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ASMXXX10.1177/1073191114540748AssessmentLindhiem et al.


Adapting the Posterior Probability

2015, Vol. 22(2) 198­–207
© The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permissions:
of Diagnosis Index to Enhance
DOI: 10.1177/1073191114540748

Evidence-Based Screening: An

Application to ADHD in Primary Care

Oliver Lindhiem1, Lan Yu1, Damion J. Grasso2, David J. Kolko1,

and Eric A. Youngstrom3

This study adapts the Posterior Probability of Diagnosis (PPOD) Index for use with screening data. The original PPOD
Index, designed for use in the context of comprehensive diagnostic assessments, is overconfident when applied to
screening data. To correct for this overconfidence, we describe a simple method for adjusting the PPOD Index to improve
its calibration when used for screening. Specifically, we compare the adjusted PPOD Index to the original index and
naïve Bayes probability estimates on two dimensions of accuracy, discrimination and calibration, using a clinical sample of
children and adolescents (N = 321) whose caregivers completed the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale to screen for attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder and who subsequently completed a comprehensive diagnostic assessment. Results indicated
that the adjusted PPOD Index, original PPOD Index, and naïve Bayes probability estimates are comparable using traditional
measures of accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve), but the adjusted PPOD Index showed superior
calibration. We discuss the importance of calibration for screening and diagnostic support tools when applied to individual

evidence-based assessment, screening, item response theory, calibration, ADHD

Mental and behavioral health disorders, unlike many medi- Kolko, & Yu, 2013) to enhance its accuracy and clinical
cal conditions, are diagnosed on the basis of co-occurring utility as a screening tool (vs. a diagnostic tool).
symptoms (usually self-report or caregiver-report) rather
than more objective diagnostic tests such as blood tests or
The Posterior Probability of Diagnosis Index
magnetic resonance imaging scans. For this reason, devel-
oping evidence-based screening and assessment strategies In an earlier article, we introduced the PPOD Index
is particularly important for the fields of psychology and (Lindhiem et al., 2013), which was developed as a Bayesian
psychiatry. Confidence in a diagnosis is crucial for deciding diagnostic-support tool for quantifying the degree of confi-
whether to initiate treatment, pursue additional testing, or dence associated with a diagnosis and facilitating a means
rule out a diagnosis. Proponents of evidence-based medi- to communicate this information to patients. Figure 1 shows
cine offer principles for incorporating sound Bayesian rea- a graphical depiction of the conceptual difference between
soning into diagnostic assessments and screening (e.g., traditional symptom counts (a la DSM) and the PPOD
Straus, Glasziou, Richardson, & Haynes, 2011) as well as Index. Traditional diagnoses are based on symptom counts
practical recommendations for applying these guidelines to with a cutoff at which patients abruptly go from not having
clinical psychology (e.g., Youngstrom, 2012). This study
represents one example of how evidence-based medicine 1
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
principles can be applied to the routine screening of mental 2
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
and behavioral health disorders cataloged in the Diagnostic 3
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fifth edition;
Corresponding Author:
DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Oliver Lindhiem, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh,
Specifically, we describe a simple method for adjusting the School of Medicine, 3811 O’Hara St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.
Posterior Probability of Diagnosis (PPOD) Index (Lindhiem, Email:
Lindhiem et al. 199

