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NO Q/Ans Desription Pre-requisites Incident

1 Q How can I make sytem to auto create all sale order date during
Ans Go to VOV8--> and pricing date(tab)---> selct Delivery
plant should be maintained in MMR
propose del date( sytem will pick today date as del date.
propose PO date( PO date will be todays date.

Q Sales order stock 5598965 000010 does not exist when doing PGI we get
this error.
Ans manitain 561-E in mb1c ( 561 E is the movement type for stock against
sales order

Q User have the o/p as 20.09 while we were getting as 209.08

Q sytem user profile-->own data--> default data--> Decimal notation

american system have diffirent decimal notation

Q In subject ticket user have

Q Rounding value in MRP1

Q certificate of analysis for delivery vl71

Q no order ack in add data B of header of order--> even there is no any

o/p mail triggered
Ans NO order ack come from master data( when ordr will save it will mail to


Q SM30-->ZZSD--> MAINTAIN= China material desription

Q No status object is available for SDI/4752456/40000" INC10918031

Ans Sometimes there is inconsistency in system.
SE38--> SDSTATUS1 run this program

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