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1 Give Introduction to the MS-ACCESS
2 Create table student in design view of ms-access
3 Create table employee with fields:
First name,middlename,lastname,birthdate,address,deptnumber,ssn
4 Creation of form using employee table
5 Creation of report by using student table
6 Using the employee table,execute the queries:
a)Display all employee salary
b)Display all employement with salary greater than 10,000
7 Retrieve the birth date and address of employee whose name is john smith
8 Retrieve all the employees whose address is in Rohini DELHI
9 Find all the employees who are born in 1950s
10 Retrieve all the employees in department no.5 whose salary is between
40,000 to 50,000
11 Retrieve the names of all employees who are not superviser
12 Display id and name of those employees who lives in Delhi and Mumbai
13 Display name and max salary in each dept. Of company
14 Add column in table
15 Count the number of distinct salary values in the database
16 Delete the employee whose SSN is 445678897
17 Delete the employees of department no.4
18 Update the salary of employees in department no5 to 50,000
19 Add Phone_No column in employee table
20 Add sex Column in employee table.

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