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1, ¡1O1-1supply C,1t1es
. rm.qht 1,=,· sul:J¡t.>rl
- t(I frequent co,)mn.l íloochng 01 will
w11 ,,P rn s '
hc1bitiiblP due to dv~1e1·11flc:ation 1 11 , ...e:., 1lo adar,1
U I lxlll pop11. ,11101.1s w1 11- •
to .seasernal

Urban Ecologies and Urban Design - Future Scenorios be Ulllll V , m1grute to oew se1tl<-'m~11ts.
íloncls i!S LO conlempor ary enJ.ce. o1 . -llh nn ecology of th~ megalopolts.111 200ti offers
The lin,mc1,1\ collrtpse of the d?mm,mt t ' l·"'ed as oil pnc1:1s spil-.Yi yleldlnrt Vd.SI
h e Thi;: entue appatnltts imp uu
opporturunes e ¡o:hed
for cr
. hts . d tl1en ang as d [~$ ult o f.l>~n•--g
n lilll
deregul.at1on tha1 encouraged rrnk ta.lang
p1 o . <1n · < .,
tJ.r s Pm sprec1diny • .
ñ sense o
f dooru ::::ubsern1entlv
~- · /\menean
In the las1 60 years lhP. Wúrfd·s urban popul.éÚlofl h,ls shifted from urbc.n centre.q ldlgelr in
and e.nd..¡ngPred lbe en e. v., e
·. b k:· an• 1 mortg,1ge bml:ecs collup~c-'d the house
·-· ., 'lW'"l'S W€nt t,,u:n.:.r11¡.it, ctn "
the compr1c1 E11mpea:r1 merropolises µowered by co<1I ro dlsperned A'-1an megt1cltH,•s t.h,.n
ü1clude agricu.inir~ ,md m0ganor1e.'>. largely powered by 01l Tius uh.út ha:LS mvclver¡ th!, rTidss
dlltOmt)l.lul:), " • -r , lr ¡s. of ab,inrfoned !muses \pft empty in ttl!;! Ametlc<l.n
butldmg mdn~lry d1:o;11:¡1Pgrated N1Tl1 m1 tor , .. _,_ ·10 es c!osed anrl P•"Oplf: lost lheir
c1pplicnhnn o!pt'troleum power ,,.nc'l lo c:reñte the mega.topofü; fu..;¡1 .!:leverely f h uL nDll' mortgage crlSIS w,we.s r

subwbs l.,1:1c,1use o t e: s p J Worlrtlollowed •l ::iirrular pcttt':'rn Afie, 200B,

impacted rhe e>kl imperial European system openmg rhe w<1y for the two supe, poweni of
jol.Js. 'I"ne coildpse oJ invesltl~e:t c:~::~~e I~ preven! a bnure cx1lldf'lS~ éJnJ the global
the Cold W;ir (the USA and USSR. 194'1-9 J J 1'.11e rdp1d succéss of tbe porroleum·powere..i
megalopolis produceu 11.s own urb,m pr<.>blems u1 teuns of lho?- aban<ionmr>m ofrhe
parhaps sonw- fl~~~anr~nl~ co~::a.sed ,.,r1 ~ tnhmte ~)X1ens1on of\he megalopolis dtauod
tmai.1cul model 'JVJJ.l uo ,.~ngt-'r. • t dties u ort not mtly prople Jnd energy. íood and
metropo!L<:1. JL~ dependenc;e on mJ.-nch MUpplier nc1tlonci r.!Ild lhe gleba! J.1TJp.1ct of fo!';slJ-fuel th, world Part of r.he problem is tbd
~ np .
1. t IEl(Jw órgamsauon:-;. 1!1V
olv1ng l mclcwnE>rsh1p pattt'!01S, codes"' l)fl dlni.1te d,a.nge. W1lh Jll8t over .50 per cent of ú1e world !i pop'lililllan ID cilies
Wdll'l1 tbey <1re a o Impoi an • . ,, de els=•..l·iere ;.ad srored 1emporanly as
urbao design lhe potennal to addr,es.,.; some of lbesé' urgent ql.(est1ans Urban des1cm~rs ttal frorn pro1·1,s ma .....
dild , P:gu]atrons
m·,estments c,u boncap
m theu sr.n1ctw-es O . h e new .,"KVHcr·
, . <tpe1 •
rowe1 s aJ-i.;.¡rfmem l 1locks. houses
In the fulurt' will b.ive tü reck<J.tJ wJlb tlm-; r•ritb[1r1 e~~r:Jt1001y r101 so mnch m IP.rms of rP.dUCl[lq
cqtbon Cooiµrmts lhrough ecoJogrc:aJ irnF-1Yent1ons bur lhrougb altertng the sh,1pe of ciñes - tht11 sptang up with easy mongage.sJ 1 d tribut1ng rncome rlCJoss n .,vide spectrum
In ensure human .swv1 val 011 the pl,met. lt is LJnrealistio to thlnk rhat céut,011 "'mtsi;1ons can be · · ali 1 ~ - ro p m.Ic> is
Ctties trave !rad.ition y p ay " hi .3.J;d •-¡.,eculauon Cnies proVlded mslllutiom:il
stopped tomonow greenhouse gases from 200 years o! tndustn~J producb.on are al.ready w of l'lt1::ons no1 JUSI u1 rrMl-aS!dle owners p . " kn !edge l.>dSed
Is . other ~UCilUonaJ estíilil.J.shments. ow
!he e<:ologieu.J íeedbc1c.k loop ,lJ.ld wul rnean $lgnlñcil.llt water leve! risos ,1nd desert1ácfll!On
ladden, such as schoo ano ~ ~ •! b ut of púVP.rty. and this was pan oí tbeu·
It is also unreasonable to ,:>xpect any om~ person or code 10 ta.Ice commanci of suciJ d va.,1 occ11pat1ons ami new fa~lds. to help µeop ·~ <,funtl ~11y w1JJ bP m <11.P,H dteU1r1nd hopefully
illld compfex d.lstnbutive sy~1em. Nobody 1s m control or tlns global sy.stern. Moderm.smg al 11 . ,...1!IDUIIV€ C.:priCJI; 0 I& • . .~· cJ I
hi<norir appe 1e reui.'> · • · ,.. klrid ol ;,· 'f;tenuc rallure an oss
the majority oí the wo1 ld's popul,1t:inn m Asi,'1 .-111d Africc1 t1s they sJllfl popula11011 !rom lhr. . ,fl ·e c·;il e< ¡uJtv tn preven1 11 ,.. • 1•
with a llE':W ~m¡,.,h.:is1s ¡,lar..•·. on f, J • _· • l ., J. q1<. t! Jim"'n;-inn 0f l!J,· ,·Jty w1U
dgricuJtural workers m tb1- cuw1trys1de to ,-:me.9, Wlll mvolve lurtlmr C'cl! bon lnpurs. This ifü:t ln addition, tl ie adu¡ •tJV,:· .u,, psyc ,ic:i u. ,
ofpeople s homes . il1 .md African mass migrdllon crec1tes new need.a
ch,wter addresses how w ban <.lesigne,·i: in H1e ut1h10wa ruttu-e 1rugi1r ,1dju:-1 111& a.xistwq become ITlf>!ié• unport.111t as me n~w As1, 1::. actors TJ1Jgh1 ohaoge fhe {ouc urhan de,c¡1gn
urban des1gn ecolo, F-"Y.ilJTIU111d .~o far, to deal wrlh th1s new slluauon
and destres. To1s chapte1 wrll rev1ew how nr lcln rm .red Jong·termscent1rios. Urbait dCtors
Urban acrorn llilve c:i e,ile(J four urban des1gn ecologles lh;\t ernploy enclaves ecolog¡es o( tbe pdSl 60 yedfs to face up to shorH~e carbon econormes anr.i structul'es of
annatures and heterotop1dS dS orqa.rnsanon;1J am.l symbnllr. struc:rures represennng tbi;. and theu destgners need to care.Iu!Jy ,e-exrllllllle . ' hves armaturei:; and
Wishes arJd des1res of dorrun,1nt dL':lor:,; In lhe long term ir i.s becommg ªPf•:ifP.1'11 th,11 lhls each urba11 des1go ecak,c_¡y rn what ir acenanos usmg ene '
petroJeum- and COéll-based c<1rhon economy poses ci rhreat 10 cine.-: Creenhouse gas~s to pi obe the luture
heatirig fht '"',lrlh's Hnv1ronn1t•nt rner1.n !h;:¡¡ 1cec,Jps m<1y rneJt gl.i!c:iflts dis,1ppea1 or1
mounti'l.ifllops rams Wtll be rr:>duced, nvers run slower. dm,e.rts ·~xp,md élltd s~a !ev~J¡; 11se
T he peen metro polis . D d ow~n a1:gues lrl Gr.á>e!l Meuopc,iJs (2009)
The onJv que.sti011 is !he degree uf seriousness oí tbi'> prol:.JIPn, whether warer wtll 11.-;e '!'he New York"el mctgi'lZIDe·s conn1bul:lng autho1 av1 - .. ~··"''dLL"lé thP-y are very
50 centimetri,;s, 1 mt.->U'P t11 1 S tn•::tres m 1110 nPxl 100 ye~rs cau::;ing nulliom; ofpeoµJ.e to ñ
thiitNewYorkandH1fügt<o~1r11e u1cr11T1e1, J r t llly ill•">f.'n
- .·.,::. eco-ones '""'· .
d e0Jlec.u1wd.lktofindall
cnove and c.'llles to ,:hanye location Many prevtous wbñD civllls<11!o¡¡s, like anc1ent Angkor d.ensely papulated. 1mve g0<.rd pubbc;: rr~¡:.:11::inQ\1011 sy~t,;~:a:h~ ~~ moved hJ.,; fanllly to the
Wa.t in Cambodm h,we dred bec:,wse of wr11e1 p1oblems M,my ,::0111.emporury urb,m tllroughout th·~ wurld wi.1.1 be 1rrap.1cri:-d as rn< ,'Htt-·~ ,3it i..'Íthe: m nver lf"cllleys
near hea-iw.ners. 011 the val.ley pJain~ 01 ,:m. th*: estu,uv and delta Lven wrtboul .:m
frre11 daily nceds wn
hm I raxtmJl)' vwen recounts ur •
e ose P . . .
AmE"..nCilfl cow1hystc:1e rwenty years earhe1 1.he f,1m1l
y~: fd{ ..,..
iF<l 11 wrth three c,us. hotl!S o ivu""'
10 ~:et grocenes or see a movie
neve1 havmg time to Sil or walk m r.he cowrtrv ;:°1:~il:dl ci 1.r.;1; r,í CJll !lhauld bl" passed on to
extr~me r:1Jm,1t~· ch011ge mvolving rJ 3-rnc·tre •Nctl~1 l<·'VPI I tse Wé!ter 101 food produ~uon a!Jd U1 i:;en M,;..ti opohs pt oposes thar thc r.rua e .oL
Anlf'J 1~an .wd other ccm-;;umers through rJM l,lXes a¡
1d con estJon charges. il!I u1 Singapore,
g -
312 Urban Oesigtl s,n,e ''N.)
Urhon Ecologtes ond Utbon [)es¡gn - f~r!Ure 5cer1crlt1S 313
Maldl&yered city .Uag.un
1-l r , • JI ·t· ·ut r,. ,·U,l U11J t, ·11 1tt,i itl t
;;ho·NJl , 1Yt.4J UH~ llf nno up1,11 ,Hlntlu:•: cr., tciun .,
•.:or.J.J.•le,c l:.l b,lh ~-.·."'!tptrn ,\'tH~UL ht.h~lt uthiln :tr.!· ,r
.:...?. !ll 1><· rr ,i11ir ., •.i 1 ···, 11 ·1n • w • " , .11
11',·~.:,. r,;, r•:,t--. ;/'.l 1TT1J ,J1..Ja tl1,,1 · 1rt"'lm1 1,·h,t '1•
mol 1iJ•' ,11 ~ 1 í'díl ;:: >r! lffilJ.íJl,-,tTI' Wllh •' h'[J ,·,11, -
flD m ...11,-1 wl:ucll mvi•.l lhPV 111h;d:;i1 ~rf'.o1t1:• 1
fA>ll'lllhlll)' rlp<"T, IIV."11?11~ <\ll.>Vl'll J!J ;-,¡ j .r~!'Jll. Uf
,.....rll o,\d' (DJ.•J•:f1 ,iíl) \ft r:,,w,r.l
Lltñh,ttliL• SIJ,lril• 1 1

