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Children in the Camp Red Cross

Želimir Žilnik is not the only child found in the Camp Red Cross. In addition to Jewish children,
who were incarcerated with their families, there were a couple of such cases in the camp. Ilija
Stanić, four years old, son of Sima Stanić Relja, who was arrested with his mother, after his
father joined the Partisans was also taken from the camp. Similar is the fate and sons of Petar
Božanić, the seven-year-old Dragan and a four-year-old Jovica. Mothers of the children were
interned in Germany for forced labour, and the children were in the Children's Home until at the
end of the war. There were also cases where fathers and mothers were brought to the Niš
concentration camp, while the children stayed alone at home. The child care, in such situations,
was taken over by the Society of the Red Cross.

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