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3D Maneuver Gear

The gnomes in the land of Threewall were an inventive bunch, and when faced with the threat of
giants who possessed a unique and difficult to reach weak point, they developed means of
"flight" without having to grant everyone access to flight spells they may not have.Thus was
created the 3D maneuver gear, sometimes known as a grapple jet. It is a belt with a pair of
grappling hooks and lines, traditionally run through their specially built segmented swords
handles but able to fire from handles of their own. Traditionally, 3D maneuver gear is matched
up with a set of segmented swords and two boxy sheathes, which support the gas tanks and have
6 to 8 spare blades each for their swords.
The grappling hooks extend 50 feet for each grapple and behave as they were a hookshot in all
respects. In fact for those without proficiency, the 3D maneuver gear is little more than a
connected pair of hookshots. However, those with the 3D Maneuver Gear Proficency feat can
unlock its potential, using a combination of extremely rapid hookshotting and its gas jets to
swing around and about objects at high speed, provided there is an environment within 50 feet on
either side to grapple on. Mechanically, this effectively grants the user a fly speed of 50 feet
(perfect) provided there are objects nearby the hookshot can penetrate, and the flying is limited
to around grapplable objects +50 feet for the length of the rope. Also unlike normal flight, at no
point is the user at rest and may not hover unless they are hanging from a ceiling or rappling
down a wall. They must move their full movement (50 feet) each time. Fortunately, they benefit
from Spring Attack for free while using it and proficient, allowing a creature to move, attack,
and continue moving. Those who already have Spring Attack instead gain pounce while using
this, allowing them to make a full attack to a creature, or spreading their attacks among any
number of creatures along their flight path. A surface at least 10 feet high is needed to get
airborne and proceed with the airborne gymnastics. Because 3D maneuver gear's grappling
hooks must reliably pierce objects, all 3D maneuver gear is tipped with adamantine (factored
into the price below).
Those with proficiency may fire and retract an unlimited number of times for the purposes of
movement as part of another move action, though it is still an attack action if using the grappling
hooks to attack a creature.
The 3D maneuver gear takes up the belt slot. It may be then further enhanced as a magic item
(such as a belt of giant strength).
Market Price: 5000 gp
Weight: 6 lb.

The hookshot is a device which appears much like a light crossbow. However instead of the bow
with bolt set into it, the hookshot possesses a grappling hook with retractable rope and pressure-
launch system. Using the hookshot is as simple as pointing and shooting, releasing a line out up
to 50 feet. The hook can either snag onto a nearby object or impale it and drive its hooks into the
surface. It deals 1d8 points of piercing damage on impact (for medium creatures), and can only
impale through objects if it deals at least 1 point of damage after hardness.
If the object weighs equal or less than the user, the object is dragged towards the user and ends
up in their space. If the object weighs more than the user or is immobile, then the user is dragged
towards the object instead. A single hookshot can drag up to 300 lbs, and the rope itself can
support (but not drag) up to twice that amount. Firing the hookshot is an attack action, and
retracting the line is a move action.

/wiki/File:GrappleGun2.jpgAn adamantine-tipped hookshot.
The hookshot can be used in combat as a light crossbow. The hookshot does not penetrate
creatures, as they tend to be too lumpy, misshapen, and mobile to get a good grip. Only helpless
or willing creatures can be grabbed like this, and the hook embeds in them, dealing the weapon
damage when pulled out (1d8 typically). Rapid Reload reduces the retraction time to a free
action while using it as a weapon, but not when dragging objects or yourself. Normally,
operating a hookshot requires two hands. However, you can shoot and retract the hookshot with
only one hand at a -2 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a hookshot with each hand, but you
take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two light weapons. This penalty is cumulative
with the penalty for one-handed firing.
The rope may be extended by an additional 50 feet for +50 gp, but the retraction speed of 50 feet
remains the same which may require 1 or more rounds of retracting particularly distant objects.
You may increase the amount of weight it drags by 100 lbs for an additional +150 gp.
No aura; DC 20 Craft Clockwork or DC 30 Craft Tool; Price 675 gp.

A primitive device that allows for more effective use of javelins. An atlatl is a hollow, tubular
device fitted with a stopper on one end. This is attached to a grip usually made of leather or rope
straps. When loaded with a javelin, the javelin's base range increment (before being augmented
by other sources such as Far Shot) is increased to 60 feet. In addition, the javelin also deals
damage as if it was one size larger than normal.
Unlike most other projectile lauchers, an atlatl cannot be enchanted as a weapon. It does not,
however, require any further proficiency on the part of its user so long as they may use a javelin.
Throwing a javelin with an atlatl also does not require any more action expenditure than
throwing a javelin normally.
Cost: 50 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
Blood Pin Hilt[edit]
Technically an augmentation to a pre-existing weapon hilt, this blood pin has a small needle
which can sample blood, or inject poison as a trap. Inside the weapon is a small reservoir to store
liquids, which can be loaded or unloaded as a standard action. Many use it as a trap to inject
poison into the wielder. As a trap, it requires a DC 20 Spot check, and a DC 20 Disable Device
check to disable the mechanism. Those who are aware of the trap and have used the weapon for
at least 24 hours can keep the trap activated but avoid triggering it, otherwise it takes a DC 10
Dexterity check each time you draw the weapon. The needle deals 1 point of damage to the
wielder and injects whatever contents into the bloodstream.
Alternatively it can draw blood, dealing 1 point of damage and filling the vial within with blood.
There's usually no point to this except perhaps for vampires and the occasional unusual blood
powered magic item.
The needle can be made of special materials, usually for bypassing damage reduction. The cost is
for a single piece of ammunition.
Craft (Weapons) DC 20. Market Price 300 gp.

