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Bo Phelps

Mr. Donald

Writing for College

14 May 2018

Senior Project Proposal

In Writing for College, I researched the flaws in the Criminal Justice system and I plan to

do the same topic for my Senior Project. I found that the three major flaws in the Criminal

Justice System includes faulty evidence to incarcerate someone, harsh drug punishments, and

African American marginalization. People can be wrongly accused of a crime and be

incarcerated for a crime that he/she didn’t commit, such as Richard Jones. Regarding drug

punishments, the three-strikes law and first-time drug offenses can be harsh. The three-strikes

law is very corrupt and has the intent of scaring off criminals from committing future crimes

while first-time drug offenses absurd punishments. Atiba Parker was caught selling crack just

once and went to prison for forty years. Lastly, African American marginalization is plays a

significant role in the corrupt Criminal Justice System with police brutality. One example of

police brutality was Eric Garner, who was choked and killed by a police officer for selling single

cigarettes when he should’ve only received a minor fine.

I’m planning on working alone because I am very interested in this topic and is very

meaningful to me. Therefore, I know I will take this seriously and I am not sure if another

student would treat it the same. In addition, I don’t work very well with my friends because I end

up doing most of the project because I take my work very seriously. I plan to partner up with a

local judge so that I can gain even more insight on the corrupt Criminal Justice System. They
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will tell me how they think the Criminal Justice System should work and how the US citizens

can work to create a positive change.

In order to complete at least twenty-five hours of work, I plan to create an online website.

On this website, I will put many cases of how the Criminal Justice System did the American

society injustice. With these cases, I have the intent to shock the website viewers and make them

be ashamed of the United States Criminal Justice System. By shocking the viewers, I hope this

will lead to adjustments to the Justice System.

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