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World peace

Human history tells us that throughout the length of time that life
existed on earth, men have always committed crime; it tells us that this
race of life never ceased to harm his brothers. And we can say that
these actions were just out of sport.

Today, on the 21st century, human beings can be said to be even

worse than millions of years ago. It is incredible how perverse and
cruel our brothers conduct themselves toward us all.

Despite all complaints made against the severe damage caused to the
soul of a person, against the physical as well as the psychological
integrity of a certain individual, humans – notably – continue murdering
feelings; this means that a person kills his brother or sister everyday of
a life; we cannot call this action differently.

So man and woman of this world, if it is, on one hand, welcomed all the
denunciations, we wonder why most people ignore them.

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