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Yo elegi los angeles

I chose the angels

y me gustaria viajar con mi mejor amiga julia

and I would like to travel with my best friend julia

me gustaria ir a santa monica porque es una playa muy bonita

I would like to go to santa monica because it is a very beautiful beach

me gustaria visitar el paseo de la fama porque estan las estrellas de muchos

I would like to visit the Walk of Fame because there are the stars of many famous

tambien me gustaria ir a chinatown porque es un lugar bonito e interesante

I would also like to go to chinatown because it is a nice and interesting place

me gustaria ir a Sunset Strip porque conocido por sus grandes discotecas.

I would like to go to Sunset Strip because known for its big clubs.

si yo tuviera mucho tiempo y dinero me gustaria visitar todos estos lugares

If I had a lot of time and money I would like to visit all these places

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