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2. G.R. No.

L-75697, June 18, 1987

TAXATION LAW REVIEW VALENTIN TIO doing business under the name and
1. G.R. No. 175356, December 3, 2013 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the
MANILA MEMORIAL PARK, INC. AND LA FUNERARIA province shall collect a tax of thirty percent (30%) of the
PAZ-SUCAT, INC. vs. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT purchase price or rental rate, as the case may be, for every
OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT and THE sale, lease or disposition of a videogram containing a
SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE reproduction of any motion picture or audiovisual
program. Fifty percent (50%) of the proceeds of the tax
Thus, even if the current law, through its tax deduction collected shall accrue to the province, and the other fifty
scheme (which abandoned the tax credit scheme under the percent (50%) shall accrue to the municipality where the
previous law), does not provide for a peso for peso tax is collected; PROVIDED, That in Metropolitan Manila,
reimbursement of the 20% discount given by private the tax shall be shared equally by the City/Municipality
establishments, no constitutional infirmity obtains and the Metropolitan Manila Commission. x x x x” The
because, being a valid exercise of police power, payment of foregoing provision is allied and germane to, and is
just compensation is not warranted. reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of, the
general object of the DECREE, which is the regulation of
In the exercise of police power, a property right is the video industry through the Videogram Regulatory
impaired by regulation, or the use of property is merely Board as expressed in its title. The tax provision is not
prohibited, regulated or restricted to promote public inconsistent with, nor foreign to that general subject and
welfare. In such cases, there is no compensable taking, title. As a tool for regulation it is simply one of the
hence, payment of just compensation is not required. regulatory and control mechanisms scattered throughout
the DECREE. The express purpose of the DECREE to
The 20% discount is intended to improve the welfare of include taxation of the video industry in order to regulate
senior citizens who, at their age, are less likely to be and rationalize the heretofore uncontrolled distribution of
gainfully employed, more prone to illnesses and other videograms is evident from Preambles 2 and 5, supra.
disabilities, and, thus, in need of subsidy in purchasing Those preambles explain the motives of the lawmaker in
basic commodities. It may not be amiss to mention also presenting the measure. The title of the DECREE, which is
that the discount serves to honor senior citizens who the creation of the Videogram Regulatory Board, is
presumably spent the productive years of their lives on comprehensive enough to include the purposes expressed
contributing to the development and progress of the in its Preamble and reasonably covers all its provisions. It
nation. This distinct cultural Filipino practice of honoring is unnecessary to express all those objectives in the title or
the elderly is an integral part of this law. As to its nature that the latter be an index to the body of the DECREE.
and effects, the 20% discount is a regulation affecting the
ability of private establishments to price their products The tax imposed by the DECREE is not only a regulatory
and services relative to a special class of individuals, senior but also a revenue measure prompted by the realization
citizens, for which the Constitution affords preferential that earnings of videogram establishments of around P600
concern. In turn, this affects the amount of profits or million per annum have not been subjected to tax, thereby
income/gross sales that a private establishment can derive depriving the Government of an additional source of
from senior citizens. In other words, the subject regulation revenue. It is an end-user tax, imposed on retailers for
affects the pricing, and, hence, the profitability of a private every videogram they make available for public viewing, It
establishment. However, it does not purport to is similar to the 30% amusement tax imposed or borne by
appropriate or burden specific properties, used in the the movie industry which the theater-owners pay to the
operation or conduct of the business of private government, but which is passed on to the entire cost of
establishments, for the use or benefit of the public, or the admission ticket, thus shifting the tax burden on the
senior citizens for that matter, but merely regulates the buying or the viewing public. It is a tax that is imposed
pricing of goods and services relative to, and the amount of uniformly on all videogram operators. The levy of the 30%
profits or income/gross sales that such private tax is for a public purpose. It was imposed primarily to
establishments may derive from, senior citizens. answer the need for regulating the video industry,
particularly because of the rampant film piracy, the
flagrant violation of intellectual property rights, and the
proliferation of pornographic video tapes. And while it was


also an objective of the DECREE to protect the movie 5. G.R. No. 166006, March 14, 2008
industry, the tax remains a valid imposition. PLANTERS PRODUCTS, INC. vs. FERTIPHIL
3. G.R. No. L-7859, December 22, 1955
WALTER LUTZ, as Judicial Administrator of the While the categories of what may constitute a public
Intestate Estate of the deceased Antonio Jayme purpose are continually expanding in light of the
Ledesma vs. J. ANTONIO ARANETA, as the Collector of expansion of government functions, the inherent
Internal Revenue requirement that taxes can only be exacted for a public
purpose still stands. Public purpose is the heart of a tax
As the protection and promotion of the sugar industry is a law. When a tax law is only a mask to exact funds from the
matter of public concern, the Legislature may determine public when its true intent is to give undue benefit and
within reasonable bounds what is necessary for its advantage to a private enterprise, that law will not satisfy
protection and expedient for its promotion. Here, the the requirement of “public purpose.” The purpose of a law
legislative discretion must be allowed full play, subject is evident from its text or inferable from other secondary
only to the test of reasonableness; and it is not contended sources. Here, We agree with the RTC and that CA that the
that the means provided in section 6 of Commonwealth Act levy imposed under LOI No. 1465 was not for a public
No. 567 bear no relation to the objective pursued or are purpose.
oppressive in character. If objective and methods are alike
constitutionally valid, no reason is seen why the state may Even if We consider LOI No. 1695 enacted under the police
not levy taxes to raise funds for their prosecution and power of the State, it would still be invalid for failing to
attainment. Taxation may be made the implement of the comply with the test of “lawful subjects” and “lawful
state’s police power. means.” Jurisprudence states the test as follows: (1) the
interest of the public generally, as distinguished from
4. G.R. No. L-23645, October 29, 1968 those of particular class, requires its exercise; and (2) the
BENJAMIN P. GOMEZ vs. ENRICO PALOMAR, in his means employed are reasonably necessary for the
capacity as Postmaster General, HON. BRIGIDO R. accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly oppressive
VALENCIA, in his capacity as Secretary of Public Works upon individuals. For the same reasons as discussed, LOI
and Communications, and DOMINGO GOPEZ, in his No. 1695 is invalid because it did not promote public
capacity as Acting Postmaster of San Fernando, interest. The law was enacted to give undue advantage to a
Pampanga private corporation.

It is settled that the legislature has the inherent power to 6. G.R. No. 168056, September 1, 2005
select the subjects of taxation and to grant exemptions. ABAKADA GURO PARTY LIST (Formerly AASJAS)
The classification of mail users is based on the ability to OFFICERS SAMSON S. ALCANTARA and ED VINCENT S.
pay, the enjoyment of a privilege and on administrative ALBANO vs. THE HONORABLE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY
convenience. Tax exemptions have never been thought of EDUARDO ERMITA; HONORABLE SECRETARY OF THE
as raising issues under the equal protection clause. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CESAR PURISIMA; and
The imposition of a flat rate rather than a graduated tax GUILLERMO PARAYNO, JR.
does not infringe the rule of uniformity and equality of
taxation. A tax need not be measured by the weight of the The Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality of
mail or the extent of the service rendered. Considerations Republic Act No. 9337 authorizing the President to
of administrative convenience and cost afford an adequate increase the VAT rate from 10% to 12% effective January
ground for classification. 1, 2006 upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance
on the existence of certain economic conditions. The
The authority given to the Postmaster General to raise Supreme Court held that there is no undue delegation of
funds through the mails must be liberally construed, legislative power when the tax law gave the President a
consistent with the principle that where the end is stand-by authority to increase the VAT rate from 10% to
required the appropriate means is given. Money raised 12% upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance.
from the sales of the anti-TB stamps is not for the benefit The law leaves the entire operation or non-operation of
of the Philippine Tuberculosis Society. The Society is not the 12% rate upon factual matters outside of the control of
really the beneficiary but only the agency through which the Executive. No discretion would be exercised by the
the State acts in carrying out what is essentially a public President. The President is not given the power to fix the
function. The money is treated as a special fund and as VAT rate but rather to implement a pre-determined rate if
such need not be appropriated by law. any of the economic conditions are present. In making his
recommendation to the President on the existence of


either of the two conditions, the Secretary of Finance is not 8. G.R. No. 115455, August 25, 1994
acting as the alter ego of the President. He is not subject to ARTURO M. TOLENTINO vs. THE SECRETARY OF
the power of control and direction of the President. He is FINANCE and THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
acting as the agent of the legislative department, to REVENUE
determine and declare the event upon which its expressed
will is to take effect. What the Constitution simply means is that the initiative
for filing revenue bills must come from the House of
It is not the law, but the revenue bill, which is required by Representatives. The Constitution does not prohibit the
the Constitution to “originate exclusively” from the House filing in the Senate of a substitute bill in anticipation of its
of Representatives. It is important to emphasize this receipt of the bill from the House of Representatives so
because a bill originating in the House of Representatives long as action by the Senate as a body is withheld pending
may undergo such extensive changes in the Senate that the receipt of the bill from the House of Representatives. It is
result may be a re-writing of the whole. This is consonant not the law but the revenue bill which is required to
with the Senate’s power, not only to concur with originate exclusively in the House of Representatives. A bill
amendments, but also to propose amendments. originating in the House of Representatives may undergo
such extensive changes in the Senate that the result may be
7. G.R. No. 163072, April 2, 2009 a rewriting of the whole bill. To insist that a revenue
MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY vs. statute must be substantially the same as the bill approved
CITY OF PASAY, SANGGUNIANG PANGLUNGSOD NG by the House of Representatives is to deny the power of
PASAY, CITY MAYOR OF PASAY, CITY TREASURER OF the Senate to propose amendments and to violate the
PASAY, and CITY ASSESSOR OF PASAY equality of the legislative power of the two Houses.

By express mandate of the Local Government Code, local 9. G.R. No. 115455, October 30, 1995
governments cannot impose any kind of tax on national ARTURO M. TOLENTINO vs. THE SECRETARY OF
government instrumentalities like the MIAA. FINANCE and THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
The determinative test whether MIAA is exempt from
local taxation is not whether MIAA is a juridical person, All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing
but whether it is a national government instrumentality increase of the public debt, bills of local application, and
under Section 133(o) of the Local Government Code. private bills must “originate exclusively in the House of
Representatives” but the Senate may propose or concur
A close scrutiny of the definition of “government-owned or with amendments.
controlled corporation” in Section 2(13) will show that
MIAA would not fall under such definition. MIAA is a We have held that, as a general proposition, the press is
government “instrumentality” that does not qualify as a not exempt from the taxing power of the State and that
“government-owned or controlled corporation.” As what the constitutional guarantee of free press prohibits
explained in the 2006 MIAA case: “A government-owned are laws which single out the press or target a group
or controlled corporation must be “organized as a stock or belonging to the press for special treatment or which in
non-stock corporation.” MIAA is not organized as a stock any way discriminate against the press on the basis of the
or non-stock corporation. MIAA is not a stock corporation content of the publication, and RA. No. 7716 is none of
because it has no capital stock divided into shares. MIAA these.
has no stockholders or voting shares. x x x” Hence, MIAA is
not liable to pay real property tax for the NAIA Pasay 10. G.R. No. 163583, August 20, 2008
CAMACHO, in his capacity as Secretary of the
The airport lands and buildings of MIAA are properties of Department of Finance and GUILLERMO L. PARAYNO,
public dominion intended for public use, and as such are JR., in his capacity as Commissioner of the Bureau of
exempt from real property tax under Section 234(a) of the Internal Revenue
Local Government Code. However, under the same
provision, if MIAA leases its real property to a taxable As can be seen, the law creates a four-tiered system which
person, the specific property leased becomes subject to we may refer to as the low-priced, medium-priced, high-
real property tax. In this case, only those portions of the priced, and premium-priced tax brackets. When a brand is
NAIA Pasay properties which are leased to taxable persons introduced in the market, the current net retail price is
like private parties are subject to real property tax by the determined through the aforequoted specified procedure.
City of Pasay. The current net retail price is then used to classify under
which tax bracket the brand belongs in order to finally


determine the corresponding excise tax rate on a per pack 12. G.R. No. L-59431, July 25, 1984
basis. The assailed feature of this law pertains to the ANTERO M. SISON, JR. vs. RUBEN B. ANCHETA, Acting
mechanism where, after a brand is classified based on its Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue; ROMULO
current net retail price, the classification is frozen and only VILLA, Deputy Commissioner, Bureau of Internal
Congress can thereafter reclassify the same. Revenue; TOMAS TOLEDO Deputy Commissioner,
Bureau of Internal Revenue; MANUEL ALBA, Minister
It is quite evident that the classification freeze provision of Budget, FRANCISCO TANTUICO, Chairman,
could hardly be considered arbitrary, or motivated by a Commissioner on Audit, and CESAR E. A. VIRATA,
hostile or oppressive attitude to unduly favor older brands Minister of Finance
over newer brands. Congress was unequivocal in its
unwillingness to delegate the power to periodically adjust A bare allegation that Batas 135, which sets different
the excise tax rate and tax brackets as well as to income tax schedules for fixed income earners and
periodically resurvey and reclassify the cigarette brands business or professional income earners, is arbitrary does
based on the increase in the consumer price index to the not suffice to invalidate said tax statute. There must be a
DOF and the BIR. Congress doubted the constitutionality of factual foundation of such unconstitutional taint. Absent
such delegation of power, and likewise, considered the such a showing, the presumption of validity must prevail.
ethical implications thereof. Curiously, the classification
freeze provision was put in place of the periodic There is no legal objection to a broader tax base or taxable
adjustment and reclassification provision because of the income by eliminating all deductible items and at the same
belief that the latter would foster an anti-competitive time reducing the applicable tax rate. Taxpayers may be
atmosphere in the market. classified into different categories. To repeat, it is enough
that the classification must rest upon substantial
The classification freeze provision was in the main the distinctions that make real differences. In the case of the
result of Congress’s earnest efforts to improve the gross income taxation embodied in Batas Pambansa Blg.
efficiency and effectivity of the tax administration over sin 135, the discernible basis of classification is the
products while trying to balance the same with other state susceptibility of the income to the application of
interests. generalized rules removing all deductible items for all
taxpayers within the class and fixing a set of reduced tax
The classification freeze provision uniformly applies to all rates to be applied to all of them. Taxpayers who are
newly introduced brands in the market, whether imported recipients of compensation income are set apart as a class.
or locally manufactured. It does not purport to single out As there is practically no overhead expense, these
imported cigarettes in order to unduly favor locally taxpayers are not entitled to make deductions for income
produced ones. tax purposes because they are in the same situation more
or less. On the other hand, in the case of professionals in
11. G.R. No. 163583, April 15, 2009 the practice of their calling and businessmen, there is no
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO vs. JOSE ISIDRO N. uniformity in the costs or expenses necessary to produce
CAMACHO, in his capacity as Secretary of the their income. It would not be just then to disregard the
Department of Finance and GUILLERMO L. PARAYNO, disparities by giving all of them zero deduction and
JR., in his capacity as Commissioner of the Bureau of indiscriminately impose on all alike the same tax rates on
Internal Revenue the basis of gross income. There is ample justification then
for the Batasang Pambansa to adopt the gross system of
The classification freeze provision was inserted in the law income taxation to compensation income, while continuing
for reasons of practicality and expediency. That is, since a the system of net income taxation as regards professional
new brand was not yet in existence at the time of the and business income.
passage of RA 8240, then Congress needed a uniform
mechanism to fix the tax bracket of a new brand. The 13. G.R. No. 144104, June 29, 2004
current net retail price, similar to what was used to classify LUNG CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. QUEZON CITY
the brands under Annex "D" as of October 1, 1996, was and CONSTANTINO P. ROSAS, in his capacity as City
thus the logical and practical choice. Further, with the Assessor of Quezon City
amendments introduced by RA 9334, the freezing of the
tax classifications now expressly applies not just to Annex To determine whether an enterprise is a charitable
"D" brands but to newer brands introduced after the institution/entity or not, the elements which should be
effectivity of RA 8240 on January 1, 1997 and any new considered include the statute creating the enterprise, its
brand that will be introduced in the future. corporate purposes, its constitution and by-laws, the
methods of administration, the nature of the actual work
performed, the character of the services rendered, the


indefiniteness of the beneficiaries, and the use and last paragraph of said section unequivocally subjects to tax
occupation of the properties. In the legal sense, a charity the rent income of the YMCA from its real property, the
may be fully defined as a gift, to be applied consistently Court is duty-bound to abide strictly by its literal meaning
with existing laws, for the benefit of an indefinite number and to refrain from resorting to any convoluted attempt at
of persons, either by bringing their minds and hearts construction.
under the influence of education or religion, by assisting
them to establish themselves in life or otherwise lessening Private respondent also invokes Article XIV, Section 4, par.
the burden of government. It may be applied to almost 3 of the Charter, claiming that the YMCA “is a non-stock,
anything that tend to promote the well-doing and well- non-profit educational institution whose revenues and
being of social man. It embraces the improvement and assets are used actually, directly and exclusively for
promotion of the happiness of man. The word “charitable” educational purposes so it is exempt from taxes on its
is not restricted to relief of the poor or sick. The test of a properties and income.” We reiterate that private
charity and a charitable organization are in law the same. respondent is exempt from the payment of property tax,
The test whether an enterprise is charitable or not is but not income tax on the rentals from its property. The
whether it exists to carry out a purpose reorganized in law bare allegation alone that it is a non-stock, non-profit
as charitable or whether it is maintained for gain, profit, or educational institution is insufficient to justify its
private advantage. exemption from the payment of income tax.

