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~ van stan VANCOUVER ISLAND UNIVERSITY - TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM UNIVERSITY Year 5 Post Bacc - Summary of EDFE 520 (Spring) [NOT AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT OR REPORT OF FINAL STANDING IN STUDENT TEACHING ‘This report, based on one speci practicum sequence, intended forthe guidance ofthe student. Student Name: Andrew Buck VIU Student #: Date: May 11, 2018 Course Code: EDFE 520 Practicum School: Lake Trail Middle School Program: YRS PBE Grade|s)/Subject(s) : 6/7 Math/Science School District: SD 71 Comox Valley Context (school, class/teaching): The Lake Trail building is 60 years old and considered the lighthouse of the community despite suffering considerable ambiguity about purpose over the past 12 years. Last year the School Board decided to move students registered in grade six into the school creating a 6-9 grade configuration. Of the 320 students, 156 are registered in grades 6 or 7; just over half of the students are new to Lake Trail. Half of the teachers are new to the school as well Lake Trail serves a community that is very diverse with a significant percentage struggling to meet the basic needs of their children, Some of the parents are very highly educated and involved in the lives and schooling of their children, but many are not, having personal struggles of their own. Lake Trail considers itself fortunate to have 1/3 of its students with aboriginal heritage. The focus of the school is “How can we make each student's life better?” The school is connected with “Lake Trail Neighborhood Connections,” which works to connect student with members of the community. The community gardens are located on the school grounds. Andrew has worked with 2 cohorts of grade 6/7 students. These students reflect the profile of the school asa whole. He has worked mainly in the areas of Science and Math. Summary: Professional Qualities: Andrew demonstrates a professional, calm demeanor in the class and the school. He doesn’t appear flustered by unexpected events in the classroom or by unexpected comments. He is a reflective teacher and tries suggestions put to him by his sponsor teacher and supervisor. He has worked hard to meet the students on a personal level in the classroom. He is there before class and during breaks establishing connections with the students. He expresses an interest in their activities and makes an effort to get to know their lives. Background Knowledge: Andrew has demonstrated his confidence in both the Science and Math subject areas. He has made an effort to internalize the content that he is trying to convey and it shows in how he is able to present the material. He has a personal strength in Math and this also shows in his depth of knowledge of the subject. Andrew is very aware of what types of activities will work with this age group and strives to incorporate that into his teaching. He demonstrates an awareness of the complexities of this particular cohort in his discussions after the lessons Capacity to Plan: ‘Andrew is a thorough planner. He thinks about details in his planning such as how to distribute materials to create the most success and the least chaos in the room. His lesson plans are very full and he sometimes needs to let things go during the lesson, but he has demonstrated the flexibility to be able to do that in the middle of the lesson. tt never hurts to plan too much, you can always save it for next time! Andrew tries to be reflective of student feedback as well in his planning and tries to plan lessons that will make the learning more meaningful to the students. He is aware of the big picture in his planning. Capacity to Teach: ‘Andrew is continually striving for real life connections and hands on experiences in his lessons. He has tried a variety of strategies from board games to experiments, video presentations, teacher talk, and demonstrations. His lessons usually involve a time where he can circulate through the class and check in for understanding. He is present in all areas of the classroom. He has learned through this practicum to use his voice effectively so that students know when he requires their attention, He has also continued to develop classroom management strategies and is interested in trying different techniques to help with this including changing the seating arrangements. He is developing his “teacher presence” in the room and is learning about his own standards of expectations for acceptable noise levels in the classroom, ‘Andrew should continue to develop other teaching areas, not just those that are strengths already, in his next practicum as he is in the elementary program and elementary teachers are responsible for most subjects. | know that he will put the same thoroughness of planning into those subjects as he has in the subjects he has taught in this practicum. Andrew has identified for himself that he would like to improve his ability to help a student who is struggling to grasp a subject by finding alternate ways of looking at the material. As he continues to develop as a teacher it would be worth his while to research more into learning styles, special needs and differentiation. ‘The next stage in Andrew’s planning will be to develop a bank of assessment strategies to use to gather evidence of student learning and progress and to find a way to consistently manage that evidence so that it informs his practice. {As with most beginning teachers, Andrew will need to continue to develop consistent classroom expectations. Concluding Comments: ‘Andrew has had a successful practicum. He is to be commended for the enthusiasm he has brought to the classroom in the activities he has planned and for his thorough planning, Recommendations Bl Proceed to Final practicum Cl Proceed to Final practicum with attention to specific growth areas/areas of concern as identified by the field partner (supervisor) and mentor/sponsor teachers (see attached form) Andrew Buck has / Chas not successfully met the requirement outcomes of EDFE 520 (Field Experience) {student Name] SIGNATURES: 05/11/2018 (Date - MM/0D/¥R) 05/13/2018, (Date - MIM/0D/vR) 05/31/2018 (Date ~ mIM/DD/A) Please provide a signed copy to Student / Field Experience Office Education Office, Vancouver island University, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC VSR SSS Phone: 250-740-6223 Fax: 250-740-6463 1caec0938e78/Student Teachers/Andrew Buck/Yr 5_PB_EDFE 520 Spring Final Practicum Summary Report2.docx ~ REVISED April 2017

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