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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

Which holocaust lies are people referring to? The one that had Jew ashes/fat used to
make soap?

Turned out to be a lie

The one that had Jew skin used to make lampshades?

Turned out to be a lie

How about the one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews?

Turned out to be a lie

The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers?

Turned out to be a lie

The one that had the shrunken Jew heads?

Turned out to be a lie

The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews?

Turned out to be a lie

The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec?

Turned out to be a lie

The one that said 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz?

That turned out to be a lie, since that number dropped to a little over one million, and
that included non-Jews.

The Holocaust as a whole? Also a lie. Time will tell, and the Holocaust will be
revealed as the World’s Biggest Lie
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie


Planned organization

Include photos of fat prisoners in concentration camps, sports teams, tattoos

and logic and thought for having them, links and quotes of legit people saying the
Nazi’s did nothing

Include how the estimated killed at the camp kept changing every 20 years

Freedom of information act 1972

Churchill tortured any Nazi who denied the holocaust

Other Nazi’s who said the holocaust happened were the ones picked up in operation
paperclip. They had a choice – live in the united states, and work with the US to stop
communist Russia, who the Germans hated more than anything, and lie about the
holocaust, or tell the truth about the holocaust, and either be sent back to Germany,
which was destroyed and half under communist rule, or be tortured and murdered.

1. 14 minute vid on holohoaxz

2. Auschwitz had basic amenities and cultural activates
b. Jewish prisoners describe conditions at Auschwitz from a firsthand
account. They reveal cultural actives, music, and various different
activates. They did not describe any kind of showers or gas chambers

Official Logical Appeals Paper Start

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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

The number changed three times at Auschwitz

1. Logic
a. If the Holocaust as stated is so incredibly true, why is it illegal to
investigate it in all western countries, including the USA, Russia, the UK,
Germany, Poland, France, Austria, and the rest of Europe?
i. This question alone is what prompted me to search for the truth –
what really happened?
b. If the numbers as stated are true, further investigations should be
encouraged. If anything, further investigation could reveal further grave
sites, further gas chambers and etc. thus increasing the numbers killed in
the holocaust
c. One would naturally presume it to be impossible to calculate the
death toll in the midst of a raging world war. Even in the
immediate aftermath, we would know little for certain. Surely we
would not take, for example, the Nazis’ word for it; they would be
inclined to either minimize the death toll or, if coerced, exaggerate
it. The many camp survivors would clearly not be of much help; as
prisoners, they would have been in no position to know such
things as overall death tolls.
ii. Why did we not investigate the holocaust but rely on soviet
information, the same people who later were revealed to have
murdered hundreds of millions of their own people?
1. The chambers and ovens in Auschwitz were
“reconstructed” by the soviets in 1947
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

2. Chameleon folk
d. Germans are incredibly efficient, especially under Hitler and the
i. Those beings so, why invest millions of German dollars into
elaborate gas chambers, and not research or tanks?
ii. Why not kill the Jews quickly and efficiently, like Churchill?
1. Little known facts about Eisenhower – he once personally
mass murdered 50,000 captured German soldiers AFTER.
They died quickly and painfully. About 1.7 million German
POWs died by General and later President Eisenhower’s
hands after the completion of the war.
c. Many of the pictures of the alleged holocaust are
actually pictures of President Eisenhower’s death
camps falsely labeled as Jews, and not Germans
d. Eisenhower used no elaborate chambers, no
expensive poison gas; just shoved thousands of
people in a square fenced in area and watched them
die. This was quick and easy and efficient. Germans
are smart – why weren’t they as efficient as
2. Churchill also committed terrible war crimes. He:
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

a. Initiated the firebomb campaign on Britain, and

bombed German food supply lines that were
supposed to be going to concentration camps
iii. The London Blitz was in retaliation for the
bombings of Berlin. The London blitz is what
led to US support for the allies in the war, and
what drew US troops into Germany to
support the war effort
b. Killed 4 million Indian people in a famine forcing
them to supply food to the British army and people
instead of their own people. He then sold this food
to the English people and abroad to supply money
for the war effort
c. Churchill supported the use of chemical weapons.
He supplied chemical weapons to Afghanistan, a
British client state, to use against the Kurds.
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