As a general principle, a charitable institution does not lose 15. G.R. No. 127105, June 25, 1999
its character as such and its exemption from taxes simply COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. S.C.
because it derives income from paying patients, whether JOHNSON AND SON, INC., and COURT OF APPEALS
out-patient, or confined in the hospital, or receives
subsidies from the government, so long as the money International juridical double taxation is defined as the
received is devoted or used altogether to the charitable imposition of comparable taxes in two or more states on
object which it is intended to achieve; and no money the same taxpayer in respect of the same subject matter
inures to the private benefit of the persons managing or and for identical periods. The apparent rationale for doing
operating the institution. away with double taxation is to encourage the free flow of
goods and services and the movement of capital,
The Lung Center of the Philippines does not lose its technology and persons between countries, conditions
character as a charitable institution simply because the gift deemed vital in creating robust and dynamic economies.
or donation is in the form of subsidies granted by the The RP-US Tax Treaty is just one of a number of bilateral
government. treaties which the Philippines has entered into for the
avoidance of double taxation. The purpose of these
Those portions of Lung Center’s real property that are international agreements is to reconcile the national fiscal
leased to private entities are not exempt from real legislations of the contracting parties in order to help the
property taxes as these are not actually, directly and taxpayer avoid simultaneous taxation in two different
exclusively used for charitable purposes. What is meant by jurisdictions.
actual, direct, and exclusive use of the property for
charitable institutions is the direct and immediate and There are two methods of relief from double taxation—
actual application of the property itself to the purposes for the exemption method and the credit method. In the
which the charitable institution is organized. It is not the exemption method, the income or capital which is taxable
use of the income from the real property that is in the state of source or situs is exempted in the state of
determinative of whether the property is used for tax- residence, although in some instances it may be taken into
exempt purposes. account in determining the rate of tax applicable to the
taxpayer’s remaining income or capital. On the other hand,
14. G.R. No. 124043, October 14, 1998 in the credit method, although the income or capital
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. COURT OF which is taxed in the state of source is still taxable in the
APPEALS, COURT OF TAX APPEALS and YOUNG MEN'S state of residence, the tax paid in the former is credited
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. against the tax levied in the latter. The basic difference
between the two methods is that in the exemption method,
In the instant case, the exemption claimed by the YMCA is the focus is on the income or capital itself, whereas the
expressly disallowed by the very wording of the last credit method focuses upon the tax.
paragraph of then Section 27 of the NIRC which mandates
that the income of exempt organizations (such as the The purpose of a most favored nation clause is to grant to
YMCA) from any of their properties, real or personal, be the contracting party treatment not less favorable than
subject to the tax imposed by the same Code. Because the that which has been or may be granted to the “most


favored” among other countries. The most favored nation 17. G.R. No. 181845, August 4, 2009
clause is intended to establish the principle of equality of THE CITY OF MANILA, LIBERTY M. TOLEDO, in her
international treatment by providing that the citizens or capacity as THE TREASURER OF MANILA and JOSEPH
subjects of the contracting nations may enjoy the SANTIAGO, in his capacity as the CHIEF OF THE
privileges accorded by either party to those of the most LICENSE DIVISION OF CITY OF MANILA vs. COCA-COLA
favored nation. The essence of the principle is to allow the BOTTLERS PHILIPPINES, INC.
taxpayer in one state to avail of more liberal provisions
granted in another tax treaty to which the country of Double taxation means taxing the same property twice
residence of such taxpayer is also a party provided that the when it should be taxed only once; that is, “taxing the same
subject matter of taxation, in this case royalty income, is person twice by the same jurisdiction for the same thing.”
the same as that in the tax treaty under which the taxpayer It is obnoxious when the taxpayer is taxed twice, when it
is liable. should be but once. Otherwise described as “direct
duplicate taxation,” the two taxes must be imposed on the
16. G.R. No. 188550, August 19, 2013 same subject matter, for the same purpose, by the same
DEUTSCHE BANK AG MANILA BRANCH vs. taxing authority, within the same jurisdiction, during the
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE same taxing period; and the taxes must be of the same kind
or character.
Tax treaties are entered into to minimize, if not eliminate
the harshness of international juridical double taxation, It is apparent from a perusal thereof that when a
which is why they are also known as double tax treaty or municipality or city has already imposed a business tax on
double tax agreements. manufacturers, etc. of liquors, distilled spirits, wines, and
any other article of commerce, pursuant to Section 143(a)
“A state that has contracted valid international obligations of the LGC, said municipality or city may no longer subject
is bound to make in its legislations those modifications the same manufacturers, etc. to a business tax under
that may be necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the Section 143(h) of the same Code. Section 143(h) may be
obligations undertaken.” Thus, laws and issuances must imposed only on businesses that are subject to excise tax,
ensure that the reliefs granted under tax treaties are VAT, or percentage tax under the NIRC, and that are “not
accorded to the parties entitled thereto. The BIR must not otherwise specified in preceding paragraphs.” In the same
impose additional requirements that would negate the way, businesses such as respondent’s, already subject to a
availment of the reliefs provided for under international local business tax under Section 14 of Tax Ordinance No.
agreements. More so, when the RP-Germany Tax Treaty 7794 [which is based on Section 143(a) of the LGC], can no
does not provide for any pre-requisite for the availment of longer be made liable for local business tax under Section
the benefits under said agreement. 21 of the same Tax Ordinance [which is based on Section
143(h) of the LGC].
Bearing in mind the rationale of tax treaties, the period of
application for the availment of tax treaty relief as 18. G.R. No. 147188, September 14, 2004
required by RMO No. 1-2000 should not operate to divest COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. THE
entitlement to the relief as it would constitute a violation ESTATE OF BENIGNO P. TODA, JR., Represented by
of the duty required by good faith in complying with a tax Special Co-administrators Lorna Kapunan and Mario
treaty. The denial of the availment of tax relief for the Luza Bautista
failure of a taxpayer to apply within the prescribed period
under the administrative issuance would impair the value Tax avoidance and tax evasion are the two most common
of the tax treaty. At most, the application for a tax treaty ways used by taxpayers in escaping from taxation. Tax
relief from the BIR should merely operate to confirm the avoidance is the tax saving device within the means
entitlement of the taxpayer to the relief. sanctioned by law. This method should be used by the
taxpayer in good faith and at arm’s length. Tax evasion, on
Section 229 of the NIRC provides the taxpayer a remedy the other hand, is a scheme used outside of those lawful
for tax recovery when there has been an erroneous means and when availed of, it usually subjects the taxpayer
payment of tax. The outright denial of petitioner’s claim for to further or additional civil or criminal liabilities.
a refund, on the sole ground of failure to apply for a tax
treaty relief prior to the payment of the BPRT, would Tax evasion connotes the integration of three factors: (1)
defeat the purpose of Section 229. the end to be achieved, i.e., the payment of less than that
known by the taxpayer to be legally due, or the non-
payment of tax when it is shown that a tax is due; (2) an
accompanying state of mind which is described as being
“evil,” in “bad faith,” “willful,” or “deliberate and not


accidental”; and (3) a course of action or failure of action deceased person, the properties belonging to the estate are
which is unlawful. under the jurisdiction of the court and such jurisdiction
continues until said properties have been distributed
19. G.R. No. L-67649, June 28, 1988 among the heirs entitled thereto. During the pendency of
ENGRACIO FRANCIA vs. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE the proceedings all the estate is in custodia legis and the
COURT and HO FERNANDEZ proper procedure is not to allow the sheriff. In case of a
court judgment, to seize the properties but to ask the court
Francia contends that his tax delinquency of P2,400.00 has for an order to require the administrator to pay the
been extinguished by legal compensation. He claims that amount due from the estate and required to be paid.
the government owed him P4,116.00 when a portion of his
land was expropriated on October 15, 1977. Hence, his tax The fact that the court having jurisdiction of the estate had
obligation had been set-off by operation of law as of found that the claim of the estate against the Government
October 15, 1977. There is no legal basis for the has been appropriated for the purpose by a corresponding
contention. By legal compensation, obligations of persons, law (Rep. Act No. 2700) shows that both the claim of the
who in their own right are reciprocally debtors and Government for inheritance taxes and the claim of the
creditors of each other, are extinguished (Art. 1278, Civil intestate for services rendered have already become
Code). The circumstances of the case do not satisfy the overdue and demandable as well as fully liquidated.
requirements provided by Article 1279, to wit: “(1) that Compensation, therefore, takes place by operation of law,
each one of the obligors be bound principally and that he in accordance with the provisions of Articles 1279 and
be at the same time a principal creditor of the other; xxx 1290 of the Civil Code, and both debts are extinguished to
xxx xxx “(3) that the two debts be due. xxx xxx xxx. the concurrent amount.

We have consistently ruled that there can be no off-setting 21. G.R. No. 193007, July 19, 2011
of taxes against the claims that the taxpayer may have RENATO V. DIAZ and AURORA MA. F. TIMBOL vs. THE
against the government. A person cannot refuse to pay a SECRETARY OF FINANCE and THE COMMISSIONER OF
tax on the ground that the government owes him an INTERNAL REVENUE
amount equal to or greater than the tax being collected.
The collection of a tax cannot await the results of a lawsuit According to the Supreme Court, the fees paid by the
against the government. In the case of Republic v. public to tollway operators for use of tollways are not
Mambulao Lumber Co. (4 SCRA 622), this Court ruled that taxes in any sense. Taxes are imposed for the purpose of
Internal Revenue Taxes cannot be the subject of set-off or raising revenues to fund public expenditures. Toll fees, on
compensation. We stated that: “A claim for taxes is not the other hand, are collected by private tollway operators
such a debt, demand, contract or judgment as is allowed to as reimbursement for costs and expenses incurred in
be set-off under the statutes of set-off, which are construed construction, maintenance and operation of tollways, as
uniformly, in the light of public policy, to exclude the well as to assure them a reasonable margin of income. In
remedy in an action or any indebtedness of the state or addition, the Supreme Court also said that the VAT on
municipality to one who is liable to the state or tollway operations cannot be deemed “a tax on tax” due to
municipality for taxes. Neither are they a proper subject of the nature of VAT as an indirect tax. In indirect taxation, a
recoupment since they do not arise out of the contract or distinction is made between the liability for the tax and
transaction sued on. burden of the tax. The seller who is liable for the VAT may
shift or pass on the amount of VAT it paid on goods,
20. G.R. No. L-18994, June 29, 1963 properties or services to the buyer. In such a case, what is
MELECIO R. DOMINGO, as Commissioner of Internal transferred is not the seller’s liability but merely the
Revenue vs. HON. LORENZO C. GARLITOS, in his burden of the VAT. Thus, the seller remains directly and
capacity as Judge of the Court of First Instance of Leyte, legally liable for payment of the VAT, but the buyer bears
and SIMEONA K. PRICE, as Administratrix of the its burden since the amount of VAT paid by the former is
Intestate Estate of the late Walter Scott Price added to the selling price. Once shifted, the VAT ceases to
be a tax and simply becomes part of the cost that the buyer
The ordinary procedure by which to settle claims or must pay in order to purchase the good, property or
indebtedness against the estate of a deceased person, as an service. Consequently, VAT on tollway operations is not
inheritance tax, is for the claimant to present a claim really a tax on tollway users, but on tollway operators.
before the probate court so that said court may order the Under Section 105 of the NIRC, VAT is imposed on any
administrator to pay the amount hereof. person who, in the course of trade or business, sells or
renders services for a fee. In other words, the seller of
The legal basis for such a procedure is the fact that in the services, in this case the tollway operator, is the person
testate or intestate proceedings to settle the estate of a liable for VAT. The latter merely shifts the burden of VAT


to the tollway user as part of the toll fees. For this reason, Further, the serious legal questions raised by the
VAT on tollway operations cannot be “a tax on tax” even if petitioners, e.g., whether RA 9184 applies to the CP I
toll fees were deemed as “user’s tax”. VAT is assessed project, in particular, and to foreign-funded government
against tollway operator’s gross receipts and not projects, in general, and the fact that public interest is
necessarily on toll fees. Although the tollway operator indubitably involved considering the public expenditure of
may shift the VAT burden to the tollway user, it will not millions of pesos, warrant the Court to adopt in the present
make the latter directly liable for VAT. The shifted VAT case its liberal policy on locus standi.
burden simply becomes part of toll fees that one has to pay
in order to use tollways. 23. G.R. No. L-31685, July 31, 1975
22. G.R. No. 167919, February 14, 2007 Chairman of the Cultural Center of the Philippines,
by its President, COMMODORE CARLOS L. AGUSTIN SORIANO, as Members thereof
EBDANE, JR., in his capacity as Secretary of the Taxpayer has no legal standing to question executive acts
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS and HIGHWAYS, that do not involve the use of public funds. The President
HON. SECRETARY EMILIA T. BONCODIN, in her capacity had the power under the former Constitution, to
as Secretary of the DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET and administer a trust created by an agreement with a foreign
MANAGEMENT, HON. SECRETARY CESAR V. PURISIMA, country. Creation of Cultural Center of the Philippines
in his capacity as Secretary of the DEPARTMENT OF promotes constitutional policy encouraging arts and
capacity as Treasurer of the Bureau of Treasury, and
CHINA ROAD and BRIDGE CORPORATION 24. G.R. No. 141309, June 19, 2007
The prevailing doctrine in taxpayer’s suits is to allow CORPORATION
taxpayers to question contracts entered into by the
national government or government- owned or controlled The general rule is that a public officer is not liable for
corporations allegedly in contravention of law. A taxpayer damages which a person may suffer arising from the just
is allowed to sue where there is a claim that public funds performance of his official duties and within the scope of
are illegally disbursed, or that public money is being his assigned tasks. An officer who acts within his authority
deflected to any improper purpose, or that there is a to administer the affairs of the office which he/she heads is
wastage of public funds through the enforcement of an not liable for damages that may have been caused to
invalid or unconstitutional law. Significantly, a taxpayer another, as it would virtually be a charge against the
need not be a party to the contract to challenge its validity. Republic, which is not amenable to judgment for monetary
claims without its consent. However, a public officer is by
In the present case, the petitioners are suing as taxpayers. law not immune from damages in his/her personal
They have sufficiently demonstrated that, notwithstanding capacity for acts done in bad faith which, being outside the
the fact that the CPI project is primarily financed from scope of his authority, are no longer protected by the
loans obtained by the government from the JBIC, mantle of immunity for official actions.
nonetheless, taxpayers’ money would be or is being spent
on the project considering that the Philippine Government A public officer who directly or indirectly violates the
is required to allocate a peso-counterpart therefor. The constitutional rights of another, may be validly sued for
public respondents themselves admit that appropriations damages under Article 32 of the Civil Code even if his acts
for these foreign-assisted projects in the GAA are were not so tainted with malice or bad faith. Thus, the rule
composed of the loan proceeds and the peso-counterpart. in this jurisdiction is that a public officer may be validly
The counterpart funds, the Solicitor General explains, refer sued in his/her private capacity for acts done in the
to the component of the project cost to be financed from course of the performance of the functions of the
government-appropriated funds, as part of the office, where said public officer:
government’s commitment in the implementation of the (1) Acted with malice, bad faith, or negligence; or
project. Hence, the petitioners correctly asserted their (2) Where the public officer violated a constitutional
standing since a part of the funds being utilized in the right of the plaintiff.
implementation of the CPI project partakes of taxpayers’


INCOME TAXATION gains, they should not be treated to have formed an
unregistered partnership and taxed corporate income tax
1. G.R. No. 78953, July 31, 1991 on the sale and dividend income tax on their shares of the
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. MELCHOR profits from the sale. Their original purpose was to divide
J. JAVIER, JR. and THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS the lots for residential purposes. If later on they found it
not feasible to build their residences on the lots because of
We are persuaded considerably by the private the high cost of construction, then they had no choice but
respondent’s contention that there is no fraud in the filing to resell the same to dissolve the co-ownership. The
of the return and agree fully with the Court of Tax Appeals’ division of the profit was merely incidental to the
interpretation of Javier’s notation on his income tax return dissolution of the co-ownership which was in the nature of
filed on March 15, 1978 thus: “Taxpayer was the recipient things a temporary state. It had to be terminated sooner or
of some money from abroad which he presumed to be a later.
gift but turned out to be an error and is now subject of
litigation;” that it was an “error or mistake of fact or law” Mere sharing of gross income from an isolated transaction
not constituting fraud, that such notation was practically does not establish a partnership. Article 1769(3) of' the
an invitation for investigation and that Javier had literally Civil Code provides that ''the sharing of gross returns does
“laid his cards on the table.” not of itself establish a partnership, whether or not the
persons sharing them have a j oint or common right or
The fraud contemplated by law is actual and not interest in any property from which the returns are
constructive. It must be intentional fraud, consisting of derived". There must be an unmistakable intention to form
deception willfully and deliberately done or resorted to in a partnership or joint venture.
order to induce another to give up some legal right.
Negligence, whether slight or gross, is not equivalent to the 3. G.R. No. 195909, September 26, 2012
fraud with intent to evade the tax contemplated by law. It COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. ST. LUKE'S
must amount to intentional wrong-doing with the sole MEDICAL CENTER, INC.
object of avoiding the tax. It necessarily follows that a
mere mistake cannot be considered as fraudulent intent, The Supreme Court ruled that St. Luke’s is subject to the
and if both petitioner and respondent Commissioner of 10% preferential tax rate. Section 27(B) of the 1997 Tax
Internal Revenue committed mistakes in making entries in Code imposes a 10% preferential tax rate on the income of
the returns and in the assessment, respectively, under the (1) proprietary non-profit educational institutions, and (2)
inventory method of determining tax liability, it would be proprietary non-profit hospitals. The only qualifications
unfair to treat the mistakes of the petitioner as tainted for hospitals are that they must be proprietary and non-
with fraud and those of the respondent as made in good profit. “Proprietary” means private, following the
faith. definition of a “proprietary educational institution” as “any
private school maintained and administered by private
In the case at bar, there was no actual and intentional individuals or groups” with a government permit. “Non-
fraud through willful and deliberate misleading of the profit” means no net income or asset accrues to or benefits
government agency concerned, the BIR, headed by the any member or specific person, with all the net income or
herein petitioner. The government was not induced to give asset devoted to the institution’s purposes and all its
up some legal right and place itself at a disadvantage so as activities conducted not for profit.
to prevent its lawful agents from proper assessment of tax
liabilities because Javier did not conceal anything. Error or According to the Supreme Court, in order to be exempt
mistake of law is not fraud. The petitioner’s zealousness to from income tax, a charitable institution must be:
collect taxes from the unearned windfall to Javier is highly (1) A non-stock corporation or association;
commendable. Unfortunately, the imposition of the fraud (2) Organized exclusively for charitable purposes;
penalty in this case is not justified by the extant facts. (3) Operated exclusively for charitable purposes; and
(4) No part of its net income or asset shall belong to
2. G.R. No. L-68118, October 29, 1985 or inure to the benefit of any member, organizer,
JOSE P. OBILLOS, JR., SARAH P. OBILLOS, ROMEO P. officer, or any specific person.
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and COURT Thus, both the organization and operations of the
OF TAX APPEALS charitable institution must be devoted exclusively for
charitable purposes.
Where the father sold his rights over two parcels of land to
his four children so they can build their residence, but the To be a charitable institution, an organization must meet
latter after one (1) year sold them and paid the capital the substantive test of charity under existing


jurisprudence. Charity is essentially a gift to an indefinite Luke’s, as a proprietary non-profit hospital, is entitled to
number of persons which lessens the burden of the preferential tax rate of 10% on its net income from its
government. In other words, charitable institutions for-profit activities.
provide for free goods and services to the public which
would otherwise fall on the shoulders of government. 4. G.R. No. 175410, November 12, 2014
Thus, as a matter of efficiency, the government forgoes SMI-ED PHILIPPINES TECHNOLOGY, INC. vs.
taxes which should have been spent to address public COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE
needs, because certain private entities already assume a
part of the burden. This is the rationale for the tax Petitioner is not entitled to benefits given to PEZA-
exemption of charitable institutions. The loss of taxes by registered enterprises, including the 5% preferential tax
the government is compensated by its relief from doing rate under Republic Act No. 7916 or the Special Economic
public works which would have been funded by Zone Act of 1995. This is because it never began its
appropriations from the Treasury. operation. Essentially, the purpose of Republic Act No.
7916 is to promote development and encourage
To be exempt from income taxes, Section 30(E) of the 1997 investments and business activities that will generate
Tax Code requires that a charitable institution must be employment. Giving fiscal incentives to businesses is one
“organized and operated exclusively” for charitable of the means devised to achieve this purpose. It comes
purposes. Likewise, to be exempt from income taxes, with the expectation that persons who will avail these
Section 30(G) of the 1997 Tax Code requires that the incentives will contribute to the purpose’s achievement.
institution be “operated exclusively” for social welfare. In Hence, to avail the fiscal incentives under Republic Act No.
short, the last paragraph of Section 30 provides that if a tax 7916, the law did not say that mere PEZA registration is
exempt charitable institution conducts “any” activity for sufficient.
profit, such activity is not tax-exempt even as its not-for-
profit activities remain tax-exempt. Thus, even if the For petitioner’s properties to be subjected to capital gains
charitable institution must be “organized and operated tax, the properties must form part of petitioner’s capital
exclusively” for charitable purposes, it is nevertheless assets.
allowed to engage in “activities conducted for profit”
without losing its tax exempt status for its not-for-profit Thus, “capital assets” refers to taxpayer’s property that
activities. The only consequence is that the “income of is NOT any of the following:
whatever kind and character” of a charitable institution 1. Stock in trade;
“from any of its activities conducted for profit, regardless 2. Property that should be included in the taxpayer’s
of the disposition made of such income, shall be subject to inventory at the close of the taxable year;
tax.” 3. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of
the taxpayer’s business;
The Supreme Court held that St. Luke’s is a corporation 4. Depreciable property used in the trade or
that is not “operated exclusively” for charitable or social business; and
welfare purposes insofar as its revenues from paying 5. Real property used in the trade or business.
patients are concerned. This ruling is based not only on a
strict interpretation of a provision granting tax exemption, The properties involved in this case include petitioner’s
but also on the clear and plain text of Section 30(E) and buildings, equipment, and machineries. They are not
(G). Section 30(E) and (G) of the 1997 Tax Code requires among the exclusions enumerated in Section 39(A)(1) of
that an institution be “operated exclusively” for charitable the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997. None of the
or social welfare purposes to be completely exempt from properties were used in petitioner’s trade or ordinary
income tax. An institution under Section 30(E) or (G) does course of business because petitioner never commenced
not lose its tax exemption if it earns income from its for- operations. They were not part of the inventory. None of
profit activities. Such income from for-profit activities, them were stocks in trade. Based on the definition of
under the last paragraph of Section 30, is merely subject to capital assets under Section 39 of the National Internal
income tax, previously at the ordinary corporate rate but Revenue Code of 1997, they are capital assets.
now at the preferential 10% rate pursuant to Section
27(B). St. Luke’s fails to meet the requirements under For corporations, the National Internal Revenue Code of
Section 30(E) and (G) of the 1997 Tax Code to be 1997 treats the sale of land and buildings, and the sale of
completely tax-exempt from all its income. However, it machineries and equipment, differently. Domestic
remains a proprietary non-profit hospital under Section corporations are imposed a 6% capital gains tax only on
27(B) of the 1997 Tax Code as long as it does not the presumed gain realized from the sale of lands and/or
distribute any of its profits to its members and such profits buildings. The National Internal Revenue Code of 1997
are reinvested pursuant to its corporate purposes. St.