Temporal Jayerlng 4i&pllffl or M'IUllch

.r.. tit ··~·n~.11 an1 h Jí!n::r! 1~Jt.!t':'·l 1;t ,,r •, ...~ • l

by V,il 1111u; urt,;,n .11:lc.r" M1;, :111l1 me1 ,.-h.31111,

hlllll lh" i;ltl 111·,m wtule ltl,• Eriltqhtentnl<!rJt
ex¡,arw110: 1v.~ pl,mnr.d l,;· IP<> 11•:>n Kl.-r..:,·, s11 \\-;
111 b!,,d:, Q-.e l.1!•·1 Mdw .ty -:,. .tr.pany ,,,•ni.-111,-111
ti\(: ·,vv~11 ,'li~dl• d., 1u••w 111,h.lf<llt<il <'<~ntre• 1sho_•w11 lr.
qre•; ' w..s. •'Aptured 111~1<1•· el w...1rn" RB¡. 1.lol1 •
ru:9 1U1ob~.t1 , , r,,111, !h<• l .;s,· fo: , 1:•'! 1·, ~v· ,.,1~~ {*tlWII UI t~I I I l>i,,grJn, l JS',1: l
t';1.1h,m1& ~h,1ru1 ,,nd Ang1·~ Uun:ulí.:-1 t.!'J\J;¡

- - u rated l 97Z 01ympic oames

dennal developmenl.5, me 1 • • - l .. of'/ c,unpus ol
hnl<Jng to lateT suburban resl WJth :ikvscH1p!~I toW~!tS, lhe a,.t
• - "
Stockholm or Londan. Owen lhu1ks dnvJnt.,l lD c1t1c~s should l>0 m,.td1c- very unpl~.Msa:nt. w1tlt .md - l . f-\o•Nn banking r:eotre enc\<1ve . i by Coop Huurnelb1l),1u)
lunited parking spacp_c; and constricted 10,1dways lo mcre,\Se trall1c Jarn.<: ,md travel um~::: campus an ou u • , ,nJ tbe BMW work.s \l •.:!(.1e.s1gn?.<' - ,· te1 e:ncnm,i<:Je rugher
, .., 1.. 111 s1ernens ,,.. II •omng ,..,<,aes -
The goal should be to m.ike street armatures safe and secure fo1 pedesl 11<111S by widemng the ~!ectionl•~s '.:1" · ,, 1 fPW111111Q th1' ...:ell ,;.1,. ,u The c1.W
h c11·,, t,;OlUll'll WrtS lll\11!,,\l,I 111 • o· (1'11,-; ;,, u r,~en rninH118H OP<J s
mdewr1lk.<:, pla111m~11tees, prov1dm9 bik0 tani,1.!-1 .md fac1ht.itmg publlc 1rnm,-porti1110n symt·'~. M11ruC • , h -~-y·,"t ªP'"' s c11:.r1 .,. , tl ,:;ubway
.,,- -and :iev~\r)pmel\l vm ou1 ~. .,._ - . ~ j tt1e entir~ cny centre bu I ne'i'1 - ld
as undertaken m sorne Europeclll cn1es bke Copenhagen or Amsterdam lmprovmg the , i ens1!l _:::. • ,,.. pede.,tr1alU><.e - · , , IIE' w1Ul a
.,.. '-'1 ·"l~J thl:' fümúll!'. t1,1nw1,1 ,~, - '~om1---w1ckll z,ll\.>pp1wJ c1=11 .
quillity of life dnd comba! mq c-n m0 m IJJe mNr· )f •t ,lts wtll makl · 11 ..itlt .;i:1tv.... d•J,11 n u· schouh; .u.:,O ft ,;u,··- . ('•st(ICI ilS u. J • d • 'l'he CLty
d the hJ.stm1c:. war·tom _."' ., hoppmg arca es -
.are unprovt!d. lhen f.un.Ll.tes w1ll no1 move to the stl.burbs fot theu-·s safety .tnd unes rlfld renewe . ourts and glass-covereu s energy
des d.Od new mtenor bwldlngs e 20ons a.<i d resoli ar Green party
educaOl)n O!d peopie sta11s1Ically !Jve lonye1 :n c11l,....!' Owt!n ,lrques l.o r veiy tnqh-.:ieni-:11)' faca 1· Eurnpearr Clt)' by the . ,, . ror opPn coun1t ymcte
blod<S hh-, on the Upper C,IBI ,1nd W,,f.! Sides IIl M,mha1t.u1i;e~MuHP. rn ,rny sP1v1cPS, sul,w.iv.- bec,~me an ,,.xemp ar.y ul. 1 -n J.S weU BR p1•Jtecnons 1'}uS 'Munich
f r solar panels 311d super -ms a io , -" adit1on - see chap\et 6) .
and facilities-can then ue wi.thm w.llkmg distanc~ coc.ies o lhe Cerman Stadt1,mdsch1;1n tr . ñ]t ¡ ,ollc le~1 ,m::i
Wlihou\ the sl..-ysc:ra¡::>Pr.s 01 comparahle denmly, lhe sm,lll European c1ty ritld sute cap1ti:d and wood s l conunuIDg · , .
·ng me1ropoli\an s
· .. dense 111 ·l 'Ml''l"'\et w11,,1 <t
:,f Muruoh, Germ,:my dpplmcl rnc1ny of thf'se eco· 1dl"d.<; duruig rhP I ü80s <U'ld l 990s Muru• •h per:,'Pecnve' onr.,1h
• c1t'J p ,annl •
en1:::19°Y. , ,
. : E n lhe sma.ll. nonh o~nn,u1 tovrn o
. ' L" chapter
di ew mucb pra1Se ve . 1 r dsf' eco\~ (see
oeqdD as a small metropohtan dry wilh a smgle centre r11 a nver c1ossing. Based f)n lile sall restrn1U1g
.. gro~ hJI ·'Cl1líal o(hce had stud1ed \be Euro ai'. Nl JJ.brary that oompleted
l'ade, it expanded armmd that centre m rmgs. 1u1t1l the EtmJpean f.nllghtenment cllld N,1poleon
the BolleH .¡ Wi!son are e war and adcled a.n exeroplatY in •
I O). t ebuilt tlS town centre ril\er th<"bus station and <\Utomotiüe showroom ., . ld.Onll\9
Nben the local pnnce adt..led a g1 -md armatw-e to the c,ry's edge and tli.en d gnd f Colm Rowf-
lJ'ld Fred Koener pr~J llus 111\~1,~mental growth 111 C-::,lJagC' ,::111· t l 976H Tll¡;; ,mwal o11lm an urbc1.n b\ocl< and taced out to ª\so !he \heme ot french Prt:-sidenl Sarko.•~,: Pto break 1he
i ropohs a· ds' 'fhe idea w-
·ailway.on lhe eclge of the ceatral cl!y sp, m.i;o1 ed tlie growth of a new 1rn:lusnvll ,1entre In ,l The g1een mi:> •·- after the Kvoto Accot 1n ilttc,,.ntred
Ul 2.009 'The Metropo= . l !\ settmg m mt,t1c1n a t further_W<.'t~I. al .t 1allway l.ult,! JW1ct1on ThJS was later enc1rcled by lhe .frnn autobahn rm.g consultatton , _ r ÜJf' H,,¡u.,;.;~m,inn menopo 1.
o\cl 'mg and t ,1d1<1l p,1.11:1 no
:,assing \he vlll.age of D,tch,~u (Sllc> of a fac1.ory tht.11 bec,ime the l 1rn1 N&1 coricentrnllr.m c:.imp1
B"lles + Wllson, Munster Lil,1.uv,
Miinsler, Gormany, 1993
·nus 1 1 •fl 1 •tri fl IWlfllf ::ll-"'\W~ 11~
f~'lE.:F1t l.. , _ _ ..u rn ,,u,, ·u~h.a a
1hE< 1.,1, • ·1111h 1h"' l,h, •ll'i l. 'l' l,J, ,,1
·1::i:I :!], 1111:, •b.u .u l.l,Yt-1111\1 d th<:• 1<1¡¡1
th,'3t br,,, •ttl<.' t ~ U'HC.•fihÚ ~,~EH., h1,·,. B~rn.ardo Secchl and Paola
1íJ:,wm·.1 Vigano. Studio09, ·Le Grand Parls'
projee1, Parls, Erance, ZOM
.BDlles + Wll1on, llbrary stteel .um,uu,.,, 111~ ~· u, hit~' 11,1.t·JJt .,
Múnsler, Germany, 1997 (p'holo 19971 ti..tcJ),l~'"'' utl:~m s.~·'m L~Jn'll lU~
·- •• . ,¡ ,h, h:E1C-I .i!!:,. ~n11 r p;;ne:rn
mP W:--1,,1 \' l i~=k ..,¡, 1mn•J 'Rlll, 11;, 'fhe 1M•" ¡ ,t.u~ ,¡nd ~u::mi<
1b.!~ n•~,ut,.y St l...1mJ..f.11ll C'tUJri J1 ,.111 111- '• "'11
111~iy ¿¡ ,Jorlllg U1L1Ulllt lill ,\1 ~
11111.~1¡, d m..1l:"'!!Jl,l• 'I TII? l vJ •I I• 1 •!.- Se~ie ,e ttw ....,'1 ot
In!:.~, 1 j,.,.-~1 •,, ~llñ.'I~' r r ,.. - ni..•~;,!:· I J , J 11 1E'IIOfil
.i1 J !(11 clr,,,....,1 '·" >:, 1r th1
rF'th-,10 ,( ri.w1 J ,::;, ..11,1rmi .Sh,m,
1l!f' {tlUlu.,hlllt:!l{JJ\iU •m• ·\1,Vi' "'~
'fl ¡ lll.. o'I\P!,;¡\'·i<fhd@ll\ J'\evt
1:ft,;ihtv ,nh..•·· ,,. ti,1111.,u.;n:·9
,1,1.~ nffi<'t' 1.iae,<,
w•·ll ~ r,· ,,1.M.1\ w,!Udlfl><l faclorn:li
Pans1a11 meg,1c:ny. Cm11lE-C"I T,e Grand A111s de l'ñgglom~ration p,;11m11:m1e· - or 'Le Grand ¡, 11 1111 f',,1T.,1! dv

París' for sho1t - Sc1rJ.:ozy invited 10 IP-rtmi. including from Rntam Ric·hdtd Roqen: lron1 1,.J< •!, \rt-;nr,

nanee .Al~·hr-1 Pc>I12amJJ&.:' dflr.l .Agence Grnmbdch. -1n, i lrom Holl,iml MVRDV 111E>
Secchi-VJg,mó Studio 09 tec1t11 ~xpill1d~~r.i on 1.he1r work for Antwmp t&W chaptar !)) lr.;okmrJ
:lt lhe poroslry of Parn,. iLS OrCJ<1T1is,mon..1strncture- stro('l l,w()lirs ..nd en~l<JY Toe emphd.s1sed the patchy ndture of greater P,rn.s w11h 1ts vaUE-y topogrdpby. m,iny
; treu.rru;. 11vers. can,iL-; mars!ll~S. w,~tJdncls. iloo1 1 p,1rks .md W<Jstel,mds, ,IS wcU ·J.S tlw

3uburban green 'dtoi;gca¡,e ol k'IW df'ns1ry IJ!een pnv.tlé ,0md ,Jp,mment blocks
-iaussmann·s Pans wa.'> only d tmy p,u1 of 1h1s i-:1y terrncu y thm 1he team compared U\ sc<1l~·
md polycemnc stmc1ure 10 lhl'1 Ntmh Wes1 M,drnpo111,m Al:ea (N\VMAJ around Anrwe-rr,
?otterdam lD Belgium-Holl,1nd rim:i l(.1 Kc.w:10011 1n Hong Kong ,mcl Shen:::hPn m Chm·1
Toe Stuc:bo 09 porosuy stu<ly 1den1lhed Jrea.s ol \he green metropolls •tren: cut
,ff lrom the clly, ottr:m poor ummgrant qlmtíL,s 111 .sP.rved liy publJc trnnsporl The s111dy
>roposed a set of mtn·subw'bim 11gln Mthvavs and trams c,,nnectíng lhe. patches oí 1U'b.m1srr.
md ghettos m the sub111bs, :;o 1t1a1 pe"JJlt? oo longer h<id l() 90 Vla lht> CJ·'nlTt? to Q(1t to the
1e1ghbounm1 s11bu1 l, Sn1d11, OCJ took m1rnp'le p,11ches of nrb,m fabt tC' to smdy m tfa.• west an1 1
!clSl of the cuy Toe proposrll also .includr~ dPsigns. to 1e11 oht lhe.!!E" differenl p,m:::he:" ir
>e more ene1gy efhden1. u:..:in~ solat p,mels. nc>w buildu1g s)ans .111rl gPOlhermal df:'•\'lC~ ar.
vallas offe1 ing sinoh~·lamily h1J1.JS~ .;1 v<1.s Lpav1ho11s I bnmL-; ílo01 ,11,··.i 1[ thP.V 1.tnprovt-icl lht"U
asularion and ene.1 gv eilk1encv Dec<1ymg faclory are,1.s could be convertt"J 10 mixecl
ise, 111cludinq hou:im~1 and ~;nJur U1Bt<1UtiOous on gret>ll 1or1f:,; Toe team .iliJO r,rapree, i to mf1U
be l1.1rge open sp;;wea betwi:·en tilll towr.r 1.,1, ,d:~ 1thdt wrn.llfl be re-.sklmlt'd ,uid,~
!fletgy effic::1ent) w1th lower lilo, 'lri" ,d$1) beai mq sol,u paneils Tht=> ov<>r<ill cf':mlt m,1d• 1h0
·~-tmg urban fc1b11c- morP ,i1·11.,;t>!'.J fJt•µ11ldled mnte em~rqy effic1~nt. mor0 llex1t1Jp ,md m1.•t••
1ccesstble. brenkmy the u~ol,11100 of 111~·rr< 1¡.,oll1,u1 ,,¡hettoti ,md brmgu1g publJ,~ trarn;p1;itnuon
.nthín walkmg d1sl,UlC"t:• ('v21·1whe11=