d. Additionally, he support the use of, and did use

chemical weapons several times before and during
world war two
3. These war crime committed by Churchill looks insignificant
compared to the holocaust, thus providing a legitimate
reason for Churchill and the British Government, and
Eisenhower and the American government to support the
holocaust, in order to make them look like saints instead of
2. Math
a. It would have taken 47 years with over a thousand furnaces the size of
those at Auschwitz running full time to incinerate the corpses it is
claimed that were burned in the holocaust
1. This link states that the process to cremate a body, in a
modern cremation chamber, and reducing the body to ash,
in a sealed container of 1400-1600 degrees Fahrenheit, it
would take 2 to 2.5 hours per body to burn
holocaust-ovens- too-small-to-have-been-used-to-kill-6-million-
1. They could burn 8 bodies at once with the 4 ovens at
Auschwitz and two bodies per oven
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

iii. Using the smaller time, they at most could have burned 96 bodies
per day
1. According to the Jewish holocaust museum in the US
Capital, 3 million Jews were killed and burned in Auschwitz
iv. Using math of 3,000,000 / 96 we get 31,250. It would have taken
31,250 days to burn the claimed amount of Jews claimed to have
been burned in the holocaust
v. 31,250 days / 365 days in a year we get 85.616. It would have
taken the Nazi’s 86 years to burn the amount of Jews
allegedly killed in the holocaust at Auschwitz alone.
vi. Considering that in even the most extreme of beliefs of the
holocaust, it is believed that Hitler did not start the genocide until
1933, and the war and the holocaust ended in 1945, that would
have given Hitler 12 years to kill 6 million Jews, while he was
running a massive global war against every single capitalist and
communist country in the world at once and rebuilding a broken,
destroyed economy that was far worse than that in the US.
3. The reuse of the number 6 million over and over in reference to the Jews
a. It is generally accepted that 6 million Jews were killed in the holocaust
4. Cultural activities at Auschwitz
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

5. Firsthand account of British medic who arrived at Auschwitz at the end of the
i. He did not find any or see any gas chambers, and the conditions
commonly described of the holocaust were not seen
6. After it was revealed that it was allies propaganda that the Jewish people were
made into lampshades, the Holocaust Memorial Museum removed the FAKE
lampshades positioned there
7. This man, a Jew, whose parents “survived” the holocaust revealed that the
systematic killing of Jews is impossible

The appropriate term is Holocaust "revisionist". The Holocaust did take place though
revisionists know nobody died in a gas chamber and nothing near six million Jews was

"How could anyone deny the Holocaust?

It seems like something only the most paranoid, soft minded, bigoted people would
Let’s look at what happened and how we know what happened so we have something
objective to silence the deniers with.

Hitler’s fascist Nazi regime takes power in 1933. He strips the rights of Jews, Gypsies,
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

anyone apposing him, and anyone deemed a degenerate, and puts them in forced
labor camps.

Hitler’s empire expands and World War Two breaks out in 1939. Hitler implements a
‘final solution’ in 1942 killing six million Jews mostly in gas chambers until 1944.

How do we know there were gas chambers? Testimony of Nazis. This Nazi testimony
falls into three categories. Those who might have incentive to lie because they were
tortured and had their family members threatened. Those who also might have had
incentive to lie because they were given careers in the Ally’s countries like the 800
Nazis that came to live in America. And the third category those Nazis who said they
had no knowledge of any gas chambers or millions of prisoners killed. Höss ran
Auschwitz and he confessed to killing 4 million people in his camp but this number
was revised to only 1.1 million deaths 45 years later. So you can see Nazi testimony
has had problems with being consistent so it’s not completely trustworthy.

But we also have the testimony of the prisoners. The BBC was broadcasting rumors
of gas chambers in 1942 so it was talked about among the prisoners. The majority of
camp survivor’s stories are third hand and are not what you would call eye witness
accounts of gassing. Dario Gabbai was a Jewish Auschwitz prisoner who claims he
was forced to drag bodies out of a gas chamber and cremate them but he claimed he
burned 4 bodies in each crematoria and that it only took 30 minutes but it takes an
hour per every 100 pounds of corpse you are burning, and 4 people wouldn’t be able
to fit into one of these. Overloading one of these with 4 bodies would cool down the
temperature of the crematoria as well.
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

So the prisoner and Nazi testimony isn’t very reliable or objective so let’s look at
some other witnesses to put an end to this denial. There must have been some third
parties around that documented something. The Red Cross was in some of the camps
but they didn’t report and gas chambers or mass killings. "Ok but the allies were
spying on the Germans so they must have documented the gas chambers and millions
of innocents slaughtered." In 1942 the British were listening to all Nazi
communications because the Nazi’s codes were cracked. The prime minister of
England said cracking these codes is what won them the war so you can safely assume
the Nazis didn’t know they were being listened to. So we finally have an objective way
of verifying whether there were any gas chambers or six million killed. Martin
Heidegger Being and Time. The English overheard the Nazis running the camps
reporting deaths to Nazis outside the camp's fences. Number of deaths from disease,
number of dead by hanging, and number of dead caused by shooting. The shooting
and hanging deaths reported were very low and there was never a mention of gas
chambers. In fact the head of British Intelligence sent a memo in 1943 basically saying
the stories of mass executions in gas chambers was a "grotesque lie”.

