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The Legend of Dayanog

Long time ago. there was once an unnamed place. Time

passes by some people try to build their house in this place, when
they heard that somebody is living there so they also transfer
there. The population becomes larger and larger. But they have a
problem because their place does not have a name.

One day, they made a meeting and they all made a decision
to give this place a name. They don’t know what to do but after a
while a man volunteered to give a name. Some of the people
doubted and some agreed. “Our place is often rained so our
paths is slippery. When we go down the mountain then we are
carrying some fruits , as we all know our paths are slippery we
fall and the fruits that we are carrying were thrown away. So I
planned to name our place “Danyog””, he explained.

After they heard the explanation of the man, they decided to

name their place “Danyog”. When the time passed, this place was
called Dayanog.

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