does not impose the 6% capital gains tax on the gains For debt instruments that are not deposit substitutes,
realized from the sale of machineries and equipment. regular income tax applies:

5. G.R. No. 198756, January 13, 2015 It must be emphasized, however, that debt instruments
BANCO DE ORO, BANK OF COMMERCE, CHINA BANKING that do not qualify as deposit substitutes under the 1997
CORPORATION, METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST National Internal Revenue Code are subject to the regular
BANK AND PLANTERS DEVELOPMENT BANK, RIZAL Tax treatment of income derived from the PEACe
PHILIPPINES, THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL It may seem that there was only one lender — RCBC on
REVENUE, BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE, behalf of CODE-NGO — to whom the PEACe Bonds were
SECRETARY OF FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, issued at the time of origination. However, a reading of the
THE NATIONAL TREASURER AND BUREAU OF underwriting agreement and RCBC term sheet reveals that
TREASURY the settlement dates for the sale and distribution by RCBC
Capital (as underwriter for CODE-NGO) of the PEACe
Under the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code, Congress Bonds to various undisclosed investors at a purchase price
specifically defined “public” to mean “twenty (20) or more of approximately P11.996 would fall on the same day,
individual or corporate lenders at any one time.” Hence, October 18, 2001, when the PEACe Bonds were supposedly
the number of lenders is determinative of whether a debt issued to CODE-NGO/RCBC. In reality, therefore, the entire
instrument should be considered a deposit substitute and P10.2 billion borrowing received by the Bureau of
consequently subject to the 20% final withholding tax. Treasury in exchange for the P35 billion worth of PEACe
Bonds was sourced directly from the undisclosed number
20-lender rule: of investors to whom RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO distributed
the PEACe Bonds — all at the time of origination or
Petitioners contend that “there [is] only one (1) lender (i.e. issuance. At this point, however, we do not know as to
RCBC) to whom the BTr issued the Government Bonds.” how many investors the PEACe Bonds were sold to by
On the other hand, respondents theorize that the word RCBC Capital.
“any” “indicates that the period contemplated is the entire
term of the bond and not merely the point of origination or Should there have been a simultaneous sale to 20 or more
issuance[,]” such that if the debt instruments “were lenders/investors, the PEACe Bonds are deemed deposit
subsequently sold in secondary markets and so on, in such substitutes within the meaning of Section 22(Y) of the
a way that twenty (20) or more buyers eventually own the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code and RCBC
instruments, then it becomes indubitable that funds would Capital/CODE-NGO would have been obliged to pay the
be obtained from the “public” as defined in Section 22(Y) 20% final withholding tax on the interest or discount from
of the NIRC.” Indeed, in the context of the financial market, the PEACe Bonds. Further, the obligation to withhold the
the words “at any one time” create an ambiguity. 20% final tax on the corresponding interest from the
PEACe Bonds would likewise be required of any
Meaning of “at any one time”: lender/investor had the latter turned around and sold said
PEACe Bonds, whether in whole or part, simultaneously to
Thus, from the point of view of the financial market, the 20 or more lenders or investors.
phrase “at any one time” for purposes of determining the
“20 or more lenders” would mean every transaction We note, however, that under Section 24 of the 1997
executed in the primary or secondary market in National Internal Revenue Code, interest income received
connection with the purchase or sale of securities. by individuals from long-term deposits or investments
with a holding period of not less than five (5) years is
When, through any of the foregoing transactions, funds are exempt from the final tax.
simultaneously obtained from 20 or more
lenders/investors, there is deemed to be a public Thus, should the PEACe Bonds be found to be within the
borrowing and the bonds at that point in time are deemed coverage of deposit substitutes, the proper procedure was
deposit substitutes. Consequently, the seller is required to for the Bureau of Treasury to pay the face value of the
withhold the 20% final withholding tax on the imputed PEACe Bonds to the bondholders and for the Bureau of
interest income from the bonds. Internal Revenue to collect the unpaid final withholding
tax directly from RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO, or any lender
or investor if such be the case, as the withholding agents.


6. G.R. No. 172231, February 12, 2007 computation remains uncertain, if its basis is
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. ISABELA unchangeable; the test is satisfied where a computation
CULTURAL CORPORATION may be unknown, but is not as much as unknowable,
within the taxable year. The amount of liability does not
The requisites for the deductibility of ordinary and have to be determined exactly; it must be determined with
necessary trade, business, or professional expenses, "reasonable accuracy." Accordingly, the term "reasonable
like expenses paid for legal and auditing services, are: accuracy" implies something less than an exact or
(a) The expense must be ordinary and necessary; completely accurate amount.
(b) It must have been paid or incurred during the
taxable year; The propriety of an accrual must be judged by the facts
(c) It must have been paid or incurred in carrying on that a taxpayer knew, or could reasonably be expected to
the trade or business of the taxpayer; and have known, at the closing of its books for the taxable year.
(d) It must be supported by receipts, records or other
pertinent papers. 7. G.R. No. 163653, July 19, 2011
The requisite that it must have been paid or incurred DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
during the taxable year is further qualified by Section 45
of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) which states The CIR's powers of distribution, apportionment or
that: "[t]he deduction provided for in this Title shall be allocation of gross income and deductions under Section
taken for the taxable year in which ‘paid or accrued’ or 43 of the 1993 NIRC and Section 179 of Revenue
‘paid or incurred’, dependent upon the method of Regulation No. 2 does not include the power to impute
accounting upon the basis of which the net income is "theoretical interests" to the controlled taxpayer's
computed. transactions.

Under the accrual method of accounting, expenses not While it has been held that the phrase "from whatever
being claimed as deductions by a taxpayer in the current source derived" indicates a legislative policy to include all
year when they are incurred cannot be claimed as income not expressly exempted within the class of taxable
deduction from income for the succeeding year. Thus, a income under our laws, the term "income" has been
taxpayer who is authorized to deduct certain expenses and variously interpreted to mean "cash received or its
other allowable deductions for the current year but failed equivalent", "the amount of money coming to a person
to do so cannot deduct the same for the next year. within a specific time" or "something distinct from
principal or capital." Otherwise stated, there must be proof
Amounts of income accrue where the right to receive them of the actual or, at the very least, probable receipt or
become fixed, where there is created an enforceable realization by the controlled taxpayer of the item of gross
liability. Similarly, liabilities are accrued when fixed and income sought to be distributed, apportioned or allocated
determinable in amount, without regard to indeterminacy by the CIR.
merely of time of payment.
The term 'control' shall mean ownership of stocks in a
For a taxpayer using the accrual method, the corporation by possessing at least 51% of the total voting
determinative question is: When do the facts present power of all classes of stocks entitled to vote. Control is
themselves in such a manner that the taxpayer must determined by the amount of stocks received, i.e., total
recognize income or expense? subscribed, whether for property or for services by the
transferor or transferors. In determining the 51% stock
The accrual of income and expense is permitted when the ownership, only those persons who transferred property
all-events test has been met. This test requires: for stocks in the same transaction may be counted up to
(1) Fixing of a right to income or liability to pay; and the maximum of five.
(2) The availability of the reasonable accurate
determination of such income or liability. In cases where no formal agreements or promissory notes
have been executed to cover credit facilities, the
The all-events test requires the right to income or liability documentary stamp tax shall be based on the amount of
be fixed, and the amount of such income or liability be drawings or availment of the facilities, which may be
determined with reasonable accuracy. However, the test evidenced by credit/debit memo, advice or drawings by
does not demand that the amount of income or liability be any form of check or withdrawal slip, under Section 180 of
known absolutely, only that a taxpayer has at his disposal the Tax Code.
the information necessary to compute the amount with
reasonable accuracy. The all-events test is satisfied where


We find that the instructional letters as well as the 9. G.R. No. L-65773-74, April 30, 1987
journal and cash vouchers evidencing the advances FDC COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. BRITISH
extended to its affiliates in 1996 and 1997 qualified as loan OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION and COURT OF
agreements upon which documentary stamp taxes may be TAX APPEALS
In order that a foreign corporation may be regarded as
On the matter of whether or not the inter-office memo doing business within a State, there must be continuity of
covering the advances granted by an affiliate company conduct and intention to establish a continuous business,
is subject to documentary stamp tax, it is informed that such as the appointment of a local agent, and not one of a
nothing in Regulations No. 26 (Documentary Stamp Tax temporary character.
Regulations) and Revenue Regulations No. 9-94 states that
the same is subject to documentary stamp tax. Such being Those activities were in exercise of the functions which are
the case, said inter-office memo evidencing the lendings or normally incident to, and are in progressive pursuit of, the
borrowings which is neither a form of promissory note nor purpose and object of its organization as an international
a certificate of indebtedness issued by the corporation- air carrier. In fact, the regular sale of tickets, its main
affiliate or a certificate of obligation, which are, more or activity, is the very lifeblood of the airline business, the
less, categorized as 'securities', is not subject to generation of sales being the paramount objective. There
documentary stamp tax imposed under Section 180, 174 should be no doubt then that BOAC was "engaged in"
and 175 of the Tax Code of 1997, respectively. Rather, the business in the Philippines through a local agent during
inter-office memo is being prepared for accounting the period covered by the assessments. Accordingly, it is a
purposes only in order to avoid the co-mingling of funds of resident foreign corporation subject to tax upon its total
the corporate affiliates. net income received in the preceding taxable year from all
sources within the Philippines.
8. G.R. No. 180356, February 16, 2010
SOUTH AFRICAN AIRWAYS vs. COMMISSIONER OF For the source of income to be considered as coming from
INTERNAL REVENUE the Philippines, it is sufficient that the income is derived
from activity within the Philippines. In BOAC's case, the
In the instant case, the general rule is that resident foreign sale of tickets in the Philippines is the activity that
corporations shall be liable for a 32% income tax on their produces the income. The tickets exchanged hands here
income from within the Philippines, except for resident and payments for fares were also made here in Philippine
foreign corporations that are international carriers that currency. The site of the source of payments is the
derive income "from carriage of persons, excess baggage, Philippines. The flow of wealth proceeded from, and
cargo and mail originating from the Philippines" which occurred within, Philippine territory, enjoying the
shall be taxed at 2 1/2% of their Gross Philippine Billings. protection accorded by the Philippine government. In
Petitioner, being an international carrier with no flights consideration of such protection, the flow of wealth should
originating from the Philippines, does not fall under the share the burden of supporting the government.
exception. As such, petitioner must fall under the general
rule. This principle is embodied in the Latin maxim, A transportation ticket is not a mere piece of paper. When
exception firmat regulam in casibus non exceptis, which issued by a common carrier, it constitutes the contract
means, a thing not being excepted must be regarded as between the ticket-holder and the carrier. It gives rise to
coming within the purview of the general rule. the obligation of the purchaser of the ticket to pay the fare
and the corresponding obligation of the carrier to
To reiterate, the correct interpretation of the above transport the passenger upon the terms and conditions set
provisions is that, if an international air carrier maintains forth thereon. The ordinary ticket issued to members of
flights to and from the Philippines, it shall be taxed at the the traveling public in general embraces within its terms
rate of 2 1/2% of its Gross Philippine Billings, while all the elements to constitute it a valid contract, binding
international air carriers that do not have flights to and upon the parties entering into the relationship.
from the Philippines but nonetheless earn income from
other activities in the country will be taxed at the rate of The absence of flight operations to and from the
32% of such income. Philippines is not determinative of the source of income or
the site of income taxation. Admittedly, BOAC was an off-
If Sec. 28(A)(3)(a) is applicable to a taxpayer, then the line international airline at the time pertinent to this case.
general rule under Sec. 28(A)(1) would not apply. If, The test of taxability is the "source"; and the source of an
however, Sec. 28(A)(3)(a) does not apply, a resident income is that activity ... which produced the income.
foreign corporation, whether an international air carrier or Unquestionably, the passage documentations in these
not, would be liable for the tax under Sec. 28(A)(1). cases were sold in the Philippines and the revenue


therefrom was derived from an activity regularly pursued Cooperatives not falling under this article shall be
within the Philippines. And even if the BOAC tickets sold governed by the succeeding section.
covered the "transport of passengers and cargo to and
from foreign cities", it cannot alter the fact that income ART. 62. Tax and Other Exemptions. —
from the sale of tickets was derived from the Philippines. Cooperatives transacting business with both
The word "source" conveys one essential idea, that of members and nonmembers shall not be subject to
origin, and the origin of the income herein is the tax on their transactions to members.
Philippines. Notwithstanding the provision of any law or
regulation to the contrary, such cooperatives
10. G.R. No. L-65773-74, April 30, 1987 dealing with nonmembers shall enjoy the
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. BRITISH following tax exemptions; x x x.
TAX APPEALS This exemption extends to members of cooperatives. It
must be emphasized that cooperatives exist for the benefit
Cooperatives are not required to withhold the 20% final of their members. In fact, the primary objective of every
withholding tax (FWT) on the interest income paid on cooperative is to provide goods and services to its
savings and time deposits of their members because the members to enable them to attain increased income,
interest income paid by cooperatives does not fall under savings, investments, and productivity. Therefore, limiting
the phrase “similar arrangements” under Section 24(B)(1) the application of the tax exemption to cooperatives would
of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997. The 20% go against the very purpose of a credit cooperative.
FWT under Section 24(B)(1) and Section 27(D)(1) covers Extending the exemption to members of cooperatives, on
only interest income from currency bank deposits and the other hand, would be consistent with the intent of the
deposit substitutes. Since cooperatives are not banks, they legislature. Thus, although the tax exemption only
are not required to impose the 20% FWT on interest paid mentions cooperatives, this should be construed to include
on the savings and time deposits of their members. the members, pursuant to Article 126 of RA 6938, which
The legislative intent to give cooperatives preferential tax
treatment is apparent under Articles 61 and 62 of Republic ART. 126. Interpretation and Construction. – In
Act (R.A.) No. 6938 or the “Cooperative Code of the case of doubt as to the meaning of any provision of
Philippines”, and the said tax exemption provision has this Code or the regulations issued in pursuance
been retained under Article 61 of the amended thereof, the same shall be resolved liberally in
cooperative code, which is R.A. 9520 or the “Philippine favor of the cooperatives and their members.
Cooperative Code of 2008”.
11. G.R. No. 160756, March 9, 2010
Under Article 2 of RA 6938, as amended by RA 9520, it is a CHAMBER OF REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS'
declared policy of the State to foster the creation and ASSOCIATIONS, INC. vs. THE HON. EXECUTIVE
growth of cooperatives as a practical vehicle for promoting SECRETARY ALBERTO ROMULO, THE HON. ACTING
self-reliance and harnessing people power towards the SECRETARY OF FINANCE JUANITA D. AMATONG, and
attainment of economic development and social justice. THE HON. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE
Thus, to encourage the formation of cooperatives and to GUILLERMO PARAYNO, JR.
create an atmosphere conducive to their growth and
development, the State extends all forms of assistance to MCIT Is Not Violative of Due Process
them, one of which is providing cooperatives a preferential
tax treatment. The constitutional safeguard of due process is embodied in
the fiat "[no] person shall be deprived of life, liberty or
The legislative intent to give cooperatives a preferential property without due process of law." In Sison, Jr. v.
tax treatment is apparent in Articles 61 and 62 of RA 6938, Ancheta, et al., we held that the due process clause may
which read: properly be invoked to invalidate, in appropriate cases, a
revenue measure when it amounts to a confiscation of
ART. 61. Tax Treatment of Cooperatives. — Duly property. But in the same case, we also explained that we
registered cooperatives under this Code which do will not strike down a revenue measure as
not transact any business with non-members or unconstitutional (for being violative of the due process
the general public shall not be subject to any clause) on the mere allegation of arbitrariness by the
government taxes and fees imposed under the taxpayer. There must be a factual foundation to such an
Internal Revenue Laws and other tax laws. unconstitutional taint. This merely adheres to the
authoritative doctrine that, where the due process clause


is invoked, considering that it is not a fixed rule but rather 12. G.R. No. 179259, September 25, 2013
a broad standard, there is a need for proof of such COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs.
persuasive character. PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC. (PAL)

