regulation of the Minister of State teachers to write lesson plans that will be implemented in the
for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform No. 16 classroom. The performance of teachers in lesson planning
of 2009, Teacher Performance Assessment is an assessment can be seen in Table 1 below:
of the activities of each item of her main tasks in order to TABLE 1
develop a career, rank, and position. Implementation of the ACCOUNTING TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN PLANNING
main tasks of teachers cannot be separated from the ability No. Information Value Criteria
of a teacher in the mastery of knowledge, application of Identity MP (X1.1)
1 80.00 Adequate
knowledge and skills, as competencies required as mandated
Indicators Formulation
by National Education Minister Regulation No. 16 The Year
2 (x1.2) 75.56 Adequate
2007 on Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher
Formulation of Learning
Competencies. The mastery of competence and application
3 Objectives (x1.3) 78.00 Adequate
of knowledge and skills of teachers will determine the
4 Teaching Materials (x1.4) 80.00 Adequate
achievement of quality learning or coaching learners, and the
implementation of additional tasks that are relevant to the Selection of Learning
5 Resources (x1.5) 77.33 Adequate
school, especially for teachers with the additional
tasks. Teacher Performance Assessment system is a rating Selection of Media Study
6 (x1.6) 79.11 Adequate
system that is designed to identify the teacher's ability to
carry out its duties through the measurement of competence 7 Learning Model (x1.7) 76.00 Adequate
mastery shown in its performance (Kemdiknas, 2010) 8 Scenario Learning (x1.8) 78.00 Adequate
Evaluation or assessment of teacher performance is a 9 Assessment (x1.9) 76.67 Adequate
process that aims to know or understand the level of teacher Planning (x1) 77.71 Adequate
performance with the performance level of the other teachers Source: compiled from research data (2016)
or compared to the standard that has been set. Hani Handoko

From Table 1 shows that accounting teacher Mastery Learning Materials
performance in South Kalimantan in lesson planning is still 3 (x2.3) 86.50 Good
categorized as “Adequate” with the average value of Application of Educated Very
77.71. From several indicators for lesson planning that had 4 Learning Strategies (x2.4) 95.14 Good
been observed, there are some indicators remained below the Application of Scientific
average value such as the ability to formulate indicators 5 Approach (x2.5) 84.86 Good
(x1.2), the selection of learning resources (x1.5), learning Application of Integrated
model (x1.7), and assessment (x1.9). 6 Thematic Learning (x2.6) 88.00 Good
Indicators' ability to formulate indicators "closely Utilization of Learning
linked to the ability of teachers to formulate indicators in Resources / Media in Learning
accordance with SKL, KI, and KD; the appropriateness of 7 (x2.7) 83.60 Good
using verbs operational competencies are measured, as well Involving Students in Learning
as compliance with aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and 8 (x2.8) 90.00 Good
skills. From the results of the assessment carried out on The Right Usage of Language Very
Lesson Plan (RPP), accounting teacher in South Kalimantan 9 in Learning (x2.9) 96.00 Good
is still not optimally able to formulate indicators in 10 Closing (x2.10) 80.00 Good
accordance with the terms of reference according to the Implementation (x2) 87.82 Good
curriculum in 2013 itself. Source: compiled from the results of the study (2015)
Indicators’ "the source selection study" closely linked
to the ability of teachers to choose the learning resources that Table 2 shows that the accounting teachers in South
correspond to the learning objectives, characteristics of Kalimantan categorized as “Good” in implementation aspect
learners, as well as the time allocation. Based on the analysis with an average value of 87.82. This indicates that the actual
of Lesson Plan, the teacher used to be less creative and adaptability of them with implementing Curriculum 2013
utilize limited learning resources. Referenced learning has also been good. It is of course quite reasonable because
resources mostly just textbooks that exist and have not taken the actual curriculum in 2013 generally did not change the
advantage of other learning resources such as the media are overall implementation of the previous curriculum. It is a
more creative and nuanced technology. Utilization of the development that is expected to lead to the achievement of
surrounding nature was not optimally chosen as the learning better learning outcomes.
resources that will be used by students in the learning From few indicators considered in the
activity itself. implementation of learning undertaken by accounting
Indicators "learning model" refers to the ability of teachers, there are some indicators that below the average
teachers to choose a learning model that correspond to the score include The Submission of Competence and Action
learning objectives and scientific approaches. Analysis on Plans (x2.2), Mastery Learning Materials (x2.3), Application
Lesson Plan (RPP) showed that teachers are still using of Scientific approach (x2.5), Utilization of Learning
learning models that have not been creative and leads to the Resources / Media in Learning (x2.7), and Closing (x2.10).
scientific approach itself. The learning model used is still Based on The Submission of Competence and Action
more dominant leads to teacher-centered learning where Plans indicator, the results of observations showed that there
student engagement has not been optimally utilized. are teachers who are not able or do not undertake activities
Indicators “assessment” associated with the ability of that will deliver the ability to achieve learners. In addition,
teachers to design appropriate assessment techniques and there are a number of teachers who did not submit activities
forms of authentic assessment, conformity with indicators of plans of learners whether they are individual or group, as
achievement of competence, compliance with the answer well as doing observation.
key questions, as well as suitability with scoring guidelines. Observations of Mastery Learning Materials indicator
The result showed that there are few teachers who have not (x2.3) showed that few teachers still not are able to adjust
been able to define a form of assessment that applied with the material to the learning objectives. Few teachers that had
reference to the standards set forth particularly associated been observed also have not been able to make connectivity
with an authentic assessment. between the material and other relevant knowledge, and the
2. Teacher Performance in Implementation Aspect development of science and real life. Few teachers also have
The learning process is an activity undertaken by not been able to present learning materials correctly and
accounting teacher in implementing Curriculum 2013 in the systematically.
classroom. It should fully embody the design and The Application of Scientific Approach (x2.5) is a
implementation of learning that developed previously by a new indicator that appears specifically as aspects to be
teacher. The performance of teachers in “implementation” assessed in the implementation of learning refers to the
aspect can be seen in Table 2 below: Curriculum 2013. Based on the observations result showed
TABLE 2 that not all accounting teachers implemented the scientific
ACCOUNTING TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN IMPLEMENTATION approach in learning process activities such asked why and
No. Information Value Criteria how, provoke students to ask questions and facilitate
Apperception and Motivation students to try out, observe, and perform analysis of a matter
1 (x2.1) 89.50 Good that is relevant to a given learning materials. Teachers also
Submission of Competence still not fully provide questions that are logical and provide
2 and Action Plans (x2.2) 84.00 Good activities for learners to communicate each other.

From the observation of Utilization of Learning implementation of Curriculum 2013 completely.
Resources / Media in Learning (x2.7) indicators, the “IN” and “ON” activities which are implemented after the
observation results showed that accounting teachers yet have training still not observed and evaluated maximally so most
skills in the use of learning resources and media. They have of the teachers are still groping towards implementation in
not been able to create interesting media and engaged their classroom.
students actively in the utilization of media and learning Another problem is the mindsets of teachers are still
resources. The last aspect that observed in Implementation not fully support the implementation of Curriculum 2013.
aspect is Closing (x2.10). Some of the accounting teachers There are some teachers who said the implementation of this
that have been observed still not doing reflection activity or curriculum will be difficult for them especially with the
making the summary that involves student. They provide impression that the implementation has not been carefully
less guidance to students about the next related learning planned by the government. But there are also teachers who
activities. think the curriculum is easier and simpler when it getting
3. Teacher Performance in Evaluation Aspect implemented. The mindset obstacle affects to the less rapid
Learning evaluation is teacher activities as the last adaptability of teachers in the implementation of Curriculum
series after “planning” and “implementing” learning process 2013.
in the classroom. This is an important activity because The late distribution of supplement books for teachers
teacher doing the evaluation for student achievement during and student also become another obstacle faced by teachers
and after learning process. Conceptually, when the teacher is in the classroom. Teachers faced a situation where they have
able to carry out the learning evaluation correctly it will have to implement learning process based on the current
an impact on the increasing of recognition to the student curriculum while the supplement book for teachers and
individually. This recognition will be helpful to evaluate students are not provided since the beginning. It is very
every student and become a benchmark for the ability of difficult for teachers because they can’t deliver material
teachers to teach that will lead to the improvements of according to the targets that instructed by the government.
learning quality. Based on this research, some of the recommendations
. The performance of teachers in “Evaluation” aspect proposed include:
can be seen in Table 3 below: 1. Education Ministry must do Monitoring and Evaluation
TABLE 3 of Curriculum 2013 Activities immediately with the
involvement of the central and local governments also
No. Information Value Criteria from university elements. Monitoring should be carried
1 Giving Test (x3.1) 86.00 Good out on all aspects that have been made such as
Work Results for Portfolio Supervisor Training, Principal and Teachers, as well as
2 Collection (x3.2) 78.00 Adequate monitoring to Implementation and Assistance Program
3 Enrichment and Assignment (x3.3) 78.00 Adequate in related school, and monitoring of the appropriateness
Evaluation (x3) 80.00 Adequate of books issued by the government.
Source: compiled from the results of the study (2015) 2. It needs to strengthen the accounting teachers,
especially in planning and evaluation aspect that
According to the table 3, it showed that generally indicated still not optimal. Strengthening can be done
teachers’ performance in Evaluation aspect categorized as through the intensification of MGMPs activities
“Adequate” with an average score of 80.00. This suggests involving supervisors or education faculty from local
that accounting teachers in South Kalimantan have not been universities.
able to implement an optimal learning evaluation refers to
the implementation of Curriculum 2013.
From related several indicators, accounting teachers IV. CONCLUSIONS
in South Kalimantan still didn’t implement a holistic
evaluation based on the standard. Few teachers are not 1. Teacher’s performance in the implementation of
evaluating students based on portfolio maximally. They also Curriculum 2013 from planning aspect categorized as
didn’t apply enrichment activities or give some tasks after “adequate”, from process (implementation) aspect as
learning process. These two indicators contribute to the lack “good”, and evaluation aspect as “adequate”.
performance of accounting teachers in evaluation aspect
based on the implementation of Curriculum 2013.
2. Few obstacles that faced by teachers include: a) the
training process that not fully maximal from few aspects
like instructors and time, b) Teacher’s mindset that not
fully sure can practice it at school, and c) The late
distribution of supplement books for teachers and
Based on interviews with accounting teachers and
Focus Group Discussion activities with teachers’ supervisor, students.
those are few obstacles that faced by teachers in
implementing the Curriculum 2013. One of the main REFERENCES
obstacles was the training not given to all accounting [1] Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional
teachers effectively. It still hampered by such things such as Pendidikan.
[2] Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional
the instructors that not fully competent and the limited time Pendidikan.
of the training. It gave impact on their understanding in the [3] Peraturan Pemerintah No. 74 tahun 2008 tentang Guru.

[4] Kemdikbud.(2013). Implementasi Kurikulum 2013.Kementerian [9] Mulyasa E. (2005). Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Profesional. Bandung:
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta. Remaja Rosda Karya.
[5] Yadi, (2013).Kurikulum 2013, Harapan Peningkatan Efektivitas [10] Prawirasentono, Suyadi. (1999). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Pendidikan. Tersedia di Kebijakan Kinerja Karyawan. Yogyakarta: BPFE UGM. [11] Kemdiknas, (2010).Pedoman Pelaksanaan Penilaian Kinerja Guru
harapan-peningkatan-efektifitas-pendidikan/ (PK Guru), Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Direktorat Jenderal
[6] Hamalik, Oemar. (2003). Guru Dalam Pendekatan Kompetensi. Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik Dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Jakarta.
Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[7] Rasto. (2008). Kompetensi Guru. Tersedia di
[8] Dikti.(2001). Standar Kompetensi Dasar Guru. Jakarta: Ditjen Dikti.

The Influences of Media Visual Images Poster to Increase
Learning Outcomes of Social Sciences Subject
Sumardi1), Elly Sukmanasa2)
Pakuan University, Indonesia
Email :

Pakuan University, Indonesia
Email :

Abstract. This research is a quantitative research discussing a causal comparative approach with quasi experimental
methods which aim is to determine the differences in learning outcomes through the adoption of Social Sciences by
using a Media Learning Liquid Crystal Display Projector and a Media Visual Images Poster towards a conventional
learning media. Instruments used in the form of a multiple choice test as many as 37 questions were valid, with
reliability coefficients of 0.72 with high criteria. The technique used is the prerequisite test analysis including normality
test, homogeneity of variance test, and then hypothesis test by using t test. In the test for normality using the technique
of third-grade sample chi squared has a normal distribution because the value of the three samples smaller than L tabel.
In a class of a Liquid Crystal Display Projector obtained a value of X2 ≤ X2 table ie 4.1498 ≤11,070, the classes
obtained a value of X 2 ≤ Visual Image Poster X2 table ie 4.1573 ≤11,070, the classes of Conventional obtained a
value of X2 ≤ X2 table ie 5.2203 ≤11,070. then the homogeneity test with Fisher's exact test obtained F value of 1.85
is smaller than F table is 1.99. Furthermore, on the hypothesis test obtained t count (6.63) is greater than t tabel
(1.99300) shows that H0 (the null hypothesis) is rejected and Ha (alternative hypothesis) is accepted. Based on the
research that has been done , there are differences in learning outcomes through the Social Sciences Instructional Media
Liquid Crystal Display Projector with the thoroughness of learning outcomes by 91.09% and Media Visual Images
Poster with mastery learning outcomes by 80%, whereas with conventional media mastery learning outcomes by 75 %.

Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Media visual image poster, LCD, IPS

The process of learning in elementary school

I. INTRODUCTION instructional media needed to share variations tailored to the
Social Sciences is not the sum of the kinds of social characteristics and needs of the submission of an impression
science, but IPS is a lesson about the human relationship or the contents of the subject matter. Instructional media
with the social environment and the physical environment in there are two types of projection media and non-media
which the use of materials from a variety of social science to projections. In the media including the media projected LCD
understand social problems. Many are found in real life projectors are based media technology and media present as
learning activities that have not reached the goal, it is Non projection is a visual medium poster which picture is
inseparable from factors management classes conducted by manual.
teachers, lack of attention to the students in the learning Multimedia LCD projector and media visual graphic
process, facilities and inadequate infrastructure, curriculum poster image is considered to be an appropriate solution to
constantly changing, and the lack of use instructional Media. overcome the problems that can hamper the learning
Facilities and infrastructure should be sufficient in order to process, especially to achieve the goal of social studies for
support a conducive learning activities. If the infrastructure multimedia LCD projector can affect motivation and interest
and supporting media learning has provided the motivation of students in improving learning results and be able to
for increasing student learning outcomes in learning describe the subject matter abstract in order to make it easier
activities will be increased. for students to understand the social studies learning.
Seeing these conditions required the use of visual aids or In fact, in every school must have had students with high
media learning by teachers to improve student learning learning outcomes, moderate, even low. As is the case in
outcomes, especially in social studies learning. Among the State Elementary School 5th Court of the city of Bogor
props or media that can be used is with the use of certainly have varying characteristics of students with varied
appropriate media so that students can better understand the learning outcomes. It is the duty of teachers as educators to
learning materials, the medium used is a multimedia keep learning with all the techniques and strategies that are
projector liquid crystal display (LCD) and the use of visual owned in order to maintain student learning outcomes that
media poster image. are good and improving student learning outcomes are still

Based on the above problems it is necessary to know the learning IPS as a synthetic disciplines. Called synthetic
differences in learning outcomes based on the use of disciplines for educational IPS must not only be able to
different learning media between the media projected that synthesizes concepts relevant between educational
LCD projectors use non projection media, namely visual sciences and social sciences, but also the purpose of
media poster image. Thus the authors are interested to pick- education and development as well as social problems in
up the research title is "Influence of Media Learning Liquid social life either it is often referred to socio-politics
Crystal Display Projector and Media Visual Images Poster issues would be considered as an IPS material education.
Against Improved Learning Results Subjects Social Sciences In the development of the Learning Program
at the State Elementary School 5th Court of the city of continues to implement the principles, characteristics
Bogor in the school year 2014/2015" (nature) and approaches that characterize the IPS itself.
Characteristics of IPS is the equivalent of social studies
in the context of the curriculum as presented Martoella
II. LITERATURE REVIEW cited by Trianto (2010: 172) IPS Education in conducting
A. Learning Outcomes Social Sciences Regional Leaders education in Indonesia is still relatively newly used. IPS
Struggle materials repel invaders Netherlands education is the equivalent of social studies in the context
1. Understanding of Learning Outcomes of the curriculum in the United States. The term was first
The learning result is the ability of the student after a used in the US in 1913 used the full name of the Social
learning experience. This is consistent with the statement, Studies curriculum in the US are developing.
states that learning outcomes or Achievement is a Based on the theoretical study of the above, can be
realization or expansion of the skills of potential or synthesized that Social Science is a subject of study
capacity of a person. focused on a set of events, facts, concepts and
The function and purpose of learning outcomes is to generalizations relating to social issues of human
see the progress and the success obtained students relationship with the natural surroundings and how to
through the learning process proposed by Purwanto relate to God.
function of assessment of learning outcomes, namely: To
know the progress and development and the success of B. Learning Media Media Visual Images Poster
students after experiencing the learning process, to 1. Understanding Visual Media Image Poster
determine the level teaching program, for the purposes of Itself visual media poster image is one medium that is
guidance and counseling, to the development and often used by teachers to convey the message of learning.
curriculum at the school. Just as submitted by Anitah (2010: 12) who explained
Learning outcomes are influenced by two factors and that the poster is an image that combines visual elements
the factors of the factors of this as proposed by Slameto such as, lines, images, and words, which is intended to
(2010: 54) [1] that the factors that affect learning many attract attention and communicate a message in a nutshell.
types, but can be classified into two categories, namely To be effective, the poster should be solid and give rise
internal factors and external factors. Based on theoretical to the appeal with the intention of reaching the attention
studies above, can be synthesized that learning outcomes and connect the messages quickly
are a result of changes in the cognitive, affective, and Figure poster is meant to convey the message
psychomotor aspects possessed by students after concretely to help the understanding of learning.
experiencing learning and assessment activities. Kustandi and Sutjipto (2011: 45) [2] explains the poster
2. Learning Elementary School Social Sciences is a medium which is expected to influence and motivate
Social Science is a social sciences such as geography, the behavior of people who see it. Poster is an effective
history, economics, antopologi, sociology, poliytik and communication medium to convey short messages, solid
psychology as stated IPS is an educational program and impressive, because the size is relatively large.
which is a whole, which in pkoknya questioned the man 2. Poster image can affect everyone who saw it with the
in the natural environment and the natural physical and goal of people who saw it can know and understand the
social environment that the material taken from various messages conveyed the poster. This is in line with
social sciences such as geography, history, economics, Susilana and Riyana (2009: 14) [3] who argued that the
anthropology, sociology, political science and poster image is a combination of visual presentation is
psychology. clear, conspicuous, and attractive with a view to attract
Social Science is a social sciences as proposed Social the attention of passers-by.
Sciences is an integration of various branches of the 3. Pros and Cons Media Image Visual Image Poster
social sciences, such as sociology, history, geography, Instructional media certainly has its advantages and
economics, politics, law, and culture. disadvantages. As stated by Daryanto (2011: 117) [4]
Social Science is a social science that covers the strengths and weaknesses of the visual media is excess
history, geography, economics, anthropology and culture poster poster images have the power to digest by people
as expressed IPS is a combination of selection concept who look for the posters to further highlight the strength
of social sciences such as history, geography, economics, of the message, visual, and color. While the weakness
anthropology, culture, etc. which diperluntukkan as poster poster is dynamic.
learning at the level of schooling. 4. According to Anitah (2010: 8) excess images, among
Characteristics IPS is a science educator and social others: 1) be able to translate abstract ideas into a more
sciences educator as proposed by Somantri cited of the tangible form. 2) widely available in books. 3) very easy

to use because it requires no equipment. 4) relatively the weakness of the tool projection (LCD) require
inexpensive. 5) can be used for various levels and fields electricity and requires a certain space is sufficient.
of study subjects. Weaknesses in the image, among other
things: 1) sometimes too small to be shown in the large D. Example 2. Non-Cooperative Learning Model Examples
class. 2) drawing die is a two-dimensional image. To Learning Example Non Examples are examples of
indicate the third dimension (depth of objects), should be cases or picture as presented Heriawan (2012: 112) [5]
used a series of images of the same object tetapidari Non Examples Example learning model is a learning
different sides. 3) they can not demonstrate the motion. 4) method that uses examples can of cases / images that are
learners do not always know how to read (interpret) relevant to the basic competencies.
image. Learning Example Non Examples are examples of
5. Some understanding of the above can be synthesized that relevant images as proposed Senjaya (2012: 112) [6]
visual media is the poster image medium or media to Example of Non Examples are learning models that can
better support learning in the classroom, with the be used examples of cases / images that are relevant to
intention that learners can easily digest the material KD. Examples Example Non learning an example of an
presented in the classroom teacher. image analysis as presented Komalasari (2010: 61) Non
Examples Example learning model is membelajarkan
C. Media Learning Liquid Crystal Display Projector sensitivity to the problems of students who are nearby
1. Understanding Media Liquid Crystal Display Projector through analysis of examples of pictures / photos / case
According Daryanto (2011: 123) multimedia that charged masalah.siswa directed to identify problems,
projector is a tool projection capable of displaying look for alternative solutions, and determine ways of
elements of media such as images, text, video, animation, solving the problems of the most effective, as well as
either separately or in combination between the elements follow up.
of the media and can be connected to electronic devices According to Slavin cited by Iru (2012: 66) [7]
such as computers , TV, camera, VCD or DVD player, learning steps Example Non Examples are:
and video player. CEPI, Riyana and Susilana line with 1) Prepare the images correspond to the learning
Daryanto (2009: 201) which says that the multimedia objectives.
projector is a tool projection capable of displaying 2) Master paste drawing on the blackboard or ask
elements of media such as images, text, video, animation, through OHP.
either separately or in combination between the elements 3) The teacher gives instructions and member the
of the media and can connect with other electronic opportunity for students to pay attention / analyze
devices such as computers, TVs, cameras, VCD or DVD the image.
players, cameras, and others.Kelebihan dan Kelemahan 4) Through discussion groups of 4-5 students, the
Media Liquid Crystal Display Projector results of the discussion of the analysis of the
According to Daryanto (2011: 123) the advantages of images recorded on paper.
multimedia projector is can be used for presentations, 5) Each group was given an opportunity to provide the
teaching, film screenings, and more lain.Multimedia results of their discussion.
projector can be connected with other media devices 6) Start of comment / discussion results of students,
such as computers (PCs), laptops, VCD or DVD player teachers begin to explain the material according to
and camera. the learning objectives to be achieved.
Likewise with Rayandra opinion (2012: 71) that said 7) Conclusion.
excess (multimedia projector) or we are familiar with the
Liquid Crystal Display is designed for use with
presentation graphics software, LCD screen produces III. METHODS
images of komputer.Selain it can also be used to target A. Place and Time of Research
large groups or mass but needed a larger television This study will be conducted at the State Elementary
monitor or LCD panels with overhead School 5th Court of the city of Bogor. This research was
proyektor.Kemudian CEPI, Badru, and Asep (2007: 206) conducted in Class VA, VB and VC the second semester
explained that multimedia projectors have many of academic year 2014/2015.Quasi Experiment Method
advantages because it is able to visualize the material is a study used an experimental method with Quasi
with a variety of media (multimedia), namely text, voice, Experiment. Variable LCD free instructional media (X1),
images, animation, and video. Students tend to like basis with a medium of learning Visual Image Poster (X2).
as images, sounds, colors, and animation suitable if The dependent variable (Y) is the result of learning of
teachers use the media. Social Sciences class V SDN 5 Bogor City Court.
Weakness Multimedia Media Liquid Crystal Display
projectors must be considered in the process of learning B. Population and Sample
media, especially multimedia not only have benefits or The study population was all students in grade V in
advantages, but there are also disadvantages, as described SD Negeri 5 Depok City Court in the academic year
by CEPI, Riyana and Susilana (2009: 23) that the 2015/2016. The sample used was grade VA about 36
weakness of multimedia ie the cost is quite expensive students as a class-treated using conventional media, VB
and requires careful planning and professional personnel. class as a class of 40 students who were treated using
Additionally CEPI, Zaman, and Asep (2007: 22) explains

visual media and the poster image VC class of 35
students as a class experiment that uses LCD media. Deviation standard SD =

(Sudjana, 2009:109)

C. Data Collection Techniques 3. To test requirements with noralitas and homogeneity

Collecting data on learning outcomes in the form of 1) Test for normality with the calculation: =
multiple-choice test of 40 questions with four alternative
answers. (Winarsunu, 2007:88)
2) Test criteria for testing homogeneity of
D. Instruments Test variance has x2hitung <x2tabel so Ha is
1. Test Validity received and the data are homogeneous. Test
Tests carried out using correlation technique point of homogeneity of variance determined by
biseral with rpbl> rtabel then the data is valid, the following calculation:
whereas if rpbl <rtabel then declared invalid
(Arikunto, 2012: 93):
Si2 =
rpbis =
(Sugiyono, 2013: 228)
2. The reliability coefficient calculation
Fisher’s exact test (F)
All items are valid, then tested reliability using an
approach Single test - Single Trial by formula Kuder F=
Richardson (KR-20) (Arikunto, 2012: 115):
Sudjana, 2005: 250)

KR-20 = r11 = 3) Conduct a test of hypothesis

a) Test the hypothesis with t test is used to find
3. Level of difficulty
the significance of the average score of the
The formula to be used in this research are::
experimental class and control class. Steps
taken as follows:
b) Determining the level of significance (and
value t tabel)
c) Determine the test criteria
4. Power differentiator d) Determining the value of a statistical test (t
Distinguishing items learning outcomes determined value)
by the formula (Arikunto, 2012: 228):

D= - = PA - P B

(Sugiyono, 2013: 181)

E. Data Analysis Techniques
Data were analyzed test scores are the result of student
learning subjects of Social Sciences conducted
sequentially, as follows: IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
1. Give a score on the pretest and post test to measure A. Research result
students' cognitive abilities Based on the test results of the instruments that have
2. Calculating a score of N-Gain normalized been implemented on the 40 questions obtained 37 valid
questions and three questions that are not valid. Items that
N – Gain = are accepted if memilili rhitung> rtabel. Of the 37 valid
questions that will be used to test the learning outcomes of
Social Sciences at the experimental class and control.
Instrument test results obtained reliability of results data
a. Calculating the average score and standard that is about 0.72, the high level of trust items, making it
deviation, according Arikunto (2012: 289) feasible for use in data retrieval. Instrument test results
Average : obtained data from level difficulties from 37 items obtained
mixed results that amount 13.51% have easy difficulty level,
= 86.48% with a moderate level of difficulty, and 0% to the
level of difficulties.

Instrument test results obtained from the data obtained Based on the data obtained, the histogram graphs the
54.05% distinguishing ugly category, 37.80% moderate, results of study subjects through the medium of Social
0.1% is good, and 0% excellent. Sciences LCD learning can be seen in the image below.
Based on data obtained before and after students get
learning through conventional learning, then the N-Gain 15
calculation in order to obtain a total score of at least 18 and a

maximum score of 71. After that perform calculations of 10
descriptive statistics, obtained an average score of 34.75,
mode 31 and median 32.50. Based on the data obtained, the 5
histogram graphs the results of study subjects Social Science
through conventional learning can be seen in the picture 0
below 45,5 54,5 53,5 72,5 81,5 90,5
N‐Gain Kelompok LCD (Kelas Eksperimen 2) 

5 Figure 3 Histogram Results of Study
The Subjects
big difference in the Learning
Social Science results of study media
Through subjects
0 Social Sciences between classes through conventional
media by media learning and LCD Poster can be seen on
17,5 26,5 35,5 44,5 53,5 62
the histogram graph below:

Figure 1 Histogram of Learning Outcomes Science

Subjects Ilmu PengetahuanSosial Through Konvension
Conventional Learning
0 al
Based on data obtained before and after students get
learning through instructional media poster, then the N-Gain
calculation in order to obtain a minimum score of 37 and a
maximum score of 90. After the calculation of descriptive
statistics, obtained an average of 56.07, 58.1 mode and Figure 4 Histogram Difference Score average Social Sciences
median 56.42 (calculations on the attachment). Learning Results Through Conventional
Based on the data obtained, the histogram graphs the
results of study subjects through the medium of Social In accordance utaian above, it can be concluded that the
Sciences instructional poster can be seen in the image below. results of study subjects using the Social Sciences learning
media LCD is better than the results of study subjects using
the media of Social Sciences Poster and Conventional. This
15 is evident from the data in the above table and histogram that
shows the differences in learning outcomes subjects of

Social Sciences between group classes using instructional
5 media and LCD Poster with class groups that use
conventional learning media.
36,5 45,5 54,5 63,5 72,5 81,5 B. Results Discussion
Application of cooperative learning media were varied in
N‐Gain Kelompok Poster (Kelas … each study is a way to be able to improve student learning
outcomes. In the process of teaching and learning a variety
of media to avoid boredom and burnout. The purpose of a
Figure 2 Histogram Results of Study Subjects Social
variety of media to teach this is to attract and enhance the
Sciences Learning Through media Poster
students' attention to the learning material to be learned, and
provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge of
Based on data obtained before and after students get
new things, instilling good behavior of students in learning
learning through instructional media LCD, then the N-Gain
and give students the chance to learn in accordance with the
calculation in order to obtain a minimum score of 46 and a
level of development and ability.
maximum score of 100. After the calculation of descriptive
Improve student learning outcomes would greatly influenced
statistics, obtained an average of 74.2, modus77, and median
by the efforts of teachers in the use of instructional media in
75.11 (calculations on the attachment).
the learning process. Teacher on duty to improve student
learning outcomes by using media of learning, it can also
add to the spirit in students to learn. One of the media that is

currently popular media Liquid Crystal Display is designed pre test posttest at 79.55 with the thoroughness of
for use with presentation graphics software. The LCD screen learning outcomes by 80%.
of a computer, as expressed by Yuliana (2011) that an LCD
(Liquid Crystal Display) is a digital display technology that B. Suggestions
produces an image on a flat surface with a ray of liquid Based on the research that the author has done, it will put
crystal and a color filter having a polar molecular structure, forward some suggestions as follows:
sandwiched between two transparent electido. 1. For Principal
Media poster is a visual medium is one medium that is Principals can make policy and provide guidance
often used by teachers to convey the message of learning. and training to teachers in creating a conducive
The poster is an image that combines visual elements such classroom situation, make classroom lessons more
as, lines, images and words intended to attract attention and enjoyable, for example in the use of instructional
communicate a message in a nutshell. To be effective should media.
color posters and raises fascination with the intention of 2. For Teachers
reaching the attention and connect the messages quickly. Teachers are expected to apply learning media
Opinion was in line with the opinion of Arsyad (2010: 113) varies according to the material that has been taught
reveals that a visual form can beupa image. Figure in so that students are motivated to learn. Specifically the
question here include photographs, paintings / drawings, and application medoa LCD learning in the subjects of
sketches (line drawings). The main objective appearance of Social Sciences especially material Regional Leaders
different types of images are to visualize concepts to be Struggle Against the Dutch occupation.
conveyed to the students. 3. For Student
From the acquisition of data from a study of VB class a) Students understand the responsibility for the duties
(experiment 1) via the posters of 40 students obtained an and obligations as students, can be actively
average value of N-Gain of 55.63, while the VC class involved and study hard, to be able to improve
(experiment 2) through the medium of LCD of 35 students learning results.
can average value -rata N-Gain 73.70. Based on the research b) Can give more idea about media innovative
that has been done through the medium of learning turns learning and fun for elementary school students in
LCD gives a better impact on the classroom VC (experiment the learning process, especially in the LCD media.
2) compared with the class VB (experiment 1) via the
[1] Slameto. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya.
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. 2010.
IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS [2] Suprijono, A. Cooperative Learning Teori dan Aplikasi Paikem.
A. Conclusions Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2009.
Based on the discussion of the results of research that has [3] Susilana, Rudi; Riyana, Cepi. Media Pembelajaran Hakikat,
been done, drawn the conclusion that there are differences in Pengembangan, Pemanfaatan, dan Penilaian. Bandung: CV
Wacana Prima. 2009.
learning outcomes Social Sciences using instructional media [4] Daryanto. Media Pembelajaran. Bandung: CV Yrama Widya.
posters and LCD in learning fight local leaders against the 2011.
Dutch colonialists in class VA, VB and VC Primary School [5] Heriawan, A. Medolologi Pembelajaran Kajian Teoritis Praktis
State Courts 5 Bogor City second semester the school year (Model, Pendekatan, Strategi, Metode, dan Teknik
2014/2015. [6] Sanjaya, W. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Teori dan Praktik
Conclusion of the above in accordance with the Pengembangan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP).
following results: Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. 2008.
1. There are differences in learning outcomes Social [7] Iru, 2012. Analisis Penerapan Pendekatan Metode Strategi dan
Model-Model Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Multi Presindo. 2012.
Sciences using LCD media with an average value of
51.71 pretest and post test at 86.83 with the
thoroughness of learning outcomes by 94.28% while
the conventional learning media with a value of 53.81
pre test and posttest for 68 with the thoroughness of
learning outcomes by 75%.
2. There are differences in learning outcomes Social
Sciences using the medium of the poster with an
average value of 54.93 pre test and post test at 79.55
with the thoroughness of learning outcomes by 80%
while the conventional learning media with a value of
53.81 pretest and posttest at 68 with mastery learning
outcomes by 75%.
3. There are differences in learning outcomes Social
Sciences using LCD media with an average value of
51.71 pre test and post test at 86.83 with the
thoroughness of learning outcomes by 94.28% while
the media poster with an average value of 54.93 and

Individual learner Differences and Second Language Acquisition
Syahfitri Purnama1)
Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa Universitas Indraprasta P GRI Jakarta
Jl. Nangka No. 58 C Tanjung Barat Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12530

Abstract. There are some factors regarding which aspect of second language acquisition is affected by individual
learner factors: age, learning style, attitude, motivation, and personality. This research is about the second language
acquisition of a four year child. The child acquires her second language acquisition at home and also in one of courses
in Jakarta. She schooled by her parents in order to be able to speak English well as target language for her future time.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between these factors and second language acquisition. This
study is a library research and retrieved data collected, recorded, transcribed, and analyzed descriptively. The results
can be concluded, for age: it is very good to learn second language since the child, for learning style: she imitates what
the teacher says but she is able to communicate by making simple sentence or compound sentence in well-form (two
clauses or three clauses), even though she still not focus to use the past tense form and sometimes she forgets to put
bound morpheme -s in third person singular but she can use turn-taking in her utterances, attitude and motivation: she
has a talent and a high level of motivation for learning, personality: she is extroverted learner whom she gets more
rapidly in studying. The process of individual learner of four years old and second language acquisition is very good.
The family and teacher participate and assist her.

Keywords: Second Language Acquisition, Learner Factors, Sentence Construction.

I. INTRODUCTION student in Global Mandiri, Cibubur, East Jakarta. In this

In universal language acquisition process, the child will kindergarten she also always practices Indonesian-English
undergo several stages: crying, cooing, babbling, intonation with the teacher. In the process of Language Acquisition
pattern, one-word utterances, two-word utterances, word Device, she gets the inner directed and direct teaching in the
inflection, questions, negatives, and generally up to the age course.
of four year child has able to build simple or complex Chomsky (1999:41) [3] stated “Language learning is not
sentence construction (Suparman, 2010: 161) [1]. Children really something that the child does, it is something that
language acquisition obtained naturally at home (nature) or happens to the child placed in the appropriate environment,
if the children learn at school, they learn the system of much as the child’s body grows and matures in
language (nurture). If it is natural, they will acquire the predetermined way when provided with appropriate
language from the environment, for example when from nutrition and environmental stimulation”.
childhood she always heard her mother communicated by From the explanation above, this research will study
her parents and also all families at home, while nurture about her ability in using English as a second language in
obtained by learning in school or course. The successfull of her aged four years old through nurture in school and also
child language acquisition, both nature and nurture are not can be used as cooperative communication without
spared from the role of parents, families but from also interference of first language with her teacher in the class.
teacher at the school.
In studying of the second language acquisition, the child
needs to practice every day. The object of the research is a
student of English phonic course “I CAN READ” in Cibubur, II. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK
Alya, who always brush her English with her teacher. A. Language Acquisition
According to Richards and Schmidt, (2010:434) [2] phonic Language Acquisition refers to a nonconscious process
is a method of teaching children to read. It is commonly used of rule internalization resulting from exposure to
in teaching reading in mother tongue. They are taught the comprehensible input when the learner’s attention is on
sounds which the letters of the alphabet represent, and then meaning rather that form. The learning of native first
try to build up the sound of a new or unfamiliar word by language and second language acquisition is a conscious
saying it one sound at a time. She is also a kindergarten involving the study explicit rules of language and monitoring

one’s performance, as is often typical of classroom learning learners pass in SLA (Rod Ellis, 2004:104) [7]. There are a
in a foreign language context ( Jack C. Richards, 2010: 312) number of comprehensive reviews of the SLA literature
[4]. dealing with age and SLA which stated child language
Many people still have many unanswered questions learner are better than adult (Hatch 1983a, Stern 1983, Dulay,
about how children actually acquire language. How do they Burt, and Krashen 1982). Personality refers to those aspects
determine what words mean, or how to produce grammatical of an individual’s behavior, attitude, beliefs, thought, action
utterances that they have never heard or produced before?. and feeling which are seen as typical and distinctive of that
Researchers have been unable to agree as to why children person and recognized as such by that person and others
learn language: Do children learn language because adults (Jack C Richard 2010: 431). In general psychology,
teach it to them? Or because they are genetically personality has been explored in terms of a number of
programmed to acquire language? Do they learn complex personal traits, which in aggregate are said to constitute the
grammar simply because it is there, or do they learn in the personality of n individual. Cattell (1970), for instance,
service of some need to communicate with others…. attempts to measure personality using a series of
Gleason and Ratner (1998:348) [5] stated in adults have dichotomies, seen as poles on continua, such as cool/warm,
always been fascinated by the almost miraculous unfolding shy/venturesome, not assertive/dominant. Eysenck (1964)
of language in children. Although born completely without identifies two general straits, again represented as
language, by the time they are three or four years old, dichotomies - extrovert/introvert and neurotic/stable.
children typically have acquired thousands of vocabulary However, with one or two exceptions (e.g. Hawkey 1982),
words, complex grammatical and phonological systems, and SLA researchers have referred to develop their own battery
equally complex rules for how to use their language of personality traits, calling them anything from ‘social
appropriately in many social settings. These styles’ (Fillmore 1979; Strong 1983) to ‘egocentric factors’
accomplishments occur in every known society, whether (Brown 1981ndividual researches have felt to investigate
literate or not almost all children, regardless of the way in traits which intuitively strike them as important. Learning
which they are reared. The tool of modern linguistics and Aptitude is thought to be a combination of various abilities,
psychology have enabled us to say a good deal about what such as oral mimicry ability (the ability to imitate sounds not
children learn, and the stages they may go through on the heard before) phonemic coding ability (the ability to identify
way to adult communicative competence. It means that for sound patterns in a new language), grammatical sensitivity
the three or four years old, children can make the simple (the ability to recognize the different grammatical function
sentence and if they make compound sentence most of them of words in sentences, rote learning ability, and the ability to
can not perfect in general. infer language learning (inferencing, deductive learning).
What Gleason and Ratner stated above that Language Learning Style refers to an individual’s natural, habitual, and
acquisition done by children always to be question by adult preferred ways of absorbing, processing, and retaining new
persons. Language acquisition of children develop as their information and skills. Stenberg and Grigorenko (2001)
age through nature and nurture, nature supported by family highlighted the differences between the degree of
also influenced by surrounding and nurture learns in school consciousness involved in applying styles and strategies:
or course. Styles operate without support individual awareness,
whereas strategies involve conscious alternatives. As the
B. Individual Differences In Second Language Studies authors conclude although the two terms are often mixed up,
Motivation is the most frequently used to explain the ‘strategy is used for task -or context-dependent situation,
success or failure of almost any difficult task. It is easy to whereas style implies a higher degree of stability falling
understand that someone success in a task is due to the fact midway between ability and strategy.” (Richard, 2010:331)
that he is “motivated”. In L2 learning, it is easy to declare [4].
that a learner will be successful with sufficient motivation From the explanation above, it is clear that individual
(Suparman, 2010:70). Language aptitude and language learner factors are influenced by age, aptitude, motivation,
learning motivation have been a featured search area in L2 and personality.
studies since in 1960 by Breen, 2001; Cohen & Dornyei,
2002, Cornwell & Robinson 2000, Dornyei & Skehan, 2003; C. Early Grammar
Ehrman, 1996; Ellis, 2004; McGoarty, 2001; Robinson 2002, English-speaking children’s early utterances are
Segalowitz, 1997, Skehan, 1989, 1991, 1998. Ranta 2001. In markedly devoid of grammatical inflections, whereas
the 1970s the momentum of Individual Differences Studies children learning certain other kinds of languages use such
was further augmented by influential research on the good inflections earlier in the course of their language
language learner and the result indicated in fairly consistent development. Example, English verbs have regular and
manner that besides a high degree of language aptitude and irregular verbs, as well as talked, talking, and talks (the
motivation there were other factors that helped student to bare-stem is talk). Additionally, the word talks, as in She
excel in particular student’s own active and creative talks, represents deviation from our otherwise regular pattern
participation in the learning process through the application that permits the bare-stem form of the verb in the present
of individual learning techniques (Zoltan Dornyei, 2008: 6) tense (for example, I talk, you talk, we talk and so forth).
[6]. Aitichison in Suparman (2010:156) states that overt
There some components to support second language correction is not necessarily successful if the age of the child
studies they are: age, learning style, aptitude, motivation, is under 2 years, because children cannot be trained like
and personality result in differences in the route along which parrots. Below is the example of the conversation between

child and adult in to persuade a child to say the past tense ran back home to mommy and I take from home. Then
form suddenly I saw a scary, scary ghost. To come at night. Night
. time, suddenly, I have happily ever after. The end”
D. Sentence Structures Learning 4. She forgets to use auxiliary
Gleason and Ratner (2010:369) [5] from Tager-Flusberg Alya tries to answer her teacher’s questions with good
(1996) and DeVilliers (1985) stated in acquisition of sentence but she still cannot use the auxiliary work “Daddy
morphological markers such as verbal inflections, articles, don’t follow because she have work” to Daddy doens’t
plurals, and so forth is necessary for the creation of well- follow because she has work day. She knows how to use the
formed sentences in English. English contains many types of word “ both of” in Yes, both of me and my mommy. The use
sentences: those that negate, question, or the form of the of past tense form like “I already have eight then I go to Bali
imperative. Additional major simple sentence types are again” should be “ I already have eight then I will go back to
passives (the baby was frightened by the loud noise), in Bali again“. In the sentence “ Hhmm... Play collect and
which subject and object are inverted, or datives (The man shell”, the listener tries to understand the meaning even
showed the student the room), in which direct and indirect though there is something words left (“I will play in the
object are inverted. Finally, English is characterized by beach and collect shells there). In the process of studying,
verities of compound sentences, in which conjunctions link she has been doing the process of competence and the
multiple phrase (John and Sue hike; Mary saw Tom and Joe; process of performance even they are different and able to
I will be late because I over slept), and by complex use turn-taking well.
sentences, in which clauses are embedded within phrases
(the man who lives down the street is a doctor; I know the
woman who saw; That John passed any courses surprised IV. CONCLUSION
me). But for all what the syntactic and semantic of such
structures need, children always use nonlinguistic strategies The first and the second language acquisition are
in interpreting difficult constructions. accepted by nature and nurture. In spite of some marked
The types of English rules make difficult for the children contrasts between English and Indonesian, the child’s
to learn and the teacher needs time to teach and assist to acquisition did not appear to show first language interference
practice as they able to use the system of syntax in their ages. to the second language. She is able to communicate by
Teacher say in several times to make students can repeat the making simple sentence or compound sentence in well-form
sentence. (two clauses or three clauses), even though she still not focus
to use the past tense form and sometimes she forgets to put
bound morpheme -s in third person singular. She can
III. DISCUSSION perform her ability in front of the class and also asks
Based on the above theory, a person is able to learn a questions to her friends like her teacher does. She shows her
second language if he has an individual difference among capability in pronouncing the words well as what her teacher
them a great motivation for speaking well, although there are explains. The ability of a child use language develops every
errors in the structure formation. Here are the results of time. She can use turn taking well in her communication,
acquiring a second language uttered by a child who is four active, and cooperative in communication to her teacher.
years old. Second language acquisition is affected by individual learner
1. She can identify the initial sounds factors: age, learning style, attitude, motivation, and
From the data, it shows that Alya was able to pronounce personality. Teacher motivation is also to be a factor in
English sound in the beginning and end. When the teacher understanding that affective basis of in structured SLA,
asked about the final phoneme of a word, she answered the since the teacher’s motivation has significant bearings on the
question with phoneme /a/ . She was even able to ask her students; motivational disposition and, more generally, on
friends the first sound of words arrow, anchor and apple . their learning achievement.
She can make a simple sentence in good structure like "What
is the first sound of arrow / anchor / apple ? ", "I will push
the chair again". REFERENCES
2. She can tell a story [1] Suparman, Ujang.. Psycholinguistics: The Theory of Language
Acquisition, Bandung: Arfino Raya. 2010.
Alya can make compound sentence "The boys with a
[2] Richards, Jack C. and Schmidt, Richard. Dictionary of Language
hoof and the dog say" hoof, hoof ". She also make questions Teaching & Applied Linguistics, Great Britain: Fourth Edition,
"Hoof like that? “ and . " I want to color the helicopter first”, Longman. 2010.
when she refuses to do something to the teacher. She makes [3] Chomsky, Noam, Syntactic Structure, Mouton: The Hague. 1999.
[4] Richards, Jack C. and Schmidt, Richard., 2010, Dictionary of
sentences in good structure: subject, predicate, object and Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, Great Britain: Fourth
was capable of correcting the word if she thinks she doesn’t Edition, Longman.
wrong likes the voice of a dog "hoof, hoof" to "woof, woof”, [5] Gleason, Jean Berko and Ratner, Nan Bernstein., Psycholinguistics,
Alya still not focus on using the form affix "s" in the Orlando: Second Edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishers.1998.
[6] Dornyei, Zoltan, The Psychology of the Language Learner:
sentence of “she gives”. Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition, London:
3. She uses compound complex sentence Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 2005.
Alya’s teacher asks her to repeat a story which had been [7] Ellis, Rod, Understanding Second Language Acquisition, New
taught by the teacher but she did not make in complete York: Oxford University Press. 1985.
sentence “I changing straight from the crocodile. Then, I

[8] Suparman, Ujang., Psycholinguistics: The Theory of Language
Acquisition, Bandung: Arfino Raya. 2010.

PA: Comparative Study of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang with UIN
Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Warnis1), Wakidul Kohar2), Nora Zulvianti3), Mufti Ulil Amri 4)

Center for Research and Publication LPPM, State Institute for Islamic Studies Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstract. For the past few years the number of students majoring PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang are minor
enthusiasts, and even tends to decline. When compared to other colleges of the state Islamic religious, this phenomenon
is different from the major of PMI in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and the major of PA UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect students’ preferences to majors of PA and PMI as well as
differences in the preferences of students to each of these majors. This study uses a quantitative and qualitative approach
(mixed method). The data were taken using observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documents, while the data
sources are a faculty leaders, department leaders, lecturers and students. The results showed that the preferences of
students to the majors are affected by the issue of contestation between universities and issues of rearranging strategic
policy in attracting prospective students. Statistically, it is known that 7P (marketing mix) effect on the preferences
students majoring in both PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang and in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN
Syahid Hidayatullah Jakarta. The results also showed that there are differences in the preferences of students to majors
are caused by several factors, namely: the quality of education, tuition, campus locations, the effectiveness of the
marketing strategy of majors, management professionalism of majors, and ease of service in accessing the process of

Keywords: Preferences, students, majors, education and services.

Islamic Education, there are 803 students in Islamic

I. INTRODUCTION Economics and there are 545 students in Management of
As the highest educational institutions, universities are Sharia Banking. While the study program with the lowest
expected to answer the challenges of the future, considering ranks are the Islamic Society Development with 76 students
the increasing competition in employment. Thus, graduates and Comparative Religion with 92 students. The number of
are required to have knowledge and high competence, starting students majoring PMI and PA IAIN Imam Bonjol in the last
from the lecture bench (Gunawan, 2004). State Islamic five years are shown in the following table:
Institute (IAIN) of Imam Bonjol Padang as an institution of
higher education of Islam is considered to be able to answer THE NUMBER OF NEW STUDENTS MAJORING PMI IN IAIN IMAM
the demands of graduates. Since it was first established, IAIN BONJOL PADANG ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011 - 2014/2015
Imam Bonjol continues to grow, both in terms of growth in
the number of faculty and majors. It can be seen that IAIN
Imam Bonjol has 26 majors in six faculties (EMIS IAIN Imam
Bonjol Padang, 2015).
The development of majors and programs of study at IAIN Source: Data compiled from EMIS IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, 2013
Imam Bonjol Padang experience fluctuating enthusiasts every
year. However, EMIS data in the last five years showed that The low interest in a major of a college is assumed because
several majors have very little interest and did not experience of poor communication between the desire of students to the
a significant increase each period. Majors that are quiet college's internal decision. There are four factors to consider
enthusiasts are the major of Society Development of Islam the appeal of prospective students in choosing majors, namely:
(PMI) and the major of Comparative Religion (PA). Based on psychological, environmental, individual, and marketing mix.
data compiled by the Education Management Information Marketing mix (7P) for educational services are product, price,
System (EMIS), there are majors with the highest interest in promotion, people, physical evidence and process, (Aini,
IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang; there are 818 students in the 2010).

Lack of interest in majors PMI and PA in IAIN Imam to be studied, as well as to look at possible alternatives to the
Bonjol Padang is inversely proportional to the major of PMI improvement of majors of PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol
in UIN Yogyakarta Sunankalijaga and the major of PA in UIN Padang.
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The major of PMI in UIN Similar with the above problems, the goal of this study is to
Sunankalijaga initially also suffered a similar fate with the describe a picture and the factors that affect students’
major of PMI in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This is due to preference to the majorof PMI in IAIN Imam Bonjol
limited information about the majors that people understand, compared to students’ preference to the major of PMI in UIN
especially prospective students who will continue their Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and the major of PA in UIN
education to college. In 2009 the phenomenon gradually Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta; To measure the effect of 7P
changed, every year a significant increase to number of (marketing mix) of students’ preference to the majors of PMI
applicants who enter this major. The change is the result of and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang compared to the major
hard work of socialization activities done by faculty leaders, of PMI in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and the major of
the head of majors and faculty. At present, the major of PMI PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta; To analyze the
in UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta has accredited "A", and has differences of students’ preferences to the majors of PMI and
established cooperation with various institutions of BLH PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol compared to the major of PMI in
(Environment Agency), Village Patronage, CRS Company UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and the major of PA in UIN
and Social Department. From the result of hard work can be Syahid Hidayatullah Jakarta.
seen an increase in the number of students each year in the This study is grounded to the theories and concepts, such as:
table below: consumer behavior, preferences and marketing mix. The
theory relating to consumer behavior are theories put forward
TABLE II F, Engel, 2004, the flow of consumer choice Mullins (2009),
Kothler and Armstrong (2008) factor of consumer purchasing
2014/2015 behavior. The concept of preference raised by Nicholson
(2002), Frank 2011), and consumer preferences by Ahman
and Rohman, (2009). Lastly the theory used in this study is
the theory relating to the marketing mix / marketing mix
Source: Data compiled from direct interviews, 6 April 2016
proposed by Kotler and Armstrong (2012), Stremersch and
The same problem was also experienced by the major of Tellis (2002), Zeithml and Bitner, Hurriyati (2015).
PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, initially having a low Research related to the preference has been done, including:
preference of students, however with awareness and fighting Sri Maryati in 2009, which discusses the factors that Affect
spirit of the academic community to improve the condition of Community Preferences in Choosing Vocational High School
the preferences of students which is fairly low, eventually (SMK) in Semarang; Lasting Murdopo (2013) analyzes the
yielding, so that the major of PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah students’ preferences in Choosing Madrasah Aliyah in Pisau;
has become one of the favorite and prestigious majors. The Putu Ngurah Arya Dharma Sugiartha (2015) reviews the
table below shows the number students majoring PA UIN factors that Affect Student Preferences in Choosing a Junior
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the last five years: High of Laboratory UNDIKSHA Singaraja; Diana Khuntari et
al. (2015), which discuss the recommendation technique of the
TABLE III Selection of College Majors with User Preferences Approach
JAKARTA ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011 – 2014/2015 The hypothesis of this study are: First, there is the
influence 7P (marketing mix) of students’ preference to the
majors of PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
Source: Data compiled from Database and Information Centre of UIN Syarif compared to the major of PMI in UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Hidayatullah Jakarta Yogyakarta and the major of PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta; Second, there are differences of students’ preferences
Noting the data above, the most alarming thing is when the to the majors of PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol compared
majos of PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang as the to the major of PMI in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and
selection of students, it should also have the same interest the major of PA in UIN Syahid Hidayatullah Jakarta.
with the major of PMI in UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta and Referring to the description above, the conceptual
the major of PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This framework of this study can be seen in the chart below:
condition leaves an important question, why is the preference
of students to majors of PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol
Padang low when compared to the preferences of the students
to the major of PMI in UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta, and
the major of PA UIN in Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta? If the
appeal of psychological factors, environment, people and the
marketing mix are considered students in choosing courses,
and there is an understanding that the communication between
the desire of students to college is an internal decision of the
substance of the college market competition. Is that right?
Rather, the issue preferences of students to be urgent subject


Data were collected through interview techniques,

questionare and documentation. While the data sources are
leaders of faculty, majors’ leaders, lecturers and students. In
the process, the beginning of the study set seven variables to
be studied; the variable product (product / majors), price
Fig. 1 conceptual framework (tuition), place (location), promotion (social), people (faculty
and staff), process and physical evidence (supporting
facilities). Furthermore, seven of these variables are
II. METHODS determined indicators and dimensions respectively. After that
indicators and dimensions are translated into points of
This study uses the paradigm of positivism, which is questions in the questionnaire form. Before distributed to the
generally used to understand the relationship and connection respondents, Questione first tested (try out) to 30 respondents
between the facts with other facts. Nevertheless, positivism outside the sample. After passing the test of validity and
can not only detect events that are correlational, but also the reliability, questionare then spread to the real respondents.
surface of social phenomena. It later encourages the Selected respondent taken through proportional stratified
assessment of the paradigm of positivism as a theory based on random sampling technique.
science. The selection of paradigm is based on the base and The validity test of instrument is a measure that aims to
idealism of all human knowledge (Olsen, 2008). establish the accuracy of measuring devices to the concept
This research was conducted at the majors of PMI and PA being measured. So it is able to measure what should be
in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in the comparison to major of measured. The goal is to show the level of reliability and
PMI in UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta and major of PA in validity of a measuring instrument. To calculate the validity of
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The choice of location is the measuring instrument, it uses Pearson product moment
based on the consideration that the students’ preference to formula. The analysis of validity test of instruments is done
major of PMI in UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta and major of through data processing of SPSS ver 16.
PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has increased
significantly each year. TABLE VI
The study uses quantitative and qualitative approaches
(mixed method), to minimize biases and weaknesses that
emerged from one of the methods. Therefore, the convergence
of quantitative and qualitative is expected to give results that
are more measurable and adequate data that support and
reinforce one another.
To determine the sample of the population, it uses the
formula of slovin (Sevilla et. Al, 1960: 182), as follows:

with description: The Analysis of Effect 7P (Marketing Mix) of Students’
n = total samples Preferences to Majors
The next discussion is presented in tabular form about the
N = total population achievements of the respondents to the variables tested. Table
E = fault tolerance limit (10%) 7 and Table 8 below are overviews of the achievements of
respondents to majors of PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Based on the formula above, the population and sample in this Jakarta and IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang.
study can be seen in the table below:

IAIN less agreed that the lecturers and their employees have
TABLE VII good performance, knowledge and a good attitude.
As much as 67.74% in PA UIN Jakarta and as much as
JAKARTA 49.64% in PA IAIN Padang, students agree that the process
during the registration of information, the registration process,
the clarity of the requirements, selection process and
announcement perform well. As much as 45.88% of the
students in PA UIN Jakarta agree that the lecture building,
support facilities and the campus website are in good
condition. As many as 50.35% of the students in IAIN IB
Padang less agreed that the lecture building, support facilities
and the campus website are in good condition
Source: Data is processed using SPSS (2016)
The next table is an overview of the achievements of
respondents majoring PMI in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
TABLE VIII and majoring PMI in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Source: Data is processed using SPSS (2016)

Based on the data above, as much as 45.95% in PA UIN Source: Data is processed using SPSS (2016)
Jakarta and as much as 43.04% in PA IAIN Padang, students
less agreed that they choose this major because of the TABEL X
background, cultural, social, personal and psychological ACHIEVEMENT OF PMI IN IAIN IMAM BONJOL PADANG
factors. As much as 66.49% in PA UIN Jakarta and as much
as 45.74% in PA IAIN Padang, students agree that they
choose this major because the product / this major benefits
them. The benefits that they get are: easy to get a job, increase
knowledge and skills. In addition, they feel that this major
opens opportunities for them because it has a good network.
Students agree with this major because it suits their talents,
interests, hobbies and their ideals. They are satisfied because
this major is easy to understand, has professional lecturers and
has integrity. Source: Data is processed using SPSS (2016)
As much as 57.44% in PA UIN Jakarta and as much as
45.49% in PA IAIN Padang, students agree that tuition is .
inexpensive compared to other majors. They feel balanced to Based on the data above, as much as 36.58% in PMI UIN
the costs that they spend with the results they get. They also Yogyakarta and as much as 39.56% in PMI IAIN Padang,
feel that the tuition fees are consistent and in accordance with students agree that they choose this major because of the
their economies. As much as 57.43% in PA UIN Jakarta and background, cultural, social, personal and psychological
as much as 41.60% in PA IAIN Padang, college students factors. As much as 57.17% in PMI UIN Yogyakarta and as
agree that the location is easily accessible by transport or on much as 54.69% in PMI IAIN Padang, students agree that
foot because it is at the center of the city and the community. they choose this major because the product / this major
They also agree that the campus is a safe campus for flat land benefits them. The benefits that they get are: easy to get a job,
surface, far away from natural disasters and other disasters. increase knowledge and skills. In addition, they feel that this
As much as 53.11% in PA UIN Jakarta and as much as major opens opportunities for them because it has a good
63.40% in PA IAIN Padang, students less agree that they are network. Students agree with this major because it suits their
familiar with this course from brochures, banners and talents, interests, hobbies and their ideals. They are satisfied
billboards. They also less agree that they know this course because this major is easy to understand, has professional
from printed and electronic media and online. As much as lecturers and has integrity.
54.91% of the students in UIN Jakarta agree that the lecturers As much as 49.3% of the students majoring PMI in UIN
and their employees have good performance, knowledge and a Yogyakarta agree that the tuition is inexpensive compared to
good attitude. While as much as (42.55%) students in Padang other majors. They feel balanced to the costs that they spend

with the results they get. They also feel that the tuition fees facilities) significantly affect the preference of students to the
are consistent and in accordance with their economies. But major of PA inUIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
students of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang disagree that tuition is 2) Partial Test Results of PA UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
inexpensive compared to other majors. Their disagreement is Jakarta
mainly due to economic factors because nearly half of the
parents of students of PMI in IAIN Imam Bonjol belong to TABLE XII
weak economy. As much as 41.73% of the students of PMI in
UIN Yogyakarta agree that the campus location is easily
accessible by transport or on foot because it is at the center of
the city and the community. They also agree this campus is a
safe campus for flat land surface, far away from natural
disasters and other disasters. Different conditions encountered
at IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, as much as 43.76% of the
students less agree that their campus is easily accessed by
transport or on foot because it is located in the suburbs.
The above table shows: For variable X1 product (product /
As much as 62.05% in PMI UIN Yogyakarta and as much
department) and X5 people (faculty and staff) influence the
as 70.8% in PMI IAIN Padang, students less agree that they
students’ preference to the major of PA in UIN Syarif
are familiar with this course from brochures, banners and
Hidayatullah Jakarta; For X2 price (tuition), X3 place
billboards. They also less agree that they know this course
(location), X4 promotion (socialization), X6 process, and X7
from printed and electronic media and online. As much as
physical evidence (supporting facilities) does not affect the
47.61% of the students of PMI in UIN Yogyakarta agree that
students’ preference to the major of PA in UIN Syarif
the lecturers and their employees have good performance,
Hidayatullah Jakarta,
knowledge and a good attitude. While as much as 49.85% of
3) Joint Test Results with the major of PA in IAIN Imam
students in Padang IAIN less agreed that the lecturers and
Bonjol Padang
their employees have good performance, knowledge and a
good attitude. TABLE XIII
As much as 61.53% of the students majoring PMI in UIN DATA REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF PA IAIN IMAM BONJOL
Yogyakarta agree that the process during the registration in PADANG
form of information, the registration process, the clarity of the
requirements, selection process and announcement perform
well. But as much as 67.34% of the students majoring PMI in
IAIN Padang less agree that the process during the registration
in the form of information, the registration process, the clarity
of the requirements, selection process and announcement
perform well. As much as 41.88% of the students majoring
PMI in UIN Yogyakarta agree that the lecture building,
support facilities and the campus website are in good The above data shows the significant value of 0.003 <0.05
condition. Unlike the PMI of UIN Yogyakarta, as much as means that a variable product (product / major), price (tuition),
60.54% of the students of IAIN IB Padang less agree that the place (location), promotion (social), people (faculty and staff),
lecture building, support facilities and the campus website are process, and physical evidence (supporting facilities)
in good condition. significantly affect the students’ preference to the major of PA
in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang,
Hypothesis Testing 4) Partial Test Results of PA IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
1) Joint Test Results with the major of PA in UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta


The above data shows the significant value of 0.000 <0.05
means a variable product (product / department), price
(tuition), place (location), promotion (socialization), people
(faculty and staff), process, and physical evidance (supporting

place (location), X4 promotion (socialization), X5 people
(faculty and staff), X6 process, and X7 physical evidence
(supporting facilities) does not affect the students’ preferences
to the major of PMI in Sunankalijaga UIN Yogyakarta.
7) Joint Test Results with the major of PMI in IAIN Imam
Bonjol Padang


The above table shows: For variable X1 product (product /

department) and X5 people (faculty and staff) influence the
students’ preference to the major of PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol
Padang; For X2 price (tuition), X3 place (location), X4
promotion (socialization), X6 process, and X7 physical
The above data shows the significant value of 0.000 <0.05
evidence (supporting facilities) does not affect the students’
means that a variable product (product/department), price
preference to the major of PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang.
(tuition), place (location), promotion (socialization), people
5) Joint Test Results with the major of PMI in UIN
(faculty and staff), process, and physical evidance (supporting
Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta
facilities) significantly affect the students’ preference to the
TABLE XV major of PMI in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang.

The above data shows the significant value of 0.000 <0.05

means that a variable product (product / department), price
(tuition), place (location), promotion (social), people (faculty
and staff), process, and physical evidance (supporting
facilities) significantly affect the students’ preference of PMI
in UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta.
6) Partial Test Results of PMI UIN Sunankalijaga
Yogyakarta The above table shows: For variable X1 product (product /
department) influence the students’ preference to the major of
TABLE XVI PA IAIN in Imam Bonjol Padang; For X2 price (tuition), X3
YOGYAKARTA place (location), X4 promotion (socialization), X5 people
(faculty and staff), X6 process (process), and X7 physical
evidence (supporting facilities) does not affect the students’
preference to the major of PMI in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang.

The Dynamics of New Students’ Preferences to The Major

PMI in UIN Sunankalijaga and The Major of PA in UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The Major of PMI is one of the majors in Islamic college,
that focuses on applied social science that combines religious
studies and social theory in order to carry out community
development. This science aims to address social problems, to
explore the potential, to empower people, to push social
transformation toward a society. Therefore, this science is
The above table shows: For variable X1 product (product / identical to the science of engineering interventions, or social
department) influence the students’ preference to the major of transformation. Poverty, crime, and street children has
PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang; For X2 price (tuition), X3

increasingly grown so that the major of PMI has a sacred duty The marketing concept of educational services can be
to seek models of settlement of social problems in Indonesia, analogous to 7P consisting of 4P (Product, Price, Place and
including the major of PMI in IAIN Imam Bonjol and in UIN Promotion) and 3P (employee / employees, processes
Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta which is in the scope of the Faculty supporting facilities). The study's findings further elaborate on
of Da'wa and Communication. qualitative factors that affect students’ preference to the major
The issue of education in the conditions of prolonged of PMI and the major of PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
multidimensional crisis has attracted the attention of various compared to the major of PA in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
parties and it shifted into one of the larger expenditure items Jakarta and the major of PMI in UIN Sunankalijaga
that has be been burden to most members of society. The Yogyakarta. The following analysis is an elaboration of the
emergence of new colleges rises to the phenomenon in the quantitative data and comparative students’ preferences to
world of education. Forms and approaches used in education each major based on the concept 7P.
are growing and complex. Not only old players who develop 1. The Selling Price of Quality Education Services
the college, but also from non-educational businesses and The sevice product of educational institutions is something
even education providers from abroad (Sumurung, 2005:109). that can be offered to be considered, asked, sought, bought,
Besides the major of PMI, the same thing has also been used by the relevant market. Students believe that the product
experienced by the major of PA in matters academic / the majors of PMI and PA provide benefits for graduates.
contestation. The major of PA is known from public life of The statement justified by the students: “we get insights about
Ancient Greeks and Romans, where religiosity of Ancient other religions, such as knowledge of Christian theology,
Greek and Roman society has a common characteristic in its Jewish theology, classical schools of Islamic thought and
religious life. A study that compares one religion with more modern streams in Islam. Study in the major of PA is very
depth and compares them with other religions is known as pleasant. When linked to reality, it not only gets the science,
comparative religion through figure Friedrich Max Muller but also fosters skill shof of peace, in the sense of tolerance
(1823-1900). Muller is called the father of comparative among humanity, despite the different assurance. In other
religion. Muller is the first man to bring world religions words, the peaceful coexistence with diversity”.
(especially India) to the attention of the West by translating Not much different from the major of PA, a student of PMI
the religious writings of ancient and modern Indian religions in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang also stated that, the major of
with living way. His theory of the history of religions is PMI is a place to gain knowledge that fits people's lives.
originated from the personification of natural phenomena (that Benefits of learning experience the major of PMI can be
can be seen in Hinduism) and then replace the natural applied directly to the public. The implementation of the
phenomenon. major of PMI is suitable to be applied in the village especially
Related to contestation, effective and efficient term is a related to the development of society. This condition
term often used in increasingly tight pattern. There is no corresponds to the expression of student: “…This major is
exception to education, including universities feel the really appropriate in the village, because my character is like
demands of the condition. Many changes must be made, to develop. This major develops the society and let them be
especially concerning patterns of university management over independent, and I also would like to apply it to my village”
the years. College as an institution of education providers 2. Affordable Tuition Fee
need to learn and have the initiative to improve customer The determination of price is a critical point in the
satisfaction, because education is a circular process of mutual marketing mix, as they can determine the income of an
influence and sustainable. This objective is intended to avoid enterprise or business. Price is the marketing mix which is
the shortage of applicants in the majors, and it will impact on flexible, the price will be stable in a certain period of time and
the initial mission of education which is to educate, to help may increase or decrease according to sales results. Price in
and to assist people in dealing with problems of life as education services is the only marketing mix that provides
gathered in Tridharma College (Sumurung, 2005). income or earnings for the institution or agency services
Thus, the contestation between universities in searching for (Tjiptono, 1997:151). Thus, the determination of a price
new students must reconstruct the pattern of inter-institutional (tuition) in college is one factor that is considered by a student
recruitment. The pattern as discussed at a meeting of deans of that encourages them to choose a major.
Da'wah Faculty in Indonesia could have been coordination The statement above is corroborated by student expression:
between departments to negotiate and to determine the “the BLU scholarships cost 1,100,000 now, when it is one-
number of new admissions in universities, especially Islamic year, the sustainability of scholarship depends on student‘s
universities. If this can be optimized, then the problem of GPA, if the GPA is under three, scholarships are awarded to
shortage and excess enthusiasts majors in college can be friends who have a GPA above three. It happened since 2016,
minimized, so that development programs nation-based but from 2010 to 2015, students who get BLU scholarship
society will be achieved well, because the distribution of until the eighth semester are not based on GPA.
membership of scholars correspond to the needs of of society, The factors of inexpensive tuition is also a reason for
and terms of unemployment, one of which is caused by a students of PMI UIN Yogyakarta to determine the major. This
buildup of dropout certain majors would be reduced if the statement is illustrated by the following student expression:
other majors posts will be filled by candidates of other “950 thousand per semester, I get one point five million per
students. semester, there could be four hundred thousand”. The tuition
fee of a student by another student varies. This difference is
Factors Influencing Students’ Preferences to Majors caused by a single tuition fee policy (UKT) imposed by UIN
Sunankalijaga Yokyakarta. Programs and policies issued by

the Ministry of Religious Affairs aims to establish tuition of from the students majoring PA IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
students based on standard economic capacity of their parents. that they less agree about the introduction of the majors
Related to that, the students said: “Before UKT, tuition is through the media. The same thing is also disclosed by the
600.000, -, after UKT tuition payments based on grid. The students majoring PMI in UIN Sunankalijaga Yogyakarta and
first grid is 400,000, -, so even cheaper, first is 600 and then IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. They do not like the campaigns of
become 400. The second grid is 1,200,000, and the highest majors through the media as a marketing strategy of the major.
grid is 2,000,000”. Based on the statistics above, this finding is surprising; the
This fact is also confirmed by the students of PMI in IAIN ability of technology in marketing does not yet fully help to
Imam Bonjol Padang. Changes in tuition fees system of improve the marketing mix of educational services. Thus, the
regular patterns become UKT have not provided solutions to marketing strategy is done traditionally, such as socialization,
the problem of tuition as a whole, especially to the majors in open a booth in schools and promotion through the alumni
crisis enthusiasts. Indeed for major that has a shortage of until now is considered quite effectively to improve students’
applicants must be supported by a lot of scholarship programs, preferences to majors.
so this is done as part of a strategy in the marketing of the 5. Professionalism of Management of The Majors
major. The positive impact of the growth of higher education in
3. Strategic Campus Location Indonesia is not only beneficial for the community of students.
Location or point of service, associated with the decision On the other hand, it also encourages the growth of each
made by the institution to operate and placement of employees, mantainer of majors in college to be more creative to win the
making it the most important of the location is the type and hearts of students to proceed on campus. The creativity forms
level of interaction involved in (Huriyati, 2005). The campus of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in facing competition of
is located, and is supported by the neighborhoods which are education is through providing a variety of educational
safe from natural disasters and crime, making the major of PA innovation to the faculty, staff, administrators and personnel,
becomes one of the majors of interest in UIN Syarif especially students majoring PA that are quiet enthusiasts.
Hidayatullah Jakarta. Since the academic year 2009/2010, the revamping of
The statement above is justified by student: “ya, friendly major of PA gives maximum results. This success is seen
environmental factors which are far away from thuggery thing, when students who choose the major of PA are not
and also safe from floods. I think also because of the position accommodated. The increasing students’ preference to the
of our campus is located close to the access to transportation major of PA is the result of the management of majors in a
and located in the city center also influence why many professional and good management, both from educators and
enthusiasts choose UIN Jakarta, particularly the major of education personnel.
PA”. The statement above is corroborated by student expression:
In contrast to the major of PA in UIN Jakarta, the campus “I see that the lecturers in the major of PA are professional
locations of PMI IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang can only be enough. Lecturer of PA besides teaching as a mandatory duty,
accessed with a single type of public transport. In addition, the they also become a writer and do other social activities”. In
location of the campus is one of the areas that are in line with the same expression is also expressed by the leader
earthquake-prone zones. Students majoring PA IAIN Iman of the major as follows: “The condition of human resources
Bonjol Padang stated that their campuses are less in giving a (HR) in the term of educators generally indicates more than
sense of comfort for the students, for fear of the earthquake adequate condition. Data educators have varying degrees,
when learning, thuggery and crime on campus. ranging from the Professor, Associate Professor, Associate
In line with the above description, a student of PMI UIN Professor and Assistant Expert. The welfare of lecturers is
Yogyakarta Sunankalijaga considers that the college has not deemed good enough because they not only get certified, but
fully provided security for students, and less amenable to say also they also receive remuneration. In order for the process
the position of the campus is located in a strategic position. of teaching and learning to be good and students feel the
The fact is illustrated by the following informant's narrative: spirit of learning, then the major of PA conduct the evaluation
“…it is not arguably safe, sometimes frenzied traffic meeting once a year. Another activity that is lecturer of FDG
somewhat is disruptive to the learning...”. Indeed, the issue of to make a curriculum integrated Islam and Indonesian, based
security and comfort of students in the campus environment KKNI”.
are seriously enough to be considered. 6. Ease of Services to Access Information
4. The Effectiveness of Marketing Strategy of Majors With the increasing number of universities in Indonesia, the
The marketing strategy of majors is one of the determinants demand on the quality of service is central in attracting
of students’ preferences to the majors. The main objective of prospective students. One of them is the selection of the
the campaign is to inform, influence, persuade and remind processing of access to good information. All universities in
customers about the company's goals. The effectiveness of the Indonesia begin to clean the data processing services and
marketing strategy is the term used in the pattern of academics, so using a system based on digital electronic
competition, including in education. As education providers, academic information is an absolute thing done by the
universities need to learn and have the initiative to increase department to seize enthusiasts for majors in college. By
student satisfaction. The marketing of college education is less having an integrated information system, the college will be
appropriate through a variety of media. Market interest to the easier to process student data. On the other hand, students will
campaign through media such as print, electronic and online, feel the ease of registration, payment, or to view their
brochures, banners, pamphlets and billboards are no longer academic report.
considered effective in marketing education. It is revealed

IV. CONCLUSIONS implementation of this study. Acknowledgements also go to
Based on the data analysis above, the results of the Mr. and Mrs., and the student who was willing to become
frequency distribution states that average answers of informants and respondents in the implementation of this
respondents are at criteria agree and less agree. This means study. Without minimizing the role of all parties, not least, we
that many students do not have the low ratings of the variable also express our sincere gratitude to all colleagues who have
and too good ratings to the variables studied. In addition, the much to give constructive criticism and means for the survival
findings also concluded that the picture which is the of this research.
background process of students’ preferences in choosing the
majors of PMI and PA in IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, the
major of PA in UIN Syarif Hidatullah Jakarta, and the major REFERENCES
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the people variable, students want professors to improve
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variable, the students want equality and fairness regarding
announcements, information, notices and news about the
campus and majors; Seventh, for supporting facilities variable,
students said that it is a much needed of the lecture hall and
completeness of other supporting facilities.

Our heartfelt thanks goes to the honorable Mr. Rector and
Mr. Head of Research and Publishing LPPM IAIN Imam
Bonjol who have given credence and support to the

Authentic Materials For Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU)
H. Welya Roza 1)
Bung Hatta University, Padang

Abstract. The students of English department attend the class of cross cultural understanding (CCU). The class goes on
comparing cultures among countries of the world. For enriching the materials or content of learning and teaching, needs
analysis should be conducted by the lecturer. It is suggested that seeing the sameness and differences of cultures among
countries for CCU class should consider, for instance, the authentic materials. Authentic materials of the cultures may
refer to the real or actual cultures of the students’ daily situation. The materials are always available in societies in the
forms of daily activities and reading materials printed in newspaper, magazine, and/or posted in social media.
Theorethically, authentic materials mean “exposure to real one and its use in its own community” (Widdowson, 1990),
and “Authentic materials are materials that we can use in the classroom and that have not been changed in any way for
ESL students” (Sanderson, 1999). The students need to recognize, for example, the cultural varieties of Indonesia and
those in all over the world easily and spontaneously. Thus, this paper talks about authentic materials for CCU class those
materials can hopefully meet the students’ needs and knowledges.

Keywords: authentic material, CCU, needs and knowledges analysis

that only born through an imagination in a particular

I. INTRODUCTION community without any clear evidence. As has been argued
Expression of confidence (myth) has been recognized by by Ahimsa-Putra (in Endaswara Suwardi, 2009: 119), states
the community for generations, so it is no longer known who that the myth could be considered as a story "bizarre" that is
menciptakannya.Maksudnya, expression of confidence often difficult to understand the meaning or accepted as true
(myth) is very much present in every area of society, both because the story in it "unreasonable" or does not match with
the international community, national and regions whose which we meet everyday.
culture and trust yourself in that area sendiri.Ungkapan
delivered orally in the form of units that have been created II. METHODS
by the community rules penuturnya.Sampai now the phrase
was still known by the people who already were thinking III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
modern.Ternyata progress of science and technology that 2.1 MYTH
makes modern thinking man does not change people's habits In Indonesia, especially in the countryside apply so much
who still believe in the phrase superstitious. Because it is myth (prohibition) circulating in the community. In terms of
still the discovery of a small portion of people who use the food, everyday life, actions, or all matters related to the daily
phrase in everyday life, for example a ban on children lives is very strong masyarakat.Tradisi applied by society.
playing at sunset "acts of buliah play disanjo ari, beko Some even believed myth as a trust or a message from the
tapijak children of the Devil" (not to be played in the ancestors which if not adhered to will have an impact or
evening, then stepped hobgoblin ). Actually, the purpose of karma / penalties that are not pleasant.
these expressions is to educate or send children to make the Basically the myth of interest only as agent for preventing
time sunset is not used to play, but used to carry out the or is advising and educating course, especially for children
afternoon prayer, if children are accustomed to playing at the and adolescents. As described by (Danandjaya, 1991: 169-
time of the evening, they automatically remiss in their 170) grouping several functions of expression of folk beliefs
obligation to carry out prayers dusk and go mengaji and do (myths), namely: a) as a thickener keagaamaan emotion or
not use it to play games. So this is the way of parents to belief, b) as a projection of a collective delusion that comes
educate their children, if the child actually used the from someone ilusinasi, c ) as a child or teen educators, d) as
expression that they will not heed what is spoken by their an acceptable explanation commonsense folk against natural
parents. So, with the expression of beliefs (myths), the phenomena elusive so scary, e) to comfort the unfortunate.
children will fear the impact that they get. People History create myths to teach and advise That is to
Folk belief is a myth, and the myth itself is a thinking that avoid things that are not diinginkan.Terutama related to
does not make sense when digested with common sense, and customs, as well as expressions of trust, and so on. As
the myth can also be interpreted as a superstition or a phrase

contained in the expression of the people's trust in the very difficult to be rationalized. Myth contains virtues
district. Sundi hill district. Solok, "Indak buliah bapayuang notwithstanding pulled the sides of rationality. However, the
in the house, beko shot patuih" (There should be an umbrella myth is also very important for rural communities first in
in the house, later struck by lightning), in fact if we think are order to control the behavior of children and society in
healthy that there is no connection between an umbrella in general. A non-rational teachings are preserved for
the house with a thunderbolt, the actual phrase above have generations, where the myth was never inscribed in the
meaning that in this expression umbrella inside the house if pages of history of human civilization. It is a myth only
we could make the furniture in the house was broken became part of the oral tradition which impact on a person's
because it stuck by an umbrella when developed, so in the beliefs. This culture as irrational then always discuss the
expression of this belief contained educational value. In person and the myth itself. Mitosbagi society formerly
terms of function expression of the people's trust is a unquestionable and must be believed is. By believing these
function melarang.Adapun category of expression folk myths, it means we have become part of the local cultural
beliefs are job categories. atmosphere. The myth is related closely associated with
A broader sense, the myth means anonymous stories expression and confidence ban rakyat.Tetapi behind it, there
about the origin of the universe, fate, and the purpose of life: is a kind of reward for those who do not obey them and sort
the explanation given by the community to their children of benefit to those who obey it. Based on the above, it can be
about the world, human behavior, the image of nature, and concluded that the myth is a folklore, history of the saint,
purpose of human life. These explanations aim to educate, who believed and purified by the community and serve as a
although in the 17th century and the 18th term that has a bad guide to life or unwritten laws that govern the behavior of
connotation, a delusion which is scientifically and history is society.
not true, since the movement of romanticism, it becomes an
important term, myth is considered a kind of truth or equal to 2.2 Myths In Minangkabau culture.
truth and not rival the historical truth or knowledge, but Speaking of myths, in the presence of the mythical
complementary, Wellek and warren (In Atmazaki 2005: 66). Minangkabau itself is deemed by society to be more
The myth comes from the Greek 'mythos' which means' valuable. The point is that the myth of the Minangkabau
cerita'.Secara common myths words are used differently. society has a very important role for social life, as well as
First, academic, myths are often interpreted as a story that is educating their children. Myth regarded by science as an
holy is looking symbols with multiple meanings. The story ancient culture and without a clear evidentiary facts, are
that is sacred religious or spiritual meaning. The use of both better able to create order in society. The myth is in fact the
is the use of the word myth in the general sense. Here, the field is more feared by the public as executioners for all the
myth serve as a group of beliefs (beliefs) adopted by the wrong actions in the intercourse of life. The myths as a
person who tells the story. It is subjective and sometimes producer of the institutions and symbols that are created by
cause umbrage if a story is assumed to be true by a person, the community primodial Minangkabau culture.
considered as a 'myth' by others (Wikipedia dictionary, Myth as a means of information is sometimes
2009). underestimated. Especially after the entrenchment of modern
The myth is a sacred story in the form of symbolic that times, making a myth as the work of indigenous people lost
tells a series of real events and imaginary concerning the values. Myth as a result of its position copyright replaced by
origin and of change-change of the universe and the world, technology that are rational, which carried the myth of value
gods, powers over nature, man, the hero, and the community, to be replaced by the value offered for the science more
Cremers (in Suwardi Endaswara 2009 : 119). In this case, modern. Even worse. This phenomenon also occurs in the
Kloos (in Suwardi Endaswara, 2009: 119) describes some of myths generated by the Minangkabau society.
the characteristics of myths, including: 1) the myth often has Nurdin Yakup (1987: 13) explains in his Minangkabau
properties holy, 2) elements and events that played a role Tanah Pusaka that scientists can only justify 2% of the
and and occurs in myth can only be found in the world legend that can be used as a foundation to build knowledge
myths and not in the world of everyday life or in the past is about the nation down from the summit of Mount Merapi. of
real, 3) many myths refers to important events, 4) the truth the opinion expressed by Yakup who has suggested that 98%
of the myth is not important because the horizon and the of scientists assume that history is written in the
days of myth is not tied to the possibilities and limits of the Minangkabau legend worth almost entirely fictitious
real world this. mythology or just alone, without any element of scientific
Furthermore, Levi-Strauss (in Endaswara Suwardi, 119) proof.
to formulate, myth is a legacy form of certain stories from In the legend written by Nurdin Yakup (1987: 13), found
the oral tradition tells of gods, the first humans, animals and the Minangkabau people coming from Asia that is from
so on through the logical schema contained in myth and "ground bases", great man who fell from the top of the
allow us to integrate all of the problems that needs to be volcano Sri Maharaja Royal and his followers who later
solved in a systematic construction. became the ancestors of the Minangkabau who came from
In the past, especially for rural communities, so many the land of the Hindu, one of them be Zuriat Alexander the
myths in our daily lives. These myths surrounding the Great Emperor Ashoka (338 BC), Sri King of Kings is one
various things both small and large scale. Because rural of the three sons of Zuriat Iskandar Zulkarnain, the story of
communities are very enthusiastic about the expressions of Alexander the Great are numerous and too bergalau if the
early society and they believe at the present time, although linked story legend that one with another legend, as well as
ungkapan The truth is still unclear. To be sure, the myth is Sri Maharaja Royal can not be known with certainty who the

real king is, whether he is the biological child or Zuriat Who else is developing science and technology, if not the
Zulkarnain its course because the period is unclear. man. Humans have the very important role in this regard,
There is also a legend that started the story of Adam and where man not only as objects but also as the subject
Eve, da tone is also legend who started from Noah, then changes or a change agent (agent of change) of changing it.
there is more of Iskandar Zulkarnain, and then there is also Humans also be subject to change because their thoughts are
the start of the peak of the volcano with the arrival of Sri progressing so as to produce anything more creative and
Maharaja Royal, Nurdin Yakup (1987: 13 -16). innovative. Man becomes the object of change because of
Some experts, can disumpulkan that the myth is part of changes in persons that can be learned, and make the
the culture of people in Minangkabau. Myths can not be changes as an agent or media for him to develop.
separated from the culture, the myth was born from the The more modern life, science has advanced, more
public's view of an event or events that are considered sophisticated technology. It seems that progress has opened
outside biasa.Mitos has significance in public life up the thoughts of man towards progress anyway. Humans
menganutnya.Mitos is one form of oral folklore handed are able to face and resolve the problem with rational and
down by word of mouth, and the myth is wrong one of the logic. Confidence in the myth began to fade and disappear.
traditions that are believed to reveal a certain confidence in However, it is often found in modern society or the people
the community life. who are educated, then what of the traditional community or
2.3 Relations with the Language and Culture Myths communities untouched by modern life?
Minangkabau. No need to go far to traditional society, modern society is
Baso Minangkabau Minangkabau language or is a more comprehensive science, master modern technologies
subsidiary branch of the Austronesian language, spoken and have a more rational mindset was sometimes still
especially in the area of West Sumatra, parts of the western believe the myth, why does it happen? In the era of
province of Riau and spread in parts of cities across globalization and modernization, as now we have
Indonesia. There is a conflict with the Malay Minang encountered many people who believe the myth. Indeed, the
language. As an expert in this regard language as a dialect of myth can not be lost, especially for the rich Indonesian
Malay as many vocabulary and shape similarity in them, culture. A society or a particular person is certainly not
while others actually think this language is an independent without reason to believe the myth. They do not just believe
language other than the language of Malay (id. Wikipedia). in a myth. Here are a few reasons people believe the myth.
In his book Moussay Gerard (1998: 10-11), explaining First, the myth is a cultural tradition or hereditary. The
that the Minangkabau language are grouped in groups myth has been ingrained for society, especially for
subordinate "language Nusantara" (formerly called Indonesian nation rich in culture. From ancestors until now,
"Indonesian") when combined with the languages of the myth can not be separated for granted, along with the
Polynesia and Melanesia the Austronesian language family, development of science and technology. Starting from the
in the language of the archipelago itself, the Minangkabau experience-pangalaman earlier ancestors, they were still
language emerged as a language that is similar to Malay. animist faiths dynamism always associate everything that
Then to do with the study of language Minangkabau is happens in their lives with their ancestors, until they have
what if the myth is told by other languages and do not use offspring and teaching experience, until now.
automated Minangkabau language opponents said not Second, the myth is told from generation to generation are
understand or do not understand at all the myths spoken, and slowly understood and interpreted, realized in everyday life,
sipenutur not familiar with the purpose and intent of the and indeed many myths are true. Truths from the myths that
myth. Myths are not just language Minangkabau, but the make a person or the public believe that the myth is true,
myth also has a strong relationship with the Minangkabau with the truth of these myths, one often confront and resolve
culture itself. As described above, between the myths, problems faced by myths that he acquired the hereditary. Not
language and culture in Minangkabau can not be separated all myths can be disproved by philosophy. Many of the
from one another, meaning that the relationship between myths that can be verified by a rational or logical, can be
myth, language and culture are interconnected. proved by common sense, but many myths that can not be
Shifting civilization has altered the meaning of the myth substantiated rationally.
itself, a myth has closed the values of local wisdom and Third, one often heard the myth of the parents, mother,
tradition-laden society will value and philosophy. Early in grandmother, and so forth. In this case we seem forced to
the history of science, especially in the period Greece is an believe the truth of the myth. In front of them, we believe in
early milestone in the history of science berkembangnnya the myth and make it happen in an action that has been said
human civilization. The development of science is motivated by those parents to cherish, appreciate parents who speak to
to change the paradigm and mindset that developed at that us. However, as someone who understands the correct and
time. Previous Greeks still covered by the mindset rational thinking, of course, we do not accept or do things
mitosentris, but in the 6th century BC in Greece was born that are not rational or irrational as the myth. Explaining to
philosophy known by the greek miracle. With this paradigm, them the real stuff that myths can be disproved by rational
knowledge is growing very rapidly due to answer the issues thinking is a difficult thing, let alone talk to people who are
surrounding the ratios and leave the trust in the mythological older than us. Moreover, older people who have to cultivate
or irrational superstition. the myth, it is very difficult for us to deny it. But it never
From time to time, human life is always evolving, hurts if we speak well and slowly the older people, without
evolving toward progress. All aspects of life including the to judge the myths they say is a mistake. Fourth, the lack of
progress of science and technology was also progressed. knowledge makes a person or the public believe in the myth.

It is very easy to find in a rural area or the area is still very faced by man in his life; it is easier to stay away from certain
strong traditional and cultural traditions. Those isolated areas hardships than attempting to confront and handle; emotional
making them locked in ignorance and backwardness, so they suffering of someone emerging from external pressure and
still believe in the truth of the myth that they had believed that people only have very little ability to eliminate the
from earlier ancestors. Fifth, the limitations of human emotional pain; past experience gives a very strong influence
reasoning. Man is able to think, but thinking needs to be on the lives of individuals and determine the feelings and
constantly trained. Thought itself can really be too wrong, behavior of individuals at the present time; to achieve a high
wrong reasoning Finally be defeated by correct reasoning. It degree in his life and to feel something unpleasant require
required time in order to ensure that truth. Sixth, human supernatural powers; and the value of human dignity and
curiosity has been satisfied for a while. Truth must be acceptance of others against themselves depending on the
accepted by the mind but some are acceptable intuition, good of the individual performances and the level of
namely acceptance on the basis of conscience about acceptance by others of the individual. We could not believe
something right. the myth menjudge that was a mistake. Myth and logos
Conscience irrational in the life of ordinary people has (often called logic) is indeed very different meanings, even
been accepted as a truth or pseudo science. Seventh, limited much the opposite, where the myth refers to stories and
human sensory organs. The impact and limitations of our logos referring to an argument. We can not combine or even
sensory organs, it may arise misinformation, eliminate one of the two.
misinterpretation and wrong thinking. From the wrong Living in the development of the world toward progress
information, make people guess even think irrationally. like today is very difficult indeed to believe the myth.
Exercise can improve the accuracy of sensing devices to Bagaiamanapun but also the human mind has a limit, and up
reduce errors such observations, but still very limited. Older to the time it reaches them it must rely on the myth. Their
people or those who passed not without reason teaches myth philosophy is not meant to dispel the myth as a whole. The
to generations of successors, they believe and trust that the development of philosophy only to fade and have a positive
myth has its own meaning, they believe the myth that has influence to the people who believe the myth that people
tujan and mafaat for them. The purpose and benefits of the who believe in the myth is able to use his mind to the
myth. First, the myth as a means of persuasion. Myth can maximum so that they want to think and not just trust the
instill confidence in someone. According to Socrates, words hereditary away without thinking first. Feels strange
eschatological myth to convince us to believe that the soul is indeed believe in the myth of globalization and in-paced life
immortal fund is no justice in the afterlife. Second, the myth of modern as today. Indeed myths have been around since
as a teaching tool. Myth narrative embodied in an abstract time immemorial, ancestral beliefs are socialized hereditary
philosophical doctrine, although the myth is usually it is certainly can not be dismissed offhand. The myth has
manifested in the form of a fantastic narrative. From the been around since time immemorial and is a tradition and a
fantastic narratives that are able to make doctrines, doctrines culture, though society has been experiencing growth or
that will attach to a strong and mendogma. On the other hand, progress, the least we can not be separated from myth. No
believe the myth or irrational thinking begins with learning harm we believe in the myth, but as a human being endowed
illogically obtained from the parents and the culture where a with the ability to think, we should already be using all the
person grew. In the process of growth will continue to think potential and ability of our minds to think rationally, because
and feel for sure about himself and about others "this is not all the problems we face can be solved by myth. Rational
good" and "it is bad". Irrational thinking will be reflected in thinking is indispensable if we work for the public good,
the verbalization used. Verbalization illogical show wrong public affairs, which are dealing with various kinds of
thoughts and verbalize the right shows the right way of people, traditions and beliefs, then we will have objective
thinking. Feelings and negative thoughts and rejection dirii reasons that can be shown to the crowd (transparency), has
must be opposed by rational and logical thinking that can be evidence, references, can debate (argument is logical and
accepted by common sense and rational use verbalization relevant) and can be compared because they have a
way. measuring tool. Another case if we think irrationally or
This way of thinking can not be substantiated irrational, believe the myth, the irrational thinking we do not need no
irrational thinking will cause bad feelings (anxiety, fear, facts or fit the facts or evidence, just conjecture, symbols, or
prejudice) unnecessary and hinders an individual to thrive in engineering or fantasy. If we as individuals or groups (in the
our daily lives are effective. An individual is not able to personal domain), in a private context is not a matter of
think rationally or always thinking irrationally because an public, legitimate we believe the myth or think irrationally,
individual does not think clearly about the present and the because the myth or mindset irrationally out of the desire of
future, between kenyatan and imagination, an individual knowledge and awe is also very important for the cause
depends on the planning and thinking of others, parents or inspiration and motive. Myth and logos have their respective
society have a tendency to think irrationally is taught to places. In the life of modernization in the era of
individuals through various media. There are several globalization, as now, we should be able to put ourselves,
indicators of an individual's irrational to think that human because it was necessary. We must know where we are
life in society is to be accepted and loved by others of things located, in the private sphere to ourselves (personal domain)
done; many people in society who are not good, destructive, or to the public interest or the public interest. If we know our
evil, and cruel that they are suspect, blamed, and punished; position, we can confront and resolve our problems either
human life is always faced with various calamities, disasters menyelesaikkan rational or irrational manner.
are terrible, horrible, terrifying that inevitably have to be

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[2] J. Breckling, Ed., The Analysis of Directional Time Series:
Applications to Wind Speed and Direction, ser. Lecture Notes in
Statistics. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1989, vol. 61.
[3] S. Zhang, C. Zhu, J. K. O. Sin, and P. K. T. Mok, “A novel ultrathin
elevated channel low-temperature poly-Si TFT,” IEEE Electron
Device Lett., vol. 20, pp. 569–571, Nov. 1999.

Developing Eries Learning Model
to Improve Students-Teacher Basic Teaching Skills through
the Implementation of Lesson Study
Dr. Eri Sarimanah, M.Pd1)
Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Pakuan Unversity, Indonesia

Abstract. This This study is aimed at developing ERIES learning model to improve semester V student-teacher’s
basic teaching skills in Teaching Learning Strategy lecture in Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program.
Through the implementation of Lesson Study, ERIES model was developed by Exploration, Reflection, Interaction,
Elaboration, and Summary steps. The method applied in the study is Research and Development and the approach
used is qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data were gained from needs analysis and response to the developed
product, while quantitative data were gained from the test of the product and the effectiveness of the model. Research
result shows that ERIES learning model is needed by student-teacher. Structurally this model is valid, relevant and fit
the principles of learning model development both in its substance and its structure. Based on the try-out result from
experimental research, ERIES learning model is effective to improve student-teacher’s basic teaching skills. The
achievement is better than non-ERIES learning model.

Key words: learning model, basic teaching skills, ERIES model

facilitating the learning process. Lesson study is an

I. INTRODUCTION activity that can develop a learning society which
1. Backgrond of the Study consistently and sistematically do self development both
The implementation of Curriculum 2013 that individually and managerially.
focuses on the change orientation to active, creative, and It is hoped that through lesson study the researcher
innovative students center learning needs teacher’s skill can develop a learning model which optimally can
in facilitating the learning process. Learning will be practice basic teaching skills for student-teacher in
productive if the lecturer is able to apply basic teaching Teaching Learning Strategy subject.
skill such as opening and closing the lesson, delivering Based on the description, it needs a design for
questions, explaining, reinforcing, and managing the lesson planning model. ERIES as a learning model
class. These teaching skills can be gained through serious through the implementation of lesson study is one of
practice. alternatives that can be applied by the student-teacher to
Teacher Education Institution has a task to produce develop basic teaching skills. Therefore, the researcher is
skillful teachers in making effective learning. One of the interested in conducting the research and development
activities given in the class is practicing the basic for ERIES learning model to the 5th semester students of
teaching skills in Teaching Learning Strategy subject. In Indonesian Language and Literature study program of
this subject, one of the competencies that should be Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences of
possessed by the students is applying basic teaching skill Pakuan University.
as the skill needed for practice teaching in real schools as 2. Research Focus
a real teacher. This research is focused on the development of
Based on the observation found in Teaching ERIES learning model through the implementation of
Learning Strategy subject, many students still have lesson study.
problems in practicing the basic teaching skills. The 3. Research Problem
problems are among other: they are shy to practice, they Based on the background of the study and research
do not know what to say in fron of the classroom, they do focus, the researcher states the problem: “How to
not know the aspects in each of the teaching skill that develop ERIES learning model in semester 5 of
should be practiced, and they are careless in analysing Indonesian Language and Literature study program of
basic competence and learning goal. It affects on Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences
difficulty to develop basic teaching skills. One of the through the implementation of Lesson Study?”
ideas that the researcher will apply is developing learning
model that is found through the implementation of lesson II. METHODS
study. This research applies research and development
Basically lesson study is one of the efforts to method and done to the 5th semester students of
increase the teacher’s quality and profesionalism in

Indonesian language and Literature study program in the 5th semester students of Indonesian Language and
Teaching Learning Strategy subject. Literature study program is effective and suitable to be
The development of this learning model is based on used as a learning model in Teaching Learning Strategy
the analysis of document, observation, and learning subject.
process. The research is started by need analysis that The finding is based on observation result, the class
consists of document analysis and learning process with lesson study makes the students to be active and
analysis. The instrument used in this research is become independent learner to practice teaching. The class
observation and questionnaire that has beed discussed with with lesson study is a new experience for them, in which
experts and the target is providing information about they enjoy learning and feed satisfied in doing the learning
learning components with the characteristic of needed activity. They are mentally involved actively to explore,
learning model. Then synthesizing information about the reflect, interact, elaborate, and summarize in doing the
need of basic teaching skills. The product is the list of task. Lesson study based ERIES learning model gives a
basic teaching skills components, need analysis instrument, new experience for the students.
the characteristic of model used, perception about the The following table is the lesson study based ERIES
available model and the model that will be developed. learning model:
Lesson Model Stage Lecturer’s Students’ activities
After doing the step of research and development Plan The lecturer  Material  Reading lesson
started from need analysis, development, and collaboratively orientation design written by
implementation, the lesson study based learning planning plans chapter  Material the lecturer
model is considered to be finished. This learning model is design and lesson exploration  Reading various
called lesson study based ERIES learning model. design and references
In implementing lesson study, ERIES learning model elaboration
is planned integratedly through plan, do, see. During the  Planning
TLA through
plan, the lecturer model team formulate chapter desin and ERIES model
lesson design. The plan stage is developed after the  Providing
second, third, and fourth cycle. In do stage the learning learning
activity trough ERIES can be seen because ERIES is born video
from dominant activity that are often done by the students, Do  Eksploration:  showing  Exploring the
but there is no name for it. This continuously develops learning components of
from cycle to cycle. Based on the observation, this learning video related basic teaching skills
activity develops in the second, third, and fourth cycle. The to basic from the video
students show the mental involvement in doing the teaching
activities such as to explore, reflect, interact, elaborate, and skills that
should be
summarize in practicing basic teaching skills. The learning
mastered by
documents such as chapter design and lesson design is the students.
revised, and suggestion given during the see after the class  Guiding the
ends is directly done. It is done to solve the problems students who
found in the class. All observers give feed back based on find
their observation. The result of see is a new lesson design difficulties
as the revised learning plan to be done in the next cycle. in finding
Based on the research finding, ERIES is a learning aspect/comp
model that is properly developed based on the indicator onents basic
used. Expert evaluation result shows prope r learning teaching
skills based
model to be used in Teaching Learning Strategy subject. on their
Lesson study based ERIES learning model has been tried observation
out and has fulfilled all model component stated by  Reflection  Guiding the  Reflecting various
experts. Lesson study based ERIES learning model has students to components of
been validated and has followed a series of continouos do reflection basic teaching skills
research activity process to get the valid final product. they found
The learning is started by pretest and ended by post  Associating the
test. After fulfilling the t-test with the result of normal test video with the
result and homogenious data, it shows that the pretest and schemata related to
the posttest are significantly different. It indicates that the learning
lesson study based ERIES learning model is effective to
 Explaining the
improve the students’ average score to practice basic
components of
teaching skills. basic teaching skills
It can be concluded that the effective test result of from the video they
learning model with experiment and control group. The watch.
analysis of t-test shows that lesson study based ERIES to  Interaction  Organizing  Interacting with

the students their team mates
to discuss related to the
and interact components of
to each other basic teaching skills
 Discussing and
jotting down
information related
to basic teaching
 Elaboration  Guiding the  Explaining the
students to components of
practice basic teaching skills
basic they found. IV. CONCLUSIONS
teaching  Practicing the
skills aspects of basic ERIES model is developed through the implementation of
teaching skills in lesson study in this research is a conceptual framework that
front of the consist of propostions as a guideline for the student-teacher
classroom to practice basic teaching skills, which cover opening and
 Observing other closing the lesson, explaining, asking, reinforcing, and
students and taking managing the class. ERIES stage in do focuses on learning
notes about their activity upon students’ activities. By applying ERIES
friends who learning in Teaching Learning Strategy it is expected to
practice the basic
produce the student-teacher who are able to create teaching
teaching skills
 The lecturer helps
learning process that produces the students who are active,
the students who creative, and innovative. The government’s expectation to
have problem to create smart, outstanding, and competitive students might be
practice basic achieved.
teaching skills.
 Summarize  The students  The students make
get the a summary and take
reinforceme notes about REFERENCES
nt about feedback upon the
basic basic teaching skills [1] Gall, Meredith D., dkk. 2003. Educational Research: An
Introduction. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
teaching practice [2] Twelker, Paul A., Urbach, Floyd D., & Buck, James E. 1972. The
skills they Systematic Development of Instruction. Stanford: ERIC
need as a Clearinghouse on Media and Technology.
teacher [3] Pribadi, Benny A. 2009. Model Desain Sistem Pembelajaran.
See  The lecturer, the observers and the students reflect to analyze Jakarta:Dian rakyat.
the weakness of the learning process and teaching practice; [4] Trianto. 2007. Model-model Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik.
revising the mistakes for a better learningin the future. It Surabaya: Prestasi Pustaka Publisher.
[5] Hendayana, Sumar., Sukirman., Karim, MA. 2007. Studi peran
produces revision design in the see stage covering the IMSTEP dalam penguatan program pendidikan guru MIPA Berbasis
learning tools, learning stages, and evaluation. Lesson Study di Indonesia. Educationist. Vol 1 (1): 28-38.
[6] Lewis, C. 2015. Lesson study: A handbook for teacher-led
improvement of instruction (Brief guide to lesson study).
Philadelphia: Research for better schools. Online.