16 Utban Dll!Sl!ln ~11ce 1•14s


Other teams sharei:I m,ny of the goals or Secch.i .md V1ganó bur u.sed different 111 bu.
!lements to ach.ieve tl1cir des11Jn The Royer~ teñlll. for mstam:t-', n-:des1gnf'd the Pansi;m
adicü raüwc;1y c;1r111atul'es ,1~ gret"n ñnger' park.'I en a mc1ss1ve sc,tle, malang lmks ac:ro!:1
:1.e parles to connecr prev1ously d1srormected districts w1lh new h1gh--d.ens1ty nodes
'he Portzamparc team concennatPd on an arn<1 north oí central Pd1is. proposmg ,) n~w
>1.JSiness centre enclave 10 proVIde ., new gateway to Londoo. flcmkfurt Bmssels .~ud lh•-
)utch R.mdstad (Rmg C1ty) wilh education<.1l lac1lit1es g1 ouped on elther side and riiflQ.·
:,llowing the nver valleys In arder 10 break the nng-and r c1diol l':t1 uctw·~ nPW monor dll
nes circled lhrougb 1he Pans suburbs linlang to tbe new hub. The Grurnba~·h tearn
,roposed to turn Pans mio a linear cuy leadmg clown thP Seme v;tlley along d new blgh
peed railway hne to Le Havre transfonrung P,1ris mto a green megalopobs leadmg 10 the
\tlanuc Gnnnbach detec.:ted a rhythm ID the cllrves and meanders of the fl'•PJ that se?t the
:uervals ofthe megdblocks shapt~ by two hlghways. formmg parks forests. resklen11.1l
.gncultural and mdustnal areas

:'he green megalopoli1

\Then the French ]ean Gortm-mn fusl ~,wposed th~ ""nTI ·megalopúlL<; to clf!sc:1tb<1
:ie American Eas1 Coas! señ.bocird 111 J961 r allwc;1y l.wes wnh coal-hred steam engmes snll
Jrmed tbe backbone of th<:' u·anspc11i,iUon network The Amencan sl.dte hlghwuys sysh.:n,
ltd l\ól exisl By l 971. wh.;.n Reyne-r 9anham c.:alebrated the automoblle-bome clt'/ m I.-..s
lJlgeles. The Ardutecltlre o/ Four Ecoloi.JJes {See chdi:,ter 61 the nauonal h.ighway system .utd
trlirlé.S had replaced r,.illways • In the Gottmann turned h1e dltenuon to Tokyo rillcl
,e Stadrlandsch,1t/ JJllillilln9 of the RhlnL-RLibr 1t1rll1strl,~I bE'lt (now pat 1of t11e 81L1e Ban<1n ,·
see chapter 6, These kwm dild EuJ'Opean ve1sions of rhe megalopolls reumed railway1s
nd state planning 1bat ptolected ng11c1llrurc1I ,1nd rPcrec11100.-tl lan1.lsc,1pes as well as !a>im~1
rranz oswald and tetor
,etrol to dís(:<>Utage ,:1Utornob1Je uso Germ¡¡ny. Scandm.ivw and theri the EU k•d U1e w,1y Ba.:cml, l'l•t Clty Laytred
1 retroñtling older buildmgs to new energy codeA and emes bke Mumch 01 Coper!hagen 'lalley tllag-r.m. 2003
lfilled old Cily centres to give lhern new I.Jfe w1thu1 the largt'r w loan nt>lwo1 k In ~ontt<ISI -
~p,,r.,K<l lht.! ft~!e!'I
'okyo develo¡x->d an mcredtbly deust> w1dely, h:,lr1butl>(l I mlwrly i;ystt!m Wllh .:normotL'í Lllli'l'<t:,l{-il the ,1gm:ultur•I
11ee-dimensionaJ and tP,Credlloni\l nodes a.round ,tnd c1bove transport hul:.i:; <l!l<d! 1:.i:r,1111ructml"
¡rai.lw,~;s ,~t.i.1} •..tte .uc
ften owned by 1he stult- r utw.1y sy!.1,•m
,.¡¡,:! W•lll'lWotV.5 ,llUJ urb<lll
Eaoh Wes1em f.uropeao nation slnll' d~-1eloped ns own cbaractt~r13nc pattems af hillldlma VJlhl(Jell ,,,~,¡.ID.¡ diffol!!~n1
ie nu~nlopoüs the hlyhwr1y ,1m1,11111 c:·s and me,:,,lblo<"k <·~nd«ves ai, demún<-rlr.itr:d Ul llh · luVE: Tf1.,< ic,J! ~M:; l<• µrt1Vllk'
,;fe .ltl!»'ll•J .... ,dEI f.'.l: ll~
rutch atchitect Xaveer De Gevte1 ·s t.>dinng oí .'\J/er-Spraw/ (20<J2J Veru1:.,. and lhe Pt• de-lt,, -.~afu•\" .,.. íl-:> i?nlÚ",'tr:~;i
dd a drlferent P<lnern to Holland or BelgtWTl in the Rhm,:: dt-ltd wtucll was <'lllfo'rt.?nl agam frorr. t, 1vek1pm~)!t? ~-,s 'J 1 ,s ·oS

:>ndon's ring-c:1.nd-rad1a! :;ystem. 01 ¡.·\,n., ,; rw111 develriprneot bells ,JJong the-:- Smne v,tlil•y 111n1 .,,..,. ,•111 r<"!lll\' 1.,urm'
SN 11Tln'l 1, ,o;¿!,~ JshaWTI
tee chc1pter 6) ::;wuzer!,md w11i·1 11s J\lpine v,111cy systems. prov1c.l~d yer anolhet Euro¡.>Pnfl ,n
1.~,11< ,01,;ar.i..'TI 1 : ,.n:·
etwork pane-1 n of layered llneai arm,1ture df·Yelopm1:?11t:1 over um11 bedutúully c1n.:tlyseJ by • t:\W,t, &'1-"'f~"'t BJC~1 ~"-i
W'JSfi arch.itecl Ftanz Osw,1J,J dJld PCr:>logist PP.1"'' 8d1..:C:m1 in Nr·l7.str1dt (2.D0.3) Thest=• o1ut11ors ~¡~~:h.1it.;<-f hll •ll•ILN•1
Í1''11!11 1>.;,;mn1
3la!u.Uy exw:ním::·d the m1pc1c1 ,)f h1ghw,rys a.nd $1J.l.itJiba111.iMuon eor1 lht• d1c·llcalE1 Sw1ss url ,,.ir1
es1gn ecoloyy. üs ~· owth Ql\d ~unouridirn;, d<mcultural ,md forest ~:P.tung w1Uun tlw Ir .ig1lf-
Lal> .11.Kbitl!Cture, slte plaa for Fedeiratlon
Squ.11111 , MeU.01111lf!, &11tttalia, 2002
1 :J ''11 J.J .... J, :,d L • ,1t1J"i.U a ::~tl!{<_.
ul <t11<:lo:1u.rt illl ., ¡,1,ttlnrm i,111111,v,,11i'111 :.t;!Woy
uz¡.-.:,, k +'SldE !I ~) y Ul •• l)\'O;'r ..-r,p!rin,IIOf.! lll
rt'P •rm.. al ,11 ..vwnwr. Mell<-IIJT'k 'l'bP-plilfl
U(t!>.:' fl'll tl:r t.1,-.pllo,! llil'tlll\? or lh~ pia.:.1
...,.._ ol'Fe&!.nllloa Sqau.e ln Mallla 3mt,11:e th,1116 COMl!IIU'ISI tw Wt!'Jtjl;'·~
•1 d 'J ,r. ,)1 'h ,1, 'I ,ri ,1 ,11,-. r-=v1:,,J· r-i,. IIDUI,
!~111.u, Amtr.U.(pbahJ
,PI lr J r T • ' 1
: ~- er~ !':th~ t !,t..~t.')J 11,, t •ulA1,_: t 11- lfl 1: J ..11 ''', • 1 i, í ~..J I• •.• luí. pi 1 '.'u'Wl 1·r·..Jl'111 ... l1
p,~.1~mi1 de.!!l!Jll!~ 1r:, l•,ur..;, 'J(<c1W~ ,mo. ,m1
°" ·
lms ¿¡ 11lf' :e.rit:.ll '" l1lr ·~ 11 1· • • ·· · · · 1 , ·1 1 1 , ' ' ' ' ' 1 ·lll• 11 ,,,1• ,1 !h" r.<, ,o ~p.11!,• 1,P'.,111 ~ IJ\B
lt>OlóP f ., , ·<I ,ill •11 •l d
~• . • ll,I, •. ,: .,. ",1 •'I I''' I I. II ' •J - 1,: •lll"1 1 AJ~hlll• •'tJl'F S;11 i\OI
- n, • iilw,,~ ir.~1.., ·• r. ,t r.,1,ur '1tl!lilro11111 ·l~a:T= .1?1<!·~11 ,~ 111•.- ·""'l'lh f •t• 1-'<':l
joh.,n ~ '-'"in &.:h .-1•

The w:ban ecolog{ cl. the rnegalopolls Dllght .stJll make sense for oiJ-lich .states wnere petrol

