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Ashley Vitt

EDUC 230
February 4th, 2018

For this assignment we were given to pick one of the two students to examine.

Douglas, a sixth grader:

- ignores his teacher when she gives him directions to follow.

- leaves his materials that he needs for class at home, on the bus, in the rest room, or on the
- refuses to complete in-class and homework assignments.
- frequently argues with his classmates.

Julie, a third grader:

- tantrums when she does not get her way.

- cries when asked to do an assignment.
- verbally abuses peers and adults.
- wanders quietly around the classroom, but disrupts the class when asked to return to her seat.

I have decided to examine over the student Douglas. After Reading through his about me I am starting
to think that his issues aren’t disability wise. His are more not following directions and being a 6th
grader. There are many ways to handle this.

- First, I would sit down with the student to better understand by he is not following simple task
in the classroom
- Second, I would document our discussion and give him a written/ typed up rules of classroom
and ask him to study it and talk with him more about it the next day.
- Third, if student is still not following simple steps I would send a letter home to all parents
reminding them of class rules and ask them to talk with students and then have parent and
student sign paper and bring back to turn into teacher.
- Fourth, if student is still not listening and coming to class prepared schedule a meet with
- Fifth, if that still does not work meet with parents and principal.

I think the best way is remind all students to come to class prepared and not try and single out that
individual student. By keeping some classroom supplies it will allow student to make sure that they are
on task. Students are required to do classroom assignments for a grade. I think by this age, students are
responsible and need to keep track of school work. They are in middle school and they need to keep on
their grades. Douglas seems to be struggling behavior wise and doesn’t seem to have a disability. He
seems to more be defiant. I think by covering all bases you are giving them less of a chance to make
excuses. I believe that reminding all students of rules and grades will not single him out but will remind
him of his classroom duties.

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