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Man is born at the moment when

the positions of the planets and signs are

in exact accordance to his
Karma and character and that point of time
is in fact already defined
by the moment when the sperm comes into
contact with the ovum.
This moment is called the epoch.

The vertical, thicker line, called meridian,

divides the horoscope in
an eastern and a western half which meet at the
top in the Zenith., the
highest point of the heavens, which is usually
called M. C. (Medium
Coeli). It indicates the South. At the bottom
both halves meet in the
Nadir, often called I. C. (Imum Coeli), the
North. These 4 points are
the 4 angles of the horoscope ; they are of very
great importance, when
it is judged. We may regard the horoscope
divided into 4 sectors by
the equator and the meridian with respect to the
4 seasons, viz:
(Zenith M. C.)
East L
(Ascendant) 4
2 West
3 (Descendant)
(Nadir I. C.)
1. Spring. Many planets in this part gives the
native many opportunities
to progress in life and assures him the help of
friends. This
sector represents youth.
2. Summer. Many planets in this sector indicates
much work to be
done in the second half of life. This part
represents mature age.
3. Autumn. Many planets here points out that the
principal work
begins at middle age, it gives a less happy
life, less energy, and less
inclination to get on.
4. Winter or old age. According to their
approaching to the ascendant,
the planets' influence increases, except when
they are near the Nadir,
in which point the influence is very strong. It
fixes the thoughts on old
age and on life after the death of the physical
Many planets above the earth birth by day is in
favourable, life offers many opportunities to
the native to express himself.
Most of the planets under the earth birth during
the night denotes
more latent qualities that find no opportunity
to manifest in their full force.

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