Certainly, an income tax is arbitrary and confiscatory if it Based on the foregoing, a domestic corporation must
taxes capital because capital is not income. In other words, pay whichever is the higher of:
it is income, not capital, which is subject to income tax. (1) The income tax under Section 27(A) of the NIRC of
However, the MCIT is not a tax on capital. 1997, as amended, computed by applying the tax
rate therein to the taxable income of the
The MCIT is imposed on gross income which is arrived at corporation; or
by deducting the capital spent by a corporation in the sale (2) The MCIT under Section 27(E), also of the same
of its goods, i.e., the cost of goods and other direct Code, equivalent to 2% of the gross income of the
expenses from gross sales. Clearly, the capital is not being corporation.
The Court would like to underscore that although this may
Furthermore, the MCIT is not an additional tax imposition. be the general rule in determining the income tax due from
It is imposed in lieu of the normal net income tax, and only a domestic corporation under the provisions of the NIRC of
if the normal income tax is suspiciously low. The MCIT 1997, as amended, such rule can only be applied to
merely approximates the amount of net income tax due respondent only as to the extent allowed by the provisions
from a corporation, pegging the rate at a very much of its franchise.
reduced 2% and uses as the base the corporation’s gross
income. During the lifetime of the franchise of respondent, its
taxation shall be strictly governed by two fundamental
Besides, there is no legal objection to a broader tax base or rules, to wit:
taxable income by eliminating all deductible items and at (1) Respondent shall pay the Government either the
the same time reducing the applicable tax rate. basic corporate income tax or franchise tax,
whichever is lower; and
No Violation of Equal Protection (2) The tax paid by respondent, under either of these
alternatives, shall be in lieu of all other taxes,
The equal protection clause under the Constitution duties, royalties, registration, license, and other
means that "no person or class of persons shall be fees and charges, except only real property tax.
deprived of the same protection of laws which is enjoyed
by other persons or other classes in the same place and in Parenthetically, the basic corporate income tax of
like circumstances." Stated differently, all persons respondent shall be based on its annual net taxable
belonging to the same class shall be taxed alike. It follows income, computed in accordance with the NIRC of 1997, as
that the guaranty of the equal protection of the laws is not amended. P.D. No. 1590 also explicitly authorizes
violated by legislation based on a reasonable classification. respondent, in the computation of its basic corporate
Classification, to be valid, must (1) rest on substantial income tax, to:
distinctions; (2) be germane to the purpose of the law; (3) (1) Depreciate its assets twice as fast the normal rate
not be limited to existing conditions only and (4) apply of depreciation; and
equally to all members of the same class. (2) Carry over deduction from taxable income any net
loss incurred in any year up to five years following
The taxing power has the authority to make reasonable the year of such loss.
classifications for purposes of taxation. Inequalities which
result from a singling out of one particular class for The franchise tax, on the other hand, shall be 2% of the
taxation, or exemption, infringe no constitutional gross revenues derived by respondent from all sources,
limitation. The real estate industry is, by itself, a class and whether transport or nontransport operations. However,
can be validly treated differently from other business with respect to international air-transport service, the
enterprises. franchise tax shall only be imposed on the gross passenger,
mail, and freight revenues of respondent from its outgoing
 MCIT applies to domestic corporations and flights.
resident foreign corporations.
By way of, reiteration, although it appears that respondent
is not completely exempt from all forms of taxes under P.D.
No. 1590 considering that Section 13 thereof requires it to
pay, either the lower amount of the basic corporate income


tax or franchise tax (which are both direct taxes), at its 14. G.R. No. 76573, March 7, 1990
option, mere exercise of such option already relieves MARUBENI CORPORATION (formerly Marubeni — Iida,
respondent of liability for all other taxes and/or duties, Co., Ltd.) vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE
whether direct or indirect taxes. AND COURT OF TAX APPEALS

13. G.R. No. 76573, September 14, 1989 Section 24(b)(1) is explicit on the conditions for the
MARUBENI CORPORATION (formerly Marubeni — Iida, availment of the preferential fifteen percent (15%) tax
Co., Ltd.) vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE rate. Under said provision, petitioner must show that
AND COURT OF TAX APPEALS Japan grants a tax credit to Marubeni, taxes deemed to
have been paid in the Philippines equivalent to at least
The general rule that a foreign corporation is the same twenty percent (20%) against the tax due from Marubeni.
juridical entity as its branch office in the Philippines
cannot apply here. This rule is based on the premise that In the case at bar, petitioner similarly failed to comply with
the business of the foreign corporation is conducted the requisites set forth under Section 24(b)(1). Petitioner
through its branch office, following the principal agent reasons that it cannot furnish the Commissioner of
relationship theory. It is understood that the branch Internal Revenue with the confidential income tax return
becomes its agent here. So that when the foreign of Marubeni Japan since such a requirement is beyond the
corporation transacts business in the Philippines power of Philippine taxation laws. (Rollo, p. 238).
independently of its branch, the principal-agent
relationship is set aside. The transaction becomes one of Such reasoning finds no merit. Section 24(b)(i) of the
the foreign corporation, not of the branch. Consequently, National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 is clear and
the taxpayer is the foreign corporation, not the branch or explicit on the conditions for the availment of the
the resident foreign corporation. preferential fifteen percent (15%) tax rate. Normally the
Philippines imposes a higher thirty five percent (35%) tax
Corollarily, if the business transaction is conducted rate on corporations. But since the Philippines seeks to
through the branch office, the latter becomes the taxpayer, lessen the impact of double taxation between countries, we
and not the foreign corporation. impose only the lower tax rate of fifteen percent (15%) on
dividends subject to the condition that the country in
In other words, the alleged overpaid taxes were incurred which the non-resident foreign corporation is domiciled
for the remittance of dividend income to the head office in allows a tax credit of twenty percent (20%). Such
Japan which is a separate and distinct income taxpayer prerequisite must be strictly complied with because the
from the branch in the Philippines. There can be no other fifteen percent (15%) tax rate is a concession in the nature
logical conclusion considering the undisputed fact that the of a tax exemption vis-a-vis the normal rate of thirty five
investment (totalling 283.260 shares including that of (35%) on corporations.
nominee) was made for purposes peculiarly germane to
the conduct of the corporate affairs of Marubeni Japan, but we hereby modify the decision dated September 14, 1989
certainly not of the branch in the Philippines. It is thus and rule that petitioner corporation is subject to the
clear that petitioner, having made this independent twenty five percent (25%) tax rate on dividends pursuant
investment attributable only to the head office, cannot now to Article 10(2) of the Philippine-Japan Tax Convention.
claim the increments as ordinary consequences of its trade
or business in the Philippines and avail itself of the lower 15. G.R. No. 156305, February 17, 2003
Petitioner, being a non-resident foreign corporation, as a
general rule, is taxed 35% of its gross income from all The fact that recipient of commission income is President
sources within the Philippines. [Section 24 (b) (1)]. and majority stockholder of the Philippine company does
not alter the source of income.
However, a discounted rate of 15% is given to petitioner
on dividends received from a domestic corporation There are only two ways by which the President and
(AG&P) on the condition that its domicile state (Japan) other members of the Board can be granted
extends in favor of petitioner, a tax credit of not less than compensation apart from reasonable per diems:
20% of the dividends received. This 20% represents the (1) When there is a provision in the by-laws fixing
difference between the regular tax of 35% on non-resident their compensation; and
foreign corporations which petitioner would have (2) When the stockholders agree to give it to them.
ordinarily paid, and the 15% special rate on dividends
received from a domestic corporation.


If none of these conditions are present, commission VALUE-ADDED TAX
income cannot be automatically attributed to petitioner’s
position in the company. 1. G.R. No. 153866, February 11, 2005
16. G.R. No. 153793, August 29, 2006 TECHNOLOGY (PHILIPPINES)
BAIER-NICKEL, as represented by Marina Q. Guzman As a PEZA-registered enterprise within a special economic
(Attorney-in-fact) zone, respondent is entitled to the fiscal incentives and
benefits provided for in either PD 669 or EO 226. A VAT-
Non-resident aliens, whether or not engaged in trade or registered PEZA enterprise is entitled to a refund of or
business, are subject to Philippine income taxation on their credit for input VAT.
income received from all sources within the Philippines.
Thus, the keyword in determining the taxability of non- Tax Credit Method – An entity can credit against or
resident aliens is the income’s "source." In construing the subtract from the VAT charged on its sales or outputs the
meaning of "source" in Section 25 of the NIRC, resort must VAT paid on its purchases, inputs and imports.
be had on the origin of the provision.
Zero-rated transactions generally refer to the export sale
The source of an income is the property, activity or service of goods and supply of services. The tax rate is set at zero.
that produced the income. For the source of income to be When applied to the tax base, such rate obviously results
considered as coming from the Philippines, it is sufficient in no tax chargeable against the purchaser. The seller of
that the income is derived from activity within the such transactions charges no output tax, but can claim a
Philippines. refund of or a tax credit certificate for the VAT previously
charged by suppliers.
In sum, we find that the faxed documents presented by
respondent did not constitute substantial evidence, or that Effectively zero-rated transactions, however, refer to
relevant evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as the sale of goods or supply of services to persons or
adequate to support the conclusion that it was in Germany entities whose exemption under special laws or
where she performed the income producing service which international agreements to which the Philippines is a
gave rise to the reported monthly sales in the months of signatory effectively subjects such transactions to a zero
March and May to September of 1995. She thus failed to rate. Again, as applied to the tax base, such rate does not
discharge the burden of proving that her income was from yield any tax chargeable against the purchaser. The seller
sources outside the Philippines and exempt from the who charges zero output tax on such transactions can also
application of our income tax law. Hence, the claim for tax claim a refund of or a tax credit certificate for the VAT
refund should be denied. previously charged by suppliers.

17. G.R. No. 180529, November 13, 2013 An exempt transaction, on the one hand, involves goods
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. BANK OF or services which, by their nature, are specifically listed in
COMMERCE and expressly exempted from the VAT under the Tax Code,
without regard to the tax status -- VAT-exempt or not -- of
Clearly, the CIR, in BIR Ruling No. 10-2006, ruled on the the party to the transaction. Indeed, such transaction is not
issue of merger without taking into consideration TRB’s subject to the VAT, but the seller is not allowed any tax
pending tax deficiencies. The ruling was based on the refund of or credit for any input taxes paid.
Purchase and Sale Agreement, factual evidence on the
status of both companies, and the Tax Code provision on An exempt party, on the other hand, is a person or entity
merger. The CIR’s knowledge then of TRB’s tax deficiencies granted VAT exemption under the Tax Code, a special law
would not be material as to affect the CIR’s ruling. The or an international agreement to which the Philippines is a
resolution of the issue on merger depended on the signatory, and by virtue of which its taxable transactions
agreement between TRB and BOC, as detailed in the become exempt from the VAT. Such party is also not
Purchase and Sale Agreement, and not contingent on TRB’s subject to the VAT, but may be allowed a tax refund of or
tax liabilities. credit for input taxes paid, depending on its registration as
a VAT or non-VAT taxpayer.

Its sales transactions, however, will either be zero-rated or

taxed at the standard rate of 10 percent, depending again
on the application of the destination principle.


If respondent enters into such sales transactions with a 2. G.R. No. 193301, March 11, 2013
purchaser -- usually in a foreign country -- for use or MINDANAO II GEOTHERMAL PARTNERSHIP vs.
consumption outside the Philippines, these shall be subject COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE
to 0 percent. If entered into with a purchaser for use or
consumption in the Philippines, then these shall be subject Mindanao II asserts that the sale of a fully depreciated
to 10 percent, unless the purchaser is exempt from the Nissan Patrol is not an incidental transaction in the course
indirect burden of the VAT, in which case it shall also be of its business; hence, it is an isolated transaction that
zero-rated. should not have been subject to 10% VAT.

Since the purchases of respondent are not exempt from the Section 105 of the 1997 Tax Code does not support
VAT, the rate to be applied is zero. Its exemption under Mindanao II’s position:
both PD 66 and RA 7916 effectively subjects such
transactions to a zero rate, because the ecozone within SEC. 105. Persons Liable. - Any person who, in the
which it is registered is managed and operated by the course of trade or business, sells barters, exchanges,
PEZA as a separate customs territory. This means that in leases goods or properties, renders services, and any
such zone is created the legal fiction of foreign territory. person who imports goods shall be subject to the
Under the cross-border principle of the VAT system value-added tax (VAT) imposed in Sections 106 to
being enforced by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), 108 of this Code.
no VAT shall be imposed to form part of the cost of goods
destined for consumption outside of the territorial border The value-added tax is an indirect tax and the amount of
of the taxing authority. If exports of goods and services tax may be shifted or passed on to the buyer, transferee or
from the Philippines to a foreign country are free of the lessee of the goods, properties or services. This rule shall
VAT, then the same rule holds for such exports from the likewise apply to existing contracts of sale or lease of
national territory -- except specifically declared areas -- to goods, properties or services at the time of the effectivity
an ecozone. of Republic Act No. 7716.

Sales made by a VAT-registered person in the customs The phrase "in the course of trade or business" means the
territory to a PEZA-registered entity are considered regular conduct or pursuit of a commercial or an economic
exports to a foreign country; conversely, sales by a PEZA- activity, including transactions incidental thereto, by any
registered entity to a VAT-registered person in the person regardless of whether or not the person engaged
customs territory are deemed imports from a foreign therein is a nonstock, nonprofit private organization
country. An ecozone -- indubitably a geographical territory (irrespective of the disposition of its net income and
of the Philippines -- is, however, regarded in law as foreign whether or not it sells exclusively to members or their
soil. guests), or government entity.

To summarize, special laws expressly grant preferential The rule of regularity, to the contrary notwithstanding,
tax treatment to business establishments registered and services as defined in this Code rendered in the Philippines
operating within an ecozone, which by law is considered as by nonresident foreign persons shall be considered as
a separate customs territory. As such, respondent is being rendered in the course of trade or business.
exempt from all internal revenue taxes, including the VAT, (Emphasis supplied)
and regulations pertaining thereto. It has opted for the
income tax holiday regime, instead of the 5 percent 3. G.R. No. 125355, March 30, 2000
preferential tax regime. As a matter of law and procedure, COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. COURT OF
its registration status entitling it to such tax holiday can no APPEALS and COMMONWEALTH MANAGEMENT AND
longer be questioned. Its sales transactions intended for SERVICES CORPORATION
export may not be exempt, but like its purchase
transactions, they are zero-rated. No prior application for Even a non-stock, non-profit, organization or government
the effective zero rating of its transactions is necessary. entity, is liable to pay VAT on the sale of goods or services.
Being VAT-registered and having satisfactorily complied VAT is a tax on transactions, imposed at every stage of the
with all the requisites for claiming a tax refund of or credit distribution process on the sale, barter, exchange of goods
for the input VAT paid on capital goods purchased, or property, and on the performance of services, even in
respondent is entitled to such VAT refund or credit. the absence of profit attributable thereto. The term "in the
course of trade or business" requires the regular conduct
or pursuit of a commercial or an economic activity
regardless of whether or not the entity is profit-oriented.


Hence, it is immaterial whether the primary purpose of a from theaters, cinematographs, concert halls, circuses and
corporation indicates that it receives payments for other places of amusements.
services rendered to its affiliates on a reimbursement-on-
cost basis only, without realizing profit, for purposes of 6. G.R. No. 179085, January 21, 2010
determining liability for VAT on services rendered. As long TAMBUNTING PAWNSHOP, INC. vs. COMMISSIONER OF
as the entity provides service for a fee, remuneration or INTERNAL REVENUE
consideration, then the service rendered is subject to VAT.
The Court finds that pawnshops should have been treated
4. G.R. No. 193007, July 19, 2011 as non-bank financial intermediaries from the very
RENATO V. DIAZ and AURORA MA. F. TIMBOL vs. THE beginning, subject to the appropriate taxes provided by
Since petitioner is a non-bank financial intermediary, it is
Toll fees collected by tollway operators may be subjected subject to 10% VAT for the tax years 1996 to 2002;
to value-added tax. When a tollway operator takes a toll however, with the levy, assessment and collection of VAT
fee from a motorist, the fee is in effect for the latter's use of from non-bank financial intermediaries being specifically
the tollway facilities over which the operator enjoys deferred by law, then petitioner is not liable for VAT
private proprietary rights that its contract and the law during these tax years.
recognize. In this sense, the tollway operator is no
different from the service providers under Section108 who "Pawn ticket" is the pawnbrokers' receipt for a pawn. It is
allow others to use their properties or facilities for a fee. neither a security nor a printed evidence of indebtedness.
Tollway operators are franchise grantees and they do not
belong to exceptions that Section 119 spares from the True, the law does not consider said ticket as an evidence
payment of VAT. of security or indebtedness. However, for purposes of
taxation, the same pawn ticket is proof of an exercise of a
5. G.R. No. 183505, February 26, 2010 taxable privilege of concluding a contract of pledge. There
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. SM PRIME is therefore no basis in petitioner's assertion that a DST is
HOLDINGS, INC. and FIRST ASIA REALTY literally a tax on a document and that no tax may be
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION imposed on a pawn ticket.

A cursory reading of the Section 108 of the NIRC clearly 7. G.R. No. 168129, April 24, 2007
shows that the enumeration of the "sale or exchange of COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs.
services" subject to VAT is not exhaustive. The words, PHILIPPINE HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS, INC.
"including," "similar services," and "shall likewise include,"
indicate that the enumeration is by way of example only. As respondent does not actually provide medical and/or
hospital services, as provided under Section 103 on
Since the activity of showing motion pictures, films or exempt transactions, but merely arranges for the same, its
movies by cinema/theater operators or proprietors is not services are not VAT-exempt.
included in the enumeration, it is incumbent upon the
court to determine whether such activity falls under the Section 246 of the 1997 Tax Code, as amended, provides
phrase "similar services." The intent of the legislature that rulings, circulars, rules and regulations promulgated
must therefore be ascertained. by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue have no
retroactive application if to apply them would prejudice
The legislature never intended operators or proprietors of the taxpayer.
cinema/theater houses to be covered by VAT.
The exceptions to this rule are:
The gross receipts derived by operators or proprietors of (1) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or
cinema/theater houses from admission tickets are not omits material facts from his return or in any
subject to VAT. The legislature never intended operators document required of him by the Bureau of
or proprietors of cinema/theater houses to be covered by Internal Revenue;
VAT. When the VAT law was implemented, it exempted (2) Where the facts subsequently gathered by the
persons subject to amusement tax under the NIRC from Bureau of Internal Revenue are materially
the coverage of VAT. When the Local Tax Code was different from the facts on which the ruling is
repealed by the LGC of 1991, the local government based; or
continued to impose amusement tax on admission tickets (3) Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.