The Effect of Environmental Teaching Method and the Level of
Natural Intelligence on the Environmental View of
the Students Behavior
Rita Retnowati1), Henny Suharyati2)
Pakuan University, Indonesia
E-mail :

Pakuan University, Indonesia
E-mail :

Abstract. The research objectives are to find the effect of environmental teaching method and natural intelligence
on environmental view of the student's behavior. The sample of the research is the fourth year students of public
elementary school Bangka IV, Bogor with as many as 52 students taken as the cluster randomized sampling. The
research applies 2x2 factorial design. The research results reveal that (1) Environmental view of the student's
behavior between the students taught through discussion starter story and those taught through fieldtrip strategy is not
significantly different. (2) The students with high natural intelligence and the students who are taught through
discussion starter story have similarly good results to the students who are taught trough fieldtrip strategy in relation to
environmental view of the student's behavior. (3) The discussion starter story has more significant effect on the students
with low natural intelligence compared to fieldtrip strategy in building environmental view of the student's behavior.
(4) There is an interaction effect between the teaching method and natural intelligence in relation to environmental
view of the student's behavior. Therefore, there is an effect of environmental teaching method and natural intelligence
on the environmental view of the student's behavior.

Keywords : Environmental teaching method, level of natural intelligence, students behavior

normal children imitate adult behavior. Children often seen

I. INTRODUCTION littering, scribbling on a bench or a wall of the school,
Recently the problem of environmental degradation damaging crops, damaging or defacing public facilities,
has become a global problem. According to the Independent damage the bird's nest, let the lights remain lit during the day,
Commission's report and the Quality of Life, there are some let the tap water flows continuously and many more
ecological challenges in the present and the future. These behaviors that are less environmental care.
challenges, among others in terms of air and water quality, Improper view of the above must be rectified through
forests and biodiversity. efforts to increase awareness of human living environment.
The main cause of damage to the environment is a Efforts to grow and develop environmental awareness can be
human being. This is due to the failure of human ethics and done through environmental education that is given early,
morals. As a result, attitudes and values of people in making starting from childhood. Through education of environment
decisions are less attention and promote environmental is expected to make people care about environmental issues
sustainability. Therefore, in addressing to environmental by changing their behavior so as to reduce environmental
issues, the central effort is the handling of the man himself. problems. Environmental learning methods performed must
In life, people are always interacting with their be adapted to the development of age learners. The method
environment, thus environmental conditions strongly of learning environment that is expected to attract interest
influenced by human activities. Humans often wrong in and in accordance with the cognitive development of
looking at himself, nature and the environment. This error elementary school students among other methods of story
comes from the perspective of ethics anthropocentrism. starters discussion and field trips (field visit technique).
These ethical views of human beings become the center of Methods story starters discussion is a learning
the universe, and the only man that has a value, while nature method which provides information through a specific story
and everything in it is just a mean for the satisfaction of the to learners as a reference material for further discussion.
interests and needs of human life. These perspectives gave Learning materials can be lifted out of a storybook or can be
birth to the attitudes and exploitative behavior without a through drama, film and footage of the incident.
concern for nature and all its contents. Methods of site visits (field visit technique) is a
As a result of the behavior of adults are less method of learning in which learners are invited to the field
concerned about the environment will adversely affect and see the reality. For the material environment, learners
are invited directly into the natural environment or places

that are environmentally sound like a sewage treatment plant, sampling is the selection of samples where the sample is
breeding animals and others. chosen randomly not individuals but groups that have
In addition to the selection of teaching methods, relatively similar characteristics (Borg W.R and M.D Gall,
educational environment should also be noted naturalist 1983: 249: 250). Sampling through several stages. The first,
intelligence of students. According to Gardner (1993: 12), from 17 public elementary school in the district of South
each child has multiple intelligences (multiple intelligence). Bogor and one of school children randomly selected is
Of the various intelligence possessed, generally every child elementary Bangka IV School . Second, from four classes
has some intelligence that stands out. One type of were randomly selected two classes for each treatment. The
intelligence of the child is the naturalist intelligence. The number of students from each class were chosen is 47
naturalist intelligence is an intelligence in which a child has students. Third, both classes of all students selected were
a sensitivity, proficiency in recognizing and classifying then given instrument naturalist to find students who have
species of animals and plants in the environment. In high levels of high and low naturalist intelligence. Fourth, in
everyday life, a child who has a high naturalistic intelligence both classes are determined group of students who have a
has a proficiency in gardening, maintain plants or animals. high level of intelligence naturalists and students who have a
In the process of environmental education, when the low level of naturalist intelligence. Determination of the
election of appropriate learning methods and in accordance student group by taking 27% of students who have a high
with the interests and the child's intelligence, it is expected level of naturalist intelligence and 27% of students who have
that the results can be optimized. This study will discuss a low level of naturalist intelligence. From the results
two environmental learning methods, the method of site obtained, it was found that the number of samples of the two
visits (field visit technique) and the method of (discussion treatments each class of 26 students, 13 students obtained
starter story). Those two learning methods are tested to see with a high level of intelligence naturalist and 13 students
their effects on environmental behavior of primary school with low levels of naturalist intelligence.
students in Bogor.
Discussion Starter Story Field Trip
Research conducted at the State Elementary School 13 13
Bangka IV Bogor. The activity of the research ranging from 13 13
research planning to data analysis was length over twelve
months, from July 2015 to July 2016. The method used in In an attempt to obtain a reliable instrument for this
this research is an experimental study with a 2 x 2 factorial study, the calibration is done by looking at the validity and
design study is depicted in the following design. reliability. For variable environmentally sound behavior by
using product moment correlation formula of a 36-point
FIGURE 1. DESIGN RESEARCH declaration, item 29 is valid. This variable has a value of
Story Discussion Starter reliability 0,900 when measured using Cronbach Alpha
t (Discussion Starter formula. For variable attributes naturalist, after calculation
Story) (Field Visit Technique)
of the 36-point declaration, item 28 is valid. This variable
High A1B1 has a value of reliability 0,906.
A1B2 The research data were analyzed using descriptive
Low A2B1 statistics. Meanwhile, to test the hypothesis of the research
A2B2 was done by using variant analysis (ANOVA) two lanes. If
the analysis shows an interaction then forwarded to the
Multiple Comparisons test to find out which group is
significantly superior.


Information Requirements Analysis
A1B1: The group of students is high natural Before testing the hypothesis, test the hypothesis
intelligence that is taught by the method of prerequisites that include tests of normality and homogeneity
discussion starter story. tests were each using Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) to test for
A1B2: The group of students is high natural normality and Levine test for homogeneity of variance test.
intelligence that are taught with methods of Calculations with the help of Statistical Product and Service
field visits. Solutions (SPSS).
A2B1: Group of students who low naturalist 1. Normality test
intelligence who taught the method of Test of each group found that all groups (6 groups)
discussion starter story. has a normal distribution of data because the
A2B1: Group of students who low naturalist probability value is greater than 0.05.
intelligence who taught with methods of 2. Homogeneity of Variance Test
field visits Tests conducted by the homogeneity of variance
Levine test using SPSS. Through Levine test
Sampling for this study was done by using cluster concluded that the data from the study group site
random sampling (random group). Selection of cluster

visits and discussion starters methods stories come attention to things that are practical and concrete in daily life.
from populations having variances homogeneous. Both methods of learning above provide space as well as
experience in children so as to know the world and fostering
3. Assumptions Test a sense of simply believing in ourselves, tolerance between
The results of the data analysis calculation with living beings and the love for the environment.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) two lanes of The second hypothesis, there is a difference
variable environmental behavior can be seen in the environmentally friendly behavior among students taught
following table using stories beginners discussion with students taught with
methods of field visits, the students who have high naturalist
TABLE 1. intelligence.
Based on the analysis of data obtained that, the students who
have high naturalistic intelligence there is no difference
Source Total F table between the environmentally sound behavior taught students
dk RJK F hitung
Variance Square 0.05 0.01 with learning methods as well as the discussion starter story
Naturalist 7, learning methods of field visits. It can also be seen on the
Intelligenc 517,21 19,950* 4,04 acquisition of the average (mean) score of the second data
1 517,231 21
e 3 * 8
8 learning methods are almost the same. The average for the
scores of data stories beginners discussion was 70.08 and the
Learning 5 4,04 7, average score of the data field visits is 73.85. Both mean
0,308 0,308 0,012"
Methods 1 8 21 value is much better than the average theoretical of 58. From
8 the results of this analysis showed that the students who have
Naturalist high naturalistic intelligence, both the learning method
200,07 4,04 7, above is appropriate to increase environmentally sound
e– 200,077 7,717**
7 1 8 21 behavior.
8 A person who has high intelligence is a naturalist
1244,46 who demonstrate proficiency in recognizing and classifying
In Group - - - many species of flora and fauna in their life. People are also
2 48 25,926
248156, showing an interest and knowledge of the environment and
Total 52 - - - -
000 the view that nature conservation is a must. A child who has
Total 1962,07
51 - - - - a very high intelligence, naturalists like the learning process
Correction 7 in the open because of the mindset of the child is always in
Information reference nature. The learning method is very appropriate
** Very significant field trips given to students who have a high naturalist
ns Non-significant intelligence and interest due in accordance with the spirit of
dk Degrees of freedom the child who has an instinct and a strong attachment to
RJK Average Number Squares nature. Through learning methods in the field of children's
high naturalist intelligence can be further improved its
The testing with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) environmental friendly behavior.
shows that there are two paths of interaction between Methods also good discussion starter story and
learning method and naturalist, the test continued with appropriate given to children who have a high naturalistic
Multiple Comparisons test to find out which group is intelligence because through stories on the theme of the
significantly superior. environment, the environmental sensitivity of children will
The first hypothesis, there is a difference be further developed. Children who have a high naturalist
environmentally friendly behavior among students taught intelligence can easily grasp and understand a moral
with methods of story starters discussion with students message about the environment contained in the story.
taught with methods of field visits. From the calculation Through stories, understanding and appreciation of the
result of that, there was no difference in behavior experience (penetrave into) the child can be further
environmentally sound development in students taught with improved so as to improve the environmental behavior of
methods discussion starter story or the methods of field children.
visits. If seen from the fact, it suggests both methods equally The third hypothesis, there is a difference
good and appropriate to be given to the fourth grade primary environmentally friendly behavior among students taught
school students, in the matter of environmental knowledge. with discussion starters stories and the method of field trips :
It can also be seen from the average (mean) to score the data the students who have low naturalist intelligence. Based on
discussion starter story is 68.88 and the mean score of the the analysis of data obtained, the students who have Low
data field visits are 68, 73. These two values mean much naturalist intelligence there is a difference in behavior
better than the average of 58 theoretical. between the given environmental friendly way of learning
Both methods of learning, good stories and stories and discussion starters with methods of field visits.
discussion starters are very appropriate field trips given to By looking at the mean scores of students grouped data by
children aged 8-13 years, because in this age of the child has the method of discussion starter story 67.69 and the mean
a critical personal characteristics, realistically, many curious student score data group by methods of field visits by 63.62
and love to learn. In addition, in that age children have more it is certain to students who have a low naturalist intelligence

is better taught by the method of story starters discussion naturalist intelligence learning methods discussion starter
instead of the field visit in the establishment of story is more appropriate than the method of learning given
environmentally sound behavior. field visits.
Students who have low naturalist lacks sensitivity
and concern for the environment, so it is less precise when IV. CONCLUSIONS
given the learning methods of field visits. This is because Based on the results of testing the fourth hypothesis,
when a field naturalist low intelligence students are less able the findings in this study are:
to absorb the messages or concepts existing environment. 1. Overall, students are taught using instructional methods
Consequently when in the field students will be more play equally good discussion starter story in environmentally
and joke rather than learn. sound behavior with students taught using field visits.
Methods more appropriate discussion starter story 2. On the students who have high naturalistic intelligence,
given to students who are low because the naturalist students are taught using instructional methods equally
intelligence through stories can foster interest someone good discussion starter story in environmentally sound
about something, can educate the mind and foster a love of behaves with students taught using field visits.
one's neighbor as well as on the environment. The stories on 3. The students who have low naturalist intelligence,
the theme of environment was able to form a child's positive learning methods stories
behavior towards the environment. This was shown in this beginners discussion is better than learning methods of
study that children who have given naturalist low with field visits in the establishment of environmentally sound
environmental knowledge through discussion starter story behavior.
method can be enhanced sound behavior environment so 4.There is an interaction effect between teaching methods
obtained an average score data at 67.69 which is far above and naturalist to environmentally sound behavior.
the average theoretical at 58. The conclusions from this study is there is influence
The fourth hypothesis, there is an interaction effect between the environment and learning methods naturalist
between teaching methods and naturalist to environmentally intelligence to environmentally sound behavior elementary
sound behavior. Based on the analysis of variance result that, school students.
there is an interaction effect between teaching methods and
naturalist to environmentally sound behavior. Based on the REFERENCES
analysis, it can be explained that in order to achieve the
De Porter, Bobby, Mark Reardon, Sarah Singar Nourie, Quantum
expected results in the learning process environment it is Teaching
necessary to do the selection of teaching methods tailored to [1] disadur oleh Ary Nilandari. Bandung: Penerbit Kaifa, 2002.J.
the naturalist intelligence level of students. In the present Breckling, Ed., The Analysis of Directional Time Series: Applications
study found the fact that for children who have a high to Wind Speed and Direction, ser. Lecture Notes in Statistics. Berlin,
Germany: Springer, 1989, vol. 61.
naturalistic intelligence learning methods starters story
discussions and field trips well to do. For students have low

The Role of Participative Learning on Post-Training Development
First Author1), Second Author2), Third Author3)
Department, University, City, Country
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz

Second Institution, Address, Country
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz

Abstract. Post-training development often find less attention because the participant who have been finished training is
ussually presumed to be able and ready to apply the training outcomes. In fact, the amount of 74,2% early childhood
educators which was involved as subject research at Kabupaten Sumedang and Kota Bandung is capable of applying
only 5 to 10% the training outcomes. Post-training development which should be conducted by Head school as well as
Early Childhood Education (ECE) overseers is not sufficiently established. If it is conducted anyway, it rarely touches
the needs of ECE teacher . In order to solve this problem, Community based Participative learning is used as a model to
carry out the Post-Training Development. The result of the research is measured by using teacher performance
assessment. There are 85,86% ECE teacher that are categorized as “good” and “very good”. Around 24,15% are
categorized as “adequate” and “less.” The result of the research shows that Participative Learning is able to improve
participants’ knowledge and skills in applying training outcome because it serves as a medium for participants peer-
learning, consultancy media, self-development and unifying instrument.

Keywords: Participative Learning, Post-Training, Competency Development

actually needed, and the nature of the training focused only

I. INTRODUCTION to cognitive aspects rather than the skills needed to apply
The training of ECE teacher is related to the them. So the real question is how they can learn the skills to
improvement of their knowledge and skills that has apply knowledge acquired from the training in their
relevance for performing their current duties. If the training workplace. Due to the results of that study, it is, now,
outcomes dedicated for improving their competencies are constructed a model of post-training development with ECE
not fully understood and applied, then the learning practice teachers community-based participative learning.
in classroom would predictably turn out to be handled Community referred in this study is a collection of early
unprofessionally and it affects the development of early childhood institution from 3 to 8 neighboring institution
childhood less positively. called Gugus PAUD. Gugus PAUD functions as : (a) center
In Indonesia, the government supports formal of professional development in improving competencies for
“model” kindergarten programs, its name Taman Kanak- ECE teacher and ECE administrators, (b) medium for
Kanak (TK) programs offer formal center-based preschool information sharing and learning sharing among educators
education to children aged 4 to 6. in addition, the and the society where they work (c) workshop for providing
governments to expand nonformal ECD services to children and developing creativity and innovation on ECE learning ;
who are not being reached by formal programs to children (d) medium for coaching ECE institution effectively and
aged 2 to 6 who are not targeted by formal services, with a efficiently.
particular focus on children aged 2 to 4. These include In the following year, the model was applied in
playgroups called Kelompok Bermain (KB), daycare centers multiple locations for serving the purpose of, first, to find
known as Taman Penitipan Anak (TPA), and similar ECE out the capabilities of the model in improving teachers of
approaches called Satuan Padu Sejenis (SPS). ECE teacher ECE competencies. The indicator of such development could
referred in this study are those nonformal ECE teacher be noticed from the improvement of educators’
which is consisted of Play Group (Kober) , Daycare (TPA), performances in class and students’ responses towards
and similar PAUD approaches (SPS). learning process provided by the educators. Second, it was to
The study of 2014 at Kabupaten Sumedang and Kota measure the role of participative learning in improving ECE
Bandung towards 190 ECE teacher as participants showed teacher’ competencies.
that there were only 25,8% participants capable of
implementing the outcomes of the training and the remaining II. METHODS
74,2% capable of implementing only 5 % to 10 % of the The research used a case-study with a qualitative
training outcomes. The major factors of these unsatisfactory approach. The data collecting procedure used observations
results are, in fact, the duration of the training that was sheet for teacher of early childhood and early childhood
available to them was considered to be lesser than they students. In addition, it also used deep interview for

exemplary teachers, observers, informants, supervisors of community (Topping, KJ, 2005; Reitzl. Anne K. et. Al), not
ECE, supervisor of kindergarten, the board member of sub- as a professional teacher (Topping, JK, 2005), and without
districts HIMPAUDI and IGTKI. authority (Boud, 2001). This shows that they are not
The application of the model involved six Gugus reluctant to share because the similarities they have as an
PAUD consisting of 42 techers from 6 subdistricts called equal profession, having educational background which is
kecamatan , those are: Kecamatan Mandalajati, Cinambo not much different, and having the same cultural background.
dan Astanaanyar from Kota Bandung. Kecamatan Acts as media consulting means that in the
Tanjungsari, Rancakalong dan Sumedang Utara from implementation of participative learning they can consult
Kabupaten Sumedang. In addition, it also involved several each other, share information to solve problems they face in
stakeholders from each subdistricts, those are the Supervisor the workplace. This is possible because the teacher of early
of Kindergarten, and Supervisor of ECE as coach for childhood involved in post-training development differs in
educators performances development from each subdistricts, tem of their experiences. 42,86% has work experience of 9
the board of the Association of Kindergarten Teachers of to 18 years. In addition, the education diploma they have
Indonesia (Ikatan Guru Taman Kanak-kanak also differs, 21,43% hold undergraduate diploma, 42,86%
Indonesia/IGTKI) and the Community of Early Childhod graduate diploma, and even 7,14% post-graduate diploma.
Educators and Manager of Indonesia (Himpunan Pendidik They are involved in post-training development because
dan Pengelola PAUD Indonesia /HIMPAUDI) from each 58% of them hold diploma of non-education graduate. The
sub-districts, and exemplary of ECE teacher from each convenience in communicating with their peer becomes the
kabupaten/kota. They play a role as observer and informants.. basis for sharing and consulting.
Acts as self-development instrument means that it
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION encourages the participants to involve and contribute
actively in learning planning, implementation, and
The result of this study shows that the post-training
evaluation activity. In this case, learning activity tends to be
development by using participative learning improve teacher
based on self-regulated learning which means that the model
of early childhood and students responses in learning
gives the participants flexibility to manage effectively the
activities. The observation on teacher competencies showed
learning activity themselves in any ways so as to achieve
by performance indicators and students response in learning
optimal learning output. Pintricts (in Fujita and Isaacson,
activity can be seen in the following table.
2006) describes that self-regulated learning as an active
process directs the objective learning, controls the learning
THE IMPROVEMENT OF ECE TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE process, cultivates self-motivation and self-efficacy, and
Achievement Categories selects or adjusts environmental aspects of the physical and
(%) non-physical that support learning process.
Duration of Less Appro Good Excelent Self-regulated learning is developed from Bandura
observation priate theory of social cognition (1997) which states that human is
the result of causal structure interdependent with personal
Week-1 9.7 55.37 30.73 4.2 aspects, behavior, and environment. These three aspects are
Week-3 2.35 46.15 45.09 8.41 determinant in the goings on of self-regulated learning. The
Week-5 0 24.15 60.26 15.6 three determinants aspects are interrelated, in term of cause
In table 1 above, it can be seen that there is an and effect, in which a person tries to regulate herself,
increase in category of “good” and “excellent” along with a resulting in performances or behaviors and it affects the
decrease at category of “less” and “adequate.” environment change and so on.
TABLE 2 Acts as unifying instrument among ECE teacher from
different background institution means that it can destroy the
Duration of Student Students
existing barrier that separate them from believing that they
observation who pay who do not pay
attention attention differs from each other in term of institutional backgrounds;
that they come from ECE institution and other from formal
53,52 46,48
or nonformal Kindergarten institution. There is a gap of
Week-3 70,48 29,52
perception from these two ECE groups, because formal ECE
Week-5 81.30 18.70
institution exists before the nonformal one, while the
In table 2, it can be seen that there are an increase in nonformal ECE institution was recently introduced to the
achievement of the students’ concentration during the society years after the formal one. Of course the
learning process from first week to fifth week. competencies and qualification of the educators and facility
Such improvement can be achieved because available tend to be incomparable between them therefore
participative learning influences positively the process of the perception gap appears. However, participative learning
helping participants to improve their competencies, such as requires them to work together from the planning stage to
provide them a medium for peer learning, medium evaluation stage, in order to achieve equal goals in equal
consulting, self-development and unifying instrument. environment. This situation gradually reduces the gap and
Acts as medium for peer learning means that thereby the barrier between formal and nonformal institution
participative learning is an activity for learning among peer, no longer exist.
helping each other as a holder of equal status (Boud, 2001;
Topping, KJ 2015). They come from the same social

IV. CONCLUSIONS [23] J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, and D. Towsley, “A stochastic model of TCP
Reno congestion avoidance and control,” Univ. of Massachusetts,
Post-training development is a stage that need to be Amherst, MA, CMPSCI Tech. Rep. 99-02, 1999.
recognized if we hope optimum achievement from training [24] Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer
program. The competencies development expected from a (PHY) Specification, IEEE Std. 802.11, 1997.
series of training can only be identified at outcome and
impact level. The participative learning can be treated as an The heading of the References section must not be
alternative model that effectively contribute to post-training numbered. All reference items must be in 8 pt font. Please
development conducted within community, with the proviso, use Regular and Italic styles to distinguish different fields as
the community share a same profession, needs, interest and shown in the References section. Number the reference
objective to learn and develop. items consecutively in square brackets (e.g. [1]).
When referring to a reference item, please simply use the
REFERENCES reference number, as in [2]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or
[1] Kirkpatrick, D.L & Kirkpatrick, J.D., Evaluating Training Program, “Reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence, e.g.
Third Edition, Four Levels, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009, p.21- “Reference [3] shows …”. Multiple references are each
[2] Sudjana, H.D. Metoda & Teknik Pembelajaran Partisipatif,
numbered with separate brackets (e.g. [2], [3], [4]–[6]).
Bandung , Falah Production, 2000, p. 155 – 165 Examples of reference items of different categories shown
[3] Knowles, Malcolm, S. Andragogy in Action : Applying Modern in the References section include:
Principles of Adult Learning, San Fransisco : Jossey Bass, Publishers.  example of a book in [1]
 example of a book in a series in [2]
[4] Arif, Zaenudin. Andragogi. Bandung , Angkasa. 1993, p. 25-27
[5] Kartika, Ikka, Mengelola Pelatihan Partisipatif, Bandung, Alfabeta,  example of a journal article in [3]
2011, p.34-35.  example of a conference paper in [4]
[6] Iman, Muis Said, Pendidikan Partisipatif, Safiria Insania Press,  example of a patent in [5]
Yogyakarta, 2004, p. 3.
 example of a website in [6]
[7] Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, New York, Continuum, 1986,
p.81.  example of a web page in [7]
[8] Boud, D. & R. Cohen, & J. Sampson (Eds) Peer learning in higher  example of a databook as a manual in [8]
education (London, Kogan Page), 2001, p. 67–81.  example of a datasheet in [9]
[9] Topping KJ, Trends in Peer Learning, Educational Psychology Vol.
 example of a master’s thesis in [10]
25, No. 6, December 2005, Scotland, University of Dundee, 2005, p.
631–645.  example of a technical report in [11]
[10] Fujita, G., & Isaacson, R. M., Metakognitive Knowledge Monitoring  example of a standard in [12]
and Self Regulated Learning: Academics Success and Reflection on
Learning. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2006,
[11] Dale, Edgar. Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, 3rd ed., Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1969, p.108.
[13] S. M. Metev and V. P. Veiko, Laser Assisted Microtechnology, 2nd
ed., R. M. Osgood, Jr., Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1998.
[14] J. Breckling, Ed., The Analysis of Directional Time Series:
Applications to Wind Speed and Direction, ser. Lecture Notes in
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[15] S. Zhang, C. Zhu, J. K. O. Sin, and P. K. T. Mok, “A novel ultrathin
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Proc. ECOC’00, 2000, paper 11.3.4, p. 109.
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[18] (2002) The IEEE website. [Online]. Available:
[19] M. Shell. (2002) IEEEtran homepage on CTAN. [Online]. Available:
[20] FLEXChip Signal Processor (MC68175/D), Motorola, 1996.
[21] “PDCA12-70 data sheet,” Opto Speed SA, Mezzovico, Switzerland.
[22] A. Karnik, “Performance of TCP congestion control with rate
feedback: TCP/ABR and rate adaptive TCP/IP,” M. Eng. thesis,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Jan. 1999.

The Aplication of Geogebra in Mathematical Problem Solving and
Problem Posing of Prospective Teacher
Ipah Muzdalipah 1), Eko Yulianto2)
1)Mathematics Education Study Program of FKIP, University of Siliwangi, Indonesia

Abstract: Ideally, Mathematical skills of prospective teachers not only focus on problem-solving, but needs to be
sharpened to the ability of constructing a problem. It has become very important, especially for prospective teachers who
would use technology in appropriate model. This study used the software of GeoGebra in prospective teachers’ problem
solving and problem posing. The prospective teachers were students in fifth semester of mathematics department of
education Siliwangi University. The results show that there is significant influence of GeoGebra to the problem solving
and problem posing ability in geometry-vector of prospective teachers. There are significant differences between problem
solving and problem posing in GeoGebra assisted learning. There are significant differences between problem solving and
problem posing in conventional learning. Learning Satisfaction of prospective teachers through assisted learning
GeoGebra relatively positive. The most problem of prospective teachers was in posing problem because they rarely get
treatment construct problems.

Keywords: Problem Posing Approach, GeoGebra, Mathematics Problem Solving, and Problem Posing and Learning

principles are equity, curriculum, teaching, learning,

I. INTRODUCTION assessment, and technology. The media of the six principles
The education development increasingly rapid included in the sixth principle, namely technology. With the
requires teachers and prospective teachers to have a qualified help of the media will be able to help the students'
competences. According to the constitution number 14 in understanding of mathematics in order to achieve a quality
2005, teacher is a professional job that can only be done by education. Certainly, to create teaching and learning
someone who has academic qualifications, competences, and technology, prospective teachers must be mastery in the
educator certificate. Therefore, creating a good prosepctive technology.
teacher the firts step of solutions for improving the quality of Two hundred years ago a teacher only needs to know
education. and understand the content of material as determined by a
Competence is the description of the quality of certain grade level they teach (Niess, 2009 : 511). The
person's behavior and a skill that can be shown and conviction of today about what you need to be known by
measured. For prospective teachers of mathematics, teachers has really changed based on technology
academic competence related to the pedagogical content development and teacher preparation programs. For example,
knowledge of mathematics, and it was identified as a real Shulman (1986 : 9) were eager to know, ‘how do teachers
contributor of teachers’ role in mathematics teaching. decide what to teach, how to represent, how the students
Pedagogical content knowledge positively correlated to the questions about it, and how to deal with the problem of
subject matter knowledge, the better teachers’ subject matter misunderstanding?’. Therefore, Shulman and his colleagues
knowledge, the better teachers’ pedagogical content built a theoretical framework of pedagogical content
knowledge (Yulianto, 2015). knowledge (PCK) which has become an effective framework
Subject Matter knowlege represents knowledge in the to analyze the knowledge of teachers and teacher preparation
material master mathematics teacher both the concept and programs.
mathematical problems. This is supported by the NCTM Koehler dan Mishra (2005 : 3) proposed a new
(2000: 2) who proposed ‘one of the important components of concept of framework Technological Pedagogical and
mathematics skill is the understanding of concept’. While Content Knowledge (TPACK), which theoretically integrate
one purpose of mathematics teaching and learning in technology into the system of teacher knowledge which is
primary and secondary school is to make students’ based on a framework Shulman and presents a way of
understanding of mathematical concepts, explain the link thinking about the essential knowledge that must be held by
between concepts, applying the concept in flexible, accurate, teachers to teach effectively with technology and how they
efficient and precise. Therefore, besides being able to solve develop such knowledge. One computer program which can
mathematical problems, prospective teachers must be able to be used as a medium of learning mathematics, especially
construct an issue of mathematics concepts into context are geometry is GeoGebra. According to Hohenwarter (2008 : 5),
weighted so that the learning more meaningful. ‘GeoGebra is a computer program (software) for the study of
In the NCTM (2000: 2) there are six fundamental mathematics, especially geometry and algebra’.
principles for high-quality mathematics instruction. The six Researchers interested in conducting research on the

development of prospective teachers learning tools to be Furthermore Kusumah (Budhiawan, 2012) also suggested
applied in the subject of vector analysis on topics relating to that computer-assisted learning innovation is very good to be
the application of geometry. In addition to learn the software integrated in learning mathematical concepts, especially
as a training vessel, this research is also important to concerning the transformation geometry, calculus, statistics,
measure the extent to which prospective teachers are ready and graphics functions. One computer program which can be
to apply technology in learning. The purpose of this study used as a medium of learning mathematics is a program
was to see the effect of GeoGebra to construct problem- GeoGebra.
solving ability and geometry-vector of mathematics Based on some understanding of the above, it can be
prospective teacher and to compare the ability of problem concluded the understanding of learning mathematics by
solving and problem posing with the help of GeoGebra and using GeoGebra is the efforts of teachers in creating an
conventional learning. attractive learning environment by utilizing the GeoGebra
Many researchers believe that there are a number of program so that students can be actively involved to
great opportunities that are possible with the technology to understand the concepts and principles of mathematics. The
promote the acquisition of concepts quickly and easily (Hitt, media as a tool in the teaching-learning process is a reality
2011 : 724). Specifically NCTM (2000 : 0033) said that can not be denied. Even though, Djamarah (2006)
'technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics, explained that the use of media as tools can not arbitrarily
it affects the mathematics that is taught and enhance arbitrarily according to the teacher,but must pay attention to
students' learning activities’. and consider the goals.
21st century technology is centered on the computer. TABLE I
In this computer environment a lot of different software FONT SIZES FOR PAPERS
attempts to integrate into the education of mathematics, such
Font Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
as Dynamic Geometry Environments (DGEs), Computer
Size Regular Bold Italic
Algebra System (CAS), spreadsheet, graphing calculators,
8 table caption (in reference item
statistical packages and software charts. When the need to Small Caps), (partial)
deal with mathematical equations symbolically, they use the figure caption,
CAS that allows rapid manipulation and calculation algebra reference item
routines. The main objective of the CAS is to automate tasks 9 author email address abstract abstract heading
algebraic manipulation tedious and sometimes difficult. (in Courier), body (also in Bold)
Although the capabilities of the software used in cell in a table
mathematics education and growing rapidly, but their 10 level-1 heading (in level-2 heading,
progress is not fast enough as desired and they are mainly Small Caps), level-3 heading,
paragraph author affiliation
used for drill and practice on the topics that were previously
12 author name
developed in class (Niess et al., 2009). In addition to the 18 Title
importance of the integration of technology in education,
necessary prudence in the implementation when using it. A
balanced implementation necessary for successful teaching
between the use of technology and traditional methods such The method used in this research was quantitative
as paper-pencil activities (Hitt, 2011). research. This study aimed to look at the effect of using
Faced with the challenge of how teachers can software goegebra to construct problem-solving ability and
integrate technology into their teaching and approaches geometry-vector math teacher candidate as well as
required for teaching as an interaction between what is comparing the ability of the class with GeoGebra assisted
known to teachers and how to apply them in unique learning and conventional learning.
circumstances or context in their classroom. There is no "one The population in this study were all students of
best way" to integrate technology into the curriculum. Mathematics Education Siliwangi University in Tasikmalaya
Instead, efforts should be creative integration designed or in academic year of 2015-2016 were taking courses in vector
structured to ideas of certain subjects in the context of a analysis as much as three classes a number of 124 people.
particular class. Sampling was choosen by random and class C-E was
There are various ways in which the candidates selected as a control group were 51 people and class D-F as
familiarize teachers teaching mathematics with technology, the experimental class each as much as 41 people. In mid-
including a computer can be used as a tool of the learning lecture, 4 prospective teachers of grade control is inactive
process as well as the media to help ensure a concept. In and therefore not as research subjects. In other words, the
most cases the learning of mathematics, mathematical control class is composed of 47 people.
software is more widely used as a medium to help prove the There were two instruments used for this research, test
concept. According to Hohenwarter (2008 : 1), GeoGebra is questions and questionnaires. About the tests used to
very useful program for teachers and students. GeoGebra measure problem-solving skills-vector geometry as much as
can be installed on a personal computer and used anytime 4 matter and measure the ability to construct vector
and anywhere by students and teachers. According to geometry application problems as much as 4 matter.
Kusumah (Budhiawan, 2012:28), ‘computer programs are Problems were made through discussions four lecturers who
ideal to be used in learning mathematical concepts that teach vector analysis and is based on the level of difficulty
require high accuracy, concept or principle that repetitive, from the viewpoint of the material requisites. Prior to use,
settlement charts accurately, quickly, and accurately’. the instruments were tested empirically in a sample of

students outside to see the validity and reliability of the Based on the above table it is known that Asymp. Sig
instrument items, in this case the instruments tested by a 7th (2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05, then in accordance with the basis for
semester student who has contracted previously subjects of a decision in the Wilcoxon test can be concluded that Ho is
vector analysis. Feasibility instruments were also validated rejected. The rejection of the Ho implies that there is a
through the judgment by 2 lecturers and 2 lecturers geometry difference between problem solving ability and geometry-
vector. While the questionnaire is only validated by expert vector construct prospective teachers of mathematics in
faculty of judgment alone. conventional learning.
Satisfaction of learning to be part of the question of the
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION study. The results of questionnaire obtained the following
Based on the results of data analysis of the first TABLE 4.
obtained the following results: MATHEMATICS
Mean Percentage
No. Dimension Indicator (Scale of (%)
1. Satisfactio Invented the
n of concept by- 3,35 84
Understan self
ding Feel the
Matter benefits of
the material 3,15 79
Based on the above table it is known that Asymp. Sig
(2-tailed) of 0.004 <0.05, then in accordance with the basis
for a decision in the Mann-Whitney test can be concluded problem- 3,02 76
that Ho is rejected. The rejection of the Ho implies that there solving
is significant influence of the use of GeoGebra towards Inspired
solving abilities and construct geometry-vector math teacher constructs 3,11 78
candidates. problem
2. Satisfactio The
Based on the analysis of second hypothesis with the n of accuracy of
Wilcoxon-Test. Through the help of SPSS 22, obtained the Learning the model
following results: Model applied with 3,05 76
Applicatio the material
TABLE 2. n being
time 3,16 79
means with 3,01 75
the model
Based on the above table it is known that Asymp. Sig lecturer
(2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05, then in accordance with the basis for 3,12 78
a decision in the Wilcoxon test can be concluded that Ho is 3. Satisfactio Counseling
rejected. The rejection of the Ho implies that there are n of tasks services and
significant differences between problem solving ability and study structured
3,11 78
geometry-vector construct prospective teachers of tasks
mathematics learning by using GeoGebra. independent
Based on the results of data analysis third hypothesis Difficulty
with Wilcoxon-Test. Through the help of SPSS 22, obtained index and
the following results: the 3,07 77
TABLE 3. of reference
4. Satisfactio Fairness
2,99 75
n of assessment
assessment Conformity
with 3,10 77
Mean 3,10 77,6%

Based on the data above shows that prospective One of the advantages of learning a perceived problem
teachers have a positive learning satisfaction with a posing researchers are students more responsible in solving
percentage of 77.6%. the problem. This is evident from the enthusiasm of students
Discussion of the results of research carried out based to achieve the solution of the questions are very high. The
on the variables examined in this study. These variables author identifies that this happens because of problems that
include learning model that uses GeoGebra and appear to originate from the students themselves.
conventional, construct problem solving ability and 2. Problem Solving and Problem Posing Abillity
geometry-vector candidate math teacher, math teacher Problem solving skills reflect the ability of prospective
candidates studying satisfaction and learning obstacles by teachers in providing solutions systematically from non-
using GeoGebra. routine issues covering the steps of identifying problems,
1. Model Learning by Using GeoGebra and planning the work, perform calculations and check back in a
Conventional matter of contextual answers. The ability to construct an
Compared with conventional learning models, learning issue mencrminkan skills of prospective teachers of
with the help of GeoGebra show a meaningful role in mathematics in making geomteri application problems
improving and constructing problem-solving ability-vector whose solutions are not routinely required vector concepts
geometry math teacher candidates. Conventional learning, are contextual and logical solution to be done using tools
lecturers teaching model posing problem purely through GeoGebra.
strategies that can improve problem solving capabilities and Based on the test results and construct problem solving
construct but without the tools. One strategy used to prospective teachers in the experimental class that is
stimulate students to build the question then discuss and seek obtained with the help of GeoGebra learning, show a
solutions independently. Premises routines, this method can significant effect compared to students with conventional
create critical thinking and spark curiosity. In the learning. Learning mathematics through problem posing
experimental class with the same model but involves assist students in foster curiosity by asking questions specific
assistance in learning GeoGebra. to the subject matter, the difference in the experimental class
Based on the results of data analysis show that there are teacher candidates GeoGebra assisted in constructing the
differences and construct problem solving skills in solution or the problem. This is explained by the factors in
prospective teachers in the experimental class and control the previous point.
class. In a class with conventional learning, problem posing
models can work well with the many techniques of PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROBLEM POSING IN
scaffolding. This is done when potential confusion teacher EXPERIMENT CLASS
asked a question, the lecturers provide more in-depth Hypothesis testing results indicate that there are
illustrations or even if necessary the lecturer gives examples significant differences between the problem solving and the
of questions that may be made. In the experimental class ability to construct an issue on prospective teachers in the
lecturers to do the same technique when prospective teachers experimental class. This hypothesis was tested by comparing
have barriers in asking questions, it's just scaffolding the average of the two samples that are interconnected so
techniques are given not by example but to give direction to that we can see which is higher than the average. On average
the prospective teachers to work with the software problem-solving abilities in the experimental class at 35.12
GeoGebra. In other words, there is a difference scaffolding with a maximum score of 112 and a minimum score of 0.
techniques given a lecturer in both classes. While the average ability of constructing a problem in the
In terms of allocation of learning, both classes have a experimental class score of 30.12 with the same maximum
very clear distinction that the conventional class allocation and minimum. That is problem solving skills teacher
3sks highly enough to come to the question of enrichment. candidates is higher than the capability of constructing the
While the experimental class cederung tight, almost every problem.
form of matter enrichment meetings always race against This is explained by the focus groups and in-depth
time. This happens because the learning is not done interviews that prospective teachers have more trained than
cooperatively so that each person working alone to finish the constructing problem solving. Working with problem
job. solving is not foreign for prospective teachers, but the work
In terms of the learning experience, both classes have of constructing the problem remains foreign to the
different responses so far. The experimental class every perceptions of prospective teachers. Through work on
prospective teachers ask questions that vary even they tend GeoGebra prospective teachers could be done through an
to be surprised when they already know the formula new experiment in constructing a problem even in problem
turns them knowing their applications through the use of solving.
GeoGebra. In other words, the learning experience in the
classroom using GeoGebra can be said more significant than
in the control class.
Hypothesis testing results indicate that there are
The above descriptions give enough support to the data
significant differences between the problem solving and the
overview and data analysis statistically that there is
ability to construct an issue on prospective teachers in the
significant influence from the use GeoGebra to construct
control class. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the
problem-solving ability and geometry-vector math teacher
average of the two samples that are interconnected so that
we can see which is higher than the average. On average

problem-solving abilities in the experimental class at 27.49 The second dimension is measured from the
with a maximum score of 112 and a minimum score of 0. satisfaction questionnaire prospective teachers learn through
While the average ability of constructing a problem in the study with the help of GeoGebra is satisfaction with the
experimental class score of 22.6 with the same maximum learning model. The second dimension shows the average
and minimum. That is problem solving skills teacher score of 3.09 on a scale of 1-4, it means the satisfaction of
candidates is higher than the capability of constructing the prospective teachers in understanding the material through
problem. this model by 77%. This dimension is measured by
This condition is similar to the conditions that occur in indicators of all 5 to 8 as follows:
the experimental class that better problem-solving abilities The fifth indicator used to measure the satisfaction of
of the constructing problem. The results of further learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is satisfaction
observations also showed the same reason for prospective with the accuracy of the model with the material being
teachers is more accustomed to working with problem studied. The average results of the questionnaire showed a
solving rather than constructing problem. 3.05 out of a scale of 1-4, it means the satisfaction of
prospective teachers on the model accuracy with the material
3. Satisfaction Study on Learning with GeoGebra studied in this study amounted to 76%.
Help Six indicators used to measure the satisfaction of
The first dimension is measured from the satisfaction learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is the
questionnaire prospective teachers learn through study with effectiveness of the time in this study. The average results of
the help of GeoGebra is satisfaction in understanding the the questionnaire showed figures of 3.16 out of a scale of 1-
material. The first dimension shows the average score of 4, it means the satisfaction of the effectiveness of
3.16 on a scale of 1-4, it means the satisfaction of prospective teachers in the learning time by 79%.
prospective teachers in understanding the material through The seventh indicator used to measure the satisfaction
this model by 79%. This dimension is measured through the of learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is the
following four indicators: satisfaction of the demands of the model with the availability
The first indicator used to measure the satisfaction of of facilities. The average results of the questionnaire showed
learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is satisfaction figures of 3.01 out of a scale of 1-4, it means the satisfaction
in finding their own mathematical concepts. The average of prospective teachers on demand models with the
results of the questionnaire showed 3.35 on a scale of 1-4, it availability of this study was 75%.
means the satisfaction of prospective teachers in finding The seventh indicator used to measure the satisfaction
mathematical concepts through this learning model by 84%. of learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is the
These conditions correspond to the learning process that satisfaction of faculty feedback. The average results of the
shows that prospective teachers enthusiastic about working questionnaire showed figures of 3.12 out of a scale of 1-4, it
with GeoGebra. means the satisfaction of prospective teachers on faculty
The second indicator used to measure the satisfaction feedback on this learning by 78%.
of learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is The third dimension is measured from the satisfaction
satisfaction in feeling the usefulness of learning. The questionnaire prospective teachers learn through study with
average results of the questionnaire showed a 3.15 out of a the help of GeoGebra is satisfaction with the learning task.
scale of 1-4, meaning that prospective teachers satisfaction The third dimension shows the average score of 3.09 on a
in feeling the usefulness of this learning by 79%. It can be scale of 1-4, it means the satisfaction of prospective teachers
seen that through the help of GeoGebra construct problem- in understanding the material through this model by 77%.
solving ability and teacher candidates better than the control The task given the task of learning this form of structured
class. and independent assignment that emphasizes on the ability
A third indicator used to measure the satisfaction of of prospective teachers suckle from a logical algorithms
learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is the solving geometry problems. This dimension is also measured
satisfaction of solving the problem. The average results of considering the service, the relevance and references are
the questionnaire showed figures of 3.02 out of a scale of 1- provided so that the task of allowing it to be done. This
4, meaning that prospective teachers satisfaction in feeling dimension is measured by indicators of the 9th and 10th as
the usefulness of this learning by 76%. While the four follows:
indicators used to measure the satisfaction of learning to Ninth indicators used to measure the satisfaction of
learning with the help of GeoGebra is the satisfaction of learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is the
constructing problem. The average results of the satisfaction with the services and guidance of the lecturer.
questionnaire showed figures of 3.11 out of a scale of 1-4, The average results of the questionnaire showed figures of
meaning that prospective teachers satisfaction in feeling the 3.11 out of a scale of 1-4, it means the satisfaction of
usefulness of this learning by 78%. It can be seen that prospective teachers on duty in this model by 78%.
through the help of GeoGebra construct problem-solving The ten indicators used to measure the satisfaction of
ability and teacher candidates better than the control class. learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is satisfaction
The third and fourth indicators also showed that with the tasks given to the relevance and references
prospective teachers learn contentment in constructing available. The average results of the questionnaire showed
bigger problems than in solving the problem, it means 3.07 on a scale of 1-4, it means the satisfaction of
learning with the help of GeoGebra greatly assist teachers in prospective teachers on duty in this model by 77%.
developing the thinking process.

The fourth dimension is measured from the satisfaction ACKNOWLEDGMENT
questionnaire prospective teachers learn through study with Thanks to the institute of research and community
the help of GeoGebra is the satisfaction ratings. The fourth service commite of siliwangi university who has provided
dimension shows the average score of 3.04 on a scale of 1-4, funding for this study.
it means the satisfaction of prospective teachers in
understanding the material through this model by 76%. This REFERENCES
dimension is measured by indicators of the 11th and 12th as
[1] Yulianto, Eko. (2015). The Analysis of Pedagogical Content
follows: Knowledge of Secondary School Teacher in Mathematics Teaching.
The ten indicators used to measure the satisfaction of Prosiding International Seminar on Teachers Education.
learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is the justice Dipublikasikan di Riau.
system as perceived by the student assessment. The average [2] NCTM. (2000). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
results of the questionnaire showed 2.99 on a scale of 1-4, it [3] Niess, M. L. (2009). Mathematics Teacher TPACK Standards and
means the satisfaction of prospective teachers on assessment Revising Teacher Preparation. In L. Paditz & A. Rogerson (Eds.),
in this study amounted to 75%. 10th International conference “Models in Developing Mathematics
Eleventh indicator used to measure the satisfaction of Education” (pp. 445–449). Dresden. [Online]. Tersedia di: Diakses 24 Oktober 20014.
learning to learning with the help of GeoGebra is conformity [4] Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in
assessment with learning contract. The average results of the teaching. Educational Researcher, 15, 4-14.
questionnaire showed 3,10` on a scale of 1-4, it means the [5] Koehler, M.J., & Mishra, P. (2005). Teachers learning technology by
satisfaction of prospective teachers on assessment in this design. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 21(3), 94–102.
[6] Hohenwarter, M., et al. 2008. Teaching and Learning Calculus with
study amounted to 81%. Free Dynamic Matgematics Software GeoGebra. Tersedia: record/ 2718/files/ICME11-
4. Learning Obstacle of Problem Posing Model TSG16.pdf. Diakses tanggal 1 Desember 2011.
[7] Hitt, F. (2011). Construction of mathematical knowledge using
Assisted GeoGebra graphic calculators (CAS) in the mathematics classroom.
n terms of problem-solving ability and construct, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and
learning through the help of GeoGebra can be said to be Technology, 42(6), 723-735.
effective either because statistics show a significant [8] Budhiawan, Ignatius Candra. (2012). Upaya Mengatasi Kesulitan
Belajar Siswa Kelas VII SMP Kanisius Pakem Yogyakarta Pada
influence and based on observations in the learning process. Pokok Bahasan Segitiga Dengan Memanfaatkan Program Geogebra
The constraints faced by prospective teachers in learning in Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Remedial. Yogyakarta: Universitas
this study include the availability of a laptop. Some Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta (diakses dari
prospective teachers still do not have a laptop and some are pada tanggal 28 Januari 2013).
[9] Djamarah, Zain. (2006). Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Rineka
there who use a PC so it is difficult for mobility tasks. Cipta
Constraints in terms of mathematical ability is that
prospective teachers are still not familiar with constructing a
problem as is the case when working with troubleshooting.
Based on the interview that their experiences during the
previous semester are more accustomed to working mainly
trained in troubleshooting routine matter.

Based on the results of data processing research are:
There is a significant influence on the use of GeoGebra
towards solving abilities and construct geometry-vector math
teacher candidates. There are significant differences between
problem solving ability and geometry-vector construct
prospective teachers of mathematics learning by using
There are differences between problem solving ability and
construct the geometry of the candidate vector math teacher
at conventional study. Satisfaction learn math teacher
candidates showed positive signs towards learning by using
GeoGebra to achieve 77.6% mainly on its impact on the
ability of constructing problem-vector geometry.
Some prospective teachers, the limited access to the
computer when chores at home. Moreover, they tend to be
unfamiliar with job-vector constructs geometry problems.
Most of them admit that they are more familiar than
constructing trained troubleshoot problems.

The Effects of Leadership Style of the Principal of SKB (Group
Learning Activities) and Motivation of Work to Tutor in SKB, at
Priangan, West Java
Lili Dasa Putri 1), Mustafa Kamil2)
Faculty of Education, Nahdlatul Ulama University of West Sumatera, Indonesia

School of Education Studies, Postgraduate School, Indonesia Education of University

Abstract: The background of this study was due to the low performance of tutors in Group Learning Activities (SKB) at
Priangan, West Java. The problem of this research is to know how the effect of leadership style of the principal of SKB to
motivation work of tutors. The theory of this study include tutur concept as educators of non-formal education (PTK-PNF),
performance concept, the concept of leadership style of SKB principal. The approach used is a quantitative analysis with
descriptive correlation analysis methods. The 37 respondents was used in this study. Based on the research, it was found
that the effect of leadership style of SKB principal expressed by multiple linear regression equation that have a positive
values, with a large degree of relationship between these variables which are very strong or very closely.

Keywords: Leadership, tutor, SKB, education,learning activities

West Java. Also mentioned as well that SKB task of carrying

I. INTRODUCTION out the technical policy formulation, assessment and
The quality of human resources is determined by the development programs and models of non-formal and
extent to which the system in the field of human resources is informal education as well as facilitating the development of
able to support and satisfy the desires of employees or office. resources in the field of non-formal education and informal
Improved knowledge, skills, change in attitudes, behavior, in their working area. SKB function has also been described
the correction of the deficiencies of performance needed to in the Regulation of the Minister of State for Administrative
improve performance and productivity through training. In Reform and Reform of 15 in 2010.
addition those efforts must also be in line with the increase Human resources was instrumental in carrying out all
in the role of management in making effective leadership. the functions of the LCS is tutor Learning through the Auth.
Success or failure in the implementation of tasks in an The existence of Civil Learning is important when seen from
agency is influenced by leadership and supported by the duties, responsibilities, rights and responsibilities. Given
adequate capacities of the institutions, then the purpose of the position and profession as a Guardian study that is part
the agency will be realized. Besides, the motivation of the educational component most responsible for SKB, Civil
leadership or the company is also required to increase the Learning is supposed to improve performance is to be duty
performance of employees or employees at an agency. and its responsibility can doing properly and in accordance
According to Sheng (2004:34), reading is the process with what is expected. Departing from the description of
of recognition and perception of written of printed material duties and authority officials learned above, the reality on
while comprehension is the understanding of the meaning the ground is very different. Still a encountered tutors who
written material and covers the conscious techniques that do not obey and do not carry out their duties properly in
lead understands. It is clear that reading is a process that accordance with the duties and functions. In addition, they
needs technique in order to get comprehension. met officials learned that lack of discipline in carrying out
In line with the above description, Studio Learning their duties.
Activities (LCS) is a Directorate of Technical Unit (UPTD) Performance is the result of work that can be achieved
General Non-Formal and Informal Education. SKB is a by a person or group of people within an organization in
government agency under the Department of Education is in accordance with the authority and responsibility of each in
charge of creating and implementing various educational achieving the goals of the organization in question legally,
programs in non-formal design is tailored to the needs of does not violate the law, and in accordance with moral and
local communities. Studio Learning Activities (SKB) that ethical (Sedarmayanti, 2004: 176) , Officials learned as a
are in the districts and cities in every province in Indonesia, factor to successful learning in non-formal education
including the province of West Java, especially Priangan institutions doing at Studio Learning Activities (SKB).
Effort in improving the quality of education in SKB can not

be separated from responsibility tutor learn as Agents of happening unidirectional relationship between leadership
Change in achieving learning goals SKB. Therefore tutors style head SKB (X1) and performance tutor learning (Y). If
must have the motivation and discipline of good work in the the value style of leadership SKB (X1) rises, the
development of professional duties by having a positive performance of tutors (Y) rises with a significance quite
attitude towards the progress and development of science strong.
and technology, teaching basic skills, master the ways of Leadership style in this study was measured in four
learning and classroom management as well as the science indicators, correlation coefficient and determination of each
and development of the human soul. Therefore tutor learn indicator, namely: (1) the directive amounted to 0.141 and
should have the motivation and discipline of good work in 1.98%; (2) supportive 0.223 and 22.27%; (3) participatory
the development of professional duties by having a positive 0.226 and 5.10%; and (4) achievement with the performance
attitude towards the progress and development of science of officials learned of 0.475 and the determination
and technology, teaching basic skills, master the ways of coefficient 22.56%. The data is clearly presented in the follo
learning and classroom management as well as the science
and development of the human soul.
The robustness of an institution be it government,
business and society depends on leadership that is able to
provide the right motivation and attract the participation of
managers and employees in decision making. The better the
leadership style that more easily applied so follow by the
employees, besides affecting the performance of tutors in the
work is the motivation. Motivation is an impulse from the
individual itself in doing and increase enthusiasm for work.
Sedarmayanti (2004, p. 136) has told that "if the individual
work motivation is low, difficult to expect high labor
The calculation result of correlation analysis showed
Font Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times) both X2 and Y have a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.714
Size Regular Bold Italic with a coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.510 or with the
8 table caption (in reference item percentage of 50.97%. Thus it can be said that given the
Small Caps), (partial) magnitude of the contribution relationships work motivation
figure caption, (X2) with the performance of tutors (Y) is 50.97%. Under
reference item
the provisions of the value of the correlation coefficient
9 author email address abstract abstract heading
(in Courier), body (also in Bold) indicates a strong relationship, that is happening
cell in a table unidirectional relationship between work motivation (X2)
10 level-1 heading (in level-2 heading, and the performance of tutors (Y). If the value of work
Small Caps), level-3 heading, motivation (X2) rises, then the value of the performance
paragraph author affiliation level officials learned (Y) rose by a strong significance.
12 author name Based on calculations that have been done using
18 Title simple linear regression and multiple linear regression can
then be made a model of the relationship between leadership
II. METHODS style variable head of SKB (X1) on the performance of
This study was designed to apply the descriptive survey officials learned at 4:11 in the image below:
method, with quantitative approach. The population of this
research are the tutors in the Learning Activity Studio (LCS)
in the region of West Java Priangan spread into 11 SKB 113 Directive
people. Sample used was 37 people who were taken through Supportive
a cluster sampling technique. The main data collection Leadership Style Civil Learning
Head SKB Partisipative Performance
techniques used in this study was a questionnaire. Data
analysis techniques applied in this study through regression. Prestation


The calculation result of correlation analysis showed
two variables X1 and Y have a correlation coefficient (r) of
0.452 with a coefficient of determination (r2) 0.204 or
Based on the picture above can be seen that the
percentage 20.43%. Thus it can be said that given the
performance of tutors in the LCS in the area of West Java
magnitude of the contribution relationship style of leadership
Priangan influenced by the style of leadership, motivation
SKB (X1) with Guardian performance learning (Y) is
and work experience tutors themselves. Leadership style that
20.43%. Under the provisions of the correlation coefficient
is applied by the head of SKB will guide officials learned in
values indicate that the relationship is positive, that is
the work. Behavior what work will be done, hospitable,

friendly and supportive tutors for achievement provide a convincing officials learned to be able to carry out
power that helps tutors to improve their performance in both tasks and achievement will make the tutors work
the teaching and learning activities, model development and well.
assessment program which main duty as tutors. b. There is a significant relationship between
Knowledge will be growing over time or a long leadership style variable sub SKB heads together on
period he worked. Basically, the knowledge acquired the performance of tutors in the studio and learning
through education, related work will be better and ideal if in activities (SKB) in the region of West Java
accordance with science and knowledge acquired in Priangan.
education. If the work in accordance with the basic
knowledge obtained will easily achieves professionalism in REFERENCES
the work. [1] Sedarmayanti, (2004). Personality Development Officer. Bandung:
Penerbit Mandar Maju
IV. CONCLUSIONS [2] Thoha, Miftah. (2012). Organizational Behavior Basic Concepts and
Applications. Jakarta: Pt. Rajawali Grafindo Persada
Based on the results of hypothesis testing both [3] Rivai, Veithzal dan Mulyadi, Deddy. (2009). Leadership and Social
descriptive and verification, the obtained several conclusions, Behavior. Edition 2. Jakarta: Grafindo Persada
among others:
a. There is a significant relationship between the
leadership style of the performance of the head
SKB officials learned in the studio and learning
activities (SKB) in the region of West Java
Priangan. Achievement-oriented leadership style
gives a strong enough influence, head of SKB

Data Mining to Predict the Behaviour of User
Through User Pofiling in Social Media
Zen Munawar1), Bambang Siswoyo2), Nanna Suryana Herman3)
Phd. Student , UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia

Phd. Student , UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia

Phd. Supervisor , UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia

Abstract. In the era of online social media, users are often connected to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and
WhatsApp. Social networks as facilitators for human interaction. Social networking is also very attractive as a target of
research by studying the user behavior model. With a view user profiles in social networks, it can predict behavior. This
paper presents a system to predict the behavior of the user via the user's social media profiles. The proposal of the data
used is the extraction of data on online social media. The availability of information facilitates personalized
recommender system to produce recommendations accurately and efficiently. Profiling helps users personalize, where
information retrieval is based personalized user profiles. The purpose of making this paper is to explore this field,
especially in the context of profiling user personalization, with a variety of techniques and classification.

Keywords: Profiling, User Profiling, Recommender Systems, Social media

years later than 2015, online Social media Facebook has

I. INTRODUCTION surpassed 500 million members. From social networking
all over the place in this world, it can be conveyed profiles, users reveal about themselves both in what they
personal information and insights into their life environment. share and how they say it. Such as through self-description,
Social media is an interaction, along with the exchange of status updates, photos, and interests, a lot of the user's
user-generated content, [18]. With this condition, we can personality is displayed through their profiles. Social media
understand how some of this information can be used to can present such interactions provide users with a more
improve the user experience 'with interfaces that interact interesting experience and social, increase user retention.
with each other. We are interested to predict the behavior Social media is often seen as a way to rejuvenate the user
and personality of the user. Behavior and personality have base. Features in social media chat application written
proven to be relevant to many types of interaction; and be instrument.
useful in predicting job satisfaction, professional and To be able to predict the profiles then can use the
successful relationship between users. To predict accurately information to show you their online profiles. Our core
the user profile is done through publicly available research question asked whether social media profiles can
information on social media such as Facebook profile. We predict character traits and personality. If so, then there is an
will describe the types of data collected, our method of opportunity to integrate a lot of results on the implications of
analysis, and the results predict personality traits through personality factors and behaviors in the user's online
machine learning. experience and using social media profile as a source of
User Profiling can be defined as the process of identifying information to better understand the individual. One example
data about the domain user interest, with this information is, the system can be adapted to the friend suggestions based
can then be used by the system to understand more about the on whether their users are more familiar or not.
user and this knowledge can be used to improve decision to Previous studies have shown that the information in the
give satisfaction to the users. There are two important user's Facebook profile and behavior reflect their actual
aspects in the User Profiling to know the user and based on personality, not a desirable ideal that they themselves [20].
those items recommended interest. Coupled with a broad user base makes Facebook an ideal
Social networking on the web is growing dramatically platform for studying this relationship.
over the past decade. In early 2005, the result of a survey of In social media, the magnitude and the high variance of
social networking sites is estimated that among all the sites information that spread through a large user community
on the web there are about 115 million members [13]. Five provides an exciting opportunity to utilize the data into a

form that makes it possible to predict specific about users. First use a variety of machine learning algorithms for
particular outcomes. Build a model of the aggregate opinion building models based on social networking activity alone.
of the collective population and gain useful insights into Both extend the features of personality associated with
their behavior, while predicting future trends. In addition, to linguistic cues [21], Oberlander and Nowson 2006).
collect information about how people communicate about a Classification and regression techniques used to build a
particular product can be helpful when designing a predictive model of personality with five personality
marketing and advertising campaign [17], [3]. dimensions using linguistic features of a data set consisting
of several thousand essays were asked which of introductory
II. RELATED WORK psychology students [21].
Profiling users generally evolving approach to data SMO and Naïve Bayes is used to model four of the five
mining and machine learning. roots can be found in the data dimensions of personality by extracting features from the n-
model knowledge discovery [9], a lot of steps in the model gram corpus personal web-blog. The correlation between the
of Knowledge Data Discovery resembles the steps involved activity of a user's social network 'and personality has been
in the process of profiling users. Adaptive Profiling and now the focus of several studies in the past decade [11]
days it is more known as the ontological profiling of users. personality traits of Chinese social network Renren users the
Various types of filtering techniques are also used in the most popular are analyzed in. C4.5 Decision Trees have
profile. Many research literature can be found that addresses shown the best results, producing 69-72 percent accuracy, to
some filtering techniques, some of which can be filtered by the combination of features associated with the network
the Regulation, collaborative filtering and content filtering activity along with the features extracted from the affective
techniques based [4]. Based on different research literature linguistic status and blog posts. In some studies using a
we can conclude that the profiling system users can be number much larger than the case of the dataset is the same
further divided into sub-tasks such as extraction profile, in the investigation we have a goal that is somewhat
profile integration and discovery of user interest. different from ours, which tested the correlation between
personality and activity data Facebook [2] and the
A. Profile Extraction relationship between personal attributes and Facebook Likes
Profile extraction is extracting useful information about [22].
users from different sources. There are many methodologies C. MyPersonality Data
and models have been used by different researchers. Among
other things referred to as extracting data from the web, To study personality is reflected in the activities in social
extracting data from social media sites as well as several media such as Facebook users include a wide range of
techniques based on user behavior profiling system that features. Index of the most intuitive predictable as statistical
helps users collect interesting information about the user. [19] data on user activity in terms of the number of people like,
have been trying to extract user information from social status, group, tag, event). Ciridemografi characteristics such
networking sites such as Twitter, Google plus and Facebook. as: age and gender, accounted for the effect is known to be
Jiwei using a supervised approach to the extraction of the realized in the context of investigation [11]. Egocentric
Twitter user's profile [19]. Data from this site are used as the network parameter represents the number of friends, and
source of much of the supervision for the extraction of their measures such as density, brokers, and betweenness, provide
attributes of text created by users. There are linguistic additional insight into the user's social behavior plays a role
features traditionally used in remote controls for information in assessing the personality along multiple dimensions [5].
extraction, this approach also takes into account network D. Language Features
information, the unique opportunities offered by social
Users have the opportunity to share more personal
information written through the "description" text in their
Some models predict a user profile that these
profile, and through status updates. We collect this entry and
characteristics have been developed, some of which have an
features were also added to measure the length of the
accuracy that exceeds human performance [16], [24]. User
character of each entry. In previous studies have shown it is
profiling models have applications such as gender behavior
known that linguistic features can be used to predict
analysis [12] and the reduction of bias in the predictive
personality [10], [15].
model [1].
On the user's profile in Facebook provided the text, it can
There are approaches to building user profiling datasets
apply the methods of linguistic analysis to help predict
through other means. [6] Extracted positions known on the
personality. However, the sample text used in previous
Twitter profile description to annotate the user with working
studies were much larger than that available to us through
class and income. Crowdsourcing techniques have been used
Facebook. We combine status updates, text, from a profile
to annotate the data in [22] users are invited to complete a
into a single string of text that will be enough to analyze.
personality quiz and then asked if they want to share data for
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Aidil 1), Gunawan2), Esther Irawati Setiawan3)
STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara,Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Abstract.To make Fuzzy rules, an expert is necessary. An expert is one who is experienced in a field that is able to explain a rule that is
associated with a field. In this study, a rule is established automatically so that it doesn’t depend on an expert. Fuzzy rules generated can
be obtained from several techniques such as clustering process. The method used in generating a Fuzzy rule is the method of K-Means
clustering. K-Means clustering is used to classify the data and generate rules in the case of recommending beneficiaries uninhabitable
houses. The results from the generation of Fuzzy rules are used in Fuzzy Inference process using Sugeno Fuzzy Inference System.
Sugeno methods generate output (consequent) in the form of a constant or linear equations.This study used 1000 training data and the
testing process was conducted with 300 test data to obtain a recommendation of beneficiaries for uninhabitable houses. The test results
are used to determine the accuracy of the established rules.The results showed that the results of K-Means clustering can automatically
establish rules for the generation of rules for sugeno Fuzzy Inference System. It can be seen from the results of testing the accuracy of
the calculation of the global scenario test data which together produce minimal accuracy above 75%.

Keywords: Fuzzy, Fuzzy Rules, K-Means, Clustering, Fuzzy Inference System, Sugeno, Family In Inhabitable Houses

1. Determination of acceptance of help families settle down

I. INTRODUCTION based on several criteria including Age, income, number of
Help families settle down not livable is one of social Dependents (people) and the condition of the House (Roof,
assistance given to families that are experiencing economic walls, Floors and WC).
difficulties and or have homes that are not habitable. 2. Just specify the selection of recipient make their
recommendation is not livable without specifying a nominal
value assistance.
3. The data used in the training process is data not livable
The number of the variable variable to consider in houses family in 2012 and 2013 as much as 500 data as
determining a recipient make a decision it is often difficult to much as 500 data.
determine. For that is necessary a certain Fuzzy inference rules 4. The data used for testing the system data is not livable
are automatically raised as the expected decision makers. houses family 2014 as many as 300 data.
From it emerged a problem thought to create a fuzzy 5. The data is taken as the test data from the town of Tarakan.
applications that can evoke fuzzy rules automatically to form 6. On the research of this thesis cluster data using K-means
fuzzy rules required an expert. Expert is an expert who is clustering.
experienced in a field which is able to explain a rule associated 7. Using cluster Analysis to determine the best Variant.
with a field. 8. Using a fuzzy inference system model Sugeno for testing
In this study established a rule automatically that is not data
hanging with an expert. Fuzzy rules are raised can be obtained
from several techniques such as clustering process. Evoking D.THE PURPOSE OF
methods used in this method of fuzzy rules for k-means The purpose of this research is:
clustering. K-means clustering is used to classify the data and 1. Implement a system that can give the recipient families
rules on a evoked the case of recipient families make their make their recommendation is not livable.
recommendation is not livable. The result of the fuzzy rule 2. Simplify and speed up the search process within the
generation is used to process the fuzzy inference. recommended family got some help families settle down is
not feasible based on the needs of the recipient's quotas.
B. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM 3. Minimize the reduced quota recipient not livable houses
What steps were taken to create decision support over the next year because of an error in the selection of
applications are expected to make it easier to do selection election.
recommendations recipient families settle down not livable on 4. The results of this thesis research will be compared with the
the social and labour service of the town of Tarakan results of the selection of grant's family is not livable
houses carried out by the Office of Social work dantenaga 
The limitations of matter contained in this thesis is:  

  from the available objects as much as k clusters, then to

II. A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE calculate the centroid cluster to the next, i used the
following formula:
Some of the things that became the basis of the theory of
the study i.e. the theory of surgical program House (the House is
not Livable), data mining, k-means clustering, analysis of (2.1)
variants, fuzzy logic, fuzzy inference system sugeno.
Where ; v = centroid on the cluster
xi = object to i
n = a large number of objects that
become members of the cluster
3. Calculate the distance of each object to each of the centroid
The House is a basic human need that serves as place or
of each cluster. To calculate the distance between objects
residence and means of fostering family. In fact any residents
with centroid authors use Euclidian Distance.
requiring housing habitable, but in reality the fulfillment of the
Livable home needs to be a problem for some people.
The House is one of the measurement of well-being. The
House livable conditions mencermintan that families who occupy
Where ; xi = Object x to i
the homes of the prosperous community House but when there
yi = Power y to-i
are still many who do not deserve to be occupied means that the
n = The number of objects
area has not yet prosperous society. After complete Surgical
program home or rehabilitation home is not Livable (RTLH) in
4. Assign each object into the most closest centroid. To
2012, the Government officially handed over the town of
perform object allocation into each cluster at the time
Tarakan results of the programme to the owner of the House.
5. Do the iteration, and then specify the new position of the
Data mining is a term that is used to find the hidden 6. Repeat step 3 If a new centroid position is not the same.
knowledge in the database. Data mining is the process of semi Checking the convergence is done by comparing the matrix
automatic that uses statistical techniques, mathematics, artificial group assignment on previous iterations with matrix group
intelligence, and machine learning to extract and identify the assignment on iterations progress. If the results are the same
potential knowledge and useful information useful stored in large then the algorithm for k-means cluster analysis already
databases. (Turban et al, 2005). According to Gartner Group, converging, but if different then not yet convergent so that
data mining is a process of discovering relationships, patterns, needs to be done next iteration.
and trends by examining in great gobs of data stored in storage
by using pattern recognition techniques such as mathematical E. ANALYSIS OF CLUSTERING
and statistical techniques (Larose, 2006).
Before the cluster analysis process, first carried out
perhitung the mean and standard deviation for the data that is
already grouped by using the equation equation 2.3 and 2.4.
K-Means clustering algorithm is one. Clustering is a
technique of data mining are divided the data into multiple (2.3) 
groups (group or cluster or segments) that each cluster can be  
assigned several members together. Each dilewatan object to the
group that is most similar to him. This resembles the
menyusunan animals and plants into families whose members (2.4)
have similarities.
The K-Means algorithm introduced by J.B. Hector in 1976,
one of the clustering algorithm is very common that grouping
data according to the characteristics or traits of a similar joint. Where ; k = The number of cluster 1 ... k
This data group named as the cluster. Data in a cluster have i = Attribute 1 ... i
similar traits and not similar data on other clusters. The K-Means n = The amount of data
algorithm is judged fairly efficiently, shown with kompleksi- xj = Data to j
Carryall, with a record is the number of data objects, k is the ì = The average cluster
number of clusters that formed, and the large number of u = The average cluster
iterations. Usually, the values of k and t is much smaller than the
value of n. Furthermore, in iterasinya, this algorithm will stop in Cluster analysis can be obtained from the density of well-
optimum conditions. formed cluster (cluster density). The density of a cluster can be
determined with the variance within files (Vw) and variance
D.K-MEANS CLUSTERING ALGORITHM between files (Vb). Variants of each stage of the formation of the
Here is how the K-Means algorithm to partition a dataset cluster is calculated by the equation 2.5.
into clusters-cluster: (2.5)
1. Specify k as the number of cluster in shape. To specify a
large number of clusters k is done with some considerations
as theoretical and conceptual considerations that might be Where ; Vc2 = a variant on cluster c
proposed to determine how many clusters. c = 1..k,
2. Does k Centroid (center point cluster) random early. k= The number of clusters
Determination of centroid early carried out random/random 330 nc = The amount of data on cluster c

yi = the data to-i on a cluster are represented in the form of IF – THEN, where output
yc = The average of the data in a cluster (consequently) the system is not in the form of fuzzy sets, but
The next variant of the above, we can calculate the value of rather in the form of constant or linear equations. This method
the variance within clusters (Vw) with the formula : was introduced by Takagi Sugeno-Kang in 1985. Sugeno model
using the functions of membership membership functions i.e.
(2.6) Singleton has a degree of membership in a crisp single value and
0 on the other crisp value. To Order 12 with the formula:

Where; N = The sum of all the data IF (x1 is a1) ° (x2 is A2) °…°(xn is An)
C=1..k THEN z= k,
k=The number of clusters
ni = The amount of data on a cluster with Ai is the set of fuzzy to i as antaseden (reason), ° is a fuzzy
vi = Varian pada cluster operator (AND or OR) and k is a constant, firmly as the
And the value of the variance between clusters (Vb) with consequent (conclusion). While the formula of Order 1 is:
the formula:
IF (x1 is a1) ° (x2 is A2) °…°(xn is An)
THEN z = p1*x1+…+pn*xn+q,
With Ai is the set of fuzzy to i as antaseden, ° is a fuzzy operator
Where; y = the average of y i (AND or OR), pi is a constant to the i and q is also a constant in
the consequent.
One of the methods used to determine the ideal cluster is a
Variant value, i.e. to calculate the density of cluster in the form J. FUZZY RULES EXTRACTION
of variance within clusters (Vw) and variance between clusters
Fuzzy rules can sometimes be obtained from human
(Vb) and are-NC's equation 2.8.
experts. The acquisition of knowledge, however, is a complicated
task, and some part of the system is unknown, expert system has
not yet been tersedia3. Data mining can be defined as the process
of automatically searching for the size of the data patterns. Data
Fuzzy language in translated as fuzzy or vague. A value can
mining using the process of searching through large data size
be of great value or wrong simultaneously. In the fuzzy known
using the technique of clustering (K-means, Fuzzy K-means,
degrees of membership which has a range of 0 (zero) value to 1
Subtractive) to obtain data that are relevant and significant in
(one). In contrast to the emphatic set has a value of 1 or 0 (Yes or
pattern recognition, fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference from the
system (Mamdani and TSK) is a technique for manufacturing
Fuzzy logic is a logic that has a value of fuzziness or
mengesktraksi-based rules (IF-THEN).
kesamaran (fuzzyness) between right or wrong. In the theory of
Fuzzy rule generation process is carried out by the search
fuzzy logic a value bias value true or false together. But how big
process value output through the following steps:
a presence and an error depending on the weight of its own
Determine the degree of membership of each data point i in each
membership. Fuzzy logic have degrees of membership within the
cluster k by using the Gaussian function based on the equation
range 0 to 1.
into the value of its membership (often also referred to as
the degree of membership) that have an interval between 0 to 1.
One of the ways that can be used to get the value of the Compiled into one vector k:
membership function approach is through.

Gaussian membership function is specified with two From the above process resulting in the coefficient of the
parameters{c, }by following the equations: output that is used as the value of output (consequent) of
inference Sugeno. 

In the process of testing is done using the sample data and
data using 300 1000 test data. In the process of testing conducted
in 20 times as much data per 300 test script.


Plot Research In this study, the training data used as many as 1000 data data
Membership Function: from families who apply for assistance no livable homes from
2 2012 and 2013 this Data to be processed to produce a cluster to
G( x; k ,  )  e  k (  x ) form fuzzy rules automatically by using fuzzy inference system
sugeno. The test data used is data not livable houses family as
I.FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM (FIS) SUGENO much as 300 data from families who apply for assistance home is
331 not livable by 2014.
Sugeno method of fuzzy inference method for fuzzy rules

global scenario equally produce minimal accuracy is above

2. From the results of the calculation of the value of the
B. CALCULATION ACCURACY variant and the results of the calculation accuracy. Can be
The results observed in this research is how the level of drawn the conclusion, the process of determining the
accuracy of the method of K-means clustering in fuzzy rules number of 3. 3.
evoked in testing data help families settle down not livable. In 3. clusters most ideal still not optimally using the smallest
this study the accuracy of the calculated amount of test data to variant values. By looking at the results of the study
help the family settle down not livable right divided by the required the existence of optimization in the specify cluster
number of data. Accuracy is how close a number of results most ideal.K-Means clustering method can be implemented
measurement of the number of actual (true value or ferefence in the formation of fuzzy rules by using the help center of
value). Degree of accuracy is obtained by calculation in the cluster and the sigma in the process of extraction rules
accordance with the equations as 7.6 FIS sugeno.

∑ Test Data Is Correct V.REFERENCES

Accuracy= X 100 (5.1) [1] Arapoglou, Roi, Kostas Kolomvatsos and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades. 2010.
∑ Total Test Data Buyer Agent Decision Process Based on Automatic Fuzzy Rules
Generation Methods.
[2] Bahari, Mahadi, Rozilawati Dollah, Aryati Bakri, dan Mohammad Fahmi.
2005. Pengelompokan Data Kaji Cuaca Menggunakan K-means bagi
Peramalan Taburan hujan. Fakultas SAINS Komputer dan Sistem
In the process of testing testing conducted as many as 300 test Maklumat. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
data. As for the process of generating fuzzy rules used the 80s as [3] Chang, Pei-Chan dan Chen-Hao Liu. 2008. A TSK Type Fuzzy Rule Based
much as 1000 training data are taken from the data of the family System for Stock Price Prediction. Science Direct
[4] Chang, Pei-Chan dan Chen-Hao Liu. 2008. Generation Of Fuzzy Rules
houses are not habitable. And do calculation value variant for
WithSubtractive Clusterin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
any number of clusters that are tested. The value of accuracy is [5] Koczy, L.T., J. Botzheim. 2002. Fuzzy Rule Base Model Identification
done by finding the average accuracy value accuracy for the Techniques. HUCI2002/koczy.pdf.
entire global scenario on the respective number of cluster trials. [6] Kusumadewi, Sri dan Hari Purnomo. 2010. Aplikasi Logika Fuzzy Untuk
Pendukung Keputusan. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu.
From the results of the training process would later note the [7] K. A. Abdul Nazeer dan M. P. Sebastian. 2009. Improving the Accuracy and
results of calculation of variants and compared with the value of Efficiency of the k-means Clustering Algorith.
accuracy for the entire global scenario in each number of clusters [8] Moreno, Juan E.,Oscar Castillo, Juan R. Castro, Luis G. Martinez and
are the smallest variant of the value of the number of clusters had Patricia Melin. 2007. Data Mining for extraction of fuzzy IF-THEN rules
using Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno-Kang FIS.
the highest accuracy rating.
[9] Priyono, Agus, dkk. 2007. Generation of Fuzzy Rules With Substractive
Table 7.6 Clustering. JTDIS43D%5B10%5Dnew.pdf.
The Results Of The Calculation Accuracy [10] Turban, E,. McLean, E. and Wetherbe, J. Information Technology for
Managemen. 2 ed. 1999, NY:John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

It can be seen from the results of calculation of variants is

used to determine the ideal cluster by using the smallest Variant.
Be seen to average global accuracy of every experiment, showed
that maximum accuracy testing is done using family 10, 59
families and647 families with certain accuracy 82%.

Based on the results of the research on the implementation
method of K-Means clustering for fuzzy rule generation on the
recommendation of the grant home is not livable, the conclusion
to be drawn:
1. Fuzzy rule generation mengguna-kan K-Means clustering
method me-rupakan the right method. Evident from the
results of the calculation accuracy of testing each scenario
test data and testing the accuracy of the test data of the
Stock Index Forecasting Based on Machine Learning
Bambang Siswoyo1, Cecep Supriatna2, Nanna Suryana Herman3
PhD Student,UTEM Melaka Malaysia
Lectured,AMIK Jatinangor Indonesia
PhD Supervisor,UTEM Melaka Malaysia

Abstract. Machine learning is a method that had the capacity to learn from historical data to review know your data patterns
and can generalize to review the new data which are set previously studied. Artificial Neural Networks what is field of Machine
learning is an information processing system which i have the ability to review study data from the past, can be used to review
the classification, pattern regocnation and forecasting. Artificial Neural Network has some characteristics which is dictated by
architecture, activation function, learning rate and learning algorithms. Backpropagation algorithm is used to predict the time
series data review. forecasting results will be measured using means square error (MSE). Results showed neural network back
propagation model is better than some regression models.

Keywords: Machine Learning, neural network, backpropagation, variabel predictor

analysis. The example of time series methods are

I. INTRODUCTION Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA), Exponential
Scientific Machine Learning algorithm is a method that Smoothing, Extrapolation, Linear Prediction, Trend
can be learned from historical data and has the ability to Estimation, Growth Curve and Box-Jenkins. Time Series
generalize the new data that has not been previously studied, Analysis is used for many applications such as: Economic .
such as for classification, association and prediction. Forecasting, Sales Forecasting, Budgetary Analysis, Stock
Machine Learninng algorithms are used to analyze price Market Analysis, Yield Projections, Process and Quality
patterns and predict the price index changes. The tendency Control, Inventory Studies, Workload Projections and so on.
of entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of shares in dire need Early attempts to study time series, particularly in the 19th
application systems based on intelligent trading systems that century, were generally characterized by the idea of a
help them do rediksi prices based on different situations and deterministic world. It was the major contribution of Yule
conditions, thus helping them to support the investment [13] which launched the notion of stochastic in time series
decision. The stock price is considered dynamic data and by postulating that every time series can be regarded as the
prone to rapid changes due to the nature of the financial realization of a stochastic process. ARIMA (Autoregressive
domain and the combined predictor variables used and Integrated moving average) were popularized by George
fundamental factors. Employers professionals will perform Box and Gwilym Meirion Jerkins in early 1970s. The basis
the previous stock price prediction, then sell when prices rise of the Box-Jenkins approachto modeling time series consists
and the price of buying stocks before the prices go up. of three phases: identification, estimation and testing, and
Although it is very difficult to obtain expertise that can application. There are three types of ARIMA: univariate,
replace the expertise of a seasoned entrepreneur. Machine dynamic or transfer function and VARIMA [14].
Learning algorithms are expected to generate accurate
predictions that can be used by investors to earn high profits.
II. LITERATUR REVIEW ANNs have proven successful as a predictive tool in
Forecasting technique classification review Forecasting many fields, such as finance, health, robots and so on.
serves many predicting information. It can help people and Neural network works like a biological neural networks.
organizations planning in the future and making decisions Method of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks (MLP)
[10]. There are basically three types of forecasting models: was adopted in this paper to forecast stock prices. ANNs are
Time Series, Cause-and-Effect, and Judgmental trained with a number of training data and tested with the
[11],[12].Time series:Time series is an ordered sequence of data testing [1], [2].
values of a variable at equally spaced time intervals. Research methods the research methods is conducted
Predicting is continuous of historical pattern such as the experiments, with the stages of research are as follows:
growth in sale, gross national product or stock market 1. Data collection (Data Gathering)

The data used is stock price time rentet data btained from the Dat predictor variables, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
Jakarta Composite Index, which can be downloaded from and Close adj used in predicting stock prices by algorita
Yahoo finance. The amount of data there are 121 data, the back propagation, while the characteristics of the model
data is taken on Januari 2, 2008 to Desember 1, 2010 (two using the level of Learning 0.5, the value of momentum
years) Prediction is done every month. 0.75. Value of weights and bias values generated from the
2. Initial Data Processing (Data Preprocessing) random number with a range of numbers from 0 to 1. To use
a. determination of data input and output (target) Input data the activation function sigmoid function.
is data's stock price in 2008 (t-36), (t-24), (t-12) and (t),
while the outputs (the target) is the stock price data (t + 12).
Thus from 144 data will form 12 pairs of data. From these
data will be used as much as 70% of the data to be trained,
while the remaining 30% of the data will be used as test
b. the normalization of Data
Before being used for the training process, needs to be done
scaling against the prices of inputs and the target such that
the input data and the targets in a certain range is called
normalizing or preprocessing data using MATLAB software.
The main causes are normalized data is to the stability of the
sprinkling of the data achieved. In addition it is useful to
adjust the value of the data with the activation function used
range in the network.
Figure 1.1: A general model of Neural Network
3. Model/Method is proposed (Proposed Model/Method).
At this stage of the proposed method is a method of
backpropagation based ANN. At this stage of the modeling IV. RESAULT AND DISCUSSION
method using ANN based backpropagation performed to A. Data Training
produce an optimum neural network architecture. Training data is a representation of knowledge that will
This stage consists of: be used to predict the class of new data that has never
existed. As many as 70% of the data source will be used as
training data, and the rest will be the test data.
a. Determine the parameters of the Learning. Maximum
Epoch = 1000. Big Error (error tolerance) = 0.002. The
function of training = trainrp (resilient backpropagation)
Learning Rate = 0.05

b. Determine the activation Function.The sigmoid function

used in the weighting process binary node input to hidden
with the range (0,1). While in the output layer, the activation
function used is the identity function.


This paper, will apply to the Machine Learning
algorithms ANN functioning stock trading predict the rise
and fall of stock prices before the actual event of an increase Graph 1.2
or decrease in stock prices occurred. In particular, this paper
A comparison between the target with the output
discusses the application of Multiple Regression, Neural
Network. This paper introduces parameter or predictor network for training data
variables that can be used to identify patterns in stock prices
may help in the prediction of future stock and how these Performance is used to know the calculation error that
methods can be combined with other learning algorithm to happened from the results of a comparison between the
improve the accuracy of the prediction system results of the output network with target output. The
calculation used is the error The mean Square Error (MSE),
namely the average of the square of the difference between
B. NEURAL NETWORK MODEL. the output of the network with a target output of 0.011255
of error tolerance of 0.001 with maximum epoch as much as
Neural Network Model is used to analyze the price of the 1000
shares owned by the Jakarta Composite Index. The amount
of data record 121, the captured data is on Januari 02, 2008
to Desember 1, 2010 (3 years old) were done every month.

Table 1.1
monthly stock price prediction Results.

Graph 1.3
The Coffecient of corelation Regretaion analisys

Regression used for the evaluation of the correlation

coefficient by using the network and the response against the
expected target. On Figure 1.3 the correlation coefficient
value 0.907 obtained The value of the correlation coefficient
0.90166 is already nearing 1 shows good results to match D. Observation Results
output with the target network Hasisl observation on training the network for a period of
training, the results of monthly network error for monthly,
small error value against the closing price, this means the
B. Test Data Machine Learning ANN able to recognize and respond to
Training data used to measure the extent to which the input the correct pattern against pattern similar to patterns
model clasifier ma- naged to classify correctly. Therefore, that were used during the training.
the existing data in the data testing should not be on the
training data so it can be a model clssifier own "smart" in the
classification. As many as 30% of the data source will be
used as a data testing. V. CONCLUSION

It is very important for government organizations and

private organizations to predict the growth of bank profits.
The approximate number will allow Bank Indonesia to
manage and develop key infrastructure and equipment to
support the competitiveness of the country. The results of
this study contribute to knowledge about what factors are
important and affect the industry profit growth forecasting
perbankan.Akurasi satisfactory and the values of the
correlation coefficient is more than 75%. The accuracy of
prediction was evaluated by calculating the MAE and
RMSE. In this study, a neural network is a valuable tool for
nonlinear time-series analysis and forecasting. In the future,
it may be worthwhile to explore other forecasting methods
as the method of time series to compare with the latest
technology pertutumbuhan neural network to predict the
earnings of the banking industri
C. Evaluation and validation Results
Analysis of results of forecasting with ANN
Backpropagation based do by way of comparing the results
between forecasting with target data So actually retrieved the REFERENCES
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Evi Dianti Bintari 1), Gunawan2), Aida Indriani3)
1) STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia

Abstract. Classification or text categorization is one of the most common themes in analyzing complex data. The
classification in this research aims to define the class of an object that has not been known to the class. The classification
process will be performed in the process of learning and testing against a known class dataset object. As an online news
information, Radar Tarakan classifies news to ease readers to find the desired news and to ease the work of the
administrators to do the automatic classification. The website of Radar Tarakan daily news (
publishes approximately 480 local news everyday. Local news is the news in the surrounding areas of Tarakan in North
Borneo. The website contains the classification of eight local news including the dimensions of the area surrounding
the town of Tarakan. This research uses 720 news to build the system of news classification automatically. A text
classification method used in this research is the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) with N-grams. The accuracy of matching
classes generated by the K-Nearest Neighbor with N-Gram is 85,65% (out of 180 test data) and that of the sub class is
70,35 %. The classification time is around 2,7 second per news.

Keywords: Classification, K-Nearest Neighbor, N-Gram

the calculation with K-Nearest Neighbor method for the

determination of the proper classification with the news that
I. INTRODUCTION will be published on the website
The end result of this research is the classification of local
The reliability of Internet technologies was
news and news that has the exact number of which are
instrumental in fulfilling the information needs. The people
currently getting smarter to choose online media to fulfill
information needs every time, because it can be accessed
anytime and anywhere. Information/news can be seen K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (K-NN) classify the
through the website of the newspaper online. document test based on k nearest neighbors. Examples of
The daily newspaper Radar Tarakan have a Website
training can be considered as vectors in a multidimensional
( The website contains of news feature space. This space is partitioned into a region with
that have a several classifications, such as the economic locations and labels of the training samples. Usually
news headlines, entertainment, sports and news regarding
Euclidean distance or cosine similarity is used. During this
areas around Tarakan.before the news was publish on its stage, the data classification training (classes that need to be
website, the first such news are classified in accordance with identified) is also represented as a vector in space features.
its classification.
Distance or similarity of test vectors for all vector training
The process of the news is still done with the selection calculated and k nearest training samples are selected. There
process of classification in the form of news, so the chances are several ways to classify a test vector for certain classes.
of selection news category error may occur. From the above Classic K-NN algorithm determines the class with a majority
condition that occurs, then it takes a discipline of text mining of the electors of the K-Nearest Neighbor.
to overcome it. The algorithms that are used in this
This research proposes to use a simple algorithm KNN
classification is the K-Nearest Neighbor. without weighting features for text categorization. This
Steps to be taken in the research starting from later paper proposes to use the method of selection of the features
entering information in the form of news from the website
so finding the relevant features in the task of learning
( and then do the preprocessing interactions (based on interdependence). KNN algorithm can
with the groups of news, after that the preprocessing be reduce a lot of number of features that was not be uses,
performed then an N-gram document of the next news
so it is important for the size of a very large document such
feature n-gram into training and materials will eventually do as the world wide web. The ease of this algorithm make more

efficient computation time but can also be easily used by 3) 5gram : { A special utility, special utility is available,
users instead of the expert. …}
Conceptually, the example of document x called
instance that was represented as a vector with a length of | F In Figure 1 system architecture, the main process is
| so the size of the vocabulary are symbolised as follows: described in detail in research on radar online local news
< w1, w2 (x) (x), w3 (x), ... .... wF (x) > classification method using the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN)
Where the Wj (x) is the weight of the term j. Weights with N-grams, system architecture consists of 3 stages,
calculated from the obtained frequencies. KNN algorithm, namely the process of data acquisition, data praproses and
distance was uses for the basis weighting for the contribution stage classification with detail calculation KNN with N-
of each grams.

neighbor k in the process of determining the class. Next

defined confidence document d to class c as:
Confidence (c, d) =

Where the sim is the value returned by the functions in

common used to compare with its neighbours. that is, for
each neighbor in the set of neighbors K (size k) belongs to a
certain class c, then summed up the similarities to and
document d divided by the sum of all the similarities of
neighbors k relating to the document d.
To compare the document d with instance i for
example, selected functions very simple CosSim using term
frequency weighting approach:
CosSim (i, d) =
CosSim (i,d) = (2)
Where C is the number of terms is the same between
the document d with instance i, A is the number of term
frequent on instance i (test data) and B is the number of
frequent terms in document d (training data). So the highest
score got the ranking for the determination of class.


An N-gram is a sequence of sub item N that already

given from sequence. N-gram can be understood as long as
Fig. 1 System Architecture
window that moves as much as N of the text, the contents of
this window is N-grams. N-gram level can be either
In the early stages of the classification of local news
character or word level, level statement. N-gram method is
radar Tarakan, data acquisition is performed by using a
very widely used in natural language processing statistics. It
crawler to get documents from the news website radar
depends on the language and works well in the case of the
Tarakan, after it's done pre processing the data consists of
text that has the noise.
stage tokenizing, Filtering/stop word removal and stemming
N-gram can be described in two differences. The first
then conducted the process of division of training data and
is to take a token by each character in a sentence. The second
test data for N-gram feature formed, further from the N-gram
is from every word. For example, it is assumed that there is
feature done by the method of classification of K-Nearest
a sentence "A special utility is available to import images
Neighbor. Training data used to get classified documents
and insert them us links in the questions," then it can be
while the test data used to test in the determination of the
extracted two different logic for N-Grams as follows:
classification with the K-Nearest Neighbor method and
A. Logic first:
achieved the expected accuracy.
1) Trigram: {asp, spe, pec, eci, cia, ial,…}
Before doing the experiment, prepared 720 local news
2) 4gram: {aspe, spec, peci, ecia, cial,ialu, ….}
documents comprising the class dimension of the Tarakan to
3) 5gram: {aspec, speci, pecia, ecial, cialu, ialut,…}
Kaltara with all the sub class of economy, politics, sports,
B. The Second Logic
education, development, crime and sub classes etc. In table
1) Trigram: { A special utility, special utility is, …}
1 and 2 can be seen the level of accuracy of the classification
2) 4gram: { A special utility is, special utility is
of local news with Unigram and N-Gram
available, …}

A. Using text classification methods, namely the method
of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) with N-Gram, in terms
TABLE I of the suitability of different types of classes and sub
UNIGRAM FEATURES ACCURACY RESULTS classes that are generated by the KNN against the
Traning Testing Accuration of Accuration of determination of the types of classes that are
data data classes sub classes conducted by the information (IT) Radar Tarakan
540 180 86.27% 64.71% belongs either. Prosentasi the accuracy of the match
264 74 84.93% 64.38% type of class against class 180 test data of 83.22% and
168 178 83.89% 65.10% sub class of 67,34%.
117 54 77.78% 72.22% B. Features of the N-Gram has accuracy better than/bag
Average 83.22% 67.34% unigram features of words/single term, with increased
accuracy of ± 2%. Test data for as many as 180
BIGRAM FEATURES ACCURACY RESULTS features unigram/single term class type of match
Traning Testing Accuration Accuration accuracy 85.65% and sub class of 70,35%.
data data of classes of sub classes C. KNN Method has high accuracy if the existing system
540 180 88.24% 70.63% has many categories (classes), because in the process
264 74 86.30% 71.49% of testing the results of prediction classes that do not
168 178 86.58% 68.44% fit with the manual class average is a sub class of
117 54 81.48% 72.22% others. The author's analysis is because a sub class of
Average 85.65% 70.35% others hold many data sets that are diverse, making it
difficult to find a suitable pattern for test data (testing).
After a trial of all features with a wide variety of
comparative testing and the training dataset a different V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
conclusion that the classification of local news with N-Gram This research was supported by STMIK PPKIA
increase accuracy of 2.43% and 3.01% for the class to the Tarakanita Rahmawati Tarakan in North Borneo, Radar
accuracy of the sub class with an average processing time of Tarakan newspaper for our research object and Sekolah
classification features of unigram 1 304.36 seconds, while Tinggi Teknik Surabaya (STTS). We are thankful to our
the time it takes to process a classification feature N-Grams colleagues who provided expertise that greatly assisted the
on average by 2, 371.58 seconds. Analysis of the writer can research.
convey is can the occurrence classification accuracy trials
have been conducted that training composition data
distribution comparisons that balanced against a trainer all
data classes and sub classes join in influencing whether or
not high accuracy of classification of local news Radar
online Tarakan.
In previous research, namely research that presents the
results of classification of text documents of Arabic-
speaking produces the value 87.62% precision and recall
63.41% experienced an increased precision of 10% of the
unigram feature use. On research the author did an increase
in accuracy precision value of 11%. The author can convey
analysis is the use of the term N-Gram can provide increased
precision and accuracy values because the system gets a
choice selection of features against the dataset news, further
distribution of the amount of data a balanced composition of
the training classes and sub classes are very helpful to the
process of classification has high accuracy.
The trial has been conducted on the decline the value
of accuracy and precision and recall the sub class. Note on
process tests the value of accuracy class can reach 84.84%
while the value of accuracy class sub of 71,87%. Analysis of
the author's response to the significant difference between
the accuracy of the classes and sub classes is due at the sub
cass there is a sub class of others. Sub class of others that
many hold datasets with different keywords berag.


From the discussion that already studied in this

experiment, the conclusion can be drawn as follows:

Word and Term of Minangkabau Language Used on Whatsapp
Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia

Abstrak. This paper focuses on the use of words and terms in Minangkabau Language on WhatsApp, primarily, words
and terms used by the group member of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau. Both words and terms compared to the ones daily used
at the originating area of the group. The purpose is to know how far the formal differences of words and terms used are.
The method used in data collecting derived WhatsApp is observational method under bugging technique and note
taking one, meanwhile it used of observational method under bugging, eliciting, and note taking techniques for the use
of words and terms in a daily life at the originating area of the group. The result of this research shows that there are
differences of both words and terms found used by the group member of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau on WhatsApp from
the words and terms used in the daily life of the originating area of the group. The Minangkabau language words and
terms used on tend to be more relic as compared to the ones used at its originating area. The more relic forms tend to be
used more by the over-seas Kamangse speakers and they are older than fifty-years old. Based upon the analytical results,
it can be concluded that the communication through WhatsApp might be made as one of means of language
maintenance and heritance.

