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Car Drive

1) stand up straight
2) handheld plate with both hands
3) swivel plate to the right and to the left like it when driving a car
4) repeat ten and fifteen times on each position
5) this exercise targets focus on the shoulder muscles
Incline Push Up

1) take a good push-up position

2) the hand resting on the bench
3) lower your body down
4) hold while
5) push back up
6) repeat ten to fifften repetisi
7) target reps of this exercise focuses on the muscles of the chest
Seated Dumbbell Palms-Up Wrist Curl

1) sit relaxed on the chair

2) graps the dumbbells with the palms of hands facing upward

3) stacks your forearm on the thigt

4) lift you wrists upward

5) keep your forearm did not come up

6) return to the original potision

7) repeats ten to fifften reps

8) this exercise is to train the forearm muscles

Squat Jump

1) position squat until thighs parallel to the two floor

2) do it jump in the high places
3) return to starting position and then jump again
4) target practice to train the leg muscles (lower body)

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