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1) What instrument performs the melody?

e.g. Male vocals. Classify the type of male vocal
2) Are there any difference in the melody between the songs?
3) What are the differences between both melodies
4) Explain the term…
5) Can you give an example of…
6) Have you got a music sample

Pitched Instruments

1) Can you please tell me the pitched instruments in both of the songs
2) What are the main differences between the songs in terms of instrumentation?
3) What are the similarities?
a. They both feature guitars
4) Can you play an example for these

Range and register

1) Can you tell me the similarities in range and register of the melody?
a. Bass line, accompaniment
2) Is the range and register the same for the bass line in both songs
a. Is range and register for the bass line slightly different do you know that
3) What are the main differences between both songs in range and register of pitched
4) Have you got a music sample to demonstrate this?


1) How are the songs similar in their use of duration?

a. Total BP, Tim signature, ostinato, tempo, beats and phrases
2) Can you tell me the main differences in the use of Duration?
3) Please explain…
4) Can you please define that term… for me?
5) Can you please play a music sample to show me what you are explaining?


1) What are the main difference in tempo?

2) Can you please us the correct Italian Term for these tempos?
a. Adagio, Allegro
3) Can please play a sample of the music to demonstrate the differences in tempo


1) Can you explain the terms for me

2) Have you got a music sample to demonstrate where the music is performed staccato and

Tone Colour

1) What are the similarities of Tone Colour between these two versions of the song
2) What are the differences of Tone Colour between these two versions of the song
3) Can you please justify your classification of…
4) What instruments are classified as…?
5) Explain what the definition of a … is

1) Is there any other piece of information that you would like to add
2) Do you have any other points you would like to make
3) Is there any music samples that you would like to play and explain


- Know your music

- Know your terms
- Have your music samples edited and labelled on your device – laptop, ipod, ipad
- If you have any visuals you can bring those in with you
- Make sure you read through any notes you have made prior to the Viva Voce
- Make up your own set of questions before the Viva Voce and try to answering them
- Be confident and explain all of your terms as you go – otherwise you will be asked anyway!

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