calibration is often used in a general sense to mean how well

any statistical model fits actual data and is generally evalu-
ated using goodness-of-fit statistics. In the context of proba-
bilistic models for predicting binary outcomes, however, the
term calibration has a much more precise meaning. In this
context, calibration refers to the consistency between pre-
dicted probabilities and the proportion of empirical observa-
tions (e.g., Jiang, Osl, Kim, & Ohno-Machado, 2012;
Redelmeier, Bloch, & Hickam, 1991; Spiegelhalter, 1986).
For example, if the posterior probability of a disease is esti-
mated at .85 does the patient truly have an 85% chance of
Figure 1.  A graphical depiction of the conceptual difference having the disease? If the model is well calibrated, for every
between traditional symptom counts and the Posterior 100 patients with a .85 posterior probability of the disease,
Probability of Diagnosis (PPOD) Index.
85 would actually have the disease. Calibration in this sense
is evaluated using Brier scores and related indices (e.g.,
a diagnosis to having a diagnosis. In contrast, the PPOD Brier, 1950; Ferro, 2007; Spiegelhalter, 1986) or the
Index is a continuous measure that quantifies the likelihood Hosmer–Lemeshow(HL) goodness-of-fit statistic.
that a patient meets or exceeds a latent diagnostic threshold. Throughout this article, we use the term calibration with this
Based on a latent trait model, the PPOD Index is calculated narrower definition. In this sense, predictive models can
using item response theory (IRT) and Bayesian methods. have good discrimination (in terms of sensitivity, specificity,
Latent trait scores (θ) are first estimated using IRT software. and AUC) but still be poorly calibrated. If the purpose of a
Then the PPOD Index is calculated from the posterior dis- model is simply to minimize Type 1 errors (false positives)
tribution of θ for an individual patient’s pattern of symp- and Type 2 errors (false negatives) at the group level, then
toms. This is done by numerically integrating the posterior discrimination is of primary importance. If, however, the
distribution of θ above a diagnostic threshold. In its current model is intended to be used as a tool to aid individualized
form, the PPOD Index can be applied to DSM diagnoses decision making, then calibration is of equal importance.
without hierarchical rules or “skip outs” such as opposi- Many models used for estimating the posterior probability of
tional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. This method diseases, such as naïve Bayes models, have adequate dis-
has two advantages over traditional diagnostic approaches. crimination but are poorly calibrated (Jiang et al., 2012).
First, the PPOD Index is based on a patient’s individual pat-
tern of symptoms and risk factors. Second, this method
quantifies the degree of confidence associated with a diag-
Diagnostics Versus Screening
nosis in probabilistic terms (0% to 100%). Although the The PPOD Index, as described in our original article
PPOD Index does not eliminate the need to ultimately make (Lindhiem et al., 2013), was developed as a tool for clini-
categorical clinical decisions, it allows a clinician to quan- cians to quantify confidence associated with a final diagno-
tify the confidence associated with each diagnosis and com- sis. In order to use the PPOD Index in the context of
municate this critical information to patients and their screening (vs. a final diagnosis), however, an adjustment is
families. From a patient-centered perspective, this informa- necessary to account for the nature of the screening data.
tion assists in shared decision making and treatment plan- Intuitively, we should expect a higher degree of confidence
ning (see Straus, Tetroe, & Graham, 2011). in a diagnosis based on a thorough diagnostic interview
conducted by a trained clinician in conjunction with input
from parents, teachers, and clinical observations (i.e., mul-
Discrimination and Calibration
tiple sources of information and methods of acquiring infor-
For a diagnostic/screening support tool to be clinically use- mation). In contrast, the veracity of screening data, whether
ful, it must be accurate not only at the group level but also based on self-report or parent-report, is always question-
when applied to individual cases. Discrimination and cali- able. Any probabilistic prediction about the likelihood of a
bration are two aspects of predictive model accuracy, and diagnosis that is based on screening data should be made
their relative importance depends on the intended use of the cautiously. In other words, PPOD Index values should be
model. Discrimination refers to how well a model can pre- more conservative when applied to a screening tool than
dict a category or outcome such as a disease and is typically when applied to gold-standard diagnostic data from a struc-
measured using metrics including sensitivity, specificity, tured clinical interview.
and area under the curve (AUC; e.g., Kraemer, 1992). We expect, therefore, that the originally proposed PPOD
Calibration must be defined carefully, as the term can have Index is overconfident (too many values close to 0.0 or 1.0)
different meanings in different contexts. The term when applied to screening data. In order to apply the PPOD
200 Assessment 22(2)

