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Corrales, 01 de noviembre de 2017


Secretaria de Educación de Boyacá

Reciban un cordial saludo

Por medio de la presente muy respetuosamente solicito a ustedes una

certificación laboral para trámite bancario de crédito de estudio. Mi
nombre es JULIO ABEL SILVA CELY cc .4083656, laboro en la
institución técnica Juan José Samaniego del municipio de Corrales
como grado celador 10.

Agradezco su atención prestada.


Julio Abel Silva Cely


Oh march twenty nine a day, with a lot of fog. A very brave girl was
born, she loved animals, she was not afraid of them. But she was so
bravo that he did not foresee the consequences of helping.

His favorite food was the fish, he always sut in the dining room to cat a
large fish, but she did not like to shave anybody, she was very envious.

She ate so much fish that hey head ached and she sat in armchair.

One day she was little nervous, because of the storm but, she decided
to leave as normally she did and as soon as she encountered a
fevocius sheep. She knew that in those situations she had to stay calm
and stay still. While hey very frightened mother frightened to proteet
hey daughtey began to scraam this scares the sheep so much that it
struck the girl and this brave girl dicd.

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