Bolt Magazine:
A bolt magazine is a rectangular cartridge fashioned from carefully shaped steel components and
holds twenty crossbow bolts in a 5×4 arrangement. Bolt magazines are the feeding mechanism
for crossbow repeater modules. The reloading time required for repeater crossbows is greatly
diminished when preparing extra repeater modules before combat, allowing the wielder to
simply replace an empty bolt magazine for another. Loose bolt magazines are for sale in most
areas with sufficient technological advancement.
Loading an empty bolt magazine with 20 crossbow bolts requires 1d4+1 rounds and is therefore
best done outside of combat.
Price: 50 gp.
Weight: 1 lb.

Breathing Mask[edit]
Created after the gnomish scientist Agene "Cloudkill" Aurange released a particularly toxic brew
after a night of tacos and beans, the breathing mask is a rather intimidating facemask with
bulbous shaded eyes and a mouth dominated by two large tubes lined with vents. The mask seals
airtight around the head, and filters any air coming in and out of it by scrubbing it through
chemically altered fabrics. This provides a +6 alchemical bonus to saves against inhaled poisons,
disease, and stinks such as a troglodyte's stench. It also provides protection against grit and dust
in the air. Scent cannot be used while the mask is equipped, nor can you eat or drink. After 8
hours of exposure to any of the previous effects the mask must be removed and its filters washed
to become potent again.
The breathing mask takes up the face slot. Magically enhanced breathing masks of any sort
automatically refresh their filters, and need no washing.
Market Price: 800 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Electro Coil[edit]
An electro coil is a small rod made of silver with a wooden grip covered in a fine strip of
gossamer. It is built sleek with a small spherical head. The silver body is smelted in a special
concoction of various alchemical regents and gold ferrous resin. It is a one use item that is
popular when something need to be powered or electrocuted. An electro coil can be active by
twisting the head as a move action, doing so cause it to spark with visible bolts of electricity.
Once activated the electro coil has 10 charges, once it run out it cease emitting current and
become inert and burned out. The electro coil lose a single charge at the begging of your turn,
some actions involving it may also reduce the number of charges. The electro coil can be used to
power various electrical engine for a short time or used offensively in the following way.
Any creature touching the electro coil except on the handle take 1d6+5 point of electricity
damage, the wielder may use a touch attack to inflict this damage on other creatures. The electro
coil also work as a light mace, dealing both the electro coil damage and weapon damage (as well
as strength and other modifier) on a hit.
If another active electro coil is present within 20 ft. a arc of current will form between them in
the most direct fashion possible. Any creatures passing through the arc take 1d6+5 points of
electricity damage, although no matter how many time a creature pass through in a turn it can
only be affected once per turn.
If a creature attempt to sunder the electro coil with a conductive weapon (or it unarmed
attack/natural attack) it take 1d6+5 electricity damage. If the creature is successful it take an
extra 1d6+1 electricity damage per charge left in the coil.
If the rod make contact with a body of conductive liquid or a surface of conductive metal, all
creature in contact with said surface take 1d6+5 points of electricity damage (to a maximum of
30 ft. radius, so no electrocuting the entire ocean).
If the rod is submerged in a body of conductive liquid it short out, dealing 1d6+5 points of
electrcity damage to all creature in contact with the body of liquid to a maximum of 60 ft. radius,
creatures within 10 ft. also take an extra 1d6 damage per charge left in the coil. This cause the
rod to lose all it charges.
Craft (Technology) DC 25. Market Price 250 gp.
An etheliometer is a rather crazy collection of knobs, levers, gears, and dials that requires two
hands to operate. Those who understand a bit about how magic works can use the various fiddly
bits on it to detect the presence of magic and to learn information about it. As a result, only
characters with ranks in Arcana, Geomancy, or Thaumaturgy can use it effectively.
When used, however, an individual with ranks in one or more of the above skills can determine
the presence of magic in a 60' cone (radiating outward from the etheliometer) as a 1-round
action. With an additional 1-round action, the wielder can determine the direction and distance to
each magical effect within the cone. Once located, they may spend a 1-minute action the wielder
can determine additional information about a magical effect or item so long as they are within 5'
of it. This last function is treated as a use of the Identify Magic ability in the Arcana, Geomancy,
or Thaumaturgy skills. The wielder gains additional information about the effect based on the
result of their check.
Price: 50 gp
Weight: 2 lb.

