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Dengue fever treatment

Dengue is a tropical viral disease, every year, around 50 million people worldwide
contract the dengue virus. Dengue fever is transmitted by a certain species of mosquito
and can lead to serious complications or even death. Dengue fever is transmitted in
over 100 tropical and subtropical countries by the mainly diurnal Aedes mosquito. Many
coveted vacation areas are also the home of the dengue virus. Especially in Southeast
Asia, Latin America, parts of Africa and the West Pacific, many people are suffering
from dengue fever.

Dengue is a tropical viral disease, every year, around 50 million people

worldwide contract the dengue virus

The dengue virus is the most mosquito-borne virus in the world. Especially in large
cities with many people, the virus can spread easily. Man serves as a natural reservoir.
The word reservoir means that humans provide the virus with a habitat from which they
can then transfer the mosquitos’ disease to other people. The virus affects only humans
and some monkey species; it cannot survive in other animals.

For the past 50 years, the dengue virus has been able to spread to areas where it did
not exist before. Conflict regions and increasing globalization play an important role in
the spread of dengue fever. As we speak, two and a half billion folks live in endangered
dengue fever areas. In recent years, the dengue virus has also spread to Europe. For
example, in recent time, there was an outbreak of dengue fever on Madeira, a popular
Portuguese holiday island off the coast of Africa.

Is The Dengue Fever Is Contagious?

Although a dengue fever vaccine could protect many people, the vaccine is still in the
testing phase and therefore not yet available. Many people fear that the dengue fever is
contagious. However, direct human-to-human transmission is not possible. Unlike
influenza viruses, for example, the virus does not enter the mucous membrane or
saliva, so it cannot be transmitted to a healthy person by sneezing.

Due to the increased travel activity out there, the number of introduced dengue fever
cases has risen sharply in recent years. The most common infection countries were:

 Thailand: 41 percent
 India 11 percent
 Philippines 8 percent
 Brazil 3 percent
 Portugal (Madeira) 3 percent
 Cambodia 3 percent
 Cuba 3 percent
 Maldives 2 percent
 Other countries 22 percent
Dengue fever is a notifiable disease. This means that the attending physician must
report every case to the health department. This measure is used to monitor infectious
diseases to recognize a major outbreak as quickly as possible and to be able to take

Dengue Fever: Symptoms

The time between the bite of the Aedes mosquito and the onset of the disease
(incubation period) is 3 to 14 days. In Germany, only travelers return to the dengue
fever. Unfortunately, symptoms are often very unspecific. Many patients report head,
joint and limb pain as with common flu, some patients have a rubella-like rash with
itching all over their body.

Some people, especially children, sometimes show no signs of illness. The complaints
usually last a week, but nausea and loss of appetite can last for several weeks. In the
majority of patients, dengue fever disappears without further consequences.

Warning Signs Of A Complication Are:

 Sudden abdominal pain

 Repeated vomiting
 A sudden drop in body temperature to below 36 ° C
 Sudden bleeding
 Confusion, restlessness or dizziness
 The sudden drop in blood pressure and more

Since this occurs at a time when the patient is often already feeling better, the
complications are often particularly unexpected. For this reason, one also speaks of the
critical phase (third to the seventh day), since here the further course of the illness
shows, and the physician must decide whether drastic countermeasures must be taken.

Dengue Fever: Causes And Risk Factors

There are four different dengue viruses (DENV 1-4), and all are transmitted through the
Aedes mosquito. This mosquito species is indispensable for the spread of dengue fever.
Infections from person to person are not possible, or conceivable only through contact
with infected blood products. After a dengue fever infection, humans are immune to this
type of dengue virus for a lifetime.

For unknown reasons, the second infection with another dengue virus is often more
severe, and complications are more common. It’s believed that an overreaction of the
immune system is responsible for the more serious course of the disease. People who
have ever had dengue fever should be extra careful on another tropical journey.

75 percent of all dengue fever cases worldwide occur in Southeast Asia. Travelers to
tropical or subtropical areas should contact a travel specialist several weeks before
departure to discuss any risks and precautionary measures.
The Dengue Disease Diagnosis

The main symptoms of dengue fever are in the initial phase indistinguishable from those
of normal flu. Besides, as dengue fever continues to change, it is important to know if
the patient was previously in a dengue fever area. If this is the case, in addition to the
dengue fever also be thought of malaria. The doctor first examines the patient usually.
This includes:

 Temperature pulse and blood pressure measurement

 Listening to the heart and lung sounds
 Palpation of the superficial lymph nodes
 Assessment of the pharynx and mucous membranes

Blood Test

Blood Sample In Test Tubes With Health Analysis Screening Report.

At the same time, the doctor pays attention to signs of bleeding. This may be due to
bleeding gums, nosebleeds or small skin changes (petechiae). When the blood vessels
become leaky due to the lack of platelets, blood can pass from the vessels to other
body cavities, for example into the chest or abdomen. The so-called tourniquet test can
also determine if the walls of the small blood vessels are intact. This is important to
detect an increased risk of early bleeding.

Dengue Fever: Treatment

Dengue fever treatment does not differ significantly from the treatment of influenza in
the fever phase without complications. As long as no complications occur, a hospital
stay is not necessary. However, as soon as bleeding symptoms appear or there is a
threat, the person suffering from dengue fever must receive intensive medical care.

During the disease, the blood tests should regularly be repeated. Also, care must be
taken so that the patient excretes enough urine. This serves to monitor the fluid

This’s How You Can Protect Yourself From The Dengue Disease

To avoid a dengue fever disease, one should efficiently protect against mosquito bites
in the respective countries (exposure prophylaxis). Also for protection against other
diseases such as malaria, such precautionary measures are unavoidable. Since the
Aedes mosquito is also diurnal, you have to be on guard around the clock. This is the
only effective protection against dengue fever.

The Dengue Protective measures include:

 Arms and legs covering via clothes

 Repellents stuff, for application to skin and clothing
 Mosquito nets for the bed
 Room/window protection with fly monitor net and insecticides

The number of dengue fever sufferers has increased thirtyfold in the last 50 years. This
development depends on many factors, such as overpopulation, lack of protection
against insect bites, and many other socio-economic factors. Travelers in dengue areas
should be aware of the risks and protections before they travel. The protection against
mosquito bites is the best precaution, so as not to get sick of dengue fever.

Carimax Syrup
Carimax syrup helps to strengthen natural immune system and thus will keep you and
your family protected from dengue fever. Carimax syrup also helps to accelerate the
recovery from illness and also helps to repair damaged liver cells caused due to high
use of antibiotics. Carimax syrup is extremely helpful in low platelet count.

Carimax contains, potent herbs like Papaya, Pippali, Guduchi, Neem, Tulsi and
Shatavari. Consume two teaspoons daily as preventive measure against fever
conditions like Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow fever, Elephantiasis, Malaria, Zika Virus
and also all other types of Flu.

Carimax syrup is available in all the leading medical stores in India.

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