Keywords: Word, Term, Minangkabau Language, WhatsApp, Heritance

interesting is that there is found the relic forms no longer

I. INTRODUCTION used in the daily life nevertheless they appear on the
Today’s development of communication opens the WatshApp. As to know how far the survival of such words
space for someone living in the same area or different one as and terms used by the group member of Kamang Saiyo
to communicate one another quite easily. One of the means Bagurau group in their communications through the social
used to do so is mobile phone (mp). The mobile phone media using the WhatsApp, it is necessary to hold a research
preserves various interesting applications among other is by comparing the forms used in WhatsApp itself to the ones
WhatsApp. used in daily life of the originating area of the group member
The use of language in social media called WhatsApp namely Nagari Kamang Hilir. This is an interesting thing to
is an interesting phenomenon to do a research on. On this do the research on for the appearing of this group makes the
occasion, the research is focused on Minangkabau language words or terms having disappeared and not used any longer
used by a group member of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau re-appear. This is expected to become an opportunity for the
compared to the daily language used at originating area of survival and heritage of Minangkabau language, in this
the group member. This group is the one whose member is respect is the one used by the group member of Kamang
originated from Kamang Hilir namely a Nagari situated in Saiyo Bagurau group on WhatsApp.
the District of Kamang Magek, Regency of Agam, Province In general, this paper is intended to show that the
of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Based upon the information existence of communication acquipment in this modern era
available, it preserves approximately 250 persons either can be made one of means to defend language from extinct
living at the home-town (Nagari Kamang Hilir) or living or in the words, it can be made as a mean of language
out-side Kamang such as Padang, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Yogya, survival. In particular, this research is intended to explain
Semarang, Surabaya, Malaysia, and Singapore. both word and term forms still used by the group member of
This group of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau would not come Kamang Saiyo Bagurau on WhatsApp, whereas in a daily
into existence until the beginning of 2016. The purpose is to life such forms have started disappearing or undergone
maintain a good relationship (silaturrahmi) and changes.
communication among the people of Kamang Hilir either the Both paper and research on Minangkabau language
ones live over seas or the ones live in the home-town of have been already sufficiently many either the one I did it
various ages and and occupations. The topics of talk related myself and my colleagues nor by the other researches. It was
various issues staring from just saying hallo up to discussion done on various aspects of language under different purposes,
and a place to channel useful input of developing the nagari. too. The specific the study on diachronic dialectology was
After years, the migrants living in the various provinces done by me myself as to retrace both innovative and
and those living in the territory of origin could communicate conservative dialects [1], to reconstruct the proto-language
airily through the Kamang Saiyo Bagurau group. What [2], and to retrace the region of origin and migration

directition [3]. The other diachronic studies have been done III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
by the other researchers but they were under the scope of Based upon the analysis done, there is found different
historical comparative linguistics discussion as done by [4] words and terms used by the group member of Kamang
intended to reconstruct the [5] intended to reconstruct the Saiyo Bagurau from the ones used in communication
Proto-Melayic. through WhatsApp from the word and terms used by the
This paper is the part and the continuity of the speakers in the area of origin of the group member of the
researches I have done namely the study of element Kamang Saiyo Bagurau in the daily life. The forms of both
variations of language, use, and comparison. Therefore, it is word and term used on the WhatsApp are presented along
obvious that this paper is a part of the studies I have done. with their contexts or the users in sentences (coded WA).
In theory, each isolect will undergo changes from a Afterwards, the correspondence is given in the form of
given time to time. Such changes might occur in a short time words and terms used in a daily life at the region of origin of
or could also take place within a long time (see [6], [3]). One the group member of the Kamang Saiyo Bagurau (given
of the causes making changes is that the speakers of the code KS). Later on, the meaning is glossed in English. Some
isolect concerned. If the speakers preserve the positive forms of word and term will be given as intended.
attitude toward their isolect, such speakers will make an 1) tingaran ‘heard’
attempt to defend their isolect. One way of how to do so is WA: Indak tingaran di liau awak doh.
by being proud of using the isolect. If the speakers preserve KS: Indak tadanga di liau awak do.
a negative attitude toward their isolect and perceive that the ‘We are not heard by him/her.
other isolect is better, thus, the speakers will attempt to The form tingaran ‘heard’ in the data above is used in
switch to the one they consider better. To the best of my communication by the group member of Kamang Saiyo
observation, there are speakers feeling embarrassed to their Bagurau on WhatsApp. Such a form in a daily life begins
own isolect and consider that theirs the obsolete one. disappearing or is out of use, instead, replaced by tadanga.
The other things influencing the isolect change is The form of tingaran is heeded as relic form for such a form,
migration that in Minangkabause culture is known as based upon the data obtained, in the past, used in a daily life
merantau. Usually, the migrants will attempt to adjust their and is still recognized by the speakers of older than 50 years
language to the one used at the local area. If the migrate still old. Such a form re-appears in the communication through
within the Minangkabau territory, it is referred to as the WhatsApp. Based upon the data, the users of such a
marantau di subaliak dapua, such migrants tend to use form is the group member having migrated long.
general Minangkabau language and leve his/her local 2) diingo ‘paid attention to’
characteristic. It seems that the presence of communication WA: Awak indak diingono tio lai.
through WhatsApp showed different results. Therefore, it is KS: Awak indak diparatianno tio lai.
necessary to do a specific research on it. ‘We are really not paid atention to by him/her any
longer.’ The form of diingo ‘paid attention to’ is derived
from ingo means ‘to turn to look at; to look at left, at right,
This research belongs to linguistic study. The data is or at back’. Such a form undergoes change in meaning into
acquired through two sources namely written source and oral ‘to pay attention to’. The form diingo ‘to be paid attention
one. The written source is word and term used by the group to’ is the relic form. The use of such a form is found on
member of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau on WhatsApp, whereas WhatsApp. Meanwhile, at the region from which group
the spoken one is word and term used in a daily life by the member Kamang Saiyo Bagurau come such a form is never
informants or the speakers of Minangkabau language found anymore. The form is replaced by word diparatian ‘to
derived from the counry of origin of the group member of be paid attention to’. The form diingo undergo changes into
Kamang Saiyo Bagurau namely Nagari Kamang Hilir. diparatian meaning to be paid attention to. The form -no in
The method of the data provision used in this research the word diingono is a clitic form to refer to 3rd person
is observational and interview ones. The observational singular.
method is done under bugging technique namely by bugging 3) kulek ‘to chew’
both words and terms used by the group member of group WA: Ko kulek patang.
Kamang Saiyo Bagurau in communication through KS: Ko kue patang
WhatsApp. As for the spoken data, the method used is ‘This is yesterday’s snack’. The form kulek ‘snack’
observational and interview ones under the bugging preserves two meaning namely ‘to move mouth when eating
technique and eliciting one. The results of bugging are or chewing’ and ‘meal’. Thus, it may mean action (verb) and
recorded in form of orthographic transcription. Furthermore, may also signify an object (noun) and it depends on the
the data obtained from WhatsApp are compared to the ones locative context to which it is used. In data 3) above, the
acquired through spoken one. The resuls are helpful to word kulek means ‘meal or snack’. Such a form is the one
elaborate the differences of both words and terms used by almost extinct for there is no many people use it, and even it
the group member of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau on WhatsApp is used by the people older than (> 50 years old). The form is
from the words and terms used in a daily life in the area of substituted by the snack name as intended, for instance, if
origin of the group member of the Kamang Saiyo Bagurau. the meal is in the form cake ‘kue’, thus, it is called kue, if it

is goreng pisang ‘fried banana’, it is called goreng pisang, WA: Lai katuju di Tuan bituh? Kalo lai
and so on. The other meaning in form of verb, for example, kinyaklah.
is found in the sentence as below: KS: Lai katuju dek Tuan tu? Kalo lai kinyaklah.
WA: Kulekno tadanga sampai ka lua. ‘Do you like it? If you do, come here.’ The constituent
KS: Kunyahno tadanga sampa ka lua. bituh is the relic form compared to to the one of tu. This is
‘His/her chewing is heard up to out-side’. The form derived from the combined form of bak itu ‘like that’ (see
kulek in kulekno in the sentence above means ‘to move the [7]). Such a form in data 8) experiences change into phatic
mouth when eating or chewing. The meaning as stated also form. The phatic form refers to to one functioning to initiate,
appears in the Minangkabau’s son lyrics as follows: bunyi to defend, or to confirm communication between the speaker
kulek cando badendang ‘sound of chewing when eating is and the listener and it usually occurs in a dialog context. The
like singing.’ other form used meaning the same as bituh is the one of du:
4) cipia ‘plate’ Lai katuju dek Tuan du? ‘Do you like it? In a daily
WA: Cipiano lah baasingan. conversation, nowadays, the form most frequently used is
KS: Piriangno/pingganno lah baasiangan. the one of tu.
‘The plate has been providing.” The form cipia ‘plate’ 9) taico ‘to have a chance’
in the data above is the form which is more relic. The other WA: Ndak taico lai, banyak bana karajono.
form used is pinggan ‘dish’. Nowadays, such forms are KS: Ndak talakik lai, banyak bana karajono.
replaced by the form piriang ‘piring’ which is loaned form ‘No more chance, s/he has too much job.’ The form
Malay piring ‘dish’. taico ‘chance’ is the relic form since it is used by the older
5) kacenoan ‘remembered’ speakers. Nowadays, such a form is almost not found
WA: Alun kacenoan lai doh. anymore in a daily life. Nevertheless, such a form is found in
KS: Alun takana lai doh. the communication through WhatsApp. This form is replace
‘Not yet remembered’. The form kacenoan is derived by the one of talakik meaning ‘chance’ or ‘able’.
from the word ceno ‘signal’ preserving affix ka-/-an. The 10) cacah ‘a moment’
form kacenoan means ‘there has been a signal so it causes to WA: Paramisi cacah dih, wak ka sumbayang dulu.
remember’. Such a form is the one never found anymore in a KS: Paramisi sabanta dih, wak ka sumbayang dulu.
daily life in Nagari Kamang Hilir. Such a form is replaced ‘Permisi sebentar ya, saya akan salat lebih dahulu.’
by the one of takana derived from the form kana meaning ‘Excuse (me) for a moment, I will to pray.’ The form cacah
‘ingat’ to remember. So, takana means ‘to remember’ for ‘a moment’ is also the relic form it was usually used in daily
there is a signal or a given characteristic already recognized life, however, the form is currently out of use. The
beforehand. constituent cacah ‘a moment’ is already written in Thaib [8].
6) baragak ‘to plan’ That form is substituted by the newer one namely sabanta ‘a
WA: Awak baru baragak ka pai, rupono ano moment’. The form sabanta ‘a moment’ is a loaned one from
lah pai dulu. Indonesian sebentar ‘a moment’ undergoing sound change
KS: Awak baru barencana ka pai, rupono ano according to the Minangkabause phonological rule in which
lah pai dulu. e changes into a and the loss of r at the word final position.
‘I am just planning to go, it seemed s/he already went The form sabanta is not found in Thaib [8] but it is already
earlier.’ The form baragak ‘to plan’ is derived from the basic written in Moussay [7].
one agak ‘to think about’, or ‘about’. Thus, the form baragak 11) mantun ‘like that’
means ‘to plan; to intend’. The use of word baragak is foun WA: Wak no caliah, kalau disuruah, lai sen
on WhatsApp meanwhile in a daily life in the Nagari kakobehno. Ano taruh mantun du.
Kamang Hilir such a form is replaced by the one barencana KS: Wak no caliah, kalau disuruah, lain sen
‘to plan’. The form barencana is derived from Indonesian kakobehno. Inyo taruh bantuak tu.
language berencana ‘to plan’. ‘S/he always minds if s/he is ordered, s/he has so many
7) basepoh ‘legs crossing’ (woman’s sitting style) reasons. S/he always like that. The form mantun is derived
WA: Makan basepoh wak sambia batutua Ni. from the words mak antun consisting of mak meaning ‘like’
KS: Makan basimpuah wak sambia batutua Ni. and the word antun meaning ‘that’ (See [8]). Such a form is
‘Let us dine sitting legs crossing, honorific.’The form found a WhatsApp. communication. Meanwhile, in a daily
basepoh is found in the communication via WhatsApp communication at Nagari Kamang Hilir, such a form is not
meaning ‘to sit legs crossing’. This form is derived from the fund any longer. That formed is substituted with the newer
word sepoh meaning ‘to hook something till it fells’ (see [7]). form namely bantuak ‘form’, ‘like’ meaning ‘like’ or ‘as’.
The form basepoh is almost not found anymore currently at 12) lucuk ‘to escape’
the Nagari Kamang Hilir for it is already replaced by the WA: Ka ma cako, dek lah lucuk sen.
newer form namely basimpuah derived from the word KS: Ka ma cako, dek lah ilang sen.
simpuah. The form simpuah means ‘sitting crossing both ‘Where have (you) been just now? Why escape?’
legsi’. The form lucuk ‘escape’ used in WhatsApp means ‘to
8) bituh ‘like that’ escape’ or ‘to vanish’. Such a form is of the older one for it

was formerly used at Nagari Kamang Hilir but at the KS: Lah tanang sen urang mah Ci.
moment such a form is not used any longer. Instead of using ‘All (guests) have been silent, honorific’. The word
lucuk the speaker made use of ilang ‘to disappear’. ijok preserves three meanings namely ‘silent’, ‘to die down
Therefore, the form lucuk is now not used any more in a (sound)’, and ‘to hide’. The first meaning is found in data 17)
daily life. above used in communication by the group member of
13) baegek ‘to run’ Kamang Saiyo Bagurau on WhatsApp. The second one is
WA: Baegek juolah! found in the following context: Lampu ko lah ijok lo ‘this
KS: Balari juolah! light already died down’. The second meaning is found in
‘Do not run.’ The form baegek ‘to run’ is derived from the context: Urang ijok kutiko Bulando tibo ‘People hid as
the word egek meaning ‘to run like a little kid’; maegek- the Dutch came.’ such a form is not found any longer in a
egek means ‘to run slowly (with short steps) due to difficulty daily life currently, however, the speakers of more than 50
(see [8]). Such a constituent was formerly used by the years old still recognize it. Instead, the other form the form
speakers of Nagari Kamang Hilir. At the moment, such a tanang meaning ‘silent/lonely’ is used.
form begins disappearing and is replaced with the word 18) bapote ‘to race’
balari ‘to run’. Anyhow, such a form is found in a WA: Baa bapote na larino?
communication through a WhatsApp. KS: Baa kancang na larino?
14) takoje ‘can be chased’ ‘Why is his/her run is really fast?’ The form bapote is
WA: Indak takoje doh, larino lintin. derived from pote ‘to rce’ plus affix ba-. The word bapote in
KS: Indak takaja doh, larino kancang. the data above means ‘to race’ or fast’. The form bapote is
‘S/he cannot be chased, his/her is fast.’ The form takoje used to be used at the Nagari Kamang Hilir but at the
‘can be chased’ is the older form for such a form was moment such a form is disappearing, instead from kancang
formerly used in a daily life but now such a form is out of ‘fast’ came into use. In fact, the form appears or re-used in
use. Nowadays, the form of takaja also meaning ‘can be communication through WhatsApp.
chased’ is used instead of takoje but the takoje is found in 19) baguluk ‘to hurry’
the communication through WhatsApp. WA: Ka na Ni El ko baguluk sen?
15) baragan ’to plan’ KS: Ka na Ni El ko bagageh sajo?
WA: Baragan ka baragan juo baru. ‘Why is Ni El in a hurry?’. The form baguluk means
KS: Baniat ka baniat juo baru. ‘to hurry’ or ‘hustle’. The form baguluk is disappearing for it
‘It is only a plan’. The form baragan ka baragan ‘to is not used any more by the speaklers at Nagari Kamang
keep planning’ is an relic form derived from the word Hilir. However, such a form er-appears in communication
baragan ‘to plan’. This form is still used by older speakers through WhatsApp. In a daily life, such a form is replaced
whereas the younger speakers use different words namely with the one of bagageh ‘to hurry’ or ‘in a hurry’.
‘baniat ka baniat ‘to keep planning’ derived from baniat ‘to 20) kibang ‘bag’
intend’. Such an older form is also used on. WA: Lah panuah kibang sari ko.
16) talopok ‘to fall down’ KS: Lah panuah tas saari ko.
WA: Takuk wak, talopok no beko. ‘This bag of Sari is already full.’ The form kibang
KS: Takuk wak, tajatuah no beko. means ‘bag (a kind of bag made of woven plant material)’ it
‘We are worried if he falls down.’ The for talopok is not found any more in step with the coming of plastic bag
meaning ‘to fall down’ is an older form and is not used in a product mostly used. Thus, the word is replaced with tas,
daily life any more at Kamang Hilir. Nevertheless, such a from Dutch tasch ‘bag’ and followed by the vanishing of the
form is still recognized by the speakers older than 50 years material from which it is made called kibang. Albeit the
old. It is replaced by the word tajatuah ‘to fall down’. The word re-appears in a communication on WhatsApp.
word to fall down is a general concept used to refer to 21) kin gaba ‘old cloth’
something falls down. In fact, in Minangkabau language at WA: Lah langang urang. Ka ma urang ko eh? Lah
Nagari Kamang Hilir, there are several words used to refer bakalumun jo kin gaba.
to the meaning ‘to fall down’ as to refer to somebody falling KS: Lah langang urang. Ka ma urang ko? Lah
down, there are some forms used, among others: tatungkuk, bakalumun jo kin soak.
tatilantang, tagudihiak, talopok, and taonyok. The word ‘It is nobody (here). Where are they, eh? They are
tatungkuk is used to refer to position to fall face down. The under cover of old cloth.’ The form kin gaba is derived from
concept tatilantang is used to refer to the position to fall face kain cloth’ and gaba. The word gaba itself as stated by [8]
up. The concept tagudihiak is used to refer to falling down mean ‘gebar, usually used for blanket, it is made of cotton
due to slippery, usually for the watery standing pad. The cloth with white or red cloth surround it‘. The form kin gaba
constituent talopok is used to refer to the sitting down is a never used form any longer in a daily life or it is
position when falling down whereas the word taonyok is disappearing. Anyhow, on WhatsApp such a form is re-used,
used to refer to the position when the buttock falls down first. mainly by the speakers of more than 50 years old. Such a
17) ijok ‘silent’ form in a daily life is substituted already with kin saok ‘a
WA: Lah ijok sen urang mah Ci. cloth to cover’ or salimuik ‘blanket’. The form kin soak is

derived from kain ‘cloth’ and saok ‘cover’. Thus, kain soak the younger speakers. If the forms are frequently used, thus,
means ‘a cloth to cover’, in this case, particularly, is used to both words and terms will be conserved for they are still
cover the whole body when sleeping referring to salimuik used by their speakers. In other words, the heritage language
‘blanket’. will take place, in this respect, word and term, from the older
22) pirok-pirok ‘to fall asleep’ speaker to the younger one.
Lah pirok-pirok matono.
WA: Lah takantuak matono. IV. CONCLUSION
KS: ‘Sudah mengantuk matanya.’ Based upon the analysis having been done, it can be
‘His/her eyes have fallen asleep’. The form pirok-pirok concluded that there are both words and terms used in
‘sleepy’ is a never used form any more or has disappeared in communication through the WhatsApp by the group member
a daily life at Nagari Kamang Hilir. However, in a of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau with words and terms used by the
communication of group member of Kamang Saiyo Bagurau speakers in a daily life at the region of origin of the group
on WhatsApp such a form re-appears. member. The word and the term used through WhatsApp
23) cene ‘upset’ contain many relic forms whereas the one in a daily life, at
WA: Cene wak dino. the region of origin, such a word and term tend to disappear
KS: Nana wak dino. or is out of use. Instead, the newer word and term are used,
‘It makes us upset.’ The form cene ‘upset’ is not found mainly, the one derived from general Minangkabause and
in either [8] or Moussay [7]. Such a form is not used any Indonesian. Therefore, the communication through
WhatsApp can be made an instrument to maintain and to
more either in a daily life but it is still found a
inherit the language.
communication through WhatsApp. Such a form is replaced
by nana ‘upset’ derived from the one of nana ‘nanar’ ‘diggy’.
The research result shows that that there is a word and
differences used by the group member of Kamang Saiyo This paper is a part of my research titled “Kata dan
Bagurau on WhatsApp with both word and term used by the Istilah Bahasa Minangkabau yang Digunakan dalam
WhatsApp oleh Anggota group Kamang Saiyo Bagurau”.
speakers in a daily life in the region of origin of the group
This research might be conducted due to financial aids from
member. Both word and term of Minangkabause used on
Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University under contract no.
WhatsApp containg the older forms or the ones never used based upon SK Dekan Nomor: 522/ VIII/D/FIB-2016. I
any more by the speakers at their region of origin. Based thank much for the financial aids offered. My gratitude
upon the data, such older forms tend to be used by living should go to every party having helped me until I finished
out-side their home town and they are more than 50 years this research, mainly, to the informants giving me oral data
old. Therefore, it can be said that the speakers living out in this research.
their home town (rantau) they still conserve the older forms
which at the region of origin of the speakers even such forms REFERENCES
are not used any more either. Such forms are substituted by [1] Nadra. “Geografi Dialek Bahasa Minangkabau”, Humanus: Jurnal
the newer ones derived from general Minangkabause an Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora, Padang, Volume III Nomor 1. 2000.
[2] Nadra. Rekonstruksi Bahasa Minangkabau. Padang: Andalas University
Indonesian. Press. 2006.
Therefore, the Kamang Saiyo Bagurau group comprises [3] Nadra. “Isolek Natal di Sumatera Utara dan Hubungannya dengan
of various ages of course, the word and term forms which Isolek-isolek Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat”, dalam buku Panorama
Pengkajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya. Surakarta: Program S3
are not used any more can recognized by them so far due to dan S2 Pascasarjana dan Fakultas Sastra & Seni Rupa Universitas
the WhatsApp. When they do not know the meaning of them, Sebelas Maret. 2009.
they directly ask a question about it. Thus, the [4] Nothofer, Bernd. “The Reconstruction of Proto Malayo Javanic”. VKI.
‘s Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff. 1975.
communication on this WhatsApp can be made a tool of [5] Adelaar, K.A. Proto Malayic: The Reconstruction of Its Phonology and
maintenance and heritage of language. Parts of Lexicon and Morphology. Australia: Departement of
The study I do shows that by having the modern means Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National
University. 1992.
of communication, it just true causes the loss of words and [6] Ayatrohaedi. Dialektologi: Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: Pusat
terms available in a language for they are replaced by new Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. 1979.
words and terms appearing due to the influence of the other [7] Moussay, Gerard. Dictionnaire Minangkabau Indonesien – Prancais.
Cahier d’Archipel. Paris: Association Archipel EHESS – Bureau 732.
languages, chiefly, English. It was different from the former 1995.
study, the results show that the presence of modern means of [8] Thaib, M. gl. St. Pamoentjak. Kamoes Bahasa Minangkabau Bahasa
communication, in this case, mobile phone, with one of its Melajoe – Riau. Batavia: Balai Poestaka. 1934.
applications is WhatsApp, it makes the words and terms
which are not used any more or the ones are disappearing.
Let alone, the communication through the WhatsApp can be
done without being bound to both space and time as well as
it could be accessed by all group of ages. Therefore, both the
words and the terms still recognized by the speakers of older
ages could re-appear and they could also be recognized by

Informatif System Design E-assignment in High School
to Increase the Effectivess
Sri Restu Ningsih1), Yolanda2)
STMIK Indonesia Padang

STMIK Indonesia Padang

Abstract. High School aims to create graduates who are qualified and have competitiveness in entering the lecture bench.
To achieve these objectives the students are obliged to follow the learning process for 3 years. During the learning
process the teachers give assignments to students. This activity is performed to determine whether the material presented
can be well understood or not. In the process of granting and collection tasks are still done manually. This certainly
raises difficulties between teacher-student and become less effective. Thus was designed an information system E-
assignment. The method used in this system is a method of SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). This system
provides services to manage and maintain the data properly. In addition to this system easy to provide teachers with the
task quickly and can be done anytime and anywhere. The end result of making this system in the form of a website,
which in turn can increase the effectiveness of learning in high school.

Keywords: information systems, e-assignment, SDLC, website

lessons are still using books, sometimes there are books

I. INTRODUCTION missing student assignments resulting concerned students are
High School (SMA) is a school that was founded in order not getting value and should make previous tasks. By
to create high quality graduates and have competitiveness in performing tasks that still use handwriting, it is inconvenient
entering the lecture bench. To achieve these objectives the or correcting the teacher to read his writings. Another
problem that occurs if time had passed the task of collecting
students are obliged to follow the learning process for three
the given time limit. The disciples could still be collected
years in high school. about the task in a way quietly slipped into the teacher's
According Rustaman in Abi Krida Prastya (2012: 7) [1] , desk.
"The learning process is an activity between teacher-student E-assignment information system is a system that
interaction and reciprocal communication that takes place in provides the service of assignment and collection
an educational situation for achieving the learning assignments quickly and can be accessed anywhere and
objectives". During this learning process takes place the anytime. The system will be designed using the
teacher will give exercises or tasks to determine whether the programming language PHP with CI framework. The use of
material presented can be well understood or not. In the this programming language will input data into MySQL, to
process of granting and collection duties in high school is display information about the assignment of teachers and
still done manually. The process of assigning the task is still pupils display information that has been collecting duties.
manually means, namely the provision of the task is still With this system the teacher can display the value of
done orally or in writing. Sometimes with this activity the
teacher or pupil could be forgotten if there is an assigned students in assignments in PDF form.
task, especially if the teacher is unable to attend the delivery Based on this it needed a website application that can
of the tasks will be represented by teachers picket or class provide services for the provision of tasks that can be done
president. From these events usually delivery tasks can not by teachers and collection tasks quickly and can be accessed
anytime and anywhere.
be communicated clearly so you need to contact the
teacher's back. II. METHODS
In the collection process is still manual tasks. Where
This research was conducted at SMA 7 Painan. This
students make their task into a book each task and give
school is an excellent school in the South Coast. The
directly to the teacher concerned. It would be difficult if the
purpose of the establishment of the School excels is in order
teacher or the student was unable to attend so that there will
to create high quality graduates and have competitiveness in
be a variety of problems. Because the task of collecting the
lectures. In completing this study, researchers needed data

associated with the application to be built. Based on this, the If an error occurs is known as debugging. As for
research methods to obtain data or information related to e- errors in a program called bugs or fleas.
assignment information systems are: b.Instalasi hardware and software
1. Field Research c.Pelatihan to the user
Research carried out directly to SMAN 3 Painan to d.Pembuatan documentation
obtain data. The method used in field research is e.Konversi, is a stage that is used to operate the
interview and observation techniques: new system in order to replace the old system.
4. Operasi and Maintenance
2. Library Research
After the system runs completely replace the old
In completing this study the authors look for and system, the system enters the stage of operation and
collect the literature relating to the problems examined. maintenance. During system operation, system
3. Laboratory Research maintenance is still required ".
In this activity the authors will examine the cause and
effect that occurs in the issues, and build applications
that can address the problems faced. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
In building the information system e-assignment author
4. SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) uses the PHP programming language with CI framework.
According to Abdul Kadir (2014: 344-356) [2], PHP is an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a
"Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a common programming language-based code (script) that is used to
methodology in the development of systems that mark process the data and send it back to the web browser into
the progress of business analysis and design. The stages HTML code.
of the SDLC as follows. According to Ward (2010: 3) [3], "framework is a
a. Analysis System collection of commands or functions that form the basis of
Analysis system stage starts because of their certain rules and interact with each other so that in making
demand for the new system. However, sometimes a web applications, we must follow the rules of the
new system development initiatives came from the framework". and by Betha Sidik (2012: 1) [4], "CI or
part that is responsible for the development of CodeIgniter is a framework application development using
information systems, which intends to develop PHP, a framework to work or create a program using PHP
existing systems or resolve issues that have not been more systematic. Programming does not need to create a
handled. The main goal of systems analysis is to program from scratch as CI provides a set of libraries that
determine the details of which will be done by the are needed to complete the work public, using interfaces and
proposed system (or not how). The analysis system simple logic structure for accessing library".
includes a feasibility study and needs analysis. According to Rahmat Hidayat (2010: 2) [5], "the website or
b. Desain System sites can be defined as a collection of pages that are used to
The system design is divided into two subtahapan, display text information, still images or motion, animation,
which is called the conceptual design and physical sound, or a combination of these, whether they are static or
design. dynamic form a series of interconnected buildings, each of
which is connected to the networks of the page. The
Conceptual Design: relationship between one web page to another web page that
Conceptual design is often called a logical design. In called Hyperlink, while the text which is used as a media
this design, need users and solving problems liaison called Hypertext ".
identified during the analysis stage began to be made Flow System Designed
to implement the system. There are three important Flow system to be designed is described by an activity
steps made in the conceptual design, is the evaluateon diagram. Activity diagrams are used to describe the flow of
of the design, preparation of plans, and storage work / stage of an activity. The following activity diagram
reports conceptual systemdesign. information system e-assignment.
c. Implementation System A. Activity diagram admin
At this stage there are a lot of activities undertaken. Activity diagram admin on information e-assignment system
The activities in question shown in Figure 1.
1) Program and testing
Based on the physical design, programming
start doing programming.
Programming is making activity program or a
series of instructions that are used to set the
computer to work in accordance with the intent of
each instruction. Each program is individually
undergo testing to ensure that the program is free
of errors. Testing like this is called by the test unit.

Figure 1. Activity diagram admin e-apssignment information

The description of the activity diagram image information

system admin e-assignment as follows.
1. activity to begin the initial user activity.
2. Step the start made by the user, ie login: If the login fails
admin, admin will remain on the activity log.
3. After successful login admin, admin can access the
information system e-assignment. The information
system will point the admin to admin menu activities,
which have their respective functions according to the
needs admin, namely: home, manipulasidata, upload
assignments, group and profile.
4. Log out, activities to come out of the information system
5. End node as the end of user activity.

B. Activity diagram teachers

Activity diagram admin on information e-assignment
system shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3. Activity diagram student information system e-

The description of the activity diagram drawing student

information system e-assignment as follows.
1. activity to begin the initial user activity.
2. Step the start made by the user, ie login: If the student
fails to login, the student will remain in the activity log.
3. The pupils successfully logged in, students can access the
information system e-assignment. The information
system will direct students to the activities menu pupils,
which have their respective functions according to the
needs of students,
4. Log out, activities to come out of the information system
5. End node as the end of user activity.

Use Case Diagram

Use case diagram is a diagram that illustrates the
Figure 2. Activity diagram teacher information system e- interaction between users and systems. Use case diagram
assignment of the proposed system can be seen in.

The description of the activity diagram drawing teacher

information system e-assignment as follows.
1. A activity to begin the initial user activity.
2. Step the start made by the user, ie login: If the login fails
teacher, the teacher willremain on the activity log.
3. After successful login teachers, teachers can access the
information system e-assignment. The system will direct
the activities of teachers to the teacher menu has a
corresponding function of each student's needs.
4. Log out, activities to come out of the information system
Figure 4. Use case diagrams e-assignment information
5. End node as the end of user activity.
Results Implementation System
C. Activity diagram pupils
E-assignment information system has three users, namely:
Activity diagram pupil in the information system e-
admin, teachers, and students. Admin and teachers alike a
assignment is shown in Figure 3.
teacher, but administrators have more power to manipulate
data. On the admin page consists of four main menu, namely:
home, manipulation of data, upload assignments, and group.

For teachers page consists of three main items, namely: the teachers in accordance with their respective groups. Here's
homepage, upload assignments, and group. While on the what the implementation of student homepage.
student page consists of three main items, namely: home, Input Display 1.Implementasi
achievement, andgroups. In the implementation of the input display allows users to
1.Implementasi Interface enter data into the system. The data can be entered, ie the
This interface display early to determine the user in running data of students, teachers, subjects, and groups. The data is
the system. Admin and teachers select button teachers and entered into the system by admin. Here is the
students selecting the students. This is done so that the user implementation of the master data input display on the
can log into the system according to their access rights. Here system.
is the implementation of the system user interface.

Figure 5. Implementation of the interface display system

Figure 9. Implementation of student input display
Once the user selects according to their access rights, users
will be redirected to the login page to log into the system.
On the login page the user is prompted to enter a user name
and password. Here is the implementation of the login screen.

Figure 10. Implementation of teacher input display

Figure 6. Implementation of the login

Once admin or teacher successful login, the user entered

the home page. On the veranda admin and teachers will
show the user the task that has been uploaded. Here's what
the implementation of the veranda admin and teachers.

Figure 11. Implementation input display subjects

Figure 7. Implementation of the home display admin and


Figure 12. Implementation input display

Group to display the input that can be done by the

admin and teachers, ie upload assignments and grade.
Here's what the input upload assignments and grade.

Figure 8. Implementation of students' homepages

Students can go to the home page if students are successful

login. The homepage will display the student assignment of

of granting and collection tasks have been minimized.
Besides, with the e-assigment system has been able to
streamline the work of teachers, because without face
to face, the teacher can convey assignments to the
students and can immediately correct it without having
to raise workbook that could have been lost.

Figure 13. Implementation of the view upload tasks

[1] Abi Krida Prastya. “Proses Pembelajaran Musik bagi Kelompok
Band Just 4_U di SMA BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta”. SkripsiUniversitas
Negeri Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta. 2012.
[2] Abdul Kadir. Pengenalan Sistem Informasi. Edisi Revisi. Yogyakarta:
ANDI. 2014.
[3] Verdi Yasin. Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Jakarta: Mitra Wacana
Media. 2012.
[4] Betha Sidik. Framework CodeIgniter. Bandung: Informatika. 2012.
[5] Rahmat Hidayat. Cara Praktis Membangun Website Gratis. Jakarta:
PT Elex Media Komputindo. 2010.

Figure 14. Implementation of the display give the value

Pada halaman akses murid juga terdapat halaman input,

yaitu halaman upload jawaban. Berikut ini implementasi
tampilan upload jawaban.

Figure 15. Implementation upload to see the answer

Implementation Output View

In the implementation outpout display to display data
that have already been entered and managed by the
system. The output data is displayed in the form of pdf
files. In this pdf file display reports student value tasks.
Here is a look at the implementation of the report value.

Figure 16. Display implementation report values

Based on the earlier discussion of the design of
information systems e-assignment conducted in SMAN
3 Painan, the authors conclude that the system is
designed provide services to manage and maintain the
data properly. In addition to the information system is
easy to provide teachers with the task to his students
and his students can access these tasks as well as gather
their duties quickly and can be accessed anytime and
anywhere. Previous mistakes often occur in the process

Talking Tools Application for Mute patients Based on Mobile
Yenny Desnelita1), Irwan2), Sunarti3), Tomy Roberto Sinaga4)
Department of Information System, STIKOM Pelita Indonesia, Pekanbaru, 28294, Riau


Department of Information System, STIKOM Pelita Indonesia, Pekanbaru, 28294, Riau


Department of Information Technology, STIKOM Pelita Indonesia, Pekanbaru, 28294, Riau

Abstract. This research focused on an application that facilitates mute patients to communicate with other by using a mobile
phone. This application based on mobile user by typing letters and it will automatically change into the form of voice (text to
speech) that have been arranged into a word so can understood by the other person who use the application. This research helps
disability school teachers (SLB) to communicate by using talking tools application. Development of systems using mobile
technology by using Java programming language and talking tool. Results of this study is an application of learning system that
helps teachers to communicate with their mute children. The application of mute children will be greatly helped in
communicating with the interlocutor.

Keywords: The communications system mute, Mobile Technology, java Programming

also be filled with a variety of additional application

I. INTRODUCTION program for user convenience.
Many medias or tools is instrumental for communication, The aims of this research is to make easy applications to
one of them is mobile. Mobile is a communication tool that communicate for mute people by applying the principle of
can connect people with others. Mobile at the present time is "text to speech" using Java language program. Applications
very needed by everyone from children, teenagers, parents to change words or phrases which are typed by mute people
and even grandparents have already own mobile. However, via mobile keypad and used in the form of voice (text to
the using of high technology mobile is not used effectively, speech), so it helps the patient tunawicara to be able to
there are still many people who do not know how use to communicate with his interlocutors without using sign
mobile phones especially mute patients. Development of language.
technology information raises the development of software,
especially desktop applications and the increasing are of A. Materials and Methods
mobile technology which are demand by humans. By Materials
Abolfazli, Sanaei, Gani, Xia, & Yang, 2014) [1] Our study
advocates that the majority of problems stem from the
intrinsic characteristics of mobile devices and the
heterogeneity in this environment, especially when cloud
computing is employed to enhance mobile computing.
Several open issues on RMAs' domination and adoption are
presented as future research directions. Smartphones have
recently obtained momentous ground in various computing-
intensive domains, particularly enterprise applications, The mobile phone human-interface system using a single
management information systems, education, and healthcare switch Morse code input device is shown schematically in
toward surpassing desktop computers (Emmanouilidis,
Koutsiamanis, & Tasidou, 2013) [2[ Text To Speech (TTS)
Communication is important in daily life, but not all Text to speech is one form of language technology.
human beings can communicate verbally well, for example (Hendriawan, Wijayanto, Paulus, & Taufiq, 2013) [3]Text-
the mute patient. Mute patients use sign language to To-Speech (TTS) or speech synthesizer is a system that can
communicate, but not everyone can understand their sign transform a row of text to speech (voice) as output. Speech
language so that, often misunderstandings. They should synthesizer system in principle consists of two basic parts,
write on a media in delivering the sentence that they wanted namely : (1) The converter section text into phonemes; (2)
to say. A mute have limitations in speaking but not his sight. Part Converter phonemes into words
Apart from being a medium of communication in the form of
a voice call or text message, the mobile development can

Mobile Information Device Profil (MIDP)
Applications that run on a device that supports MIDP
called with MIDlets, or more short MIDlet is an application
created using Java 2 Micro Edition with the profile of the
Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). MIDP is
devoted to the use of the handsets with the capability of
CPU, memory, keyboard, and the layer is limited, such as
mobile phones, pagers, PDAs and so on. In the figure below
shows that the applications that support the MIDP device is a
MIDlet application that also includes part of Java 2 Micro
Edition. (Suteja. R. B, 2008)

Fig 2. Block diagram of the system's text-to-speech

In the text to voice converter can be used algorithm

Finite State Automata (FSA). In principle the system TTS
(Text To Speech) is a system that can do the conversion
from text to speech. TTS converts text in a language format
(eg Indonesian) into a speech corresponding to the reading
of the text in that language. A system based TTS can
pronounce any word, and vocabulary is not limited. Based
on these definitions, then a system like IVR (Interactive
Voice Response) can not be categorized as a TTS system, as
it can only say words or sentences with a number or a
combination of a very limited, can not pronounce all the
words or sentences), because the IVR system typically using Fig 5. MIDP application architecture
a tape recorded words or sentences in their entirety.
In the system development, there are number of
J2ME programming methodologies, known as SDLC (System
The java working in Java programming environment use Development Life Cycle), which can be applied such as
the compiler and interpreter that can run on different Waterfall, Evolutionary Development and Component-
platforms. Java compiler will transform the code in the Java Based Software Engineering. The selected-approach reflects
language into a bytecode. Bytecode compilation result is a the success of the system. In the waterfall model, the system
set of commands which can then be executed through a development process cascades from one phase to another. It
computer abstract machine called the JVM. JVM is also comprises six phases, namely: (Ali & Aydah, 2012) [6]
often called as an interpreter, because it always translate the
codes stored in the bytecode. In J2ME, if the software work
well, also work with other devices. J2ME bring Java into the
world of information, communications and computing
devices other than the desktop computer is usually smaller
than a desktop computer device. J2ME is commonly used in
cell phone, pager, PDA and etc. J2ME technology Also has
some limitations, especially when applied to mobile phones.
J2ME is highly dependent on the device or the device used,
can be in terms of mobile phone brands, as well as phone
capabilities and support to technology. (Nyura, 2010) [4]

Fig. 3. System schematics of the mobile phone human-


Unified Modelling Language (UML)

Object-oriented analysis was assisted by use of Class-221
Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) cards and table top
simulation. By using real physical objects as tokens for
software objects, the CRC method assists greatly in priming
the programmer’s intuitions concerning what objects to
define and what properties and functions they should have.
Fig 4. J2ME architecture As a result of the CRC process, the following types of UML
diagram(Booch et al., 1998; Fowler, 2004; Object

Management Group, 2011) were constructed in Visual MySQL database, and the system software is J2ME and
Paradigm (2010) : a) Class Diagram, specifying the entities use the text to speech.
within the system, their features and relationships to each 4. System Implementasi
other ; b) Activity Diagram - specifying the behaviour of the In this section, the logical specification of the program
system; c) Communication Diagram, specifying how the and database of fourth results phase is converted into
entities within the system are connected, or how they interact; detail programming language (coding program) and the
d) State Machine Diagram, specifying how events within the manufacture of distributed databases. The software used
system change the entities within the system. b) to d) are all for programming is Object-Oriented Programming (java)
examples of what are more generically termed UML and text to speech. In this phase of testing was also
behaviour diagrams, whereas a) is a UML structure diagram. conducted simultaneously to all resources. The testing
(Zhang, Williams, & Gatherer, 2016) [7]. phase is divided into two parts, namely internal testing
and external testing. 1) internal testing aims to illustrate
that all stetement already done testing, a number of
II. METHODS specific data provided to check processing and the results
One of the methods used is System Development Life obtained. In the test document, there are several things
Cycle (SDLC). like checks links within each page and other files. 2)
1. System Planing external examinations intended to find errors and ensure
In this phase, direct observation was conducted started output is generated as expected. During system testing,
arting from collecting recording data of students and the system is used experimentally to ensure that the
subject teachers. Observations also covers the equipment software that made no fail, run in accordance with the
used for this in support of the application, the personnel specifications and desires of the user. Some users are
involved, and procedures, as well as the type of data that also included to test the system so that the analyst can see
is processed. Observation result are summarized and the workings of the software in ways not specified, so
analyzed to see the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, that it can find hidden errors before the program is
and threats of the current application activity. Thus implemented.
clearly illustrated the possibility of the aspects that 5. System Testing
should be developed towards computerization optimal. In this phase the software installation system or operating
Project Initiation and Planning is action prefix system and application programs are newly created, as
(initialization) and develop a plan for the project well as provide brief training to prospective users. But in
development. Project Initiation and Planning is action the implementation phase of this time spent is relatively
prefix (initialization) and develop a plan for the project short, so we need a plan to increase the time.
development. 6. Operation and Maintenance
2. Problem Analysis (Penganalisaan) Phase treatments performed after the software has been
This phase is divided into three sub-phases, which used by the user or the user. At this stage, the process of
consists of a sub-phase of determination or the monitoring, evaluation, and change (improvement) when
determination (determination) criteria of computer-based needed. The latest version of the software or with estab-
applications that will be developed, sub-phase modeling renewal for documentation, training and support.
(structuring), and designed a computer-based application Changes will be made if there is an error, so the software
model as an option for mute patients. must be adjusted again to accommodate the changing
Requirement Structuring, this phase sub activity should needs of the desired user
be supported by library research techniques (Library
Research), in this phase we should structuring or
modeling to application development and design III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
activities. This calls for deep knowledge of modeling Use Case Diagram
techniques and tools used primarily graphical modeling Use case diagrams are used to describe the interaction
tool that is the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Tool between the users of the system (actor) to the case (use case)
graphical model that will be used is the Use Case adjusted measures (scenario) that have been determined.
Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence
Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram,
Alternative Generation and Selection Design create
design alternatives in accordance with the wishes of the
user to be compared and selected in accordance with the
cost, human resources and existing technical.
3. System Design
Developing the algorithm underlying the program which
is designed and organized the data to be designed in a Fig 6. Use Case Diagram
new program into an electronic database. In this phase
also set the type of software application that will use the
group of Object Oriented Programming language, with

Activity Diagram
Student activity started from entering application then
from inputting text (article), clicking the play button and
listening output of voice / speech. Students can also find out
how to use the application through help menu and exit menu.

Fig 7. Activity Diagram

Class Diagram
Class diagram provides a view widely from a system by
showing its classes and their relationships. Static class Fig 9. Sequence diagram
diagram, illustrating the relationship what happened. Fig 8
The following is a class diagram of the expert system to Implementation System
support definite conclusions using the web. Each class has The main menu window will appear as a whole.
an attribute to identify the type and content of applications. The main menu consists of several menu that has been active
Classes are interrelated to indicate system activity that will or ready to be used to process the data.
generate information.

Fig10. Initial View

Fig 8. Class Diagram

Sequence Diagram
In Fig 9 is a Sequence Diagram depicting mute students
order activity in the use of voice tools. Starting from the
entrance application then performs inputting text (article),
click the play button and the note on the check and
normalized per syllable then “fie wav” will be played and Fig 11. Display Log Fig 12. Display Main Menu
the result is a voice / speech that can be heard by the
students, and then exit the application with the menu exit.

- <LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical"
Fig 13. See How to Use Application android:layout_width="match_parent"
Fig 14. Display Help Menu android:layout_height="match_parent"
In Fig 15 or output information generated from this android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"
application is sound with the following android:gravity="center_vertical">
syntax:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ImageButton android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- <manifest android:layout_height="wrap_content"
xmlns:android=" android:id="@+id/tmulai"
android" package="slb.alatbantubicara"> android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"
- <application android:allowBackup="true" android:src="@drawable/btn_mulai"
android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:background="@color/accent" />
android:label="@string/app_name" <ImageButton android:layout_width="wrap_content"
android:supportsRtl="true" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
android:theme="@style/AppTheme"> android:id="@+id/thelp"
- <activity android:name=".MainActivity"> android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"
- <intent-filter> android:background="@color/accent"
<action android:src="@drawable/btn_help" />
android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <ImageButton android:layout_width="wrap_content"
<category android:layout_height="wrap_content"
android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> android:id="@+id/texit"
</intent-filter> android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"
</activity> android:src="@drawable/btn_exit"
<activity android:name=".BicaraActivity" android:background="@color/accent" />
android:label="Konversi Teks Ke Suara" /> </LinearLayout>
<activity android:name=".HelpActivity" </RelativeLayout>
android:label="Cara Menggunakan Aplikasi" />
</manifest> IV. CONCLUSION
After examining and analyzing, can be concluded of the
performance result system that is tools voice application of
the research results can help mute students to communicate
during learning and communicating with teachers or other
persons who are not mute by reducing the use of sign
language or write in a media and it is the already effective
the use of mobile as a tool for mute students sound.

This work is supported by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu
Fig 15. Output Produce Sound Komputer Pelita Indonesia (STIKOM Pelita Indonesia).
Fig 16. Display Form text input
Syntax Program Fig 16 to display the following text Input
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
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Selection of Birth Attendent of Labor in the Village Pelangiran
Inhil District of 2016
Yessi Harnani1), Sri Kurnia2)
Public Health Science Courses STIKesPekanbaru Riau – Hang Tuah
Mustafa Sari Street no. 5, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Public Health Science Courses STIKesPekanbaru Riau – Hang Tuah
Mustafa Sari Street no. 5, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstract. Child birth is the process of expense, the products of conception (fetus and placenta have been quite a month or can
live outside the womb through the birth canal or melalaui other way, with or without help (own power). In 2013 the percentage
of deliveries by health workers in Indonesia 89% Riau Province in 2013 reached 78%, in Puskesmaspelangiran in 2013 that is
55%.Penilitian aims to determine the relationship of knowledge, access to adequate health care facilities and socioeconomic
conditions, attitudes, education, rural districts pelangiran district pelangiranInhil,
This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional design. Number of samples 95 with saturated sampling technique /
census. Analysts used univariate and bivariate. Bivariate using Chi-square test on the degree of α = 0.05. Measuring instrument
used was a questionnaire. Results of research on the relationship between knowledge (p value 0,001 values to P OR 11,333)
with the election of birth attendance, education (p value 0.001 P OR 7.699)) with the election of birth attendance, revenue
family(p value 0,002, P OR 4,589), with the election of birth attendance, attitude (p value 0.001 POR58,767) with birth
attendants election there was no correlation between access to health keefasiltas with the election of birth attendants (p value
0.093 POR 2, 338) tradition (p value 0.579 POR 1,384) with the election of birth attendants.
Advised health care workers who are in primary Pelangiran to improve counseling on birth mothers about
birthattendantselection that birth mothers choose health workers as helpers persalin.

Keywords : birth attendants, knowledge, attitudes, education

and health care facilities, births attended proven health

I. PRELIMINARY personnel contributed to the decline in the risk of maternal
Childbirth is a process of spending the products of mortality.
conception (fetus and uterine) which has been quite a month Scope of delivery assistance by health personnel in
or can live outside the womb through the birth canal or Indonesia has increased every year. Nationwide coverage in
through another birth canal, with or without the help of (its 2014 is equal to 88.68% where this number can’t meet the
own strength) (Asrinah, et al, 2010) [1]. target of the Ministry of Health in 2014 at about 90%.
World Health Organization (WHO) states that most However, in Indonesia, namely the province with the lowest
maternal deaths occur from complications during pregnancy, coverage is West Papua (44.73%), Maluku (46.90%) and
childbirth and 42 days after childbirth. The WHO estimates Papua (63.15%) and Riau (77.39%), (MOH, 2014) [3].
that 585,000 women die every day from complications of Based on research conducted by Seprianuslahal and
pregnancy and childbirth that not safe, in south Asia woman Suhartatik (2014) that of the 31 respondents, 20 people
likely 1:8 die as a result of pregnancy or childbirth during (64.5%) who chose birth attended by TBAs, while 11
life, in African countries 1:14, while in North America only (35.5%) who chose mother giving birth by health workers,
1:6366 (Prawirohardjo, 2010) [2]. variable relating that knowledge, education, ancestry income,
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one indicator that is access to health facilities, the attitude, the selection of aid
closely linked to the quality and accessibility. Based on the delivery.
Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012 The percentage of births attended health personnel
related to pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, MMR as much (health workers) in Riau Province in 2013 reached 78%.
as 359 per 100,000 live births. Increase compared to 2007 This figure does not meet the target of the Strategic Plan of
amounted to 228 per 100,000 live births. This figure is still Riau Provincial Health Office in 2013 amounted to 90%.
high when compared with other Asean countries (MoH RI, The achievement of this indicator in the last 5 years shows a
2014) [3]. positive trend that is 88.4% in 2009. In Indragiri Hilir with
Analysis of maternal mortality conducted in the Rector performance of 77.2%. SubdistrictPelangiran 50%.
General of Maternal Health in 2010 proved that maternal Pelangiranvillage is one of 16 villages in
mortality is closely related to the place or birth attendants

PuskesmasPelangiran working area (Health Profile of Riau application) is the ability to use materials that have been
Province, 2014) [4]. studied on the situation or the actual conditions.
From the initial survey conducted by researchers 5 Knowledge a person has gained not only in school but
mothers who were helped by non-health workers (TBAs) in also can be obtained from various sources, such as electronic
the village of Pelangiran stated that the reason they chose media, mass media, even from close relatives and personal
TBAs as a birth attendant is with consideration cheaper and experience. This knowledge can form a belief that this
easier summoned to the house, a tradition handed down from knowledge can shape a behavior that is in accordance with
old, lack of knowledge, poor education, and access to health what are believed.
facilities. This study was supported by research conducted by
Asriani (2009) [6], the test results showed statistically
II. METHOD significant correlation between a low knowledge by
This research is a quantitative analytical research using choosing birth attendants. Many mothers who choose non-
cross sectional design conducted in health workers as a childbirth’shelper do not know the risks
PuskesmasPelangiranInhil district in January-June 2016. The that will occur for the safety of mother and child. In addition,
population in this study were all women giving birth in 2015 people also do not know the sterility of equipment that is in
as many as 95 peoples. sample of 95 peoples. Sampling use by TBAs against infection during delivery and
techniques are census or sample saturated.The analysis used postpartum mothers and infants. Mother only learned of the
the analysis of univariate and bivariate analysis. family and neighbors that gave birth to the TBAs are safe
and secure, people prefer the convenience at the time of
delivery with TBAs where before and after childbirth TBAs
III. RESULTS performing rituals such as sequence and herbalists care of
her until after the birth, not only that TBAs also caring baby
A. Univariate Analysis Results until the umbilical cord off.
The frequency distribution of the dependent and independent variables
B. Attitude
According to Mubarak (2007) [7], attitude is a person's
No Variables Freq Percent reaction or response to a stimulation or object that is
1 Dependent emotional. The tendency to act or do in social activities with
Mother giving birth with 47 49 a certain feeling in the objects reach a situation or conditions
non-health workers in the surrounding environment. In addition, it also provides
Mother giving birth with 48 51 responses attitude that is positive or negative to the object or
health workers situation.
Total 95 100
Communities thought by choosing TBAs as birth
2 Independentknowledge
Low 43 45,3 attendants then childbirth more comfortable and salvation is
High 52 54,7 guaranteed because it has closed response and hard to accept
Total 95 100 the assumptions of others so that mothers are more likely to
3 Access to health facilities choose non-health workers as childbirth's helper. This study
Far 64 66,4 was supported by research Hutapea (2012) [8] on factors
Close 31 33,6 related to birth attendants in the district election
Total 95 100 Cibungbulang Bogor regency, West Java. Statistical test
4 Attitude results showed that no significant relationship between
Negative 46 48,4
attitudes to the election birth attendants.
Positive 49 51,6
Total 95 100 Maternal expected to have a positive response so easily
5 Tradition accept the assumptions of others. Expected for health
Influence 59 62,1 workers to be able to approach and improve communication
No Influence 36 37,9 to invite mother giving birth so that all mother giving birth
Total 95 100 choose childbirth helper to health care.
6 Familiy’s Incomes
Low 61 64,2 C. Revenue
High 34 35,8 Socio-economic factors are still one of the obstacles
Total 95 100
people to give birth in health professionals (midwives).
7 Education
Low 55 57,9 Communities with low or poor economy with low education
High 35 42,1 seek help at the TBAs. They think that to give birth in health
Total 95 100 workers have to spend a huge cost, so they were reluctant to
go to employment to health.
According Notoatmodjo (2007) [5], the higher the Thus people who thought that TBAs is a hero, because
person's knowledge, the more easily receive informations. bearing in cheaper TBAs, TBAs willing to be paid in goods
With a mindset that is relatively high, the level of knowledge (such as chickens or other agricultural produce), and
not merely know (know) that recall but able to understand payment can be in gradually. TBAs provide assistance in the
(comprehention), even at the application level (user form of massage in the mother, bathing the baby until the
umbilical cord detached, and is seen in traditional

ceremonies, such as the tradition of salvation babies and facilities as well as socio-economic status and culture.
postpartum mothers on day 7 - 40. (Yulifah and Yuswanto, Physical access can be a reason to get a place in health care
2009) [9]. delivery and birthing with healthcare professional. Physical
According to Ahmadi (2014) [10], that the level of the access can be calculated from the travel time, mileage, type
economy is one of the factors that play a role in health for of transport and health care conditions such as type of
reasons not have money at the time to give birth, people service, health workers are available and hours of service.
prefer traditional treatment with a relatively low cost. For Location services are not starategis or difficult to reach
high-income people, regardless of health costs is often not a causing the lack of access of pregnant women who give birth
problem, but not the case for people who are not able to. in health facilities. Travel time to the health service has a
Economic status of communities affected by several things: relationship with the delivery of health, said distance and
jobs, income and education. time that must be taken to get the service delivery assistance,
For that delivering mothers are advised to have health ratings are categorized as "Far" when distance is> 2 km and
insurance as, Jamkesda and JKN (National Health Insurance) travel time> 30 minutes and "Close when distance ≤ 2 km
is a government program that aims to provide assurance of and time mileage ≤ 30 minutes.
health insurance for all Indonesian people to be able to live Based on the research results, there is no relationship
healthy, productive and prosperous, so that mothers prefer between access to health facilities with the selection birth
delivery by health workers. For health care workers in order attendants, because the villagers Pelangiran just takes time
to make the program Tabulin that delivering mothers do not approximately 60 minutes to go to to the health facility.
feel expensive if childbirth with health workers. Other than that, besides distance mom's home with a TBAs's
home very close, TBAs also ready to be called whenever the
D. Education delivering mothers in need. For that is expected to mothers
According Notoadmodjo (2010) [11], education is an in order to birthing health facility. For health workers in
activity or process of learning and develop or enhance order to stay in the village so that the delivering mothers
certain capabilities so that the educational goals that can easy to give birth to a health facility.
stand on its own. The level of education also helped
determine easily whether someone understands knowledge F. Tradition
obtained, in general, the higher the education the higher the The tradition is still held by people in rural areas, and
person's knowledge. less implemented in urban areas. Confidence in the mystical,
Mother's education also influence the selection childbirth magical or spirit, often lead to destructive behavior.
attendants, considering education can affect a person's Villagers are still very strong against ceremonies or rituals.
intellectual power in deciding a case, including attending Trust as an element of culture is not easy to change. This
births. Mother's education were less likely to cause mother's element is difficult to be accepted by society, especially
intellectual power is also limited so that its behavior is still when it comes to ideology and philosophy of life. In addition
influenced by the surrounding circumstances or behavior of to the difficult geographical, kinship factors are also
other relatives or people they consider more experienced. influential in this regard. Close ties within the scope of its
Mother's education here considered less if she only gained own family gives a sense of comfort for a mother to be
through junior high school diploma or other equivalent birthing, so that a sense of comfort that appear when when
education to bottom, this study covers only 9 years of basic their labor. Confidence in the customs and traditions that are
education. Whilst the new reproductive education is taught passed down has been recognized by society also affect the
in more detail at the high school level and above. mother's knowledge in terms of maternal and child health.
According to the study done by Heny Noor Wijayanti The tradition of prenatal care, childbirth and postpartum,
(2015) [12] educational factors proven that mothers who had is still very important to do. This was further compounded
high school better attainment is above 80% health by the existence of TBAs are still in trust by the community
employment. While educated mothers elementary-junior Based on the results of the study, there was no significant
high school or do not choose births attended by non-health relationship between tradition and election birth attendants
personnel (TBAs). That the higher the mother's education is with value (p value = 0.579), because most of the
expected able to accept new changes in the health sector Pelangiran'svillagers prefer the convenience at the time of
which leads to improved health so that they can prepare birthing with a TBAs because people learned from family
themselves in pregnancy and childbirth than that education traditions for generations, TBAs give ritual form of water
can affect a person's intellectual power in deciding the that is considered to expedite delivery if obstructed labor and
problem, including the determination of the birth attendant. can reduce pain. In addition, TBAs also provide care during
delivery such as massaging the waist of mother, postpartum
E. Access to health facilities care until the baby's umbilical cord off.
Based on the results of the study, that there is no For it is expected that the birth mothers to not follow
significant relationship between access to health facilities the hereditary tradition that could endanger the safety of the
with the selection birth attendants. According Djama, et al mother and fetus. For health care workers in order to provide
(2011) [13], access to health facilities or physical access may counseling so that birth mothers are not affected to follow
be a reason to get a place in health care delivery and birthing the tradition that could threaten the safety of the mother and
with healthcare professional. fetus while choosing health workers as a helper labor.
Access to health services related to several things
including the distance of residence and travel time to health

1. There is a relationship between knowledge, attitudes,
education and family income with the selection of village
birth attendants in Pelangiran, Inhil District in 2016.
2. There was no relationship between access to health
facilities and traditional birth attendants with the election
in Pelangiran, Inhil District 2016.

Suggestions noted in this case are as follows:
1. For Health Department
Expected for the Health Department in order to continue
to provide information about the importance of delivery
assistance by health workers so they can reduce the
number of maternal and infant mortality.
2. For Health Center
Expected health workers in health centers can provide
information to pregnant women early in pregnancy, so
that all pregnant women choose birth helper to health
3. For Peoples
For society in general and in particular pregnant women
and birth mothers in order to perform childbirth
assistance with the help of health professionals in this
case doctors, midwives and nurses who have competency
for the safety of mothers and babies that the mother and
child mortality can be reduced.

[1] Asrinah, et a. Midwifery Care During Childbirth. Yogyakarta:
Graha Science. 2010.
[2] Prawirohardjo, S. Science of womb, Jakarta: Bina Library. 2009.
[3] MoH RI (2013). Data and information center. Accessed February 2, 2016.
[4] Riau Provincial Health Office. (2013). Health Profile of Riau
Province. Pekanbaru
Accessed February 2, 2016.
[5] Notoatmodjo, S. Medical Research Methodology. Jakarta:
RinekaCipta. 2007.
[6] Asriani. Factors Related to Selection of Childbirth Attendant By
Mother Giving Birth. Health Journal Vol 2, No 4. Makassar. 2009.
[7] Mubarak. et al.Health Promotion. Yogyakarta: Gaha Science. 2007.
[8] Asrinah, et al. Midwifery Care During Childbirth. Yogyakarta:
Graha Science. 2010.
[9] Yulifah&Yuswanto. (2009). Community of Midwifery Care.
Jakarta: SalembaMedika
[10] Ahmadi. The relationship of knowledge of pregnant women
Against Labor's help. News of Medicine Society Vol 22, No 2.
Yogyakarta. 2014.
[11] Notoatmodjo. Promotion Obstetrics And Behavioral Sciences.
Jakarta: RinekaCipta. 2010.
[12] Wijayanti. Relationship of trust level of pregnant women Against
the ability of the TBAs with the selection of the type of Labor
Worker. RespatiMedika Journal Vol 10, no. 3. Semarang. 2015.
[13] Djama, et al. Utilization of Health Workers By Delivery Assistance
Program Participant Poor Health Delivery Guarantee. News
Medical Society Vol 27, No 1. Yogyakarta. 2011.

Correlation Health Education To Knowledge Of Puberty To
Class Vii Junior High School Juvenile Female
Purwaningtyas1), Betty2)
Pamenang Of Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri

Abstract. The Puberty is period a child experiences change of physic, psychology and sexual function maturity. The
Change of physic and psychology are during puberty period often causes negative experience that need increase
knowledge to juvenile female about changes during puberty period. Health Education is one way to increase knowledge
about puberty to juvenile female. This research used analytic experimental what purpose to identify result cause
correlation that related researcher’s was involvement in manipulating independent variable. And true experiment design
used pretest – posttest with control group. Those Populations of juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school student.
Sample total was 64 students. Data Analysis used Mann – Whitney ( U – Test) and Wilcoxon. The pretest result was
Mann – Whitney test ( U – Test ) to experiment group and control group to value indicated of Sig. (2-tailed) (P) 0,241>
0,05: with the result that H0 was accepted and H1 was refused. It meant that there was not any difference of knowledge to
the experiment group and control group before Health Education. Posttest result was to experiment group and control
group established value Sig.(2-tailed ) (P) 0,000 < 0,05 until H0 was refused and H1 was accepted. It ment that there was
knowledge difference to the experiment group and control group. Based result of Wilcoxon test , that there was
significant increase of knowledge puberty juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school in Plemahan Kediri Regency
in 2016 of before and after Health Education to experiment group that was correlation health education that was value
of Sig.(2-tailed)(P) 0,000 < α (0,05). It meant that H0 was refused and H1 was accepted that there was the correlation
Health Education to knowledge of puberty juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school in Plemahan Kediri
Regency in 2016.That was giving Health Education to juvenile female in Class VII Junior high school, so They was
increase puberty knowledge.

Keywords : Puberty, Knowledge, Health Education

Increased emotional is the result of physical changes,

I. INTRODUCTION especially in hormone that occurs in adolescence [1].
Puberty is a time when one's children experience physical Demographics in Indonesia shows the number of
changes, psychological, and sexual function maturation. adolescents aged 10-24 years ne of approximately 60 million
Puberty usually begins in this life at the age of 8-10 years people (30%) of the total population of 220 million people
and ended approximately 15-16 years. Puberty in women, (BKKBN, 2007). From the results of previous research by
usually between the ages of 8-15 years. Pubescent young Retno Arieswati in Junior High School of class VIII in
women experienced different with male children. The Plemahan are less aware about puberty knowledge obtained
physical changes at puberty in young girls, about two years 70% of the students. From the preliminary study conducted
before the changes of puberty in adolescent boys on 28 January 2016 at 20 Junior High School of class VIII
laki.Terjadinya rapid physical growth in adolescents, in Plemahan 2016, obtained 70% (14 students) say do not
including the growth of reproductive organs (sexual organ) understand about puberty and the changes - changes at
to reach maturity, so as to carry out the function of puberty and only 30% (6 girls) say understand about puberty
reproduction. The change was marked by the characteristics and the changes - changes that occur during puberty.
of secondary sex ie body pubic hair around the genitals and Physical and psychological changes that occur in puberty
armpits, breasts enlarge and increase the size of the pelvis it often creates a negative experience because during puberty
while sex characteristics primer that is directly related to the soul is still unstable and has not discovered the value - the
sex organs, namely the occurrence of menstruation in young value of which remains, at the age they are very sensitive
women or called menarche and the occurrence of an increase (sensitive) to influence - the influence of the outside both
in emotional psychological changes that occur quickly. influences are positive or negative [2] Negative experiences
in the form of doubt, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and

anxiety. This should not happen drawn - as if the child were environment don’t interaction information then knowledge
not informed or are not psychologically prepared by the will not increase. According to investigators lack of
about the physical and psychological changes that occur knowledge of young girls about puberty due to social
during puberty, the experience of the change can be a conditions in the neighborhood of respondents do not
traumatic experience [3]. Therefore, it is necessary to support to obtain information about puberty openly and
increase the knowledge of young women about the changes - freely, so that the problems of puberty is considered as a
changes that occur during puberty so teenagers can respond taboo to talk about it fair open.except the respondents are in
positively. puberty causes the respondents in understand everything just
Increased knowledge about adolescent reproductive health by size that exist in itself given the nature of adolescents
in particular the changes that occur during puberty is an during puberty are more selfish and do not want to hear the
important issue that needs to get the attention of all parties, opinion of others besides respondents embarrassed to ask
not only by officials in the health care institution, but also about the changes that happened to him. In addition, before
the parents, the closest relatives, teachers, religious leaders, the respondents had never received health information,
as well as communities in the surrounding environment play especially about puberty from school so that young women
a role in providing information and support early do not know what it was pubertas than what happens at
emosional.Peningkatan knowledge on young women about puberty.
the changes - changes that occur during puberty is very Posttest health education to knowledge of puberty to
important. Increased knowledge on young girls can be done class VII junior high school 1 to juvenile female in
through health counseling, books - books on reproductive Plemahan Kediri 2016 mostly was good category (96.9%)
health, especially the health of the television on at puberty in the experimental group, while control group largely
and health seminars. It is through health education are enough category (62.5%) and there were still some minority
expected to boost the knowledge or the ability of a group or of respondents in the control group had less category
an individual because there is a direct interaction between (21.9%). Provision of information through counseling is one
adolescents with sources. way to increase the knowledge of youth, knowledge itself is
Based on the above, the researchers are interested in derived from the idea and this happens after a person holding
doing research to find out about the "Influence of an sensing to a particular object, sensing the object occurs
extension of the knowledge of puberty in adolescent girls in through human senses ie sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch
Junior High School of class VIII in Kediri Plemahan 2016 with his own , at the time of sensing up producing such
knowledge is closely influenced by the intensity of the
II. METHODS perception of attention to the object. Most human knowledge
Judging from the design of the research, this study is obtained through the eyes and ears (Wawan, 2010).
includes analytical experiments, the design of True According to researchers, the increase of knowledge in
Experiment using a pretest - posttest with control group. The young women in the experimental group was strongly
study was conducted on 2-22 April 2016 in Junior High influenced by the provision of information. Through
School of class VIII in Plemahan District of Kediri. The counseling that has given young women became aware of
population in this study were all girls class VII SMPN 1 any sign - a sign of puberty and the changes that occur
Plemahan Plemahan Subdistrict, Kediri numbering as many during puberty. So knowledge about puberty increases.
as 180 students. The sample in this study is most teenage Judging from the age of most of the respondents (75%) aged
girls in Junior High School of class VIII Plemahan 13tahun. This resulted in the excavation effort by the
Subdistrict, Kediri selected according to the inclusion students good knowledge, for example by listening process
criteria. Samples were selected in this study were 64orang. properly instructed so as to increase knowledge of young
With Proportionate Random sampling. girls about puberty. While the control group knowledge
about puberty also increased although little is caused
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION respondents tried to find out about puberty, as well as what
happens during puberty on the internet that have been
Pretest Knowledge of puberty in adolescent girls in Junior available in junior high school 1 Plemahan, besides it's a
High School of class VIII in Kediri 2016 Plemahan most matter posttest given because still so young women looking
respondents lack knowledge in the experimental group information via the internet so that it knows about puberty
(62.5%) control group (56.2%) and none of them have a and able to answer questions posttest well.
good knowledge of the group experimental or the control For that we need the co-operation between the school and
group. According Notoadmodjo (2007), one of the factors health authorities to increase the frequency of counseling on
that influence a person's knowledge is increasingly being reproductive health that are more familiar with a particular
exposed to an increasingly better information, and vice versa, Puberty marks - signs and changes that occur in puberty.
if a person never exposed to update the knowledge becomes Correlation health education to knowledge of puberty to
less. According Notoadmodjo (2005) the environment is a class vii junior high school of class VIII to juvenile female
process of interaction, this interaction is one that will affect in Plemahan - Kediri of 2012. Shown from Mann-Whitney
the learning process of not knowing to knowing. From this test results obtained value of Sig. (2-tailed) (P) 0,000 <0,05
interaction process is also beneficial to increase knowledge so that H0 wasnot correlation and H1 was correlation who
among individuals because of this interaction between berate there are differences in the experimental group and
people sharing information and experience - experience that control after posttest.Uji Wilcoxon exerts significant
they have not been previously known. And vice versa if the influence of illumination indicated by the Sig. (2-tailed) (P)

0.000 <α (0.05) which means that H0 wasnot correlation and
H1 was correlation which means there was correlation
health education to knowledge of puberty to class vii
junior high school juvenile female in Plemahan Kediri
2016. According to Mubarak (2007) factors - factors that
affect the success of health education is a factor of raw input
(counseling participants / respondents), environmental
factors (environment) and most instrumental factors
influence the input consists of programs, extension materials,
and extension targets themselves. According Notoadmodjo
(2003) information obtained from various sources will affect
a person's knowledge, if one has much information he has
extensive knowledge. In addition, according Erfandi (2009)
information obtained from both formal and non formal
education can provide a change or an increase in knowledge.

According to the researchers, the difference in results
between the experimental group and the control group was
strongly influenced by the provision of information or the
extension services. In addition Improved scores and
categories in the experimental group before and after the
extension occurred because of the extension properly
fulfilled so that the interaction between the educator and the
respondent went well and greatly influence the improvement
of knowledge about the education of young women. Efforts
to improve information about puberty, young women can
order addressing the changes that occur during puberty so it
will not feel worried and anxious.

[1] Depkes.(2010). Kesehatan Remaja problem dan solusinya.Jakarta :
Salemba Medika
[2] Kartono, Kartini. (2006). Psikologi Wanita I Mengenal Gadis Remaja
dan Wanita Dewasa.Bandung : Mandar Maju
[3] Hurlock, Elizabeth. (2004). Psikologi Perkembangan Suatu
Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan.Jakarta : Erlangga

Association Mechanism Coping With Blues Postpartum Incident
Endah Ernawati1)
Midwifery Academy Pare, Kediri

Abstract. The birth of a child causes a fundamental challenge and severe incident , full of challenges and anxiety to
mother after childbirth. Psychological change mother is determined by adjustment effort as new mother. This purpose
research was knowed Association coping with blues postpartum in Sidorejo Community Health Center Pare -Kediri in
2016. This research Design was used with approach analytic cross sectional correlational. Total population was 43 all of
postpartum. Total sample 35 responders, was a part of postpartum in second day until fourteen day in Sidorejo
Community Health Center Pare -Kediri with purposive sampling. processed Data was Rank Spearman Correlation.
The result research was 35 respondens, most postpartum had constructive coping 28 respondens (80%) and most Light
postpartum blues was 21 respondens ( 60%). Result Analysis data used Spearman rank test p = 0.033 ≤ α = 0.05, r =
0.362 so that Ho was refused and H1 was accepted, That was mean positive association and low association between
coping with blues postpartum inciden , that more good progressively coping progressively lower blues postpartum
inciden. Expected to family, especiall husband were more making approaches and considerable attention to postpartum,
so mother can be more open to tell about all the problems that are being experienced particularly after birth to her child.

Keywords: Coping and Postpartum Blues

the levels of various hormones in the mother's

I. INTRODUCTION body after childbirth, the falling levels of the
The born of a child is a fundamental challenge hormone progesterone, estrogen, thyroid gland
structure of family interaction. For a mother, instability, and reduced levels of endorphins
giving birth is a joyful event as well as an event (pleasure hormones). Nonetheless, there are many
that severe, challenging and anxiety after other factors that need to be considered in the
childbirth [1]. occurrence of postpartum blues as expectations of
Emotional disorder most commonly found in delivery that do not correspond to reality, their
almost every new mother giving birth is feelings of disappointment with the physical state
postpartum blues. Postpartum blues is a feeling of of his well baby, exhausted by labor a new path,
disturbance due to adjustments to the birth of the the bustle of taking care of the baby and the
baby, who appeared on the first day up to fourteen feelings of the mother who was not capable of or
days after giving birth and tended to be worse in worried about his new responsibilities as a mother,
the third and fourth days. Symptoms appear after a husband and a lack of support from the people
childbirth will generally disappear within a few around, distracted by the appearance of her body
hours to a few days, but can also preformance few still looks chubby, and concerns on the socio-
weeks or months later, it can even develop into economic circumstances that make mothers
more severe conditions [2]. returning to work after childbirth (Roitu, 2010).
Postpartum blues is often overlooked, so that Attention to the psychological state that is less
almost 70% of mothers after childbirth experience likely to cause mothers tend to think short
sadness or baby blues syndrome. Physical and (deskruktif) to try to tackle the problem-a problem
psychological health of the mother is determined in itself making it more vulnerable to postpartum
by the response to emotional problems and blues. Conversely, mothers who gain the
adjustments made as a new mother. Most mothers understanding and support of a psychological state
can quickly recover and achieve stability, but 13% enough then he in dealing with psychological
of them will experience postpartum depression issues will have long thought patterns
(Shinaga, 2006). (constructive) to reduce or anticipate the
Hormonal factors are often referred to as the occurrence of postpartum blues (Anonymous,
main factors that can trigger the onset of 2012).
postpartum blues. This factor involves changes in

The emergence of the symptoms of postpartum experiences, seeking spiritual support, prayer or
blues need to be considered both by the family and active at a meeting of worship, etc [3]. Each
the health care providers. The parties related to the postpartum mothers have different ways of
need to develop sensitivity and being proactive, overcoming all the emotional changes in him, just
especially if the mother is reluctant to disclose and that there are some mothers who took it in a
consult symptoms of emotional disturbance he felt. positive and none received by the negative. From
Therefore, maternal postpartum blues need the constructive coping research results also are
psychological support as well as physical health, more likely mild postpartum blues (75%)
counseling on coping mechanisms that good, compared with not occur postpartum blues (25%).
motivating families to always accompany and This is because mothers more telling all the
support positive on postpartum mother and problems to friends in the appeal with his own
involve husbands to participate through the family. Factors affecting postpartum mothers have
process of pregnancy until delivery. Regardless of coping constructively some of them: physical
whether the biological factors, psychological or health, have confidence or a positive outlook,
stressor social triggers the growth of emotional skills in problem solving, social skills, social
disorders above, coping strategies (coping) support both from parents, family members,
postpartum blues is important to study because it relatives, friends, and the surrounding
can increase or reduce the severity and duration of communities, and of the material or economic
episodes of disorder (Nolen-Hoeksema in Nevid et assets [4]. Age, the age, level of maturity and
al., 2005). strength a person will be more mature in thinking
Judging from some of the above description, the and working. From the research results largely
researcher is interested in conducting research on postpartum maternal age ranged between 21-25
"Relationships Coping With Postpartum Blues in years (54%), so the mother postpartum including
Genesis Sidorejo Regional Health Center district. the average has been ascertained to have careful
Pare district. Kediri Year 2016 ". thought. But coping mother could change if the
lack of social support from parents, close relatives,
II. METHODS or friends. Therefore, the support of the family is
Design research used analytic correlational in need to establish a psychological character of a
cross-sectional approach was conducted in good mother and later in the hope leads to a
Sidorejo Community Health Center sub-district mindset that long (constructive) .Faktor other
Pare Kediri Year 2016. The population was investigations that affect the mother has a
postpartum in Region Sidorejo Community Health constructive coping namely in terms of assets in
Center District of Pare Kediri was number 43 the family economy, with working person can do
postpartum with sampling techniques using something valuable, useful and gained various
purposive sampling instrument with questionnaire experience (Nursalam, 2011), because when the
and observation sheet with Spearman Rank test mother fulfilled the needs of the economy in his
statistic life mothers feel unencumbered. But otherwise if
economic assets in the family's pas-pas or less to
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION meet the needs of the family, the mother is more
Postpartum Koping Mechanism based results likely to suffer psychological disturbances in the
research in getting majority of respondents who face of all the existing problems.
have a postpartum mother coping Mechanism with Postpartum Blues incidence based on the results
the constructive categories was 28 respondents of research largely postpartum experience
(80%), and postpartum coping deskruktif was 7 postpartum blues lighter as many as 26
respondents (20%). Coping methods long-term respondents (74.3%), which did not experience
constructive an effective way and reality in postpartum blues there are seven respondents
dealing with psychological problems for a long (20%), but there are still a small part of
time, such as talking to other people, friends, postpartum mothers who experience postpartum
family or profession about the problems faced, blues there was a heavy 2 respondents (5.7%).
trying to find more information about the problem Anxiety after childbirth were common, normal and
yangs at hand, take lessons from past events or such feelings usually go away within two weeks

after delivery (Ambarwati, 2009). The symptoms to the non-occurrence of postpartum blues (25%).
such as feelings of sadness, anxiety, often irritable It was found that both of them are positive, which
and worried for no apparent reason (Rukiyah and means the mother coping constructively then it is
Lia Yulianti, 2010). Yet there are several other expected that non-occurrence of postpartum
factors that affect the postpartum blues. blues.Berdasarkan Spearman correlation test found
Postpartum blues happens almost all the no relation coping with postpartum blues events in
mothers after giving birth, although mild Puskesmas Sidorejo district. Pare district. Kediri
symptoms but will need special attention with the 2016 (ҏ = 0.033 <0.05, H0) emotional .Gangguan
approach and the provision of adequate most often found on almost every new mother
information both to postpartum mothers and their giving birth is postpartum blues. Postpartum blues
immediate families to avoid moodiness or anxiety is a form of interference feelings as a result of
protracted. Factors that affect the mother occurs adjustments to the birth of the baby, who appeared
postpartum blues include: hormonal changes, on the first day until day fourteen after giving birth
demographic factors (age and parity), experience and tended to be worse in the third and fourth days,
in the process of pregnancy and childbirth, and is characterized by symptoms such as:
psychological background, and physical (Nirvana, reaction depressed / sad / dysphoria , crying,
2011). Therefore, maternal age and parity is irritability (irritability), anxiety, feelings lability,
crucial to dealing with anxiety or moodiness after tend to blame themselves, sleep disorders and
the baby is born. Maternal age more and more the appetite disorders (Anggraini, 2010). From the
possibility of the mother could cope with anxieties results of research still encountered mothers who
after childbirth, due to the increasingly older age kopingnya constructive, but the incidence of mild
mothers can easily accept any input or explanation postpartum blues are still many (75%), therefore
has been given with the support of the every mother after giving birth in general suffer
experiencer-experience in nature. The number of from emotional disorders (lability feeling) that
parity affects the mother in terms of rushing in change as the process of adaptation as a new
taking care of children when the distance is too mother in the presence of a anak.Perhatian
close, so the possibility of the mother can cause acceptance of the psychological state less cause
lability feeling fickle. Economic factors, socio- mothers tend to think short (deskruktif) to try to
economic effect on a person's behavior, the overcome the problems -permasalahannya itself
family's economic status has made possible both making it more vulnerable to postpartum blues.
positive character than those who come from Conversely, mothers who gain the understanding
families with low value economy status and support of a psychological state enough then
(Bejocommunity,, 2010). From the he in dealing with psychological issues will have
research the average job as IRT mother long thought patterns (constructive) to reduce or
(housewife), so that the mother emotional anticipate the occurrence of postpartum blues
disturbances are more common because there are (Anonymous, 2012). Based on the results of the
no other activities besides caring for her baby. study the incidence of severe postpartum blues
From the description above, postpartum mothers tend to be owned coping deskruktif (28.6%)
need a lot of attention both from health compared with constructive coping (0%). This
professionals or close family in alleviating the suggests that postpartum mothers who experience
problems faced in accepting the birth of her baby postpartum blues weight not only in view of
and the condition of the baby, in order to avoid factors psychological support alone but there are
moodiness or anxiety until protracted called several other factors that support mothers to
postpartum blues heavy. experience postpartum blues by weight, for
Associatin Coping With Postpartum Blues example from hormonal changes, physical,
incidence based on the results of analysis with material, psychological background mother, and
cross tabulation coping deskruktif tend to be more so forth. Based on age, occupation and number of
likely in light blues postpartum (71.4%) compared children is a supporting factor postpartum mothers
with the incidence of severe postpartum blues in overcoming the various problems that may
(28.6%). Constructive coping tend to be more occur after the birth of a baby, it is expected for
likely in light blues postpartum (75%) compared the health service needs to know the symptoms of

the occurrence of postpartum blues, so postpartum
mothers can devise special attention, especially
from mother's kin in the process of adaptation as a
new mother.
Emotional disorder most commonly found in
almost every new mother giving birth is
postpartum blues. Every mother after giving birth
in general suffer from emotional disorders (lability
feeling) that change as the process of adaptation as
a new mother in the acceptance of the presence of
a child. For close family either husband or parent
is expected to perform such approaches provide
psychological support, attention to maternal health,
always motivate, and always help and accompany
the mother in daily life to care for her baby. For
Mother postpartum in particular, is expected to be
active in seeking information about what needs to
be prepared to face the birth of a child, so the
mother can try ready both physically and mentally
for the changes that happened to him after giving

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Association Knowledge Level of Breast Cancer With Sadari
Behavior to Juvenile
Fransiska Novitasari1)
Department, University, City, Country
E-mail: Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri

Abstract. Breast cancer can be prevented in early by SADARI with age > 20 years and each woman routines in Every
month. According WHO'S breast cancer data happened to woman of 548.000 mortality per year. this research purpose
knowed association knowledge level of breast cancer with sadari behavior to juvenile in Pamenang of midwifery
Academy Pare – Kediri.
This research design used koresional analytic with crosssectional's approaching, total sample as big was 75 respondent
that inklusi criteria was purposive sampling method. Juvenile knowledge variable was Breast Cancer and SEDARI
Method behaviour variable was measured kuisioner, analysed was Spearman Rank correlation formula.
The research result gotten that partly knowledge juvenile of Breast Cancer was good category with 66 respondents
(88,0%) and a large part SADARI method behaviour was good category with 73 respondents (97,3%).
Koefisienya's number (r ) was 0,468, that was positive grade to getting better Students were knowledge Breast Cancer
therefore to getting better juvenile behaviour of SADARI method, moderate association level. Probability with
signifikant (P ) was 0,000 , therefore p< α, until h0 was refused, that thera was association knowledge with SADARI
method Behavior to juvenile.
If woman checks self breast in regularly, after menstruation every month, woman can feel condition woman breast
normal. If there is change, woman can know it with easy so juvenile fase if there is abnormality can be treatment
immediately that is’nt happen death.

Keywords: knowledge, Breast cancer, Behaviour, SADARI

incidence rates in Indonesia 26 per 100,000 women

I. INTRODUCTION (Antarnews, 2010). According to health profile in
The breast is woman-owned very valuable. But often Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2007 suffered highest
considered of taboo body parts that are not discussed. Many cancer Indonesian women is breast cancer with the incidence
do not know what to do about breast health for many of 26 per 100,000 women. Health Office of East Java in
problem because more problem breast can get a woman is December 2011 recorded the incidence of cancer continues
not careful to care her breasts, example is breast cancer. to increase as much as 0.1% of the population each year.
Breast cancer is a malignancy which formation of tumor That means, of approximately 37 million people in East Java,
cells as a result of irregularities cause cell division becomes about 37 thousand of them in danger of getting cancer. And
excessive and uncontrolled. The emergence cancer cells breast cancer cases in East Java was never dropped from 50
occurred as result mutations, or abnormal changes to genes cases per year.
responsible for maintaining growth cells and keep normal Based on data obtained from Pare Hospital patients
(healthy). Breast cancer is second leading cause death after suffering from breast carcinoma for ages 25-44 number =
cancer cervix to women in Indonesia. Therefore, it requires 111, ages 45-64 some 137 people, and for those aged> 64
awareness to women to detect disease early so that small years some 23 people all attacking women with patient
changes in the breast that leads to malignancy can be information that came out with caption died there six women.
detected [1]. From the data obtained from the Pare District Hospital can
There are several ways breast exams, one of which is BSE be concluded that the majority of breast cancer in women
ie breast examination done by women as an effort to detect aged 45-60 years is middle age. So from these data should be
any abnormal changes in the breast and performed every women aged> 20 years (premature adults) is expected to
month on all women over the age of 20 years [1]. 85% of perform BSE regularly every month to get used to so that
breast abnormalities actually first identified by patients when middle age woman can determine if there are
failing to do mass screening [1]. According to WHO (World abnormalities in the breasts, so that the disorder can be
Health Organization) show that 548,000 per year breast treated immediately and not end in death.
cancer mortality in women (WHO data, 2008). According to Based preliminary study conducted was Academy
Purnomo (2009) states that breast cancer ranks second after Midwifery Pamenang Pare in October 2015 in interview
cervical cancer in women. Abroad (United States) might be method was obtained 10 students, six from was done rarely
found 178,000 women with breast cancer in 2008. Based on SEDARI method and 4 students done SADARI method,
data from the Global Burden Of Cancer breast cancer

whereas they had knowledge about breast cancer and can be themselves to avoid by something membahayakanya. By
detected early with SEDARI behavior. doing SEDARI method regularly is how one woman early
According to Potter and Perry (2005), only a small detection breast cancer danger that is now cancer is
proportion of women who perform SEDARI method. common in women after cervical cancer (cervix). The level
Whereas abnormal changes breast can be detected women student was`knowledge breast cancer that mostly have good
themselves. (Potter and Perry, 2005). Female breast gropes criteria also affected by factors other knowledge that
2-3 times a day in bath but less attention to themselves and experience, those who have received a lesson about Breast
escape from serious palpability so many breast cancer Cancer and most read references about breast cancer. In
patients coming for treatment in an advanced stage and ends addition, experience is one source of knowledge. The
in death. Each contained a lump breast is recommended experience is a way to gain knowledge of the truth.
immediately see a woman, so next step can be taken [2]. Therefore, personal experiences can be utilized as a means to
As explained importance SEDARI method, then women acquire knowledge. With the support of the student
should over age 20 years to do SEDARI method at every experience that has been well known at the time of learning
month and immediately consult a doctor if a lump is found. about breast cancer or of books on breast cancer, with 74
So it is very necessary to do counseling relating to inspection respondents (98.7%). So results research with respondents
realized that women understand better so important to fill out this questionnaire, the results obtained knowledge of
perform breast self-examination to detect early breast cancer adolescents in Midwifery Academy Pamenang about breast
[1], It should not do before menstruation, because before cancer showed the majority o student's knowledge about
menstruation breast slightly swollen and it will be difficult breast cancer has supported good categories with common
examination (Diamond, 2012). data supporting that age and experience.
Therefore, the authors are interested in doing research Student SEDARI method behavior based this results
titled Association Knowledge Level Of Breast Cancer With majority respondents have good category because
Sadari Behavior To Juvenile in Midwifery Academy respondent had obtained material SEDARI method which
Pamenang Pare - Kediri Year 2016" includes benefits and procedures for implementing SEDARI
method to Reproductive Health Lesson in semester III.
According to the WHO theory that causes a person's specific
II. METHODS behavior is due to four principal reasons. Thoughts and
This research design was study Analytical koresional with feelings (thought and feeling), namely in the form of
cross sectional approach. Research was conducted in July knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, resources important people as
2016 at the Academy of Midwifery Pamenang. The a reference and culture. (Notoatmodjo, 2005). This is
population were young in Midwifery Academy Pamenang accordance with opinion of Skinner (1938), that behavior is
2016 with total 202 people. Sample total was 75 a person's response or reaction to the stimulus (stimuli from
respondents. The statistical test used was to test Spearman - the outside). In more operational behavior can be interpreted
Rank. an organism or a person's response to stimuli or stimulus to
the person responds. The stimulus that causes a person's
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION specific behavior is caused by four basic reasons. Thoughts
and feelings that is in the form of knowledge, beliefs,
All The level knowledge students about Breast Cancer. attitudes, resources, people and cultures is important as a
Based results from 75 respondents. excellent category was 3 reference. (Notoatmodjo, 2005). There are several factors
(4.0%), good category was 66 people (88.0%), just six that influence the formation of behavior, according to
people was fairly good (8.0%). The results research was Notoatmodjo (2005) there are two factors that affect the
adolescent knowledge level in Midwifery Academy formation of behavior, ie internal and external factors. The
Pamenang obtained mostly had good category is because internal factors include the knowledge, intelligence,
knowledge (matter) about Breast Cancer has been granted to perception, emotion, motivation and so forth that serves to
students in the fourth semester course on Emergency process stimuli from the outside. This knowledge is basically
Maternal Obstetric Neonatal Care and Reproductive Health all the students have received the material on BSE and the
courses .According Notoatmodjo (2005 ) knowledge is teacher has to motivate students to do it yourself at home.
influence several factors: internal factors (age, intelligence, While external factors include the environment, both
education, experience) and external factors (customs, physical and non-physical such as climate, human, social,
education, mass media, environment). This research taken economic, cultural and so on. Environment here consisted of
one most factor in this esearch was age and experience of a stay at home parent and boarding / contract. From the data
age in this study mostly aged 17-20 years as many as 68 obtained SEDARI behavior to do most his own home
respondents (90.7%). This means age a person will (parents) with 39 categories of respondents (52.0%) due to
experience a change aspects physical and psychological possible equipment needed at home and not be ashamed, for
(mental). Age 17-20 years is a period of introspection and a residing in boarding / contract has 36 categories of
lot of women are looking for something in him with traits respondents (48 , 0%) is possible unavailability of glass to a
begin to feel steady, stable, want to live and get to know him, mirror in the bathroom, the only room available in one glass
began to understand the direction of his life, and realize the for two people, and they embarrassed if do realize at the
goal of his life. At this age thought to be more mature and boarding / contract if seen by friends of their own. From the
adult. Has the establishment and chose a lifestyle as well as results of this questionnaire shows off all questions about
memilika love for him by making the protection or care of SEDARI behavior have either category. This indicates that

the material in the course of Reproductive Health regarding IV. CONCLUSIONS
SEDARI can be equipped to students in the care of her Association knowledge level of breast cancer with
breasts as well as a way to detect early breast cancer. sadari behavior to juvenile in Midwifery Academy
Abnormalities in breast cancer can be detected early using Pamenang Pare - Kediri there was Association with
SEDARI regularly so that if there are abnormal changes can analysis results was sig. (2-tailed) significant = 0.000 <α
be immediately examined and treated immediately so it does (0.05) means was rejected and have moderate correlation
not end in death. The environment is very mempengeruhi number was 0.468 and positive. This research Association of
person's behavior as a breast examination is a serious knowledge about breast cancer with SEDARI Behavior in
misconduct privacy so supportive environment is needed adolescents what was factors huge were age, role
unutuk perform this behavior. It can be concluded that the maturation age of a person making a person is thinking in a
behavior is also influenced by the environment. mature, previous experience, can be either books they read
Relationships levels of knowledge about breast cancer about breast cancer and how to prevent Breast cancer
with SEDARI to Student Conduct based on research results, SEDARI method or Teaching about breast cancer lesson
showing that a good knowledge will produce good behavior abouth how to detect it early use last SEDARI method and
as well, and with enough knowledge will result in behavior highly influential factor was environment. Environment one
that is enough. This shows it is possible there are other of which was a residence where the dwelling was very
factors that influence knowledge and behavior. This is in influential in practice perform SEDARI because this
accordance with the opinion of Notoatmodjo (2005) that behavior was profoundly needed privacy and facilities to
knowledge is not only influenced by age, education, and support. Juvenile who have a good knowledge and good
employment, but also influenced by the intelligence, behavior to continue informing SEDARI behavior regularly,
experience, culture, education, mass media and the and for adolescents who have sufficient knowledge and
environment. And according Notoatmodjo (2003), that behavior can be given enough motivation to perform
factors influence behavior of trustworthiness, attitudes, SESARI and approach even counseling so that they can
resources, people who are considered important as a detect early breast cancer.
reference and culture. With good knowledge, good culture
and a good attitude is expected of students also have good
attitudes to SEDARI as well. Statistical test results obtained REFERENCES
with a probability was figure of significance (P) = 0.000 and
[1] Saryono, dkk. (2009). Perawatan Payudara. Yogyakarta : Mitra
confidence level (α) = 5% = 0.05, p <α. Than H0 wasnot Cendekia
accepteance, meaning there was association level knowledge [2] Manuaba,Ida Bagus Gde (2009).Memahami Kesehatan Reproduksi
student about breast cancer with SEDARI method behavior Wanita.Jakarta : EGC.
to adolescents. Figures correlation coefficient = 0.468, [3] Intan, dkk. (2012).Kesehatan Reproduksiuntuk mahasiswa
Kebidanan dan Keperawatan.Jakarta : Salemba Medika
indicating a positive number, meaning the better level of [4] Mubarak,Wahit Iqbal.(2011).Promosi Kesehatan untuk
knowledge of students about breast cancer, the better the Kebidanan.Jakarta : Salemba Medika
student's behavior against SEDARI method. The association [5] Nursalam. (2011),Konsep dan Penerapan Metodelogi Penelitian Ilmu
coefficient figures showed adequate association . (Sugiono, Keperawatan.Jakarta : Salemba Medika
[6] Putri,Naura. (2009).Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara.Yogyakarta: Aura
2007). This is accordance opinion Notoatmodjo (2003), Media
although behavior is a form response stimulus or stimuli [7] Suyanto. (2008).Riset Kebidanan.Yogyakarta : Mitra Cendekia
from outside organism (person), but response is very [8] Sugiyono, (2009).Statistika Untuk Penelitian.Jakarta : Alfabeta
dependent to other characteristics person concerned. This [9] Widyastuti,Yani.(2009).Kesehatan Reproduksi.Yogyakarta:
means that although stimulus was same some people, but
response each person was different. Or cognitive domain
knowledge was very important in shaping a person's actions.
Behavior based on knowledge has proven to be more durable
than the behavior that is not based on knowledge.

Correlation Effect Coconut Water to Quality of Delivery
Contraction Uterus (His) on Labor Stage I
Luluk Susiloningtyas1)
Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri

Abstract. Delivery contraction uterus (His) streamline effort feeds food and a drink at normal labor until deliver a
perfect contraction. If consumption limited of food and a drink will be dehydration which can diminish ions in body
and can affect decreas intensity and efficiency of contraction. So it takes a drink that can replace ions body have been
reduced during to first stage of labor. This research porpose knowed correlation effect of coconut water to quality of his
first stage of labor. Experimental research design used pre eksperiment with one group pra-post test design, which
respondents were observed before treatment then observed again after to given treatment. accidental sampling was 10
people. The Statistical data analys used t-test. Statistical t test analysis Result got t-count for his frequency of -2,752, t-
test was for his duration of -1,043 , t- test for his intensity of -2.709 with an error rate of (α) 5%. That got (t > α ) so that
Ho hypothesis was refused to mean there was correlation effect of coconut water to the quality of his first stage of labor.
Refer to Based research results, healty personal especially midwives are feeding per oral intake that can replace body
ions to mother that reduced during stage 1, so stage 1 can be during smoothly.

Keywords: Effects, Coconut Water, Quality Delivery Contraction Uterus (HIS)

women who died in childbirth reached record

I. INTRODUCTION highs in Asia. Agency Indonesia Demographic
Labor is expenditure process conception (fetus Health Survey in 2007, maternal mortality rate in
and placenta), which can live to world outside of Indonesia reached 228 / 100,000 live births, it
womb through delivery process. The delivery means every 100,000 live births there were still
process consists of four stage, the first stage (when about 228 women die due to complications of
opening), the second stage (when the fetus pregnancy and childbirth (
expenditure), third stage (when the placenta), and According to Health Ministry data, the causes of
stage IV (monitoring 2 hours after delivery). In maternal mortality in Indonesia most caused by
first stage of labor consists of latent phase (since bleeding (32%), hypertension (25%), infection
beginning of contraction that causes thinning and (5%), obstructed labor (5%), abortion (1%) and
dilatation of cervix is gradually opening up to 3 indirect causes (32% ). According to the monthly
cm) and active phase of first stage (4-10 cm report of Healthty Mother and Childrent in Kediri
opening with regular uterine activity). In active 2015 on maternal mortality rate (MMR) showed as
phase lasts 4-6 hours and 2-4 hours for many as 36 mothers and in 2014 as many as 31
primigravid to multigravida. Length of time mothers. maternal mortality rate (MMR) can be
required for active phase can be caused by the caused due to preklamasi (32.4%), hemorrhage
contraction less efficient. Less efficient (8.1%), sepsis or infection (5.4%), obstructed
contraction could hamper smooth delivery that can labor (2.7%) and others (24.3%) and obtained
lead to prolonged labor [1]. numbers of cases in Kediri such as eclampsia /
Several attempts to streamline his, among others: preeclampsia (7.94%), hemorrhage labor (3.92%),
engineering ambulation, change of position, postpartum hemorrhage (1.17%), obstructed labor
emptying bladder, nipple stimulation and feeding (10.29%), anemia (34.22% ), infection (0.95%),
and drinking. The provision of food and beverages others (41.93%). Based on the number of pregnant
in a normal delivery can produce a perfect women LB3 6 cases and number of maternal 3
contraction [2]. with cases in Community Health Center In
Indonesia is one country that still can not escape Plosoklaten of 2015 there were 9 cases of pregnant
the entanglement of the maternal mortality rate women and maternity. 3 (33.3%) cases of
(MMR) is high. The Even number of Indonesian hyperemesis, 3 (33.3) cases of miscarriage and 3

(33.3%) cases prolonged labor. From the his birth (frequency, duration and intensity) per 10
observation and interview labory from mothers of minutes to 20 menit.Responden given coconut
first stage in Plosoklaten Community Health water as much as 1000 cc. Giving every 30
Center in Kediri gained mothers who want to minutes and every provision of 100 cc. Researcher
consume food / drink as much as 3 people (60%) observation frequency, duration and intensity of
with the result of contractions uterus frequency the respondent after the water by delivery
every 10 minutes there was contraction uterus contraction uterus frequency (his) Responden that
frequency 3-4 with a duration> 45 seconds and have been observed to be searched his average
was not consumed food / beverage 2 people (40%) obtained. In this research instrument used in this
with the result of contractions uterus frequency study is observation sheet, watches and coconut
every 10 minutes there was contraction uterus water. Coconut water is used coconut water green.
frequency 2-3 with a duration of <20-40 seconds. Analysis data using statistical tests T-Test.
Most women is labor with little energy reserves
to continue aerobic metabolism. If consumption of III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
food and beverages is restricted, will cause All paragraphs must be indented. All
dehydration which influence decrease in the paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified
intensity and efficiency of contraction. Adequate and right-justified.
fluid must provide to prevent require drinks that
contain lots of minerals, some minerals in bladder THE DISTRIBUTION FREQUENCY BEFORE GIVEN COCONUT
by a lot of coconut water besides coconut water WATER ON QUALITY DELIVERY CONTRACTION UTERUS
also contains nutrients very complete [3]. PLOSOKLATEN COMMUNITY HEALTH COMUNITY CENTER IN
Coconut water has a chemical and physical KEDIRI 2016
properties similar to human plasma, one isotonic Respondent
Frequency Duration Intensity
that supply essential minerals so that could create Before Before Before
physical fitness. Ions on coconut water can create 1 2 26 1
blood electrolyte balance so well that the body 2 2 26 1
3 3 39 2
feels fresh [3]. 4 2 18 1
Based on the description that has been said 5 3 35 2
above, researchers interested in research on " 6 2 26 1
7 2 19 1
Correlation Effect Coconut Water To Quality Of 8 3 39 2
Delivery Contraction Uterus (His) On Labor 9 3 30 2
Stage I in Plosoklaten Community Health Center 10 2 22 2
Kediri in year 2016". :2 :28 :2

From table 1 obtained average frequency was
This research design using pre experimental before given coconut water occurs at a frequency
design One group pre-post test design. The of 2X / 10 minutes, average duration before given
researchers conducted in January 2016 conducted coconut water for 28 seconds and average
in Plosoklaten Community Health Center in Kediri intensity before given coconut water occurs at
in Year 2016. That Population was entire medium intensity.
maternity in Plosoklaten Community Health The After Distribution Frequency Given
Center of Kediri 2016 totaling 35 respondents. Delivery Contraction Uterus Frequency (His)
The sample was first stage of birth mothers who Quality Coconut Water
gave birth to Plosoklaten Community Health
Comunity Center in Kediri in 2016 in January
2016 amounted to 10 respondents. This research TABLE II
sampling technique was accidental sampling. The WATER ON QUALITY DELIVERY CONTRACTION UTERUS
data collection process include Preparation stage FREQUENCY (HIS) OF FIRST STAGE TO LABOR IN
researchers to apply for research agency chief KEDIRI 2016
place of research, as well as parties - related Number Respondent Frequency Duration Intensity
parties. Implementation Stage Researchers observe 1 3 45 2

2 3 44 2 Frequency good and minimize the likelihood of
3 4 48 3
4 3 40 2 bleeding. According Notoatmojodjo (2005),
5 4 43 2 Person's age, level of maturity and strength a
6 5 49 3 person will be more mature in thinking and
7 4 40 3
8 4 45 3 working. As for another opinion stating that with
9 5 49 3 increasing age, level of knowledge will be
10 4 46 3 developed in accordance with the knowledge that
:4 : 45 :3 once obtained, also is based on experience. Based
results of research showed that majority of
From table 2 the frequenc average after given respondents 60 respondents (60%) work as a
coconut water occurs at a frequency 4X / 10 housewife, have spare time in the surrounding
minutes, average duration was after given coconut environment to gain new information about the
water for 45 seconds and before average intensity delivery of learning from others who have a life
given coconut water occurs at a strong intensity. experience more so as time of delivery smoothly
and a good contraction. That it was possible
TABLE III though as housewife less educated but relatively
DURATION AND INTENSITY OF CONTRACTION UTERUS good knowledge. Factors affecting among others
FREQUENCY (HIS) FIRST STAGE OF LABOR IN PLOSOKLATEN emptying contraction uterus frequency bladder,
engineering ambulation, nipple stimulation,
provision of food and drink. Laboring women
requiring energy ± 50-100 kilocalories / hour, if
the caloric needs are not met will experience
muscle fatigue and hunger and if glucose is not
available then the fat reserves will be used causing
ketosis and eventually occur ketonuria. Uterine
contractions can be decreased due to the
cumulation of ketone bodies. Caloric needs are
met can provide strong power and maternal be
From Table 3 showed average number of times better so do not arise from causing harm.
before given coconut water 2X / 10 minutes, After Quality contraction uteris frequency of
average duration before given coconut water for Stage of Labor I Given Coconut Water Based data
28 seconds and the average intensity before given obtained in Table 2 of results of research
coconut water occurs at medium intensity. And the conducted in Plosoklaten Community Healthy
average frequency after given coconut water 4X / Center in Kediri 2016 from 10 respondents who
10 minutes, average duration after given coconut undergo childbirth there were 10 respondents
water for 45 seconds and the average intensity (100%) which after given coconut water during
after given coconut water occurs at a strong labor with his quality when I. 10 respondents an
intensity. average of coconut water given frequency after 4
The Based data obtained in table 1 from the X / 10 minutes, a duration of 45 seconds and the
results of research conducted in Plosoklaten intensity of the intensity kuat.Sebagian occur in
Community Health Comunity Center in Kediri women in labor with little energy reserves to
2016 out of 10 respondents (100%) when first continue the aerobic metabolism , If the
stage of labor, the average frequency before being consumption of food and beverages is restricted,
given coconut water occurs 2X / 10 minutes, a will menngakibatkan dehydration which influence
duration of 28 sec and intensity occur at moderate decrease in the intensity and efficiency of
intensity. Based on the research that has been contraction [2]. Concerning the importance of
conducted on 10 respondents obtained the nutrition during childbirth someone, namely: a
majority of respondents aged 20-30 years as many long time during delivery, thirst during labor,
as eight respondents (80%), which is the age of a should intake (food and drink), vomiting during
person has reproductive organs mature and ready labor, they want to consume fluids and requires
for delivery so as to have Contraction Uterus extra energy. So as health workers, especially

midwives can provide input at the time of delivery process that was during long time delivery process,
to the client consuming coconut water to get his during delivery process felt thirsty , must get
good and expedite the delivery process intake (nutrient and drink) , vomiting during labor,
Correlation of coconut water was quality of She want to consume fluids and requires extra
contraction uterus frequency of stage labor I. In energy. Laboring women requiring energy ± 50-
calculation results obtained frequency of 100 kilocalories / hour, if the caloric needs are not
contraction uterus frequency (his) t 2,752 with df met will experience muscle fatigue and hunger and
= 9, so that t (9.095) = 1.833, so -2.752> -1.833 if glucose is not available then the fat reserves will
(t> t table), thereby H0 wasnot correlation, it be used causing ketosis and eventually occur
means there was a significant difference in the ketonuria. Uterine contractions can be decreased
frequency of contraction uterus frequency (his) due to the cumulation of ketone bodies.
before and after given coconut water. Or in other Restrictions or fluids sober mother will only have
words administration of coconut water effective to a negative impact because it is a basic human need
increase the frequency, because the sign of t was that must be met. Giving fluids is an important
negative (-) indicates prior smaller than after. His indicator in the course of the first stage and
length calculation, t 1,036 with df = 9, so that t embodiment of motion maternal affection.
(9.095) = 1.833, so -1.036 <-1.833 (t <t table),
thus H0 was correlation, meaning there was not
significant difference before and after the duration REFERENCES
of contraction uterus frequency (his) given [1] Martin, R. 2011. Keperawatan Maternal Kesehatan Wanita, Bayi dan
Keluarga eds.18 vol. 2. Jakarta: EGC
coconut water. Or other words administration of [2] Liu, D T.Y. 2007. Manual Persalinan. Jakarta : EGC
coconut water effective to increase duration, [3] Lingga, L. 2012. Terapi Air Kelapa. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media
because sign of t was negative (-) indicates prior [4] Alimul, A. (2010). Metode Penelitian Kebidanan dan Teknik Analisis
smaller than after. Counting contraction uterus Data. Jakarta: Salemba Medika
[5] Chapman, V. 2006. Asuhan Kebidanan Persalinan dan Kelahiran.
frequency (his) intensity, t 2.709 with df = 9, so Jakarta: EGC
that t (9.095) = 1.833, so -2.709> -1.833 (t> t [6] Henderson, C . 2005. Buku Ajar Konsep Kebidanan. Jakarta:EGC
[7] Hidayat, (2010). Asuhan Kebidanan Persalinan. Yogyakarta:
table), thus H0 wasnot correlation, it means there Nuha Medika
is a significant difference in the intensity of his
before and after given coconut water.
Gift of coconut water effective to increase the
intensity, because the sign of t was negative (-)
indicates prior smaller than after. During Some
reasons importance from nutrition delivery

Association Knowledge Postpartum About Right of Breast Feeding
With right Method
Ninik Suhartini1)
Midwifery Academy Pare, Kediri

Abstract. Breast feeding is one type food that covers all elements needs for baby as physical, psychological, social and
spiritual. breastfeeding Methode is one of factors that affect breastfeeding production. This purpose research was
identify association knowledge postpartum about right of breast feeding with right method. The design research was
correlational analytic. The population was 30 post partum and total samples was 30 postpartum as respondents selected
technique Tottal Sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire knowledge of postpartum on right method
breastfeed and observationon implementation to right breastfeeding method. The results got a good knowledge was 6
respondents (20.0%), insufficient knowledge was 2 respondents (6.7%), lack of knowledge was 17 respondents (56.7%),
while research was not good 5 respondents (16, 7%).). The research results was Spearman rho correlation coefficient
0.750 with significant test (ρ) 0,000, with an error rate of 5% (0.05), so ρ <α, then Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted.
This research conclusion is not association knowledge postpartum about right of breast feeding with right method.
Healthy personal are expected to cooperate for postpartum to monitoring implementation of right to breastfeeding so
that right breastfeeding method done better.