Field Equipment Pack[edit]

For some weird reason, lots of adventurers set out in rag-tag groups from one of the material's
many taverns without even considering how poorly they're prepared to brave the dangers of the
wilderness, as though faraway minds guide their actions without any fear of consequence.
Fortunately, certain proprietors specialize in getting novice adventurers ready for the road. For
those that like to be properly prepared, there's the field equipment pack, perfectly suited to the
Basic Field Equipment Pack[edit]
For only 50 gp, you can be fully geared for any wilderness trek or beginner's dungeon crawl. A
basic field equipment pack weighs 40 pounds when fully stocked and includes gear listed below.
• A sturdy yet lightweight backpack with one main compartment, two side pockets and
multiple utility sections, external straps and loops. Value 10 gp; weight 2 lb.
• One bedroll suited for a Medium creature, usually strapped to the top of the backpack.
Not terribly comfortable, but it will keep you warm. Value 1 gp; weight 2 lb.
• A strong, lightweight canvas for camouflage (+2 Hide in natural areas when not moving)
or protection against the weather (+2 to any checks against weather hazards). 4 square
yards. Value 2 gp; weight 2 lb.
• A utility ax or machete, attached to the pack through a side loop. Base damage 1d6
(slashing). Critical properties ×2. This item is a tool for gathering wood and cutting
through thick brambles, and counts as an improvised weapon. Value 1 gp; weight 2 lb.
• A flint and steel for making fires. Value 1 gp; weight —
• Three tindertwigs for emergencies or when it's wet. Value 3 gp; weight —
• A hooded lantern. Value 7 gp; weight 3 lb.
• Crude lamp oil in 2 pint bottles, enough for 12 hours of lamplight, or for coating 2 five
foot squares (or Medium creatures) in oil. Value 2 sp; weight 2 lb.
• 4 pitons for climbing rugged and difficult surfaces. Value 4 sp; weight 2 lb.
• Pre-prepared trail rations containing sufficient energy-rich food to sustain one person for
7 days. Value 35 sp; weight 7 lb.
• 50 ft. of hempen rope. Value 1 gp; weight 10 lb.
• Scroll case for documents (such as military maps, mission-relevant data, military
credentials, etcetera). Value 1 gp; weight —.
• A sewing and repair kit, including sewing needles, several forms of thread, as well as
wax and adhesive. Value 3 gp; weight 1 lb.
• Hygiene and washing aid such as soap, a razorblade, etcetera. Value 5 gp; weight 1 lb.
• Medicinal kit containing 1 lb. of rubbing alcohol, clean bandaging and various healing
tools. Enough for 10 Heal checks. Value 10 gp; weight 2 lb.
• A toughened waterskin fashioned from animal hide, enough to hold two liters of liquid.
Value 1 gp; weight 4 lb. (full)
Beginner's Discount: Many adventurer guilds throughout the kingdoms support beginning
adventurers. Those of little experience may be eligible for bonus packages when picking a field
equipment pack. A 1st-level character licensed to an adventuring guild may purchase or start out
with a basic field equipment pack for half price (25 gp). A character may only receive a
beginner's discount on the same item once.
Journeyman's Field Equipment Pack[edit]
For those experienced trailblazers that need a little more kit to survive the dangers of the wild
outdoors, there is the journeyman field equipment pack.
The journeyman field equipment pack costs 500 gp and weighs 40 pounds when fully stocked
and includes the gear listed below.
• An ultra-lightweight kevlarium backpack with one main compartment, two side pockets
and multiple utility sections, external straps and loops. The journeyman backpack comes
fitted with an easy access potion slot that lets you store one potion or oil for quick use
(usable as a move action or part thereof). The backpack is highly wear-resistant and
protects its contents against the elements up to severe cold or heat. Value 50 gp, weight 1
• Three potions of cure light wounds. Value 150 gp; weight ½ lb.
• One bedroll suited for a Medium creature. Value 1 gp; weight 2 lb.
• A lightweight tent that can fit up to four average Medium creatures. Grants 1 points of
cold and heat protection to any creature within (see cold or heat dangers. Setting up a tent
requires a DC 15 Survival check and 5 minutes, lowering the time requirement by 1
minute for every 5 points by which you beat the check, to a minimum of 1 minute. Those
who fail the check take 10 minutes. Those who lack ranks in survival take 20 minutes.
The time required is divided by the number of participants, up to a maximum of 4 people
(including you). Value 25 gp, weight 10 lb.
• A strong, ultra-lightweight canvas for camouflage (+2 Hide in natural areas when not
moving) or protection against the weather (+2 to any checks against weather hazards). 4
square yards. Can be put over the tent as a tarp to camouflage it and increase the cold and
heat protection granted to occupants by 1 point. Value 10 gp; weight 1 lb.
• A utility ax or machete, attached to the pack through a side loop. Base damage 1d6
(slashing). Critical properties ×2. This item is a tool for gathering wood and cutting
through thick brambles, and counts as an improvised weapon. Value 1 gp; weight 2 lb.
• A flint and steel for making fires. Value 1 gp; weight —
• Five tindertwigs for emergencies or when it's wet. Value 5 gp; weight —
• An everburning bullseye lantern. No need for pesky fuel. Comes with a removable end
cap that blocks the light cone, allowing it to be turned on and off at will as a move action.
Value 120 gp; weight 2 lb.
• 4 pitons for climbing rugged and difficult surfaces. Value 4 sp; weight 2 lb.
• A grappling hook. Value 1 gp; weight 4 lb.
• A package of 30 1-oz. Wayfarer's Granola Bars capable of sustaining one person for 1
month in the field. One granola bar is magically treated to keep indefinitely, and is filled
with concentrated nutrients to keep a Medium creature full for a whole day. A wayfarer's
granola bar confers a +2 bonus to Constitution checks to keep walking, running or
performing any strenuous activity, as well as Fortitude saves to avert colds, fevers and
negative effects from weather hazards. The boosting effects of the granola bar last for 12
hours after ingestion. Value 50 gp; weight 2 lb
• 50 ft. of silk rope. Value 10 gp; weight 5 lb.
• High quality scroll case for documents (such as military maps, mission-relevant data,
military credentials, etcetera). Includes compartment for writing tools with a fountain pen
and inkwell. Outfitted with an assortment of maps from the local adventurer guild
chapter, outlining landmarks and settlements and granting a +2 bonus to all Knowledge
(geography) checks involving the surrounding lands in a 100-mile radius. Value 10 gp;
weight 2 lb.
• A sewing and repair kit, including sewing needles, several forms of thread, as well as
wax and adhesive. Value 3 gp; weight 1 lb.
• Hygiene and washing aid such as soap, a razorblade, etcetera. Value 5 gp; weight 1 lb.
• Medicinal kit containing 1 lb. of rubbing alcohol, 1 oz. of antiseptive, and an antidote kit,
clean bandaging and various healing tools. Counts as a masterwork skill tool for Heal
checks. Enough for 20 Heal checks. You may make a DC 15 Heal check to grant yourself
a +2 bonus to either disease or poison for the next 2 hours (+1 to the bonus and the
number of hours for every 10 points over 15). Value 50 gp; weight 2 lb.
• A toughened waterskin fashioned from animal hide, enough to hold two liters of liquid.
Value 1 gp; weight 4 lb. (full)
Beginner's Discount: A character up to 3rd level licensed to an adventuring guild may purchase
or start out with a journeyman field equipment pack for half price (250 gp). A character may
only receive a beginner's discount on the same item once.