nat~al ecology oftbC' AlpLne v,1Ur~ys. Tht- ptcture )00\- ischN1p. ltke Al.iu Ph.=ib1 ,tnd Duhai. S,mdi .Arabta nrrl Iraq. vene-zuew and Sraz.1.1. Borneo
wei e Jocated ñs prec:18e p,1tch~:s ·.v11t1m the ílúW'' ;, ,..,trd tragmerus of lhe SwlS.'l •JlllagPs
am l lmionesta. NiíJena ,u1d Angola o,~spile il1e recer11 hn,u,ci,ll collctf.1He p10Jl"C."tS rhat rnight
file ofthe v,1Uey. creatmg ,1 dosed ecosvsterr1 th"' v..ih~r lfot,1 dWI í,1u11.. llidt 111-'ide u¡·~ lh,,•
Wlule , · ' •• • ,·ll wa..c, oolluhn · no1 t'lf' possmle elsewhet'f> rrught bP. susramal)le here Brn u.s 111 l,¿gos Ccl.l acds 1Jt Jakartr1.
man~ urhélll des1Hners 10 open u. )udde - g ,t.s own 1nnk1ng wate.r ,;upr J·;
w~terfronts. tew hi:ive .~.,tc,tlrlle>d so p1ecisel:h
railw;ws selllf.lmenL,; :1rKi dciorn tnleract wllh
11vr-1 s t º'
md~(> píir.k:i on ald md11::1tndl
t P. t-cology ol 1.tM ciry its i o¡¡ds lt ,1th:·
the otl ecm1oruy create.s ílfl own rcpres1~nted in the Mtddle F.ast by shc1Jlrytowns
m Gi\7.i'I or lhi: ~banon and ID the \,3bo11t camps m Du.ba1 Agains1 th1!'1 shadow cu:y. oil-nrb
cQuntn~.s pro¡e<."l an 1magt- oí ,1 :; f1JturP. tnc1km~1 d;.umg mvestm•~nts U1 ,:1 n(.."<'t llrbm ctesign
The .Asian and Eur opeüO ·,~rSJons ol' 1he
Wl~ ~ smaller energy lootpnnt wben ,;ed,;ns, 111 ouodmg l:'l\Vlronment
I m~1,llopnhs ,1re ,:omp:ll ilrvelv comp h..'t
ecotogy. llke r,">ster s Masdar, Abu Dhdbi tst.ui.e<l 1.007) Tlus compJct. sbaded newtown wnh
uw lergrnL1nd 11,u·,spc,rl i,ystems ,md sol.-[!' power 1.<1 pld.nni:id clS d demonsrra11on proíact m one
fo1 Uu1ban designeri; m Arnt:!nct.1 w1ll b~ ie~t1c11·1 ·11º1,1~fc Ar,¡1r.i11can ongmal 1l1e b1g chdllena.;-
we. as m ~ fin· . ':. ':! oss1 l'IJPJ d<' · "' d • of the ruo.">t mhosp11able ,lel'll:.'ns of the world wtuch wtll gel r:!ven hottet 'by the e.nd o{ the next
tlus ecoL ti ancMlly su.'31,unablt=- m thP fi.lll.LCe 11,,a i:1 ,:, - p~ n ence ol this $y.stl~l 11 ,¡s
ogy) The convers1on or the L,35 V ...,. - S . 'f\I1.:.. :b4 ,1 gi!llon íor qr.1soli11e iuuu..:l c.tm1w·y Such show plac~s. heterolop1a.s oi íll11.s10n have dlways pldyed a role ui unaguung
a.nd sirrnQ t e...,,,::. lnP lrom L"'-1-1 · futlll'E! scenanos. as at World's fairs <1J1d Olyn1p1r.: meetmgs oLl ncll ¡¡talPS "'"" mv~Rtlng m
,,,.- o s11mllated m~:troµohlr1t11J drnn ni ¡·p v"' t--1 pdvilions w1th car p<11 lc'.s mfrc1strucm11-•. llt.>ltsl!lg ,md new towns Ghana. tonn.,;\~n.ce has awarded u $10 lJill1on comract
s ows eme po8$1b'ie future i'ICen,u ji) f.:,r ~··
rh~...m .:. .dl1S,1Nvw v
.. Yúr~ <l.ll1 1 l:'010>'1 - sea chr1pr<-•1 '
10 !h•? Soulh KurN111 governmeut ñqP.ncy lhat but\t Bund,u1g , ~ chapte:r 6 l ior ¿tJ0.000 homes
::•Kl•1111al 1c,w,,r, hll m,ill ,., p.,,ks workl,.,;'.;'-:'°"' wbe,• urbdn ,m,¡gery and h,gJ, ;,,.,
and :suppatung u,f1astrt1chire. ho1.1Stn<l pert1,1p$ r1 aulht.>n ¡1eople ttn br: pa1d lor by new-found
lnfom1auonal systf:mts. producmg he.t= t - fpondmg lo me neects of tl1~ rm:<!, 11:1tv ·md
oHshme ail rest>..IVP.s 1 Soulh Ko1e,m conglomerr1tes Al~~' nuildlllg n1::w 1owns rn A\gei 1a.
comp~. on t'rte Str1p . :i op1,i:'i o 1llu..'il1on n w: ¡,:11"'~11 Cuy Cf!nter i2.n 101
. .,15µires to bf-1 ·B d ·· ... 1

pnvdte boulevrJrd cul ,de sac i:illd J sh~;r7~e

UJ h.,m h a,;¡rm.•r'll wtth towcr blcwt.s üJ ou11i.l d
Kyrqyzs1ar. lahy-d M<..mgolia N1gen.i dti eneJ •'!'/ nch :;t,.11.-s ;.LS wPll ,,!: T.,ui¡:;¡¡111<1 ,md '(emOJ:i.
Toe megdlopohs ;md 11s associ.ned neiworks of utl wells rehnenes. pipt'!hnes. taro: f,urns
Mos1 dnvers m lhe Amern:an • p g mal! <l,...s,gned by l.>tt111t!'!l Ll.b...s~ md
e\1J ~ ,. .,
day . ,, M.ciny Amenc,m sout1·1wPstN11;
.. tnf'g.uopolu- tr ave! l~,1.r tJ dist1i1Jullt)n c-Pntr~s -~mJ r:.1,1::t ;;tatons. b1gbw,ws suburlis anclmaU parkmg lols makes a huge
.• s 1c1n 65 }:1lotnetre.:; ! 40 rn.ú!:!SJ .i
gl\>bd.l w-ban cl€Sign acoklQY lh,lt one da:y w1ll hav,~ to be l'eíoflTtdtted .1u•.i 11~111t-,di;l!ed for
allo,w electnc golf cans to 1•e ··inven on r::·111,11: nt ~-únmll111.111t1,~ ,u1, 1U11? Elt<1t1:· o.! F101id<1 .tire.,, ty
cht!nnt·.:11 pt'lllntton In the futlllé l.aun Anu,mcan cities [c.,1 u1$Llll<~,~ 'NLthout m,tjor md11c.¡1ual
~ 1 d;; we r\S eneour,wrmq berlt11 LrlS\llilOon
so ar powet cln d hol w ilt•! 1ns1ctll~l11 ns .....
'º new .«:l>m u..;', ~ps.""" d<>Y these .iuvers wtll nm lh~u ~ ,\.u

resourOE'.(. wil\ hclve to ret1oflt then r.:1ties u1 ,, shnn]anq c1ty' scl"Mllll. reworlang th(l seU·
-ered elec1nc v.a,hw\W' butlt butmis ,111d 1o.lormc!.l $ettlements ln c:ltle~1 Uke Bogot~ C.uac,.tS Lima 1',l0dellil 1 011110.
!!Chool.s at l!lt1t1on slops un h.tqh-spi,,1,Kl. m ll º~1"· Wilh pubh1:; st::rvices l.1h:• lll.,1,tn<'lil ,1r111
dgnculture ~~ Bo .. _ • · )11."' ane::: set la ·qwen flnyei _ k.s Rlo de Jane1ro .,m1 sao P<1alo. thl: seU-l>wll /aveJ i meg, tlopoh:s will neP<.'l c1dp1stmg to bnng

111 g 01 ,t lS UJJ110.S L,ll:J Arch1tr.ctur<>'~
ia, opnn"1le
·i -- • r· . f)<ll Wlth Uf 1..
th'-' 11111ders S11i,ae1 C''""'f ¡ s. - "' t:'.:. c~ral:ion 5(n,-'ill et-?OOr.)
,. m
. MeU:iou111E-
,¡¡ b,,d· w b 111 ,1qncullur+! (01 toad supphes .=is \he 011 clI ,d g.J.S run out 'fhE>Sf' pc,,tro··úvé/R~
.1. ..-
1 • lcltton prov1( 'E>s m1Qh! sbrmk Peopl~ rrmJllt ! 1:?tllf n 10 ,n11.1r.Ja.'I t.1·1 dt nught ,fü10 bE" upda.1~d .ind lmlced 10 global
over of the h .
tl . t 1u.r.e w11t1 its ek1bornl!:! btM!lr19 <1tlr1 crioliJ.11· • : -l VlliilOn of ,m eco-cultu1 ;~l m-dJ
h T\l"twork..:; Thf'S~ \llll,19,~i; miqht lio1V•? betlPI (~dllc-nlion .1.nd 1Illorrnat1nnal svstem'>. more open
l8 ruilway trac-k!-1 itt>~ldt· ll1E·• I• '"" i1n<. J h ;J systt-lTI flUJ1k III llll ¡ de-d:
• • .. .. •. l!I• 1 1• l lVI.AI .

3?.0 Urbon D~tQn S1nce 1'}4!1

tlemoc:ral 1~ govemment and tess feudal an ,ingements \han in the pas1 'lbe same scenano
m1gh1 <1pply m 01he1 ,,11 nd1 ndtions hke N19en,, or Angola tndaneslA ot Bomeo íP.ddy
Cni7'~{ upg:mde work .-1t the lJS-MeY.1~0 San D1ego-1'1ju,ma tiorder ~x,lmine..:; the conJrontat10n
o!' tbe t,wel" rnegalopolls of 1hA glob,\l ~,oulh ,u,d the mdusmalised megdlopotis oí1he global
l'IOt1h 1,oth m 01l-powe1 er1 econonries cruz proposed 10 hybndise 1hf:> two cultures.
allowin9 m01 ¿ ireedom wtttun 11\e. Amenc,m Dt e.:11n óf single -fam1ly, detached homes v11th
rn,oo.tnal serv1clDg, as weU as yenen:JUS upgrndes m the t,welas m terms of i;e¡v1ces. pubhc
ap,u::e it.O'l pnvat~ spdce pr ovis1on. C1U2 ,ii alao awrt.r~ oí 1he mdctoílov~ of tht? stretched
armatures. AS ~thawn m bis .~alysl5 of the bmder ,1,o:; t1 pahuc.u equatr.,i between the nch

nmihP.tTl herrnsphere ,:llld 1he poor south~!1l crne

In the northem hem15phere new hybnds ,-tff! d\¡¡o enmrgu1g m the stmnkmq ,::1ty scem1rio
Weus/M.uil,edi, aeriaJ pholo
or Sea1tle Seulphln! Parle. ln GermM1y lút ms1am:e. d!:'s1gn~rs anñ lands<:i!pe designen; ,1re d.l.rnaciy dea1lng Mm
! Htlle, Wa1hing1on, USI\, Z007 1·1::purposmg 1nduirt11,II pl.i!rlts. Wc1SMla.nds ,ind polluted st\ei; Cfl.,atmg rn11seum"S and cultural
.. ~\••h•! st•:; up ,:11 w tac:tlmes. heterclopids of illus1on. ai-1 at ouist,u:rg Nurd l,andsc:npe Park I l 99 t-2002. set:
,,verloohn!l llR ,n
ltatl,<1LJ1 R..ulw ¡v,;. 1
ch<1plet 10) in A,;1a Seoul removed .m 'l'levi\ted hlghway rmd opene<.1 up a m·erbed to create
r,i..11¡11(11.1\: ,11.• fhs ri1~v11 CbronggyechEon Par.'r: (2005 see chapter g J Arner i<"afl t:1t1es \il,:e New Yorb" have removed
,. 4:t-"ftJ'r,nt, "'bo,.-• t.u:.:h, 11
hJ111!'1•,r.,tn?rtl ·1:.'t!' ,lw,iys
e~va\ed. waterfront bighways. or rnade t>legatn wat~rfroDl parks and mu.seums like me
-mpl...i, 'll·,i. ...nh • s.·1:lp, 11 • WeisstM;uüredi·deslgTted Olympic Sculpture Parle ID Seatt\e 120071
.l',u-t 1:rcop,:,.:s,•x n!?W n,, ..1,-.1
Í<'íl Ll'N1"1 I lllll lt'lrlrtt"'-1
-ievi•l•)¡.om;,nt lrom 11·,.. The green fragmented meuopolis
ti.frMprnert• V.,•.v ' thr t-
Toe rra1JI11~nted rnenopolJS. u~·p lhe qreen ~u:opolLS should requu:e Jess cu.rbOn input
Wrl'IIII\J I a.rn¡,¡r dll.(J pe'Ws'tl lá! comparad 10 fue. n1egalopolls bec;.,use of 1ts rnultiple cornpaet cerltres btU the prob1am ii;
..CCE'lll8 (tfOWJÚ rr ,¡dJl~J\ ,1 !hat they are m ,m dUtornobtle·bMed netwoi:}( oflranspo1talion Theo'r~tt,ruly hciVmg n1ulnple
t:illT!<!U PI • 1• f nJ wr
Í.. -ii.:<'r.JII'~ l,:f !
dense cei11:res and d good pubh!; rransportattoa rn,:!'Work could I eauce a city's carbon
fcK,1:ptUll ns m the Vtincouvet ~'J clty mode1 In vancouve, the Clly Pldllnit'tg Commil'l~11on
usm~ .~ cornplex con.sultanve est.iblish~ growlh bm1ts .it 1ts bordE>l'S pto\eclmg
fr•gil• eoosy,rtems. r .n.,ed don.S<!'f u, muhlpl• sul>Urbun ,u1,cen1res and ne,ghbourhooda, and
connected these suhcen•r~.s Vld grt.'enwdys and bus 1$,es to fue crtY centr<:1 where (leflS':
h<gh ,~e. m.xed use Mi<lenMl ,Je•,eJopment wa. en• ..,.,,. J@d º"Y ""' cenl ol V•'"''""º'''
Downtown and West End ,:omn1u1ers now w.ük or u:P b1cvd~s NormallY me urban
lr agn,ents "' the mt')"1opl>"" tend<,d 10 "" s,ngle·fw,clion endaves such as busu,es, parl<S.
md1is111,1l ¡ "uks. shoppmg m,ills 01 1t1eme p..rks few were m1xed use like \he be\erotop1c
,;<1Su1oi; .~s m 1,.m v~igaz \,,JJ ge I et!1rienu.1.l encl,Wf'S o( smg\e-í,m1lly house.s completed thlS
plCIUT", a11 co°"""--ied by JughwaY•· T> .,,.iom,,og """"' s,,gle- tuncilon w ban • ,..,,.,., will
be ,.WI,ctlll as cill~ sl1rmk .md Ol?W m bJll pdtches ctevelop. T11ere JS alreddy a huge mventofY
of aba.ndoned rn,·tlls m Amtin<M llsted ...i.l deadw.dls t!om Recf'l'lt urbt'\.'1 des1gn compeulíon.s
have uwotvE)d ,lband,.med r11rpo11s sud1 as the old Ka.i Tak a1rport m Hong Kon•] 01 militan'
bas<'S 1'ke the Yonys•n Gar rrson Am•r,c,n b,,,. m dO'M-• Seoul /lm<""'"" Ken smim·s
• dl, t.yued~ofSu
' "~r.1.tll>:- ,J .. ,r,.. • "., . r 1 llle Puk, Sea1t1e Waahin t1.mn1's des1gn tor the Or,mge Cuuntv Gt ,¿di Prlt'k 12.00'f I replact=d !he SOD·hf'cilife (2.000-
JnTwr,•,, 11 ,1 ,11 • • ·,11· • • ,,ti, :. - ' gtoa, UU., Z007
.111-.l tm.1•.euno... i i r, •r l·~·f
. ••'.\ r,1 r(.,.,, f',1, - ¡ 1 ,r, , •' ,. 11 ., - , ~· r·• l ,. "" r '. ' ,¡ ,I -~ thn.,··
.. w,m
acrcJ El Ton:~ Mai Lt'IE> Corps /\u: Slcttion ,n 11-,,me C.:ilifomia a 'i45 hectare ( 1.'.>41-a.cre)
r~•m.--<.J• ~=·•!•
·1n,: ... WP.0 ,a,¡;
I r ,
.. paUl """ WI ¿¡~"'- a ·1·~. J• •
1 •,,nt
1 .J • .
. . - . Yi•)l~To
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2 Urbon Oes.'Ql'I Sanee 1\14~