Index to screening data, it is necessary to adjust for the 41 (13%) with graduate/professional training. Most parents
veracity or “believability” of the data. This “extra step” is were employed either full-time (n = 176; 55%) or part-time
needed to improve the accuracy of the PPOD Index (in (n = 48; 15%). Median household income was in the
terms of calibration) in much the same way that shrinkage $50,000 to $74,999 range. The number of adults in the
estimators improve the predictive accuracy of regression home ranged from one to five (M = 1.93; SD = 0.63), and
models. In other words, the original PPOD Index, while the number of children in the home ranged from zero to six
appropriate for diagnostic data, “overfits” screening data. In (M = 1.60; SD = 1.13).
order to be applied to screening data, an adjustment is nec-
essary to correct for this “overfitting” by making the index
values more conservative.
Screen for ADHD Symptoms. Symptoms of ADHD were
assessed using the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale–Parent
Current Study Version (VAS-Parent; Wolraich, Hannah, Baumgaertel, &
In this study, we extend the PPOD Index by exploring its Feurer, 1998). Items 1 through 9 of the VAS-Parent assess
application as a screening tool (vs. a diagnostic tool). the 9 symptoms of ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Type.
Specifically, we describe a method to adjust the PPOD Each item is rated on 4-point Likert-type scale (0 = never; 1
Index to improve its accuracy when used as a screening = sometimes; 2 = often; 3 = very often). Due to sample size
tool. Specifically, we compare the accuracy of the original considerations, each item was binarized and recoded as a
PPOD Index with the adjusted PPOD Index and naïve “symptom” (1 = often or very often) or “not a symptom” (0
Bayes probability estimates in terms of discrimination and = never or sometimes). Although polytomous IRT models
calibration. We illustrate the method for the diagnosis of have been developed to handle Likert-type responses, they
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), inatten- require larger (minimum N = 500) sample sizes (Reise &
tive type, in a clinical sample of children and adolescents Yu, 1990). Using this dichotomous variable, Cronbach’s α
referred for treatment due to disruptive behavior problems. was high in the current sample (.88). Additional psycho-
This study uses the same sample as our previous article on metric properties of the VAS-Parent are described in detail
the PPOD Index (Lindhiem et al., 2013), but different in the literature (Wolraich et al., 2003).
Diagnostic Status. Final consensus ADHD diagnoses were
based on an abbreviated version of the K-SADS (Kiddie-
Method Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia;
Kaufman, Birmaher, Brent, & Rao, 1997). The K-SADS is a
Participants diagnostic interview for DSM-based diagnostic categories
Participants in this study were parent–child dyads (N = 321) with well-established reliability and validity. Diagnostic
consisting of a clinical sample of boys (n = 207; 65%) and interviews were conducted separately with both the parent
girls (n = 114; 35%) who were referred for services due to and child. Final diagnoses were determined during weekly
disruptive behavior (see Kolko et al., 2014). Children team meetings with input from the clinician who conducted
ranged in age from 5 to 12 years (M = 8.00; SD = 1.97). the interviews and the medical director (a child psychiatrist).
Eight (2.5%) children were reported as Hispanic, 67 (21%)
Black/African American, 259 (81%) White, and not
Recruitment Procedure
reported 3 (0.9%) children. None were reported as American
Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Participants were recruited from primary-care offices in the
Islander. Parent relationship to child was reported as bio- Pittsburgh area. Families who met study criteria were then
logical mother (n = 291; 91%), biological father (n = 16; scheduled for an intake assessment that included a diagnos-
5%), adopted mother (n = 8; 2.5%), adopted father (n = 1; tic interview. Each family met with one of four masters-
0.3%), or grandmother (n = 4; 1.3%). Two hundred three level clinicians with additional training in clinical
(64%) parents were married/remarried and living with their assessments and diagnostics. Parents completed the VAS-
spouse, 70 (22%) were single and never married, 30 (9%) Parent during the intake assessment. The total minutes spent
were divorced, 14 (4.4%) were separated from their spouse, with families during the assessment ranged from 105 to 335
and 1 (0.3%) was a widow/widower. Parent education lev- minutes (M = 155.48; SD = 29.15).
els were reported as follows: 1 (0.3%) junior high (9th
grade), 6 (1.9%) with some high school (10th or 11th grade),
Data Analyses
63 (20%) with a high school degree or GED, 62 (19%) with
some college (at least 1 year), 52 (16%) with an associate Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).  A two-factor confirma-
degree (2 years), 94 (30%) with 4-year college degree, and tory model using the maximum likelihood estimation with
Lindhiem et al. 201


Diagnostic threshold

p(theta | reponse pattern)




Figure 2.  The Posterior Probability of Diagnosis (PPOD) Index is estimated by numerically integrating the posterior distribution of θ
above the diagnostic threshold for individual symptom patterns.