Gas Mask[edit]
This is mask that covers the mouth and nose, with two small protruding cylinders on the chin
line, lateral of mouth. It has the capacity for attachments as noted below. When worn, the subject
becomes immune to all alchemical items, diseases, and poison's that require inhalation. It takes a
full round action to don and remove.
Filters must be replaced after three days of exposure. After the three days, divide all negative
inhalation effect DCs by two. A pair of filters cost 25gp.
Gas Masks are not sturdy devices. They have a hardness of 2 and 5 hit points. Additionally gas
masks are weak to acid, cold, and fire.
All attachments are connected to the gas mask - thus do not incur penalty's to the standard
Goggles: Costs 7gp for clear, and 10gp for tinted.
• The eyes cannot be pierced by non-magical weapons
• +2 to hardness
• If tinted:
• sight is one step darker (making bright light into dim light, dim light into no light,
and no light into impenetrable darkness).
• +3 to saves against blinding
Riot Visor: Costs 14gp for clear, 20gp for tinted, and 24gp for orange tint.
• provide +1 to AC
• goes over any goggles
• +8 to hardness
• If tinted:
• sight is one step darker (making bright light into dim light, dim light into no light,
and no light into impenetrable darkness).
• +3 to saves against blinding.
• If orange tint:
• +2 spot checks, vision increased by 10'.
• -3 to saves against blinding.
Somo Filters: Costs 40gp for the new mountings; and 30gp for a pair of filter's.
• Last for four days
• no longer weak to acid
• +2 hit point
Epic Mask: Costs 150gp
• no longer weak to cold
• +2 hardness
• +5 hitpoints
Omnigoggles: (see Omnigoggles (3.5e Equipment)) only one pair of goggles can be worn at a
For a medium creature, gas masks cost 100 gp and weigh 3 lbs.

Gas Mask[edit]
This is mask that covers the mouth and nose, with two small protruding cylinders on the chin
line, lateral of mouth. It has the capacity for attachments as noted below. When worn, the subject
becomes immune to all alchemical items, diseases, and poison's that require inhalation. It takes a
full round action to don and remove.
Filters must be replaced after three days of exposure. After the three days, divide all negative
inhalation effect DCs by two. A pair of filters cost 25gp.
Gas Masks are not sturdy devices. They have a hardness of 2 and 5 hit points. Additionally gas
masks are weak to acid, cold, and fire.
All attachments are connected to the gas mask - thus do not incur penalty's to the standard
Goggles: Costs 7gp for clear, and 10gp for tinted.
• The eyes cannot be pierced by non-magical weapons
• +2 to hardness
• If tinted:
• sight is one step darker (making bright light into dim light, dim light into no light,
and no light into impenetrable darkness).
• +3 to saves against blinding
Riot Visor: Costs 14gp for clear, 20gp for tinted, and 24gp for orange tint.
• provide +1 to AC
• goes over any goggles
• +8 to hardness
• If tinted:
• sight is one step darker (making bright light into dim light, dim light into no light,
and no light into impenetrable darkness).
• +3 to saves against blinding.
• If orange tint:
• +2 spot checks, vision increased by 10'.
• -3 to saves against blinding.
Somo Filters: Costs 40gp for the new mountings; and 30gp for a pair of filter's.
• Last for four days
• no longer weak to acid
• +2 hit point
Epic Mask: Costs 150gp
• no longer weak to cold
• +2 hardness
• +5 hitpoints
Omnigoggles: (see Omnigoggles (3.5e Equipment)) only one pair of goggles can be worn at a
For a medium creature, gas masks cost 100 gp and weigh 3 lbs.
Hair Dryer[edit]
Invented by Dawn Plushies, the "Hair Dryer" gently blows warm air out of its opening. It was
originally intended to quickly dry wet Plushies, however other races found it useful for drying
their hair after bathing.
Any creature with the Soggy When Wet quality can use this device to quickly dry off if they are
wet. Doing so takes one minute. Other creatures can dry their hair as well, however this provides
no mechanical benefit.
Market Price: 10 gp
Weight: 1 lb.

