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Stage 2- Evidence

Evaluative Criteria Students will show their learning by… (summative assessment)
● Compare/Contrast
● Vocabulary Students will show that they really understand by evidence of...
● Ability to listen
● Thoughtful account of the ● Creating a comprehensive story of their own family.
development of their thinking ○ Their ability to verbally share their story with their partner.
○ Presenting their peers stories using accurate vocabulary.
(What criteria will be used in each assessment ○ Understanding the key differences in each other’s families.
to evaluate attainment of the desired
results?)(rubric required)

(Regardless of the format of the assessment, OTHER EVIDENCE:

what qualities are most important?) ● Connecting “All the Way to America: The Story of a Big Italian Family and a Little Shovel” to aspects of their own life.
○ The ability to listen to a story.
○ Discussion of key ideas and connections.
○ Understanding historical content from the book i.e. immigration.

(What other evidence will you collect to determine whether Stage 1 goals were achieved?

Based on Wiggins and McTighe (2011) The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units and Van Brummelen (2002) Steppingstones to Curriculum

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