robust standard errors (MLR) estimator was fitted to the increments of 0.1, we selected the two thresholds on either
VAS-Parent ADHD symptoms using Mplus Version 6.1 side of 0.12 (lower bound = 0.2 and upper bound = 0.1),
(Muthén & Muthén, 2010) to check the assumption, explicit which were averaged as the final PPOD Index estimate. The
in the DSM, that ADHD has two distinct subtypes. The indi- posterior distribution of θ for each response pattern can be
cators (items) were treated as categorical variables. We represented using the following form of Bayes’s theorem
emphasized the magnitude of factor loadings in the CFA for discrete values of θ,
and the fit and information values reflected in IRT models.
Item fit was checked using item level diagnostic statistics p ( D | θ) p (θ)
p (θ | D) = ,
and the summed score χ2. A p value larger than .05 was used ∑ θ p ( D | θ) p (θ)
as a cutoff for good item fit.
where D is a response pattern (in this case a symptom pro-
Two-Parameter Logistic (2PL) Item Response Theory (IRT) file), and p(θ) is the probability mass at θ. Figure 2 shows an
Model.  We used Item Response Theory for Patient-Reported example of the posterior distribution of θ for one symptom
Outcomes (IRTPRO; Cai, du Toit, & Thissen, 2011) to esti- pattern (out of 512 possible patterns).
mate latent trait scores (θ) and standard errors for each
patient using a 2PL IRT model for dichotomous items. The Adjusted PPOD Index.  We adjusted the PPOD Index by
Scoring was based on the expected a posteriori estimation reapplying Bayes’s theorem to estimate the posterior proba-
method (Bock & Mislevy, 1982) and assuming a standard bility of a final consensus diagnosis given a particular PPOD
normal prior distribution. We also estimated threshold Index value from the screen. The equation for the adjusted
parameters (βs) and discrimination parameters (αs) for each PPOD Index can be represented by the following equation:
of the ADHD symptoms.
p (PPOD | Dx) p (Dx)
p (Dx | PPOD) = ,
Posterior Probability of Diagnosis Index.  The PPOD Index for p (PPOD)
each patient was estimated by numerically integrating the
posterior distribution of θ above the diagnostic threshold, as where p(Dx | PPOD) is the adjusted PPOD Index, “Dx” is the
described in our earlier article (Lindhiem et al., 2013), using final consensus diagnosis, and “PPOD” is a particular PPOD
a MATLAB (MathWorks, 2011) program specifically cre- Index value from the screen. It should be noted that p(Dx) is
ated for this purpose. The diagnostic threshold is defined as the base rate of the diagnosis in the data set, which can either
the θ level associated with the DSM criteria for a given dis- be calculated directly from the dataset or estimated using his-
order. For ADHD, Inattentive Type, the diagnostic thresh- torical data from the clinic or setting in which the adjusted
old is therefore the lowest θ out of all symptom patterns of PPOD Index will be used. Because several PPOD Index val-
six or more symptoms, which was estimated at θ = .12. The ues were sparse or not represented in the data set, we then
PPOD Index was therefore defined as the following poste- applied a repeated k-nearest neighbor smoothing algorithm to
rior probability: p(θ ≥ .12 | response pattern). Because IRT- reduce noise and allow for estimates of missing values.
PRO uses 60 quadrature points ranging from −3.0 to 2.9 in Figure 3 graphically summarizes the resulting values of the
202 Assessment 22(2)

factors was .56. The item fit χ2 was insignificant for all
items, indicating good item fit within each factor. The item
parameter estimates for the 2PL model are summarized in
Original PPOD Index
Probability of Diagnosis

