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Early Childhood Center

In November, we will inaugurate our Early Childhood Center (Mi Lugar en el Sur/ My Place in
the South) for 140 children between the ages of 1 and 4 years old. The doors will be open to
many families in the neighborhood for their children to come and attend from 8am till 4pm
every day. It is clear to us at La Misión that this will be a unique opportunity to bless and draw
close to these families each day. A team of 15 professionals from the church will be serving
daily supporting this project.

We ask for your prayer for provisions to complete the building preparations and also for each
ministry that will be related to this project.

New Meeting Location for Merlo

La Misión Merlo has moved to a new location to gather and minister. With great effort and
lots of blessings, we have been able to rent a larger site . We thank God because hitherto He
has helped us!

We ask for prayer that the Lord will lift up workers and leaders that can accompany the elders
and the pastoral team in the ministry of the church. Also pray with us for provision to be able
to cover the current growing ministries occurring there.

En La Mision Merlo contamos con un nuevo lugar de reuníón que hemos podido alquilar con
gran esfuerzo y bendicíón. Damos gracias a Dios porque hasta aqui nos ha ayudado!.

Pedimos oración para que el Señor levante nuevos obreros y lideres que puedan acompañar a
los ancianos y al equipo pastoral en el ministerio de la iglesia. Tambien por su provision para
seguir cubriendo los ministerios crecientes en el lugar.

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