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An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it
has thock legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white
tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen in a
zoo, it has hard found in it natural habitat.
The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant
draw up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over it body like a shower bath. The
elephant’s trunk also lift leaves and put them into mouth. In fack, the truck serves the
elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clums and heavy and yet an
elephant can move very quickly.
The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength
makes and elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in
various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really a
smart animal.

For many years, many people believed that the cleverest animal after man were the
chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these
big apes.
Although a dolphin lives in the sea. It is not a fish, it is a mammal. It is in many ways,
therefor, like a human beig. Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one
It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because
dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man want to talk to dolphins,
therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can
understand. Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are
many stories about dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous water.

Snake are reptiles (could-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group a
lizards, (they scaled group, squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (serpentes)
Appearance snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither
Snake are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin.
Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground.
Behaviour snake often sun bake on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are
could-blooded and they need the sun’s warmth to heat their boy up. Most snakes live in the
trees, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick,
long grass and in old longs.
A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakea. They
anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even boars.
Many snakes protect them selves with their fangs. Boa constrictors can give you a
bear hug which is so powerful it can crush every single bone in your body. Some snakes are
protected by scaring their enemies away like the cobra. They flying snakes glides away from
danger.their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar

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