0.7000 Adjusted PPOD Index

Table 1. We see, for example, that “does not seem to listen
0.6000 Naïve Bayes
when spoken to directly” has the lowest threshold parame-
ter (β = −.55). In other words, a child would only need to
exceed the ADHD, Inattentive Type, trait level of θ = −.55
0.3000 before there is a 50% chance that his or her parent would
0.2000 endorse this item as “often” or “very often.” The item “loses
0.1000 things necessary for tasks or activities (toys, assignments,
0.0000 pencils, or books)” had the highest threshold parameter (β =
Severity .22). A child would need to exceed the ADHD, Inattentive
Type, trait level of θ = .22 before his or her parent would
Figure 3.  Curves showing the original Posterior Probability of have a 50% chance of endorsing this item as “often” or
Diagnosis (PPOD) Index values, adjusted PPOD Index values, “very often.” All nine symptoms of ADHD, Inattentive
and naïve Bayes probability estimates for all cases (N = 321) in Type, had good discrimination parameters (all α parameters
order or severity. above 1.0) and ranged from 1.58 (“does not seem to listen
when spoken to directly”) to 3.72 (“has difficulty keeping
adjusted PPOD Indexes alongside the values of the original attention to what needs to be done”).
PPOD Index values for all the cases in the data set.
Symptom Counts, Diagnostic Categories, and
Sensitivity to Misspecification.  As with any model, its perfor-
mance will be affected by misspecification of model param-
PPOD Indices
eters. The adjusted PPOD Index is directly proportional to Table 2 summarizes the values for the original PPOD Index
the base rates, so the degree of bias depends on the latent and the adjusted PPOD Index. Values for the original PPOD
trait level. For low latent trait levels (most cases), the bias Index ranged from .00 to > .99. Many of the original PPOD
will be trivial regardless of the degree of misspecification. Index values were close to 0.0 or 1.0, indicating high confi-
For high latent trait levels (few cases), the clinical signifi- dence. Values close to 0.0 indicate high confidence of no
cance of the bias would depend on the degree of misspecifi- diagnosis, whereas values close to 1.0 indicate high confi-
cation. But even in this case, typical levels of misspecification dence of a diagnosis. In comparison, the truncated range
will result in little bias. For example, the base rate in this (.08 to .91) of the adjusted PPOD Index indicates that more
study (.49) has a standard error of .03. The 95% CI (confi- conservative estimates. The difference between the two
dence interval) for the base rate is .43 to .55. Even with ranges can readily be seen in Figure 3.
significant misspecification (actual base rate of .43 or .55),
the adjusted PPOD Index values would be biased by an
Discrimination and Calibration
average of 5% and never more than 10%.
Table 3 summarizes the accuracy of each PPOD Index and
Primary Data Analyses.  Data analyses were conducted using probability estimates from the naïve Bayes algorithm in
SPSS Version 21 and STATA 12.0 (StataCorp, 2011). We terms of both discrimination and calibration. In terms of
compared the accuracy of the original PPOD Index and discrimination, all three indices performed comparably as
adjusted PPOD Index in terms of discrimination and cali- measured by area under the ROC curve (AUC), sensitivity,
bration. Discrimination was evaluated in terms of sensitiv- specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predic-
ity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive tive value. However, the original PPOD Index
value, and ROC analyses. Calibration was evaluated using (Spiegelhalter’s z-statistic = 10.30, p < .001; Hosmer-
Brier scores, Spiegelhalter’s z statistic, and the HL good- Lemeshow χ2(10) = 191.43, p < .001) and naïve Bayes
ness-of-fit statistic. The HL statistic is based on a chi-square probability estimates (Spiegelhalter’s z-statistic = 17.86, p
distribution, with high chi-square values and low p values < .001; Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2(10) = 473.63, p < .001) were
indicating poor calibration (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2004). poorly calibrated. (For both Spiegelhalter’s z and Hosmer-
Lemeshow χ2 significant p values indicate poor calibration.)
In contrast, the adjusted PPOD Index evidenced good cali-
Results bration, Spiegelhalter’s z-statistic = −0.89, p = .81, and
Factor loadings from the CFA ranged from .68 to .87 for Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2(10) = 4.91, p = .90. Figure 4 depicts
Factor 1 (Inattentive) and from .68 to .85 for Factor 2 calibration plots for the original PPOD Index and the
(Hyperactive/Impulsive). The correlation between the two adjusted PPOD Index. Perfect calibration is represented by
Lindhiem et al. 203