Keywords: Breastfeeding Methode Knowledge , Implementation is Right Breastfeeding methode

Coverage visit postpartum mothers in Indonesia

I. INTRODUCTION in 2009 was 71.54%, while the target coverage
Women were granted in order to pregnancy, maternal postpartum visits in 2015 was 90%
childbirth, and breastfeeding. Nature given to (MoH RI, 2009, P.67). In 2012, only 7 (seven)
women is characterized by its reproduction device, districts that have a value above the target
the uterus and all its parts, to a fetal growth during coverage provinces, namely by 95%. This is also
the womb and breasts for breastfeeding when her due to a change targets postpartum mothers issued
son was born. That is, all women have the by BPS East Java province at the beginning of
potential to breastfeed their children, together with March 2015. Although in absolute terms (amount)
its potential to be able to conceive and give [1]. coverage is increasing. Figures postpartum care
Breastfeeding is a natural process. Millions of coverage for the province of East Java 87.49%.
mothers worldwide breastfeed successfully Coverage of postpartum mothers Kediri
without ever read a book about breastfeeding even dikabupaten beginning of the month March 2015
illiterate mother can breastfeed her child well. was 88.87%. Figures contained in the District
Nevertheless in the cultural environment we are coverage kediri coverage increased 88.78%. Data
currently doing is natural is not always easy of exclusive breastfeeding in Ninik Suhartini
(Utami Roeli, 2009). Thus the need to be Clinic Sidorejo Village District of Pare Kediri in
explained to the mother that breast milk is the best 2014 of 39.8%, in 2015 fell by 38.4% of the target
food for babies. In addition to a composition set. Breastfeeding in Indonesia have not been fully
suitable for the growth and development of infants implemented, particularly exclusive breastfeeding
that changes according to the needs of infants, is still deemed less.
breast milk contains protective substances that can From the preliminary study on postpartum
avoid the baby from various infectious diseases, mother in BPM Ninik Suhartini Sidorejo Village
breastfeeding also the emotional impact District of Pare Kediri in 2015, which is done by
remarkable that affect inner relationship of mother observing the 10 puerperal women obtained 7
and child and child development [1]. votes (70%) to breastfeeding less true and 3 (30%)
with breastfeeding that is correct, namely in

accordance with the position of the mother, the Based on the above data, the researchers want to
baby's position and attachment. do research on the association knowledge
A mother with her first baby may experience postpartum about right of breast feeding with
various problems, just because they do not know right method in the Ninik Suhartini clinic Sidorejo
the ways is actually very simple, like how to put Village District of Pare Kediri in 2016.
the baby on the breast when breast-feeding,
resulting suction nipple pain and many other II. METHODS

problems. For that a mother needs someone to Approach of cross sectional study. The study
guide him in caring for the baby, including breast- was conducted in Ninik Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo
feeding. People who can help him especially is an Village District of Pare Kediri in February 2016.
influential person in his life or well-respected as a The entire population is postpartum in Ninik
husband, family or relatives or groups supporting Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo Village District of Pare
breastfeeding mothers and doctors or health Kediri was many as 30 people. The sample size in
workers. To achieve successful breastfeeding this study were 30 respondents. Total sampling
necessary knowledge about techniques appropriate sampling techniques. Statistical test used
feeding [2]. Spearman Rank Correlation.
Good breastfeeding is appropriate to the needs
of the baby, the term on demand of all and as III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
much as desired. Do not wait until the baby is Based on the results showed that the level of
crying because of breastfeeding when the baby knowledge of postpartum mothers on how to
cries is already too late if considered properly, breastfeeding right in Ninik Suhartini Clinic
before reaching crying baby is to give the signs Sidorejo Village District of Pare Kediri in 2016
need to be breastfed, the form of the mouth and gained six respondents (20.0%) level of
tongue movements play or play a hand in the knowledge of good, 2 respondents (6.7% level
mouth. It should be understood, failure is usually sufficient knowledge, 17 respondents (56.7%)
caused by breastfeeding techniques and positions timngkat less knowledge, 5 respondents (16.7%)
that are less precise that formula-fed babies was not a good level of knowledge. knowledge is
(Suryoprajogo, 2009). the result out, and this occurred after people
When the formula-fed babies will be ignorant of perform on a particular object sensing. sensing
the generations to come because of intelligence of occurs through the human senses, namely the
baby baby baby will be low and susceptible to senses of sight, hearing, taste and touch. Most
illnesses such as diarrhea, malnutrition and died. human knowledge is obtained through the eyes
Therefore, to create a young generation of and ears. knowledge or cognitive domain is very
Indonesia qualified in the era of globalization important for the formation of a person's actions
clearly need quality human resources is also (Notoatmodjo, 2007). knowledge of a person
particularly breast-fed (Roesli, 2009). Then the affected two factors: internal factors and external
postpartum mother should have knowledge about factors. internal factors include age, intelligence,
appropriate feeding and support of others so that a education, and experience. The external factors
positive attitude is manifested in the practice of include information, environmental, and socio-
breastfeeding properly. Apart. Moreover, it can cultural. Knowledge is influenced by factors of
also be done through education and counseling to age, this is evidenced in the results of cross
the mothers ( tabulations (Cross Tabulating) knowledge of the
As a solution the need for improved knowledge demographics. The process of thinking means that
of puerperal women through education and the the older the person, the more mature the process
delivery of clear information from health of thinking. Another factor influencing the
professionals about How to Breastfeed True and knowledge is work. Factors affecting knowledge is
implementation so that the knowledge of experience. In this case evidenced in cross-
postpartum mothers became positive on How to tabulation between knowledge and Information
Breastfeed True. Submission information can be Resources. It was found that postpartum mothers
conveyed through counseling individuals, groups who receive information from health personnel as
and communities with various extension methods. many as 70.0% of 21 respondents. According to

the assumptions of researchers in primipara was association which thera was meant
mothers still do not have the experience, so that knowledge association postpartum about
the knowledge possessed by the mother is still breastfeeding method right with implementation of
lacking. In this case the experience is the best the right to breastfeeding in Ninik Suhartini
teacher, the proverb means that the experience is a Clinic of Sidorejo Village District of Pare Kediri
source of knowledge, or experience it is a way to 2016. From the theory advanced by
gain knowledge of the truth. Therefore, personal Kuncoroningrat cited by Nursalam and Pariani
experiences can be utilized as a means to acquire (2007) that the higher the level of education a
knowledge. For that is expected at all puerperal person so the more knowledge. While
women to be more active Untik seeking implementation is based on the knowledge,
information from health professionals about how awareness and positive attitude will be more
to breastfeed properly so that postpartum mothers lasting than the implementation that is not based
can feed their babies maximum. In the opinion of on knowledge. From here we can know that there
the researchers should have more health workers is a close relationship between knowledge and
to counsel them on how to breastfeed properly so implementation.
that knowledge of postpartum mothers on how to
breastfeed is really better. IV. CONCLUSIONS
Implementation breast feeding with right Association knowledge postpartum about right
method was in Ninik Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo of breastfeeding with right method has a strong
Village District of Pare Kediri in 2016 showed association. Here means that there is agreement
mostly less that 17 respondents (56.7%). between theory with facts. Based on the results of
Breastfeeding is a mother who gives milk to your the study are expected health workers, especially
baby or young child with Breastfeeding. Babies midwives to continue to raise awareness of
use sucking reflex to obtain and ingest milk breastfeeding mothers in breastfeeding and
(Rahmawati and Kustari, 2007). How true is the execute it properly and should be more active in
mother breast-feeding should be prepared mentally providing information about the importance of
and physically. Drink water and eat first, do not breastfeeding for the growth of the developing
breastfeed are hungry and thirsty. After that, baby. Here Midwives could involve cadres to
prepare a comfortable place for mom and baby. convey information to the public. It can also be
After preparing yourself and the place, first wash used as a measure of the extent to which the
their hands before holding a baby. After that cadres in carrying out their duties. Provision of
remove the cover breasts on both sides. Correct information is an important thing that should be
breastfeeding goals is to stimulate the production done by health workers as more and more on
of milk strengthens babies sucking reflex (Lantera information obtained will improve knowledge of
Impian 2010). When health workers provide postpartum mothers to carry out the correct way to
information about the importance of implementing breastfeed. Besides the active role postpartum
appropriate feeding way it can improve knowledge mother is also very necessary for the
of postpartum mothers on how to breastfeeding implementation of the right to breastfeed can be
properly. For that is expected of health care done well.
workers to provide motivation and spur
postpartum mothers in order to perform the correct REFERENCES
[1] Perinasia. (2006). Bahan Bacaan Manajemen Laktasi. Ed. 2. Jakarta
way to breastfeed. In an effort to be able to [2] Kristiyanasari, W. (2009). ASI Menyusui dan Sadari. Ed. I.
conduct counseling, postpartum mothers to visit Yogyakarta:Nuha Medika
[3] Ambarwati, E, R. (2009). Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas. Yogyakarta:
regularly. In addition to the puerperal women to be Mitra Cendikia
more active search for information on the [4] Mubarak, W.dkk. (2007). Promosi Kesehatan Sebuah Pengantar
Proses Belajar Mengajar dalam Pendidikan. Ed. I. Yogyakarta: Graha
implementation of the right to breastfeeding. Ilmu
Association knowledge postpartum about right [5] Purwanti, H, S. (2006). Konsep Penerapan ASI Eksklusif Buku Saku
untuk Bidan. Ed. I. Jakarta: EGC
of breast feeding with right method. The results [6] Roesli, U.(2009). Mengenal ASI Eksklusif. Jakarta: Trubus
of the analysis using the Spearman rank known the Agriwidya
[7] Sugiono. (2009). Statistik Untuk Penelitian. Bandung. Alfabeta
value of r = 0.785, p = sig = 0.00 at α = 0.05.
Because p <α then H0 wasnot association and H1

Association Mobilization Early Post Partum With Perineum
Wound Healing
Midwifery Academy, Pare, Kediri

Abstract. Maternal Mortility Rate (MMR) high in Indonesia is 307/100.000 natalitas. Infection post partum is one of
cause highest MMR (15%). Wound perineum post partum is infection very susceptible . This research knowed
association mobilization early post partum with perineum wound healing in Keling Community Health Center Kediri in
2016. This research Design was used correlasional analytic with cross sectional approaches. This research sample was a
part postpartum in exist in Keling Community Health Center that criteria of inklusi and eksklusi with total sample was
27 respondents. That was purposive sampling, instrument was used questioner and observation. analysis Data used
coefficient kontingensi correlation. The Result got 27 respondents totality a part 16 respondents done mobilization well
and postpartum wound perineum normal (88,88%). contingensi coefficient correlation statistics test got big coefficient
correlation kontingensi = 0,566 with test signifikasi (p) = 0,002 and wrong standard (  ) 5% = 0,05. Then p <  so Ho
was refused that there was positive association between mobilization early post partum with perineum wound healing,
more good was mobilization early postpartum, then more good perineum wound healing .
Suggestion can be given for healthy service, so that healthy service can do approach to patient with give knowledge
benefit to mobilization early for perineum wound healing, than postpartum can do mobilization early better again.

Keywords: Mobilization Early, perineum wound healing

Agnes Isti Harjanti BPS 2011 in the city of

I. INTRODUCTION Semarang was obtained that from 31 respondents,
This Delivery is an event of the release of the perineal wounds were healed as much as 19
baby, placenta and amniotic membranes. In the respondents (61.7%) and perineal wounds that do
process of spending the fruit of these pregnancies not heal as many as 12 respondents (38, 7%).
often result in injuries to the birth canal. The Wound healing is influenced by several factors,
wounds are usually mild, but sometimes it including early mobilization, wound care, personal
happens too wide and dangerous wound. Perineal hygiene, and nutritional intake (Manuaba, 2009).
laceration occurs in almost all deliveries are the Early mobilization on postpartum mother
first and often also on the next delivery (Hellen, implementation depends on the condition of the
2011). patient, if the patient had normal deliveries, can be
Injury in the birth canal that is a good medium done after 2-4 hours after delivery. Early
for breeding germs (Saifuddin, 2006). Postpartum mobilization movement execution time is regular,
mothers who suffered wounds perineum is very intensive and the longer the better, if the condition
susceptible to infection, because the perineal of the mother is in good condition so that
wound that is not maintained will greatly affect implementation can be done 3-4 times a day, for
the wound healing of the perineum (Juwono, example, on waking in the morning, noon and
2008). night. This mobilization exercises are helpful to
Perineal wounds heal faster if the wound is said speed the healing of wounds, launched lochea
on the 3rd day started to dry out and start to close, expenditure, prevent thrombosis and
as well as on the 7th day the wound had closed thromboembolism, normal blood circulation and
well in the presence of scar tissue. While the accelerate the recovery of the power of the mother
perineal wounds heal slowly being said, if the (Mochtar, 2012).
wound at day 3 and has not dried yet but a new The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia
closing day 7 wound is closing. (Barbara, 2006). is still high at 307 / 100,000 live births. It is
Research conducted by Ade Haris Puspitaningtyas, estimated that 60% of maternal deaths due to

pregnancy occurs after delivery and 40% of deaths that stitches perineumnya not so / not healed,
during childbirth. The main causes of maternal while 5 people said there was no problem in
deaths due to haemorrhage (24%), infection (15%), making a sideways motion right tilt left, sitting,
unsafe abortion (13%), high blood pressure (12%), standing and walking immediately after delivery
and prolonged labor (8%). (IDHS - 2007). and wound healing was also no problem. This
Puerperal infection is still one of the highest indicates that the correct application of early
causes of AKI. Based on data obtained from mobilization is still not fully performed by
Health Profile Kediri in 2013 by 33 women who puerperal women, because there are still a lot of
experienced bleeding during childbirth and 29 postpartum mothers are afraid to do early
mothers were infected during childbirth. (Dinkes, mobilization after delivery for their sutures on
2013). perineumnya.
The emergence of infections of the perineum Based on the description above, researchers
can propagate in the gallbladder or in the birth interested in conducting research on the
canal (Manuaba, 2009). it is now a new problem if association mobilization early post partum with
incomplete wound healing (not integrated network) perineum wound healing in Keling Community
or long healing wounds will cause pain, bleeding, Health Center Kediri in 2016.
discomfort, and make mothers more prone to
infection. Now no longer need to hold her II. METHODS

postpartum mother supine in place for 7-14 days Cross sectional study design. The experiment
after birth. By early mobilization uterine was conducted in December 2015 - January 2016
contractions would be good so that the uterine in Keling Community Health Center Kediri in
fundus to be hard, so the risk of abnormal bleeding 2016. The population is 37 for women. The
can be avoided, as contraction form the blood sample used by 27 respondents with purposive
vessel open. Early mobilization not only accelerate sampling technique. Statistical test using a
the healing of wounds perineum but also restore correlation coefficient of contingency.
the condition of the mother's body if done
correctly and appropriately. (Saleha, 2009). Early III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
mobilization is very important in preventing Early mobilization postpartum in Keling
venous thrombosis, can reduce the dam lochea in Community Health Center in Kediri 2016 of 27
the uterus, increase blood circulation around the respondents do a majority of the Good Early
genitals and genitals to accelerate the return to the mobilization is 18 respondents (66.67%). As for
original state (Hellen, 2011).The process of wound some of the factors that may affect barjalannya
healing will be better if the mother did early early mobilization is the mother's knowledge
mobilization is right and proper, proper wound about the benefits of early mobilization, maternal
care, personal hygiene are maintained and good health conditions and demands of the activity,
nutrition (Manuaba, 2009). according to Potter and Perry (2005), early
Based on preliminary studies in PHC Keling mobilization focusing on range of motion, body
dated January 30, 2016 to get data from 857 alignment, gait, training and exercise tolerance.
deliveries in 2016 were injured perineum as many Early mobilization is not recommended in patients
as 420, and that his perineum stitches healed many with diseases such as anemia, heart, lungs, fever
as 388 people, while 32 people were injured and other conditions that require a break, based on
perineumnya not healed. When the researchers data obtained mostly early mobilization both
conducted interviews with puerperal women on located on postpartum mother who works as a
January 31, 2015 in Puskesmas Rivet get the result self-employed or own their own business (41% ) is
that out of 10 respondents, two people are afraid due to more mothers and their own business
tilt and sat her body after giving birth because they activities require the mother to more mobilized.
feel anxious about stitching perineumnya and one The benefits of early mobilization, among others,
person said the control turns stitches perineumnya launched lochia spending, reduce infection
not cured, three people are still hesitant to move peurperium, accelerating involution of the uterus
forward and run for banned his family and turned tool, launched a tool function gastrointestinal and
out to be one person to know when the controls urinary apparatus, enhance the smooth blood

circulation, thus accelerating wound healing and to the action. The benefits of early mobilization,
launched ASI functions and spending the rest of among others, can speed up the process of
metabolism. spending lochea and help the wound heal
From the research shows the level of early perineum.
mobilization are good for their awareness of The results showed a good level of mobilization
mothers about the benefits of early mobilization, with normal wound healing perineumnya for their
while there are some respondents who are still willingness to undertake early mobilization
lacking in the early mobilization it could be correctly and as quickly as possible. Postpartum
because the respondent first-time mother, and mothers have much to do early mobilization and
researchers have shown that early mobilization is normal wound healing perineumnya This is
not going well when the mother learn to walk after because the mother knows the benefits of early
birth, this could be caused mothers to feel afraid to mobilization and the mother is also not afraid to
walk the streets for fear stitches perineumnya tear move because knowing suture the wound will not
or the seams apart, for that we need the guidance be released.
of a health worker or midwife about early
mobilization is good and right to be a mother IV. CONCLUSIONS
puerperal did not feel anxious to do early In this research, the degree of correlation
mobilization as soon as possible. between early mobilization postpartum women
Perineal wound healing of 27 respondents, the with wound healing of the perineum were still
majority of 19 respondents (70.37%) perineumnya being, it is because there are several other factors
Normal wound healing. Many factors affect the that affect wound healing of the perineum ie vulva
wound healing of the perineum among early hygiene, extensive injuries, age, vascularity,
mobilization, vulvar hygiene, extensive injuries, stressor and nutrients, so as to keep the need for
age, vascularity, stressors and are nutritious. Luka guidance or guidelines for early mobilization of
said to be cured if within 1 week of the condition health personnel, information from the
of the wound dry, closed and there are no signs of surrounding environment, as well as health books
infection (Mochtar, 2012), faster wound healing about early mobilization and wound healing of the
occurs at a younger age than in older people. perineum, so postpartum mothers are increasingly
People who are already advanced in years can not aware of the importance of early mobilization for
tolerate stress such as tissue trauma or infection. wound healing of the perineum.
This is supported by the results from this study .
that says that most existing perineal wound
healing at the age less than 20 years (37%). REFERENCES
Relationships Mobilization Early Postpartum [1] Jannah, Nurul. (2011). Asuhan Kebidanan Ibu Nifas. Jogjakarta: Ar-
Ruzz. Media Jogyakarta: CV Andi Offset
Mother With Wound Healing perineum. The [2] Marmi. (2011). Asuhan Kebidanan Pada Masa Nifas “Purperium
correlation coefficient based on the statistical Care”. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar
[3] Mochtar, R. (2012). Sinopsis Obstetri: Obstetri fisiologi Obstetri
results obtained large contingency contingency patologi. Jakarta: EGC
[4] Sugiono (2012). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D.
correlation coefficient = 0.566 with a significance Bandung : Alfa Beta
test (p) = 0.002 and standard error (α) 5% = 0.05. [5] Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2012). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan.
Jakarta : Rineka Cipta
Thus p <α, then Ho wasnot association while H1 [6] Smeltzer S. C. (2002). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. EGC:
was assosiation there was relationship between Jakarta
early mobilization puerperal women with wound
healing of the perineum, and the relationship
between them is positive (positive correlation) is
the better early mobilization conducted postpartum
mothers, the more normal wound healing
perineumnya, and the level of their relationship
was. These findings are consistent with the theory
put forward by Smeltzer (2013), early
mobilization is done by all puerperal women, both
mothers who had normal deliveries and deliveries

Association Between Labor Preparation With Mother of Level
Anxiety in Labor Process
Sukma Amperiana1)
Midwifery Academy, Pare, Kediri

Abstract. First experience pregnancy mother is very anxiety and to try self adaptation with prenatal anxiety before
labor often difficulty labory. This condition causes tense body muscle, especially muscles uterus become stiff and
stringent so that is expand difficult . Preparation labor was purpse of prepare all need during labor also pregnancy or
labor process. This purpose research was known association between labor preparation with mother of level anxiety in
labor process This research used corelational analytic design with cross sectional approaches. Sample Research was all
primigravida of trimester III that visit antenatal (ANC) in BPM Yayuk in July 2016. Bivariate analysis that was used to
known association between labor preparation with mother of level anxiety in labor process was spearman rank test.
Research result was preparation labor a large part good (36%) and anxiety level a large part light (52%). Data of
analysis result was standard signifikasi (α) 5% (0,05), got value
 preparation labor was 0,640 while
 table 0,377.
That conclusion
 count >
 table there was association between labor preparation with mother of level anxiety in
labor process . Therefore was supposed healty personal can give much information preparation labor to pregnancy.

Keywords: Preparation Labor, Anxiety

I. INTRODUCTION contribute complicate the delivery process. As a

The high and low of Maternal Mortality Rate mother in a state of excessive anxiety, worry and
(MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in State fear without cause, which in turn leads to stress.
can see ability to provide quality obstetric care and This condition resulted in tensed muscles of the
thorough. According and Health Survey body, especially the muscles that are in the womb
Demographic data from 2007 , that was rate in come to be rigid and hard that it is difficult to
Indonesia MMR was 228 per 100,000 live births, expand. (Zaenal, 2002).
IMR was 34 per 1,000 natalitas. Data of East Java According to Mochtar, there are three main
Health Office, MMR in 2010 was 101.1 per factors in childbirth is a factor the birth canal
100,000 natalitas ths and IMR 29.9 per 1,000 (passage), fetal factors (passanger) and power factor
natalitas. MMR and IMR in Kediri is 87 per (power). In addition, the delivery may be added to
100,000 natalitas and 12 per 1,000 natalitas (www. psychological factors (psychological) women facing pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. That's
Anxious is normal reaction to the threat to the why a woman needs physical maturity, emotional
mother who faced the first pregnancy. Mothers who and psychosocial.
experienced a first pregnancy was very anxious and
trying to adjust to the anxiety before giving birth
often suffer hardship during prenatal . (ellis and The research design used cross sectional. This
nowlis 2001). research was conducted in July 2016 in Yayuk
According to Boni and Mila (2004) relationship Tulungrejo clinic in District of Pare Kediri. Its
anxiety with first pregnancy is the psychological population was all primigravida trimester III who
response of anxiety and fear can lead to severe pain visit antenatal care (ANC) in Yayuk clinic in July
and the resulting decrease in uterine contractions of 2016.Teknik sampling was used accidental
and dilation of delivery will be prolonged. It is very sampling. Type instrument was used a
harmful to the health of the mother and fetus if not questionnaire adopt HARS Scale. Statistic test
handled properly. using Spearman Rank test.
In addition to the clinical nature causes such as
placenta previa, maternal psychological III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
environment that does not support it turned

a. Preparation Mother Was Delivery Process`In Attention and good care that obtained the mother
Yayuk Clinic during pregnancy will enable mothers face
problems - problems experienced by the mother.
Mom will quickly get care in accordance with their
needs such as handling complications or
complications in pregnancy, so that at the time of
delivery arrived the mother's general condition is
expected to be in optimal conditions both physical
and psychological (Verga, 2008).
According research conducted by Sulistyorini
(2007), that showed 52.5% of pregnant women to
Fig. 1 Diagram Distribution Preparation s mother was` delivery process in delivery process of first child in the category of low
Yayuk Clinic anxiety, 60%. she considered support it receives
from her family is very high. Pregnant women with
b. Maternal Anxiety Levels Was Preparation S
high family support will not be easy to assess the
Mother To Delivery Process In Community
situation with anxiety, because women with these
Health Centers Pare
conditions know that there will be a family that
helps. Pregnant women with high family support
will change in response to a source of anxiety and
go to his family to pour out his heart. In this study,
also obtained donations husband support to the
anxieties of pregnant women face their first child
during the third quarter is sebesar15,4%. This
showed 84.6% of other variables that affect the
incidence of anxiety to face labor in primigravida.
According to Caplan, one of the developers of crisis
Fig. 2 Diagram Distribution Anxiety Level to intervention saying that the successful completion
mother was in delivery prrocess in Yayuk Clinic of a crisis often ergantung on patient-support
system. Patient support system may include family,
c. Association between labor preparation with friends and people nearby.
mother of level anxiety in labor process in
Yayuk Clinic
Preparation labor and the role family is providing
This research was Analysis bivariate data to using support during pregnancy and labor process can be
Spearman Rank Test. Based figure of correlation ρ reduce anxiety maternal This research was support
test results was 0.868. Then figure confirmed was systems to readiness mothers in fulfill delivery
Spearman ρ table with N = 25, the figure was 0,392. process, including physical preparation,
That Mean was ρ count > ρ table. So H1 was psychological preparation, financial preparation,
association and H0 wasnot association, then there preparation of cultural, rural ambulances, saving
was relationship between preparation labory with maternal and blood donors.
maternal anxiety levels in delivery process in
Yayuk Clinic.
[1] Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.
Determinants occurrence anxiety on maternal, Edisi Revisi V.Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
there was among other things: 1) Anxiety because [2] Bobak, Lowdermilk, Jansen. (2004). Buku Ajar Keperawatan
Maternitas. Edisi 4. Jakarta : EGC.
result of labor pain, 2) The physical state mother, 3) [3] Depkes RI, 2004. Sistem Kesehatan Nasional. Jakarta.
history of prenatal care (history ANC), 4) Lack of [4] BKKBN, 2004. Kartu Informasi KHIBA (Kelangsungan Hidup Ibu,
Bayi dan Anak balita). Jakarta.
knowledge delivery process, 5) Support from social [5] Fraser, Diane M. 2009. Buku Ajar Bidan Myles. Jakarta: EGC.
environment ( husband / family and friends) as well [6] Hawari. (2001). Manajemen Stress, Cemas dan Depresi. Jakarta: FKUI
[7] Hidayat, A. (2007). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta : Rineka
as other psychosocial background of the woman Cipta.
concerned, such as education level, marital status, [8] Iskandar, Y. (2007). Stress Anxiety dan Penampilan : Yayasan Darma
unwanted pregnancy, socioeconomic.

[9] Iswani, 2002, Sterss Pada Ibu
Hamil, hamil 3 html.
[10] Manuaba, IBG. (2007). Buku Ajar Patologi Obstetri untuk Mahasiswa
Kebidanan. Jakarta : EGC
[11] Masterson, S.S., Lewis, K.,Goldman, B.M. and Taylor, M.S. (2000).
Integrating justice and social exchange: the differing effects of fair
procedures and treatment on work relationships. Academy of
Management Journal, 43(4); 738-748.
[12] Mochtar, R. (2000). Sinopsis Obstetri Fisiologi. Jakarta : EGC..

Successful Behavior Working Mothers on the Formal Sector Exclusive
Master of Public Health Sciences STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Abstrak. Failure to achieve exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia caused by many things, such as increasing female
workers. Working mothers are more at risk for not breastfeeding exclusively. This study aimed to obtain in-depth
information about the behavior of breastfeeding, supporting and barrier factors in the exclusive breastfeeding in mothers
who work in the formal sector. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive approach of the Rapid Assessment
Procedure. Sampling using purposive sampling in nursing mothers who work in the formal sector are government
offices and private offices in Pekanbaru city. Collecting data with in-depth interviews and observations on 8 informants
and 3 key informants. Results showed that the success of exclusive breastfeeding began in preparation mother when
pregnant, while in hospital, time off work and when back to work. Mother with prepare to and confidence that large
more had a chance to give breastfeeding exclusive. The support of the leaders, husband and family and co-workers who
encourage and motivate exclusive breastfeeding. Barrier factor are the situation and condition of employment which
does not allow exclusive breastfeeding, mother not know how to pump breast milk, and there are no available means to
breastfeed or pumping breast milk.

Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, working mother, supporting factors, barrier factors

work ([7], [8]). Basrowi Research showed that 32.3% of

I. INTRODUCTION formal sector workers can provide exclusive breastfeeding,
Scaling up Nutrition Movement is a government 45% of formal sector women workers stopped exclusive
program in public nutrition improvement. The first two-year breastfeeding before 4 months. Mothers who leave less than
period is the most important period in the growth and 3 months are more at risk for not breastfeeding exclusively
development of infants [1]. This period is the golden period, [9].
because it is permanent ([1], [2]). In this period of nutritious The studies above are quantitative research that shows
food intake is very necessary for optimal growth and the magnitude of the problem and the factors associated with
development. In the period of 0-6 months, appropriate food exclusive breastfeeding, but a qualitative study that reveals
intake for infants are exclusively breastfed. Breastfeeding the root cause of the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding in
should be continued into the second year of life. Government working mother is very limited. It is necessary for qualitative
Regulation No. 33 Year 2012 on breastfeeding exclusively research on how the behavior of breastfeeding mothers who
in Indonesia established that exclusive breastfeeding from work in the formal sector in Pekanbaru City Riau Province
birth until six months and recommended continued until the Year 2013. The aim of this study was to obtain in-depth
child is aged two years with appropriate complementary information about the behavior of breastfeeding and
feeding [3]. supporting factors and inhibitors in the exclusively
Target exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is 80%. breastfeeding mother works in the formal sector.
The reality, exclusive breastfeeding is still far from the
expected target. Demographic and Health Survey 2012 II. METHODS
reported that exclusive breastfeeding 4-5 months in Type of research is qualitative descriptive design of
Indonesia was 27.1% [4]. Failure to achieve exclusive Rapid Assesment Procedure (RAP). RAP is a research
breastfeeding in Indonesia caused by many things, including carried out in a short time in order to know and understand
the increased participation of women in work, the influence the various problems in the exclusive breastfeeding working
of mass media in the promotion of infant formula. The mothers in the formal sector. The study was conducted in the
Central Bureau of Statistics reported the number of workers city of Pekanbaru, Riau Province in December 2013. The
in Indonesia in 2012 was up 0.85% of the workers from 118 selection of informants by purposive sampling that
million to 117.4 million in 2011 [5]. By sex, the number of breastfeeding mothers who work in the formal sector are
male workers and 62% of female workers by 38%. Women government offices and private offices, with informants
who work in the formal sector by 35% [6]. criteria based on informant criteria based on education and
Various studies show that working mothers are more at occupation.
risk of not breastfeeding exclusively than mothers do not

The number of informants based on the necessity and When pregnant, the behavior of working mothers are
adequacy and redundancy so that it takes as much as 8 breast cleaning, pull out the nipple, breast massage, breast
informants (breastfeeding mothers) and 3 key informants (1 slathered with baby oil and olive oil, and eating foods such
chairman and 2 colleagues). During the study there were no as green beans, vegetables and milk of pregnant women.
additional informants. Collecting data with in-depth Sewaktu hamil, vitamin tetap di konsumsi, dan selama
interviews and observation. In-depth interviews in nursing hamil juga mengkonsumsi susu hamil ya. Untuk
mothers who have babies aged 6-14 months, co-workers and mempercepat ya. Setelah masuk trimester ke tiga,
leaders the workplace informants. Processing and analysis of membersihkan payudara, trus menarik puting ke luar, trus
data with the following steps: (1) classifying the results of kompres dengan air hangat, juga di oleskan baby oil atau
in-depth interviews, (2) Present a summary in the form of minyak zaitun (INF1)
dialogue conversations, narration, tables and matrices to Another preparation when the pregnant mother is a
provide an overview of each aspect studied, (3) the pregnancy exercise, such as the informant's statement:
interpretation of the data and, (4 ) make the conclusion. The ….. Setiap malam dengarin cd buat relaksasi, rabu
validity of the data by triangulation as follows: (1) sabtu malam ikut senam hamil..sebulan sekali datang dokter
Triangulation source, by comparing the information obtained untuk memberikan penyuluhan mulai dari IMD sampai
from key informants and key informants, (2) Triangulation manajemen laktasi.. (INF7)
methods, using different methods of observation and in- Based on in-depth interviews, all informants stated that
depth interviews, (3) Triangulation of data/analysis, the the place of delivery is in hospital. In general, infants are not
validity of the data is carried out by more than one person given anything in the hospital, only one informant who was
and feedback informants. given milk formula while in the hospital after delivery,, as
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Waktu di Rumah sakit ada di kasih susu bantu.. karena
pertama kali belum keluar ASInya.. Waktu itu ada
A. Result persetujuan..kita di kasih form ya dan tanda tangan (INF4).
1) Characteristics of Informants When maternity leave informant's behavior is to keep
The average age of the informants was 29.4 years, breastfeeding after discharge from the hospital, a week
range 27-32 years, education informant is Diploma, before work or a month before working again. The
Bachelor and Masters. Job type informants are grouped into statement of the informant :
two areas of health and non-health field. The average travel mulai dari sebulan sebelum cuti mulai stok ASI..stok
time by using a motor vehicle from home to work is 20 nya penuh, sampai gak muat lagi..(INF7)
minutes. Working time of informants average is 8-10 hours The informant who is not exclusively breastfed, no
per day. Characteristics of the informants are presented in informant who prepared breastfeeding. The reason informant
Table 1. was sick when pumped breast milk, nipple and into the short,
breast milk is not enough, and do not yet know how to pump
CHARACTERISTICS OF IMFORMANTS breast milk. When he returned to work, the behavior of the
informant is pumping breast milk before leaving for work. In
addition, the informant went home at recess and then back
again to the office to resume work. Another informant stated
that pumping in the office every 2 to 3 hours which will then
be picked up by family.
3) Social Support
Support from various groups is needed for the success
of exclusive breastfeeding working mothers. Exclusive
breastfeeding informants who have the support of the
leadership of attention, giving dispensation to leave early, do
not be involved when there is a job out of town.
atasan juga kasih dispensasi saya boleh datangnya
lebih lambat dan pulangnya lebih cepat...kalau ada tugas
luar saya gak di kasih...(INF2)
While for the informants who are not exclusively
breastfed majority stated that there is no leadership support.
...gak ada dukungan, kerjanya di bagian teller jadi gak
boleh ninggalin ruangan (INF 4)
This is reinforced by the supervisor / leader where the
mother is working that office policy for staff working part
Source: Primary data
teller should not leave the room, as expressed by the
2) Breastfeeding Behavior
following key informants:

Ya..untuk karyawan di bagian counter atau teller harus pulang ...Eh anak kau nyusu tu... pulang lah... atasan juga
selalu berada di tempat dan tidak boleh meninggalkan kasih dispensasi saya boleh datangnya lebih lambat dan
ruangan, karena karyawan di bagian teller berhadapan pulangnya lebih cepat. Dulu waktu habis cuti umur anak di
langsung dengan nasabah... (IK1) bawah enam bulan, saya boleh pulang jam 3 sore..biasanya
In addition to support from superiors, support of kan jam empat.. setelah enam bulan seperti biasa.(INF2)
colleagues are also necessary for the success of exclusive Jadi waktu itu saya lagi sakit, kepikiran kasih susu
breastfeeding. Most informants expressed no support from bantu aja, tetapi di coba sedikit, sudah alergi si adek, pada
colleagues in breastfeeding. The support provided is to merah-merah pipinya.gak jadi dikasih deh susu
motivate, their understanding of the office colleagues, the bantunya..walaupun sakit gak papa lah mimik sama saya
vent and exchange of experience in the practice of aja.. ASI kan lebih hemat dan terjamin juga ya.. (INF6)
breastfeeding, and maintain while pumping breast milk. As The understanding of how breast milk storage is
expressions of the following informant: needed, especially for working mothers. the informant who
mengingatkan, tukar-tukar pengalaman dengan kawan exclusively breastfed, all informants already know about
yang sedang menyusui lainnya..trus juga tadi..jagain kalau how to prepare and sterile equipment breastfeeding and how
lagi mompa ASI di ruang sholat.(INF7) to store milk properly. As disclosed following informant:
Support from the people closest to her husband and Di simpan bisa tahan sampai setahun kalau di taruh di
family as necessary for the survival of breastfeeding. Most frezer.. kasih label beri juga tanggal dan jamnya. Jadi sudah
informants expressed support her husband and family in the saya urutkan di kulkas.(INF2)
exclusive breastfeeding. Instead of a husband and family are Disterilkan dulu, kemudian dipompa dan dimasukkan
picked breastmilk to the office, prepare and sterilize bottles, ke dalam botol yang disterilkan. Di masukkan ke dalam
breast pump seek, search for information, buy milk and kulkas, ada yang di atas ada yang di bawah. Kalau disimpan
medicine / vitamin to facilitate breastfeeding. As expressions di frezer bisa 3 bulan, kalau dibawah 2x24 jam (INF6)
of the following informant: In addition to intent, belief and confidence, the mother
Minta tolong sama suami atau adek jemput ke sini... must also have knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and
kalau malam saya kecapekan tidur.. dibangun kannya (INF1) management of breast-feeding when the mother works. Not
suami aktiflah beliin vitamin, beli sari kurma buat all the informants know what is meant by exclusive
memperlancar ASI.. beliin susu buat ibu menyusui breastfeeding, especially informants who work in non-health
juga.(INF8) sectors.
4) Facilities and Infrastructure Informants knowledge about breastmilk storage and
All informants stated that it had no room for facilitate breastfeeding is good enough. Most informants
breastfeeding and pumping breast milk. Of the four stated that facilitate breastfeeding way is to drink plenty of
informants who exclusively breastfed, two informants were water and milk, consume lots of vegetables such as leaf
pumping his office. The place was pumping his own room katuk, spinach and banana. Besides listening to music and
and a prayer room. As expressions of the following imagine the child can facilitate breastfeeding out when at the
informant: pump. As expressions of the following informant:
Tidak ada tersedia, biasanya kalau saya mau memerah Saya minum susu soya, untuk memperlancar ASI, kalau
ASI, pintu saya tutup..kebetulan saya punya ruangan sendiri obat-obatan tidak ada diberikan. Selain itu banyak minum
ya, jadi kalau pintu sudah saya tutup kawan2 sudah tau saya air putih, kalau bisa minum 8 gelas selama di kantor. Jadi
lagi memerah susu..biasanya saya pakai blazer yang ada sebelum di perah, saya minum satu gelas dulu. Biasa saya
kancingnya di depan, dan saya kalau lagi memerah ASI kalau lagi memerah ASI saya hidupnya musik, saya jadi
pakai mukenah ya. (INF 1) lebih rileks...ASI nya jadi lancar ... (INF1)
Tidak ada, biasanya memompa ASI di ruang sholat, 6) Exclusive Breastfeeding Inhibiting Factor
tidak layaklah tempatnya, karena ruang umum (INF7) Factors inhibiting breastfeeding working mothers who
5) Supporting Factors to Exclusive Breastfeeding exclusively breastfed was the unavailability of a special
Factors supporting breastfeeding mothers to infants is room to pump breast milk, prepare bottles ASI perah more
the intent, belief and confidence in the mother, the support troublesome than with direct breastfeeding. As expressions
of family, friends and superiors, the baby's condition does of the following informant:
not allow given a drink other than breast milk, and breast memang agak repot ya..karena pulang pergi... ya itu
milk is the best food for babies. Both informants who tadi juga.. persiapannya lagi lebih repot, pagi-pagi sebelum
exclusively breastfed and not breastfed their babies kerja rebus dulu botolnya..kasih label beri juga tanggal dan
exclusively breastfeed when they are at home. The following jamnya. Jadi sudah saya urutkan di kulkas. (INF2)
statement of the informant: gak ada ruangan khusus untuk memompa ASI di
keyakinan saya bahwa ASI memang yang terbaik bagi kantor..kadang-kadang ini yang menjadi penghambat kalau
bayi.. dan memang sudah niat juga dari hati untuk berikan orang lagi ramai..(INF7)
ASI eksklusif... dokter waktu konsul hamil tu juga Informants who are not exclusively breastfed inhibiting
mendukung, keluarga dan suami juga mendukung... begitu factor is not allowed to leave the room, often given the job
juga kalau ada teman-teman saya, kalau saya telambat

out of town and inadequate breast milk, as an expression of Factors supporting exclusive breastfeeding is a mother
the following informant: intent, belief and strong confidence of mothers that
Ya karena saya kerja.. kasih ASInya jadi jarang.. kan breastfeeding is beneficial and necessary for the baby. Given
gak bisa juga pulang karena kerjanya di conter bagian teller the strength of the mother can successfully breastfeed the
jadi gak boleh meninggalkan ruangan (INF4) baby. Research conducted by Wattimena et al, states that the
power of psychological support successful breastfeeding
B. Discussion mothers mother more than six months [14]. In addition to the
1) Breastfeeding Behavior intention and belief, the mother must have knowledge of
The results showed that the preparation work when exclusive breastfeeding. In this study, not all mothers know
pregnant mothers to breastfeed is a breast care such as what is meant by exclusive breastfeeding. This is consistent
cleaning the breast, nipple pull out, slathered with baby oil with qualitative research conducted by Tarigan and
and oil zaitan. Furthermore the mother is also pregnant Aryastami that knowledge of mothers on exclusive
regularly consume milk and food to increase milk production breastfeeding still vary [15]. Some studies indicate that there
such as green beans and vegetables. Breast care during is a significant relationship between mother's knowledge
pregnancy has many benefits and is important, because the with exclusive breastfeeding. Sriningsih study stated that
process of lactation (breastfeeding establishment) has been there is a significant relationship with the mother's level of
started during pregnancy. The goal of breast care, among knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding [16]. Abdullah and
others, maintain the cleanliness of the breast, especially the Ayubi research found that about 83.6% of respondents were
cleanliness of the nipples, flex and strengthen nipple making exposed to a lot of information about exclusive breastfeeding
it easier for the baby to suckle, stimulates the glands of milk has a good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding [17].
so that the milk production lots and smoothly, it can detect Research Fikawati and Shafiq in West Java and Central Java
abnormalities early breast and perform efforts to address and showed that the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding may
prepare mentally (psychic) mothers to breastfeed [10] increase the level of knowledge of the mother. However, the
Maga’s Research in Gorontalo showed that breast care high maternal knowledge is not accompanied by the practice
during pregnancy has been associated with milk production of exclusive breastfeeding. Percentage practice exclusive
[11]. Although in this study most mothers make preparations breastfeeding less than a quarter of mother knowledge [18].
when pregnant, but not all mothers can give exclusive Qualitative research by [19] states that the failure of
breastfeeding. In addition to physical preparation (breast breastfeeding influenced by the lack of perseverance and
care), other preparations who also planning to do the mother patience to train the skill of breastfeeding. The research
is breastfeeding when returning to work. subjects to stop breastfeeding at a relatively early age
The average time off work is 3 months. time off work because of the panic reaction mother saw children who
depends on the policies of employment. She had thought that refuse to breastfeed [19]. Knowledge of lactation
when pregnant and informed leaders and support for management required by the mother to be able to anticipate
breastfeeding plan, for example, working time arrangements, when there are things who complicate the breastfeeding.
not out of town at the time of exclusive breastfeeding. Regulation No. 33 of 2012 states that exclusive
Exclusive breastfeeding behavior when it is active work was breastfeeding information and education, at least on: (1) The
pumping before work, at work and on his return home. benefits and superiority of breast-feeding; (2) Maternal
Before the mother went to work, the baby has been fed. nutrition, preparation and maintaining breastfeeding; (3) The
break time mother used to come home to breastfeed, and negative effects of feeding bottles partially on breast-feeding;
some mothers to pump breast milk at work to be taken by a and (4) The difficulty to change the decision not to breast
family member. feed. Health professionals and providers care facilities are
Reactivation of working mothers is one of the obstacles required to provide information and education to the mother
to the success of exclusive breastfeeding. UK National and or family members on exclusive breastfeeding.
Survey result that 19% of mothers do not continue Barrier factors of exclusive breastfeeding on working
breastfeeding because it has returned to work. Scottish mothers are not allowed to leave the room, often given the
Survey states 28% of mothers do not continue breastfeeding job out of town and inadequate breastfeeding. Nothing
for reasons to return to work. Similarly, in Spain 32% of special rooms to pump breast milk, preparing bottles of
mothers do not continue breastfeeding with work reasons breast milk more troublesome compared with breastfeeding.
[12]. Several studies have shown that exclusive Qualitative research conducted [20] in Kendal Central Java
breastfeeding failure is when the mother went to work. found that several obstacles to exclusive breastfeeding is
Research [13] showed that the effect on the mother's discomfort in the works because of breast swelling and
occupation period of breastfeeding. Working mothers who breast milk often seeps into clothing, full-time job and the
stopped breastfeed more than mothers do not work with the distance between home and away who do not allow mothers
Hazard Ratio (HR) 1, 61 means that the mother works more return faster if want to breastfeed [20]. There needs to be a
by 1.61 times compared to discontinue nursing mothers do policy of the institution for mothers who exclusively
not work [13]. breastfed. PP No 13 of 2012 that the institution and the
organizers of a public infrastructure to support exclusive

breastfeeding programs. Without the support of workplace give exclusive breastfeeding compared with less supportive
exclusive breastfeeding will not succeed. husband [23].
2) Facilities and Infrastructure
The availability of facilities and infrastructure to IV. CONCLUSIONS
support the success of exclusive breastfeeding for working The success of exclusive breastfeeding beginning from
mothers consists of two components: the availability of the preparation of mother during pregnancy, while in
facilities in the office such as nursing room and facilities hospital, maternity leave and when the mother returns to
owned by mother such as Coller bag, glass bottles and sterile work. Preparation breasfeeding, intentions, beliefs and great
plastic. In this study did not found an office with rooms self-confidence are more likely to give exclusive
nursing. Some of the perceived barriers of working mothers breastfeeding. The support of leaders, the husband and
in the practice of exclusive breastfeeding is a far distance family and co-workers who encourage and motivate
from the house, there are no facilities in the workplace so exclusive breastfeeding. Factors inhibiting exclusive
that mothers can breastfeed their babies [20]. There is a breastfeeding is the situation and conditions of employment
that do not allow the employee to leave the room and their
correlation the availability with exclusive breastfeeding [17].
office duties outside the city. Furthermore the mother not
Regulation No. 33 of 2012 regulates the provision of special
know how to pump breast milk properly, causing pain and
facilities for breastfeeding or expressing milk. Institutions ASI began to decrease also be a limiting factor as exclusive
and organizer of a public facilities are required to provide breastfeeding. Not available facilities for nursing mothers is
special facilities in accordance with the conditions and the limiting factor as exclusive breastfeeding. It is therefore
capabilities of the company. suggested to the leadership to create a written policy on the
3) Social Support provision of facilities such as a lactation room and a place to
The support of the leadership and co-workers badly store breast milk such as refrigerator, setting the working
needed by working mothers. Most mothers who work in the hours of employees, especially in the first six months,
private sector such as banks can not provide exclusive flexible working hours to employees who breastfeed
breastfeeding as they can not leave the room because they exclusively. Furthermore working mothers increasing
have to serve the customers. Leaders who demanding knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding by participating in
nursing mothers to work according to working hours to the a community or forum working mothers who managed to
workload the same as a regular employee become an give exclusive breastfeeding. Mother follow this community
obstacle for the success of exclusive breastfeeding [17]. so that they can share experiences in exclusive breastfeeding.
Research conducted by [21] states that there is no significant
association leaders support with exclusive breastfeeding on ACKNOWLEDGMENT
working mothers, but the proportion of mothers who
Thanks to Mr. Sukri, S.H. and Mr. Marlis Saleh, S.Sos.
breastfeed exclusively more in women who received
from Yayasan Hang Tuah Pekanbaru and Mr. dr. H. Zainal
leadership support [21].
Abidin, M.P.H., chairman of STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru,
Qualitative research by Abdullah and Ayubi state that
who the financial support of this research. Thanks also to the
the expectations informant was given the working hours
P3M and study programs Magister in Public Health Sciences
more flexible, that can come into the office later and go
STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru and all informants for the
home sooner to keep the success of exclusive breastfeeding
support and information provided in this study.
Another expectation is during exclusive breastfeeding,
leaders does not assign mothers to breastfeed exclusively to
the outside city [17]. This is supported Labour Ministerial
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Factors Associated With Disease Asam Urat In The Working Area of the
Health Centers Lintau Buo III Northern Lintau Buo District of Tanah
Datar 2014
Mursyid1), Henri Zoni2), Rani Oktavia3)
Dosen STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi

Dosen STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi

Alumni STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi

Abstrak. Diseases of uric acid (gout) is one of the degenerative disease. One sign of gout is the presence of increased
levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia). Factors that cause hyperuricemia there are several factors, such as age,
gender, family history, obesity, food intake, alcohol intake, consumption of muscle, kidney disorders and hypertension.
Health Center is a health center LintauBuo III who have patients with gout in comparison with most other health
centers in the District of North LintauBuo. This study aims to determine the relationship and the risk of obesity (BMI),
family history, patterns of food consumption and hypertension. This research is an analytical survey of the case-control
study design using the chi-square test. This research was conducted at the health center LintauBuo III Northern
LintauBuo District of Tanah Datar. When this study began in June-September 2014 sample was 78 respondents, 39
respondents for the case group and 39 respondents to the control group were taken with a total sampling technique.
Analysis of the data used and the analysis is univariatebivarat with chi-square test. The results of the univariate test,
more than the majority of respondents (53.8%) were obese, more than most of the respondents of cases and controls
(38.5%) had a family history of gout disease, the majority of respondents (66.7%) were frequently eating foods high in
purines (meat and sardines) in the case group, the majority of respondents (61.5%) had hypertension in the case group.
Bivariate test results no association between obesity and gout (p = 0.47), no association between a family history of
gout (p = 1.00), no association between food consumption patterns with gout (p = 1.00), and there is a relationship
between hypertension with gout disease (p = 0.003). So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between
hypertension disease urat. So it can be concluded acids for health workers to be able to take quick action as one of them
do counseling at the time of treatment to the patients coming to the health center to deal with gout and hypertension and
more stress again to the patient ntuk change their lifestyle so that they are free from gout.

Keywords: Gout, family history, obesity, patterns of food consumption and hypertension

umur 55-70 tahu. Insiden wanita jarang terjadi kecuali

I. INTRODUCTION setelah menopause [2].
Penyakit asam urat merupakan suatu penyakit tidak Menurut WHO penderita gangguan sendi (asam urat) di
menular atau penyakit degeneratif yang memiliki nama lain Indonesia mencapai 81 % dari populasi, hanya 24 % yang
yaitu arthritis pirai atau arthritis gout (atau sering juga pergi ke dokter, sedangkan 71 % nya cenderung langsung
disebut gout). Arthritis pirai merupakan kelompok penyakit mengkonsumsi obat-obatan pereda nyeri yang dijual bebas.
heterogen sebagai akibat deposisi atau penumpukan kristal Angka ini menempatkan Indonesia sebagai Negara yang
monosodium urat di dalam cairan ekstraselular. Deposisi paling tinggi menderita gangguan sendi di bandingkan
asam urat ini terjadi pada jaringan yang dapat menimbulkan dengan Negara Asia lainnya seperti Hongkong, Malaysia,
beberapa manifestasi klinis, yaitu terjadinya arthritis gout Singapura dan Taiwan. Penyakit sendi secara nasional
akut, pembentukan tophus/ tofi (akumulasi kristal pada prevalensinya berdasarkan wawancara sebesar 30,3 % dan
jaringan yang dapat merusak tulang) pembentukan batu prevalensinya berdasarkan diagnosis tenaga kesehatan
asam urat pada saluran kencing dan gout nefropati/ adalah 14% [3].
kegagalan ginjal, namun jarang terjadi [1] Kejadian atau prevalensi asam urat jumlahnya
Penyakit arthritis pirai (asam urat) merupakan salah bervariasi pada tiap Negara. Di Amerika Serikat, laki-laki
satu penyakit yang banyak dijumpai pada laki-laki usia yang berumur Diatas 18 tahun prevalensinya mencapai
antara 30-40 tahun, sedangkan pada wanita dijumpai pada 1,5 %. Di Selandia Baru didapatkan 1-18 perseribu
penduduk menderita asam urat. Angka kejadian asam urat

tertinggi dijumpai pada penduduk Maori, Sendia Baru, laboratorium diatas maka kemungkinan masyarakat terkena
dengan prevalensi asam urat pada laki-laki sebesar 24,5 % penyakit asam urat pun semakin meningkat. Hal ini
dan perempuan 23,9 % [1]. disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi
Di Indonesia, penyakit asam urat bahkan terjadi pada peningkatan kadar asam urat.
usia yang lebih muda, sekitar 32 % pada pria berusia kurang Faktor resiko yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang
dari 34 tahun. Di Minahasa, pada tahun 2003, tercatat terserang penyakit asam urat antara lain adalah pola
proporsi kejadian arthritis gout sebesar 29,2 % dan pada makanan, kegemukan dan suku bangsa/ ras. Dari hasil
etnik tertentu di Ujung Pandang sekitar 50 % penderita rata - penelitian epidemiologi yang telah dilakukan, hasilnya
rata telah menderita gout 6,5 tahun atau lebih setelah menunjukkan beberapa ras tertentu memiliki kecendrungan
keadaan menjadi lebih parah. Sementara di Bandungan, terserang penyakit ini, diantaranya yaitu bangsa Maori di
Jawa Tengah prevalensi pada kelompok usia muda, yaitu Selandia Baru, bangsa Filifina dan bangsa-bangsa di Asia
antara 15-45 tahun, sebesar 0,8 % meliputi pria 17 % dan Tenggara. Dari ketiga suku bangsa tersebut, suku bangsa
wanita 0,05 % [4]. yang paling tinggi prevalensinya untuk terserang penyakit
Di Indonesia, arthritis pirai (asam urat) menduduiki asam urat adalah pada orang Maori di Selandia Baru.
urutan kedua setelah osteoarthritis (Dalimartha, 2008). Walaupun demikian penyakit ini dapat dijumpai di setiap
Prevalensi arthritis pirai pada populasi di USA diperkirakan Negara di dunia [5].
13,6/ 100.000 penduduk, sedangkan di Indonesia sendiri Pola makan yang tidak sehat dalam masyarakat yang
diperkirakan 1,6-13,6/ 100.000 orang, prevalensi ini berprotein tinggi, terutama protein hewani yang banyak
meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya umur [2]. mengandung purin tinggi, menyebabkan penyakit
Kabupaten Tanah Datar merupakan salah satu dari 19 Hiperurisemia (kelebihan asam urat) semakin meningkat.
Kabupaten/ Kota di Sumatera Barat dengan ibukota Penyakit Hiperurisemia tidak mengancam jiwa, tetapi bila
Batusangkar. Kabupaten Tanah Datar mempunyai 14 penyakit ini menyerang penderita dapat mengalami siksaan
Kecamatan, diantara nya Kecamatan X Koto, Kecamatan nyeri, pembengkakan atau cacat persendiaan tangan dan kaki.
Batipuah, Kecamatan Batipuah Selatan, Kecamatan Rasa sakit dari pembengkakan tersebut disebabkan karena
Pariangan. Kecamatan Rambatan, Kecamatan Lima kaum, endapan Kristal Monosodium urat, yang terbentuk dari asam
Kecamatan Tanjung Emas, Kecamatan Padang Ganting, urat yang sudah jenuh sehingga mempermudah pembentukan
Kecamatan Lintau Buo, Kecamatan Lintau Buo Utara, Kristal tersebut. Penumpukan Kristal pada umumnya terjadi
Kecamatan Sungayang, Kecamatan Sungai Tarab, pada jaringan sekitar sendi, sehingga menimbulkan rasa
Kecamatan Salimpaung dan Kecamatan Tanjung Baru. nyeri didaerah tersebut. Penyakit akibat Hiperurisemia
Banyak nya sarana kesehatan menurut Kecamatan dikenal sebagai gout atau penyakit pirai [5].
Kabupaten Tanah Datar tahun 2009 yaitu 23 Puskesmas, 23 Peningkatan kadar asam urat atau hiperurisemia dapat
puskesmas keliling, dan 66 puskesmas pembantu (Profil dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor-faktor yang berkaitan,
Kabupaten tanah Datar, 2009). Berdasarkan survey yang diantaranya: resistensi insulin, sindrom metabolik, obesitas,
telah peneliti lakukan di setiap Puskesmas yang ada di insufisiensi ginjal, hipertensi, gagal jantung kongestif, dan
Kabupaten Tanah Datar, banyak Puskesmas yang tidak transplantasi organ. Resiko kejadian gout meningkat pada
mempunyai laboratorium untuk pemeriksaan penyakit asam orang yang banyak mengkonsumsi makanan dengan
urat. kandungan purin tinggi (terutama daging dan makanan laut),
Kecamatan Lintau Buo Utara memiliki 3 Puskesmas etanol (bir dan alkohol), minuman ringan dan fruktosa. Gout
sebagai sarana pelayanan kesehatan, diantaranya Puskesmas sering terjadi pada laki-laki, yaitu sekitar 95%, dan jarang
Lintau Buo 1, Puskesmas Lintau Buo II dan Puskesmas terjadi pada perempuan. Ada prevalensi familial dalam
Lintau Buo III. Diantara Puskesmas tersebut Puskesmas penyakit gout yang mengesankan suatu dasar genetik dari
Lintau Buo III memiliki laboratorium untuk pemeriksaan penyakit ini. Namun, ada sejumlah faktor yang
penyakit asam urat. mempengaruhi timbulnya penyakit ini, termasuk diet, berat
Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari laboratorium badan, dan gaya hidup (Carter, 2006).
pemeriksaan asam urat dari Puskesmas Lintau Buo III pada Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas peneliti tertarik
bulan Januari sampai Maret 2013 tercatat 18 orang yang untuk melakukan penelitian tentang Faktor- Faktor Yang
memeriksakan kadar asam uratnya dan dari seluruh Berhubungan Dengan Penyakit Asam Urat Pada Pasien Di
pemeriksaan ditemukan sekitar 8 orang atau 44,5 % Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lintau Buo III Kecamatan Lintau
mengalami kadar asam urat diatas normal. Kemudian pada Buo Utara Kabupaten Tanah Datar Tahun 2014.
bulan Mei sampai Juli 2013 tercatat 21 orang yang
memeriksakan kadar asam uratnya dan dari semua II. METHODS
pemeriksaan ditemukan 10 orang atau 47, 6 % yang Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian obsevasional yang
mengalami kadar asam urat di atas normal. Dari data menggunakan pendekatan analitik dengan menggunakan
tersebut didapat bahwa selama kurun waktu 3-4 bulan desain case control study dengan matching dimana peneliti
ditemukan kenaikan pemeriksaan kadar asam urat dengan membandingkan faktor – faktor resiko pada kelompok kasus
hasil ditas normal sebesar 3,1 % (Data terolah Puskesmas dengan kelompok kontrol berdasarkan status paparan faktor
Lintau Buo III). Jika dilihat dari hasil pemeriksaan resikonya [6]. Dalam hal ini penulis melihat faktor-faktor

yang berhubungan dengan penyakit asam urat dengan Total 39 100 39 100 78 100
variabel independennya kegemukan, riwayat keluarga, pola
konsumsi makanan dan hipertensi. Penelitian ini telah Berdasarkan table III dapat diketahui bahwa dari 39
dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lintau Buo III responden kasus (penyakit asam urat) terdapat 15 responden
Kecamatan Lintau Buo III Kecamatan Lintau Buo Utara (38,5%)yang memiliki riwayat keluarga yang menderita
Kabupaten Tanah Datar Tahun 2014 pada bulan Juni 2014. penyakit asam urat dan sebanyak 24 responden (61,5%)
tidak memiliki riwayat keluarga yang menderita penyakit
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION asam urat. Dari 39 responden pada kelompok kontrol (tidak
mengalami penyakit asam urat) 15 responden (38,5%) yang
A. Analisa Univariat memiliki riwayat keluaga yang menderita penyakit asam urat)
dan 24 responden (61,5%) tidak memiliki riwayat keluarga
TABLE I yang menderita asam urat.
Penyakit Asam
Kasus 39 50 Kunjungan
Pola Konsumsi Jumlah
Kasus Kontrol
Kontrol 39 50 Makanan
n % N % n %
Total 78 100 Sering 26 66,7 25 64,1 41 65,4
Jarang 13 33,3 14 35,9 27 34,6
Total 39 100 39 100 78 100
Berdasarkan table I di atas dapat diketahui bahwa
jumlah kasus penyakit asam urat sebanyak 39 (50%) dan Berdasarkan table IV dapat diketahui bahwa dari 39
jumlah kontrolyang tidak menderita penyakit asam urat responden kelompok kasus (penyakit asam urat) terdapat 26
sebanyak 39 (50%). responden (66,7%) yang sering mengonsumsi makanan yang
tinggi purin (daging dan sarden) dan 13 responden (33,3%)
TABLE III yang jarang mengonsumsi makanan yang tinggi purin
DISTRIBUSI FREKUENSI KEGEMUKAN (OBESITAS) DI WILAYAH (daging dan sarden). Dari 39 responden pada kelompok
KERJA PUSKESMAS LINTAU BUO III KECAMATAN LINTAU BUO kontrol (tidak mengalami penyakit asam urat) terdapat 25
UTARA KABUPATEN TANAH DATAR TAHUN 2014 responden (64,1%) sering mengonsumsi makanan yang
tinggi purin (daging dan sarden) dan 14 responden (35,9%)
Jumlah jarang mengonsumsi makanan yang tinggi purin (daging dan
Obesitas Kasus Kontrol
N % N % n %
Ya 21 53,8 17 43,6 38 48,7
Total 39 100 39 100 78 100
Hipertensi Kasus Kontrol
Berdasarkan tabel II dapat diketahui bahwa dari 39 N % N % n %
responden pada kelompok kasus (penyakit asam urat)
Ya 24 61,5 10 25,6 34 43,6
terdapat 21 responden (53,8%) yang mengalami obesitas dan
18 responden (46,2%) tidak mengalami obesitas. Dari 39 Tidak 15 38,5 29 74,4 44 56,4
responden pada kelompok kontrol (tidak mengalami Total 39 100 39 100 78 100
penyakit asam urat) terdapat sebanyak 17 (43,6%) yang
mengalami obesitas dan 22 responden (56,4%) tidak
Berdasarkan table V dapat diketahui bahwa dari 39
mengalami obesitas.
responden kelompok kasus (penyakit asam urat) terdapat 24
responden (61,5%) yang mengalami hipertensi dan 15
TABLE IIIII responden (38,5%) yang tidak mengalami hipertensi. Dari 39
responden pada kelompok kontrol (tidak mengalami
penyakit asam urat) terdapat 10 responden (25,6%) yang
mengalami hipertensi dan 29 responden (74,4 %) yang tidak
Kunjungan mengalami hipertensi.
Riwayat Keluarga Kasus Kontrol
n % N % n % B. Analisa Bivariat
Ya 15 38,5 15 38,5 30 38,5 Analisa bivariat dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan
Tidak 24 61,5 24 61,5 39 61,5 antara variabel independent yaitu kegemukan, riwayat

keluarga, pola konsumsi makanan dan hipertensi dengan Berdasarkan table VIII di atas dapat terlihat bahwa
variabel dependent yaitu sebagai berikut: responden kasus yang sering mengonsumsi makanan tinggi
purin (daging dan sarden) 26 (66,7%) sedangkan responden
TABLE VI kontrol yang sering mengonsumsi makanan tinggi purin
HUBUNGAN OBESITAS DENGAN PENYAKIT ASAM URAT DI (daging dan sarden) 25 (64,5%). Sehingga nilai p diperoleh
WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS LINTAU BUO III KECAMATAN sebesar 1,000 (p > 0,05) dan OR (CI 95%) 1.120 (0,440-
LINTAU BUO UTARA KABUPATEN TANAH DATAR TAHUN 2014 2,848), berarti pola konsumsi makanan tidak memiliki
hubungan dengan penyakit asam urat.
Obesitas Kasus Kontrol p
Tidak 18 46,2 22 56,4 40 51,3 LINTAU BUO UTARA KABUPATEN TANAH DATAR TAHUN 2014
Total 39 100 39 100 78 100 Kunjungan
Hipertensi Kasus Kontrol p
Berdasarkan table VI di atas dapat terlihat bahwa N % n % n %
responden kasus yang menderita obesitas 21 (53,8%) Ya 24 61,5 10 25,6 34 43,6
sedangkan responden kontrol yang menderita obesitas 17
Tidak 15 38,5 29 74,4 44 56,4
(43,6%). Sehingga nilai p diperoleh sebesar 0,497 (p > 0,05) 0,003
dan OR (CI 95%) 1,510 (0,402-2,490), berarti obesitas tidak Total 39 100 39 100 78 100
memiliki hubungan dengan penyakit asam urat.
Berdasarkan table IX di atas dapat terlihat bahwa
TABLE VII responden kasus yang menderita hipertensi 24 (61,5%)
HUBUNGAN RIWAYAT KELUARGA DENGAN PENYAKIT ASAM sedangkan responden kontrol yang menderita hipertensi 10
URAT DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS LINTAU BUO III (25,6%). Sehingga nilai p diperoleh sebesar 0,003 (p < 0,05) ,
KECAMATAN LINTAU BUO UTARA KABUPATEN TANAH DATAR berarti hipertensi memiliki hubungan dengan penyakit asam
TAHUN 2014 urat dan OR (CI 95%) 4,640 (1,766-12,189), berarti
Kunjungan responden yang mengalami hipertensi beresiko 4,640 kali
Riwayat Jumlah menderita penyakit asam urat dibandingkan dengan yang
Kasus Kontrol p
Keluarga tidak hipertensi.
N % n % n %
Ya 15 38,5 15 38,5 30 38,5 C. Hubungan antara Obesitas dengan Asam Urat
Tidak 24 61,5 24 61,5 39 61,5
1,000 Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan
Total 39 100 39 100 78 100 terhadap 39 responden pada kelompok kasus di Puskesmas
Lintau Buo III terdapat 21 (53,8%) mengalami obesitas
sedangkan 18 responden (46,2%) tidak mengalami obesitas.
Berdasarkan table VII di atas dapat terlihat bahwa Kemudian dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 39
responden kasus yang menderita memiliki riwayat keluarga responden pada kelompok kontrol, terdapat 17 (43,6%)
penyakit asam urat 15 (38,5%) sedangkan responden kontrol mengalami obesitas, sedangkan 23 (56,4%) tidak mengalami
yang memiliki riwayat keluarga penyakit asam urat 15 obesitas. Sehingga nilai p diperoleh sebesar 0,497 (p > 0,05) ,
(38,5%). Sehingga nilai p diperoleh sebesar 1,000 (p > 0,05) berarti obesitas tidak memiliki hubungan dengan penyakit
dan OR (CI 95%) 1,00 (0,402-2,490), berarti riwayat asam urat.
keluarga tidak memiliki hubungan dengan penyakit asam Tingginya kadar leptin pada orang yang mengalami
urat. obesitas dapat menyebabkan gangguan pengeluaran asam
urat melalui urin, sehingga kadar asam urat dalam darah
TABLE VIII orang yang obesitas tinggi. Namun, pada penelitian
meskipun obesitas merupakan salah satu faktor resiko yang
dapat mengakibatkan kadar asam urat darah, namun pada
penelitian ini tidak ditemukan hubungan antara obesitas
TAHUN 2014
dengan kejadian penyakit asam urat.
Kunjungan Penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian [7] mengenai
Pola Konsumsi Jumlah
Kasus Kontrol p hubungan indeks masa tubuh dengan usia dengan kadar
N % n % n % asam urat di Purwokerto (2013), maka didapatkan p value=
0,49 (p > 0,05), sehingga tida ada hubungan antara obesitas
Sering 26 66,7 25 64,1 41 65,4
dengan penyakit asam urat. Penelitian ini tidak sejalan
Jarang 13 33,3 14 35,9 27 34,6 dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Tinah Purwaningsih
Total 39 100 39 100 78 100 [8] mengenai faktor-faktor resiko yang mempengaruhi
penyakit asam urat (Hiperurisemia) di RSUD Kardinah Kota
Tegal diperoleh p value= 0,009 (p < 0,05), sehingga ada
hubungan antara obesitas dengan penyakit asam urat.

Menurut asumsi peneliti obesitas tidak berhubungan purin (daging dan sarden) dan 13 responden (33,3%) yang
dengan penyakit asam urat. Obesitas memang merupakan jarang mengonsumsi makanan yang tinggi purin (daging dan
faktor penting yang menyebabkan seseorang terkenan sarden). Dari 39 responden pada kelompok kontrol (tidak
penyakit. Meskipun seseorang obesitas dengan memilih mengalami penyakit asam urat) terdapat 25 responden
makanan yang rendah kalori, mengurangi makanan yang (64,1%) sering mengonsumsi makanan yang tinggi purin
berlemak dan mengurangi mengonsumsi makanan yang (daging dan sarden) dan 14 responden (35,9%) jarang
tinggi purin serta menjalankan diet untuk mengurangi kadar mengonsumsi makanan yang tinggi purin (daging dan
asam urat darah dapat meminimalisasi dampak penyakit sarden). Sehingga nilai p diperoleh sebesar 1,000 (p > 0,05) ,
asam urat. berarti pola konsumsi makanan tidak memiliki hubungan
dengan penyakit asam urat.
D. Hubungan antara Riwayat Keluarga dengan Penyakit Pola makan yang diatur dengan baik dapat membantu
Asam Urat pengontrolan kadar asam urat dalam batas normal atau
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dalam artian memiliki pengaruh terhadap kadar asam urat
terhadap 39 responden pada kelompok kasus penyakit asam darah. Asam urat di dalam tubuh bisa berasal dari luar yaitu
urat yang mempunyai riwayat keluarga penyakit asam urat dari diet tinggi purin dan dari dalam yang merupakan hasil
15 (38,5%) dan sebanyak 24 responden (61,5%) yang tidak akhir metabolisme purin. Asam urat sangat erta kaitannya
mempunyai riwayat keluarga penyakit asam urat. kemudian dengan pola makan. Umumnya karena pola makan yang
dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 39 responden tidak seimbang (jumlah asupan protein yang sangat tinggi)
pada kelompok kontrol 15 responden (38,5%) yang [9].
mempunyai riwayat keluarga penyakit asam urat dan 24 Penelitian ini tidak sejalan denga penelitian [10]
responden (61,5%) tidak mempunyai riwayat keluarga mengenai hubungan antara pola makan dengan kadar asam
penyakit asam urat. Sehingga nilai p diperoleh sebesar 1,000 urat Di Posyandu Lansia Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas
(p > 0,05) , berarti riwayat keluarga tidak memiliki Dr.Soetomo Surabaya dengan menggunakan uji chi – square
hubungan dengan penyakit asam urat. diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,001 (nilai p < 0,05) yang berarti
Kadar AU dikontrol oleh beberapa gen. Analisis The bahwa ada hubungan antara pola makan dengan terjadinya
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family studies penyakit asam urat di Posyandu Lansia Puskesmas Dr.
menunjukkan hubungan antara faktor keturunan dengan AU Soetomo Surabaya tahun 2010.
sebanyak kira-kira 40% (NIH, 2001). Kelainan genetik Penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan
FJHN (Familial Juvenile Hiperuricarmic Nephropathy) oleh Andry (2009) mengenai faktor-faktor yang
merupakan kelainan yang diturunkan secara autosomal mempengaruhi kadar asam urat pada pekerja kantor di Desa
dominant, dan secara klinis sering terjadi pada usia muda. Karang Turi Kecamatan Bumiayu, Kabupaten Brebes,
Pada kelainan ini, terjadi penurunan Fractional Uric Acid dengan menggunakan uji chi – square diperoleh nilai p
Clearance (FUAC) yang menyebabkan penurunan fungsi sebesar 0,071 ( nilai p > 0,071) yang berarti tidak ada
ginjal secara cepat [1]. hubungan yang bermakna antara pola makan dengan
Menurut Seneca, orang–orang dengan riwayat genetik/ penyakit asam urat. Penelitian ini tidak sejalan dengan yang
keturunan yang mempunyai penyakit asam urat mempunyai dilakukan oleh [10] mengenai hubungan pola makanan
resiko 1–2 kali lipat di bandingkan pada penderita yang tidak dengan kadar asam urat di posayandu lansia di wilayah kerja
memiliki riwayat genetik/ keturunan (Kumar, 2007). puskesmas Dr. Soetomo, dari hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai
Penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan p sebesar 0,001 (nilai p < 0,05) yang berarti ada hubungan
oleh Tinah Purwaningsih [8] mengenai faktor-faktor resiko antara pola makanan dengan kadar asam urat.
hiperurisemia di RSUD Kardinah Kota Tegal periode 2009- Menurut asumsi peneliti pola konsumsi makanan tidak
2010, dari hasil penelitian sehingga diperoleh nilai p sebesar ada hubungan dengan penyakit asam urat. Konsumsi purin
1,000 (p > 0,05) dan Odda Ratio 1,000 sehingga tidak ada yang terdapat dalam daging dan seafood berhubungan
hubungan antara riwayat keluarga dengan penyakit asam terhadap resiko peningkatan kadar asam ureat. Kemudian
urat. produk susu dapat menurunkan resiko penyakit asam urat
Menurut asumsi peneliti riwayat keluarga tidak dan konsumsi purin yang berasal dari tumbuhan tidak
berhubungan dengan penyakit asam urat. Penyakit asam urat berpengaruh terhadap penyakit asam urat. Pada umumnya
ini sering dihubungkan dengan riwayat keluarga karena responden di tempat penelitian mengonsumsi semua
faktor hormonal dan faktor genetik (keturunan) yang makanan yang mengandung purin tinggi, baik itu yang
memungkinkan seseorang menderita penyakit asam urat. berasal dari hewan termasuk daging dan susu juga dari
Untuk menegakkan adanya hubungan antara riwayat tumbuhan. Dan saat mengonsumsi makanan yang
keluarga/genetik dengan penyakit asam urat antara penderita mengandung purin tinggi, mereka selalu meminum obat dan
asam urat dengan keluarga di perlukan pemeriksaan ramuan tradisional penurun asam urat. Hal inilah yang
biomolekuler dengan biaya yang cukup besar. Hal inilah mungkin menyebabkan hasil analisis tidak signifikan.
yang menyebabkan hasil analisis tidak signifikan.
F. Hubungan antara Hipertensi dengan Penyakit Asam
E. Hubungan antara Pola Konsumsi dengan Penyakit Asam Urat
Urat Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap 39 responden
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap 39 responden kelompok kasus (penyakit asam urat) terdapat 24 responden
kelompok kasus (penyakit asam urat) terdapat 26 responden (61,5%) yang mengalami hipertensi dan 15 responden
(66,7%) yang sering mengonsumsi makanan yang tinggi (38,5%) yang tidak mengalami hipertensi. Dari 39 responden

pada kelompok kontrol (tidak mengalami penyakit asam urat) 5) Distribusi responden pada kelompok kasus yang
terdapat 10 responden (25,9%) yang mengalami hipertensi menderita hipertensi sebanyak 24 (61,5%) dan pada
dan 29 responden (74,4%) yang tidak mengalami hipertensi. kelompok kontrol sebanyak 10 (25,6%).
Sehingga nilai p diperoleh sebesar 0,003 (p < 0,05) , berarti 6) Tidak ada hubungan antara obesitas dengan penyakit
hipertensi memiliki hubungan dengan penyakit asam urat asam urat (p= 0,47).
dan Odds Ratio (OR) = 4,640 berarti responden yang 7) Tidak ada hubungan antara riwayat keluarga dengan
mengalami hipertensi beresiko 4,640 kali menderita penyakit penyakit asam urat (p= 1,00).
asam urat dibandingkan dengan yang tidak hipertensi. 8) Tidak ada hubungan antara pola konsumsi makan
Hipertensi merupakan faktor resiko penyakit dengan penyakit asam urat (p= 1,00).
kardiovaskuler yang paling banyak ditemui di masyarakat 9) Ada hubungan antara hipertensi dengan penyakit
dengan insedensi 10 – 15% pada orang dewasa. Kejadian asam urat (p= 0,003) dan Odda Ratio = 4,640 yang
hipertensi juga sering dikaitkan dengan penambahan usia. artinya artinya responden yang menderita hipertensi
Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan semakin meningkatnya beresiko 4,640 kali menderita penyakit asam urat
jumalah hipertensi seiring dengan peningkatan populasi usia dibandingkan dengan yang tidak hipertensi.
lanjut (Siregar, 2003; Yogiantoro, 2006)
Penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian [11] mengenai B. Advice
hubungan antara hiperurisemia dengan hipertensi yang 1) Bagi Peneliti
menggunakan uji chi – square diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,001 Sebagai wahana dalam meningkatkan pemahaman dan
(nilai p < 0,05) dan Odds Ratio 16,95 yang berarti bahwa pengetahuan dalam mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian yang
ada hubungan antara hipertensi dengan penyakit asam urat. diwujudkan dalam penelitian. Serta dapat menambah
Penelitian ini juga sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan pengetahuan dibidang kesehatan.
oleh [10], diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,001 (nilai p < 0,05) 2) Bagi Masayarakat
dan Odds Ratio 5,200 yang berarti bahwa ada hubungan Disarankan kepada masyarakat hendaknya rajin
antara hipertensi dengan penyakit asam urat mengontrol kadar asam urat dan tekanan darah serta
Menurut asumsi peneliti hipertensi memiliki hubungan menghindarkan hal-hal yang dapat meningkatkan kadar
dengan penyakit asam urat. Hipertensi merupakan penyakit asam urat dah hipertensi sehingga angka kejadian asam urat
tekanan darah tinggi yang disebabkan oleh pola hidup yang dan hipertensi serta komplikasinya lainnya dapat menurun.
tidak sehat (merokok, asupan garam berlebih, obesitas, Walaupun tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara
aktivitas fisik dan stress). Hipertensi merupakan masalah obesitas, riwayat keluarga dan pola konsumsi makanan
kesehatan yang paling banyak dijumpai dikalangan dengan penyakit asam urat, masyarakat tetap perlu untuk
masyarakat. Karena kebiasaan masyarakat yang tidak sesuai memulai hidup sehat dan mengendalikan asupan makanan
dengan standar kesehatan maka masyarakat mudah terserang sumber asam urat serta mengontrol berat badan, karena
penyakit. Asam urat dapat merangsang sistem renin banyaknya penyakit yang berhubungan dengan berat badan.
angiotensin, sehingga memicu peningkatan tekanan darah 3) Bagi Institusi Pendidikan
tinggi dan menyebabkan penebalan dinding arteri ginjal, Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan
khususnya pembuluh darah arteriol afferen, sehingga terjadi dan bahan perbandingan atau pedoman bagi penelitian
arteriosklerosis yang selanjutnya menyebabkan hipertensi. selanjutnya, serta sebagaiahan evaluasi pemahaman
mahasiswa/mahasiswi STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi
IV. CONCLUSION dalam mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian.
4) Bagi Puskesmas
A. Conclusion Disarankan kepada Puskesmas untuk lebih
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan Di meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan yang lebih intensif dan
Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lintau Buo III Kecamatan Lintau berkesinambungan dan melakukan promosi kesehatan
Buo Utara Kabupaten Tanah Datar tahun 2014 terhadap 39 mengenai penyakit asam urat baik secara individu maupun
responden kasus dan 39 responden kontrol sehingga kelompok, ketika masyarakat berkunjung ke puskesmas
berjumlah 78 responden, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai sebagai upaya peningkatan pencegahan penyakit asam urat,
berikut : terutama bagi yang menderita hipertensi.
1) Penyakit asam urat pada kelompok kasus sebanyak
39 (50%) dan pada kelompok kontrol yang tidak
menderita penyakit asam urat sebanyak 30 (50%).
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kelompok kontrol sebanyak 17 (43,6%). [2] Tjokoprawiro. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam,. Universitas Press. Surabaya.
3) Distribusi responden pada kelompok kasus yang (diakses tanggal 06 Juni 2014).
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sebanyak 15 (38,5) dan pada kelompok kontrol Kemenkes RI. (diakses pada tanggal
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Tumohon. Skripsi. Universitas Sam Ratulangi. 2011.
sering mengonsumsi makanan tinggi purin (daging [5] Rahardja. Medical herbs,
dan sarden) sebanyak 26 (66,7%) dan pada kelompok gout. (diakses tanggal 07
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purin (daging dan sarden) sebanyak 25 (64,1).

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Emotional Intelligence Relationship With Academic Achievement Students
Prodi D-III Midwifery Semester V STIKes Prima Nusantara In
Bukittinggi 2016
Mutia Felina1), Tuti Oktriani2)

Abstrak. Emotional intelligence is one of the factors that influence the success of a person, as much as 80 % The
purpose of this study to determine the relationship of emotional intelligence and academic achievement in Student Prodi
D-III Midwifery Semester V STIKes Prima Nusantara in Bukittinggi. Emotional intelligence includes the person's
ability to recognize emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, empathy and relationships and academic
performance as the knowledge that is achieved or the skills developed in certain subjects in school, usually determined
by measuring the academic achievement of students are using the test method or observation.This type of research is
analytic research. The sample in this research is 48 respondents. The data used in this study are primary data and
secondary data, a study in STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi. Data processed using computerized techniques and
SPSS, and in doing univariate and bivariate.The results show more than half of the respondents have emotional
intelligence was as much (56.2%), and more than half the respondents obtained very satisfactory academic performance
as much (58,3 %). Analisa bivariat shows there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement, with p = 0.001. From the results of this study concluded that there is a significant relantionship
between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. Therefore, it is expected that more respondents improve
emotional intelligence, joined the seminar and read a book in order to achieve appropriate academic achievement scores
in want.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Academic Achievement, Student

Dalam pendidikan formal, belajar menghasilkan

I. INTRODUCTION adanya perubahan pada sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan.
Seorang bidan yang profesional dituntut harus mampu Hasil dari proses belajar tersebut tercermin dalam prestasi
mengembangkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang belajarnya. Namun dalam upaya meraih prestasi belajar
diperlukan dalam melaksanakan tugas sebagai seorang bidan. dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal [2].
Hal ini tampak jelas bahwa tidak hanya pengetahuan dan Faktor internal salah satunya adalah memiliki
keterampilan saja, melainkan juga sikap profesionalisme Emotional Intellegence atau kecerdasaan emosional (EQ).
bidan sangat diperlukan. Kurangnya bidan dalam menjaga Para ahli berpendapat bahwa untuk meraih prestasi
sikap profesionalisme ini menimbulkan keluhan masyarakat akademik yang optimal, seseorang tidak hanya memiliki
terhadap pelayanan bidan (Erinda, 2014). Intellegence yang tinggi. Taraf Intellegence Quotient ( IQ )
Peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia sudah yang tinggi bukan merupakan satu-satunya faktor yang
merupakan suatu keharusan bagi bangsa Indonesia, apalagi menentukan keberhasilan seseorang, karena ada faktor lain
pada era globalisasi yang menuntut kesiapan bangsa untuk yang mempengaruhi prestasi akademik. IQ tidak dapat
bersaing atau berkompetisi dipasar bebas. Didalam era berfungsi dengan baik tanpa partisipasi penghayatan
globalisasi ini, pendidikan menjadi hal yang sangat penting emosional terhadap mata pelajaran yang disampaikan
bagi masyarakat Indonesia agar mampu mengimbangi disekolah. Kedua kecerdasaan itu saling melengkapi.
kemajuan zaman yang pesat [1]. Keseimbangan antara IQ dan EQ merupakan kunci
Pendidikan nasional merupakan pendidikan yang keberhasilan belajar siswa disekolah. Pendidikan disekolah
berlandaskan pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar Negara tidak hanya mengembangkan IQ saja melainkan juga perlu
Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Menurut Undang – Undang mengembangkan kecerdasaan emosional siswa [2]
Republik Indonesia No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Menurut Goleman yang dikutip dari Paton bahwa
Pendidikan Nasional Bab 1 Pasal 1, menyatakan bahwa Kecerdasan intelektual (IQ) hanya menyumbang 20 % bagi
pendidikan di definisikan sebagai usaha sadar dan terencana kesuksesan seseorang, sedangkan 80 % adalah sumbangan
untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses belajar agar faktor kekuatan-kekuatan lain, diantaranya adalah
peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya kecerdasan emosional [2].
untuk memiliki kekuatan spritual keagamaan, pengendalian Prestasi akademik merupakan cerminan usaha yang
diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta dilakukan siswa atau mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas
keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa belajar yang diberikan kepadanya. Prestasi akademik juga
dan negara [1]. menunjukkan sampai sejauh mana kemampuan daya serap

mahasiswa dalam belajar. Prestasi akademik yang tinggi adanya kemampuan untuk menguasai pikiran dan emosinya
menggambarkan daya serap yang tinggi, demikian sehingga mampu mendorong produktivitas seseorang,
sebaliknya. Keadaan ini juga mencerminkan kualitas dari sedangkan individu yang memiliki kecerdasan emosional
mahasiswa tersebut. Kualitas mahasiswa dikatakan tinggi yang rendah ditandai dengan ketidakmampuan diri dalam
apabila mereka dapat mencapai predikat lulus memuaskan menjalin hubungan antar pribadi sehingga hal tersebut dapat
(B) atau sangat memuaskan (A). menimbulkan konflik dan gangguan emosional sehingga
Hal ini berarti mereka mampu menunjukkan tingkat tidak memiliki pikiran yang jernih [3].
penguasaan yang tinggi terhadap program belajar yang Dari penjelasan tersebut maka kecerdasan emosi
dibebankan kepadanya. Memang harus diakui bahwa mereka menjadi penting bagi mahasiswa karena mahasiswa adalah
yang memiliki IQ rendah dan mengalami keterbelakangan insan yang sedang menjalani pendidikan di sebuah
mental akan mengalami kesulitan bahkan mungkin tidak universitas atau perguruan tinggi, yang mana mahasiswa
mampu mengikuti pendidikan formal yang seharusnya sesuai tersebut dituntut untuk dapat meraih prestasi akademik yang
dengan usia mereka. Namun fenomena yang ada baik di kampusnya agar menjadi manusia yang lebih
menunjukkan bahwa tidak sedikit individu dengan IQ tinggi berkualitas.
yang memiliki prestasi rendah dan individu dengan IQ Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Ita Rahmawati [4], di
sedang dapat mengungguli prestasi studi individu dengan IQ AKBID Islam AL Hikmah Jepara Tahun 2015 sebagian
tinggi. Siswa dengan kemampuan intelektual yang tinggi besar responden mempunyai kecerdasan emosional sedang
ternyata memiliki resiko yang tinggi juga dalam sebanyak 32 responden (65,3%), sebagian besar responden
mengahadapi kesulitan-kesulitan seperti kegagalan akademis, memperoleh prestasi akademik sangat baik sebanyak 35
kecanduan alkohol dan tindak kejahatan, hal tersebut bukan responden dengan persentase sebesar (71%).
karena intelektualitas mereka yang kurang tetapi karena Sekolah atau perguraan tinggi merupakan lembaga
kendali mereka terhadap kehidupan emosionalnya terganggu pendidikan yang besar dalam membentuk pribadi seseorang
[3]. agar menjadi pribadi yang cerdas, bertanggung jawab,
Hubungan kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi kreatif, disiplin, ikhlas, dan memiliki EQ serta IQ.
akademik didalam proses belajar mengajar merupakan faktor STIKes Prima Nusantara merupakan salah satu STIKes
yang sangat penting dalam mencapai keberhasilan yang berada di Kota Bukittinggi. STIKes Prima Nusantara
berprestasi mahasiswa, karena kecerdasan secara akademis memiliki Visi Prodi yaitu “Menjadi Program Studi D-III
saja tidak memberikan kesiapan individu untuk menghadapi Kebidanan yang unggul dalam menghasilkan lulusan bidan
kegagalan secara akademis, maka harus di imbangi dengan yang profesional dan kompeten serta mampu melakukan
kecerdasan secara emosional. pengembangan ilmu dan pelayanan kebidanan komunitas
Kecerdasan emosional ini mampu melatih kemampuan dilingkup regional pada tahun 2021”. Dan misinya yaitu
mahasiswa tersebut, yaitu kemampuan untuk mengelola menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berorientasi pada
perasaannya, kemampuan untuk memotivasi dirinya sendiri, pencapaian kompetensi dengan menggunakan evidance
kesanggupan untuk tegar dalam menghadapi frustasi, based dan isu-isu terbaru dalam kebidanan, mengoptimalkan
kesanggupan mengendalikan dorongan dan menunda kegiatan penelitian yang berbasis pada penyelesaian
kepuasan sesaat, mengatur suasana hati yang relatif, serta permasalahan dan kebutuhan masyarakat ditatanan
mampu berempati dan bekerja sama dengan orang lain. kebidanan komunitas, melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian
Kehidupan seseorang mahasiswa tidaklah statis, masyarakat melalui program Desa binaan dengan
melainkan selalu dinamis dan diwarnai oleh tekanan, menggunakan prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat, pelibatan
tuntutan dan tantangan, baik hal tersebut dari segi proses stakeholders serta kerjasama lintas sektor.
belajar mengajar maupun kehidupan secara umum. Pada Dengan tujuan terlaksananya proses pembelajaran yang
keadaan normal seseorang yang memiliki IQ dan kecerdasan kondusif dan kreatif, penelitian yang berkualitas serta
emosional yang tinggi (cerdas dan pandai bergaul) mungkin mampu melaksanakan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang
dapat tetap bertahan dan juga berprestasi, namun ketika peka terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat sesuai dengan
menghadapi masalah misalnya kegagalan dalam menjalani perkembangan ilmu kesehatan. Terciptanya suasana
proses belajar, tidak mendapatkan nilai sesuai dengan yang akademik yang kondusif bersinergi dan mampu menumbuh
diinginkan, terlalu lelah dalam menajalani rutinitas kuliah,
kembangkan nilai-nilai akademik dan softskill sivitas
tidak dapat membagi waktu antara belajar dengan
akademika. Menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu menggali
keterlibatnnya dalam organisasi mahasiswa, ataupun
permasalahan yang lebih dramatis seperti kehilangan dan mengkaji keilmuan kesehatan serta dapat
seseorang yang sangat berarti (dalam hal ini meninggal mengimplementasikannya secara tepat sesuai dengan
dunia) dan perceraian orang tua. kebutuhan pasar. Menghasilkan lulusan yang profesional,
Tidak semua individu dapat bertahan dan kompeten, yang mempunyai kemampuan soft skill dan hard
mengembangkan dirinya kembali dengan permasalahan skill, terampil, bertanggung jawab, bersifat kritis, tenggang
tersebut, maka kematangan dalam mengelola emosi menjadi rasa (tepo selero) serta cerdas dan berdedikasi tinggi. Dan
sangat penting bagi mahasiswa dalam menjalani proses menjadi mitra bagi masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan
belajar mengajar, karena mahasiswa yang memiliki masalah permasalahan ditatanan kebidanan komunitas dengan
dalam pengelolaan emosi akan lebih mudah mengalami menggunakan prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat.
kesulitan dalam belajar dan juga bergaul dengan orang lain. Salah satu jurusan yang ada di STIKes Prima
Mengamati masalah tersebut maka individu yang Nusantara ialah D-III Kebidanan. Jumlah Mahasiswa D-III
memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang tinggi ditandai dengan

Kebidanan pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015 berjumlah 48 orang Prestasi Akademik Frekuensi (f) %
mahasiswa (ARSIP STIKes Prima Nusantara, 2016). Kurang Memuaskan 1 2,1 %
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di STIKes Prima Nusantara
Memuaskan 13 27,1 %
karena berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan oleh
peneliti tentang nilai rata-rata indeks prestasi keseluruhan Sangat Memuaskan 28 58,3 %
mahasiswa tingkat I semester II tahun ajaran 2014/2015 Dengan Pujian 6 12,5 %
mengalami penurunan pada semester III tahun ajaran Total 48 100,0
2014/2015, didapatkan hasil bahwa rata-rata nilai indeks
prestasi mahasiswa semester II yaitu 87,5 % mengalami Berdasarkan Tabel 2 dapat diketahui bahwa lebih dari
penurunan di semester III menjadi 35,41 %. (Bagian separoh responden (58,3%) memiliki prestasi akademik yang
Evaluasi Prodi D-III Kebidanan STIKes Prima Nusantara sanagat memuaskan.
Bukittinggi, 2015).
Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, peneliti tertarik B. Analisis Bivariat
melakukan penelitian untuk melihat apakah ada hubungan Analisis bivariat bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesa ada
kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi akademik mahasiswa atau tidak adanya hubungan antara variabel independen
Prodi D-III Kebidanan semester V STIKes Prima Nusantara (Kecerdasan Emosional) dengan variabel dependen (Prestasi
Bukittinggi tahun 2016. Akademik). Untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel
independen dengan variabel dependen dilakukan melalui uji
II. METHODS Chi Square (X2) dengan tingkat signifikansi (α) 0,05. Hasil
uji dikatakan berhubungan atau bermakna jika nilai p ≤
Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa 0,05.
D-III Kebidanan Semester V yang berada di STIKes Prima
Nusantara Kota Bukittingi tahun 2016 berjumlah 48
responden. Metode penelitian ini adalah survei analitik, yaitu AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SEMESTER V PRODI D-III KEBIDANAN
dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional yang STIKES PRIMA NUSANTARA BUKITTINGGI TAHUN 2016
mempelajari dinamika korelasi antara faktor-faktor resiko Prestasi Akademik
Kecerdasan Kurang Sangat Dengan Jumlah P
dengan efek, dengan cara pendekatan, observasi atau Emosional Memuaskan
Memuaskan Pujian value
pengumpulan data sekaligus pada suatu saat (Notoatmodjo, Sedang
2010). Penelitian ini dilakukan di STIKes Prima Nusantara Tinggi 0 0 1 7,7 14 50 6 100 21 43,8 0,001
Total 1 100 13 100 28 100 6 100 48 100
Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 2016 dan waktu penelitian dimulai
dari bulan September 2016. Berdasarkan tabel 3 dapat diketahui bahwa dari 27
responden dengan kecerdasan emosional sedang, terdapat 14
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION responden (50,0%) dengan prestasi akademik sangat
memuaskan, dan dari 21 responden yang memiliki
A. Analisis Univariat kecerdasan emosional tinggi, terdapat 14 responden (50,0 %)
Analisis univariat dilakukan berdasarkan data yang dengan prestasi akademik sangat memuaskan.
dikumpulkan dari 48 sampel. Analisis univariat dilakukan Setelah dilakukan uji statistik Chi-Square didapatkan
untuk melihat distribusi frekuensi dari variabel independen hasil p = 0,001 artinya terdapat hubungan bermakna antara
kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi akademik.
dengan hasil sebagai berikut:
TABLE I C. Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Prestasi
PRIMA NUSANTARA BUKITTINGGI TAHUN 2016 STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi Tahun 2016
Dari penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa dari 48
Kecerdasan Emosional Frekuensi % responden, terdapat 27 responden (56,2 %) yang kecerdasan
Sedang 27 56,2 emosinal sedang dengan prestasi akademik sangat
Tinggi 21 43,8 memuaskan 14 responden (50,0%), dan terdapat 21
Total 48 100 responden (43,8) yang kecerdasan emosional tinggi dengan
prestasi akademik sangat memuaskan 14 responden (50,0)
Berdasarkan tabel 1 dapat diketahui bahwa, lebih dari Setelah dilakukan uji statistik chi-square didapatkan hasil p
separoh responden (56,2 %) memiliki kecerdasan emosional Value = 0,001 dengan ini menandakan adanya hubungan
yang sedang. yang bermakna antara hubungan Kecerdasan emosional
dengan Prestasi akademik Mahasiswa Semester V Prodi D-
III Kebidanan STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi Tahun
2016. Hubungan ini bersifat positif, dimana semakin tinggi
kecerdasan emosional semakin baik prestasi akademik
TABLE II responden. Menurut Goleman yang dikutip dari Paton bahwa
SEMESTER V PRODI D-III KEBIDANAN STIKES PRIMA Kecerdasan intelektual (IQ) hanya menyumbang 20 % bagi
NUSANTARA BUKITTINGGI TAHUN 2016 kesuksesan seseorang, sedangkan 80 % adalah sumbangan

faktor kekuatan-kekuatan lain, diantaranya adalah A. Kesimpulan
kecerdasan emosional. Hubungan kecerdasan emosional Dari hasil penelitian tentang Hubungan Kecerdasan
dengan prestasi akademik di dalam proses belajar mengajar Emosional dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Semester
merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam mencapai V Prodi D-III Kebidanan STIKes Prima Nusantara
keberhasilan berprestasi mahasiswa, karena kecerdasan Bukittinggi Tahun 2016 dapat disimpulkan bahwa :
secara akademis saja tidak memberikan kesiapan individu 1) Lebih dari separoh responden memiliki Kecerdasan
untuk mengahadapi kegagalan secara akademis, maka harus Emosional Sedang.
di imbangi dengan kecerdasan secara emosional. 2) Lebih dari separoh responden memiliki Prestasi
Penelitian yang dilakukan Fauziah [5] tentang Akademik sangat memuaskan.
hubungan kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar 3) Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kecerdasan
mahasiswa semester II bimbingan konseling UIN Ar-Raniry. emosinal dengan prestasi akademik yaitu p = 0,001.
Dari hasil penelitian mahasiswa bimbingan konseling yang
berjumlah 78 mahasiswa yang diteliti sebagian besar prestasi B. Saran
belajar mahasiswa dengan kategori sangat memuaskan 55 1) Bagi Institusi Pendidikan
responden, pujian sebanyak 17 responden, sedangkan Diharapkan agar institusi pendidikan dapat
memuaskan 6 rersponden. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan memberikan pelatihan tentang pengembangan kecerdasan
adanya pengaruh yang positif yang dibuktikan nilai p = emosional atau mengadakan tes tingkat kecerdasan
0,001, sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima karena p<0,05 emosional mahasiswi, selain itu juga diharapkan
yang artinya ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perpustakaan lebih memperbanyak lagi referensi buku-buku
kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar pada terbaru tentang kecerdasan emosional.
mahasiswa. 2) Bagi Mahasiswa
Menurut analisa peneliti, setelah dilakukan penelitian Diharapkan kepada mahasiswa dapat mengikuti
diketahui hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan pelatihan atau tes tingkat kecerdasan emosional yang
prestasi akademik mahasiswa tingkat III terbentuk karena diadakan oleh institusi dalam rangka menambah ilmu
adanya kesesuaian antara minat belajar, motivasi berprestasi pengetahuan, wawasan dan berusaha meningkatkan
mahasiswa serta perilaku mahasiswa yang menunjukkan hal kecerdasaan emosionalnya agar dapat meraih prestasi yang
tersebut, sehingga tujuan belajarnya tercapai. Selain itu optimal.
dalam proses belajar mahasiswa untuk meraih prestasi 3) Bagi Peneliti Selanjutnya
akademik yang baik maka diperlukan kemampuan Diharapkan kepada peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat
intelektual dan kecerdasan emosional yang saling memperluas populasi, sebagai bahan perbandingan, dan
berinteraksi, memiliki tujuan belajar yang jelas, dan seorang masukan untuk melakukan penelitian selanjutnya yang
mahasiswa dapat termotivasi untuk belajar dengan sungguh berkaitan dengan hubungan kecerdasan emosional dengan
sungguh. Mahasiswa yang mempunyai kecerdasan prestasi akademik.
emosional yang tinggi akan mampu melaksanakan proses
pembelajaran secara maksimal dan menjadi pribadi yang REFERENCES
lebih mandiri dan percaya diri dengan demikian akan
[1] Syah, Muhibbin. Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2010.
meningkatkan prestasi belajar. Jelas jika seseorang [2] Hamzah B, Uno. Orientasi Baru Dalam Psikologi Pembelajaran.
mempunyai nilai kecerdasan emosional yang tinggi, maka Jakarta : PT Bumi Aksara, 2008.
orang tersebut akan hidup lebih bahagia dan nyaman serta [3] Goleman, D. Emotional Intelligence: Mengapa EI lebih penting dari
sukses karena rasa pecaya diri yang tinggi serta mampu pada IQ. PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2009.
[4] Skripsi Ita & Restry. Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan
mengontrol emosinya dalam bersikap dan bertindak karena Prestasi Akademik pada Mahasiswi D III Kebidanan di AKBID Islam
mempunyai kesehatan mental yang baik. Al Hikmah. Jepara, 2015.
[5] Skripsi Fauziah. Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Prestasi
Belajar Mahasiswa Semester II Bimbingan Konseling. UIN : Ar-
Raniry, 2015.

