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I play this game with my students sometimes in my class: I'll come up to a student,

I pick a poor victim at random and come up to them and say: okay, we're going to
play a game.
And they say: ok.
And I say: well, you move first.
Well, they don't know what to do and the reason for that is because the limiting
parameters of the game have not been defined. And, as a consequence of that,
they're stunned by their infinite freedom into complete immobility.
And that means in a sense is that in the absence of serious constraint there can be
no choice, no freedom, no existence.

If we cannot change a situation, we have always the last (ultimate) freedom to

change (choose) our attitude to (before) that situation.

A vida embebida de beleza, bondade e verdade � incomparavelmente melhor do que a

vida privada desses bens espirituais. E quando eu os qualifico de espirituais, eu
n�o estou dando uma conota��o religiosa nem mesmo te�sta, eu estou dizendo apenas
que s�o bens que n�o podem ser medidos, pesados, quantificados, pois s�o bens que
existem interiormente no ser humano.

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