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English III

Activity 3

Viviana Catalina Peñuela Forero

University Corporation Minuto de Dios

Author's note

Viviana Catalina Peñuela Forero, School of Public Accounting, Universidad Minuto de Dios

The information corresponding to this document should be sent to

School of Public Accounting, University Corporation Minuto de Dios Acacia Campus. e-mail

Choose five places in the city and create a list of each one with 10 activities that someone does using
(modal verbs).

At school or university

You’re not allowed to eat chewing-gum in class

Do not be late to class

Pay attention

Greet colleagues

Address the teacher with respect

Make observations in a gentle way

Exit at the time indicated by the teacher

Present in a cordial way the required elements

Do not get distracted in class and pay attention

Discuss in an orderly and respectful manner

At work

Arrive at the agreed time

Greet with cordiality and respect

Request documents, reports in the best way

Lunch with colleagues with manners according to the situation

Do not treat colleagues badly

Avoid anger and alterations

Treat customers with kindness

Use the company's facilities properly

Do not get into pointless controversies

Always appreciate the favors received

At home

Treat the whole family with respect

Tolerate children and pets

Do not scold without sense and in a bad way

Listen to music and television with respect for space


Eat at the table with good manners

Do not use in a disorganized way the endowments of the house

Treat all members of the family with affection

Help with chores in the house with kindness

Respect the opinion of all members of the family

Do not mistreat anyone in the house and very gently resolve the difficulties

In the church

Listen with respect and attention to the sermon

Do not wear a cap in the hood

Do not talk during the ceremony

Do not wear caps or glasses (unless you need them)

Do not eat or chew gum in the church

Respect the order of the ceremony

Go out slowly, with order and respect

Greet the parishioners kindly

Do not listen to music or see the cell phone during the mass

Pay close attention without interrupting

In movie theaters

Turn off or silence the cell phone

Do not talk during the movie

Do not consume cigarettes or alcoholic beverages

Do not consume hallucinogenic substances

Do not make unnecessary noises

Enter in an orderly manner

Exit in an orderly manner

Do not throw food waste in the cinema

Deposit the garbage in the indicated places to do it

Respect the other assistants to the functions


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