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lncedloro Putl1~n. pnpolo&f for l>lltelaotr• Cow,c, MAII, FWikW, N.w Toril, UU, 2003
0UI '/¡-l!\D.!11 J t"n,I t tu 4,-J. 1\,,, •' Í '• t l 'I l •, , ..1,tll 1J1Jfloo'°1dU
J-?'.lJ.r..-.i,..J1 11-iannlhPd-1rn;;l!:l!J1;;,JQt; 'il'rt•·111ln11..,(,¡,1r 1ramm-.: 111, h<l"h1..JH
IJ< ,,iv r,..u1~111J1.,h&11JV,1 ll.w m ,ll ,c i • ,. ~ ·.11 •·•'~ ~ [l{,Pnr1i;; Utr, 1,,.,,01 .,..11a..,•~ s,,1c... ~111e , .. 01,,-1111"1
11•1• ·11uPJ ,i~l -'1 ,t,li•· ""'\ ·, .t111M •n w..u~i ·, ,t, ,, n¡,.,..... wbetea tll!IW. ¡1PCW1ms111vl:' 111!.l
hlll<':1 lll hamsni 'llllo:¡hr 1'm*t<,•' s•lll t:..:.~J •l1·1 tl1t 11/1(•1•>0h11"' 0111,,p•.ollll'lll 11p fQW..rds m,11e
1h11,•·I"'· Jr1r.,,1,,.,., 'fob1,1.~Ann1,,.¡111t 11,u11PI f> L , , ,":,"fif•:'o'JI íl1t,adu,.,.1

IJrtian tco!og,es ond Urborl Des,go - fuMe Scenffll05 ,12S

As yet there are few proJ•>cts that tr an..c;forrn mi:llls ot· singlc•-1 tse fr agments such as tactory
distnc1s into detise~ mixed-t¡.5¡:. developm•,mts wrth solai emmJY 011 theiJ roof ,1s propost"':l
by Secchl and V1ga110 m 'Le Grand Pal 1s'. Interboro Par1ne1 s' wimung en1ry far the ,::002 t..).5
ATigeles: íorum ofArchltectUie & !Jtba.n 01-'sÍ~JTI 'Deild N[alls competítlon oltmnpted to revw!:l
an ancient ruaU. .by harnessina the mforO· activit,es that tnak pi <ir.e ell her on the site or <lt•'iunn
IlS boundaries. '11 Toe propos,il did no1 d1-ill1ange !he use oi1l1e crn II mcludt...:i ,1 c,ir sale.e,¡
a:rea and célT wash, a gym a small pa:rk ast~ocwted with a ne1ghborn-mg qolf ,~ourse a ne.w
pavfüon for a dry cleaner who hacl been operatmg m the mall, a ga1 dt:!n 1:~•ntrP .,.i,::lhna r•ku1ts
.building on i.nfor.tnalu..c¡es that already ex:IS1ed ou the stle' s pai ldn~r lo[ A:; pñlis llÍ !he mcll! were
demolfshed m !he orhP.r parts bP-Came ,1 rhe..itre ,111d discrJ 1~,:im1 ,Je,: 11silKJ .r 1::!mnan1s of
lhe large shed of !ha fonner depanmenl slon~ Sn1dU n!Tices ren 1ainin1J in fh~ mtlll ,trirl ,:i. pop'l.lW'
re-<:!taurant wtth a separñte exte1ior eotral'lce rem,uned. At the end ,:-,f the m1crotr.iruiformati<ms
the maJJ was unrecogrusable bec,iuse of new 10<:1ds.;;cdping h,:¡htinCT ,md s1gnage. Pearl Rtver Network
Mallsprovider.::l local or Hhc)ppmg cmd: commercia1 se1v1ces. replacmg dowruown Megadty· diagraJ'I\ wilh Hong
Kong new towns detail,
wi1h a constellatian of competmg centres ·nieowners of megamalls sough! to replace, Tl11- llN We.:r ~iúi,.::i ll llS ietJ1 1l,
downtown. sponsormg the Houston Gallena tbrnym m 1%7, ~iee cht1pter G) 'Il1e GallFJnJ ,U' d me<JilCIIY re'<!L'1n
fo.tmed amodemISt megastructure around iID mtenor ;;lrP.r.:-1-liki:~ dtITu'itlrne ThPse lar9e .:onta1t1llli;I ¡ ,•,r. r.11\lu:.11 peol)le
111 ;tt'\l!l IPm,;,.run1 li'.!OtM-'i
urban fragments. dense witl1 lowers attache• l had ali the elemenls af downlown - olfim~s. µc>st GriJl.,me s! 1a11;,, ,ll' 10)
o/fices. cclffee shc1ps, r.lepartment stores and boutiques, plus leisure ac!Jvines el lso liste<.! by
Foueqlillt as heterotopti:15 ofillus1on such as cm,~m;,1s. sports clubs dl1Ó hotels. even níghmlubs
- '.but no residenls 'Urb<l!l desJqners Klenllhed llus system oi fragments altematrv.ely iL")
-------- - - - - - - - -- -------
- - - -- t tares fol'.J31ed the basis tor many urban
as .mallo ~ dlebpo~to:- r:r evnPrlmenu; in the tbree-dirnensioruu
Colla ge City (Rowe and Koetter, 1976 l ar the Ciry /llr:JupeJagn (Ung1;>n and Koolhaas. 19771
Battery Park City ( I D78i c:rea!ed a nf:W urba.11 kagmeru formulé1 With r1 ~ysiem oi strei."ts ,1rnJ
lo this urhan constellation
K ·rted os a o ... • "'r-1 ds
a eentraJ man pod1un1 with tower~ ,machPct msLde a spec1al •'ií.stnc1 enclave ¡see chdptern des1gn pro1ecIB Hong ong • i.; d . uhll,.: 11 ar¡spart.i,ll(>rl. \l'l<1dmg tow':11'
1 ,!' th..- cHY rectJon around mé1l1s ,rn p . w.J ll' alis l'• lum ins1de tiul to Idee
l and 7). Alexander Cooper. one of lliP. Banet y Pn1k City desi,JJ1Frs wenr on la de~ign layenm, < . ti - - rnvnl of 1he Skyh am cc11is .. t .. '
,,~,_ , rm,•(Jrll aalls V: he lt: 11:" i1 1
the urban 'llillage ft agment of Célehrr.1ti,.m bf:'slde w.ut o,
D1Sney World in l ..mdo, Florida Bdll g M'f'., , b
(l 9.90s).' Despite 1h1:1 pedest¡:ian environmerns desi.gned her e ur .;1t WciJI DLSney World the the ~ueet tsee chapter 10). . ers m tll~ 199ós cJ'eate<:i marry gtee·n ur an
Hong Kong planners and urban des1gn To "urb.m ctesign ecology oi Hong Kong
global c:arbon footpnnt af the .'lome 30 mlllton vis1tors 10 Walt Di:mey World each yem hc1rdly
m;¡ilces this a green urban fragmEJr11 Bes1des nec--<lrng to r:rea1e mix.t=VJ use and,lens~ llfh,m
fr agments patches of tugh densltY 1.11 ho.OJBffi.e s ¡,;:n comtm'<rclal pc:x:11wns wtth malla. ,
-s'"'\ed ot a sys.tem of dense. lugh-nse tow - r lu: M-"i; sh.irted w1th lhe new ra.ilWa'>
fragments . .Ametíaan urban designers need to coon¡;;cl them t1y m?w sysrPms oí shared coru ~ d subway 1es. · cill, h alis
connec12d by public transportauon an , levl:?i walkwny a,mature'S linked t e m
!Tanspamruon leven 11 peopl~1 <1n 1ve lo<:;illy by shot1-dü,tr1nce el1:,1ctnc caro m thP. tu111re),
European and Asran desrgnets learn1 to develop new gTeener w:bdl1,'S cre.i1u1:,¡
hn..'s leav1111J dead rn.ills sil',mded. New U~f;l. oi'>W towns Al !he bad: of Gentt ctl lay "
IIl ~~J1tral and. ñl ound t.he 1rar1spa1: hubs~id~~ev~ls 1~~t1(lmg up to !he p'* mounta~toptE'I
networks of publk· transport,!11011 thal efficiently cc1rutt-!CI 111 bi:lll ir<1gmetlls tn ~n .~ge of ll,1fTlc
congesnon and pollullon OMA'.s E:Uralille ( l 99 I~). fr..,1 in.%mL:e. wnh JJ's je,m Nouvrd cr,c:ill steep slopmg ne1ghbourb.ood c:311ed ~~e . -. did's i.ll:lbuill Peak Pro¡ect J -Jt1 l -see cha~
n,nJ~ ovt>.rlook1i.1g 1he c1ty (the s1te of Z~la ~ . bí bw.iY up lhe hill bu1 m the early \ 9Y(b
connected t() rht:Emostat st.ition bighwa:y car p.irk ,md rngionalrrulnetworks w11h hotel .- dr amt of runrung a iPP-'_tel 9 f a streel
ánd oífice !(JWer.s above. · The Battery Pi.Uk C1ty Authonty ulso n~wrot.e its codes f01 1he 7) ·• Planners long f'·· f 1?..scalc1tors dmvu 1he centre o
· d I ent UlSerted a system o · ·- lf¡ · ntly ~m 1e:'d the
.sped,tl distu.:::i in The 20lllls to mciude LEED ( Leadorsht!J m Emru:onmeriul Ener gy & De:il~n I [he h1~1hway "epar n:1 .~ ::¡ green E>sc,~lator d!'tllrlture- e c1e ., l. al ·•ot~ also
' . th"' htlls1de 'Ttlls aifüt,.,m~. "' . rung now. 1he ese <U -
el'l.viromnental c:ertlficatton c:11tempt1ng to rndke a grPen url.J,,m tragmer.l vi;, bé11t<r L,u1luiI19 du111>1ng Llp - \ hill beng 1eversPd fo1 1111:: f-!Ye hotelB and
mc1te.nals, wmdow::i anrl 1n."lul;:i11on wuh geothenr1ctl h.,•altn\;J .u1d col':iUng LJ111 mg the I H90!:, mon'IUl~ \~ommuters down t ie ··!-. Ul c\r.Uon br m1.nnri 'ba1 s tf'..9\i:1.1u&1ts.
.-1oo.1, a tounst ;.u,cl eJ..'3lll e n . . . -
Bangkok and Hong Kong bol h de·v~?loped netwo.rked ur l 1d 11 fr dgIDEmlB. l!r1kb:i la puhhc unexlpeTl-,~,um'/ <levA\1,pments in tmy shver b\llldU1gs.
transpon.tt1on syf.:t<'ma dS well a.s fwJhVJays. HelerolopJa:; of úhts1or1 p),1yr.::d clll unpo1:ld.ll! 1ole Cóllr C.'l ""' - -
S(ftj\Q!IOS 32'1
l.!rtl(1n Ecolog,M Qfl d Ur"'"n
095ign - fuIure