Association Mechanism Coping with Blues Postpartum Incident
Ernawati Endah 1)
Pamenang, Midwifery Academy, Kediri, Indonesia

Abstract. The birth of a child causes a fundamental challenge and severe incident , full of challenges and anxiety to mother
after childbirth. Psychological change mother is determined by adjustment effort as new mother. This purpose research was
knowed Association coping with blues postpartum in Sidorejo Community Health Center Pare -Kediri in 2016. This
research Design was used with approach analytic cross sectional correlational. Total population was 43 all of postpartum.
Total sample 35 responders, was a part of postpartum in second day until fourteen day in Sidorejo Community Health
Center Pare -Kediri with purposive sampling. processed Data was Rank Spearman Correlation. The result research was 35
respondens, most postpartum had constructive coping 28 respondens (80%) and most Light postpartum blues was 21
respondens ( 60%). Result Analysis data used Spearman rank test p = 0.033 ≤ α = 0.05, r = 0.362 so that Ho was refused
and H1 was accepted, That was mean positive association and low association between coping with blues postpartum
inciden , that more good progressively coping progressively lower blues postpartum inciden. Expected to family, especiall
husband were more making approaches and considerable attention to postpartum, so mother can be more open to tell about
all the problems that are being experienced particularly after birth to her child.

Keywords: Coping and Postpartum Blues.

expectations of delivery that do not correspond to reality,

I. INTRODUCTION their feelings of disappointment with the physical state of his
The born of a child is a fundamental challenge structure well baby, exhausted by labor a new path, the bustle of
of family interaction. For a mother, giving birth is a joyful taking care of the baby and the feelings of the mother who
event as well as an event that severe, challenging and was not capable of or worried about his new responsibilities
anxiety after childbirth (Marmi, 2011). as a mother, a husband and a lack of support from the people
around, distracted by the appearance of her body still looks
Emotional disorder most commonly found in almost every chubby, and concerns on the socio-economic circumstances
new mother giving birth is postpartum blues. Postpartum that make mothers returning to work after childbirth (Roitu,
blues is a feeling of disturbance due to adjustments to the 2010).
birth of the baby, who appeared on the first day up to Attention to the psychological state that is less likely to
fourteen days after giving birth and tended to be worse in the cause mothers tend to think short (deskruktif) to try to tackle
third and fourth days. Symptoms appear after childbirth will the problem-a problem in itself making it more vulnerable to
generally disappear within a few hours to a few days, but can postpartum blues. Conversely, mothers who gain the
also preformance few weeks or months later, it can even understanding and support of a psychological state enough
develop into more severe conditions (Anggraini, 2010). then he in dealing with psychological issues will have long
thought patterns (constructive) to reduce or anticipate the
occurrence of postpartum blues (Anonymous, 2012).
Postpartum blues is often overlooked, so that almost 70% of
The emergence of the symptoms of postpartum blues need to
mothers after childbirth experience sadness or baby blues
be considered both by the family and the health care
syndrome. Physical and psychological health of the mother
providers. The parties related to the need to develop
is determined by the response to emotional problems and
sensitivity and being proactive, especially if the mother is
adjustments made as a new mother. Most mothers can
reluctant to disclose and consult symptoms of emotional
quickly recover and achieve stability, but 13% of them will
disturbance he felt. Therefore, maternal postpartum blues
experience postpartum depression (Shinaga, 2006).
need psychological support as well as physical health,
counseling on coping mechanisms that good, motivating
Hormonal factors are often referred to as the main factors
families to always accompany and support positive on
that can trigger the onset of postpartum blues. This factor
postpartum mother and involve husbands to participate
involves changes in the levels of various hormones in the
through the process of pregnancy until delivery. Regardless
mother's body after childbirth, the falling levels of the
of whether the biological factors, psychological or stressor
hormone progesterone, estrogen, thyroid gland instability,
social triggers the growth of emotional disorders above,
and reduced levels of endorphins (pleasure hormones).
coping strategies (coping) postpartum blues is important to
Nonetheless, there are many other factors that need to be
study because it can increase or reduce the severity and
considered in the occurrence of postpartum blues as

duration of episodes of disorder (Nolen-Hoeksema in Nevid assets in the family's pas-pas or less to meet the needs of the
et al., 2005). family, the mother is more likely to suffer psychological
disturbances in the face of all the existing problems.
Judging from some of the above description, the researcher Postpartum Blues incidence based on the results
is interested in conducting research on "Relationships of research largely postpartum experience postpartum blues
Coping With Postpartum Blues in Genesis Sidorejo Regional lighter as many as 26 respondents (74.3%), which did not
Health Center district. Pare district. Kediri Year 2016 ". experience postpartum blues there are seven respondents
(20%), but there are still a small part of postpartum mothers
II. METHODS who experience postpartum blues there was a heavy 2
Design research used analytic correlational cross- respondents (5.7%). Anxiety after childbirth were common,
sectional approach was conducted in Sidorejo Community normal and such feelings usually go away within two weeks
Health Center sub-district Pare Kediri Year 2016. The after delivery (Ambarwati, 2009). The symptoms such as
population was postpartum in Region Sidorejo Community feelings of sadness, anxiety, often irritable and worried for
Health Center District of Pare Kediri was number 43 no apparent reason (Rukiyah and Lia Yulianti, 2010). Yet
postpartum with sampling techniques using purposive there are several other factors that affect the postpartum
sampling instrument with questionnaire and observation blues.
sheet with Spearman Rank test statistic. Postpartum blues happens almost all the mothers after giving
birth, although mild symptoms but will need special
attention with the approach and the provision of adequate
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION information both to postpartum mothers and their immediate
Postpartum Koping Mechanism based results research in families to avoid moodiness or anxiety protracted. Factors
getting majority of respondents who have a postpartum that affect the mother occurs postpartum blues include:
mother coping Mechanism with the constructive categories hormonal changes, demographic factors (age and parity),
was 28 respondents (80%), and postpartum coping experience in the process of pregnancy and childbirth,
deskruktif was 7 respondents (20%). Coping methods long- psychological background, and physical (Nirvana, 2011).
term constructive an effective way and reality in dealing Therefore, maternal age and parity is crucial to dealing with
with psychological problems for a long time, such as talking anxiety or moodiness after the baby is born. Maternal age
to other people, friends, family or profession about the more and more the possibility of the mother could cope with
problems faced, trying to find more information about the anxieties after childbirth, due to the increasingly older age
problem yangs at hand, take lessons from past events or mothers can easily accept any input or explanation has been
experiences, seeking spiritual support, prayer or active at a given with the support of the experiencer-experience in
meeting of worship, etc. (Rasmun, 2004) .Each postpartum nature. The number of parity affects the mother in terms of
mothers have different ways of overcoming all the emotional rushing in taking care of children when the distance is too
changes in him, just that there are some mothers who took it close, so the possibility of the mother can cause lability
in a positive and none received by the negative. From the feeling fickle. Economic factors, socio-economic effect on a
constructive coping research results also are more likely person's behavior, the family's economic status has made
mild postpartum blues (75%) compared with not occur possible both positive character than those who come from
postpartum blues (25%). This is because mothers more families with low value economy status (Bejocommunity,
telling all the problems to friends in the appeal with his own, 2010). From the research the average job as
family. Factors affecting postpartum mothers have coping IRT mother (housewife), so that the mother emotional
constructively some of them: physical health, have disturbances are more common because there are no other
confidence or a positive outlook, skills in problem solving, activities besides caring for her baby. From the description
social skills, social support both from parents, family above, postpartum mothers need a lot of attention both from
members, relatives, friends, and the surrounding health professionals or close family in alleviating the
communities, and of the material or economic assets (Ahyar, problems faced in accepting the birth of her baby and the
2010). Age, the age, level of maturity and strength a person condition of the baby, in order to avoid moodiness or anxiety
will be more mature in thinking and working. From the until protracted called postpartum blues heavy.
research results largely postpartum maternal age ranged Associatin Coping With Postpartum Blues
between 21-25 years (54%), so the mother postpartum incidence based on the results of analysis with cross
including the average has been ascertained to have careful tabulation coping deskruktif tend to be more likely in light
thought. But coping mother could change if the lack of blues postpartum (71.4%) compared with the incidence of
social support from parents, close relatives, or friends. severe postpartum blues (28.6%). Constructive coping tend
Therefore, the support of the family is in need to establish a to be more likely in light blues postpartum (75%) compared
psychological character of a good mother and later in the to the non-occurrence of postpartum blues (25%). It was
hope leads to a mindset that long (constructive) .Faktor other found that both of them are positive, which means the
investigations that affect the mother has a constructive mother coping constructively then it is expected that non-
coping namely in terms of assets in the family economy, occurrence of postpartum blues.Berdasarkan Spearman
with working person can do something valuable, useful and correlation test found no relation coping with postpartum
gained various experience (Nursalam, 2011), because when blues events in Puskesmas Sidorejo district. Pare district.
the mother fulfilled the needs of the economy in his life Kediri 2016 (ҏ = 0.033 <0.05, H0) emotional .Gangguan
mothers feel unencumbered. But otherwise if economic most often found on almost every new mother giving birth is

postpartum blues. Postpartum blues is a form of interference [4] Ahyar. (2010). Konsep Diri Dan Mekanisme Koping. Jakarta :
Rineka Cipta.
feelings as a result of adjustments to the birth of the baby, [5] Nirwana, Ade Benih. (2011). Psikologi Kesehatan Wanita.
who appeared on the first day until day fourteen after giving Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika.
birth and tended to be worse in the third and fourth days, and
is characterized by symptoms such as: reaction depressed /
sad / dysphoria , crying, irritability (irritability), anxiety,
feelings lability, tend to blame themselves, sleep disorders
and appetite disorders (Anggraini, 2010). From the results of
research still encountered mothers who kopingnya
constructive, but the incidence of mild postpartum blues are
still many (75%), therefore every mother after giving birth in
general suffer from emotional disorders (lability feeling) that
change as the process of adaptation as a new mother in the
presence of a anak.Perhatian acceptance of the psychological
state less cause mothers tend to think short (deskruktif) to try
to overcome the problems -permasalahannya itself making it
more vulnerable to postpartum blues. Conversely, mothers
who gain the understanding and support of a psychological
state enough then he in dealing with psychological issues
will have long thought patterns (constructive) to reduce or
anticipate the occurrence of postpartum blues (Anonymous,
2012). Based on the results of the study the incidence of
severe postpartum blues tend to be owned coping deskruktif
(28.6%) compared with constructive coping (0%). This
suggests that postpartum mothers who experience
postpartum blues weight not only in view of factors
psychological support alone but there are several other
factors that support mothers to experience postpartum blues
by weight, for example from hormonal changes, physical,
material, psychological background mother, and so forth.
Based on age, occupation and number of children is a
supporting factor postpartum mothers in overcoming the
various problems that may occur after the birth of a baby, it
is expected for the health service needs to know the
symptoms of the occurrence of postpartum blues, so
postpartum mothers can devise special attention, especially
from mother's kin in the process of adaptation as a new

Emotional disorder most commonly found in almost every
new mother giving birth is postpartum blues. Every mother
after giving birth in general suffer from emotional disorders
(lability feeling) that change as the process of adaptation as a
new mother in the acceptance of the presence of a child. For
close family either husband or parent is expected to perform
such approaches provide psychological support, attention to
maternal health, always motivate, and always help and
accompany the mother in daily life to care for her baby. For
Mother postpartum in particular, is expected to be active in
seeking information about what needs to be prepared to face
the birth of a child, so the mother can try ready both
physically and mentally for the changes that happened to
him after giving birth.

[1] Marmi, S.ST. (2011). Asuhan Kebidanan Pada Masa Nifas
“Puerperium Care”. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.
[2] Anggraini, Yetty. (2010). Asuhan Kebidanan Masa Nifas.
Yogyakarta : Pustaka Rihama.
[3] Rasmun . (2004). Stress, Koping, Dan Adaptasi. Jakarta : Sagung

Role of Palatal Rugoscopy in Disaster Victims Identification
Dr.drg. Nila Kasuma, M.Biomed
Faculty of Dentistry , Andalas University

Abstract. The Republic of Indonesia is located in the area which is prone to disasters. In international hazard maps,
natural disasters Indonesia occupies the highest position for tsunamis, landslides and volcanic eruptions.In this condition,
the forensic medical team and forensic odontology is needed to identify victims.Dental records, fingerprint and DNA
comparisons are probably the most common techniques used in this context, allowing fast and reliable identification
processes. However, under certain circumstances, they cannot always be used; but interestingly palatal rugae patterns are
preserved. palatal rugae (PR), are asymmetrical and irregular elevations of the oral mucosa in the anterior third of the
palate, arranged in a transverse direction from the palatine raphe located in the mid-sagittal plane.Study of palatal rugae
(rugoscopy) can lead us to important information and help in a person’s identification. Various investigators have
implied that palatal rugae are unique to each individual and they can be used successfully in human identification.

Keyword : rugae palatina, rugoscopy

in this context, allowing fast and reliable identification

I. INTRODUCTION processes [3]. However, under certain circumstances,
catastrophic accidents involving plane crashes, fires and
The Republic of Indonesia is located in disaster prone explosions can destroy the finger prints so they cannot
areas. Indonesia high vulnerability to disasters because of always be used; but interestingly palatal rugae patterns are
the geographical position of Indonesia on the end of three preserved[4].
world slabs movement, ieEuirasia, Indo Australia and the Palatal rugae are irregular asymetric ridges of mucous
Pacific. Other conditions that affect Indonesiageographically membrane extending lateral from the incisive papilla and the
is the position in the volcanic ring.Natural disasters are anterior part of the median palatal raphe, which is just
disasters caused by changes in natural conditions of the behind the maxillary central incisor teeth [5]. In the literature
universe (wind: hurricanes, storms, cyclones; soil: erosion, there is consensus opinion that palatal rugae remains fairly
sedimentation, landslides, earthquakes; water: floods, stable in number and do not undergo any change due to
tsunami, drought, soil water infiltration; and fire: fires and growth , ageing, tooth extraction and disease. Van der
volcanic eruptions. United Nations (UN) International Linden proved that the anterior rugae do not increase in
Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN - ISDR) put Indonesia length after 10 years of age [6,7,8].
in the category of countries with the greatest risk of natural
disasters. In international hazard maps, natural disasters II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Indonesia occupies the highest position for tsunamis,
landslides and volcanic eruptions [1]. Palatal Rugoscopy
In this condition, the forensic medical team along with Palatoscopy or palatal rugoscopy is the name given to the
forensic odontology is necessary to aid in the identification study of palatal rugae in orde to establish a person’s identity.
process of victims. According Pederson, forensic odontology The use of palatal rugae was suggested as one of the method
is a branch of dentistry which studies ways of handling and of identification in 1889 by Harrison Allen.Various
examination of dental evidence objects and ways of investigators have implied that palatal rugae are unique to
evaluation and presentation of the findings of the tooth to the each individual and they can be used successfully in human
interests of justice.Identification of an individual is a identification[9]. Palatal rugoscopy is the name given to the
prerequisite for certification of death and for personal, social study of palatal rugae. Palatal rugoscopy was first proposed
and legal reasons. Human identification is based on in 1932, by a Spanish investigator named Trobo Hermosa.
scientific principle mainly involving fingerprints, dental Analyzing Palatal Rugae
records and DNA analysis. Limitations to the use of Calcorrugoscopy is the most common method to analyze
fingerprints occur in situations whre the hands are charred or palatal rugae using dental cast.To recored the ruggae ,
mutilated [2] .Dental records, fingerprint and DNA alginate impression material prepared as instructed by the
comparisons are probably the most common techniques used manufacturer. The dental cast were made using type IV

dental stone to obtain greater stregth and accuracy. A plaster In Indonesiaresearch has conducted palatine rugae pattern of
base was positioned for each cast to preserver the cast differences in population Deutero Malay descent with the
model . The rugae outlines were delineated under spotlight Chinese in the Middle Javanese by Eva Tri in 2013, with the
using magnifying glass and sharp 0.1 HB graphite pencil . result there is a significant difference in the pattern of the
All rugae pattern were then assessed and measurements were palatine rugae descent resident of Second Malay and
conducted using a digital sliding calliper an a protactor (for Chinese ancestry. This indicates that the palatine rugae also
angles) [10,11]. berpontesi to identify a person's race or offsprings [18]
Classification of Palatal Rugae There is a hereditary role in the palatine rugae pattern, so it
The most common method which is used is Lysel [12] can be an important tool in the identification of a person and
classification in 1955 is the most important , and has been determine one's family lineage. On study to patients (30
used widely in research involving rugae . Rugae are individuals) attending the Narsinhbhai patel dental college
measures in a straight line between the origin and and hospital, Each palatal rugae pattern of the 30 offspring
termination and are grouped into three categories : Primary 5 were compared with the corresponding palatal rugae patterns
mm or more ; secondary 3 to 5 mm ; fragmentary 2 to 3 mm ; of their respective parents. The present study has shown
rugae smaller than 2 mm are disregarded. This is rather strong positive and significant correlation of direction
simplified picture of the intricate form that rugae usually pattern of palate rugae between off springs and their parents
present . [19]. Study by Patel was carried out to assess whether there
Morphology varies from wavy, curved, circular, straight is any hereditary pattern in palatal rugae patterns between
to unified. Curved : a crescent shape that is curved gently. the offspring’s and their parents. The correlation of palatal
Wavy : if there is a slight curve at the origin or termination rugae patterns, father, offspring, and mother respectively
of curved rugae. Straight : They tun directly from their which suggest positive corelation in shape pattern between
origin to termination . Circular : Rugae that form a definite offspring and their parents [4].
continuous ring. Unification occurs ehrn two rugae join at
their origin or termination. Diverging : If two rugae had the
same origin from the midline but immediately branched.
Converging : Rugae with different origins from midline, but III. CONCLUSIONS
which joined on their lateral portion [13].

It is sufficiently characteristic to discriminate bettween

individuals because no two palatal rugae are identical.
Palatal rugae can be one of the tool for personal
Picture 1. Morphology of Palatina Rugae [20] identification in forensic odontology. Palatoscopy is one of
a.divergen ; b. convergen ; c . curved ; d.wavy ; e. Straight ; easiest , and cheapest method in disaster victim
f. circular identification because of uniqueness, stability , and
posmortem resistance
Role of Palatal Rugoscopy
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Association Knowledge Postpartum About Right of Breast Feeding With
Suhartini Ninik1)
Pamenang of Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri

Abstrak. Breast feeding is one type food that covers all elements needs for baby as physical, psychological, social and
spiritual. breastfeeding Methode is one of factors that affect breastfeeding production. This purpose research was
identify association knowledge postpartum about right of breast feeding with right method. The design research was
correlational analytic. The population was 30 post partum and total samples was 30 postpartum as respondents selected
technique Tottal Sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire knowledge of postpartum on right method
breastfeed and observationon implementation to right breastfeeding method. The results got a good knowledge was 6
respondents (20.0%), insufficient knowledge was 2 respondents (6.7%), lack of knowledge was 17 respondents (56.7%),
while research was not good 5 respondents (16, 7%).). The research results was Spearman rho correlation coefficient
0.750 with significant test (ρ) 0,000, with an error rate of 5% (0.05), so ρ <α, then Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted.
This research conclusion is not association knowledge postpartum about right of breast feeding with right method.
Healthy personal are expected to cooperate for postpartum to monitoring implementation of right to breastfeeding so
that right breastfeeding method done better.

Keywords: Breastfeeding Methode Knowledge, Implementation is Right Breasfeeding methode

postpartum care coverage for the province of East Java

I. INTRODUCTION 87.49%. Coverage of postpartum mothers Kediri
dikabupaten beginning of the month March 2015 was
Women were granted in order to pregnancy, childbirth, 88.87%. Figures contained in the District coverage kediri
and breastfeeding. Nature given to women is characterized coverage increased 88.78%. Data of exclusive breastfeeding
by its reproduction device, the uterus and all its parts, to a in Ninik Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo Village District of Pare
fetal growth during the womb and breasts for breastfeeding Kediri in 2014 of 39.8%, in 2015 fell by 38.4% of the target
when her son was born. That is, all women have the set. Breastfeeding in Indonesia have not been fully
potential to breastfeed their children, together with its implemented, particularly exclusive breastfeeding is still
potential to be able to conceive and give [1]. Breastfeeding deemed less.
is a natural process. Millions of mothers worldwide From the preliminary study on postpartum mother in
breastfeed successfully without ever read a book about BPM Ninik Suhartini Sidorejo Village District of Pare
breastfeeding even illiterate mother can breastfeed her child Kediri in 2015, which is done by observing the 10 puerperal
well. Nevertheless in the cultural environment we are women obtained 7 votes (70%) to breastfeeding less true and
currently doing is natural is not always easy (Utami Roeli, 3 (30%) with breastfeeding that is correct, namely in
2009). Thus the need to be explained to the mother that accordance with the position of the mother, the baby's
breast milk is the best food for babies. In addition to a position and attachment.
composition suitable for the growth and development of A mother with her first baby may experience various
infants that changes according to the needs of infants, breast problems, just because they do not know the ways is actually
milk contains protective substances that can avoid the baby very simple, like how to put the baby on the breast when
from various infectious diseases, breastfeeding also the breast-feeding, resulting suction nipple pain and many other
emotional impact remarkable that affect inner relationship of problems. For that a mother needs someone to guide him in
mother and child and child development [1]. caring for the baby, including breast-feeding. People who
Coverage visit postpartum mothers in Indonesia in can help him especially is an influential person in his life or
2009 was 71.54%, while the target coverage maternal well-respected as a husband, family or relatives or groups
postpartum visits in 2015 was 90% (MoH RI, 2009, P.67). In supporting breastfeeding mothers and doctors or health
2012, only 7 (seven) districts that have a value above the workers. To achieve successful breastfeeding necessary
target coverage provinces, namely by 95%. This is also due knowledge about techniques appropriate feeding [2].
to a change targets postpartum mothers issued by BPS East Good breastfeeding is appropriate to the needs of the
Java province at the beginning of March 2015. Although in baby, the term on demand of all and as much as desired. Do
absolute terms (amount) coverage is increasing. Figures not wait until the baby is crying because of breastfeeding
when the baby cries is already too late if considered properly,

before reaching crying baby is to give the signs need to be factors: internal factors and external factors. internal factors
breastfed, the form of the mouth and tongue movements play include age, intelligence, education, and experience. The
or play a hand in the mouth. It should be understood, failure external factors include information, environmental, and
is usually caused by breastfeeding techniques and positions socio-cultural. Knowledge is influenced by factors of age,
that are less precise that formula-fed babies (Suryoprajogo, this is evidenced in the results of cross tabulations (Cross
2009). Tabulating) knowledge of the demographics. The process of
When the formula-fed babies will be ignorant of the thinking means that the older the person, the more mature
generations to come because of intelligence of baby baby the process of thinking. Another factor influencing the
baby will be low and susceptible to illnesses such as diarrhea, knowledge is work. Factors affecting knowledge is
malnutrition and died. Therefore, to create a young experience. In this case evidenced in cross-tabulation
generation of Indonesia qualified in the era of globalization between knowledge and Information Resources. It was
clearly need quality human resources is also particularly found that postpartum mothers who receive information
breast-fed [3]. Then the postpartum mother should have from health personnel as many as 70.0% of 21 respondents.
knowledge about appropriate feeding and support of others According to the assumptions of researchers in primipara
so that a positive attitude is manifested in the practice of mothers still do not have the experience, so that the
breastfeeding properly. Apart. Moreover, it can also be done knowledge possessed by the mother is still lacking. In this
through education and counseling to the mothers case the experience is the best teacher, the proverb means
( that the experience is a source of knowledge, or experience it
As a solution the need for improved knowledge of is a way to gain knowledge of the truth. Therefore, personal
puerperal women through education and the delivery of clear experiences can be utilized as a means to acquire knowledge.
information from health professionals about How to For that is expected at all puerperal women to be more active
Breastfeed True and implementation so that the knowledge Untik seeking information from health professionals about
of postpartum mothers became positive on How to how to breastfeed properly so that postpartum mothers can
Breastfeed True. Submission information can be conveyed feed their babies maximum. In the opinion of the researchers
through counseling individuals, groups and communities should have more health workers to counsel them on how to
with various extension methods. breastfeed properly so that knowledge of postpartum
Based on the above data, the researchers want to do mothers on how to breastfeed is really better.
research on the association knowledge postpartum about Implementation breast feeding with right method was
right of breast feeding with right method in the Ninik in Ninik Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo Village District of Pare
Suhartini clinic Sidorejo Village District of Pare Kediri in Kediri in 2016 showed mostly less that 17 respondents
2016. (56.7%). Breastfeeding is a mother who gives milk to your
baby or young child with Breastfeeding. Babies use sucking
II. METHODS reflex to obtain and ingest milk (Rahmawati and Kustari,
Approach of cross sectional study. The study was 2007). How true is the mother breast-feeding should be
conducted in Ninik Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo Village District prepared mentally and physically. Drink water and eat first,
of Pare Kediri in February 2016. The entire population is do not breastfeed are hungry and thirsty. After that, prepare a
postpartum in Ninik Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo Village comfortable place for mom and baby. After preparing
District of Pare Kediri was many as 30 people. The sample yourself and the place, first wash their hands before holding
size in this study were 30 respondents. Total sampling a baby. After that remove the cover breasts on both sides.
sampling techniques. Statistical test used Spearman Rank Correct breastfeeding goals is to stimulate the production of
Correlation. milk strengthens babies sucking reflex (Lantera Impian
2010). When health workers provide information about the
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION importance of implementing appropriate feeding way it can
improve knowledge of postpartum mothers on how to
Based on the results showed that the level of breastfeeding properly. For that is expected of health care
knowledge of postpartum mothers on how to breastfeeding workers to provide motivation and spur postpartum mothers
right in Ninik Suhartini Clinic Sidorejo Village District of in order to perform the correct way to breastfeed. In an effort
Pare Kediri in 2016 gained six respondents (20.0%) level of to be able to conduct counseling, postpartum mothers to visit
knowledge of good, 2 respondents (6.7% level sufficient regularly. In addition to the puerperal women to be more
knowledge, 17 respondents (56.7%) timngkat less active search for information on the implementation of the
knowledge, 5 respondents (16.7%) was not a good level of right to breastfeeding.
knowledge. knowledge is the result out, and this occurred Association knowledge postpartum about right of
after people perform on a particular object sensing. sensing breast feeding with right method. The results of the
occurs through the human senses, namely the senses of sight, analysis using the Spearman rank known the value of r =
hearing, taste and touch. Most human knowledge is obtained 0.785, p = sig = 0.00 at α = 0.05. Because p <α then H0
through the eyes and ears. knowledge or cognitive domain is wasnot association and H1 was association which thera was
very important for the formation of a person's actions meant knowledge association postpartum about
(Notoatmodjo, 2007). knowledge of a person affected two

breastfeeding method right with implementation of the right
to breastfeeding in Ninik Suhartini Clinic of Sidorejo
Village District of Pare Kediri 2016. From the theory
advanced by Kuncoroningrat cited by Nursalam and Pariani
(2007) that the higher the level of education a person so the
more knowledge. While implementation is based on the
knowledge, awareness and positive attitude will be more
lasting than the implementation that is not based on
knowledge. From here we can know that there is a close
relationship between knowledge and implementation..

Association knowledge postpartum about right of
breastfeeding with right method has a strong association.
Here means that there is agreement between theory with
facts. Based on the results of the study are expected health
workers, especially midwives to continue to raise awareness
of breastfeeding mothers in breastfeeding and execute it
properly and should be more active in providing information
about the importance of breastfeeding for the growth of the
developing baby. Here Midwives could involve cadres to
convey information to the public. It can also be used as a
measure of the extent to which the cadres in carrying out
their duties. Provision of information is an important thing
that should be done by health workers as more and more on
information obtained will improve knowledge of postpartum
mothers to carry out the correct way to breastfeed. Besides
the active role postpartum mother is also very necessary for
the implementation of the right to breastfeed can be done

[1] Perinasia. Bahan Bacaan Manajemen Laktasi. Ed. 2. Jakarta. 2006.
[2] Kristiyanasari, W. ASI Menyusui dan Sadari. Ed. I. Yogyakarta:Nuha
Medika. 2009.
[3] Roesli, U. Mengenal ASI Eksklusif. Jakarta: Trubus Agriwidya. 2009.

Effectiveness of Kangaroo Method to Weight Infants With Low Birth
Weight at the Perintology Room Dr. Achmad Mochtar Hospotal
Nurhayati1), Yealni Lifrinur2)
Health Science Fort De Kock Collage

Nursing Program Health Science Fort De Kock Collage

Abstrak. Low birth weight of infants born weighing less than 1500 grams to 2500 grams. One way to improve the care
of the baby weight in babies with low birth weight babies (LBW) and preterm is by kangaroo method. The data
obtained from the Medical Record in the Perinatology room Hospital Dr. Achmad Mochtar for 3 months in 2015, found
the number of babies with low birth weight by 47. The phenomenon that is found in this room that kangaroo care
method is great for LBW infants, especially in helping to improve the baby's weight although it needs close monitoring,
especially for infant nutrition. The objective of research to determine the effectiveness of Kangaroo method to the
weight of newborns. The research design was Quasi-experimental approach to pre and post test only design. The
population in this study is all the baby's birth weight 1500 - 2500 g in perinatology room Dr. Achmad Mochtar hospital
Bukittinggi and sampling was done by purposive sampling as many as 10 people. Data was collected using observation
sheets, then processed and analyzed by computerized. Results of univariate analysis discovered that the average weight
of the baby to Kangaroo method is 1724 grams, and after was 1844.3 grams. The results of the bivariate analysis there
are differences in the average weight of newborns (1500 - 2500 grams) before and after the implementation of kangaroo
method with p value = 0.000. It was concluded that the kangaroo method effective to increase weight of baby with
LBW. It is expected that healthcare workers in hospital more often socialize and train mothers with LBW about
kangaroo care method. As well as optimize the mentoring and monitoring the implementation of the kangaroo method.

Keywords: Kangaroo Care Method, Infant Low Birth Weight (LBW)

West Sumatra in 2012 as many as 1,802 infants or 2.0% of

I. INTRODUCTION 93 290 live births. And in the city of Bukittinggi, there are
Low birth weight infants are infants born weighing less 18 cases of low birth weight, or 0.8% of 2,320 live births [4].
than 1500 grams to 2500 grams. Low birth weight infants The problem is more common in low birth weight
with birth weight less than 2,500 grams regardless of compared with term infants and babies of normal birth
gestational age [1]. Low birth weight babies are neonates weight. LBW mainly because of premature birth, the
with a weight at birth of less than 2,500 grams (up to 2499 function of body organs is still not perfect, so it needs
grams) regardless of gestational age [2]. LBW in each special attention. Among others, have difficulty maintaining
country varies, in developed countries like Europe in 2009, body temperature due to: an increase in heat loss, lack of
the figure reached 5-11%, in the United States in 2009 by subcutaneous fat, the ratio of skin surface area to body
10.7% and in Australia in 2009 kejadianya 7%. In weight ratio that is large, and the heat production of brown
developing countries, the figure is still high. In India in 2009 fat is reduced due to inadequate and inability chills [5].
by 34%, South Africa in 2009 by 15% and Malaysia in 2009 Babies with low birth weight experiencing hypothermia
by 10%, whereas in Indonesia in 2009 the numbers of therefore very thin subcutaneous fat so easily influenced by
infants with low birth weight nationally in hospital was the ambient temperature and in general, infants with low
27.9% (Simamorang, 2010). birth weight had to be treated in an incubator (Priya, 2004).
In Indonesia, the prevalence of infants with low birth LBW in hospital care with incubators other than a limited
weight (LBW) reduced from 11.1 percent in 2010 to 10.2 number, to incubator care requires a high cost. In addition,
percent in 2013. The percentage of low birth weight in the incidences of nosocomial infection in LBW were
women (11.2%) was higher than for men (9.2% ), but the hospitalized quite high. Therefore we need a practical
percentage of birth weight ≥4000 g in males (5.6%) higher method as an alternative to incubator is it economically
than for women (3.9%) [3]. The number of LBW babies in

efficient and effective. And the use of incubators impeded the Perinatology room Dr. Achmad Mochtar Hospital
early mother-infant contact and breast-feeding [6]. Bukittinggi in 2016.
LBW is good quality care, can reduce neonatal
mortality, such as incubators and equipment to the Neonatal II. METHODS
Intensive Care Unit. In developing countries, including The research design is quasi-experimental design with
Indonesia faced with the problem of shortage of skilled labor, pretest posttest only design, the research apparent absence of
equipment maintenance costs, as well as logistics. In a control group was not done at random (Notoatmodjo,
addition, the use of incubators impeded early contact with 2010). This study on the effectiveness of Kangaroo Care
the baby's mother and is less practical and less economical. (PMK) to the weight of newborns is low (1500-2500 grams),
So that experts in particular in the field of perinatology because of the low birth weight. Research has been
doing research and found the kangaroo care method or conducted on the Space Perinatology Hospital Dr. Achmad
methods closely, which provide many benefits in dealing Mochtar Bukittinggi, on January 12 to February 29, 2016.
with LBW (Setyowati, 2009). The Quasi-experimental study design with pre-test approach
One way of treatment on the baby to gain weight in to. The population in this study is all the baby's birth weight
babies with low birth weight (LBW) and preterm by 1500 - 2500 g in space Perinatology Dr. Achmad Mochtar.
kangaroo method, this way the baby's heart rate is stable and Hospital Bukittinggi and sampling was done by purposive
breathing more regularly, so that the spread of oxygen sampling as many as 10 people. Data was collected using
throughout the body even better. Additionally, this method observation sheets, then processed and analyzed by
prevents the baby was cold. Baby calmer, cry less, and computerized.
weight gain becomes faster (Luize. 2003) [7].
In the method kangaroo baby's risk of getting an III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
infection is smaller, because the mother's skin flora is
certainly better than not using the kangaroo method. Further
A. Result
in newborns who are sick or small (birth weight <2,500 g),
The results of the study the effectiveness of Kangaroo
requiring the addition of body heat to maintain a normal
Care to the weight newborns (1500-2500 grams). The data
temperature. Low birth weight can quickly occur
collection was conducted in January 2016 in the Room of
hypothermia and to warm the back takes a long time. The
Perinatology Dr. Achmad Mochtar Hospital Bukittinggi.
risk of complications and death increases significantly when
1) Univariat Analysis
the ambient temperature is not optimal [8]. This analysis was conducted to explain or describe the
According to the study [9] concluded that there are characteristics of the variables, which are presented in the
significant kangaroo care methods to weight change LBW form of descriptive statistics include the mean, minimum-
infants. This baby's weight gain will close relation to the maximum and standard deviation.
increase in infant weight is influenced by several factors
many factors, one of which is the ability to suck the baby in TABLE I
breast milk. In kangaroo care method the frequency of KANGAROO CARE AT THE PERINATOLOGY DR. ACHMAD MOCHTAR HOSPITAL
breastfeeding mothers in a more orderly and timely. Because BUKITTINGGI 2016
babies are always in the mother's arms and in conditions Standar
Pre-test n Mean Min-Max 95 % CI
when the baby is thirsty and require breastfeeding the baby Deviasi
will find you in the mother's nipple kangaroo clothes, so it's Weight of
10 1724 207,6 1500-2140 1575,5-1872,5
baby pre test
also helping with the baby dam meets the needs for nutrition Weight of
10 1844,3 212,7 1571,7-2221,7 1844,3-1692,2
and fluids baby post test
Survey on 24 November 2015 perinatology room
Dr.Achmad Mochtar Hospital Bukittinggi known that the According to the table obtained an average weight of
incidence of LBW is number 2 after asphyxia. The data the baby prior to Kangaroo Care is 1724 grams with a
obtained from the Medical Record in the room Perinatology standard deviation of 207.59 grams. Lowest weight was
in the last 2 years that the number of babies with low birth 1500 g and the highest weight 2140. From the estimation
weight in 2014 as many as 188 cases (12.6%) out of 1,485 results concluded that 95% believed the average weight of
births, in 2015 the number of babies with low birth weight of the baby before the treatment methods kangaroo is 1575.5 to
185 cases (12.8%) of 1,443 births. The phenomenon that is 1872.5 grams. Based on Table Average gained weight after
found in this room that kangaroo care method is great for the baby do Kangaroo Care was 1844.3 grams with a
LBW infants, especially in helping to improve the baby's standard deviation of 212.7 grams. Body weight was 1571.7
weight although it needs close monitoring, especially for grams lowest and highest weight 2221.7. From the
infant nutrition. estimation results concluded that 95% believed the average
Based on the above background, researchers interested baby weight after doing kangaroo care method is 1844.3 to
in conducting research on the effectiveness of Kangaroo 1692.2 grams.
Care to the weight of newborns is low (1500-2500 grams) at
2) Bivariat Analysis

The bivariate analysis was conducted to see the According [10] “low birth weight infants are infants born
effectiveness of Kangaroo Care (PMK) to the weight weighing less than 1,500 grams to 2,500 grams". Low birth
newborns (1500-2500 grams). The results of the bivariate weight infants with birth weight less than 2,500 grams
analysis in this study are: regardless of gestational age [1]. Low birth weight babies are
newborns weighing at birth less than 2,500 grams (up to
DIFFERENCE MEAN WEIGHT NEWBOENS (1500 – 2500 GRAM) BEFORE AND 2499 grams) regardless of gestational age [2]. The results are
AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF KANGAROO CARE AT PERINATOLOGY DR. consistent with research [9] on the Influence of Kangaroo
Care Changes Against Low Birth Weight Infants, in Room
Weight of babys
t pvalue Inpatient Hospital Perinatology Dr.Achmad Mochtar
Mean SD SE Different
Bukittinggi. The result showed the average weight of the
Pre-test 1724,0 207,6 65,6
10 120,3 10,86 0,000 baby before the kangaroo care method is 1738.60 grams.
Post-test 1844,3 212,7 67,3
According to the assumptions of researchers, infants
Based on Table that the average weight of the baby with low birth weight in this study due to the influence of
prior the implementation of kangaroo care method is 1724.0 maternal age factor are not a healthy reproductive age. Based
grams with a standard deviation of 207.6. While the average on interviews in respondents note that 4 people (40%) of
weights after the baby kangaroo care method is 1844.3 whom had a risk of reproductive age (<20 years and > 35
grams with a standard deviation of 212.7. Visible differences years). Increasing maternal age will cause changes in the
in the average (mean different) body weight before and after blood vessels and also decrease the function of hormones
the implementation of kangaroo care method is 120.3 with that regulate the reproductive cycle (endometrium). The
the value t = 10.86. It can be concluded that there are increasing age of a woman, then the hormones regulating the
differences in the average weight of newborns (1500 - 2500 reproductive cycle is also declining. When estrogen levels
grams) before and after the implementation of Kangaroo are low and development of the endometrium is not perfect,
Care (FMD) p value = 0.000 (p <0.05) at the Perinatology then the blood flow to the uterus will also be decreased so as
Dr. Achmad Mochtar Hospital Bukittinggi in 2016. Another to affect the distribution of nutrients from mother to fetus,
preparation when the pregnant mother is a pregnancy triggering LBW.
exercise, such as the informant's statement: Besides the maternal age factor, the occurrence of low
birth weight may also be affected by gestational age preterm,
because the mother has less than 37 weeks of pregnancy are
IMPLEMENTATION OF KANGAROO CARE IN ROOM PERINATOLOGY HOSPITAL at risk be delivered babies with low birth weight. This can
DR. ACHMAD MOCHTAR BUKITTINGGI 2016 happen because the intrauterine fetal growth is not optimal.
In which the development and growth of the fetus in the
intrauterine takes for approximately 38 weeks for the baby
Increase weight of baby
Initials Weight Weight ready to be born and adjust to the environment outside the
(Pre-test) Post-test
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 2) Weight Newborrns After the Implementation of
1 D 1800 40 120 20 10 10 100 2100 Kangaroo Care
Average gained weight after the baby do Kangaroo
2 G 1740 40 20 40 20 40 20 1920
Care (PMK) was 1844.3 grams with a standard deviation of
3 N 1500 30 10 40 20 40 30 1670
212.7 grams. Body weight was 1571.7 grams lowest and
4 Y 1500 10 20 30 20 20 50 1650 highest weight 2221,7. Baby kangaroo method is placed face
5 Y 2140 20 20 10 10 80 40 2320 down on the mother's chest in order to direct skin contact
6 M 1880 20 20 100 60 40 80 2200
occurs mother and baby aim to keep babies warm, the
mother's body and the baby should be in a single garment [1].
7 H 1560 40 20 20 40 40 80 1800
Kangaroo care method that is used to increase the affinity
8 R 1600 50 30 40 30 70 80 1900 between babies whose mothers by putting the baby in an
9 Y 1900 40 10 10 40 50 90 2140 upright position between the mother's breast skins to skin
10 Y 1620 40 20 40 30 50 100 1900 [11].
Benefits kangaroo method is as follows enhance the
emotional relationship of mother and child, stabilize the
Based on table above can be knows that every day all
body temperature, heart rate, and breathing baby, promote
babies to gain weight, which is the lowest increase of 10
growth and weight of the baby with the better, reduce stress
grams and 120 grams highest increase.
on the mother and baby, reducing the length of crying in
B. Discussion
infants, improve emotional state mother and baby, increase
1) Weight Newborns Before the Implementation of
milk production, lower the risk of infection during
Kangaroo Care
hospitalization, shorten the hospital stay, which the
Average weight of the baby to Kangaroo Care is 1724
conditions are very supportive increase weight LBW infants
grams with a standard deviation of 207.59 grams. Lowest
weight is 1500 grams and 2140 the highest weight.

optimally, namely an increase in milk production and body increased milk production and frequency of feeding more
temperature conducive [8]. frequently [6].
The results are consistent with research [9] on the Influence The results are consistent with research [8] concerning
of Kangaroo Care Changes against Low Birth Weight the Application of Kangaroo Effect of Weight Loss with
Infants, in Room Inpatient Perinatology Dr.Achmad Mochtar Increased the Newborn Low (LBW) PKU Muhammadiyah
Hospital Bukittinggi. The result showed an average weight Hospital.
after the baby kangaroo care method is 1766.9 grams. The survey results revealed that there is a significant
increase in body weight after kangaroo method (p = 0.000).
According to the assumptions of researchers, the
According to the assumptions of researchers, the
increased weight of the baby after the implementation of the effectiveness of the kangaroo method against the baby
kangaroo method caused during the implementation of the weight because during the execution of the kangaroo method
kangaroo method babies will feel the warmth and emotional close contact and interaction of the mother and baby make
closeness with the mother, and to improve psychomotor baby feel comfortable and secure, and to improve
development of the baby as a reaction to sensory stimuli psychomotor development of the baby as a reaction to
from mother to baby. Besides, the baby will get nutrition in sensory stimuli from mother to baby. By doing kangaroo
accordance with their needs, because babies can suckle from method, more successful breastfeeding, because
the mother immediately when he felt thirsty and hungry and breastfeeding becomes longer. After the baby shows signs of
bsia baby suckle as often as possible with the mother. The readiness for breastfeeding, by moving tongue and mouth,
more the baby suckles because milk production is also and the desire to suck, baby can directly suck the nipple of a
increasing, and can meet the baby's needs. Treatment mother and obtain milk needs. The more often the baby to
methods can also help a baby kangaroo in stabilizing the suckle the milk production will increase and could meet the
physiological function of babies (body temperature, nutritional needs of infants. Thus, through the PMK is the
nutritional needs of infants appropriate and adequate will
respiration, pulse) that will help in the body's metabolism.
ensure optimal growth and development.
The increases in weight newborns who received treatment
In addition, infants with kangaroo method have a
with the method of infant incubator due to environmental relatively normal body temperature, heart rate and breathing
conditions can be maintained optimally match the needs of regularly, so that it can lead to elevated levels of glucose in
newborns with low birth weight. In this study also found an infants. Increased glucose levels will cause the cell to
increase in the weight different from baby to baby. metabolize properly so that the process becomes better cell
Differences in weight gain can be influenced by the ability growth. Baby's weight gain also occurs because of the baby
or suction the baby and the mothers emotional affect milk in a relaxed state with the kangaroo position, the emotional
production. The better the suction power and increased bond between mother and infant baby causes anxiety and
production of milk baby so the baby can optimally meet their stress is reduced, so that the baby more rest / sleep, thus
nutritional needs, so the weight gain is higher than other supporting the growth of the baby.
C. Bivariat Analysis Based on the analysis and discussion it can be
The average weight of the baby prior to prior to the concluded as follows:The average weight of the baby prior
implementation of kangaroo care method is 1724.0 grams to Kangaroo Care is 1724 grams. The average weight after
with a standard deviation of 207.6. While the average the baby do Kangaroo Care is 1844.3 grams. There are
weights after the baby kangaroo care method is 1844.3 differences in the average weight of newborns (1500-2500
grams with a standard deviation of 212.7. Visible differences grams) before and after the implementation of Kangaroo
in average body weight before and after the implementation Care at the Perinatology Dr. Achmad Mochtar Hospital
of kangaroo care method is 120.3 with the value t = 10.86. It Bukittinggi in 2016, the p value = 0.000 (p <0.05).
can be concluded that there are differences in the average
weight of newborns (1500 - 2500 grams) before and after the REFERENCES
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Behavior Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) in the Structure of
Households in the Air Molek II Pasir Penyu
Nurvi Susanti1), Serlina2)
Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, STIKES Huang Tuah Pekanbaru

Abstrak. Behavior Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) in the household is an attempt to empower members of the
household in order to know, willing and able to practice healthy hygiene practices, and actively participate in the
movement in public health. PHC Air Molek 2015 PHBS known attainment order of households reached 23.1% of the
number of families (KK). From these data has not reached the minimum service standards (SPM) of 80%. The research
objective was to determine the relationship of people's behavior toward PHBS order of the household. Type quantitative
analytical research with cross sectional design. The study population amounted to 1,725. sample of 177 households. The
sampling technique is simple random sampling. Measuring tool is a questionnaire. Statistical analysis using chi square
test to see the relationship with the Independent variables Dependent variables. The results showed there is a significant
relationship between Knowledge P value = 0, 001 <0.05 (POR = 6.459) (95% CI = 3.195 to 13.058), Attitude P value =
0, 001 <0.05 (POR = 7.829) ( 95% CI = 3.710 to 16.523), media information pvalue = 0, 041 <0.05 (POR = 2.075)
(95% CI = 1.080 to 3.988), and the role of health workers pvalue = 0, 004 <0.05 (POR = 2.749) (95% CI = 1.419 to
5.326) with PHBS order of the household. Thus it is expected that health centers to improve knowledge of PHBs in the
household to the community through outreach and improve the dissemination of information on PHBS.

Keywords: PHBS, Knowledge, Attitude, Media Information

(SPM) that is equal to 80%. Research carried of [4] states

I. INTRODUCTION that the behavior in the application of PHBS in the
Behavior Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) is a set household is associated with several factors, such as
of behavioral practiced differences fundamental basis of education, science, occupation, age, and PHBS. Based on the
consciousness as a result of the findings of Learning, which survey and observation shows that most of the people living
makes the person, family, group OR society able to help in the watershed, so they found health problems are still
Themselves (alone) in Health and instrumental Active hearts many people who use the river water for bathing, washing
of the health 'of society [1]. and toilet (MCK) and still much garbage is piled, both
In the household is Effort to Empower review behind and in front of the house. The purpose of research is
MEMBERS households to know, willing and able to to see the relationship people's behavior toward clean and
practice Behavior Clean and Healthy And Active role in healthy living behaviors in the structure of households in the
society hearts health movement. Housekeeping Its air-PHBS Air Molek and pasir penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu in
is household What do 10 indicators are: (1) births assisted by 2016.
health workers, (2) Giving exclusive breastfeeding, (3)
weigh toddlers EVERY month, (4) Clean the air using, (5) II. METHODS
wash About WITH air clean and soap, (6) using toilet Quantitative analytical research using cross sectional
healthy, (7) to eradicate larvae at home once a week, (8) study design location this research was conducted at the Air
Eating fruits and vegetables everyday, (9) do physical Molek Pasir Penyu Indragiri Hulu, in March-May 2016. The
activity everyday, (10) No smoking in house [2]. population in the study of 1,725 households sample in this
Ministry of Data 2014 states that 2007 are 36.3% study are some families that exist Desa Air Molek
Population amounting to 38.7% in 2013 and 2015 by 40%. Kecamatan Pasir Penyu Indragiri Hulu 177 households. The
Target Population National Indonesia 2015-2019 are data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. Data
expected to meet the criteria PHBS The Good can be collection techniques using the technique of random
reached figure is 80% [3]. sampling syistem. The data used is primary data and
Based on data Puskesmas Sipayung Indragiri sekunder. Primary data is data obtained directly in the field
achievement of PHBS is below the achievement That is 24%, such as data knowledge, attitudes, media information, the
ranking second occurred at the health center Kambesko role of health workers while data secondary is the number of
WITH achievement of 35% and ranking third in Puskesmas households. Komputeris data processing is done. Analysis of
Air Molek attainment of 45%. the data used are univariate and bivariate analysis using chi
Data From The percentage of households PHBS square test.
achievement has not reached the minimum service standards

Behavior clean and healthy POR
n % N % CI)
No. Variable f % Knowledge
1. Gender Low 92 84,4 17 15,6 109 (100%) 0,001 6,459
High 31 45,6 37 54,4 68 (100%)
Male 94 53,1
Female 83 46,9 Negative 85 87,6 12 12,4 97(100%) 0,001 7,829
Positive 38 47,5 42 52,5 80(100%)
2. Works
Media Information
Farmer 40 22,6 There is no
Enterpreneur 80 45,2 There is 70 76,9 21 23,1 91(100%) 0,041 2,075
Fisherman 28 15,8 53 61,6 33 38,4 86(100%)
PNS 7 4,0 Role of Health personal
Not contribute 76 79,2 20 20,8 96 (100%) 0,004 2,749
IRT 13 7,3 contribute 47 58,0 34 42,0 81 (100%)
Honor 5 2,8
Bank 4 2,3
On Table III, total of 109 respondents with low
3. Age knowledge, which is not PHBS were 92 (84.4%), while 68
>45 old 71 40,1
<45 old 106 59,9
respondents with higher knowledge, which is not air-PHBs
4. Education status as many 31 (45.6%). Chi-square test results showed (pvalue
Low 103 58,2 = 0, 001 <0.05). So we can conclude there is a significant
Last Education
correlation between the respondents' knowledge with PHBs
education past high school- Household, with a prevalence odds ratio (POR = 6.459)
Bachelor 74 41,8 (95% CI = 3.195 to 13.058), meaning that respondents with
low knowledge berPHBS not likely to 6 times compared to
On Table 1, shows that the majority of respondents are those have a high knowledge.
male as many as 94 people (53.1%), work as self-employed Respondents with a negative attitude, which is not air-
as many as 80 people, (45.2%), aged <45 old were 106 PHBs 85 (87.6%) of the 80 respondents with a positive
people (59.9%), as well as poorly educated as much as 103 attitude, which is not PHBS were 38 (47.5%). Chi-square
people (58.2%). test results showed (pvalue = 0, 001 <0.05). So we can
TABLE III conclude there is a significant relationship between the
UNIVARIATE ANALYSIS RESUME FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF attitude of the respondents to the PHBS Household, with a
INFORMATION AND THE ROLE OF HEALTH PERSONNEL AT AIR prevalence odds ratio (POR = 7.829) (95% CI = 3.710 to
MOLEK KECAMATAN PASIR PENYU II KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI 16.523), meaning that respondents with negative attitudes
HULU 2016 likely to eight times is not PHBS compared with respondents
No. Variable Frequens Persentage (%) which has a positive attitude. Of the 91 respondents with no
1. Variable bound media information, which is not PHBS were 70 (76.9%) of
PHBS the 86 respondents with no media information, which is
Not PHBS 123 69,5
PHBS 54 30,5 PHBS were 53 (61.6%). Chi-square test results showed
2. Knowledge
(pvalue = 0, 041 <0.05). So we can conclude there is a
Low 109 61,6 significant relationship between the media information with
High 68 38,4 PHBS Household respondents, with the value of prevalence
3. Attitude
Negative 97 51,4
odds ratio (POR = 2.075) (95% CI = 1.080 to 3.988),
Positive 80 48,6 meaning that respondents with no media information
4. Media Information berPHBS not likely 2 times compared with respondents that
There is no 91 51,4
There is 86 48,6
no media information.
5. Role of personal health Of the 96 respondents with no role of health workers,
No acting 98 54,2 which is not PHBS by 76 (79.2%) of the 81 respondents with
acting 81 45,8
no role of health workers, who not PHBS that 47 (58.0%).
The results of statistical tests chi square of (pvalue = 0, 004
Based on Table II, that the majority of respondents are <0.05). So we can conclude there is a significant relationship
not PHBS as many 123 people (69.5%), respondents with between the role of health workers in PHBS Household, with
low knowledge of as many 109 people (61.6%), respondents a prevalence odds ratio (POR = 2.749) (95% CI = 1.419 to
with negative attitudes many as 97 people (54.8%) , 5.326), meaning that respondents with no role health
respondents no media information as many 91 people workers likely three times for not doing PHBS compared
(51.4%) and respondents with the role of health workers do with respondents who plays healthcare workers.
not contribute as many 96 people (54.2%).

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION of ourselves and others, perception and health behavior,
A. The Relationship Between Knowledge And Phbs In The knowledge of the impact is not PHBS and availability of
Structure Of Household needed.
The relationship between knowledge with PHBS in A good attitude will be manifested into action when
order Households in the Air Molek II Kabupaten Indragiri they are supported by adequate infrastructure. Head of the
Hulu Pasir Penyu 2016. This research is consistent with the family has an important role in a family, especially in
theory [5], knowledge is a predisposing factor for a person to decision-making, the negative attitude taken by heads of
perform a health behavior. Someone will take action against household in the application of PHBS will cause health
something if the person has a good knowledge base. problems. But the positive attitude taken by the Head of
Knowledge can increase a person's intellectual, intellectual Family is a very important thing to do in everyday life to
maturity of others affect the insights, ways of thinking, improve health status in the household.
either by way of decision-making and policy-making. The
higher level of intellectual maturity, the better the C. The Relationship Between The Media Information By
knowledge about health. This research is consistent with the Phbs In Order Household
results of research conducted by [6] which shows that There is a relationship between the media information
knowledge has a significant effect on the implementation of by PHBS in order Households in the Air Molek II Pasir
the order PHBS households with P Value = 0.001 and Penyu Kabuten Indragiri Hulu 2016. The results are
pravalensi odds ratio (POR = 96,000). consistent with a study done by [10], states that the advance
Air Molek in the village of Sand Turtles II District of the technology will be available a variety of media
Indragiri Hulu respondents still have little knowledge of the information that can affect the public's knowledge,
PHBs in order household. While respondents were particularly in hygiene practices healthy. The more
knowledgeable high-PHBS, because the customs and information you obtain, the better a person's behavior PHBS.
traditions of the people who have done a long time and have The results are consistent with research conducted by [11],
become part of life such as: giving honey to newborns and to there is a relationship between the method of providing
feed the babies no older than 6 months. According [7] information to PHBS Order Household. Analysis of the
behavior based on knowledge will be more lasting than the relationship of two variables obtained PR = 1,239 (95% CI;
behavior that is not based on knowledge. Besides knowledge 1015-1512).
of predisposing factors that influence a person's behavior. Air Molek in the village of Pasir Penyu II Kabupaten
Researchers can deduce, the number of respondents Indragiri Hulu most respondents no information about the
who have a low knowledge but merely know this happened media in order Housekeeping PHBS. While respondents no
after people perform sensing on a specific object. media information has not been air PHBS because the
respondent only getting information from television that
B. The Relationship Between Attitudes To Phbs In The merely watching it and there is no group dynamics that make
Structure Of Household respondents can understand the information conveyed.
There is a relationship between attitudes to PHBS in According [12], methods and media used in health
order households in the Air Molek II Pasir Penyu Kabuten promotion adjusted to the target, place and time of execution
Indragiri Hulu 2016. This research is consistent with the so evocative "awarenees" or awareness of an innovation that
theory [8], states that knowledge plays an important role in is expected to affect the behavior change. In accordance with
determining the attitude of the whole, so both of these the purpose of sale Healthy is behavioral change towards a
components are interconnected and influence each other. culture of clean and healthy then what is important is the
The attitude of someone very close relationship with clean empowerment of the people, let the people who determine
and healthy living behavior. The better a person's attitude it what problems exist its region, do not get used to implement
will be more positive behavior in PHBS. The results are an activity that eventually people become objects only, so
consistent with a study done by [9] results showed that there the counselors act as a facilitator in the community to find
was a significant relationship between the attitudes of solutions together. For that in the selection of media needs to
families with Behavior Clean and Healthy (PHBS) order of be considered carefully in accordance with the socio-cultural
households P-Value = 0.001 with OR = 5.36.The attitude of and community needs such as health messages conveyed
the respondents in the Air Molek II Pasir Penyu Kabupaten through taklim, wirid recitals, etc., so that the people need to
Indragiri Hulu of respondents have a negative attitude change behavior to better is through community
towards PHBS in the order of the household. Attitude is a empowerment. Media or props are correct and on target,
pre-disposition of the action so that respondents with a then the contents of the material or materials that need to be
positive attitude to be invited to participate more in the communicated in PHBS be readily accepted, digested and
Order Household PHBS. However, keep a positive attitude absorbed by the target, so that public awareness of PHBS
assumed as something that is not necessarily going to be more easily realized.
applied. There needs to be a lot of factors are driving attitude
into an action such as: encouragement from the environment
(health professionals and local governments), the experience

D. Relationship Between The Role Of Health Personnel ACKNOWLEDGMENT
With Phbs In Order Household The Chief Medical Officer of Indragiri Hulu, Air
There is a relationship between the role of health Molek the health center, the Head Air Molek II which has
workers in PHBS in order Households in the Air Molek II provided the opportunity for researchers to conduct research.
Pasir Penyu Kabuten Indragiri Hulu 2016. This research is To the testers who have provided input, and also many
consistent with the theory [7] has the role of health workers people who contribute to the study can be completed.
in the health sector in order to facilitate, motivate and
transfer information or knowledge in the public health sector. REFERENCES
Health workers can play a role in providing information [1] Kemenkes.RI. Pedoman Pembinaan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat.
about public health and facilitate the activities or Jakarta: Kementrian Kesehatan RI. 2011.
[2] Proverawati, A. & Rahmawati, E. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan
development programs. Sehat(PHBS). Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika. 2012.
This result is consistent with that made by [11], the [3] Kemenkes.RI. Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Kementrian Kesehatan
results showed that the alpha 5% there is a significant Tahun 2014.
correlation between health providers support the Clean and kemenkes-2014.pdf30 Mei 2015. 2014.
Healthy (PHBS) Order Household (p-Value 0.032 <0.05) [4] Irawati, E., & Wahyuni. Gambaran Karakteristik Keluarga tentang
with the value of POR = 1.196. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) pada Tatanan Rumah
Tangga di Desa Karangasem Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tanon II
Air Molek kecamatan pasir penyu II Kabupaten Sragen. No 2, Vol. 8 : Sragen. 2011.
Indragiri Hulu respondents who had a role health workers [5] Notoatmodjo, S. Promosi Kesehatan Teori dan Aplikasi. Jakarta:
will not PHBS for the provision of information provided Rineka Cipta. 2010.
[6] Damaiyanti, S., & Hardyanti, K. Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Rumah
health care workers in one direction it is only by reading the Tangga dengan Peran Kader dengan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat
banners, leaflets and other ads. Lack of good in socializing dalam Tatanan Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Laing Wilayah Kerja
PHBS also seen from the active cadre of implementers Puskesmas Nan Balimo Kecamatan Tanjung Harapan Kota Solok. No
3, Vol. 5 : Solok. 2014.
PHBS Order Household in Region Public Health Center Air [7] Notoatmodjo, S. Promosi Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku. Jakarta:
Molek. According to investigators, no involvement of health Rineka Cipta. 2007.
workers the implementation of the Domestic Order PHBS [8] Darojatin. Hubungan Pendidikan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Kepala
Keluarga dengan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) dalam
due to lack of the institution, especially health centers to Tatanan Rumah Tangga di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas
evaluate the development and implementation of programs Salahgedang Kabupaten Majelangka. No 7, Vol.3 : Majalengka. 2014.
in Puskesmas working area Air Molek. This is due to lack of [9] Tumiwa. Hubungan antara Faktor Predisposing, Enabling, dan
Rainforcing dengan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Tatanan Rumah
attention and emphasis by the leadership in the Tangga di Kecamatan Remboken Kabupaten Menahasa. No. 2, Vol.5 :
implementation of the program so that the program is not in Manado. 2015.
accordance with the plan (the malfunction of the holder of [10] Ningsih. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat dalam Tatanan Rumah
Tangga pada Masyarakat Desa Gunung Kesiangan Kecamatan Denai
the program). The public did not know what should be done Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. No. 2 Vol. 1 : Pekanbaru. 2014.
so that it can be said air-PHBS. Most respondents said that [11] Fitra, R. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keluarga dalam
Penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Tatanan Rumah Tangga
the lack of involvement of health workers due to a family
di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ujung Batu tahun 2010. Pekanbaru:
who had never been to the IHC to take their children Skripsi STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru. 2010.
immunized so do not get the health information provided [12] Notoatmodjo.S. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta: Rineka
Cipta. 2010.
health workers in counseling in the counseling Posyandu.
End then less targeted and less spread because only mothers
IHC is always informed while most decision makers are the
fathers or heads of household. Moreover, it can also be seen
as a lack of cooperation across sectors in moving past the
most authoritative its citizens.
Researchers can deduce, public health personnel have a
strategic role in changing people's behavior is conducive to
PHBS through health promotion. This is due to the role of
health workers provide information on health, especially on
PHBs in order Households will add to the knowledge society.

Based on the results of the study it can be concluded
PHBS. Variabel most respondents did not independently
associated with PHBS in order Households in the Air Molek
II Pasir Penyu Indragiri Hulu 2016 including knowledge,
attitudes, media information, the role of health workers.

Giving Therapy Murottal Qur’an of Pain Intensity Scale 1st Active Phase
of Maternity Primigravida in “Bunda” Clinic Bukittinggi
Oktavianis1), Zuraida2)
Health Science Fort De Kock Collage

Midwifery Program Health Science Fort De Kock Collage

Abstrak. Therapy Murottal Quran is the distraction of audio that contains a voice recording of the Al-Qur’an chanted
by a selection of Qori' and played to the mother inpartus to provide a sense of comfort that can reduce pain scale 1st
Childbirth. The objective of study to determine the effect of the Al-Quran Murottal Therapy towards Pain Intensity
scale 1st Phase Active childbearing primigravida In “Bunda” clinic Bukittinggi 2016. Type of research is quasi
experiment one group pretest-posttest. The study was conducted in July - August 2016, with a population of 429 people
and a sample of 17 respondents. The sampling technique with accidental sampling and data collection is done by
collecting primary data. Data analysis using paired sample t-test. The results showed a decrease in the intensity of
maternity pain in the active phase of the first stage primigravida before and after intervention with an average of pain
2,176. After statistical test by using test paired t test obtained p value 0,000. It was concluded that the Al – Qur’an
Murottal therapy can reduce the pain of the active phase of the first stage of maternity in primigravida. Clinic “Bunda”
expected to apply management of pain reduction in maternal therapy murottal Al – Qur’an and apply them in providing
midwifery care oriented affection maternal inpartu in “Bunda” clinic Bukittinggi.

Keywords: Al-Qur’an Murrottal therapy, pain, primigravida

cause hyperventilation that increased oxygen demand,

I. INTRODUCTION increased blood pressure, and reduced intestinal motility and
Delivery pain is a physiological condition. That bladder. This situation will stimulate an increase in
situation is an unpleasant feeling that occur during childbirth. catecholamine that may cause interference on the strength of
Pain delivery starts during the first stage of labor is the latent uterine contractions resulting in inertia uteri which can lead
phase and an active phase. Delivery pain is caused by to maternal mortality. (Semarah, 2009: [2]).
contractions, distention of the lower uterine segment, the According to data from the Indonesian Demographic
withdrawal of the pelvic ligaments, cervical opening and and Health Survey (SDKI) in 2012, average maternal
stretching the vagina and pelvic. (Collins, et all, 2007;Lowe, mortality ratio (MMR) recorded at 359/100,000 live births.
2002 ; smith). The average mortality is much increased compared to the
Referred pain may be felt in the abdominal, lower back, results IDHS 2007 reaching 228/100,000 live births. Based
Krista iliac, buttocks and thighs. Uterine dysfunction can on the survey Andalas University faculty of Medicine in
occur as a result of the pain that does not subside. Pain 2008, Maternal Mortality Rate in West Sumatra at
resulting maternal tachycardia (especially during a push in 212/100,000 live births. According to data from the Health
the second stage of labor), increased oxygen consumption, Profile of West Sumatra in 2012, the number of MMR
lactic acid production, the risk of hyperventilation with decline in 2011 which recorded the number of MMR at 129
respiratory alkalosis, and an increase in skeletal muscle [1]. and in 2012 to 99 people, with an overview of MMR in
Delivery pain can cause stress which causes excessive Bukittinggi city record only one person.
release of hormones such as catecholamine and steroid that Handling and control delivery pain of the active phase
triggers smooth muscle strain and vasoconstriction of blood of the first stage is very important, because it becomes
vessels. determining whether a mother can live a normal delivery or
This can lead to decreased uterine contractions, end with an action because of the complications caused pain.
decreased uteroplacental circulation, blood supply to the (Hermawati, 2009; [2]). Various methods have been used to
uterus, as well as the onset of ischemia of the uterus which relieve labor pain are both pharmacologic and non
make a lot of pain worse impulse. Delivery pain may also pharmacologic [3]. As for some non-pharmacological

methods to cope with labor pain include masasse, about Murottal Therapeutic Effect of Al-Quran Against Pain
aromatherapy, hot and cold compresses, acupressure Intensity Phase Active delivery In primigravida. This study
techniques, acupuncture techniques, hypnotic techniques will be conducted in private practice midwives Bunda
(hydrotherapy and hypnotherapy), and distraction techniques Bukittinggi is a maternity hospital with many patients with
[1]. Distraction is divided into 2 (two) is visual distraction / normal birth, but it also has been no action to deal with non-
visual and audio distractions / loss (Andarmoyo, 2013). pharmacological pain with techniques murottal Al – Qur’an.
One audio distraction techniques that can be used is
Murottal Al – Qur’an. Murottal Al-Quran is a sound II. METHODS
recording of the reading by a Qori '(Purna, 2006). According This type of research is quasy Experiment. This
to Potter and Perry (2005) in [2], therapy in the form of research approach using research design One Group Pre And
music or sound shall be heard at least 15 minutes to give Post-Test design is a design that does not have a comparison
Therapeutic, while according Yuanitasari (2008) duration of group (control) but made the first observation (pretest) that
therapy is music or sound for 10-15 minutes can provide a allows to test changes in the changes that occurred after the
relaxing effect. experiment (treatment) therapy murottal Al-Quran the
According to Smith in Upoyo (2012) Low-intensity mother Inpartu primigravida. The sampling technique used
sound between 50-60 decibels provide comfort and reduce in this research is by accidental sampling the sampling
pain so as to provide a positive influence for the listener. technique that the sample selected Because of their
Judging from the gate control theory (Gate Control Therapy), convenient accessibility and proximity to the researchers.
pain during childbirth impulse walk from the uterus along Criteria for inclusion in this study were: (1) The sample is
the nerve fibers towards the uterus into the substantial large Muslim, (2) the sample is maternal primigravid in private
gelatinous inside the spinal column, the cells projecting practice Bunda Bukittinggi, (3) The sample has a legitimate
transmission of pain messages to the brain. husband, (4) Minimum sample non high risk (20-35 years) ,
Stimulation (vibration or Massage) resulted in stronger (5) Willing to be sampled in this study.
message and opposite so that the closed gate in the
substantial gelatinous then block the pain messages to the III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
brain does not record (responds) the pain messages [4]. Al-
A. Result
Quran reading therapy proven to activate the body's cells to
Private Practice Midwife “Bunda” is one private
transform sound vibrations into waves captured by the body,
practice maternity clinic in Bukittinggi city. Bunda was
lowering the stimuli of pain receptors and the brain
founded in 2004 by Hj. Yeni Fitri, Amd.Keb Located at
stimulated secrete endogenous natural opioid analgesics for
Jalan Bukit Kinantan Ambacang, village of Kubu Gulai
pain nociceptor blockade (Upoyo, 2012).
Bancah, District Mandiangin Koto Selayan, Bukittinggi.
According to research Safri, et al (2015), shows the
Services provided in clinic “Bunda” include antenatal care,
differences in pain intensity before and after therapy
deliveries, family planning, and post-partum care,
Murottal Al-Quran, the average pre-test of the experimental
immunization, pregnancy exercise, spa baby and baby
group was 7.47 and decreased its post test was 6.40. While
Massage. Facilities owned BPS Mother of which there are
the average pre-test in the control group was 7.07 and
one Rauddah delivery room, an examination room, six
increased in its post test becomes 7.40. Based on research
treatment rooms consisting of one class VVIP, VIP two
Andarini, et al (2015) concerning Al-Quran Murottal therapy
classes, two first class and one second class.
showed no significant decrease -Endorphin levels before
The other room is a space SPA pregnant women, a
treatment (1053.6 ± 606.32 ng / L) and after treatment
baby room SPA, a pregnancy exercise room, prayer rooms,
(1813.6 ± 546.78 ng / L) then from this study concluded that
toilets, kitchen and two rooms midwife inpatient rooms and
giving therapy Murottal Al-Quran can reduce pain intensity
parking vehicles with the breadth of ± 500 m2. In Clinic
and increase levels of -Endorphin.
“ Bunda” are 8 people midwife who is a graduate of the
According the survey from researchers do in
Diploma in Midwifery. Plus one vote to clear the BPM and
Bukittinggi in clinic Midwife Private practice on 25
cook meals for patients. Midwives working in Clinic
February to 2 March 2016 the results obtained from
“Bunda” is the best in the practice of obstetrics.
interviews with 10 people of normal birth mother 7 mother
said not stand the pain experienced. Mother felt pain in the
abdomen, waist, back, and spread to the spine. Mother felt
shortness of breath during labor and avoid talking with
others when labor. Because of severe pain, thus causing
physiological perubahanperubahan including blood pressure
and heart rate tends to increase, the rate of breathing
irregularly, lost a lot of body fluids, causing severe fatigue.
The observation that researchers do not seem to do the
1) Univariat Analysis
handling of non-pharmacological pain effectively. Based on
the description above, researchers interested in studying

TABLE I felt by the respondents is moderate to strong pain. The
average pain scale of the active phase of the first stage prior
QUR’AN AT CLINIC “BUNDA” IN BUKITTINGGI CITY 2016 to therapy murottal Al-Qur’an amounted to 6.57. That is
averages of the pain felt by respondents were in the category
Variabel N Mean Min Max SD of medium and strong.
Univariat According to the assumptions of researchers that the
Pre test 17 7,06 4 10 1,600 longer the pain level first stage of labor active phase may be
Post test 17 4,88 3 8 1,453 increasing, it is caused by the progress of labor caused by the
Variable N Mean SD DF P Values appreciation of his resulting uterine increasingly push the
fetus out of the womb, thus presenting part (of the head) the
Pain before
more pressing pelvis resulting in the opening of the cervix
and after 17 2,176 0,728 12,3 160,00 and birth canal laceration occurred. Sensation childbirth for
Intervetion every woman can vary, one of the factors that affect labor
pain is an experience, therefore primigravida experience fear
From the research results can be seen that from 17 and anxiety were higher compared with mother’s
respondents obtained the average intensity of delivery pain multigravida, fear and anxiety overload can cause pain
before the active phase of the first stage of therapy Murottal increased especially since this is the first experience of
Al –Qur’an is 7.06 where the pain felt by the mother to be respondents in the face of maternity.
the lowest on a scale of 4, and the highest on the scale of 10 Each respondent was also experiencing varying levels
with a standard deviation of 1.600. From the research results of pain it is because of differences in age and cervical
can be seen that from 17 respondents obtained on average dilatation of respondents who have elasticity which different
pain intensity first stage of labor active phase after therapy levels, so that the pain is felt each respondent is also
Murottal Al Qur’an is 4.88 where the pain felt by the mother different. And also, the companion during delivery also have
to be the lowest on a scale of 3, and the highest on a scale 8 contributed large enough to overcome the pain of a mother
with a standard deviation of 1.453. According to the table is inpartu, because with attention, affection, empathy and
known that the value of t arithmetic (-12 333) <t table (- fulfilling the needs of the mother inpartu first stage can
2852), then Ho is rejected, so it can be concluded that there affect the emotions of the mother and little more can boost
is a decrease in pain intensity between before and after your confidence and happy, the feeling of happiness that
therapy murottal Al – Qur’an with an average 2,176. itself can trigger the formation of the hormone endorphin
Because pvalue (0000) <α (0:05), then Ho is rejected. So we hormone that can suppress the body's natural catecholamine
can conclude that there are differences in pain intensity hormones and steroid excess so that the pain can be reduced.
between before and after therapy murottal Al – Qur’an. Of 2) Average Pain Intensity Phase I Stage of Delivery
the average can be seen that the average value of pain Active After Giving Therapy Against Murrottal Al-
intensity after therapeutic murottal the Al – Qur’an is lower Qur’an Primigravida
than the average intensity of pain before therapy is given From the physical aspect, the stronger and the longer
murottal Al – Qur’an. This means also that by giving Qur’an the contraction of the myometrium, the more severe intensity
murottal therapy in mothers inpartu active phase of the first of pain was being inflicted. Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, and
stage can reduce the intensity of pain experienced by the the mother's concern, entirely that can aggravate an existing
mother inpartu. physical pain. Once the perception of pain became more
intense, maternal anxiety increased so that mothers delivered
B. Discussion no longer able to survive [5].
1) Average Pain Intensity Phase I Stage of Phase Pain becomes a subjective phenomenon, so the pain of
Active Before Giving Therapy Against Murrottal labor each woman will not be the same. Therefore, coping
Al-Qur’an Primigravida strategies (stress management) each individual can reduce
Delivery pain can cause stress which causes excessive pain intensity. If the coping abilities unable to cope with
release of hormones such as catecholamine and steroids that pain, stress can certainly arise with the various consequences
trigger tension vasoconstriction of smooth muscle and blood [5]. The results are consistent with research Syafri, et al
vessels. This can lead to decreased uterine contractions, (2015), which shows the differences in pain intensity before
decreased uteroplacental circulation, blood supply to the and after therapy murottal Al-Quran, the average pre-test of
uterus, as well as the onset of ischemia of the uterus which the experimental group was 7.47 and decreased its post test
make pain worse impulse many (Sumarah, 2009; [2]). is 6.40. While the average pre-test in the control group was
This study was supported by research Fajarsari, et al 7.07 and increased in post test be 7.40.
(2014) conducted in primigravida active phase of the first This research was also supported by research [6],
stage in hospitals. Prof.Dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto conducted in primigravida active phase of the first stage in
using one group pretest-posttest design. The results showed hospitals. Prof. Dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto using
that pain intensity before the Quran has given interval one group pretest-posttest design. Showed average pain scale
murottal therapy with a pain scale of 4-10. Means the pain after the active phase murottal therapy of 4.93. These values

indicate a decrease in the pain scale after the active phase of parasympathetic nervous system which have an effect
the first stage murottal therapy. opposite to the sympathetic nervous system. So there is a
According to the assumptions of researchers, once balance in both the autonomic nervous system. This is the
awarded murottal therapy Al – Qur’an on respondents note basic principle of the onset of the relaxation response, which
that respondents feel more comfortable. In addition, patients is a proper balance between the sympathetic nervous system
may also experience pain diminished on the back and and the parasympathetic nervous system.
abdomen. Birth attendants can help you find the ability to According to the researchers’ assumption, in this phase
self (coping) patients in overcoming the pain experienced. of labor increased anxiety that are increasing intensity pain.
Murottal with the sound of the Al – Qur’an, be one way to The average pain intensity differences were significant in
find the birth attendant patient coping techniques. Due to this study showed a reduction in pain intensity after murottal
listen to the sound in the frequency of calm and order can therapy. This is because, therapy murottal Al-Quran that was
give a good effect for the body, especially if the voice played impacts of calmness and comfort. This is the basic
reciting verses of the holy Qur'an in reading with rhythm principle of the onset of the relaxation response, so that
steady, orderly and harmonious, it will provide a relaxing reduced anxiety and fear that resulted in increased β
effect on the listener chant verses the. Relaxation effect is endorphin hormone, a hormone natural stress reliever that
felt by the listener will affect the respiratory rate more can effect on decreasing pain intensity.
regularly so that it will automatically affect vital signs
listener becomes more stable. IV. CONCLUSIONS
3) Analysis of Average Difference Pain Level I Phase The avaerage pain intensity 17 inpartu mother of the
Active Delivery Treatment Before and After Giving first stage before intervention was 7.06 where is the pain felt
Murrottal Al-Qir’an in Primigravida by the mother to be the lowest on a scale of 4, and the
Murottal is one of the music with the intensity of 50 highest on a scale of 10, and Standard Deviation 1,600.
decibels is a positive influence for the listener (Wijaya, Average pain intensity in 17 mothers inpartu first stage after
2009). According to Smith in Upoyo et al (2012), a low intervention was 4.88 Where is the pain felt by the mother to
intensity sound which is a sound intensity of less than 60 be the lowest on a scale of 3, and the highest on a scale of 8,
decibels, causing comfort and no pain. Decrease the intensity and Standard Deviation 1.453. The decrease their pain
in this study due to their relaxing effects arising from intensity Kala Phase I Active labor between before and after
treatment murottal Al – Qur’an. In harmony with the opinion therapy murottal Al – Qu’ran with an average of 2.176.
of [7] which says that the Quran that is played will provide a There Murottal influence on the intensity of labor pain
relaxing effect by 65%. Al-Quran reading therapy proven to Quran in “Bunda” clinic Bukittinggi with p value of 0.000 (p
activate the cells of the body to convert vibrations into sound <0.05).
waves captured by the body, lowering the stimuli of pain
receptors and the brain stimulated secrete natural REFERENCES
endogenous opiod analgesics. These opioids are permanent [1] Murray, Michelle L. Persalinan Dan Melahirkan Praktik Berbasis
noceciptor to block pain. Bukti.Jakarta : EGC. 2013.
Results of research Utami, et al (2015) about the [2] Yana, Rahma.dkk. Efektifitas Terapi Murottal Al-Quran Terhadap
Intensitas Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif. Jurnal Keperawatan
effectiveness of the Qur’an murottal therapy against pain in Unri. Pekanbaru:Universitas Riau:Vol.2 No.2 . 2015.
the active phase of the first stage RS. Petala Bumi 2015 [3] Baston,Hellen. Fraser, Jenny. Persalinan (Midwifery Essentials) Vol
using the method quasy Experiment with the approach of 3. Jakarta : EGC. 2012.
[4] Johnson, Joyce Y. Keperawatan Maternitass Demystified (Buku
case-control design available average pre-test in the Wajib Bagi Praktisi Dan Mahasiswa Keperawatan). Yogyakarta:
experimental group was 7.47 with SD 0.915 declines when Penerbit Andi. 2014.
post-test to 6.40 with SD 0.986. Statistical test results [5] Yanti. Buku Ajar Asuhan Kebidanan Persalinan. Pustaka
Rihana:Yogyakarta. 2009.
obtained p value 0,000 (p≤α). This result means that there [6] Handayani, Rohmi. Fajarsari.dkk. Pengaruh Terapi Murottal AlQuran
is a significant difference between the mean pain intensity Untuk Penurunan Nyeri Persalinan Dan Kecemasan Pada Ibu
Bersalin Kala I Fase Aktif. Jurnal Kebidanan YLPP Purwokerto.
before and after the experimental group. Purwokerto:Akademi Kebidanan YLPP:Vol.5 No.2. 2014.
The results are consistent with research [8] in the active [7] Al-Kaheel,Abdel Daem. Pengobatan Qur'ani (Manjurnya Berobat
phase of the first stage mother in private practice midwifes Dengan Al-Quran). Jakarta : AMZAH. 2012.
[8] Ekawati, Heny. Saniyah, Karomatus. Perbedaan Nyeri Persalinan
Diana Erawati, Amd.Keb. Parengan in 2013 using the Pada Kala I Fase Aktif Sebelum Dan Sesudah Mendengarkan Ayat
method group pre-post test design. The results showed that Suci Al-Quran di BPS Diana Ernawati,Amd.Keb Parengan
maternity mothers do treatments listen to al-Quran majority Kecamatan Maduran Tahun 2013.Jurnal kebidanan. Vol 03, No.XIX.
of women experience severe pain (69.6%), after the
intervention of women experience moderate pain (47.8%),
there are differences in delivery pain in the first stage of the
active phase before and after listening to Al – Qur’an with p
Value = 0.008.
The results of this study are consistent with Asti (2009)
in [6] also states that murottal could stimulate the

Association Mobilization Early Post Partum with Perineum
Wound Healing
Pamenang Of Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri

Abstract. Maternal Mortility Rate (MMR) high in Indonesia is 307/100.000 natalitas. Infection post partum is one of
cause highest MMR (15%). Wound perineum post partum is infection very susceptible . This research knowed
association mobilization early post partum with perineum wound healing in Keling Community Health Center Kediri in
2016. This research Design was used correlasional analytic with cross sectional approaches. This research sample was
a part postpartum in exist in Keling Community Health Center that criteria of inklusi and eksklusi with total sample
was 27 respondents. That was purposive sampling, instrument was used questioner and observation. analysis Data used
coefficient kontingensi correlation. The Result got 27 respondents totality a part 16 respondents done mobilization well
and postpartum wound perineum normal (88,88%). contingensi coefficient correlation statistics test got big coefficient
correlation kontingensi = 0,566 with test signifikasi (p) = 0,002 and wrong standard (  ) 5% = 0,05. Then p <  so
Ho was refused that there was positive association between mobilization early post partum with perineum wound
healing, more good was mobilization early postpartum, then more good perineum wound healing. Suggestion can be
given for healthy service, so that healthy service can do approach to patient with give knowledge benefit to mobilization
early for perineum wound healing, than postpartum can do mobilization early better again.

Keywords: Mobilization Early, perineum wound healing

Early mobilization on postpartum mother implementation

I. INTRODUCTION depends on the condition of the patient, if the patient had
Delivery is an event of the release of the baby, placenta normal deliveries, can be done after 2-4 hours after delivery.
and amniotic membranes. In the process of spending the fruit Early mobilization movement execution time is regular,
of these pregnancies often result in injuries to the birth canal. intensive and the longer the better, if the condition of the
The wounds are usually mild, but sometimes it happens too mother is in good condition so that implementation can be
wide and dangerous wound. Perineal laceration occurs in done 3-4 times a day, for example, on waking in the
almost all deliveries are the first and often also on the next morning, noon and night. This mobilization exercises are
delivery (Hellen, 2011). helpful to speed the healing of wounds, launched lochea
Injury in the birth canal that is a good medium for expenditure, prevent thrombosis and thromboembolism,
breeding germs (Saifuddin, 2006). Postpartum mothers who normal blood circulation and accelerate the recovery of the
suffered wounds perineum is very susceptible to infection, power of the mother (Mochtar, 2012) [1].
because the perineal wound that is not maintained will The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still
greatly affect the wound healing of the perineum (Juwono, high at 307 / 100,000 live births. It is estimated that 60% of
2008). maternal deaths due to pregnancy occurs after delivery and
Perineal wounds heal faster if the wound is said on the 40% of deaths during childbirth. The main causes of
3rd day started to dry out and start to close, as well as on the maternal deaths due to haemorrhage (24%), infection (15%),
7th day the wound had closed well in the presence of scar unsafe abortion (13%), high blood pressure (12%), and
tissue. While the perineal wounds heal slowly being said, if prolonged labor (8%). (IDHS - 2007). Puerperal infection is
the wound at day 3 and has not dried yet but a new closing still one of the highest causes of AKI. Based on data
day 7 wound is closing. (Barbara, 2006). Research obtained from Health Profile Kediri in 2013 by 33 women
conducted by Ade Haris Puspitaningtyas, Agnes Isti Harjanti who experienced bleeding during childbirth and 29 mothers
BPS 2011 in the city of Semarang was obtained that from 31 were infected during childbirth. (Dinkes, 2013).
respondents, perineal wounds were healed as much as 19 The emergence of infections of the perineum can
respondents (61.7%) and perineal wounds that do not heal as propagate in the gallbladder or in the birth canal (Manuaba,
many as 12 respondents (38, 7%). Wound healing is 2009). it is now a new problem if incomplete wound healing
influenced by several factors, including early mobilization, (not integrated network) or long healing wounds will cause
wound care, personal hygiene, and nutritional intake pain, bleeding, discomfort, and make mothers more prone to
(Manuaba, 2009). infection. Now no longer need to hold her postpartum
mother supine in place for 7-14 days after birth. By early

mobilization uterine contractions would be good so that the tolerance. Early mobilization is not recommended in patients
uterine fundus to be hard, so the risk of abnormal bleeding with diseases such as anemia, heart, lungs, fever and other
can be avoided, as contraction form the blood vessel open. conditions that require a break, based on data obtained
Early mobilization not only accelerate the healing of wounds mostly early mobilization both located on postpartum
perineum but also restore the condition of the mother's body mother who works as a self-employed or own their own
if done correctly and appropriately. (Saleha, 2009). Early business (41% ) is due to more mothers and their own
mobilization is very important in preventing venous business activities require the mother to more mobilized.
thrombosis, can reduce the dam lochea in the uterus, The benefits of early mobilization, among others, launched
increase blood circulation around the genitals and genitals to lochia spending, reduce infection peurperium, accelerating
accelerate the return to the original state (Hellen, 2011). The involution of the uterus tool, launched a tool function
process of wound healing will be better if the mother did gastrointestinal and urinary apparatus, enhance the smooth
early mobilization is right and proper, proper wound care, blood circulation, thus accelerating wound healing and
personal hygiene are maintained and good nutrition launched ASI functions and spending the rest of metabolism.
(Manuaba, 2009) . From the research shows the level of early mobilization
Based on preliminary studies in PHC Keling dated are good for their awareness of mothers about the benefits of
January 30, 2016 to get data from 857 deliveries in 2016 early mobilization, while there are some respondents who
were injured perineum as many as 420, and that his are still lacking in the early mobilization it could be because
perineum stitches healed many as 388 people, while 32 the respondent first-time mother, and researchers have
people were injured perineumnya not healed. When the shown that early mobilization is not going well when the
researchers conducted interviews with puerperal women on mother learn to walk after birth, this could be caused
January 31, 2015 in Puskesmas Rivet get the result that out mothers to feel afraid to walk the streets for fear stitches
of 10 respondents, two people are afraid tilt and sat her body perineumnya tear or the seams apart, for that we need the
after giving birth because they feel anxious about stitching guidance of a health worker or midwife about early
perineumnya and one person said the control turns stitches mobilization is good and right to be a mother puerperal did
perineumnya not cured, three people are still hesitant to not feel anxious to do early mobilization as soon as possible.
move forward and run for banned his family and turned out Perineal wound healing of 27 respondents, the majority
to be one person to know when the controls that stitches of 19 respondents (70.37%) perineumnya Normal wound
perineumnya not so / not healed, while 5 people said there healing. Many factors affect the wound healing of the
was no problem in making a sideways motion right tilt left, perineum among early mobilization, vulvar hygiene,
sitting, standing and walking immediately after delivery and extensive injuries, age, vascularity, stressors and are
wound healing was also no problem. This indicates that the nutritious. Luka said to be cured if within 1 week of the
correct application of early mobilization is still not fully condition of the wound dry, closed and there are no signs of
performed by puerperal women, because there are still a lot infection (Mochtar, 2012) [1]. faster wound healing occurs
of postpartum mothers are afraid to do early mobilization at a younger age than in older people. People who are
after delivery for their sutures on perineumnya. already advanced in years can not tolerate stress such as
Based on the description above, researchers interested in tissue trauma or infection. This is supported by the results
conducting research on the association mobilization early from this study that says that most existing perineal wound
post partum with perineum wound healing in Keling healing at the age less than 20 years (37%). Relationships
Community Health Center Kediri in 2016. Mobilization Early Postpartum Mother With Wound Healing
perineum. The correlation coefficient based on the statistical
results obtained large contingency contingency correlation
II. METHODS coefficient = 0.566 with a significance test (p) = 0.002 and
Cross sectional study design. The experiment was standard error (α) 5% = 0.05. Thus p <α, then Ho wasnot
conducted in December 2015 - January 2016 in Keling association while H1 was assosiation there was relationship
Community Health Center Kediri in 2016. The population is between early mobilization puerperal women with wound
37 for women. The sample used by 27 respondents with healing of the perineum, and the relationship between them
purposive sampling technique. Statistical test using a is positive (positive correlation) is the better early
correlation coefficient of contingency. mobilization conducted postpartum mothers, the more
normal wound healing perineumnya, and the level of their
relationship was. These findings are consistent with the
theory put forward by Smeltzer (2013) [2], early
mobilization is done by all puerperal women, both mothers
Early mobilization postpartum in Keling Community who had normal deliveries and deliveries to the action. The
Health Center in Kediri 2016 of 27 respondents do a benefits of early mobilization, among others, can speed up
majority of the Good Early mobilization is 18 respondents the process of spending lochea and help the wound heal
(66.67%). As for some of the factors that may affect perineum.
barjalannya early mobilization is the mother's knowledge The results showed a good level of mobilization with
about the benefits of early mobilization, maternal health normal wound healing perineumnya for their willingness to
conditions and demands of the activity, according to Potter undertake early mobilization correctly and as quickly as
and Perry (2005) , early mobilization focusing on range of possible. Postpartum mothers have much to do early
motion, body alignment, gait, training and exercise mobilization and normal wound healing perineumnya This is

because the mother knows the benefits of early mobilization
and the mother is also not afraid to move because knowing
suture the wound will not be released.

In this research, the degree of correlation between early
mobilization postpartum women with wound healing of the
perineum were still being, it is because there are several
other factors that affect wound healing of the perineum ie
vulva hygiene, extensive injuries, age, vascularity, stressor
and nutrients, so as to keep the need for guidance or
guidelines for early mobilization of health personnel,
information from the surrounding environment, as well as
health books about early mobilization and wound healing of
the perineum, so postpartum mothers are increasingly aware
of the importance of early mobilization for wound healing of
the perineum.

[1] Mochtar, R. (2012). Sinopsis Obstetri: Obstetri fisiologi Obstetri
patologi. Jakarta: EGC. 2012.
[2[ Smeltzer S. C. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. EGC:
Jakarta. 2002.

Analysis Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDS) Worker in
Laboratory Pekanbaru
Endang Purnawati Rahayu1), Halimatussa’diah2)
Lecturer, STIKes Hang Tuah, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstract. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is a health problems experienced by workers due to conditions of
employment that are not ergonomics and work environment is less supportive. One of them could occur in laboratory
workers pekanbaru. Sedentary working conditions causing back pain. Increasing the risk of MSDs when the job does not
pay attention to proper posture, table layout, the size of which is not ergonomic chairs. The purpose of this study was to
analyze the workload, work attitude, work time and repetitive motion that cause MSDs in workers. This research method
is descriptive qualitative of work analysis in laboratory with REBA measurement, in-depth interviews and observation.
The results of this study is the workload on the workers including moderate category, many work attitude in position
inelegant. For the measurement of REBA on work attitudes making activities of the media have a final score of 6 (the
category level of intermediate risk), the activity of media scrutiny had a final score of 7 (the category level of
intermediate risk but it still needs to be improved), the activity homogenize the sample had a final score of 10 (the
category level high risk and the necessary remedial actions. laboratory work on average over 8 hours, the activity
sampling inspection had a final score of 7 (the category level of intermediate risk but it still needs to be improved), the
activity observations preparations had a final score of 7 (the category level of intermediate risk but it still needs to be
improved). Many repetitive movements Performed By Workers. Suggested to workers to improve working attitude and
posture, thus reducing health complaints such as back pain.

Keywords: MSDs, workload, work attitude, work time and repetitive motion

on Recognised occupational diseases) of occupational

I. INTRODUCTION disease in Europe in 2005, ranks first MSDs 38.1%.
Ergonomics was the implementation of the science Selainitu, a survey was also conducted on workers in Europe
which relates to humans, engineering and means to achieve to mention that 24.7% of workers complain of back pain,
adjustment one another so improve the efficiency and muscle pain 22.8% and 45.5% reported working in a state of
welfare work. Ergonomics target is a place of work and all pain and fatigue which 35% are working with heavy loads
workers. The condition of not ergonomic in work (Mutiah , 2013).
environment is the causes of declining labor productivity Based on the results of the initial survey of workers in the
(Suma’mur, 2009). laboratory Pekanbaru, workers are often working overtime to
Based on the data research which was done by the meet the hours of practicum students in laboratory thus
International Labour Organization (ILO) found that every exceeding working hours, number of students who do not fit
day the average 6.000 people died, equivalent to one person with the capacity of the laboratory so that the increased
a 15 seconds, or 2.2 million people a year after or work workload, the behavior and attitude of the worker (how to sit)
accident and disease caused by work, while the number of that are not appropriate in certain period of time can affect
accident and disease caused by work the most that is, a the occurrence of MSDs complaint. Of the result of in-depth
disease musculoskeletal disordes as many as 40%, heart interviews, workers expressed pain in some parts of the body
disease only 16%, accident 16%, and respiratory tract such as, sore on the shoulders, arms, neck, legs and back due
disease 19%. Of 27 countries that monitored by International to the activity of sitting for a long time. Judging from the
Labour Organization (ILO), Indonesia ranked the 26th in the presence of workers for one semester there are some
case of an accident work and disease caused by work Workers absent because of illness. every worker stated that
(Rismayanti, 2015). they experienced pain and sore in certain body parts, If the
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is a workers supposed to be present and working in the
musculoskeletal disorder characterized by the occurrence of laboratory will feel the complaint is superb and there is often
an injury to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joints, too late to the laboratory after hours of rest because they feel
cartilage, bone or blood vessels of the hands, feet, head, neck, tired and sore on their bodies for activities for too long and
or back. MSDs can be caused or aggravated by work, work do the same job for a long time.The purpose of this study
environment and performance.Data BLS (Bureau of Labor was to analyze the workload, work attitude, work time and
Statistics) American reported the number of occupational repetitive motion that cause MSDs in workers.
diseases in the form of MSDs during 2007 by 29% compared
to other occupational diseases. Data EODS (Eurostat figures

II. METHODS students so that this condition may affect break, and body
This type of research is descriptive qualitative to obtain faster tired .
information on MSDs to workers in the laboratory On variable repetitive motion shows that the movement is
Pekanbaru. The research location is Pekanbaru. Subject of done repeatedly at the time working with positions that are
the study five informants who work in the laboratory not ergonomic then the sections of bone to bend forward and
consists of three laboratory assistants and two teaching muscles will work hard to support the bone or the upper
assistants. data source in the study consisted of interviews, frame until the head, allowing the brain of flexing. so the
observation, with data collecting technique is interview and more often and the longer it is used with excessive, then so
measurement REBA. tools used for data collection in-depth will cause a loss of flexibility of the muscles.
interview guidelines, REBA assessment sheets, stationery,
tape recorder. WORKLOAD
The workloads borne by workers range 3kg in a seated
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION position and kg in a standing position, still can be
categorized according to standard because does not exceed
On the variables of workload shows that workload
of 4,5kg with a seated position, this is in accordance with the
as of workmen in a laboratory included in a category being,
guidebook manual handling code 1990 of england (HSE
the workloads borne by workers ranged 3 kg in a seated
Executive). Investigators Nur Ulfah (2014), besides posture,
position and kg in a standing position. Based on a statement
weight also is one of the factors affecting MSDs because it
that many informants or at least the activities to be
can cause trouble skeletal muscle. Factors workload have
performed in the laboratory depends on a lot or a little of the
with MSDs risk, because the more weight the large power
parameters of which will be carried out student in one day, if
pressing the muscles to stabilize the spine and yielding to
many of the parameters of the checking hence the workloads
pressure more greater at the the spine.
are increasing .The activities carried out by such as the
media, observation media, homogenization sample, sample
examination and observation. WORK ATTITUDE
On the variables of attitude verb denoting that the average Attitude work done workers ergonomic. It was because
working attitude is not natural or inelegant a position of position a chair with the table and instrument work not in
employment among others the back too bent, the movement accordance with the body so as to workers forced to bend or
of the hand raised, the neck with the position of head down down while doing activity in the laboratory and this
and forth. Informants based on a statement that a lot of condition was quite risky the MSDs on workers for causing
activity by the positions of inelegant and this is not in posture strange on workers. For the judgment of reba at the
accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in level of were high so need to be taken the act of repairing
the laboratory. On the activity of making media informants immediately. Investigators Siti Harwanti (2014) a posture
to suggest that there was a part of body that hurt when do the verb that does not natural among others back too bent, the
work to the position of as static, bent, looking down, squat movement of hand raised and so on. The farther the position
and twisted the body. Work attitude measurement results of the body of gravity of a body, the higher the the risk of
using REBA ratings: complaints MSDs.


