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Amendment to Wildwood Municipal Code

Section 110.210 Rules of Procedure

Offered by Councilman Taylor, Ward 4

Passed by Administration / Public Works Committee 9/11/2018

The general public shall be afforded an opportunity to address the

Council during the portion of the order of business set aside for public
participation. Any person desiring to address the Council shall be
required to identify himself/herself themselves, stating his/her their
home address or place of business , and to address his/her remarks to
the Mayor Council members desiring further information or comment
from the speaker or from any other person in the audience should
request the same through the Mayor. Protracted, repetitive, irrelevant a
Abusive or threatening remarks from the public may be closed off at
any time by direction of the Mayor. The Mayor may establish
procedures and rules governing public participation. The Council may,
by majority vote, suspend or change the procedures and rules for
public participation for a particular meeting and/or future
meetings. A member of the public may ask a direct question of a
member of the council or the Mayor. If the Mayor or any member
of the Council desires to respond to such a question they may
offer a brief response as facilitated by the Mayor as chair of the

Note: Language that is struck through is being removed from the section as it is currently
written and language that is in bold is being added to the section as it is currently written.

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