8. G.R. No. 172087, March 15, 2011 4. The administrative claim for refund must have
PHILIPPINE AMUSEMENT AND GAMING CORPORATION been filed within two (2) years after the close of
(PAGCOR) vs. THE BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE the taxable quarter when the importation or
(BIR), represented herein by HON. JOSE MARIO purchase was made.
BUÑAG, in his official capacity as COMMISSIONER OF
INTERNAL REVENUE, JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, who "Capital goods or properties" refer to goods or
are persons acting for, in behalf, or under the properties with estimated useful life greater that one year
authority of Respondent and which are treated as depreciable assets under Section
29 (f), used directly or indirectly in the production or sale
Under Section 1 of R.A. No. 9337, amending Section 27 (c) of taxable goods or services.
of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, petitioner
PAGCOR is no longer exempt from corporate income tax as Training materials, office supplies, posters, banners, T-
it has been effectively omitted from the list of GOCCs that shirts, books, and the other similar items reflected in
are exempt from it. petitioner’s Summary of Importation of Goods are not
capital goods.
9. G.R. No. 172378, January 17, 2011
In a claim for credit/refund of input VAT attributable REVENUE, G.R. No. 173425, September 4, 2012
to zero-rated sales, Section 112 (A)43 of the NIRC lays
down four requisites, to wit: There is nothing in Section 105 of the old NIRC to indicate
1) The taxpayer must be VAT-registered; that prior payment of taxes is necessary for the availment
2) The taxpayer must be engaged in sales which are of the 8% transitional input tax credit. Obviously, all that is
zero-rated or effectively zero-rated; required is for the taxpayer to file a beginning inventory
3) The claim must be filed within two years after the with the BIR.
close of the taxable quarter when such sales were
made; and Moreover, prior payment of taxes is not required to avail
4) The creditable input tax due or paid must be of the transitional input tax credit because it is not a tax
attributable to such sales, except the transitional refund per se but a tax credit. Tax credit is not
input tax, to the extent that such input tax has not synonymous to tax refund. Tax refund is defined as the
been applied against the output tax. money that a taxpayer overpaid and is thus returned by
the taxing authority. Tax credit, on the other hand, is an
But while there is no law requiring the ATP to be printed amount subtracted directly from one’s total tax liability. It
on the invoices or receipts, Section 238 of the NIRC is any amount given to a taxpayer as a subsidy, a refund, or
expressly requires persons engaged in business to secure an incentive to encourage investment. Thus, unlike a tax
an ATP from the BIR prior to printing invoices or receipts. refund, prior payment of taxes is not a prerequisite to avail
Failure to do so makes the person liable under Section 264 of a tax credit.
of the NIRC.
The 8% transitional input tax credit should not be limited
All told, the non-presentation of the ATP and the failure to to the value of the improvements on the real properties
indicate the word "zero-rated" in the invoices or receipts but should include the value of the real properties as well.
are fatal to a claim for credit/refund of input VAT on zero-
rated sales. The failure to indicate the ATP in the sales ESTATE TAX
invoices or receipts, on the other hand, is not. In this case,
petitioner failed to present its ATP and to print the word 1. G.R. No. 120880, June 5, 1997
"zero-rated" on its export sales invoices. FERDINAND R. MARCOS II vs. COURT OF APPEALS, THE
To claim a refund of input VAT on capital goods, REVENUE and HERMINIA D. DE GUZMAN
Section 112 (B)56 of the NIRC requires that:
1. The claimant must be a VAT registered person; It has been held that it is within the jurisdiction of the
2. The input taxes claimed must have been paid on probate court to approve the sale of properties of a
capital goods; deceased person by his prospective heirs before final
3. The input taxes must not have been applied adjudication; to determine who are the heirs of the
against any output tax liability; and decedent; the recognition of a natural child; the status of a


woman claiming to be the legal wife of the decedent; the provisions of the present Tax Code. The deficiency tax
legality of disinheritance of an heir by the testator; and to assessment, having already become final, executory, and
pass upon the validity of a waiver of hereditary rights. demandable, the same can now be collected through the
summary remedy of distraint or levy pursuant to Section
The nature of the process of estate tax collection has been 205 of the NIRC.
described as follows: Strictly speaking, the assessment of
an inheritance tax does not directly involve the In the case of notices of levy issued to satisfy the
administration of a decedent's estate, although it may be delinquent estate tax, the delinquent taxpayer is the Estate
viewed as an incident to the complete settlement of an of the decedent, and not necessarily, and exclusively, the
estate, and, under some statutes, it is made the duty of the petitioner as heir of the deceased. In the same vein, in the
probate court to make the amount of the inheritance tax a matter of income tax delinquency of the late president and
part of the final decree of distribution of the estate. It is not his spouse, petitioner is not the taxpayer liable. Service of
against the property of decedent, nor is it a claim against notices of levy in satisfaction of these tax delinquencies
the estate as such, but it is against the interest or property upon the petitioner is not required by law, under Section
right which the heir, legatee, devisee, etc., has in the 213 of the NIRC.
property formerly held by decedent. Further, under some
statutes, it has been held that it is not a suit or controversy 2. G.R. No. 123206, March 22, 2000
between the parties, nor is it an adversary proceeding COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. COURT OF
between the state and the person who owes the tax on the APPEALS, COURT OF TAX APPEALS and JOSEFINA P.
inheritance. However, under other statutes it has been PAJONAR, as Administratrix of the Estate of Pedro P.
held that the hearing and determination of the cash value Pajonar
of the assets and the determination of the tax are
adversary proceedings. The proceeding has been held to Attorneys' and guardians' fees incurred in a trustee's
be necessarily a proceeding in rem. accounting of a taxable inter vivos trust attributable to the
usual issues involved in such an accounting was held to be
In the Philippine experience, the enforcement and proper deductions because these are expenses incurred in
collection of estate tax, is executive in character. terminating an inter vivos trust that was includible in the
decedent's estate. Attorney's fees are allowable deductions
Vectigalia nervi sunt rei publicae — Taxes are the sinews of if incurred for the settlement of the estate. Accordingly, all
the state. expenses incurred in relation to the estate of the deceased
will be deductible for estate tax purposes provided these
It is discernible that the approval of the court, sitting in are necessary and ordinary expenses for administration of
probate, or as a settlement tribunal over the deceased is the settlement of the estate.
not a mandatory requirement in the collection of estate
taxes. It cannot therefore be argued that the Tax Bureau Attorney's fees, on the other hand, in order to be
erred in proceeding with the levying and sale of the deductible from the gross estate must be essential to the
properties allegedly owned by the late President, on the settlement of the estate.
ground that it was required to seek first the probate
court's sanction. There is nothing in the Tax Code, and in The deductions from the gross estate permitted under
the pertinent remedial laws that implies the necessity of section 79 of the Tax Code basically reproduced the
the probate or estate settlement court's approval of the deductions allowed under Commonwealth Act No. 466 (CA
state's claim for estate taxes, before the same can be 466), otherwise known as the National Internal Revenue
enforced and collected. Code of 1939, 16 and which was the first codification of
Philippine tax laws. Section 89 (a) (1) (B) of CA 466 also
Under Section 87 of the NIRC, it is the probate or provided for the deduction of the "judicial expenses of the
settlement court which is bidden not to authorize the testamentary or intestate proceedings" for purposes of
executor or judicial administrator of the decedent's estate determining the value of the net estate. Philippine tax laws
to deliver any distributive share to any party interested in were, in turn, based on the federal tax laws of the United
the estate, unless it is shown a Certification by the States. In accord with established rules of statutory
Commissioner of Internal Revenue that the estate taxes construction, the decisions of American courts construing
have been paid. This provision disproves the petitioner's the federal tax code are entitled to great weight in the
contention that it is the probate court which approves the interpretation of our own tax laws.
assessment and collection of the estate tax.

The Notices of Levy upon real property were issued within

the prescriptive period and in accordance with the


3. G.R. No. 140944, April 30, 2008 DONOR’S TAX
RAFAEL ARSENIO S. DIZON, in his capacity as the
Judicial Administrator of the Estate of the deceased 1. G.R. No. 120721, February 23, 2005
Under Section 8 of RA 1125, the CTA is categorically
described as a court of record. As cases filed before it are “Political contributions” are considered gifts and thus are
litigated de novo, party-litigants shall prove every minute subject to donor’s tax. It falls squarely within the definition
aspect of their cases. Indubitably, no evidentiary value can of a donation, with its elements.
be given the pieces of evidence submitted by the BIR, as
the rules on documentary evidence require that these Donation has the following elements:
documents must be formally offered before the CTA. (a) the reduction of the patrimony of the donor;
(b) the increase in the patrimony of the donee; and,
While the CTA is not governed strictly by technical rules of (c) the intent to do an act of liberality or animus donandi.
evidence, as rules of procedure are not ends in themselves
and are primarily intended as tools in the administration Note: Political contributions are no longer subject to
of justice, the presentation of the BIR's evidence is not a donor’s tax, provided that, Statement of Contributions and
mere procedural technicality which may be disregarded Expenses are duly reported to the COMELEC within thirty
considering that it is the only means by which the CTA may (30) days after the day of the election. (Section 14 of R.A.
ascertain and verify the truth of BIR's claims against the No. 7166)
Estate. The BIR's failure to formally offer these pieces of
evidence, despite CTA's directives, is fatal to its cause. Such TAX REMEDIES
failure is aggravated by the fact that not even a single
reason was advanced by the BIR to justify such fatal 1. G.R. No. 210987, November 24, 2014
omission. This, we take against the BIR. THE PHILIPPINE AMERICAN LIFE AND GENERAL
The Supreme Court agreed with the “date-of-death FINANCE and THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
valuation rule.” REVENUE

There is no law, nor do we discern any legislative intent in There is no provision in law that expressly provides where
our tax laws which disregards the date-of-death valuation exactly the ruling of the Secretary of Finance under the
principle and particularly provides that post-death adverted NIRC provision is appealable to. However, We
developments must be considered in determining the net find that Sec. 7(a)(1) of RA 1125, as amended, addresses
value of the estate. Any doubt on whether a person, article the seeming gap in the law as it vests the CTA, albeit
or activity is taxable is generally resolved against taxation. impliedly, with jurisdiction over the CA petition as "other
matters" arising under the NIRC or other laws
Such construction finds relevance and consistency in our administered by the BIR. As stated:
Rules on Special Proceedings wherein the term "claims"
required to be presented against a decedent's estate is Sec. 7. Jurisdiction.- The CTA shall exercise:
generally construed to mean debts or demands of a
pecuniary nature which could have been enforced against a. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by
the deceased in his lifetime, or liability contracted by the appeal, as herein provided:
deceased before his death. Therefore, the claims existing at
the time of death are significant to, and should be made the 1. Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal
basis of, the determination of allowable deductions. Revenue in cases involving disputed assessments,
refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges, penalties in relation thereto, or other
matters arising under the National Internal
Revenue or other laws administered by the Bureau
of Internal Revenue. (emphasis supplied)

Even though the provision suggests that it only covers

rulings of the Commissioner, We hold that it is,
nonetheless, sufficient enough to include appeals from the
Secretary’s review under Sec. 4 of the NIRC.


Indeed, to leave undetermined the mode of appeal from administrative machinery must be resorted to first and
the Secretary of Finance would be an injustice to taxpayers pursued to its appropriate conclusion before the court’s
prejudiced by his adverse rulings. To remedy this judicial power can be sought.
situation, We imply from the purpose of RA 1125 and its
amendatory laws that the CTA is the proper forum with Nonetheless, jurisprudence allows certain exceptions
which to institute the appeal. This is not, and should not, in to the rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies:
any way, be taken as a derogation of the power of the (1) When there is a violation of due process,
Office of President but merely as recognition that matters (2) When the issue involved is purely a legal
calling for technical knowledge should be handled by the question,
agency or quasi-judicial body with specialization over the (3) When the administrative action is patently
controversy. As the specialized quasi-judicial agency illegal amounting to lack or excess of
mandated to adjudicate tax, customs, and assessment jurisdiction,
cases, there can be no other court of appellate jurisdiction (4) When there is estoppel on the part of the
that can decide the issues raised in the CA petition, which administrative agency concerned,
involves the tax treatment of the shares of stocks sold. (5) When there is irreparable injury,
(6) When the respondent is a department secretary
The respective teachings in British American Tobacco and whose acts as an alter ego of the president bears
Asia International Auctioneers, at first blush, appear to the implied and assumed approval of the latter,
bear no conflict––that when the validity or (7) When to require exhaustion of administrative
constitutionality of an administrative rule or regulation is remedies would be unreasonable,
assailed, the regular courts have jurisdiction; and if what is (8) When it would amount to a nullification of a
assailed are rulings or opinions of the Commissioner on claim,
tax treatments, jurisdiction over the controversy is lodged (9) When the subject matter is a private land in land
with the CTA. The problem with the above postulates, case proceedings,
however, is that they failed to take into consideration one (10) When the rule does not provide a plain, speedy
crucial point––a taxpayer can raise both issues and adequate remedy,
simultaneously. (11) When there are circumstances indicating the
urgency of judicial intervention.
Petitioner essentially questions the CIR’s ruling that
Petitioner’s sale of shares is a taxable donation under Sec. The exceptions under (2) and (11) are present in this case.
100 of the NIRC. The validity of Sec. 100 of the NIRC, Sec. 7 The question involved is purely legal, namely: (a) the
(C.2.2) and RMC 25-11 is merely questioned incidentally interpretation of the 20-lender rule in the definition of the
since it was used by the CIR as bases for its unfavourable terms public and deposit substitutes under the 1997
opinion. Clearly, the Petition involves an issue on the National Internal Revenue Code; and (b) whether the
taxability of the transaction rather than a direct attack on imposition of the 20% final withholding tax on the PEACe
the constitutionality of Sec. 100, Sec.7 (c.2.2.) of RR 06-08 Bonds upon maturity violates the constitutional provisions
and RMC 25-11. Thus, the instant Petition properly on non-impairment of contracts and due process. Judicial
pertains to the CTA under Sec. 7 of RA 9282. intervention is likewise urgent with the impending
maturity of the PEACe Bonds on October 18, 2011.
2. G.R. No. 198756, January 13, 2015
BANCO DE ORO, BANK OF COMMERCE, CHINA BANKING The rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies also
CORPORATION, METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST finds no application when the exhaustion will result in an
REVENUE, BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE, What is the reckoning point for the two-year
SECRETARY OF FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, prescriptive period for filing of claims for input VAT
In computing the two-year prescriptive period for claiming
Thus, it was held that “[i]f superior administrative officers a refund/credit of unutilized input VAT, the Supreme Court
[can] grant the relief prayed for, [then] special civil actions ruled that the applicable provision is Section 112(A) of the
are generally not entertained.” The remedy within the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997 which


provides that the unutilized input VAT must be claimed denial by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) of
within two (2) years after the close of the taxable quarter the application for refund before the lapse of the 120-day
when the sales were made. period or in case the said period lapses without action on
the part of the CIR.
According to the Supreme Court, Sections 114(A), 204(C)
and 229 of the NIRC are inapplicable because both In the present case, the administrative and the judicial
provisions apply only to instances of erroneous payment claims were simultaneously filed by respondent Aichi
or illegal collection of internal revenue taxes. Thus, the Forging Company on September 30, 2004. Obviously,
CTA En Banc erroneously applied Sections 114(A) and 229 respondent did not wait for the decision of the CIR or the
of the NIRC in computing the two-year prescriptive period lapse of the 120-day period before filing the judicial claim
for claiming refund/credit of unutilized input VAT. with the CTA. Thus, the Supreme Court ruled that the
respondent’s filing of the judicial claim for input VAT
The Supreme Court held that Section 112(A) of the NIRC is refund with the CTA on September 30, 2004 was
the pertinent provision for the refund/credit of input VAT. premature as no jurisdiction was acquired by the CTA.
Hence, the two-year period should be reckoned from the
close of the taxable quarter when the sales were made. 4. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. SAN
Does the two-year prescriptive period apply to both February 12, 2013
the administrative and the judicial claims for input
VAT refund? Clearly, San Roque failed to comply with the 120-day
waiting period, the time expressly given by law to the
The Supreme Court held that the two-year prescriptive Commissioner to decide whether to grant or deny San
period applies only to the administrative claims for input Roque’s application for tax refund or credit. It is
VAT refund. Section 112(D) of the NIRC clearly provides indisputable that compliance with the 120-day waiting
that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) has 120 period is mandatory and jurisdictional.
days from the date of the submission of the complete
documents in support of the application for tax Failure to comply with the 120-day waiting period violates
refund/credit within which to grant or deny the claim. In a mandatory provision of law. It violates the doctrine of
case of full or partial denial by the CIR, the taxpayer’s exhaustion of administrative remedies and renders the
recourse is to file an appeal before the Court of Tax petition premature and thus without a cause of action,
Appeals (CTA) within 30 days from receipt of the decision with the effect that the CTA does not acquire jurisdiction
of the CIR. However, if after the 120-day period the CIR over the taxpayer’s petition. Philippine jurisprudence is
fails to act on the application for tax refund/credit, the replete with cases upholding and reiterating these
remedy of the taxpayer is to appeal the inaction of the CIR doctrinal principles.
to the CTA within 30 days.
Section 112(A) and (C) must be interpreted according to
According to the Supreme Court, applying the two-year its clear, plain, and unequivocal language. The taxpayer
prescriptive period to judicial claims for input VAT refund can file his administrative claim for refund or credit at
would render nugatory Section 112(D) of the NIRC, which anytime within the two-year prescriptive period. If he files
already provides for a specific period within which a his claim on the last day of the two-year prescriptive
taxpayer should appeal the decision or inaction of the CIR. period, his claim is still filed on time. The Commissioner
The second paragraph of Section 112(D) of the NIRC will have 120 days from such filing to decide the claim. If
envisions two scenarios: (a) when a decision is issued by the Commissioner decides the claim on the 120th day, or
the CIR before the lapse of the 120-day period; and (b) does not decide it on that day, the taxpayer still has 30
when no decision is made after the 120-day period. In days to file his judicial claim with the CTA. This is not only
both instances, the taxpayer has 30 days within which to the plain meaning but also the only logical interpretation
file an appeal with the CTA. Therefore, the 120-day period of Section 112(A) and (C).
is crucial in filing an appeal with the CTA.
RMC No. 49-03: If the taxpayer files its judicial claim
Is the observance of the “120-30 day” rule provided in before the expiration of the 120-day period, the BIR will
Section 112(C) of the NIRC mandatory or permissive? nevertheless continue to act on the administrative claim
because such premature filing cannot divest the
The Supreme Court ruled that the observance of the “120- Commissioner of his statutory power and jurisdiction to
30 day” rule is mandatory and jurisdictional. In other decide the administrative claim within the 120-day period.
words, the taxpayer may appeal to the Court of Tax On the other hand, if the taxpayer files its judicial claim
Appeals within 30 days only in case there is full or partial after the 120- day period, the Commissioner can still


continue to evaluate the administrative claim. There is The lessons of this case may be summed up as follows:
nothing new in this because even after the expiration of
the 120-day period, the Commissioner should still evaluate A. Two-Year Prescriptive Period
internally the administrative claim for purposes of
opposing the taxpayer’s judicial claim, or even for 1. It is only the administrative claim that must be
purposes of determining if the BIR should actually concede filed within the two-year prescriptive period.
to the taxpayer’s judicial claim. The internal administrative (Aichi)
evaluation of the taxpayer’s claim must necessarily 2. The proper reckoning date for the two-year
continue to enable the BIR to oppose intelligently the prescriptive period is the close of the taxable
judicial claim or, if the facts and the law warrant quarter when the relevant sales were made. (San
otherwise, for the BIR to concede to the judicial claim, Roque)
resulting in the termination of the judicial proceedings. 3. The only other rule is the Atlas ruling, which
What is important, as far as the present cases are applied only from 8 June 2007 to 12 September
concerned, is that the mere filing by a taxpayer of a judicial 2008. Atlas states that the two-year prescriptive
claim with the CTA before the expiration of the 120-day period for filing a claim for tax refund or credit of
period cannot operate to divest the Commissioner of his unutilized input VAT payments should be counted
jurisdiction to decide an administrative claim within the from the date of filing of the VAT return and
120-day mandatory period, unless the Commissioner has payment of the tax. (San Roque)
clearly given cause for equitable estoppel to apply as
expressly recognized in Section 246 of the Tax Code. B. 120+30 Day Period

BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03: The taxpayer-claimant need 1. The taxpayer can file an appeal in one of two
not wait for the lapse of the 120-day period before it could ways: (1) file the judicial claim within thirty days
seek judicial relief with the CTA by way of Petition for after the Commissioner denies the claim within
Review. the 120-day period, or (2) file the judicial claim
within thirty days from the expiration of the 120-
5. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. day period if the Commissioner does not act
MINDANAO II GEOTHERMAL PARTNERSHIP, G.R. No. within the 120-day period.
191498, January 15, 2014 2. The 30-day period always applies, whether there
is a denial or inaction on the part of the CIR.
A. The Judicial Claim Need Not Be Filed Within the 3. As a general rule, the 3 0-day period to appeal is
Two-Year Prescriptive Period both mandatory and jurisdictional. (Aichi and San
The message of Aichi is clear: it is only the administrative 4. As an exception to the general rule, premature
claim that must be filed within the two-year prescriptive filing is allowed only if filed between 10 December
period; the judicial claim need not fall within the two-year 2003 and 5 October 2010, when BIR Ruling No.
prescriptive period. DA-489-03 was still in force. (San Roque)
5. Late filing is absolutely prohibited, even during
B. Reckoning Date is the Close of the Taxable Quarter the time when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 was in
When the Relevant Sales Were Made force. (San Roque)

Under Section 110(B) and Section 112(A), the prescriptive 6. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and
period for filing a judicial claim for "excess" input VAT is ARTURO V. PARCERO in his official capacity as
two years from the close of the taxable quarter when the Revenue District Officer of Revenue District No. 049
sale was made by the person legally liable to pay the (Makati) vs. PRIMETOWN PROPERTY GROUP, INC., G.R.
output VAT. This prescriptive period has no relation to the No. 162155, August 28, 2007
date of payment of the "excess" input VAT. The "excess"
input VAT may have been paid for more than two years but The rule is that the two-year prescriptive period (for tax
this does not bar the filing of a judicial claim for "excess" refund/credit) is reckoned from the filing of the final
VAT under Section 112(A), which has a different reckoning adjusted return. But how should the two-year
period from Section 229. prescriptive period be computed?