Informants who works in the laboratory having working
Number Work REBA Risk Level Corrective hours more than the work hours which exceeds eight
attitude Score action working hours a day. The condition of the laboratory less
1 The activity 6 Intermediate It still adequate with the large number of students so that workers
of the media risk needs to be had to increase working hours to meet hours lab work
improved students. The average duration work nine to ten per hours a
2 The activity 7 Intermediate It still day.Investigators Aldin (2005) a long good working in
of media risk needs to be general eight hours.When many worker who overtime more
scrutiny improved than eight hours/work day so will experience various
3 The activity 10 High risk The complaints and fatigue. This is because circardiumrhytm (a
homogenize necessary state of nature the body) problems as break, readiness to
the sample remedial
work, and many the process autonomous other supposed to
4 The activity 7 Intermediate It still break because the work is demanding for working overtime.
sampling risk needs to be
inspection improved REPETITIVE MOTION
5 The activity 7 Intermediate It still Movement that often done by workers always in of
observations risk needs to be position that does not " ergonomics " so that workers faster
preparations improved
tired. According to farid (2015) a movement which is done
in a repetitive manner that is not allowed more than four
On the variables of working hours shows that more times a minute , at the time of working with of position that
than eight hours. Based on statement informants that does not "ergonomics" then stretches of bone to bend
informants have to working overtime to meet hours lab work forward and muscle will work really hard to prop up a bone

or order the upper part of even to the head , allows muscle postures static work can influence the occurrence of
will have bent . So that are increasingly frequent and the complaints MSDs.
longer used with excessive , it therefore causes a loss of the 4. Movement conducted in repeatedly with posture
flexibility in the in the muscles. strange like bowing, down, and postures static with
duration a long time can affect the complaints
Based on research carried out, it can be taken the
conclusion that : REFERENCES
1. The workloads appointed by workers still meet [1] Suma'mur P.K., 2009, the Company Hygiene and Occupational
Health, Jakarta: Mount Agung.
standards and does not affect the occurrence of [2] Mutiah, Annisa. 2013 public health journal, Vol 2, No 2, analysis of
complaints MSDs. the level of risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) With the
2. Attitude work done with posture strange like brieftm survey and the individual characteristics of the skillet maker
bowing, down, and postures static with duration a msds complaint Cepogo In the village boyolali (online), in
( id / index.php / JKM / accessed May 2,
long time in the category of the level of moderate 2016).
and high risk, so that needs to be done the act of
repairing immediately attitude this working can
affect the complaints MSDs.
3. Working hours with or accompanied posture work
being inelegant like bowing, looking down, and

Effectivenness of Play Therapy for Language Ability and Speech
in Preschool Children in Kindergarten Assalaam Tablighiyah
Garegeh Bukittinggi
Evi Hasnita 1), Feni Adrianti 2)
Master Public Health Program Health Science Fort De Kock Collage, Indonesia

Nursing Program Health Science Fort De Kock Collage

Abstract. Speech and language ability is one of the indicators of child development. The development of speech and
language associated with the thought process to communicate. How to enhance the development of preschool children are
the teaching methods of active and participative like games. The objective of study to determine the effect of Play Therapy
to Development of Language and Speech Preschool Children In kindergarten Assalaam Tablighiyah Bukittinggi 2015.
Research carried out by observation in kindergarten Assalam Tablighiyah Jl Dt Mangkuto Ameh Geregeh Bukittinggi on 2-9
February 2015. Design this study used an experimental research design using pretest - Posttest control group design.
Sampling was done by purposive sampling with a sample of 12 people. Analysis data is performed using t-test is
computerized. The results showed an average of speech and language development of preschool children before therapy is
given play is 7.58 (dubious) and after therapy is given play is 9.04 (normal). Results of testing the hypothesis by using the
nonparametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test earned an average difference of language and speech development of preschool
children with play therapy with a value of p = 0.002 (<0.005).In this study it can be concluded that the therapy played
increase of language ability and speech. Expected to staff teachers who teach in schools incorporate play therapy in
improving language ability and speech to preschoolers

Key word: Play Therapy, and Speech Language Ability

Indonesia's population reached 237 641 326 inhabitants by

I. INTRODUCTION god population census in 2010 (CBS, 2011). Indeed,
The child has a characteristic that is always growing children are the nation's future shoots. The buds should have
and developing since the moment of conception until the end enough stock both in terms of physical, compassion,
of adolescence. This is what distinguishes children from knowledge, and morality, so he can grow in size with the
adults. Growth is increasing the number and the size and best character he has.
weight of the whole or part of the cell. Development is a In the initial survey in kindergarten Assalaam
gradual change and expansion; the development stage of the Tablighiyah DT Mangkuto Ameh street Garegeh
complexity of the lower to the higher; enhancing and Bukittinggi on 23 September 2016 data obtained from
expanding the capacity of a person through growth, observations and interviews with teachers in kindergarten of
maturation and learning (Wong, 2009, p.109). Speech and 53 children were present when playing, 6 of them they just
language disorders are one of the causes of developmental watched his friend who was playing without following the
disorders are most commonly found in children. game itself, 6 and out of the classroom when Study abroad
This disorder is getting the day seemed increasing and 10 among those who play alone although there are some
rapidly. Some reports said the incidence of speech and other people who play around with tools different game from
language disorders ranges from 5-10% in school children. his friend and there is no cooperation or communication with
Speech disorders in preschool, an estimated 5% of the his friend, then of the 13 children there are 4 people child
normal population and 70% of these cases are handled by the communicate or talk still gasping or not proper
therapist (Vitello, 2012). pronunciation of his language, and there are also children
Indonesia is a country with a quantity of human who are less well controlled vocabulary. Based on the above
resources which is great. The potential extends to future phenomenon researchers interested in conducting research
generations, namely children. In 2005, the Ministry of on "The Effect of Play Therapy against Speech and
National Education to record that there are as many as Language Development of Preschool Children in
28.116 million children aged 0-6 years in Indonesia Kindergarten Assalaam Tablighiyah Garegeh Bukittinggi
(Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, 2016".
2011), which means reaching a total of about 13% of This type of research is quasy experiment, to determine
the effectiveness of play therapy on the development of

language and speech of preschool children in kindergarten
Assalaam Tablighiyah Garegeh Bukittinggi. With the design Language and
Standar P value
of the study one group pretest and posttest (Wilcoxon sign speech n Mean
test design). Not comparison group (controls), but at least it development
made the first observation (pretest) that allows to the test Pretest 12 7,58 1,15 0,002
changes that occurred after the experiment (Notoatmodjo Posttest 12 9,04 1,36
2010, p.57).
In the table above illustrates that there is an average
This research has been conducted in kindergarten
value of speech and language development in preschool
Assalaam Tablighiyah Garegeh Bukittinggi February 2 to 9,
children before therapy is given play is equal to 7.58 with a
2016. The study population was the whole object of the
standard deviation of 1.51. KPSP lowest value is 5 (not
study or the object under study. The populations in this study
normal) and the highest 9 (normal). From the estimation
were preschool children in kindergarten Assalaam
interval can be concluded that 95% believed that the value
Tablighiyah Garegeh Bukittinggi with the number of 57
KPSP before play therapy room between 6.58 (not normal)
and the highest 8.32 (dubious).
Samples are partly taken from the whole object under
study and are considered representative of the entire
population (Notoatmodjo 2010, p.115). The research sample
is required as many as 12 people. Based on the research that has been conducted by
Sampling Techniques is by using purposive sampling researchers from the 2nd till February 9th 2015 regarding
technique based on a certain considerations made by the Play Therapy Effect against Development of Language and
researchers themselves, based on the characteristics, Speech Preschool Children In kindergarten Assalaam
properties that have been previously known populations Tablighiyah Garegeh Bukittinggi in 2015 it can be
(Notoatmodjo 2010, p.124). Based on the results of data concluded as follows: The average developmental speech
taken from the number of kindergarten students Assalaam and language therapy preschoolers before playing in
Tablighiyah Garegeh Bukittinggi 2016 is 57 children, then kindergarten Assalaam Tablighiyah Garegeh Bukittinggi
the samples were taken in this study were 12 respondents. 2016 is 7.58 (dubious). Average speech and language
development of preschool children after therapy is given in
II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION the kindergarten play Assalaam Tablighiyah Garegeh
bukittinggi 2016 was 9.04 (normal). There is a difference
A. Univariate Analysis Average Language and Speech Development of Preschool
AVERAGE LANGUAGE AND SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF Children Before And After Play Therapy Provided in
kindergarten Assalaam Tablighiyah Garegeh bukittinggi
Variabel Mean SD Min Max 95%CI 2014, with p value of 0.002 (p <0.05)
Development of 7,58 1,51 5 9 6,58-8,32
language and REFERENCES
speech [1] Ahmadi, Abu dan Sholeh Munawar. 2005. Psikologi Perkembangan.
Development of 9,04 1,36 6 10 8,17-9,90 Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
language and
From the above table, illustrates that there is an
average value of speech and language development in
preschool children before therapy is given play is equal to
7.58 with a standard deviation of 1.51. KPSP lowest value is
5 (not normal) and the highest 9 (normal). From the
estimation interval can be concluded that 95% believed that
the development of language and speech before the play
therapy room between 6.58 (not normal) and the highest
8.32 (dubious). there is an average value of speech and
language development in preschool children after therapy is
given play is equal to 9.04 (normal) with a standard
deviation of 1.36. KPSP value low of 6 (not normal) and the
highest 10 (normal). From the estimation interval can be
concluded that 95% believed that the development of
language and speech before the play therapy room between
8.17 (dubious) and the highest 9.90 (Normal).
B. Results of Bivariate analysis.

Association Knowledge Level of Breast Cancer with Sadari
Behavior to Juvenile
Novitasari Fransiska 1)
1) Pamenang Of Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia

Abstract. Breast cancer can be prevented in early by SADARI with age > 20 years and each woman routines in Every
month. According WHO'S breast cancer data happened to woman of 548.000 mortality per year. this research purpose
knowed association knowledge level of breast cancer with sadari behavior to juvenile in Pamenang of midwifery
Academy Pare – Kediri. This research design used koresional analytic with crosssectional's approaching, total sample as
big was 75 respondent that inklusi criteria was purposive sampling method. Juvenile knowledge variable was Breast
Cancer and SEDARI Method behaviour variable was measured kuisioner, analysed was Spearman Rank correlation
formula. The research result gotten that partly knowledge juvenile of Breast Cancer was good category with 66
respondents (88,0%) and a large part SADARI method behaviour was good category with 73 respondents (97,3%).
Koefisienya's number (r ) was 0,468, that was positive grade to getting better Students were knowledge Breast Cancer
therefore to getting better juvenile behaviour of SADARI method, moderate association level. Probability with signifikant
(P ) was 0,000 , therefore p< α, until h0 was refused, that thera was association knowledge with SADARI method
Behavior to juvenile. If woman checks self breast in regularly, after menstruation every month, woman can feel
condition woman breast normal. If there is change, woman can know it with easy so juvenile fase if there is abnormality
can be treatment immediately that is’nt happen death.

Key word: knowledge, Breast cancer, Behaviour, SADARI

highest cancer Indonesian women is breast cancer with the

I. INTRODUCTION incidence of 26 per 100,000 women. Health Office of East
The breast is woman-owned very valuable. But often Java in December 2011 recorded the incidence of cancer
considered of taboo body parts that are not discussed. Many continues to increase as much as 0.1% of the population each
do not know what to do about breast health for many year. That means, of approximately 37 million people in East
problem because more problem breast can get a woman is Java, about 37 thousand of them in danger of getting cancer.
not careful to care her breasts, example is breast cancer. And breast cancer cases in East Java was never dropped
Breast cancer is a malignancy which formation of tumor from 50 cases per year.
cells as a result of irregularities cause cell division becomes Based on data obtained from Pare Hospital patients
excessive and uncontrolled. The emergence cancer cells suffering from breast carcinoma for ages 25-44 number =
occurred as result mutations, or abnormal changes to genes 111, ages 45-64 some 137 people, and for those aged> 64
responsible for maintaining growth cells and keep normal years some 23 people all attacking women with patient
(healthy). Breast cancer is second leading cause death after information that came out with caption died there six
cancer cervix to women in Indonesia. Therefore, it requires women. From the data obtained from the Pare District
awareness to women to detect disease early so that small Hospital can be concluded that the majority of breast cancer
changes in the breast that leads to malignancy can be in women aged 45-60 years is middle age. So from these
detected.(Saryono, 2009) data should be women aged> 20 years (premature adults) is
There are several ways breast exams, one of which is expected to perform BSE regularly every month to get used
BSE ie breast examination done by women as an effort to to so that when middle age woman can determine if there are
detect any abnormal changes in the breast and performed abnormalities in the breasts, so that the disorder can be
every month on all women over the age of 20 years treated immediately and not end in death.
(Saryono, 2009). 85% of breast abnormalities actually first Based preliminary study conducted was Academy
identified by patients failing to do mass screening (Saryono, Midwifery Pamenang Pare in October 2015 in interview
2009). According to WHO (World Health Organization) method was obtained 10 students, six from was done rarely
show that 548,000 per year breast cancer mortality in women SEDARI method and 4 students done SADARI method,
(WHO data, 2008). According to Purnomo (2009) states that whereas they had knowledge about breast cancer and can be
breast cancer ranks second after cervical cancer in women. detected early with SEDARI behavior.
Abroad (United States) might be found 178,000 women with According to Potter and Perry (2005), only a small
breast cancer in 2008. Based on data from the Global Burden proportion of women who perform SEDARI method.
Of Cancer breast cancer incidence rates in Indonesia 26 per Whereas abnormal changes breast can be detected women
100,000 women (Antarnews, 2010). According to health themselves. (Potter and Perry, 2005). Female breast gropes
profile in Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2007 suffered 2-3 times a day in bath but less attention to themselves and

escape from serious palpability so many breast cancer experience, those who have received a lesson about Breast
patients coming for treatment in an advanced stage and ends Cancer and most read references about breast cancer. In
in death. Each contained a lump breast is recommended addition, experience is one source of knowledge. The
immediately see a woman, so next step can be taken. experience is a way to gain knowledge of the truth.
(Manuaba, 2009). Therefore, personal experiences can be utilized as a means to
As explained importance SEDARI method, then acquire knowledge. With the support of the student
women should over age 20 years to do SEDARI method at experience that has been well known at the time of learning
every month and immediately consult a doctor if a lump is about breast cancer or of books on breast cancer, with 74
found. So it is very necessary to do counseling relating to respondents (98.7%). So results research with respondents
inspection realized that women understand better so fill out this questionnaire, the results obtained knowledge of
important to perform breast self-examination to detect early adolescents in Midwifery Academy Pamenang about breast
breast cancer (Saryono, 2009), It should not do before cancer showed the majority o student's knowledge about
menstruation, because before menstruation breast slightly breast cancer has supported good categories with common
swollen and it will be difficult examination (Diamond, data supporting that age and experience.
2012). Student SEDARI method behavior based this results
Therefore, the authors are interested in doing research majority respondents have good category because
titled Association Knowledge Level Of Breast Cancer With respondent had obtained material SEDARI method which
Sadari Behavior To Juvenile in Midwifery Academy includes benefits and procedures for implementing SEDARI
Pamenang Pare - Kediri Year 2016". method to Reproductive Health Lesson in semester III.
According to the WHO theory that causes a person's specific
II. METHODS behavior is due to four principal reasons. Thoughts and
This research design was study Analytical koresional feelings (thought and feeling), namely in the form of
with cross sectional approach. Research was conducted in knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, resources important people as
July 2016 at the Academy of Midwifery Pamenang. The a reference and culture. (Notoatmodjo, 2005). This is
population were young in Midwifery Academy Pamenang accordance with opinion of Skinner (1938), that behavior is
2016 with total 202 people. Sample total was 75 a person's response or reaction to the stimulus (stimuli from
respondents. The statistical test used was to test Spearman - the outside). In more operational behavior can be interpreted
Rank. an organism or a person's response to stimuli or stimulus to
the person responds. The stimulus that causes a person's
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION specific behavior is caused by four basic reasons. Thoughts
and feelings that is in the form of knowledge, beliefs,
The level knowledge students about Breast Cancer. attitudes, resources, people and cultures is important as a
Based results from 75 respondents. excellent category was 3 reference. (Notoatmodjo, 2005). There are several factors
(4.0%), good category was 66 people (88.0%), just six that influence the formation of behavior, according to
people was fairly good (8.0%). The results research was Notoatmodjo (2005) there are two factors that affect the
adolescent knowledge level in Midwifery Academy formation of behavior, ie internal and external factors. The
Pamenang obtained mostly had good category is because internal factors include the knowledge, intelligence,
knowledge (matter) about Breast Cancer has been granted to perception, emotion, motivation and so forth that serves to
students in the fourth semester course on Emergency process stimuli from the outside. This knowledge is basically
Maternal Obstetric Neonatal Care and Reproductive Health all the students have received the material on BSE and the
courses .According Notoatmodjo (2005 ) knowledge is teacher has to motivate students to do it yourself at home.
influence several factors: internal factors (age, intelligence, While external factors include the environment, both
education, experience) and external factors (customs, physical and non-physical such as climate, human, social,
education, mass media, environment). This research taken economic, cultural and so on. Environment here consisted of
one most factor in this esearch was age and experience of a stay at home parent and boarding / contract. From the data
age in this study mostly aged 17-20 years as many as 68 obtained SEDARI behavior to do most his own home
respondents (90.7%). This means age a person will (parents) with 39 categories of respondents (52.0%) due to
experience a change aspects physical and psychological possible equipment needed at home and not be ashamed, for
(mental). Age 17-20 years is a period of introspection and a residing in boarding / contract has 36 categories of
lot of women are looking for something in him with traits respondents (48 , 0%) is possible unavailability of glass to a
begin to feel steady, stable, want to live and get to know mirror in the bathroom, the only room available in one glass
him, began to understand the direction of his life, and realize for two people, and they embarrassed if do realize at the
the goal of his life. At this age thought to be more mature boarding / contract if seen by friends of their own. From the
and adult. Has the establishment and chose a lifestyle as well results of this questionnaire shows off all questions about
as memilika love for him by making the protection or care of SEDARI behavior have either category. This indicates that
themselves to avoid by something membahayakanya. By the material in the course of Reproductive Health regarding
doing SEDARI method regularly is how one woman early SEDARI can be equipped to students in the care of her
detection breast cancer danger that is now cancer is breasts as well as a way to detect early breast cancer.
common in women after cervical cancer (cervix). The level Abnormalities in breast cancer can be detected early using
student was`knowledge breast cancer that mostly have good SEDARI regularly so that if there are abnormal changes can
criteria also affected by factors other knowledge that be immediately examined and treated immediately so it does

not end in death. The environment is very mempengeruhi cancer and how to prevent Breast cancer SEDARI method
person's behavior as a breast examination is a serious or Teaching about breast cancer lesson abouth how to detect
misconduct privacy so supportive environment is needed it early use last SEDARI method and highly influential
unutuk perform this behavior. It can be concluded that the factor was environment. Environment one of which was a
behavior is also influenced by the environment. residence where the dwelling was very influential in practice
Relationships levels of knowledge about breast perform SEDARI because this behavior was profoundly
cancer with SEDARI to Student Conduct based on research needed privacy and facilities to support. Juvenile who have a
results, showing that a good knowledge will produce good good knowledge and good behavior to continue informing
behavior as well, and with enough knowledge will result in SEDARI behavior regularly, and for adolescents who have
behavior that is enough. This shows it is possible there are sufficient knowledge and behavior can be given enough
other factors that influence knowledge and behavior. This is motivation to perform SESARI and approach even
in accordance with the opinion of Notoatmodjo (2005) that counseling so that they can detect early breast cancer.
knowledge is not only influenced by age, education, and
employment, but also influenced by the intelligence, CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES
experience, culture, education, mass media and the
[1] Association
Saryono, knowledge
dkk. (2009). Perawatan level of breast
Payudara. cancer
Yogyakarta with
: Mitra
environment. And according Notoatmodjo (2003), that
behavior to juvenile in Midwifery Academy
factors influence behavior of trustworthiness, attitudes, [2] Manuaba,Ida Bagus Gde (2009).Memahami Kesehatan
Pamenang Pare - Kediri there was Association with
resources, people who are considered important as a Reproduksi Wanita.Jakarta : EGC.
[3] results(2009).Statistika
Sugiyono, was sig. (2-tailed) significant :=Alfabeta
0.000 <α
reference and culture. With good knowledge, good culture Untuk Penelitian.Jakarta
(0.05) means was rejected and have moderate correlation
and a good attitude is expected of students also have good
number was 0.468 and positive. This research Association of
attitudes to SEDARI as well. Statistical test results obtained
knowledge about breast cancer with SEDARI Behavior in
with a probability was figure of significance (P) = 0.000 and
adolescents what was factors huge were age, role
confidence level (α) = 5% = 0.05, p <α. Than H0 wasnot
maturation age of a person making a person is thinking in a
accepteance, meaning there was association level knowledge
mature, previous experience, can be either books they read
student about breast cancer with SEDARI method behavior
about breast cancer and how to prevent Breast cancer
to adolescents. Figures correlation coefficient = 0.468,
SEDARI method or Teaching about breast cancer lesson
indicating a positive number, meaning the better level of
abouth how to detect it early use last SEDARI method and
knowledge of students about breast cancer, the better the
highly influential factor was environment. Environment one
student's behavior against SEDARI method. The association
of which was a residence where the dwelling was very
coefficient figures showed adequate association . (Sugiono,
influential in practice perform SEDARI because this
2007). This is accordance opinion Notoatmodjo (2003),
behavior was profoundly needed privacy and facilities to
although behavior is a form response stimulus or stimuli
support. Juvenile who have a good knowledge and good
from outside organism (person), but response is very
behavior to continue informing SEDARI behavior regularly,
dependent to other characteristics person concerned. This
and for adolescents who have sufficient knowledge and
means that although stimulus was same some people, but
behavior can be given enough motivation to perform
response each person was different. Or cognitive domain
SESARI and approach even counseling so that they can
knowledge was very important in shaping a person's actions.
Behavior based on knowledge has proven to be more durable detect early breast cancer.
than the behavior that is not based on knowledge.
IV. CONCLUSIONS [1] Saryono, dkk. (2009). Perawatan Payudara. Yogyakarta : Mitra
Association knowledge level of breast cancer with sadari [2] Manuaba,Ida Bagus Gde (2009).Memahami Kesehatan Reproduksi
behavior to juvenile in Midwifery Academy Pamenang Pare Wanita.Jakarta : EGC.
- Kediri there was Association with analysis results was [3] Sugiyono, (2009).Statistika Untuk Penelitian.Jakarta : Alfabeta
sig. (2-tailed) significant = 0.000 <α (0.05) means was
rejected and have moderate correlation number was 0.468
and positive. This research Association of knowledge about
breast cancer with SEDARI Behavior in adolescents what
was factors huge were age, role maturation age of a person
making a person is thinking in a mature, previous
experience, can be either books they read about breast

Breaking Treatment in Patients Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Herlina Susmaneli 1)

Abstract. Dropped out of medical treatment is patients who are not medical treatment 2 consecutive months or more
before the treatment done.The drop out rate treatment at puskesmas hope raya estimated to reach 40 %. This report is
written in may till june 2015 . This study attempts to see if the age , sex , there is no visit pmo and the visit to the health
service a factor , factors that deals in a medical treatment by those with pulmonary tuberculosis smear +. The kind of
research is aimed to quantitative control observational with the design cases where taken by means of sample counting
down the number of cases and control based on the data tb 01 in sample the total sample 120 consisting of 60 sample cases
and 60 sample control exercised raya puskesmas hope in the work area .A measuring instrument used is the data on tb 01 .
Multivariate analysis of the test data used in this study is to test the Multiple Logistic Regression model predictive factors ..
The results are significant variables that affect, respectively, are age (OR = 5.883), No PMO (OR = 4.003), and a visit
yankes (OR = 6.859). Advice for health workers to be more stressed for patients with pulmonary TB productive age in
order to perform the treatment to completion, has PMO, gave impetus that motivated treatment of yourself.

Keywords : Drop out of treatment TB, no PMO, the visit to the health service

pulmonary smear ( + ) does not break medical treatment, the

I. INTRODUCTION result of which treatment expressed recover.
Breaking up medical treatment for tb patients are the Procedure the sample collection done in may 2014 ,
patients not go two months successive or so before the backward back until the year 2010 .Cases and control
treatment done (Depkes RI, 2011). Due to break up medical obtained from the note tb 01 , with the sample of the cases
treatment is patient will immune to medicines ( mdr = multi 60 people and sample control 60 people . The kind of data
drugs resistant ), so bacteria mycobacterium that causes that collected is taken from secondary data that is the data
tuberculosis will immune to medicines was said to be obtained through the search for documents from the final
bacteria mass murderer.WHO estimate this bacteria have result treatment breaking up seek treatment and expressed
killed approximately 2 million lives every year.Between ad recovering from column lawn on data tb 01 at Puskesmas
2002-2020 it is estimated that approximately 1 billion people Harapan Raya Pekanbaru. The secondary JData consisted of
will infected.In other words increase the number of 4 variables examined, i.e. age, sex, none of the PMO and
infections more than 56 million lives every year.If done visits to the Ministry of health. The data processing is done
calculation, increase the number of patients tuberculosis will in stages of editing, coding, processing, and cleaning. Data
has risen by 2,8-5,6 million people every year, and 1,1-2,2 analysis was conducted using univariate bivariat analysis
million people die each year because tuberculosis. Depkes analisisi with chi square test and multivariate analysis used
RI estimated that every year indonesia recorded 429.730 in this study is Double Logistic regression test with factor
new cases tb by death rate 62.246 (Depkes RI 2011 ) model predictions.
In Propinsi Riau is estimated that the discovery cases
(CDR=Case Detection Rate) to pulmonary tuberculosis in III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
2015 reached 10.105 cases.Meanwhile according to data
from Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Riau drop out rate go ANALYSIS UNIVARIAT
pulmonary tuberculosis in riau dropped but for Kota In the analysis univariat obtained the majority of
Pekanbaru drop out rate medical treatment pulmonary outcomes tb patients pulmonary smear + at risk breaking up
tuberculosis has risen from year 2011 as many as 9.6 % , medical treatment that is age 52 people ( 86,7 % ) , no pmo
2012 as many as 14.7 % and from 2013 as many as 14.5 %. with 19 people ( 31.7%), a visit to health service with 28
For the Puskesmas Pekanbaru , puskesmas Harapan Raya is people ( 46,7 % ) and sex with 43 people ( 71,7 % ) .
the puskesmas with the case pulmonary tuberculosis most TABLE 1
namely 150 cases with the drop out rate medical treatment
Age Groups Breaking No breaking
patients pulmonary tuberculosis 61 cases ( 40 % ). The high
(year) Treatment treatment Amount
number of cases breaking up treatment at Puskesmas
Harapan Raya can be influenced by several factors namely N % n %
age , sexes , no pmo and the visit to the health service. Produktive 52 86,7 39 65,0 91
Unproductive 8 13,3 21 35,0 29
II. METHODS Total 60 100 60 100 120
The kind of research that is used is case control study, Gender
cases namely all of the patients pulmonary tuberculosis Male 43 71,7 35 58,3 78
smear ( + ) who dropped out of treatment at working area
Female 17 28,3 25 41,7 42
Puskesmas Harapan Raya and Control even all tb patients

Total 60 100 60 100 120 ANALYSIS MULTIVARIAT
There is PMO 41 68,3 53 88,3 94 Variable P OR 95% CI. For EXP (B)
value Lower Upper
Total 60 100 60 100 120
Age 0.002 5.883 1.928 17.956
The Visit To
The Health No PMO 0.008 4.003 1.439 11.136
Service The visit
Referral UPK 28 46,7 9 15,0 37 to the
0.000 6.859 2.552 18.436
The initiative 32 53,3 51 85,0 83 service
Total 60 100 60 100 120
From the table in top can seen the results of modelling
multivariate 2 after variable sex issued , next see a change or
Of the results of the analysis bivariat been gained 3 TABEL 4
variable are associated in signifikam namely age ( pvalue = PERUBAHAN OR DENGAN MENGELUARKAN VARIABEL JENIS
0,011 ) , there is no pmo ( pvalue = 0,004 ) , visits keyankes KELAMIN
( pvalue = 0,001 ) and variable that it did not correlate Variable OR OR Baru Per.P Ket
namely the sex ( pvalue = 0,180 ) . Lama OR
Age -
Age Breaking No Amount P OR
Gender -
Groups Treatment breaking Value 95% 2.136 -
(year) treatment CI
No PMO -
n % n % n % 4.098 4.003
Produkti 52 86 39 65,0 91 75,8 0,011 3,500
The visit to the -
ve ,7 (1,403
health service 7.221 6.859
8 13 21 35,0 29 24,2 -
Unprod ,3 8,730)
On the table above no change or & gt; 10 % so obtained the
Total 60 10 60 100 12 100 result variable who significant successive namely age , no
0 0 pmo , and visits health service.
Male 43 71 35 58,3 78 65,0 0,180 1,807 Age
There was a correlation meaningful between the ages of with
Female 17 28 25 41,7 42 35,0 (0,844 breaking up medical treatment tb patients pulmonary , and
,3 - the days of tb patients lung productive had a chance of 5,883
Total 60 10 60 100 12 100 3,866) times risking breaking up medical treatment compared to
0 0 each productive .
No Age or age is a unit time that measures the existence of an
object or creature, both life and the dead.Data Depkes RI,
No 24 40 9 15,0 33 27,5
PMO ,0 0,004 (1,572 2002 on guidelines tuberculosis reduction said that patients
There is 36 60 51 85,0 87 72,5 - at the age of tuberculosis most productive ( 15-55
PMO ,0 9,079) year.According to the theory at the age of productive the
Total 60 10 60 100 12 100 proportion of working more ( 74 % ) and consequently many
0 0 a 34.4 % ) not wrongdoing in medical treatment tb to be
The completed so ketidaksembuhan patients tuberculosis are the
Visit To things with dilingkungan patients.
The This is in accordance with research conducted widayati dkk
Health 6,057 ( 2013 ) that the majority of respondents tb lung default age
Service 0,001 (2,535
productive ones are 15-55 years as many as 63,6 % and
Referral 31 51 9 15,0 40 33,3 -
unproductive > 55 years as many as 12 people
UPK ,7
The 29 48 51 85,0 80 66,7 2 ( 36,4 % ) .Investigators ramadani ( 2012 ) , on the subjects
initiativ ,3 of his research by age group more than 70 % productive ages
e between the ages of 20 up to 50 years .
Total 60 10 60 100 12 100 Pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers are classified as
0 0 reproductive age generally activity is quite high in day-to-
day so him sometimes forgotten to come seek treatment and
his medicine regularly .While the age of unproductive most
parents who do not a lot of activities outside a house so more

regular to seek medical treatment .Then age would influence swallow medicine , supervise and provide encouragement in
the compliance tb patients in treatment. undergo treatment be holistically .

Gender The visit to the health service

There was no correlation meaningful of the respondents who There was a correlation meaningful between visits keyankes
sex with breaking up medical treatment tb patients with breaking up medical treatment tb patients pulmonary ,
pulmonary, and the pulmonary tuberculosis of the male sex and the pulmonary tuberculosis visit keyankes to the referent
and females have the risk of breaking up medical upk had a chance of 6,859 times risking breaking up medical
treatment.Based on the research done obtained that the treatment than to the patient visit keyankes with the initiative.
majority of tb patients pulmonary is male sex as many as 78 According Depkes, RI ( 2009 ) health services is any an
people ( 65,0 % ). organized attempt own or together in an organization to
Based on the results of research conducted erawatiningsih maintain and improve health , prevent and cure diseases and
dkk ( 2009 ) that was conducted by in the district health heal individual health , family , groups and atupun the
dompu west nusa tenggara , that there is no influence community .Visits kepelayanan health there are two namely
significant sex to disobedience medical treatment in people visit on its own initiative and from referral health service
with pulmonary tuberculosis with the a correlation units. Pertaining to the results of the analysis done jaka
coefficient partial of 1,000 with p = 0,323 , because p > 0.05 . prasetya ( 2012 ) be carried out in areas puskesmas genuk
This research in line with research priska kondoy dkk semarang , that motivation clients pulmonary tuberculosis
( 2012 ) actions in five puskesmas in a city manado, that the influenced by two things from within pendirita ( visit
sex have no relationship with the compliance level of kepelayanan health at his own initiative and motivation from
medical treatment patients pulmonary tuberculosis obtained outside ( visit over referral and support of the family and the
the results of p = 0,549.In addition other research also said community).
that kulkarni of india that there was no connection sex with
compliance medical treatment patients pulmonary D) Health service visiting on its own initiative is a financier
tuberculosis and the number of tb patients pulmonary more the essential for a tb patients pulmonary in determining
men 108 respondents ( 63,2 % ) than women 63 respondents behavior her senses during the treatment held .
( 36,8 % ), it is similar with research pant said that 70 % of
patients pulmonary tuberculosis is a male. IV. CONCLUSIONS
Tb patients pulmonary men and women not risk breaking up 1. Factors that affect the breaking up of medical
medical treatment .
treatment by those with pulmonary tuberculosis
There was a correlation meaningful between the PMO with in the work area of Puskesmas Harapan Raya is
breaking up medical treatment tb patients pulmonary, and
the pulmonary tuberculosis who do not have PMO had a age , there is no pmo , and visits to the health
chance of 4,003 times risking breaking up medical treatment service.
than to the patient having PMO.
According to Depkes, RI ( 2002 ), one component dots
( directly observed treatment short cousse is treatment with 2. Factors that it does not affect the break up
an alloy of oats short-term to supervision directly by
pmo.The duty of a pmo is not to replace obligation patients medical treatment in people with pulmonary
taking a drug of health service units, but duty PMO :
tuberculosis in the work area of Puskesmas
A) Parents monitor patients tb to swallow drug regularly to
completion treatment Harapan Raya is gender
B) Give a push to the patient to go regular .
C) Remind the patient to check repeated phlegm on time [1] Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Riau. (2011). Profil Kesehatan Provinsi
determined Riau : Riau
The results of research conducted by murtiwi ( 2009 ) , [2] Widayati, Nanik dan Ulfania, Nurul. (2013). Studi Deskriptif Faktor-
faktor Penyebab Default Pada Penderita TB Paru Program Directly
obtained that the majority of patients who are not having Observed Treadment Short-Course (DOTS) Di RSUD Batang.
pmo with 69,9 % . Muhamadiyah: Muhamadiyah Pengkajangan
This research in line with research conducted amelda dkk [3] Priska, Kondoy Dkk. (2012). Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan
( 2012 ) the the role of PMO with the behavior patients dengan Kepatuhan Berobat Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Lima
Puskesmas. Manado
pulmonary tuberculosis obtained value or = 3.636 which [4] Murtiwi. (2009). Keberadaan Pengawas Minum Obat (PMO) Pasien
means patients pulmonary tuberculosis who do not have pmo Tuberkulosis Paru Di Indonesia. Indonesia
risky 3.636 times for irregular medical treatment compared [5] Departemen Kesehatan, RI. (2008). Pedoman Nasional
to the patient pulmonary tuberculosis having PMO. Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis: Jakarta
[6] Prasetyo, Jaka. (2012). Hubungan Motivasi Pasien Tb Paru Dengan
TB patients pulmonary who do not have pmo is riskier to Kepatuhan Dalam Mengikuti Program Pengobatan Sistem DOTS.
experience breaking up medical treatment compared to the Semarang: Fakultas Kesehatan UDINUS
patient having PMO because there is no that reminds

Correlation Effect Coconut Water to Quality of Delivery
Contraction Uterus (His) on Labor Stage I
Susiloningtyas Luluk 1)
Pamenang Of Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri, Indonesia

Abstract. Delivery contraction uterus (His) streamline effort feeds food and a drink at normal labor until deliver a
perfect contraction. If consumption limited of food and a drink will be dehydration which can diminish ions in body
and can affect decreas intensity and efficiency of contraction. So it takes a drink that can replace ions body have been
reduced during to first stage of labor. This research porpose knowed correlation effect of coconut water to quality of his
first stage of labor. Experimental research design used pre eksperiment with one group pra-post test design, which
respondents were observed before treatment then observed again after to given treatment. accidental sampling was 10
people. The Statistical data analys used t-test. Statistical t test analysis Result got t-count for his frequency of -2,752, t-
test was for his duration of -1,043 , t- test for his intensity of -2.709 with an error rate of (α) 5%. That got (t > α ) so that
Ho hypothesis was refused to mean there was correlation effect of coconut water to the quality of his first stage of labor.
Refer to Based research results, healty personal especially midwives are feeding per oral intake that can replace body
ions to mother that reduced during stage 1, so stage 1 can be during smoothly.

Keywords: Effects, Coconut Water, Quality Delivery Contraction Uterus (HIS)

(32%), hypertension (25%), infection (5%), obstructed labor

I. INTRODUCTION (5%), abortion (1%) and indirect causes (32% ). According
Labor is expenditure process conception (fetus and to the monthly report of Healthty Mother and Childrent in
placenta), which can live to world outside of womb through Kediri 2015 on maternal mortality rate (MMR) showed as
delivery process. The delivery process consists of four stage, many as 36 mothers and in 2014 as many as 31 mothers.
the first stage (when opening), the second stage (when the maternal mortality rate (MMR) can be caused due to
fetus expenditure), third stage (when the placenta), and stage preklamasi (32.4%), hemorrhage (8.1%), sepsis or infection
IV (monitoring 2 hours after delivery). In first stage of labor (5.4%), obstructed labor (2.7%) and others (24.3%) and
consists of latent phase (since beginning of contraction that obtained numbers of cases in Kediri such as eclampsia /
causes thinning and dilatation of cervix is gradually opening preeclampsia (7.94%), hemorrhage labor (3.92%),
up to 3 cm) and active phase of first stage (4-10 cm opening postpartum hemorrhage (1.17%), obstructed labor (10.29%),
with regular uterine activity). In active phase lasts 4-6 hours anemia (34.22% ), infection (0.95%), others (41.93%).
and 2-4 hours for primigravid to multigravida. Length of Based on the number of pregnant women LB3 6 cases and
time required for active phase can be caused by the number of maternal 3 with cases in Community Health
contraction less efficient. Less efficient contraction could Center In Plosoklaten of 2015 there were 9 cases of pregnant
hamper smooth delivery that can lead to prolonged labor women and maternity. 3 (33.3%) cases of hyperemesis, 3
(Martin, 2011) (33.3) cases of miscarriage and 3 (33.3%) cases prolonged
Several attempts to streamline his, among others: labor. From the observation and interview labory from
engineering ambulation, change of position, emptying mothers of first stage in Plosoklaten Community Health
bladder, nipple stimulation and feeding and drinking. The Center in Kediri gained mothers who want to consume food /
provision of food and beverages in a normal delivery can drink as much as 3 people (60%) with the result of
produce a perfect contraction (Liu, 2007). contractions uterus frequency every 10 minutes there was
Indonesia is one country that still can not escape the contraction uterus frequency 3-4 with a duration> 45
entanglement of the maternal mortality rate (MMR) is high. seconds and was not consumed food / beverage 2 people
The Even number of Indonesian women who died in (40%) with the result of contractions uterus frequency every
childbirth reached record highs in Asia. Agency Indonesia 10 minutes there was contraction uterus frequency 2-3 with
Demographic Health Survey in 2007, maternal mortality rate a duration of <20-40 seconds.
in Indonesia reached 228 / 100,000 live births, it means Most women is labor with little energy reserves to
every 100,000 live births there were still about 228 women continue aerobic metabolism. If consumption of food and
die due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth beverages is restricted, will cause dehydration which
( influence decrease in the intensity and efficiency of
According to Health Ministry data, the causes of contraction. Adequate fluid must provide to prevent require
maternal mortality in Indonesia most caused by bleeding drinks that contain lots of minerals, some minerals in bladder

by a lot of coconut water besides coconut water also contains Number Frequency Duration Intensity
nutrients very complete (Lingga, 2012). Respondent
Coconut water has a chemical and physical properties Before Before Before
similar to human plasma, one isotonic that supply essential 1 26 1
minerals so that could create physical fitness. Ions on 2 26 1
coconut water can create blood electrolyte balance so well 3 39 2
that the body feels fresh (Lingga, 2012). 4 18 1
5 35 2
Based on the description that has been said above,
6 26 1
researchers interested in research on " Correlation Effect
7 19 1
Coconut Water To Quality Of Delivery Contraction Uterus 8 39 2
(His) On Labor Stage I in Plosoklaten Community Health 9 30 2
Center Kediri in year 2016". 10 22 2
II. METHODS :2 :28
This research design using pre experimental design From table 1 obtained average frequency was before
One group pre-post test design. The researchers conducted in given coconut water occurs at a frequency of 2X / 10
January 2016 conducted in Plosoklaten Community Health minutes, average duration before given coconut water for 28
Center in Kediri in Year 2016. That Population was entire seconds and average intensity before given coconut water
maternity in Plosoklaten Community Health Center of occurs at medium intensity.
Kediri 2016 totaling 35 respondents. The sample was first The After Distribution Frequency Given Delivery
stage of birth mothers who gave birth to Plosoklaten Contraction Uterus Frequency (His) Quality Coconut Water
Community Health Comunity Center in Kediri in 2016 in Table 2 The Distribution Frequency After Given Coconut
January 2016 amounted to 10 respondents. This research Water on Quality Delivery Contraction Uterus Frequency
sampling technique was accidental sampling. The data (His) of first Stage to Labor in Plosoklaten Community
collection process include Preparation stage researchers to Health Comunity Center in Kediri 2016
apply for research agency chief place of research, as well as
parties - related parties. Implementation Stage Researchers Number Frequency Duration Intensity
observe his birth (frequency, duration and intensity) per 10 Respondent
minutes to 20 menit.Responden given coconut water as 1 3 45 2
much as 1000 cc. Giving every 30 minutes and every 2 3 44 2
provision of 100 cc. Researcher observation frequency, 3 4 48 3
duration and intensity of the respondent after the water by 4 3 40 2
delivery contraction uterus frequency (his) Responden that 5 4 43 2
have been observed to be searched his average obtained. In 6 5 49 3
this research instrument used in this study is observation 7 4 40 3
sheet, watches and coconut water. Coconut water is used 8 4 45 3
coconut water green. Analysis data using statistical tests T- 9 5 49 3
10 4 46 3
:4 : 45 :3
From table 2 the frequenc average after given coconut
The Before Distribution Frequency Given Delivery water occurs at a frequency 4X / 10 minutes, average
Contraction Uterus Frequency (His) Quality Coconut Water duration was after given coconut water for 45 seconds and
Table 1 The Distribution Frequency Before Given Coconut before average intensity given coconut water occurs at a
Water on Quality Delivery Contraction Uterus Frequency strong intensity.
(His) of first Stage to Labor in Plosoklaten Community
Health Comunity Center in Kediri 2016

Table 3 Table Effect of Coconut Water on the frequency, contractions can be decreased due to the cumulation of
duration and intensity of Contraction Uterus Frequency (His) ketone bodies. Caloric needs are met can provide strong
first Stage of Labor in Plosoklaten Community Health power and maternal be better so do not arise from causing
Comunity Center in Kediri, 2016. harm.
After Quality contraction uteris frequency of Stage of
Labor I Given Coconut Water Based data obtained in Table
No Quality Delivery Contraction Uterus Frequency 2 of results of research conducted in Plosoklaten
resp (His) Given Before and After Coconut Water Community Healthy Center in Kediri 2016 from 10
Frequency Duration Intensity respondents who undergo childbirth there were 10
Before After Before After Before After respondents (100%) which after given coconut water during
1 2 3 26 45 1 2 labor with his quality when I. 10 respondents an average of
2 2 3 26 44 1 2 coconut water given frequency after 4 X / 10 minutes, a
3 3 4 39 48 2 3 duration of 45 seconds and the intensity of the intensity
4 2 3 18 40 1 2 kuat.Sebagian occur in women in labor with little energy
5 3 4 35 43 2 2 reserves to continue the aerobic metabolism , If the
6 2 5 26 49 1 3 consumption of food and beverages is restricted, will
7 2 4 19 40 1 3
menngakibatkan dehydration which influence decrease in
8 3 4 39 45 2 3
the intensity and efficiency of contraction (Liu, David T.Y,
9 3 5 30 49 2 3
10 2 4 22 46 2 3
2007). Concerning the importance of nutrition during
childbirth someone, namely: a long time during delivery,
:2 :4 : 28 : 45 :2 :3
thirst during labor, should intake (food and drink), vomiting
t test : - 2,752 t test : -1,043 t test : -2,709
during labor, they want to consume fluids and requires extra
energy. So as health workers, especially midwives can
From Table 3 showed average number of times
provide input at the time of delivery to the client consuming
before given coconut water 2X / 10 minutes, average
coconut water to get his good and expedite the delivery
duration before given coconut water for 28 seconds and the
average intensity before given coconut water occurs at
Correlation of coconut water was quality of
medium intensity. And the average frequency after given
contraction uterus frequency of stage labor I. In calculation
coconut water 4X / 10 minutes, average duration after given
results obtained frequency of contraction uterus frequency
coconut water for 45 seconds and the average intensity after
(his) t 2,752 with df = 9, so that t (9.095) = 1.833, so -2.752>
given coconut water occurs at a strong intensity.
-1.833 (t> t table), thereby H0 wasnot correlation, it means
The Based data obtained in table 1 from the results of
there was a significant difference in the frequency of
research conducted in Plosoklaten Community Health
contraction uterus frequency (his) before and after given
Comunity Center in Kediri 2016 out of 10 respondents
coconut water. Or in other words administration of coconut
(100%) when first stage of labor, the average frequency
water effective to increase the frequency, because the sign of
before being given coconut water occurs 2X / 10 minutes, a
t was negative (-) indicates prior smaller than after. His
duration of 28 sec and intensity occur at moderate intensity.
length calculation, t 1,036 with df = 9, so that t (9.095) =
Based on the research that has been conducted on 10
1.833, so -1.036 <-1.833 (t <t table), thus H0 was
respondents obtained the majority of respondents aged 20-30
correlation, meaning there was not significant difference
years as many as eight respondents (80%), which is the age
before and after the duration of contraction uterus frequency
of a person has reproductive organs mature and ready for
(his) given coconut water. Or other words administration of
delivery so as to have Contraction Uterus Frequency good
coconut water effective to increase duration, because sign of
and minimize the likelihood of bleeding. According
t was negative (-) indicates prior smaller than after. Counting
Notoatmojodjo (2005), Person's age, level of maturity and
contraction uterus frequency (his) intensity, t 2.709 with df =
strength a person will be more mature in thinking and
9, so that t (9.095) = 1.833, so -2.709> -1.833 (t> t table),
working. As for another opinion stating that with increasing
thus H0 wasnot correlation, it means there is a significant
age, level of knowledge will be developed in accordance
difference in the intensity of his before and after given
with the knowledge that once obtained, also is based on
coconut water.
experience. Based results of research showed that majority
of respondents 60 respondents (60%) work as a housewife,
have spare time in the surrounding environment to gain new
information about the delivery of learning from others who Gift of coconut water effective to increase the
have a life experience more so as time of delivery smoothly intensity, because the sign of t was negative (-) indicates
and a good contraction. That it was possible though as prior smaller than after. During Some reasons importance
housewife less educated but relatively good knowledge. from nutrition delivery process that was during long time
Factors affecting among others emptying contraction uterus delivery process, during delivery process felt thirsty , must
frequency bladder, engineering ambulation, nipple get intake (nutrient and drink) , vomiting during labor, She
stimulation, provision of food and drink. Laboring women want to consume fluids and requires extra energy. Laboring
requiring energy ± 50-100 kilocalories / hour, if the caloric women requiring energy ± 50-100 kilocalories / hour, if the
needs are not met will experience muscle fatigue and hunger caloric needs are not met will experience muscle fatigue and
and if glucose is not available then the fat reserves will be hunger and if glucose is not available then the fat reserves
used causing ketosis and eventually occur ketonuria. Uterine will be used causing ketosis and eventually occur ketonuria.

Uterine contractions can be decreased due to the cumulation REFERENCES
of ketone bodies. Restrictions or fluids sober mother will [1] Martin, R. 2011. Keperawatan Maternal Kesehatan Wanita, Bayi
only have a negative impact because it is a basic human need dan Keluarga eds.18 vol. 2. Jakarta: EGC
that must be met. Giving fluids is an important indicator in [2] Liu, D T.Y. 2007. Manual Persalinan. Jakarta : EGC
the course of the first stage and embodiment of motion [3] Lingga, L. 2012. Terapi Air Kelapa. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media
maternal affection.

Factors That Deal With Disobedience Medical Treatment TB
Patients Pulmonang Smear Positive on Puskesmas Minas
Kabupaten Siak 2016

Agus Alamsyah 1), Suci Noviana Sari 2)

Public Health Science Institute Of STIKES Hang Tuah Pekan Baru

Abstract. Tuberculosis ( TB ) is an infectious disease directly caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Until now,
this is still a problem in world health . Disobedience of medical treatment is dereliction of duty if the person is treated , so that it
can lead to obstruction of healing . Figures disobedience treatment at Puskesmas Minas 20.1%. This study aims to determine
whether, drug side effects, the knowledge and the PMO are all factors associated with medication non-adherence in patients
with pulmonary TB BTA+. This type of research is quantitative analytical case control design where samples were taken in a
way to count down the number of cases and controls based on the data TB 01 with a sample of 108 sample consisted of 54
sample cases and 54 control samples were carried out at the Regional Public Health Center Minas this research in April and
May 2016. Measuring instrument used was a questionnaire . Data analysis to test bivariate with chi-square test . Results of chi-
square tests were done of the side effects of drugs at risk of non-compliance with taking medications obtained pvalue 0.000
(OR=9.100). The side effects of drugs, is a risk factor for treatment of non-compliance and the results of the chi -square test of
knowledge, PMO is not a factor at risk of non-compliance with treatment in patients with pulmonary TB BTA+. For patients
with pulmonary TB in order to perform the treatment to its conclusion, to say the side effects of drugs that will be taken and
pressed so that patients have a close and respected PMO in performing the treatment completely

Keywords : non-compliance with treatment, side effects of medications

65,65 per100.000 .The discovery TB patients pulmonary at

I. INTRODUCTION puskesmas minas years 2015 are 44,12 % , disobedience
Disobedient medical treatment is that if the person fail in medical treatment 20.1 % . The Research objectives known
their duty medical treatment, so can result in obstruction of factors that deals with disobedience medical treatment TB
healing.Compliance medical treatment TB patients patients pulmonary smear positive in the Puskesmas Minas
pulmonary is the extent to which behavior patients in Kabupaten Siak 2016.
accordance with the regulation given by professional health,
that he really to comply with all the regulation by the
purpose to quickly recovered from a.( septia dkk, 2013 ).
Referring to the report of who report 2010: global II. METHOD
tuberculosis control in 2009, it is estimated that insidensi
disease TB were 9.400.000 cases, mostly occurred in asia The kind of research this is the quantitative study of
with the estimate 55 cent of the overall new cases globally, analytic with the design cases control (case control). Design
Indonesia being in a position fifth with the approximate case study control is study observational who chose groups
number of new cases 520.000. research based on status of disease by a decisive manner of a
The number of patients tuberculosis in Indonesia about group of TB patients pulmonary smear + not in obedience
10 % of the total the number of patients tuberculosis in this cases ) and clusters of TB patients pulmonary smear +
world .It is estimated that in 2004 , every year is 539.000 ( control of ), and compare the frequency of exposure to in
new cases and death 101.000 people. Incidence of both groups.The study was conducted in the work
tubekulosis smear positive about 110 per 100,000 residents puskesmas minas kabupaten siak in february up to may
( Indonesian dept. of health , 2008).The discovery patients 2016.Samples from 108 respondents of the 54 not
tuberculosis a new case with smear positive in riau 2014 is wrongdoing and 54 respondents submissive. Data collection
all cases smear positive with the success treatment that is using interviews and use questionnaire sheets in patients
2.965 or ( 84 % ) .The discovery TB patients pulmonary in pulmonary tuberculosis knowledge about medical treatment
kabupaten siak 2014 there are 410 cases smear positive patients.

The relationship of knowledge by disobedience of
medical treatment by those with pulmonary tuberculosis
There was no correlation meaningful between
RESULTS knowledge by disobedience medical treatment TB patients
pulmonary , and averted the calamity from pulmonary
tuberculosis whose knowledge low and knowledge high
Kelompo Tidakpatu Patuh Total P OR having the risk of disobedience medical treatment .Based on
k h 95% the research done got that the majority of TB patients
n % n n CI pulmonary is knowledge high was found that 89 people with
a percentage ( 82.4 % ). Statistically significant found data
% %
with pvalue 0,043 with the or = 0,292 ( 0,097-0,879 ) shows
related to but not risk factors because data
Knowledg 5 14 19 0,04 0,292 homogeneous .High knowledge not necessarily to be factors
e 9,3 25,9 17,6 3 (0,097 make someone adherent to netted with a good treatment ,
Low 49 40 89 - especially of knowledge someone on health in running
Hight 90,7 74,1 82,4 0,879) treatment pulmonary tuberculosis be holistically .TB patients
Total 54 54 108 pulmonary of knowledge high also run the risk to experience
100 100 100 disobedience because attitude a less well on health but more
Side ketindakan negative .
medicine The relationship the side effects of drugs with
49 28 77
There was 9,100 disobedience of medical treatment by those with
90,7 51,9 71,3
a side (3,141 pulmonary tuberculosis smear +
5 26 31 0,00
effect - There was a correlation meaningful between side
9,3 48,1 28,7 0
There was 26,366 effects drugs with disobedience medical treatment TB
54 54 108
not a side ) patients pulmonary , and averted the calamity from TB lung
100 100 100
effect feel side effects drug had a chance of 9,100 times risking
Total disobedience compared to the patient s not feeling the effects
PMO side medicine .Sire , dkk for 2010 there was a correlation
14 47 between side effects drugs with disobedience treatment
There was
25,9 43,5 pulmonary tuberculosis pta positive .Actually side effects
a PMO 33 61,1 0,223
40 61 0,00 light handled so that patients be able to continue his
There was 21 38,9 (0,098
74,1 56,5 0 medicine oats without stop it .It is also proven to research
not a PMO 54 100 -0,505
54 108 erawati , dkk ( 2009 which concluded is the influence of the
100 100 singnifikan between side effects medicine for breaking up
Univariat analysis medical treatment ( default ) in people with pulmonary
The results of the analysis univariat obtained seen tuberculosis , with a correlation coefficient of -0,352 with p
that of 54 respondents TB lung tidakpatuh and 54 = 0,009 because p = 0.05 .
respondents pulmonary tuberculosis obey , of knowledge The results of research widayati , dkk ( 2013 ) that
low namely tidakpatuh five people ( 9.3 % and obey 14 the majority of respondents pulmonary tuberculosis who
( 25,9 % ) of respondents pulmonary tuberculosis , that felt dropped out of medical treatment is the respondents who
side effects drug that is tidakpatuh five people ( 9.3 % and have no side effects oats ( 60,6 % ) and that has adverse side
obey 26 people ( 48.1 % ) , and of which there is no pmo effects oats ( 39.4 % ) .The side effects of drugs are
namely tidakpatuh 21 people ( 38.9 % and obey 40 people complaints is perceived patients pulmonary tuberculosis
( 74,1 % ). after his medicine .Pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers who
feel that they have the side effects of medicine is riskier to
Bivariat analysis experience disobedience compared to the patient that is not
Test results bivariat there are 3 variable , one feeling the effects a drug because sampng after his medicine
variable who are related significant with disobedience not better instead make cough will get worse even up bloody
medical treatment TB patients pulmonary smear + the side and chest pounding faster make patients do not want to
effects medicine , while variable knowledge and pmo no continue of medical treatment.
meaning statistically .
Relationships PMO with disobedience medical treatment
Tabel 6 in people with pulmonary tuberculosis smear +
Bivariat analysis There was no correlation meaningful of the
respondents that is pmo with disobedience medical treatment
TB patients pulmonary , and averted the calamity from
pulmonary tuberculosis that is pmo and do not have pmo
DISCUSSION having the risk of disobedience medical treatment .Based on
the research done got that the majority of TB patients

pulmonary is that there is pmo 61 people with a percentage medicine at risk 9,100 times for Tb. disobedience of medical
( 56.5 % ) .Statistically significant found data with pvalue treatment.
0,000 with the or = 0,223 ( 0,098-0,505 ) shows berhubunga
but not risk factors because data homogeneous .The results RECOMMENDATION
of research conducted by murtini ( 2009 ) , got that most Health workers puskesmas especially who handles
patients who are not having pmo or accompanied pmo the treatment pulmonary tuberculosis, harder to doing
system 69,9 % and as many as 66,6 % of patients no that counseling on treatment pulmonary tuberculosis and
reminds to drink pulmonary tuberculosis .Investigators reminded tb patients pulmonary to conduct treatment at be
maesaroh ( 2009 ) , based on analysis of data , than 128 completed , tell side effects a drug to be drink before patients
respondents it turns out that 40.6 % of respondents said have feeling the effects side and does not wish to drink any more
no pmo while 59,4 % have pmo. medication, .Pmo have to persons nearest patient and feared
The results of the study amelda , dkk ( 2012 ) the that tb patients / patients want a drink drug regularly.
the role of pmo with the behavior patients pulmonary
tuberculosis obtained value or = 3,636 which means patients
pulmonary tuberculosis who do not have pmo risk 3,636
times for irregular medical treatment compared to the patient
pulmonary tuberculosis having pmo .Research pare , dkk REFERENCES
( 2012 which there was a correlation the role of pmo with a [1] Septia asra, dkk.( 2013 ). Relations Family Encouragement With
break up medical treatment ( default ) tuberculosis namely Compliance Drink In People With Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Journal
JOM PSIK vol.1 no 2.
by or = 3,636 which means patients TB lung do not have [2] Bagianda, made, dkk. For 2010. Factors That Influences The Level
much role pmo that risk 3,636 times to break up medical Of It Patuhan Patients Tuberculosis In Treatment At The Polyclinic
treatment ( default ) in people with pulmonary Dots Rsup Sanglah Denpasar. The science of diseases in FK UNUD /
tuberculosis.TB patients pulmonary who do not have pmo is RSUP sangalah Denpasar. Journal j the disease being in, volume 11
numbers 3 september 2010.
riskier to experience disobedience compared to the patient [3] Widayati, dkk.( 2013 ). Study Descriptive The Factors That Cause
having pmo because no one mengingatkat swallow The Default On Tb Patients Pulmonary Program Directly Observed
medicine , supervise and provide encouragement in undergo Treadment Short-Course ( Dots ) At RSUD Stems.Muhamadiyah:
treatment be holistically. muhamadiyah pengkajangan.
[4] District health offices siak ( 2015 ). Profile District Health Offices
Siak. 2015.
[5] Erawatyningsih, dkk.( 2009 ). Factors That Affects Disobedience
IV. CONCLUSIONS Medical Treatment In People With Pulmonary
Tuberculosis.Yogyakarta: The University of Gajah Mada.
[6] Amelda , dkk l. (2012). The Relationship Between Pmo Work ,
Health Services , Family Encouragement And Discrimination With
Lacking knowledge, there is no supervisory his The Behavior Of Medical Treatment Patients Pulmonary
Tuberculosis. Makasar: Hasanuddin University .
medicine (PMO) and drug side effects associated with Tb [7] Murti, Bhisma. ( 2003 ). Principles And Method Of An
disobedience of medical treatment. The side effects of Epidemiological Research .Yogyakarta: gajah mada university press .

Association Between Labor Preparation with Mother of Level
Anxiety in Labor Process
Amperiana Sukma1)
 Pamenang Of Midwifery Academy Pare Kediri

Abstract. First experience pregnancy mother is very anxiety and to try self adaptation with prenatal anxiety
before labor often difficulty labory. This condition causes tense body muscle, especially muscles uterus become stiff
and stringent so that is expand difficult . Preparation labor was purpse of prepare all need during labor also pregnancy
or labor process. This purpose research was known association between labor preparation with mother of level anxiety
in labor process This research used corelational analytic design with cross sectional approaches. Sample Research was
all primigravida of trimester III that visit antenatal (ANC) in BPM Yayuk in July 2016. Bivariate analysis that was used
to known association between labor preparation with mother of level anxiety in labor process was spearman rank
test. Research result was preparation labor a large part good (36%) and anxiety level a large part light (52%). Data of
analysis result was standard signifikasi (α) 5% (0,05), got value  preparation labor was 0,640 while  table 0,377.
That conclusion  count >  table there was association between labor preparation with mother of level anxiety in
labor process . Therefore was supposed healty personal can give much information preparation labor to pregnancy.

Keyword : Preparation Labor, Anxiety.

muscles that are in the womb come to be rigid and hard that
I. INTRODUCTION it is difficult to expand. (Zaenal, 2002) [4]
The high and low of Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) According to Mochtar, there are three main factors in
and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in State can see ability to childbirth is a factor the birth canal (passage), fetal factors
provide quality obstetric care and thorough. According and (passanger) and power factor (power). In addition, the
Health Survey Demographic data from 2007 , that was rate delivery may be added to psychological factors
in Indonesia MMR was 228 per 100,000 live births, IMR (psychological) women facing pregnancy, childbirth and
was 34 per 1,000 natalitas. Data of East Java Health Office, postpartum. That's why a woman needs physical maturity,
MMR in 2010 was 101.1 per 100,000 natalitas ths and IMR emotional and psychosocial.
29.9 per 1,000 natalitas. MMR and IMR in Kediri is 87 per
100,000 natalitas and 12 per 1,000 natalitas (www. [1]. II. METHODS
Anxious is normal reaction to the threat to the mother The research design used cross sectional. This research
who faced the first pregnancy. Mothers who experienced a was conducted in July 2016 in Yayuk Tulungrejo clinic in
first pregnancy was very anxious and trying to adjust to the District of Pare Kediri. Its population was all primigravida
anxiety before giving birth often suffer hardship during trimester III who visit antenatal care (ANC) in Yayuk clinic
prenatal . (ellis and nowlis 2001). in July of 2016.Teknik sampling was used accidental
According to Boni and Mila (2004) relationship anxiety sampling. Type instrument was used a questionnaire adopt
with first pregnancy is the psychological response of anxiety HARS Scale. Statistic test using Spearman Rank test.
and fear can lead to severe pain and the resulting decrease in
uterine contractions and dilation of delivery will be III. RESULT
prolonged. It is very harmful to the health of the mother and a. Preparation Mother Was Delivery Process`In Yayuk
fetus if not handled properly. Clinic
In addition to the clinical nature causes such as placenta
previa, maternal psychological environment that does not
support it turned contribute complicate the delivery process.
As a mother in a state of excessive anxiety, worry and fear
without cause, which in turn leads to stress. This condition
resulted in tensed muscles of the body, especially the

assess the situation with anxiety, because women with these
conditions know that there will be a family that helps.
Pregnant women with high family support will change in
response to a source of anxiety and go to his family to pour
out his heart. In this study, also obtained donations husband
support to the anxieties of pregnant women face their first
child during the third quarter is sebesar15,4%. This showed
84.6% of other variables that affect the incidence of anxiety
Figure 1 Diagram Distribution Preparation s mother was` delivery process to face labor in primigravida. According to Caplan, one of
in Yayuk Clinic
the developers of crisis intervention saying that the
successful completion of a crisis often ergantung on patient-
b. Maternal Anxiety Levels Was Preparation S Mother To
support system. Patient support system may include family,
Delivery Process In Community
friends and people nearby.
Health Centers Pare

24% Preparation labor and the role family is providing support
24% Berat
Sedang during pregnancy and labor process can be reduce anxiety
maternal This research was support systems to readiness
mothers in fulfill delivery process, including physical
52% preparation, psychological preparation, financial preparation,
preparation of cultural, rural ambulances, saving maternal
Figure 2 Diagram Distribution Anxiety Level to mother was in delivery and blood donors.
prrocess in Yayuk Clinic

c. Association between labor preparation with mother of REFERENCES

level anxiety in labor process in Yayuk Clinic [1] Iswani, 2002, Sterss Pada Ibu
Hamil, hamil 3
This research was Analysis bivariate data to using
Spearman Rank Test. Based figure of correlation ρ test
results was 0.868. Then figure confirmed was Spearman ρ
table with N = 25, the figure was 0,392. That Mean was ρ
count > ρ table. So H1 was association and H0 wasnot
association, then there was relationship between preparation
labory with maternal anxiety levels in delivery process in
Yayuk Clinic.

Determinants occurrence anxiety on maternal, there was
among other things: 1) Anxiety because result of labor pain,
2) The physical state mother, 3) history of prenatal care
(history ANC), 4) Lack of knowledge delivery process, 5)
Support from social environment ( husband / family and
friends) as well as other psychosocial background of the
woman concerned, such as education level, marital status,
unwanted pregnancy, socioeconomic.
Attention and good care that obtained the mother during
pregnancy will enable mothers face problems - problems
experienced by the mother. Mom will quickly get care in
accordance with their needs such as handling complications
or complications in pregnancy, so that at the time of delivery
arrived the mother's general condition is expected to be in
optimal conditions both physical and psychological (Verga,
2008) .
According research conducted by Sulistyorini (2007),
that showed 52.5% of pregnant women to delivery process
of first child in the category of low anxiety, 60%. she
considered support it receives from her family is very high.
Pregnant women with high family support will not be easy to

Implementation Of Giving Free Legal Aid By Advocate To
Corruption Crime Defendante At Tipikor Court IA Class Of
Rifka Zuwanda1), Miko Kamal2), Yetisma Saini3)
Nadhlatul Ulama, University of West Sumatera

University Bung Hatta, of West Sumatera

Abstract. The aim of giving free legal aid to corruption crime defendant by the advocate is the citizen right and
advocate in giving legal aid to his client that is always used by the presumption of innocence principle. There is a
method that was writer used in this research is the sociological research. The data source that writer was used is the
primary and secondary data. The writer has used the qualitative technique in the analysis of data. Result and discussion
are 1. Is the corruption crime defendant including the person who has to get free guiding by the advocate. 2. How the
implementation of giving free legal aid to criminal act defendant at the court of Padang. The conclusion the writer’s
research is: 1. the corruption crime defendant is the person who has to get free guiding by the advocate. 2. The
implementation of giving legal aid by the advocate to the corruption crime defendant is: (a). there is spontaneous
without coordination first, (b). because of knowing each other. (c) because of the advocate was ever accompanied the
other defendant in the corruption criminal as free

Keywords: Legal Aid, Advocate, Corruption, Defendant

Prosecuted, or confronted in the face of court, and should be

I. BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEMS presumed as innocent until their verdict the court stating his
guilt and permanent legal power.
The provision of legal aid by advocate is not only seen as The advocate should not pick and choose cases that come
an obligation merely as contained in Article 22 paragraph (1) to him even though the case from the beginning realizing
of Law No: 18 of 2003 regarding Advocates. Which reads: will not get a reward commensurate with what he has done.
Advocates are obliged to provide legal assistance free of Including in defense and accompanying case alleged
charge to the justice seekers who do not only capable, but criminal act corruption. Otherwise advocates also must not
also must be seen as part of the responsibility that is closely make agreements with other law enforcement officers both
associated with moral touch. Advocate's profession is a during the process of investigation. Prosecution and trial and
profession that is normative is a noble profession. This also should not abandon client during ongoing litigation
means that the Advocate in a work devoted himself to the pending since it is clearly contrary to law advocates.
interests of the community to help those less fortunate and The necessary of legal services an advocate in the form
help to uphold human rights without distinguishing social of legal advice. Legal advice, legal opinion, defend both
background. Economics, Education, Politics, Ethnicity, forth, inside, and outside of the court are required by a defendant
and also without expecting anything in return or honorarium. or a person who becomes a victim in order to get the defense
The moral touch given by the Advocate could sharpen social in accordance with the principles of decency and fairness[2].
sensitivity for other law enforcement officials to uphold truth The motives for legal assistance from an advocate not
and justice[1]. only support by humanity to people who cannot afford it,
Advocates in carrying out their duties and obligations not But also to all people who are facing legal problems without
just want to earn a living only. But also seek out and fight discriminating the background for legal aid is the protection
for the values of truth and justice for their clients. In other of the state to the citizens.
words, the self-contained Advocate idealism and morality in According to Sudikno Mertokusumo there are three basic
order to uphold truth and justice based on the principle of principal that is be the purpose of the law are:
presumption of innocence. Explicitly the setting of the 1. Justice;
presumption of innocence is not mentioned explicitly in the 2. Expediency; and
Act No. 8 of 1981 of Criminal Proceedings, but it can be 3. Certainty law[3]
seen in the Criminal Code section general explanation 3rd of
c. states that "any person suspected. Arrested, detained,

To realize the implementation of state law. So, the state being applied for legal aid. Hand over documents relating to
takes an active role in providing legal assistance to citizens the case.
as mandated the Act of 1945. That Are:
1. Article 27 paragraph (1) reads: C. attaches this letter from village heads or the equivalent of
All citizens have an office the law and government official residence by legal aid applicant.
shall abide the law without any exception.
2. Article 28 letter D paragraph (1) reads: Paragraph (2): In the case of legal aid applicant is not able to
Everyone has the right to recognition. Security, compile a written application a request may be made orally.
protection, law, certainly fair, and equal treatment Instead, an obligation for Advocates to provide legal
before the law. assistance free of charge to citizens is punishable up to 5
3. Article 28 letter H (2) reads: (five) years or more has been stipulated in the legislation
Everyone is entitled to have the ease and special include:
treatment to obtain the same opportunities and benefits 1. Law No. 8 of 1981 about the Code of Criminal Procedure
in order to achieve equality and justice. (Criminal Procedure Code). Among others:
4. Article 28 first paragraph letter (4) reads:
Protection, enforcement, and fulfillment of human a. Article 56 (1) reads: In the case of a suspect or a
rights are the responsibility of the state especially of the defendant suspected of or charged with a criminal offense
government. death or criminal penalty of fifteen years or more or for
5. Article 28 letter I paragraph (5) reads: those who cannot afford is punishable by five years or more
In upholding and protect human rights in accordance who do not have your own legal counsel. Officials
with the principles of a democratic constitutional state. concerned at all levels of checks in the proceedings shall
The exercise of human rights is guaranteed, regulated, appoint counsel for them.
and set forth in the legislation of Article 27 paragraph
(1). B. Article 56 (2) reads: Every counsel is appointed to act as
referred to in paragraph (1). Provide assistance free of
The rules describe the state's obligation to provide legal charge.
aid to its citizens. Both in court (Litigation) and outside the Article abovementioned basis for the Corruption Court
court (litigation) to obtain justice and legal certainty because judges and adjudicates cases of corruption accused to
every person has the right as a legal subject appoint an advocate to provide legal assistance free of
1. To obtain the legal aid. charge which aims to assist and defend against the defendant.
2. To be treated equally before the law 2. Act No: 18 of 2003 on the Advocate Article 22 reads:
3. To get justice without exception[4]
Paragraph (1): Advocates are required to provide legal
In practice, the right of citizens to obtain legal aid and the assistance free of charge to the justice seekers who cannot
justice of the state can be realized by means the appointment afford.
of an advocate or the defense in the trial (access to legal
counsel)[5] by the judge. Paragraph (2): Provisions of the conditions and procedures
Every citizen in Indonesian must always uphold the law for the provision of legal aid free of charge referred to in
in order to create legal certainty, fairness, and expediency. paragraph (1) shall be further regulated under a government
As contained in Article 1 (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the regulation.
third amendment. which reads: Indonesia is a country of law
means that the country based on law (rechtsstaat) and not 3. Government Regulation No: 83 of 2008 Article 1 (3) of
based on power (Macht sta at) and system of government the requirements and procedures for legal aid free of charge
based on the constitution (basic law) rather than absolute reads:
(unlimited power). But practice in judicial of Indonesia. Legal aid is free legal services provided Advocate without
There are still people who become suspect/defendant both at receiving honoraria payments includes the provision of legal
the level of investigation. Prosecution and trial is very advice. Exercises the power represents, assist, and defend.
difficult to get legal aid in conducting the defense of his case. And perform other legal actions in the interests of justice
So that their rights to legal assistance many are neglected. seekers who cannot afford.
Whereas legislation OF explicitly says that every citizen
who cannot be entitled to free legal aid. 4. Judicial Authority Act No. 48 of 2009 Section 57 reads:
Provision of free legal aid (in the form of litigation and State bears the costs of the case for justice seekers who
non-litigation) is not necessarily obtained by potential cannot afford.
beneficiaries of the law as contained in the legislation are:
Article 14 of Law No: 16 of 2011 on the Legal Aid 5. The Supreme Court Circular No: 10 of 2010. Article 10
paragraph (2) About the Guidelines for Legal Aid reads:
Paragraph (1): In order to obtain legal aid. Legal aid Advocate referred to in paragraph (1) is a lawyer who
applicants must meet the following requirements: provides legal aid services free of charge according to the
a. submits a written application containing at least the rules applicable legislation.
identity of the applicant and brief description of the subject 6. Legal Aid Act No. 16 of 2011 Article 1 paragraph (1)

Legal aid is a legal service provided by legal aid free of II. METHODS AND DATA COLLECTION
charge to the recipient help law. The data collection tools in this paper are:
The grant of free legal aid as included in the legislation 1. Studies document.
clearly show that every citizen who cannot afford the 2. Interview.
suspects / accused has the right to legal assistance from the Once researchers get the data collected and analyzed in
state to appoint an advocate with the aim to defend the case. the following manner:
In fact, for the judge hearing it turns out that the legislation
is no clear measure of judicial assistance free of charge A. Editing.
means that if all the accused of corruption are not a category Editing is the process of research to examine the data that
of people who cannot afford or poor are also eligible to has been obtained in the field by editing beforehand. In order
receive free legal assistance. to determine whether the data that has been obtained is
In practice in corruption cases at the Corruption Court sufficiently relevant and comprehensive to support the
Padang at the present time there was a defendant categorized solving of the problem formulation in this study and if there
as capable or not poor also get legal assistance for free is an error it will be repaired.
(without cost) of advocates. It happened at the time of the
judge who checked or prosecute the accused of corruption B. Data processing
are not accompanied by an advocate. the obligation for the After the data is held later in the qualification on the data
judge to appoint a lawyer as contained in Article 56 of the processed by arranging in accordance with the problems that
Criminal Procedure Code because of the threat of are formulated by visible results are overall to the problem
punishment to the defendant in the Law on Corruption No: being investigated.
31 Years 1999 as amended by the Act of Corruption Act No:
20 of 2001 a maximum of 20 years in prison. C. Data analysis
The number of corruption cases was transferred to the techniques of Data analysis used in this research is
Corruption Court by Act No. 46 of 2009 on the Corruption qualitative research means that do not use the count numbers
Court imposes on the defendant legal aid lawyers sought or research done by arranging and collecting data and then
either alone or obtained based on the designation by the the data is processed in a systematic way.
Since Padang Corruption Court was established in May
of 2011. The data I get from the Deputy Registrar (Panmud)
Corruption in Class IA Padang District Court on judicial III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
assistance free of advocates to the accused of corruption.
The rights accused of corruption to be represented free
A. Formulation of the problem by lawyers.
Based on the problem above, the researcher will At present not only the suspect that the threat of
formulate the problems are: punishment over five (5) years have legal assistance free of
1. Whether the defendant of corruption among those entitled charge, but also the suspect/defendant who committed the
to free accompanied by an advocate? crime of corruption on the condition at the time of the
2. How the implementation of giving legal aid free of charge suspect/defendant is not accompanied by the advocates good
by the advocates of the accused of corruption in the level investigation. Prosecution and trial of the obligations of
Corruption Court Padang? officials concerned to appoint advocates to provide legal
assistance in order to fulfill formal requirements for
B. Research methods inspection of the suspects/defendants as contained in Article
1. Research Approach 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Criminal Code) reads:
This research is a sociological (socio-legal research) means Paragraph (1): in the case of a suspect or accused the suspect
that researchers get the data is collected directly from the or the defendant committed the offense in the threatened
respondents either in written form or orally in response to with the death penalty or a penalty of fifteen years or more
questions that researchers ask or for those who cannot afford that in the threatened with
punishment of five years or more who do not have own legal
2. Sources of Data. counsel. The concerned officials at all levels of checks in the
The data used in this study are: proceedings shall appoint counsel for them.
a. Primary data is data obtained directly in the field or place Paragraph (2): any legal counsel designated to act as
of research by conducting interviews with 1 (one) judges referred to in paragraph (1). Provide assistance free of
that Kamijon. 1 (one) Deputy Registrar of Corruption charge.
(Panmud) Corruption is Rimson Situmorang. 6 (six) people Advocates who provide legal assistance to indigent
that advocates Aswar Siri, Asrizal, Riefia Nandra, Riniati defendants justified by law because it is a noble job or
Abas, Syofiarni, and Syamsirudin. Providing legal has been profession noble (noble official). Every person who is the
assistance free of charge to the accused of corruption in the defendant should be treated equally before the law because
Corruption Court Padang. the responsibility advocates not only limited if there is
b. Data secondary is data obtained at the office of Padang in honorarium New willing to help those who seek legal
the form of the Corruption Court verdict against the accused assistance both litigation and non-litigation but otherwise
of corruption that get help free legal in 2012 s / d in 2013. advocate also has the responsibility of noble kind to himself.

on the results of author interviews with Kamijon judge signing the letters associated with the Letter instruction
Corruption Court in the District Court of Class IA Padang Work (SPK) and the Main Duties and Functions (TOR) do
ever be the presiding judge in examining and deciding cases not read and understand in advance the details of the letter.
of corruption for free (without cost) said: that the defendant So in the end a lot of work has been committed by the
corruption is a person who is entitled to get help law free defendant is not in accordance with the Work Order (SPK)
from advocates on the grounds. and the Main Duties and Functions (TOR).
1. The presence and the presence of an advocate in court Based on the description above, be fair and reasonable
are very important in order to help judges to seek the defendants were entitled to be granted legal assistance free
material truth. of charge in accordance with the principles of decency and
2. To align the actual legal facts by providing moral touch fairness and the legislation in force in order to fulfill the
to the accused means that the defendant will be open all principle of equality before the law (equality before the law)
the problems it faces in a brightly lit in the hope of means that every citizen has the right to get legal assistance
freeing the defendants of penalties or criminal free of charge that is given by the state to its citizens.
sanctions. Before the release of Act No: 46 of 2009 on the
3. Every citizen has the right to legal assistance provided Corruption Court then no suspect / defendant to legal
by the state through the relevant authorities both in the assistance free of charge because at the time legal aid for
investigation. Prosecution until the examination in corruption may say that a suspect / accused are officials or
court appoints a lawyer. people who have the ability to materially and also have
Corruption Court Padang there are several accused important positions both in government and in companies
persons when his case would be tried was not accompanied where the defendant worked.
by a lawyer when the minimum sentence of 5 (five) years Based on the data above, it shown that the authors from
and as for the reason of the defendant is not represented by both the results of interviews with judges. Deputy Registrar
an advocate adalah: Corruption Rimson Situmorang and some people advocate.
1. Because the defendant is unable to pay the honorarium Among others; Riefia, Sandra Syamsiruddin, and
advocate. Syofiarni,Asrizal Who had accompanied the accused of
That advocate in their profession to defend both litigation corruption free then it is obvious that the cause of the
and non-litigation cases or both assisting / representing the corruption offenses committed by the accused is:
costs awarded by a client to advocate are: 1. Since the defendant did not have a good educational
a. The operational cost fee consisting of transport. background and also the appropriate job Auth (the basic
Accommodation and lodging, tasks and functions) his.
b. The cost of legal fees means to create. Deliver and 2. Because most of the defendants did not understand and
send letters and facing to party interested parties in know where to begin the work, so the fact that so many
relation to the case at hand. procedures that violated either intentional or
c. Cost success fee means if lawyers are won or freeing unintentional, so that at the time of disbursement of
his client then lawyers will get additional fee beyond funds by term (period) either from the budget or state
the cost of legal aid services contract. budget many defendants do not understand, but again the
job still run well even though the defendants were aware
2. Because of the defendant from the investigation. that what has been done it is against the law.
Prosecution until the trial has been let go. No longer 3. The lack of supervision and warning of the Budget
desire to defend has pleaded guilty. Remorseful, Not Authority (KPA) or other relevant agencies to work
convoluted with the hope that his case quickly charged to the defendant, causing the defendant seemed
disconnected and penalties are light-light. to have no errors that result will be entangled with legal
Corruption Court that the defendant turns Padang ever problems later in the day when the occupation is not in
get free legal assistance backgrounds unfavorable life. accordance with the Work Order (SPK)[10].
Among others: Based on author interviews with advocates Riefia Nadra,
1. In terms of employment. Syofiarni, Aswar Siri, Syamsirudin, Asrizal, Riniati Abas
This means there's work as farmers Day laborers and drivers said the defendant agrees on corruption legal assistance from
of public transport. an advocate with the reason:
1. In terms of education. a. Based Advocate Law No: 18 of 2003
Meaning that there did not graduate from elementary a. Article 22 paragraph (1) reads: lawyer shall provide legal
school (SD) and High School (SMP). assistance free of charge to the justice seekers who cannot
2. In terms of the economy. b. Article 18 paragraphs (1) reads: advocate performing
This means that there are not able to meet the needs of tasks prohibited profession differentiate the treatment of
everyday life. There are those who rent housing. client based on sex, religion, political, descent, race, or
Based on the facts above, at the time the defendant is given social and cultural background.
the duties and responsibilities of the relevant agencies to
carry out the work of its budget comes from the budget and 2. Article 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Criminal
the state budget for the immediate receipt of the defendant's Code) reads as follows: Paragraph (1): in the case of a
work solely to earn money without again considering its suspect or the suspect or the accused was charged with a
domain expertise and also the defendant at the time of criminal offense which threatens to capital punishment or

penalty of fifteen years or more or for those who cannot Based on the above according to the judge Corruption
afford that in the criminal threatened with five years or more Kamijon practice in the Anti-Corruption Court Padang. Then
who do not have their own legal counsel. The concerned the implementation of the provision of legal aid free of
officials at all levels of checks in the proceedings shall charge by lawyers to the accused of corruption despite the
appoint counsel for them. non-fulfillment of the conditions mentioned above to obtain
Paragraph (2): any legal counsel designated to act as legal aid free of charge by the defendant. They don’t
referred to in paragraph (1). Provide assistance free of necessarily the trial examination be postponed until
charge. conditions are met as mentioned above, but in general,
judge, and adjudicates the trial process is still running as
3. The Supreme Court Circular No: 10 of 2010. Article 10 usual because:
paragraph (2) About the Guidelines for Legal Aid reads: a. The terms referred to in the legislation does not constitute
Advocate referred to in paragraph (1) is a lawyer who formal requirements that must be completed first.
provides legal aid services free of charge according to the
rules applicable legislation. B. is not necessarily lead to the cancellation of the by-laws
were approved by the decision of the judge to the defendant.
4. Constitution Legal Aid Act No: 16 of 2011 Section 1 c. Plus a period of time to examine and decide the guilt or
paragraph (1) innocence of the accused under Law No. 46 of 2009 on the
Legal aid is a legal service provided by legal aid free of Corruption Court was 120 days in the count since the case
charge to the recipient helping law. was put on trial at the Corruption Court[12].
Implementation of Legal Aid free of charge by the Advocate Furthermore Kamijon judge SH said that if the above
in Accusing of Corruption on the Corruption Court Padang. procedure must be completed immediately by the defendant.
To get legal aid free of charge. Then the procedure must be It will cause by:
completed by the defendant in accordance with the
legislation in force are[11]: 1. The reading of the indictment will be postponed one
week because the accused through his attorney will complete
1. Article 14 of Law No. 16 of 2011 on the Legal Aid said: the first of those conditions as mentioned in the above
(1) To obtain Legal Aid. Legal Aid applicants must meet the legislation.
following requirements:
2. If the defendant is not able to complete the terms of the
A. submits a written application containing at least the cause concerned officials or judges who examine and try the
identity of the applicant and brief description of the subject case is not possible to postpone the hearing of 1 (one) week
being applied for Legal Aid; longer because of the time wasted plus many other cases are
also in session by the judge concerned.
B. hand over documents relating to the case; and Kamijon The judge also said that the implementation the
provision of free legal aid of charge by a lawyer to the
C. attaches this letter from village heads or the official level accused of corruption in the Corruption Court Padang is[13]:
in the applicant's residence Legal Aid.
(2) .In terms of legal aid applicant are not able to compile a 1. There was spontaneous without any coordination first.
written request that may be made orally. That is. The lawyers concerned at the time it was
generally browsing environment Corruption Court Padang to
2. Article 4 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation No. 83 wait or follow the proceedings the other. so without realizing
of 2008 on the Terms and Procedures for Granting Legal when lawyers are passing in front of the courtroom
Assistance Free of Charge mention: spontaneously summoned by judges who examine and
(1) To obtain Legal Aid Free of Charge. Justice Seeker filed prosecute the defendant so inevitably advocate concerned
a written request addressed directly to the Advocate or agree to it for the appointed and confirmed directly by the
through an Advocate Organization or through Legal Aid. judges to accompany the defendant although without any fee
(2) Petition referred to in paragraph (1) shall at least contain: and worked on a timely basis.
a. Name, address, and job applicants.
b. Commentary issue brief filed legal aid. 2. Due connected with each other.
(3) In the application referred to in paragraph (2). Justice That is. Because of frequent lawyers met with the judge
Seeker must attach a poverty that made the authorities. Corruption in the case of the others in the trial. causing
kinship professionally run well so that their designation
3. Article 11 of Circular (Sema) No. 10 The year 2010 on advocate by a panel of judges that is commonplace and even
Guidelines for Legal Aid. Among others: a. Certificate of No lawyers could have been repeatedly designated by the judge
Capable of village heads a local village chief. concerned to defend another accused of corruption.
The certificate of other social benefits such as Poor Based on this it was revealed that the implementation of
Family Card (KKM). Community Health Insurance Card the provision of legal aid free of charge just to complete the
(Assurance). formality of the criminal procedural law just because mostly
c. Affidavit not able to made and signed by the legal aid from advocates designated character only spontaneity alone
applicants and known by the Chairman of the Court. and also know each other before resulting in an advocate
when assisting or proceedings in the Court of idealism

sometimes cannot walk optimally in defense for their awe to REFERENCES
the judge who has appointed lawyers to accompany the [1] Ishaq, Pendidikan Keadvokatan, Sinar Grafika , Jakarta, 2012.
[2] Uli Parulian Sihombing, Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat
accused so that lawyers are impressed on the sidelines of the
(PKPA) YLBHI-Peradi 2008.
accused is no longer positioned himself as a defender or [3] Yudha Pandu, Klien dan Advokat dalam Praktek, PT. Abadi, 2004.
advocate but only as a complement to the fulfillment of [4] Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2003 tentang Advokat.
formal requirements in the law of criminal procedure. [5] Effendi Harianto,KonsepHukum Nasional dan Internasional,Ghalia
Indonesia, Jakarta, 2004.

Based on the description and discussion above it can be
concluded are:
1. The defendant corruption is accompanied by the person
who has the right freely to advocate for:
a. In accordance with the legislation.
b. In accordance with the principle of equality before
the law.
c. To align the actual legal facts by providing
supporting evidence so as to relieve the defendants.
d. It can help judges to seek the material truth of the
alleged principal case to the defendant.
e. Not at all accused of corruption are those who have a
background in education and a good job.
f. Implementation of legal aid provision free of charge
at the Corruption Court Padang is not found to be
under the procedures of the legislation but include:
g. There were spontaneous without any coordination
h. Because the relationship between the judge to know
each other advocates.
i. Because in the past lawyers have been assisting the
defendant corruption free.

1. It should be in the revision of article 22 paragraph (1)
and (2) of Law No. 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates
and Article 1 paragraph (1) of Law No. 16 of 2011 on
Legal Aid in the absence of clear legal rules to the extent
where the duties and responsibilities of lawyers in
providing legal assistance free of charge means that if
allowed to accompany the defendant only started in the
course of investigation. Prosecution or court level area
course only or even already have permanent legal force
2. The Government Republic of Indonesia Especially the
relevant agencies should not longer give the tasks and
responsibilities of the project or work to people who do
not have the educational background and work.
According to their expertise it will cause of people
concerned will be faced with legal problems later in the
3. In order to create a deterrent effect and the fulfillment of
a sense of fairness. Expediency and legal certainty in the
community specifically accused of corruption should not
be given more facilities to obtain legal assistance from
the state because the defendant has hurt state finances.
Hampering development and damage the country's
economy despite the defendant's obviously people who
cannot afford.

Approach System as Means of Judicial Reform
Neni Vesna Madjid1)
High School of Legal Studies Padang (STIH) Padang

Abstrak. The problem of corruption in Indonesia is very complex. Corruption has spread to all levels of societies.
Starting the executive, legislature, judiciary, civil servants, businessmen and law enforcement officials. Judicial
independence is an absolute, the judicial system was the system in the law enforcement and justice. lately more and
more cases of corruption within the judiciary involving judges, clerks, prosecutors and advocates. The present state
judicial world is tainted by the actions of law enforcement officers themselves. They actually involved committing
corruption. Corruption is not done in conventional again but it is institutional. It is necessary for changing so the legal
system approaches it that includes legal structure, substantive law and legal culture.

Keywords: System Law, Justice

society [4]. Therefore, judge that functions in the judiciary

I. INTRODUCTION should play a role and act as guardian and father virtuous to
Law enforcement (law enforcement) is part of the legal any member of the public seeking justice. Every member of
system. Without the rule of law (formeel recht) so it is the community who is persecuted or the rights and interests
kaedah-legal norms material (material recht) undoubtedly to have been violated by the other parties, the court by the
be a stack of paper (papieren een muur) only. State judge's hands should provide protection in accordance with
laws ,which are coveted, would be a dream [1]. the legal provisions and prevailing sense of justice. The
Not only that, law enforcement does not result in a judge must hold fast to the rule of law, as the law is based on
breach of material (tegengested) or omission of material law Pancasila above anything else in accordance with the rule of
rules (substantive recht) which is created to organize law which should be placed above all the life of the state and
regulates the order of social life. Many people despair in the society.
law and justice, like the characters waiting for Godot who Judicial practice in Indonesia to date indicates that the
did not come it, as it described in the novels of Samuel morality of law enforcement from the police lawyers,
Beckett drama. There is a crisis of confidence in the law. prosecutors, judges or clerks or staff agency in court, has
Society into chaos, a society normless in reality (in het reached the point of alarming. Many of them can not be
werkelijkheid). According to Van Apeldoorn, when it is separated from the practice of corruption and mob justice.
asked about the legal layman then his mind focused on the The term is currently very hard to find law enforcement
court building, the figure of the judge, lawyers, bailiffs and officers which were really clean. In rate community, that our
police [2]. justice system is dilapidated by looking of airings cases that
Justice is a system or process of law enforcement and occurred recently it [5].
justice. The process of justice is carried out by a judge at the Some time ago, investigators of Corruption Eradication
Court in a way to receive, examining, deciding and resolving Commission caught the hand of three judges Medan State
any matter which is submitted to him, agree with the rules of Administrative Court, clerks, and a lawyer who is suspected
procedural law. With this process, the law, which issued, can of bribery related to the settlement in Medan Administrative
be reestablished, and ultimately justice can be enforced it [3]. Court [6]. This case also dragged famous Advocate OC
Justice (judiaciary, rechtspraak) interlock with the Kaligis. Likewise with the North Jakarta District Court
function of administration of justice (justice, gerechtgheid) is clerk's substitute known civil servant tajir, Rohadi the legal
carried out by the Court or the judiciary (courts, Rechtbank). process again rolling in Korupss Crime Court in Central
Giving justice functions is commonly called rechts Jakarta District Court [7].
prekendefunctie. In the constitutional system of the Republic Satjipto Raharjo reminded us to be aware of the
of Indonesia (RI), organized by the Judicial Power Justice negative things that may arise from the law. One of
also, which called the Judicial Power, puissance de jugger, possibilities are shifting into the game and business law
judiciary power. Article 24 paragraphs (1) Constitution which ultimately led to the decrease in the degree of the law
Homeland Year on 1945 (the new editorial changes result) as a tool to deliver justice. Legal practice as it no longer can
stipulates that the judicial power is an independent power to run purely legal matter, because of running two things at
organize judicial administration to uphold the law [1]. once [8].
The presence of the judiciary in public life is not Judicial corruption in Indonesia showed a very severe
simply to receive and resolve disputes, but contains a deeper condition, according to Daniel Kaufmann in his report
philosophical meaning than that the court acts as guardian of Bureaucratic and Judiciary Bribery of 1998 (Position Paper

LeIP) and the National Law Reform Consortium (KRHN). corruption is not only a monopoly in Indonesia but also in
The report explains that the level of judicial corruption in the United States. Even Professor Michael Levi in his book
Indonesia is the highest among the countries of Ukraine, Regulating fraud, white collar crime and criminal Process
Venezuela, Russia, Colombia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, showed a new trend in the form of Crimes By Goverment in
Malaysia, Brunei, South Africa, Singapore and others. the sense of extensive, a crime involving public officials as
Worse, corruption in the judiciary is common, advocates do the characteristics of white collar crime is difficult levels of
not shy anymore offered money to the judges to win the case, proof, it is difficult also determine the status of the
there is also an advocate who "pays monthly" judge, perpetrator and can always take refuge with weak
prosecutor. Prosecutors, judges and clerks do not feel justification of norms of legislation, even beyond the law by
uncomfortable receiving money from lawyers, meaning that utilizing the principle of legality behind the norm relative.
corrupte in the judiciary not to be done secretly but it was
done openly [9]. II. METHODS
In 2013, that Transparency International placed GPA In order for the preparation of paper entitled Approach
Indonesia (along with Egypt which is still experiencing System as a Means of Judicial Reform can be focused and
political turmoil) on the order of 114 of the 177 countries not deviate, it must be done by certain methods. This is due,
measured in terms of corruption in the public sector. This an investigation is the result of the occupation of the
position changed little from the previous year (2012) which knowledge (scientific), as a result of this income will be
placed Indonesia at number 118 out of 176 countries, but the used to address specific issues [14].
score did not change the 32 [10]. As it is generally 65% of A. Type of Research and Research Approach
the countries of Asia Pacific region obtained a score below This research is a normative law that legal research is
50, Indonesia among others included to in countries of this laying down the law as a norm building [15]. this system of
region that have a serious problem [2]. norm is about the principles, norms, rules of legislation,
According to Transparency International [11]: court decisions, agreements and doctrines (teachings) [2].
"Judicial corruption usually there are two categories: B. Personality Research
political interfence in the judicial process by the legislative This research was descriptive because it intends to get a
or eksecutive branch and bribery" (corruption instituted complete picture of the systems approach in an effort to
judiciary usually takes place in two categories: political eradicate corruption in the Court
interference in the judicial process by the legislative branch C. Types and Data Collectional Methods
and judicial and bribery). This research is a normative legal or doctrinal research.
Corruption is most likely to happen in court is indirect Therefore, the data in this research is secondary data, ie data
state financial harm, because it is not state money were obtained through legal materials primary [16] and secondary
diverted, due to external factors such as the influence of the legal materials [2] and non-legal materials are materials that
legislature and the executive in its various forms and the provide clues to the primary legal materials and secondary
temptation Award/reward both material and use others than law.
the litigants, so more properly called collusion in the form of In the types of data required, namely the secondary
abuse of power or authority possessed by the judge in data derived from primary legal materials, secondary and
relation to the outside judges/judicial institutions, even if it is non-law, it is clear that the data collection method used is the
done with the collusion of the accused in a case of method of data collection library (library research). Data
corruption and influence the judge's ruling, the state will also collected from any library that allows researchers to get data
be harmed [2]. on this research topic, as well as data provided by the
These items have been reminded by the British websites.
historian, Lord Action that the government always is held by Primary legal materials consist of:
men and men without exception to have a weakness with the 1) Law No. 48 Year on 2009 concerning Judicial
famous words "power tends to corrupt, but absolute power Authority
corrupts absolutely" [12]. 2) Law No. 3 of 1971 as amended by Law No. 31 of
Each power always contains the potential for misuse 1999 on Corruption Eradication and Law No. 20 of
(mesbruik van rechts) or enforced arbitrarily (detournament 2001 on the Amendment of Law No. 31 of 1999 on
de pouvoir). This can happen for two reasons. First, it Corruption Eradication.
contains the right powers and authority (recht en 3) UU no. 16 on 2004 About AGO
bevoegdheid) and secondly, the right and authority to give 4) UU no. 18 Year on 2003 concerning Advocates
more positions on the subject that prosecuted or seeking 5) Data analysis method
justice [13]. Given this research included in the category of
Corruption is widespread and evenly distributed among normative legal research, the analyst who conducted
government institutions, state and private, even considered a qualitative analysis [15]. The focus in this qualitative
part of this nation and individual Corruption as a analysis is research relating to the integration of the
conventional form has been left behind and switched on substance (material) legislation relating to judicial power,
institutional corruption [12]. Even institutional systematic the Law on Combating Corruption and the Law on

Advocates. This study focuses on the integration will be enforcement -institusi institutions such as the police,
associated with the law in force, once the applicable law and prosecutors and courts. Including the judicial hierarchy is
the laws that are expected to apply in the future are also common in Indonesia, the number and types of courts,
described in terms of theoretical thinking. jurisdiction, the number of Supreme Court justices and other
laws [19]. On the other hand the legal sense legal structure
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION patterns that show how the law was in accordance with the
Judicial corruption does have a number of factors are formal provisions through the courts, law-making, the legal
intertwined. But at least there are three main factors that process run and applied [18]. While the notion of substance
determine [9]. The first, the issue of transparency of public according to Friedman are the rules, norms, and real human
services and the administration of the Court. This problem behavior patterns that are within the legal system, including
symptoms occur in forms of multiple court rulings or the decisions they spend, the new rules that they set. The
falsification decision, letter magic to thwart the execution of substance is also an adequate "living law" and not just the
the decision, the appointment of judges in a context of existing rules in the book of the Law or the "law book" [19].
favoritism, and so forth. The cases so dominate the public Legal culture according to Friedman is a human attitude
complaints received by the National Ombudsman towards the legal system of beliefs, values, thoughts and
Commission. hopes. Thoughts and opinions is somewhat decisive and
The second, the non-functioning of the internal control flow of the legal process. So in other words the legal culture
system. Although judicial corruption in Indonesia is already is the atmosphere of social thinking and social forces that
famous keseantero universe, but it almost does have cases determine how the law is used or misused [12].
where the Supreme Court and Ministry of Justice dismiss Legal culture can be divided into two kinds, namely the
those judges who are involved in the decisions that deviate. legal culture of external and internal legal culture. External
Whereas Law No. 2 Year on 1986 about the General Courts, legal culture is the culture of the existing law in the general
the two institutions have extraordinary authority to perform population. Culture internal law is legal culture of the
administrative actions against the judges who are not honest. community members who perform tasks specialized law. All
Specialized in the case of Manulife, President Megawati societies have a culture of law, but only with the public,
issued a presidential decree to suspend the three judges of legal specialists who have an internal legal culture [15]. The
the State Administrative Court judged to have made the legal culture, although it is considered a component of the
controversial decision to mempailitkan Limited Liability less obvious but is regarded as the foundation of the legal
Company. Manulife, Canada-based insurance company, system. Without the legal culture, the legal system would not
without adequate legal reasons, should be seen as no apply.
international pressure factor. The third, the issue of the Briefly third legal system that is described is described
recruitment system and career judges. No nonsense as the structure of the machine, substance is what it is done
placement judges always tinged collusion and nepotism. and produced by the engine and culture of any law or anyone
Young judges in the area often complain to be a judge in who decides to turn on or turn off the engine and to decide
certain cities is almost impossible if you do not collude with how the machines are used [19]. So the three systems are
the governing party of the problem. While the recruitment of interconnected and complement each other. But Taverne
the Chief Justice by the House today people doubt amid philosopher once said "Give me the author of a prosecutor
political corruption is getting crazy. In short, when the who is honest and intelligent, give the author a judge who is
system of recruitment and career was marred by collusion, honest and intelligent, then by law the most burukpun, the
money politics and interests to secure a regime which author would produce a fair decision [2].
corrupts it, then by itself, judges are honest and competent The structure of law enforcement in the court police,
will never be elected and occupy important positions. It prosecutors, judges and lawyers. Each has a different
might even law school graduates the best and ideal no longer function and role, but the essence is the same aim to uphold
interested in being a judge. law and justice.
It is inevitable that corruption is a white collar crime to In the provisions of Article 1 of Law No. 16 2004
act always experience the dynamic modus operandi of all About AGO prosecutor is otherwise functional officials
sides so to say as invisible crime is very difficult to obtain authorized by the Act to act as a public prosecutor and
proof procedure [17]. Corruption is being part of a power no implementing judicial decisions have binding legal force and
doubt, because corruption is a portion of the system, then other authorities under the legislation. But in practice the
overcome by improving the existing system [2]. suspected rogue prosecutors carry out its function to
The legal system adopted by the state as a social prosecute but the other side also acted as a lawyer in the case
science subject by Lawrence M Friedman should have three of rogue prosecutor FZL in West Sumatra that has been
components or elements ang essential to the structure, named as a suspect by the KPK, who allegedly accepted
subtance and culture [18]. The structure is a framework or bribes of Rp. 365 million of the suspect Managing Director
skeleton, part of which still survives, the part that gives some SB, XXS in case the sale of sugar without SNI [20].
kind of shape and boundaries of the whole. In Indonesia Previous FZL been disabled because of the prosecutor
spoke structure of the legal system, including law received money from entrepreneurs who are also suspected

of bribing Chairman of DPD Irman Gusman related disribusi electronic means or without the means available to the
sugar import quota in West Sumatra [21]. Previous general ( Article 12 B). The fifth, the provision of expansion
Commission also assign a special prosecutor for criminal in the sourcing of legal evidence in the form of instructions
prosecution field Attorney General of West Java, Deviyanti (Article 26 A). So also with the Law No. 30 year 2002 on
Roechani as suspects allegedly received bribes from the the Corruption Eradication Commission who was born
accused corruption case of the Social Security Agency for because of ineffective and inefficient government
the Implementation of Subang Regency [22]. In line with institutions in combating corruption. Through Law No. 30 of
the above problems two judges in Bengkulu KPK arrested 2002 the Commission has the duty and authority very
for alleged bribery, Janner Purba and Toton which since spacious (super body). The existence of the Commission is
2011 has handled 86 cases of corruption [23]. Commission needed, especially concerning cases of corruption involving
also perform hand surgery arrest alleged bribery case related law enforcement agencies. To streamline the performance of
to civil cases involving the ruling PT Kapuas Tunggal the Commission through the Law 30 of 2002 established the
Persad as penngugat at the Central Jakarta District Court. Corruption Court.
Central Jakarta District Court Registrar M Santoso, the The judges' verdict on controversial able to do the
Commission also securing Ahmad Yani and lawyer Raoul testing and evaluation of products or judgments produced by
Aditya Wiranatakusumah [24]. the judiciary or better known by the term public examination.
The above conditions indicate poor face justice in Examination can be carried out for all practical purposes
Indonesia, because almost all the elements of law namely as a social control by testing, inspection or testing
enforcement structures, especially in the Court of the legal docket to examine carefully whether the decision has been
issues involved in handling the case. This issue does not made in accordance with the rule of law and the principles of
stand alone, but it seemed to be systematic and a vicious the rule of law based on the legal facts proven in court and
circle. Prosecutors are supposed to prosecute also act as has met flavor public justice. Chandera, et al, Module
lawyers, judges independent power to organize judicial Examination Courses, Cooperation Faculty of Law, Univ.
administration to uphold law and justice (Article 1 of Law Catholic, with ICW Atma Jaya, Jakarta, in 2004, hlm.12-13
No. 4 of 2004 on Judicial Power) has sided. The Supreme Examination of the court judgment has not become a
Court is the country's highest court of judicial bodies in the tradition known in the justice system in Indonesia. In this
public courts, religious courts, military courts and case, SEMA No. 1 of 1967 has not explicitly encourage the
administrative courts has also been tarnished by the cases of tradition of examination of court decisions and circulars it
the former Secretary of the Supreme Court Nurhadi. only gives the reference for the internal examination and not
Advocates as defense no longer maintain the dignity of their intended as a public control. Examination of the court
profession as officium nobile, so involved as an intermediary decision is driven by the many court rulings that feels far
between the individual judges, clerks, prosecutors. Weak away from the sense of justice, while the tradition of
internal and external monitoring, personal mental poor law dissenting opinion is not known in the judicial system in
enforcement officers into the cause of the above problems Indonesia. Indeed, in recent years, the Supreme Court ruling
occur, and the low quality of judges, prosecutors and (Case Akbar Tanjung), dissenting start being introduced.
Advocates. The impetus for examination melakukam court decision then
In terms of the substance of the law, has led to civic started to get a formal reference, such as, among others, in
approach is no longer on the side of formal legalistic. The Law No. 9, 2004 (amending Law No. 5 of 1986).
enactment of Law No. 28 of 1999 on State In the field of culture, another factor that caused this
penyelenggarakan Clean and free from corruption. Early nation experiencing adversity various spheres of life,
enactment of this Act is the obligation of state officials to fill especially in the field of law and law enforcement is not
out a report form wealth is still ongoing. UU no. 31, 1999 because the culture of shame that include self-esteem and
On Combating Corruption acts as amended by Act No. 20 in shame already termaginalkan by consumptive materialistic
2001. If there is some excess examined Law No. 20 of 2001 culture. This materialistic consumptive culture then the very
to optimize the eradication of corruption [25], The first severe stages creates a desire to corruption, and the more
conception that corruption is not only detrimental to the severe stage is a psychiatric disorder [26].
finances of the country but also a violation of the rights of
the social and economic society at large. The second, the IV. CONCLUSION
existence of keentuan of proof (Articles 37 and 37 A). The
third, an obligation on the defendant to prove otherwise on A. Conclusion
his property that has not been indicted but also allegedly The biggest threat to indepensi justice is justice that is
derived from criminal acts Corruption (Article 38 B). The not clean and full of corruption. It is necessary for the means
fourth, criminal Threatened any gratuity to an official or used to carry out judicial reform is through the systems
state officials. Explained gratification is giving money, approach. Legal systems approach involves three things: the
goods, rebate (discout), commissions, loans, travel tickets, legal structure, substantive law and legal culture. The
lodging, travel, treatment free of charge and other amenities, problem is already rather good legal substances, which
well received inside and outside the country who use require attention seriously compromise the element structure

and legal culture. Combating corruption should start from
law enforcement itself starting from the level of leadership
or a new high-ranking officials at the lowest level.

