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How to make Agar Petri Dishes


Clean and dry Petri Dishes

½ cup Water - Boiling
3 grams Agar in a small bowl or cup (not plastic)
2 tsp Sugar

Directions to prepare Agar Dishes:

1. Add 3 Tbsp of the boiling water to the Agar and sugar in the bowl/cup and stir very well
until dissolved. * You do not want chunks of agar in your petri dish, because it will be harder to see the bacteria
while it’s growing.
2. The mixture can be heated if the gelatin needs to be melted again. Microwave 5-10 seconds
while watching carefully to avoid boil-over. Agar boils fast – use extreme care!
3. Divide the mixture into the Petri Dishes and tilt slightly to ensure coverage on the entire bottom of the dish.
Cover with the lid immediately. (This makes enough for 2 large or 3 medium dishes)
4. DO NOT TOUCH the mixture or the inside of the dishes/lids or they will be contaminated.
5. Cool in the refrigerator until firm. (30 minutes to an hour)
6. Store upside down in ziplock bags until ready to use – refrigeration recommended but not required. ** DO
7. Bring the dishes to room temperature before using if you stored them in the refrigerator.

Growing Bacteria:
1. Touch the Agar prepared dish with dirty fingers. Or
2. Wipe a moist cotton swab on a kitchen counter or doorknob etc...
Rub the swab on the Agar dish. – A “Z” pattern is easy to recognize when the bacteria begin growing.
3. Put the lid on your Agar dish and turn it upside down.
4. Place the dish into a ziplock bag to control odors and prevent further contamination. You won’t need to open
the dish again. Look through the clear lid for results. Opening the dish will contaminate the experiment with
additional bacteria.
5. Store in a dark and warm place to incubate. (cupboard, paper bag etc…)
6. Check for spots daily. This can take 2-6 days, depending on the bacteria.

Spray your dishes with disinfectant or bleach and wait several minutes.
They can be washed and reused or discarded. * Do not boil plastic dishes – they will melt!
Science Solutions

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