Table 1.  Item Parameters for the Symptoms of ADHD, the diagonal lines. The shape (backward “S”) of the calibra-
Predominantly Inattentive Type, Sorted by Ascending Order of tion plot for the original PPOD Index is characteristic of an
β (2PL Model). “overconfident” model, with many predictions above .95
Item Standard and below .05. In contrast, the data points on the calibration
parameters errors plot for the adjusted PPOD fall closer to the diagonal.
Item α β σα σβ
Does not seem to listen 1.58 −.55 .23 .14
when spoken to directly The PPOD Index was developed to answer the question,
Is easily distracted by noises 2.98 −.51 .53 .13 “What is the likelihood (0-100%) that an individual patient
or other stimuli meets or exceeds the diagnostic threshold for a particular
Has difficulty keeping 3.72 −.41 .63 .11 disorder given his or her pattern of symptoms?” (Lindhiem
attention to what needs et al., 2013). In this study, we extend the PPOD Index by
to be done
adapting it for use as a screening aid. Specifically, we pro-
Does not pay attention 3.01 −.16 .45 .10
to details or makes posed a simple method to make the PPOD Index more con-
careless mistakes with, for servative when applied to screening data—which typically
example, homework come from settings where the target condition will be rare,
Does not follow through 2.95 −.06 .45 .10 thereby improving its calibration. The adjustment takes into
when given directions and account the base rate of the new criterion (in this case a final
fails to finish activities (not consensus diagnosis) and results in enhanced calibration.
due to refusal or failure to Accurate calibration is vital when a clinical tool will be
used to guide clinical decision making at an individual
Avoids, dislikes, or does not 2.19 .07 .32 .11
want to start tasks that
level. We applied the PPOD Index to screening data from
require ongoing mental the parent-report form of the VAS and demonstrated a
effort method to enhance accuracy in terms of calibration. Our
Has difficulty organizing 2.69 .09 .41 .10 results suggest that the original PPOD Index was poorly
tasks and activities calibrated (overconfident) when applied to screening data
Is forgetful in daily activities 2.92 .19 .53 .09 but is easily adjusted by reapplying Bayes’s theorem to pre-
Loses things necessary for 2.32 .22 .37 .10 dict the probability of the new criterion.
tasks or activities (toys,
assignments, pencils, or
books) Clinical Implications
Note. 2PL model = two-parameter logistic model; ADHD = attention Implementation of the PPOD Index in pediatric and other
deficit/hyperactivity disorder. primary care settings has the potential to minimize inaccu-
racies in diagnoses that stem from a reliance on data from
unstructured diagnostic interviews or screening instru-
Table 2.  Categorical Diagnoses, Symptoms Counts, PPOD ments, which yield a lower degree of confidence in diagno-
Indices. sis as compared with gold-standard diagnostic evaluations
informed by multiple sources. Unstructured interviews
Symptom Categorical Original PPOD Adjusted PPOD remain the most common method of making diagnoses in
counts DSM diagnosis index range index range
practice, despite extensively documented shortcomings in
9 Yes .99 .86-.91 terms of accuracy and vulnerability to biases (Garb, 1998;
8 Yes .96-.99 .73-.86 Rettew, Lynch, Achenbach, Dumenci, & Ivanova, 2009). As
7 Yes .72-.92 .68-.73 discussed earlier, rating scales can have adequate discrim-
6 Yes .50-.81 .57-.69 inability, but poor calibration in the sense that they are
5 No .16-.51 .33-.57 inconsistent regarding how well their predicted probabili-
4 No .08-.23 .23-.42 ties map onto individual patients’ observed outcomes. The
3 No .01-.07 .15-.23 adjusted PPOD Index is designed to provide information
2 No .00-.01 .10-.16 that will help clinicians to interpret screening results and, in
1 No .00 .08-.10 turn, make more informed clinical decisions. Specifically,
0 No .00 .08 the adjusted PPOD Index informs the clinician how likely
Note. DSM = Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders; PPOD = his or her patient is to have a particular disorder based on
Posterior Probability of Diagnosis. the patient’s pattern of responses on a particular screening
204 Assessment 22(2)

Table 3.  Discrimination and Calibration of the Original PPOD Index, Adjusted PPOD Index, and Naïve Bayes Probability Estimates.

Original PPOD index Adjusted PPOD index Naïve Bayes

Area under the curve .878 (p < .001) .880 (p < .001) .865 (p < .001)
Sensitivity .795 .821 .819
Specificity .842 .806 .823
Positive predictive value .827 .853 .814
Negative predictive value .813 .778 .828
Brier score .149 .137 .158
Spiegelhalter’s z 10.30 (p < .001) −0.89 (p = .81) 17.86 (p < .001)
Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2(10) 191.43 (p < .001) 4.91 (p = .90) 473.63 (p < .001)

Note. PPOD = Posterior Probability of Diagnosis Index.

adjusted PPOD Index may allow health care settings to flag

1 Original PPOD Index
Observed Proporon (Final Diagnosis)

subpopulations of patients for targeted assessment and
0.8 treatment. For example, in situations in which rating scale
0.7 data is obtained by patients at intake and recorded in their
0.6 medical records, the adjusted PPOD Index, which could be
0.5 programmed into electronic medical record algorithms,
0.4 could indicate to clinicians which patients need additional
HL χ2(10) = 191.43, p < .01 attention. The entire process of identifying high-risk
patients could occur in the background, prior to clinician’s
0 involvement. This notion is attractive, especially given the
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 many competing demands that exist in health care settings
Predicted Proporon (Based on Screen) and the scarcity of resources, including staff time and suf-
ficient insurance reimbursement, to address them (Gardner,
1 Kelleher, Pajer, & Campo, 2003; Knapp & Foy, 2012;
Adjusted PPOD Index
Observed Proporon (Final Diagnosis)

