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Chapter 19

Death or Physical Injuries Due to Athletic Sports


1. What sports is sometimes described as an “organized brutality”?

a. Swimming
b. Jockey
c. Soccer
d. Boxing

2. What sports has for its primary objective, the infliction of physical injuries?
a. Swimming
b. Jockey
c. Soccer
d. Boxing

3. In as much as the face is the target of the attack in boxing, the most common
site of lacerated wound is the region of the ________and the ________.
a. Eyebrow; neck
b. Eyebrow; cheek
c. Neck; arms
d. Head; chest

4. What is known as spectacle hematoma?

a. Necrosis of the auricular cartilage
b. Bleeding from small blood vessels
c. Fracture of the nasal septum
d. Swelling and discoloration in or around the eye

5. What is one of the serious hazards of boxing as it may cause partial or

complete loss of vision
a. Trauma on the pinna of the ear
b. Eyelid puffiness
c. Fracture of the nasal septum
d. Retinal detachment

6. A _____________ may cause peri-renal hemorrhage or laceration of the

a. Kidney punch
b. Blow on the chest
c. Fall on the canvass
d. Muscle cramps

7. The following intracranial injuries may cause serious sequelae of death to the
boxer, except:
a. Cerebral concussion
b. Subdural hemorrhage
c. Peri-renal hemorrhage
d. Pontine hemorrhage

8. What injury may be the result of severe beating and is known to some as
boxer’s hemorrhage?
a. Cerebral concussion
b. Subdural hemorrhage
c. Peri-renal hemorrhage
d. Pontine hemorrhage

9. What is cerebral concussion?

a. The most common injury which may be localized or extensive
b. The acute flexion and extension of the head during a series of blows
c. There is no rigid rule to be observed in the procedure of identification.
d. The transitory period of unconsciousness which is a result from a blow on
the head

10. What injury is the most common in boxing?

a. Cerebral concussion
b. Peri-renal hemorrhage
c. Pontine hemorrhage
d. Subdural hemorrhage

11. A blow which causes the rotation of the movable head causing the inert brain
to lag behind the accelerated skull.
a. Rotation acceleration
b. Linear
c. Injury to the carotid
d. Impact deceleration

12. The rotational movement of the brain within the accelerated skull may tear
vessels within the brain which may result to _____________.
a. Diffused axonal injury
b. Subdural hematoma
c. Intracerebral hemorrhage
d. Pontine hemorrhage

13. What injury is recognized by spherical enlargement of the proximal and distal
a. Subdural hematoma
b. Intracerebral hemorrhage
c. Pontine hemorrhage
d. Diffused axonal injury
14. Blows to the neck can damage the ___________.
a. Carotid
b. Cerebellum
c. Cervical spine
d. Cerebrum

15. Severe trauma on the head is usually followed by ________.

a. Ischemia
b. Herneation
c. Cerebral edema
d. Impact deceleration

16. The delayed sequelae of intracranial damages in boxing is commonly known

as ________.
a. Cerebral atrophy
b. Hypothermia
c. Pugilistic encephalopathy
d. Petechial hemorrhage

17. In case of death after the injury due to intracranial hemorrhage, the post-
mortem findings will not include any of the following, except:
a. Abnormality in the septum pellucidum
b. Petechial hemorrhage in the white matter
c. Cerebellar and other scarring
d. Reduction of the brain weight

18. In case of death after a chronic sequelae, the following post-mortem findings
is plausible, except:
a. Abnormality in the septum pellucidum
b. Petechial hemorrhage in the white matter
c. Cerebellar and other scarring
d. Reduction of the brain weight

19. The following are measures adapted to minimize injuries in boxing, except:
a. Use of an effective gum shielding
b. Use of heavier or well-padded gloves
c. Amateur bout must last more than five minutes
d. Use of stimulants is prohibited

20. Which among the following is a common injury suffered by wrestlers?

a. Serious effusion on the loose tissue around the eyeball
b. Peri-renal hemorrhage
c. Eyebrow and cheek laceration
d. Knee injury

21. Which among the following is a common injury suffered by boxers?

a. Abdominal hemorrhage
b. Facial injuries and mat burns
c. Injuries to the shoulder joint
d. Retinal detachment

22. The following are regulations to minimize injuries in wrestling, except:

a. Pulling of hair, ears and genitals, twisting of the digits
b. Each contestant must have a medical examination
c. No rest period shall be allowed
d. The competitors must be freshly shaven

23. Gross examination of the brain from _______ reveals enlarged ventricle,
widened sulci and narrowed gyri.
a. Punch-drunk boxer
b. wrestler
c. swimmer
d. basketball player

24. A ___________ on the face may cause focal ischemic lesions, notably in the
a. Straight blow
b. deceleration
c. rotational acceleration
d. subdural hematoma

25. Which of the following is a reason why boxing is not prohibited?

a. There is too much risk of death or injury to the participants
b. Unlike other sports, the intention of the combatants is to produce injury
c. It teaches violence to the youth
d. It teaches the youth self-discipline and controls and reinforces the adage
that nothing of value is acquired without hardwork and sacrifice.

26. What is considered as one of the most brutal among the athletic sports?
a. Soccer
b. Mixed martial arts
c. Wrestling
d. Boxing

27. The ______ depends on how much glycogen can be stored in the muscle
a. Length of exercise
b. Flexibility
c. Muscle endurance
d. tolerance
28. Every time the muscles are exercised intensely, ____ occur and it will take at
least 48 hours to heal.
a. Injuries
b. Hemorrhage
c. Change
d. Rehabilitation

29. The __________ may produce hematoma with subsequent necrosis of the
auricular cartilage.
a. Fracture of the nasal septum
b. Rectinal detachment
c. Trauma on the pinna of the ear
d. Laceration

30. Death results from _______ and ___________ in the midbrain and upper
pons after herniation.
a. Ischemia; hemorrhage
b. Hemorrhage; cerebral atrophy
c. Ischemia; multiple fenestration
d. Multiple fenestration; cerebral atrophy
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. C
20. D
21. D
22. C
23. A
24. A
25. D
26. D
27. C
28. A
29. C
30. A

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