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Tales of Jenmora

Lands of Jenmora
Tales of Jenmora Campaign Setting
May 31, 2016


The continent of Drevoss holds many kingdoms and lands, including the Allied Kingdoms. It

is a large landmass that spans across much of Jenmora’s surface.

Dremenot Confederacy

Once a thriving kingdom of pastoral hills and rich farmland, Dremenot suffered terribly

during the Demon Wars. Many of the farms are now abandoned, and the wilds have taken

over into vast prairies or burned into scrubland. Still, Dremenot's economy is largely

agricultural, though there has been a recent shift toward livestock.

Climate. Although it is located in northwestern Drevoss, a combination of warm

tradewinds, elemental influence from an active volcano, and lingering fel magic have left

Dremenot with a warmer temperate climate that has mild winters, if winter shows at all.

Economy. As the epicenter of the Demon Wars, Dremenot was hit the hardest and

has struggled to recover. Many of the farmers have taken to mining or ranching, while

some have taken up a lifestyle of hunting and gathering.

Culture. Dremen beers, ales, and sausages are considered without equal.

Traditional Dremen dress included hosiery, suspenders, and feathered caps, though most

modern folks favor wide-brimmed hats, long jackets, sturdy boots, and other clothing

suited for long travels on horseback.

Government. Each township and city in Dremenot governs itself, but they all

contribute to the federation that arose after the sacking of Brenhilde during the Demon

Wars. Each year, a conference is held with representatives from every settlement to discuss

affairs concerning the confederacy as a whole.


An ancient empire surrounded by lush forests and forbidding mountains, Kirinjo is a

mystical land where magic flows freely. Even the common folk know a basic cantrip or two

to help with household chores, and the Emperor surrounds himself with a council of


Climate. Kirinjo enjoys a subtropical to tropical climate in southeastern Drevoss that

supports thick jungles. The temperature becomes much cooler in the mountains, and in

some cases there are snow-capped peaks.

Economy. With the surrounding jungle, Kirinjo exports all manner of exotic flora and

fauna used in spellcasting, rituals, or folk remedies. The Kirinji tax code is astonishingly

complex, often to the detriment of the lower classes.

Culture. Given their penchant for the arcane, Kirinji have ceremonies and rituals for

everything in life. Schools teach that adhering to such rituals builds the discipline necessary

to master magic. Loose-fitting clothing is common, the colors of which are governed by

when they are “in season.”

Government. Kirinjo is ruled by Emperor Yung, who oversees an arcane bureaucracy

known as the Imperial Order. The normal court politics and intrigue are punctuated by the

nobility’s proficiency with arcane magic.


The kingdom of Twillin resides on an island in the Emerald Sea. A gloomy land of endless

fog and drizzling rain, Twillin's nautical industries are second to none. There are few

settlements outside of the coastal villages and cities, as none dare venture into the moors

and dark forests further inland.

Climate. Sitting off the coast of Dremenot, Twillin is perpetually caught in a mix of

the warm tradewinds and cold air from Winterholme. This leads to constant fog and mist,

and daily drizzling showers are common. Winters are relatively mild, though Twillin does

receive snow in the colder months.

Economy. Twillin’s might is built upon its navy and shipping industries. Whether it’s a

desire to explore the world or to simply leave the cold, damp island nation, many Twills

serve aboard ships.

Culture. Although most folk across Jenmora rarely dare to venture out at night,

none exemplify this more than the Twills. Tales of monsters creeping into town from the

dark moors and forests are common, and most Twills know someone who was carried off

into the night by such creatures.

Government. Twillin was formerly a feudal monarchy, but a mysterious curse befell

the royal family and the Rose Gardens. With no sign of the royalty since then, the Twill navy

stepped in to ensure day to day operations of the kingdoms continued. Life has improved

somewhat under the oversight of Admiral Williston, though he considers his position a

thankless job.


A cold, forbidding land in the northernmost reaches of Drevoss, Winterholme does not

have many settlements. The deepest, coldest reaches of Winterholme are inhabited only by

monsters, and foolish adventurers looking for ill-gotten treasures.

Climate. Comprising the northern reaches of Drevoss, Winterholme is a polar region

of tundra and taiga. Summers here are mild, short, and precious. The Celestial Palaces

track unusual paths through Winterholme - it sees 16 hours of daylight each day during the

summer, and 16 hours of darkness each day during the winter.

Economy. The minotaur of Winterholme trade ambergris, whalebone, and furs for

supplies they need - or take to lives of raiding and piracy.

Culture. Winterholme is almost entirely inhabited by minotaur, who have developed

a strong warrior culture from surviving the harsh elements. Advancement in society is done

through ritual combat, whether through duels, hunting contests, or raids.

Government. The minotaur communities live as a loose federation of matriarchal

tribes. Each chieftain has a shamanic counselor to advise on spiritual matters. Every

summer, each shaman travels to Bone Hollow, where they convene with ancestor spirits

and their chiefs (through sending spirits) to discuss matters of importance.

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