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Proposal for a small gym at COAR-PIURA school


We are writing to seek sponsors to solve two problems, which affect to the COAR- Piura students.
This school provides high performance students with regular basic education from all over Piura an
educational service with high national and international quality standards, which allows them to
strengthen their personal, academic, artistic and / or sports competencies with an open mind
towards other cultures. Currently, there are 300 students in this school.


The problems are the obesity and the stress in COAR- Piura students. The two are important to
solve, because they affect in their learning. Although, the Coar give them a good alimentation,
based in vegetables and fruits, we think the exercises are complement in the diet.

Statement of need:

The students at the COAR Piura School are very stressed because they study a lot of and they do
not have a place where they can do something different, that help them to relax and leave for
moment the routine. The other problem is that they do not take a time for their body and have a
sedentary life. This do that the majority of the students suffer problem of overweight.


We propose the COAR School has to provide an adequate space for doing physical activities like a
mini gym. We think that is not necessary buy expensive machines. We believe that with only have
the place for doing exercises is enough. Nevertheless, if we can get some exercise machines later,
this will be better. We can begin with two machine and in the over time, we can implement it.


We want to begin with a multifunctional bar, which cost S/. 59.99. This machine will help to the
students to work the arms. Also, we can buy some gym mats, for doing exercises like abdominal,
aerobics and stretching, because is more comfortable. The price of each one is S/. 6.00.


The mini gym will help to students to take a time to their body and complement their style of
healthy life.

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