C,;calators .ilso actas mtPnor JI m atu1 es, g1vmg ,m e xl! em~ v.-.,11cdl, hm~n.<11011 to Hong
Kouq m"11.s .inri :'Ie<illCl<J 1MOV,IIIVP helPIOlOf=I ,s oí 11lma,,11 ','Vtlll 1:c11npll">: St'C'tiOl\.'1 l ...mgham
P!.1ct=> (20051111 Mon1,1kok. Kc,wl< ,on , IL·mqm~t I by 'I11e Jerde tm-m,hip w11h Lor::al d&:iociates
(for secti.on d1t1gram seR chaprer a) hn1's at streP1 leve! m10 ,l p1 f'-~xi.súng street market
,ind 1eplacetl ~ rE'-d-ilyhl distm:I aro1111<.I lhe MTR subway stdtit)n 'l.'he spdl.Lil sequence
of 1h~ m.:ul sptrclls up through two IE'veL'.i trom the subway unde1ground to the s1ree1 Jnd
m,u ket 111Hl'e ,l s~Gond 111.Jll contloues tbe spu nl up through a convenhonal. modero Hong
Kong mall to rl rmddlf• level. whP.t e ñ qlnSS-endost>d• plaZa oo U1P rool Jooks down
.into the strtiet and 1s wedgcd hetween rwo hotel and. ofñce 1ower.s wuh h1g pul>hc screens
as u, J.~p,m Calés s1.11 ro1md thm plaz,1 c1nd two super es,:r1lators thPn bypass another smaller
m.ill. leadmg up to the bars .inct crnem.1.s stad:f'ci on the 12lh n.:ior -c111l11;? rop ofthe mall
seqmmce. from thf're. a mmi.:11ure Gugt~enheim New York-sty!e r.1mp .-,pirals down past
sm.iU, spec:1t\bly boutJquPs t1nd h1gb-f;rnh100 1tems.
Kowloon Central Sldllon by Terry f,u rell 1planned 1992-8} fotmS an even l.uger
commerdal megdilode cd:iove pubhc: tr,<lllOh. part ol a green fragmented metropol.J.s."
lt also flows up through Llye, s. like Langham Pl,1ce lt ¡_., l.J.nkect to a vast hmterland by the
sc<'\le af its networks. srretchmg 001 across 1he ,1griculru1 al and 1rn..lustnal e<..·ologies of the
Pe,ul Rive1 Deltu It w1JI be U1.1• only s1op ofthe hi9h-sp~'d Chill0::;t:! rd.11.way system m Hong
Kong lm.kmg via S.benil1en to Be1J111g ,lJld ShanghcJJ la; skyscrdpers mdtch those of the IFC2 at
Cenlral c1cross Hong Kong Bny (See chapter 10). rhe mult1s1orey E! Mali, with an ice
nnl-: food <~11urts drtd cinema complex (0p€'t1ed 2007) rerrMws a key heterotopia of1llu.."11on
above !he station On lhe roof gardf'n JS d pa1 k w1th more restauranL~ and bars on terraces.
ovP.rlooked írom lhe c1rculc1r penphery by olhr:e and res1Jermal 1owers Automobiles and
ta;os have access to·the roof lrJt drop .,,rr
purpo11fl..s. M any .irchl!cl'..1s have des1gnecl !he
various towcrs. othern lhe roo! garden enclave still olhern the m.:ul dll!l othen:; th~ vanous
nulw,¡y stallon armatmes The .irclut0l:t11rn 1s oftt>n comn1Prc1al dl\<Í not very d!sungwshed.
yet r cUreU's overall urban des1gt1 oí the secuom:11 Requence oi public spaces. often pnvarely
ownL>d and pobced is t1 gllt 10 1he city.

The green megacity: heterotopias of illusion, m.egablocks and rnega-arm.atures

In the past. helerotopLaS of illus1on p10V1ded the i.mperus f<it many urban des1gn experimenlS
and dlsplays offuti.U'P urban ecologies at World's Fails or Oly1np1c yames. General Motars set
1h1~ µattem in tts NorrrJatl BE"1Ced.des,-c1.,,a1gn~d 'Futrn ,u1 Id pavilion at U,e NPw York World· s
Fdlí r,f l 938 pred11..1u1g DldS1.i e& awnNsh.ip and tughways The World·s f'a1r of
1958 overla1d the mc~.uopolls .wd h19hways on the fading 1mper1c,1 dre,uns or the European
mP.trnpohs Ken20 ' l'cmge's mP9;lSlructuro &Jd robots de::i1gi1o f tl1(1 J 970 World's fo:1lr Jt O!iaka
1eOected. lhe move 1owards g1ant urban fragments and personal, electroruc commwucanon
systenw Thfl design CJf the 13r1ri:elond Olymp1cs of 1991 queshoned !he fr.iqmented metropolis
apµroach. addmg h1ghway dlld r.i¡] connec1ions. ,1s In Be1jing tri ,!008 or Loudon 2012. crea1íng
a morf' complex urban des,gn ccology 1'he d<.3S1qo oi lhe Shangh,u 201 O Cxpo mcludes a
long, megc1:i111wtw .tl ,11 matw ~ 11te Expo t\X1S Btretchmg down to th~ HucU1gpu nver w1tb

328 lhbor1 Drsion '>lila? 194S

U11>qn E<olog1P.S ond urlxm ~;yn - l "4Ute Scenono~ 32.9
Terry rarreu & Partners, llee\lón, Kowloo11 Central Station, llo.llg Kong, planned 199&-II, coft1Pletod 2009
In this m ,.;Q.-Ul() 11;! the E:11:¡..1;11!9 Jlt,11! ,~cnn,i,.::¡.~ the ·r,1r1c,u.,, l,,y,.is .:,f1Ian.~por1::.1lwi 11;,;wo¡i: ~1p ;o lhP c~:iiuJar
roof o:ar€ie11 a:urn....,unde:.l º'' rBtdf.:,iw.ll and Ciffice- loVl>at~ H¡gn-.::r"'3í!d lrt,u:s !rvtn the reu l ~ver Del~l
,, :~g,;::1!'; reg1on v.'11.':l ,L~ l'.)fl millfc,1, i!lh,11111-"-'l!.S. termlh,H;} llcHfü 11:nutitc \5' f.;n tlllst

Tho Jet"de P.ntnenhfp, La:Qf.but Place m.ul, Mongko.11:, Kowloon, Bong Kong, ZOOS (photos 2009)
Vis,101s :o Li!llgti= fL;¡,:,a s l:o·,•m oppo.•it;,, n)v;;• H! <l!l -?S¡;.,Lm, tF thr,:,11gl') ll','i-'!ill m.iU.S laver~d º"'
1up e,{ ~,<"I• othil'! ·.VJth t t pul~1h~ <1tn1.U1l .n the- rQQ! o t one rr~l 1,~o.S...riu~ (1Qw:, 1t ih..l tiil tlt1.19 l,N)t11:r~~ sir-jDl
n1dl ke, tvJf:n~--t1S~alt~(0:&. carr. \ is:1rors 1.p 10 the 1op ot rue J'nall ,,:, :h':' 1:ii:11s. m1.J c1ner11aa. \'n tb ·in.-ri1nhe
·:1t>1•r-1 d,.;wn to lhP. í1JnlLoT1 0!, s:c1.;en 01. lht>pli!Zá ,>n ll.;,cn:iuf o! th..: lri'.'J,,t !Th,ll 1;;ee .:h¡¡p!e1 3. 10 1
dmyr.:u¡,rnuUl.: 1u~rttQJ1, (PflCJll:.<,! !:,; ÍBV'lri 1..): tü'"l..e Sh ~n~l

