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progressive, chronic disease involving a mental and physical need for alcohol.

a) Addiction
b) Alcoholism

When a drug is taken repeatedly at increasingly strong doses, it is called...

a) Tolerance
b) Binge
c) Overdose

Which drug is made from a hemp plant called Cannabis Sativa?

a) Crack
b) Marijuana

What were narcotics originally made from?

a) Opium
b) Mushrooms

Stimulants cause the body's functions to do what?

a) Slow down
b) Speed up
c) Stay the Same

When someone drinks a very large amount of alcohol in a short period of time they are at risk of what?

a) Headache
b) Alcohol Poisoning
c) Intoxication

Cocaine can be delivered into the veins, which is called what?

a) Intravenously
b) Intravestibular

Inhalants are substances that are taken by doing what?

a) Injecting
b) Sniffing

This is intentionally taking drugs in a way that is unhealthy or illegal.

a) Drug Misuse
b) Drug Abuse

Alternatives are different ways of thinking or acting?

a) True
b) False

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