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English p94 ex 6.

1. Should I close that door?

2. You should go home.
3. It’s possible that Nick took your book.
4. We could hear a cat, but we couldn’t see it.
5. We had a flat tire, but we couldn’t repair it.
6. Can I use one of these radios?
7. You can’t park here.
8. You have to be in class on time.
9. We can’t accept any rules that limit our civil rights.
10. My mother has to have surgery
11. You could have avoided that.
12. You could have prevented it.
13. Last year we could permit more students to our course.
14. It may well rain tomorrow.
15. I couldn’t finish my essay, because I was ill.
16. You needn’t have introduced an excuse.
17. Can I ask you something?
18. Shouldn’t you wear your safety belt?
19. Students don’t need to pay to use the library.
20. Nobody realizes what could happen if that thief escapes prison.
21. I knew there wasn’t going to have a test, so I didn’t need to study. I watched TV.
22. That experience must have meant a lot to her.
23. Let me know, should he call tomorrow.
24. He should actually have returned those books a week ago.
25. I should never have listened to his counsel.
26. That should have been a beautiful village.
27. We we’re able to catch the last train because our neighbours gave us a ride.
28. I could speak English when I was 12 years old.
29. Thus he was able to pay off both debts and his ex-wife’s.
30. He managed to pass al his tests last year.
31. We assumed that we didn’t have to do that exercise.
32. I was able to escape, although the fire spread fast.
33. Next year I’ll get used to going on foot.
34. I didn’t use to think that way.
35. The sun shone all day, so I needn’t have taken a raincoat.
36. A girl had fallen in the river; luckily we were able save her.
37. Merely ten students were able to finish there exams within the time amount.
38. I didn’t need to worry, because my sister was minding the baby.
39. She’s had her sister dye her hair.
40. My grandfather was a smart man. He could speak 5 languages.
41. You don’t have to come, if you don’t want to.
42. In winter we have to wear thick clothes, because of the cold.
43. You should better not listen to his counsel.
44. I studied all night and discovered in the morning that the test was cancelled. I needn’t have
45. I looked for that book everywhere, but I couldn’t find it.
46. Despite the bad weather, we managed to reach the top.
47. You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers.
48. You needn’t have sent that telegram, a letter would have sufficed.
49. Someone must have taken the key, because he isn’t here anymore.
50. The captain had his crew to abandon the ship.
51. John is going to take your bike. He’d better not.
52. We could have easily talked for another hour.
53. I’ll have another key made.
54. They needn’t have brought food. There already was too much.
55. The patient was very ill. We had to call the doctor immediately.
56. You already failed two tests. You should work harder.
57. When my grandfather was little, he always woke up at 7 AM, read the papers, ate two
bananas, ironed his son’s clothes and took the bus at eight thirty.
58. We’ll have them make fewer tasks.
59. I’ve been used to cleaning my children’s rooms, for twenty years.
60. Last year we had the house painted.
61. You’d better not smoke that much

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