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We all know that how imporatant oil chockpoints are, they save lots of our money

and time.

Strait og hormuz: 17 million bbld

Strait of Malacca: 15.2 million bbld
Cape of Good: 4.9 million bbld
Bab-el-Mandab: 3.8 million bbld
Danish Straits: 3.3 million bbld
Suez canal: 3.2 million bbld
Bospuros: 2.9 million bbld
Panama canal: 0.85 million bbld

Supporting points:
1. Security: US attacked Iran(operation prayng mantis) through the waters. Security
cannot be compromised.
Moreover, terrorism and oiracy through these routes can be controlled better by
countries(two or more) than an organisation that looks after every oil chockpoints.
2. Loss and profit: If any tragedy occurs in the strait that will only harm the
neighbouring countries not the ones who are sitting n the U.N.
So, the profits and control should be in the hands of the neighbouring countries so
that they can maintain the regulations and try to regulate traffic.
3. Other countries are expeding their territories in water so why not us.

1. Any ship entering the chockpoint should give an passage tax and can be asked to
for a security check just like at the toll.
2. Countries incharge should follow a code of ethics and take care of the ships
passing through its areas.
3. Countries should take responsibility of any oil spill happened because of any
reason other than natural calamity or carelessess of the
crew and the total expenditure will be paid by the countries.

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