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Military Grade Weapons:

Austron Hi-Power Lasrifle (Standard Logistic Issue)

Freyan Boltgun and Sub-patterns

Graviton Impellor Rifle

RZR-17 Plasma Rifle/RZC-17 Plasma Carbine

No. 18 Volkite Rifle

Mk37 Lynx SMG

Improved Marskman's Hi-power Lasrifle

Kahlrisian War Glaive

Vibronic Tomahawk/Hatchet

Thresher Maul

HK Exodus Rifle

Impellor Bow


Devastator Heavy Pistol

Blast Pistol

Drakon Rifle

Razor Assault Rifle


Dreyse Stuttergun

Man Portable Lascannon

Plasma Cannon



Melta Bomb

Graviton Hammer

Graviton Torsion Cannon

Integration Cannon

Neural Shredder

Castellan Plasma Rifle


Ebenus Hammer

Accatran Automatic Mortar

Pyrophoric Vambrace

Exodus Rifle

Beamer Meltagun

Conversion Beamer

Vortex Grenade

Cyclonic Missile

Dragonfire Bolts

Hellfire Bolts

Pyre Rounds

Highly Fucking Illegal:

Any Kind of Chaos Weapon

Any Weapon that was made by the forces of Chaos

Any Phosphex Weapon

Any kind of Exterminatus Weapon (barring the use of simple repeated cannon fire from orbit)
Phase Sword

Shear Rifle

Castellan "Thunder Maul" Plasma Spitfire

Castellan "Stinger" Plasma SMG

Castellen Entropic Accelerator

Shield Breaker Grenade


Iron Halos, Icons of the Just, and Rosarius must be awarded by the state. Such awards are very
ceremonial, however recievers are marked in the system as having been awarded such an item. Any
man or woman seen by an officer of the law in possession of such an item yet lacking their name in the
system is subject to immediate arrest.

New Age Inventions and Innovations:

Legatus Class Automata- Perhaps the most cutting edge automata in Alliance space, the Legatus is fully
capable of combat and is programmed with numerous battle programs. However its main function is
that of a diplomat, as the machine is programmed with every recorded language in the Aonthaus
Empire, along with all Alliance race languages like Kroot and Eldar, and even other xenos languages like
Sslyth and Tarellian. The only real drawback to these automata is that they were only recently created,
within the last few years in fact, and with the imperial, along with all other Alliance governments,
economy still hurting from the Great Ork Wars, and the more recent war with the forces of Slaanesh.
This has made the Legatus incredibly expensive and rare, and it is often joked that with the money spent
to pay for one of these automata could by an entire world.

Phasma Class Scout Ship- A co-op between the Tau, Eldar and Aonthaus Empire. This ship is a small,
highly maneuverable, advanced stealth vessel. The ship also incorperates technology from all three
races, such as Eldar propulsion, Imperial Warp Drives and Gellar Fields, and Tau weaponry. The
downside is that, like the Legatus, these vessels cost a fortune to make, and even more concerning is
that many times when the vessel actually is made the respective governments often bicker over which
one of them will actually be utilizing it.

Planetary Shield Network (PSN)- The PSN is a relatively recent innovation, born out of necessity during
the Second Dark Crusade. The purpose is to use a series of high powered satilites, often solar powered
so that refueling isnt an issue, and then put them in strategic locations over the entire orbit. Then when
an enemy fleet rolls in the satilites are activated, creating a planet wide shield that protects from orbital
bombardment. While the shield network cant hold out from constant bombardment for long, it can
often buy the planet a few weeks during which time hopefully reinforcements will have arrived.
Recently Imperial R&D teams have also been trying to retrofit these shield networks with the
capabilities of Gellar Fields in order to protect planets from warpstorms, however so far they have met
with little success.

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