Under the Administrative Code of 1987, however, a year is

composed of 12 calendar months. Needless to state, under
the Administrative Code of 1987, the number of days is
irrelevant. (This is the later law than the New Civil Code.)


7. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. METRO assessment" that the Collector must decide, and the
STAR SUPERAMA, INC., G.R. No. 185371, December 8, taxpayer can appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals only upon
2010 receipt of the decision of the Collector on the disputed
assessment, . . .
Does the issuance of a Final Assessment Notice (FAN)
without prior issuance of a Preliminary Assessment Therefore, as in Section 228, when the law provided for
Notice (PAN) violate the taxpayer’s right to procedural the remedy to appeal the inaction of the CIR, it did not
due process? intend to limit it to a single remedy of filing of an appeal
after the lapse of the 180-day prescribed period. Precisely,
Yes. The Supreme Court held that the issuance of a Final when a taxpayer protested an assessment, he naturally
Assessment Notice (FAN) without prior issuance of a expects the CIR to decide either positively or negatively. A
Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) is a violation of due taxpayer cannot be prejudiced if he chooses to wait for the
process. The sending of a PAN to the taxpayer to inform final decision of the CIR on the protested assessment. More
the latter of the assessment made is part of the due so, because the law and jurisprudence have always
process requirement in the issuance of a deficiency tax contemplated a scenario where the CIR will decide on the
assessment, the absence of which renders nugatory any protested assessment.
assessment made by the tax authorities.
It must be emphasized, however, that in case of the
Section 228 of the 1997 Tax Code clearly states that the inaction of the CIR on the protested assessment, while
taxpayer must be informed of his liability for deficiency we reiterate − the taxpayer has two options, either:
taxes through the sending of a Preliminary Assessment (1) file a petition for review with the CTA within 30
Notice (PAN). The said provision provides that a pre- days after the expiration of the 180-day period; or
assessment notice should be issued by the BIR (2) await the final decision of the Commissioner on
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative when the disputed assessment and appeal such final
he/she finds that the proper taxes should be assessed, decision to the CTA within 30 days after the
except in certain cases enumerated therein. receipt of a copy of such decision, these options
are mutually exclusive and resort to one bars the
This requirement was likewise confirmed under the application of the other.
provisions of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 12-99 which
provides that after review and evaluation of the 9. ALLIED BANKING CORPORATION vs. COMMISSIONER
Assessment Division or by the BIR Commissioner or his OF INTERNAL REVENUE, G.R. No. 175097, February
duly authorized representative, if it is determined that 2010
there exists sufficient basis to assess the taxpayer for any
deficiency tax or taxes, the BIR shall issue to the taxpayer, Records show that petitioner Allied Banking Corporation
at least by registered mail, a PAN for the proposed disputed the Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) but not
assessment, showing in detail the facts and the law on the Formal Letter of Demand with Assessment Notices.
which the assessment is based. The use of the word “shall” Nevertheless, we cannot blame petitioner for not filing a
in the said Revenue Regulations suggests the mandatory protest against the Formal Letter of Demand with
nature of the service of PAN. Assessment Notices since the language used and the tenor
of the demand letter indicate that it is the final decision of
8. LASCONA LAND CO., INC. vs. COMMISSIONER OF the respondent on the matter. We have time and again
INTERNAL REVENUE, G.R. No. 171251, March 5, 2012 reminded the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) to
indicate, in a clear and unequivocal language, whether his
The word "decisions" in paragraph 1, Section 7 of Republic action on a disputed assessment constitutes his final
Act No. 1125, quoted above, has been interpreted to mean determination thereon in order for the taxpayer concerned
the decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on to determine when his or her right to appeal to the tax
the protest of the taxpayer against the assessments. court accrues. Viewed in the light of the foregoing,
Definitely, said word does not signify the assessment itself. respondent CIR is now estopped from claiming that he did
not intend the Formal Letter of Demand with Assessment
The period of thirty days prescribed by section 11 of Notices to be a final decision.
Republic Act No. 1125 within which petitioner should have
appealed to the respondent court must be counted from its
receipt of said assessment. Where a taxpayer questions an
assessment and asks the Collector to reconsider or cancel
the same because he (the taxpayer) believes he is not
liable therefor, the assessment becomes a "disputed


10. PHILIPPINE JOURNALISTS, INC. vs. COMMISSIONER The main difference between these two types of protests
OF INTERNAL REVENUE, G.R. No. 162852, December lies in the records or evidence to be examined by internal
16, 2004 revenue officers, whether these are existing records or
newly discovered or additional evidence. A re-evaluation
The appellate jurisdiction of the CTA is not limited to cases of existing records which results from a request for
which involve decisions of the Commissioner of Internal reconsideration does not toll the running of the
Revenue on matters relating to assessments or refunds. prescription period for the collection of an assessed tax.
The second part of the provision covers other cases that Section 271 distinctly limits the suspension of the running
arise out of the NIRC or related laws administered by the of the statute of limitations to instances when
Bureau of Internal Revenue. The wording of the provision reinvestigation is requested by a taxpayer and is granted
is clear and simple. It gives the CTA the jurisdiction to by the CIR.
determine if the warrant of distraint and levy issued by the
BIR is valid and to rule if the Waiver of Statute of 13. SILKAIR (SINGAPORE) PTE, LTD. vs.
Limitations was validly effected. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, G.R. No.
173594, February 6, 2008
METAL CORPORATION, G.R. No. 178087, May 5, 2010 Who is the proper party to claim a refund for the
payment of excise taxes?
The period to assess and collect taxes may only be
extended upon a written agreement between the The Supreme Court held that the proper party to question,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the taxpayer, or seek a refund of an indirect tax is the statutory taxpayer,
which is executed before the expiration of the three-year the person on whom the tax is imposed by law, and who
period for assessment. Revenue Memorandum Order paid the same even if he shifts the burden thereof to
(RMO) No. 20-90 lays down the procedure for the proper another.
execution of the Waiver of Statute of Limitations. In the
case at bar, due to the defects in the Waivers, the period to Excise tax (whether classified as specific or ad valorem
assess or collect taxes was not extended. Consequently, tax) is basically an indirect tax imposed on the
the assessments were issued by the Bureau of Internal consumption of a specified list of goods or products. The
Revenue (BIR) beyond the three-year period and are tax is directly levied on the manufacturer upon removal of
considered void. the goods from the place of production but in reality, the
tax is passed on the end consumer as part of the selling
12. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. price of the goods sold. In view thereof, while Petron
PHILIPPINE GLOBAL COMMUNICATION, INC., G.R. No. actually passed on the burden of the excise tax to Silkair,
167146, October 31, 2006 the additional amount billed to the latter was essentially a
part of the purchase price and not a tax in itself.
If the BIR issued this assessment within the three-year
period or the ten-year period, whichever was applicable, Hence, the Supreme Court ruled that even if the consumers
the law provided another three years after the assessment or purchasers ultimately pay for the tax, they are not
for the collection of the tax due thereon through the considered the taxpayers. The fact that Petron, on whom
administrative process of distraint and/or levy or through the excise tax is imposed, can shift the tax burden to its
judicial proceedings. The three-year period for collection purchasers does not make the latter the taxpayers and the
of the assessed tax began to run on the date the former the withholding agent.
assessment notice had been released, mailed or sent by the
BIR. Although it was ruled in the instant case that Petron is the
proper party that can claim the refund of the excise taxes
Request for reconsideration – refers to a plea for a re- paid to the BIR, the Supreme Court said that Silkair may
evaluation of an assessment on the basis of existing nevertheless invoke its tax exemption to Petron before
records without need of additional evidence. It may buying aviation jet fuel in the future.
involve both a question of fact or of law or both.

Request for reinvestigation – refers to a plea for re-

evaluation of an assessment on the basis of newly-
discovered evidence or additional evidence that a taxpayer
intends to present in the investigation. It may also involve
a question of fact or law or both.


APPEALS, G.R. No. L-68375, April 15, 1988
PAL’s legal personality to file a claim for refund of
excise taxes. the submission of petitioner that Wander is but a
withholding agent of the government and therefore cannot
PAL counters that the doctrine laid down in Silkair is claim reimbursement of the alleged overpaid taxes, is
inapplicable, asserting that it has the legal personality to untenable. It will be recalled, that said corporation is first
file the subject tax refund claim on account of its tax and foremost a wholly owned subsidiary of Glaro. The fact
exemption privileges under its legislative franchise which that it became a withholding agent of the government
covers both direct and indirect taxes. which was not by choice but by compulsion under Section
53 (b) of the Tax Code, cannot by any stretch of the
The propriety of a tax refund claim is hinged on the kind of imagination be considered as an abdication of its
exemption which forms its basis. If the law confers an responsibility to its mother company. Thus, this Court
exemption from both direct or indirect taxes, a claimant is construing Section 53 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code
entitled to a tax refund even if it only bears the economic held that "the obligation imposed thereunder upon the
burden of the applicable tax. On the other hand, if the withholding agent is compulsory." It is a device to insure
exemption conferred only applies to direct taxes, then the the collection by the Philippine Government of taxes on
statutory taxpayer is regarded as the proper party to file incomes, derived from sources in the Philippines, by aliens
the refund claim. who are outside the taxing jurisdiction of this Court
(Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Malayan Insurance
Coverage of LOI 1483. Co., Inc., 21 SCRA 944). In fact, Wander may be assessed
for deficiency withholding tax at source, plus penalties
Based on Section 13 of PAL’s franchise, PAL’s tax consisting of surcharge and interest (Section 54, NLRC).
exemption privileges on all taxes on aviation gas, fuel and Therefore, as the Philippine counterpart, Wander is the
oil may be classified into three (3) kinds, namely: (a) all proper entity who should for the refund or credit of
taxes due on PAL’s local purchase of aviation gas, fuel and overpaid withholding tax on dividends paid or remitted by
oil; (b) all taxes directly due from or imposable upon the Glaro.
purchaser or the seller, producer, manufacturer, or
importer of aviation gas, fuel and oil but are billed or 17. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs.
passed on to PAL; and (c), all taxes due on all importations PASCOR REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,
by PAL of aviation gas, fuel, and oil. ROGELIO A. DIO and VIRGINIA S. DIO, G.R. No. 128315,
June 29, 1999
The phrase "purchase of domestic petroleum products for
use in its domestic operations" – which characterizes the The NIRC defines the specific functions and effects of an
tax privilege LOI 1483 withdrew – refers only to PAL’s tax assessment. To consider the affidavit attached to the
exemptions on passed on excise tax costs due from the Complaint as a proper assessment is to subvert the nature
seller, manufacturer/producer of locally manufactured/ of an assessment and to set a bad precedent that will
produced goods for domestic sale41 and does not, in any prejudice innocent taxpayers.
way, pertain to any of PAL’s tax privileges concerning
imported goods. The fact that the Complaint itself was specifically directed
and sent to the Department of Justice and not to private
15. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. respondents shows that the intent of the commissioner
PROCTER & GAMBLE PHILIPPINE MANUFACTURING was to file a criminal complaint for tax evasion, not to issue
CORPORATION & THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS, G.R. an assessment. Although the revenue officers
No. L-66838, April 15, 1988 recommended the issuance of an assessment, the
commissioner opted instead to file a criminal case for tax
It is axiomatic that the State can never be in estoppel, and evasion. What private respondents received was a notice
this is particularly true in matters involving taxation. The from the DOJ that a criminal case for tax evasion had been
errors of certain administrative officers should never be filed against them, not a notice that the Bureau of Internal
allowed to jeopardize the government's financial position. Revenue had made an assessment.

The real party in interest being the mother corporation in

the United States, it follows that American entity is the real
party in interest, and should have been the claimant in this


Assessment Not Necessary Before Filing of Criminal and promptly to assess has no connections with the
Complaint commission of the crime.

Private respondents maintain that the filing of a criminal 19. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. HON.
complaint must be preceded by an assessment. This is RAUL M. GONZALEZ, Secretary of Justice, L. M. CAMUS
incorrect, because Section 222 of the NIRC specifically ENGINEERING CORPORATION (represented by LUIS M.
states that in cases where a false or fraudulent return is CAMUS and LINO D. MENDOZA), G.R. No. 177279,
submitted or in cases of failure to file a return such as this October 13, 2010
case, proceedings in court may be commenced without an
assessment. Furthermore, Section 205 of the same Code Explain the “Best Evidence Obtainable Rule” in tax
clearly mandates that the civil and criminal aspects of the assessment. When can the BIR Commissioner assess
case may be pursued simultaneously. taxes based on best evidence obtainable?

The issuance of an assessment must be distinguished Under the “Best Evidence Obtainable Rule”, the BIR
from the filing of a complaint. Commissioner makes or amends the tax return of the
taxpayer from his own knowledge and from such
Before an assessment is issued, there is, by practice, a pre- information as he can obtain through the testimony or
assessment notice sent to the taxpayer. The taxpayer is otherwise. Assessments made as such are deemed prima
then given a chance to submit position papers and facie correct and sufficient for all legal purposes.
documents to prove that the assessment is unwarranted. If
the commissioner is unsatisfied, an assessment signed by The law authorizes the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
him or her is then sent to the taxpayer informing the latter to assess taxes on the basis of “best evidence obtainable” in
specifically and clearly that an assessment has been made the following cases: (1) if a person fails to file a return or
against him or her. other document at the time prescribed by law; or (2) if a
person willfully or otherwise files a false or fraudulent
In contrast, the criminal charge need not go through all return or other document.
these. The criminal charge is filed directly with the DOJ.
Thereafter, the taxpayer is notified that a criminal case had LOCAL GOVERNMENT TAXATION AND
been filed against him, not that the commissioner has REAL PROPERTY TAXATION
issued an assessment. It must be stressed that a criminal
complaint is instituted not to demand payment, but to 1. HON. FRANKLIN M. DRILON, in his capacity as
penalize the taxpayer for violation of the Tax Code. SECRETARY OF JUSTICE vs. MAYOR ALFREDO S. LIM,
and SARA S. DE LOS REYES, in their capacities as AND THE CITY OF MANILA, G.R. No. 112497, August 4,
President, Treasurer and Secretary of Adamson 1994
Management Corporation vs. COURT OF APPEALS and
LIWAYWAY VINZONS-CHATO, in her capacity as Section 187 of the LGC authorizes the Secretary of Justice
Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, G.R. to review only the constitutionality or legality of the tax
No. 120935, May 21, 2009 ordinance and, if warranted, to revoke it on either or both
of these grounds. When he alters or modifies or sets aside
Is a tax assessment required before the Department of a tax ordinance, he is not also permitted to substitute his
Justice can file a criminal complaint for tax evasion own judgment for the judgment of the local government
against a taxpayer? that enacted the measure. Secretary Drilon did set aside
the Manila Revenue Code, but he did not replace it with his
No, a tax assessment is not required before the own version of what the Code should be. He did not
Department of Justice can file a criminal complaint for tax pronounce the ordinance unwise or unreasonable as a
evasion. An assessment of a deficiency is not necessary to basis for its annulment. He did not say that in his judgment
a criminal prosecution for willful attempt to defeat and it was a bad law. What he found only was that it was illegal.
evade the income tax. A crime is complete when the All he did in reviewing the said measure was determine if
violator has knowingly and willfully filed a fraudulent the petitioners were performing their functions in
return, with intent to evade and defeat the tax. The accordance with law, that is, with the prescribed
perpetration of the crime is grounded upon knowledge on procedure for the enactment of tax ordinances and the
the part of the taxpayer that he has made an inaccurate grant of powers to the city government under the Local
return, and the government’s failure to discover the error Government Code. As we see it, that was an act not of
control but of mere supervision.


2. G.R. No. 120051, December 10, 2014 the gross receipts of transportation contractors, persons
CITY OF MANILA, HON. ALFREDO S. LIM, as Mayor of engaged in the transportation of passengers or freight by
the City of Manila, and ANTHONY Y. ACEVEDO, City hire, and common carriers by air, land, or water, when said
Treasurer vs. HON. ANGEL VALERA COLET, as sanggunian was already specifically prohibited from doing
Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court of Manila (Br. so.
Such construction gives effect to both Sections 133(j) and
It is already well-settled that although the power to tax is 143(h) of the LGC. Also, Sec. 5(b) of the LGC itself, on
inherent in the State, the same is not true for the LGUs to Rules of Interpretation, provides that in case of doubt, any
whom the power must be delegated by Congress and must tax ordinance shall be construed strictly against the LGU
be exercised within the guidelines and limitations that enacting it, and liberally in favor of the taxpayer.
Congress may provide. Furthermore, such a construction is pursuant to the
legislative intent to exclude from the taxing power of the
The power to tax "is an attribute of sovereignty," and as LGU the imposition of business tax against common
such, inheres in the State. Such, however, is not true for carriers to prevent a duplication of the so-called “common
provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays as they are carrier’s tax.”
not the sovereign; rather, they are mere "territorial and
political subdivisions of the Republic of the Philippines". 3. MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY vs. PROVINCE OF
LAGUNA and BENITO R. BALAZO, in his capacity as
It is settled that a municipal corporation unlike a sovereign Provincial Treasurer of Laguna, G.R. No. 131359, May
state is clothed with no inherent power of taxation. The 5, 1999
charter or statute must plainly show an intent to confer
that power or the municipality, cannot assume it. And the While the Court has, not too infrequently, referred to tax
power when granted is to be construed in strictissimi juris. exemptions contained in special franchises as being in the
Any doubt or ambiguity arising out of the term used in nature of contracts and a part of the inducement for
granting that power must be resolved against the carrying on the franchise, these exemptions, nevertheless,
municipality. are far from being strictly contractual in nature.
Contractual tax exemptions, in the real sense of the term
Therefore, the power of a province to tax is limited to the and where the non-impairment clause of the Constitution
extent that such power is delegated to it either by the can rightly be invoked, are those agreed to by the taxing
Constitution or by statute. authority in contracts, such as those contained in
government bonds or debentures, lawfully entered into by
Among the common limitations on the taxing power of them under enabling laws in which the government, acting
LGUs is Section 133(j) of the LGC, which states that in its private capacity, sheds its cloak of authority and
"[u]nless otherwise provided herein," the taxing power of waives its governmental immunity. Truly, tax exemptions
LGUs shall not extend to "[t]axes on the gross receipts of of this kind may not be revoked without impairing the
transportation contractors and persons engaged in the obligations of contracts. These contractual tax
transportation of passengers or freight by hire and exemptions, however, are not to be confused with tax
common carriers by air, land or water, except as provided exemptions granted under franchises. A franchise partakes
in this Code[.]" the nature of a grant which is beyond the purview of the
non-impairment clause of the Constitution. Indeed, Article
Section 133(j) of the LGC clearly and unambiguously XII, Section 11, of the 1987 Constitution, like its precursor
proscribes LGUs from imposing any tax on the gross provisions in the 1935 and the 1973 Constitutions, is
receipts of transportation contractors, persons engaged in explicit that no franchise for the operation of a public
the transportation of passengers or freight by hire, and utility shall be granted except under the condition that
common carriers by air, land, or water. Yet, confusion such privilege shall be subject to amendment, alteration or
arose from the phrase "unless otherwise provided herein," repeal by Congress as and when the common good so
found at the beginning of the said provision. requires.