Heatproof Gloves[edit]
These utility oriented gloves are made of Gossamer and design to protect one's hand from
dangerous heat. The wearer of these gloves gain fire reistsance 2 and convert all fire damage
received into nonlethal damage, however this only apply to fire damage dealt by touching a
hazard with one's hands (such as poking lava or holding a weapon under the effect of the heat
metal spell).
Heatproof Gloves may be enhanced as magical gauntlets.
Craft (Tailoring) DC 18. Market Price 200 gp.

A hoverboard is a high-tech single-manned vehicle that uses no wheels but instead floats with
the help of advanced technology. A hoverboard consists of a deck from laminated wood or
polymers, with 2 blocks of suspendium powered by a muon-catalyzed fusion cell maintaining its
lift and balance. A series of propulsors on the rear and sides of the hoverboard then provide
maneuverability. The hoverboard determines the amount of thrust and lift required to maintain
stability depending on the tilts and turns the deck undergoes as a result of the rider's movements
and weight distribution. As such, the hoverboard handles like a skateboard to some degree, but
requires much finer coordination to master.
The rider of a hoverboard can hover as a Medium creature with a speed of 60 feet. Riding a
hoverboard at normal speed requires a DC 10 Balance check every round. The hoverboard can
hustle (Balance DC 15) at double speed and run (Balance DC 20) at five-times speed
A hoverboard's top speed (using the run action) is 300 feet per round (roughly 35 miles per
Proficiency with the hoverboard depends on your ranks in Balance or an equivalent skill:
• With 2 ranks in Balance, you no longer have to make checks to simply ride a hoverboard,
but still make checks to hustle or run. Your hover maneuverability at all speeds is poor.
• With 5 ranks in Balance, you no longer have to make checks to hustle with a hoverboard,
but still make checks to run. Your hover maneuverability increases to average.
• With 10 ranks in Balance, you no longer have to make checks to make any ordinary
movement with a hoverboard, though board tricks will still require checks. Your hover
maneuverability becomes good.
Regardless of your ranks in the skill, trying to make movements that exceed your level of
maneuverability with the hoverboard will instantly force you to make a DC 25 Balance check.
A hoverboard weighs 20 pounds and can run for 1,000 hours on a single fusion cell. The
maximum carry weight of a hoverboard is 350 pounds.
Price 7,500 gp (includes 4 pounds of suspendium and 1 fusion cell.

A pair of 'wheel'shoes with a series of small advanced engines underneath. Hoverskates are not
actually powerful enough to allow a creature to fly, however it boost the fly speed of a creature
wearing them by 10 ft. without affecting maneuverability. Hoverskates also boost the length and
height of any jump made with it by up to 20 feet and is also used to slow down fall, making a
creature wearing hoverskates immune to fall damage as long as it able to handle the hoverskates.
Hoverskates require energy cells to function, burning one cell per minute of use. Activating
hoverskates is a move action.
Each hoverskates can contain up to 25 energy cells. Expended energy cells can be changed for
new ones, a process which requires 5 minutes of work.
It is possible to use two fusion cells (one in each hoverskates) instead of energy cells. Fusion
cells provide enough energy to last for hundred of years without needing to be changed.
Price 6,000 gp

Laser Pointer[edit]
A laser pointer is a small device that resemble a pencil, it is used to make a thin ray of light. A
laser pointer can be activated or deactivated as a free action and must be wielded in one hand. A
laser pointer can be used to point at a creature or object within 400 feet, while doing so the
pointer and the end point of the laser shine bright as a torch, but do not illuminate the
A laser pointer can also be used in combat, as a standard action the wielder of a laser pointer may
attempt to point directly in the target's eyes. Doing so require a ranged touch attack and dazzle
the target for 1 minute (multiple use overlap, they do not stack). If the target has a singular eye
(like a cyclop) it is blinded for 1 round in addition of being dazzled. A successful fortitude save
(DC 15) reduce the dazzling effect on creature with two or more eyes and negate the blinding on
creature with only one eye (one-eyed creatures are always dazzled for the entire duration).
Cats which see the laser pointer are compelled to move into its space, DC 15 Will to resist.
Market Price: 100. Weight: - lbs (negligible)

Mercurite Wheelshoes[edit]
Gnomish wheelshoes were quickly adopted by gangs of rollerskating tricksters in more
magically and technologically advanced human nations. One such gang modified their
wheelshoes with energy batteries and mercurite alloy frames. Mercurite Wheelshoes function
just like regular wheelshoes, with the following exceptions:
Wearing mercurite wheelshoes increases charge and run distance by 10 feet. Additionally, the
wearer is not slowed down when going up a slope (but not stairs) if she succeeds on a DC 20
tumble check. Due to their extremely high quality, mercurite wheelshoes count as magical and as
a masterwork tool for tumble checks.
Finally, these wheelshoes can be powered by energy cells inserted at the back of the skates,
allowing them to turbo boost. As a free action, the wearer of a pair of mercurite wheelshoes can
increase her land speed by 10 feet. Doing so consumes 2 energy cells (1 in each wheelshoe).
Each wheelshoe can contain up to 25 energy cells. Expended energy cells can be changed for
new ones, a process which requires 5 minutes of work. Using turbo boost can overheat the
wheelshoes, thus it can only be used once per 1d4 rounds.
It is possible to use two fusion cells (one in each wheelshoes) instead of energy cells. Fusion
cells provide enough energy to last for hundred of years without needing to be changed.
If you have the Hell of Wheels, both natural slam attacks granted by the feat count as being made
of mercurite alloy (with all associated benefits). Similarly Unarmed Strike delivered through
kicks count as mercurite alloy when wearing those sweet skates.
Market Price: 2600 gp
Weight: 3 lb.