Ok. You’re probably saying "It doesn’t matter if the witness testimony is weak and full
of contradictions. It was a war and humans are prone to error. We HAVE the gas
chambers for god’s sake!" Yes you can visit many of the camps today and they will
show you the gas chambers but when you look at them you end up with more
questions than answers. Many of the gassing rooms have doors with no locks, that
open from both sides and the doors swing INTO the chambers. You can imagine the
problems this would cause by the pile of dead bodies crowded at the door.
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

The number ¨6 million jews¨ had been used over 100 times describing jews BEFORE
Hitler rose to power

Continue to emotional appeal below

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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie


Eisenhower's Holocaust - His

Slaughter of 1.7 Million Germans

"God, I hate the Germans..." (Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in
September, 1944)

First, I want you to picture something in your mind. You are a German soldier who
survived through the battles of World II. You were not really politically involved, and
your parents were also indifferent to politics, but suddenly your education was
interrupted and you were drafted into the German army and told where to fight.
Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see that your country has been demolished by the
Allies, your cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has been killed or is missing.
Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The fact is,
there is no other choice.

It has been a long, cold winter. The German army rations have not been all that good,
but you managed to survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold rainy
weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are tattered, your uniform is falling apart,
and the stress of surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you has your guts
being torn out. Now, it is over, you must surrender or be shot. This is war and the
real world.
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into American hands. The Americans had
200 such Prisoner of War camps scattered across Germany. You are marched to a
compound surrounded with barbed wire fences as far as the eye can see. Thousands
upon thousands of your fellow German soldiers are already in this make-shift corral.
You see no evidence of a latrine and after three hours of marching through the mud
of the spring rain, the comfort of a latrine is upper-most in your mind. You are driven
through the heavily guarded gate and find yourself free to move about, and you begin
the futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask for directions, and are informed that
no such luxury exists.

No more time. You find a place and squat. First you were exhausted, then hungry,
then fearful, and now; dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind you,
pushing you on, jamming you together and every one of them searching for the latrine
as soon as they could do so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even squat,
much less sit down to rest your weary legs. None of the prisoners, you quickly learn,
have had any food that day, in fact there was no food while in the American hands
that any surviving prisoner can testify to. No one has eaten any food for weeks, and
they are slowly starving and dying. But, they can't do this to us! There are the Geneva
Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. There must be some mistake!
Hope continues through the night, with no shelter from the cold, biting rain.

Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly brave soldiers are weeping all around you,
as buddy after buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep and shelter from the
weather. After weeks of this, your own hope bleeds off into despair, and finally you
actually begin to envy those who, having surrendered first manhood and then dignity,
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

now also surrender life itself. More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last thing you
remember is falling, unable to get up, and lying face down in the mud mixed with the
excrement of those who have gone before.

Your body will be picked up long after it is cold, and taken to a special tent where
your clothing is stripped off. So that you will be quickly forgotten, and never again
identified, your dog-tag is snipped in half and your body along with those of your
fellow soldiers are covered with chemicals for rapid decomposition and buried. You
were not one of the exceptions, for more than one million seven hundred thousand
German Prisoners of War died from a deliberate policy of extermination by
starvation, exposure, and disease, under direct orders of the General Dwight David

One month before the end of World War 11, General Eisenhower issued special
orders concerning the treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the language of
those orders was this statement,

"Prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other comforts."

Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who was given access to the Eisenhower
personal letters, states that he proposed to exterminate the entire German General
Staff, thousands of people, after the war.
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The Holocaust is the World’s Greatest Lie

Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few
who imposed its will down from the top, but that HE HATED THE GERMAN
PEOPLE AS A RACE. It was his personal intent to destroy as many of them as he
could, and one way was to wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible.

Of course, that was illegal under International law, so he issued an order on March 10,
1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War
be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He
ordered that these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be
fed or given any water or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect
the camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no such authority or

Many of the pictures of the alleged holocaust are in actuality pictures of Eisenhower’s
own bloody execution of over a million people. He supported and pushed for the
Holocaust lie to cover up for his own genocide of the German people, and so that if
his own genocide were ever discovered, he could easily say “They killed 6 million Jews
– they deserved it”.

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