The omnibus grant of power to municipalities and cities 4. NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION vs. CITY OF
under Section 143(h) of the LGC cannot overcome the CABANATUAN, G.R. No. 149110, April 9, 2003
specific exception/exemption in Section 133(j) of the same
Code. In section 131 (m) of the LGC, Congress unmistakably
defined a franchise in the sense of a secondary or special
In the case at bar, the sanggunian of the municipality or franchise. This is to avoid any confusion when the word
city cannot enact an ordinance imposing business tax on franchise is used in the context of taxation. As commonly


used, a franchise tax is "a tax on the privilege of transacting the law now stands, ABS-CBN is no longer subject to a
business in the state and exercising corporate franchises franchise tax. It is now liable for VAT.
granted by the state." It is not levied on the corporation
simply for existing as a corporation, upon its property or 6. COCA-COLA BOTTLERS PHILIPPINES, INC. vs. CITY
its income, but on its exercise of the rights or privileges OF MANILA, LIBERTY M. TOLEDO – City Treasurer and
granted to it by the government. Hence, a corporation need JOSEPH SANTIAGO – Chief, Licensing Division, G.R. No.
not pay franchise tax from the time it ceased to do 156252, June 27, 2006
business and exercise its franchise.56 It is within this
context that the phrase "tax on businesses enjoying a The passage of the assailed ordinance did not have the
franchise" in section 137 of the LGC should be interpreted effect of curing the defects of Ordinance No. 7988 which,
and understood. Verily, to determine whether the anyway, does not legally exist." If an order or law sought to
petitioner is covered by the franchise tax in question, the be amended is invalid, then it does not legally exist, there
following requisites should concur: (1) that petitioner has should be no occasion or need to amend it.
a "franchise" in the sense of a secondary or special
franchise; and (2) that it is exercising its rights or 7. PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE COMPANY,
privileges under this franchise within the territory of the INC. vs. CITY OF DAVAO and ADELAIDA B. BARCELONA,
respondent city government. in her capacity as the City Treasurer of Davao, G.R. No.
143867, March 25, 2003
QUEZON CITY vs. ABS-CBN BROADCASTING The "in lieu of all taxes" provision in the franchises of
CORPORATION, G.R. No. 166408, October 6, 2008 Globe and Smart, which are relatively new entrants in the
telecommunications industry, cannot thus be deemed
The "in lieu of all taxes" provision in the franchise of ABS- applicable to PLDT, which had virtual monopoly in the
CBN does not expressly provide what kind of taxes ABS- telephone service in the country for a long time, without
CBN is exempted from. It is not clear whether the defeating the very policy of leveling the playing field of
exemption would include both local, whether municipal, which PLDT speaks.
city or provincial, and national tax. What is clear is that
ABS-CBN shall be liable to pay three (3) percent franchise The fact is that after petitioner’s tax exemption by R.A. No.
tax and income taxes under Title II of the NIRC. But 7082 had been withdrawn by the LGC, no amendment to
whether the "in lieu of all taxes provision" would include re-enact its previous tax exemption has been made by
exemption from local tax is not unequivocal. Congress. Considering that the taxing power of local
government units under R.A. No. 7160 is clear and is
As adverted to earlier, the right to exemption from local ordained by the Constitution, petitioner has the heavy
franchise tax must be clearly established and cannot be burden of justifying its claim by a clear grant of exemption.
made out of inference or implications but must be laid
beyond reasonable doubt. Verily, the uncertainty in the "in 8. PHILIPPINE MATCH CO., LTD. vs. THE CITY OF CEBU
lieu of all taxes" provision should be construed against and JESUS E. ZABATE, Acting City Treasurer, G.R. No. L-
ABS-CBN. ABS-CBN has the burden to prove that it is in 30745, January 18, 1978
fact covered by the exemption so claimed. ABS-CBN
miserably failed in this regard. The city can validly tax the sales of matches to customers
outside of the city as long as the orders were booked and
The clause "in lieu of all taxes" does not pertain to VAT or paid for in the company's branch office in the city. Those
any other tax. It cannot apply when what is paid is a tax matches can be regarded as sold in the city, as
other than a franchise tax. Since the franchise tax on the contemplated in the ordinance, because the matches were
broadcasting companies with yearly gross receipts delivered to the carrier in Cebu City. Generally, delivery to
exceeding ten million pesos has been abolished, the "in lieu the carrier is delivery to the buyer.
of all taxes" clause has now become functus officio,
rendered inoperative. The sales of matches to customers outside oil Cebu City,
which sales were booked and paid for in the company's
In sum, ABS-CBN's claims for exemption must fail on twin branch office in the city, are subject to the city's taxing
grounds. First, the "in lieu of all taxes" clause in its power.
franchise failed to specify the taxes the company is sought
to be exempted from. Neither did it particularize the The sales in the instant case were in the city and the
jurisdiction from which the taxing power is withheld. matches sold were stored in the city. The fact that the
Second, the clause has become functus officio because as matches were delivered to customers, whose places of
business were outside of the city, would not place those


sales beyond the city's taxing power. Those sales formed as "trade or commercial activity regularly engaged in as a
part of the merchandising business being assigned on by means of livelihood or with a view to profit." In relation to
the company in the city. In essence, they are the same as Section 131(d), Section 143(h) of the Local Government
sales of matches fully consummated in the city. Code provides that the city may impose taxes, fees, and
charges on any business which is not specified in Section
Furthermore, because the sellers place of business is in 143(a) to (g) and which the sanggunian concerned may
Cebu City, it cannot be sensibly argued that such sales deem proper to tax.
should be considered as transactions subject to the taxing
power of the political subdivisions where the customers Under Section 143(h), the maximum tax that a
resided and accepted delivery of the matches sold. municipality may impose is 2% of Php100, which is Php2
or Two Pesos. Therefore, the maximum tax that the City
9. EVELYN ONGSUCO and ANTONIA SALAYA vs. HON. may impose shall be one-half of this, which is Php1 or One
MARIANO M. MALONES, both in his private and official Peso. But the tax under Ordinance No. 9503-2005 is
capacity as Mayor of the Municipality of Maasin, Iloilo, Php10, or Ten Pesos. This is a whooping [sic] 10 times
G.R. No. 182065, October 27, 2009 more than that allowed for the municipality! As in the
earlier instance discussed above, the violation made by the
The defect in the enactment of Municipal Ordinance No. 98 respondent city of its delegated taxing authority is all too
was not cured when another public hearing was held on 22 patent.
January 1999, after the questioned ordinance was passed
by the Sangguniang Bayan and approved by respondent on In view of the lack of a separability clause, we declare void
17 August 1998. Section 186 of the Local Government the entirety of Ordinance No. 9503-2005. Any payment
Code prescribes that the public hearing be held prior to the made by reason of the tax imposed by Ordinance No. 9503-
enactment by a local government unit of an ordinance 2005 should, therefore, be refunded to CEPALCO. Our
levying taxes, fees, and charges. ruling, however, is made without prejudice to the
enactment by the City of Cagayan de Oro of a tax ordinance
Since no public hearing had been duly conducted prior to that complies with the limits set by the Local Government
the enactment of Municipal Ordinance No. 98-01, said Code.
ordinance is void and cannot be given any effect.
Consequently, a void and ineffective ordinance could not 11. LUZ R. YAMANE, in her capacity as the CITY
have conferred upon respondent the jurisdiction to order TREASURER OF MAKATI CITY vs. BA LEPANTO
petitioners’ stalls at the municipal public market vacant. CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION, G.R. No. 154993,
October 25, 2005
vs. CITY OF CAGAYAN DE ORO, G.R. No. 191761, Moreover, a careful examination of the Revenue Code
November 14, 2012 shows that while Section 3A.02(m) seems designed as a
catch-all provision, Section 3A.02(f), which provides for a
The law requires that the dissatisfied taxpayer who different tax rate from that of the former provision, may be
questions the validity or legality of a tax ordinance must construed to be of similar import. While Section 3A.02(f) is
file his appeal to the Secretary of Justice, within 30 days quite exhaustive in enumerating the class of businesses
from effectivity thereof. In case the Secretary decides the taxed under the provision, the listing, while it does not
appeal, a period also of 30 days is allowed for an aggrieved include condominium-related enterprises, ends with the
party to go to court. But if the Secretary does not act abbreviation "etc.", or "et cetera".
thereon, after the lapse of 60 days, a party could already
proceed to seek relief in court. These three separate We do note our discomfort with the unlimited breadth and
periods are clearly given for compliance as a prerequisite the dangerous uncertainty which are the twin hallmarks of
before seeking redress in a competent court. Such the words "et cetera." Certainly, we cannot be disposed to
statutory periods are set to prevent delays as well as uphold any tax imposition that derives its authority from
enhance the orderly and speedy discharge of judicial enigmatic and uncertain words such as "et cetera." Yet we
functions. For this reason the courts construe these cannot even say with definiteness whether the tax
provisions of statutes as mandatory. imposed on the Corporation in this case is based on "et
cetera," or on Section 3A.02(m), or on any other provision
Ordinance No. 9503-2005 is a tax on business. CEPALCO’s of the Revenue Code. Assuming that the assessment made
act of leasing for a consideration the use of its posts, poles on the Corporation is on a provision other than Section
or towers to other pole users falls under the Local 3A.02(m), the main legal issue takes on a different
Government Code’s definition of business. Business is complexion. For example, if it is based on "et cetera" under
defined by Section 131(d) of the Local Government Code Section 3A.02(f), we would have to examine whether the


Corporation faces analogous comparison with the other 13. ORLEYTE COMPANY vs. CITY OF MAKATI, CTA AC
businesses listed under that provision. No. 80, November 14, 2012

Certainly, the City Treasurer has not been helpful in that Orleyte is not engaged in any commercial business, as it
regard, as she has been silent all throughout as to the exact has consistently submitted an affidavit of non-operation.
basis for the tax imposition which she wishes that this Having no income arising from services performed or to be
Court uphold. Indeed, there is only one thing that prevents performed to its customers, Orleyte's foreign exchange
this Court from ruling that there has been a due process gain, dividend income and interest income do not form
violation on account of the City Treasurer’s failure to part of gross receipts that are subject to local business tax.
disclose on paper the statutory basis of the tax–that the Hence, Orleyte's foreign exchange gain, dividend income
Corporation itself does not allege injury arising from such and interest income are not subject to local business tax.
failure on the part of the City Treasurer.
We can elicit from the Condominium Act that a CITY and CONSTANTINO P. ROSAS, in his capacity as
condominium corporation is precluded by statute from City Assessor of Quezon City, G.R. No. 144104, June 29,
engaging in corporate activities other than the holding of 2004
the common areas, the administration of the condominium
project, and other acts necessary, incidental or convenient It is plain as day that under the decree, the petitioner does
to the accomplishment of such purposes. Neither the not enjoy any property tax exemption privileges for its real
maintenance of livelihood, nor the procurement of profit, properties as well as the building constructed thereon.
fall within the scope of permissible corporate purposes of
a condominium corporation under the Condominium Act. Under the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions and Rep. Act No.
7160 in order to be entitled to the exemption, the
The assessment appears to be based solely on the petitioner is burdened to prove, by clear and unequivocal
Corporation’s collection of assessments from unit owners, proof, that (a) it is a charitable institution; and (b) its real
such assessments being utilized to defray the necessary properties are ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY
expenses for the Condominium Project and the common used for charitable purposes. "Exclusive" is defined as
areas. There is no contemplation of business, no possessed and enjoyed to the exclusion of others; debarred
orientation towards profit in this case. from participation or enjoyment; and "exclusively" is
defined, "in a manner to exclude; as enjoying a privilege
12. ERICSSON TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. vs. CITY OF exclusively." If real property is used for one or more
PASIG, represented by its City Mayor, Hon. Vicente P. commercial purposes, it is not exclusively used for the
Eusebio, et al.*, G.R. No. 176667, November 22, 2007 exempted purposes but is subject to taxation. The words
"dominant use" or "principal use" cannot be substituted
Gross receipts include money or its equivalent actually or for the words "used exclusively" without doing violence to
constructively received in consideration of services the Constitutions and the law. Solely is synonymous with
rendered or articles sold, exchanged or leased, whether exclusively.
actual or constructive. What is meant by actual, direct and exclusive use of the
property for charitable purposes is the direct and
Gross revenue covers money or its equivalent actually or immediate and actual application of the property itself to
constructively received, including the value of services the purposes for which the charitable institution is
rendered or articles sold, exchanged or leased, the organized. It is not the use of the income from the real
payment of which is yet to be received. property that is determinative of whether the property is
used for tax-exempt purposes.
The imposition of local business tax based on petitioner's
gross revenue will inevitably result in the constitutionally 15. GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM vs.
proscribed double taxation – taxing of the same person CITY TREASURER and CITY ASSESSOR of the CITY OF
twice by the same jurisdiction for the same thing – MANILA, G.R. No. 186242, December 23, 2009
inasmuch as petitioner's revenue or income for a taxable
year will definitely include its gross receipts already Under its charter, is GSIS exempt from real property
reported during the previous year and for which local taxation?
business tax has already been paid.
The Supreme Court ruled that GSIS enjoys full tax
exemption under its charter. Moreover, as an
instrumentality of the national government, it is itself not
liable to pay real estate taxes assessed by the City of


Manila against its Katigbak and Concepcion-Arroceros 17. NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION vs. CENTRAL
Assuming that it is exempt from real property tax, is UNION, PROVINCIAL TREASURER, LA UNION and
GSIS liable for real property taxes for its properties MUNICIPAL ASSESSOR OF BAUANG, LA UNION, G.R. No.
leased to a taxable entity? 171470, January 30, 2009

However, following the “beneficial use” rule, accrued real The mere undertaking of petitioner NPC under Section
property taxes are due from the Katigbak property, 10.1 of the Agreement, that it shall be responsible for the
because it is leased to a taxable entity (Manila Hotel payment of all real estate taxes and assessments, does not
Corporation). According to the Supreme Court, the justify the exemption. The privilege granted to petitioner
corresponding liability for the payment of the real NPC cannot be extended to FELS. The covenant is between
property taxes devolves on the taxable beneficial user. FELS and NPC and does not bind a third person not privy
Therefore, as a matter of law and contract, Manila Hotel thereto, in this case, the Province of Batangas.
Corporation (MHC) stands liable to pay the real property
taxes due on the Katigbak property. Build-operate-and-transfer (BOT): Under this concept, it
is the project proponent who constructs the project at its
Are the properties of GSIS exempt from levy? own cost and subsequently operates and manages it. The
proponent secures the return on its investments from
Moreover, the Supreme Court also held that the subject those using the project’s facilities through appropriate
GSIS properties are exempt from any attachment, tolls, fees, rentals, and charges not exceeding those
garnishment, execution, levy, or other legal processes. The proposed in its bid or as negotiated. At the end of the fixed
Katigbak property cannot in any event be subject of a term agreed upon, the project proponent transfers the
public auction sale, notwithstanding its real property tax ownership of the facility to the government agency. Thus,
delinquency. This means that the City of Manila has to the government is able to put up projects and provide
satisfy its tax claim by serving the accrued real property immediate services without the burden of the heavy
tax assessment on Manila Hotel Corporation (MHC) as the expenditures that a project start up requires.
taxable beneficial user of the Katigbak property, and in
case of nonpayment, through means other than the sale at Consistent with the BOT concept and as implemented,
public auction of the leased property. BPPC – the owner-manager-operator of the project – is the
actual user of its machineries and equipment. BPPC’s
16. FELS ENERGY, INC. vs. THE PROVINCE OF ownership and use of the machineries and equipment are
BATANGAS and THE OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL actual, direct, and immediate, while NAPOCOR’s is
ASSESSOR OF BATANGAS, G.R. No. 168557, February contingent and, at this stage of the BOT Agreement, not
16, 2007 sufficient to support its claim for tax exemption. Thus, the
CTA committed no reversible error in denying NAPOCOR’s
The remedy of appeal to the Local Board of Assessment claim for tax exemption.
Appeals (LBAA) is available from an adverse ruling or
action of the provincial, city or municipal assessor in the 18. NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION vs. PROVINCE
assessment of the property. It follows then that the OF QUEZON and MUNICIPALITY OF PAGBILAO, G.R. No.
determination made by the respondent Provincial 171586, July 15, 2009
Assessor with regard to the taxability of the subject real
properties falls within its power to assess properties for The liability for taxes generally rests on the owner of the
taxation purposes subject to appeal before the LBAA. real property at the time the tax accrues. This is a
necessary consequence that proceeds from the fact of
If the taxpayer fails to appeal in due course, the right of the ownership. However, personal liability for real property
local government to collect the taxes due with respect to taxes (RPT) may also expressly rest on the entity with the
the taxpayer’s property becomes absolute upon the beneficial use of the real property, such as the tax on
expiration of the period to appeal. It also bears stressing property owned by the government but leased to private
that the taxpayer’s failure to question the assessment in persons or entities, or when the tax assessment is made on
the LBAA renders the assessment of the local assessor the basis of the actual use of the property. In either case,
final, executory and demandable, thus, precluding the the unpaid RPT attaches to the property but is directly
taxpayer from questioning the correctness of the chargeable against the taxable person who has actual and
assessment, or from invoking any defense that would beneficial use and possession of the property regardless of
reopen the question of its liability on the merits. whether or not that person is the owner.


In the present case, the National Power Corporation (NPC), SC held that CHHMAC is an integral part of CHH. It is
contrary to its claims, is neither the owner nor the undisputed that the doctors and medical specialists
possessor/user of the subject machineries. holding clinics in CHHMAC are those duly accredited by
CHH, that is, they are consultants of the hospital and the
19. MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY vs. ones who can treat CHH’s patients confined in it. This fact
CITY OF PASAY, SANGGUNIANG PANGLUNGSOD NG alone takes away CHHMAC from being categorized as
PASAY, CITY MAYOR OF PASAY, CITY TREASURER OF "commercial" since a tertiary hospital like CHH is required
PASAY, and CITY ASSESSOR OF PASAY, G.R. No. 163072, by law to have a pool of physicians who comprises the
April 2, 2009 required medical departments in various medical fields. As
aptly pointed out by respondent:
MIAA is not a government-owned or controlled
corporation under Section 2(13) of the Introductory The physicians holding offices or clinics in CHHMAC, duly
Provisions of the Administrative Code because it is not appointed or accredited by CHH, precisely fulfill and carry
organized as a stock or non-stock corporation. Neither is out their roles in the hospital’s services for its patients
MIAA a government-owned or controlled corporation through the CHHMAC. The fact that they are holding office
under Section 16, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution in a separate building, like at CHHMAC, does not take away
because MIAA is not required to meet the test of economic the essence and nature of their services vis-à-vis the over-
viability. MIAA is a government instrumentality vested all operation of the hospital and the benefits to the
with corporate powers and performing essential public hospital’s patients. Given what the law requires, it is clear
services pursuant to Section 2(10) of the Introductory that CHHMAC is an integral part of CHH.
Provisions of the Administrative Code. As a government
instrumentality, MIAA is not subject to any kind of tax by Moreover, the exemption in favor of property used
local governments under Section 133(o) of the Local exclusively for charitable or educational purposes is "not
Government Code. limited to property actually indispensable" therefore
(Cooley on Taxation, Vol. 2, p. 1430), but extends to
The exception to the exemption in Section 234(a) does not facilities which are "incidental to and reasonably necessary
apply to MIAA because MIAA is not a taxable entity under for" the accomplishment of said purposes, such as, in the
the Local Government Code. Such exception applies only if case of hospitals, "a school for training nurses, a nurses’
the beneficial use of real property owned by the Republic home, property use to provide housing facilities for
is given to a taxable entity. interns, resident doctors, superintendents, and other
members of the hospital staff, and recreational facilities for
MIAA is a government instrumentality vested with student nurses, interns and residents" (84 C.J.S., 621), such
corporate powers to perform efficiently its governmental as "athletic fields," including "a farm used for the inmates
functions. MIAA is like any other government of the institution" (Cooley on Taxation, Vol. 2, p. 1430).
instrumentality, the only difference is that MIAA is vested
with corporate powers. Verily, being an integral part of CHH, CHHMAC should be
under the same special assessment level of as that of the
Thus, MIAA is not a government-owned or controlled former.
corporation but a government instrumentality which is
exempt from any kind of tax from the local governments. 21. STA. LUCIA REALTY & DEVELOPMENT, Inc. vs. CITY
Indeed, the exercise of the taxing power of local OF PASIG, MUNICIPALITY OF CAINTA, PROVINCE OF
government units is subject to the limitations enumerated RIZAL, G.R. No. 166838, June 15, 2011
in Section 133 of the Local Government Code. Under
Section 133(o) of the Local Government Code, local While a local government unit is authorized under several
government units have no power to tax instrumentalities laws to collect real estate tax on properties falling under
of the national government like the MIAA. Hence, MIAA is its territorial jurisdiction, it is imperative to first show that
not liable to pay real property tax for the NAIA Pasay these properties are unquestionably within its
properties. geographical boundaries.


