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Preparing for the operation

Nurse Russell -I am going off duty now....but another nurse will be

preparing you. Before I go, I should like you ...1... this
anesthetic form.

Mr. Johnson -What’s this for?

Nurse Russell -This is a .....2......procedure. We must always ask the patient

for consent, before we give him an anesthetic. It says that
you are going to have your hernia fixed and that you the operation.

Mr. Johnson -What time will I have my the morning?

Nurse Russell -There is only one patient before you. So you will probably go
to the theatre before .....4...... I can’t be certain, of course,
but it will be about ....5.... Is your son coming this evening?

Mr. Johnson -Yes. So is my daughter-in-law. Will they be ....6.... to come

and see me tomorrow?

Nurse Russell -Oh, yes they can come in, this evening too. You may be a
little ...7..., but they can come to see you.

Mr. Johnson -How long will I be in the ...8.....?

Nurse Russell -Oh not very long, less than an hour I should think. These
operations are very quick nowadays. You are not ...9... about
it, are you?

Mr. Johnson -Well I am a bit. Will I have much pain afterwards?

Nurse Russell -Well of course, it’ll hurt you a bit, but we’ll give you
something for that. So it won’t be very bad. You’ll feel a bit
like you do when you cut your ..10....

Mr. Johnson - I’ve never been put to sleep before. What’s it like?

Nurse Russell - There is nothing to it. The ...11.... gives you an injection in
your arm and you go to sleep like that. You won’t know
anymore until you wake up in the ward again. I’ll be in the
operating theatre with you. When you ....12... your eyes I’ll
be there to say hello, and it’ll soon be over. I must go now.
But I’ll see you in the morning, before you go to the theatre.

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