Urbon Ecolo91as oni:J Urb\;ln oes19n -fu11.11e Scooorios 331

Mega= Extra Large M ega-Block 1km x 1km

green-themed pdvilion.s alongside fonrung big encl;ives · Encll pavfüon tell'> " Btory, a.s in lhe
Urban FootprUII Pavfl.Jon. rht' Urban Planet Pavilion, Urb;in DwP.llers PavWon, Utb,'l.ll Betngf:
Pavilion and Urbr.10 DrP.dms P,Nillon. Toe"",~ urbr1n dlH.l ~color,Jtc<il 1hemr.s rellec.:I t.h8 r,irt th 8 t,
1he m ajority o! Ch1ne.c;e citl?.ens still live 111 rural r;omrnUil.e$ and thcrt China stilLhop(-.?~ für an
ecological urban r11111w, d1-;:Sptte relymg be,:ivily an fossil fu1:!L'.l ltke the USA
The Shangh,11Lxpo foml.S a rnc~ablock on old mrlus111.é11 land compnr<tble m scale to Mixed-use
Disney's EFCO'I' .:u1d ex.pectmc¡ tw1ce as many VL':lltors os Walt Disnoy World m U-1e sun,rw,1
of20l0. 1111::, ch,·illenqe ol AFam1 urb.:i..rnsauon IB m pmt one of .sc,1!1: In lhe Bnush tndus1nal
revolulion of the I qtl) century. a populanon c;f 45 mi.Ilion people had rr.J.O.Sformed the1r live!'
from agrarian to tmlustnaJ workers by 1945 Tll!S BntlSb mdustrial model created a strangi=-
urban ecology with d mñs.<ave, underpnvíleged working class. cre.ating tb~ global rnetropolt::
of Lonrlon wilh 7 mtll.ron mha.bitants "~ In !he 20tll century, Amenca emerged dS a conunental.
industrial giant w1th a populauon of 150 milhon u1 1945 (\bree time::I the size of Britain) 32
million of wbom lived Ul lhe inegalopolis of rhe East Coast in J961 creatmg a vast middle
class.~r ln Cbma anu India a populauon four times the SJZe ol lhat of the USA ts mvolveti'
lmterican corporao.ons developed the communicat1on system:i and orgarusa11onal 1echmqllP'>
to manage ñ contmentdl system with a relallvely sm:ill popu.latlon Toes<=> ,;orporntions
extended lheir scale and scope. entenng and creating., global mi:l!kel Now the- Chinese
and índi.a.n governmenLc; face tbe task of iurtlter develnp¡pg 1.hese Aro1::TIC'c1J1 orgunisallonal
technique.s to serve thei.r own purposes m As1an tttegac::J! and far more denseiy-popuJated
countries and cont.mer1~1 Shanghm, asan A.'ll,rn meqac1ty w:ith ¿¡ populanon of 22 m1lhon.
represenl.S lhi.s qu;mdury, as 1t also faces potentilll lloodmg 1f even mlxlerale sf>..a leve! nses
take place m U1e next r;enl1 try Toe IJNWorld Urbilll forum 4 lfl R10 m 201 O drew ,11ten11on t(;
'megacrty-regions', CJ.ting !he Peai l füver delta, with r1 vulnerable ¡Jopulation oí 120 million 1•
M egac:í1y regions imply a dispersoo city, where the ¡oumey from one eod to tb.l:! oü1er
might lilke I.bree hour:. or mo,e. 'l'h1s vast exp,1n:s1on ol th>'> rn~qdr:tty is mad(: posstble by
hand-held dev1ces that provide new ways to co.nnet:'t up clo~e 10 lhe dty wtule sc1tellitéS
provu:le remote seru:ing dat;_i that will be unportaut m the luturn .1~ As1c1n megac1ties and
river delta ctties wo1 ldwlde lace lhe task of po.'ls1bly movmg 1nland to hlghe1 ground. In this
scenario the satellite o<.mnect1ons a.m.1 band-held d~v1c.:es in the f,3ve/,"J megalopolis, as weU as
the mtemet r.1ccess from new towns illl<l new housmg estates, p1ov1des a mt:!an.~ íor peopk• 10
orgaruse Lheu move (forest tire evacuation cJ.lerts in Califorrú.a iJlrecidy arrive viu srndtt phones
and interne!) Where people WI.lJ move lo IS somelhinq th,11 urboJn des1gaers can dddrnss
as a 'what if que¡.¡1ion or design scf>1.J1arlo, but people's sW1:ll'ming lllsl.mcts p<:~rsonal
connections do not alwnys follow such rntionn.l paths. vVhile weallhy 111dustrial1sed nations
wítl'i stroug state qovenunents may butld mdustnal new tow11s. evcn lhere ruban v!llages
s1illface to serve undocwneuled wmkers and lllic11 tmes. cre<.1llDg paréJ.llel sy~ilotns- Tfo::, mew.íl
dimen.sían of the geog¡ aphy or the r.:Jly meaos lhdt whPn ;.mcJ 1f tht:- l'lme comes to movP rnaJ01
cilies, like Chongqmg dur1ng tht: C'on.5truction r)f the ThJ FJe Corg~ Dam (2008) ,is !ihown 111
Jía Zrumgke's movie SW/ W/e (2006) peoplE: mll stiU be ,lble 10 finri t-.'il<::h other .=ind coordinate
their moves even as the rJver nse.'I c1nd 1he c1ty d!i;élppears 1 '
Tb~ New .&muhue Dúi;ram
'lile diagra:n fh~vs ~~ , 1-r:ea f-,, b,h,s The gr~n m0g.1<rtty nm:xis to be ílexilile lo ,ii.:commadc:lte rismg wator <lesenification
c:arll b:.c.sei cr Jagbt rcl!I !I"' cll!N -.i rt->E dllU new nugrdllori;.; or losses or populauon 1he media and commurucanons cbmension of
pl.urtlngB wa:a1 rn..J:láge'l:Jtnt .m:l ¡wdesu 1o1n.~ 1he meg<tciryintolilc1ty formul.atton qtVes hope tor rhe potenual sUMval or this urban form
v.,!h raduced ~w lillH'-~ ;;1<1 parbng 10:..manr
,md pJio::,3 11:' DJVIU Grdhdioo Slw.,, ,¡; ÍO Al the sr1me 1nne. these nr·w comtnurucauon systems. cornbmed w,th ncw lrnnsportanon
:tystems rtte STlP.tctung dl1d ";r.p,1ndmg lhe. scale of the U<tchtlonal enclave and dJ1Tlature.
c1 eutrng stretohed megt1 ñt matures and megab\0t::ks that comain rruxed uses, old vtllages,
<lgnculrw·,11 settl~menis ,u, well as res,dr-nti'll 1ntit1..~1na1 r1.nrl ofñce p.iitches II Green .A.s1an
me,.gablocks in p,uticuli.u c:1lso dccommodale old 1;..i.nal 1mganon and dJ amage systems.
Mega-annñtures íffe v~ry w1de dnd hard to cross. but mducte rmtll111ne arrangemenís
separ<tting pedt"•suians. blkes. ca1s i1J1d slreetcars m sepdlale lanes. Wlth planl.Íng belwePn
lanes Md on th!c' surroundinq s1dewclks. · These <11 marures th<tl may a1so mciude subways.
SPJ .:u<1te iht- m•2q-1l ,to~k.s but al:m make II possilile to move qu1cldy from enclave to encwve
11:;ing naw_tc-1!1011,11 ,11,·l ·on11mr.ruc,111rm sy.;tpni.,:; to ,·oorám,11e wnh othe1s III the megaciry
In credturg the green m<1qe1c1ty urban designe1s need 10 le;un from lhe rlesa-kota pactems
OI Lhe Aman rnegc1c1tv c33 et resourc(> as m B.mgkok wi1h iis cana.Is (see chapters 8 and lO). l1us
db ea<ly in<:ludes ..gnculturdl systems flood control and 1mganon systems that need funher
,:iP.veloprnenl. as 111 t.bc Han nve1 Oowmg through cemral Seoul. wlth its rice pdddies aad
1,,,t<~ntmrt ponds 11us scena110 of more fleX1ble ílood conrrol dnves !he worlc of Uruversny of
Perm.,¡ylvaru,1 landscnpe pro(E>ssors Anur.=1dlJ¡¡ Mathu1 and Dtl.Ip da C1.1nhe1 who studied. first the
Mi:.sL'>SJpp1 Fl<xtl; IZOíll) l>Esfore Hurricane Katnna Toey then stud1ed lhe water supply system
to the lndMn g,;11clr-m c1ty of B,mg,ilóre (lm.ll,1's r1' cap1tdl) in Dca:ilri Tr<-1verses l2006) and the Milbi
1W'?? 1h,,t .,>.nds 111 Mumb,u mtheir ·soAK' ~><hibition !'2009) 1· In SOI\K. MaUlW' and da Cunh.a
1magme ri'stonnq to Mumbai Ule ra<,ilienc,~ of an e.'lllJaIY wilh strategtes lha1 hold .:ind deílect
rnn1 isoor1 waters wurklny w1Ul tim~ as mucti as with spar;.1~ They prt')pOSI:! the opportumsnc use·
oi wdlls nv11JdllS. U1fJ asuuctural cormfors Md mtersutial spuces to recover !he filtering and
holding rhythms once pf'.r1ormP.d by creeks and mudílals m arder l<> make the CJty more porowt
dlld less !Jable: to ílocxJ Tlley also propase toüet barge.<: that work wit.h bionc technologies for
ni et\S where hx·~ 101le1., ..u e 1D,1d~tuñl!a" and in.1pp1 opnaie. such ,lS for settlements by lhe sea
dnd area-; oi Dh<trav1 neüt lhe estuanne edge, to ctllevia1e c1 sewage poUunon problem.
BesrrJ,-.s such uwenuons as flodlmg wU1 bouses and t01le1 barges ~een Aslan megacin~s
1!1.-I'{ d!fü. 1111.'()l\'•"' hwldJ.119 lll Lbc- ,• 1rr1e1ty tú OKWC ,J rrry deve]oping new models thcil mclude
lllKJl'd!1on ,md :11 ,1, iual r0J, ,r·a1Jr;11 ni the rum1q waten, 1f l"Xll ·•ITI'"' JXt>r!J,:nori.c: apply ' f1'lis
!.S -tll':'rldV h::1p1 •t.'.!UIJ•;J ,u 111·~ 111c,uth ,,I tr.r-· C,mge.!' UI •he .smkmg S1u1tJ\J'bc:dl 1¡.;,)..n..Lc.- wh:it.°oe' -:
n ullton occup.mtl> ,·ire movmy to the self-bwlt shartlll~':> o/ Dhaka. B,1ngladr:,ah .after U1e c.-yúlone
J\1Ja of200~.·· Such IJla:s!, mk:,rauons may nor bap~n all ,11 once. but family byíamlly. r~Llltuig
m 11ew urba.n patches around the host c.ilv In a fanldSY utbaJ1 dessgn scendno. wist> dty
mdyors ;.ind r..owerful urb,m actors would divert t.hi• /\.':MJ! rm,,g,:ic-ity ,iway lrnm .i high-ene1gy-
consunnng l.J.festyh=· leapfroggmg Amenca andEwope 10 develop dltract1ve modem but
k1we1-P.n<.,.ryy l!!b,Jn des1qn ecology on mt!.SS!ve sed.le.. usmg 1:l<lldr powP.r Fl(>sides bullrlmg
new 1own:1 h1 thf' :ruddle cla.c;s lhLS sct-nano would aUow lhe poos~r new urban Ullgrnnts to
r ...hous"' th,•r.1.'it'IVf:~ u, new :;,~ttlemPnts safe fi om ílood.s proVlChnq new gt elc'n ¡obs

Utbol\ E<olog,~ ond Urbon Ol'!!llgn - Futvr<! Scenarlos

Ñ .........

--- ---...
........... J°

.. .
Tary FarntU & P.utnen, isp&tl-.1 frameworlc for The Puklallda Plil.o, Eut LondOft, UK, 2008
.......... l 1, • ¡., .1; I· 1 , , ( \ t 1 , 1111, ~,r, ·l LL- ... q • J ~ • • •. 1•, ~ J; .,r, , ·ir.~,::. r. tt_ l • ,rn.:.:.,. ,~-::·::.".
d · c ! L:l. 1 • · • •tJ : 1 J_1 -' ..,, 1..··~ •. J J, l 'H• i or 11, u ,r,~-.... 1~1 t}1· l''1,,1u, ,,..;. .-.. lu:.11 •; i\qJ u 1iH1r..:1.1 a. wc.O

,u. 1"r't•'a1lL•11oLLPh 111en1s ñt 1•,r•h1r ch,- "ieq,,l.,ic:,!:'~. ·,J 111,, r.t•W WQh·~.l ,rJr,lli!J'\lr•1<1re .,;:,,,, 1,;1..-1 ,11,tl, llli!
t· ,1 ~1nppt 1 ,1 $tr,,!f,· rl !::.~11.u,11 fhv .füu,1 ~ll~•Wllln tlll!•pl U1 1PLt.11fi Varr4!

··~· ·nus 1mo:11JlllcHY nscl-:nt lúa t 1-=W rorm of modt>m1ry 1n ,m dttracuve greeu megacity
r.c1uJd be matched by a paralleldescent to" new. !edne.t ~1trc1tuve urb,10 design ecology m
Ame, 1::-:m dnd o!l 11ch t>Conotn1es ln ":;hapmq l,ot,dón (200?) T""TTY Fc1nell prov1des d v.isíom of
a green megdcl!y urhm t.Jeo:;irJTI ecologv that focuses on the Thc1me:!l nver ,1nd JIB tnhutanes.
thf' 9reen ptHk.c:: cmcl ftooci -1.mds m lhfi west and e,L'!t roy,d parks 1t1 th(• centre. panems
=-- ol l<1nr.fuwnersll1p MCI developmt>nl 1h1 ou<.:,h lhP ~ntw 1es. pdl1P.rns of 1 f'pl'esentat1on and
govrom.mce as shown m pul>Llc cE"temorúal space.s n,.,. study 1ncl11do~ shopp111g patterns
,md strFJels. bu~im=-s:-; 1:e1·11 l'es vill,1ge p..itte-1 ns ,.md tr arnpm tanon p.:ittems, mcludmg w,llklng.
cydes e,in,·Li'>. bw; 1011te.s. subways .ind h1gbwayl'i. h1 IJ'IJ.<; s1ud·y. lhe memory of the Clty
ht!otory W,i::; a.lw,iys p1 f..>sent as !he unpen.a.l me1ropobs Pxpan<ied mto the 1101Uiwest
.:1.11,j 11.s

....... u.,
- : f.wope&:1 megacny includmg notihe1 n F't,mce. B<-•lyrnm ,111d Ht,11,md Fdrrell s ¡.,l,m rlr.-~w on
nr..ny of Milyor Ken lJtVltlgstone'!l wnonary pm1erJt$ 1<Ldv1s,~d l,y Rlchazd Nogers) lrom the
J 99fm <111d 21l00s. mcludmg !he ThM1es G,,tf'W.lY proJect. Bul frilíPll tughllghted expandmg
exu,1m',.! ¡.,aiklandc; .md llu,• rnle ol lht! 11ve1 c1s t1 netwotk m the <:iiv lrom H<irn¡:,tcm Court to
G1 e•~rtw11~IL ,:omt>mt.,rJ wl!h Roydl P<11 ks. sponso!'ing valual>le open sprlces 11~ ll'! flood pl.-nn
-.... ,ind prov,dmq opportumtces lor operung up htd<len stl e,,uns f.,rrell propo11t!d lo ltun th<?
~~ -==-
- _,_.;;=::: estu,ny l!llo ,1 WJldE:'..ITlt>.SS f ,d.J:k dIH!Cological J.n.d recredl!OrMl resource lor lt>ndone-rs Th~!
,·~c;t si.:h~me coma~ an ;udu~lago of new islands thr1t could help ílood control arid. m ,:,ue
-····: ..-=
.... , .. Vs:>I s1c>n Rwallow ,1 hft11 London d.ÍI po11 ami nPW c()ntUl.J1~T p(\lt 10 bP f umnced by Abu Dbdbi
F,m t.?JI s S(.:erMno to1 u futwe- London ri'tt:Un<~á lhe memory structurP oí the pc:tSt c1ry
bu! opened ti to .i rx:>w bf~: .:tlong 1he le.ngth of lhe Rtver Th,lmes. b.i, ·l<;ed hy new transport

- mltl ú1ves li.1-(:"· Uw E>a.11-wPst Cross, rJ.11 Jnd thP tugh sµt>ed l.xne to Fr,wc1..· A."- peopl<~ move
ülld m1gr,11e. m~mory pl,1ys an 1m:rerlSing 101~~ m th,;, psycholog1cal geogi..tphy ofthe cuy
In th1! m••tro¡.mlls p!:!ople w~re torced to kt:iep lheu mP.mo1v únd 1Clf>ntitv Mí~ m ghettos lik,;,