Military Backpack[edit]
A military backpack is a well optimized and reinforced adventuring backpack. It possess
multiple pouches which are reinforced with extra fabric and a sturdy well-balanced design. When
wearing a military backpack you count as having a strength score 2 points higher for the purpose
of carrying capacity, however any extra weight over your normal carrying capacity must be
placed in the backpack. A military backpack takes the shoulder item slot, magical military
backpacks enchanted to act like a cloak exists.
The backpack can also be made of special fabric material such as dordweave or kevlarium.
Military backpacks made of special fabric grants a +1 Armor bonus to AC which stacks with
actual armor (but not other sources of armor bonus such as an armored collar) and the benefits of
the material as if the backpack was light armor. If the character was already wearing light or
medium armor of the same material as the backpack her armor counts as one category heavier for
the purpose of benefits she gains from the material.
Since it's well optimized, a character with base attack bonus of 1 or more can retrieve an item
from a military backpack as a move action. A character with the quick draw feat can retrieve a
single item per round as a free action and any beyond that as a move action.
Market Price: 500 gp.
Weight: 2 lbs.

Protective Headphones[edit]
Protective headphones take up the head slot, but are mundane creations and can technically be
enhanced as their own magical headgear. When worn they give a +8 circumstance bonus on
saves against deafness, but they force a DC 5 Listen check to hear anything beyond 10 ft, with an
additional +5 for every 5 ft beyond.
Market Price: 50 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Repeater Module: A repeater module is a reasonably compact, complex mechanism of wood
and metal operating with sophisticated springs, that can be fitted to any masterwork light or
heavy crossbow and that can hold a maximum of 20 bolts at any one time. A repeater module
automatically spans the crossbow string and mounts a new bolt in place after the last one is
discharged, as long as there are bolts left in the module itself. Basically, the repeater module
allows you to perform a full attack action with a crossbow. When wielding a crossbow with a
repeater module installed, you can make use of the Rapid Shot feat and other feats regarding
ranged attacks if you have them. Loading a crossbow with a repeater module feeds the new bolts
directly into a small bolt magazine imbedded in the module in a 5 by 4 arrangement. Manually
reloading a repeater module, i.e. inserting the bolts in the incorporated magazine individually,
takes 1d4+1 rounds, but replacing the bolt magazine itself is a much quicker process and can be
done as a standard action. Non-masterwork crossbows cannot handle the strain that a repeater
module puts on the mounted bow string and take 1d4 damage every time the mechanism loads a
new bolt, that is not reduced by the weapon's hardness. Attaching a repeater module onto a
crossbow requires 1 minute. Removing one requires half a minute.
Despite allowing a crossbow an enhanced rate of fire, the repeater module can make the
crossbow either an automatic or semi-automatic weapon.
• Semi-Automatic: Looses a single bolt with a single depression of the trigger. Semi-
automatic fire is a full attack action.
• Automatic: Looses multiple bolts with a single depression of the trigger. Allows the
wielder to fire an extra bolt at his full base attack bonus, but you can only target a single
enemy this round. The extra bolt fired may be made to stack with the effects of Rapid
Shot, for a total of two extra attacks if that option is used. Automatic fire is also a full
attack action, because the wielder needs to brace the weapon.
Every round that a crossbow with a repeater module is used in combat, there is a 1 % chance of
the mechanism stalling due to miscommunication between the crossbow and the module. If that
happens, the crossbow cannot be used until the repeater module is removed and reattached
properly. If a crossbow is magical, this chance of stalling disappears.
A repeater module has hardness 8 and 10 hit points.
Construction: Fashioning a repeater module requires 500 gp worth of base materials ranging
from top quality wood and steel to a carefully callibrated system of autoloading springs. Its
construction requires either a DC 25 Craft (bowmaking) check, or a DC 25 Knowledge
(architecture and engineering) check in conjunction with a DC 20 Craft (carpentry) or Craft
(metalwork) check.
Price: 1,000 gp. (includes the price of its bolt magazine).
Weight: 4 lb. (includes the weight of its bolt magazine).

Built by advanced peoples from a distant land that only recently discovered magic, the
Robomage is basically a hard disk, a flash drive, some fancy parsing code, and a setup for
casting the spells. The Robomage looks like a large metal sphere on a stick, with two well-
articulated rubber arms coming out of the sides of the sphere, a camera in the center of the
sphere, and a little grid of holes below the camera denoting the location of the speaker system.
Buttons and knobs on the stick allow it to be controlled well with two hands.
The Robomage can store up to 50 pages-worth of arcane spells on its permanent hard disk. It's
possible to write new arcane spells onto the hard disk by aiming the camera at the spell where it
is written down for a while. This process takes one minute per page. The Robomage can
memorize one spell on its flash drive at a time. This process takes one round. Casting a spell
from the flash drive (thus wiping the flash drive) takes as long as it takes a normal caster to cast a
The Robomage's caster level is only 1, and its relevant ability modifier is -5, although it can cast
any level of arcane spell.
Robomagi are generally unusual enough that it's very hard to put a price on them, but in optimal
circumstances they can cost as little as 50,000 gold pieces.
Cost: 50,000+ gp
Weight: Varies

