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INF4017NSA - Assignment

Congratulations! You are the operations team of a newly started company!

Team up with a fellow student and start the company you will be working for in this course for the
rest of the semester.

The following tasks have to be done:

1. The name of your company. Let it be a single word, like a domain name, with no special
characters. You can put several words together, like «theCodeFurnace» or

2. Create a kanban board for your company.

1. Invite as a member of the board

2. Create a list called «Inbox» in trello and set the email address of the board to put messages
into that list.

3. Test that the email works and then send us the email address to
(remember to tell us who you are etc )

4. Create a list called «Done» in your trello board. I will subscribe to it, so everytime you place
a WIP there, I’ll will get alerted by email.

5. The lists between Inbox and Done are completely up to you to define. You will be asked
later in the course to revise the board based on your experience, but please try to adhere to
the structure you decide on as much as possible and let it reflect the way you intend to
work. Write a short description of the lists you intend to have and how they will work as a
WIP called «KanBan model» and place it in your Done list when you are done with it.

3. Once we have your company name the name of its members, we will set up access to the
ALTO cloud for you.

4. Remember to log in to the canvas room for the course: Use your
oslomet login. There is also an app for canvas. Make sure you integrate the calendar for this
course (from canvas) into your smart phone so you are up to date on the topics.

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