B. Recommendation
1) The existence of strict sanctions against law
enforcement officers involved in corruption and other
forms of social sanction.
2) The recruitment process of judges, lawyers and
prosecutors must be done rigorously and
transparently so that the evident quality and quality
not because of kinship.

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2008, p. 225-226

Public Participation
in Urban Slum Arrangement in Tasikmalay
Siti Fadjarajani1)
Lecturer Department of Geography Education FKIP SiliwangiUniversity in Tasikmalaya

Abstract. Public participation is one of the important variables in the structuring of slums in urban area, it can be in the
form of mental involvement, thoughts and emotions, or feelings. In the City of Tasikmalaya there are areas of real
slums have got the attention of the government to do the setup program P2KP PNPM Mandiri also provide layout
directives slum area. But in reality the program is not giving significant results for the improvement of the region, due
to the low level of public participation due to socio-cultural conditions of urban population is growing. This study
aimed to analyze the form of community participation in the structuring of urban slums in the City of Tasikmalaya. The
analysis is done by identifying qualitative description of the form of community participation and development of slums
in urban area. The results of this study, the various forms of concepts, plans, and strategies for structuring urban slum
area in accordance with the conditions and the region concerned with issues of social, cultural, and urban environment
that developed in Tasikmalaya. This is required as one study to the National Programme Indonesia Slum Free ASEAN
2020 and development challenges.

Keywords: Public Participation, Slum, Urban Tasikmalaya.

Imprecision in the selection pattern of handling refers to the

I. PREFACE typology of slum problem will lead to failure in handling.
Slum areas is a problem faced by almost all major cities The main problem in the city of Tasikmalaya is there
in Indonesia in fact big cities in other developing countries. some point slum area. Conditions slums in the city of
The study of the slums areas, generally includes three Tasikmalaya actually have got the government's attention to
aspects, the first physical condition, both socio-economic the Setup program does P2KP PNPM Mandiri which also
conditions of cultural communities who live in the provide layout directives slum area. But in reality the
settlements, and the third by the effects of both conditions. program is not giving significant results for the improvement
The physical condition, among others, looked on the of the region, due to socio-cultural conditions of the urban
condition of the building is very dense with low-quality population is growing.
construction, the road network is not patterned and is not The purpose of this study was to assess community
amplified, public sanitation and drainage are not functioning participation in slum settlements in the city of Tasikmalaya.
as well as the trash is not managed properly. Analysis of the research done by identifying qualitative
Socio-economic conditions of society in the area of descriptive method of community participation and
slums have a lower income level, social norms were loose, characteristics of urban slums.
and the culture of poverty that is reflected from an apathetic
attitude and behavior. The condition can lead to poor health,
pollution source, the source of the spread of disease and II. ARRANGEMENT SLUM AREA BASED
deviant behavior, which affects the lives of the whole city. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION
Therefore, a slum area of the city is considered as a disease Community participation in development already started
that must be addressed. Population growth is a major factor to be introduced by the government since the early 1980s
driving the growth of settlements, while the socio-economic through the term empowerment. People are expected to
conditions of society and the ability of the city manager will participate in building and maintaining the environment in
determine the quality of settlement materialized. Slums are which they are located. To succeed in community
the product of population growth and the lack of government empowerment movement is then government formed several
in controlling growth and to provide adequate municipal institutions PKK, LKMD, and youth as a container in
services. encouraging the local community to participate and promote
Slums arise due to causes and conditions vary. Different solidarity Community participation in development can be
characteristics of slums should be considered in formulating interpreted participate effective community as a form of
a treatment plan, based on different characteristics and community participation. Participation in memerima
problems, it takes a different approach and handling. development results and assess the results of public

participation can be in the form of community participation
in the process of identifying the problem and the potential B. Problem Areas
that exists in society, elections and decision-making about 1. Added high number of people who can drive the
alternative solutions to address these problems, the need for land settlement could result in higher
implementation of efforts to address the problem, and public conversion of agricultural land / plantation potential;
order in the process of evaluating the changes , Community 2. C Mining and quarrying in the hills reclamation
empowerment efforts, in terms of development management without causing environmental damage;
should be built with the oriented viskal potential, the 3. Exploitation hills as a potential source of recharge
involvement of the community and their efforts that led to springs;
the independence of the villagers. Community participation 4. housing development without careful planning on
in the implementation of development actively good at conservation lands;
making plans implementation and assessment of 5. High population density in some locations, the
development became so important as a measure of society's which encourages the growth of residential areas,
ability to take the initiative and enjoy the fruits of while urban land prices high, the resulting in the
development that has been done. In promoting and emergence of slums, especially in densely
encouraging attitude in participation, it is necessary to populated urban neighborhoods.
understand the community is their real needs felt by 6. Not optimal availability of facilities and
individuals and society in development. infrastructure of urban settlements, such as drainage
Slum areas defined as neighborhoods inhabited dense systems / sewage woefully inadequate.
(exceeding 500 inhabitants/ha), social and economic
conditions is low, the number of houses is very solid and it is
under the standards, the environment and governance IV. ANALYSIS OF SLUM AREA
settlement irregular (temporary buildings and disheveled
without planning), environmental infrastructure is almost
non-existent or do not meet the technical requirements and
health (clean water, exhaust vents, electrical, alley,
environmentally unsound and become disease), social
facilities are less (schools, houses of worship, clinics), as
well as built in on state land or land owned by others, and
beyond the legislation in force.

The existence of slums can not be separated from the

presence of migrants who migrated to the city to get a job in
order to earn income. The existence of urbanization to the
town each year never decreased in number. The occurrence
of urbanization to the city caused by two things: the
conditions that encourage urbanization and conditions of
attraction of the city. The conditions that drive urbanization
to the town is the incidence of poverty in rural areas. Poverty
was due to the unavailability of decent jobs, rural
communitiesterdesaknya activities by large-scale factory Ficture 1. Location Urban Slum Areas
production, the limited paddy fields that can be worked
while the number of its labor force continues to rise and
General Characteristics Slum
ductwork. The conditions are the main attraction of the town
is in the city is a center of commerce, the availability of Slums are neighborhoods uninhabitable because of the
various types of work, the availability of adequate facilities irregularity of the building, building density levels are high,
and infrastructur. and the quality of buildings and infrastructure are not
eligible. The main characteristics:

III. POTENTIAL AND PROBLEM AREAS 1. Population density and layout of the building is very
A. Potential Region irregular and permanent
1. An Urban Strategic Area; 2. The narrow neighborhood road impassable four wheels;
2. It is a region that provide protection against 3. woefully inadequate drainage facilities;
subordinates Region; 4. sewerage facilities was minimal;
3. Is a Natural Reserve Area, Nature Conservation and 5. Facilities water supply was minimal;
Cultural Heritage; 6. Prone to disease transmission by high density and lack of
4. Geology Is Protected Areas; sanitation infrastructure;
5. An Minapolitan Region; 7. Ownership rights to land are often not legal and narrow
6. An Warehousing Zone; area.
7. Potential of Fishing;
8. Economic Potential of mining activities Minerals C.

Settlements are not livable, high density, and low quality of the 7. bathroom building conditions are unfit for use.
as well as means-and infrastructure are not eligible. Environmental road conditions
1. The road condition is very narrow environment;
2. attribute incomplete road, (the absence of street lights
bulbs, for vehicular activity is very inadequate;
3. unpaved road conditions;potholes and bumpy.

Housing unfit for habitation High density housing

Conditions rainwater drains and sewerage
1. condition rain water disposal is very inadequate with a
size of approximately 50 cm;
2. sewerage household residents directly distributed into a
ditch or pond fish;
3. sewer / drainage ditch of rain there are a lot of garbage;
The quality of low buildings 4. rubbish blocking the rainwater discharge lines and
Infrastructure ineligible
5. flowing water is very dirty.
ficture 2. Characteristics Slum


Housing conditions in quality
Structuring Tridaya concept in Slum Village
1. building material composed of wood, bamboo and
This concept was adopted from the concept applied by
walls with very low quality and outdated;
P2KP (Urban Poverty Project). In Tridaya concept is a
2. there is no garbage disposal;
concept that is in line with the concept of Social
3. house pet cage adjacent to the citizens.
Development. P2KP Tridaya approach through strengthened
4. house building roof tiles made of clay with low quality
community institutions, so that might be expected to create
and bertambalan;
an organization capable of container into the container
house has a damaged floor there are even houses that
struggles of the poor in voicing their aspirations and needs.
do not have a floor mat / floor directly in the form of
In the approach to social Tridaya program geared to
empower the people (build human), so that:
5. relatively small size of the building houses an average
1. Social will build social socialisai in society to realize
of 3 x 4 m2, so the facilities each room for family
effective community.
activities is not feasible.
2. Economically able to realize a productive community.
6. not have room completeness home clearly is: a living
3. In the environment, able to grow the power of
room, kitchen and bedroom are in one room;
development in the community to create a healthy living
7. There are many homes uninhabitable.
environment, productive and sustainable.
Settlement conditions in quantity / density
The model is expected to contribute to the settlement of
1. Inter-houses crammed indefinitely so it looks only one
the problem of poverty is multi-dimensional and socially,
home when composed of many homes;
particularly in relation to the dimensions of the political,
2. The size of a small building that houses approximately
social, and economic, as well as in the long term be able to
only 3 x 4 m2 cause the number of houses quite a lot;
develop asset better for the poor to increase their income,
3. The house residents generally do not have a home page,
improve quality housing and settlement as well as voicing
but directly adjacent to a public road or a ditch with a
their aspirations in the decision making process.
distance of 50 cm, so the numbers are very solid and
looks shabby;
4. number of slum houses adjacent to the trench lines / The scope of the handling of slum areas include the
sewer. following below.
5. There are some houses that are above a fish pond with 1. Restoration
water konsisi dirty and smelled. Restoration was carried out to repair and / or
reconstruction, housing and settlements into residential
Environmental sanitation housing and a livable.
1. Any irregular environmental sanitation;
2. source of water for domestic needs obtained from springs 2. Rejuvenation
adjacent to the pool so as to allow water to seep disposal; Upgrades made to realize the condition of the house,
3. Citizens do not have their own bathroom in every house; housing, settlements and better residential environment in
4. One bathroom in use over 5 KK; order to protect the safety and security of residents and
5. Channel sewage and wastewater from showers irregular surrounding communities. Upgrades must be made by first
and directly channeled into the nearest ditch; providing shelter for affected communities. Quality homes,
6. Residents take advantage of the pool water for washing housing and settlements were rejuvenated be realized better
and other activities; than the previous conditions. Rejuvenation done by the

regional government in accordance with its authority by broader regional area.
involving community participation. 4. The network system of waste, namely network and
service distribution system disposal / processing
3. Resettlement household waste, commercial environments, offices and
Settlement is made to realize the housing conditions, other public buildings, which is integrated with the
housing, and a better settlement in order to protect the safety macro network system of garbage disposal broader
and security of occupants and the public. Resettlement is regional area.
done by moving the affected communities from a location
not be rebuilt because it did not fit with the spatial and / or By using the principles of the arrangement is expected in
hazard and can cause danger for goods and people. 2020 Tasikmalaya region free of slums. Illustration of
Resettlement must be done by the city government. Location settlement after the structuring characteristics of slums in the
to be determined as the place for resettlement set by local city of Tasikmalaya expected.
governments by involving the community.
Structuring Plan priority Urban Slum Areas:
a. Repair and road-building environment;
b. Repair and construction of sewers in the household;
c. Repair and construction of rain water channels;
d. Arrangement landfills;
e. Organizing houses uninhabitable.

Structuring Model Slum

1. Based on field analysis by taking into account the
concept of handling the problem of slums in Sub
BungursariTasikmalaya, then used the Model Land
2. Sharing Model Land, ie rearrangement on the land with
the level of community ownership is quite high.
3. In the realignment, the community will get back the
land to the same extent as that had been owned /
Ficture 3. Illustration Characteristics Slum after Setup
occupied legally, taking into account the need for
public infrastructure (roads, canals, etc.).
Some of the prerequisites for treatment of slums with Land
Model Sharing is: [1] Bintarto. R. Interaksi Kota DesadanPermasalahannya. Jakarta:
1. The level of ownership / residential legally (have proof Ghalia Indonesia. 1989.
of ownership / control over land occupied) high enough [2] Branch, Melville C. Perencanaan Kota Komprehensif :Penerjemah
to limited extents. Ir. Bambang Hari Wibisono MUP MSc. 1995.
[3] Budiharjo. Eko. Arsitekturdan Kota di Indonesia. Yogyakarta:
2. The level of untidiness high with adequate land Gajah Mada University Press. 1991.
willingness to put the basic infrastructure and facilities. [4] Catanese, A. J. History and Trends of Urban Planning. In
3. The layout of the settlements were not patterned. Introduction to Urban Planning edited by Anthony J. Catanesedan
James C.Snyder. New York: McGraw Hill.1997.
[5] Chapin. F.S. Urban Land Use Planning. Urbana: University of
Illinios. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press. 1972.
Slum Urban Planning Component: [6] Ching, DK. Arsitektur: Bentuk, RuangdanTatanan. Jakarta:
1. The system water network, the network system and Erlangga. 2000.
distribution of water supply services for the residents of a [7] Danisworo, M. TeoriPerancangan Urban. Bandung: ITB. 1999.
[8] Dunn. William N. AnalisisKebijakanPublik. Yogyakarta:
neighborhood, which meets the requirements for the GadjahMada University Press. 1999.
operations of the building or the environment, and [9] Etzioni-Halevy. Eva. Social Change: The Advent and Maturation
integrated with the macro network of water from the of Modern Society. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1981.
wider region. [10] Lynch. Kevin. The Image of the City. London-England: The MIT
Press. 1973.
2. The system of waste water network and sewage, namely
network and service distribution system disposal / waste
water treatment household, commercial environments,
offices and other public buildings, which is derived from
humans, animals or plants, to be processed and then
discarded in a manner such that it is safe for the
environment, including industrial waste and chemical
3. The system of drainage networks, namely the drainage
system and distribution network that serves as an
environment pematus for the environment, which is
integrated with the macro drainage network system of a

Model Construction Training for Democracy Volunteer as an
Facilitator Political Education Based Addie Model: a study toward
democracy volunteer 2014 legislative election in padang

Al Rafni 1), Suryanef 2)

Social Science Faculty, Padang State University

Social Science Faculty, Padang State University

Abstract. Facilitator becomes an important key in supporting the success of the training program. Democracy volunteers
as a facilitator of political education in the 2014 legislative elections were set up in each district / city in Indonesia has
yet to carry out its functions optimally to increase voter participation and the quality of the elections. Therefore, an
ADDIE model-based training model for democracy volunteer should be constructed so that the volunteers will be able to
demonstrate they performance optimally in the next elections. This article is aimed to elaborate the construction of
ADDIE model-based training model for democracy volunteer and the application possibility in the five segments of the
community that became the target audience.

Keywords: Training model, Democracy volunteer, Political Education facilitator, ADDIE model

model is the design of planning that describes the sequence

I. INTRODUCTION of activities and systematic program. Thus training is an
Democracy volunteers program established in all district instructional or eksprensial to develop patterns people
in Indonesia is a form of synergy between the General behavior in the knowledge, attitudes and skills to achieve the
Election Commission (KPU) and civil society to increase expected standards.
political participation and the quality of the legislative This paper seeks to elaborate simultaneously construct a
elections in 2014. The program is prepared for socializing model of training for democracy volunteers as a facilitator of
community-based political education. As a facilitator of political education. The constructed based on research
political education; democracy volunteers equipped with conducted by the author in the first year on the development
training conducted by the General Election Commission of a training model for democracy volunteers as facilitators
each district. Unfortunately, this program held in short time of community-based political education: (a study democracy
and limited material (FGD, 2016).Research findings show volunteers legislative election. Training construction built in
non-optimal democracy volunteers’ performance in this article is based on ADDIE models. ADDIE model
providing democracy politics in particular voter education consists of five steps that are: analysis, design, development,
[1]. The non optimal performance related to the mechanisms implementation, and evaluation.
of democracy used in each community, in addition public
mindset [2]. In addition Widyastuti (2014) said that one of
the problems in the democracy volunteers is the background II. METHODS
that does not represent a variety of segments that will be
targeted [3]. So, the practice of volunteers democracy is This paper is partly the result of the first year research in
unclear and unstructured the training program to be run. An skim product of applied research and the method is Research
effort to solve this problem is held a training program for the and Development (R&D) method. Development research is a
volunteer. study for the development of the products with the
Lyton and Pareek (1990) training is an attempt to prepare innovation of the problems found in the field. R&D research
trainees in taking a particular action and help participants is being systematically starts from the analysis, design,
achieve a particular feat [4]. Meanwhile model training development, implementation, and evaluation processes to

conduct empirical basis to the creation of new products process model as a result of unplanned. The construction of
developed. Model development is a comprehensive model the model can be described as follows:
because at each stage can be evaluated for the improvement Title The first step of training model construction is the
model [5]. recruitment issue. Recruitment conducted so far are in
accordance with the guidelines of the General Election
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Commission named KPU, but the reality is there are some
Findings are described through four things: the democracy volunteers who cannot do their job properly
construction of a training model, training strategy, training because they have insufficient capacity. Therefore it is
materials, and evaluation of training. The fourth phase will necessary to repair the system of recruitment in order to
be elaborated further by using ADDIE models. The first step increase the capacity of political education easier. The
on the construction of a training model is analyzing the general election Commission should take concern about the
needs (training need analysis or TNA). Needs analysis is human resources which will be recruited. This is as
done in three ways: Focus Group Discussion (FGD), consideration of the crucial role of the volunteer for the later
questionnaires and indepth interview. Findings show that the period.
training model for democracy volunteer as a facilitator The next step is pre test. Pre test is conducted in order to
community based has not been able to prepare participants to explore the candidates’ prior knowledge facilitator. This
become capable facilitators. It can be seen from the short became the basis for the determination of materials needed
training time, material is still superficial and not profound, by a facilitator political education. Further speakers deliver
and the using of strategies and methods have not been able material that has been analyzed to be used as learning
to fully make democracy volunteers to expertly carry out the content. Basically, the training held contains learning
task. That is why the interview and questionnaire described activities so that the participants are able to master the
the needs in held a training of trainee for the volunteer. The knowledge and skills of the trained. Therefore, the principle
need is : of training received reactions illustrates two things: (1)
a. Determine the form of a training program that contains a increased knowledge and skills; and (2) changes in attitude
series of training programs with clear targets including and action.
formulating objectives and identify learning activities. After that, the strategy and training materials developed
b. The training material to equip volunteers to become through development stages. Training is done by adult
facilitators of political education. learning strategy and critical education strategy. Adult
c. Formulate strategies and methods of training models that learning (Andragogy) is an approach to help adults learn
can be applied to the target audience. effectively in add or clarify, deepen and develop the
d. Establish the evaluation of training programs that can be knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed in life in order to
the measurement standard of the success of the training improve the quality of life.
programs. The Andragogy learning process activities can be done
After conducting a needs analysis then continued to the with the following steps:
design step. There are several things that should have done 1. Involving the learning in learning process so that the
in this step: learning needs can be established.
2. Formulate objectives that will be done.
a. Use the FGD result, questionnaire, and in-depth 3. Designing a pattern of learning experiences to achieve
interview in order to design a training construction.
the goals.
b. Design a construction model which is the basis to build a 4. Implement learning activities with due regard to the
training model that eventually led to guide the training availability of human resources who have the ability of
model. teaching by using Andragogy models.
c. Design a guide books for training model, material and 5. Evaluating the results of learning and re-define the
training strategies book and training evaluation books learning needs of the Andragogy learning models process
which refer to a training needs. ends with the evaluate learning.
Critical education strategy is also done in training. Critical
Training model is constructed from the design phase as education is an education that refers to the understanding of
follows: the education is the process of awakening. Someone should
According to Joyce and Weil (2000) revealed that a model be aware of what they learned. Education opens human
has five elements or characteristics that distinguish it from consciousness to free and develop themselves. Critical
other models, called: (1) syntax; (2) the social system; (3) education is transformative and critical education
reaction principle; and (4) the impact of instructional; and (5) philosophical roots are in education philosophy of social
the impact of accompaniment. reconstructunism [6]. This philosophy emphasizes the
Syntax is a step of the activities. The social system is the teachings of social change. Therefore, education starts from
situation or atmosphere and norms in the model. While the a critical review of the culture in which the student resides.
reaction principle is a pattern of activity that illustrate how Educational practice is the integration with the reality in the
the model works. In addition support system related to sense that education is the result of a critical ability to alter
facilities and infrastructure, materials and tools needed to reality and make a choice. Critical Education (transformative)
implement the model. The instructional impact is a direct believes that education as a means of social change in the
result of learning which lead to the intended purpose. Impact community to understand the political realities.
accompanist is another learning outcomes generated by a

While at the stage of execution (implementation) is done evaluation of the training has been done. It is pointed out by
to raise awareness of critical, participative and innovative Donald and James Kirkpatrick (2007) found that a training
methods such as structure experience learning cycle. While program on effective then the program should be based on
construction materials were developed through the two parts need, refer to the objectives or competencies that need to be
of the general materials and special materials for each owned by the participants, background of the participants
community. Basic materials regarding election issues and and instructors using the methods and media that are
specific materials aimed at specific target audiences. relevant and need to do continuous evaluation.
Furthermore, for the construction of a training evaluation The design phase is done several things: First, design
include the following steps: training manuals, training materials, training strategies,
1. Reactions training methods, and design evaluation. They all refer to a
At this stage of the training program evaluation focused needs analysis that has been done in the first phase. Free
on participants' reactions to the implementation of the training to be a guide for the implementation of the program
training program. Evaluation of training programs focused and also contains the outlines of training implementation.
on efforts to obtain data and information about likes and While the training materials defined by two things: the
dislike participants on the implementation of the training general material and material-specific target audiences. At
program. this stage of development of training materials geared to the
2. Learning needs on the ground at the time of conducting the training.
The second phase of the program evaluation model While the strategy of training is done through a strategy of
proposed by Kirkpatrick focused on obtaining data and adult learning and critical education strategy, transformative
information related to the learning outcomes of students or and critical education philosophical roots contained in the
program participants. How far students or program philosophy of social education reconstructions [6].While the
participants were able to learn the skills - knowledge, skills methods of training used is intended to raise awareness of
and attitudes - which has been taught in the training program? critical participatory and innovative learning methods such
The important thing in this stage is done is look for as structural experience learning cycle or recycle the
information on learning outcomes that have been achieved structured learning experience. Then designs that have been
by the participants after the training program. developed at this stage of development is implemented and
3. Behavior also evaluated in four ways, called evaluation at this stage of
Conduct or behavior is a third evaluation step in the the reaction, the learning stage, the stage of the formation of
evaluation model proposed by Kirkpatrick. In the evaluation behavior (behavior), and the result (result) is how much
phase of this program of data collection and information training program has provided benefits to the objectives of
intended to determine whether there is a transfer of learning the program.
process within the participants after the training program. Implementation of the ADDIE model of
The concept of transfer of learning in this case related to the constructing the training model for volunteers as a facilitator
ability of the training program participants in applying the of democratic political education is expected to produce
knowledge, skills and attitudes they have learned into the changes in learning patterns of political education. The
real working world. findings show the public more confidence in each other than
4. Results the supplied extension of formal education by the
At this stage of the evaluation of the training program was government. People are much more freely build knowledge
conducted to measure the program's contribution to the from each other and feel comfortable when asking things
overall performance of the company or organization. How somewhat "sensitive" to the community. The role of
far the training program has been organized can give democracy volunteers as an agent of political education for
benefits accruing to the company or organization. the community is a transformation. Why can it be?
Training is essentially an attempt to acquire the During this process of transmission is always
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that can be used to improve dominated by formal lines with a limited intensity. If
performance (Smith and Ragan, 2003). A training program democracy volunteers can carry out their duties with the
should be designed and developed in a systematically in optimal political education is carried out can reach many
order to achieve the desired goals while creating a good layers that ultimately gave birth to the political culture of
learning climate for trainees. Constructing a training model participatory and ethically responsible in achieving political
for facilitator of political education by implementing the goals. Political education is also a democratic education.
model ADDIE such as democracy volunteers is starting with Research Gandall and Finn (1992) assert that [7]:
the needs analysis phase. The volunteer that is needed is the “Democracy does not teach itself. If the strengths,
people who are recruited to the specific requirements and benefits, and responsibilities of democracy are not made
talented in the field of education. The research findings clear to citizens, they will be ill-equipped to defend it. In
indicate that the general conditions for the recruitment of other words, democracy cannot teach themselves. If the
trainers / facilitators’ political education when viewed from strength, usefulness, and the responsibilities of democracy
an educational background is high school / equivalent. This are not understood and lived well by citizens, difficult to
may not be a problem of their origin prepared with a training hope they would fight to preserve it. Hence the emphasis
program that is more qualified. The training program could further that: “education for democracy, therefore, must be
prepare a capability democracy volunteers as a facilitator / approached in a conscious and serious manner”. The
instructor, the ability to deliver training materials, methods implication of this view, it would require a good education
and training strategies at the same time carry out an that allows citizens to understand, appreciate the

opportunities and responsibilities as democratic citizens. The have provided a lot of assistance for the implementation
study by Gandall and Finn (1992)[7] … seek not only to of this research.
familiarize people with the precepts and practices of 4. Democracy volunteers at Padang and those who have
democracy, but also to produce citizens who are principled, contributed in completing the research undertaken.
independent, inquisitive, and analytic in theor outlook.
Education is not just provide the knowledge and practice of
democracy, but also producing citizens resolute, independent,
inquisitive attitude, and farsighted.
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Rice For Poor Families (RASKIN) In The Perspective of Islamic
Economics In The District of Tanjung Harapan City
Esi Sriyanti1)
Solok, Indonesia

Abstrak. Poor rice is a manifestation of the seriousness of the Government in overcoming poverty. Poverty is the
inability to obtain basic needs which is a disease that must be cured economy. The government issued a policy to
provide subsidies to overcome poverty always raises the pros and cons in practice. The researcher observed Poor people
in Tanjung Harapan district because of their difficulty in getting basic needs, especially food needs because most of the
residents living farming, workers and trade where they have minimum income. In observation, RASKIN allocation
recipients who are less precise and use the RASKIN not for consumption. From these problems the researcher did this
research based on view of Islamic Pespektif.
This research was a field with a descriptive analysis approach by doing extensive research by multiplying on
subsidies in the view of Islamic Economics, conducted by interview by census of 1360 people in the district Raskin
recipients Tj Hope. The researcher used qualitative data analysis. The people who got RASKIN in 2015 in Tanjung
Harapan district many as 1360 families were later drawn at random to be sampled by purposive sampling method with
KK criteria that have no fixed income. f 136 households. The survey results revealed many irregularities RASKIN
implementation both in terms of honesty and fairness to the leader. In terms of the economy for the poor, many
tertolomg but can not eradicate poverty. Suggested distribution should be carried out smoothly without any
irregularities and violations in accordance with religious laws by conducting selective strict order not concerned with
the interests of his personal one with wrapped around the Rukun Warga (RW) and the Neighborhood (RT).

Keywords: Rice Poor, Islamic Perspective, Islamic Economics

Poverty is one of the diseases in the economy, so it

I. INTRODUCTION must be cured or at least reduced. The problem of poverty is
Islam considers that life on earth is like a stair that have a problem that complex and multidimensional. Therefore,
rung countless his number, the distance can not be captured the fight against poverty must be carried covers various
by the eye and the shape and kind - that stuff is different, aspects of community life and united implemented.
man as caliph of God on the face of earth has authorized him According to the concept developed by the Central
to establish and improve her standard of living, then make Bureau of Statistics (1991: 24) the poverty line is expressed
full fertility and prosperity that it once was able to enjoy the as the amount of rupiah spent or spent to meet the
beauty and freshness, and with it give thanks to Allah SWT. consumption needs of the equivalent of 2,100 calories per
Today poverty is known as "the inability to obtain the capita per day coupled with the fulfillment of minimum
necessities - basic needs". This requirement is considered basic needs such as clothing, housing, health, education,
fundamental, because it provides the minimum requirement transportation and fuel. The amount of spending per capita is
limit for human life. Human on earth has the right to a defined as the poverty line is distinguished for urban and
decent life with levels of delegated to Allah SWT. rural areas. The smallest unit of enumeration used in the
Poverty is one of the diseases in the economy, so it calculation of the total population is poor households.
must be cured or at least reduced. The problem of poverty is The government issued a policy regarding subsidies
a problem that complex and multidimensional. Therefore, which always raises the discourse pros and cons therein.
the fight against poverty must be carried covers various Understanding the general subsidy is a payment made by the
aspects of community life and united implementation. government to companies or households to achieve certain
According to the concept developed by the Central goals that can make them able to produce or consume a
Bureau of Statistics poverty line expressed as the amount of product in greater quantity or low price. Economic porpuse
rupiah spent or spent to meet the needs of delegated to Allah subsidy is to reduce prices or increase the output
SWT. (output) .Subsidy was distinguished in two forms, namely in

the form of cash transfer (money) and in-kind subsidy given TABLE I
by government to the public. TANJUNG HARAPAN DISTRICT
The impact of government subsidies granted to
community programs comprise the social assistance (welfare No Kelurahan Populasi Sampel
program) which aims to eliminate poverty. 1. Pasar Pandan Air Mati 201 20
Residents in the poor district of Tanjung Harapan by 2. Nan Balimo 300 30
the authors observed difficulty of meeting basic needs such 3. Kampung Jawa 243 25
as food integrity because most of the residents living solely
4. Laing 175 18
from farming.
Therefore one of the government programs in the form 5. Kampung Jawa 155 16
of poverty reduction through the provision of subsidies in 6. Tanjung Paku 286 27
the form of goods, namely rice program for poor families Total 1.360 136
(RASKIN). Source: From the office of the head of the cape of good hope solok
Raskin provide protection to poor families through the The design of the research is conducted a survey and
distribution of rice at a certain quantum accordance with the question and answer directly to the recipient as well as the
result of deliberation Raskin Team Regional, at least 10 Kg / manager of Rice poor poor rice. Analysis of the research
head of household / month and a maximum of 20 kg / used in the preparation of qualitative analysis by using
household / month at a price of Rp 1,600 per kg net at the descriptive analysis, comparing the theory learned with the
distribution points according to the General Guidelines fact that I have found in the field. After the data collected by
Program rice for poor families [1]. conducting the selection process the author of the data, then
RASKIN program is a manifestation of the seriousness diklasifikaasikan appropriate aspects of the problem that has
of the Government to help the poor public spending, been drawn up, after which it will be analyzed using
especially on Tanjung Harapan district. In giving subsidy, qualitative data relating to the study in perspective Macro
the government in its implementation should be monitored economic subsidies. In this study, which will be the author
so that no irregularities and other abuses as well as the views analyzes the distribution mechanism Raskin, problems and
of Islam in such subsidies. obstacles, as well as the view from the perspective of Islamic
jurisprudence and economic perspective.
Based on the phenomena above, the researcher was
interested in conducting research entitled "Rice for Poor
Families (RASKIN) in the Perspective of Islamic Economics
in the district of Tanjung Harapan District”.
A. Monograph District of Cape of Good Hope
II. METHODS District of Tanjung Harapan there are 5 Sub namely
Tanjung Paku kel Kel Nan Balimo, kel Kampung Jawa, Kel
The method used in this research was a field research Laing, Pandan Market kel kel Air matim CEC Padda state
with descriptive analytical approach is to do research with a residents generally trade, in terms of people's faith in the
multiplying extensively on the implementation of Raskin in district of Tanjung Harapan in general terms of religion
view of Islamic economics. Stages of the research is to Islam.Dalam have early childhood education, kindergarten,
conduct interviews directly and verbally randomly to elementary, junior high economic .Permasalahan district of
recipients in six villages, the manager of Raskin and other Tanjung Harapan community work in accordance with their
related parties in the Tanjung Harapan District. respective expertise.
The research location is located in the district of
Tanjung Harapan District, Solok, West Sumatra Province. B. Poor Rice Distribution In the District Cape of Good
The choice of location is done intentionally (purposive) due Hope
to the sub-district Cape of Good Hope is one of the districts 1) Distribution Mechanism of Rice In the District of
Tanjung Harapan
in the city of Solok that there are many poor families. The
In planning for the distribution of poor rice instituted
research process is expected to take place starting from June
provincial coordination team and team coordination
2016 until June 2017. Determination of the respondents in RASKIN RASKIN district / city Raskin distribution plan
this research using census techniques Raskin program that includes timing, amount and distribution schedule.
participants, in the district of Cape of Good Hope 6 (six) RASKIN distribution patterns in the district Cape of Good
villages which are allocated to each village poor households Hope every village headman was conducted under the
Raskin recipients. For 2015 based on observations and from supervision of Head to conduct quality and quantity
data obtained in Tanjung Harapan District number as many inspection RASKIN before out of the barn and handed satker
as 1,360 poor households that will be picked at random to be RASKIN. Satker Raskin took BULOG rice in warehouses
sampled by purposive sampling method with the Family and handed to the executor Distribution Raskin Raskin in
Head criteria that have no fixed income. Then obtained a distribusi.Pendistribusian point to RTS-PM (Household
total sample of 136 people. The following table and sample Target Beneficiaries Raskin) of 15 kg / targeted households
population of poor rice recipient. table 1. per month and recorded in the form -2 DPM is a model list

Raskin hereinafter sales DPM - 2 Raskin teams reported to d) Right Price
the District. That is Rp 1600, - / kg at the distribution points. The
Raskin had reached the office of village chief, village results of each study RTS pay Rp 2000, - / kg making it
officials announced to its citizens to take Raskin through a more expensive Rp 400, - / kg, with a reason to pay for
letter of introduction for decision Raskin.Apabila are plastic and transport.
allocated undistributed or excess on the RTS-PM then it e) Timely
should be returned to Bulog to be corrected re administraasi That in accordance with planning (schedule)
distribution. distribution.
Payments to the executor Raskin Raskin distribution f) Results
made in cash sebessar Rp 1,600 / Kg. Money received Sometimes at the beginning, mid and end of month.
Raskin distribution executor of RTS-PM should be directly g) Exactly Administration
deposited to the account of HPB Bulog through a local bank The fulfillment of administrative requirements
by the executor. correctly and timely. Results There were some people who
2) Issues and Constraints In the Distribution of Rice is pay pending (payable).
Poor In the District of Tanjung Harapan Theoretically Raskin program are potentially as a
a) Raskin division not on target. poverty reduction program thoroughly. This program can be
b) The presence of invalid data from the BPS and a tool for governments to solve gaps in society when
the incompatibility of the number of poor rice economic conditions were critical. Besides, the government
with RTS - PM exceeding capacity. also needs to consider several issues related to the
c) Any element of discrimination. implementation of aid programs for poor families.
d) There are residents who buy cattle for food The greatest hope of Raskin program in the hands of
Raskin. Kenagarian koto are in accordance with the Raskin program
e) The quality of rice for the poor are distributed is to reduce the burden of household expenditure poor by
poorly. meeting some of the needs in the form of staple food rice.
3) Implementation of Rice for The Poor In Tanjung Current issues in the administration of the state is Good
Harapan District. Governance. There are nine characteristics of good
The government's attitude is not serious in addressing governance, namely:
the problem of poverty which are gradually increased from a) Participation
year to year and is clearly visible with the injustice that Every citizen has a voice in the formulation of
occurs with any element of discrimination. Securities that decisions, either directly or through the intermediary
are accepted in the overall economy will not feel the benefits institution legitimasiyang represent their interests. This
if subsidies were given in other forms that relate directly to participation is based on freedom of association and speak
the producers. The division of the subsidy given by the and participation consumptive.
government in a smaller amount will greatly affect the b) Rule Of Low
people where relatively smaller amounts and sustainable it The legal framework should be fair and carried out
will be making poor people spoiled by subsidies. indiscriminately, especially to human rights law.
Not only that, the habit got subsidies also have c) Transparency
cultivate an attitude of entitlement attitude (claim), which is Transparency is built on the basis of the free flow of
certainly an attitude diametrically opposed to the attitude of information, the information must be understandable and can
sacrifice and responsibility. be monitored.
The results of the study can be concluded that the d) Responsiveness
success of the program Raskin indicated by 6 indicators are Institutions - institutions and processes - institutional
still low as follows: processes should try to serve all stakeholders.
a) Right Quality e) Consensus Orientation
Condition good rice, according to government Good governance mediates differing interests to obtain
standards of quality rice. Results: Sometimes - sometimes the best option for a wider interest both in terms of policies
rice smelling, lice, yellow colored. and procedures.
b) Targeted Beneficiaries f) Equity
Raskin is only given to RTS, from BPS data that has All citizens, have agreements to improve or maintain
been verified in the meeting of jorong / village. The results their well-being.
showed that there are people that do not include RTS buy g) Effectiveness
raski for fodder. Process - Processes and Institutions - institutions
c) Exact Amount produce in accordance with what has been outlined using the
Each RTS receive 15 kg per month for 12 months. The source - the source material available to you.
results showed that the number of RTS - PM compared to h) Accountability
the amount that will be distributed Raskin, each RTS does The decision-makers in government, the private sector
not get the rice according to the rules depending on the and communities accountable to the public and institutions -
extent of citizens, sometimes in the division replaced - institutions stakeholders.
replace every month.

i) Strategic Vision

The leaders of the public should have the perspective of by the law or the policies that have been set by the
good governance by developing a wide range of human and government.
far ahead sajalan with what is necessary for development. 1) For the government to distribute subsidies must be
Policy should Raskin program implementation is applied selectively all activities must be supervised not
referring to the nine characteristics of good governance. But important personal interest, group or faction.
judging from the results, transparency and accountability can 2) Should the community inventory is entitled to raskin
not be run together - together, it can mean a transparent but involving RT / RW due to the condition of the people
not accountable. are fully aware.
Data collection is done PPLS - 11 are data collection 3) Lack of transparency between the government either
on social protection programs in 2011 by BPS on the basis Kenagarian or ellipse on the community, the absence of
of the data in 2005 and 2008 abolished because it does not mutually suspicious of each other.
correspond to the actual state of society, must be repaired in 4) In the management of the subsidy should be in
doubt its accuracy. The data collection process shall involve accordance with Islamic Shari'a which has been
carers and guardians jorong village because it will be more established, as well as the management of zakat
effective and efficient in data collection. Good cooperation productive.
between the government and the communities themselves, 5) The need for oversight selective in the process of
mutually open to each others not element of suspicion either distributing rice for the poor in the Tanjung Harapan
from the public to governments or vice versa. District.
For the RTM is very poor, and giving Raskin is
expected to be given away for free, so that the purpose REFERENCES
Raskin program to reduce poverty, especially in this group [1] General Guidelines Rice Program for Poor Families (RASKIN).
can be met and the increase in the number getting Raskin. Directorate General of maasyarakat and Village Empowerment,
Ministry of Interior by Bulog. 1995.
C. Subsidy Raskin in the district Cape of Good Hope Macro
Islamic Perspective
1) Obedient the principe and submissive to the leader
The government gives subsidies to the people is a form
of policy that should be adhered entirely by the community
2) The element of fairness in the distribution of
The element of injustice in distributing rice for the poor
in each - each village. To be fair here related to what
happened on the ground when inaccurate data is carried out
by the government through the Central Statistics Agency
3) Values Honesty
The relationship that the circumstances that occurred in
the distribution of rice in the district Cape of Good Hope is
the dishonesty of the party of the poor record accurately.


A. Conclusion
Based on the results of research conducted in the
district Cape of Good Hope, it can be argued conclusion,
Implementation of RASKIN in Islam Economic Perspective
as follows:
It was Seen from the perspective of Islamic economics
Raskin distribution still occur deviations - deviation either in
terms of honesty, obedience to the leader and justice. Can
not be done very well what is in sharia by religion. In terms
of the economy for the poor feel helped with the rice for the
poor program but can not be used as a tool to eradicate
poverty because the poor rice program consumptive.

B. Advice
From conclusion abov, it can be put forward suggestions
as follows a. Distribution of rice for the poor in the district
Tanjung Harapan implemented properly without the
existence of irregularities and violations that have been set

Association Career Woman Parenting With Social Personal
Development To Child Of 2-5 Years
Feti Wulandari Ratna1)

Abstract. Mother Role Active to child of social personal development is needed important. This phase, there is a
critical development because of social attitude basic and social behavior is formed. The development Child can develop
optimally if their parents give parenting that needs children’s on based . This research purpose was to identify
association career women parenting with social personal development to child of 2-5 years in 2013. Research design
was correlation analytic by using cross sectional approach. Population of all career women who has child of 2-5 years
and 32 child respondents were age of 2-5 years . to used total sampling. Research instrument for parenting was
questionnaire and social personal development was DDST observation. Data analysis uses Spearman Rank. Research
result on Based showed most 26 respondents (81,25%) had democratic parenting and more a part of child social
personal development was 21 respondents (65,62%) that they had normal development. Spearman Rank test on Based
got p = 0,001 <α = 0,01, r = 0,641 that H0 was refused and H1 was accepted. Data analysis showed there was strong
correlation between care pattern of career women with social personal development of 2-5 years old children. Parents
must be active in giving parenting that appropriates with children’s needs by giving guidance, support, attention,
compassion and to use good lessuare together with children although their mothers are career women. So, child had
normal development.

Keywords: Parenting, Career Women, Social Personal Development to Child Of 2-5 Years

Kediri in January 2016, based on observations DDST done

I. INTRODUCTION in 8 children aged 2-5 years, it was found that five children
Social development children are a process of change that (62.5%) was known to be able to establish good
takes place continuously towards maturity that requires relationships with friends, being closed and always
communication with people who need their communication dependent on their parents. And 3 children (37.5%) had a
with the public The social behavior associated with the friendly attitude, want to play with their friends and was not
ability to independently like to wear their own clothes, go to always depend to their parents.
the toilet alone, socialize and interact with their environment. Based interviews to five mothers of children being able to
The active role of a mother to the development of children not establish good relationships with friends, being closed
is needed, especially when they are still under the age of five and always depends on the parents, it can be seen that
years (toddlers). A newborn child is absolutely dependent on personal development of socially less caused by mothers do
the environment, so that it can survive and develop its basic not understand about period of their children's development.
capabilities. The active role of the mother in question is a Mothers have less time to pay attention, providing proper
direct attempt against children and other crucial role in education to their children.
creating a home environment as the first social environment Delays areas growth and development of children cause
experienced. According in Kediri District Health Office in lack of attention, guidance and knowledge of psychological
2009, number of infants who experience irregularities or and psychosocial development of children in each age level
impaired growth and development that is not in accordance to parents. Mother chance to witness growth process o
with the age of 352 (2.7%) of 14 697 (100%) infants. A children also be incomplete, the mother is consequently less
research conducted Bio Medical Library in University of attention to degree of independence of children like to learn
Minnesota of 2004, showed that children of mothers who counting, independent ability of children to socialize and
work outside the home for 30 hours or more a week interact with their environment or social behavior from
experiencing developmental delays. As a study published in something observing (fine and gross motor movement).
Biston Globe in July 2004, revealed that children whose Abandonment of child's personal development will have an
mothers work before they are 9 months old, has the mental adverse social, as a result the child will grow into a child
ability and verbal lower at age 3 than children covered and tend to be individuals who engage in negative
whose mothers stay at home and take care of immediate behaviors such as smoking, drug abuse and violence by
children (Sugeng, 2008) [1]. others. Parents should pay attention to every need by the
From results of a preliminary study conducted by development of children, including food, health, love,
researchers in Morangan Village Minggiran Papar District of nutrition and stimulation, a sense of security that is
consistent, as well as games that allow children to use their

imagination. Parenting provided should be based on the parenting stated development personalized social suspect
needs of children, so as to give children the opportunity to that was as many as one respondent (100%), while
show that he is the majority of people in the environment, so respondents of permissive parenting was development
that the child can develop optimally. Attention, guidance and personal social suspect of 4 respondents (80%) and personal
knowledge of parents of psychological and psychosocial social development of abnormal was 1 respondent (20%).
development of children in the age level are also given for Based on the research results Working Mom Parenting in
being able to influence the level of social skills of children. Morangan Integrated Health Pos that most respondents
Based on the above researchers interested in conducting stated foster democratic patterns as many as 26 respondents
research on Association career women parenting with (81.25%), while a small portion of respondents as many as 1
social personal development to child of 2-5 years respondents (3.12%) stated authoritarian upbringing.
in Morangan Integrated Health Pos Minggiran village Papar Parenting mothers working is an important factor to
District of Kediri Year 2016" development child, in addition to motivation to learn can be
generated from an early age, by providing a conducive
environment for learning, reward or punishment is
II. METHODS reasonable is to foster the motivation is strong in
development of children in later life , In the process of
This research design was Analytical koresional with cross socialization with the environment children need peers were
sectional approach. The study was conducted in January- also very influential on a child's development. In addition to
March 2016. The population was all working mothers who school, love and affection, the quality of interaction between
have children aged 2-5 years in Morangan Integrated Health children of parents can affect the growth process of children
Pos Minggiran village Papar District of Kediri. The sample (Soetjtiningsih, 2012) [2].
total were used 32 respondents. This research samples were According to Taufik (2007) [3] there are several factors
taken total sampling technique. Instruments used variable that affect parenting parents were age, culture, parental
parenting working mothers using questionnaires have been education, social environment, religious values espoused and
designed while variable personal social development using personality. The increasing age the more the experience and
DDST observation instrument. Data Collection and knowledge that is already in the can, so it is more sensitive
Processing Researchers done respondents, which include in providing upbringing according to their needs.
general data questionnaire results include maternal age, final In addition to age factors that affect parenting that
Education, job, number of children and ages of children mothers work. Based on the research work of the mother
recorded in recording sheet results, editing and coding, most of which as many as 18 respondents (56.25%)
tabulation data. expressed his work as a private and a small part as a civil
servant as many as four respondents (12.50%).
Factors affecting the social development of children
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION associated with the family is the family unit, attitudes and
habits of parents, family socioeconomic status and mental
TABEL 1 health of parents (Syamsu yusuf 2007) [4]. Work affecting
Distribution Frequency Cross Tabulation Working Mother socio-economic status in the family. Low socio-economic
Parenting Relationships With Social Personal Development status will cause psychological tekenan in the elderly,
Childrent 2-5 years in Morangan Integrated Health Pos consequently they seem to be more harsh or permissive
Minggiran village Papar District of Kediri 2016. parenting. Not only that children who have poor economic
CAREER SOCIAL PERSONAL Total conditions will have less confidence. They have less
WOMEN DEVELOPMENT opportunity to develop social skills on various occasions and
PARENTIN Norm Suspe Abno Untestabl different environmental conditions (Taufik R. 2007)[3].
G al ct rmal e Based on the opinion of researchers from the question
∑ % ∑ % ∑ % ∑ % ∑ % that is given to the mother works in posyandu Morangan
Otoriter 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 about parenting show democratic parenting. It is influenced
0 0 by the ability of the mother and the mother's knowledge in
0 meeting the needs of the development of children as well as
Demokratis 2 80 4 15 0 0 1 3,8 26 1 concern about the problems experienced by the child. The
1 ,8 ,4 0 results showed that not all respondents were given parenting
0 democratic parenting, but there is also a permissive
Permisif 0 0 4 80 1 20 0 0 5 1
parenting and authoritarian. This is because the respondents
0 are not informed about appropriate parenting thus less able
Jumlah 2 65 9 28 1 3, 1 3,1 32 1 to meet the developmental needs of their children. Not only
1 ,6 ,1 1 0 is it the personality of parents can also allow affect
0 parenting. Parents who have a closed personality tend to be
Based on table 1 showed respondent data Working Mother less able to communicate with his son, consequently granted
Parenting Relationships With Social Personal Development parenting also tend to be closed and harder as a result of
total was 32 respondents found most of parenting democratic parents do not understand her needs.
states that personal social development normal was 21 So parents should also actively seek knowledge about
respondents (80.8%), respondents with authoritarian appropriate parenting in meeting the developmental needs of

children. So if there are abnormalities or irregularities in provide the needs and appropriate stimulation. The more the
growth and development, parents / families can immediately mother needs appropriate, children can feel more
take appropriate action for the development of their children. comfortable and be able to improve its development. For
personal development of children's social dubious and can
A. The development of social personal children aged 2-5 not be reviewed more frequently recommend that meet the
years needs of the development of children. While abnormal
Based on the results of the study showed that most development immediately brought to the medical personnel
respondents personal development of normal social was 21 to determine the cause so it can be detected as early as
respondents (65.62%), while 9 respondents (28.12%) was possible.
suspect that one respondents (3.13%) , personal social
development was Untestable and abnormal. B. Relationships Parenting Working Mothers Against Social
According to Hurlock (2005) [5] Social personal Personal Development Children 2-5 years Morangan
development of children is a process of change that Integrated Health Pos Minggiran village Papar District
continues over time towards the maturity of the child who is of Kediri
a man who grew and developed that will live in the midst of The results of calculations with the help of computer
society. Such conditions can be affected by various factors software by using the formula of Spearman Rank obtained ρ
such as the age of the child, the order of the child, gender, value = 0,001 is no relationship between maternal parenting
the child's personality, genetic factors, environmental social work with personal development of children aged 2-5
factors, psychosocial factors and family factors. The more years. With Coefficien Correlation value that is equal to
the child's age increases, physical maturity and 0,641, which means when the parenting provided by the
psychological conditions is also increasing. Children will be mother worked, the better the social personal interest in the
able to consider social processes, giving and receiving development of children aged 2-5 years is getting better and
advice of others. So that children are able to carry out tasks vice versa if parenting is given less then personal social
according to age well. development of children aged 2-5 years getting less.
Besides the age factor that influence the development of If views of the independent variable, majority of
social personal, child sequence factors also have a major respondents have a democratic parenting style that is 26
influence on the development of personal social respondents (81.25%). In the dependent variable, the
development. Conditions maturity first child will be better majority of personal social development of normal was 21
than the second. This is because parents give more stimulus respondents (65.62%). Most of the respondents aged 20-35
to the first child compared to the second child. The first child years old with 21 respondents (65.62), ie the most recent
will be more portray the social model than the middle child education junior high school was 15 respondents (46.87%),
or the youngest child, so the child will be more independent. employment levels as much as 18 respondents (56.25%)
Personal development social development will be stated that his job as private sector workers, the majority
optimized if the environment in which development of the number of children the respondent that 1 child with the
child support them to develop in various aspects. Family number of respondents was 13 (40.62%). While based on the
environment as the first environment to give effect to the age of the child most of the respondents, 12 respondents
various social aspects of personal development of children. (37.50%) said their children 4-5 years old.
The education process aimed at developing the child's Based on research results seen from the cross tabulation
personality is more common by the family. Social patterns obtained most of which are 21 respondents (80.80%)
and how to put themselves to the wider environment in parenting and personal development social democratic also
compliance with the applicable norms directed by the family normal. Was 4 respondents (15.40%) who use democratic
(Sunarto and Agung, 2008) [6]. parenting and personal development of its social obtained
The results showed that not all child's normal was suspect, the first respondent (3.8%) with democratic
development of social personal, but also a dubious and parenting and personal social development can not be
abnormal development. This is possible due to internal assessed due to the child cries, so that researchers can not
factors are differences of race or ethnicity, family, gender, afford examines personal social development. As well as one
genetic, chromosomal abnormalities, prenatal factors, of the respondents (20%) stated upbringing given permissive
confinement and post-natal factors. Not only is it possible parenting with abnormal development of social personal.
also for child nutrition is obtained, because the nutritious The factors that influence the development of social personal
food plays an important role in the development of the child. based research due to maternal age, number of children, age
According to the researchers, based on the results of the of children, child sequence, pattern of care provided as well
study the majority of personal social development of as prenatal factors experienced by the mother during
children is influenced by age and the environment in which pregnancy. Prenatal factors that influence the development
growth and development. Therefore, parents should pay of social personal psychological child is the mother. Mothers
attention, guidance and affection that fit the needs of their during pregnancy tend hamilnya receives less pay less
children so that children are more comfortable and can attention to their needs whether it needs appropriate
increase personal social development. Stimulation in parenting, affection, nutrition or stimulation. As a result, the
children can also increase personal social development of child's needs are not met properly and not optimal child
children though the age of the child is still relatively young. development. Nother factor affecting the development of
When the personal development of children's social well children aged 2-5 years is the work and the number of
encourage the parents to maintain as much as possible to children she had. From the results, a good mother economic

status of personal social development was normal. This is in accordance with the needs of the development will be able
due to the economic status of mothers who either to create optimal child development. As well as for health
psychological pressure lower than the low economic status workers need to participate in the monitoring of personal
of the mother. As a result, mothers tend to be harder in social development of children as do the child health care
educating so that the children do not have the confidence to and screening using DDST observation of each month at the
develop social skills on various occasions and different Integrated Health Pos , kindergarten or early childhood.
environmental conditions. While the mothers of children
with a modicum be able to provide parenting, and pindidikan
more attention to the optimal development of children. This 1V. CONCLUSION
is because women are more focus and attention and 1. Working mothers who have children aged 2-5 years
education is not riven (debri, 2008) [7]. Based on research in in the village of Morangan Integrated Health Pos
addition to jobs and the number of children who influence Minggiran Papar District of Kediri 2016 majority or
the development of social personal, parenting factors also 26 respondents (81.25%) using democratic
have a major influence on the development of personal parenting.
social development. Parents who provide parenting 2. The majority, or 21 respondents (65.62%) children
according to their needs without curb and taking into were aged 2-5 years in the village of Morangan
account the children's freedom would be good children. Kids Integrated Health Pos Minggiran Papar District of
were able to adjust to the environment, have the courage to Kediri 2016 have a normal social personal growth.
take the initiative and creative, so the development of the 3. There is a strong association between maternal
child is able to develop properly (Debri, 2008) [7]. parenting social work with personal development of
Parenting provided to children must be appropriate to the children aged 2-5 years in the village of Morangan
developmental needs of children. Appropriate parenting able Integrated Health Pos Minggiran Papar District of
to give children the opportunity that he is most of the people Kediri 2016.
in the environment so that the child can develop optimally.
Attention, guidance and knowledge of parents of
psychological and psychosocial development of children in REFERENCES
the age levels should also be provided because it can affect [1] Sugeng. Keterlambatan Anak Karena Ibu Bekerja. www.
keterlambatan anak karena ibu (di download tanggal 15
the child's level of social skills. Januari 2016). 2008.
If it found any abnormality in the child's development of [2] Soetjiningsih, C. H. (2012). Perkembangan Anak Sejak Pembuahan
social personal, should be immediately traced the cause sampai dengan Kanak- kanak Akhir. Jakarta : Prenada
before deciding what to do. When the cause for the problem [3] Taufik, R. Pola Asuh Orang Tua. www. (Di
download tanggal 8 Januari 2016). 2007.
parenting is not in accordance with the needs of children, the [4] Syamsu yusuf. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak Dan Remaja.
parents should be able to provide appropriate parenting with Bandung:PT Remaja Rosdakarya. 2007.
her needs. Attention and stimulation also needs to be given [5] Hurlock, E. Psikologi Perkembangan. Jakarta : Erlangga. 2005.
so that optimal child development. [6] Sunarto dan Agung, H. Perkembangan Peserta Didik. Jakarta:Rineka
Cipta 2008.
Therefore the upbringing of children should be done with [7] Debri. Pola Asuh Orang Tua Terhadap Anak. www. Pola asuh orang
love and without force so as to create a fun environment for tua terhadap anak. Com ( Di download tanggal 8 Januari 2016 ). 2008.
children. Besides the mother should take the time and use
the time as possible to children under supervision, attention
and affection, as well as communicate so that mothers are
able to understand the developmental needs of their children.
Because the relationship between the provision of parenting

Ekstransmigrasi Village Head Role In The Implementation And
Development Of Items In The Integrated Services Employment
Health District Rumbio Jaya Kampar 2015
Reno Renaldi, SKM, M.Kes1)

Abstract. Rumbio Jaya sub-district consists of 7 villages, consisting of the original 4 and 3 villages ekstransmigrasi
formations formed by the government since 1989, where seven villages there were 16 Integrated Service Post,
consisting of 15 Integrated Service Post Purnama and 1 Mandiri Integrated Services Post, in the region ekstransmigrasi
alone there are 6 Integrated Service Post with 1 Integrated Service Post Independent and 6 Integrated Service Post
Purnama, the scope of coverage of the program in the village ekstransmigrasi includes Scope of Public Participation
village of Bukit Keratai 61.2%, 70.4% Batindih Batang village, village Tambusai 72,0%. When viewed from the scope
of public participation, all of them do not reach the target of 90% in accordance with the SPM (Minimum Service
Standards). This study aims to determine the role of the village chief in exercising their Ekstransmigrasi and
development of Integrated Service Post in Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya Kampar District in 2015. This study is a qualitative
descriptive research method evaluation study conducted to assess a program that is being or has been done. Informants
in this study is 3 Ekstransmigrasi village chief, 3 the Chairman of the PKK, 3 Integrated Service Post cadre and 1
person Head of Puskesmas. Data collected by in-depth interviews and penulusuran documents. Results of this study
showed that there is execution of the role of the village chief led to the implementation and development of Integrated
Service Post become obstructed. The conclusion of this study is the implementation and development of the Integrated
Service Post is influenced by the village chief's role in providing policy support to infrastructure and funding,
coordination of community mobilization, coordination cadre active role Integrated Service Post, follow up the results of
the integrated services posts and coaching activities keteratur Postal Services Integrated. The need for socialization and
advocacy for the village chief about the legislation governing the authority of the village chief to the development of
Integrated Service Post.

Keywords: Village Head Ekstransmigrasi Role in Posyandu

to God Almighty (4) Institutional government's preparedness

I. INTRODUCTION towards the establishment and / or strengthening of village
Background or municipality (5) natural resource management
Posyandu is one of the efforts carried out by the health consultancy towards the maintenance of the preservation of
service, from and with the community, to empower and life functions.
provide convenience to the public in order to obtain health Moving on from that government's expectations about
services for mothers and infants (MOH, RI, 2009) [1]. improving the health of rural communities through by
Strata national Posyandu according to the publication of moving the participation of society, especially through non-
data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of formal ie independence posyandu would have been realized,
Indonesia in 2013, the highest percentage of Posyandu but in fact posyandu in Rumbio Jaya transmigration area is
according strata in Indonesia in 2013 were; (1) Posyandu still the same as posyandu whose existence is not in the
Pratama 32.7% (2) Posyandu Madya 29.1% (3) 29.9% transmigration areas. Based on Monthly Report weighing
Posyandu Purnama (4) Posyandu Mandiri 8.3%. From the Toddler Health Center Rumbio Jaya in 2014, Scope of
data above, independent Posyandu percentage is still very coverage of the program to the rural village of Bukit Keratai
low, when linked to a number of villages ekstransmigrasi ekstransmigrasi 65.7%, 83.1% Batindih Batang village,
village defenitif according to the publication by Minister of village Tambusai 87.9%. Scope of Public Participation
Transmigration, Transmigration settlements from 1953 to village of Bukit Keratai 61.2%, 70.4% Batindih Batang
2006 amounted to 2,142 village certainly is a problem village, village Tambusai 72.0%. Coverage success for the
caused in Law No. 29 of 2009 regarding the development of village of Bukit Keratai weighing where 60.6%, 64.3%
society and the transmigration Transmigration Area covers Batindih Batang village, village Tambusai 89.6%. When
the field; (1) Economic toward the creation of a level of self- viewed from the scope of community participation all of
sufficiency and economic growth centers (2) Social culture which did not reach 90% in accordance with the target
towards fulfilling the needs of public services as well as the Minimum Service Standards.
process of integration and harmonization thoroughly In this regard research interested to know how the
between migrants and local communities (3) Mental spiritual participation of village head ekstransmigrasi particularly in
towards fostering human resilient, self , faithful, and devoted terms of the role of village heads in exercising and

development of neighborhood health center in the village East with East Kampar District. The western side bordered
ekstransmigrasi with the title "The Role of the with North Kampar District.
Ekstransmigrasi Village Head in the Implementation and
Posyandu Development in Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya Kampar B. Potential Available In Ekstransmigrasi Village
2015" . Transmigration area is derived from State forests Kampar
Recognition of the role of interest in exercising their district in 1980 by the Minister Transimigration in Open
ekstransmigrasi village head and Posyandu's development in Location Transimigrasi Swakarsa Mandiri (TSM) Field Oil
Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya Kampar Regency in 2015 [2]. palm plantation pattern adopted father to cooperate with
PTPN V began planting in 1986. For the sustainable
development of the village government has donated land
area of 30 hectares in its use of 10 hectares of village
II. METHODS gardens have been planted with oil palm, 10 hectares for the
This research is a qualitative descriptive research method use of public facilities and 10 hectares of land the village
evaluation studies conducted to assess a program that is treasury.
being or has been done. The results of this research are used Based on direct observation during the study period from
for the repair and improvement activities. Location of the April to May 2015 in the village ekstransmigrasi working
study conducted in Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya Kampar 2015. area health centers Rumbio Jaya, get that out of 6 posyandu
The research was conducted in March and April 2015. In on specific region of the village ekstranmigrasi not yet have
this study the research subjects are those that will be the its own building, chairs, tables also still riding belonging to
respondent. The subject of this study is 3 Ekstransmigrasi citizens or facilities other institutions, which shows that
Village Heads, 3 Teams of PKK village, 3 Chairmans of there is posyandu transmigration region does not have
Kader Posyandu, 1 Head of Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya. In this complete facility es and infrastructure.
case the researchers collecting data by jumping directly
spaciousness in order to obtain the necessary data. The tools C. Policy Support Facilities And Funds
used to assist data collection is a digital camera, a tape The provision of facilities and infrastructure available in
recorder. Guidelines interviews consisted of questions about posyandu at the present time is inadequate for the
the source of funding, facilities and infrastructure, and the implementation of the Posyandu, where the whole venue
village head policy towards the implementation and posyandu still riding or do not have a building of its own,
development of integrated health. limited means buildings and equipment mubiler such as
Data collection is accomplished by direct observation tables, chairs because not yet oriented village government
using observation to see photos of the object and check the about the existence posyandu , so that there is no support
sheets on issues related to the research that is being done. policy or decision of the head of the village. It is also due to
Data management system used in this study is using manual several things constraints faced by the village head in
techniques, for collecting data using interviews, check and fulfillment advice. This corresponds to the informant
use the in-depth interviews with respondents and direct disclosed the following:
observation of the object to be studied. The validity of the "Posyandu riding on Pustu's building, houses
data indicating measuring instrument that has actually been village head, the actual position with their
measured valid / invalid in this study using qualitative untapped RPJM we can enter. building mosques
research strategy called triangulation as qualitative analysis with large funds, why posyandu can not, posyandu
is the analysis of the form description using humans as a is not as big as it is, may be adjusted by the number
research tool. The data obtained from the interviews are of infants that there are, to my mind because there
presented in narrative form and the matrix, data analysis Pustu so therefore for village plans have also not
done qualitatively. Where the analysis process is done in been included as well. (Informant KS1) ".
stages by collecting data obtained from various sources, both "The problem is there is no available land, we are not
observation and interviews. able to buy public land, the village does not have
sufficient funds for it (Informant KS2)"
The decision taken by the head of the village in the
III. RESULTS funding / capital for the implementation of Posyandu
activities is inadequate, with an average posyandu receive
A. Geographic and Demographic Circumstances Rumbio funding from the village of 100,000 to 150,000 per month,
Jaya Subdistrict from 6 posyandus specific region of the village of
Rumbio Jaya sub-district formed since the 2005 ekstransmigrasi there is 1 posyandu that still apply sisitem
expansion from sub-district Kampar December 5, 2005. PMT with the mothers pay for it, the rest is free to use funds
Rumbio Jaya sub-district consists of 7 villages consisting of from the village used to PMT toddlers. This is in line with
three villages namely ekstransmigrasi Tambusai village, that expressed by the informant as follows:
Batang Batindih village, Bukit Keratai village, as well as the "Every posyandus earn 150 thousand each month
4 locals village, Payung Island, Alam Panjang village, for toddlers PMT, for the manufacture of soup or
Teratak Village, and Simpang Petai Village with population porridge. (Informant KR1)".
of 16.160 inhabitants. Rumbio Jaya sub-district directly "Now 150 thousand per month has been going on
adjacent to the four districts around the northern districts for two months, the money is used for
bordering Tapung South side is bordered by Kampar District.

supplementary food to children under five. community to come in the opening hours of Posyandu, in
(Informant KR2)". supposed to increase visits to posyandu, village heads should
From the observation of the entire neighborhood health play a role in encouraging people to come in posyandu's
center in the village area ekstransmigrasi as 6 posyandus opening hours, as well as the informant revealed the
found that the entire building of posyandu still ride, with 1 following:
posyandu ride in the village hall, 1 posyandu riding in the "As long as there's mobile phone, we could share
building PKK, 1 posyandu ride in Pustu, 1 posyandu ride the news, tomorrow there is vitamin on Posyandu.
home citizen, 2 posyandus gone in Kadus. In terms of (Informant PK1) ".
supporting facilities such as chairs and tables on the whole From the research results through observation and in-
met 5 tables while still using other facilities, it is supported depth interviews to respondents can be concluded that the
by information obtained through the following informant: movement of people to attend to Posyandu can be done
"The tools of posyandu was not a desk or chair, through announcements in wirit-wirit Yasin, through
just a scale, had already been socializing in the activities in mosques or places of worship which are carried
district at that time, for those who do not have the out by cadres Posyandu and PKK village without having to
equipment posyandu proposed but until now has wait a direct order / prior coordination with the village head.
not given any help. until now we have nothing, so
posyandu not have anything, scales only. E. Coordination of the Active Role of Posyandu,
(Informant KR2) ". Posyandu’s Officials and Community Leaders to Play an
Based on the results of observations and in-depth Active Role in Organizing Posyandu
interviews with informants can be concluded that the policy The village head of government stakeholders in the
of the head of the village in terms of provision of region as he led one of its functions integrate, coordinate and
infrastructure and the provision of sufficient capital to harmonize the various powers that be so intertwined with
posyandu in the village ekstransmigrasi is needed, it has a each other in order to jointly organize, implement existing
direct impact on the availability of infrastructure and capital posyandu village, but this should not be done. As expressed
diposyandu village ekstransmigrasi visible 6 posyandus in by the following informant:
the ekstransmigrasi village area no one has a separate "In the structure, this is responsibility of the village
building. but th coordinate points are responsibility for the
health officer, but depending on the situation and
D. Coordinating the Mobilization of the Public to be condition sometimes there are certain things to be
Present at the Opening Posyandu discussed. (Informant KS2) ".
In carrying out its duties and functions of the village "The meetings with the volunteer takes place
chiefs certainly requires coordination with the involved whenever there are special events, like there would
parties, it is unlikely that the village head is directly related be filariasis or competitions. (Informant KS3)".
to all citizens of the community that he led in person, it does Based on information compiled by researchers through
require an extension of the village head to convey what the direct observation was not found venture of village heads in
appeal of the village head to community. This was revealed coordinating the role of volunteers or administrators of
by the informant the following: posyandu to play an active role in posyandu either in the
"If the village government directly involvement does form of a letter or other form, it should be done by the head
not exist, PKK work directly from the village and of the village as the village government in encouraging the
cadres who have been appointed directly by them. activity of cadres and posyandu's officials to participate
(Informant KS2)". more actively in the carry out and develop the posyandu, it is
"If the effort to raise the public to come to Toddler supported by the information disclosed following informant:
Posyandu through wirit Yasin and the others, but if "there is no special meeting to discuss posyandu so
it's Elderly Posyandu, we often announce on far, which is often in the village meeting last event
mosques, even, once we go homes in order to attend alluded sometimes associated with posyandu that
to the Posyandu. (Informant KS3)". there will be a special event such as a race or a no
This is also supported by the information obtained by show event of the district. (Informant PK3)".
researchers through interviews with informants supporters "Should be the head of the village gather more
that the movement of people to Posyandu cadres carried out community leaders and cadres should encourage
by GMP or PKK village and also the community itself has active that our posyandu. but if the village head does
come to Posyandu every month it by itself, as expressed by not want to coordinate it will be difficult, however it
the following informant: is his duty. (Informant PPP)".
"The village head no, we-our own cadres seek Based on observations and interviews can be concluded
through yasinan, sometimes via sms when the that the coordination of the active role of Posyandu cadres,
posyandu open, if there is no letters of appeal. officials posyandu and community leaders to play an active
(Informant PK2) ". role in organizing posyandu village ekstransmigrasi
"The community here without being told already by facilitated by the village head was never carried out
itself come to Posyandu. (Informant PK3)". routinely or regularly scheduled basis, it should be done in
Through observation directly by researchers in the field developing posyandu however ongoing basis or coordination
are not found to be an appeal directly or indirectly by the meetings conducted if there are any special events in the
village government in this case the head of the village to the villages.

trying to solve the problem, awards and guidance technically
F. Follow-up Results of Posyandu Activities Joint with and morally by the village head to the posyandu activities
LPM and other devices in posyandu never do.
In coordinating the activity results posyandu by the
village head and LPM in an effort to monitor and follow up
everything related to the activities performed by the executor IV. DISCUSSION
posyandu never done, it is in line with the information A. Policy Support Facilities and Funds
obtained through the following informant: According to Law No. 6 Year 2014 About the Village of
"Report of the activities related not ever look there article 75, paragraph 1 Village Chief Financial management
at the financial statements alone. (Informant KS1)". is the holder of power Village. Paragraph 2 In exercising the
"PKK and Posyandu agents who completed the power as referred to in paragraph (1), the village chief to
health workers, the village had only watching it. . seek majority control from the village. Paragraph 3 Further
(Informant KS3) ". provisions concerning the Financial Rural Government
Through direct observation researchers also did not find Regulation.
things that are related to follow-up results Posyandu According Suhartini in public health in 2009 states that
activities by the head of the village with LPM, This was in order to optimize the activities in Posyandu need a means
revealed by the informant as follows: of supporting facilities and infrastructure, such as bed-site
"If the report to the clinic, was never asked to the inspection Pregnant Women, Scales Infants, Children, Scales
village, we were never reported to the village. Adult, Gauge Height, Meter Cain, Screening Tools
(Informant KR2)". Pregnancy, Tension Meter , Thermometer, Arm
"Reports to the village does not exist, that there is circumference Measurement, Nutrition Viewer Tool, Tool
only report to health worker. (Informant KR3)". Game, Guidance Material. Decent Posyandu's building must
Based on observations and interviews that can be have a special room for pregnancy testing.
assembled, follow up of the results of Posyandu activities Based on information obtained from key informants and
together LPM by the head of the village with the responsible informant support as well as the observation from the ground
implementing Posyandu activities in this regard is the research, that is not the role of the village head
Posyandu cadre in the village ekstransmigrasi never been ekstransmigrasi in providing policy support for the provision
done by the village head, as well as the submission of reports of facilities which led to a lack of facilities and infrastructure
on the activities of Posyandu cadres the head of the village were adequate in posyandu, as evidenced from 6 posyandus
administration was never done, only health workers who contained entirely still riding, other supporting facilities such
always ask for a report to the cadres posyandu every month. as chairs, tables and other equipment relating to the
implementation of posyandu still using means other facilities
G. To Provide Guidance for the Implementation Posyandu not belonging to Posyandu, as well as policy support to the
Activities on A Regular Basis funds that are still dependent on the assistance of
From the results of in-depth interviews with key government funding in this budget area causes lack of
informants found that the role of the village head in fostering services for children under five and pregnant women as a
to the implementation posyandu regular basis has never been central goal of the program posayandu proved by lack of
done by the village head, were conveyed in accordance with funds in the budget PMT posyandu with between 100,000 to
the statement following informant: 150,000 per month
"Regularly evaluate direct activity does not exist. According to research by Sari in 2013 [3] were sourced
(Informant KS1)". from the Ministry of Health in 2006 stated that the financing
"If the form of special awards that our cadres are posyandu sourced from the public which is dues of use /
have a very nice work and so forth, which does not visitor posyandu, contributions to the general public in the
yet exist. . (Informant KS2) ". form of a healthy fund.
Through direct observation by researchers also found no Policies village head in the procurement of infrastructure
matters relating to fostering posyandu by the village head, and provision of sufficient capital to posyandu
according to information obtained through informant ekstransmigrasi village is desperately needed, it has a direct
following supporters: impact on the availability of infrastructure in Posyandu
"I guess because it was providing funds so not too ekstransmigrasi villages. Decision village head in funding /
bothered, had rarely looked. (Informant PK1)". capital for the implementation of Posyandu activities are also
"Coaching was not there, the coaching is not ever needed, where cadres as executor posyandu costs in
done, also never ask if there is a problem in the allotment purchasing administration tools, extra food for
Posyandu. (Informant PK2)". infants, and also the provision of the things that pertain
Based on information from observations and the results directly to the cadres such as intensive cadre and uniform
of in-depth interviews can be concluded that the guidance by cadre as supporting the implementation of tasks within the
the village head of all components in posyandu both the posyandu. With the availability of facilities and capital are
program and the executive officer in posyandu as a form of managed directly by the executive officer in this case
monitoring and evaluation and solution of the problems that Posyandu cadres and officials so that in the end posyandu
exist in posyandu region village ekstransmigrasi never done, can develop sustainably.
any arising problems or there are activities that do not Alternative solution is the village chief ekstransmigrasi
correspond to target only the cadres and health officials are may issue policies that support in the implementation and

development of Posyandu, by exploiting the potential of the organizations in the village; provide information to the
local community empowerment with the use of palm oil village community.
farmers farmer groups and cooperatives as well as the From the observation and depth interviews with
potentials that exist in ekstransmigrasi village's area. informants researchers to conclude that the role of head of
the village in the coordinating role of cadres, officials
B. Coordinating the Mobilization of the Public to be posyandu and community leaders to play an active role in
Present at the Opening Posyandu penyenlenggaraan posyandu never done, which led to the
In accordance with the observations and information existing activities in posyandu not organized in this cadre,
from key informants and informant support known that the administrators posyandu, community leaders carry out
role of the village head ekstransmigrasi in coordinating the activities in posyandu with their own initiative without any
movement of the public may attend the opening hours coordinations.
posyandu be delegated to cadres Posyandu and PKK in
bringing people who have children under five and pregnant D. Follow-Up Results Posyandu Activities in Collaboration
women to attend in opening hours of posyandu by with LPM
announcing in wirit yasinan in case of schedule changes and From the results collected through observation and
no non-routine activities each month. information from key informants and informant investigation
Law Decree No. 36 Year 2009 on Health Article 7 found that follow up the results of the IHC together LPM by
Everyone has the right to obtain health information and the head of the village with the responsible implementing
education about a balanced and responsible. According to Posyandu activities in this regard is the Posyandu cadre in
Regulation No. 7 of 2007 on Community Empowerment the village ekstransmigrasi never been done by the village
Cadres (KPM) states that the Community Empowerment head, as well penyampain report on their activities by the
Cadres are members of rural communities and urban posyandu cadres to village government has never done, only
neighborhoods have the knowledge, willingness and ability health workers who always ask for a report to the cadres
to mobilize people to participate in community posyandu every month.
empowerment and participatory development. KPM has the Accordance with the Minister of the Interior No. 54 of
task of helping the village leaders or village heads and 2007 states that the head of the village as the responsible
community organizations in community empowerment and Pokjanal posyandu the village / village that has tasks and
participatory development, which includes, among others, functions: Manage data and information relating to
mobilize and motivate people to actively participate in Posyandu activities in villages / wards; Develop annual
development activities in the region, helping communities to action plans and seek their sources of funding to support the
articulate their needs and help identify problems, and development activities of Posyandu; Conduct an analysis of
helping communities develop capacity in order to deal with the implementation problems of alternative solutions based
the problems faced effectively. program in accordance with the potential and needs of
Based on the research above concluded that the role of villages / wards.
the village head in moving people to be present at the From the information gathered from key informants and
opening posyandu not affect the participation of the informant support researchers can conclude that it is not in
community or families with children under five and pregnant lakukanya role of the village head ekstransmigrasi perform
women to be present at the Posyandu in the opening hours their role in following up the Posyandu activities along with
posyandu, although the village head did not participate in the LPM, community organizations and other institutions
moving society but Team movers PKK cadres posyandu that exist in villages, which led to the results of the
village and moving the active participation of people to implementation activities of Posyandu every month and
come to posyandu voluntarily. constraints that exist in posyandu unmonitored causing the
lack of planning with compliance required in the
C. Coordination of the Active Role of Posyandu, Posyandu implementation and development of posyandu.
Officials and Community Leaders to Play an Active Role According to research Prasetyowati Rita (1998) about the
in Organizing Posyandu relationship between management aspects which made the
Based on the results gathered from informants revealed clerk Community Health Education Coordinator with the
that the coordination of the active role of Posyandu cadres, level of development posyandu In the district Tegal regency
officials posyandu and community leaders to play an active Year 1997/1998 claimed there was a significant relationship
role in organizing posyandu village ekstransmigrasi between aspects of planning, mobilization, implementation,
facilitated by the village head was never carried out control, monitoring, and assessment with the level of
routinely or regularly scheduled meetings or coordination development of posyandu.
conducted if there will be special events in the villages. Posyandu program implemented aims to determine
UU no. 6 2014 Article 26, paragraph (2) In carrying out directly the level of community participation that is public
duties authorized Village Head; fostering the village attendance to Posyandu that have the children under five and
community life; fostering peace and orderly village pregnant women, the success rate of weighing in recognition
communities; Rural Development to coordinate a of toddlers who gain weight as well as knowing the coverage
participatory manner. Paragraph (4) Village Head shall: program that is the number of infants in the village with the
establish cooperation and coordination with all stakeholders number of infants who were present in posyandu on the day
in the Village; empowering communities and community of opening hours posyandu, it can be known through the
recapitulation of the weighing is carried posyandu cadres

after the project is implemented, the results of recapitulation procurement of means which lead to a lack of adequate
can be seen problems or the level of success that has been facilities and infrastructure at the posyandu. so also with the
achieved, in this case the head of the village as the support of policy against the funds still hanging against the
responsible party directly in the operation posyandu should help of Government funds.
follow up the issue and coordinate with related institutions The presence of the community to the posyandu which
for the sake of the next policy decision. exist in the village of ekstransmigrasi not depending of the
role of the head of the village of ekstransmigrasi in
E. Conduct Posyandu Activities are Invited for Coaching on coordination driving right of society to be present on the
a Regular Basis opening hours of the Posyandu.
Judging from the results of the study found deep in the The role of the head of the village of ekstransmigrasi by
interview by asking a few questions to the main informant means of co-ordinating the role of cadres, administrators and
and the informant about supporting the construction by the community leaders to play an active role in organizing
village chief over all the components that are in both the posyandu in the village of ekstransmigrasi was not done,
program and the posyandu managing officer at posyandu as causing existing activities at posyandu are not organized.
a form of monitoring and evaluation as well as the resolution Not done his ekstransmigrasi village chief's role in
of the problems that exist in the region of the village of following up on the results of the activities of the joint
posyandu ekstransmigrasi never do, awards and guidance in institutions, the LPM posyandu civic and or other
technical as well as moral by the village chief to the institutions in the village, causing not monitored his
activities of the posyandu and other devices at the posyandu activities results and constraints in the implementation of
were never done. posyandu per month.
In accordance with the regulation of the Minister of the The existence of the role of the head of the village of
Interior No. 54 of 2007 mentions that the village chief as the ekstransmigrasi in conducting the construction of all the
person in charge for pokjanal posyandu level wards/villages components that exist on a regular basis, both programs and
that have the duty and function of conducting guidance, managing officer at posyandu, cause not accommodated his
coaching, facilitation, monitoring, and evaluation of the managing officer posyandu aspirations and ultimately hinder
management of activities and the performance of cadres of existing programs as well as the unresolved issue of his good
Posyandu on an ongoing basis; Move and expand personal problems or program officers executing posyandu.
participation, mutual, and NGOs in developing Posyandu;
Develop other activities in accordance with needs; Reporting
the results of the implementation of the activities to the VI. ADVICE
village chief/Head and Chairman of the Pokjanal Subdistrict For researchers who are next expected to continue this
Posyandu. research with economic and leadership variables as well as
Based on the results of observation and information from design a combination of qualitative and quantitative in hopes
informants can be concluded that the existence of the role of of digging deeper related roles of the head of the village
the village chief in conduct posyandu activities are invited towards the implementation and development of the
for coaching on a regular basis to all the components that are posyandu in the village ekstransmigrasi.
in both the program and the posyandu managing officer at The need for the dissemination and advocacy against the
posyandu which caused his aspirations were not Government of the village, especially to the village chief of
accommodated for ushers executor posyandu, obstacle legislation regulating the powers of the head of the village
courses as well as the unresolved issue of his good personal towards the development of the posyandu, both in
problems or program officers executing posyandu infrastructure funds and advice on compliance with dig
After doing the process of deliberation in coordination, potential villages as a form of active participation of the
participatory planning, implementation of the activities of community against the posyandu so it does not depend on
the posyandu with the various policies that are taken, the the facilities and budget areas or the Government.
duty of the village chief do coaching in hopes of posyandu The need to foster a sense of belonging towards the
sustainability that has been formed and increased whole of the community component of the posyandu by
development of strata posyandu. The process of coaching optimizing the role as village chief in his position at the
efforts also accommodating the aspirations of the officer posyandu stackholder, digging potentialities existing relic in
executing posyandu, coaching can be done with regular the village ekstransmigrasi in the implementation and
meetings in this recording system for monitoring and development of the posyandu so posyandu can align with
peloporan in Active posyandu aligns and integrates with other facilities as well as the public who have toddlers and
hierarchical sisitem information construction of the village. pregnant women as main target can be served.
The village chief is responsible for direct implementation
and development of the Posyandu obligation do the coaching.
If the posyandu are not done in aspects of coaching REFERENCES
programs, institutional aspects and aspects of personnel will [1] Promkes MOH. Introduction Book for Kader. 2009.
hinder the implementation and development of the posyandu. [2] IkaVila Sari. Analysis Implementation Development Puskesmas
Posyandu in Kampar, Kampar District Kampar Regency in 2013
The absence of the role of the head of the village of
ekstransmigrasi in providing policy support towards the

The Existence of the People’s Phrase Trust (Myth) Amid
Minangkabau Cultural Competition Modren
Rini Wirasty,B1)
 FKIP- PBS Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin Solok


Abstract. This paper background, with still wore expressions Community Trust or better known as the myths
that developed in Minangkabau society itself. The existence of myth in society Minangkabau, create myths
somewhat eroded by competition modren culture. But still there are some people who still use myth in
everyday life, for example in terms of the function of the myth itself in the life of parents in providing advice,
warning, education / rearing, prohibition of child or nephew, as well as some people who are considered need.
Competition myth amid modren culture makes us as a people will think critically and not concerned about
whether or not the myth. But look at the myth itself will shape the character of society amid the rapid
advancement of science and also makes characters grow with harmony in social skills. Myth will also help the
child's growth and development in the face of modren culture. Values that exist in myth makes us develop
local cultural elements were nice. So that the value of the myth is maintained, there are several areas in the
city of Solok still holds its value and still believe the myth according to category, meaning and function.

Keywords: Myth, culture, Minangkabau, competition, modren

Folk belief is a myth, and the myth itself is a thinking that

I. INTRODUCTION does not make sense when digested with common sense, and
Expression of confidence (myth) has been recognized by the myth can also be interpreted as a superstition or a phrase
the community for generations, so it is no longer known who that only born through an imagination in a particular
menciptakannya.Maksudnya, expression of confidence community without any clear evidence. As has been argued
(myth) is very much present in every area of society, both by Ahimsa-Putra (in Endaswara Suwardi, 2009: 119), states
the international community, national and regions whose that the myth could be considered as a story "bizarre" that is
culture and trust yourself in that area sendiri.Ungkapan often difficult to understand the meaning or accepted as true
delivered orally in the form of units that have been created because the story in it "unreasonable" or does not match with
by the community rules penuturnya.Sampai now the phrase which we meet everyday.
was still known by the people who already were thinking
modern.Ternyata progress of science and technology that
makes modern thinking man does not change people's habits II. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
who still believe in the phrase superstitious. Because it is MYTH
still the discovery of a small portion of people who use the
In Indonesia, especially in the countryside apply so much
phrase in everyday life, for example a ban on children
myth (prohibition) circulating in the community. In terms of
playing at sunset "acts of buliah play disanjo ari, beko
food, everyday life, actions, or all matters related to the daily
tapijak children of the Devil" (not to be played in the
lives is very strong masyarakat.Tradisi applied by society.
evening, then stepped hobgoblin ). Actually, the purpose of
Some even believed myth as a trust or a message from the
these expressions is to educate or send children to make the
ancestors which if not adhered to will have an impact or
time sunset is not used to play, but used to carry out the
karma / penalties that are not pleasant.
afternoon prayer, if children are accustomed to playing at the
Basically the myth of interest only as agent for preventing
time of the evening, they automatically remiss in their
or is advising and educating course, especially for children
obligation to carry out prayers dusk and go mengaji and do
and adolescents. As described by (Danandjaya, 1991: 169-
not use it to play games. So this is the way of parents to
170) grouping several functions of expression of folk beliefs
educate their children, if the child actually used the
(myths), namely: a) as a thickener keagaamaan emotion or
expression that they will not heed what is spoken by their
belief, b) as a projection of a collective delusion that comes
parents. So, with the expression of beliefs (myths), the
from someone ilusinasi, c ) as a child or teen educators, d) as
children will fear the impact that they get.

an acceptable explanation commonsense folk against natural In the past, especially for rural communities, so many
phenomena elusive so scary, e) to comfort the unfortunate. myths in our daily lives. These myths surrounding the
People History create myths to teach and advise That is to various things both small and large scale. Because rural
avoid things that are not diinginkan.Terutama related to communities are very enthusiastic about the expressions of
customs, as well as expressions of trust, and so on. As early society and they believe at the present time, although
contained in the expression of the people's trust in the ungkapan The truth is still unclear. To be sure, the myth is
district. Sundi hill district. Solok, "Indak buliah bapayuang very difficult to be rationalized. Myth contains virtues
in the house, beko shot patuih" (There should be an umbrella notwithstanding pulled the sides of rationality. However, the
in the house, later struck by lightning), in fact if we think are myth is also very important for rural communities first in
healthy that there is no connection between an umbrella in order to control the behavior of children and society in
the house with a thunderbolt, the actual phrase above have general. A non-rational teachings are preserved for
meaning that in this expression umbrella inside the house if generations, where the myth was never inscribed in the
we could make the furniture in the house was broken pages of history of human civilization. It is a myth only
because it stuck by an umbrella when developed, so in the became part of the oral tradition which impact on a person's
expression of this belief contained educational value. In beliefs. This culture as irrational then always discuss the
terms of function expression of the people's trust is a person and the myth itself. Mitosbagi society formerly
function melarang.Adapun category of expression folk unquestionable and must be believed is. By believing these
beliefs are job categories. myths, it means we have become part of the local cultural
A broader sense, the myth means anonymous stories atmosphere. The myth is related closely associated with
about the origin of the universe, fate, and the purpose of life: expression and confidence ban rakyat.Tetapi behind it, there
the explanation given by the community to their children is a kind of reward for those who do not obey them and sort
about the world, human behavior, the image of nature, and of benefit to those who obey it. Based on the above, it can be
purpose of human life. These explanations aim to educate, concluded that the myth is a folklore, history of the saint,
although in the 17th century and the 18th term that has a bad who believed and purified by the community and serve as a
connotation, a delusion which is scientifically and history is guide to life or unwritten laws that govern the behavior of
not true, since the movement of romanticism, it becomes an society.
important term, myth is considered a kind of truth or equal to
truth and not rival the historical truth or knowledge, but 2.2 Myths In Minangkabau culture.
complementary, Wellek and warren (In Atmazaki 2005: 66). Speaking of myths, in the presence of the mythical
The myth comes from the Greek 'mythos' which means' Minangkabau itself is deemed by society to be more
cerita'.Secara common myths words are used differently. valuable. The point is that the myth of the Minangkabau
First, academic, myths are often interpreted as a story that is society has a very important role for social life, as well as
holy is looking symbols with multiple meanings. The story educating their children. Myth regarded by science as an
that is sacred religious or spiritual meaning. The use of both ancient culture and without a clear evidentiary facts, are
is the use of the word myth in the general sense. Here, the better able to create order in society. The myth is in fact the
myth serve as a group of beliefs (beliefs) adopted by the field is more feared by the public as executioners for all the
person who tells the story. It is subjective and sometimes wrong actions in the intercourse of life. The myths as a
cause umbrage if a story is assumed to be true by a person, producer of the institutions and symbols that are created by
considered as a 'myth' by others (Wikipedia dictionary, the community primodial Minangkabau culture.
2009). Myth as a means of information is sometimes
The myth is a sacred story in the form of symbolic that underestimated. Especially after the entrenchment of modern
tells a series of real events and imaginary concerning the times, making a myth as the work of indigenous people lost
origin and of change-change of the universe and the world, values. Myth as a result of its position copyright replaced by
gods, powers over nature, man, the hero, and the community, technology that are rational, which carried the myth of value
Cremers (in Suwardi Endaswara 2009 : 119). In this case, to be replaced by the value offered for the science more
Kloos (in Suwardi Endaswara, 2009: 119) describes some of modern. Even worse. This phenomenon also occurs in the
the characteristics of myths, including: 1) the myth often has myths generated by the Minangkabau society.
properties holy, 2) elements and events that played a role Nurdin Yakup (1987: 13) explains in his Minangkabau
and and occurs in myth can only be found in the world Tanah Pusaka that scientists can only justify 2% of the
myths and not in the world of everyday life or in the past is legend that can be used as a foundation to build knowledge
real, 3) many myths refers to important events, 4) the truth about the nation down from the summit of Mount Merapi. of
of the myth is not important because the horizon and the the opinion expressed by Yakup who has suggested that 98%
days of myth is not tied to the possibilities and limits of the of scientists assume that history is written in the
real world this. Minangkabau legend worth almost entirely fictitious
Furthermore, Levi-Strauss (in Endaswara Suwardi, 119) mythology or just alone, without any element of scientific
to formulate, myth is a legacy form of certain stories from proof.
the oral tradition tells of gods, the first humans, animals and In the legend written by Nurdin Yakup (1987: 13), found
so on through the logical schema contained in myth and the Minangkabau people coming from Asia that is from
allow us to integrate all of the problems that needs to be "ground bases", great man who fell from the top of the
solved in a systematic construction. volcano Sri Maharaja Royal and his followers who later
became the ancestors of the Minangkabau who came from

the land of the Hindu, one of them be Zuriat Alexander the mitosentris, but in the 6th century BC in Greece was born
Great Emperor Ashoka (338 BC), Sri King of Kings is one philosophy known by the greek miracle. With this paradigm,
of the three sons of Zuriat Iskandar Zulkarnain, the story of knowledge is growing very rapidly due to answer the issues
Alexander the Great are numerous and too bergalau if the surrounding the ratios and leave the trust in the mythological
linked story legend that one with another legend, as well as or irrational superstition.
Sri Maharaja Royal can not be known with certainty who the From time to time, human life is always evolving,
real king is, whether he is the biological child or Zuriat evolving toward progress. All aspects of life including the
Zulkarnain its course because the period is unclear. progress of science and technology was also progressed.
There is also a legend that started the story of Adam and Eve, Who else is developing science and technology, if not the
da tone is also legend who started from Noah, then there is man. Humans have the very important role in this regard,
more of Iskandar Zulkarnain, and then there is also the start where man not only as objects but also as the subject
of the peak of the volcano with the arrival of Sri Maharaja changes or a change agent (agent of change) of changing it.
Royal, Nurdin Yakup (1987: 13 -16). Humans also be subject to change because their thoughts are
Some experts, can disumpulkan that the myth is part of progressing so as to produce anything more creative and
the culture of people in Minangkabau. Myths can not be innovative. Man becomes the object of change because of
separated from the culture, the myth was born from the changes in persons that can be learned, and make the
public's view of an event or events that are considered changes as an agent or media for him to develop.
outside biasa.Mitos has significance in public life The more modern life, science has advanced, more
menganutnya.Mitos is one form of oral folklore handed sophisticated technology. It seems that progress has opened
down by word of mouth, and the myth is wrong one of the up the thoughts of man towards progress anyway. Humans
traditions that are believed to reveal a certain confidence in are able to face and resolve the problem with rational and
the community life. logic. Confidence in the myth began to fade and disappear.
2.3 Relations with the Language and Culture Myths However, it is often found in modern society or the people
Minangkabau. who are educated, then what of the traditional community or
Baso Minangkabau Minangkabau language or is a communities untouched by modern life?
subsidiary branch of the Austronesian language, spoken No need to go far to traditional society, modern
especially in the area of West Sumatra, parts of the western society is more comprehensive science, master modern
province of Riau and spread in parts of cities across technologies and have a more rational mindset was
Indonesia. There is a conflict with the Malay Minang sometimes still believe the myth, why does it happen? In the
language. As an expert in this regard language as a dialect of era of globalization and modernization, as now we have
Malay as many vocabulary and shape similarity in them, encountered many people who believe the myth. Indeed, the
while others actually think this language is an independent myth can not be lost, especially for the rich Indonesian
language other than the language of Malay (id. Wikipedia). culture. A society or a particular person is certainly not
In his book Moussay Gerard (1998: 10-11), without reason to believe the myth. They do not just believe
explaining that the Minangkabau language are grouped in in a myth. Here are a few reasons people believe the myth.
groups subordinate "language Nusantara" (formerly called First, the myth is a cultural tradition or hereditary.
"Indonesian") when combined with the languages of The myth has been ingrained for society, especially for
Polynesia and Melanesia the Austronesian language family, Indonesian nation rich in culture. From ancestors until now,
in the language of the archipelago itself, the Minangkabau the myth can not be separated for granted, along with the
language emerged as a language that is similar to Malay. development of science and technology. Starting from the
Then to do with the study of language experience-pangalaman earlier ancestors, they were still
Minangkabau is what if the myth is told by other languages animist faiths dynamism always associate everything that
and do not use automated Minangkabau language opponents happens in their lives with their ancestors, until they have
said not understand or do not understand at all the myths offspring and teaching experience, until now.
spoken, and sipenutur not familiar with the purpose and Second, the myth is told from generation to
intent of the myth. Myths are not just language Minangkabau, generation are slowly understood and interpreted, realized in
but the myth also has a strong relationship with the everyday life, and indeed many myths are true. Truths from
Minangkabau culture itself. As described above, between the the myths that make a person or the public believe that the
myths, language and culture in Minangkabau can not be myth is true, with the truth of these myths, one often
separated from one another, meaning that the relationship confront and resolve problems faced by myths that he
between myth, language and culture are interconnected. acquired the hereditary. Not all myths can be disproved by
philosophy. Many of the myths that can be verified by a
III. ISCUSSION rational or logical, can be proved by common sense, but
Shifting civilization has altered the meaning of the many myths that can not be substantiated rationally.
myth itself, a myth has closed the values of local wisdom Third, one often heard the myth of the parents,
and tradition-laden society will value and philosophy. Early mother, grandmother, and so forth. In this case we seem
in the history of science, especially in the period Greece is forced to believe the truth of the myth. In front of them, we
an early milestone in the history of science berkembangnnya believe in the myth and make it happen in an action that has
human civilization. The development of science is motivated been said by those parents to cherish, appreciate parents who
to change the paradigm and mindset that developed at that speak to us. However, as someone who understands the
time. Previous Greeks still covered by the mindset correct and rational thinking, of course, we do not accept or

do things that are not rational or irrational as the myth. parents or society have a tendency to think irrationally is
Explaining to them the real stuff that myths can be disproved taught to individuals through various media. There are
by rational thinking is a difficult thing, let alone talk to several indicators of an individual's irrational to think that
people who are older than us. Moreover, older people who human life in society is to be accepted and loved by others of
have to cultivate the myth, it is very difficult for us to deny it. things done; many people in society who are not good,
But it never hurts if we speak well and slowly the older destructive, evil, and cruel that they are suspect, blamed, and
people, without to judge the myths they say is a mistake. punished; human life is always faced with various calamities,
Fourth, the lack of knowledge makes a person or the public disasters are terrible, horrible, terrifying that inevitably have
believe in the myth. It is very easy to find in a rural area or to be faced by man in his life; it is easier to stay away from
the area is still very strong traditional and cultural traditions. certain hardships than attempting to confront and handle;
Those isolated areas making them locked in ignorance and emotional suffering of someone emerging from external
backwardness, so they still believe in the truth of the myth pressure and that people only have very little ability to
that they had believed from earlier ancestors. Fifth, the eliminate the emotional pain; past experience gives a very
limitations of human reasoning. Man is able to think, but strong influence on the lives of individuals and determine
thinking needs to be constantly trained. Thought itself can the feelings and behavior of individuals at the present time;
really be too wrong, wrong reasoning Finally be defeated by to achieve a high degree in his life and to feel something
correct reasoning. It required time in order to ensure that unpleasant require supernatural powers; and the value of
truth. Sixth, human curiosity has been satisfied for a while. human dignity and acceptance of others against themselves
Truth must be accepted by the mind but some are acceptable depending on the good of the individual performances and
intuition, namely acceptance on the basis of conscience the level of acceptance by others of the individual. We could
about something right. not believe the myth menjudge that was a mistake. Myth and
Conscience irrational in the life of ordinary people logos (often called logic) is indeed very different meanings,
has been accepted as a truth or pseudo science. Seventh, even much the opposite, where the myth refers to stories and
limited human sensory organs. The impact and limitations of logos referring to an argument. We can not combine or even
our sensory organs, it may arise misinformation, eliminate one of the two.
misinterpretation and wrong thinking. From the wrong Living in the development of the world toward
information, make people guess even think irrationally. progress like today is very difficult indeed to believe the
Exercise can improve the accuracy of sensing devices to myth. Bagaiamanapun but also the human mind has a limit,
reduce errors such observations, but still very limited. Older and up to the time it reaches them it must rely on the myth.
people or those who passed not without reason teaches myth Their philosophy is not meant to dispel the myth as a whole.
to generations of successors, they believe and trust that the The development of philosophy only to fade and have a
myth has its own meaning, they believe the myth that has positive influence to the people who believe the myth that
tujan and mafaat for them. The purpose and benefits of the people who believe in the myth is able to use his mind to the
myth. First, the myth as a means of persuasion. Myth can maximum so that they want to think and not just trust the
instill confidence in someone. According to Socrates, words hereditary away without thinking first. Feels strange
eschatological myth to convince us to believe that the soul is indeed believe in the myth of globalization and in-paced life
immortal fund is no justice in the afterlife. Second, the myth of modern as today. Indeed myths have been around since
as a teaching tool. Myth narrative embodied in an abstract time immemorial, ancestral beliefs are socialized hereditary
philosophical doctrine, although the myth is usually it is certainly can not be dismissed offhand. The myth has
manifested in the form of a fantastic narrative. From the been around since time immemorial and is a tradition and a
fantastic narratives that are able to make doctrines, doctrines culture, though society has been experiencing growth or
that will attach to a strong and mendogma. On the other hand, progress, the least we can not be separated from myth. No
believe the myth or irrational thinking begins with learning harm we believe in the myth, but as a human being endowed
illogically obtained from the parents and the culture where a with the ability to think, we should already be using all the
person grew. In the process of growth will continue to think potential and ability of our minds to think rationally, because
and feel for sure about himself and about others "this is not all the problems we face can be solved by myth. Rational
good" and "it is bad". Irrational thinking will be reflected in thinking is indispensable if we work for the public good,
the verbalization used. Verbalization illogical show wrong public affairs, which are dealing with various kinds of
thoughts and verbalize the right shows the right way of people, traditions and beliefs, then we will have objective
thinking. Feelings and negative thoughts and rejection dirii reasons that can be shown to the crowd (transparency), has
must be opposed by rational and logical thinking that can be evidence, references, can debate (argument is logical and
accepted by common sense and rational use verbalization relevant) and can be compared because they have a
way. measuring tool. Another case if we think irrationally or
This way of thinking can not be substantiated believe the myth, the irrational thinking we do not need no
irrational, irrational thinking will cause bad feelings (anxiety, facts or fit the facts or evidence, just conjecture, symbols, or
fear, prejudice) unnecessary and hinders an individual to engineering or fantasy. If we as individuals or groups (in the
thrive in our daily lives are effective. An individual is not personal domain), in a private context is not a matter of
able to think rationally or always thinking irrationally public, legitimate we believe the myth or think irrationally,
because an individual does not think clearly about the because the myth or mindset irrationally out of the desire of
present and the future, between kenyatan and imagination, knowledge and awe is also very important for the cause
an individual depends on the planning and thinking of others, inspiration and motive. Myth and logos have their respective

places. In the life of modernization in the era of Atmazaki. 2005. Ilmu Sastra, Teori dan Terapan. Padang: Yayasan Citra
Budaya Indonesia.
globalization, as now, we should be able to put ourselves, Chaer, Abdul. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
because it was necessary. We must know where we are Danandjaja, James. 1991. Folklor Indonesia (Ilmu Gosip, Dongeng, dll).
located, in the private sphere to ourselves (personal domain) Jakarta: Pustama Utama Grafiti.
or to the public interest or the public interest. If we know our Endaswara, Suwardi. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian Folklor, Konsep, Teori,
danAplikasi. Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo.
position, we can confront and resolve our problems either Gani, Erizal. 1994. Menulis Proposal Penelitian Teori dan Terapan. Padang:
menyelesaikkan rational or irrational manner. Bumi Ayu Singgalang
Guswita, Reni. 2009. Ungkapan Kiasan Masy. Minangkabau di Kenagarian
Koto Baru Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok. Skripsi.
Padang: Universitas Negeri Padang.
Karepesina, Ja’cup, dkk. 1983. Mitos Kewibawaan dan Perilaku Budaya.
IV. CONCLUSION Jakarta: PT Pustakan Grafika
Manaf, Ngusman Abdul. 2008. Semantik Teori dan Terapannya dalam
Developmental expression of the people's trust
Bahasa Indonesia. Padang: Sukabina Offset.
(myth) at the time of modernization of the times, as now, Moleong, Lexy J. 2005. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja
will bring some believe or not believe. in certain areas this Rosdakayarta.
tradition is still believed by an utterance or action that would Movssay, Gerard. 1998. Tata Bahasa Minangkabau. Jakarta: Kepustakaan
Populer Gramedia.
cause a reaction in the community. expected no special
Nazir, Moh. 1988. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Erlangga.
attention to the expression of people's trust in government Parera, Dj. 1990. Teori Semantik. Jakarta: Erlangga.
(myth) that will maintain the regional culture, especially in Yakup, Nurdin. 1987. Minangkabau Tanah Pusaka, Tambo Minangkabau.
West Sumatra. it does not mean an area that maintains the Bukittinggi: Pustaka Indonesia
indah-durojatun-fisip12 Antara Mitos dan logos. Diakses. Minggu
tradition of life untouched by modernization.
15/01/2017. Pukul 13.30 Wib


Aminuddin. 1990. evelopment of Qualitative Research in the Field of

Language and Literature..Malang: HISKI dan YA3.