Rocket Boots[edit]
Rocket boots are bluntly put, boots with rocket strapped underneath. A pair of rocket boots
contain F.U.E.L, which is used to power it various abilities. A pair of rocket boots can contain up
to 10 ounces of F.U.E.L which a full-round action to refill.
Rockets boots can be activated as a swift action, while powered the wearer is under the effect of
feather fall and are able to hover (perfect) at their land speed. Powered rocket boost consume one
ounce of F.U.E.L each minute it activated. While wearing powered rocket boots your unarmed
attacks made with your kicks deal an additional 1d6 fire damages. On a natural 20, the bonus
damage increase to 5d6 and struck creature is thrown prone 1d6x5 feet in a direction of your
A creature wearing powered rocket boots is capable of very brief 'flight'. as a swift or move
action they may activate the boots firing up the creature in a direction of her choice. The distance
traveled is random; 3d6x5 feet, if you roll three 1s the boots fail to start and if your roll three 6s
your rocket particularly explode, dealing 5d6 fire damage to you and everyone within 10 feet,
making you prone (reflex DC 20 halves the damage and negate the prone) and shoot you 200 feet
in the air. Using this ability consume one ounce of F.U.E.L. You increase the potency of the
jump by increasing the amount of F.U.E.L used, for each additional ounce of F.U.E.L consumed
you double the distance traveled (included the distance travelled upon rolling three 6s).
With a DC 20 craft (technology) rocket boots and be combined with hoverskates into a single
pair of boots. Rocket boots fused with hoverskates do not require F.U.E.L to be powered, but
still consume it when using it jump ability.
Market Price: 2,000 gp

A scope is can be fitted on firearms or crossbows, allowing the wielder to make precised shot
farther away than normal. Scopes can be affixed to a crossbow or firearm as a full-round action,
the weapon need to be pre-fitted to receive a scope which require a DC 15 craft check.
A character using a scope gain a +8 circumstance spot check but only when trying to spot a
creature at least 40 feet away. A creature wielding a scoped weapon take no penalty from firing
up to twice the weapon's range increment and all penalties beyond are reduced by 1. Additionally
the range that you can inflict precision damage with a scoped weapon increase by 30'. Obviously
a character only gain the benefits of a scope when wielding the scoped weapon.
Market Price: 300 gp.
Weight: - lbs.

Solarite Power Cell[edit]

This short, compact cilindrical energy cell is designed to hold solarite safely, and harness its
power for use by high-tech devices. It can be slotted into receptacles made for fusion cells,
allowing a high-power device to perform for much longer periods, and possibly reducing the
required number of power cells required for the device to function. Solarite power cells come in
four different types, depending on the type of solarite it is designed to hold. A solarite power cell
is about the size of a liter jar, and can hold up to 2 pounds of solarite or other energetic or
radioactive material.
It is ill-advised to load two or more diferent types of solarite in one solarite power cell; the
weaker types of solarite absorb a lot of the energy generated by the stronger types; the weak
types are preserved until the most potent type decays into it, drawing twice as much power for
the same effect until all solarite becomes of similar type. For example, if one pound of yellow
and one pound of white solarite are loaded in the same power cell, the white solarite will be used
up twice as quickly as normal until it decays into yellow solarite at which point the energy draw
SPC Mk. I[edit]
Dilatantoplastic casing reinforced with a 5mm lead inner lining. A Mark I solarite power cell can
completely absorb 3 dose levels of radiation (up to Mild doses), reducing heavier doses by 3
levels. Capable of safely holding up to yellow solarite or other materials emitting Mild or lesser
Craft (Technology) DC 20. Market price 600 gp; empty weight 4 lb.
SPC Mk. II[edit]
Dilatantoplastic casing reinforced with a 5mm tungsten-iridium lining. A Mark II solarite power
cell can completely absorb 4 dose levels of radiation (up to Average), reducing heavier doses by
4 levels. The solarite fuel is more efficient, resulting in a 10% increase of solarite charges.
Capable of safely holding up to white solarite or other materials emitting Average or lesser
Craft (Technology) DC 25. Market price 4,000 gp; empty weight 6 lb.
SPC Mk. III[edit]
Dilatantoplastic casing reinforced with a 5mm ceramite-shielded osmium-iridium lining.
Prismlight studs covering the inside of the lining absorb excess gamma-band radiation, feeding it
back into the cell as power. The compartment surrounding the solarite is filled with water to
absorb neutron-based radiation. A Mark III solarite power cell can completely absorb 5 dose
levels of radiation (up to Dangerous), reducing heavier doses by 5 levels. The solarite fuel is
more efficient, resulting in a 20% increase of solarite charges. Capable of safely holding up to
blue solarite or other materials emitting Dangerous or lesser radiation.
Craft (Technology) DC 35. Market price 13,500 gp; empty weight 12 lb.
SPC Mk. X[edit]
Dilatantoplastic casing with a gravsteel jacket, reinforced with a 10mm ceramite-shielded
osmium-iridium lining. Lining interior clad in a thin layer of achiralium that reflects and contains
any wavelength of radiation. Solarite fuel is contained within two hollow refined proteum
hemispheres. The gravsteel and proteum protect against and contain gravitic anomalies. A Mark
X solarite power cell is capable of perfectly absorbing all radiation, even that of nitrion. The
solarite fuel is more efficient, resulting in 50% more solarite charges. Capable of safely holding
any type of solarite (including black solarite), nitrion, as well as any other kind of radioactive
Craft (Technology) DC 50. Limited wish required for the achiralium component. Market price
65,000 gp; empty weight 20 lb.