- th.e Ch11.:dgo s!urn.s vv1lh llien n,;al gang~. the Afric,m Amencan yhi•ltos CiluMlúWl1. 1,iltlt·'
l!iily Cetm,m 01 RIL<;St,ltl ]é1w~t1 glu~ttos l..illle Tok,•o 'l'ht-~ n,1gr.m1.~ to !he lave/a
Conclusion: urban design ecologíes and the urban future
Ut ban aG'lo1s .hd\re <ilwc1ys pro1ec1ed theu hopes dreams :1nd dr---~ire~, JlllC\ citll'!'.<; and reqti.l.J·tI-<J
memci11.als Cmes have al.wr1ys been huge dl!'l111pat1ve ~tJ.111.·nu~s. soc1<1l orgd.rll.Sdtlons
lhnl 1mport am.l rect1~tnbute energy c1Dd u1iu1maMn, ,:reaung ladd1:rs an<l networi:s lh..'\t
cl!lzens can explrnt 10 theu í:idVdillage U1 ban deslgners have to remgruse !h~t !hei t! be
rm ont> solut1or1 or rec:ipe !hat fns aJJ 11r"b,u1 design s1rua11ons Sorne c1t1es wtll slu1nk. sorne
grow sorne d1sappear. sorne move urbdll actors wtll c1ea1e d11Jerent urban ctes1gn
ecolot_Jies in edCh sm1at1on ecolog1es thdl will wclude memone~ and dusa es fot past places of
pleasme aná m<.=>arung. ln Montrt>al the Canc1dmn ctrtEI ,iJ ch1ree1 Me!vm Chamey h,L<; created
a memonal to the shnnlong c1ty tlldt IIl'lphes lhat the tr aditional European metropobs Ls dead.
lmgpnng bke a :wmb1e hiilf aüve to be sean rrom !he Canad1a11 Cenu e for Arctutecture (CCA)
t€'1 r at.:"' 11987-81 Tius cemete.ry for th(~ cuy cont.mis a numbe1 of lotems or metaphorical
tombs to dllfeien1 urban des1gn ecologit~s. mow19 from !he eam 10 the wesT t11lfl then ta.b.,ng
off in -...ur 'T'he des1gn shlTung urban ,.1ctor111h1ough sy-mbo.lJc interm.edJi:me.s
or sculpn.tre~ chrlt represen! the1r role m the cuy·s mululayered his;ory al tnump)~ dnd
d1Saslers. The terrace look5 down fram c1 pilll.'lade dcross ,:1 highway /wh1ch .LS about 10 be
rea.Ji"-1ned 1 10 c111 mdustn,tl dis111ct hes1d13 lhl':-' l 9th century Lachme canal chal was replaced
by U1e 20lh century St Lawrence Seaway This decavm9 distr.ict houses arusts. d fanners
mar ket new housmg 1evelopmenl.s apd a blke for tounsts a.long 1he- c..i.nal lec1dutg 10 the
egalopolis .úso Cd.tned memo11es ot' lh , -
eir ,orrne1 homes .in ul cild metropohl11n por1 centre of the ctty to the east, ThE" rrtetJalopolis stretches out 1c, 1he WE'.St
nenca. Alnea or As1<1. In lhe he-dy d agnc turiil village.s m Lar10
..,...,.. ""· ays of lhe A.mene whe1e sj¡¡gle-í;uruly houses 111 modem subu1 l>.s beyond lhe ru1g road leac1 out to rhe airpon
""""-' eve1-y seven YÁdf.!JI fuell I dJl rnegn IopaJL.,: subw ban ft3mili
,nable • - . . mg re r~u)us • ,ry,tru~<1uons alld tel ha es On Ibis platfarrn Chamey hkE" a.n u1 ban shcJmaL1, e!'ecle-j a i,enes oftotems or allegor1cal
sen.7e or c.-ommunny :-tway !mm gl'""ttos In evange ts who olfered .~ columns represenung the ,j¡fleteru UILcui actoIB ,md !hen ecalo91e; m the clty Toe lirst one-
rhe lJSA tn rhe l 950s heterntop1c1s of tlJu ·~on I lhle new lo\vns of Asía. d8 m Dis.."leyland
new wor 1d aric¡• mdnage lh,.,. r .....,.. .s, p ay t ·1e11 rol•··· In h~lp
- .111g people adJJJSt to
tepresents Lhe firsi e.;ology oi th!o' humen. and trdppers wllh d small hou:-:e 01 ~hed fo1 their
~ ·· - 1 ,.,_ 1nom':!.,. 01 seo.-,·· o( 1 To
.V1S1onsys1em'i in lhe 1950.s br""C:l t ,_. e oss e, dlfference IS that Arneocdn
•raer ........ cas '·" to lhe rna..o::se.: wl
. tve sys1em rhat .allow.s memot l"'~ !O b 1 . ::. 1ered6 now lhere is d rwo-w,iy
, boo•·I<. page on lhe V\'eb s'¡ ,r=ct -·'
:1ce -.-~• f> s llfetj
. r,n ·i cJ h
ir ,111 eld dev1c? or lt:>dge,J on
h ',.. ,.., auú "'an1ed eve h
. a.r;. connectl;'cj Jl•.¡.,;h mot ,s. eKpk,Jted m-lJ1e Llv ryw ere ~ven 111 emergen! systf:ms
ert~emem there remain.s 1 . erpool S1r0e1 St,1Uon 'l ·tUobile :eUnhon<>
r 1 ·; M· a ll.t.'~ for the statu..m for th •. .
-1 y. 1gran1~ may sub~m ·te ,.... ,, j . . e symbollc pk1ce (>t q<1lewrJy lo
h l r,, m:, ne~-., mto the1r tempJ h
. • r •
e i-01.1cault s potem hererot e :: urch or tn0,\;,~11e ,,ne of
ains op1a.'l o 1llu...,10J1 a.e¡ a sy1 b l I
a need fot lieí:UldJ poJ1hcaI memo . ,_. . YJ r.> o commw11ty Bm there <11.::r•::>
own M nc1..., mt11 k·~r.s ir·.-· . f
, emonal ln JolMnne~i,111 g by - d MAS •.1 ti! o tnstol'y. d~1 m the
enn - s,u to {2008) H·
- g space on one s1de someuroes u.s l i - t:.te d Jong shed detu1E.; ,l µubhc
¡¡¡¡ empry symbot' trun - F.!( or d Jlf<1rke1 o:1s weU é.l:'1 .¡ r,
• 1c ca11::.-d bnc:J· con1;· ni "th . ~ Mlseum
,et .Sqtldres. mf'.s:::y <tr1d Pveryrlay relmed lo,;'~ er s1, ic· ol th1~ sherJ house:. ,1 senes ol
' . " ~ Sp<ice l.!! plc1ced off cemre hu1 is t"PJII e surroundmg rownah ips The cone in rt
:heíd. F'reedom Charter of I o r:r. 11 ..a. ·1· - r -=1 to che m em,ry or the s1gru1·1g oí thé .mt1 shMllQMAS, a.erial photo, ol Freedom Chuter Memorial. KJJptown, Jeluul1MtslH111J, Soulh Alrlca, 200I
lrth f
o democt:Jcy in South ª
• -' => ~'-v.'\ by r. "'i', oec J
. . >I • ~ ·IU i 1..138.J r:lef,,tJ,ltes 1ru1J,111uci • , r• i · J 1. 1 Ll • oJ •· ,. ,t · U ·1 , r , 111 , • 1 J ·- ,iJ, ·r· • 1•" 1t11'·1i1. 1 • •,¡ , , 1 1
r , tt•tlt /+J!( :, ~ ~..\.,~~u. !1n~ :41.1.,r, !f":pteúJ'l' ltlo.
r ·I , · ,1w,11:1t"lA~ , r , r ' 1tlt' 11 •1'·1,v 1,y Vv,11..d I\J11
rbQn De~,gn 'Sine~ 194S
home. Ou th~' next t()1em cr>lumn. the g'lcUll gram elevators nde on !he b;1cks i:>f row houses
ol lhe workers These amved w1th tht:" successful IMmlllg ecology of thc surroum:hog river
pl.runs. producmg gnun far export and stlo.<i thal m1U dommate the wat~r1Tont o!the city.
Toe:=1e sllo.'> with rhe1r stacked ele-vators and conv()yor belts represent~1 lhe mulu.tayered
future cuy for moderrust dTchitects like Walt~r G10µ1us ur Le Corbus1er m the l 91 Os and
1920s Next door a Greek Re1nval temple atructure on a column rnpresents the amval of the
banb. or pethaps th~ church. monumental structw·es to a fantasy oí stabillty and equilibnum
A funhE't tatem cclr:tbratel'l the mdustnal past ol Mnn1rec1!, w1th 1ts saW1,,oth-rooff'd íactone:;
and tall factory ,·lumn,,.,ys, hke lhose rums on v1ew below lbt: terrac~ 'Iñis totern is at ground
lew•I whlle ra1:md up ,lbov,, nr~w raw hou:;;f.•::; 1 pofltmodem totem .:ites 1he sl<.yline
oí lh'?! postmodem ,;11y ecoJ()gy of cc,r po!<ilf' L,usmess wwer~;. as m1erp1 eted by tht:' 11,JJ..ui
,udntect Mc1SSuno Scolan in drawmgs trom the 1!)70s 'J'hese towers seem to he sprouting
wmgs, like angels about to Oy from the crty
Toe final. western totem sculpture represents !he tayf'.i·ed, neo-Con.'ltructiv1St ar urb,1n dei;1gn ecology The bank s temple front sE>ems to float m lhe al!' held
up by diagonal scaffolding Uiat as renumscent of Cons1IUt.'tiV1St Vladunir Tatlin's Tower proJect
trom Moscow m 1917. wtth dJl arm stretdung out from the scAffolr.iing far l...enm to addr~
the masses (the wm loolr.s suspicfou.-;ty a cherrypicker bucket fmm .:i JCB ,:onstruction
sitP- backhoe) Here lhe city seems 10 be lilting off 1010 the sky as <ln maccessible. tugh arm
reaches towurds rhe ciouds and lhe a1rport to the west. Each urbclll des1gn ecok,gy has 1ts
own totel'l'l, tomb or symbohc representation on th1s tenace Chamey created 1:wch symbolic
structure and held them aU separate whereas in lhe c1ty below lhe !erra.ce urban actors
combine and wedve together U11:1se layc~rs a.nd the1r symbols to their urb,m dP.stgns
Toe terr.1ce presents a memory 1hec11re or w b&1 elements and their recombmauon.c;. The
design also optms out to lht:! future. the <.lisian! honzon Wlth 11s sky and stufung rlouds Old
ecrJlogies an<1 past scend!lOS are present, wlule furure urban actors perbaps represented by
angels' wlllgs dtld Oymg obJects. will recombír1e the floating elemerus of the findl composinon
where the urb,-m secuoo L'l challenged sectmnal complelClty ts symt.>ohsed by the
JrT.alJonal d1agonal from Tatlm's Tower Vrewed fr om U.e rwned walls of the old villa that W<iS
once locr1ted on !he lerTace, the 1otem<: and ílymg eJemems posi:Uon the w-ban designer tn a
present lhc11 LS uever stable and wul always mvolve chanye
Toe tenace repre1;;ents d sophtshc,1ted Vlewmy plutform for seemg rhe ecology. or
Tdlhar multrple e<:ologies. of lhe c1ty II cont,1irls syrnbohc represeatat1ons of severa! urban
ecologies whose future should concem UJ bc1n designer:; and rhat ne€d lo be .-idd.ressed
with if scP.nanr,s 'These towers represen\ the past petfarmances of E::arlier w ban
actors opening up 10 dfl unknown future. The design hiiS c1 , are self-aw.ueness thi,t allows
tudden urban ecotog,eR lo emerge and each bnd theu own means of expression None oí
the IOtP.m<; lour.h, but a VISLlnr cmmot help bm combme the.qe potent!s and imagu1f:!
new combm<1t1ons r:OP.XlSllllg with the pdsl Urbtin desrgn hc1.q d1l opened future cllld hoperully
w11l co evolve nr:w w·bari des1gn ecologies to pro"1d-e sus1<1ind.bl1:1 ruuue scenrmos for A.s1an
megar.:m0s an<I :,;hnnkmg ,:1t.1f:!s c1.l.1.Jce

U!b<lll ~COII.IIJI~ lll'IU Urban OP.Slgrl fl)IUre Scenmlos 341

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