Phenomenon of Code-Mixing in Subsidized Apartment in Social,
Cultural, and Economic Dimensions
Dr. Rosida Tiurma Manurung, M.Hum.1)

Fulltime lecture, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung

Abstract. Along with the limited urban land, vertical buildings become an option for occupancy, one of them is good
subsidized apartment rusunami and subsidized apartment inhabited by lower middle class. In the context of pragmatic,
emerging phenomenon of code-mixing and code-mixing as the social, cultural, and economic implications of becoming
a multicultural and multilingual society. Linguistic diversity can cause problems with implications for conflict among
residents.The apartment is a residence located on one floor of multistory buildings has its own peculiarities in his
position as the context of the situation. Based on the observations, occupant subsidized apartment derived from the level
of social, economic, and different cultures turned out to have a model or how to speak its own. The main focus of this
research is the phenomenon of code-mixing apartment dwellers who come into contact with any form of language a
language event as a result. Studies approach in this research study sociopragmatic. The reason is that the use of
assessment sociopragmatic speech act that has a social function as a communication tool and is used to identify a social
group as well as the speech act itself is a pragmatic social interactions. Apartment dwellers who come from socio-
cultural and behavioral diversity has made the style of personality they show typical characteristics. In this study found
their code-mixing between Indonesian and English. The phenomenon of code-mixing arise because of the influence of
science and technology progress and globalization. Mixed code is indeed a model of style of personality among
apartment dwellers are becoming increasingly flourish.

Keywords: speech acts, multicultural society, the social, cultural, and economic, subsidized apartment dwellers, the
phenomenon of code-mixing

for “tarik”, and “welcome” instead of “selamat datang”.

I. INTRODUCTION This research will discuss social, cultural, and economic
dimension of code-mixing phenomenon in subsidized
A. Speech Acts Occupants in Subsidized Apartment
apartment environment using sociopragmatic approach with
the assumption of speakers in subsidized apartment.
Based on observation, occupant of subsidized apartment
come from different levels of social, economy, and culture
that actually have their own model or way of speech. Using II. THEORETICAL STUDY
more than one language while communicate (code-mixing)
A. Mixed Code Phenomenon
is common in multicultural and multilingual society. In fact,
Another aspect of dependence of language in
there is no society that can escape from this phenomenon.
multilingual societies is the code-mixing. Among speakers
Code-mixing includes not only transition of one language to
who are bilingual or multilingual, often encountered a
other languages, but also transition of language variation
phenomenon that can be seen as a language disorder or
from standard language to non-standard ones.
interference. This phenomenon shaped the use of elements
In line with the emergence of subsidized apartment,
of a particular language in one sentence or another language
code-mixing phenomenon also occurs in subsidized
discourse with deliberate intention. These symptoms are
apartment environment. Moreover, the phenomenon have
called code-mixing. Harimurti (2001)[1] interpret as code-
become a trend among speaker communities. This
mixing (1) interference, ie, the use of code-mixing as an
phenomenon has already widespread and become a behavior.
aberration in the presence of a deliberate action in its usage
A study found that there is a code-mixing between
and (2) the use of language units from one language to
Indonesian language and English with average of 0.37 per
another language to expand the language or variety of
language style. Nababan (1993: 32)[2] argues that the mixed
The use of English in public space has been a habit that
code is a condition where people speak another language is
cannot be denied anymore. It cause Indonesian language and
to mix two or more languages or language diversity in an act
culture fade away slowly but surely. For example, society
of speaking that demand that language mixing. In such
nowadays prefer to use the word “pull” for “dorong”, “push”
circumstances your relaxation only the speakers and or

habits that followed. Such acts of language we call a code-
mixing. Example of code mixing
When jogging past the hangar complex training aircraft in
B. Mixed Type Codes flight training, I ran into mechanical.
Based linguistic elements involved in it, Suwito (1996: Question: “Ngapain pagi-pagi udah disini?”
92)[3] differentiate into several kinds of code-mixing among Answer: "Pesawatnya perlu di run-up, diinspeksi, dicek oli,
others. busi. Leading gear terbuka.”
1. Insertion of tangible word elements
Word is the smallest element in the formation of a sentence A short fragment of the conversation above shows that
very important role in the grammar, which is said is the there are code-mixing in sentences answer given by
stand-alone unit of language, consists of a single morpheme mechanics. Is this mechanics like to present themselves as an
or morpheme combination. elite community groups, higher than fellow villagers have?
Example: Presumably sentences code-mixing is already an everyday
“Mangka sering kali sok kata-kata seolah-olah bahasa daerah speaking style among mechanics in the work environment
itu kurang penting”. (“Padahal sering ada kata-kata seolah- such as in an airplane hangar. The use of code-mixing is
olah bahasa daerah itu kurang penting”). “Padahal sering ada driven by compulsion. Concepts such as"run-up”, inspection,
anggapan bahwa bahasa daerah itu kurang penting” the leading gear "as if there is no equivalent in Indonesian.
To note, the run-up means heating machine cutting plane to
2. Skirting elements that intangible phrase follow certain procedures that have been set. Inspected
phrase is a combination of two or more words that are not together with an inspection of the aircraft that will be
predictive, joint meetings and it can be tenuous (Harimurti, operated in accordance with the provisions required.Landing
2001: 59). gear is not just a wheel but a tool in the cutting plane
Example: landing, including wheels and pontoons (specifically
“Nah, karena saya sudah kadhung apik sama dia ya tak designed for seaplanes).
teken”. (“Nah, karena saya sudah terlanjur baik dengan dia, Characteristic of language in the field of aviation are
ya saya tanda tangan”). “Nah karena saya sudah benar-benar among other short, clear, and not ambiguous. Therefore, the
baik dengan dia, maka saya tanda tangani”. use of mixed Indonesian-speaking English in conversation as
in the example above refers to the principle of speaking a
3. Insertion elements baster tangible form short, clear and not ambiguous, although it was not aware of
Baster is the result of a combination of two elements of mechanics. Foreign concepts collected from the original
different languages to form one meaning (Harimurti, 1991)[4] language of aviation technology, which when moved into the
Example: Indonesian language can be a phrase or sentence length, less
Banyak klap malam yang harus ditutup. Hendaknya segera obvious and may be ambiguous. The cause interference such
diadakan hutanisasi kembali. code is a compulsion technology. It could be argued sort of
fulfillment of urgent needs(need filling motive). Mixed code
4. Insertion tangible elements iteration word because of compulsion technology not only found in the
Iteration word is a word that occurs as a result of flight environment, but also other fields such as trade,
reduplication. fisheries, industry, shipping and so on.
Example: In contrast to the mixed code because of technological
Sudah waktunya kita menghindari backing-backing dan klik- necessity, the case of the use of mixed Indonesian and Dutch
klikan. Saya sih boleh-boleh saja, asal tidak tanya-tanya lagi. in the days of the old order or the days before the
independence of the Republic of Indonesia tend to be
5. Insertion of tangible elements idiomatic expressions motivated by the efforts of the speakers showed their
Idioms is a construction of elements that each vote, each academic status. Mix this type of code should normally
member has the meaning that is just because with the others occur only in situations not authorized to speak, and driven
or in another sense idiom is a construction whose meaning is by motives of prestige (prestige filling motive).
not the same as the combined meaning members.
Example: C. Sociopragmatic study
Pada waktu ini hendaknya kita hindari cara bekerja alon-alon Experts sociolinguistic say that the speaker is involved in
asal kelakon (perlahan-lahan asal dapat berjalan). Yah apa an incident speech must have communicative competence or
boleh buat, better late than not at all (lebih baik terlambat knowledge of the system language combined with the rules
daripada tidak sama sekali). or norms that exist in the community to be able to use the
language inappropriate in a situation of speech (Holmes,
6. Insertion tangible elements clause 2001 Wardhaugh, 1987).[5]
Harimurti (2001)[1] defines clause as grammatical units in Levinson (1983)[6] says that pragmatics is the study of
the form of a group of words which at least consists of the principles of language use. It can be said that a pragmatic
subject and predicate, and has the potential to be a sentence. assessment is closely related to the context in which that
Example: Pemimpin yang bijaksana akan selalu bertindak language is used. Pragmatics examine the intent of speakers
ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri in particular said lingual unit in a language.
handayani (di depan memberi teladan, di tengah mendorong Sociopragmatic study is a study of social pragmatic
semangat, di belakang mengawasi). approach. Sociopragmatic study analyzed aspects of the

meaning of an event of speech acts in terms of the context of raised, then offered to be followed by other nations who
substitutions situation and socio-cultural context in which eventually arrive at a point a collective agreement and serve
language is used (Paker, 1986)[7]. Sociopragmatic study as guidelines together for nations around the world. Given
assesses form of speech to understand the intent of the this will improve the economic life of the nation that support
speaker in accordance with their social context, for example, life. From the globalization of the economy we can mimic
the context of gender, profession, cultural background, the patterns of thinking that good as a high work ethic and
ethnicity, customs, behaviors or lifestyles, and so forth. In discipline and science and technology from other nations
this study, we discuss the model style of personality that have been developed to improve the nation's progress,
occupants subsidized apartment the terms of which are which in turn will advance the nation and strengthen our
specified sociopragmatic assessment approach based on the sense of nationalism against bangsa.Akan However, there is
analysis of professional speakers. nothing absolutely perfect in this world. There is also the
negative effects of economic globalization affecting
D. Social Studies Indonesia. Among them were able to make people forget the
The social dimension includes social interaction, social globalization of identity as a nation of Indonesia because of
processes, collaboration, social communication and social his lifestyle tend to imitate the western culture that the world
contact. Social interaction according Basrowi (2005: 138)[8] community is considered as a mecca. Resulted in the sharp
is a dynamic relationship that brings people to people. The social gap between the rich and the poor, because of free
group with the group and the group manusia.Bentuknya is competition in the economic globalization. In the context of
not only cooperation, but also can take the form of the speech act, in terms of economic background there is a
competition, conflict, and the like. Interactions can be said difference between the inhabitants.
successful when their two-way communication with each
other to respond committed by two or more persons.
Interactions can occur anywhere such as in meetings and III. DISCUSSION
Social process according Basrowi (2005: 136)[8] is a The subsidized apartment occupants tend to make code-
dynamic aspect of community life. In it there is a process mixing, seen in the analyzed data as below.
that the relationship between human beings with other
No. Follow-spoken Economic Social and
human beings. The connection process in the form of social
Code-mixing Dimensions Cultural
interaction that occur in everyday life. Social interaction is Dimensions
intended as reciprocal influences between the two sides, 1. Selamat pagi Bapak Front office Respect
which is between one individual with other individuals to dan Ibu, may I help subsidized hearer
achieve specific goals. you? apartment
Social communication according Basrowi (2005: 143)[8] 2. Good morning Mr. subsidized Submissiongr
is a social process of mutual give interpretation to or from Anton, Bapak mau apartment eeting
the conduct of others. Through the interpretation of the memesan makan restaurant
conduct of others, a person's behavior as a reaction to realize malam? waitresses
3. Secara bertahap, bank Influencededu
the purpose or role to be conveyed by the other party.
perbankan di employee cational
Communication in social life is very important to realize a Indonesia mostly background
good relationship in the familiarity and cooperation to dari corporate (degree in
achieve the desired objectives. banking ke retail economics)
Social contacts according Dirdjosisworo (1985: 273)[9] banking.
contains the sense of social contacts together physically 4. Saya telah melihat government Everydaystru
touch (intersection Adani). Then social contact can be pemerintah officials ggling with
interpreted as relationships through conversations with one governance telah the
another. menjadi sebuah terminology
body of state dari of public
negara. administration
E. Cultural Study 5. .Peristiwa yang Reporters familiar with
Culture, for the believer, is "normal" or "better" than the sangat mengejutkan political news
culture adopted by other parties. Sometimes a person who bangsa ini ialah / worldjob
enters a different culture will experience"culture shock"or terjadina bomb
culture shock. Culture shock is the confusion that arise when explotion untuk
someone enters a situation or way of life unknown. A kedua kalinya di
Sundanese might be surprised to see the dress code, when he Hotel J.W. Marriot
was given the opportunity to visit the residence of a Dani dan Ritz Carlton.
6. Kitalah yang meng- Employees often use
tribe in the interior of Papua is still using a penis sheath.
organize acara itu.. event English for
Alienation he experienced when experiencing it can be organizers reasons of
called a cultural shock. practicality
7. Saya ini juga kan production Influenced by
G. Study of Economic single parent. house celebrities
Globalization is a process of global society and knows no Karyawati language
boundaries. Globalization is essentially a process of ideas 8. Tidak apa-apa. Teachers Want to show

What is wrong with that speakers IV. CONCLUSION
cerita Si Kancil dan master
Buaya? English
Based on the above discussion, it was found that the
language. mixed code is made by speakers in the subsidized apartment
9. Dinner dari Supervisor Feeling more happen because things as follows.
ballroom kita restaurants prestigious if 1. Judging from the social and cultural dimensions,
pindahkan ke coffee subsidized you use the obtained by reason did not mix code, which is to
shop karena akses apartment English respect the hearer, the delivery of greeting, influenced
jalan masuknya language in educational background, work world, to facilitate
sempit. front of his communication, and to be more prestigious.
. staff are also 2. Judging from the economic dimension was found that
the perpetrators of code-mixing is the most productive
background is middle class and above.
in hospitality. 3. Judging from the code-mixing speech act, the speaker
10. Tugas laporan Students speaker and when using Indonesian and switched to English
praktikum sudah hearer equal terminology concerning the purely job-specific fields.
saya print. Nanti, social sstatus. 4. Mixed code can be minimized if body language
kamu ya yang Reason code- communicates constantly new term equivalent of a
ngejilid hard cover. mixing as to foreign language as well as new terms you need to
. facilitate know to public speakers.
11. Laki-laki Employee of Mixed code
diuntungkan karena the occurs REFERENCES
adanya aliran male Department of because the [1] Kridalaksana, Harimurti. Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: Gramedia. 2001.
[2] Nababan, P.W.J. Ilmu Pragmatik. Jakarta: Depdikbud. 1993.
stream. Women speaker
[3] Soewito. Sosiolinguistik. Surakarta: Henary Offset. 1996.
Empowermen understand [4] Kridalaksana, Harimurti. Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: Gramedia. 1991
t gender [5] Ohoiwutun, Paul.1997. Sosiolingustik. Jakarta : Visipro.
studies. [6] Cummings, Louise. Pragmatik Sebuah Perspektif Multidisipliner.
12. Kita harus Lecturer Aalsan code- Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2007.
mengupayakan mixing solely [7] Gumperz, J.J. 1982. Discourse Strategies. Cambridge University
kesetaraan budaya study science Press: Cambridge.
cultural equality. background [8] Basrowi. Pengantar sosiologi. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia. 2005.
[9] Soedjono Dirdjosisworo, 1985. Asas-asas Sosiologi. Penerbit:
Armico, Bandung.
13. Yang mesti kita marketing Reason code-
kembangkan staff mixingto be
bukanlah market more
event, tetapi market prestigious
14. Hal itu justru private code-mixing
mampu employee Reasons for
memberikan ease of
satisfaction yang communicatio
tinggi. n
15. Saya menceplok private Reason code-
telur untuk employees mixing to be
breakfast. more
16. Anybody siapa saja, student The reason
for me no problem for
tidak ada masalah. emphasizing/
affirm and to
be more
17. Minggu depan Mas Housewife reason code-
Eko akan meng- mixing to be
organize barbaque more
ya Jeng! prestigious.

Effectiveness of Wet Cupping Therapy on Blood Pressure in
Patients with Hypertension at Home Cupping
Payakumbuh 2016
Cici Apriza Yanti1), Aria Wahyuni2), M. Yusuf3)
Public Health Program Health Science Fort De Kock Collage, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

2) 3)
Nurse Program Health Science Fort De Kock Collage

Abstract. Hypertension is often referred to as the assassin (the silent killer), because it is a deadly disease. The
phenomenon that is present mainly in Payakumbuh, people have started resorting to alternative medicine in Islamic
(Tibb Nabawi) for a variety of diseases, both in the form of drugs or therapy Cupping home Tibb Nabawi and
Islamic Healthy House Ash- Shifa is a complementary medicine contained in Payakumbuh . Among the many
complaints the patient's disease is hypertension, where the average every day there are patients who complain of
hypertension. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cupping therapy wet (wet cupping therapy) on blood
pressure in patients with hypertension. Quasi-experimental design with one group pretest posttest design using t-test
dependent. The population in this study were all patients with hypertension in which to visit the House Cupping in
Payakumbuh, with the average number per month as many as 20 people. Sampling was done by purposive sampling as
many as 10 people. Data was collected using observation sheets, then processed and analyzed by computerized.
Results of univariate analysis discovered that the average systolic blood pressure prior to the wet cupping therapy is
153.050 89.250 mmHg and diastolic mmHg. The average systolic blood pressure after wet cupping therapy was 138.70
mmHg and 88.75 mmHg diastolic. Results of bivariate analysis showed that wet cupping therapy is effective for
lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients (p = 0.000). It was concluded that wet cupping therapy is effective
in lowering the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Expected in the community patients with hypertension that
do complementary nursing alternatives like cupping therapy, that is not always the same hypertension drug dependence.

Keywords: Hypertension, wet cupping therapy

(29%). Around 80% of hypertension cases occur in

I. INTRODUCTION developing countries (Triyanto 2014, p.2).
Hypertension is often referred to as the assassin (the In Indonesia, based on the results of basic medical
silent killer), because it is a deadly disease, is not research (Riskesdas) in 2013 showed the prevalence of
accompanied by symptoms first as a memorial for the hypertension in the population aged 18 years and over 25.8%
victims. If it appears, the symptoms are often regarded as the (Prasetyaningrum 2014, P8). The prevalence of hypertension
usual distractions, so that victims will realize too late arrival at age 50 years 10%, but over 60 years that number
of the disease (Vitahealth, 2006, p.12). In the United States, continues to increase to 20-30%. The prevalence at ages less
according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination than 31 years of 5%, aged between 31-44 years of age 8-
Survey (NHNESIII), at least 30% of patients with 10% and more than 45 years by 20% (Nurrahmani 2012,
hypertension are unaware of their condition, and only 31% p.26).
of patients treated achieve the desired blood pressure targets In West Sumatra, hypertension included into the five
below 140/90 mmHg (Triyanto 2014, p. 2). diseases that mostly experienced by the community.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that Incidence rates are also likely to increase; it is in relation to
hypertension is the number one cause of death in the world, the habits of the people who love to eat rendang and other
because nearly 1 billion people suffer from hypertension with coconut milk food. Based on the results of Health
(Prasetyaningrum 2014, P8). In 2012 there were 839 million research (Riskesdas) in 2013, the prevalence of hypertension
cases of hypertension, and is estimated to be 1.15 billion in in West Sumatra was 22.6% (MoH RI, 2013, p.90).
2015, or approximately 29% of the entire population of the Hypertension is a disease that is asymptomatic. A total of 45
world, where the patient more in women (30%) than men of the 93 people who come see her have a systolic blood
pressure above 140 mmHg, but only 21 people who knew

suffering from hypertension. In general, patients come for hypertension who underwent cupping therapy. Therefore,
treatment in advanced stages of complications such as heart researchers interested in conducting research on the
failure, kidney failure, eye retinal damage due to effectiveness of cupping therapy wet (wet cupping therapy)
hypertension or stroke. Among the new cases are known to on blood pressure in patients with hypertension in the House
suffer from hypertension, 6% of them have showed Cupping Payakumbuh 2016.
symptoms of kidney damage. Due to the absence of
symptoms, causes awareness of a patient's treatment II. METHODS
becomes less (Yulianto, 2011, p.36).
In preventing complications, then treatment for Quasi-experimental design with one group pretest
hypertension can be done pharmacological treatment, non- posttest design using t-test dependent. The population in this
pharmacological treatment, as well as complementary study were all patients with hypertension in which to visit
medicine. Lately a lot of people like complementary the House Cupping Tibb Nabawi and Islamic Healthy House
medicine, several reasons including: the cost is affordable, Ash-Shifa Payakumbuh, with the average number per month
does not use chemicals and healing effect is significant. as many as 20 people. Sampling was done by purposive
(Widharto, 2007). Treatment of Hypertension by using sampling as many as 10 people. The criteria inclusion for the
complementary and alternative therapies, one of which is or samples to be used are as follows: Patients with primary
hijamah cupping therapy that has been used since the time of hypertension who first do wet cupping therapy, Aged 40-55
Prophet Muhammad (VitaHealth, 2006). Cupping is a years, Having a blood pressure> 140/90 mmHg, Do not have
method of treatment by removing blood contaminated with a contraindication to the implementation of the bruise, Not
toxins or oxidants from the body through the surface of the taking antihypertensive medication before the wet cupping
epidermis. Cupping aims to neutralize oxidants in the body therapy, Be willing to follow bruise in the next week and
so that the levels are not higher, so that blockage of blood criteria exclusion; Patients suffering from uneven skin
flow to certain organs in the body can be overcome, so that infection, Patients who are not up to follow the 2 x wet
the physiological functions of the body back to normal cupping therapy, Consume foods that can affect blood
(Kasmui. 2007, p.4). pressure increase, Eat the anti-hypertensive medication 12
Cupping plays calming the sympathetic nervous hours before cupping, Experiencing primary hypertension
system (sympathetic nervous system), which stimulates the that influence blood pressure (such as heart disease, kidney,
secretion of enzymes that act as the renin angiotensin diabetes, and others), Are pregnant, Do bruise in the last 1
system. Once the system is quiet and its activity is reduced, month, Have a history of other diseases that affect the
blood pressure will drop. Cupping role in lowering the cupping therapy. Researchers first had blood pressure
volume of blood flowing through the blood vessels, thereby measurements, respondents in check by a sitting position
reducing blood pressure. Cupping stimulates receptors play a after resting for 5 minutes after I got home bruise.
role specifically related to downsizing and stretching of the Respondents did not smoke or drink coffee for 30 minutes
blood vessels (baroreceptors) so that blood vessels can after cupping and blood pressure measurements were taken.
respond to various stimuli and increases its sensitivity to After 30 minutes of execution cupping then re-check the
factors that cause hypertension (Sharaf, 2012, p.159). blood pressure of respondents, to see if there is the effect of
According to research Safrianda (2015) at Home cupping therapy on blood pressure of respondents, the
Therapy Tibb Nabawi Pontianak, it is known that there is a results are recorded in observation sheet Data was collected
significant change in blood pressure before and after cupping using observation sheets, then processed and analyzed by
therapy wet (p = 0.000), which prior to the cupping therapy computerized.
wet as much as 75% of respondents had hypertension stage
II and wet cupping therapy after only 43.75% of respondents III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
who had hypertension stage II. The phenomenon that is A. Univariat Analysis
present mainly in Payakumbuh, people have started resorting Table 1
to alternative medicine in Islamic (Tibb Nabawi) for a Blood Pressure Before and After Wet Cupping Therapy
variety of diseases, both in the form of drugs or therapy in
accordance with Shari'ah and has very few side effects. Blood Pressure Mean Min Max SD
Among the treatment method of choice is to do a bruise that
aims to remove the dirty blood from the body, or to smooth Before Wet 153,050 135,0 185,0 17,22
Cuping mmHg mmHg mmHg
the circulatory system.
After Wet 138,70 122,5 157,5 12,47
Cupping home Tibb Nabawi and Islamic Healthy cuping mmHg mmHg mmHg
House Ash-Shifa is a complementary medicine contained in
Payakumbuh. Among the services provided are the sales of
herbal medicines and services everything cupping therapy Hypertension or high blood pressure is an increase in
for various diseases. Every day house Cupping serve 7-10 systolic blood pressure over 140 mmHg and diastolic blood
people cupping therapy on patients with various diseases pressure over 90 mmHg on two occasions with an interval of
complaints. Among the diseases that many complained of five minutes with enough rest / quiet (MoH RI, 2014, p.1).
these patients are hypertensions, where the average every Hypertension or high blood pressure disease is a vascular
day there are patients who complain of hypertension. So disorder that results in the supply of oxygen and nutrients
each month obtained an average there were 20 patients with carried by the blood is inhibited to tissues that need. The
body will react hungry, causing the heart to work harder to
meet those needs (Vitahealth, 2006, p.12).

In line with the research Mustika (2012) on the increase in diastolic blood pressure can be caused by eating
Influence of Cupping Therapy against Blood Pressure in habits and consumption of salt that are not regulated.
Hypertension Patients in the Clinic De Besh Centre Respondents could do cupping therapy but does not
Arrahmah and Healthy Home Sabbihisma city of Padang in control the use of salt in food. Increased diastolic blood
2012, it is known that the average systolic blood pressure pressure can also be caused due to anxiety or stress
before treatment intervention was 153.10 mmHg. experienced by respondents who had not received previous
According to the assumptions of researchers, wet cupping therapy so that the respondent blood pressure
hypertensions occurring in this study due to the influence did not change. These factors may be experienced by
age of respondents are getting older, with the main causes respondents when the therapy but was not identified because
and other factors which are the environment and the factors researchers did not collect data on these factors. It can be
and improve the risk such as obesity, stress, physical concluded that the risk of increased blood pressure will
activity, low potassium, excessive alcohol. The influence of increase if the patient cannot control the risk factors of
the aging process can cause a variety of problems, hypertension, both in terms of food, physical activity and
biologically, mentally, and economically. But even more psychological.
dominant in this study, hypertension is caused by If seen from the characteristics of the respondent,
environmental factors that bring anxiety, stress, fear; factor then the possibility of an increase in systolic blood pressure
of food consumption away from the healthy lifestyle habits is influenced by sex and occupation, of which 2 of whom are
such as eating foods high in fat and cholesterol (curry, female and are housewives. Both the patient is entering the
rendang, fried). age of menopause, so it began to lose little by little the
This is consistent with the results of observation of hormone estrogen. The function of the hormone estrogen as
the patient, where there are four patients who look scared for a protector of the heart and blood vessels by increasing the
the health and 3 patients had a plump body posture. levels of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) which duty as
Interviews with three patients also obtained information that protectors of blood vessels from atherosclerosis, so the effect
they are easily stressed in dealing with problems in the on blood pressure.
household Cupping is a method of treatment by removing
blood contaminated with toxins or oxidants from the body B. Bivariat Analysis
Table 2
through the surface of the epidermis, which is known as Different Blood Pressure giving wet cupping therapy
'Oxidant Release Therapy' or 'detox'. Cupping aims to Blood Pressure Mean different P Value
neutralize oxidants in the body so that the levels are not Pre test 14, 35 mmHg 0,000
higher. If the oxidant can be issued all of the blockage of Post test 0,5 mmHg
blood flow to certain organs in the body can be overcome, so
that the physiological functions of the body back to normal According to the assumptions of researchers, wet
(Kasmui 2007, p.4). cupping therapy is effective in lowering the blood pressure
Cupping is a method of treatment by removing blood of hypertensive patients for wet cupping serves to bleed
contaminated with toxins or oxidants from the body through gross (toxin) in the blood vessels, so they can clean the
the surface of the epidermis. Cupping aims to neutralize blood and increasing the activity of the spinal cord and
oxidants in the body so that the levels are not higher, so that improve vascular permeability. Through this wet cupping the
blockage of blood flow to certain organs in the body can be plaques that clog blood vessels will be destroyed, so that
overcome, so that the physiological functions of the body blood flow will be smoother and the blood pressure falls by
back to normal (Kasmui, 2007, p.4). itself. With repair cells damaged blood vessels, resulting in
According to the assumptions of researchers, the blood vessels may be elastic back so as to cope with changes
average decline in blood pressure after the therapy cupping in blood pressure naturally. Likewise with dirty blood
wet due to the process of cupping glide by massaging the expenditures that carry plaque blockage of blood vessels,
area to be cupped, it will stimulate the nerve points in the will make the system into normal blood circulation and
body and causes the movement of blood flow out through result in a decrease in blood pressure.
incisions made in the area of cupping. Through the release of In hypertensive patients with high cholesterol, then
the substance nitric oxide causes dilation of the blood through the process of this bruise damaged blood cholesterol
vessels, making blood vessels more powerful and elastic, so stacks will come out, so that the accumulation of cholesterol
that the hormone aldosterone controlling the volume of is reduced. As spending on dirty blood, liver and blood will
blood flowing in the veins decreases, and the end result is be stimulated to carry out detoxification and stimulation of
decreased blood pressure on an even keel. However, the the bone marrow to immediately generate new erythrocytes
blood pressure of hypertensive patients after wet cupping were in good condition. Broken blood expenditures (gross)
therapy experience different changes, there were increased can also affect the mental state of the patient, so that they do
and others decreased. Decrease in blood pressure occurs in not stress ranges. This resulted in reduced sympathetic nerve
systolic blood pressure, with a distinct decrease. activity, which affects blood pressure. Thus, reduced
Differences in blood pressure reduction can be sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure is also
influenced by the duration of patients with hypertension, the reduced.
degree of hypertension is experienced, or triggers of However, wet cupping therapy is not effective for
hypertension. In diastolic blood pressure, there were 3 lowering diastolic blood pressure. This is due to diastolic
patients who experienced an increase in blood pressure. The blood pressure occurs when the heart relaxes and blood is
sent back to the heart through veins that are less elastic.

While in systolic blood pressure would significant decline in order to develop programs that relate improving the health
because of cupping therapy will improve the and quality of hypertensive patients, such as the provision of
microcirculation of blood from a large vein in advance, so education about non pharmacological attempts to
that the large blood vessels going to the elastic back and hypertension management through wet cupping therapy.
systolic blood pressure will experience faster reduction. Expected in nursing staff in order to support and motivate
When the heart contracts to pump blood, cupping therapy is the patients with hypertension, to perform wet cupping
also an effect to decrease the volume of blood circulating in therapy. That the results of this study can be used as an
the blood vessels. (Rohitama 2015, p.11). Wet cupping additional reference for nursing practice with respect to
therapy also can not be performed on all patients with special alternative medicine cupping wet
hypertension because there are conditions that are prohibited
to do cupping, such as diabetics, patients who are physically REFERENCES
weak, patients who do dialysis, the first 3 months pregnant [1] Vitahealth. 2006. Hipertensi. Jakarta. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama .
women and patients with certain diseases. Therefore, in [2] Triyanto, E. 2014. Pelayanan Keperawatan Bagi Penderita
hypertensive patients who did not meet these criteria are Hipertensi Secara Terpadu. Yogyakarta. Graha Ilmu
[3] Prasetyaningrum, YI. 2014. Hipertensi Bukan untuk Ditakuti;
highly encouraged to do cupping therapy. This condition is Tetap Sehat dengan pengaturan Pola Makan. Jakarta. F media
also found in sample, where there are two patients who feel [4] Nurrahmani, U. 2012. Stop Hipertensi. Yogyakarta. Familia
dizzy when cupping so that they cannot be taken as a [5] Yulianto, A. 2011. Hipertensi. Jakarta : PT Sunda Kelapa Pustaka
sample. [6] Widharto. 2007. Bahaya Hipertensi. Jakarta : PT PT. Gramedia
[7] Kasmui. 2007. Bekam ‘Pengobatan Menurut Sunnah Nabi. Materi
IV. CONCLUSIONS Pelatihan Bekam Singkat.
[8] Sharaf, AR. 2012. Penyakit dan terapi Bekamnya ‘Dasar-dasar
The average systolic blood pressure prior to the wet
Ilmiah Terapi Bekam’.Surakarta. Thibbia
cupping therapy is 153.050 89.250 mmHg and diastolic [9] Mustika, F. 2012. Pengaruh Terapi Bekam Terhadap Tekanan
mmHg. The average systolic blood pressure after wet Darah Pada Pasien Hipertensi Di Klinik De Besh Centre Arrahmah
cupping therapy was 138.70 mmHg and 88.75 mmHg Dan Rumah Sehat Sabbihisma Kota Padang Tahun 2012. Artikel
Ilmiah. Fakultas Keperawatan Unand
diastolic, wet cupping therapy is effective for lowering blood [10] Rohitama, O. 2015. Efektivitas Pemberian Terapi Bekam Dan
pressure in patients with hypertension in the House Cupping Terapi Pijat Refleksi Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita
Payakumbuh 2016 (p = 0.000). Hipertensi. Naskah Publikasi. FIK-Universitas Muhammadiyah
Expected in the community patients with
hypertension to conduct alternative treatments such as
cupping therapy that is not always the same hypertension
drug dependence, as well as choose a nice bruise and have
permission from the MOH. Expected to health care workers

Lelo Sintani
Economic and Business of Faculty In Palangka Raya University


This study was conducted to measure and analyze the effects of the School
Characteristics, the Skill Competences, the Vocational School Image, and Parents’
Social Classes on the Students’ Preference in Selecting the Vocational High Schools in
Palangka Raya.

This study used a descriptive quantitative method. The population of this study
was the Tenth Graders of Vocational High Schools Palangka Raya, specifically in the
SMK Negeri 1 Palangka Raya, SMK Negeri 2 Palangka Raya, and SMK Negeri 3
Palangka Raya. To determine the number of the samples, Slovin Formula was applied.
Data collection methods were obtained by interviewing the entitled and authorized
parties who provided the data, through questioners—by giving and distributing the
questioners to the respondents (acted as the samples) who answered those questions, and
the Study of documentation by collecting and studying the data relating to this study.
The data that verify the assumptions were analyzed with Descriptive Analysis, Factor
Analysis, and Multiple Regression Analysis.

The result of the Descriptive Analysis concluded that the variables such as the
school characteristics, the vocational skills offered, the school image, and the social
classes of the parents were the important factors in students’ preference to continue their
study in the vocational high school in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. Thus, based
on analyzing the confirmatory factors, each of question indicators of the variables was
valid and reliable and indicators of each factor were accurate to measure those variables.

The Multiple Regression Analysis with 95% level confidence interval, α=0.05,
indicates that based on the F-test, it was obtained that the school characteristics, the
vocational skills offered, the school images, and the social classes of the parents affected
simultaneously on the students’ preference in selecting the Vocational High School, and
the value of the coefficient of determination (R2=0.545) shows that about 54.50% of the
total variation of the students’ preference can be accounted for by the four variables.
Moreover, the t-test result indicates partially that the variables of the school images and
the vocational skills are significantly positive to influence the students’ preference in
selecting the vocational school, which the variable of the school image is more
dominant. However, the school characteristics and the social classes are not significantly
affecting on the students’ preference to select the vocational school in Palangka Raya,
Central Kalimantan.

School Characteristics, Vocational Skills, School Image, Social Classes, Students’

I. Introduction Purnama (2001) stated "the product is
anything that can be offered to a market to
Education is deliberate efforts satisfy the wants and needs". According to
development in order to realize the potential Engel et al., 1994, defined as a social class
of a civilized society, morality, personality, strata) people are equal in the continuum of
intelligent and have a prosperous life skills social status. Social class refers to the same
(spiritual knowledged-based society). grouping in their behavior based on their
economic position in the market”
One of the government's strategic
policy composed in order to expand equity Understanding of social class is
and education access is to expand access to important to understand the consumer,
education at vocational schools (SMK) in because of two things: first consumers using
accordance with the needs and the local lifestyle hinted at in their social class, both
advantage. In accordance with the policy of upper-middle lifestyle tends to be accepted by
the central government, that in 2007 the the general public.
construction of SMK must be propagated and
restrict public high school (SMU). The policy Image is a perception to an object
commitments set out in the strategic plan formed malalui messages received. Image
(strategic plan) Ministry of National Education are visual; pictures; illustration that belongs to
(MONE) in improving the development of life someone lot about the person of, company,
skills education SMK Expansion program is organization, or product; mental impression or
implemented through the addition of more visual images generated by a word, phrase,
flexible vocational education in accordance or sentence, and is a basic element that is
with labor market claim developing. typical of prose and poetry; data or
information from aerial photographs for
In addition to strengthen programs evaluation material.
include SMK expand both public and private
sector to achieve the composition of SMA and Definition of consumer behavior by
SMK which turned into 30: 70 in 2015. This Shiffman and Kanuk (2000) are "Consumer
policy was adopted after the fact found the behavior can be defined as the behavior that
majority of educated unemployed are customer display in searching for, purchasing,
graduates of secondary education who do not using, evaluating, and disposing of products,
have skills to enter the world of work. services, and ideas they expect will satisfy
In addition to strengthen programs they needs". Definition of it behavior observed
include SMK expand both public and private means that what customers looking for,
sector to achieve the composition of SMA and purchasing, using, evaluating and ignore the
SMK which turned into 30: 70 in 2015. This products, services, or ideas that are expected
policy was adopted after the fact found the to satisfy their needs by consuming the
majority of educated unemployed are products or services offered.
graduates of secondary education who do not Yuliati (2009) found 12 factors that
have skills to enter the world of work. considered students to choose Sekolah
The interest of the public received Menengah Kejuruan: (1) factors to reach
vocational schools good enough because dreams, (2) School Physical Condition
each year has increased, it indicates the Factors, (3) School Enviroment factors, (3)
development of public awareness of the School Fees Factors, (4) School Public
workforce. But not evenly distributed on all of Relation Factors, (5) Plan Factors, (6) School
the existing Vocational High School, even on Strategic Location Factors, (7) Parents
certain Skills Competency less demand by the Support Factors, (8) Suitability Majors
public. Factors, (10) Inner Happines Factors, (11)

Skilled Employees Factors, ( 12) Parents
Support Factors.

Maryati (2009), found that the factors of

school conditions, sub-factor of a more
promising future dominant effect on all school
groups. Then followed the flexibility factor in
choosing majors, then the achievements of
the school and the smallest influence are sub
factors of school facilities, economic
characteristics, economic conditions of the Hyphotesis
sub factors have the most impact on all 1. Characteristics of an effect on the
school groups. Then followed by sub factor decision of the school
transportation costs, and the smallest students choose SMK
influence are sub factor of school fees. 2. Skills Competency effect on the
decision students choose
Kalsum (2008), found that the product, SMK
price, promotion, place, people, processes, 3. School Image influence on decision of
and services, significantly influence the students choose SMK
decision of choosing a student at the Faculty 4. Parents social class influence on
of Economics University of Al-Azhar Medan.
decision of students
Partially the dominant influence on the choose SMK
decision of students.
II. Research Method
Based on the background, theory and
previous research studies the conceptual The study was conducted in the city of
framework as follows: Palangkaraya on SMK Negeri 1
Palangkaraya, SMK Negeri 2 Palangkaraya
and SMK Negeri 3 Palangkaraya..
This type of research is quantitative 3. A study of documentation by collecting and
descriptive where according to Nazir (2005) studying the relevant data and supporting
found: the descriptive method are a method in research are obtained from SMK in
researching the status of a group of people, Palangkaraya, libraries and other data that
an object, a set of conditions, a system of supports research.
thought, or a class of events in the present.
The stages of data analysis in this study are
The study population was student of as follows :
SMK Level X in the city of Palangkaraya
namely SMK 1 Palangkaraya, SMK Negeri 2 1. Descriptive analysis, the aim is to gain an
Palangkaraya, SMK Negeri 3 Palangkaraya overview of from the object of the research
with the number of 939 people. Umar (1999) is a frequency table, which is to determine
states "To determine how minimum samples the percentage of each score the answers
required if the population size is known, can to the questionnaire.
be used Slovin’s Formula is 91 students 2. Factor analysis, the aim is to reduce the
number of variables in a way similar to the
To obtain the necessary data methods of data grouping variable. Factor analysis used in
collection used are as follows: this study was Confirmatory factor
analysis. In the confirmatory factor
1. Interview to those entitled and authorized analysis, one a priori based on the
to provide data related to the study of SMK foundation of the theories and concepts
city of Palangkaraya. that are owned, he already knows how
many factors you should be formed, as
2. The list of questions (questionnaire), data well as latent variables what is included in
collection techniques by providing or these factors (Solimun, 2002)
distributing a questionnaire to a sample of 3. Multiple regression analysis (multiple
respondents, which provides a response to regression analysis) was used to measure
the question list.

the relationship and the influence of competence variables, school image
independent variables on the dependent variables, parents social class as an
variable with the following formula : important factor in the consideration for
students to chose to continue SMK
Y = b0+ b1X1+ b2X2+ b3X3+ b4X4+ e education in the city of Palangkaraya in
Central Kalimantan.

III. Result
Descriptive analysis results showed that
the school characteristic variables, skill
Table Results of Confirmatory Factor
analysis (CFA)
Results of Confirmatory Factor
analysis (CFA) using SPSS 15 software
can be seen in the following table :
Extraction Total
Questionare KMO MSA
Factoring Eigenvalue
School Characteristic (X1) 0,878 4,596
X1.1 0,916 0,640
X1.2 0,869 0,776
X1.3 0,829 0,611
X1.5 0,812 0,287
X1.6 0,914 0,538
X1.7 0,864 0,758
X1.8 0,897 0,709
X1.9 0,948 0,275
Skill Competence (X2) 0,792 3,441
X2.1 0,741 0,723
X2.2 0,752 0,575
X2.3 0,801 0,628
X2.4 0,805 0,328
X2.5 0,844 0,588
X2.6 0,840 0,597
Image of School (X3) 0,829 3,602
X3.1 0,870 0,135
X3.3 0,834 0,704
X3.4 0,803 0,596
X3.5 0,884 0,867
X3.6 0,832 0,732
X3.7 0,793 0,748
Social Class (X4) 0,727 2,669
X4.1 0,722 0,495
X4.2 0,821 0,606
X4.3 0,696 0,619
X4.4 0,715 0,388
X4.5 0,689 0,560
Decision (Y) 0,712 2,841
Y1 0,659 0,550
Y2 0,664 0,506
Y3 0,708 0,474
Y4 0,786 0,614
Y7 0,713 0,370
Y9 0,793 0,326
Source: data processed (2012)

Based on the calculation of the school characteristics variables, indicators

confirmatory factor analysis of each indicator X3.2 on variables and indicators Image of
questions for each factor is declared valid and School Y5, Y6, Y8 on a decision variable. But
reliable, except for the indicator X1.4 on with omitted the indicators of other indicators

that are still able to measure these factors. In
addition from the this factor analysis proves
found indicators from the each factor is
appropriate to measure these factors. This is
evident from the grouping of indicators for
each factor.
Based on the results of the regression
Coefficient of Determination basically from the primary data were processed using
measures how far the model's ability to SPSS program obtained the following results
explain the dependent variables. R2 values :
ranging from 0 to 1 that indicates the smaller
value means the ability of the independent Results of Multiple Linear Regression
variables to explain the dependent variable Table
will also be more limited. Based on test Coefficientsa
results that measure the coefficient of Standard
determination Goodness of Fit listed in the Unstandardized
model summary in table 5.15, the coefficient Coefficients nts
of determination (R2) of 0.545 or 54.50%. It B
Error Beta t Sig.
gives the sense that 54,50% dependent (Constant) 1.203 3.294 .365 .716
Karakteristik Sekolah .045 .055 .086 .832 .408
variable is the decision to choose (Y) can be Kompetensi Keahlian .300 .081 .306 3.700 .000
explained by school characteristics variables Citra SMK .562 .103 .606 5.467 .000
(X1), competency skills (X2), Image of School Kelas Sosial Org Tua .019 .062 .024 .312 .756
a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Memilih SMK
(X3) and social class (X4), while the
remaining 45.50% is a variable that is not
examined in this research model.

Soruce: data processed (2012)

Coefficient Determination Test
Results Table 1. Effect of Characteristics Educational
Implications to Decision Variables
Model Summaryb
From t value, the effect of school
el R R Square
R Square
Std. Error of
the Estimate
characteristics variables of 0.832. This
1 .739a .545 .524 2.287 means that t is smaller from the t table of
a. Predictors: (Constant), Kelas Sosial Orang Tua, 1.98793. To see the significant variables
Kompetensi Keahlian, Karakteristik Sekolah, Citra SMK
b. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Memilih SMK
of school characteristics acquired a
significance level of 0.408 when
compared to the 95% confidence level (
0.05), means that the variable
(Test results, F value 25.794. This means characteristics of the schools in this study
that the value of F value bigger than F table of is not significant because of the
2.48. ANOVA hypothesis can be accepted significant value of 0.408> 0.05.
that all the independent variables (school
characteristics, competency skills, Citra The results of the analysis and testing of
School and social class of parents) deserve to school characteristics variables to the
explain the dependent variable (the decision in decision of choosing of students describe
selecting the students) vocational school in the relationship negative and
Palangkaraya.) insignificant. Thus the hypothesis that
school characteristics variables affect
Sum of
positively and significantly to the decision
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig. variables select students proved,
1 Regression 539.848 4 134.962 25.794 .000a
Residual 449.976 86 5.232
therefore the hypothesis is not accepted.
Total 989.824 90
a. Predictors: (Constant), Kelas Sosial Orang Tua, Kompetensi Keahlian,
Karakteristik Sekolah, Citra SMK
b. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Memilih SMK

These findings indicates that student's is influenced by the expertise offered by
motivation in choosing a SMK in the city vocational high school (SMK) itself.
Palangkaraya is not influenced by the Theoretical study that was done showed
characteristics of the school. This is that findings from this study are
different with a previous study conducted consistent with the opinion of Purnama
by the Sri Maryati, 2012 in his research (2001) stated "the product constitute
titled the factors which influence people's anything that can be offered to a market
preferences in selecting (SMK) in to satisfy the wants and needs".
Semarang. The results showed that
characteristics of the the condition of This is supported by a previous study
schools have an influence in the decision conducted by the Sri Maryati in his
to select incoming of students SMKN. research titled the factors which influence
This happens considering the SMK in the people's preferences in selecting
city of Palangkaraya has facilities / Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) in
infrastructure which is no different, the Semarang. Flexibility in choosing majors
same extracurricular activities, locations have positive influence decision tehadap
and environments that are relatively incoming students choose SMK.
similar. As well as the results of research
Implications of managerial policy are not conducted by Fitriana Yuliati entitled
to SMK in the city of Palangkaraya has Analysis of Factors Motivation Students
nonstandard facilities / infrastructure. Choose SMK Negeri 1 Pujon. The results
showed found 12 new factors, one of
which majors suitability factors.

2. Effect of Skills Competency against Managerial policy implication was

Decision variable competence expertise offered by the
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan to the
From t value, the effect of variable community must pay attention to the
membership competence (X2) of 3700. development of the needs of the
This means that t is greater from the t table Business World / World Industrial and
of 1.98793 So we can say that the community needs.
variables of competence skills had a
significant influence. Then Ho is rejected
and Ha accepted means that 3. Effect of the Image of School against
competency skills influence on the the students decision variables
Decision. To see the significance from
the variables competency skills acquired From t value, the effect of variable image
significance level of 0.000 when School (X3) of 0, 5467. This means that
compared to the 95% confidence level ( the t is greater from the t table of 1.98793
= 0.05), means that the variable So we can say that image of school
competency skills in this study are variables have a significant influence. So
significant because the significance value Ho rejected and H1 accepted means that
0.000 <0.05. image of Schools have an influence on
The results of the analysis and testing of decision to choose. To see the
the decision variables competency skills significance from the school of image
of students describe positive and variables acquired a significance level of
significant relationship. Thus the 0.000 when compared to the 95%
hypothesis that the variables competency confidence level ( = 0.05), means that
skills and significant positive effect on the the variable image the School in this
variable of students decision to choose study are significant because the
proven, therefore the hypothesis is significance value 0.000 <0.05.
The results of the analysis and testing of
This finding indicates that student the decision image of school variables
motivation in choosing SMK competence

indicates students describe positive and These findings indicates that the
significant relationship. Thus the student's motivation in choosing a SMK is
hypothesis that the image variable influenced by image of school itself. This
Educational positive and significant effect finding is supported by the results of
on the variable of students decision to research that examines Rahma (2009)
choose proven, therefore the hypothesis on the analysis of the influence of service
is accepted. quality and brand image of the buying
interest and its impact on purchasing
Theoretical study that was done indicates decisions in the city of Semarang stated
that the findings from this study is in line that the image of the brand and quality of
with the opinion of J Nugroho Setiadi service influence on buying interest in
(2008) that consumers with a positive increasing the purchasing decision.
image of a brand are more likely to make
a purchase.
These findings indicates that the class variable acquired a significance
student's motivation in choosing a SMK is level of 0.756 when compared with a
influenced by image of school itself. This 95% confidence level ( = 0.05),
finding is supported by the results of
meaning social class variable in this
research Muhammad Farid that
examines the influence of self- study is not significant because of the
understanding, guidance and counseling significant value of 0.569> 0.05.)
services, and the image of the School to
the interest of junior high school students The results of the analysis and testing of
to continue their studies to a SMK in the the variable social class of parents to
district of Temanggung stated that there choose the student's decision in the
are positive influence image of School to relationship is negative and not
interest junior high school students significant. When viewed from the kind of
continue studies to SMK. work the parents of respondents the
average work of parents are civil
Manejerial policy implication is that the servants, followed by private sector
reputation of vocational, community trust employees, traders and businessmen.
and good management of the seven While the professionals (doctors,
indicators that there are factors that are lawyers, professors) do not exist.
very considered in Citra Schools that can
motivate students to choose vocational This finding contrasts with the results of
schools (SMK). research by Catur Hidayat on research
conducted that there is a relationship
Then Vocational High School (SMK) between socio-economic status of
should build a good image through parents with junior high school students'
imaging completeness, promotion and interest to continue to SMK.) (So the
improve human resource management. higher socio-economic status of parents
of SMP hence the interest to continue to
SMK low. Likewise, recent research
results Gunadi (2008) on interest Login
4. Effect of the Social Class Parents to
Vocational High School in Kecamaatan
variable Decisions Choosing Wonosari Gunung Kidul). The results of
Students) this study prove that there is a negative
relationship between socio-economic
Based on the t value,, the influence of
satatus parents with an interest in SMK).
social class variable of 0.312. This
means that t is smaller than t table of The implication that the developments of
1.98793, meaning social class variables society are now beginning to change the
do not have a significant. So Ho way of thinking and viewpoints to various
rejected and H1 accepted, meaning aspects of life including education and
social class does not affect the decision the business world as well as the various
to choose. To see siginifikansi of social policies that have been made by the

government so that CMS is not only in dalam Memilih Perguruan Tinggi
demand by certain circles. It is through Swasta di Malang, Tesis, Universitas
changes in the curriculum that allows Brawijaya, Malang
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their education to a higher level. 2000, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,

IV. Conclusion Kalsum, Eka Umi, 2008, Analisis Pengaruh

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Citra School and social class parents are able Universitas Al-Azhar Medan, Tesis,
to explain the decision of choosing students Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan
Vocational High School (SMK) amounted to
54.50% while the remaining 45, 50% Kotler, Philip dan Gary Amstrong. 2004,
explained by other variables) Marketing Management, Edisi
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Reference Payne, Adrian. 2001, The Essence of
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Deny Jollyta1), Gusrianty2), Dwi Oktarina3)
School of Computer Science Pelita Indonesia Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Abstract. Assessment of Customer satisfaction on the use of motorcycle do not have standard of criterias and the optimal value
for each criterias. Satisfaction assessment needs to determined the ability of motorcycle that sold by company and become
information to the company for making policy to add or reduce the stock. The criteria are arranged in questionnaire form and
subsequently filled by customer. In this research, standard of criterias will be determined with the optimal value to become the
standard measure for satisfaction Honda users. The optimal value will be obtained using Genetic Algorithm. Genetic Algorithm
is algorithm that in solving the problems using the chromosomes in the initial population randomly, which one form of
presentations is binary, evaluate fitness function and using crossover operator and mutation operator to obtain the desired cross
bits. It aims to get the optimal attribute values in terms of fitness function of each chromosome. The results show that Genetic
Algorithms can produce the optimal criteria values of satisfaction assessment, to be used as standard assessment for company to
make the best policy.

Keywords: Customer satisfaction Assessment, Standard of Criteria, Genetic Algorithm

Motorcycle business is highly competitive business. One This research aims to develop instruments which contain
way to win the competition is to increase customer criteria for assessment of customer satisfaction by utilizing
satisfaction with products purchased. Customer satisfaction the web as an interface and search for the most optimal value
is the extent to which the notion of product performance to for each criteria used to measure the satisfaction by Genetic
meet the expectations of buyers. If the performance of the Algorithms in binary. Chromosome can be formed from the
product is lower than the expectations of customers, the numerical numbers, binary or character. Chromosome
buyers were satisfied or very happy [1]. Customer representation in binary form is the form that many used
satisfaction is the focus of consumer-oriented management because it simplifies programming in the process of genetic
process [2] or in other words the quality of a product is algorithm such as crossover and mutation [5].
customer satisfaction [3], so many benefits received by the
company by achieving high levels of customer satisfaction. II. METODOLOGY
Honda motorcycle is a two-wheel motorcycle which was The research methodology outlines all the activities
demanded of motorcyclists. Many types of Honda carried out during the research. The stages passed in this
motorcycle have been produced and released. To determine research are shown in the following figure.
whether these types meet customer needs,required a series of
surveys using a questionnaire which represents the Start

assessment criteria. Each criteria must have an optimum

value to be used as a standard measure to assess customer Data Collection
The optimal value can be obtained by Genetic Algorithm Data Analysis
(GA). GA is a heuristic method which is a branch of the
evolutionary algorithm for solving completed optimization System Analysis
problems by resembles the process of evolution of living
creatures. Evolution process can be used to solve GA Preparation
optimization problems with a parallel technique which is
known as Genetic Algorithms. GA proved to be suitable for Testing and Analysis
solving multi-objective problems. GA growing rapidly along
with the development of information technology. This Conclution
algorithm is widely used in the fields of physics, biology,
economics, sociology and others which often meet End
optimization problems of complex mathematical models or
Fig. 1 Research stages of assessment optimization of customer satisfaction
even difficult to build [4].

A. Data Collection TABLE 1
Assessment criterias of customer satisfaction
Doing steps to obtain the required data.
1) Library Research : how to use GA, how to assess No Criteria Sub Criteria Value
customer satiafaction and determaining appropriate criteria. 1 Performance a. Motor body satisfaction
2) Observation : get corresponding data to completion b. Comfotmity of headlights motor
the GA, wherein types of Honda motorcycle as to the motor body
c. Comfotmity of rear lights motor
chromosomes and criteria as genes so it can be determine for to the motor body
suitable schemes in the formation and the length of d. Comfotmity of sign to the motor
chromosomes. body
3) Interview : interview were conducted to Honda e. Satisfaction luggage design to
the needs of motorists
users and company seller. 2 Comfort a. Agility in driving motors
b. The motor driving comfort
B. Data Analysis c. Fineness sound machine
Criteria for the assessment of Honda users satisfaction d. Leisure suspension / shock
breaker motorcycle
does not have the raw format. There is no optimal value e. Spontaneity in driving
referenced for any standard assessment criteria and the total 3 Ekonomic a. Expenditure on the purchase of
value of all the assessment criteria. In this research, standard the motor quality
of total value > = 70.00 is given. That is, if the calculation of b. Expenditure on services
c. Expenditure on fuel
Genetic Algorithm find individuals with a total value of> =
d. Expenditure in motor spare parts
70.00, then the individual will be chosen as individuals who e. Easeness of getting a motorcycle
represent the values of the optimal criteria. 4 Quality a. Resilience box key
b. Endurance motorcycle tires
while driving
C. System Analysis
c. Motorcycle engine durability
The optimal standard assessment of Honda users during
satisfaction will be used as a parameter to the assessment d. Quality motorcycle wheels
criteria which is a measure of customer satisfaction. e. Endurance bike lights
Feasibility an optimal value, determined by those who use
the result of this research. Each customer will fill out questionnaires with values
ranging from 1 to 4. The highest score for each criteria is <=
D. Genetic Algorithm Preparation 20 and the total value of all the criteria is <= 80. Each value
This step is taken to prepare the components of Genetic represents the assessment indicators.
Algorithm, which is a population with chromosome set,
encoding, determining the value of fitness, selection, TABLE 2
Assessment indicator
crossover, mutation and new populations.
Value Indicator
E. Testing and Analysis 1 Less
This section perform testing of the components of the 2 Sufficient
3 Good
known value. 4 Very Good

F. Conclution
The questionnaire applies to 20 types of Honda
The conclusions based on the results of testing in
motorcycles. The number of customers who fill out the
accordance with the purpose of research.
appropriate types of the motor, not restricted.
There are two methods that used in this research. Those Motorcycle code
methods are survey method using random sampling and Motor Code Motor Name
Genetic Algorithm
M1 Honda Beat Series
A. Survey Method Using Quota Sampling M2 Honda Vario CW 110 FI
The survey method is a method of research using M3 Honda vario Techno 125
questionnaires as the data collection instruments [6]. series
Questionnaires were distributed to Honda customers via
M4 All New Beat Esp
online with quota sampling technique. Quota sampling is a
form of proportional stratified sample, and not selected M5 All New Beat Pop Esp
randomly, but by chance [7]. Customers willing to fill, can M6 New Honda Scoopy-FI
be filled in a questionnaire via the web, that is provided after M7 New Vario FI
filling customer data. Customers who filled in complete will M8 Vario 125 Series
be given a username and password.
M9 The All New Beat-FI
M10 New Supra X 125 FI

M11 Supra X 125 Helm in PGM-FI population. New populations will be processed further as
M12 Blade 125 FI well as initial population, until the fitness value of all
M13 Spacy Helm In PGM- FI individuals alike.
M14 PCX 150
M15 New Revo FI
In order to obtain the optimal assessment for assessment
M16 All New CBR 150R
criteria of customer satisfaction, needs analysis and
M17 CBR 250 R determination of the shape encoding of the data that has been
M18 CB 150R Street Fire collected.
M19 New Honda Mega Pro FI Codification performed on the data that has been
collected. These data consist of 20 types of Honda
M20 Verza 150
motorcycle as shown in Table 3 were coded as individual
chromosom M1-M20. Each individual has four criteria and
each them has 5 sub criteria as shown in Table 1. GA
B. Genetic Algorithm
process performed on all types of Honda motorcycle.
In the search for solutions of a problem is sometimes
required complex mathematical formulations to provide a TABLE 4
definitive solution. The optimum solution may be obtained Codification of assessment criteria
but the process requires lengthy calculations and impractical.
X1 X2
To overcome such cases can use a heuristic method, which is Motor
Performance Comfort
a search method that is based on intuition or empirical rules Code
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5
to obtain a better solution than before. Heuristic methods do
not always produce the best solution, but if designed
properly will produce a near optimum solution in a short Motor
X3 X4
time. To produce an optimal solution, Genetic Algorithm Economic Quality
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5
perform the search process among a number of alternatives
optimum point based probabilistic function [4].
Finding the optimum value of each criteria, carried out Questionnaires filled out by the customer in accordance
by following the cycle Genetic Algorithm below [8] : motor types, is the average of the number of customers who
fill out questionnaires via web. The average value becomes
the initial data for each individual chromosome that
Initial Fitness Individual converted into binary.
Populatio Evaluation Selection
Questionnaires average (X1-X2)

Reproduction :
Cross-ver and


Fig. 2 Genetic Algorithm Cycle

1) Initial Population: process of generating the

numbers of individual randomly or through certain
2) Fitness Evaluation: the process of determining the
fitness value is made to provide fitness value to each
individual. The individual with the highest fitness will
survive and other will die.
3) Individu Selection: the selection is to get good
4) Crossover and Mutation: crossover is done by
exchanging genes from two parents radomly. Mutation of
genes is the operator which is changing the genes with
inversion, for example, genes from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.
5) New Population: the stage where the initial
population that has passed through all the stages will be new

TABLE 6 the probability of the best individuals will be selected
Questionnaires average (X3-X4)
compared to the average probability of all the individual
Fitness value of an individual can be calculated as
follows :

Fitness (Pos) = ((2 – SP) + 2(SP – 1)(Pos – 1))/(N – 1) (1)

Value Interval SP [1,2]

Following the calculation of the fitness value of each

chromosome :
F(1) = ((2-1.5)+2*(1.5-1)*(1-1))/(20-1)
= 0.026
F(2) = ((2-1.5)+2*(1.5-1)*(2-1))/(20-1)
= 0.079
B. Selection
Selection is used to select the individual as a parent. It
TABLE 7 call crossover. There are several ways of selecting the
Binary Convertion (X1-X2) parent, one of which is Roullettewheel. This method puts
each individual in the circle proportion in accordance with
the fitness value. Individuals with higher fitness values,
occupy a piece of the larger circle.
To be able to do the selection roulettewheel, the
following steps will follow :
1. Determining the relative fitness value (pk) of each
P1 = F1 / Total of Fitness Value = 0.026 / 10.526 =
P2 = F2 / Total of Fitness Value = 0.079 / 10.526 =
Determination conducted up to the individual to 20.
The results can be seen in Table 9.
2. Determining the cumulative fitness (qk) of each
TABLE 8 chromosome.
Binary Convertion (X3-X4)
Q1 = P1 = 0.002
Q2 = Q1 + P2 = 0.002 + 0.008= 0.010
Determination conducted up to the individual to 20.
The results can be seen in Table 9.
3. Generating random numbers as the number of
individuals. Random values are generated by the
interval [0 1].
4. Selection of individuals is done by making a
cumulative interval fitness value of each individual. An
individual will be selected if the random numbers are
generated in their cumulative interval.

A. Fitness Function
In every generation, the individual will go through an
evaluation process using a measuring instrument called a
fitness function. Fitness value of an individual will show the
quality of individuals from the population.
Suppose N is the number of individuals in a population.
Pos is the position of individuals in the population (the
lowest position an individual is Pos = 1 and the highest
position is Pos = N). While SP is selective pressure, where

TABLE 9 C. Crossover
Roulettewheel Process
Opportunities crossover (pc) is one of parameter that
indicates the ratio of off-spring which produced in each
generation. Pc used was 0,25 by one - point crossover.
Election chromosome to crossover process performed by
generating 20 random numbers with interval [01].
Random Numbers for Crossover Process

The individual position of selection results, be a new

arrangement in the initial population. Selected individuals
will be in a sequence position according to the cumulative
interval. The following individuals Roulettewheel selection
results shown in table 10 and 11.
Individuals elected as a parent have random number less
TABLE 10 than pc. The crossover process will shown in Table 13 and
Roulettewheel Result (X1-X2)
14 below.

Crossover is done by crossing individu 15 to 18 and individu

20 to 20 at genes 6, 7 up to 20 for exchanging with each
individual parent pairs to produce individual off - spring.

Roulettewheel Result (X3-X4) Off-Spring

Crossover Result Mutation Result

The result of this mutation is become the first generation and

D. Mutation it will be the beginning of the next population.
Mutation process begins by counting the number of bits
in a population where : V. EXPERIMENT RESULT
Bit Numbers = popsize * gen number A. Performance Measure
= 20 * 20 Doing the same steps, the calculation process stops to
= 400 generation 44, where the value of all individuals have the
Opportunities mutation (pm) used is 0,05. It’s mean that same fitness, whic is 1.026. Fitness value of all generations
there is 5% posibility of bits to be mutated, which is 20 bits. are shown in Table 18.
To determine the bits must be generated for each bit random
numbers in the population (about 400 random numbers).
Mutation Result for The Last Generation (44)
Selected bits have random numbers less than pm. Bit
selected will be mutated, bit 0 to 1 and bit 1 to 0.

Random Numbers for Mutation Process (X1-X2)

Furthermore, new bits of each genes is optimal bits to

be presented in order to obtain the values of criteria.

X = rb + (ra – rb)(g1 * 2-1 + g2 * 2-2 +…+ gn * 2-n) (2)

Note :
X = variable (criteria)
ra = upper limit of interval value
rb = lower limit of interval value
g = gen of variable
2-n = numbers of gen in variable

The following calculation is to get X value (criteria) of first almost the same. The overall result, ie 77.624 was able to
chromosome of first generation. exceed the standards established in this research, ie> = 70.
X1 =1+(20-1)*((1*2^-1)+(0*2^-2)+(1*2^-3)+(1*2^-
4)+(0*2^-5)) B. Comparing Optimal Measurement and Questionnaire
= 14.062 After testing, the optimal values obtained from the best
X2 =1+(20-1)*((1*2^-1)+(1*2^-2)+(0*2^-3)+(1*2^- chromosome in the final generation. For analysis, conducted
4)+(1*2^-5)) comparative results of questionnaires that have been filled in
= 17.031 the customer against the results of Genetic Algorithm.
X3 =1+(20-1)*((1*2^-1)+(0*2^-2)+(0*2^-3)+(0*2^-
4)+(1*2^-5)) TABLE 21.
Data of questionnaire
= 11.094
X4 =1+(20-1)*((1*2^-1)+(1*2^-2)+(1*2^-3)+(1*2^-
= 18.812
The highest total value of X of each generation, will be
decisive to determine the optimal value of X.

Criteria value fo all generation

Based on table above, there is a difference values. This

makes the results of Genetic Algorithms has not reached the
expected decision. So to be seen the deviation value to
generate interval decision values representing the ability of
Honda motorcycles.
Deviation Value

Earned value of each criteria is varies. However, the

search for genetic algorithm leads to convergent of the
fitness value and the X value. At the 35th generation, the
search for solutions leading to the same value, which is
fitness value is 1, 026 and the total value of X or the best
criteria is 77.424. That is, the value of X is obtained from the
value of each variable X representing customer satisfaction
assessment criteria.

The Optimal Value of Customer Satisfaction Assessment Criteria

Variabel X Name of Criteria Optimal Value

X1 Performance 19,406 The smaller criteria which has the smallest difference,
X2 Comfort 19,406
X3 Economic 19,406
suggesting that the ability of the motor most considered
X4 Quality 19,406 good. For more details, table below shown the value interval
indicator of Honda ability on the value of a standard
Table 20 shows that each criteria has the same optimal deviation.
value. This allows considering the calculation process
involves random numbers and questionnaire data were

Indikator of assessment
The result of this research proved that Genetic Algorithm
Interval X Indicator can achieve the optimize value of motor criteria, so it can be
<=0 - 3 Very Good assessment measure for Honda user satisfaction. The motor
>3 - 4,5 Good criteria generally are performance, comfort, economic and
>4,5 - 6 Sufficient
>6 Less
quality.The optimal valueis largely determined by the
generation of random numberand genes number because
The final result shown by table 24. these influence the training result.
Other than that final result shown the optimize value of
TABLE 24 each criteria provide information about the type of
Final Result Hondathat has the best value criteria, such as the Honda
Vario Techno 125 series. Because that type has smallest
deviation than others.
The comparison of questionnaire result has been
presented based on error deviation.The type of motor that
has a criteria with the smallest deviation value, to be the
most interested users because their quality, such as Honda
Vario Techno 125 series. The meaning is that the results of
this genetic algorithm will help the Honda company in their
policy with regard to the addition or subtraction stock.

We would like to thank to Ministry of National Education
of The Republic of Indonesia and STIKOM Pelita Indonesia
Pekanbaru Riau which has supported the realization of this


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criteria, can affect the final conclusion about motor ability.
Motor type with the smallest average deviation, indicating
that the motor is most likely by Honda users. Chromosome_Algoritma_Representasi_Chromosome_Algoritma_Ge
Optimization results obtained from GA calculation, is netika_dalam_Bentuk_Biner_Genetika_dalam_Bentuk_Biner,
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expected to help the Honda motor company taking the best [6] Kriyantono, Rahmat. Teknik Praktis Riset Komunikasi. Malang:
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motor, in order to meet the motorcycle users especially

Enny Agustina
Kader Bangsa University, Faculty of Law, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Political law was the norm in legislation. Such norm was not contrary to the purposes of the State. The purpose of
the State was primary measure in any formulation of legislation. The purpose of the State besides derive of the
written law, was also sourced from the values that live and thrive in society. In this study, the research method was
used normative research by examine the literature and laws related to this research. The results of the study show
that the Government Administration Law regulated broadly related government functions. Under the Law, all bodies
and/or government officials, whether they were executive, legislative, and judicial then other bodies performing
government functions included part of the content of the Law. The development of law of government
administration came from the values contained in Pancasila. Pancasila as the crystallization of values that live and
thrive in the real community became the main source in the formation of the law of government administration.

Keywords: Political Law, Government Administration, Pancasila

INTRODUCTION the country itself. Even the progress, destruction and

even destruction of a country were determined by the
Political law was the norm in legislation. Such a extent to which the pattern of state administration in
view, because the law was not only seen as the norms that country worked and carried out governmental
contained in legislation alone, but the legal was also activities. In order to carried out correct and
seen as a collection of the wishes of the community appropriated administrative administration, it was
that has organized through it was representatives in required parameters/measures, both in perform
parliament. This was represented all elements of actions and/or actions or parameters as a means of
society in achieving their goals. However, these evaluation. In addition, it was required the parties as
objectives still comply with the prevailing laws and supervisors in the implementation. Implementation of
regulations. Thus, any formulation of legislation was government administration was inseparable from the
not against it intended purpose, in this case the concept of the rule of law.
objective of the State. Each State has a goal achieved In a jurisdiction every action taken by a citizen
by that State. The purpose of the State was set in the and a governmental authority based on the law. The
basic rules of the Constitution 1945. The purpose of law was the measure of every nation and state
the State was primary measure in any formulation of preserve. Based on Article 1 Section (3) of the
legislative regulations because the legal politics were Constitution 1945, stated that Indonesia was a State
interpreted which was the norm, the legal policy of law. Thus, a correlative relationship between the
issued by the authorities that must prioritize the implementation of government that based on law
interests nation, state, and citizen, not for the interests with a state law. Second, the concept was not
of certain groups or interests of who was formulated separated because it was told about government at the
the rules. Such legal political model, called legal same time told about the state and to the contrary in a
politics as a common interest, was the interests of the jurisdiction every action taken by a citizen and a
whole nation. (Manan, 2006) governmental authority by the law. The law was the
One of the reviewed in this research was legal measure of every nation and state preserve. Based on
politics in government administration in Law Article 1 Section (3) of the Constitution 1945, stated
Number.30 Year 2014 on Government that Indonesia was a State of law. Thus, a correlative
Administration. Furthermore, it was referred to as the relationship between the implementation of
Government Administration. The purpose of government that based on law with a state by law.
government administration depends on the purpose of Second, the concept was not separated because it was

told about government at the same time told about the Research purposes
state and to the contrary. a) To know the meaning contained in the legal
Indonesia was not just a state based on a legal government administration through Law
whose definition was still common, but Indonesia
number.30 Year 2014 of government
based on the legal of Pancasila. It was also
appropriate that the purpose of the administration of administration.
the country by the principles of Pancasila and the b) As a contribution thought of researchers
Constitution 1945 which in it were opened states that who was built the legal political of
the State of Indonesia aims to protect the whole governmental administration that came of
Indonesian nation, educate life of the nation, realizing the principals of Pancasila.
social justice, promoting public welfare and
participating in world peace efforts. The various State
objectives as described above, which were METHODS
implemented by the government as an element of the This study was used normative legal research that
State, then the task of government / state
was research that focused on literature materials and
administration was provided good service to the
interests of society, nation and state, and serve the secondary legal materials. Legal materials that had
public interest. Not the other way around, which was grouped and classified, then, was used qualitative
often happened to the people, was served the ruling analysis. The qualitative analysis rely on textual
party. For the implementation administration of this study that was directed the theoretical framework in
country gone in accordance with the goals and ideals analyzed the conceptualization of meaning the
of the nation, it was demanded the role of society. principal of Pancasila in development of legal politics
Support from the community to implementation
in government administration.
government through supervision.
The community to the performance undertaken
and there was accountability of the activities DISCUSSION
undertaken. The accountability of every activity and
action undertaken by government officials was
Legal Political in Government
accounted for both by legal and ethical norms in the Administration in Law Number. 30 Year
execution of government because of accountability as 2014 on government administration.
the essential principle of all government activities.
The development of the legal has clear and precise
Principles of good governance, as a parameter in the
legal basis and foundation, the right foundation and
implementation of government but, was not able to
legal basis for determine where the legal after it was
arouse the conscience and mindset of the
enacted. At first the foundation of legal development
implementation of government. This was seen from
refers to Pancasila as the foundation of philosophy,
the various cases that affect the implementation of
the Constitution 1945 as the constitutional
the state / government until it was finally culminated
foundation, Outlines State Policy as the operational
in the green table. The existence of legal political of
basis. In a State which was based on the legal of all
government administration in order solved problems
activities of the government and the State under the
in the implementation of government, the regulation
legal, both written and unwritten.
of government administration was expected solution
Based on the provisions of Article 1 Section (1) of
in provided the legal protection, both citizens, public
the Constitution 1945 said that the State of Indonesia
and government officials. In order to create good and
was a state law. It was defined the State of Indonesia
effective governance, a clear pattern of approaches
as a state law means that all acts and / or acts
and formulations, especially for the implementation
committed by the execution of government and any
of governance, required a legal policy in government
citizen by the legal, not in addition to the legal. In the
provisions of the formulation of Article 1 Section (1)
Based on the description above, the issues
of the Constitution 1945 did not explain the meaning
were investigated and discussed were as follows: of the law, the meaning pursuant to the law means
1. How the legal political in government not limited to the written law, but also based on the
administration contained in Law Number 30 Year unwritten law, that was the recognized law, respected
2014 on Government Administration? by the community where the law not written was
2. How build a legal politics in government living (living law). Thus, attachment either as a
administration that came from the principals of governmental exercise or as a citizen was in principle
not bound by the written laws, but, it was also bound

exist the legal and grows in the midst of community. interests between the interests of the execution of
(Kaelan, 2010) government (officials) and the interests of the people,
The attachment implementation of governance which in general the interest was the provision of
because had the written law. When the written law legal protection for both. On the other hand, the
did not instruct or prohibit, then the implementation Government Administration Law classified the forms
of government until there, it means that when the of action that was categorized as discretionary
written law did not provide space for activities, the measures of government officials as provided for in
implementation of the government tends was Articles 22 to 32. In Article 1 Sub-Article 9 of the
remained silent, so it was impressed that the activities Government Administration Law was defined as
of the implementation of the government experience discretion was a decision and /or actions established
collapse. The management of the government was and/or performed by government officials to address
required to always move in accordance with the the concrete problems faced in the implementation of
needs of society and the dynamics of the countries of government in terms of laws and regulations that
the world. Answer the above issues required a proper provided no arrange, incomplete or unclear options,
and complete legal development foundation. The and/or impasse in the implementation of government.
development of Indonesian law made Pancasila and Development of good governance performance
the Constitution a source 1945 of law. Pancasila and required a pattern of government administration that
the Constitution 1945 as a source of national legal requires order in the implementation of government.
politics had two reasons: First, the Preamble and The existence of political law of government
Articles of the Constitution 1945 contains the administration in order improved the quality of
objectives, the basic, and the ideals of law. Secondly, governmental execution of agencies and/or
the preamble and articles of the Constitution 1945 government officials used authority not only refers to
contain values derived from the views and culture of the general principles of good governance and the
the nation (Faisal: 2014: 87). Pancasila was seen as a provisions of legislation. Based on the provisions of
reflection in the open of the Constitution 1945, Article 5 of the Government Administration Law on
especially fourth paragraph. The precepts in Government Administration states the
Pancasila were copied of the fourth paragraph of the implementation of government administration that
Constitution 1945, and it was added the symbol was: (Praja, 2011)
“Bhineka Tunggal Ika”. The enactment of Law on 1. The principle of legality;
Government Administration was seen more clearly 2. The principle of protection of human rights;
the worked pattern of the implementation of the and
government because before the Law on 3. The general principles of good governance.
Administration of Government was enacted, the In the explanation of Article 5 of the Government
implementation model of government was less Administration Law, it was explained that the
focused and even many were considered less good. principle of legality was that the implementation of
It was still rational because the size of government administration prioritizes the legal basis
government made decisions implementation of of a decision and/or action by a government agency
government had not set in detail. In the provisions of and/or official. Thus, indicated that the bodies and/or
the preamble of the Government Administration Law government officials were not justified in took action
explained that in order to improved the quality of and/or issue decisions without first grounded by the
governmental execution, agencies and/or government governing law in respect of the law and/or the
officials was used of authority refer to the general decisions made. This principle illustrates that there
principles of good governance and in accordance was no authority without accountability.
with the provisions of legislation. The existence of Responsibility for any action taken by officials and/or
government bodies and/or officials in the Law was implementation government became the rule in
widely described, which included the implementation carried out duties and authority. Nevertheless, the
of the functions of the executive, legislative, judicial principle of responsibility in the implementation of
and other government agencies that had the functions government was not separated by the size and
of government mentioned in the Constitution and/or capacity of the content of the given authority means
Law. In addition, solved the problems in the that responsibility was accordance with the severity
implementation of government, the regulation of of the existing authority.
government administration was expected solution in Furthermore, in the elucidation of Article 5 of the
provided the legal protection for citizens, Government Administration Law, was explained the
communities and government officials. definition of the principle of protection of human
Based on the explanation above, it was given an rights was the implementation of government
understand that the birth of the Law formulates two administration of the body / or government officials

was not violate the basic rights of the citizens as considered merely an ordinary value, but that value
guaranteed in the Constitution 1945. The explanation has already triggered as a form of law bind on that
indicated that the implementation of government was society. However, it was changed experience by each
not act arbitrarily to the citizens, let alone related to society was not the same, some were quick and resist
the rights of the community, on the other hand, the and some were slowly halting (Praja, 2011: 43).
protection of human rights becomes the responsibility Society was changed or did not depend on how far
of the state to be protected and enforced. However, people accept changed, in addition, the factors that
human right that was protected and enforced did not encourage or influence the occurrence of potential
mean denying the obligatory factor as citizens. Rights changed. The character disappears by itself, when
and duties had correlation with each other. In fact, people no longer wanted to return the values that had
human rights themselves had restrictions, as provided there.
for in Article 28J Section (2) of the Constitution 1945 There were two dominant views related to the
which states in exercising their rights and freedoms, development or changed of legal applicable in a
each person was subject to the restrictions laid down country. Both views were attractive to each other to
by law with the sole intent of to ensure recognition culturally correct each other, and each has a
and respect for the rights and freedoms of others met justification. Both views were known for their
just demands in accordance with moral judgment, traditional view and modern view (Manan, 2006: 7).
religious values, security and public order in a The traditional view within the framework of
democratic society. Based on the formula, it was changing laws said that society needs changed, then
understood that although human rights were a legal came to govern it. Typically technology enters
fundamental right owned by every community, but into the life of the community, then followed by the
the right was not used at own, without regard to the emergence of economic activity and after both
rights of others, even the judgment of the used of activities were run, after that, legal enter to legalize
rights by a person not only concerns the existence of existed conditions.
positive law only, but also pay attention to the moral Position of legal as justification occurs, the
aspect, religious values, security and public order. function of law was as a function of devotion
Living Law Forms Character of Positive Law (dienende funtie). The law evolves following events
In each country was not the same ideology that it occurring in a place and was always behind the event
embraces, according to each country it was included (het recht hinkt acther de feiten aan). The second
the formulation of ideology wanted, because a view was the modern view, which said that the legal
ideology of a nation in essence has characteristics was endeavored to accommodate all new
and characteristics of each based on the nature and developments because the legal was always at the
characteristics of the nation itself, but, also it was same time as the events that took the place. The legal
happened that the ideology of a nation came from not only serves as a justification or endorsement
outside and forced it was enforceability on the nation everything that happened after society changed, but
so as not to reflect the personality and characteristics the legal to appear simultaneously with events that
of the nation it. occur even if the law needs to appear first new events
The journey of a nation and state was not follow. Basically, the existence of a living and grow
separated from the existence and development of the legal in society constitutionally has regulated, as
values that exist and live in the nation society. Those regulated in Article 18B Section (2) of the
values always inspire every development of the law Constitution 1945 states: The State recognizes and
established by the ruler. The existence of values respects the unity of indigenous and tribal peoples, as
always changed as the desired by the society itself. well as their traditional rights living and in
The state was not intervened on the existence of these accordance with the development of society and the
values because that was basically the nature of principle of the Unitary State of the Republic
character owned by a nation. A nation has a character Indonesia as governed by the Law.
that runs with other nations; the character exists and Based on the provisions of the aforementioned
develops when the community still wanted it and vice above, it was understood by the State acknowledging
versa. and respected the unity of indigenous and tribal
The values that live in the midst of society that in peoples. Moreover, only the government
fact as an abstract form and then manifested through implementation, which was in fact the government
various activities and activities by the community implementation were state officials. State recognition
itself so that ultimately the value that initially abstract of the existence of the unwritten law and it was
by itself bind the community. When a value was bind accompany rights though considered only
on a particular legal subject, then it was also changed halfheartedly, but it was sufficient had juridical
values rather than an abstract value which was legitimacy. It was said that the state acknowledges

halfheartedly the recognition of the unwritten legal originated from the attitude and actions of the
distinction because in the formulation of Article 18B authorities. Citizens of community oppose when
Section (2) of the Constitution 1945 the existence of justice was not given or when justice did not exist.
the unwritten law was conditional as long as it was Initially there were organized societies, institutions to
alive and in accordance with the development of maintain and administer justice had a particularly
society and the principle of the Unitary State of the noteworthy problem, but the word justice had more
Republic Indonesia set forth in Constitution. than one meaning. In the ethics regard it as an
However, all this was not reduced the value of the individual character or as a state in which the
existence of the unwritten law because in principle fulfillment of human needs or demands fairly and
not only the unwritten law that was in accordance reasonably. In economics and political science talk
with the provisions of Article 18B of the Constitution about social justice as a system that guarantees
1945. Regulation of legislation also was not in human interests or intentions that were in harmony
accordance with the development of the times, the with society's ideals. In the science of law we speak
system of state administration and the form of a of the exercise of justice (meaning of justice) which
unitary state also was changed. means regulating relationships and disciplining
Therefore, the developments of administrative human behavior in and through the courts, from
law paradigm not only rely on the written law, but societies that organize politics, while by the authors
also multiply from the values of society that was of the philosophy of justice law was defined as the
considered a legal order that exists. Every legal ideal relationship between human (Pound and
development was regardless that behind the legal was Radjah, 1965: 9).
formed and even when it was formed. This was The philosophers and jurists regard Pancasila as a
because any legal development was not merely a life view, the philosophy of the nation and the
desire of the authorities, but was regarded as the ideology of the nation and the state. The term
needs of the State on the other hand in line with the ideology came from the word idea which means
needs of the community. The development of ideas, concepts, basic understanding, ideals and logos
political law based on the wishes of the rulers, then which means science. The word idea came from the
produced authoritarian government. Likewise, when word Greek eidos which means form. In addition
the development of the law was built merely the there was the word idein which was seen. Literally
wishes of community of the nation, the output of the ideology was the science of basic notions. In general,
development of the legal was more likely as a form ideology was interpreted as a collection of ideas,
of avoiding protests from citizens against the ideas, beliefs that were comprehensive and
authorities. Thus, legal politics built between the systematic that was concerned (Kaelan, 2010: 113-
needs and the obligations, on the other hand the state 114):
required issue legal policy, and has the responsibility 1. Politics (included defense and security),
to accelerate objectives. (Manan B. , 2004) 2. Social field.
The two directions that coalesce between the 3. The field of culture, and
state's needs and the state's obligation realized 4. Religious field.
objectives result in a good legal policy and most The Decision of the Committee of Preparation of
likely as expected. The function of state Indonesian Independence on August 18, 1945
administration law in general for the achievement of stipulates the Constitution as the basic law in the
public order and justice. Public order was a state that implementation of state and government of the
concerns the implementation of human life as a life Republic Indonesia. The preamble of the Constitution
together. Public order was important to ensure the 1945 outlines the state's foundation, Pancasila. As
survival of the community. The function of legal in juridical Pancasila was legitimately the foundation of
relation to the life of the society that was functioning the Republic Indonesia. The legal consequences of
as directive, stabilitatif, integratif, perfektif the legalization of Pancasila as the basis then the
(consummation) and corrective to get justice. They whole life of the state and society based on Pancasila.
were viewed as a correlative relationship with each The foundation law of Pancasila as the basis of the
other. state was given the legal and philosophical
Justice was the human interest, the highest, consequences that was the life of the state of the
however it was that justice was sought by people who Indonesian nation based on Pancasila (Kansil and
were constantly championed by people in all forms Chritine, 2011: 29).
and ways that they were able to do. Justice was The essentially hierarchically in the legislation in
usually came and given by the authorities, not force in Indonesia, Pancasila was the source of all
between citizens of one country with other citizens legal sources in Indonesia's positive legal system. As
because of the tendency of problematic injustice

the source of all sources of law, it contain the the doctrine of morals, how a person behaves in a
philosophical values that overshadow any exist good, ethical. The moral teachings of the Indonesian
legislation. The philosophical values contained in nation number five, that was (1) Teaching that
recognized the existence of God Almighty, (2)
Pancasila were manifested through the precepts
Doctrine that people in the race to treat people as
embodied in Pancasila. Pancasila as the source of all human just and civilized, (3) Teaching that want life
sources of law serves as ideals or ideas, as ideals in unity in containers the life of the nation, the nation
pancasila attempted to achieve by each Indonesian of Indonesia, (4) The teaching that teach people's
human so that ideals materialized into a reality. It lives which were led by the wisdom of wisdom, and
seen from the position, Pancasila has a high position (5) The doctrine that required a just social life for all
that was as the ideals and worldview of the nation Indonesian people (Ali, 2012: 156).
The values contained in the precepts that exist in
and state. Viewed from its function Pancasila has the
Pancasila were implemented in the formation of the
main function as the basis of the state. From the main legislation in the field of administrative law.
perspective of the material, Pancasila was extracted According to Bagir Manan, Pancasila as a worldview
from the Indonesian view of life which was the soul of Indonesian nation and state because democracy in
and personality of the Indonesian nation (Dar- Indonesia based on Pancasila, then the new name of
modiharjo, 1991: 16-17). Pancasila said that Pancasila democracy which conceptually assumes all
Pancasila was made of material or material in the Pancasila values the foundation of the mechanism
and the goal of Indonesian democracy. Thus, the
country, the original material was pure and a pride
values of the precepts of the Supreme Godhead, the
for a patriotic nation (Darmodiharjo, 1991: 16-17). just and civilized Humanity, the Unity of Indonesia,
On the other hand, Pancasila as the basis of the and the People, led by the wisdom in the
state was often called the basic philosofische deliberations / representation, and the principle of
grondslosg of the state, the ideology of state, social justice for all Indonesian, were guide
stateside. The definition of Pancasila as the basis of directions of Indonesian democracy (Manan, 2004:
the state as mentioned above in accordance with the 150-151).
opening sound of the Constitution 1945, which After independence the foundation of the
clearly stipulated: implementation of the state of Indonesia consists of
“Later than that to form a government of the State the ideal basis of Pancasila, the constitutional basis of
of Indonesia protected the whole of Indonesia and the the Constitution 1945 which has experienced four
whole of Indonesian blood, and to advance the amendment stages. The operational base was not
common prosperity, to intelligence the life of the known anymore since the National Guidelines of
nation, and to participate in the implementation of a State Policy was abolished in the amendment 1945.
world order based on the freedom, eternal peace and However, for operationalization in achieve the
justice social, therefore the independence of country's objectives; it was referred to the national
Indonesian nationality was formed in an Indonesian legislation program agreed upon by the President and
Constitution which was in the form of an Indonesian the People's Legislative Assembly. The objective of
state of sovereignty of the people based on: Belief in the implementation of the Indonesian state
the Almighty, the just and civilized Humanity, the government was establish an Indonesian state
Unity of Indonesia and the People led by wisdom of government that protects the entire Indonesian nation
wisdom in deliberation / representation, and by and the entire Indonesian blood sphere and to
realized a social justice for all people of Indonesia " advance the common welfare, to educate the life of
Pancasila as the basis of Notonogoro states among the nation, and to implementation in a world order
the principle of a fundamental state, the spiritual based on the freedom, eternal peace and social
principle of Pancasila was had a privileged position justice.
in the life of the state and the nation of Indonesia. This objective was summarized as national and
Furthermore, it was said that the main legal norm and international objectives. The state administrative law
called the principal of the fundamental rule rather includes three functions: normative, instrumental and
than the state in the legal has a permanent, strong and collateral functions. Normative functions involve the
unchanged nature and position for the established perceived power of government, the instrumental
state, in other words with the way of law was not function of establishing the instrument used by
changed (Darmodiharjo 1991: 16-17). governments in governance and function guarantees
The ideal base that was formulated as the basis of to ensure legal protection for community. The
the state and formulated in the five precepts normative function of state administration legal was
essentially contains the moral teachings of the nation, done by reviewed a series of legislative regulations.

Any government action on the principle of legality, The rules of government adminstration was important
which means first seek the basis of legal action in the instrument of a democratic constitutional state in
Law. It was not in the law; the government seeks in which decisions and/or actions established and/or
various regulations of the relevant legislation, no carried out by government bodies and/or government
legality was found and immediate action was taken, officials or other executive activities covering
then the government used free authority called freies executive, judicial and legislative body carried out
ermessen. Implementations of freies ermessen pay governmental functions are possible tested by court.
attention to the general principles of government the This was the ideal values of a Pancasila law state.
good one. (Faisal, 2014) Implementation of state power was sided with
The principle of legality even though it became community and not conversely.
the main focus in the state of law, but in certain The Government Administration Law regulated a
matters the principle was deviated, example the paradigm that was beneficial to community. The
principle of legality in the criminal case used as a impression that community tend was used as objects
basis, because it was concerned the protection of must now was reversed that community were subject.
human rights. While the principle of legality in the A balanced relationship between community and the
administration of the government was viewed as a State was used as an initial measure in any legislative
form of avoid the arbitrary attitude of the authorities, establishment. Thus, the position between the two
but not the most important because the essence of the elements between the State and community became
implementation of government was to realize the balanced and equal. A balanced position between
welfare for the community. Then the function of state community and the State did not mean that
administrative law instruments was intended to create community took action outside the provisions of
a smooth implementation of government. Finally, the legislation, but it was intended that the rights of
function of the state administration's legal guarantee community specified and regulated in the
was able to provide protection for the people so that Constitution 1945 as soon was implemented and
justice and welfare are achieved equally. The used of realized by the State. Therefore, the responsibility of
state power against community was not without the state and/or government becomes real.
conditions. The community was not treated arbitrarily
as objects. Decisions and/or actions against CONCLUSION
community were accordance with the provisions of 1. The Law on Administration of Governance
the legislation and the general principles of good regulated broadly the functions of government. Under
governance. Supervision of decisions and/or actions the Law, all government bodies and/or government
was a test of treatment affected community who had officials in the executive, legislative, judicial, and
treated in accordance with the law and observe the other environments that carried out government
principles of effective legal protection that was done functions included part of the content of the Law. All
by state institutions and administrative court of a free bodies that carried out government functions refer to
and independent state. Therefore, systems and the principles of legality, the principles of protection
procedures for the implementation of governmental of human rights, and the general principles of good
and developmental tasks was regulated in law, with governance. The Government Administration Law
no blind eye, that legality was not always able to formulates two interests: the interests of government
provide the answers to the problems of community. officials (officials) and the interests of the community
In other words, the legality in the law of government whose outlines of interest were the provision of legal
administration was not always given the answers to protection for both.
various issues of the nation in accelerated and created 2. The development of law of government
prosperity for the community.
administration came from the values contained in
The task of government realized the goals of the state
as formulated in the preamble of the Constitution Pancasila. Pancasila as the crystallization of values
1945 and the task was a broad task. Once the extent that live and thrive in the real community became the
of the scope of administrative tasks of government so main source in the formation of the law of
that necessary regulations that was directed the government administration. The ideal base that was
implementation of government more in line with formulated as the basis of the state and formulated in
expectations and needs of the community provided the five precepts essentially contains the moral
the basis and guidance for the agency and/or
teachings of the nation, the doctrine of morals, how a
government officials in carried out the task
implementation of government. The Government's person behaves in a good, ethical. Therefore, the law
Administration Laws actualize the constitutional of government administration regulated how the
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