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PIPE-FLO Professional version 16.

Full Version Number: 16.1.41643


-- PIPE-FLO Professional 16.1 Install Instructions.pdf --

PIPE-FLO installation instructions and information document. BEFORE INSTALLING, it
is important that you read this document!

--PIPE-FLO Professional 16.1 Overview.pdf

Overview of the features of PIPE-FLO Professional

--PIPE-FLO Professional 16.1 Release Notes.pdf

Overview of the changes made in this release of PIPE-FLO

-- PIPE-FLO Professional Setup.exe --

PIPE-FLO Version 16.1 installation file. Please refer to "PIPE-FLO Install
Instructions.pdf" for install instructions.

-- Server Folder --
This folder contains tools for Enterprise licensing systems. This includes the
server licensing software and the Licensing Utility to aid in applying licenses.
Please read Section 3, Enterprise Installation (Network License) in the "PIPE-FLO
Install Instructions.pdf" document for installation instructions.

-- autorun.inf --
File that opens this readme.txt upon inserting the CD.

-- readme.txt --
This file.

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