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A. Analyze the subjects and predicate of the following paragraph!

Nineteenth century North American pioneers struggled as all pioneers do. Danger waited
wherever they went. If danger threatened, everyone cooperated to defend a home or settlement. When
sickness came, families helped each other. Although the hardships were severe, people continue to
move west. The pioneers struggled because they dreamed of a better life. As time passed, life gradually
became easier and less dangerous.

B. Underline the adverbial clause!

1. Because the road to Oregon was too difficult, the others turned toward California.
2. One family left the others more sadly than we can imagine.
3. When one sister broke her leg, she rode on the cow.
4. In order that they might reach Oregon, the oldest son carried the two youngest children for five
hundred miles.
5. As channels of communication improve, changes occur.
6. If you were in hurry, you would not send a letter by ship.
7. Although you enjoy radio, you like to see programs on TV.

C. Combine the following sentences, using adverbial clauses. Remember to punctuate correctly!
1. Elephants need to drink. They use their trunk.
2. Their trunks are very strong. They can pick up huge weights.
3. They use their trunks. They want to pick up peanut.
4. Their tusks are useful to them. They are dangerous to others.
5. Communication was very slow. The electronic media were invented.
6. Now you sit in your living room. You can see events taking place thousands of miles away.
7. The world seems smaller. Airplanes, hand phone, radio, and television link us with people far
8. These things have been invented. Life is richer for many.

D. Rewrite the following pairs of sentences to make one complex sentence. Use adverbial clause.
(so that) John will attend a technical college.
He can be an engineer.
John will attend technical college so that he can be an engineer
1. (although) John is only sixteen. He has already entered a university.
2. (because) He studied hard in high school. He wanted to be accepted by a good university.
3. (as if) He always behaves himself. He is older than his years.
4. (since) His family lived a long way from a university. He had to move to a strange city.
5. (when) He reached the university. Classes had not yet started.
6. (before) They looked for a room. They consulted the university housing office.

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