0.9 Wren, Bridge, & Birmaher, 2004). With technological

0.8 advances happening rapidly and electronic medical records
0.7 becoming more prevalent and sophisticated, the feasibility
0.6 of implementing the adjusted PPOD Index within health
0.5 care settings is quite promising.
0.4 A second benefit of supplementing rating scale data with
0.3 the adjusted PPOD Index is the ability to inform consumers
0.2 HL χ2(10) = 4.91, p = .90 of mental health services about how confident a clinician is
0.1 regarding his or her child’s diagnostic status. Providing
0 confidence information in a way that is intuitive to consum-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
ers empowers them to make informed decisions regarding
Predicted Proporon (Based on Screen)
treatment and whether to pursue a second opinion.
Furthermore, it communicates to patients information that
Figure 4.  Calibration plots for the original Posterior Probability reflects the seriousness or certainty of the condition, which
of Diagnosis (PPOD) Index and adjusted PPOD Index. may influence their adherence to treatment recommenda-
Note. Perfect calibration is represented by the diagonal lines.
tions. With growing recognition that creating informed con-
sumers of mental health services is critical for establishing
instrument. Whereas the original PPOD Index does a simi- widespread practice of evidence-based assessment and
lar task for actual symptom patterns, we modified the treatment (e.g., Bielavitz & Pollack, 2011; Nakamura et al.,
adjusted PPOD Index to yield more appropriately conserva- 2011), there appears to be high demand for a clinical deci-
tive estimates. sion-support tool such as the PPOD Index.
The information provided by the adjusted PPOD Index We chose to illustrate the adjusted PPOD Index for
may inform a clinician’s decision regarding whether or not enhancing ADHD screening given the significant shortcom-
to seek a second opinion, perform additional assessment of ings of current practices for assessing and diagnosing pedi-
a particular diagnosis, or to obtain information from addi- atric ADHD emphasized in the recent literature (Dalsgaard,
tional sources. On a larger scale, data derived from the Nielsen, & Simonsen, 2013; Zelnik, Bennett-Back, Miari,
Lindhiem et al. 205

