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1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?
3. I have got …………………….. hair and ………………………….. eyes.
4. What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is ………………….
5. My favourite toy is a…………………………………
6. Write the correct greeting under each picture (Scrie salutul care se potriveste sub fiecare

a) b)



7. Fill in with the correct room of the house (Completeaza cu numele corect al camerei din
a) The fridge is in the ……………………………..
b) The sofa is in the……………………………………………….
c) The bed is in the ………………………………………………..

8. Translate into English (Traduceti in engleza):

a) Mingea este sub pat.
b) Cartea este pe masa.
c) Tata nu este in casa. Tata este in gradina.
d) Numele mamei mele este ………….
e) Acesta este caietul lui Denis.
f) Aceea este cartea Adelei.
g) Jucaria catelului este galbena.

9. Write the following words in the plural: (Scrieti urmatoarele cuvinte la plural)
Child –
Man –
Potato –
Sheep –
Woman –
Wolf –
Toy –
Family –
Dress –

10. Read and circle. (Citeste si incercuieste)

1. She have got / has got a big schoolbag.
2. We haven’t got / hasn’t got apples.
3. Heidi has / is nine years old.
4. Where is / are the boys?
5. Teddy and Vlad are / is friends.

6. William is/am at school.

7. They is /are my friends.

8. Thomas is/ are a cat.

9. I has got/have got two biscuits.

10. They haven’t got/hasn’t got sisters

11. Circle a or an:

a. It’s a/an orange car.
b. It’s a/an purple dress.
c. There isn’t a/an cat in the garden.
d. There is an/a elephant at the zoo.

12.Complete the following sentences with: this, these, that, those (Completaţi propoziţiile
următoare cu unul din cuvintele: this, these, that, those)

o …………… duck is white and small.

o …………… apples are red, yellow and green.

o …………… fish is in the lake.

o …………… cherries are on the table.

13. Complete with: (Completaţi cu) there is, there are, there is not, there are not.
a) a lion in the garden, is a cat.
b) three butterflies on the red flower.
c) a banana on the table in the kitchen.
d) seven children in the class, there are 27 children.

14. Write the opposite word (Scrie cuvantul opus):

Tall –
Beautiful –
Young –
Long –
New –

15.Write the numbers with letters (Scrieti cifrele in litere):

a) 13:………………………………………………………………….
b) 11:…………………………………………………………………
c) 8:……………………………………………………………………
d) 12:…………………………………………………………………………

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