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Introducing My HomeTown

Hello my name is Fajar Setiawan Yuliano, you can call me fajar or yuli. I am 19 years
old. I am a student university, I studied at a Malang state university. I am from Blitar city. it
a small city but a beautiful and famous. because in Blitar city have many tourist attraction ,
such as natural tourism like a sirah kencong tea garden, karanganyar coffee garden,
teletubbies hill, bunda hill, mbulthuk cave, grenjeng waterfall, in blitar have two mount thats
is kelud mount and butak mount, and there are many beaches in south Blitar. Blitar city have
many historical heritage like a penataran temple, sawentar temple, simpling temple,
gambarwetan temple, kotes temple, warak statue, gamprang statue, and trisula monument.
Blitar got the nickname as the city of proclamator . in Blitar have a tomb Ir. soekarno the first
president of Indonesia. talk about food, Blitar have special food namely ‘pecel’ and ‘capar
punten’ it is a delicious food. And many snacks from blitar such us cenil, gethi, peyek uceng,
wajik kletik, cekeremes and any more.

Blitar is calm city and fresh wather, i’m comfortable life in here. Because blitar city
away from congestion and low air pollution. With a population of 1.140.793 people. the
majority of people work as farmers, fisherman, traders and civil sevants. Blitar have a uniq
tradional ceremonies that is a “Siraman Gong Kyai Pradah” Gong kyai Pradah washing
ceremony is a traditional ceremony carried out generation to generation by people in Blitar
area. This is believed to give blessings to any one who brings or is bathed using gong
washing water , and “ Grebeg pancasila “ grebeg pancasila is an activity to commemorate
the birth of pancasila on juny 1 which is used as a cultural event. This activity is intended to
commemorate the proses of making pancasila which is the legal basis for Indonesia.

Name : Fajar Setiawan Yuliano

Off/Th : G/17

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