BENEVOLA DE CEBU, INC., G.R. No. 152904, June 8,

"Actual use" refers to the purpose for which the property

is principally or predominantly utilized by the person in
possession of the property.


TARIFF AND CUSTOMS CODE no dispute that the "specified entry form" refers to the
INCORPORATED, G.R. No. 187425, March 28, 2011 Both the IED and IEIRD should be filed within 30 days
from the date of discharge of the last package from the
Republic Act No. 529, as amended by R.A. No. 4100 vessel or aircraft.
provides that stipulations on the satisfaction of obligations
in foreign currency are void. Payments of monetary The TCC is clear and explicit. It gives a non-extendible
obligations, subject to certain exceptions, shall be period of 30 days for the importer to file the entry which
discharged in the currency which is the legal tender in the we have already ruled pertains to both the IED and IEIRD.
Philippines. But since R.A. No. 529 does not provide for the Thus under Section 1801 in relation to Section 1301, when
rate of exchange for the payment of foreign currency the importer fails to file the entry within the said period,
obligations incurred after its enactment, the Court held in he "shall be deemed to have renounced all his interests
a number of cases that the rate of exchange for the and property rights" to the importations and these shall be
conversion in the peso equivalent should be the prevailing considered impliedly abandoned in favor of the
rate at the time of payment. government.

Regarding the state immunity doctrine, the Commissioner 3. COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS vs. MARINA SALES,
of Customs cannot escape liability for the lost shipment for INC., G.R. No. 183868, November 22, 2010
goods. As discussed in the case of Republic of the
Philippines represented by the Bureau of Customs vs. To fall under Tariff Heading H.S. 2106.90 50, which calls
UNIMEX Micro-Electronics, “the Court cannot turn a blind for a higher import duty rate of 7%, the imported articles
eye to [the Bureau of Custom’s] ineptitude and gross must not lose their original character. The laboratory
negligence in the safekeeping of respondent’s goods. [The analysis of importer’s samples yielded a different result.
Court is] not likewise unaware of its lackadaisical attitude The report supported importer’s position that the subject
in failing to provide a cogent explanation on the goods’ importations are not yet ready for human consumption.
disappearance, considering that they were in its custody The juice compounds could not be taken in their raw form
and that they were in fact the subject of litigation. The because they are highly concentrated and must be mixed
situation does not allow [the Court] to reject respondent’s with other additives before they could be marketed as
claim on the mere invocation of the doctrine of state Sunquick juice products. If taken in their unprocessed
immunity. Succinctly, the doctrine must be fairly observed form, the concentrates without the mixed additives would
and the State should not avail itself of this prerogative to produce a sour taste. The concentrates, to be consumable,
take undue advantage of parties that may have legitimate must have to lose their original character. The importer
claims against it. transforms said juice compounds, being raw materials,
into a substance suitable for human consumption.
2. CHEVRON PHILIPPINES, INC. vs. COMMISSIONER OF Contrary to the Commissioner of Customs’ assertions,
THE BUREAU OF CUSTOMS, G.R. No. 178759, August 11, empirical evidence shows that the subject importations
2008 would have to undergo a laborious method, as shown by
its manufacturing flowchart and manufacturing process, to
The term "entry" in customs law has a triple meaning. achieve their marketable juice consistency. Accordingly,
It means: the 1% tariff import duty rate under Tariff Heading H.S.
(1) the documents filed at the customs house; 2106.90 was correctly applied to the subject importations.
(2) the submission and acceptance of the documents
(3) the procedure of passing goods through the PHILIPPINES, G.R. No. 165265, February 6, 2006
customs house.
A person arriving in the Philippines with baggages
The import entry declaration (IED) serves as basis for the containing dutiable articles is bound to declare the same in
payment of advance duties on importations whereas the all respects. In order to meet the convenience of the
import entry and internal revenue declaration (IEIRD) travelers, a simple and more expeditious method of
evidences the final payment of duties and taxes. customs clearance is provided for baggages occupying the
passage therein for goods imported in the regular manner.
Clearly, the operative act that constitutes "entry" of the Official entry forms and forms of baggage declaration are
imported articles at the port of entry is the filing and supplied to the passengers to be filled before the customs
acceptance of the "specified entry form" together with the officer. The traveler has the burden of carrying forward
other documents required by law and regulations. There is items that have to be declared before examination of the


cargo has begun. Adequate reporting of dutiable Philippine port or place other than a port of the
merchandise being brought into the country is absolutely Sulu Sea, where importation in such vessel may be
necessary to the enforcement of customs laws, and failure authorized by the Commissioner, with the
to comply with those requisites is as condemnable as approval of the department head."
failure to pay customs fees.
There is no question that M/V Neptune Breeze, then
The provision is Part 4 of Title VI, Section 2505, of the TCC known as M/V Criston, was carrying 35,000 bags of
which enumerates the administrative penalties in the form imported rice without the necessary papers showing that
of surcharges, fines and forfeitures imposed by law on they were entered lawfully through a Philippine port after
imported dutiable goods. It does not define a crime. It the payment of appropriate taxes and duties thereon. This
merely provides, inter alia, for the administrative remedies gives rise to the presumption that such importation was
which can be resorted to by the Bureau of Customs when illegal. Consequently, the rice subject of the importation, as
seizing the dutiable articles found in the baggage of any well as the vessel M/V Neptune Breeze used in
person arriving in the Philippines which is not included in importation are subject to forfeiture. The burden is on El
the accomplished baggage declaration submitted to the Greco, as the owner of M/V Neptune Breeze, to show that
customs authorities, and the administrative penalties that its conveyance of the rice was actually legal.
such person must pay for the release of such goods if not
imported contrary to law. Any administrative penalty that JUDICIAL REMEDIES
may be imposed on the person arriving in the Philippines
with undeclared dutiable articles is separate from and 1. THE CITY OF MANILA, represented by MAYOR JOSE
independent of the criminal liability for smuggling under L. ATIENZA, JR., and MS. LIBERTY M. TOLEDO, in her
Section 3601 of the TCC and for violation of other penal capacity as the City Treasurer of Manila vs. HON.
provisions in the TCC. The criminal liability of such person CARIDAD H. GRECIA-CUERDO, in her capacity as
can only be determined in the appropriate criminal Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch
proceedings, prescinding from the outcome in any 112, Pasay City; SM MART, INC.; SM PRIME HOLDINGS,
administrative case that may have been filed and disposed INC.; STAR APPLIANCES CENTER; SUPERVALUE, INC.;
of by the customs authorities. Indeed, the second ACE HARDWARE PHILIPPINES, INC.; WATSON
paragraph of Section 2505 provides that nothing in this PERSONAL CARE STORES, PHILS., INC.; JOLLIMART
Section shall prevent the bringing of criminal action PHILS., CORP.; SURPLUS MARKETING CORPORATION
against the offender for smuggling under Section 3601 of and SIGNATURE LINES, G.R. No. 175723, February 4,
the TCC. 2014

Smuggling is committed by any person who: Petitioners availed of the wrong remedy when they filed
(1) fraudulently imports or brings into the Philippines the instant special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65
any article contrary to law; of the Rules of Court in assailing the Resolutions of the CA
(2) assists in so doing any article contrary to law; or which dismissed their petition filed with the said court and
(3) receives, conceals, buys, sells or in any manner their motion for reconsideration of such dismissal. There is
facilitate the transportation, concealment or sale no dispute that the assailed Resolutions of the CA are in
of such goods after importation, knowing the the nature of a final order as they disposed of the petition
same to have been imported contrary to law. completely. It is settled that in cases where an assailed
judgment or order is considered final, the remedy of the
5. EL GRECO SHIP MANNING AND MANAGEMENT aggrieved party is appeal. Hence, in the instant case,
CORPORATION vs. COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS, G.R. petitioner should have filed a petition for review on
No. 177188, December 4, 2008 certiorari under Rule 45, which is a continuation of the
appellate process over the original case.
The penalty of forfeiture is imposed on any vessel
engaged in smuggling, provided that the following The CTA has exclusive appellate jurisdiction over
conditions are present: decisions, orders or resolutions of the RTCs in local tax
(1) The vessel is "used unlawfully in the importation cases originally decided or resolved by them in the
or exportation of articles into or from" the exercise of their original or appellate jurisdiction, there is
Philippines; no categorical statement under RA 1125 as well as the
(2) The articles are imported to or exported from amendatory RA 9282, which provides that the CTA has
"any Philippine port or place, except a port of jurisdiction over petitions for certiorari assailing
entry"; or interlocutory orders issued by the RTC in local tax cases
(3) If the vessel has a capacity of less than 30 tons and filed before it.
is "used in the importation of articles into any


The prevailing doctrine is that the authority to issue writs may be considered as covered by the term “other matters”
of certiorari involves the exercise of original jurisdiction over which the CTA has appellate jurisdiction.
which must be expressly conferred by the Constitution or
by law and cannot be implied from the mere existence of The Supreme Court held that the fact that an assessment
appellate jurisdiction. has become final for failure of the taxpayer to file a protest
within the time allowed only means that the validity or
The power of the CTA includes that of determining correctness of the assessment may no longer be
whether or not there has been grave abuse of discretion questioned on appeal. However, the validity of the
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of assessment itself is a separate and distinct issue from the
the RTC in issuing an interlocutory order in cases falling issue of whether the right of the CIR to collect the validly
within the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the tax court. assessed tax has prescribed. This issue of prescription,
It, thus, follows that the CTA, by constitutional mandate, is being a matter provided for by the National Internal
vested with jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari in these Revenue Code (NIRC), is well within the jurisdiction of the
cases. CTA to decide.

Indeed, in order for any appellate court to effectively 3. EMERLINDA S. TALENTO, in her capacity as the
exercise its appellate jurisdiction, it must have the Provincial Treasurer of the Province of Bataan vs.
authority to issue, among others, a writ of certiorari. In HON. REMIGIO M. ESCALADA, JR., Presiding Judge of
transferring exclusive jurisdiction over appealed tax cases the Regional Trial Court of Bataan, Branch 3, and
to the CTA, it can reasonably be assumed that the law PETRON CORPORATION, G.R. No. 180884, June 27,
intended to transfer also such power as is deemed 2008
necessary, if not indispensable, in aid of such appellate
jurisdiction. There is no perceivable reason why the Whether the collection of taxes may be suspended by
transfer should only be considered as partial, not total. reason of the filing of an appeal and posting of a surety
bond, is undoubtedly a pure question of law. Section 2(c)
2. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. of Rule 41 of the Rules of Court provides:
169225, November 17, 2010 SEC. 2. Modes of Appeal. -

The appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (c) Appeal by certiorari. - In all cases when only
(CTA) is not limited to cases which involve decisions of the questions of law are raised or involved, the appeal
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) on matters shall be to the Supreme Court by petition for review
relating to assessments or refunds. on certiorari under Rule 45. (Emphasis supplied)

The jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) over Thus, petitioner resorted to the erroneous remedy when
“other matters” is found in number 1 of Section 7 of she filed a petition for certiorari under Rule 65, when the
Republic Act No. 1125, as amended. Under this provision, proper mode should have been a petition for review on
the CTA exercises exclusive appellate jurisdiction to certiorari under Rule 45. Moreover, under Section 2, Rule
review by appeal decisions of the Commissioner of 45 of the same Rules, the period to file a petition for
Internal Revenue (CIR) in cases involving disputed review is 15 days from notice of the order appealed from.
assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or In the instant case, petitioner received the questioned
other charges, penalties imposed in relation thereto, or order of the trial court on November 6, 2007, hence, she
other matters arising under the National Internal Revenue had only up to November 21, 2007 to file the petition.
Code (NIRC) or other law as part of law administered by However, the same was filed only on January 4, 2008, or
the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). The term “other 43 days late. Consequently, petitioner's failure to file an
matters” is limited only by the qualifying phrase that appeal within the reglementary period rendered the order
follows it. The appellate jurisdiction of the CTA is not of the trial court final and executory.
limited to cases which involve decisions of the CIR on
matters relating to assessments or refunds. It covers other The perfection of an appeal in the manner and within the
cases that arise out of the NIRC or related laws period prescribed by law is mandatory. Failure to conform
administered by the BIR. The issue of whether or not the to the rules regarding appeal will render the judgment
BIR’s right to collect taxes had already prescribed is a final and executory and beyond the power of the Court's
subject matter falling under the NIRC. In connection review. Jurisprudence mandates that when a decision
therewith, the NIRC also states that the collection of taxes becomes final and executory, it becomes valid and binding
is one of the duties of the BIR. Thus, from the foregoing, upon the parties and their successors in interest. Such
the issue of prescription of the BIR’s right to collect taxes


decision or order can no longer be disturbed or reopened
no matter how erroneous it may have been. Section 195 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)
imposes a DST on every pledge regardless of whether the
Petitioner's resort to a petition under Rule 65 is obviously same is a conventional pledge governed by the Civil Code
a play to make up for the loss of the right to file an appeal or one that is governed by the provisions of P.D. No. 114.
via a petition under Rule 45. However, a special civil action All pledges are subject to DST, unless there is a law
under Rule 65 cannot cure petitioner's failure to timely file exempting them in clear and categorical language.
a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the
Rules of Court. Rule 65 is an independent action that Then too, it is the exercise of the privilege to enter into an
cannot be availed of as a substitute for the lost remedy of accessory contract of pledge, as distinguished from a
an ordinary appeal, including that under Rule 45, contract of loan, which gives rise to the obligation to pay
especially if such loss or lapse was occasioned by one's DST.
own neglect or error in the choice of remedies.
Moreover, even if we assume that a petition under Rule 65 GLOBAL BUSINESS BANK, INC.) vs. COMMISSIONER OF
is the proper remedy, the petition is still dismissible. INTERNAL REVENUE, G.R. No. 170574, January 30,
We note that no motion for reconsideration of the
November 5, 2007 order of the trial court was filed prior Documentary stamp tax is a tax on documents,
to the filing of the instant petition. The settled rule is that a instruments, loan agreements, and papers evidencing the
motion for reconsideration is a sine qua non condition for acceptance, assignment, sale or transfer of an obligation,
the filing of a petition for certiorari. The purpose is to right or property incident thereto. A DST is actually an
grant the public respondent an opportunity to correct any excise tax because it is imposed on the transaction rather
actual or perceived error attributed to it by the re- than on the document. A DST is also levied on the exercise
examination of the legal and factual circumstances of the by persons of certain privileges conferred by law for the
case. Petitioner's failure to file a motion for creation, revision, or termination of specific legal
reconsideration deprived the trial court of the opportunity relationships through the execution of specific
to rectify an error unwittingly committed or to vindicate instruments. Hence, in imposing the DST, the Court
itself of an act unfairly imputed. Besides, a motion for considers not only the document but also the nature and
reconsideration under the present circumstances is the character of the transaction.
plain, speedy and adequate remedy to the adverse
judgment of the trial court. It is clear that the "Special/Super Savings Deposit Account"
(SSDA) is a certificate of deposit drawing interest subject
to DST even if it is evidenced by a passbook and non-
negotiable in character.

DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX A document to be deemed a certificate of deposit requires

no specific form as long as there is some written
1. MICHEL J. LHUILLER Pawnshop, Inc. vs. memorandum that the bank accepted a deposit of a sum of
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, G.R. No. money from a depositor. What is important and controlling
166786, May 3, 2006 is the nature or meaning conveyed by the passbook and
not the particular label or nomenclature attached to it,
True, the law does not consider said ticket as an evidence inasmuch as substance, not form, is paramount.
of security or indebtedness. However, for purposes of
taxation, the same pawn ticket is proof of an exercise of a Moreover, a certificate of deposit may be payable to the
taxable privilege of concluding a contract of pledge. At any depositor, to the order of the depositor, or to some other
rate, it is not said ticket that creates the pawnshop’s person or his order. From the use of the conjunction or,
obligation to pay DST but the exercise of the privilege to instead of and, the negotiable character of a certificate of
enter into a contract of pledge. There is therefore no basis deposit is immaterial in determining the imposition of
in petitioner’s assertion that a DST is literally a tax on a DST.
document and that no tax may be imposed on a pawn
2. MICHEL J. LHUILLER PAWNSHOP, INC. vs. 172045-46, June 16, 2009
166786, September 11, 2006


A deposit on future subscription is not subject to Yes. The inter-company advances are subject to DST. The
documentary stamp tax. It must be noted that deposits on Supreme Court ruled that the instructional letters as well
subscription represent advances made by the stockholders as the journal vouchers evidencing advances extended to
and are in the nature of liabilities for which stocks may be FDC’s affiliates qualify as loan agreements upon which
issued in the future. Absent any express agreement documentary stamp taxes (DST) may be imposed.
between the stockholders and petitioner to convert said
advances/deposits to capital stock, either through a
subscription agreement or any other document, these
deposits remain as liabilities owed by respondent to its
stockholders. For these deposits to be subject to DST, it is
necessary that a conversion/subscription agreement be
made by First Express and its stockholders. Absent such
conversion, no DST can be imposed on said deposits under
Section 175 of the Tax Code.


163653, July 19, 2011

Can the BIR assess deficiency income tax based on

imputed interest on inter-company advances?

No. The BIR cannot assess deficiency income tax based on

imputed interest. The Supreme Court ruled that the BIR
Commissioner’s power of distribution, apportionment or
allocation of gross income and deductions under the
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) does not include
the power to impute “theoretical interests” to the
controlled taxpayer's transactions. While it has been held
that the phrase “from whatever source derived” indicates a
legislative policy to include all income not expressly
exempted within the class of taxable income under our
laws, the term “income” has been variously interpreted to
mean “cash received or its equivalent”, “the amount of
money coming to a person within a specific time” or
“something distinct from principal or capital”. Otherwise
stated, there must be proof of the actual or, at the very
least, probable receipt or realization by the controlled
taxpayer of the item of gross income sought to be
distributed, apportioned or allocated by the BIR

According to the Supreme Court, there is no evidence of

actual or possible showing that the advances extended by
FDC to its affiliates had resulted to the interests
subsequently assessed by the BIR. The BIR had adduced
no evidence that the advances extended to affiliates were
sourced from the borrowings made by respondent FDC
from the commercial banks. Moreover, the Supreme Court
also said that pursuant to Article 1956 of the New Civil
Code of the Philippines, no interest shall be due unless it
has been expressly stipulated in writing.

Are inter-company advances subject to Documentary

Stamp Tax (DST)?



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