Goez, & Fattal-Valevski, 2012). Self-administered ADHD increased likelihood of an ADHD diagnosis in Whites rela-
measures can achieve high sensitivity, but with mediocre tive to racial/ethnic minorities, high versus low socioeco-
specificity, which is partially attributable to the fact that nomic status, and children with versus without private
ADHD shares symptom characteristics with a number of health insurance (Kowatch et al., 2013; Morgan, Staff,
other psychiatric disorders, making differential diagnosis Hillemeier, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2013). Also, children with
rather complex (Klein, Pine, & Klein, 1998; Youngstrom, caregivers who are stronger advocates and who have greater
Arnold, & Frazier, 2010; Zelnik et al., 2012). Consequently, knowledge of ADHD and special education policies have
the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry greater odds of being assessed for and diagnosed with
has established best practice parameters that recommend a ADHD (Bussing, Gary, Mills, & Garvan, 2003).
comprehensive and rigorous evaluation that involves assess-
ing ADHD symptoms, frequently comorbid disorders, and
disorders that share common symptom characteristics (e.g.,
Limitations and Future Directions
stress- or trauma-related disorders, learning disorders, mood In order to apply the adjusted PPOD Index, one must have
disorders) using multiple sources (e.g., school, caregiver, historical data, including base rates, specific to one’s sam-
child) and employing multiple methods (i.e., in-depth inter- ple or clinic. In the current study, we also dichotomized our
views, self-administered assessments, observation; Parker & symptom data and ran a 2PL IRT model due to the sample
Corkum, 2013; Pliszka, 2007). Not surprisingly, “real- size. This likely resulted in loss of information. A larger
world” barriers impede clinicians’ ability to adopt and sample (500+) would allow for estimation using a polyto-
implement such an approach, especially in pediatric primary mous IRT model. Finally, most DSM diagnoses are not
care, where the bulk of ADHD is diagnosed and treated based on pure symptom counts as with ADHD or opposi-
(Wolraich, Bard, Stein, Rushton, & O’Connor, 2010). One tional defiant disorder. Diagnostic criteria for other disor-
survey of practicing pediatricians found that only a quarter ders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder or autism
reported incorporating all of the recommended components spectrum disorder, include additional clustering rules. The
on a routine basis (Wolraich et al., 2010). Many clinicians PPOD Index would need to be modified to accommodate
rely heavily on self- or parent-report rating scales to deter- these additional criteria. It will be also useful to conduct
mine whether a child meets criteria for an ADHD diagnosis simulation studies to examine the comparative performance
(Robinson, 2005). Reliance on rating scales as the primary of the original PPOD Index and the adjusted PPOD Index
justification for diagnosis is troubling given their tendency under various conditions.
to generate a substantial number of false positives (Parker &
Corkum, 2013). A literature review of 13 studies examining
psychometric properties of ADHD rating scales reported
specificities as low as 44% (Snyder, Hall, Cornwell, & Although the PPOD Index does not eliminate the need to
Quintana, 2006). This suggests that a number of children ultimately make a categorical decision (e.g., additional test-
who present with characteristics of ADHD symptoms but ing, referral to a specialist), it allows a clinician to quantify
who would not meet criteria for ADHD provided a compre- the likelihood of a diagnosis. This level of confidence is
hensive diagnostic evaluation are erroneously diagnosed clinically useful information. For example, a provider might
with and treated for ADHD. encourage all patients with a 25% or higher probability of a
Indeed, ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed neuro- given disorder to return for a follow-up appointment within
psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents (Biederman a specified timeframe. The adjusted PPOD Index has the
& Faraone, 2005). A large, nationally represented study potential to influence clinical decisions made on the basis of
examining change in prescription rates in the United States rating scales by quantifying the degree of confidence in the
over the years 2002 to 2010 reported a 46% increase in predicted probability. Although outcomes from the original
ADHD medication prescriptions (Chai et al., 2012). Another PPOD Index and adjusted PPOD Index performed compara-
study involving rigorous diagnostic assessments of children bly at predicting a final consensus diagnosis in terms of
ages 5 to 13 years from South Carolina and Oklahoma AUC, the adjusted PPOD Index had superior calibration.
found that about 1 out of every 20 children was prescribed The original PPOD Index was overconfident (too many val-
ADHD medication despite not meeting diagnostic criteria ues close to 0.0 or 1.0), whereas the adjusted PPOD Index
for ADHD (Wolraich et al., 2012). This is noteworthy given made predictions that were consistent with the observed pro-
the documented side effects and potential health risks asso- portion of final diagnoses. Whether one should use the origi-
ciated with children’s long-term use of psychostimulants nal PPOD Index or the adjusted PPOD Index depends on the
(Evans, Morrill, & Parente, 2010). nature of the question and the data that the index is being
In addition, suboptimal specificity makes diagnosis vul- applied to. The original PPOD Index is appropriate for appli-
nerable to a number of confounding factors and biases. cations to diagnostic data, whereas the adjusted PPOD Index
These include known health disparities associated with should be used for applications to screening data.
206 Assessment 22(2)

Acknowledgments A Danish register-based study. Journal of Child and

Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 23, 432-439. doi:10.1089/
We acknowledge the contributions of the research and clinical
staff of the Service for Kids in Primary-Care (SKIP) program,
Evans, W. N., Morrill, M. S., & Parente, S. T. (2010). Measuring
Janelle Higa, and Charles Bennett.
inappropriate medical diagnosis and treatment in sur-
vey data: The case of ADHD among school-age children.
Authors’ Note Journal of Health Economics, 29, 657-673. doi:10.1016/j.
The University of Pittsburgh has filed a patent application relating jhealeco.2010.07.005
to the Posterior Probability of Diagnosis Index (U.S. Patent Ferro, C. (2007). Comparing probabilistic forecasting sys-
Application No. 13/944,802, filed July 17, 2013). tems with the Brier score. Weather and Forecasting, 22,
1076-1088. doi:10.1175/WAF1034.1
Garb, H. N. (1998). Studying the clinician: Judgment research
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
and psychological assessment. Washington, DC: American
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect Psychological Association.
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Gardner, W., Kelleher, K. J., Pajer, K. A., & Campo, J. V. (2003).
Primary care clinicians’ use of standardized tools to assess
Funding child psychosocial problems. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 3,
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
Hosmer, D. W., & Lemeshow, S. (2004). Applied logistic regres-
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Grants
sion (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
from the National Institute of Mental Health provided support to the
Jiang, X., Osl, M., Kim, J., & Ohno-Machado, L. (2012).
first author for the preparation of this article (MH093508) and to
Calibrating predictive model estimates to support personal-
fourth author for the research data collected in this study (MH062272).
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Association, 19, 263-274. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2011-000291
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