Staff Chamber[edit]
A staff chamber is an complex construct, allowing magic staves to be inserted into large
weapons. A staff chamber work just like a wand chamberMIC with the following exceptions: It
can only be applied to a two-handed weapon with the reach quality and it house magic staff
instead of magic wands.
Price: 400 gp.

Sticky Saddle[edit]
Who thought this was a good idea...? Someone help me get off my horse!!!
This saddle is coated with an adhesive material, which grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Ride
checks related to staying on your mount. However, it provides a −2 alchemical penalty to Ride
checks related to getting off of your mount, and requires you to make a Ride check to dismount
regardless of other conditions (default DC of 10).
Craft (Alchemy) DC 12. Market Price 400 gp

Trick Loader[edit]
The trick loader is a device custom fitted for items allowing it to be reloaded without any free
hands available (such as dropping out a gun clip and slipping in a new clip from your belt, or
able to pull back on a crossbow string using a hook on your leg). It doesn't reduce the time
required to reload.
Market Price: 750 gp
Weight: - lb.

Weapon Cord[edit]
This red silken cord is strong and springy. With a tug, the connected longsword flies into your
A weapon cord chains your weapon to your wrist, so if you drop it (or are disarmed) you merely
need to tug on the weapon to bring it back to your hands. You can pick up a dropped weapon
connected by a weapon cord as a swift action. The cord is a little cumbersome, on account of
having a weapon dangling from the end of it. When attacking with other weapons while a
weapon hangs by the cord you take a -1 penalty for light weapons, -2 for one-handed weapons,
and -4 for two-handed weapons. Other items can be attached (such as wands) as a weapon of
equivalent size. Attaching or removing a weapon cord is a standard action.
If you have Two-Weapon Fighting you can pull but both weapons as part of the same swift
The weapon cord has 0 hardness and 10 hp.
Market Price: 300 gp
Weight: - lb.

A simple board with two pairs of wheels below it, allowing it to be mounted and used for quick
movement. A creature mounted on a wheelboard see her movement increased by 10 ft, doubled
when going downhill and removed when going uphill. A creature mounting a skateboard is also
capable of hustling for twice as long as normal and increase the speed multiplier of Running by
However a wheelboard is not without it problems, any land speed made while mounted on a
wheelboard have average maneuverability (as flight). This limitation get worse by one step if the
creature has no ranks in Balance and if you travel across difficult terrain, both are cumulative.
Similarly it increase by one if you have 9 or more ranks in Balance or if you travel over
completely flat terrain, similarly both are cumulative.
Lastly if you fail a Balance, Jump or Tumble check on a skateboard, you fall Prone.
Craft (Woodcrafting) DC 15. Market Price 300 gp.

Clearly some gnomish prank to make shoes with wheels so the victim would slip and slide about,
it somehow became a popular pastime. These "rolling skates" or wheelshoes increase the user's
land speed by +10 feet, with no increase in speed going uphill and a +20 increase in speed going
downhill. However to move in them successfully the user must make a DC 10 Balance check,
and the DC for any movement related skill checks (such as Climb, Jump, or Swim) increase by
+10. It is a cheap way of gaining extra speed.
Difficult terrain is especially harsh on wheelshoes, which need a relatively flat surface. Speeds
are quartered instead of halved in difficult terrain (minimum 5 feet), and traveling through any
sticky terrain or being hit by a tanglefoot bag gums up the wheels. Gummed up wheelshoes are
treated as if always in difficult terrain until cleaned (a full round action, provided you have a
means such as water or a rag).
Wheelshoes take up the feet slot. Enhanced magical wheelshoes may exist; these do not gum up
in sticky areas but still treat difficult terrain as above.
Market Price: 800 gp
Weight: 2 lb.

ZK-23 Energy Shield[edit]

The ZK-23 Solid Energy Shield Array. One of the most effective troop shielding systems.
Crafted by Zherihnghil Teknolojia, this seemingly simple armband emits a field of gravatic
energy which absorbs incoming energy, including kinetic energy. The upshot if this is that the
user gains a 35 HP shield, regaining 5 HP a minute, which can be tuned to both tactical and
perimeter shielding (up to 20 feet), though in the latter setting, prevents changes in movement
(no moving on ground, keep moving in low gravity if flying at same speed and bearing). It can
also emit a strong enough gravatic field as to allow the user to hover about 3 feet off the ground,
or propel themselves at their normal ground speed in a low gravity area, both with perfect
However, the shield is not perfect, despite(or according to some claims, because of) years of
research and testing. The shield requires a partial Z cell (PZ, TZ, XZ), which depletes the cell
when the shield is knocked down. PZ cells can be knocked down once before going dry, TZ cells
twice, and XZ five times.
All shields come with a PZ power cell when bought.
ZK-23 Energy shields also accept user Bio-Energy, assuming they posses weaponize bio-energy
feat to charge it. Three Bio-Energy per full recharge of shields when running off user Bio-
Market Price: 5,000 gp

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