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Comfort Among Confusion

Maryn Hulet
Office of Learning Abroad
May 10th to August 18th 2018

Project Summary
I had the opportunity to learn Spanish words and
phrases that I can use in my career as a nurse. My
brother and I were able to use a room in the Southern
Utah University Library to refresh my memory on the
basic Spanish I have learned. He then taught me
some words and phrases that I can use in the while at
hospital to help patients feel at ease and let them
know they are getting help.

Project Highlights
By my brother helping me improve my Spanish, it
There has been an increase of Spanish speakers in
helped him with his own. He is in medical school now
southern Utah. In my profession, nursing, I will be
(being coated above) and will be able to use his Spanish
coming in contact with these people in some of their to increase comfort and knowledge of what is happening
most stressful life events. Knowing some of their to them.
language can bring some comfort during some of the
most frightening moments of their lives. And that is
one of the main jobs of a nurse, bringing comfort to
those who we care for.

From My Journal
“In today’s teaching session we finished up
reviewing things that I already learned and moved on
to a couple new phrases that I could use at the
hospital. After that study session I went to Walmart
and while I was trying to figure out what to make for
dinner in the produce section, a Hispanic family was
across one of the produce row and talking to each
other. I was able to understand almost half of their
words and could definitely make out what they were My brother insisted we start with the basics. I was glad he
talking about. I was so excited that I texted my
did! I had no idea how much I had forgotten. The time
brother in my best Spanish possible about what
spent on the alphabet and the sounds helped me remember
happened. He was very proud, and so was I!”
more words and grammatical rules that I had forgotten.

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